Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1875, p. 1

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Offce.Iip coy soth of the Boya MMES ItTLEIIGE, B.A bont rown Attorney. I #.- (EKTWIE!GORDON, BÀBIBTElaeATTORNEtY4T.LÂ' S Ciitr l ealcery, COU e& scer NI ub~ile, &o. O1 e-v r. Ai dlaoa',store, Brook Street, ýWbtby, ont.. CkIARLPAC. KELIJPR, JARBTOMMRAT-ILAw, SOLIOIT OUIM chiance , omvoyancer, dCo,Can.ning. ton,-treet, CVaw. G. YOUNU t*-MSITII, IL. U., B ARRISTER, ATTORNET. ÀT-L&W, S1> oliotor lu Cliancery and Iueolveucy, Notai7 Public &C., &o.Ofceolan Block, Brock treut Whtby, Ontario. <Late Greeuwoad &- MMlllan.) DARItISTEIt, ATTORNEY, SOLIO. .Liitor, Notar Public, Conveyancer. (Af llce--Byron. Street, Souh af^iPost Office, Whlttby, Ontario. TIJOMAS 1HUNTON, TOWN 01411K AND TREAg1TRER TlWhitby. Office-Towu Hall. Houri, from 9to 1 'cloclc. RI- J. -OUNN, M.D. SURGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, ,'yrnSteet, V'ty fIUT'S HOSPITÂL, LONDON, UNG., '7the eje E. O. H. L., Oshiawa, Ontario. A. FAREWELL, M. B., M.C.P..,, s'tàrrXedalioet and University Silver Med. alîii-, Gradnate cf Toronto Uinlvereity, Nîmuber cf the College c! Physicians *Py & Surgeons 01 Ontario, VhsIclan, Surge'cn ared Accoucheur, DRtOORLIN, ONT. DE NTIST, (SUCCES. Dsor to W. H. Card.) Dental lteomg,-DýnedeeStret, WltbyoverlMr, Jacresous Store. Nitrone -Oiide Oas adlmniltered for the painlees ex- traction of teeth. C, N. VARS, L. D. M Er1~ Tu insertcd on ail thée T.2~~LaE,, rrcpe ftoat as1liap ateshepee, nileodsthe t boeot.OTeeth fllleS with UnIS anS Silver. Teeth extracted wlthout paIn, by produciug local annastheela. Dental Roomes-tu Cow. a's resw block, over Akineon'e Drug Store, King Street, Oelîswa. 3 BUILDEIL AND CONTIIACTOR DUMOAS SIL, WmumrnY. FVTUC HEAD 0FFP3 Le r, r, I. r 1- g 14 8%"AU orders promptly executed - TAIIiDUESSING AND SHAVINO £1 Saloon, Birook St., Whitby. JOHN WOLFIENi>)EN, AGENT FOR- TUE CELEBRATED .'-Scottlsh Graiite. At Marbie Worka ~of Jnathan Wolfenden, Dandas St., Whutby-. JOHN CARTERI, V ENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TUE Cotuties o1 Ontario, York and Peel. 61ence-Lot 8,'8t01 Coucesion Markliam. PoOOt OÙC-Uionviile. Sale, aitended oni the shortetit notice, and ou reaouable terme. Teron a be made and bijll printed ai the 'OllmoNicLa Offie for Mr. CMrer. LEVI iltA r# Jr ICENSED AUCTIONBEEl FOR THE ..L. County of Ontario, begs etoréturn 'thauks for the liberai patronage lieretoforo best.owed upon hlmn, and to announce that b@ l0 prepagred te conduit sals either lu Town or Coxnty -ai reasouable rate,. Ar. rangementis for sales car; be made either ai theo UUIONICLE Office, or antnsy own Office, Brook Street, Wlitby. UMBR MRCHNTCAUPE>NTËR ~lied and attended ou short notice. Coflfins cOpt costautlY ou baud. Alioaes to litre on IlUerai terme. A T H E R L Y, Clark Div/s/on Court, TA. C/erk, Coramlssonuer l 3 R., Laud Agent, &éi, ko., Aiherly. <Joxniy Ontario. Atherly 8trt. 2ud, 1872. 86 IlCÂ D. DUS. CAILS(>1<& BOGART, VYlQiâcus, surgeono, Accouchere, &o.,&. Wbftby, Sept. 30th, 1874. 40 wooD FOR SALE. Thesunlicrlbet las foi sale at is .Mil nsar Utîca, a quanlty of four-foot Slab A. B. CAMPBELL. Utîca, sept. 28, 8. 89 nOBT. RAx SAY*,. m ., &L. M., Ooldwmter-St., Oiena&, ocsOf7c -ROYAL HoTEL, - WEETUY, ONT. A. HINDES, la., - PHOPRIETOR. oemlusacpcren.Onîs moit ai trane.27 POliT -PROP1RTOft0j. 'HA~ OTEL,, gae ibis Comspany. >Ttwî c y nu o, Titis naC eLI',' NT. u EEOOLEN a.isfactionta au wlsq'uey fvor mu wlth lergest bouses nortis'of Torontto. It o itI. LUBRILV M JAR. POWELL .PROPmIETOZI.;thuir Sales or Oollectini.d ubducnie' ~Ti 5~Bils draugbteSsana Bank Ntes faruth.eiunbanacaâe Theuiinilersignud haylug '~uspit, AIIooBill fitampe 'Altays on basnd.' OE Agut-~d ltoSilppngÂen-fo tc. JSTE RN H OUSBE, 'ArragemenWts onu bu nade for maies ho.Combiing elgueecol na esdeouomy, extensive Lumber firqi o!, mmsi. Smih .athe CEtOwacLt office. Wh ob , bI;;l bas ampl cozodétionu for suMner Cc.of enuon eu, bs ounei conue * >tND41 STEET, WàMyî. Offlce Prince Albert, audat tise ý vsitais, le eligictftely si4 e#ulry ittrat- tou with lisi cter Wsmlses,, sonextensive -~PTPTy .h5ti isyoito %ho ie,'steana- pThe ulo, dee wonld intimai . *- w .WLCXba lahe ilac u ottr .R -tS7' L U M ý,B'E R 'v A R' pulcihtthabase proniS. have boeu, Prince Abert,Seýpt. 941h 82 9 Cmein aperoi n utsa newly îtted np and ieuot'atedtt, 1ug72ant9* aperimuts for amilles.ouasitso ey Port Psrry Bail- s for fuorsan4 ___ Cipars.th"Tics Oersmo!ailN.BoatOLiqurrsf rroomegl.y lutterCoratel.. wayStston *htelekepi consientiy onBisUinýW41Z 1s1L ag-: ALUABLEFPBtOppRTy FOR AL . rane p rui ndeSta. r ee hanS aubr woeal n oL large andomnplete stock of onbr SA=.seaSreel ueees mnbse t n rsut~seaesfu o! ail kind. for sai, whoietaie anaS retil.- àthdé weuek.mi îe Plaelug machins, qaA all kindi o! wbrk ex.OSPH ABNDEL. Thé subecriber -offers for sale tics falloir- tchre ecnîed.promptly, tô ordoi. ,. .lu'valnaicie propert utcsTi f ht OBT. BUSSELL, Whtbt ay27 1bv 2-t W MA RUSexcufeut Brficlt Cottage *U 1 jacre 0.rlliaJan. Il 1874, rpitr 0R. CORMACZ. tTH0Y OUEaolnd, situated outhleS corner cf Green eand 204tbyuay 27,I.,. 2l.t! VVSi. Peter Sis., ln the Sentit Ward. Albo, j .M.WLCX 204 USE BT, WST, acre of lanuSei ecdaSia i'bauJ N .M WLCX o! cultiveilon ce Wlanin an i!- FARMFOR ~ Eîwee Seso. nS Jhn S., lord WeàNrtsad. *j 21n Conteut. O! tics Town o! Wiby, bas itère appointea Thai mel-kuain faim, loi 26, 8rd con. cf À--ASON 9 - - PROPRIETOZ?. the R4nth Word. Albo20acesof good lndo OFFICIAL A$SIGNEE, WhTHE kowNaLsON FAlit Laie o! the Albion Hulel, Whltby.) boit omBo o -2ri flot 18, 10hcu ci ý.=p»ofmuryCO-. krhmiteFor tice Counhy Onterlo. AU business TH OADO AR, The Bar always ls d il ts hebuet elastS. - - -- ____ _-Il_1 AnS as oit présent lu the occup ation o! Mr-. N. Rag. Contais 190' acres; about 150 cloane ; duéllng, outbInldingi, anS sultable offices-, splendid oncicard o! S acres lu exhent. Appiy te- JOHN A. J)ONALDSON, Gov't Exnlgratlou Offce, Mardi 25, 1873. lOb! Tor-onto. T ISOLATED BISK Fire In8urance Co of Canada, CAPITAL,- S$oo,ooo. Deposlted wlth Governmew, $67,000 It WMilldust aU loinesaeçitlout delay, and pay over the cash AT ONCE. Hon. ALEX. MKE NZIE, M. P., Fresident. JOHNUX AUGHAN Jn., c E 0a1 0eE A il 0 V T 40,000, -AT TrIt- HOME Nt.RSERY,- Prom two to four yeare of age, embracing ail the best Varieties,.. SETII C. WILSONi Lot No. 3, ud Cori. Pickering. on Kinrgston ILoad, -ist Office, Whitby. WSTERN ASURANCE 'COMPANY REAI> OFFICE, TRONTO. Ci AI ci ýAPITAL STOCK, $ 400,000. AGENT POU soueTIIONIARIcO, OSEPH HOLMAN, BROOKCLIN, ONT. Iso Agent for the CANADA FAIlMERS, MXJTUAL INSIURANCE COMPANT, ---U M&Ur. , cc,, ..,a"., Ã"FI..A A .O JE ITIZENS' INSURZANCE COMP'Y, OFCALASG WinsLaqon, as igars. BROCK-OTREET, mEITBY,' TAYLOR & McCANN,, PlIOPRIETORS. Tise undereignudi desine ta inforn thiss fiendesud thie puble tisaiticey icave tekexe thse aboveicll kiru h obei. victh ey have nemiy iteS np and renavated, anS put int tise lest ci order for tise accommoda. lion o!.1 es Tise Bs; mmclkhi.ithe hanS. somes lus the Countyin le lisupplieS milli lice ftnet'brande a! ines, liquors, anS ci. gars. Ample encloseS ehed noomu anS good siabling, box stalle, &c. Detaclied roome for commercial travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIF MCNN. lTesof Toronto. NIISSING IHOUSE, COU. KING ANDi GOOGE ITIEETU, TORONTO, ONTARI-O.1 Teronto, Ancg. 12, 18 JAS. T. JEWELL, R OBIERT JOHN TARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE QOUYvTY '0F ONTARIO. ADDRESS-Bex 19, WucITBn. 41 Tise asredrsigned liu s ruoved hie 800T cf 6110E STORiE te the premie adjoing lise Western Hotel, DunûdaseStreet,WNhL0bymicre hlilunuir pnupared boe demIs clordesfur Wox-k. A lIrg anS select stock ounicend. Repairing Soue s s aal. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. OHN L. WATMIS, Montreal, Pire, Lile and Guaranie. - Deparimeut, 'AFITAL, $ 2,000,000. Broc<kin, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m49 F LOUR AND FEED. Tise unSsusigreed beg to inform tisa pub- lic that is lias movedbIs _p lais o! business acrose istheet, nexita C. Scoties butoher sop, uhere ha keeps on hanS hbstaiflour anS ail kinde ai feexi. ,Cash for frs produco. hilby. Jan. 20, 1874. E Tj la, [ARNESS, SADDLEEY. BILIFi 85» DIVISION COURT, AUCTIONEER,9 &o., &c. OFFICE-Ie Bigelom's Block, Port Penny. Peit Ferry, June 24t 1872. 20 L UMItER & SHIINGLES FOR SALE. Tic eubscniber lias on baud anS tor sale ai hie Mill miai Utica, (late Cunrie'e), ail kinda eofinnaber anS shingiesill311 Snber saun te order. J. LONG. 4Utica, Ang. ?oth. rie subscriber deeires to statu that lie 8 openeS a A H AR N ES 68 HOp, lu ticeItremisese ppie Bey's British Amn- encean H-oel, Dundas-St., Wlitby, %vheré hoe ii keep on hanS a sueinor stock o! everythicag lu hie linso!f uinns,sunS ulil ssii aitie lomeet pricsse.11e legs tao oLicih a ahare ci publIc patruage. FRANK TYLERC. CHEE LUMBEli 1 LUMBER 11 Thse undereigned l nomlureceilut o! a splendid stock af fine cleared, moU aseau-ll ed inolîr; seiling aI Oi10 per lisousaud tee%. Ail i-nds oi Lumnber fur Caxpeter sud HnousebnilSlug et loeset prises. Luimben yarduer Worsaope, Vùbiy& P..P P. E. ailiray Cu. -- CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON. Whltby, Nov. 4ts, 187.. h!-45 v w "AISES AND TRUNKS. ATHER VALISES SIARATOGA TBUNKS, . i . &o., &C., ai' I ILLIAM THOMPSON.'s Saiuâr aSHceI Maku;, BRoCK-ir., WHITBY. S 24 1874. 26ti I à cisar tand ludlsputable tltle wMile givun te au tics abeve propenty. Far furticen par- ticulmars ply *0the ovuer. FRANCIS CLARK. Whlity, July. 1871. Si K 1KG' BIROTEBRg WHITBY, ONTARIO, >mporters,,Dealers anS Manufaclurenso! ail LEA THER AND FINDINGS, e "mzu ojs carge wilt De carscuuy 51- Witby, Jan. l4bhi8174. 8iy G. YOU NG SMITHy ISSUER 0Fo MARRIAGE LICENSES, =WITBY, ONtTARIO. Cashi pald fer Hids, llark, sud Leather. 0 ~E . T. HALL, Leailier sîreteised, I S te"-BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE.,- May, 1872. 22 M ONEY TO LENDI Repayable bY instalments for fros Tira te Tweuty yarm, ahl ui raies o! inere th i eut commissilon, anS ai meder aie charges. Pnivate FunS, te Izend. J. E. FAREWELL, Bo SoSdicitox-, Bro tWlitby. May 28ih, 1872. '2t B SINESS CHANCE. Tic unxexsigned etiers ton sale lie preno- tees in mhtch hie business fou thé manufae- ture o! AgdeirjuralIroilernenis, Waggous, &ois et pres.erexcanuleS on en bic Town cf Wtbtogeiher mii lies stock-in.tuade, machltýin-y and plant o! every desceiption.- Aieoiisdwelling liconnesand lot. Tics place ie kcrowu as a AnS on uhicla, ilu milbe fennud enexamina- tion, an excellent businese is iteing nom car-' rieS on. He wun easo dispo,eo! his patent ulgite in varions Agicuitural Implemente. To an indueix-inne man sith amal capital biis t Opportunity t tseldons pruesu tsld. Deeluing to, retire trous businese on ac- coucît o!fi-liealth, tie nndei-signed.is dis- poseS ta baketbits step. Tenus milil e maSe to, suit a competent Party. Only a smraUl ameunni equined Sown, anS ample lime given for the balance ou JAMES CLAYTON, N. ' Brock St., Wiltby. 1 .-Tise ebove offsr viii not interfère with thiebusiness wmicis vil lucannieSon as uau, anS repaira prompîiy execuied. Nov. 5, 1878. 45ti 0QFFICR TO LET. FRONT OFFICE. INTviE CHRONICLE BUILDING. A. B. CAMPB3ELL. 84tf I , Jmee Sud, 1874.* DO0MINION LINZ. Tic Dominion Lins consiseso!f11est- cltes, full-pomened, Clyde buili Steam- shape, and ta IntenSeS te peuforus a regnuax- service betmeen LnVxax-oea, Quzexo euS MO5iTSEAL, in Sommer, asdLîvxi-ooi. anS PORTLAND FARES AGAIN REDUCED 1 Quelece taLiveupool, &- 15 So. anS returu, - - - 29 Prepeid Ortiicales, - - -15 Through ticketstirom wbitby cisubeicad by applyeng hoatise Agent ai lice Whltby Positffce. Sept. Oth, 1874. GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0OP])BESS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-kITTING WAIST& SHOULDER CHAR. Dresese itleS from meaiurement alone uihont change o! a tilcis. For sale, mlwihfreseinstructions, at 31IS S IC11VT YRBE'S uEEss-sdÂKIscG OIOaNS, Mmm. Agents manieS. Libirsli irducements 10 theo iraSe. JOHN LAWER, ti Agent. ITAS i HTSI HATS I 24-t! 111. C ARD I SILK A Np T. H MC ILANVATED AT HOME!1 OFFICIAL ASSIGNBE M. O'LEARY & CO. beg t annuc Also, Agent for tics tisaitisey havne apened business ai Oshsawa -Manntactery oppositete "Vindicaton" RtQYAL INSURÀNC lCCMPANy, Ofiice-issure ticey manufacture Hats o! evsry description, and u ic e bee t ayle. PROVMINOAL I:NSUIANCo 0. Tirenty-five pur cent-underiiy prices. OPFICÈI..Outaric Loin and Savings A S BE O A E Comnpany's builUding, cornes- Kiug andSisà- AT E O T D eau sînuetu, <teheaÏ. equal o e-ra bmure tie Apnil 201h, 1874. *1 honsu or t-fle ____________ 17Oshawma, Angsint 101h 1874. y3 F011 SALE, TEAEIAfHTL -AT TEE TH GLEN MÀJOR MILLS cm s-T1xAt RN - GEOBGE .BBOWN, 'PROPRIBTOR.ý 600,00efesi Pins Lumbe-, irel masoue il lsteaàrus.lisbeenel'St 2x 4 Scartllng, 2-net PlanS, 100,000fesi o! Oak, Maple tor axIes, lot quallty, iu.eior accorým gusets. 'The P" na plus or xpé c recep~ i star la~ i >duxcing ho thé' tua. i LAND, COMMISSION, AND GENEBAL AGENT, Aetfor lise Ceutederaticu Lite Associa- tecfCanada. Bgoks pomtid sud accounts maSs ont. Sf p sciai attention given t hIse cieeton «IN oies, Accounte, and Mouigages. Office cviiRB. H. Jnameecu'm, Dundasit. Whitby, Sept. 1, 1874. g s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBV &-OSHAWA, TWICE ADAY 8 Lianes Oshcawa ai 8Sa, ne., anS 2, P. s. Leeves Whîtby et 10, a. us.,- anS 4, p. s. Feue 25 cents pch adi y. WVill cal ai al tiseisotlIs, anS ai privaIs resideuces (wien orclers are lo.ft ai sny cf the hotela.> Connecta mith Oshsama sud Bommanvilie stage; also miiithie Whibby1 anS Pont ltorry lailwat', sud wutS rough.i Smn mail ai Whitby. TO,10PB Whity, Mrch T HO187 . HOPPER m ONEY TO LENDI intere,prvateunuYboiu a o Fer ale, mèerai Tomn iota, tue Frame Hlouss, anS a large Brick Hlonse. For terme, appiy tlu G. YOUNG SMITH., Whibby, Tel. Dii, 1874. 7 H OUSE AND LOT TO RENT 1 A poil two-atory rirame House anS lob et land, norts o! Dr. Esioods, lu is e Tomn o! Whulby. Apply te ALEX. OGSTON, Audicy P. O Or la J.E.PFARE WELL, Wliitby. M ONEY TO LEND. Tise undersiguenesu y alunt cf Mon- syto LeuS uponF tainon TounProperty, at- nnusneily Loi Raies of lutureet. Luans ean bo repaiS lu aunas lu suit bon- nouers. - Ssveral Improved Faims sud WilS Lands for sale cheap. Investusents maSs lu Municipal Debsu- lunes, Bank, sud obier marketatahie Stocke. For turbisen particulare apply bu JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Assigns, Broken, d&e. OFFICE--;.Over tise Dominion Bienk, Me- Milsun's Brook St., Whitby. BpriI 111h, 1872. -15 M AJOR MILLS. T. P..WHIT E mi, on tise l4th Octolen, 1875, nesumo con- trol oi tic Major Mille, mien ho mil bc prepared ta pay TEHE HJGHEEST RPRICE for auy quanbily o! uwhcai delinered al Wiiitevale. He will make every effort lu gins sutire satisfaction lu lice irisamay pabronias tise mil mith their grietlng. Fiaur and FeuS of tise beet qualisy, anS al reasanable prices, mil almo le Sept cou- stesshly on hanS sud for sale. Whitsvale, Oct. 6ic,18. T. P. WHITE. 4 FE L , I IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, [ FOR THE TEAU 1875. the Whitby.. 2jiiî1 i s l 1i>~ Brougias4! 2I8 2 8 2 101rex PortPemv 9st-i5 20 2' 4 I'at 19128- 'UbroS - 11122 1 1 181 12 Tliorah:: 24 i é ý GRO. H. DÀZrTNLL s Wbltby, Janilu, 1875. JUNqSoN HoUSE itil EÂST J i T E Liverpool and London and Globe "J4UIIANCt CoN pANY.. iMJtLE SSÉiÂTR, 027,000,000. LsUm i l ors jtbiiiiy dvsyeans - ëa A ejj*7obé ? Acriusoni tint, flaming ont from the V SAs atokexi swveei, othie msun1ev wcreal Tby !'birlY ta warblethee nearer the a] Tll heaven's rnympbonleuýthe thes tise-. Titis would 1be- Dear xeartoathée; For thon art &Ui tis world taome. A Stran'go e ltéi The -windows of zny third 'st obaniber uin My grbanmother'î hol wliers I wae ata4ying,, averlookeil rear cf. a row cf housee in thes n uireet, with the littho gardons attaci 0f these there were ouiy four, ej standing spart from the ailier, and emnbawered lin lyses, sud îrubbery', i clienbieg ,plants, as ta e, oaexosi -as uS frons the observation cf ils nezt-d, nerghbàur, siwell'as' froinview, cfi Tow in which aur awu hanse siaod. was a quiet and old-fashioned neighl liood, inhabited by quiet andald-fasihiý ed, but generally wuaitby, people, m bsd but litile curiasity about eî otbier's affaire. The liane sxactly opposite cure m almosi entirely sçreened from view twa immense harse.ohcsteut trees tI stood in thie yard. Only iirceeof t Windows wsre visible; sud two-of thse an the third flox or, had their Shui alwaye closeS.' The other window la ou tlie second floor, flot very mu elevaied above the grouUd, sud was full view fromn my owu windaws alai .jusi in au apeuinet left by ithe liraduc cf the two, horse.vbestnut trucs ; aud this wiudow mry eyes were often insi iiveiy directeS. - Net that there was anythiug partie larly iuteresliug toattraot them tihi Every moruing ýai seven o'olock pi cisely, the green einutiers were unclos by a neat sud demure.looking woa whom, I cusiS ien eee moving quiet about te roim, apparsntly setting it ýriglîts. Then, if the day were brig sud warm, there wculd be wheoled thîe window a big easy chair, in whi sat an old lMy, drsssed iu blaêk, wiý a faniastie sort cf turbau upon berliea sud gereerajly a green obade above Il eyes. Ou a litIle.raund table before hx wonld lie placed lier breakfast,invariab tea, and relis and eggs, with a peacîs a bunch, ci grapes afterwards, ail whicx she appeared much toencjc AnS, aftcr tii repaît, se would i and do-sope coarse lciting, or reesi occasional visitors-olS people, Moet: -ud, net uufrequeutly, ahe woti have a svritiug clesk drawn forward froi te corner close by, suri empioy lierai lu iooking ever and arraugpug papsi At reven ffi the eveunug the shuttei wcubl lie again clcsed, and the ourlail drawrenu1til tbe fulIowiug mDruinRe. Among the old lady'e -visitors, I oi serves, more tixan once, a Young mal Iancsceoand genlinanly-looking, bi rathrsabbily dresseS. The tIretlinu I Saw lumshebswas takiug frono Il Sesk anS counling oui somethiug, ai parently bank-ibotes, wbich elie gav hire, sud wbucb lie quel laced lu hi pockei - bcok. I cocldd she w, paying a blli; but, wlieu nexi lie cami thie fansiliariîy sud freedono willi whie xlie spoki e hi, assured me that h was no ore business pereanage. Sb tppeared exciteS anS aungry, sud noddei ber lisad witb erergy se abs delivere, eliai I tlicughi muet ndcubiedly be seciure, while hoe siroked bis dark MOUE taube,-sud Icoked glooily cut upcl the gardon. -à One sullry aflernooe in early Septex ber, I noticee a usau, a gardener, ev deuiiy, mounte4 upon a laSSer uailini rp the branches cf ithe vines upon til t'alla cf the boue, close ta the olS ladýl wiudcw. The branches wsre lads: witli fruit, the wcight of whichhël pro bably ter e liso e their fastenings At the open windaw est the Young mat I have mentioned, lsaning a his oui on bais lbow, lislleasîy obaerig ili sardereer's preccedinge. The cid lady wus amot visible. I liad cit issulier fer a day or two, and il UO0W occârred la me thai asewsper. aRpe ill. I was corevinced cf ibis wlien te demure.1aoking woman came ta the window anS spoke te the gardener, wls< sereupon ceaieS bis haomering and icowly desosuded the laSSer, Ieavlssg is cork uufiuisbed sud the ladder ahi ,stiug agçsinsi ithe wail, close ta the lIndow. Doubtîss, the noise bad dis. erbed the olS lady. Ail Ibis I reaticed idly, s I stood )rushiug ont oy. liair befoethe mirros mtwesn my wiudow ; and then, hum. Ding s sang, I weret dowu te it witb ,audmotlsr in"lier pleasani parleur. As I have gaid, tihe weatlier was sui. ry: sud aon tlis night, upon reiiring, I ft my wvindows rcisd.IT i l. f ta my rcollection. My blod rau colS a a hn-is 8d1;le is ie ca tsthe.liarror of tise IbongÉt, hâedta is cad hurt by fcalnfaer Su thain an uiuthslaSSer beau $the mur. pot.','he allin .fiow r.-an durer? Wasiaueven ibere, s Isaw I have littIe mars ta add. Tics chie, 5h. him, gotng ta or reiring 'from bisticus given wîla traceS np, and endeS on lio Sd ee And iight it"not'hWete finaliy in tle ful conviction c hl b d e, beu-indled, was ineti probable-tent Marriasey as tics murderer of ticsun- begu' ibettis miduigisi assassiecwas neitber mate fartnsale'Mlss Paterfield. Iluade cci aex uler lese thien thu man Ilied'ssu nail- confÏeion befere hies eaili, in wunes iticouli boa. ing the Mies ta ithe, ue2 R? e 'sigst ayppes .rsd taie ha baS ssua sember ment, bave, noticeS:tise wsxtdow -no ,icete a a otorcous gang cf "rongia", Lon-u.y eap 'ah dssk lwbere tisoel ail iroman, ept lier don,', hici place iho isad 1eR ta avoidIcepc a money aud jowels; sd, uonô tOsé tise detectivei, whcswerà 01n bis track nsaut sur- aud ticshabits cf us fmil, ave aveil. for s iurglery aSore uwikh tut cr, ed h i s ef of the lad dr so ýc avenie rt . lie dSPart. A n S the regret ad r u.. ployé. tie - to co nm i1.thle robb ry and PuguancO W iic , sa awoma ,naIutuar. their Il. LiaS beau fcund lying Upou the ground vioting lbii, 'saagreatly lIssesueâ on cue a ilan- on tondw by isarning, fros bis awu confession, that tien. W h oi e t h e u S l 'a tIs u b i n t i o n t a r o b g r a n d -' a i ma ' a c Trebli g w uti excit eeniu , I t l S a l m tilir s hase îe soon as th e om m o - ie w e I baS seen ta aur usighbour, cid Dr. tien aboent Miss Porterfieéld-hl iaSSeS a. meuti Mervin, ulion lie camne'in- ta diseuse way. Re uonldre't bave kieS ile olS lied 1 aBthe neswi tc graudmýother ; anSdithe moman, bie saiS, if aise haduWt amakon. - éat oc tor ust rig lt off sd nforn d tli e d a d called -ou , sud ireâtenea t a sund I th a niliri ie s, i ssn t ier a fo low ed i r- "m ak e a up u s."' b s n tevestigailous anS examireatiens, tise re- Etobert Perterfisîd was, o! course, re- ne, ut- cf whucli was, se I learurd tisI lusseS, and is married n a t W su v e n i rg , tl ie s u p ic io n a n d -a rre t- c -S s u l a p y . a g , t Mvs iss Prsrfisld' grand npher, Roelert H udw eeoe om I in Iorterfield, as the probable surderer; - i ýne, fr th é gardener la S clearly proved Ru "I onder w hy le elaya o la is 2" ee Os bsalibi, anS alter au houîe arreat. bsnu 'Tise wmeman wlie nitered these morSe folIe1, 1 t sucondii.iouly released. n had repeath ies às Iliudred limes waiex neO h aPrn praef againetSt YOnlgsince 'tise higist autuiqsunsctinu ulici placesx SPorterfieI a>was strcng. He was a tal- sice firast damn, baside tise wiudo, and hg lu- ente , extravagant, rather issipated o at Is amiS liÉtenforherhu labd'îcorm. Il W l ors dow efto one particlar tisig, but led a still she presseSlier s fi cheek t thtics prOfesi flic'1 nS cd f lif, wadrirg about asue san casernent, aud, peered ireto the shadoe sund as an fros place to place, anS uritin)g brillisut mils bier clear, lins sys. many uaned errablo articles fcr. the papers anSd h a e- onifl u ey"te ;it magazines. He iras geuera'llin lu SsI; youreg. But for the uedding ring upon for Sai eiareS bis aient, mua mas uealtby, sud ire- ler Ieaud, you wecld bave celleS lier a f15 a il totended ta make him lier principal hcir. girl, anS have believed lier ta be irait,- in hiei o ou condition of bia "lsettltreg down liod ing fer a lover'i anS ual a husband'i, ma1 ci froney tila lenh-ersuplid i wbcoor. Yct slied gibeen marrieS rigit. oeua, elleunitla eng, epate nethrce long yenrs; anS Cie, ta wlîexn ee fnl ta lo Wse suedcaeelae.O bsad given aillier beart he le s s?d tie Bi àthe svenieg previens ta the murdor, Ceside hlm ai tesitar, already ueglçi-ta5 îY ounegPorterfiel nS Ceu ai lhanbose; salier, areSlot'liheu ta vaicl'evereing Thé or ad at t te isdow of lis auni's afler evecng, nigiu fter niht for tis e mrxp roos, loelcing an tise gardon; bad bee tardy foobstep Zh, ir eohtici daya cf cf all observeS ly Mis. Bamers and a visici ceurtsîîîp, liaS been the very eclia- of Hare ta, repuatsdly try tle latcis cf the shut- ber awre.' appoît Lv s brs, as if i ly su d n co n s io sly -, an d S e m th in g ak in t e reg ret as lu lir f r cv whenMrs Bowrs at de gardener beart tc-nighh, as*ste remembered,.ai and#,' t'ytocerne back sud tses wsy tise ladSer Culy s neglected ifu can, thse love sna came )M w i hdli a s l ft a g a in s i lIe a i , P o rte r- te d e rn e s e o f th o se p a st i o n n . - H e w y s e e îilf fiel S li d re sarked, "lO h, let lie la SSr lis use S to gaze mbt lier o yes, anrd sin. a nid k .~stsy whepre it le, il can do ne bars." hto he, anS lring ler fluwere, and baukix beanil s.HeSaS sked his auret for rorey, d se- oîl eu ne rr -ltIi ast nbl l 0 Wby lied lie Changead? WaIs il lier isOur c ustake shares inthé proprietonssiý, fo~f auliThe bears muniS cerne tatihe "Gc , - n e ir p ap er h ic li p ro m ise S to cl w il , b ie ey es n o , su d ae ia s ip i ug ilis o a b u sil msud lic bls been eviderehly augered by sway, wlien thîe i!ght of a lasp feuup- liaS nE btler Ilfusai areS expression of Sielelief ou th, ciilgthieudis ,theélalf-open seen ae ofbia intention ho appiy tise oey te o . <7,.-r.' " le tia I purpo me. T ier s !lad eere nom esso t! bitter irerde onbath sides, anS tley blB ýe paZteS inuusual tilfeeling, lie declar- le h ling that ho wanid neyer ask hies aontofle as again for mney, sd sie tiréatening u-ta ta, tdestroy lier ssi maSe lu hue'favour, am ab uad make aneiler, ea-vng lier proeprty br-n hoelsewbere. ieV àe As taete mindow, it appearsd upen aot ia 'cloee examinabian thai bcyond all -ttr Sculi outrance ta tisa oTS isdy'seooneeuser a b a S I s s u e ff e c t e d t i a i w y , s d t i s ed t marks cf a head of a laSSer mers stillIn o vieille againet tise Wall witheut, exaclly hi bereeath it, mististe impression of a a grsie ingera an tise dnsly alintiers. lwM Beetsthé WindeW, ise, was foured 'tise shathured fragments of a licavy ý ý9 flaier-pet uhioic lied sh-ood ou tise icdge erm c f tise tird eterey svirdcm save, sud otI 0 irhicli tle wiud baS Soulhlese hlown uhs ndown; but bliere liaS beau.nouafoltprirts otn 1efI, or, if no, tliey muet bave Ceeu effaced by tie ramn. t Tie day f tisa trial of Bobert Porter- w field came. Witl tise evidence againat '.j~ I l il 'olis, sors comploe t Iu h lave hors ess " aise sid, agas; anS tise tholîl again fi a m e u ho e d , n o o n e o u te S u la t lie g , , , s lie a lit le c om o frt. h emo - Il it v erd ict io u ld e ; s d I , f r n , lia ti- S ie s tl o w n , s ud a s E sle R te , '-I tle uil ho l y regretteS il ; lhemorserspeeially m5 liasued ta eveuy sounna lu the street AnS il turneS eut uSai ho wusengageS ho aumwilliont. Thee mmd iras rising, sud haieS v, é' interesting girl of good fa ily, mis awss very no m sud thon 5050 ares g ate, or cavuna] uearly iart-broken aveu lis msfar- urefasiened shubter, uns flng ta mush a na onc tunes. violent deung. But Ibrongis ail sheSona As ans of the ultuesses, I was celleSl, ieonliseard a liglit, qnick stop upon thé inta tho and- gave my tstioony aselml asiI pavement. 1 ' On i coula u ic e uervaus agitation o!filie "Aie,nuie, you irons mrong," ss esleuder m om ent. T isu 1t-retire S la the m ant sai, wiîb a brig ts ilsi. "Hre bu uigisti remobo sent su tise court, wriere I est is.,gsud gei betmcsu Dr. Menvin sud bis wun.- Nurse sook lier bead,_ aud chokeS ths minc r Near us, clame ta the deor,was a matley clomu thse irrda, "T-li' ftrai lime luin sir the littîs crow S o! no vcy respectable op.- tIrée month," mhicli sho felt compl- sapeture pearace, noislsaly mifting tea nsudfret, sa o uter 1 Rose n' andsepskig occasioaly lu hisprs The dor opeed, anS a handcrme, trength as tie examinaicu of usnsmes wOlt ml-luit man, uti soft, bircn W"- ansd Pau au2.d es, sd a i t ia i h a aal golden g se s lun th e Silence, there l1" shoued au authori- opon is darkness uen it caigt'tie iaced' 1 tative voice, an S I m cha icaly tu ne S i glt, cam o int d tie d n n - aa ew aited em ml isadtas I au otherdo. '"' Osn i a ri o oo a clos, I e h g î s uc e f ao i e f t 1s - r a r r y p , " b e g a n b is mi . " u o h u c a u s e n j à blac l-br w ed, vsa -bear e u fleO ir, is c l S yet, I hope ; an - " b s d iriss . u a, sarp, uîîkey .oye, half. '1 -Oh, ifs'a ualrignt... Im gla S y u coulaD ot r Ã"UODOin irehm lhUgiupiiitly; sf15 thaugis iLe ues, ilieneW usnet abomU o! tise swmndierin hiescornpoi * Tise ksys of the great saies irera LYa ultin bis reaoh; and sometimss Fas lofit lons te receive large pay- s, sud to lock .tsem .up. -Tisera 'bun a tise wheu -rumours cf a italeS îabbesy hàdreached the fir, hu iad cnr-loaded pistole lu ie i oa, utight anS day. ras at tisati ies, tweive meonthe tisaIb aSd irai met ujts the' rau uho Led witten lice note which. lay mitbin bis pooket. A bsentifel 'a ie thongcilier; sud strange ih Lé'd ho hlm nt fret tisaie ehortld r hm ic it br syca4, anS secs a t i for lîim iD lie st unfrequented x- Ai lait a perfumed nota carne, heread ttise liunviteSbisa. s e dauiug declsratiou-all the Iastounding 'leesuse tics, iriter MseS bersel! te ae altisy ireean a wifs. Il mould bave diagustud 7smen; lut- Hairy Powell llksc er" advenutrres, anSdliaS apenchant arihg 'onien ~su ihomet lier; and liTeè wsilé Boss mas aonly second lisbait, irhie-tis mysterions me- haueted lis dresa by day anS Tissfa, hlie lie Isuunfaith- hi ils éouly lu thougIht. But iren irbo ised d illhed hlm mai et lîinlu isoffice aiýmiduigisi1 ire liaSbeaisa a memeutwhen Boss impon bis liosos, anS ha ihougit b ler punityaud tut, ire ublih ýPOmelIIlid cesolvea ta break bib îniseni, au4 fcrget hbmsureioly love vsr. BnLihe Wnood passeSl off; vith tise ictuun of bha elSeeoif, s rememhua.nce cf tisaslack anS red lips, t1iôsa tender glsuces tî professions of affection. GoaS, fn oss grair lame ln cempari- aud, mie e ti luse-piece taiS tise cf eleven) Se mIauleS ta bis fIel. 0île bed, Rose,"bhesaid;- "tfhy, usessappainimient ta-nigrht tisai I Jeariy forgetten. I wM i e bckas Lbusiness appoimeut et tbis etisougct RBeoin surprise. li hauas goesbefore se. ould put aongiseimita morde; and, stili fuIl ' nem-fouud bapplueis, ube iwen* ira -tolier ouwbite-ciiinea ber. Harry àba eau np Ie!oeo id hiad-cssuged'lsis drese, leasing cery-Say garmoutlIying untily -As ashe piciced thés up, ai papor cda frora ha vest-packel--a folSoS perfumed mitbomk. Siteopun- wits a'sirauge sinldngoefthe hearl, aSd ber mickot ival'e noe. ýdiS net acreas, r tsar heu hai-, my mould have Sous; but, itha man, SIte mat domn upon tis erpt g- lieralf te sud -fro. Sa'tii o Iresson cf bis neglect.-of hie teful eelf-ieproach to-nigisti'A leîe wman, u ho could maire in appeinhrnent-a créature beloir cpu or haie 1iShe, tins and pure mss, iras aligît eS for se foui a [Il soufrent tiu," sise muttered. m es bis once mors, sud neveu in 11My Hie. I Miiishowr bis se creshs4 wirnscen tus-n. 1 a miserale dupe ne longer!1" witithés. iords, nItered lu a *oice,.hich diS net ises hber admith aface su changeS tis ýwuud have recogrelesl it, tisa b er iccoaunsd cloak, sud stols a daikuesi cf the nlghl, ds irent tomars-athéeCity, a rfigu-e hsnding bonuath' ies c f ire. SlW heeded noti»g, àsd on until 'is tad opposite Sdow cf bissuuband's afie, andS agissa of laspligst tierongh anr se lu the closeS shuttors. Tissu 1ÃŽILrsd anes et prayor -for i, tried tise Scor, faimS U opu, e mSaS. l. lam a fiha MARKET SqtTA2RE t' lý lý 1 - l' 1 -- 1 1- 1 Il hi 1 1 - L O-ÈS, Ê c 1 1 ANUFACTURP-i7) Aun' erwn- 1 . 1

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