Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1875, p. 4

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-li U ei -, Peakth hm ut one: M, I à if yen thfuk il t t" cli au. squire Brad came slw th. ath. "Good momsing V' Damrrl sai, l>uw. imn, . i .e $lure camne npta tl2em. ~*iaI~e~WhO liaitd mmcd ie lt teto atewild leowers by tic g&a.., do qniz'eDrn," Darnyl be an# Wllh Consideralile ',gttsio-for 7r. knew i wth.-i' Z )your dauglilci, ,Z donot aokyoii ta give )bet f4> Mo zsow. lwllgo asey fand Win Mo &$ece ant a ine. Ihe010wcsrlfà CIcorne te el.mM lier. I otsly as<k thit yen wlll ovemuent lit 1inarua> l r aie mmy Il 8fr!" VTeiis îukr'&ftees wai e su wlih auges-. Eile oyes blaieid with in. tllerlc fi'P atpg I Jd n ot undos-. isu u uy daughte tai marririgo? NOL ow"ansswered. IJaryl. "A liyftre finois " esanded tise "Y i l," astîJWçr-ed flerryl bsavely, 1 Zlave l à%bn se hall prôrnigcd le Leîyiii fyorùuare willing."' "i nlu lfui illuyg c" cildtirese qîiro. i]lave 041ier tul l bgler iews for Lay dasgiter tsai nniier-Jge iI apenni. ter le a ftting sntifor siny gentleiiiin -sud ttu1 Tise clii rnani'm orio were full cf thse cààtiqîpl wilis xpreàsed .ittoilf lu lus d o l syoif a geutîcisan."l Nuffwered Dareryl, wilh a dlgnity whlcli mnade lîneif*fuît. 0"f1AinnDt tu ausdven- itarer.; You wrong nie. I arn poor. i Rdmuit ;tint I auti COL Loblausé for "Iwsut 110e'Word$ with yen:i. shlahl never consenst tu your narryiug pMy ilantgitr-std ftiseril is neuse ru saysugj lut Arco 1nur ci Uaintitale with Dvy, il [ copue ln Ir(is abrtuet e t cwf3 ov plan lu ge a i-loieflovfes e sfoot Raven r u regrdfos ieru, I.i lie, [o ye lursd omauas iverd old a begsros- a vagabnd.elled mesor ulcg; f n UsI e r 1" Mtaigh tlir tbed ont h0. Jiaif fo que- nteappst l. " Haue rely tiii e as-c crul 1"Ilm cystLie waned an oo carlShor ferfiernse pan. "lite, gl itt yonskume, l) thefbouger lte (kt01sew tisaI there w nu its;luC Mauin iord. 1sous lairstriellia if taic r l idel, iee e l ~itaste tent é oflyuI lancisc cot arienti si. wIll t sss<yfeo vert, littVOi." 1 il linvo'ou tur ie of t 0om a I tu lu- a - ~ ~ I Ob, lier, br l' lic eltreftcry. ouI olsAf ui -,I orit u yo n i îîlI'revlrot îiiy hie , aUci 0ts liercef ensallh it.e. t [1elint g spot cf n Iig.me," 1i ite. lie sut bel iltnî'd rvsy rdwitsul Silo küte is lter cr n in tt e * sctI4ttif oils.u tui bio'Sernilecilo ilr . aDo I Titi> lyit o "w iot' ftu i, au ca itrne 01 trathserl i. ae ewil l et w i lionue 0111wil c aw Ily l wi ail îdier svlciertto iii. l elatthrkoÇyo ww er tla b, tud Itoteiir res sud c angee. l1e trag pted ofyau aplfcti hrat i I thalerelIIth e w tnef dru e.lic eo sud mise la Lisnîtiuiuielrl'luchue lu Iol1 i" nf a trlruer I.,bt lflAifntbli sucwat <bng ierdut, a-slëtiser'con- Lrt lAnt. ly'nd. lic cu(d vti a ei , thli loou e» led -anfi as ftot e aIi r tfis Il Iln ni àlulslty m ta 11111ï,sl îî y ho heard uoitlsi frni. Joit Da.yl.un e bulOmcwhcs-e hUnts Vtiualr f ber, isep ltuicw, feir cles an'd ies-,ud loie would rttii-li r.m Es-ueyir4s UvQlie Brayetiferilrnates-sai-yunemoî rotse l twLacLmpre u n aane os-en mloekll l e Ill: isigwhes le we, sd i li wold ene 1 <joln î-ou, <ipIrît niehbeard lier, lu sa moment lie Wma Ahe4side. l'Io t Al1iý" Li acilA àvole shaken >Y euzlbtion. "It sonuded liki lier veloe." "Il iuas liei r oice 1V' ise ci-ld. "Oh, Joi, I bave bien se louely."- "I[ycdsriii" He e e i lirst and i îmtiei-r.AntI, wlth hic ai-me &bout lier, sbe *w8At aIi-est laiet. TleoltI, vague elluits oncee. litlnd ini SentI, hey lelt tuse eburdli. Up and down tlhedd, crooked tr ts-e thev waikc<i snd taitet; snd like sA tronblcdd tsenin the y cars of l1orsiluc nda separation fadoni out in lliê'si'ausge neuV happissesa et theprecent.f " ftes r naufyf t-e sad, a they partedtst, Go sa' lie» gocdti l un, MWic, My danling," , - $ho e uku tu lues- s-ours witl s Mons upc» ber lips, witlt eweoV lsou lits stlrrleg lier bounst. At Int, love ta cnrne baok lu lies-, afles- muariy siys. ne c lwou fortuno sud faîne in Italy aOS a ttsIcian, asud lis %s-te on bls way lieome to claliat lier Whou tisey tisus met lu tise Suis urvilage. Il wsou aceount of te gîcat soinsion outlier life fon su liîsany yens, that slie isadtiot boas-i of tise reuown attached te lise naine ot Joli» Iarryl. I3iNJA.Msa' FlIANKLIN113 JOICL.-.r&di. tiers han I tlIsaI ycairsago irie» Besula. man Franklhin wae a yossu g lii],lie be- gat tise etnly etfnDatura ni iosopby andlsu @Dotearue fend.cut sPplying tecs- nical naines tedomtien objecte. -One eveuing irisn holie sntionei te liii ta- tiser tisat hé liati cwaUewet] su'le marine seepisaleus snllnaestise oli man was mucl I asacii, ana ti sddcnly eizing him, canletIlousily for. belp. Mns. Frankdlin camne' miih somte Warta waler, ani tise hi-ciimn»rumisetinluwith a gardewspump. Tisey foreed hli a gal- lon of wates- clown Benjamin'. Ibrolat, tîsen hlihm bylb.eliedels-entise porcis sud shock im ii, ule tise cld Mati saiI, l"If WC den't geltisher cul cf l3enuyicowili bc pizeneni, sure." 0Vhc 116îY went eut Anti linjatuin ex- plainai tisaI tise articles alîlasi te rere, mercly eysters, lus faliser foudîcr i la fer hsit un heur with the trnksetrop fer -caring tise famssly. Tradition aais liaI oves- atterwsarts Fraîîkiin'e lau- nage wva trusarveleously sirp nîusd ex- plia. Ses-en Times Mats-led. A. tOMAN WitO IIAs iURInta61six nUAiteS -11t L ûONGS-er CERVAL Or On-th liot0h uit. Benjamiin Aishet and lis. Mss-y Pratt, iree iesdei at 131sytIna, Del. Tis is tise se-unts lirno thé bride bac hee» led te tise alla-, anai lhe Susyrna Vines p>iîs scerne intas-estý nlg goscip ceneruing bier liait lite. Tise toutrmtcirig pas-lies te tisese isuptialti, il says, utc well up tise sseedirig grade oe eiglsty years. Thîe grenum is a quiet insssuusring old ittan, s wiulowes-, vits men us enougis (pas-ticularly if coas- !)cnd %vith lier i.nscne) tle ccLbis ul 'es-y Ulîmescus uvants. Tie bride waî tho rc s o te at e t ex-tSes-if genry Pratt, etflient Couuty, wio was thé lait nlti-Dnruertie Site-ff us-lc bhas tilltil liat cIlice in tisaI cetîtty. He tva. ci- clou Sisoriul! iis1844 sy lise Wii Ils dleseitncls, cildilst, grandchiid-' M", aitl grett; gs-ndclsildren, at tise murfl cf bis sulita-i, 1,nussieneti oves- L5, anti yeb lie lia lnUeaerthon liad'bnt, neû desîh li liis tainily-his, fintl %vife. Ie re'snusno aneh e beuciglît iu Ll%-Vis~ l1liasf l te, insx, lire. 'asrew,, Mu-s. BOggs,M-.Wsallace, Mss. ciny lire, li-ait. ostl iius1017Ms-. Abisot., 'fl <'vus-yinFtrtte," raye flic 7'ienbee, 'av-) t11wfiselielias n t.ricd s widew. r, 1ýrmetout he.ti withsj,. goeuily nuruhos- )fchil.Irtta. Sire, histaet-, litatut-ver i5ttie'tl lte imaternsariitiou Ity crn- Litgirtity. Sh.ý iet W5ttes-Ciluintitis slnnststsity, ias- - Uerssssi er lira,. sutis, PO tas- as we ecau bau», anti lîcrîc lét r'ecord lies beesi sag su setn bockl t flles- sc-ven cerstpiseiolis; ycl record, tp 1 uns- an g lit alis.c-te etsa b wenhîfatal- t'. te tbite lftlituItst wils,' %VI atcve- taI -ta beîieiLt finI lti ti 'nt i' te s-uit. Tlî't fis- ytiti'a.ganuler lb' vdowitoofl rtal e>Xlgtçq lt>ieu liser est suud hisrt préenrt huselrî»tl is lihe 'ugust 81i0,1hR8 etcaudurd-. Thi, bec. wes-, May nul ho w litrtly la it l, as re as-e cestain flua iOn ntsc'instance ti est she offprsedtola ître lier cernifort. 1ic hIscust mOi tQeofet cr-nost westhy il cî*tizenso, buittise tiesclIpctiitierî ledl 11m with fins-asti1 t'onillsrg, anai o s-avid a setlîrtition lie liurrietlly marri- ,d iU adiy inier toeua,wi5j5 wisum, M Ziajlitlops-uIt lot, lic e is' wctsjey- tise fn}eel ssae ott qsnestic bls. e bave sne intimiation, Iluwever, tbîtt Mr- nitine-essa cunqiietts liavec Iten ado »Y oens, direût assu--ult. (11 tise sitrtssy, *oieisia'1 lie3' i55vn 1t.iti 4s lise» u ases-ted oni 4netl utithsrity liaI siehlis ceuferseil te s hsseeonîlirners aâ ie iseosulîl have sae» b ushands.I sui stoi eujoys tise fulfiltmeutseoft tîs eophsetleo îtion, *sentihle, skeveuîy f d,'Oie wears lies r lripl wrcatls with eenaing igsiy abttîyLIaneashuire, int longL ic-. soera ,iu asac its-suà i tlite quiet, uovsntul wey sA11o0118tiser» àsinken nasueii Iosue. os- fipprt way, anti AIlec' Dnisîg tho tveuing Ithe covensatiou bisI tCsi-eilupen iaI Os callcd ,CMGIo.e Mal?'"l,, y caleil biar, but te île hil bleunaus uaiiing a man's cas tle or tisal. SilehaSl suit- aet(o r fer oue valubale consides-. gave mno VI 1012a Pot etfiboer. Rcscoe, us-b gave Tuenat- berî"uny oi- irasin tlie îunuoi, fer amusement, cous. t.' Truie te>lin olsi love,iloe entti taehave Ilhu -Mr al els hier t lian ,ti t t n, i o cs-, viitlie-aditicnstl previion tIsat slegls Sibi-llis-si. Theus e wiciaute drink a pot cf aie iiile in nofîscf br lite oppresses tisat sitluaton. Ho Oaid tisaI the ercluai msoIlve'uite travel1. 90 sue %a&ec olhing le bis», but icunenwi te L slcfctîmbed lise Ititls oet tireheStier il ,wsastIsard te gel sul lq mouutainl cf SýVItzenIausi s-e b eut coflise jug." Ho ioceetleu dowa télise nle, aîway$ ndsilcn il iweu'or,asud lis cas-s lOmhlag,al1waysJe--.ocking iese iapunllaitùed. ' 'Ws iilies' loyer1. Sbe- " $&Asieuf>amei CsutiaCîdar bIut flisbsaail $feeling Rapids paron,aîtishe elogant romarits ly as lwYÉ,wil'hrs-. cf a straugzer aet Ie camp meeting. ýnthé,ul&Swmin a 11111e VIII. Su4dienly tise parie» tus-nec )bis dye ou iWlaS bordera anti misa usan. thbnman, sud jumping fscreelneu, Jaf- the quaint, usarroir "'Ct ins, b-r, al shiin I Iea uss1iuatâs-stBtby.and. tIseireebcaidmonteýn,» Ilat giot nsv 'dtesubondf -auian rgast- l outlu'ssall-y'?TS. a tctantI dometise, littîse cu ,S-elýtl!ote m an 8tc nia»h tcwl enItOCilar Pl is. a-1 b Anst t4i . 3 -à AYcun lady n Milwasîkoe undes-. "W sepyty, ravi for tise took te cimb a lis-ids- liat lad been inýe elo,.loe ta'udbug s'gawsst lise sido of lien ëgufl ususbeki ight. father'a lee, but lietare 81leliedt gene eaece w tsnot;htie a quartes- of tle way uap a crowd Asson- *i -ewuindowi,an seul mi» bled, perociving avhiihEl le began aI A in the aislès anii asoutil Ã"ute fio descend,, obecsvl,»R! ilir mueS - feeling; "el, aous, Ièeain'geing' W' %Ws Oxse-vls lç* t boni il, bu e ofreec crgalis-e Ibis attes-isen, ~c'-~ wis itamnamt. nyeti el' f4s,à585ratsc8 inhOU tôi'9Sl it1 nAncenit, as aid voinan oÉqevent-. a.smned, i.ap, estrancea. g ~ ~ ns~dMnaPgoct 1 1 fil O.ellI g, nrep il U.mrl igio cyabIt ~ipre ý ict>4ltg vus-y nemi- niosucot cf, but-e aLg, .+ *:~AU.the IN GENTS' FURNISHING -G99DSY RATS, -CAPS, &. ô,AT A. PIR1 NGL'S B ROOK $TRElT, WHIYY (Next -Door North df Dominion Bank) BO'OTS AND: S'HOES1. iHE SUBSOCRIBER RAS A A 'ehL'01r of Q!4eis ah iChoice Whih wiflb. sold cheap for cob or farmer8' produce., HIAIILTO,-N 8C'on Have now' opened up Wi LarMg;$tock of Seasoô.nable Dry-G-oodso, oonsifitMgo FIRST-CLASS ST-OCK INEDESGO -Of LadiesW, Gents', Misses,, and Chidrens' Boots & Shoês, whiebi he je delernsùsed to ecl l R CASH at the lowesl living Pricm. Leave your ordes-s. Ctni't lue'beat'for a perfect sud camy-fittig bot.- Bepairs tts usual. 1April 28th, 1875. WILLXAM BURNrS, . Break-St., Whitby. NqE A L E," WHOLESALE & 1RET7IL DEMALER IN G-ROCERIES, WINES AND 3L IQyEyoED SIMCOE-ST., 'OSH 1AWMA, RAS IREMOVE D TO FAREWELLY'S; B LOCK. AGTENT FOB DAVIES & BRO.S CEIMERT BANDSOP Ç A&ND TOBACCO8 AL- WA&h TOC]K. Oshawa, Mardi 24, 1875. -11 LIST 0F OYATJCTJONEERS Licnse fof SuthILdin9g of. Ontatrio, North Riding Ontario, and separate Mumicipalities ini the. latter. Bauuttaird. .loisu Metil .. E, IL Caissesou.. Dounaldi lote. Jn',. M.t'tttf's-eau. Wmsî. M. Bas-i.... wlVîa. M. Wt'reX". . Daniel ....... lOsusi BIuîtOp. .Tiit'4figby, r .Jssuu*- Diglty, Jr.. Thomas tVoucher... Saleis Mfhuit îî.. iE. MaJuss-i.... 1.. M ar Cas-il . . M'in. <oruitis.. Joins L. Watit .... J. C. Pilkcy .... CI. moe, .... iliomas Penche-... 'lias Itowes L'lstonas H.'<lee.. Jois» F. (aeF,.. tohit RP..age,.. Thl'ttuuspouceli-, - L~. Fairbanks, Jr... Atlaexly ... -SatN ltitby -... ltity ... Ileaves-tou.. doictsi. .....-. fiatuingron. poil Pers-y. Eriel Whstby. - - l'ickériug... siesuerlon .. Ma-khian . .. du. Xucsrlck. (Tibrîige. P'ort Pers-y.. Marktll,s.. Uxbride. StOUfLvIIle. htatc Nov.,Yor-k, Mas-kîsasu... Whitby ... M<UNICIErALITY- T3sora............ SenorhtiRiduusg.n do. South&Sist idlg.... do. Uxbridge...... Sourh............ Scot..... ...... NostiiRidiug:.: do. Btock........... NorthiRding.. Beachi.......... ma .. .......... 1aùith Hii5... Nos-lis Risis.. Brook............ Brsook......... .... Il ttIt ............ Nostii idi»5 Brook...... LIST OF PEDLERS'FOR THE CO. ONTARIO, Lsiz-;sz Expusss. M.çh bIh, 1875. Jny 8, 1875. Is-ly 22,1575. Sept. 14, 1875. 19, 1875. 22. 1875. 20, 1870. 28, 1875. Uclobes- 1, 1875. 2, 1875. 5, 1875. e, 184-. c, 1875. 7, 1875. 12,17 14'-1875» Noé18, 1 S.. , 1 8,1 ., 20, 187t0. F blit187. -vOntard Frsantk .- zutdwss-ilMcG.-- ~V ticsa-den& Mil o rgancy.. l'Wiitby, Nos-. 1874. Whitby. Ncnltetdn.. 4ta ....... do ............. Onue oas-e, Conuly, WM. LAING, 3rd Marctt, 1875. ltlsMay, 1875 1111h May,- 1875. sets June, 1875 4thbuly, 1875. Nov. lOtis, 1875:' Nov. 21st, 1875. Co. Tieasuirer. OB,G-ANS 4 MEL ODEON OIGAN&. THEmuflGr & YAROOG O, MANUFACTURE iTHE CELEBRÂTtu MRCA RA Spieciai uctices calicilte 15e feilô-wig .styles- anul pi-eg:: style 5, -n lu Waut case, $140, O in e~a4ae wtiOi~u 1O Style 15, in Wslnhit Case, $150, lu ResOýstt aç,>t >g,-'~: Style 7, lu Reeçuent, Case, $175, i n ae. t a1.Cl~w> Style 9, ilsBeoan as,$190, -in, â e > Cas '.th"fà Ail made'to f Bbsck.,Walnst, parnueileil, wikN vovn r'àIn4aï beui-d, entauinxsgail tbelatest ipm' vements-, seset» Éia.l .A4sO)4, YAIWQOD'S " MEjODEf»': :R À,. Tu ýhaa4dsme Rosewodd Pian~o, Cases, ýhighly lnIisýhéd.. Style 4,' $150 ; Style 6, $175 ; Style.S, -$200, Thes8e Molo4eon-Orgas, Patepted u ~ u>eseaoelbun, and cari ouly be proured fi-cm us shu Agènt&.~ Afllstrunei- ý"ated for Filve ycem k NEW LUSTRES, (Celebrated Brande;,) NEW PRIN~TS, NEW CLOTRS & TWEEIDS'I, NEW RATS &CAPS, NEW'MILLINERYýGiOODS, NEW MANTLES, &c., &o. Clothling-made té orde r in.Ilatest styles. NEW TEAS AND GROCERIIES. Whitby, Âpfl 6, 1876. 15 MESSIRS. TOMS & NE-WýPORTy Beg to inform the publie generallye that th.'i1ave opened a New Carrnage Factory, on Dunddi eeet, TWO DOORS WEST of the POE'OFFýICE. Where the are now prepared to, exeoutqo ai work in the Carriage Making Line, oh ihe ehorteet notice, and inade of the beet n=a- terial; -and firet-clase workmanship. ALL WOIRK WAIIRANTED. BEPAtRING DONE WITHf NEATNESS AND DESPATOI.Ù. of 1 Wlsitby, JuIy 291h, 1874. S.E:LFi'-RM<ING REAPER AWARDED THE. FIRST PRZE l At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We offer-Lu our customers for the ICOMinIai* Éàest, two dis- ,'inct Mgchbnýeswjich in sltyI and consftue ion, exnbrace the I'1aiîUUinoSt useful: improvements o the day. JOlNS"~N'SSINGL<SEF-AKt~KEAPEiI THE "RNG 0F REAPE]tg."1 The 'universal succesti of this. Macjibe, both in closely contest- ejiai u ntlàe -hands of the- farner, arn sl aijtaa e<R inÈ Reaping 'Machine, it b. oiteo""ood points and les'. deIbàté.. ad bas met wlîh more@ amcciiand legs falur, thon eretofore offered te the publi. CAYUGA. JUNIOR MOD-WER 'Wc were awarded the- First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. cl.al E~xhibition, held lu Toronto, 1870.in compétition with~l h lending Macbinff msanufactured-in the Province; arnd with our recent imprqvemenpss. ire ursheiît ingl challenge ive i~!ansd comparis'on.i with comptfi " Machines. we are sntie8ed. tta hinvest M~i n w'Ilconviu'e every tunp<'ded mmnd, ibat re offer the best Mower I.o Iheé Mmei for- 1872, btjilîin th~ Dc.Aluion. , V'Serîd for descrfive, catalogues. TE ON BÉOWN TTRSN wHI-1 T B«Y PýH'A R"MA CY. -nit.~ SATVE, yOURPl'0T A-PO0E S POTATO ýBJJG -DESTflOYER.. Manufactured- by C. IMcCallum, deist, &c? Lonidols-Ontario. LUNDMS PtQ BGD]4STIOYER, This reine <y liasbsn nzeti -isiý immes ccels Onlu atrn Canada fer tle lasithree;-yeans, and ti lbas pros-cil e etise Best and 0i' s,1 Remedy lu tise Maofr s upasing afil cher pieparavoiend Iifoi t"I ýpurpose. Tise Onstario Geverninent appotutea a uslciion tb srveidigate anti experi- ment on the boit anti cieapemt mode of destreying lIaIIt estOv 1poithe po- tatïibng. Thse cnnisoesvntCstimanS 'IP ntetwon iseveral _ _ _ 4 v h v ur y T ! 2g -p i o t , s em e o f v ic l x , D1 u iib ¶ . è Pcf Il.- o p Iat vuse succ os - oeefoUtitilbîa&0 nUuiL .asoaôe ns$0Of spd to bwe - prAo <bt]. -e tot icvs ---fLund 'cclebrated - - ù* adsatiu5-iifixrliGale a artce ts int.,AIwbo ée- v e *sto effect Lit fyear a Ûnls edessupuîr il,: but Iihi ye'ar a' Ãœ'benumd Ïo U be'nh a i-l eiat no one need $0 feus- plmtu# hlT ifalew ,on--ffi zsedy vil effeelu&sa ia th1e pola- we,,kn iLl rt 9 * îed àLu na ' c Patate Bug. estroye- amîtireal- zebn i,~~-Iie cie. 1yvutIthe saine quantlty lu atosanS many il j:, r-' i t-'c s-i GRAND COMBINATION OIRGANS SORIMNER'.8 PATENT QUALIPYING TUBES, An invention having a post important' beanng on the 'future-reptio Of Reed Ins8trumputs, by meane of wlilch the qualty* or volume, of toni' i.yvery iargely increased, and'the-quality cf one rendereda Equal -to ,that -of the Boat Pipe Organe7of the sa.me bapacity. Our celebrated "Vox Celeste, "Vox- Hum*tna," IlWilcox Patent," Il Oc. tave-Coupler," tie charnzg Cello" or "Clanionette" 8tos;"Gem. Horo," I"Cremona," IlVox Angelet," IlViola Etlseria," and AIL THE LATE' IMPROVEMENTS. Can bc obtained ony in 'these Organe b"Hfy Diffrent StyleQ, for the Parlor andi the Cliurch' the: Bet Material and Workn>anship, Quality and Volume of Toue Unequalled't PRICES, 850 TO $500. Factory ana Wareroomes, Cor. Olli and Congrese Ste., DiTnOIT, ichigan. (Establiehed in 1850.) Agent. Wanted in Every County. Address-' CLOUGH &L WARREN ORGAN CO., DETROIT, MIH. JTU STREEIV 1j E D AT T-H E CHINA TEA STORE >*!, GIBSON &SPARVEÈL,' 35 Hhds., Crates, and -Cases; contauuing the Largest, Best and- Cheapest Assortment of China, Wlae- Ware, and Fancy WJood8 0f ail kinds ever exlîibited in Whitby 1 China Tea Sell, frein $..50 te $20.f Fassy Vase, frein 10 cent§ te S.60, es- pair. China Mottoed Cupsansd Saucers, frein15c. lu $1.5o each. China Mottod Muge, Cas-i Baskets snd Facy Ged, EM INENDLESS VA1IETY I1, FANCY lltheOESETTS, Fn pRO. S TOSzprEI-fr *CsEtma Ldes, ai the üabcbo hpandbeen pureere.eserl eu nd eaenefo th e wiil bo ldep and i lio ew ecie. Feaecian eainer llounselvo bful or urc of sing elseerc. ly Go Fruits po alknd, a fuites, BnaofcoceadTest, amiy.Gr'cee Fts adSiesc i kn &aio.ao, ad uteApls oa OYSTERS, bet brand, always, on hand. GIB3SON & SPARVPMLL'Siý WiDec 1thT , 1874.'TT3~3R TH-E u. iL lit. * Clark cf thse Pence, 0.O Whltbyi Nov. 17 1874. s»-7 ENGLISH REMEpY1 SPECIFIO MEPICINUE. Curesa& AUKié-voeaî Dsscsss-,' sneh i.. vhsichisunnany cases, are pimduced bycosir iusdnlgcnce lu tise umeof tobbaeosand lio- bclic spirits;- but tiseS4eciflc- Medicinctfa moère esPecimlv .recneusndedsas mn isfal- Ingcntefo es-iin't Wcaki'e-bil mit.otriet#, lm1îssîpsssy, andmau diiemie. that follow as a msquence cf self Absuse, as Le., o 1mU iory, Un've-uineluatsx 'udr, Pai ethîe But kt Dsusrsof Vïisa. Prresn,,snre OidAgs,, andi miny- clièr. diaesesitisat lead -40 51nns5'yIr - (snnsssosudS ' rpiusere Grave, aUr civsci sarieare irt casei by Sevatig tram th epatitof nature andi aver Thre Spécifie Medicine is the resuit ef a lite iludy and i"' 7yesre ofexpérience in -trealing thesapécisl Simeaces. Puipartic- ulai-s luour pampbleî, visicis we Sesire tb seita freà by malleetery.cite. .Thre SpecifleMedititessol& byallDrvg-,ý giosi at 51 pur pakage, or- six packages for' 05, or vii Crset by mail7ov rccsipt cf thre WILLIAM GR&YYJr CO., r"ozeyby aa"sing Windsor, Ou._ r~ SolS lu Wbitby by jas. H.LOcere j# CO., ansd Jles Byre sud by s1.iüèglstm& avreryvirere. ]Norltsi t J masswhià sals agents, Torosito. ~ 4 QALT; SALT, SALT 1 To Farmere ansid esesvanting sait<- 1, anm seoa ed ean Ffi.USait, f rosh isfon - cars, for per- ton, or by car- loati to suit pirimir.FaiÉer, càll andi lea%'e your cSesynviineyer itsy elseaper. -imrr a ugy ra qiiaitity cf frasil miusiCcl, irctfro ein sssylvaitl. An.jqumnitY Ocf gocti. wod U o Yard, "ucnwam"lS's lVHJeI, Wlisby. ALEX. ALX&EA WAIITED -geeCorda . reenwood, Reecli Rat -Mipla, *cnt -this viiter. Applysa above. -- tice, 15 per cent. 'R. S. 3. BOUCHETTE, 4-t -Coiîioîsiei et ofCustàms. OLD STAND, LESTA BLIS FI ED 1833.] Niew Parlor Sets, New Bed- room -Sets, *New Diu,--roon And, a 1argýe,;-stoek of Cae -and - set COhairs, Tables, Bm-reaus, Sofas, Lounges, Bi Cuphoards. ;Ram, Cloth; and'-Yamask Lounges, &e. &c. A fine stock of New Gilt WîndowCornicE The largeat-and cheapest stock of Pctu"s e-v-e i Itow,»g--al1 of wbi{ch lie offers at puices that wil n suit the times. amc twe Pounsd FREDE-RICK -u -f l'il 81-ly 1 OLD STAND.] WM. TILL,

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