Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1875, p. 3

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QesCioeý, LT jm #aMIAuucl eee ONTAIO LOAN AND » G o sit he ur ofi29 a' lp. Vila ,Ott thé DIVIDEND -19o. 4. flth DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1875# Notclo i ôvnta aDviedo lte Iolowint lande and promis , nanun.eorMeîy:et aI b The àouth halli Lot No, # ihe 7lh bsbld0r uo tepimü%pi& concession aoflte TOwfli oEut Whieettailitiatutnon, n tatthe mm *M l inte Conlty of Ontarfo ning y be dueand PaYable ui the ofice of, t. Col- fr51 1501tOu emored &I PA On ad after te 2ud day o1 july 41et. the northhallof te sael Lot deeart.e as T. à. CIAN folîol : onnnencfnaI lte North Ezut Ohas ltt . y 5and Troui. aigl aimd4,Llot, lt el bautt inde. saa,25iJue 80 9»-eei ta &stake thon plagtld tson eol bse$ily.faer dignee., weet, wenly OEPIN cLainl, then mout ixtesadegrestant, ~' OPIIICES. ............. l...... twenty obinls, tteti sene. ol he 'aid laet, hec nortit eevenîylour dogmes, euttîwînty Li Bellè Jeunesse-, P6lacca, b>' G. D. citains, thon nonit eolilen ,de tgWest Wlsn t .. .....j.. .... i, 0e twsnty obtins more or lems to Bus ai gn ..............e ce begl bTwtapio Mrceu tann. tm Te.are aneue dned àacres ceeand, 1h. #Fairy Festival CapricsWhn.0tm - yalnablo.a*r. Thte cleared partied in ai o N. Y. To s oD «Mste-utaîîan lueli watersd, A Forcst HBm. editaI t c.o'TnE OS G GAN O EXIITION-~L and ditant frim e its 'iIe oOaai E1MYOST D.uWILSON.nI- 1 Methmile, Thers 5 inaoa good orcitard IN EXIT.NCE.'WILSON.A -e4xeellt bildinfg on @&dfam Ever Truc ta Thes. Pola Mîzurka, iESTN.MOETN b alWigner ....a..... 0 Ic A I04 D H R E rW egaaa P~blic Âc Bfrdl'sMOuI gSang. Varto at.ns,00 M E17,N AN O SES tavefrmtc t im, nth ;rvla fLove. Vals.e rilli.50 &selxkeaîa iW IL ID :8E A«& STr Tii uehsr I ad îeitoaad.Mern3 F .seerForcst Scene-.. 0 0 GRGEOUSLY PLUMAGED BIRDS, tgnpncn.o lt a isl, n ge........ ........50CIe 0 ?%y thebalance Imb out tam B>' CARL WAGNE R. cor1ott0re;0o00rmîoPl1ae Wge4oam ooo M US EMUM WO~N D .R S 1 lte dayossale vititaut Interesl. 'Sugîr Plume Pol ..yChas. 1inkel.88 cis.l I H Purther particulare anS conditions o aJwl Bax Scottich-xinkeî.. 1. .85 t. EA E T E P L ENS Mc . ~a arinz ndJennie, te Fiawer aifldare. n. ILO ni oPlai 0ff e t insayB.J.and CjPlk--Rnkl....8 i. i obieaS odn ta G. Young Smith, Defendants soicitor, Lasciption-Kinkl ...ais..C..T...T.O85 etS Whitb7. La aps O lqe.Mrca 9, C) Q S.E Datýd lutWhîîby tiis 201h day of June 'Ange Visle anene.8c NSML FOLE HRO CAGES. A WORLD UNDER À. D., 1875. - y CHARLES KINICEL. CANVAS IN THE Real Represenîtle Lily aiflte Valley. acturne....lai.M E N A G E R JE AIRBÂNS' . 8.28 luatWs...................80 ais. TELRETADîNS BDream Land. M.rcOrO-.Malati ts.as ~ ~ ~ ~ - *Awakenn ci tecirdRoance l _7.AO:Gt(-s1.R Swsst iteart. ....a...............40 cli. -EVER ON EXHIBITION. Auction if Commission Roome, By H~ MAYLATH. Opposite fllcck's Motel, Ring St., 01 cs. NE£W' S N G S Ilegrlar Sales ever>' alterna'. Saturday MdlieGr e cgad Chit'y aiternooe andl cveng. Pi-st Sale an Set- Maelin S e ... .........8ne urday, te lacis JULY Instant, ut i o'clock, >~ .Hy ,. ..,~es p. lm., 0anoignnjmot soîiciîea, P'ut theite i cMau-t the _ ie . SaIles Town cnd Ciontry ceanducîed as Dora Dcrlirig Song andSCs .Hays.35 ots. usuel,. For -Ternis, *cc 1 Sale liarmey-Machrec. logadCh,-1# .orne, Oshaac, or aI Office, lrt" Raye ... o ...an.SCita. The MaiS ai Avossdale. ongacte Whitby, July lot, 1875. .8 Cho.- Ihave ... .35 e. - -. - - - -- - Wlaere lenus>'LvedUneTo-Nightl SAESong and Cho.-Rays .... 8cts. UANCER SALESing flarkies, Sitig. Sang and Cita., ........ .i..... ...... .....85 e. *Valuable Building Lots,, &Aneàüaflt morne. Sang-anSdCh t., and other praperty in te ae.e i v e.Sn *TOWN 0F WH ITIBY. TiteSchoo1.iou n lte Hill, Sog f.- FIVE TRAINIEIJ ELE-PHFANTS By te Aulten of Mollie, Darling. TOHRE Fui-suant ta a Decrea aiflte Court ai Allie, Barling. Sang and! Cho.-Dy - OmORE Chitucer>', lunte mil ai H.P. Danks .............80 cIa. E A.II.J2 Why dan't yen Write ta me, iter? JOISTONV vs. -GRQSS,' Sang and Cita -Danks ...80 ct.. THREE NURSING INANT LIONS, AND A SOUTH AMERICAN titre wiiib. îald b>' Public Auction, with ogDrand s .answeet ...ic .....s8m lte approbation af George If. Dartuel, ag u ha-aneJ&ec En%. --attaser aifltee aI CourtutWiitby' B>'lte Authon of Silver Threada. utteCourtIH in hese, ow Any 0aithelove mleS ost.-paid, on "E IGHT MONSTEII LIONS," ag-uan, n Whlîiy, OCrecepti aie crkdpries. Plecesimarkceci Orano-Ounn,.GTa Saiu4cîy x7t~ ofJuly 4. . ~ hus » have Picture titis pages.' ASSi-es, Soi air, Eapgaroo ElaeS, Reintileer, Ny! Ghau, Cabia Bai-a, Lai-arn, Gorillia, * alteurai 1Twaock pl, .m. t'ie7.5.PEER, Hyentfe eare, Leopards, White Caîneli WîId Boci-, Koodon,.Chamois, 100 diferent 3. id Master, luiesfo McnarcelsricceJaned o2,Pr1876 Cassowvary, Condors, Pliecsants, ant inl ~uliaud Parklllte Kth oro o 'lit p m, b te 43BrodwyN.-Y2a8,40 3easts and 2,000 Birde, conîtitutiusg a mýenagenie tee liînee larger and iner titan ad onter atimJoue22,188e26 ever sias argaciized. Sec descriptive Catalogue for caceplete liet af animaisle d lii. i Itl, nScomposeS ai : NG. R B N O ,M . A.,T HG R A N DMS V Pàllcxs No. 1,-Park Lot, number cgt, on31SOTH E G U SE U.1 h aillhofoLoshipoî CARSIYSTEa.Ar.LÂWon\Vith ils euacy tisousand curiocitie.i, ici tIe osly great-travelling Musceume on this Conti- teFuret Conçession ai ety.eiitof C n ,Heeare taeie sien GiaIs, igurs, Fen Mchnca -atocinni, Di- Wlstby cow formtag a part ai the sa Il TONYcrI~TOa-a, Statuai-v Painting., Clinee and Ja anee,,CuriositiesIdltcsmgsf-r Tow c Whtb, ad oueded b>' Maria, VE YANCER, ,., lacds wlsere"le Heaîtin Jbits bindarocî ows down te woadStn.RaeCis Blizabelt, Gilltert ced 1'rances Streets; ror is a iýs etleAtý iis --Ld elRngers a itarume i, ia6d/100 acree, wic useaurément, 2 ci 17 TORIONTO STREET, îtecisaiscal oard, Singing l3irsls, Double Bat>', ThtaScucie ~c rnuIseî,Fihs etls niuces c LdTeliliners, egicd li-eprui Street ouI>', gosi! landsuanc ow ci-s pe ______TBNO aiy.ar rlo ice etieEraldLcS o-- with witeaî.tc li. 1'Atc&L No. , -13eing Park Lot nucxâbr -___________ Seveu, cni ic! upin. u t! u boulidÇilby 4 , Gilbesrt, LElisabl, tBuop sand F ncs urnettls ocoaine Streets -conaain.eg ly acîleasurcmeîîiiinsil- lirfnc îln 2 11/10 Acroe, goal lalidîinlugond Colis ililn, ndNscrop3sd îilîi wîîecî, ns Burîle.-is, - conL:eg - fonce. v c; Pcijtcî, No.S-liî'ng 'Ltsw -ii.ue, îîiîîs siîteu,'rol es..ani Burnlett's susbrTwrýiity-eigîit, lin h se Cli- Bur~~L7 .*.d cesin ii heawiiaip ai Whllby afarescid, u" foiriiiiig part aiflte saisi Lîvai.d" Tawn af Whitbîy, bottndcd by Gilbtert, B urnet~t 7s C--s.', Fi-cees, aed Dsîalop Sîreets ;eaSdConcà-. talnleg laget ci-about une acre, trappeS s'ic i wlthpoîatocieanS acts, nufence, -ntfi-Ccicîr lie PAîîL NO. .B,ng1fTown Loti numbere Burns te tatds Ccal ne -ri Flitecu, anS Sixceen. lunlte saiS tiiSrdb5ct -rttdSaî.ks irantetofeLtsfornls ddsliscitentutustre Plnwithcaasiaricble t-amé hanse aed Burnetts, Oocoalne A FOU NTAI N OF R EA L WA 1ER Dow l'aued byA . e.nrWsatBont'setcolae Seeds forth a refresing colces su tise siammolt Me aeie snd 'iîseura Tent. Ilise rentl 0 # .0petantl Taspran Alcanet lsalIc Wa pi-oSai-eSanS ail tiseAutoiatic Mon lors intise gi-al Musecum areaperated b>' si ir a but oni le no y DnpI-set.ntan .obl Wls.proveS an large ian bouerSreetI>.earS pii>ftits cils <ç il P rO'.Liic o lilue. X lB> n-e. iiiClii' IId f rrring \Jild Beast Sho w ! wh The Vlidosiove la', tsecce aid hesa. 4 I L CaICIIÂI! lpre eise th-ae icc-iciLi o a-t air On ths Canineeit. Traini'S Lions,'Ti gers, LehiatitH, Doge ,Mankee, Goals, Herses, 1i-itco;L Nu-s,4, 55111 be solS o c e s, l'unies, ,&c. (Sec cCactlague fi-i ductilc.) Dm1 ct i teau niortguige inlaiver af Mn Jaune Smai-t orjPOSTAGE FREhE. #W50, upa» wicls thoLàecspaRt lue fur- T ut 3-RAiND) PIROCOE SSION ! principal thein ti e#0 2W0, ed isteret at8 r' ' rie laîgts hilir!lc es ai fad liem Nt, fiili Le soi74.suljecet la.1 1 H E GAZEI T' JeE esiCar ai thise sc, do wîili-iare utctas 0ih.loe]A-Lasla-e.AbiSal moteicitan 2 fllblsd Mraiiti-y iseGaIS. - eerge ilu ai-urai William lMeCalie forCarnets. "A sel cf Magnificeel Musical Chie Dciui, nieuglieg wit thlie cet lo i Se Ii...iuauwtch lter.is3,st dne fr M ~ TBan. Ae open Sets ai Liore sîd Tigerci, expoadsita view, ced psiuiorsctd b>' lEza Dsii. frieclisai te sumusoif 40Wandai teret nt 1N1TEB A L. Gusastise Proceesioun Maies. Cages snd liai-nes ai ces-. 00 Mcguiicent isarses plum. 0 u cn f1 h 7tis fJn,17, d ogosDcrain.BatflBannersancdsiSuperli Illustrations, canitidatieg and albot thesum di 85 for lIcsraisce. tihe ail Dazztieg, SoliS sud Substantial Show Parade ever seen ou the Continent. Carne Tis adici coulllee a sce i-etis etnsi O tie Jt MY,'75, ves> gi-et isuprove. int 1 n hey 0 o'cîock, forenona, t e ceil. Lok attise Procession5 cousit the rages, visut ) ing conditions asuaioftise Court ai mensIewere effectefl in tise Betty Gazette. tise Show Gi-ound snd beitoifIlie Mamnmotis Tents, and if yan dont tiik si-ve gotaIa -Chaneer>'. ît ie nos-witeunt question tise maî al: site-e ortis Iooking aI Sont patroizeIt. , Tenesn lwitiag wlll dlia be i-sreS dai cbie paper foi- Mercict daiesthvaina intclunobmionc ttc cidmsale fer-teliaiciai, busnes trtneacî can stadMothtr a iai of i teabovo Itropent>'. uilers , llhd 18wt otet htj to iss eit ta thse ioregalug canditin% Tise Shippîng Nowalte Dail>' Fi- RN RN ýFor fa-tier- parliaulffl anSdalun stous aio sals applY 40 A, . U031111ill a t e nd nanc lReivcw, lte Reports of te - *D. Oflieton, sallaltar, wii -rto h Mar-kets of cll kins arc made up with FE R saiS Master. ' -hy gea ale adar neveuy respect tenFEETRI (SIliable. .IfTDATNLL No Banker, Merchaist ai- titer businssi - BALLOONlarit A.endaCr'Slicitor. atWhtbi an uafaord taulie witiout Ti:GAZESTTE. S'i TIMrk WVhitby# June 20, 18753. AS£iAuE6107 -o The Weekly Gazette.'ACNINA6fN/N a F~IM TO LEfN - -. - It lepropod lentuassuction wlths tIse new : -e 2 AcR . ap seast-,'ta gi-ati>' Increcie ils intereit an5 Colosw.In 20 E - valus.Tise paper s-Oh leilaeS uctier the Betweeu lte bouri ai 10 anS 11 o'elock an ltse fareccoon afi eci exhibition da. i-. lur sca. ieerig.-~~direcion ofaaipeclal oeItr, and lrg cELIJSDON wiîI make a GrandS Froc Balloon Ascension firn ttheis- goune s Air_ Ba1ttain o o.1 nSEasteai P of satterean tDrer eJ'iiip "mErCcijny - itb 75,000 cubisi feet ai gais-fil slart an ilsti-ip ragsCodnS rme alo for nal lag son ck 4aiu. Wle anS tcviagariculanIý9tsi-uest BortU, easaa î Tis aceisin anbe wilnesed by éey iye f ok hrgeand iclce place im e-e. have ors i lte aeelyAldlîanArrngosens ' ci ater teclosee aitIhe grand Street parade. Don'î fi-gl s iae ne HENRY HWELL iave beau miesfor tise publication aor A6TTI-U »ample Whtbý tl L ai-1 rto T. MOODY. 21 lyrdng; mai-ket reporte maîde upel.4 - on-SAE1 ofres-; carsinll>' prepared suussli-es 2 G AN(x iiirB TI N ofSL I -a home anS forelga aes-an aoig al izd 50 Tit ouiWetQaeraLo18iitseagriculfural delsarleent..teiuoan anS cvenlng. Observa anS reneueber, pal TheSth Wenasmt Qailrter(5ofcresot leathe BAisarxg ANet<c, . 8600 oWho-di xtc s sio ln of Broma50 ores 40 Geai!W- Y'~" . . TO ALI THE TENTS THE ADMISSION lB ONLY .50 CENTS81e aiLO wttered byexcellen iltrmiecl. Fi-s aiPîtg e citer tel - 9- - - . - 5 CETS ut AUm . SouLsws Qa-on n Lt2, u-For special club tluimp uwllàlilb e -il ienNandER97EA8o'okP iplrnoe oMýc t2adaPLOteSuws uze fLot2821NTS Pala th __0ilcneem fBrook ; enclent found ver>' attractive) epeelmien copiese, &, - PebeFoa~ng'a GetAgeaîL rat kisLkd Mefie,LMuse- k5 #01-n 0Ue cerd rsuns, Camavacnd Cions, travell ing wlls ngae ovin tse:higits-sys, an allIsemos% -AppIy t. - T. &,R. WHITE,- 1 el. TRE lltirilnltewrd mta hV TROM OBN BUOTRrnBs, - TmGAZEýM, NP, V r Lx IDI-VJ ID Es - annu~gto~ ~osiisai,, Ait BaueSl Pereo.E S. Dzsre;em-s ieral jrector. june lftk. VIF. $61 J. A.o.DwiUcfelà Ovetisang 19, nary (ot Ail rçe oodially, these goods. Whitby, June 29, 1875i LAING &~ STEWAIT. The Brit!8h A merican Coin mercial Col/cge, TO R O MNT 0 Was establisecl ici 1861, and je naw lte most papular and extensive sohool in the Dominion for the Educatjon of Young qMen, liiddle.aged M1ens, and Boys, -in commercial branches. Special attention is given ta the science of flookkeeping as applici! la every dopartmenî of Trade and Commerce ; aiea ta PRACTICUL PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, COMMER.- CLU LAW, BUSINESS CORBESPOND)ENCE, SPELLING, &o. Ile gi-eScales arg campoe a acounanîm, anS are saughil foi- by meroiatan d business Meu, inlanst o f itlp, firn ail parts aiflte Province. Lý Titere are no vacations. Studenîs mc>' enter at an>' lime with oqual ai!. vanlage. e Rememier iti, e a fecannse commeroal achool, a connecled s-ith fort>' Terme nreasanable cnd lower tIsa most aiflte alter scitols in te Assciatiou. An>' pereon sonding tîsei- name anS atidres sud encîosiag six cents in etampe, s-ill receive b>' reiunl mail a piece aI Oruameatal peunausiip, apecimena ai Business Peumansihip and Circulai-. 27 ODELL & TIROUT, Toronto. ORGANSI 0ORGANS!! ORGANS 1 1 1 A good assortmnent of American Organs at CUIL AND SEE THEM SCLOCKS !Thie place to buy Clocks is at NORVILLE'S. Strik- ing Regulators, indicating both M1cntreal and Toronto, only 65 00. Other kinds cheap-Call and look at theni. IlTHE EXCELSIOR WORK BOX, a Work Box with Clock attached, the neatest and most conveuient think out 1 No Lady should be without one 1 Only 88 50, be sure and sec theni. Organg, Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, everything cheap for Cash. Bcpairing in aul its branches donc by a practical mian of 25 years experience and warranted. 23 H. W. NOILVILLE, C z Thtis Hatl f silcateti in tise central portion of titcciîy, convenient la lthe w1lsaleesctablishmcents acd public buildings, cnd for tonries cnd commercial travellers lu a toast eligibîescituation. The bouse bas been tîoronghly re-organizeti acî re-furnisited tlmroughaut, auS la filled up le tise unoal canfortuitie anS fashionabia style, equal ta an>' first-claes hiosei4 lthe Dominion. The bedroonie ced drawing.raoms are lai-g. ced cii-y, aed lthe beet scellai-y regulations are observeS. Tise large and conveniottecmpîe roome, for tite accommodation ai Commercial Travellers, are comnmodions, and couvenientl>' localeS ou tise fi-el flat. Omnibusos fand Csrriagys always ready for the accammodattian ai guesîs crrivieg b>'clilthe teaies anS steamboats, anS also ta couve>' tem ta tise depots aed s-iarves on leaving. Goa. Kennedy, former>' ai Qceen's Hatl, Os-en Soundi, Manager. Teleizrapit Offce la coccection with Ibis Hanse. TERMS, 8 1 50 PER DAY. A LARGE NEW STOCK 0F SPRING DRY GO9DS ARRIVEUJ AT W.- J. HIC KIE e& CO.'S. Fîireshi Lot of G-roceries anid Choice - Liquors, \Vlich ivili be sold cheap for cash or farniers' produce. VHITB3Y PHARMACY. A VE YOUR POTATOBSI OTATO BUG DESTROYER. Manufactured by C. MeCailum, Chenist, &ÏC., London, Ontarlo. LUNDY'S POTATO BUe DESTROYER. is remnei>'as been aiseS s-tl immense snooessin Western Canada for bte hi-ce ycars, anS iltbas proveS la Lebte Boat anSd(3heapest Bomedy inluthe ret-far uurpassing aIl ather preparationu uold for lthesme purpoîs. se Ontaio Gaveremeel appasneet a commission ta investigate caSd experi. at n tue beel aed cîseapeet m-ode ai deioylng 11181 deSîruotive pout, the Po. bug. The commisîjoors went ta Chatham anS experimeuli! an soveral 1c, patohes, s-ils vai-ying enoceess. Scvcial poisons s-ere rioS, eome aifs-hieh aoyed bte bugs anS paaa vines aIea; some ai 1he poisonsthat s-see ueo. ci-e fanSta bc iaa expenaive snd daugeraus tb b. nise. % lthe meatime, privaI. aitemiets hcd hein inveatigating t malter, from cda la Canada, s-hidi resulted in bte dlmcaveryofL ay clrte e>', -hit naw sands auslte muet nelimble articlte m t A h numeS il aoaai-Sing la directions give evideno. ta btai effeal. Last year a ta qaat>' could al ot e gai ie 111ailthe. demaud for i4, but Ibli par le proviulati bau been made ta relytht<, Markeî, so Ihal fao one neiS ta fear i R patataeîs-while miss- pande aiIbis remed>' s-JR effectuaI>' ria bte patm- of itgo. 9kua -oaf soveral parties W-ha useS Laudy's Polala Bug Desioyer aSremI. 500 busitels ai patatoca, s-hile other parties close b>', swI itte smm qumuli>' ,s, naing varions othor relnodes, lait nearl>' al lhefr patoos, and man> fidnolfng losttheir s-hale erop. el Be. sure andS ak for Luudyis Polaba Bug Destroyer. - bup ini ans pouni! packages, aI 25 clu. escit, or 5 for 81 ; anS two Pound! Wou, at 5û cli. sach, or 5for $2. ily one-haif the. price of Paris Green. For sale only, at 2ûitby Pharmacy, corner, of Brook and Dundas Stets. S. W. B. S MITHI '~UI,-Music, airge stock cç f Sheet and Haif-dime Music always on hand. - NJ.edcSa I ROBERTSON ]BookseerNwoler, 8ttiîouer, andi dealer ini Fâuy Gooi!,M*. -- (Bengough's 015 Standl,)-Brook Street, Whilby. 1 - la t «i4t heodrn o ns ai Omeo "c.et LOWES & POWELL t D BAU & Na. 01 Llhbmrt , Niw' Are in receipt of a fui and com-plota Stock of - JAMES MACIR Agent for tse 1.~PIJIN G 0 ID S ILNRIW Dress Goods in -great variety. , olT M E Port Ilaek and Coloured Sil.k Poplins, Lustres, Paraséols > Loav'e Part Rap- Hlosiery, Gloves, Laces,-Cyloths, &o., -10iai-l. M Not o rb Bi JJISS88II<Land antle MRfl11j clone. to order under the' Millipery and Tailoring done to order. Satisfaction l9Fl Six Gils ýanted to work on dresses, and Two --Talior to work on c GAZîeirMg AMI]RACLÀE OF MHEAPNESS 1,000 Pairs of ]Ladies' PrunelaBoots is now complete, eomprisirig all -inds of- Ladies' Misses' and Childrens', Gents', Boys', and Youths' Wear, And some Fine-, American (I-oods of Boston manufacture. A.lso a large assortment of Truniks and Valises. 121f Oshas-a Mai-c lotitI187F CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. M. O'DONOVAN'S Carniage Factory, Brock-st., WH ITBY. 8110E EMOHM STREET, WHITBY., S AU ND ER S BROOK JOHN Largest Stock, Glieatest Va.riety, Ail Sizes in Fine and Coarse LUnes. HAstStyes - s - --- - "3 t;a une- UOtlgIci, aiîri bave the cause JOIIN SbchiRS.d, as is the case -with WhitbyJOHN SAUNDE187.R 17 ilost prcparations, but il Whily, ArI 2th, 875.17 ooscîs and " cianses the luîîgs, and allays irriitation,i NE W GRO ER sT :R . 1ths i -cmoviîug the 'cause of theceomplaint. BETE W. POWMLz B ONS, Beatto, Mus. P E T E R S M 1 T-H4miib'Dîgsî aBacace.l c- - S 11- L- Begs to intimiate ta the inhabitants cf Whitby and sur-yJGS OTL rosanding cdiit aI ha lias opened Ont in the ' MOXlj tùA *D, DALla>', ROlIT. K. YQ-UNG, I>ROPIIIETOR. Odd Fellows' Building, Brock- Street , ec.infai.clitopies reirin isete ample cccarnncltian for IHunIers ana ~I I~Jr -y paord;e en. tba- cnd larder csipplied T -q : -T m % -3 >'M b fit of iqîuers -u vanti ù ob. fonn tslite countr-y. lieo ue b ligiug c4 Nu> Yocrq nd Poviiouut ande cat tentive ceervante 5ept. ommdo N ew roce - t re sabligcad prompt houtIers els-sys on Where he intends ta keep ever-ything ini that fiue. j ISOBEPIT K.- YOVNG, Proprieai-. Ho hopes that froin past experience, and by strict atten- Dalton, Lcth April, 1875. __ .-1 -ian ta busine8s, la moiila cha-e aipuitlio patronage. -* àw ii e Duî!- îund whSen TEAS A S PECIALTY. - -SAVE YOUR EYESI Cash Paid for Butter, Eggs, and Farmers'l Produce. MUOWAATyerfE ofAVL8 Ke' A cail le respectfusoleliciled. t~ c ' i G -PETER SMITH. AD IAtOIUYef Uce ldd Fa1ýos'Building, Whlilby, April-la, 1875. 17 owtEyea hes-tr- aeebelaltseRevel hao e hlai! aiv Hi-bar or Town Scales. 'Cammeuciug on an about lUth ApriL. c -(R. CAàWOnRJ, MASTEÉ,) s-b malte her regulai- trips an tlis route leaving Cobourg everysnoreiug aI 7.80 assï -Port Hape at 9 a'clack for Racheuter, can- neclieglter. s-us lise New-York Centiral anS Rails-ys for ail pointe ecai, Wst, anS Sout. . Rotuminr~:-sU leave Citarlotte (port ai ]Rohçsir)ga*wvlýb9 p.in., except Saturdays s-bîsn cita leave ai2:p. ins., aireat for Port Haope direct. - Tis is e s hates and quieket rente la Oss-ego oui! Waiertos-n, -vis Lake Ontario Sitiuse ttilroaffrarm Charlotte. Dealers in stock, &'c.,-ili fulaltisatise ciseapes aSd Most expedtlaus i-ente ta Bar- tan, Alitan N lew- York, &c. For farier information apply la -R. CRAWFOAD, C. F. GILDEESLEEVE, Part Hope. Ringtea. 17 'litE GI-tEAT IIMEDY poil CONMS UMPTIO N which cail be cuî'ed -by a tirnc]y îrcsoîrt to tliis Stand- ar~d pr-eparation,.t.s Ibas beci l)îovçd b-y the Iiîndîrcds- of' tcestiunials received hy the- cclg-cîlby -nîaîîy j)loninclît pIlysielals to 1>ci the most î~tlhbl.Ju.C~n.;îiOî vcr in- lioîlccd foi.the-ief andtt ClI~Co!111 îîîgcourplaints, ni- (Are~~uyd fo the publie~, S.itîîcî,ioncd hy the cxperiencc ol ovcîr ioîty y-eai's. Whleiî ret4orte.d to in11 seasoîî it-tueI- doîî f4îiIs to cflect il spcedy curec inthe most ýsevere cases of Cotîglis, ]Brouehitis, Crouip,- Whoopiîug Cough, Jîîfltîciz-a- .-Asthnia, Colds, Sore Thîroat, Pains oùî. Sorýe- iiess in the îChOest anÏd $!dey IE, Baina County c A. BOL- ber der aik Oit ted Li r Aless anc rri-ýEMI ý 08hawa, March 16tli, 1875. DOND-INION

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