Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1875, p. 3

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e -.01 - .v5s-u :gauta Auna le ueveuiy. even.a a man OUI,-bu buhoefi s11 ereel sud sienudel r Weîsu ad hlà.blaek ban sd btlacksà ep expenu.. 't-prisonse iheir obial I)tnli" mb and butohfium fneuuof ü gli>t4 Ri , evd > l et 1 ùt basn'tmo-ytoiZifulg in le >ri saya mucli au I1owould 1ike idnsby AItageduoteir iA ée store i - __ _ - - a a w kfughana. - -'-»- _eWhti liiCgo 'er.ypopr wrlcunwin lPUuiik do ne wu Sapointaacolonel lath"o wo àlarge quier5 f vauàblë SMY.nyad premoted asud roînoied sud, nG leref &boutthe d me promoleil, unt lie bail thee cmin orefi - *n rth svea thon of1%1l our armies. Mauy persona AI. nld PO1e s oundu, a wmsu ihonght hta ich, Very mneh cf The bai ker Y fe ork bave bue hie enccema waa owing te the superbor svladfrinLede obe pre1nec o h. w. tie neat or adSn.luteauouîu ui- hcbma co nftd letatus ud r ere. ed0f cn' e lot e leteîîea~ e$pteiollbu Boueur.leHug 'eru, th was ruluceui. Baer u Mm'o bure I-,uun. te iletsu lece o wbsîp Te.Thureare 800 palier mille liniie Un. îLe bgliai elutivu offier created ituel State,,, wiîb su investuil capital of by man, I To au. Office, te holil which, 40,000,000 aud a total production cf lu the Infuucy snd hegiuiug cf the ru. 1:70,000,000 par annum. Tiies mi1lâ pubic. George Waalingtou anprenidi givu empcymaut te, 20,000 peopleu .ku office whicl Thomas Juffenacu, aud wlwuuearngu are eatimsted at 110,000, James. Madisona, andl John Qulucy 000 anuaiy'. Adaseaud Audre Jcko, gloeriud ini Teeetcac .Dlefrlac the priviloge or ilackson, liTe'lcin fMDua cr'eu Aud ov och upn liu hgga O~lu the Local Lugislaturo of Quebe,fi bcnubck...îîe penuilfos vWod lianlerio prî.e. -rt-ti e te..vt j bs vryb Bici oe sud hôtels have l)ei àcù.peau faut,,detroe n hie nilliage ofWiddur, e ,ming euu,lna tter, aud upittiug lu cauuing a long of #80,000 hie face cf îLe , *ele Aineiosu people. A man named And row Lawrenee van alla ÃŽIinlfine m in.thu KouctonsO struek by ightitig, at Belleville, Fiday su cffansly4 m and prating up. sud killeil. Hio brother was badly on -the ~bunend a-ith gan ie. thota :n wMWhicb be-ho-us... bjum Bas. Gaist useu-fthe sacrifices Hlenry Block. a Brooklyn vliolesle lire l eesu bi ho ai.butoh:r, bas failed, vile #60,000 indebt- Otupon the peo oo I Wbat doe Harveutingbau hegun ilu ueoparts he Imagine le ta? Let the contempt cf the. Province. of thie wbeole gi-est Anierican people L ____h____________ 'a iumulted cover hLm countless fa- 9 meduup.-Beeanr's Lodger. D E AT H9 S. Tru:18UNDERS-At Whithy,'on Jnly Tho Prnusu Sèrta c (tbe T daug18hte175,Edjith Mande, yoünnest lirlRer ampiase u aya htGr.d tr cf lMr. John, Saunuders. enany inu-.iet the onl1y country uow sufai-lu0 fi-ena ver.uppculation ln couse- quene et war: ichu lu somewbaî con. WHI2'1BY MARKETS. ooled b thie compauy of Belin, Eugland ,mnid the. Unitedl Steates, movre. CEONICLX,OFFICE, July 216t, 1875. ai-or, that'Geranan manufactures5 bave S'eU Wheat..... i........ eI 15 43 #1 17 yul te learu îLe lesson of not exceedîug Spring. Wheat ....$1 18 @ 81 15 the market deuand for conunmuption. iiarley............... 60 95 1 fi 00 Ttinge aight ho vorue, sud althouli- Clover ................ eOc0fi@65 25 lhe tr-ou sud textile branches Are lu the Tiiothy ..........8-0@se2 micis cf a cialis, and living fa dear, the Pes .................875c 82 exttravagance cf the pasi fow year s Black Bye Peau . 8... 5o 90o beon claecked. The trouble lu lb et Rye. ......... 8 0 Gemmany ia relyiug tbu mucle upon Os.................450i470 annales aund war accidente,- to the uer...........5 7 Ious detiizunt ot trade HIay ............ t....6$12 @ 14 Potatueo.......... ;.... 80c @ IL At a iré lu Cincinnati on, Mouday, Egge .............. 10@0 thc cbief-engiineer sud savon fimomen Bte e@O were hnried beneatb a Wall, wbich -fei uîttero................ 15e @ 180 uponal thin h er sftae cu... ............... 80 @ 81. libubadly injured. Another in COdPito... .7 @8 vas bunned le desîli Wood .......... ...... 4 Oc a et 50 Aulqua yeuidy i rit, pet cvh ...... .... ï @ $866Oc Au- wqetiau ield ysed tChiekens .............0 @ 40o per pair Brooklyn, N. YP on 1h. body cf Mrs.Dukpr Elizabeth Bennet, 48 JReu streel, vho Dc prpr.......0C(360 dleil froin injuries enflicd by ber h u. Tres e b..... bapi nd uSUnîlelsts vieun bu knockud Applea, pur hushel-....&)80 ber ýdovu sud lkickea lier sonuolesu. Cb'ee..............5 7 on 310ma ~~~~~Beàt bind u;r.... 5 7 OnMcdy niga Mauanumeil Beet tfore quarter........ $6 Rbertn GJilon *waes ccidéntt& kied byqure .4 c65O a derrick falling upon hlm viil. vork. lug On lie nOv canal, teur Port Datl. rP'i OCOA.--4hu=nP~y. uL bougie. - The deoeased vas a atone- CexoxYGUToN..Ti agreeable cherecer et cutter, sud belonged to Adamas Cc.-,N.ilium praparation ha. rmndared il a genoral Y,, vbere ho l a famlly. -' tvoiarie ,Mode stmply wlth boiling vatar -or mtilk. Bache pw et ts labelied Jaics "Abner Weeka, vie are ycu, and E'us& CO., Heceopethe lc Ceminsi,48 , vhy doun tanud liefoe me ?" asked ThreMneedle.utrei, sud 170, Pieccadiy. hie one of he-Werks for Dtetotio Proparatienu, Enston- Lia huer f hi nuit prisoner. "PIin raaêCme ou edn s plumiansd I S'pose I vas drtuuk," o.a C deTo ,Lno. wae tlb1repîy. '-Ah, il doos me good IREN EDY FRiEiM-We send treu, a t eb ou ehre 1" contînued théecodrt, simple sud sure inisfae esit-cure, tor Con-. "ulm oun e h Onu cf theée sert of Omuoin, Brenelehie, Asthmc, Caherrh neen ue a<reate Sis vatr-pi o lai, sud any dlueane et th. Tieroat or mnil 0 a us au gels round fipe ung. Nervous Dohtltity Premature Do. -, cay,Woaianess, and!dU dtser'ders breugiet ou week fi-4m Saîni-Oy 1l'il plunaliyen by youncflet imprudence. before vu gel ibi-ougli. I've bed yon TUTTLE &i e ., 78 Nesaun.st. N. Y. atm wy boume, vorkiug tire. dsyw te -- mtea daPillole lu s vstgr pipe. I've TUVIE ART OF . PR0LONGING LIrE bad, the bill coen insd pabîl. il, sud*à-ienl understandlugthe esentiel colladi Lai su uelenuly v lionte on vth estactetfliie dupenda. But junapol ou My ba * Ï s l '. lied tnecenshrctctIhe human ystom sItar it that il et evon msoind. uV adhse ece- pîyslcally demeralized by dts- te csriy-weier foui- blocks for lie laut eau., le really etecreate a nov haluf YT mncll, becaue liaiplunibere coulan'± Ihat thu eau Le douecte dapabie o slu;ai corenesd plumie; sud now, Abuer demnonaîrton. Dr. Wi:eelea9a Cempounil vu u 'la oitt ere'if uîa Elixir etPhosphates and Calissya, by aid. net kg lI se o y u erllare i ulit n."lntheodigestive proceus, sud tumutablng Chu 'lotto enaYouUP ýr hre Dintbq,"elemnunîs of bous. inusclo, sud narre, pur. Aber peudorue ve- lihe case, sud fiu. bots thoe seimuica4tien et food, sud coin. ally maîd ho licugit lliaty duya was plete aeuriuimeut ofethleu tisanes ; nertuidt abut hu figure. "Weil, IIoyîlitjroduvts and bumors are ramevied frein eh. * le ou su put luet en y C hucneit lood, sud e heaithy prneseeoetrepeir et , uwhth adaî r, s uosad vitaiizesà meuh, cotinued bis lionor, "sud you Z h rae cddte tonaînre's preces e aru gi l cut viti thie eficialsunp et building upthe te e blenstitutin. Prince Louis Napaoleou le thu'hemo tB ofRI a 11111e sdventuro S iioh lam e biitPrepse-efrote .Pure Grosse ct cf biug Ice. A few. day. ago D.R Reissell eyuolgi m's beugdntrven in a T 1Il E C ANADA BEAR. foirwlee cbfrrnChrlostation, -ý , - néarblathëat, ugraud. The herse TiludéoliguUît run edo preparation j, became nstire sud rau Sa ,su îe Imparsea soitt geiy futie te tho Hair, lu. pouiionles iotieal, fer notsr i-off tliae iinilen oramai, lu any desired position. .* h vass ptolltc8 uproectd buk Il gtvom the Hein oounly ae luuitt a Ovsa ercIIs l. ai nl ved bcertalut,; ibuta aneste greyuess, haldns, sud a*, have thl the bAî beold rogioem heen Gden ent thu i ud dscalp. AI 11ILP pun" haý nt it prgres ben enu n 'e sGreàse as ulong beonheid N stoppefi by the ýou1ig- prnce,. Louis.in hhlSh. ostui asas cvaluiche. article fer Ngsopv, Who, lisppe'cliig go lie close Dre-auna -the Hau-. Il Lau beau hlghly b ,srang foi-yard, ueigea lt ie t.f cuandueuens od hey entaiutCemst tt' ilead, aal pnilldhim p. Thlie Bach-bot î i.eue'Zd lu a card board P'rince, Wvolas'. aiaged l slng îLhe box suuirnunded lysa fiuely ougraveti wnap. nauady rad s ceusidorablu distance, purt ormaing a package oh olli oi-antal ad vas net re.eaglrea by the gentleman 1280 l n e ery Ladies- Dressing Table. vhjoaie[ 1lifélieiead has gallaiy naveil 5 PÉrETDV&&SN aI ~ ~ ~ t'n Ih -atofeighi vudvu *Sole Proprietors, Montoal aceifor hio Dnme ei-pIie-ýWatjout,_______________ b6ever, giving it-tliàt lho vas vei- 'd to lavesbeau of soin. iervkacen, d~~ D E T8M N hst doubtleu. iieey wveuld meel agaiu. ____________ The Paits "Flusuelal Journal" f u ôaÉLB vn-lîlsa up b y f ivuivlrS, , o C29F.R wu iAE *v their eu py fimtheir places o i-au i. 73 Acres, banug part cfthee Soute hat Pol deuca. P7n 1h. number ofJua eou@ QI Lot 070 lu the lte conr. eutWhthy; about, one epy ot eaqh' aditor was sont frein a B't regundet ___cltv o=oc u Pais prteeie. bui- l dins, * d vciorA&a. -For parti m ou ,&.Waterloo voersdlel lu London, THOS. ROBSON Roc ÇPal., yeaterday. A Me. Evatuo, cf To * iy. Pb, '0" to boa io proent -abWstei- J4yi, 6T.w oo d>WSetO*457. 1-'WB LAME STEAYRD. O 1~ U71 euj UtUITIau bu erin date Eo ez K isâ he b ;;"Iitb h.ecn" n àktcaffu saurrg ta eruatlac the l in'Ï ade B =.ati 1»ctI, Levl i dbstke AUctioner ClluesCbei-n, Court l*o umuh at b OW i 20F WHI p. enTBY llth DAY OF OCTOBElj '187 so lb. felovlng landieand preaalaes, aael 0 Tbee Suth balloni Loi Ne. 5, la tb, 7tb cncesion cf the T Iwn ofpeEasi Wbi, !î, in the Ceunty of Ontario, oenItln y adnêserement ob. buudred acres moe or- lot, aic,1 r acesmore Ã"m lus, ,part ef th 'nrheJoath said Lot duscrlbedAI a Iclovu: Conaeinu tthai~e erth Esti Angle aidt iLot, thon . AeIh uztuu d. gu ite oa stake lbe plaetho bn seeeventy.tenr dogmees ot, iweuty cchas, thon mentie ixteen dogmee at, tweuty chaîne, te the centre cf lb.eatgd lut$ bon north 86% ntcufy-our degrous eae iveuti- chaîns. thon nortie sixteen diEgres West twenty ehainu mer. or lia essthuplce Theru are oea undrefi acres cisarafi, thes rus a i i viiibleued with bsrdeeod sud valueble cadar. The elosned portion iu lu a god &Itofte et itvation le viii- v5tèe-o, sud distant Ir ,m lb. Vilage et-ilshawa eigbt niileui.-Thero is ebe a gondi erchard and excellent building c o am ai. The propartyViiI ha uel aitPublic Aaao- tiOn to the htghest bdder with brow .te the said Rual Roprsentatve froumeote ture, te edjeurn dih.odai f lu hie judgrneni, au adequaepona lenot lAdl for the sat lande. The purchaser At gaa usie te te psy a de. puait et ton pur cent, on the day et salesud 19ts)teai balsuce ie colurteo tibocra. dit efhsaater vithin oeaMonth frein thu day et aie vithout lutereat. Furiker particularusud conditions ct sale May bu bcd ou Application te D. J. Mcn'aoPlaintifs e olictor Lindsay, sud te G. Young Smnith, Deteunts oictor, Whithy. Dcted ai Wbltby jihis 2th day et Joue Z.. IIURNHAM, Real Represeentative Fui H o oe tEl fr~ ~0. 28 PURSUÂIIT te an order, boa Mg data the 2ôth Day et May, A. D., 1875, sud mmd. iu a cause lu the Court of.Chancery, wbera. ln Sw-itzer Conway sud Jane Conway are Pleintifa, sand Jaet BIttifoe Rachel Per- riman, Thomas Peliabeth re Crtz George Curtis, ornimonG, tCrtnis Gýartt Thomas Kmr, and Rebert' Kerr are defendants.' Notice ta liereby givon that &Il parties- having an y lieu or incumhrcnce UPOn the lande and promises in queetion, lverî aîd ccaaose uig lb.e Soutb hait et lotunhubr Fiveii b. evsntb Concession et tee Township eft asi by, lu the County et Ontarie snd aise fty acres et the nerth halfit e satd Lot descibed e toliove:- coanmeuclug aetete norti-eut agle ofte said Lot, thence South 16 de- gmes, But 180 chains te a.stake thuru pleut. e-" thon Southi 74 dogmues. v eut 20 chelus, thon Seouth 16 dogrees, oui; 20 chain" te the centre et saidieot, than north 74 degmes, i--t .0.&esthne-hde g r e aiv 2< cainu Rura t c1 iiieit. yl.. wfi... lu the Coul House in lie TOWN 0FWHBY -on or betore the 24Mh Day of Augu8t next, ah the heur et ion o'elocr, s. am. Pull par- C'iculars et a11 suelilieons sud incnmhraucm togethar wi.th satistachosy evidenceof etb amut dethereon Deted ibis 28th day et Joue, A. D,, 187-. Si.0 GEO. H-. D RTNELL, due ouMaster. LOTS FOR- SALE TO WN 0 F WHI'I137. Lol Ne. loin section A., front on Gravel Busd. Lot No. 10 lu rer on William St. Lot No.05on Brook lSC. And Lot8 Ne. 1, lu rusa- un William Streot, Section C. Tho p-roeriy etftthe ite William 'Law- rance. Appi!cation te ha made ho Che un. dorstgnud- JOsEPH JO)NES, Balgam T.STEVEINSON , iiealo. Exntr - . Or IBON WhIlhby. nONFESSIONs 0F A VICTIM. %J Puhlished su a varulng sud for tha uee1tof'Youn Men and others wbo sufaer 8c Nt IVe7 )EBzLr'ry I'085 OF UANHCPfDi VITAL PUWER 0,atgvg ýI. mules et1Self-Cura, aller annoli muffeug ad expense, sud muni free on rocetveng a9 amJtonetunpo Ïe.Add-amaNATH- 'wor rYSe7 "t. O.Box 188,Brooklyn, ) AILY UINE TO ' ROCHESTE]R oua enInàor about lOthie piM MR. CRtAWFORD, 1 MTER,) MI matki bÏr regular triPs on tibm route Svi Cobourg ove rier-ng ah 7-.W auj rtnpest saclokfor Rochaster, -cou- bo.tiu c ib. ite .tha Nev York Central cid llvs*ys for cli euSt od. Woet saI et, liîcul~g:v~ lavoCharlotte (Poet et be elle i...49 o -ýw o o w b W o L~i P> H Q o W H 4-à o H H b M * Dress 0 à'd in gre'at V'r Blck an'a Oca'ouréad 811k Poplins, Lustres, P ,,A Fulf- Stoek of,; Milinery :,,Dresa' and' Mante Madng done to order nder, the saperintenaence of a frst-clasà-Dresomajker. tff Six Girls w*anted te work on dresses, and Two Tailore te work.on coats. .04k.. PAPrU 14i u. i7. SOIJTH ONTARIO BOOK STORE'., SOHIOOL BOOKS, Shool Books, a full supply f text books alwvays on hand. STATIONERy, Stationery. We keep the best, selectid stock of Fancy, Initial,. and Commercial Note Papers; and Envelopes in the county. BLANK BOOKS, Blank Books, Day Bos Cash Books, Journa1s, Ledgers, &c., made of the best papez, Mi good binding, ail kinds-and ch.eap. NEWSPMERS AND MAGAZINES, Newspapers and Magazines. ' Those wanting their Magazines and p apers delivered with promptness and despatoli, should leave their order at Robertson's. MUSIC, MUSIC, a large stock of Sheet and Hal-dîme ?fMsic always on hand. J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookeeller, Nswadealer, Stationer, qsud dealIer lu Fancy Goods, &c. (Bengough's Old Stand,) Brock Street, Wbhitby, P. 8.-We pay special attention te the orderiug of ms ,ellaneous Bocks, Music, &c., &c.' about] Ob M ol eseb, gooe21.86 .LAING & STEWART. hitby, Juno 29, 1875. qEW GROCERy îgs .to intimate te the inhabitants cf VWhitby andà sur- rouniling district that bu bas openeil out in tbe ddl Fellows' Building, Brock- Street, New arocery and Proi'ion Store, Where he intends te keep everything in that lin. He hopes that from past rixperienlce, and by.strict atten- ate busine8s, te munit a ahane of publie patrenage.ý SMTOR TEA Aidf Butr.FpEOIanLTy.s -rdu c&h P i frspBtuttsiier . gad'am r'Pou ~ A eu j rspetfllyeePEied BOOT'AND SIIOlE BROK-,STREET,,:WH- Largest Stock, k -Latest' Styles, Grate iTER 8IH 17 i-ITBY. speoil attention le given1te the science cf Boekkeeping nosapplied tb every departmint of Trade and Commerce ; aise te PBACTICAL PENMAN48HIP, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, COMMER- CU1L LA.W, BUSINESCREPNECPLI'G&a Ils gradua tes aecmet tac sutsdaesuhtfrb eojt;ad business men, in 'want cf help, froin ail parts of the Province. 929 There idre ne vacationsi Students may enter at au itewitb eqal - Bemember tufs lu a fui course commercial sehooL, aud connected wltb oty othenu located at Montreal and the principal. diteès cf the Unitedl States. Terrae reasenable-and'lower thbm most cf the other seboola iu the Association. *Âuy porson seuding their naine and asUrea and enclosing six*oents in shamp *911 rueqive by retura mail a pieee cf Ornamental penmansbip, apucimena of A _ ÀTEACERs LASS wILL ÃœE OPENED. DUÉI1NiTHE 1HOLIDAYs5 27 ODELL & TROUT, Torontd. ORGANS! O RGANS 1!-ORGANS!1 A gocd assortment cf American Organe at CÂLL AND ÈE THEM1 IS' CLOEKS 1. The place te buy Cicka l at NORVILLE'B. Stnik- ing Regnlators, indieatiug both Mentreal aud Toronto, only #5 00. Other kande eheap7-Oall sud -look aI Ilium. 1-% 1 ,,THE EXCELSIOR WORK BOX," à Work Box withCîock attacheil, the neatuat aud meut convenieut tbiuk ont 1 No Ladyshould bo 7without one 1 Only 88 50, bu mure and seue m. 1Organe, Clocks, Watche, 3ewellery, overyhing elseap for Cash..- Bepaiinifn a&l its branehe doue by a practical man cf 25 yuane experience.anau warranted. 1 H. W., NORVILLE, This Hotul le aituaeuin l the central portion ot the dity, convenieul tte holosalo establishments sud eublic buildings, sud. for tenniels sud commercial trsvellura is a Most 0egpble aituation. The bhouse bau been lieeroughly ru.orksnized sud re-fuirieahed ticrongliot, asud tefittod Up lu the Most cociforlable sud faabieuable-style, equalto any fret-clasa bouse in the Dominion. The hedrooas sud, drawing.rooms are, large sud airy, and thbestuai uary regulàticus are chefr-vcd. The large sud couvenieul samplu rcomâ, for the accommodation etf Commercial TPravellenu, are commedionu, sud cenvenionily locaied on tbe final f[âaIý *Omuibuosaudrnigea aiways ready for the accommodation of guomie arriving by &Il the teainesud ateamboats, sud also teo onvey &hem tte odopots sud wbarves on leaving.1. %1 -Ge. Kennedy, formsrly cf Qaeo's Hotel, O*en Sound, Manager. Telograpli Office in connection with ibis Hanse. A 'M8LARG E- N EW50FER DAY SPRIN-G DR'Y',GOODlb ARRIVED, AT W.J. HIOKIE,& .CO.'S~ A Fresh Lot of-Groceries- and Choice Whiclh wMIlb. soldl cheap for cash or farmers' produce. Wbitby, Apzi.t, 1875., WHITY R'pAMACY Dateil July 5th, 1875. <Signad,.) GEO. Il. DAIITNP.LL. A. G. MOMILLA-N, Masierant lVbitby. Vendor's Soliciler. . Sn-26 w'hfch calu be curE timlely î'esoîtte th lié 11111. prepaî-atioîî, a8 Il pr-ovcd lby theo hunc teî ;îioîial îecewvei lropl-xetors. It is ai cdgcdby -unan- Pr% phiy8ieians to b. ti î'cliable prcparationi tr -oduccd for the' re] cur-c of..all Lîîng con aiis offercd to the saîîctioiled by the cxl of.ovct' fot:ty years. .resortccl te lu sensoi dol'ails toecffect a cur'c in the -most cases of Coughs, l3ro CruWhoopingr Znfl UCn,,z , Astbmn,ý Sore Thî'oat, Pains c 1108e in the Chest au Livcîr Cômplaint, BI àt tiho Lungs, &c. ' ]3alsam docs nit7d- Couglh, and I.eav& th% 0' 1313G ýDES'TP,OYI ired by C. McCallum,- Chemiet, &C., London, Onta rio. S -POTATO. BUG DESTROYER. lPOT OF Fould beg leave to call the special at- tention cf their custonuers te aàlin. cf _IHOICE DýRESS GOODS, ýVhich they were fortunate enougli to )taffn, and which they are offering at less than the' ordi- Ail are cordially invited to- exa del 1 r à )u oc oe 01 of lia Wh lese goods. LAING &STEWART. --:000:ý produce. B Y, P'H>-A .R'M A C Y,' LAI N CT STEWART,ý STOI:ýE PETýER 1WHIýIr

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