Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1875, p. 3

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Wivm coder my bud*, 81 Wbitby, tbhcUSra 'bO S ..... 960Mi day aiJoeo,1, b. 3alacce ue frei ÇIIQOE PANO IEQE, -otli&Iiacs cor HOIC PIAO PICES.Agencite la ltg> La II.ii. jcanemoo. Plaeouturip> elg es or 1,958 Wilson.... " ".. ............W04,sbtoc .. ...or flo Bî..85 et. ct@......... ........ M ou *,Twlskljlng Stars. Mreau-WjIian 4euic Leans,'diceoss, Fars The*. Wel all p aic-Wils.«,Ai>Z'.: oradraueesfor Fi'r Festival. Up -Wloa,.oa lll hrei O drandUa«mi Math wit Pictls te pit*l stock A ofr. TeIm, Ie4falaWlo,.... 0ets, cis __h Dy*G, 1D. WILSON, lty. ..........19,OO> o Evr Truete Thot., PolaMazurkae, LO im Iooute ks' Verl Wagne., ............ .~ or àaau, for EBirde'sMornlug5aSongVariationsc whlob the . uas -W*en... ...... .. . 0 ate. o .etrcc OnthbWaof Leva. Vsal" Eri»i.. municipal or amltt lier Copore. Vnstiauz Regatta. Mreij;ÃŽ is iioo, or Doinin. Par7Frecters. Frt citU.e.... Ion, provincial, 'Vager.t . é-..... 5 .... 0 etc. lBritish, or For. 'Eehac i tm th. P*iaAe-Wagnr'. et pigu publies. - fyýCARL WAGNER. lutu r e "Sga lumePci b Chs. ink li ets. aurim...1... 267,0w00 0 *30W101Bel ebotWh-Jnkl..- ë. et. 1 ean, ýdiccoünto, Mis aap Poiv.-Knizke.....-.. f-0 etc or idvansecon ~Jeuel, hoFlowr of Llldare. ran correct account, cerptas..inueî......85 etc taeoporationa., 144,W89 28 .Agl. . . . 85 etc couatedaudeur- 'AnelViit, lan4eeKlke. 50 et rpnt'.......~G,5 21 Dy CHARLES KINKEL Notes andblllcdla. Centennial Maeb--H alth.0ec Ciii<d vr Lilyai b. e1ly.'eou...May due and fnot latit............o....Sct : "ecar. Raciùn .a....Rev0r80ay'ta..............54,778 71 eDream LaMd. Morea- aeR merie th& .cOverdue debts, me.- 5Awaeensg a tI, Bid..Romae.- cured by mort. Maylah .,.. . .....lOti gge or alter - cieet herI rmne-aial. 4 ec edaon resia&s etyhoH.i MA* U-'ïYLATH 4 . tata, or by de. By H MAYATH.pocit of or lien on tock, or by " Ealter seaurltlea. 73,185 90 ANE W 50 N G S . Bank promîms... 170,571 09 MadeleineGre .,Sang and Cho.-by'lsCter Assti., Dot Wil S. HRa.,.. ...... ......8 ei i lcldsd undar l'ut the Itight bMen tt eWheei. t h e ioregolug Sang aMd Cb.-*Iays ........ets. heael........ 37,899 09 Dora e rln. sontafid Cho.-Hayc.,85 cfa. Totalià.....- 11,0 24 euS tlrelngadCIt.- D. FISHERI. Beys. ... ...........85 etc Qeneral Manager. Tih, MalS ai Avondae. lSono, and Ontaro Bank, Taronto, ,Che.-.Reys.....,........... 85 etc. - Sult Mey, 1875. Whiers e iy Laved Oua To.ZXight ?- TePedntiodthaoponfte Song aund Cio.-Ilayoi.....85etc. TePeiatuo h dpine u SbigDariiesSlei, ag su Cit,, rpor, wbieh, on being seconded by Rl. S. .85 ec. Casela.Eug., wau submitted taelte meet- ........ iudee.. So.. and 5 t% uig sud'carnled unanimoaly. CIIt.-liayo ................. 85 c. oved by lIon. George Alexander, sec- Aicue and at Home. Sang and Choa,, auded b y Andrew Hamiltan, Eaq., Titat Hayec....... .... ........ 85 etc hth ankeo; lthe shareholders are heraby Jounie lis-ae t u ci ung given ao the Preskdenî and Directors for atâ Clt.-Hays........i etc ttrcilinangqetaent ofthlie affairesuf Tite Seoolhaue onlit Bul. ang the-Behk duriug tliepast>year. CarneS. By the Auter of Mollie, Darling. M aby aesDyden, Esq., seconaeil *AillieDarling. Son«, andi Cio.-By by Bon. %. P. Howlàuti Thal Istssre. W. ~.P. Dtêmks. ............... 80 etc.J, Matçlonteli JT. Mmlth andI W.G. Cas; Why on'tyonWrit to xt. SuCr ~ sels ho brutineerse ftitis eleeîîea, sud hat t1y lon't an Clt.-te tue itî.-. 0er t.,lie7report the rmit ta lte GeîtrttiMan. Song anu Clr .Danîs a .....t ;o_80 ets. ager; and tint lthe baliotiug uaw ttamirrence Sang au4'Chio.-Donkg .... 8cle. aud titet It close at four aeiaL'k - bit il et' auente"five mtinutes ehttfl have cipireti D y thie Authar of Slver Threas. wiytiion: a vote being tenderad tite ballot Auy a the abave iiei, posî.pald, on ir be closeS bytehesriiesCa- recjtof thte merked pt'lce. Ilaeces marked rie leartter.Cr * tte*bave pleture titis pages&. Address, Sie,-We, lte udersigned serutineers, fil» ,rL.PITETIS, - paluteS et thte annuel meeting 01thlie sItars W43 Broadway, N. y. fiolderà of the. Ontario Bank, hsld titis day, Jue 22, 1875 20 do donIr. thei fliouing genîlcuitn idnly elecied ci Direerure for thetren er viz. -lion, Joitît Simpean.ý- Hien. W. P. Ontario Bank. Howltd, Hou. D. A. 6a.liul ,S D. siLlq Macla, ,.Wlir Psoezvîac r re EîaîîrZrcNTANIMAL 11Giliwskq D.,an , ]PUCCZZINeG oriz L ., and. M. inmit, Evq. . MEXTIN0O or uM STOCKaaLDUeso 0raTopT 1). Filiter, Esq., Goincral M.ouagatr Ou. ONTrtuu B.AK e. H A ,n Bàxi, taian lk. Moust, Taoyro, ruz'FIYTZZNTii D. aci, s:,185. Tit. chakirwee talien by te Han. Job Sîipson, Presîdenit, Who, ititer te appoin inen' of-Mbr. Gearge MIeGilI as Secrtar rend lte -ollawng repart : Eighteenth. Annual Bif qiof o tseDirectoi the ts uare Bak, nroenaaed ta th e),,reholders ai i teir DBnking Hou. la Tvontao, on !tucsday, thte 1lteea Day e u ten, '1875. TiteDiractors, i preseulingthe!rEigitteent Annuel Report wii e statement ai Il business 01 thc Daitk or tte ycar cildin blsI My,eare pleaeed tu - le able te precem eusc a a ivoablce exhibit ofitho yer'd openi lions. Profils ai te yaar sitar dedneîiug expeuses oi man. agement sud se. cruel lalarest an depasita. .. 858.786 sa BelaettefaiPralit anS Logesfrom lant year ...23,467 40#7,742 Wblit basbeen ep. 77741 ses; Dlvldaud Na. l8i. - cember, 164.... 107,990 63 DîvîdenS No. 116a Written off for btic and doubîful clebtN ............ j17000 0 CanidtetaReservcq sceanut, maklt uow et credit a titis aucounu, preseitt palS up Capital.......... 5,000 00 ---- 874,737 88 Nu Uy hi] rt Ilp n. Balance et Profits sudan Loos cnet-ledý forverd........... 2,586 soi Iu accoransuta w Illicîte nelutlan passeS et yout lacti anual meeting, stepss tare et, onent lkeutoýpnovi ltasuifsble accommoda- tion fonrl theband o ce l intis ly, wiar, tyuusr Dltectare havé muet Iticasure in naw -I mcetiîîgl a o shdoliet-s fthle first lime. 'rke admlistiatlan aifte gerteùrl affaire ufthe ut itk bave naw beau tusSe a apecisal dapartiettundenite cotrol aici taeGeneral Manager, asdyaîîr Direceîîra fuel confideut liaIttis arranigement M111 ciienre caretul cupinvision outflit eiaiceaiuthlia Banko, anip rave aivantageaus laCte eitteresl utf ltaesitnrcltolderm. The Icones for lis past year, as fer anauas certaineS iy Cwo carefullInspectilons, have been cumparalivfely ligit. but t,, malte ample -provisfion lu mcct iltese, anti aid daims sud *aceutities -tiet were 'ooiadered cdonitîtl, yaur Directtit-adeuet Il t dvioae tetasel spart 875.00 tntout ilîs yars tprofita ; but nutwllhslaîttitîg trIlllarljs ailratioutlîîfor lte >purpaosle ntiaieltt' Ciey lavea elî able, aiten îîaying>tCea simî.atiuaýldivttidd afic unr par, ceitt. >tat, lu ad slike enri, or 1 25Of,0W., or abhunt iglulcen pjr cent. ou * iitd-,sp cepital, me 1,anu of stck la te exetof 500,. ONttîtsl irtalt ourlaies tin a alotdt leshare taites-a nI par, ami wa, Cukminly tem, eliit0e xcelilattioIfotw * tonlaleir#@, Nwhieîit ave beît lil, sud lte preium t uinjmitheinrfroin ded tel * ltse profite otIte Bianie, Tise sulsenilîsticapital uaw maleset $A,-. 70(, itud lte ame t uCspld t01 702, eom Ing auincemmr@ae144sueel *pîîned wth 'tic otresîîoi<tding periotillat a P reante1hursLnIu arrange. nee mante are about aatnpleted gir opuaîng at aiceset Winnipcg. -At bath paots the Baenk wiII ast as t1i. fiscal agents af lie Goveenment, sud tfamnlte ipid deveiap. men aiîl. rglns u uestion, yaur Dinsa. tars avl.everyressen ta hlleve tRat lic * bucluesc a tiise twaomoleen viii prove ptifiable an llî dvantageus ta thec .111 ut whlchith reaipacttuliysubmîtted. i PneuSient. Ontario Banki, Tarante, 151h Jue, 1875. tarte Bank on Jrondap, May i31,1, 1875. Capital Stück pi up ........... 2,752 10 Isterestan Ex c hange rocerved. 41,403 là d ends..-----,20924 Divdond No. 80, -1 y478 Notes iu circula. tion_........ 817,841 00 tuent deppoits, Maille on de- W. G. CAseELS, W. J. MCoEL The. Board ai Diretars Met aiter lte re- prt. e c trutineers, 'snd re.elected lte Han.Jal.n SimnÉgén, i'resident, anuS Hou. W. P. Ilawland, Vce.pregldent. y M. C. A ROME UNDER GROUND, TI<HCHUCH1N TE CATACOMB, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. The Rev. S. T. Gibit-Ws'il iver a lec. turc OnÙlte above subjeet lunlte room aiflte Association, on FRIDAY EVENING, THE 2ftu lEST. Ladies and gentlemen ans cofflially invit. cd. Admission ires. Ta commnence at S o'olock, p. mt. Whitîy', June 22nd, 1875. 18 Local Agents Wan'ted. As' Aget Wanted for ENch TeWn sud Conuty iutie United Staies. Partie, deoling toaect aa agents muet ae. eOMPan2y their application by e icîter et ne- commendation as la citaraer sud repansi. bility from and signeS by thé Editar af a newOPajer PUbllsed in L i ovn or eanty ar Witehi agent proposesr ta act. Thte nf t s en lithe bnda of lte Indtotrial BONDS $20 EACH. Tito Industrial Exhibition Company vii furnisit agents- nihCirculera -etc.,etc. Bacit nswspapsr publiaiteâ. in he towu witere agent le iocated viii, as saon as agenay la establisiied, bo given an efivertice. ment, advertising- suait agsey anSdlthe Campeny, sud tnlly expleining, he plans, parposes asdhbjctotsaitite Companty. Suaavcrtisemens wll continus in suait papers as lontg aiaecjescsily canducteti. saeayl ce% ul Thie Induatrial Exhibition Company la lte firet ta adapt lie plan so long in use by thte Ennapasu goverumeuts ai ising bauds witcu ltsprlincipal le maSesoecure antI nat niskedti, eea here is a chance tar a larga.preruium, an inve'ttment of 820 je sure la, relut-n ta tie luventor $21-ans dal. Ian mareChincast-aul lteitalder af a 8201 Bond may oblalît a premin e citer et 800, 010)0, S201 8 5001 et a% u 000 8,000 o,,- M011 25,0010 oan OtZ* U interest, wicit jc rdiunly distributed ta alCte itand-ioltiers pt-o rets, la in tii, an dictri. butetiby titane. Tic ptrchacer ut s bond knosew.ie will t-cesiveltstkisctinvsstment, wiîth s small raesPlfinterest sadaS, antini cuneidaration oi tsloiit ii. cinaîllrate af in- tercet, haehas a icîauce lunlte above named 'premîsins, wich are cimply lte distribu- tion of interest on lte witis bau. Haci Ithonti parîlcipas uin fur drawlugs cadi year, tîtitil il bec drewn a premiuti wljuuil le siii'nsdered, titi preniuni paiti, anti tCte bondl caneeisd. 'lito Iitdxsf cial ExhiitlinCompany, un- tIen a spatifal chter 'granîtilby Clie Sfato ut'ew Yark, fil giveet euthorley CO iSsuli tRisse bottds. The Legisbîigure.ot lCte Stato, renoguiziiig lte <tract beiteflts wiielwili arise truca lte cet-cecd -itiientearue, have cxetitpted ali the real cetesci Pro. psrîy ai thi. Company frai taxatioînud as- ..csemetàtcfor ove 310as; ,andi hecsancon- ferraI allier gni-el pnvileges, Every Amierlcaîix-wio undersîtints lthe parpss t tiis couapainy wili, afiszOece,- siîy, teeaepride lu aiduig Ilta a sutéewofal lentinallan. Bachi indivldual-wio linys abaul becomea au owîîsr sud an inacreeted psrly, nîý,I whe-î ha views the structure -enectedti hils mo.îey eau ssy, 1'I aideS ta ereal lu aur country lte matit megnifleent building lie watld lias everna aplace wiio, lin ut, nepresuette ludustry, energy snd nie- chanicel geulus aiflte Amenican people." Tite msuaclurèsnd uSltae Inrentone ot Amerlea are peeullarly iuterested lu thc sucpess ofibtis enterprise, tanrte reseon ihat 1111a to ehieif-home, viere &aiCir invecutIons anS manufactures eu be cxlib. sIed euS solS.& Thte building will centein 5,520,00 square fett cpace. Pnrchacsrs dorlng Bauds betare an' eeucy in estabuisited, whcre thécyreside, s'l aumulunleats direct vitittiiseoffice, INDUSTRIAL zFXnzmOpc. NO. 22 ail l7ta Stroet, Bot. B.wayansudiitAve., - Pcv Yark (lly NOTE-Ail moucys by 'draft au New Yarkl orExpress, an postai order-ohaege rune ldtit, 1875.g,1l REMO V AL 1Vt lmeutealee a rémeraS uiainit,... - P . 5 - e oelaneous Books, 19 -.v 1100(1 tcusuomlg ta <irrioscgir.e endence $0 11t1 ,eefkt., 1 auflS"t quantyea 0ula not b. geotrcaIy te 0I1 the demnd elfor f*, but 'Wi -ample provision Las beau maede to'tuply the mar-ket, go Ibet ne onc liceS I platinrpottoe wile a few pouds of tlàrefiedy will effectually M thé< é W. mew of ceveral parties who used Lundyr'c Patate Bug Destroyer aud ied 6M(, huchai. of patate.., whue ailier parties Close by, with th. caine qui pIeuteS,'ualng r arleus ether reiesktnal l*hi oaoo-n Whe <dd otlulug bd their whole c es arl Uthi pttec.u ta' Be sure and ak for Luudy'c PotàtoBug Destroyer., Pu$ up lu oeuonud packages,- et 25 cha. eacb, or à for 61 ; eud twvapi paolagsc, et Olfta. eecl,.or ô for 02, OnI on-haf te price of Paris'Otreen. 'For seale onl 1h. hity Parmcycorner of Brook and.Dundsa Streets. Wwitby, xune28, 1875. 8.W. B. OMIT M Buceseor telT'1. H.Gwru Chemist anSd Druggst, Whi ONTARIO,,LADIES' 00C L L E'G CLOSINO. EXERCISES. Monday and Tuesday, Juue 28th and '29tIh, CLASS EXAMINATION TO WHICIH TIE PUBLIC ARE INVITE -Tuesday, Jue 29th, at 7.80, p. m, MUSICAL A"ND LITERARy ENTÉRTAINMENT. FREE. WeVdnesday, June 3Oth, at 7.30, p. mn., Z-*"C O N ç0 : j;b - Admission, 25 cents. Proceede in aid or Collage Library. W'Iitluy, June lOtît, 1875. JOHN J. JMIN G. RC-BINSO)N, M. A., THE ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, CON- 1 CUMIN OS C OPE Oprrucz: 17 TORLONTO STREET, 24 TORONTO. F AM TO LET 1 200 ACRBES. Bcing Nontit 1 ot lot Na. 15 and Basti o lut 16 in lte t taon. Pickaring.WaVU adapteS tar raieing stock anS graim. Apl o HENRY HOWELL, or la T. MOODY. Wltby, Otit June, 1875. 24 J{OUSE- TO LET. Hanse la lotion lte 201h inst., conteiniug seven raams, goal celiar, itard anS sait watcr, snd sîluated lu a pleasant looelity. Appiy taý- J. B. POWELL. Whilby, June 15, 1875. 25 IF OR SALE,*CM . That beautrtul britit resilance in thte TOWN 0F WHITBY, kno'n aste t W L SON -PROPERTY, ah present occupiel by B. H. Lawdcr, Post Master. Titis place laemui hc bantitully situalsd, eujayiug tite cool nefrinlîiugtneze mcm te lake anS bey, wlilcit present a beautifui eppcaracec tram thea premises. Tite Graunuda, wiih arc amoug tite incat in tovu, anceitssuttfuliy laid ont, and ,tock. cd wilh a8fine collection ut lowernug uitrube anS p lente, anS choIce fruit trecs. Intendiug purchasers are rccpecttnlly in- vite tinsipellte premises, witi wiicii thtey are sure ta bc piesseti, but ual marc sa tjitan wtilte tarins icit nay bc knomn by cnquirlng aitte office ai I'A1EWE L du&1UTLEIIGE, Julle 141h, 1870. Darrialerb, Whitb Lh THE 8BT, LAWRENCE BANK, Notice linairey given ltaIthe Annuna Genenal Meeting aoflte Shanaholdens, tar ltse clcetion ofitDit-ectlre, viii be teld aitlih- iaisking Htsuss of tiisInetituiu, filiT'rt ante, un Wedluecday, te Seventi aif.tuly udzt. Tisa chair lu, bc talitu et 12 oat-s K. F. LOCKIAICT, "y oceofteBadCasher. G R A N D A Grand Pic-Nia niulcoa off et A NN ISY ncar Osiawa' on DOMINION DAY, a ar JULY iut,,z875. liable. Procee&s te assisl 1Re. J. -J. bicCen in No flanker, Merci Pay.i60gef ia st oan Preshytens. zman eau effanîlo hae b ie SplendId Brais BanSilte St. Pal- elck's Benevaient Seciety will eosst in maie. he V e ing lte dey oeeoa pleasure.-Th e Gstues and' varnisamusemeants viii h. ludulged lu, and prizec given te succaseful Itfi preocSoue ne 99 odQuadrill a Bad vIll b. in et. au , t reteseae.e tendance dunlng lte day.vrue. h ese Grondsopen At 10M80 'elock, a.iM. -direction of aàapaI Ticokets, lnoludlig rsumhments, 890 cen. maS.up et:natter 4 Ilildren, 20 cents. cMS iavzug» 0 reuia Jue 141h, 1875. * 25 ersof theWcekly Ad hareie en madefort senilatoriec; sol"ct lyredstiu; market Q O .A.~I. - pnasiy for this Ui -'-te fermnera; eàreOfulI JUPE, - 1875-. ai home sud itreigu r Titis instrument passasses lte propenly enlatrging sutaît pictures 1 an asaloni îng extIent. Carde-de-viaite portraits1 magnifieS np tao lite ize. Statnarya FlOwers aPPear with woudcninl maguitîi Noîtiug ai similar interesitbas beenp viauaiy introducel for lte cntertainmnn lte tamuly circie orsa sacial party. It ce ual maillte be weicome lu svery refi honseeitad as s constant saurce of pleasm hilie ta lte anliet il affords a ready mes ai oilai.ning an enlergel copy tram witich work a fine apecimen oft lisi very unit i nfstrum ent. To ha ee t bM essrs. TAYLOR & -BARNARDY jewclery storlet Wittiy, and lhcy candil invite alprties ta a!aSscI ~ titay purceior n nua. Whitby, Juna 6th, 1876. Burnett's Cocoalne ,Prevents I lki lil, ruît. Burnett's ocoaine Burnc---L's Q~ocoaine Sejiîot , ;c -y ià'r bt ley. fBurnettVs Oocoaine LeAves lnu DhesgraaleOdar. Burnett's Cocoalpe Roflujlttractory l tlr. Bturnrett's -,Cocoaine Sootthes tic Irritated Scalp-Sklu. Burnett's Oocoaine Affarda the Re Ilctt Luatre, Burnett's Cocoalne' le Ual an Aicaitaile Waeh. Bùrnett's Cocoalne Mlle. Dandruif. Burnett's Cocoalne Clive, s 4ewLilte lte Haîr. Burnett's Oocoaine ll.ni.lgtstl. IngcalueScl. 40 ced 75 cents pep Dcli. PERRff DAVIS & SON 81 LAWRENCE, MONTREAL,P. . q, Auge fer DomneoneoftCanada. JOSEPH BURNETT & Co, BOSTON, P OSTAGE FREE. T H E- GAZErTE MO N T I EAL'. On te int MAY, '75, ,rery geat urave- muenteswera affeatta inluthe DImiy Gaties 111es nos'witont queatian the imast valu itble paper tor Moetantcsuanthéns)Iîavinoz iminegsstranaactionc vwiili bonîneal thatt lu pullisited.. TRie Shipping News, lte Daiîy Fl. naucial Revijew, lte Reports cf lte Markets Of -il kinds are mado np witIr pots. etity UMY ound y At it. re, ED. Sof arc- I and Uic. pre- It of cau- ned ire, 'ns lily ;er 24 in 28 in evmryrespect ne- suan erter business *e Withtoul AZTsa saar. ,kly Gazette-. enneelln viit thlie'mev Wzmmy Gszsm ïnov à««« tiain~fteheR itien. Ar!rangemt! maie up ex. epeclcl~alua S ~ummarlas S an engluai asce w A- H E s Anil Speial attention to the ordering of m - CUU~~ &WARREN lIIUAN coups (Leate Sinimons &Clongb Orgaxi Co.,) - * IMPROVED -aD 6fi S j E-f z i-fe z GRAkND COMIJNAT,Ã" , J , FITTED WITII THE' NEWLY.INVENTED SCRIBNiR'S PATENT QUALJPYING TUBE3, An invention having a niost i;nportant bearing on the future reputati cf Reed Inmtrumpnti;, ly men of which the quaîity or volume cf tone la very iargeiy increaFed, aud the quality of tone rend.ered Equal to 'that of the Beat Pipe Organs of the same Capacit- Our celebrated I"Vox Celeste," "Vox Ilumana,Il"Wiecor Patent, "I( tftve C Oupler," the charminz Celle" or IlCiarlouette" Stops, IlGema Hlorni" IlCremona," IlVox Angelet," IlViola Etheria," and' ALL TH-E LATE IMPROVEMENTS . Can bo obtained only in these Organe 1 SFiftyDifferent Styles, for the Parlor andt the Churcli, the B( M1ateriai andi Workmanship, Quality and Volume cf Tone Unequalled 1 PRICES, $50 TO $500. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th anid Congress Ste., DETReOIT, Michigi (Established in 1850.) Agents Wanted in Every Couxity. Address- CLOUGH Le WARREN OIIGAN CO., DETROIT, !vICH. A' good asbortinent of American Organs at CALL AND SEE THEM 1 Lý- CLOORS I The place to bny Clooke is at IJORVILLE'S. Stnil îg itegnintors, indicNting bah Mcntneal sud Toronto, 0oniy 85 00. Other kmn leap-Cnl! sud look aI them. "lTUEE EXCELSIOR WORK BOX," a Work Box with Cîoak ataecO&Ia atest anti mccl convenieul think eut 1 No Lady abould ho vithout one 1I 0u 050, ba sure aud sec thsm. Organe, Clocks, Watciteo, Jewelicry, evcrytiig citeap for Cash. Bepaiing i lits branchies doue by n Ipracticul man of 25 years expenience sud warranted. H.z OVLE Wi0no' bcWib vO Col tii z z Thie Hlotel ie eituiated in the enxtral portion cf- the City, convenient te the wiîolesale estabiifients and publie buildings, and for tourigse siud Commercial traveliere la a mnost eligibe ai tunation. The bouse hasl Éeen thorongliy re*oreanized aud re-fnrnisbed thronghout,,and ie fitted up in the moat conifortabie aud fasitionabie style, equal te any firat-ciase Lonse in the Dominion. The bedrooma and drawing.rooms are large and eiry, and the beat esnitary regulations ara abserved. The large and convenicut sampie rooms, for the accommodation cf Commercial Travelicrs, are commodions, aud oonvenientiy located oh the firat flat. Omuibusea and Carniages aiwaye ready for the segommodatiou cf guests arriviug, by ail the teains anti steamboato, aud aiea ta _convey' thi t thte depois andi wharvee on leaviug. Geo. Kennedyv, fnrmerly cf Qnen's Hotel, Owýen Sound, Manager. TeiegZrapltOffico in conuection with titis !lone. Trmms, - - - $1 50 PEU DAY. 'DO0L D SMI1T H'S HALL.' 0:0 ew7 Goods to Hand Great"Induce. Inents to Cash Customers* JUST A ý fne seleoeted stock «OfNew -1 ers'ana the publie generey, THE OLD COUJNTRY MIXTURE, Oomposed of àI Fine Old Hyson and a Pure Uncolered Ja- 1 at 50 cents per lb, Wé defy aIy grocery store in the conty to beat ut.n -TIese tee au b. purehased searaIathe . above prices, but for N flavor saS strenght we recommend theMxture, Teas from 25.. cents to $1, OO per lb. LIQUORS AND GIROCERIES-114 PROPORTION. Cal! at the Old Country Grocery' Store. and'take home one- :l*MCEIVED AT QOLD. COUNTRY ST( ponH f o MdtyiLt.Oneueaayusd cUles=soick, seC, 15111fialO St eheapest and Mest expedilious rout c ton. AlbsiiyNew Yprk, &C. &Fo no t r taon ppiy ta B. OEAWFOR C. F. GILDEBSLEEVE, part1 Kingston. :1 s LOfl y. )c. est Lu. I k- le 'y t 7. I Wl N 'RUSSELL -WATCHES,9 ELGIN WAýTGHES, WALTHAM W ayId and SO-houir Cldcks in greât variety, Englisl Fine Gold Jewelýery, Gold Chains, Eardropse, Lobkefâ~ GmRings, Wedding iuf rATCHES. w A A NTew Where HAMeILTON0 pee& 00eStcko Hae owoneDr dspa LreSitiocko NWDESasOaleDryGoscnisigo NEWLSTRGEOS, Ibae Bad NEW ?RINT$, NEW CLOTHS& TWEEDS, NEW HATS & CAPS, NEW MILLINERY GOODS, Cloting ade o oNeW MANtES, syl. o ClW-Thng m adetoodeGR nlaet tyes. WVhitby, April 6, 1876. 15 BOT NDSOsT2EXOIM BOOT SNOTRE EPOIJM BROOKA UTREET, WHITBS RSAUTDEE Largest Stock, Late st Styles,ý Sizs n FneandCGreaeVaiey ýAMll ISSies iND Fine aN CoaErY S Les Ail qfders punctuaiy attended. Repairs nently done. JOHN SAUNDERS, 9iithy, April 201h, 1875. )OMINION WA-REROOMSO LOWinreES &o fllad pOWELLstcko Ar 1i eitofMIT ndcmpeGrtcko FreIs TG Good O gr O varet. Blacksand Gouds i greasLt vrety.aas Blaok ry an loesIkoLaces,CLutrs,- Prasls HASiFul l SooVe Lce, lths,&. D r e a a n M a n le a ki g do u e to o rd e r u nd e r th e - supeintedenc o!a rt-clsoD re kr Il'Six- Girls wanted to work on d1resses, aud Twlo, TUE GITIIET UEMEY r.OR IJNSUMPTJ ON whic eaube cure(, by a timcly îrsort to this stnu- * ad-pepraton ~. las becîs pî-oved by the hîiclrC'ds of! testimoxi ais receive( by the. pi-tipietos.it, is .ckow1 *cdgcd by nany pt-oiîîcnt- plIysiciaîis to beo the înost reliable 1Priparatîon uveî iin- ti-oduced for ithe relief aîîdl cure of ai l Lîîng compIaintsý and is ,oflèrcd to, the public, sanctioncd by the cxpcriece of. over-foi-ty yearls W lhdli resort6d to iii scason it sel- dom fails to offeet a epeedy cure ltlhe Most Severc cases of» Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, -Whooping Cough, -Influenîza, Asthma, Joldas, Soî'c Thîroat, Pais or Sore- ness iii thie Clest - and Side, Livoir. Complait, Bleeding zutlliLîîîg &. Wistar's Baisam tl£1003ifl't dry up a CôLîgh, and lciwoe th; cause behind, as is .the case with lfl<)t prepurations, but it loosens- anîd leauises the Iuxfgs, anîd allays irritation, thus rcmoviig thç cause of the complaînt. SEHW. FOWLE & SONS, Borttes, Nas. AnS eoelby Drtggifsisandfclrgecsy HONCE itOAD, DLof BOBT. IL YOUNG, PEOPRIETOR. lry, etc., turnisited ta psrtie reqnlrlng il'- -ample accommodation for Hugutera ;;di Sportsmen. The bar and larder euppliéS we ithabst' ai liquarasund *viande la lie foun inlulite cauntry. Nene but Ob4ulg and attentive serrants kept. Cemmodionas stabiug sud prompt bostl5nc aivays on - ROBElIT Z.YOUNG0, Propristor., DPallen, StitApril, 1875. - 15 SAVE YOUR ETESI Redore jour U ight 1 TailorsE & POko cas - LOWES & POWELL. dtby, April 1d~tb. 1870. ISeess rEwGROCERY . STORE!1 X OI-- J atimate to the inhab roundîng distict thet lhe ho And sur- Nzmmlqý m ütbv.,Aprâ 1 Bq HARI 1. s Mil 0 M-T. &:s ORGANSI RGANS 11 ORGANSII! 1- 1 JOH-N SAUNDERS. VMtby, April 20th, 1875. (3F 0.0 ID S. GROVEi - . le JOHN Greatest Variety,-, . L OWES &ý P'IOWEL>L lu EIT E B

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