Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1875, p. 4

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1jqiI#o1 lfi once, w0uhis- ~ea e. st, ntithon clisaadit, stL1klnf wftJi-hé ôtýkcn1 the gulntA blow bit tllddoor har,1 sndsgh toeoxplode thé hè 6iobagaSinVollîa was iletei P*st-Il Aladv inanauo fia Sd a boéfraYOllllÇa4y lu whom '01o0le à leily Iuloreo ,Élas %vite. ha aua =1%h or WiLihout children. She lias - -good hsaltb, good teinper, euiltivated ainci, qntet anti homeiy tules, deep A P yniout'Ibother wouid ho preforroi. - Apy c». wbo gels ber vil bes' GoS for mach a lteo oinpaio. Addres, Th~e <on erday, whrifitho stamp lork at th. Vlakabnrg Pont Office refuoee te Il ioh on't a t1ireceatcir for au aid lady who wateil te poit a lotteion, se etoad back, Rave hlmn a glance of ecein, and fodignaitly oxlaituod:- IlWeil, if fallut *iît )etn owerful leart and sassy the" odays1 I balipvo f (Gaburiel slsould - bùle bis trumpot tg-oieiv wthat hlmf - te young foUte wôsid wanbt t 011o starchled hirte ufore lhey vont ta A. lady, foruierly cuxpoyed as a clarki Ja ooontr post.offica, now holds a Ion st sý iithis City, but ebc sighn foi, hor aId place. It ii; so buey bore, liat elie oan't fSud lime lu rensd mûre tlian a quarter of (lie postal -carda wlaleli pastRetirouliýtle olTice. This le, indee<1, tasatd ciios. A. yontg zujintor ot i itwatt unex- otdly delayeti wheu about ta tarI fora ew.parie!> by the ineapacity cf h1-4ie pbytry te arain hiru, aud lie es oxplidby aen4ling a tolegraim ta the prcaliytery lackatd a q1uorum lta ard. ,in," whlali reaehed the ttcetouusilied deacons îuetatnorpih-seil iu this shape: -', Preabytery taeked a wvorm ta Adam." after gratve consutation the mystillsd Chiirch ollicers cotouledd it waej a facetious wvay teananouince hie miarrtsge, andi proreedcd te provide iodging for two hiîsteal af aone, TmaitinLeIEXPtoSîdbw-& MAN BLOWN A% Tiîomàctp Foer AwAY.-The expla- sien of a locomotive bolier on the Erie Railwsvty near Purt Jarvis killed Ilîrce ninca, and ils tremeodions force uiay bc iuferrcdl froni the fact the body cf ithe "nIl car - wa4 blawu a tlîouscnd foot liroin ,IÙe ong'lue andi.tlirowu iutora trea Out the top of ta bill i li hriscs eeveuty foot aboya Ithe railrosod. Tho 'Evaugelical Alliance -of Halifax, ere goiug t? try te stop sunday steain- bolit excoursions frein tint port. *On tlaturday Hecr ioyal 'Uigliuess tho Prineesti LouigeaproseiedV the Amierican Cup ta thie winnex, 'Major Fulton. W ,~7 M. WILLCOX, -LIOENSED AIJOTIONEEJ? FOI! Titi OUUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND TownShlp, of Marlposa & Cartwright BOS 8ttetauk bis ma ny fieudm anS4 the Publie genereliy for t he liberai patron. age bsstowed uPon hlm during the paît four lfavlug now given iip tbe businesaf BAilifi, fiateud, in future, tn de-rote niy whle time ta the buslinesscf utiaer u inY aiideavonx, lby prompt and Careful tteCntion ýta biutLein agive fanl liatistcetlon ta til Who enay fc>'or ine V-th thoit saesaor litt.- DlIOi drangliten laï lleniNotes fotiehl. et! froc of charge. Aiea DIII stanîpe aiwcys ciliand. Airraxcgemets cctit be maida for D;le &c., atet ROIie nesîc etie. Wict,c,~rvr Office Prince AIbert i cadt the Standard Ofice,rPot Pcrry. .- SW. M. WILLCOX, rrince Abert, Stipt. 24tlt, 1872., i VALUA13LE Pl1OPItTY POl SAIi7. luig valciable property, iii the Ion-n et Whit- 4 -An excellont Brick Cottage with 1 acre cf land, sitoatcd ou ta cener'ef Green and St. Polt 8ISt., lite ha oolli Wand. Aieao, f &Or aceof and, WcIfli eted, And iu a high tate of coaltivatienci nterWelinigton anSoiit. fora sto., Northiard. 4 acre on Centre St. south utfthe resudéenic C. Draper, Eotj., lu tho lMoutli Wacd Alitea20 acroi t fgood bueS, boi gcomposeS ci part ct lot 18t 101h con. of Yoivuubip Ct Murray, Co., Northumber- A-chear Rani l disuutable tille wiibe giron te aOR tho aboya property. Pat furtlier par. - ieulane appiy ta the en-nec. FVitAlICIS CLATIR. Whitby, Jnlyý 1871. 201f M 01BY TO LENDI lispayeble lbY lnsasieuta fer from Two te Tweaty 1ars, At 1ev rates»etIutereitt, with. ott commuIsIosun at moderato ehargee. Prirato Feind. te Lona. -- Appl> te- ut ~L Dcock St., Whltby. 22-tf FICE-TO LET. F RON T OF FIC E. lx vif)c RONICLE BUILDING. Jae u, ,1874, G.--YOUNG SMITH-, MARRIAGE LICENSES, W7HIT13Y, QNTA1IO. -- 14tANp, COMMISSION, ANb GEEILAGENT, Agent fer teetdealuL e Asocia- Dooke posteSd afccouts § maSeo-ont.< S psciai atteqlWn gi ven 1o . eCollection ai Notes, Accnunti, anti Mortgages. oiavec . .Jameon'i, Dunudas-t. lWlifttby, Sept, Ji 1874. 801 WHITBY & 'OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY 1: Lc-ivei Ooirvwait it 3a, ni., ati-, P. M. rLeave.s Wlltlby nt ), a. ni., cuti 4, P. nu. Faro 25 Cenfts aCch ,%-&Y. Wliuill e t 0ailtheli telg is at tprivate residences (n-heu ordiortears lcifb at any et te liotale.) Coniece t uiî Oslawa anti llewuanville sage; alea with te Whilby enid P'ort Perry ltailwae'. and i th lrough- JoODm CUlhI- .... ~U U5W&...... UU i OOL-. ...... mot - AvuS i3gmie rlgp ..... rooklin ....... lwhru. 4..~....... l qa, 187 WM. LAING, Co! Treasn jFurnituré Furnitu re !I!, -Now: is, the tfi me to buy goo d and che ap Furniture Ha-viug bouglit ou t the business lately. ca-rred ou by-James H. Sa-mo, we ta-ke this opportûinity of inviting his many friends to give us a call1-and we,-ca-n assure al that we cïe prepared to do ais weÏilyÊY them ýiinthe future, as Mn. Sa-mo lias doue lu the past. TILL, &ý JOHNSTONC itnt mail ut Whitby. HPlT.IOrders'by ai1ronvattended to., Whitby, March 99h, 1875. -ilI .I r L USO'L],.ATY, VRT'RINIY SURGEON, DUFFII-T$'C01151K, ONT. C.JOHNSTI>N D)EALER IN LUMBElI, Commrissiconert-lant, Ehipiig asdlFor- warduîng Agent, Prt Wbicuy. Alil rdere proicily atteifcti te. Wihtby, Oct. 1011, 1874. 42 HORSE MEDICINES. AilldeiLcîiptiotis oft tl-e t Herse Hotu- ainA e tîé onstantiy on imlansd for sale aI the Whitby Livcr3- tabici. - Lc-'Nuî charge £ct.r itvice.N.R Y m ONEY TO LEND 1 A large q ouanti ni fîoncy tu leinS î4 low 1esi, anti a large Brick Honte. Far terme, appiy te G. YOUNG SMITHI. W'hitby, Poli. Oth, 1874. -7 M1ONL'Y TO LM) - T l intlei bast'tlue ty acîtti ofe!Men- sy te Lent cipou Feri or Ton-nJroperty, at unueîually Lon- Rateutf Iîîtreet. - Lette eaui be repaît i sumo te eut ber- Sevaral Itpr-ovet l,'rms anS Wild Lande for sale clîecap. Investments madue iu Muniicipal Deben- tures, Bati, and other mnarketatable Stocke. For fusIlie-r particuluers appiy la JAMES5 HOLDEN, Officiai Aeignce, lirokor, &a. OFtIlJCJ-O-ser tuotininfoît Banku, Mc. Millictliîotek St., tVluiîiy. Ilpi i ti, l>7*2. 1 T 0 1?O0N 110 , ONTARIO. JA'S. T. JEWELL, . Proprletor. Torcso u gte, 12, 11t7. l3-iim T. P. W HIT E n-fil, (J<thetiti tt4l)1or, r 7f, Ittîtctou- t-el oftac %ttc fiajr MMdý, 11iut3h ille TIE IIGIIBST PIICE for tîuîy quiuitity <()xiflicat uItîrvereil ah Wulteuitn. lieau-ii tusa.ltu e.et-y efort te give eîtire etia tot i t tu le 0 uMy pate ii u i ii N-il luth le rilî Fleur anti Icuti ufttuo egi lietuîy, aid ut rettouatbie prises, n-ii uItisn lie kepî Coli- etattly con hauS and fer scite. T. P. WHiITE. Whlîevale, Oct. Oh, 1874. 41 LIST CF TIE SDIVSION COURITS OrnT COUNTY 0F ONTARLO, - OIt THEf TSAR j875. Whitb .j211 1 I2 1 1 1i1 Pontg 4 2 8 2 822 2 10 Poile'on2 5 20125 4 8 5 19123 1l22,91 4161 j9 18310115 Tieal . 241 'Ii1141 1 Mars. . I 5i 18 t119 t17 - 011. H. DAIiThLL, P Junior Jcidge. Wbithy, Jan. lut, 1875.- -t - a T 1T~~ ITATS 1T! )BEXIT JOHN YAIiNOL D, FIC IAL A 881GNEE 7011-TUS ýUJV'Y 0FONTARIO. [DLAZD RÂILWAYOl' CANADA,' nliv, and Liidsey 'a ort Rfap- 10 selo. , ,MixeS ,o..Duo put, legiterth te Petorbao ,& I4etcld. I cuth frem OrUila laLluduay, luPotHope. -t. o. 785 p. n.Ar Pt Hope 12:85 p.n. ýnlg Southitram Lake.6lît. 7:0 Ma .....:2-ps.m ~aee&vlhi holalussl&e ailvate, SILK-,AND FELI, MANUFACTURED AN15 RENo- VATED AT HOZdfE -t M.O'LISAUIY&do. leg t- aunhnice that>tliey have oe d-business eaI0O1hava -Msnuactecy opposite the "VîncUcator" Ofdie-wreotley manufacture Hate of Avery descripion, anti iu tie besî style. Twont-.fuve per cent nuiSe clty prieus. HIATS IRENOVATEID -eqaaltie*ovfor a mené Irife. sava, Augaist 1111h 1874. iy-88 JOHILSON Hous]?, EAST MARKET SQVARE, TOIt]L ON T 0. lirat cIasâ accomnmodation for the Ira-rai- lnîcemmuaulty. suites et apartoments eau eotlmnlsled on th. sharteet notice. Con. motions ample nooms fern Commercial ina- Tits Héloo a tutaiithia tira minutes - alk of lie CIty Hall Station ai the North- ennExtenn lWaY, anti-about f ai nil ruuk anAl ~stebhlng~ TNDEIRTAKJING- The only first-f class ri stabihment'iîî the Couuty Whene fuuerals-are ful- ly sîipplîed. Wlîitby, Octobor Ist, 1878. 3P3&3I LARGE TILL & JOHNSTON., 4P-Y1 c3 31-.3m p STOCK 0F GLOTHUS IS I NOW COMPLETE, - ' W. J. HIOKIE & CO0.18. A. Fre sh Lot of Grocaries and Choice Liquors, Wi h w#uI. Lisold oheàpfor Cash pr farmers' produce.- WVhitby, Âpl, 187à. 14 HA MILTO0N &-0 0 ]gave now opened up a Large- Stock- of Sea-soniable Dry*ao'ods, consisting of NEW DRSS GOODS, NEW LUSTRES, .(celebrated Brands,) N.EW P.RINýTS, NEW CLOTHS& TWEEDS, NEW HATS& CAPS, NEW MILLItERf GOODS,, NEW, MANTLES,« &0., &0. Clothing made to order in latest styles. Ail t1e Novelties of the Present NWTESAD-GOEIS Season-. IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, RATS, CAPS, &C., &o., AT A. PRJ1N G LE'S. B ROOK, STIRE ET, W'H I-TB YP (NexI Door Northi ot Dominion Bank.) BOOTS AN D SHOESzj - THIE -SUBSCRIBER HAS A FIRSIT--C LA SS, S TOC K 0f Ladies', Gents', Misses', and ChIldreus' Boots & Shoes, wliieh ho is determiued tao eil FOR CASH at thc lawost living prices. Lùavc your orders. Cai't ho boat for a perfect and oasy-fitting boot- Rpisas aise-ni. Apuili 28tl, 1875. FREDERICK WILLIAM BuRtS5t Bnock-Bt., Whitby. NEALE,' WIIOLFJSALE & BETAIL DEALEIt-IN- GiOCERIES, WVINE8 ',ý AND' SJMCOE -ST., OSHAWA, RiAS IIEMOVED TO FAIRE WELL'e S BLOCK. AGEiNT FOR PAVIES & B3RO.'S CeIebratýd XXX Cream Aie & Porter. CHIOICEES4T BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBÂCOS AL- WAYS IN STOCK. Wl THE TRADE SUPPLIED. ~ Oshawa, Mardi 24, 1875. lt OIWA NS if MEL ODEON -OIWA NS., SA TTrlt' iTnr-PE'p- vT A c)rtrTCi('T iIii ÂVUJJU & AXY VU]) iir -U L-, MANUIFAOoeURE ,ýTTHepCLEBltlTED UMBRICAN OBGý&l4 - -Special notice iî ealledta théefilaowing Styles-aaid1priooa: Style 5, in Walnut case, $140, in Resonant case, with Ùarvinge, $160. Style 16, in Walnuti Case, $150, In'-Resonant Case, vith Caryinge, $170. Styla 7, in Resonant Ce,~7,l ai Case, ihCavne 15 stylo 09,ini Resonant casee $190, ini 511111 Case, with Carvingoo $200, AH malLe of Blick Wahiut, pannieleti, vill revolvingon-uling Lock. bôards, containiinfg il the laiest improvementsy nestly and - - legantly finisha, acoardng ta prie.. ALSO, YAIRWOOD'S 'IMELODEON OIRGAN.fy Iu handsome Rosewood Piano Cases, higWy Èhished. 'Style 4, $150 ; Style 6, $175 ; Style 8, $200. Theie Meiodeon-Organs, Patented 1878~, are nianufactured solely by -us, and eau onjY.bo proeured from us aInd our ,&gets, Whitby, April 8, 1875. 1 CARRIACES & UCCIESN. MIESSRS. TOMS& NEWPORT, ,Beg to inform the publie generaily, that tliey have openedi a NIew Carrnage Factory, on ]Yundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE. Where the are now prepared to executo ail work in the Carriage Making Line) on the shortest notice, and nmade of the best nma- terial, and finît-claie workmanship. ALL WOIRK WAIRRANTED. 1tEPAIBING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPÂTCH. SWhitby, July 29th, 1874. 01 -ly1 JOH]N ST 0ON'S S.E.LF,-RAK-INýG REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST- PRIZE1 At the Provincial -Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler to our customers for the coming tiarvest, two dis- tinct Machines, which in stye and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. êAS*IEB GRAND COMBINATJON- ORGANS, FITTED WITE TE MEWLY-IîrITlM SORIBNER'S jPATENT I'UÀLIPYINqG TUB3ES,- An invention having a moat importantbeaning on thé future réputation, oftBRet Instruments, by inoane of whioh -1h. qualty or volume et toue La vory largely mneued, anti tho quality cf toue rontiorêt irben 150e .OWî - Puonanhea iiy enter, - H. J. XACDONELL, -Clek ofthe Peace, C,. Wlhitby, Nov. 17 1874. in-47'- TIE G EAT ENGLISH REMEDY I Equal te that of the Best Pipe Organs of the sa-mo Capa-ity. I SIPECIFIC MEDICINE, Our celebratea Il"Vox Celete,- iVax Huncana," ciWilcox Patent," ilOc- tave Caupler," the charnuing "lColla" or, "lOlarionotto" Stops, "Gems Rlor," IlCremana," "Vax Angelot," "lViola Etheria," andi ALL THE - LAIE IMPROVEMENTS Can be obtaine4 only ini these Organs 1 ' 0;> Fifty Different Styles, for the Parlor ànà the ýChurcli, the Best Material andi Workmauship, Quality anti Volume of Toue Unoqualleti i PRICES, S5o TO $8-oo.N Factory an& Warerooms, Cor. th and ,Congress Ste., Dxrrorr, Michigan. (Established in 1850.) Agente Wantedlu Every Oounty. A.ddress- CLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CO., DETRIOIT, MICH;- JTUST T ECEl VED' AT -WHJ 1T BY THE CHINA TEA STOIRE GIBSON &SPARVELL', 85 Hhds., drates, aud Cases, ooutainiug the Largest, Best -and Cheapest Assortmeut of 11 JOII'Ný,TOýN'S SINGLE SELF-ItAKING REAPER 1 China, Glasis-Ware, and Faitcy Cood8', THE 'tRING 0P REAPERS." -The universal success-of this Machine, both, in closely contest- ed triais sud ini the bande of tbe farmers, warrant us in saying that, as s Self-Rak- ing Reaping Miachine, il bas more good points and lers defecte, and has met vitb more succesa andi Icas failucei than heretofore offerod te tho public. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER WPe were awarded the First Prize sud Diploîna, a-t the Prcvin- elal Exhibition, held in Tocante, 1570.in compotition with ail tho Ioadig Machinfe manufactured iu the Province ; -md witb a ur ment improvements, vo unbeitat- ingiy challenge inveetigat!on and comparison vith competir'g Machines, vo are satiaflo d ia scb investigation wil convinroe eery un pr.jdiced ncd. that vo oSfer the best loer tô the Fariner for 1*7*bit nt h nin $n for descriptive catalogues. 7 uitnteDonon UTed BROWN & PATTERSON. HW H1 T.B Y VE YO UR PH AR MACY.1 POTZ4TORES!l LUJTSMT. D Ys POTATO BUJG DESTROYER. Manufactured by C'0Mc'aiumn heniist, &cW, L[oudon, Ontarioe. -00-r- LUNDYS' POTATO ;BUG DESTROYER. This',.romody bas been useS wlth immense lu~~~~~~~~~~tt 1ieya~ nii uopceih alm Matét-aro7ssîp aIçt~mrFear$od omu in. Western Canada for the anti Cieupesé homeS'l ice fortlia.saniepurppso.' an te invsùté Affati xpeni. , bat-deslnuctivo pest, the po- Lanti expentoti on sovoral sous yen. trioSl, some et which 1 th poisons Ibai were sucess- ýo1 ie S. restip'ting lie. malter,tramf Mvory Of Lui1Sygcelebratet rtcl i te 2.rkt.Al *ho a te thsmt ofe. Limt yena a e Aaueetiiti.letIaSva 0f-a-Il kinds ever exhibited lu Whitby! China Tes, Sotte, from $1.50 te $20. ri ancy Vases, franc 10 cente ta $.50, par pain. China Mattoed Cups ana Saucere, from 15c. ta $1.50 each. China mottocd Mugi, Card Baskets suda 'ancy Goode, KewIN. ENDLESS VARIETY 1 FANCY TOILET SETTS, PROM Si TO Sis, PER SETT. Ladies, aIl thé above having been purchased expressly foi Christmas presente, they wili ha sold cheap ana vithout raierve. Please cail -ana examine for yauneelves befone purchasing elstewhare. sw- Aiea on hand, a fulaisortment of choice Teai, Fauuuly (3roceniee, Fruits ana Spices of al hindi, Rami, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Applei,-Pota- OY8TERS, best brand, alwayi on hand. GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Dec. lâth, 1874. 51 THEÈ4 OL~D STAND [ES r'A.B 1..1 -E D WM. TJLL, 1833~] - PRQP1IIETOR New- Parlor Sets, y NwBed'-rom .Sets, New Dhng-roou Ada large stock of Can d seat Uhairs, Ta-bles, Burea-us, Sofa-s, Ijounges, CuFboards. Hair, CIOth, and Da-ma-sk LoungeA, &c.1 &o. -'A fie stock of New Gilt Window Cornie The largest anud cheapest stock o! Fictures ever itowu, ail of whicili le offers At prices that 'wilx Cures .au Irervous Diseguses, -sncb ws Treanors, Dol>lity. Piostretien, ec, Whichî, an miany cases, are prcucay avec - inidulegon t he urneof tobbaco andi aIco hellcoeplults; but Uthe'Specifio Nedicite is- ingcur fr SfaiaiWeaknens, Sper- millorrheat, Impoîenry, ana afil ises thait folIow as a. aequonreof Self Abâse, as lig" 0os ueeory4 Umaverual Lamai. tnde, Pains in the Back, Dîmnest of -Vision, Premature Old Agie, an&i many allier dlseasesat bal lsAtaInannfty or- Consamption and a Freamature Grave,- al l hibch, as a nule are final causeS, by doviating frem hieepalliai nature andi aven indulgence. The, Spociflo Meaiicine lu the nosult cf a lite-atudy anti înny yemr of expenlonce ln treating these special Sisoases. Fuflpsrtic- uiera in ourpamblet, -wbich wo dosino ta, aondIreoobynîsillo oevor anue. TheoSïociftc Mediciuo la saliubyallDrvg- glas at 1 cpr packago, or six packages for #5, orwill l sent by mail on rocoip of thue -monsy, b' eddroaaing" WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont.- 1ýM solt i uWhitby by Jas. H. <Gere . C., andi James Byrne and bYau¶it tverywheno. Northrop &e w aie- saie agents, Toronto. 47 SALT, SALT, SALT i FO-R S A L E -To Formons an t alios wanting Sait, am soiling gooti dean Fieldi Sait, fresh lromn cam, for&1 per ton, or by car Ica to suit purchusons, .Fueros, oalliant iLva your arders, yau wivil eer buy chieuper. Aio smiviie by ca a quanhily of fzesh mined Coal, direclfram Pennaylvanis. Àny quantity ci goaL, dry wood, ail for aide cheap ton-cash, aI my Coal ancl Woodi yard, soull Caldweil's Hotel, Whitby. ALEX. AT X»DEFR. mardi, 8&a, 1875. 10 WANTBD-200 Cards Graenwood, Bosc-h and Maple, ont tbIs wintec. .&pply s above. CUSTOMS DEPAITIAENT, 1 Ottawa, Mardi 21st, 1874.1 A UTH'ORIZED DISCOUNT ON- £.Amnenican Itrolces ainll further no- tice, iSper cenýt. R i. S.M. DOUCHETTE, 46-I Cammiaaoner-ciOutoma.. i -i - 1 M:q: DR. WILLIAM il e«V 4ub 1

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