Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1875, p. 4

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(~'WRY, blildtsiriel hava now on view s comploetsock c C, -Cahfnetand /poIl ery a7bad S'~'Drsewing.1loom, Ë thetown bos acu as Diing.Roomi ýy Am the Bed-lkorn, and Censpa.Lîbrary Yurmturs 0Of Laý whicàhi Leave Repaîtsa 'j ny sud; in <set. alusoat ve28ih,,,u1in8Our U lns oi manfacture, i l » ê wme lu presnarly çWstrliuted suain tàie boisd.bolders pro râa, tlu iithis ban isti. butè4 by chance. Thse purcîisar of a bond knoews ow»)ractive'a beelis inveatmsnt, wUith àsmall -ratse ofitereat adlded, end lu esusal4rattoofet telug Chis uai! râtu oflu- tirait, hhai a chasses lustise ebove aussl pramiema, wlîlcls are insly thse distribui. tion ef Interebt ait tisa wiele linu., Esola bond pes-tioiptelei lufour lrewingis cielsyorn sinIIR4lii 1 rawsse rfiurn, wLeuftàs it arressdetrsýd, Iis îîretan tu s gl, aud tise boi) asî'I Trisa Inisstrial Exhbition LCompany, un. durl ip se pt!chartor, grantoti hy tise Mâtte of New York )< , avais Asshiority <o issub tuseebonlda, Tfise 1cglslaînre id thes tâti reccltnig thae rit liotefttei hicis will ertue frons Ise i%1esîeA1 f iitiseenttensstee, uc$ ft isl Cwîsiûîsy rout s ffsxloîissuoi "fi* Mstututustîsfus ÀP4, tui lis alelc- cij. l)vv.sY A mohsss s-i ls'nsssthe ilsrIlesst w Cof t'îî is ll, cl à s s -s tifty, feel a gulsiv tî. i ilisg Lt tais ssen f 10I05îviuti iiiiiîîoe ssOUSIiIl týitit S' roies holie vîs et1ii, st0mîlure iisiisi tli hie mwssoy ell ily, "I isisii-itolis siin uoir couistry tlise meut 11nsisilcAt liiliîgtise weslut iseivin, a plice IwîsîCI1, is fisUs, ruîiresets tise tvbituy, éisrgy gil use- ebausîcet gasisa 01t1ud Ainuiessi iili. TJ'isemsfne rstasd tise luvetesrrat Amties are Ipeenllst lirtereatedluittise- Il IcICQQeî cf iisenter1.-Sae, for heie Islon thut it lé tl iuir I1roiu, wls're i011 <Siir in'vestîes Susia iieî!îcor'cars lie oxisit. Tise btllisu ii stmuitlrs 5,520,4M i sisure tvest qi aace. - ingesy teemtahlihei< wiscre tises' sesidi-, lbiiuscete is-et with CUle offie, frein wlsere tlsey cen lie asîppîitgsl. * Parties dueuriîgte ect ia agents osr tu leur- ohsaebonds <iii eddres Çe, 12 fLuet i7tlî $trsiit, Ie.. J.wey andSi 511sAve., New York City. wOüneAI îsuys isy q'ston lNew Yorik usr llap>uMW, 1v or ta el sli--elsrges * puetsl'at,'nseuir, June MOtI, 1875, 25-lO1n P OIT IH ANDS litlll iT PitbiI L BSI, ILMJWAY. TIME TABlLE NàL . ràjsf4-. efet i îs iouday, Juîîo 7, 1875. T rils îy i'eî-01stire, wlîtriî le twcss- ty.two 11141-.utens ssower hau, G.T.Ufisfne. Wîitlsulolistoolîper 0.281e-su-,16.40 pa. Wlîtttu,,..,., 9.858 isu. 6.45 pu. lluuecftu..,.., 9,55 amr. 7.05 psu. Mi-î...... ....1012 e-su' 7.22 pa.n, 'tfumsnit.. ....... 10-.23 are. 7.38 ps. Menelsedter ... 10-83 arn. 7.431pan. PinceaAlbert..u.. 10.48 ans. 7,581 pan, Pert Perry...urive 10.5,0 ans. 8.00 ps. Tumesi, O uksuuasi-i., Pert 1ù - - ,.si-dpart <6.005 ami, 1.20 p.iu. Pr1 e AIe t ... C.0) Ssii. 1.34 ps.. myle ...îr .....u <.fes,20 îi 11reelîl.. ...........00 am, 2.25 is-us. Wlitby , .I. us-j17.9À) usýsu. Ai. 2.45 psu. s-lu. 17.85 aàs. issu. o55I.00 i. -Wblitby Jssnictloe, esrive 7V401a.81.03 ps. #Plattes-ns suttlens. Trains. stusp nu ulg. nais cul>. lonrsecting eit WhItlsy Jueîlrswîtîr thes H0 .i., alas)wet; sOu Port i>irryçe-ilS stagfe for Uxi)'ldgou ai)l sîrtuîyg nuvi euben Wtls smtuassisfur Llssîbeuiy, 'iiiiueless lçI, fiud 3'Ieissygogîsî. ÇOUNTY IMKAMINATION ( Z1 AN T 1 G CIE UTW1cAlvrE S, PUBLIC .TEACHERS. - inecoovne, it- 1h th tui tuIts, eusil <sc uianerurl itegtisioue eîîeptedliy te Cuosvi- - f >l riiU îsutrsrtostise Annu4>,xalu. isto tCetiilsates for 1'lblu irîf; Selni Tfcss-'S iluîsin risînut CVL.1f, CestîlI. cites ifer<lie 5-ar 2873 its us-l eissîs (D. V,.), in h~e TowneusoetWiîituy, Iuiuesis OU \ 1 P F, 911 OOV)i' !l~5Ji,'I.JLI, et 1.30 1). m., fui 8FtuissîîL çCuýisi oiss lu TII¶ieiîiisslsbut usolîlssut s fr im p c meteuu iuig ors 11ou tteisotirs tii lit',eicui gus cattion tuteisa utttsr. It la lndepellsaible tîsst Casldato# iiossîsij * atifY I ti NI)PetOr h net aIl tise t8rc ofe beue naiseiir luuttou tus gresfecî henu- mlvai fer aeuimation. Cu. >i. -JÂKB. jt'rBlUI , P A New Glaas-book for Femâle Volces, rficzi Mt ceh 1S4 per Do~n ~ ~I~%~UR~ UITÂRIST 1 51i55 amiAliatlislintsl0-u firoMeteby Us Stwrt iCUkel, fens)otiser An houx in inîeleti 'l». .. .- 3 s, 4 ti int Latest and uxot fashionablé European and, Amer-- And et Prices ws sirs certain wil I~DÊFYCO&MPETTI0N 1 -We woiiblaise beg tio tissâto te A ii.t tiýe 4eiaty Suunt ustissu lit) - J'rusturlsel Socisty . LliC)i E 1.0 M lUI'INIIUnrE, caiin w i iîîIiîx .itlî li iNu,!usîps'uV. eili sui)lsaidapprrîpriats i ssgise, ami!iusur. plisevîl otu iii nîgesd ELEGANCE, ECLOýNONMY, ire. Csn$ be beM fo k$., FREDER IqK NEALE, .WHOLE SALE -& eRETAIL DEALEJI-IN UR OCERIES, WINES AND LIQyEYcMR,8sl SIMCOE-ST., SIAA W~~~( I~TTE,(elebràte4 Brandi,) NEW CL0ýHS & TWE9DS, NEW MANTESf, &C.,&c liA REOVE TO FREWLL' BLOK.j lothing -made to iorder 1n atest styles. AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S, Celebrated XXX Cream Aie *&-P orter. CIOEEST BRANDS OF CIUARS à.ND TOBACC 08, AD- WAYS IN ýSTOCK. L&- THE TRADE SUPPLIED. LLEG. NCE, 1 Oshiawa, Mercis 24, 1875. UTILIIY; AND ECONOMY, hsy iis> EtitsliiLtsssiuîils tlîcfltrssluioss. î:::eTise Issleet uatisfactjiss guersn. tend lunail Cases. ltmsîîr or 'W&iegsiuusit idlî-i-*s 187 ANU 181W ONGE STREET, ilALIIEIVr -iALL, TORONTO. NO IZTII IIiITISIT & MROANTILE FIRlE INSU/lANCE COMPANY I Sale, and )reiiabls, ecisarguisitersite, promupît settlemenxt ofe<ams. -GEO. YULE, 4gesît. Wliltiîy, Jîsue 2, 1ffl5.1- GRIAND ANNOUINCEMENT - Youig and Old Také Notice. NEW SlP1IING (?IOODSI ATi' G. -GURLEY'S (Tilioiiig etssbulimeut,) RING STRE ET, OSHÂW&- Ai11l-C u uisg atylssil EI'ILISH, SCOTCH, AND CANA- DIAN TWEEDS. A New ausi 13ottitil'il Selocteud stock to hoe old nt s'sry low ps-k-os. Vise best of Woi-kinoss kept, -sud g0o1 fît$ gltutîsusteed. CLOII 80L1) Y11147,E YARD 1 0. GTJRLEY. AlM IL A E.1. Il 11, E. ARcMSTRîONG 1iiTl'o. F A]1.5,1ANDIS )WVII,fTNts1011 S.'tFE. lliftl uss-s-is, parst îul lot No. -4, Is li b SUsi cou. cflsiuhalcleereul uit5i theo uxî'p. tien of ahout iU or 18 acres of han) wsos- ssi-Iry ail nsmnlîbe. Ailgosdsîl iting ,linises ou thiesps-esussî.s, uali taflts aud. large baris with stons fonnisttion ;a ilivii g srrbenl. -Evcryoutsie reujuuits-, apîs ands cussns- Acra1 et sslusg -ter; akilensntant - arreasu et tirs b=u f rôm ev'esir.faina sru rcTise lare s nlutise lgbce $tt o ultiva-tioss and) well fenced, ans igt iwltlsiss betwreeu IWenud 4% milem ot Port [Porsy avic) Uxbridgc, ma-ket Iowus.; Fer teos-su ni tsrtlser perlcu1ýr aeppi> lu,- TIMOTHT O'LEARY 2C.uf Utic 1'. t0. TR aItE AT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 WILLI-NI S PRECIFIeùMEDICINE Treneoru, Debltîy, Preèatiscl, etc.; ILý 44io5laMis aogoir#re predeces) bycoer ý,uà»ç iig1) iIl ftcblmn sud alec6 holieapikitsaSstthe speciste ediowlinl jrsectmnnended au an unfail. .pait fIofleýçýAqa - eeenceaof Suif Abu. A (Sràvs, sutes) eus) ov SPIN SUITS -TAJLORING COMPLETE' Choice Lots .of New Goods Suited the Season First-Class Taiforing at Lo0w Prices! -00- Englsh, anadian, tend Scotch Tweeds,FacVetgs Fne Dbsins. A Supelior Stock of lleady-Made -Clothing, Hats and Caps, tend Geitlèmen's Furnishings of alkidnds. Leave youi' orders-a good fit-guaranteed. JOHN PPERGUSON, Whi tby, April 6, 1875. Dundas-Street. LIST 0F ATJJCTIONEEIRS' q Licens*ed for South Riding of Ontanio, North RIding of Ontarjo5, and separate Municipalities mi the latter. Samuel Baird.. John MCGIU. Devia Blrown.. I. H. Cînserois .. Doneldl Roe ...... Jas. X. Putteruan. - Wuu. ly.. Wns. M. Wilcox .... DansielRlee... Devis) lîlisIs. James Dbgby, Jr... James 1igby, Jr..- Donald lRos.. Thonsas 1ouruer... SaemssuEckhiart .... Jas. Kevanegi . . . E. Majore .... . D:.M. Card. .- Wns. % Gordon.. JnisisI. Waisi .... J. 0. 1'iley... C. Moisre. ... Thiomauss 'oucrs- . L. Vans-sut.. Elles lioese Thounas H. Waîese, Autbîeny Steele,.... J. C. Wiidifle.d,.. - Joins R. Page,... Thoas oîns iucher, J-.F.rsuîu, ,r... Brook .... Atherley. hiutby..... .... Beavestos.. . do. ... %Whltcismrch.. cetuniigtou. Port Puy il. East WbsiSy ... Picktsrilug' Ileaverteis. . Markisesu... de. ... Uxbrid e. do.... Brook....... Port Per-y .. Mrilisau...... Goodwsosb. Zephy7 ... Uxbri-dge,... Stuuff ville,.. State New Yorkt, Mirhrisns ... wiitîy ... Mssxcrs.T. r-. Blrook......... . Mare . ......... South Ridiiig .. (Io,... Tiserais . **'* Tiserai. NorthkSnutisri ài u Brook . ..... .... N orth liiding.. an. ... SenthRidlug .. do. ... Uxbssidge...... mare............. Uxrsid g .. Sonth is Otrlo.. Scott............ North. ling.. do0. lBsookb............ North Rislrsg.. 'Bleach ............ Maris............. Sautis 1idiug.. NeorthsRiding ... :Breok,........... Blrook........ .... Scott ............. Nos-tis iiding,. * North Ridin .. Seuth <Outario,.. Brook,.... .... .... Sentis Oîtiiio. . Lusassa Exyrisa. Mes-ch 41h, 1875. July 8, 1875. Jul> 22,1875. Seit. 14, 1875. 19, 1875. 22, 1875. ut28, 1876. "28, 1875. Octeber 1, 1875. 2, 1873. " 5, 1875. 6, 1875. 6i , 1875. " 7, 1875. di10,-1875. :# 12, 1875. 18, 1875. 18, 1875. d14, 1875. 17, 1875. 2W, 1875. 20, 1875. di28, 1875. Novernier 8, 1875. il 8, 1875. Nov. iStis, 2875. Nov. 151h, 1875. I>ec. tS, 1875. Dec. 111h, 1875. Dec.: 241h, 1875. Jeu. l2tis, 1876. Fob.Islt, 1870. Fuis, lut, 1876. O1i F PEDLEIIS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. W. lliellîrdsnu & Co NIsac La]ilu..... A )-Morgluule.... Wliitl>y, Nov. 1874._ Witby,... Wluitsy . Port Her>y.. Cemningon,.. .e............ doe............. do,............. Ouse isorse, Connty, On Foot, Cnsty.. WM. LAING, 8rs) Mas-ch, 1875. 1415 May, 18-75. lOtIs May, 1875. luth Jonc, 1875 4tis July, 187a. Nov, lUth, 1875. Nov. 2lst, 1875. Ce. Treasuirer. OfGANS cg' MELOIýEON OIGAN8E T 11E fYWD G E,&YW- MANUIPÀOTtIRÉ THRE CËEIiIB1ATEI) -speçia<1 u9toe le oalled to th~efolupwi Style 6, ln Walnut' Case, $14% ! &, enati -Style1T , l i~ i nt-Cel, $175; in saani cotyle-, 911! iu-Iiesolnu4 ase, $190,ii in ie Aul mgde of,'Blactk Walnuit, pans4ie4d, with bouw4s'i-coiitainiuing aul the lateait ii4 elegantly fmled, .eOc>rd NEW -TE-AS ,-AND GRIOCEIBiES. Whitby, April 60,1875. 15 uru re! îone, &, clougli organ ce,,) MIPROVE D -~ I TI Now, is the time tCo bwyigooîd andeh eap Furnituxe. Raving boug4~t ou tebsn~ ately oarnied on by James H. Samo, we 'take ýthis O 'oppôhity of ,i4viting a. his m&ny fiends to give us a eaadw au ýassure alpý thaf. we are prepared te dg as weli thmlu the future, --- as Mr. Sanie las done in the past. ____________ TILL& JOHNSTON. GRAND GOMBINATION -00- Order.s by mail promptly. attended to. IJNDERTAKING.-ýTlie.only first- elass Establishment in the Oounty where funerals are fui- ly supplied. Whitby, October lot, 1878. TIL JOO-ly MESSIRS. TOMS & NEWPORT,9 .Beg -to,,,nform the public generally, thpat they hav-e openedl- a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE. 'Where the are now prepared to -executo ail work iin the. Carriàgo Making LUne, on the, ahortest notice, and mnade of the bet nma. terial, and firot-olass workmanship. -AIL WORK 'WAIRRANTEII. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DE'SPATCH. Whitby, july 29th, 1874. 8 o 5-8 s-t o 1-8 0- V OIRGDANS PITTED WITH TUE EWIX-INlENTED r)ORIBIiER'vs PATENT QUALTFYING TUBES, An iùvention having a rnoat important bearîug on the future reputation of Rsed Instrumnts, by mens of which ths quality or volume of tons iu very lergely.inoreesed, ana the qnelity of tonsi rendered Equal to that of the lest Pipe Qrgans of the same Oapacity. Our cclebrated "Vox Celeste," "Vox IlHunana, Il"Wicex Patent," IlOc-' tave Coupler," thse charniing "Cello" or IlClerionette" Stops, IlGaina Horni," "Crsmona1" "1Vox Angelet," I"Viola Etlseria," and ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Can li obtained only in these Organe 1 05- Fifty Diffe-rent Styles, for thse Parlor ud t the Churcis, thse Best Material aud Workmauship, Quality aud Volume of Tous Unequellsd 1 PRICE,, 850 TO S,5oo. ?àAetr y sud Warerooms, Cr or th, aud Congress Ste., DETItOIT, Michigan. EtaUedin 18. genteWanted iu Every County. Acdea ,CLOUGH & ýWARÉ~N OIRGAN CO., IiETROIT, MLCH. ~WST R1~JC1~JJVED OH -l IN A GIB SON JOHý;STON'S SEtLFORA KING REAPER. AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, lu 1870. We offer to our customers for the, eo -7svet, two dis. net Machines, which in stylu e , einbrace the latest -and most useful fi, J 01 N STON'S Si N G1,lE 8ELfî7 9 6 E '~ P ER THE "RING 0F, The universal success of this Maohnejjco'tet cd trials eld in the banda of the fermera, wiraý- -t o. sa Sclf.Rak- ing Rteapingix sjcIsiu' it bai more gond poi-niwi - ,isnd "lias met with moere àuccesusud less f ejînre. than hertofore'Ã"fér17'ýiili CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the Firet Prizei and, Diplonia, at the Prcvin- iialExb)bltîon, hsld in Toroutoj 370,in oompstitlon wlî itis eaiAUahie msnuf~ctred lu h ce oan' sdwitb our receut improvsments,, wcsssibsitat- ingly cthallenge invegtiget!nsnd, comparison, with. comptirg achinies, WCsara satisoed that such investigation Wil couvince- svsry ungpjddiced mtind, thet we offsr1dse beat Pfower té fthe Fermer for 1872 bu! ueh olson. 8&"Send for descritive catalogues. PTESN DRY ýGI) 08 A ND) GIOCEI>IL The .undersigned 18 now Ireceivùg ..i~-~-~:Is1wvIwI ~- 4UG ~$94~ OFRYGOODS, '~' ~ ii~ of I~èss: Goods, ingrt vanty~au~ oftth4~Ae lashion, Colored Silks bw, Ma~~s~ >iexrs-Gigliams, Cottons, Pit,&. NewÇLAý A T THE WI UTB Y T-EA STORE &SPARVELL, 85 Hhds., Crates, tend'Cases, containing the'Largëst, Best and Clîeapest Assortment of - China, Glass-TVare, and Fane y Goods, Of- aIl kinds ever exhibited in Whitby! C h in e T est S et e, 0ro l O 'o 0 .' 0 , Facy Ytie, rM 10 ccnts o $1.50 er pair siChina mottoed imugS, Card Baiskets ansd Fanc$eGoode,, 9Ize IN ENDLESS VAMIETY 1 FACy TOILET SETTS, FROM Si- TO $z5,-PE SETT. -Ladies, ail ttCe above hteving bien însrchaed cxýressIy for Christnias pres6ente, -they wmi be sold cheap and vithont roses-vo. Pleasei cal sund exammo. icfvyou-raelves beforo purchasissg lsew'nerc. g- mw As on hand, a fuil assortruent of choiee Teas, Family dro ÃŽ'es Fruits and Spicets ot-ail kinds, Rame, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Appl4e, Pote- tocs, &c. OYSTERS, best bs-sud, always o4 hand.- - GIBSQN &SPARVELL, S. k, -- i -ai 1 WitsiY, li.LOCSS, 1874. ~' TYIEt. NF I 9L' TY 3E1. ~ IRE o lu- 21. àaanu sl ~ sud delivary of goci - tise 8, on net produce -22, Exeoutingsarch wan 8.Serving noticest on when sronully sers, :.J. MAC] Clerle cf Whitby, Nov. 17 1874. in.4'7 ýrO $20 PER DAY.-A ents wmit- eid. Ai lufl5es of worlung people, of either aez. yonng or old, Mnek more ým onsy. at work-for ns in their gFare mo- ments, or ai] the tiine thaji et ax.ythig aise, Parioir re. Post- cai-iltoS tatea cost but one cent. Addxeas, G. STINSYK&téO., 50 Portland, Mains. SÂALT, SALT, SALTi FOR S A-LE 1. To Fermera and otbers wanting Sait, 1 am selling good clean Piela Sait, fresh froma cas fiot96 per ..ton, or by car Icaa te suit purchasers. . Fermnera, eaU and leeve your order, you willnever buy cbeaper. Aiso arrivinlgby cari a qua.ntity oi freah. mincd Goal,.dirtect from Pennsylvania. 1nynatt fgndyWood, aul for' sai e up"fot)rYc asD',e t iy <oui and Wood ya, aonth Gaidwdil' Hotel, Whtby. ALEX ALEXANDER. WANiTED-200 Cerda Greenwood, Beech' and Maple, ont thia winter. Ap.Ply as, -boys. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT1 Ottawa, March 2lat, 187. A UTROBIZEb DISCOUNT ON A merican Invoicea ni ute o IL. S. M. BOUCHIETTE, 48-tf Commissioner of Customs. RÀTES.OIF PASSAGE FURTHER Steerage retca trom Quilec to Liverpool. Londonderrsy ~Glagw--Z5. Cbidren oe e. aïuder 12 bell lare. eetiuru tickets,-Quebecf to Liverpool, Derry, or GlasgoýW-5ffl, Prcpaid passage ces-tifi- catcu,--Liverpool,De rGlagwI oQe 'e-l.cisidre 1laàfare. g Qa GEO. YULE. * Agelat. Promn whom oves-y infornutiorr-iay -be- Whitby, sept. 19th, 1874. 89 QALE BF T7NDER TOWN-0'F WH ITBY., Lots No. 1, 2,-9Jt.ess 10, Relier*sanieu s- niediately weat of Ms-. F. Clark's, ans) faoing Brook Street, -wil lise seul by tender. Tth- ders 'wiU Sec receives) for eny oeslot, os-for tise four, ans) wfli Se opened on tise 24tls of May. . Addreua Tenders to Mr. L. FArRBANKS, ,Wbit'by, fs-oses suhom al l normaetion may be obtained. Wbltby, May 111h, 1875. Slu.20 BAL coesStres G. 1 ,Wltby, :from 9to l AR. A&. PAR] stamb.u Pliysician, traction ci C, 1% local anomthd *an's ney bloc DU jo't DOI WotOffi- TJ]CENSEM pToswnorFco-Un iraaonte rýz tie Cosunty, Brook iS reet, 'd lagemqent fyr large açantiyA onlsriterme A T Cet/c Divishi r Commniisioner -i &o., Âtherly, OCm Atherly sii. ý OLD STND 1.83 f3.] TILL, .-TPRPIUETOR. Paârlor Sets, New Bed,-room. Sets,- New Dinr'ng,-rom S ets. ~ILY F s li, Fil, TMA41AN LINE. . 1 11,,tulur' 1 JLJ Ki à IL AI «U 1 E STA, B lA J IL &jý ý.s A'ý Aýé, JLf

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