Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1875, p. 2

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ONL Si5o PER ANNUM. WWbty, 1Tkurday, JaIy 29, 1875. Chmge Inthe 0 ntarVo Cabinet. Tig. anouiioment ili oflliiy emade tuai 1Mr. Barnitot Oasey Wood, mcouher t fu onth Vieorisl, La.ào e0ptedl the ProvJincil ecrtry's portfolio, lai the, plaUo01 Ur. Mluiareàigneil. T1%. olhup, alîiouagliI phlorli pa e e.ity ofrlthe Qovrnineet, eau oed ctbut lit- de lu the wiiy <fsti6iglteing Mr. mowags mlniâtay. 1br. Wood bas 1n0 Mlwn;it le &,ebtfel wlatier ýh. eau brinq tote ia.Goyernrint as oiiary maupporler. HIl Wperonaliyecourt. eoi»e kin(adýuu$petcdgentleman; Ias but ltlla iincore attacent te Party, and preferd Iibis uwu jîersal gan and theitti!trai <ibodcofli$ ooaitllefly, abue .ani beftce auything 1k princi. peor, conssteucy tn bis poliical course. Tiis ;femtro of him oharacter wax dimelomed ie him dsesrtion cf MUr. saiadtleld Mao1ýuAld, wVhem L wKS retuue ts up1ýort in 187111and the i favorable tertuae li vienablei1 te se- cure the fruiicipalitlem of South Vie- toriela lmha' distribution of the Mui. pal Lone Feni aii a coèeeqUence. Buet whlaLie g Outrancei lite lte goy- ûrmeut tracy brimé ~it noe stretigth, lie !fi jubl ii rilaI sort ut Momber tu taCcOtitaovaypceihlr ilvantage for ïrmit ueitîcucy, mvil iake- for hiurelfirl.aal I wmtluilrg fur liemn Uever,.aiut fa-~o-a ietlaplaying tlîim 0'010 wili l 0luabt h1&,fuiateii- 1181- as lie l1,4d beau as a lrivâte repre- Heuttvuujý1Gnth e loor ovie iteHu>e. Mr, S' C. Wuipt ' i-aèat auay hcalleil a16 u'oulrer etitative, vinai jusî the muautla e i 0Moatbont of- liii osi. tIen de secir« local fanitipersonai ad. vantagem. Weçu lie-the repreeatative of fSouthîOntiti l wbau i te vting for tlime rutmoval cf thae Agricullural Coliega toe iac, lit',wcauitl Dot Lavasa cted the Part of the, Party Lack Ihat Mr. Fiu-eweii di#l. Xr., Ffirewel l lst UR te Colloge aud raarfitied illc intea-estu of Linsiroo'ntititeito inorder to save te Goecrnuaent. Mr. Woo4 wonoil bave pil otii u lertwg, have foreedlth e v. eiruiuont Juto e tium, aii got lte Col. logo, ur leé would net )lave suartpled fo' tom utheu ontI cf' office, and alterwvards coopromioud with tbLeu successeors. Saîla téreé lis ciaracterimtie. The new- 1>' appoatitea Provncili>$orotary wiii, Iowovor, willi uaýke a- îalnataking andi eilit ien aaad of, dej)attritut, andi wd htaa ut> douli ht ami li4dubieg of lis effice -wlJ.l hoperferlaacd JAntiefactor- 11. Of Xr.Mn, '4llita'wtt v isit tacttleMamy Quedisparagng et' unioiel>'word. Ris srviostu 108 aiePart>' teserve te' gui'l brlb rieliagcis aeeal. Ms>' ha nogU i ayte Iia anitaiof l>' Lie p. amtci'ce n lihta er u itg h as a -k Uiteargtnd i e Olbiliutu prhâ-e , cnti tai>' ie cati tluheaîian ob ]is o r. puioa b>'limepaletfr ýng mattaako na- 010gtOf te0val o0te ittiP(F, Tne o'y flPçlti»ll>'i Ma. Moel-larnd aîllavas ressaie le crow ever iîs saeci-s. Ayâ Wb hava saia. tuee citaigo ian scaatel>' surieth e wttl minista>, anti liais pachiag aap tf th uttiruunetul le a moigit tuf weaknosm itât will bc sure te le ianeMint riteoaf a>'thue Oppaei.- lit th luit eînl We4t- elecîltun trial ai Tuïestia>, Mr. iUackeuzi's couneal tadilttet i rilier>' ityagents, anti asper. ïonatitan ti a ben provedt thIongit W01I1 net te go ou witli fjaerial, éxepl- îiug sac fan as ltuec e îtlîer Mn. Tix aseNvIite, ths Ceasarsaive acalir'anla, tranit uîleul 1talIte ment. Garbett, of Peel, las beema mseleetoat as tic Reforlu cnliaefor ltae Omaa-o AskeettbI>'. Boutia Victoria. Iti ics iel tappeart-ltitUM. $-l. C Wood l 1 bu llowe ta10wahk iL. curse. At aà meeting cf teLiberul Conset-vatlva Club, Lelt i t Lindsa>' on Tueidu>' mgt. M.Adat» Hepeth, Larrister, was neminatei li eppesition te Mr. Wood., - Thea 'irit bas Leen al- iteaui>' necîvel. 'M. Sitenlff Kempt lie vilurn$aîgofficer for lb. SoutL Rltlng, isoneti a plroclam»tl on au aurtia>'for lie uiination u itte ot-alAuguet, anti the polllng on teiLs lti Mmr. Hudispêlibas aireati>'arrangeai à s erea' of rmeetings lhrougiout lie Rît. luig, andthet conteast 'ilil théefore Le allart-lauaiharp. WIiitVI. IOWMAXAiLL:. Meetiayr, a màatch 'ian plmyod AI Wittly btweai lte WhiILy Unins Andthie BowmanvflliClppers._Time Whitty boys being iletermine.taho n- by Ohaith ie match cf the previcus weel, Tise> were outirel>' suedm5Sfult -wnning lb.eimachin-ltre. utaigut gau»é.'The lime ceccti 'i, an 15, 8 *i 15 minutes. *Afe the aaatti te muembors cof bot c lubs, andasoueneinvlttigueoss, dine, upehe t the, Anaasrong Hili-"tic : ' ia-vile clbbecoonung hie gueitm Oftériacou.ol anti iteeptable op. t - o. Mr. Ài roeg dit e ntir juitieti i epcuat$ounca iafiritcs Ounined the aater or rcspecuamaas', end eb regardudsti u iiirito of honet lent out b>' îLot aM ûery vItiaail the. saectimeonte aution moc elaraoteretl. of the' clA#a.- ,iBut hhey ail got bitte», antin leever>'iintance were (anal no <pue will -regret il) Iceers Offrom U te leulzy andl nOvent>' dollar 'a oh ;-ie one in- 8 tance *a geM watceb wau stAk.d and forfituti. Haviug el, tore a t> amnet cf whling: the miserab. wreloee waled , gel back the'w moen.y, tallkeal cf ealiixg the.eonstablete, and the newiy mode J. P. thr.atened, thh tert-ors of tl 1w sud llgo influence' of bi$ position againel the ,anfortnnateei wîiese acuey lc couli lot 00eda. ie winniug. 'IBut as tlie interferone o f th. Constable would letad te their cwn- eposure, the, malter 'was allcwed te drop, auct Ihere was, nothiug left for or Criotian frienais bul le pociiet the. buas, and profil by tlime icson theylasl receiveti. Let il bc remarkoal taItiihe players on this - noccasion wcre not taveru-keeperm or driulkitg nmin wbc ss'oulaI be Accuseai cf'vicioni practi. ces. Tliey were, as we have already stateal, religons prebeuders, grent aid- vocales of temporance iaU alpblic -mor- alily-strlcl uipiol4cesof tlla1w andi the iooiug of hoteis ut tiae legal heur on Satturday aights, aud, aime 'fer peer erring bon.ityeven thcy were leaupt. cd 1 Civic Holiday. 'l'e Muyor, iii Coraplittnce withiaa requisitien presedlei hm for that pur. pose., atîd iariy igRecdby fliterate. payere, lbas, isanlLeri bis proclamation ap- pOieýiug Mondaayl otit Auguet, ti a . obmerved ad a civic holiday. Tute saine day ha. be aime et spart for the ob- servance of the auneal civic holiclay j Turoulo, Oshawa, and many élter laasmE,*qTasnp o LNDsAÂv-Tbe Whuitby Fire Company iutenai laking part l in te 'real gatherieg ant Linadsay on Thuraday, 5tii Augut.. TLey wil leavo early ienlthe merning by lb. Wiitby mcd Port- Ferry Railway. At tbe latter place they wil L e joiueti by lte Part Ferry Company, aud limne. procuei by the baudsome sand weii- appointed teaer ', Ogonlal," Captain Dawes, to Lindsay. Doubtlius a aootiiy number of our towusmeu will joie lu the trip, XXXIV. BAI-TALION UtIFLE AsSCIua TiON.-AI a meetingo e te moesof te 841hi Baitahieut Ittfle Association a hélai at Whilby, on lte 26t11 inel., theuo folowing ofilcere woea elecleti for lt.e enuing year :-Col. Wallace, Proirieni; f Ma. J. Itelsan, 1.1 Viec.pnesiiteîil-, Capt. a Dickie-, 2ud via-prüsilut ; Capi. Feti-p et-gi, eecneatry anti tremasume>- ; 41i. l Wallace, atmpire of muatchres. Genot-alg Comtitev-W. F. Cewaai, Dr. rMOill, ti J. M.eLt-Iua, Dr. Ra>', F. E. Gibbas, a Josîtna Wright, W'y. C. Hlaaiîdj James 0 Richlardse, Neil MeNanglalon, Jealge 31 I>a-taaell, Claîpt. White, S. M. Clalahohui, r Tîto.s. hcGraltom, Jms. Ioutlcge, Col. i A. 0. e ll, John Walshb, 'Sert-I. Mitebatil, Capt. PrtreLitait. Dusid. i rril.Ibbiisott,atrttl j. A-bcci tvry Tuhaeaîîl tin atchm wil coma i) ff at t tbe tihla rangea ounte lIr atual 17t h h cf Augusi. Alarge itumber tai' jiizes %il1 lac tffarrer, open tb rhf. W¶'u ha-ve Ieen informetilIant Lictl Col. D. ShaNs %ilîl visit Witlb>and 0 O)shawa next u'aek, le la>' bafrr lte1 lealing rlesu cf ILose places, a sîchietaV for te sRAttleentt cf 10 Tewrmsips in J Mýanitous.. A eornpaîuy fori' tart pur--e pose lama t;bean o-ariel lun Gtaagew,t Scotiaiti. MNI. fflIaw ln ont of 010 C014t. rinîlers te.Canada. ealal fer Liaitwea hcspeak a favorîale rcýîcpliaau.t Mu. Neùrrille huaniélaîowed hlis plavce1 cf business le luis îesiaienca on l)uudlai Str-eet, i(neari>' opposite tLe 1Post Office,) whe Ire lans a spie'nçlial collection et 1 Newv Haiv'n anal Tnlile-c, Or4an-a. ilisj workbox-ciockd arec ounetlbinéover>' Uniqueaanti Leing Sci authlie iw pica cf #8-are witiimualte raacît of ail. Vo' have lth Iis pn Usutafor senu 1 limae 111m. Ilgives l&ite amiespfeet satisfactien. Il reque-'ne piring, inal lanol affeceel b>' lie frost. No cee tlit al auuseai it 'iculti becontent 't the clumu>' oit fuehionoti article, Tnu MtuuaEazReOicTOPE UaNITeO-sANA. et-aieASsocZAt-rac anti their fieudu lti a grand clchrti'n ef lime aneiver- sur>'ofte baille of Lunai>"s Lune lyam excursion le Quenîlon Hoigitte ou Mentis>' ast. Tlaeré -appears lu have Lcee a large gmtmrieg anal a very pleasmt lIme enjeyed. The folhawiug weme eleclto offleers for the ansaing year :-Pr.uident, RB. H. Oates; lot Vioe-Pt-esideeî, G. A. Cloneutu; 2nd do., H. E. NoUis; 8mai, do., W. T11ac- mamn ; Historien, J. P. Mormit, St. Catharnues ; Treasuner, Dr. Caneif; Secretar>', J. T. Kcrhy. GIINT'S CLOTRINO AND Fu-tiaNe Gouacu. See annoncement cf Mr. Jebat Fergnsoe. A&rTTIItrYIo adinteil le th. auneunce. ment et aucîlon sale af vatinabje farcim la Steamer" City' cf Toronto" maltes twc trips dm11>' b Niagara anti Loisten coueetîng with Arerîna railways 3 Tie Bnking - Hourietof Duincan, Shterman L, Ce., New'Teorka, Las; sun- àpentiet anal ge n mieliquidation. 1TEE 07O'CNesa, CENTENISIAL Winl ho 0celebralea lu Toroto ontce b a6lof 18August.'Tii. membere cf SI. Puîlrlck' S«-eQit>, mua i rsbn 'la cien a ai ttnting, w'll mat-cL le procession lircegi te tewn on theïr 'imy leiote railway daation $haruý mring. Sic isl thenouttoneni ca tie priniet buis. MuailoBA EÈÇn.ozx---Thla cse Barls Ohio wilth the Ddgo 1Bake nppon il, andl le give il a reputallota andl mali* it 00li1 ii.> naamed Ittheb.,champion,' ~and lu tbefr catalogue for 1874 nsay,-cf it as f .li:, 1"OUa CHIOuN HOWER AN BIPIII l THSE ilZ-(WITat TU£ EXcYTWXerTIU T Ta!E ]UV£ ADAPtE» it Te CusAux à mcxi. mie, ~ 'XAiWWACTUUE1 AT spmsoGYIxi.! Oslo', WMTCi[hAa ATTAINE»BDTu£E LABO- E5ýY 0ALU AiD» ORNTES? OvCIcItS DV ANT XACUrNyE RANUYAOTUEE» ni TEE UNMTE STATEaS, OUtOiN TRISCONTMINE NAD OI PROOP F OcTEIB, TE MASUP.&OTU2EE ARE IIAIK- 92,0OO MACHIUE9 VOS TEIS YitAn's HAxVEsI- THIS ALONE STAMPS LT A5 TE CHAMPION MACHINE OF' AMERICA." W. would reeiind Mesure. Sawyer Co., uhal "Fie sWho.e-teal. cMy purge steUstoasit, out ho ewlro st.als tny geod name afc., tfe., feo," Mesurs. Blake, Kerr. X. Boyi, weo-e iustructed. by- Messrs. Witeley, Fasu. 1er & Keliey, te commence a suit agaiest Messrs. L. D. Sawyer & Ce., unlesuo they abandened usnîg tho name "Champion, wliclî Mesrs. Whitoley, Fasler .& Kliey Lsd patenteal as a trade mark. After an oxamination cf the faots Messrs, L. D. Sawyer & Co., were oompelled le abandon the. name. We pregmee ad tlie. court cf Cbsnicery net given a decision sustaininghthe trade mark, we sitoulti have Land fiftee or twenty other manufacturers caaling iteir machines ttChampioed' for lia. perpome cf tnialeafieg lthe farmers anti iudueing tiote k>boy au inforior ma- chine, supposing tlt hey were beyingz what Metioru L. D. Sawyer & Co., have demriitei as îLe "CnAmioN1MàaCixicN or ANEItICA, AND) MIGHT VERY JUSTLY HAVE SÂID THE CHAM- PION HARVESTER OF THE WORLD. Memrs. L. b. Sawyer & Co.. daim tat tihe draugit of their machine ie autliug grasut a certain trial wss only 186 iLbï. Saici sîatementç are simply nonsense snd curry ibeir cwn refuta- tion, ou their face. Timers le ne uowen made lu Canaâa tli lu eing inss. faiel>' testot, betl 11 traw more Lbac 180 Its. It is allIîcmbug te ain- dertake bt eceive thé fat-mors b>' mak- ng an>' sncb statemonîs. An>' jeai wie gir. such atiecision eitimér do not nct fuirl>', or ai eto underelaudtboem luties. Tht. tfact btaI te îaîufacturere cf tha "Champion"~ are building 2,500 naciaine,bud ituai ory ouae lie>' cun poseibl>' gai ont wiil Le atelt, anal'limai 400,trien are workiug day araatut-igbî le get ont moue, imat quite unneces- att-y lthattihîey chenl- ot n L any neans net ainicît>' ouorable-ta dispose of biteir' machInes. Their agent, Mr. J". D. Macaulay' cf Trenton, is a Itigl> -capeetaihe mu, fer u nîmu' eareta rosi- ilent of Tretaton, analcoie. of tLe langeai t-ain boye-a -thare. Hé is quita table ho lefeut ibiuusa'lf frein n>' anjuat echarges fat *.ceat-ei. L. D. Sawyer & GCo., or baui tagentsr tua>'make agaiesi laja. The fate cf DnlunadHis Cern- patîlon. NotLing lutus >ct béen durainiLel>' as- crtaineitinmue t he fate of lie hboelist, l)onalason, cati bis eompanuien, Grim- vocal, a repoet- ethe Chicago Jouer- 'tel. Varions limeoies have Leen %tart- tdaisn le lheir fate, aimdiamongst cîhere thie toliowiug is lte meut liopêful. ltThte baîloon, il ià elear fram ail aec- cenuni, starieti 'ram Cicaego lu au ex- cellent breeze, hlewing le thi e nhtesi ilt taet-ut.cf t-cm ton 'te fitteen miles iuring thée venieg. lu ail insa pnobubility the halloon buti acîcal>' rescîetah e ecalheru border of lime lake, arLon il wam met b>' ltée slrm. whielt ail obsarvers rcgt-occameo from It e nt. WhaI follows it la mol diffieult tqcon- pctare-we liav Lai aial viviail>' ti- cribeandma picînu-calfer ne b>' M. Dcrnof, Whto, willu lis wifa, fta ti mtlie Netlh seat ; ouI>' that Donaidson weuild neyer bave madte creatifaîl misînka lit Durentf dit lu opeuing the val-e anti letîiug eout gui. Denuidmon lmad an ai- Most Super-stitions 1tepuguance againiSt openiuag the vulve, ûcrs-enhe méugliosî loolcimg descente; and t i sas eut>' in lte -et-y gravest emet-geitoies tlaut 1h coulul Le inducodtie10pull tLe valve t-opa. Il lu liais ver>' habit cf bis wbieh givos sema colon la îLeeItepe ltait Lé ant iei companonmu>etil héc le existence, for 'ihalé'er'nmighi bace eforce cf lie siomin wé cannol sec haw the baleon coulaibcLettnyed, even titongla bount- iug it tamrltie aspetfront ,wave le wavo. Sinia il coulti net ; Lurst tIl s ver>' nulikel>'te dao under lime cîrenm-. stances. The gai 'ns le a cendeesti ulua, exmrting ne extra pressure upon tLe bag anti as long ats tLe net helti aUet lima occupants cf lie car haut oul>' te Lolti ce lightl> l e ieriggiug cf lthe halloon, anti were lu danger af nahiig met-e sericus than a geot wotling. W. think, Iherîfore, lier. ut-e stihi praît>' geoti pra.nas fer holding on te lie tope liîal Donahlucn attnêie cempanion are ulive.*The>' have preimbi>' dmopp. ed somowhene m inote pinot-les, distant fromtelegraphi-anr etleinente; anti as whbeuithe>' iaudaiatbcyiwere sufferlug tram éextaustion anti-bbraises recèlvet lu licir pemilienu voyage,. Le>', are, per- hapo, now repesing undart-he cure cf some rougit but hompiluble weetimen, far away frein litécareas and treubles et the world. TuIrE Nnris u a lcte,'" a>' he applie to te LesWhio due annuaîl>' et cansumplion, althcugb ecience Las cf lt. yer aeîîibly dýianletet heit number. ILte sgmtifing oewla lias generai une et Dr. Wistara esata o Wi;d ZCherryiiý agly instrumentlal le aîtaining Ibis end.- M. Pice, a Cainsrsativa, bas* been reluruot for Chicoutimi Cotant>' lelte Quebec Législure. eteMr. Cuhing, Who wa unseatet for Aneluit eie baCo , nu, Las doter-' inlue appe a $~)Juige Johns- 1A tlie StI. Lawrenc e k, aI B"r&a auay .100 per oeut. DutýwAmouuh t1h. ea? No 1 Te tîteir 'great, go»>' th. wboio vanished befogre hhir eyes, 1k.tlb. moraafeg cicual, or th. eàriy de*. Cae tue.net bchoman protection for sncbi impletona ýwhee lb.>' go to sea lte ein- hate dan.., ae&-hear Ithe lions rear2 hal are cuir ielsatemes dig >that tbey de notlijrakostlaw to prolait< îLoe.abeupleab le swindierm fren epeor- aG.ng in O-Ur landt> For. a"'lonig ai thie are allowe& Ihat privillge lie> îûed plent>'orf homowo - miuded creatures te remnneralo Ihein -hand- somoly'for Ihelr trouble. Snob con- duel on lta p art of Ciinrch memborsisl a disgraee te the body, andl an &et which affordu ample opportunty, -for lte wcrldlieg tle rejoice. W. trust thome victimu alluded, te bave been tangLI a lesuce lh.y wMl remember; but shoulai îLe> net,1 we wonld warn thimmte b. carefel in lte future le. a- votd sncb persens, for lb.'- are proféà- slouals, anud their nucemu depends en- - irol>' on their uhrewdeess, andi experi. once toaches lhem ut ail limes te suit tbe bail accordîng tk>telb. 8mbc L caugbl, aed, au îLe> never fai.l le make their mark. - Yoer's, - PHILO. Anotiuer Lettcr From Manituba. Winnipeg, Sonda>', Juil>' 18, 1875. MY ER DIB M. HIeclua, Sincie I wrote you lest at Fargo -or was- Il Winnipeg 2-times have ciasegeti eouidrably.wifh me. I ar- rivei here witb bardly au>' moeey, sud with ne prospect et gottina sany wrk The prietieg ofctlem ere filied, andl ne bands were wanled. Se. like the. greal andl geca Heur>' Ward Boocîzier, I was tton te raggeti edge cf depair." Ver>' forbunalel>', however. lime prnting cf t he Stalutes sud ter Goveumeut work came lu, and I fouefi employmeet ail lIaeFree Pre8g ; a ccp> of lime -Dail>' edition I will enti you. W. gel 45 ce. par M., sud wattk commences at 8 andi eaiesat 5 or 6 p. in. Wailing forcepy (there net heiug muoli le sel) reducesu the wages, but se far I liave averageal over $14 per week, and, witen the stock advertiafug limes coenl, will paohably average $15 Gr $16. Thme semmer bere ia the lime thhey adverbise, whe thie bouts are runniug, and ti(im ver>' oppo- aile cf the Ontario papers) le wiuber aud fali net mucci advertiieg is doue. I have îLe-p remise cf a uleati> situation as long au I bave a mind le citay; andl l'bm proeeor, Mr. Luiton (wlte r.- meambers iyou well, telsmem that Le mu>' have ocmliug lettor for mo lu lte future. Bet, of course, I psy ne attenticuon» Ilat. We bave n splou- alli office liere, a farbater eue thoun you would expect te me, anti large amounts of work are lurneal ont. Tiie pripeiptul patronage l.s Officiai, for which ontrage- Dus chartges are ù,ade-al lent yen wenld tbink lu Ontario the>' 5ere exor- bitant. I sent Mm. Saneton a tariff of printing rates iu use hiem.:- but, if you wilI look aIt ts date, yen wi u ec thal it lias rccoutly cerne intte use. Befora bhal. a iiigla.tr rate was chargeai. 0f course, it te nîcessar>' le ake thhcc chaurges, witeu everytiig is se dear ; but, Ihat tlue> are highin l proportion Wo olher thinge. ne eue wili den>'. I oflen regret Ibat youî tii ca t Coule up liere twe or tliree y.esrs ag-no mailler how vainable îLe CiruxoircLn may be-he wouuaI have beee a for- tnue in au short lime to eue Who, like yen. kuows the ropes. And,. Leides that, your ability (remembet', I ani net an lrishman anti don't flatler> wonid bave given you a position b>' wbich you couid have matie yourself a power lu thae land. The publio men Lare are a uecaiy.ioolciug set, witb wbom the Witby Town Couneil wiil compare ver>' faver- ahi>'. (I apolo2 ze te the Cuneil, for aying 1hl. kTke îhe Premier, Mr. Davis, for instance ; if ever yoe 5mw a lhreo curai monte player, yen Lave lis picturo ; andthîe alLers are ne0 gioat c3 la-bye, I aie by tLe CIIRONICLY Ihat th. ayor iaad sometbing cf a private nature t.c.nflde te the ceuncil, at a meetl mecting ; what was lb ? I have beau rryiug le lhlxtk what it coulai be, but have faiim.d. There lu noblîtug of local importance boere thnt wouid lutereut yen, exeeptiug, perhape. lte charge made against Big Thunader Wood ci wriliatg for lbe papers. Of course, 1 tiont knowv but il is well- knowu tliat lhowites for tLe le' Wýe8ter--acopy of whieh I sondl Yeu. In fatt, cveryone haro le aware of tite faet, 'ned-tliinIc nolhing cf 1. Mr. WVoodi is nol vary popular, anti Lis de- pst-turc from the Province wonld net Aririce Gratis 1 Mr.. RuI-on: I feel almnosi asiamed ho asia for space (I'il Le short) te reply le semeuncahicti for, rýlarka le las week's Gazette-'. Saiel' owing whetter ho (ie Edit-)' 'môét àdesc censure or siympati>',I-oxtendt l.Lii lime latter. belleving-blsipudenàein the fuceaInbahaelis npmc My opinion la stihi "tgât' -lie, r*iâtther cugit nett le ýb e ien 4isops __i open- ceuncl-ba-Uolé, aPteit.,-h'i gant ratepayer 'iho hnoWs te facto 'iii come te a similat- conclusion. ,Ha onghtr te have hiuown 'IBritish fair tmay0gives ovet->' subject a 'Chance la bart- bifone being conderaneai.I bavé n' oLeeioi3 at ml lifmes 'having my acte crîticisét,ý if il b. doue intelli. gel>'. I trust in lie flure liaI Mr. Talr r woulal-1etors of tLe Gaz- t te, '1 n l llaputconclusionu£ia ignorant cf îLe ,tla or motives iid acleaste te !'Tewn Papas."- I *se uwmare Ibat eiters 'are aleteetiace fer their 'tlhiàklngo,", anal if tLe one le, questicu hakoÎ-car.eof bis Cwzusi nese b>' geltink btter informt e Wi L have loue t0le-fnal fault,'wititout Oc. caion, lIt a junior counuilloi. Inglesitie, a 'iell-kuown sumancer me. mrl' 1h. tUaitedl States, bas'be completel>' Lureti ale'n. ti.t maaei toms le'$150,000., Cmbu*Dzembe, is >ife sud serrai 'si&ieration alone wrbeuip e import- h suce santi sgnificanee taite demonstra- 01 tion cf te-nigli, n4 ta ÎbOedings .« which wiil' hé uannti rd ss wth unieakIl; pa 1e nl îseie m >:o -'rfelb-Ow.autijos lui thir distant Causelian hcmeu. (heu,1 hoa) ; fer if tiare lu, one ardi.e lx more niiedt hian aneote i e CAn b, adfiae people, if lier. ià cee passioný-if I I msa>'secali ll-wblch pretiominalen S 010?ever>' 111r feelng inllaefr breasîs, fz if thare la ce eapecial mesage which as pesnl y situation le Loundtiat trnsitf einhmin lyen, IL la Iis- liaI îLe>' desire ta mainîan in tact anal unimpalmedt heir connoction -with tItis ci ceuntr>', liaIîLe>' eorisit an ineradica- y LIa conviction cf the pmeemieenl value n cf lb. politisai syntein under which Le>' tI live, andt lithie>'are dteomieed toc c prouerve pure aid uncoctaminato alf th. trâditionai characloristies cf Eug- tl land'u presperens politly. (Cheors.) Il wouhti b. impossible 'ho evemtate the d nniversality, the force, lte depth of titis c sentiment, anal prend arn I le ibink tbat t an assemblage se repreentativéeof the a public opinion of Ihis countr>' as liaI wblcb I seéarounnaime aboulai Lave met0 legelimer le reciprocale il and tl do il justice. (fHear. bout-. )But, rny lords anti geutlomeu, 1 ltoult bac conveytu- g te yen a ver>'wotgrpasiui gavo f y'u te uuderstmcnd ltat the entbnsîsstac leyalIy of lte Canadian people te the t Crowe anal persan of env gracions Sov-V eroigu, tbeir tender anti almeet yearu-a ing loeo for tLe MolLet- Country', ibeir. ,désire a to aim timeit-partunI ultaefututre fortunes of the Brillesb Empire, andtal usîiei al lie obligations sucli a posi-f lion Mn>' impI', vwss emr of au>' wenkf on ucworlty spirit of depenaence.- (Ifear, hear) Se fat- frontltaIbpiug the Case uno elaracterigtic cf the nationso feeling is nmore trougl>' markea titant their exuborant cuifideece le thoir abilil>' te shape titoir own deatinies te îLe>' have been enduwed, andti Ieirt paîriotie anti personsi devotion te thes landi withie whosa ample 'besoinme>' a Lave been nunrireal, iciccli t.>' jumîl>' regard as more largel>' towered wilL al a Ihut cau enalear a ceuntr>' ta ils sotte ILan an>' olher in lte worldl. (Cliters.) And I assure yentitis intense affection for IlhisCanada of ceas," as w. hoviug-r 1>' cmii ier, eau surprise ne cite whe bau traverseiL ler pielurosque anti fertile lemihories, witere mouintain., plain, anald vulia>', river-, laka, anti lot-eut, prairiet anti table lanti alternalely invite, b>'V titeir exlraomduiaat-ry tuagnificouce analf exlent, tIhe wouacr anal admiration of tue travehler. fCiace.) Anti yet, however captivniing mn>' bclte sigbts cf beaut>' lIanepreîaaredth >'îe baud cf Nataîre, time> are inliniteiy euiiatuîced b>' the coutempltion of ni l ibat Mau la doiug tai 1w-ai tlu, lilu ept aalvantage the gtfte thus Iplatcd wlttliiu bis yeach.e lu every udirection ru enee Luman lu- duabry anti human energy diggieg deep the foundatieura, sjreadiug out thea unes, ant iînarkiua lte inviolable hountinnies upen ahid witliin wiih oeafcflhie moît intelligent antalappiest otite offstools of IL. Englislb race le destiuedta te dvelopi ie a pround anal groat nation. Thei ver>' atinosphiere sceme impreguateal willi tIe exliilaratiig spirit of enter- prime. conteulment, anti Lope. Thae sightu anad eounds wbieit caressoal thé senties of lte Trojaun wauilerer le Diaio'e Carthage are repealed sant muitipliei in a tlbbsandd iferent localities lu Canada wtoe tiunisiling cilles, townm', anal villages are risiug in aven>' directiont witb the repidil>' et a faix>' haie. And hetter stiUl, pari passi witlheidavaep- ment cf Ihese mutarial evidenceu of wealb anal bappiners is le b. ob8erveal the. gowlh cf a Polilical wsdoru, ex. perianee. anti ahlit>' parfecti>' capable of coping wltb îLe varions difficuxl problomu wich ,frein lime tateie are presonleilu a ceunir>' whcre new con- ditions foreige toe uropenu exporicuce1 and complications arising eut of elhno- legieal andtigeegrapliicsi circumutane are constanl>' aeqiring îLe application anti intarvetion of a iatesmnnshtip of the higies-braer. Anti bate, pet-Laps, I Mn>' Lé pîrmittedta leremariaounlte *exlaaordinany abilil>' and intelligence wilb whicI ltae French portion of lion Mjesty's suljeeba lu Canada join witL limeir British feliow countrymen in werk- ing aimai tevelopiug thée custitutional privileges witb wlîich,ttauke hotalIte initiative lIre>'wero lbe firslte otakce, lteir cenur>' Iais licou etlowed. Ont- French fellow ceunîrymea are, ln facl. more pariiamaaalary lIan e aEnglisIa themseives, analdu inte variens fortunes cf lite colon>' Ihere have itevr been wnalting Frencht stalosmmof eminence t le ÈAaimni an equni sare i.wiih temi lu matiâe aimal-tter of cemplsinh b>' mn>' perions ltaI îLe conideraîieeu wbiéh [roguhate anti detasnine lima allegiancé. g cf time pecpe te\lbela- evrat peliical leaders bave become effets -'aud mou- -.ingleis traditiens, enreproseniiitiv-a'cf î- n>livin or vital polie>' wblch distie- le guishe le admnimstrative programme h eOt!i arne n.part>' frein ltaicof thie cher.. ,à If is i.se, itIIs perbapu ho bu secondt- ie md foir b>'lie - tact ltaIau r poiieul msyuîem is ise free froin ltas. complica- î. tiens whicý t ah temueves hua au l eder olvilizalien. We are se 11111e c- i'ar'rusaed*b>' embarrassinte centracteti i'e .pe.at, escla individtii njoyu snob amplo apaco sud verge. wiliie wici leo exercise -bis oenoiés Fanti'develop'bis a. idiosyn2crasies, lier. issed -ille 'friction 'n betweée ilser IL.etanita or lte ehasmea î- which compmoscur conicuu4,; maid -the. mchiuipry cf tlrvernment works in so free:4ýafanosphere, tlAt the devehep- ut ment Ofcuir' polli>'istimore aldi te mon, es t arcumuuasees w wsmi bave briefi>' ulludeti are, I arn happy to ma>,', ouliuiuaU>'recelvieg a nmore auarketi reogjnition«'at lie, banda not met-el>' cf lie people leibtis ceuntry', but wbml lao ves- of greater importance,' t lie eof lte inhahîlants cf the. United States. -Nothing, ilu tt, an h. niers frient»>' han Lb. relations santi feelings icit prevaill oWen' li. Caain peopie andti Ioir neigibours acroeslte frntier, Whatéer ina>'bave beee lie case le former limes, ever>' henghlful citizen of lie Uniteai States la now cou- lence t iaI th. fate ef Caada b om anaiterably fluet anti temineai, anti Lust she la testinei& te meve wilbie hem awn separate anti ludivitual. orbil. Se far frein regaraiing luis with jealeus>', i.e publiceoftheL.Uited States contem- plates witit a generons enîbusiam lthe dmil>' progresi cf Cauada'is presperous career. Iu tact, Ihe>'at-e wise eneugli ea undtieatunlhtt hie infinitel>'ttee itivautage cf the ituman race timal 'thme lepremin1s Mcnepoly Ofipolitiealthcnts un lte Américan Crontinent shoulal Le arletilana celiveneti b>' ticdcvelep- mnet cf a pehitical systeman kie te yet diverme fret leir owIIa productive cof aienal>'emnulalion, anti offoring man>' points cf contrast anal compnrisou, wbicb tha alretal> begin te feéa lte>' cran stuti> w1% ativantage. (Cheers.) My lords taid gentlemen, I hava to upelogîze for îuvîuîg detaînoal ou ut me grest a lengit, but Lefoete 1 su dewn 1 cannoi hélp oxpreuaaing my> deep obligation ta te gentleman wiîo proposoti i>' lealth for te kindi>' analfriendi>' terme in ariicia L li as beén geeti .ueugb te altide ta me saninnllvidual. lu repi>', I cun cul>' assure hlm, thal thme recognition Ihus accordedtiah my humbla effet-te te rIo My dut>' will oui>' provo a frest incihémeut ta me te cou- tieue l itaf course wîîicii bas meriteti hle approral. I huave neoilgluer ummi-. lice lu the werld than that cf being able faiîbfuil>' te serve my>'Severeige in the Ligli station lu which sIte Las piacad me, worbiîily leanmaielain ili em beauti- fii Dominion lthe lionor anthie digei>' of IL. Crowu, te imilabé as chesel>' us ns>' Le hem notale oxemple i ithe dis- chtarge of my Viceregal l tles, anal te rotule lie cenfialence of the C'anadien -people b>' rny'devolien to their service, anal b>' lieimpartial danctarge of Ibose Coemiiutional fneîienm wiieiattaci te rny high office. (Citeors) If te love a couintr>'witla onem whlîcîehart, ta feel that lu dach euoncf iis inhiabitauts ona pessosses a personai friand, ta ha- [leve l is itore as implicit>' as aey one of ils inqul sanguine sous. tutke a. pnidé lu everyting wiîich helougs la ii,-lts scemer>'. cuimule. ils playsal ted moral catnracteristica, thlitatosyn- cracies of i ls peephe, us>' theim ver>' "l'r", a nal pastirnea, bacan>' lest eof ilyaittil aciht teresls, tItan I feel my devotion ta Castatatlan auneyer bac calloal lu question. (Cheers) My eely regret is limaI my uilit>' andtiailents eboulal net be cornmeesnrate wiiLtbéthe esire b>' which I atm posseeseti of raudoriug il effectuai îjImvice. Happil>', Lowever, ils prasaul ceuditlon, lime fertucate cota- scanination ýof ail these aspirations wlaicit have liccoweed b>' Cenfetier- aii eo, utior lima pewerfni auspices of one cf my predesuore, andtihîe salis- faclor>' impulse given te ils Young life b>' the wiso administration cf tnher, liav-e supet--inticeti se hal~e 011an epocas as bave reedered ti la.compara- riel'easy taak for a auccesmer cf les emine ce anti shorter expérience Ihan theirs te catri on lie task wiih lii.> se bappil>' meanguraleai. If lierefore, aI îLe anti of lia nexl lbree >'enrs, I shahl ha ablo ho complets my tom un- der lte marne -happy circuanstaumes witich bave laiiteot-characte-asea iils tinralion : if Ieau carry dway witi mue home te Englandthelb.ceescieusueus limai tha people cf Canada regard me as imavieg beau, at &Il évents, a fahfal, levieg, andi tivoted servant talime Do- minion; if, aI lime same lime, I ain fer- ltiaeeneougi ta bave mot-iteal tLe ap. proval cf my Sovereign anti ceunît-y- mec at itome, I shaîll cenuider few pub- lic servants, Lava ever reapelsaseu- ourablo anti se dean>' pnizral a rewa-t. (Louai cieers). ITheue HolI cf the Geesta" was Ilion tiunk, anti thé Rani of Kimberle>' lu a few wcrnls rospondat for limam. Shortlv Sitér wards îLe cempan>' broke np. Scene lu the British House of Gommons, VIOLENT SP-EECHt0F t3ti. PLIttS0LL ON TIHE WITUDRtAWAL 0F THSE IERCEIANT SHaIca'ING BnuL.' Ie the Hanse et Commons lIaib after- neon Mr. Disaeli anonceal that tLe lGelvernrnt idabsualcue th e Met-ct- paruilehJl. !afr. Plimsolt fitsorees- 11>' implomodth le Goeomndialnol leo mendti îonusad cf pet-sons te undeaerveti anti unhalloweti gravas ttrougb the ceutinci c f uhipowuers cf mu-deots t entiencies., Upen Leing calloie t-d- emriim stivaneothe table anti gave notice tiat ho woniti asi on Tuesa> beon lotit, eîmlling great sacrifice' cf lite, bêlongotile M r.' Bates, niember of Plymtouth. Mm. Plimsu i adoet lia hoe Vas -dterp;iee t leun M-asia lie 1,.ln. T st., 4,,5k. theia, liah aEatr.ka No.8, 5ý testcul. àcreks, No. 4, 6 f..t eut. Walter A. Wood,. 4 fiel 8 ic ul.' 'Young Warlor, 4 feet eut. - Wm. non Wcoàl, 4 fe.I 8 inch eut.' Buokeue No. 2, 4 foot 1lincha cul. Buckeye senior, 4 foot 6lici tu. The committee reporteti nnanimoeuiy1 i favot cf the. Champion Mower. The foilowing -pbints'weié.scoordeat te t Champion - lot.- Llghtest draft machine , oitheL grounti. 2ed.-Bemt conmlrtteted andieauiesl opor- ateti. 8rd.-Cont eue acre cf Graun with a fqeur foot bar in 14 minutes. 4thb-The oui>' -machine ltaI coulai cul ounsatdirect law. turn, wbich il allai sid left i efreecule y8 fest ln diameter cf ueut grass. 5tb.-The cnly Mcwer on the grena tint eut ibrougit withut chcking whon bronght down te slow 'speed. rosad wbat Mr. Hill a>,. the cweeér of lthetarin, who haeked ep bis opinion b>' pureubasing the Champion usain the Trial. Orwell, Brsadford Ce..,Pa.. !cy 151h, 1875. Meitsrs. L. H. LUE & BRO. GENTLumEN :-To-day I wltnessed lb. coutest ef "Mowing Machines on.in>' farr n ewhicîî the Enreka, Woed, Buck- oye, A.umon Woocl'i Eagle, 'Young War- rior anti Champion were iiîorctvghiy lesteal, anal muet nay lia the Champion' doue much tîte Lest cuttiug, mau ligimler te t h, teain and* was more easily, man- ageai han au>' machine on tbe ground. Wboueutnlug on lime the Champion eut dewn an acre cf grass iu tourteau minutes witm a four foot bar, wblcb was lthe bent lime matie auriug the. trial. The team useti eintheCliampice Mower sweal Isu han an>' others useti durieg the. coutesi. 1 pumehamseth e Champion machie for my own ese, believing il te La lime I3EST MACHINE ON THE GRLOUND. Respectfitlly yours, C. HILL. We, tLendersigneai, fulI>' concuir lu bte above stalemeet, iiaving witnesaed the triai referred te. E. W. BusNYar., FazD WÂu&TîEBS, S. A. CHArTES, J. Wn.nuat, WUa. H. Coassana, E. B3. WILatUu. Rifle Sheoting at Wimbledon. A CLOSE CONTEST-IEISHMEN AGAIN WIN THE ELOHO CHALLENGE SgIELD. Tiie alteutiauce aItte Wimblodou mueetCng to-day ws oamai1. Tha mnatch for the Elehe Challenge Shielti was shot, the rangea. belng ý800, 900, sud 1,000 yards, andtihia possible tearn âcere at oach mange was 610 Points. Wben thé uhootlug ut lime 800 range wae complotei, tLe Euglimb cigmt huail score.i 575, Irishinen, 502, anti Scotch- men, 498. In th. shooling ,aI the secondi range the Irish ciglît ecoreti 527, Scetchaucu, 511, anal Englimi 504. Tbe Amenlcan riflemen kept tb. targets for te Irishanti seperintendot IeiÏ shoo t- ing. Titore wms a censiderable incroase lu theatatendanco of speclators laler on, anti more interesl lu 1h. match wau mauifemted. Whou lime match was haif finishathe Irish tearn was oiighl-' 1>' abemad, while lime Scotchinen were ccusiderably hehinti. The Irimlimen subseqeenli> won the match, Ihair score=ae 1,506, that of tie Scotch teain 1,508, sud cf lime EngiuL 1,502. Oui>' dnrlug the shooliug at the 1,- 110yards range were té contostaetm in the match for the Riche Shield fav- oreal wiblî brlghl weather. Afler th. victery cf lthe Imiimmen. Weiim, captain of the E ngiisb eight, calleal for cheers for lte Irihtetam, which were. given. Caplale Aberdeen, cf tbe Irishligclt, -spoke iu respeese anti galîctifor cheers for the Scotch elght. Dunlop, -captain of limaI team, le upealiing compliment- aïl thé Amoricean tosm anal Arerica. Col. Gilermleeve, captain of lthe Amer- ican teama, retumnéti bis tîtankef for the favorable rema-ku abont Lisi country. Iu regard le théeItopos hhat luati beon Leen éxpresseti that au American tar would compéteat Wimubledon in 1876, lie said :-Wa are tle have art Phlîladel- phia len that yoar a Natioual Céuteu- niai colebration, andi w. invite thé rifle tamis of thme civilisoal würl t a frienal- 1>' centest Ihere. Sitil thal Lbe ac- cemplimheai, yeu wili ses au American Ieam ah Wimbledon le 1877.' Lord -Wharucliffo salid Le hopeal thé Engiluh, Canalimu Teain wamfpot qailew O geood as lu 1872,"althougb thy total appears somewhalt larger. Thtas is owing te a différence inetho motheti cf marking intreduecd aincethé latter date. Ihe cup will romnain iu tLe, peresoen of the Toam tduring lime yenr, anti the Caplain will Le holti respouisible for its sfe eeaW ted>'a weiî as for ils retenu le lias Secetar>' cf ltaeNational Rifle 4sseoi. shienytah>'e 151h cf Jue nexl yar. 9 Goatan o DzATu, RT A BULLlt-AU. caster, Jur 24.-Yeaterday oïening, about, six o docýk, Mx. Jas. Cuider. ex. freere cf Ancaster, was gomed te deRtl rb>' a bull. It appeame Mm. Calder bat tgene down to lthe pasttgJe fiell, "sud 0Was ataaked la'by te avage brute 'aud e M .a inkAlthmi..1Jhâm - sea erxrs atatu ejau ci thelb.' anta eifrclonomnla; lta baohutgel furli r eors tram Col. W.d H. Dame'tefinish lia. Massacre, muid le deco>' cnt. ati spar. onhy smal cbildren es whd canàd nat telI lie tale. - I wenl off andti mlAllen,*Our &firsi rnnert,,fati 5 ethers. ,Uiigbeo cameeut ant sai, 0 à,,Yon areortiereti-ent,_ armet antior eqnipp e cI weet. Hopkins, Hig- sý& 0, a John Wills, and al an rd>' ýw-ent re aln.We bwatwo ba ggage waggees, W su o oHambli's mranche in the 1 *itlree tle; ram tie enigrantu. Tho.we e Leandtiothmrs from hie 'i geeeral camp, wbemethe hargesi iuimbor of cfman were théenctiun. The emigrantu r( wesre net ail killeal. Loo calleti me out ci fat- onsulatalion. On one sida hé 1o14, a me tLo situation cf sinigruets ws î strougl>' flrtitioti andt liLtbere wiks no ti chtance cf gotting them e-ut,. andti Ib hl lIigLeé wau ordoreti te deco>' the= , ouI a lte bmet wy Le coulai. TiaalwaR agre- t, edte1, anal the communal given te Johne I D. Lee le carry eut tL. wiiole plan. i The>' weni le he camp. Le. cniiedMl li the soliot-aînte thé hollow square analt atidressedtihorai. Tii.>'were 411wite.w mowen, about fifty in aiE. The Indiens al 1w*r& ie nenther camp, I saw tbere Siatie anti bis son and Jin Poarce anal pnbby lus son, tee. Bill Stewarh Lein Jucoha, anti, I lhink, Dani Me- Farlana, were tera lo. Slaime anti I were ontrageti, but we a uia, "Whal aneau wé do? We can't help ont-slves."a Jeat ltenIihe erda te mat-ch was given a .adwe 1ai te go. Hligbee boacoin- manticf part cf lte mou. Vamat-ch- ed'withinsigît cf théecanigraute. Eit- et' Baiemana or Lee wont o u ihlte ti white lag. A mare tramtte emigranisV mel Lee antiesut town an tii. grasssadIla lime>'Ladl a talk. Don'i kuow 'itat îîuey taîketi about. Lee went wih lter man lute entreuchmeuls.- Attar somneea Leurs lie>' cime ounthel.emigruets ni came up withthlié iountit ed ite wag- el gens ahead. The weundoti ware thuis haîrt in the lhree days' proviens figlitî. Next caméeîLe wornu, nfxl men>. Asg emigrants cama up te men Lalleti anal1 tIie woman oufot, chlltren aid woued-1 4,a, wenl.on aboutI, wiî John D Lee..t Thé soldlions badti lbc ail raai> te siioo# ý ut lime word. Wliîeetii. word isl. eame lime seldiers fireti. I fireti once. « [tdontl hnow if I kilieti anycue. 'Tii.n men were net ail killeti, b>'lte fut-st t aLoI. I saw the 'womee afterwands t doal 'itib ibeirt- Iroatu cnt. I snw, asb I came up te thieni, a nianllt a Young t girl. -Johne Higimea gave lteat-dart- il w>' ceupain>'te lire. No ernlgraulsX eicapeli . I siaýw lime sediers on liorses t taka theae who rau awuy. I a-aw aman rue, anti 1 alec uaw fBilStuart on a horse go atter sud kilt ii. I muw oe wounded mue beg for bis lite.- Higae out Lis th-ouI. Thi.minu aiti, IIwould net delustleyen, Higbee." He keewL hlm. After I ireti I wa bld te galber up tlit 111e chitidren. As I wenl I îaw- a large weman runniug lowat-ds the. maincr>'iug "My- busitandl i n>' b- anti" A seldiérlnhto ilulte bacia anti she faîl doati. Au I went ce I founet waggu wibb îLe wcatndeti al cul on tLe greunti anti thrt-as cut. I went ce -anti founti culaiten. I put thoralu intéewaggon andt tok lbem te Hamblies Lhouso: Il saw no mot-o soldiors. Two chiltiten were woutietl; one died ti u Hmhhin's. I teook tho t-cal le CedaÉý anti dimiibutedtihem amoeg lime people. Wiih Oche"s I snhseqnantly coileea dthé prepeat>' cft lti. misecreti emigmanits anti placed ti -l lte cturcit tilhiug house b>' tors of Haigil. Le. telti me b. Lad mre poat-loti ail fuets te Brigixain Yeùeg. Wbee I noxt uaw Youug iluthîe prosenice cf Lee1 anti Ciante>' Heplins,Youug sait "lYcu1; have charge eofthlat properl>' in- thet lilLing office, lurn il over te John D. Lee. WItat yen kuow cf Ibis sa>' uclia ing cf il. Dcu't lalk of it oveuan rnng yout-celer. The properl>'-was sub.se- queuti>' moIti nbauctien b>' Lee anal others. Some caille weul la, Hoopér lte tielçgute for Ceegres aut thé lime cf Ibis assacre, The Intiaus wet-e auigu- oult tekilI îhe womeenti ebcilairen. I saw oeeNysa cnt a 11111e boy's titrent. No effort wss matie le restralu tim. Darluglon, Jul>' 26, 187-5. t Edit'aî, Torontoa Globre. - DEAn Siua: I gave nu et-dem for-a 1Stantati la-1aper acnd Mower, manu- ,tacînret b>' lie Messrs. Noxon Manu.- fnctnrtug Compan>' cf Icgell, ou con- dition thut 1 mili Le alewed le t-y tthe .tCEAmFIcN" manefaclureti b>' the Jos. Hall 3Manufaclurngu Comupany' of Oshawa, anal te taka whict- aver Machine gave lte bea matils- 1faction afiér a trial lu grass -'and grain. IhIave thiorougll>' iedtheibmtwc mu- chilnes in mow4 in a fnti epiugani dc-w at Oslaawa, as the meut easit>' aanag. e d, lb. leatI hablé le gel eut tif 'cier, anal ite, muom durable I ever seen. I simaulti salt, that Mr. James Me- test general agent for lie Stanartd, 'as well au Mr. Bansaîl, tL. agent for tLe - tCRpINN were botpt-osent wboa the machines were testeai, mc as te mmii. mure Ibal eacit machiine- waa perly set np mu adiutoti are cf Jamoia HewsouD, moIn.. -. Afier tie trial hélat iNle Po. Offce,, at wbicb Mr. Bassetl 'imupreeul, Mr. Ciiarles (llmven, Boeve, etf Wawanceb1 one ýofîbo jualges, rode home w11h me. anal e saath liaI tLe Qchampion 'ian oaily a magnificeui mpleméui*, hhat il ras'lie Lest baut and mcli durabte macinéaho over sawý. Glat you are exposiig the KiTlymen, 'hey- expocteti ta make a greut capitl bI ttte*Hniae match. Tiere 'ion. telý mue at-mý7ia r t-sent when lte dee. isicu was given . Ther« were a gecti' eue>' agopis, andtihb.Kirh>'mon sa>" Luatth 'Lejuaigos weré nol promeut wun, 11e annQunâcemnlwuasmatie, liaI Ibey hat hanteineth ie figures ta time cam- uiitee sud liad. goee examiné aillhs tt- a bat eu i -ed ln' an adjoining feld.. Two, of tlie ud ages 1 aid not; knoW, buïtMm. John MeMilImu, cf Hul- let, lte lut-t ou., Iuaw standling b>' Lhe waggeu. Thé resull was rend, anal ichen hé was Ihere the ethers were tise. Tours ver>' respeet"ù ly, (Signeal) PETER STEWART. (ltrom lthe, Oshauictor.) Messrs Harris & Son îLe maulaclur- ers cf lime Kirhymachine, are very mteu hhurt bettause lie conduct oet Ieir agentslu bien exposca inlecannaclion siti lte late trial of mowars near Clin- aon. The timaftcf 111e ki- machine cnt- tiug gras is repartetib>' the jualges as 101 ; 1his, amena lf; cougi taeslamup îLe décision as a -frautuieni or foalisL cee. At lime great trial cf respers anti rnowers ield jp OLie, i nt wirhi '108 aýa. chines were antereul, snd' wih1"a4-d sevenal daýy», tLe machaines 'icre lestei :nting grass, anal se 'ih cutter bar folleal and almcipe eut of gat-.In Iwe tests of thé KinLy ils Àjt - ontIof gear itithlimacutIs-r --bar, facet *s 1(10, ant i u-gear caitting î arass lý9. Tite lowest drt fafse'maéienaI lit trial was lihe Beckoyo, Jr.,mi ver>' sm&]h, 4Wlisl adae, 'blet drow :150 cuthing i-rasa. The Citimpion, Jnior, 'ian mot untereal. No 'machin. Lasi evor bgen madie *Itich le cetting gras, arme leue than 150, if tae trial was f4ii>' ,mmmde, tiét-eforo IL. reputted tiraft:of lte Ki- b>' aI 101 cutting grass eiber aulumpp tLe decision as a franuloueuoeor lthe jualge u ltnet undanstun theitir dtles. We'ia.spt that what we ssaienbot ltae number et Kit-Lys being htàinleNew York Siste is'lmue. The'Ki-b>' mauufactu-err;wLo contrai. aIl lime parties ile méU elle4 States have neyer built maore tItan'7,000 machines yna> ear n t ualdur'4gtlie Amer- asan wam. . Il is alue a fuel Lmat thera ,wiUll e hmeà limeasa e>'Championas oit iin iiew York State -as Kirbys. The Kiri>' is aenutat ne other peint but Auburn, N.!., in the United tatlmes, idlite bnik cf -machines matietus. yeur -atýe beieg seul ta Europe, becaume: lie>' coulti net Le moiti atitqoie. Burulug of tie Orehard Hanse Hotel. Olti Orebarti Beach, Me., Jul>' 21- At hon o'cleck te-nigit tie alamin cf lire wus saundcd on lthe Quiet- Beach, andi th. cupols efthe 'Olti 0Ureha;da Rnse, 'ian seen t.e e lfantes. àA gonet-al alanta- was at once given, causing quit. al punie amang tha Guesis, man>' cf wim Lad aIttal ltime retired ' for lthe nighl. The -'8v. workéti dowe rapitil>', giving seme jud, lime -ta escape frein lte upper store>', 'Lile tmnka, trnit-' ure, glass and llnwa-é ,'iara lhrown ill> frani every winuhhw. Thte we- mn t-an nanot anti. acramai, ant soe fulaii, aud thé bouse, was ppth> quiek>' eteal.. There are 250-gueulst liehé Olti Orci- a-a bnrnéai-out. Mu>' hava lest.Ihere vaînabie ehottiug anti rewailem. No ana la yet roted injuria. The alara among se man>' pet-sons id tLe ions. ia gt-eat, but ne accident occureti. Thé lit-e calcbing in lia cee. Ire epresalilu ah directionsl, ant inlua short lime the 'hale building 'ias iu fiâmes-the main bans., munie bail, new diuing hall, tLa-ee store>'. stables' hillia-ianet bowling-halleu were teetre>'. et, but tLe original olti OrciartiHoune, a faw feat netiLof theé naw one was MuantuEs SmusxàmtvDisana :Ou-. -Memphmis, June, 24.-John Randaipit anti Jolhe Piillipu worm arrosteti anti laiton ta Shawnee village yeslemaisy for ro4iphig anti murterlng Frank 'Williains, a Qetue. The>'. confessedthle mur- dem anti lurn.takenlea CrowoIl's Lautd- ing, an Iteair 'is>'* 0, Osceota, lie caua- - k -r - .1 j I crop part Mllu 'SPEil aChie Apea the 0 tOat 1 11P Ha>' Pa. degi - Butt - . Woe Chiai TEt- 1Ampm Obsei Beef, . Go anti2 aca peri nséi The An fthl Bý J, Ti A i lici I borel 'MOl ti et il M fi I it]

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