Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1875, p. 2

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-lut Clash, Güeqral profiiuy-s heitlauonu na i ter laing 4aiv argoaa, 2nd Maa'tlaaWhitZelà es ofth liCollege werao ofgréat OdW .Hpe,4t rn oitn n# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t W0la êaet Id*Sl ~ i Wlliam Gonld. e, bt to th publie gonerally. 1 md ClagR, Gaanral Profloency.-.4t ittfp exasunastiou, were gone Mai'27Collns, -ladFlorence Hiki., Ord prlstely. To the oral exami. Caa ormhaekt 4thzFaunie 8omervlUl t*hé publie vase Invitai!,>bUtth ti am Rapp. Poliuy-e tlI~y fow atended, exoepIt inGuD (3oobrane, 2ncJ Clarib oebralléi nig.For t. heurt year the rd a nie Hoper,,46h LUis Laing~. arc doclaràhlglly ecqceurag. liegular Attu4auvie....May Gibon, gréât amou nt of work Ilias bcÀiénAtjnIe llPp actL-1stEmaB d!,2i jiad,, att.u$fug crnestan sd Gao. battbeWeon, Ord Clara Qochran., MI effril ts o ipar ' bf.f,1h.e àna~ ailigent application by the 230 DvzsrOIF-Its$ sWOODROUBB'3 É900«- d vlein movar oe u audred hvImCayoGu~ Poiido.~ 1. ttendaneo,:The. 1Tuday Ja'mes Collins, 2nd Anna Hudgins,, 8r excre %poo vr aieet.Kz Robinoa, 4th Albert Humne, Oth siconomfu1, The. yeung ladifs Willl, Bello 111h Wull o Irvue, 1 tlemievesremaltaby Wll Qi laett, General PrcfiOf@ncy.-1âf I thoassyesreinrkaly wll innul oei, 2ud Fredrick Philp, 8rd 3elleni vazlety etoreadiugo, lu- Wilia MoGlllvry,4th Arohie-Rulaland, 4 wlth mugie. No one coulatdi Edgar White, tbiMaggie Bain. e Iliat -secial AtteptîonAlias Brd Clasi, -Ganaral PrJeioincy.-lut I bthebeatîtl at ~ ~ Chasl, Pringla, 2nlri aunuy Williu, 8rd issntii l ~eilcatou oWvaiter Gibsen, 4tlà WiIJ oaG., 6th Dosntil l el, oucaiontooFred Luka, SCia Jun. Toms. rlooked. ]Roy. Dr., Jeffers, oee (bd Ceuiuct.-Eliza Wesley, Ed.. iiers, dolivared a vary silogis. Smith. hialhly auoouraglng-address, ~ ~ DEOa~' 0V g in a libers! and able ananuer lportant points lu aducation, Maggle lulnBlaRssd ttug thé lande ani liacreat Maude Auuis,- Oussie Crosby, Miaule tMIi town miglt vol! teed James,-Eva Blow, Llzzie Barr.tt, Haot. s' ollgewhlla oul ~ tie Wolfenden, Sarah Enzer, Mary esCologe whch wGld o obson, Mz Wilson, Edward Jamais, Dake Whibby vall snd favOr. Hlarry Sanailers, HaryWest~er, John wu than any ntber laCerast 1h Klerstead, Wll)!. Kiarsted, Bannie Show, Fred Pannai, Jas. Watisou, Wal. iscCaw'.tr Harvey, Chais. MaedonlGog ra C~~.PrincrI. iwL r. nl.- à'e--g 's, C, TParbsn sou ......... Stlla b s»tu@8,b Sttebm yonC~ 1s vwii b. snby ratéeece to. ca r vertiig cel=un, effara fer ei nvaltrable fer-m of 75 sces altnaa ÉiàCh hait t oflt 07 lu 5h Con ARsImVàaLHazou rTalaXXXIV. Camp at Rolland Landiuig brok 1e early Salurday mei-ning bast, sud obicera anti mou efthCe 541h ansi -hom. lu the ithecnnof elte same d ailR loking val!, and wvall sun-burut. RA&TBs-Long tralus ot sans, lesý hsanily witi timber, are dslly page onthe linoeoethle P. W. &P. P. R. Ca. te Cie liarbear, viere Il La th matie inCa raite and ti ut î Mit. B. F. CAMPBELL.-'Wa are pie 'd lebai-n oethCie spaedy rcavery KfjuMn. BmF. Camube$i frouaolialracamp. ona Wednaaalasy eveuluîg wasaCie grsnd b s oh eisait ng, J n l. bis laC. serions acidn - jbàalr. "lha beautifalmUhaull! as Havis, Lewis Banaloil.HmyRnJ. cinC ibronigeti sud Clie culer 1 Lsîl 'tas vl, GOOci Conduct.---13ella, BRaind, S. Tu aCATIIOLIO PIe:Nae Izelu at Annis' viacu Mn. Trigo nteCravtard .groe n uDominien Day,tle sesist Plt orw nlafitmen ppeu-caloung lia E Fatiter MoCanu iu psyiug ot Cia debt pIa~owsu wflseo~i Cint yun PIZ LIST - JOHN 1 STR EET on is praabytea'y,, vas ai suocesa, botI ladlea, robadin l lily vitoeas, intradnc. SOHOOL. straegandseonjeymenî sud profil. au! te iret, chenueo, "TIte Mormaiti 2eeavrmN IiSetlhiag Sang." Tia inter-et aad 1. O. O. F..EATERN STAu LoacE, piesiu a akanea-lely titis firet sur- latC lass, Goueral Proficiecy.- Waaaa.-The Odd Felova' hall in Prise, me perfect li lima, aud elequetit Mardits Wai-folk, Helea Propdifoet, hie ovu vlll b. openedon hie (TIans. fl ean, dibtÎnaluttuiaiuce, vaa suatain. J. Pningla, Jesepha Auhby, Franuk Clark, day,) aning, fer te raception efthCe au! treigiout liteavonlng. Foualadies, Wmn. Tiaumpuon, George Hropper, Del. ves sud daugitters et Odd Fello2vs, bai-t Weateoot.an hr redfonegit ie thie Missmes 1-lebb, Farrar-, Potereon, 2and Clan', Gouerai Preficincy.-A. sdCartiue rmaga ean antd Coultitaîd, gave sae&aaple et mrliii. Cnnmmer,liAuaa;taLSiI Woedionsa, Ida o'eiaek, p.îa. Ahl ara oordialiy iuvitad Onut exeontion la te 'qWecdiug Mardi", Wilson, Sarahmit al, Nellia Suov, by lte ondar Ce attend. Faunie Jackson, Ani Keler, Heltie oi t3v pianio#. Miss A. l mith Law'ence,'i oeob ang iziAFweÀtsfrteDs Î"tacdhu ieJasaI of sali) siagiag in a Blow, Gea. Je ranerecoi, Eamesi IEi~srvCsso o ieDs jzeautifaîl sang, s'wlin id ta sny Win. Chiambers, William Willie.. Pin vo tala.netate ceun iased dcv 2? lith a soasta, lay Mr-. Ter. Brd Cas, Genaral Profioiency.-N. hr etk rt cortteaon riligteua, on teo vialin and MiggsC la. Hopkins, Isabella Crilab, Mini . oft:etbediiy andl mental saifarng ltaI Chies blii, ian. 'li4 Grhami ' 1ý sua, Nelly adr George \Vaedlite,istressing mabady goneratea. Tie esai pino.Miai Grlas a 6 miuet Cbary aldeuby. Paruian Syrup (a pretoxida of Iran) sud nus-Icai voieeaaag, "Thae Méeisage." 00ed COnýuacC-.Auuie KlelonFru as iascrafithuaude vie vere suifer. À plaineoo by Mrs, lRae, "Andante Allia. aug tram liais diacase. sud Finale" by 21Îana lash,,a, uu'as saaiple of perfect akili, sud affaralel a s e Iis. 'Pb r C-ps. aursuce eoft Clrougi lreparatien for tCi e lt Clans., Geunrl Prafiieny.-. Po 1 arsovh.out ebv diffiient position otan Iluatrucli-ese. Se- Gibeon, Bessie Hartep, Wiili, Rove Po I ai tli oît ahv les,1 duotgi, qaartettss,. sud citer-uses toi.- ar-siThomase. thCe following cieerng nova as Ce Cia loved lu tiralesaud exliiîaiunig suc- 2mai Clase, Ganerai P1r-fiioay.'-L. sîste o e Co -ps:; Yeoman, Nellie Ashity, Sarah Wiater, CL.àazuu>a. - PsU viosl vriemiue oeeiotu-.Miss Grahîsa u0oiviug au an- Nelly Ycoman, Amelia Allia, Mary batter Clau for yeare past. Spranggran cor'. for "Loe, lie Cu gae Lai-la ", Jackson, Alfred Sontiaveil, John Pierdi. ot ail kiada has &-fine heaitliy appear. Meiss Camaran revouling ai voici. et 'un.- rd Clans, Ganeral Proficieuy.-A. suce, lie lasy crop vil be- ratier ha. iluual taveainese uand puver; Misa Yan- O'Cenan, Henary Whitney, Alice -Ye. 1evite average. weeal, 1ý1Ils Conaau san ie etîsere main, Lattie Wrnter, D. Morecamb, W. MtxacEsra.--Crep prosects li Chie Allia, Lydis Smithi, Saraha Weodhousa, neigîaboîod very gooti,iudaed. lTe proniugtigtensialvsaniista-ais o et IoAlber-t Jackson, Ali'ee W'srf.ck, Lounie lae inliniads ruCcsgei piano, dloiug luonor toa lbaeia' tesolîcra Gibsou,Willie O'Connorersnîe Tamp. thua appearauce ofth11e groving crops.i sud wiuung faute bath foai-tluonaalves sera. amraeinhg srtswhte Quel Uoduc.-.Jno i.pqaîî, LoChie Piasar uhgasiievt sud te institutionî hat lian se qîickly Smilta. axpetatition et a goed liarnest. 1 takÎn tlIa vnry fr-ontuC ni-saa uoaical Raguas'r iu1ao'-usWhiitney. oseEÂW,. - Ci-eps smo looking vaîl.9 elaaaation. W'a couil aspect utîiug Thie average estimata par aore is ase1 Ises vICa hu ratasisal aeîaîrtiuatt * llsws:-Wleat, 20 builiels ; barlay, aden Chas clurge et Mm. Tnrriuitoa, con- igat, sabeue ton ; atte, 50) uahltb. toaeedly t'CIao anI Uciuulsle ad'ctutees good. Tua-aipe, csa'rats, sud suîoeetau Ceclii- u lte louîialor. cngelas-aeail beekiag vail. Fruit iLu Mr.-emnigu eeali teui.'u uo iaabnibanca, exept pluins, vilci willbe Cte piecea ou the v iolia. TIr he or-uis nPORT r- ataR.- Cropa ar-e leekiag1 hoe mirecteîi witIt a Doacker piano, lIhe or-lu ei. adBoosnle a ite ayr- ladies asig wo Iîîaeltonr'm, titi-e csjiielid sud pramise abyieidth sye. spiondhl iasthinelet, hmpeo thotP.1C LET -COSaei aL dozeu taratiated te collage ity ?lasu'. 'aita'and Au.sper coiiop are nad Matsou, Itileelu N o f Toi-ente. iieli nlpepru odtoaa We ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gv beexnelloe laCusi euI e nt prospects et s boutiitlo Wbs! v aofn s lotla'inanaudsa'eauo'ai-vet ceneet uflued a f Itrumencls'. Taite Uxunaaaa.-Pirespects nanan botter et coucrt povol a itttig los furthegooil cropa. la Brook,, Scotb, ando Si'! yuura yaa'et onîlat sut RItasclithtey si-e leekiag apiaudid. FPsU grtyei afuro cm noeane, n. wheat headed eut :ad îeîly of strav. 1 and ci va tt la k;a -boa.a! by yet îlevlance oetain. Or-sus about gnih e tr~uoeeslihCite fautaî'o. ' aveiraige. grette 1011 I th ftur. I vcaavu.-'T'itc receal.sesouahle nains 1 have ruade Cie ci-eps booulavary fine. Mss'r_-îeaaor-T -1W-i T aUas .Grinaoetail kiade promises satfulancr- âEy-,Thinal T E tyli sy.age yieid. AUl varlety et trait look a PEreY.-ýmhory meeting o teWiatby - AUif'lJIbOiîMS Av OsiiIA-.B3'ra- Weil, except grapes, vhaiclitare bte. tC rebi* y in conniction - vithiCie fer-once ta advrieeuiout in <alier- col. Hay cnep, good.Pottsehlane lte Prasbyteri3u urîno of Canada, met n lu anas, il vili lie eea ltat Mi-. Levi appeai-suce et a gooti crop. liepolato 0i Cihe lien, Mr,. lliantyne'e char-cialiera Falrbanas hais cpetito an ictioy nrditaug ia ne! se aumer-anaasu lasI year. a ou Tueiay, lTe Aecial business et CemnisieaRoluts, oppomsite BIamk'a B .0 fiVLLl the aaeeiug beiug a oel 'frein Che Bay liotai, Rinig Street, Oshaau, llaroity strcet Chunehu, Tenante,-tCte tole. J. aapplying sa'van! long tali in hat AIELÂNCHOLY OCURraittct.-BuiWMaln. SuaiCli, (ut lowmnatnvilîo. A very large. fleau-isîiiig Cavai. W udersîsand Il La ville, JaIy 4.'-Ahout taigli 'ooiuc0 ,0a doegaticou on Ilturît et bath ceagi-cga- bis intention te open a imilsr place oft Saturday iveniug, Jnly Si-J, fine 3yonng Cl tiensue praetauCavi)q-bsness lu tits Cavtsu ean a lie uncu ieut te bath. ira Smithi'amilîpo nit. quos buines inthi ton a soo as110ci Aftir bathing tituy canoludeul CeI take Pl vtc as very Ably,diseusueti.- lie get sutabla premises. lie vil! carry sote legs dowa te pond seD taItbaey Il lip, Mi',' Smiltt tan addreosod te on Cie business Lu sîl iii branchtes, boy. venld te ready loesav Meaday mern-w PrebyCry, givlug as île oplinIn lt h. ng sa!daliug on comamission, ma Inglg. Aucor-daugiy tley tor-mefi Ivet figt o &I th cioumtanes tht h' avanon n cn8g.aeet, &o, & erie. On tae large oee van.ourofetirea'~ faii tu e he laiaty lau accapl Che esl, MUt.PFairbanuks lias, ve venture ta say, yonng mon. lu geing Java lhe ponual i Thoa Presbytery Chaien-decided tatlite alCIao mquirumotR ecoearv tonrCttveetwooftlsan tel off, naimoly, Johnu i seul chan.ge licufld akleplaco. sucesatul preeaculian et hie business, 3rrows and! Samuel Prier. ilurrova th Great regret vms aspres'sed-by seveyasibotit lu sbilily, henemty, Ltagity, sud rierySaana! ine amedupon 4aSuabr,of Ile Irabytery ilu regarte oprompt business'habits. W. visi iim , again. Pg risvamrade ha su n u the~ change. Mi'. Smith vil ha raIes.. succees lu Ilisnov euter-prigc. ralva vas drowning, again jumpcdý in,-na et! frou i is char-ge on lte stiflinC. , And lu ils eflents le nascue him, bnCi te TEaPEaNoEDxeoxmaA.soN vae drovuad. Au nastvsiei 'Kwlaw<~ DuoNn~naN A T CAIIIXOT.- grnd a'meraeo y Coroner Ciroitie thia momniig, sud bc DmuogTUýTXON À AT__CLXEXOÇT.- grad t4lipe alle verdict givea lu secordauce viCia lie ea urausaoth t temperauce demontratfon, demoaslraClen vas iald at Mr. Fore. facto, th imiter tiaeauspiceet Ofialug SqgnLodga syllies' groe, antvîtici uesnly 1000 par- te-. 1. 0. ot G_ . eT fDufflus' Craek, vil b. sans vara presant. lie proeedingsetfManitmoba. haeldin l Mr. Moes. mli'e beautituil 'the day commeinoça it lla adianer, ie aiobo'aePefe-iels grove, où tira 951h Lxst. thie Lodpige latan vici iômt speech.. vere nasae 'l'y mmliiasys efthte oparatiensi et Messrs. t' altoe bvena tho nset on lhst day,1sud the savas clergymen praent, te day Maciar and Rysu, Hait-Breeti Lsnd Yi several o e isGrand Offcer. viii a!-bd. g ii n"election cake" tor. Cemrseueaioer., hat tbay arachargad am amis~ thesassambg, 'la ule n hicWh Cie candida e aaMissi Mite i vCiaeffacting a seratiuy of thepersonsutn llivi$d te attend. lu Inaeeunug as, launsdUMiss Ofark, the latter haiug nig ac;pgan is at e i 1 ob0s00 coeur*t llb. hosIt, at hilc liscela.- nlotonlous. lia proeeeds oethCIe day A-e! gfrat el sprtiohl-ies- na braed qhisÎ, WAubaueo, viii appétat la ameunltid te nearly' #200, from vîtici liaegrnt .osbséquentî made for Cie di 4ul aà coe, viChiç ongs lu hi s . tie axpensas arateobe pali. beat o a a fiitbraed fanailaes; sud inu " #volauthr e nip Issue erdesed ferthiewite to 4une. 4t.Ci woî:#TheMathbos i %il'h .setIer re ocama luto tiùs eonntyry be. a ml ivoi lay, ung 4ere 0a1 V 11139- Report adopted vihiioni amend- sand friands of tClip ils. - NW-tus Io smeut, a8 it ioè dlivay . heke The conuittee of streets sud ihu suce .,« those interouted gtiàinlaes $the provemants Ctaon brought lu Chairre- ç b4il@5 . W more active axertioï, and 9 tort (V&r, Ring nov entared aud took bdgeto, or rouses a spirit' of ganerons' 0is seat) saying that iu Cheir oiluion rivalry lu Choir young besrts,. which is 111e folobwing sume would b n.eedfç.al, eProductive of great befilti ansd the liasIpr«vemelt ofîthe varions otresta, very credLtable t* all partieî oonopued via. Brook, $800; Dundlau, 0500; Base in the noble cause of hlib disuamination Line, $200., Thsy bail atserecelved sud distribution ofintelligence and lu. ottenders for graved from. Dauiel Whit. formation amouigst Ile masses, as val! ney anad Reujamii Warfolk, alec frouani;the upwaranalsd 1 onard maroh of Jas. Campbell sud Anadraw Jackson, progresa ini real aubeslpn"il E ugliali cd- lit llze.former offariug tb furauali ereened 1ucation, i3efore C~cludLpg, bte Revd, on gravai et $1,9, sd vithout scraening ohairman maéde4'oine very a prnopos àt aI1.14; the latter offered 'gravel at sud pertinent~ observations relative te #1 .87 but lanaluant as to soremag, butas tha remankable propoesalthe pupilu iad te adnertlsiemant sala good Ceain made undter the snpeninCeuclbuce of -gravai, Lt la te be p.rasumafi Chat ha "put miss Wiualcw, cf Moun.C St.: Louis, Co. in bis tpnder subjet to bte adnartase. Bimoee, *whlola e w vl recelnad by àp ment, sud yurcomnittea racom- Chose prenant, mua. ooncludedl hy-wArm. ho manda that .bth parties ha alloeed te ly eulogising lusa Moecloquant. Man- ed furniuh graveaitI81-87; yeur Commit. uer, the systen] cf instruction pursuefi ýptee has raceinad but oea-tender for by. Misa Wiuslçv duning the past thrae broken atoe, Chat Ls . at $5 par- cord, menthe, and! lafla Chia change as an viaici tlaaY docline to socept au ýbeing indication ef dccided progresàand im- dfte bagh4 they aise, raceemmand that preVemeait, certain stx-eats at the Basa Lina be REaENT R AiN FALL.-LaC Thursday Dg apanad. Report adoptad atter a lengtliy afternon aud niglat, va had nose C,. discusion. maaguificent showcrs of ramn, which did re NOTICES OF MOTION., muai good tg aIl kiadi of grain sud Bir, Fairbanks gava notice that at greenacrops. Tha thirty soi! vas se the naxt meeting oft li counoil halie ii dry, sud aUl cropas sevilted aud parched moeate liave by.law No. 74 rapesled, up, Chat the farmens iun Mars, Ratma, of sud bave tC, introdaca s by.law t e s. sud other northera townships began te of tablia*onthly or perlodically faine or despain et gstharing aay ratura iun1the markets. Ie shape cf harneat for Chaeir labours.. The Mao hnarase and said that?, H'ovvr; Providence ever lcind lian a$ua ha bail somathing ef a private ana. mcrcifully sont abuadance of ram te the tara te lay betuna tha Counicil liersc. et Chought tht 1the repréentative of the OIL&Po~c Last Thnrsday, bt press slaould ha requastad te withdraw. 24th uIC, te anna Catholie pie-uic ;h -4 ý " under the management of the BAV_ X.1 The Great Forcpaugh Show. Campbell, the coarteons lacambeat coh Clac Ohuroi ot the Auge! Guardian, wasi A WORLD ON WHEELS. ieldia the losely grave adjacent tu Ch. Aayluna, Qaitea snambar ver. in aI. (Toronto Mail ,Tune 1(t) tendance,. oomposed utf mombers-et alil W. aveCw sesaton iaChe*~ religions persusions. Over 180 uftheia WI Fo a eg'. Sowsesudtiensigth e i l - Students ef St. Micliael's Collage --vere woruld b. Showiand thsey iirecainspreseat, accompanied by Chair magnifi. ie grast eadfflt ealk. ocaioscent brasa baud, and the Biffîep of' Caegnda snt ld negt e pp- Algoma, Father Vincet, Prasideat et edanoaraise ciiase on travellingSt. Michael's Collage, Fater O'Connor, eaterneu tetiereowseson raeeluiut.Dean et Barrie, tie Very Reverend ly wa hava te depand laponthe ontaide F-athar Proulx, Deanof Toronto, sud world. eyera! ater priesta. Prof. H. Wind. ji werd.sor's String Baud snpplied te mnusic13 YOIlEPAUCIIaTUEl PIONNER. for the occasion.t ý5 The Pioneer Chie year in Farapaugh's s---r 1uhow, an aggragaîioa antirely new ta Karthquake in South America. a Canaa, aithoaga -Lt lias astabi- ised -a &, distinctive reputation fer itselt La DETAILS 0F TEE CALÂMITY. p te United States. It came hera8 with -a largepretenslous, sud Lt bas fully. sus- - New York, July,4. c tainad al Chat ha. beau said et L t. LaCer mail advices frra different placesM Whou it iasatatafi Chat Mn. Adam in Calunibia more than confirm thae b Forapaugi lias invastafi ana million liarrers efthCe aiartitquake in May. A fi dollar. in Chu s tupendons enterprise, latter tramt Salazar, May 28ti, says :- ti sud Chat lie employa nearly one Chenu. Cacuts isaspitilul aiglît. Evenytig i. ir sudt men sud bornes, ilt is apparent thst in raina. Neta hanse remains- stand. ct li a man wlio is datenmaned te stand ing. Thienas sud rolaber. troua Che ri ia the. front rank et hie profession. Ha aurroaading country hiane swapt dava hartedl in 1807 with aixteen cages et on the ill-tated city, sud handly a single si animale sud a 'cirons. 1868 lie bilsd ess bean aed tram thc Caslm hi Cwenty cages et animale sud a cirons Houa.. Four aundraf mpilee vore kil!. ai uinder oe uet ; ia 1869 lie baid Cveatty- ed in Cise atreets, aind as Cher. isne -l fine cages of animal. sud a cirons, sud oe te, ramone titeni, the aleaci is be. thon reqaired twe large tenta, baing the comiag tniglattai. 'Tie villages et San a flast man ta Latroduce the plan et cx- Cristodal, Taribit, Gcasisima, Capacho, tl hibiting s menagenie aud cironsndar San Antonio Sobatera, San Juan De fi separata tenta. Iu 1870 lie tvavelled Urena, Rosarie, and $an Cayetano ai-e with thirty cases ef wild animal. 4olaim- campletely destroyed. wi ed to ha more thlan amy menagenie can A sterehoasa ut Puerite De Les Osotais exhaibit) sud a circue.' From ChaI data Wag assaileal andi laanuc.d by bandits. tl uqltii 1874 thera vira forly-fona- animal A bitter tram Ocana, Maayiloth, enys etl doue ana.d maea'um cabinet waggeus on 10,000) people wene lailled nt eCuta, in ta tii. road, aaxhibiting undnrfive Cents, addition t hrta lai Iinds via ere Thoera lis beau an aixtire reorgani7ation senieasly vonnded and bmiseid. Deathi toi- tha season ut 1875, toea eing ty sud dasolation a'eigaed oeoiywhoe. animal dausonesd maem cars. Gi-eat numbens cf haciendas have beau TE PaOCai N.. deatroyed, sud iniad-eds t oneues la Yaaterdsy baing te iraI' ay et ax- t ha contry onartirown, ieaviug people hibition, Ciae streets were thronged viCia louacles suad censigueid Ca ponenty. mi spectaters, principally ladies sud child- Many Ci-ea vwero Cern up by lthereots, Sa rea, Ce calech s sigit o et icprocession sand amail bille vora openea! 11k. a mi as il came mbt town. *The route takea melon. Thte cause efthCIe gresu caCas. ,an vas by lie Dundas rend ta Quaen trophe is of course unkuowu, sud tae Th Street, sloug Ce York, South te King, eie lace ot ite liraI manifestation. at esat te Parlisment, sud tien, after lthe &rome sultppose that lthe volcano et Se- rincipal sîreoeets o tat section iad sara, vhiola vas in action Lu 1848, is Ch coun Cravenaedl, &long Ce, Cie fair grounds again breaking eut, vite aiers say Mc on Grenlle etreet. Unlike meat Cirons Chat a new nolaab lis appeared iLu lhe fou processions, il did net present a glter- hile etf Giracha. a mg amry ot doughtly kigilitsandsudtin A piate latter trom liucaraananga, va amazone; bat Lt vas sucbi9 a procession et May 24th, esysi in Piedecuasta the vh as venld impreassIthe apectatens viti Cuva hall is destroyad. , aic tie tact Chat it rapreaeaatad an auurmeas Iu Pamplena the Cathadral is in ruine. Du Lagitimata show sud Museuma. A Celegram trom Hou. Aqailea Panna Du te Preat Parez, dated Bucaramanga, Be: TUE MEi4ÂOEEIE. May 24th,1 ays, "'The ee.nthquakea con- TIte final thiiag Chat utnikes oaa opaliauad lsI niglat. The 3sltedi'al ilaso auleriug the menagenie sud Maseum Pamploas tel!. Tiare is gros! alarm. Cul eout ia Cie voudertal cleainese sud- Great devastatione througieut lha val- tite neatueet ofail! the arrangements. Net ley ot Cuculs. A despalci Ca, Preat aye muly is Cie musenîn ilsaît langer Ilium Parez trant Clinacols, et May '241hi, ý auy Chat lias enian beau Ca Tenanto e h-syaCie population et San Jase, Roaio, by fi-e, li Cie animale ane kapt in botter sud San Cayetano have dieaippea .red. ma condition. Tihis reflecte credit hoth on Tlie rest;etftite departumeul la lu raine; ga Mri. Forepagh'e prudence. andl lie liii- more itan 4,000 victimes. C CI uanity. Amid se îuauy uslunual cari- A dsttî ic oa-adtda î- oticeble eataa benar he tal sck nslira inrpaprau.T ýf h1e novdy elameut. 'Faily haIfthCe lsAlAi i indilIC&wereý' f th, Mi box IfCh. Papar lias bea6en0tCwe veek b t uadene vee c li far ss, e-or.mot'a ovar tie lima foriauhihLt vas dineg eaupanlad viCi a goodly ýsprnûlniof uaid, dou"t scnd a peibal-card.- It vili li yeno!ng hepetl" It waa gratltying rogt d ahrwrt ete, O tese Chat thecdhldren'oh lie Protesaie n get. athe wit lCtr m ut rpiaus Hoe vre dmitef fra, çioa vtalis due for arrearagee, veu int rphnsRom wéï adittil slvnajwya alloving Chat oua number yulset làým6ii aie 1e ilmitesoýf ane chi- be sent baerse ia er rescies t etx table Institution, provldig ChiaItimely publisier sudhIea lisi La curractèd. ioCe ha givon. Tha aranho preM. ycbWu ttnsiperue es pned vlth a hi olemelare.yho-oplyatn saoteaaniatng va a9ary -Afna oncuewlJlhavaceroadu' atres uot by a numbarerid 'eraon o teoulhaes laresoa.'n 'sLnedeliarers.'sleep well, sud 1tehpbliliar yul mner 5O wMue chrgesC a tamaptad "Cc okathe atame of te ten A&oermarv ovv,-ClumusLerd Chy God innan"N B. Journal Th à BLODMMTY RWDY.Col=uo, f Edaacatin. ,July 4-Duuing a br-rocm figit to- in.lur ùgit, Peter TruC!, a iwd1.known rough, TuoiamLz BIOT AT LÀcaoasi, Win. part. ?'gh. e Pa. arecord etflslood, aCabbed Ceaailý;, zAur SuNDAT.-A terrible figit oIn famas Turuea'4 oioured, in the abdo- ccurred on Stands,4ataroofi at Plaak. nalh as uey )c eusa- t sagre , an dl om a 1of 'the numbir wère afarninluhelli. Ho O#xprienea, h. force oet lai appli. cation Vry srngly, sd be caliat Cemin 2nov aIfithe earliest moment ie Q.-tiryo ha vo ijua eg arrauget lat tiare vill net ha' moe than 200 naines On Cie liaI andi viere. lia preseut sub-i!ivision or amy oethema are toc large, nev divisions aionid lie mai!. lu 1874 eviug ta Ithe eronisions cf Cié act baing ne* amdi is brngiag a nov -system lute epenaition, -Uallonce ver- in soescasas nmadc e r lenkîand asessans, vhila otiervisa voul! mot liane beaun mai!. anti viticimuet nul ha depeudeil ou fer tha future.", COUr.uae'r Sau Ir.-A genleman vaut auto oeeoft ur barber eiîopstCia' otier ,day fer asahane. Peopba'vhe have oc- casien l e osiavai! knov laov perýis- lely a barber vill -inlt ChaI -aur bai- sitoalIb. eut sud your heasi!im- peeed. Having suinittail te a an ing procase the gentleman aboya netanr- ci! Ce vasskai!if lie vouldnt liane a sampeo. He neplieti lu lie magatina, wriaponthe minufethe nazen pro- eedd Cearsk Chat Lt voaI! Cake ouly sl.f1v1W inutes anal oulu! mike aim teel Cen pan cent - Dappier, etc. A poraisieunataalvaa Enly feloe! by, moe alequeul appcaa matI!lite subject, açcaine alarmeandmi abrmptly l.ft hie sest. Whou lie hati gene samnebody asiad the autouisaed barbai- if lau iLdn'l kuov tiaI inu vea aig 1 Anti nov that barbon alvsys examinesàsmins' ram caretuily before sayiug suyhiig- &bonI s itampoe.-Bulletin. IMPORTANT Ta BÂiiiEae.-void ball- ig vithin tva heurs atten s mes!. Lveiu! iathiug vian exlausCti hbya-a igue on trra amy otar oausé. Avoal bathiag viea the body ie vari, pro- hala! no Cime is lesI in gehtiug iato Cie wated. , Anoiti ciiling lie body bha itting ai- standing nskci! an lie store rw lu bouts atter ianing beau la-ia h water-leave btaevarIer iusîantiy hifter-a ia lthe aligiteet feeling, oC clilliness. A.void bathiug altagéteilin uhCiaopen aný, if, atter laning beau a sitort lime la a110-vete r, Char. i. a sosefetchillinese 'iti aumbuesseoetheCh, lisaand feet. rh nigooels sai-streag may bath, i iarly Lithe nor-niag on su eruptye oaci. lieYoaung anal Chosethtt Xe vrak isal ettar itle liree loure 'Cen a meal; Ctaha bst lime fer- suait isP somn-two latiatre. lionne afler breaat. ta 'hie vlan are sabjeol le dizzinese en t iineassuad Clioset vie sufer frein .lpitstiou ana! olter sanueetofaiecein. rt aI lia ItearI, sitoul! nul ballavith i- :lflnsl ceusealtung ticirical àsîarvisan. it PÂAaromcE.-O. G. Or-lavola!,a citizen Port Jarvie, vas kile! by lais step- i n, Etra H1untington, Mou'day aveu. g, a Yoaungminuabout 25 yeara of.sge, pi ho siot hlm vila a pintaI, cansing fa- w anI uealla. Tiare isi! prenions! y0o sun a figit betvea lieus, l in h i anlLngtea, wvie vs ltexiested, vas a %lem inu s aiamefulinsanner sud ejeet. Cl froin 1h. hanse. A tev minaies am ter lie rataransd perpalnated Cie'cil under. H e m ade me atlam p t t e siau i pe, sud vas aC once srrested. lues.- ,a verdict -et vital murdar vs ne- Si onea. n GAMBETTA DECLIs-Es TG FîasT ÀA0e UEL.1-Parle, Juiy 9.-M. Gambetta co i declil M. Casaaguao'e challenge ab figit a duel an gpoent cf articles' aliates la lie Rnpuaic Fracalc. on- 3aaye ha rannot lholi hiausfaît athCi, 1 aossal efthle féet denier smeug bhs th( litical urinai-saies, se lie lias etter lui ies sud rasspaaeilîilietie trf il te- [;ney ivare about *te saparale lie voulu! X. Recausa Elizabeth R. Tilon lias 1k. them, te carry avay kindaly racl- net ouly contssain lu vitiug Cht sha Ilaotiens, -sud, u fai-as they coul!, ne- anIdfleasher vere guiîty et Cis sin sudý moea hatever chagrin hey tit thbe- crime, but haî qonesed te saenrai par- Lag detsinei!e long. Ho vjsied thein sens, aaely, te Mns Braehav, befone Ce recllct Ce fait 'liaI net unutil yese meulLonea; te Mn. sud Mr. Richard,, terday ditheliy- euggest llaey ceulti mot her brohr sud sister-in-hav; te FIer. agre, andt hat le- sugestion came once Tiltan, han daugiter; sud utslhy frein C th e r m ane signea! byelava, ana! 10 M is Sagsn B. Anthony, le viona accempaiad byallirth ram. ajaror the confession vas made, in hiea- ov vie thougt hat an agreementv-as pa. liese ater an angry quarel vwili lier sible. Wlie e au! pertach regard suddItuabanu!, duriag viic Misse Anthony confidence u tie opiin ofthCe elevn potctd ber againt ticeinay cf lier sud 'Cia explanatien of lhe freman, hoa huebaud.' Clieuglat seineîîing was ducelibIvtwlti XI. Because Mno, Moulten iras sworn inry man W ie s nt a -note prayi ag liaI hat B e cher r apested y c eufsse ti le thay should mteadisehargoti. Ela Hon- tai- hie si!nltery vithElizabeth R. 111- cr lisa! the saine Ilaing ou, hie mmd yes. Cou ; sud mcîhing bs beau adducad t'ô trdlay astfour oclock, anti ha aluveal elaka hon crdibiliy. Chat juryman (Taylor) to denote hi. Cimu, XII. Beesuse Theore lCou sud Ca bniagimg sbout an aigreement sotra Franche D. Moulbon, in Chair Cestimouy, io could. Ha bearuet fi-e n ole j at wvici likevine nreasias naitakan, ceu-, sent hira ltaI ley ver.nable Ce frm sud corruborate aillChose diffornt og re , sud l t a t the disagreem nt va is ki d s d act s ' et evidence , ' lu retareace te tie veigit ut teslimaony XIII. Becaue ail tlla undispuiea, au!- sud Cie credibility tif saieaof lhe vil- uittea! facto campent vila hie guilt, nsses, sud t apparea! Ce HiEi Hameur, vil, orty.ine fifltita etofliain c'nnot, aud anry penton conversant with thle ititat deiug Iaised oue of ail shupe,* case, Chat LC vau impossible tonrlainato e hmtade ta cumpont vith is innocence. elp thoa by ay sugestion lun efr- _,For tîtse ressns-Hery Ward Bech- inca te i. eiglit o e tiatay or lic on munît b.helil e oguilty. GuiCy of cnedibility aici the viuesses. Net aven aflnltery euiily cf iyinjg, guilty et par- 'in is charge could b11 final meas of jury, gnîlty et trescitery ta avary ns IaIping hei n ou at point. le sd vaman via ruseLedim.-New veihgt oftestimoy rested t h tla ei. Yorkc Suit. amry. Il vsfor thein ta aay viat wit- aueas they coulu! beliene, sud viat! ACCIDUna iqINMoN'RauIA.-Louie Le. tey canlai nut. Tise court liai! ne duc, a la hs viaget tva et is lugera riglt te lunter-fèe. Ho vas gisad le b. canglat sud lacenatea! la oueaf Mr. J. asanredti hat Cia disagneement i!id net C. Wilson'&' presses, Monday, lia! CIera1 arise tr-em aay vaut et attentLon ou hie aitenle Ce aC lie Geneas Hospital.1 parl, or fri-an orîokLug say peint, Mouday aftrnoun s man vii, carîing e ana! Qed knevhere ver, soeapoLnta fiag-slonea fergo! te belt ie box dovu,, ou vhielie.coula! do uathiug. There sud wae dumpeti out vila Jin iosd, vas eue poiat 10 whien atteutiàù ihai! tuîrniag a I"Kilkenuy" ei 1mersault La Chue C beau calleal, ana! ha voulu! 11ke Ce barn air, thougi, inrtunataiy, lie came ont 1 rein theai explicilly that ltae applios. mere triglilenedthan hurt. Hie ituiresa iont le ake tar-tier teatimnaoyhlat net veredi-esseati Ilthe Oceral, Hospital. a any vsy cloudel'taein mindu or- oc- BpIe. Paquette, sau aid asu,wvile aI nupLed lieu- Cieugita dinactly or Ludi. verk unCthe mev Opera Henia, ha!ils js actly. arm broka n usaveae places, about M.Carpenter assurai! Jndge Neil- o'clock Moaday atarnoon, by lte tling tý aun te lte affect liat lie wvsigit, as of s besmu; Lt vas sot aCt lhe Geaersl b ha il qtieatioaed muany' efthCe jury, Hospital. -A -naa, naine unlanovu, but n in Chey isai sll cli! hlm. liaI Cbey vie appearai! te l'e Ch. verse et liquor, sad e Lot ltithein Ihougît ait ail. wsknocked dovu by s agua onon Sb.o lhe Judg aisie a. a muet gralifi- Lambert Hill, ashut haai-past aine au e ) ta liean titat, sud siace licy teId lia Monday evening, but, for-tuaelhy, feu q bey coula! uot aigne, lae vomi!ttaon- clear efthe vbaeis, sud, gettiag, , f are disoliarge ten. aitusea lthe driver Lu dLegnîting, obacene A Tise Clark tien sabea! aIhey ami! profane languaga. lia. man vhip- & 'are nov diaoisrged. peal ap iihanse ana! lefI snddanly. tIl JarymauTlaayer rosa thoncand sait s----'-w uatli ha iahea! Lt ta be distinctiy undor. EXvaReaaaamÂAItYMÂoI.-Aa extra- T eaod tai Cie juary dii! mot t sai eleven anina-y mania lias aniseat ameng teE o ne as;rumeur usa itil, iaitauî t afauamber et Villages in st Western Prusa. Tiey liane fir-mly' ai International Rifle M atch. ruade up tîeir ida hai h ir E nýa- a perhuebasIs 10,000 Prussin chidran fi, TEE CLOSING. aaicarda vitil1h.Sultan, sud lthataI large nuaber ofTlu-ks ana, ;u cause- fa& A deapatoli troiuii ays tCi ee obch.seul emoug tiam 1telaid-p la Ccl or th e Freem a i'e J ourial c ap l isp t ir'ciildr en on te m vsw y r a m taoi 4tîrdy, esulteal La a ie beteea scîool. Theichslool eacers aie 5tp- ou lajor Fulton, efthle Ameaieu ea, posea to ehopriy t h ts lifaitous* plt, d Mr. Doyle efthle Irisht Association. sd are ndertooil le haveathalers e ie yull b., deidai! ly siootig off promieal them fer anry d a! dut- ut ord na ay arg t. - ed. liere la e been a nes eft uCm at s el T h e ao o ti ug ton lia A l-Ire isa ! a md i vo len ce La co seq u an ce, sud auc la lu baslenge Siiebi! ook place ait Doîy- diilculty la experecain l allayag tic i: io utSau aday. lie c am Le ol ns era excitem at. If Clere la i, beea a y se anr mcmber s eIt etf CiteDublin, Bei- dner ignorance han tuas sice the bei u, anti Nev York clbsh. lhe ranges dluge, lera l, at any i-te, me histei- Hi er-a 1,000 a ui 100 yards, la e a i etf cal aidence t f'it.'bat oi anry p articip an t lail îve ty - 0 eai zo t . l ie S i e l a l va s vo n b y t i a M u a n a x i r Ti o u a î l E A L e t J a .- A f 1, iu b lin m a i nk om e n , C lae s e a n , s t a n d in g - y u g m s s e ! F a u o i u u blin, 569,; am ateurs, N ov York, 558 ; m a d r ! i s o d y n g a y . s cal lfaet, 528.taCi. ywerye usamaiai!Wslaa-int fur I n eu l a i ug m a t oc h e s S a tu rd a y W il- C k r t y v n e a c m a t n , C r , ot te Belast Club, von the Wilk' ut ba ia beea rival suitos on ticeisand e up. C alem an sud ildle nlaeen , of o t s y ung vom an, sud in t e a te - a Amenican Teainmade teur bulle- ne laqre lead aeher vian Du reg eacIint50yards. Iu lie cinteteiavuldroaled h v oulu s e l i 40yJt lthe Hundre! Gualea'Cap, presantai rar.al ias vîoa eaeeoI uliî tue ondn Drimaic Nsa, Cae- takar Chat ha imeil himeî 'villa a Hpa th va dn tî rfl a ti o, balthiaCap ntltai-kuife, sud, meeting ise ictiutH lewn h inal oe, utuhe aes,, hlmrlly afler-,pluuged Il inCa haie buvaisdis] lena vwon thai Spencer Cap. A 'iemrasie a apa-a udIrga a ring anud iriogar vinaI blav daring Wagu..d1 P altooting, iîat nu, nain fi'hî. -. - sri -P UEFOLI- UN WaiP Plieree auanimmnunsa ci-avalpraieut 5CELEsDegatee rEoualtpirtî'of AL teexiitiotm plaçe Sutanulay niglit Ia UitedouiSiateR Ineiglats villa aceouinsrta I. il 'iatijion, etf'pnizes. TIse o-etrlysclbaini l i pl aorespiîsicl lsond ihaulge fr-fsa alan, TheliaI et mineir 411a et July fraij h mame, hi et lui e ain esanoraccidenta in lIais lina fille ta colunu ta eh Ladmo aer, oMtejarr cient, sd m iith four-lino a raag-apit. he tire j n MayMaorkLa -aîs eh, cadgir.meuh serieus are Chose et tva yiiuag oetC liuig Cih. Amenicans ounItem rvicory; Ngir-la , a n iron lh anal iaaaliel juan L;iecla sailltle vicoiy voaîî Ne cYrakr, vîtoa i înlias ver-e iaely te nev as an aduitianal 1h. hetveen Chie " l'Irc-akrabni4tautpoaby1e i cenIr-as. Col.Qiidr.beva -a- tiily. But tew Ires ara éoe1 Ril haleal. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A i H anak aoua L r a y p a n aet it e usual M ag n itu d e a t hi e es 4ail otitarsa luDublinand Irosl sasn. , l ýer-aly, ton h. varua ioepitality sud .s* -- vl ai-roua1 aplausalihaid baan accord- ANuOTauFR OP-THÉ i-R VzaiuiaUGss" S( ils ceantryen t su assre them BoAT's FouNI.-Leauion, Jnly 8r-d.4- -Ai t C.oa in e aln eyessr e fOr-uiThe Noregisa bar-que Norucap, a t l as ellet 1en ley Americans. AItlthe caonlsion fa-Ci eet aSIata-nglagL u bie remarlaslie paesauhai! au lgat atîtude 47 deg., pioca! p l'et N, 5 afi! Sri's AÂs'r.-LiuiaJuIr, h6. 'lia Bluiti4hianlianu, Liî-ely, ;saîls rlotinaiuouibtlton tira SpauDllsCastI pretect Bliiilaliaterasin u lort 'alaeul VIth-1e militany openatioau Carliatî auJ Alfonais- flOouvrlth et iron te .0 pleta CaleauruPalertoro asud ,M orma roui! iras basa parched, a Cie t vili ha flniehtea iis fhl'ougi comuplaîlon et the Rico Lake.. iue' hob deftre! Cilt noxt aeaeon. ;CIOOË,Houas STaluoaxBs- Liait tso t lerralaate, Inal., au Sun( sy, sa 'ai liane vas sîrack by, lighCaing al a Snnday echeel vas an tea* sencnal persans seneusly inj d. 'LîJABeLEic a'auaean o- O îi T-poOaB. ýxaan eàorl-ioraad cattie, ns! ed at 5,000, vere ahippe! le' Eaglaa 1 pan uenr Rolluai!dC'iornNev Yor-k aeme vil! ha a Re#ai Cemmissibu lu suàd ou tIre copjynigit qatetiai. Ine laundrati Monues salel on ly fr-onz'Egiami! fer Caadg. ai tevu et Gaîl b basai encrcatedaa .of entry antis vareiousing port. a e aa acbtPeanlass vas baunoir. o. Salai-day aI BeIhovIlle, AUl ïï 1 apea i hible nmade Co ft lier Lu fth i or ton Domimion Day. wC.Credit la ceatai!an aldunor B OSA B JIN B Preparati hem tha Pure Gras.of THE- CANADA- BEAR. This u!eIihttLuy t mea premtion ciîtinit la memaSt in any desirai! position. Il gin.. the Hair not cnly a luxuriant gvlibtameute graynass, buiduasa, and! ohrdLseu, aof!theh.Ieasd scalp. hl Qennana Bea-'s Gfié-se bl neglseh lu biela auleaass abuabla article for Dreasmng th. 1Hîr. Il ha8 beau highly ,cemraeudet sudusaly amineaul Ohemisits anti Physiciaus et every contry. Esclibotl ie clesel linsa cana! board boi surrotindetilysa finely engravai! vxap- peu-, Cominug a package buta ernamantal sud usaful on enery Ladies' Dressing Tabla. Price 0cents ka. SN 119 Sole Prapnialona, MontreaL NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. cÇHÂNCEItY SALE I OF VALUADLE Farin &Building IProperty INsTE TOWN'.0F WH ITBY, Pursuant te a Deorea ai Ch. Court et Chanaary lu tacuit ai LISCOMBE vs. GROSS, her. w bhke mcli!by Public Auctien; itCi tia approbation ai Gao. H. Dartneil, Esq., Mastemýoi Che saA Court, aI WhlCby, ah 1the BiRITISHI AMRICAN (Bay'») 1HOTEL, lu Ch.essi!Town of Wbilby, 'on Thursday,,the te day of Auguît suant, - A. D)., 1876,, alliehe ur ai 2 u'cleok, p. mn., by'-thî saLid Masail nanai-rmore parcalsa hereuaden -saeml, tie idloviug nynalnaba tari n d Building Prorty, sitate lu Chu Town of Wiitby, sud beiug campesai ef:- PASCaL 1,-Tte Rast enanty-11ve acte. ofti Inurth haIt eft-Lot Numben Tiventy-' aima, lu Ch.ePlirst Concesionu ai Cia Tewn- ship ofWaity, uev iemmimg- spart of lhe said Tovn ai Wbilby, axcaptiug thi orti- ahIt oeeacre, mcv ovnaal by tha rapreseula. 'mves cit1h, estate o etlisaThoms Ben- nt, cautatiug byadmaurememî senuy- aour acres, ob e Iais me raor lause.This pire! fronts ou the ingston 11sd sud i.- the farut lately evuai! by J. HRamer Green- vooa!, Esq,, amnI accu pied h y Messrs.. Euock ing sud Son. Il la ail cleareti sud lu a aigi elate ai enitinatioand tia land is.oe taià very bail uuat oramfarmiag orgra - Purpesa. It 28v2utn umiautes'valk v tha cemtral part of the. Tavnuoft Whtby, lu niai Cavai tie eduostionai -anti other ad!- vantagea ara oftCh. higbeat *eraier. Upeu bis parcel issu ýexcellant dvefliug house, lr-ge sud cemanodious banna snd onîbuilti. igs, latel- emecled sud umsurpassed. inlaibs part af the contry,sud an archa-tioai p- wamuis af tinea Cionsanti youî fgitrt dnt Drameutal Irees et namiens mim=s. Tlhe lanu"-plenty et vaCer en ta. pramiies sci a. viola in ezceliently auclosadvwita Icard id pos, ai- plckutancus, OunClie promisea uer. ara linea han! vahervweUsavith pumpa i Crongis, sud tva nery large soit valar sàtar-his Ilad laaillunder drainage. ' ha neainiimg gt paneals ceusiet cf ai-k LaCsflambertirs., four, f va, six, nue, tes alevenandui! Ive, tou Anuis' ;ecqai! Pln utpart ai Cie nantihait etfT40t umbai 111ýe .agC,> nte .irsI Cuncas. maultia part oteitfowofitb imCalning lsy almaeasurann t hho .c bont f fty acres. Tuds lani! lies laCth eut ofataacel numbar nean sud alue aIt clearad,vel fauca tii est and board'or piokut feoe, sudis under igi etat. ut cultivatias. Thi. sel le ai e s a q n i t i n a # m n g p ù r p o s e s . P a r k b nmbe tiee f-ut.unte Kingston isad, sud vanll, if laid eut lu building lots, Lke aligible aite, ion prmata reetieëncas. ueore a-a me buildings un Cho;s lots..Ou r-tt o lot tirai there Leaine au ai-ocharid. 'ne tber -laCs fr-eut on Aues 'anal Henry t>arer number ana 's'l ha affe-ad tai-sale rit ami!'Chou. the remluing lots ina une ercei, sud ii L asale Cieaui bala,- asu saci luis vili be effae! t o-sale sapa-. aly. T'heo purcitater au- pacciser. '*hall aI' the- me a t sale, psy dava s depaîsil s inte p ne- )ieu ai $tO tere'ary $100 of isairor elr - irtasa muey; ie tts Vender or ler Soli- an, urand shal alýsoa, ay ssuai stafflciaut te ak. vila tie deposit lty pan cent ai the Lreliasmoue- wiChiU aie xnauth-eau liae q oi @*e itient 'interaut,an!ds"allfera &éln tabalance, ai the saLi! narchsse vaust. per Un pplsea (ani FAIZI Auctii Oppesifý ilegri urday, Ci 5ates i 1Vhiîby, Valua; TOVO cPurs=a -tie apaua Satjsyda Aund as 'Tonofu 3lLzal1 the il 'Sireel Streets Gilbert, Titione Frnces PAScaLNo TaintImg afreai tainc!ini Riane h aslis don te au -~~~ "- Alaiap laneidetitec l ee pur-i caie oftheC Th urei etiea-o'buns aI)cot tltu'ha AUguatinu-t, t (ift'sale, sud eh laet, A. D., 18 sdession ou ltai balance. Tite Veudor, nuiai a nerfied ci tillansd 'vi - ny tille alcade Clir posessaal The Vendons Parcai fixed ly PA=L No-M.. iar pan aIsl lin peut pur( viao mua Ps' iumbei ?on hai

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