Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1875, p. 3

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"sB6icrb Sp m o, a>daU. 011,r-ïýâ&mtiequota- iocn. re euaýnloxa Q#pcx, July 951h, 1876. SrsMu,...... ,10 0116i 'Oo ..,.........Oo*a 4P5.............. 7509,800 MI%*B< e Pe........ wo7om 05.........1.......tMo 0 70 ostato...........8o<75 Bogo ..............a4000 Butter............... Iôc-018 Wool, ................ 800 81. Wood............. ....4035 2'ork, pet cwi.........810 JOI@il-enu. '.......80 ac540eperpalr Ducks por pr. ......... 5OW0 Tnrkays, perlb-.- 100 4ipl1e. per bushel ..... .. a)r Oheeso ............ 1500O170 BeetId hnS qnar ..... $50O16- Bief, foréare..... 0 fi found <10dnslob% s-"1By a lioroagis tmiawledge aofIthe nalaral Iaws Whicis gavera tise perations ai digestion anS nutrition, and rbv a careIul application'ai lis, fine prôpertibie 'aiwol.seïïlecodcas. v.iLisa aa rvie ur breakfast tasbI iffi delitely sflvored baverage, vicis mas cave as many iseavy doctors bllls.11 Il Y., Inth jdiclons une nf mch' articesfaiet 5. r hs a consittion ybuadually ul apanltu ilrang enon h ta re sis evary bsn. doamptonstase.uchitis, As theCalrs, Shrrterofua laudsuydies.pintlise israbo Luue e nvua-Dfatlilit y Peemat ure. ses aiie sd isndre brood-ndt pro nyothu mrudencae.u-vi eyo IPsimlthdéua esn B e. rBl -cr, fior Con!h O/wUtits,s ddcçei , I3tnif aarr blîroat sud lany disaeaof th edaoso visicis v ave ilitiy, rature at- scla,%odoand nstl a is bnefit aiau cilatMImpbisadlne.v cmpecî a bng r. beeler'aDr. Ipuld Elixitr ofh Phoîpistes sud aate buarylat B I 11N I Esu ufon rn Polt.raed iroere fresa a im MtfmBoeiT CANAdAmoBeAor. *JThis dllghtfollyerfnsnd preparatlon lsparti a soit glossy fnisht to thse Hair, la. cngl ta rensalirIn any dSareS position. ItlivetieSa air -not only a luxuriant growth, but aÏrrestegreynose, baldnces, ana allier duras.,of the bead and scalp. i 1Geniue arle.Grosse hbasnbn een hal ,$%b gheiteem 'as s valuable article for Dreielug tise Hlr. It has beea hlghly consmended anS useS hy embuent Chemaiste amiS Phy.lciana, of every country. Bachs bttléis leeneped ina scarS board box surrounded by a flaoly engraveS wrsp- Par, iormlug a package bth ornemental sud cisel on éery Ladies: Dresuing Table. .Priee80 conte srkae 19Sole Proprietors, Mantreel. NEW ADVERTIBEXENTE.- ToYeoman Mayior IUEBN'8 HOT" ~aturday, the st Twao llot,. ., Therl isa goofiBarn U visiitou.fouada. tlon, &Bd stables undr ît on th e inMsia. À yoong orcoardai 175 trae comprising tw eras, bas Iuplatted thua ydr. There la a good noerrfailtag oreek rau. o.xgarouse ecorer itufarm and&a bountifol 1 pploprngý#&ter. TieinSa in Wouladpuodîor ithra Grain Growing Posiession given th&Autusnn.iin sme for Fall p oi1to badon& . Tre=Y For furter psrtloularu applylo théilO Utorg Aboya named, or ta BISIEOP McÂY Oshawa, joU 101t, 187s. Auctionees,81s GEORGE GU RLEV, MERCHANT, TAILOR, OSHAWA, Invitei an examination of hie imeperlor stock of Clotho, embraolng Bngllsh, French Scotch and, Canadien Tweeds; Dosekins, Mltons and Choviote, slik and isncy veat. Inga, ct. Gentlemen leaving, their orderi may de.. pend upon gettlng good clath, a perfect fit, slylliah cutand prompt delivery. ORO.: GUELEY, *Oshawa. Osbawa, July 27, 1875. 8 QIC UZTIllE. tTWO TRIPS DÂILY i Steamer CITY OF TORONTO (Capt. Dlck) 16aves daily, foot of Yonge street, To. ronto, at 7sa. m,, sud 2 p. m.; roaches Niag. ara at 9.80 a. M., and 4.800P. M., Lowisson et 10a. m, and 6Sp.mi. Connections for the Fslls, Bufflo, Cleveland, Rochester, Albany, ÏNewFYork, Boston, ft c tc.Tick. ets snd aul information st do. ê', Front Street. ýu1y 7,175 1D. MILLOT, Agent.. s TBAYED 0OR STOLEN 1 $9 oO RRWARI) 1 Straye&or stulèea menstisa premilsesi a thauasoibar an tise lut af JUly, a Brindie Cow, colon Sant hrown anS black, vilS. visite $tripe on fo±eed, neat honim, about' fiva yaars aid oissU sie sud lu good order. ravao erd.c>ver ill necolve bisa aboVa JAM=S WAL1CER, Asisiura, P. 0. Aurisuru, July 271h, 1875. 81 Wa vanisi cali the attention ai Teachenis. and othens latarested ilu music totahie fol. lovlng verts, as bsbng the beat of their clasa:. MUSICAL CHIMES. A NewvClas-book ior Famale Voces. Pries 09 per azon. Sample copies, malleS, pbat.pald, on rscelpb ai11L FAIRY ECHORS. A Clas.Bbot ionrthildren. UseS lana&l tise principîl public .Schools. Price $6 per aomen. Sampla copies salaS, post-paid on recalpl of Sote. 1SO0N0 E C HO0. ave puUshd. ric $780 er ocan.1 Sap, oia apoil-pai nreceipt "oi Addres,_ July 27,1875 J. L. PETERS, 848 Broadway, N. Y. si NE W B 0 0K. TH E Gibo~, Eq. fNational Portrait W3ho nndenaigmed reSanets aoftis TOWN 0F WHITBY- respestisnrll quest youn Worasip taset spar Monda, , 6th Day of August Gallery Il LONDON:I OH - 'JUB71 BY, Oliais, thesu soatiss eiSarsi i, twnychaini, ta bise centraesos".ifd lot, onurth seventyfour deprees, eait tveuty chai, then nonsh sixteen dignes veest tweuty Clilini mare or leu ta tis;e, c i Thora are ane'hundred acres cliared, the rit la valitimibered vith issrdwood sud valuabbe ceder. The cleared portion la in a good sia ofcultivablan la vali vatered, sud distant f mth iselQae ai Oshswa' elgst rmiles. Tisera be alas good archarS suâd exellent building ou isid !ema. Th Tiapropert vii hasali! at Publicn. dion ta thse hlgieel biSSer vits paver te the asbd Resi Representativa irors imeta lima, ta adjouru tise sale if, la hie judgmeuts adequabe price i. not bld far tisesudd lande,' Tisa uchaser at saiS gla ito arsàadSa ..orm fîo per cent, an tise day ai saje, sud in topsyth balance int court ta thse cre. ditcf otf s atter vithin ona montis irons tise day of sale vithont intereot. Furtiser particulers sud conditions ai sale nssy bhasd Ou application ta D. J. atyra , Plantiffs solicitorLdsyan teG ong Smiths, Defeninî es cobitor, Wh.tby. DateS at Whitby Ibis 251h day cf Jane .A. D, 1875. Z. BURNHAM, Real Represeutatbvs. 8m.28 VÂUABLE Lois-'FOR SALE TOWN Of 0FWHI'IBY. Lot Na. loin Section A., front on Gravel Road. Lot No. 1luba ear on William St. Lot No. 3, on Brook St. AnS Lot No. 8, la rear an William Strcec, SectioSn C. ' Tise propenty ai tise lete William Law-- rance. Application ta h a mde to tIhe un. derigned-w JOSEPH J0FR S, Balsam} Exacuo T. STEVENSON, Klnsabe4 tr YEOMAN GIBSON, 29) wiitby. D AILY LINE TO ROCHESTER Coammincimsg an or about lUth April. N 0R SE MEAASN (Il. CRAWFORD, MASTER,) vii make han reguier tripeaon tht. route laavlng Cobourg every sornlug at 7.80 and Port H ope at 9 o'cloct for Rochsester, con- ne-tingtieraviltisaheNev Yont Central ,a RIiwys for aII points east, vest, anS sotish. Returan ivii ave Charlotte (port ai ~Ociester) d1alt c9Up.m., sxcept Saturdeys Zhean se viW leave at 2 p. m., direct for Part Hope direct. This ltis e siortest anS quicteet routa ta Oîveg anaud Watartovn, vie Laka Ontario Sisore Itailroad tromtCharlotte. Dealers la stock, &o., wvrn finS Ibis tisa ciseapest anS moal expeditiaus route ta Bas. ton AbanyNew Yrkt c. Forfurherinfrmtiou apply ta 1 . CRAWFORD, C. F. CILDERSLEEVE, Port Hope Kingston. 17 CAISSEL, PETTER &t GALPIN. -'-' ----.- PORTRAITS nazI, for the O F OUR .BMINRNT MEN. Annuel Civie -Holiday[I fon ibis Crporalion: Broya: & Palterman MI'g. Ce. JL . J. Murp1Jhy- parewallI RutIage. W. J, lltta kCa. Tisasa. Day. A. Pningle. H. .l 'avlor. Lowea%&Powell. Jas. 1IL Garnie & Ca. R.H Jamnt'son, J. Waodsll. JH.Penny. G. Y. Smiths. Laimng & Stwart. 3. & J. Camphan. ugibalts. k Ca. Tisoa. Laird 0Co. Gras& ioMNsettu. Jaa, Joiston. Glbsowa'k Sparvei. Taylor'a Baona" An iyothsar. lu o eopliansce vIls the aboya rcquisitiosm I baneby procbaîmu M ONDA Y, THE 161 h .IUGUS'T À PUBLIC HOLIDAY vlbhl lise limtita af bis.Corporation oat, TOWN 0F WHIITBl suS request tisaI aU places -of bastaiý theneis i msy hacloseS an liat day. YEOMAN GIBSONy Whiiby, BibilaI>'l, 1875. w AIN T 2D!1 ha Thse Right H on. W. E. Gladstone, M. P. Thse RigisI Hon. B. Dioraêli, M. P. Tise RigisI Hon. Jol n BrightI, M. P. Thé Rf glt Bon. thse Han. of Derby. The Archbsehop cf Canterbury. Lord Chiai -initie Cackbura. Mjor Gonaral Sir Garnett Wolseley, K. C. B. Thse il t Hon. thseEBAR of Shafîsbnry, Tise Rlght flon. Banl Russell, K. G. Thse lilgis Hon. Lord Carai. The Rlght Hon. Bari Granvilieo , KG. H. B. H. thse flke of Cambridge, K. G. The Biliop af Manehiseer. _ Tho) Iht Haon. Sir' Stafford Nortiscote John Walter, Esq., M. P. The RîgisI Han, Ban Duforih, K. P. Thiomas Carlyle. W. H. smish, IEq., -M. P. Tise Rev.W MeriyPuubou, 1D. D. His Grâce, the Duk. ai Angyle, K. P. The Portrait# are irom recent pihoto. graphe wlish a bcographicsl sketch of each. STise Publiers hava spared uo axpanie lu tisa Production ai a volume unaqallad for artistia besuty wlth a relabla record ai tise UieofeueleSng mess. Thse von la IssueS compète iu que vol. uma, asudsolS culiy brubîceition. tise lot 01 spleer. cht ;uly 21, 1875. 80 &yF?ý-'v OliSALE., 75 Acres, belng part QI bis.<Souths Sali ai Lot 27y is the s oau. aifWhIIb; about' - Slxt acres uder good ýjoaItiv to, god r.builings, good vater, ttc. Far partis niera, 81addres- - THOS. BQl3SON S1WELAMtB STRAYED. Burnett's Cocoaine Proventtic Ha5r fron Folis.. Burnett's Ooccalne Prmools lts, lie:îmry Gmowth. "Burnett's Oocoalne l10 sot Grcnny noar StJicky. Burnett's Oocoalne Lctv-ea f]ls;-mla kloab01r. Burnett's Oocoalnie gubiluesa Iefracccry Main. Burnett's Oocoalne Seatbtis e IrnilttM $Salp-SkIn. Burnett's Oocoalne Burnett's Oocoalne la sssolsuAlollc W"is Burnett's OCocoalne 1 Elinmdruia Burnett's Oocoalne 1-«lIres Nec' Lii. t liseHl. Burnett's - Oocoaine llemnslss Lomgest lanilbt. 50 snd 75 cents per Battis. fWRY DAVIS & SONl- ILAWIREO MONTrEAI, P.,Q. Agdits for Domnion eof Csud&. JOEPII 5URNETT,4 G., Dm(%O THEAL RATES 0P o. Q. H o Cf) III w o w o Q H w b o L~i w H o o w o HL PURTHER i. d 8 <.bJ a n@ e sure oagiv. Me a cauobëezore a1lg, A e ilt *hleqale prices, ta elose'ont telt 1Ocks, Wakà sud pramiptllyrepaireS. H. W. NORVILLE, Dunau-S OpposIt IF Owek LITOF-ATJCTION1EERS i4esedfor south Ridng -of Ontaioxôrth-I iding of Ontario, and separate Mumicîpalitî e 8in the latter,ý David flrow. E.. LCamoroný.: Donald Bos.... .Tas. M. Patterson.. Wm. Et. Boy .. Wm. M. Wiloxz... DanielRosea... David Biehop. James Dlgby, r. James Digby, Jr... DonaldRoi Thsomas, Poucher... Salems Eckhart... Jas. Kavanagis.. B. Majore..î. D). M. CarS... Wm. Gordon.. John L. Watkis J. C. Pilkay C. Menre. Thomas ïFaucher... H. L. -Vanzant... Elles Boves,.. Thompas H. Walsise, Antho)ny Steale,.. J. C. Widdiile a,. John P. Gose'. Johna R. Page,.: Tisomas Pencher... L. Fairbanks, Jr... D. MKy do. Wbitechcis. Cannington.. Port Perty .... EBit Whitby .... Pickering.i.. ao.. Beaverton .. Markism..., do. ... Kewiot ... Urbnidge.... do. ... Brook....... Port Perry.. Markhsm... Goodwood.. Zephyr. Uxbridge. StonffVslle. Stato New York,'- Marbisamn... Wisitby ... LIST 0F PEDDLERS FOR THE CO.' ONTAIO. Thorais....... N'orth8Sr5o idlng ;Brook, ..>.. do. ::: Sauts iig Uxbridga Southntr . North Rilrn.,.. Brook.........-*'*« North Ridig .. Rescis....... Mars ......... Sauth Rlding.. Northis iding.. Brook .......... . Brook....... .... North Biding,... Soutis Ontano'.. Brook ;... . South Ontania.. Sept. 14,1875. de2191875; Id 22,1875. d,28, 1875. October1, 1875. Id 2,'1875. "5 51875. 496' 1875.: 7, 1875. 10, 1875. "9 18, 1875. "14, 1875. 17-1875. 20, 185 "20, 1875. "28, 1875. Navemnbr 8, 1875. if 8, 1875. Nov. lSth, 1875. Nov. 111h, 1875. Dec 8th 1875 Dec: utis, l5. Dec. 24th% 1878. Jan. lOtis, 1876. Feb. let, 1876. Feb. let, 1875. A. B. Mackenie,-. A.- H. Morgan,. John Carr.**,«« James Higgs.. Whitby, JILIY, 1875. Por Hery Oaseihorse, Couuty, C-n2ngau On Foot, Conty,.. Osaa.....On foot....... Brookli.. 1hre......... . ane Nov. lOtis, 1875. Nov. 2lst 1875 21st &Prid, 187à. 8tis-May, 1W76. WM. LAING, Cc. Treasurer. WE INTEND- TO' DO IT. Cali at Woodall'à Old Country Store on Saturday-next, and purchase for cash, one Pound of oui '7Oc. 80c. or $1 Tea, and *carry home a handsorne japaned Tes Canister free. We will aiso présent one to every cash purchaser of 2lbs. Coffee, 2lbs. 50c. Tes, or $3 worth of general groceries. The. quality snd cheapness of our Teas and Li-. quors is vWell known, but we dothis with the ides Ito introduce our Tea more generally to the public and let it stand on its merits. CROSBY'S OLI) STAND. The British A merivan Commercial College, TORONTO, Was e5tablished in 1861, and ils now the most popular andaexteusive ochool iu the Dominion for the Lducation of Young Men, MiddIe-aged Men, anmd BOyS, in commeorcial branches. Special attention is given-to the science af Bookkeepiug as applied ta every department of Trade ana commerce ; aiso ta PRACTICAL PENM&lNSHIP, COUMERCIAL ABITHMETIC, CQMMER- CIL L&W, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, SPELLING, &o. Ils graduabes are competeent accauntante, and are eangbl for by merchants and bueinesle Mou, in want of help, rom ali parte of lb. Province. -83»Thiere are na vacations, Bîndents may enter at"any lime with equal ad. vantage. Bemember tile l a full course commercial sébol sudoneeted wlth forly others iocaled at Monîreal and tbe. principal cilli of tIi. VotedSth10.. Terma reasanabie and lower than mail af tin otlwrMboeis in1wtheelocatlon. Ay ?pers endiug tlier name fanS addrass and aiselooilig sir-Sntin a tanpn, will recelve b re Lurn mail a pioce aI Ornameutalpiuniaslabpo spolpnm ar Bueos Peuwanehîp anS Circular. A TEACHERS CLA8S WILL DE OPENED DUEfIG TEE H0olIDAT8 nt verylasv ratels. 27 Q DELL & TRCUT, Toronto, A Gtm wîrth. SAVE TOI -J0 H* N S A U N D! &Hlinaple. AÀ dwaliqghoua RAS TU ci W;, lioa mtntLvprgest Stock, rk a ne a ocusùtant=Latest Styles, ,-Ij~.. Dres~s and -Mantie MaI4ng donèê to order under the enpcrintenaence of à flrst-c1as Dresemaker. Milinery and Tailoring dlone'to order. Satisfaction j gMSix Girls wanted to work on dresses, and Two Tailors th work on coase. ti LOWES &POWELL. in 'WhItby, April 14th. 18751. 1 SOUTE -ONTAIRIO BOOK STORE. SCHOOL BOOKS, Sohool Books, a fâui supply of t8et- books,.àiway' on hand. STÂTIONERYý, Stationery. We: keep the, best selected 8i stock of Fancy,î Initial, and Commercial Note, Papers and ;Enveloes in-the uny- BLANE BOOKS, Blank Books, Day Books, Cash Books, Journals, Ledgers, &c.,, made of the ýbest paper, in good hinding, al kinds-andl cheap. . NEWSPAPERS AND) MAGAZÏINES, Newspap .ers and Magaznes. . Those wanting their Magazines< ana papers deivered wvith prom»ptness auJ despatch, should leave their- music, MUSTO, a large stock cf Sheet andlalf-dime Music slways on hand. J.adaer ROBERTSON, BooksUar, N èeaeStalianer, anS Ser in Pancy Gooaa, t&c. (Bengougb's 015 Stand,fBrock Slreet, Wbltby. P. -S.-We pay'specia.l attention ceilaneous- Bocks, Mu 40 .9 &o. to the crdering cf unis.' Z C-1 This Hotel in situatea in 1h. central portion of the city, conveéiient to the whalesale establishmentesud public bnildings, and lor .tburists sud commercial travoltre lýa amuont eàigible iuto.T Ouase bai been thoroughlyre.organied and re frished tbrougliout, and in, fitteeS up in the moait comfortable and fashionsble style, equatto any firat-clase bouseinuo. Dominion. The bedrooms and drawing.rooms are large and drnsd the beet eanitary régulations arc observed. Te large sud convenicat sample rooms, for thé accommodation of Commercial .Travelers, are commodione, and conveniently localeS aOn the firel fiait. Omnibuses and Carriagesaslways readîy for the accommodation of gueste arriving by al the leains and eteaniboata, and aiea ta convey thorm ta the dépote aud wbarvee on leaving Geo. Kennedy, formerly of Queen'e8,Hotel, Owen Sound, Manager. Telegrapb Offwe lu canuclion witb Ibis Hanse. TEBM, - - 81 50 PER DAY. NEW GROCERY STORE!1 ;Begs to intiruate te. the inhabitaùlts of Whitby suùd sur- rouuSiug district that ha has opeued ont in the Odd Fellows' Building, Brock-Street, [A New Grocery ani Provi8ioii Stoe Where he intends te keep eyexflhhing in thaý line. YHo hopes that fromn-past expetîence, and by strict atten- tion tQ businc8s, ta met a share of publq.patronage. Cash" raid for. Butte. Eggs, 'audParmers' Prodlue. la' A caila eapetfuly aolictod. PETER SMITH, - Odd Felawa' Duihdng, WJûtby, .&prl 19, 1675.- 17 BOOTANID,8110E EMPOIIIJ $ROOK STREET, WHITBV. fortbe purcheseo luhI or separa subject ta tise fore Tise nortgage pareS 1W tihe Vo penseofithe.punel >Forfarier psr sala applyta A. Ormiâtobn ,Soucit Smith, Ras & Pc (signeS,) . GBo. . zDÀRATNELL. A. G. McInyIL, -Master aI %Vbitby. Iran ini the ]Blood reenea oisiti liteates ceiem repairi n<idc searclcing c Nirns, and-1 discase ta le lVIM8 48thse dei-ful smeee plaint Droî rhoenjli,: CiIls and Liuss of Co: Diseuses of Jlladder, Fie a aru idises a'bad Bf aie cý eornpanaied 1 étaie of ie fren Aleolu encrgfliig e Io«eol b#i co tIon,, but are slng sirengt ltUe f ia ait1, auZ buUkioh bj, the se Co) eali,,iXfAnOMi Seotita VIAN SYI SETH4 W. I £ BTEb ~-TIMB Tatas afl« I I f - - --, i T.EAS.' A ÀND DWELLISO Fos SALB. P E T E R S MIT H S Pl E,",C, 1 A L T Y.

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