Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1875, p. 4

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e au, uuisom ern @MwD- nu âr- m"a "Vary Ul1l.jPvogresai2thi8df #a§ thé ton Uwhb hey 'wse ravllng wuad$ftnlulthebmopposit, direction Greatimrovenients have auné. bosu todls, sd lit iasewo," aya Sir Lee- pold M'Clitooli, "a comParstlveIY easY moaU.r t a tart with six er olght mon sud.a oleOge laon with six or soven week, Poyllon tuat to travel smine s~ix ud mles acroeadeser wstos and froues seau, ,from"wich no anale- nanie cas b. obtaned. Thene ln now no position, however ýromote, that a w*1-usppsd crow ould net elect thoir esoa6po front by thoir own unaided eurrtu." Tiie uedges centruct.ul fer the arctic expedi tien are made ef Akeiinarla , and the rttnnormare shod wth teel. The. .bght.tnan ledge la lu- tended te carry slght iweeks! provisions. Tii.' lédgos drawn by doge are of a imallêr ihe, mdlandithearont fittîngo and gear an r-prortlonately imaîl. *Tiei l 4 0' m1ilel au Important auzil- 1>1y, y ieau iwth a fair wlad, tho u4sn &re groily relievsd lu their laher. C* ow iork of digg1ng. Thé.mmtisluex. tomporized ent citw te tu-polos. With regard te, drosa, the udor-clehbiug sup- ?led iacit he bot and warlntemt mater- l; ithe outalde lothlnWg la lnteuded te fit loseoly. Tie mruilins' whu lu useo ire slangt round the Deck. The élcep. lug bag Îit madloofet ducHudson Bey thr.o-point bluchet, or ot duflle. it is about sa'von fot long, sud open$ ai 'th s idle. The lent is-niade oe lIghl, loge, unbleitohed etuck, aud is paitially lineed with brewn Hellanul; but in sovere woakthcr, tliati;e lu>eayv, wbue the loin. peratutre faîbs e loet--ll0l0 , sujow lîtus. i wllich eau bc bili li lai an heulr by four experinild tan, are Pi-ferible. Arche vesslsa re ittoul witlîîîitiiist- buac'tlookuut wlieîe a siilor la station- ad ta 'waicb Ïoi icebergs, etc. 'Tiuie mn cai 111M the 'eswcet littie ciiernla." JI Uo» WOtt» VîUTUE 011GucS.- * "Wly lua I," saye a recent wrier, "1that gentlemuen have éncli a Peur opinion of young gils ? Au ai itis tlîy ililtîlc thomnpleasant te jiass an lbutin witli, pîrovhlcd -the.81irl0loti ilt akte as ny sllIy pp e i ll~stoy liko, àand repay thoin wlthlitîerese! And wlîuî is to bhîmo for tiis ? Sunrolv net tse girls 1 Thea ileîet ambition lu lite la to bo loved by, <id hscomno the wit'e cf, route goeti aieu. Ai, s-iay what yo1n wifl, i protostat jit i a inoble (nct! Witli tia eudl nviýýw. t -im' of course itatinal tlitt a demire toeme R~cthose »Ilor'1s ef dratiln'> îîotll bohi îîpîîvîî,nost il) R * ginl's oiî 'If ,,be anfucb (Ioi t b * feu litet, shb ytill 4do h by foi I1 If Lo ien:1j 1not hJ iutcî'eîted wlîsa yen Iaik sonnge ta thoim. lnt eau yen do butresrt rto nonsenso ? Men coin- panht l-4Usveï 1 lvi îîîything to talk ef excapî heir lat i litationu, ballp. ,îUd pantii. Yt ilf they cooîve4-se wilh yctifor an it o phir t )üljb , inéta- phbyeios, or ove thewhist new book, yen are borel, ral l te poolt girl ti Me a worriedlieër liin lfor yonr uetertiiim. tuent a "bîtia stoolting;"*insiut Itut vu- MilîuoîA ere uMade ta please, Det te leu- ture ono like a brained profesder, and wondcn 'wlîat ite did-t foto' Now wliat ja il pou mon wmnt et ng? I veu- tnrt- esy, if' you tronc te lay down pout- mies, thero je not onea girli ia tlîeusaud but Nvitt wonld gladlly oboy tîtoin, idiaulous as' tlîy would snre]y bol Tnp it and sece If you have e lady fnlend wlita yen tlink Boe mueh ef, if il wero net for- tube or thai Uttle fault, Lolbir se, aud if ale cares any- "Ilng frou Ibo wili correct it. Your influaeover mrjnliLigroatter even than I l.lkocileconfCess, bumt pou s'>e lit iluftic WrOiîg wAp. Tako îny advice, and tront wonten more lilce humiai, beinge tian (10118,su antppeuy a spoedy -~change for thé botter!b» fsunidgy was a deliclous day. It was -nalur's Grand overtutre. The 4nnalijue wau baiiny andi brillant, thu air W'". goude as an angel's iouch, asud the birde mlody iliillei earih and Hea. -* von.1 Mau waikedl into tha ceunt-y, breathing luthie deliciuuus fragrance, bathingahsosul in the lsseil sutesiine * and rejemlong in te glai musiui of tle Iira.- The next norling lie was yeli. lnutethetop ef his tuiles, Where flu thundor lethat anrlui ttnderslint, Marin." - * Te CalnttetaleraofSan lFransisjco * have truck, and have posteti blet-- gl ypiti0 bWisabout the ity effering *4ff0îeiwarut for tho killing c ft alltait- or *he wlll work for lstiien the sta-kera rqbo Thesu une grat in.- *ducements toa tiit e trik(era figures. * 'N Ow dem'lt bureugli,> rnluaiked a wîîatcb froîuin otuit utci. limaI Ii@ ctm hoard Ithe wroetl d ueauucui 'ff the. vitinîs contluiua îc<como it<u01-dont Bennett -%41 bring on t > 'he rnurom Enn-opo cotn ncËOe p et Iis puer fili dia 3mn states lfi; nhy a'î'be Iîtanding 1t16,exaeptioitaly le.' I. se2xi. Louisia re-por-ta an séfi fraege oet foui*' Per cent., Rippi of tie e'cent., andi ,s hlo'ame. i'iîxâshows aili altatiyrotures, asudtAlahamua souaggSouth Carolina lu ivmi'onhue liut.- 'ru 1gîe TORONTO. FÂCTQIIY, - -YORKVILLB, Rave no#r on view a complote stock of Cabinet, and -Upholâtery Qooda Drawing.Iloom, Library Furniture 1 and, in tact, Almesi every article in Our lino of manufacture, in the Latest and mnt .iablonable European and Amer- ioan Styles. Ând At Pnices wo are certain will crDEFY COMPETITION 1 W. would aueo bogti t jte to Odd Fellow, Orange, Forester, AndS utîxor Society Cumutittees, tuitwo mako a siîeclalty of gettiig up .l'rAtelrnsi -Society LO1X.+E BOOM FURNIIURE, carved ila aecuedaitce wili ithe inuot aîîprov. cd and isud apiropriate dealgue, sud unsur- pasel hotu as regarO.s ELEGANCE, .uet eor J4o.rt CHEAP CA' ST *DU FF 1N'S! CRE EK.- i:3e Dry-Goods and Grooeries, the Newest, most FashiQuable, Best, ana Cheapest. FIREDE R IC K* NEALE, WHOLESALE & 1ETÀIL DEALER IN aBR0CERIEId-S' WINES> AND LIQjCTQE8 1 I SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA, RAS ]REMOVED TO FAýEWELL S BLOOKOa" AGENT FOR DAVIES &- BRO2'S Celebrated XXX Cream Aie & Por-ter. COICZEgT BRANDS Or CI(ïÂRS A N!) TOBA<CC0S AL- * WAYS IN STOCK.- -mTHE TRADE SUPPLIED.- ge EEA EOshawa, Mardi 24, 1875. UTILITY, AND. ' E c wswO1Y, ECONObMY, t»' usty Lthil inte th ie Dotobuion. I. f~îî ullesisastiafaction guat-an. Ieul le ail cases. 1117 .'N 1891 YON<iE STRIEET, L*'DEULBULT liL.LL. TORONTO. JAS. IL. SAMIO. THOS. JOHINbTON. Tor>utn, Aj>il, 1875. J6 NTORT i RsITISI IrME11CANTILE FIRE INSUFIANCE COMPA-N Y! Sale> sud nc]i>ble, changes moderato, pt-uîupt slettiemtîut o! clainîs. ceEO. YULIi, Agent. Wiltby, Jutue 2, 187b. 2 GRAND> ANNOUNCEM,,EN-r 1 Young and OId Take Notidle.I NEW 'SPRING GOODS 1 G. GURLEY'S (Tuiiorin- .Establishmeiit,) RING STREM T. OSHAWA. Ailthlea>ding styles lu ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND CANA- DIAN TWEEDlS. A New and B etutifuil Slected Stock te be uuld at veî'y.low prices. Thlie.itfWeî-knuen kei, anid goil titsi guîauited(.. CLOTIL S-ýOLD 11Y THE YARD 1 G. GURLEY. t.C ~A'tL 1 I 1os.) NVLll'Y,>ONTAjîLO. * E.ALIST1ONG PROPRIE'TOîî. FAIAND DWELLING 1-OR L. icru-,,paurt tof bot No. .i. ifi t .- jl cou. 0I10e aU ailouden-i th titi>u"cel. lioe of about 12 ar 13 aces of nIlit-rd w-cd- usai-ltlt tutplu. À g'auud utwuliiîg lunne ouite- h de u aiea tbi-tand l 1>7 ur ai'» wt i tuuîttu fottuiutioni; at tbriTilig uelî-b Eivet'y outMitiO e neqigtu', PIIUmmp1auiffbmnuiinl- utuco ci rniugg agWtu'u>;-ait>'.1-cutasUt stneai Mtethelic harofromu îu 1feer-fuitîug -prng croi. Thé fartît la iii lIta igîteat miate of eclti-,attuîe anti t>c-11 fenud, îmandlai witluix , ttweeli l>tvaand tcmisîi of-u or it lîen.y And 'xlîtý1'l4e, taket îownu.leur- terns uutell;-[un untclaeapuly ta', TIM<YI1IY 0i'i'IL.Y, ENGLISH REMEDY 1 flaforeTa~ln- Alltaong SPECIFIO MEDICINE Cures &a-i Nnveus -Dtso,îsss, sucb as Trefmotir., Debjlty. -Pzuotra tien, etc., ,whlch, iu mas y casesare proatuCed by over iundlgeeno iî.usa o!lohao sud -ulaco- «bola-spirtIt; boftlie Speciflo Medicine la -MOT-e espoplaly recommendedl s i nfa liaI f ollw as a -asquence ai Self Abuse, as les. o1 menient-, -U4ivonUuiLatai«. .taie, Paie lir the 8Blsck, D>p's'a Vision Pre"matueoÏ015 ge, asud meny aCiez à &eses liAi ead ta Iiis,îity an oaiapttou'r-d 6!i ent urc Grave, a1161'a>hlc as roisarc ft-aicaused - h devtlii" fomhi pt t a! sba sd'aven T t ei 'e M e d i cu u in e i , '- . . . . . . . î t û# SP RIN G S UITS TAJLORJNG COMPLETE Choice Lots of New Gcoods Suited to' the Season First-CIass Tailoring at Low Prices! -00- Eugclish,- Canadian, and Scotch Tweeds, Fancý Vestings, Fine Doeskins. A Supefior Stock of Ready-Mado Clothing, Hats and Caps, and G'entlemnen's Furuishings of ail kinds. Leave yoiir orders--a goodl fit guaranteed. JOHN FERGUSON, Whftby, April 8, 1875. Dunduis-Street.1 LIST 0F AITCTJONEERS Licensed for- Soulli Riding of 'Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, anid separate Municipalities in the latter. Nxl.u:. Samuel lBaird.. HE.,E. Ofll ... John McGil.. Daivid BIrown .. E. H. Camera» ....- Donald IRoi>.. . JTas. M. Pailerean.. Wm. H. Boyd.. Wm. Mf. Wilcox ....- Daniel Rose... Davidti]ihop-... James Digby, Jr... James Digby, Jr... Donald Ros.. Tbordae Pouchuun... SaleintEckhtart .... Jas. ilavanuigli .. .. E. Majora .... . D. M. Canti...... Wm. Got-don.. John L. Watis .... J. C. Piloy ... C. Moore ....... ThomaPoucîten. - H. L. Vatimunt... Aittbay Steelo,. J. 0.Widlcd.- John le. . lces.. John H. Pge ... Thamoa.9 Poucter,.. h.FibuuuJr... Broock. ... iubyle .... LaWhiby. Beaverton .. du. ... Wliichureh.. Canniugton. p'ontPny do. Beavetun .. Markbain ... do. ... Keewic ... t'xbridge.... do.... Port Penny .., Scugg ...... Oittia .... Marliltin ... Gouudvoou.. Catîningti».. ZellTr,.. . .. tUzbutdge, ...... Stoliff"ltle .. State ?slw York, lfai:u ntiub ..u ... Wtvlult,.. MUNItCIt>LIt-n. Ltcueusr Exiutxs. Brook--------------.. Mat-ch 4h, 1875. Mars---------------.jnly 8, 1875. South Eiding-... Jly 22, 1875. do,-.-.....-Sept. 14,1875, Thonah ......... di19, 1875. Thomai.......----... ----2e' 1875. North &South Éiding di 26, 1875. Bt-oct--------------. f 28, 1875. Northi Ridiug-.... October 1, 1575, do.--....---. 2, 1875. Saouth Riding.... -"5,1875. do. ... 5, 1875. Uxbridge ............"6, 1878. Uxhnlde---------. 70.1875. .cat.-----.81875. Nai aRdng ..... i1, 1875. Sct do--------- -<'* - 18,.1875. -North Itiding " 20, 1875. do.e -----------"12, 1875. rai'>......-------- " 17, 1875. Saurti liding --... ember0, 1875. Neantit............ - 20, 1875. Sarot--------------- Nov. 131h8, 1875. Brtockt---------------Nov. liih, 1875. Scott---------------- Doc. 8th, 1875. Nantit Ridiug,. Dec. 111h, 1875. Noth Ridink,... Dec. 241h, 1875. South uta Jan. 12tit, 1876. llrock---------------.Pcb. lit, 1876. Soth ilu Ottit-.., rietu. lat, 18(76. LIST OF 2F1)LEItS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. Edtt-u>- vrau-tik Etim'tu i-ut -e., W. liiutrul n& C Netroe o nttuy. A. il. tiuî 1WViitby, Net. 157-i. Non -lestdenI.: Cuîuniîgti.. 0u> foot.. . o............ Oilu herse, Coutit0 On Fouut, Couuuiy> . Srd Mardi, 1875. 141hli Ma, 1875. luth May, 187b. lOtit Jane. 1875 4tt July, 1875. Nov. Otlit, 1875. Nýov. 21st, 1875. WM. LAINC+, Co. ireasurer. 401 ORGANS cg MELODEON ORGA NS; THE, MUDGE- & YARWOOD eG- CO, MANUFACTURE TRE CELEBRATBýD AMERICAN ORGAN!1 - Specigintc aclli otcflOwIn tyls -ud prices: Stiylo 5, in' Wuàiln'uàî a i-i4, lulesonaut Case, with Carvings, $160.1 Stye 1, l Wanutcase, $150, 'm-Resonant Cas,-wit h G ,îý $17 Sti ,inIeRoenant Case, $175, in srne Case, with Carvings,, $185. Style 9j in Resonant Caso, $190, in sanie Cas., with.#iArvpnuS200j, Ailnide o lkW, -'ut, pinn¶ed, wîtlt revolving or sliding Lock- boards, cntaiotlnmug ai'lh latq5st improvements, neatly and - elegantJy,- finisieti, according te price. ALSO, YARWOOD'S"MELODEON ORGAN.tl lIi a>dsome 1Rosewood% Pi&auo Cases, -higly .yinished, -- Style .4 '$150 ; Style 6, $175 ; Stylo 8, $200. - The8 Briti8h A. n Commercial -Colle ge, TOR0 N TO~ BAS A- BE1TEU R COUýRSE 0F .I-NSTRUCTIONý, A.d -fuiinises Môr'i TUAà,TIOs for Young Men, than al the. other Coflegeoi in Onitario CôÎàbined 1 D3aik of Comaý'^m.jo. JhnCrawford, LleuÇ-oýeo Otrl;W. H.How3and,: Proadont Donion Boad of Trado - Hon JohnSlnsPridnOtro Bank; Hon Thos. N. Gibbs, Oshawa; Wm. Goodorl'i ani~q. Prealdent Bankc of Toronto; J. Austin, Bug., PreKien Dominion Bank; Hon. J. flnria Cameron, Président Provincial Insur. anc. Ce.; Hou. John MoMurrich, Pros.2oiniBaldeIla n anc C. ugl ~cotEBq, io. MnaerQucu it Pre naraceCo.; Dun, Wima & Ca, Merontie Agnci Ja. Tung,~f.., ai;Adan Olver M.P., Ingersoll. Ourfrindaamog ti. orcant ar enirey ta nmerna a ention, and w. van only ree auparoens ote Oang usinaslinsthroughant every townand city in MO uri Par otnm Spc-u !Pna~,di a. dde 13 ODELL& TROUT, Toronto. P' -rùffure! Furniture! Now is the ti-me to buy1 good and cheap Furniture. Having bouglit out the business lately carried on by James H. Samo, we take this opportunity of inviting bismau frend togîve us a cail, and, we eau assure ail that we are prepared to.,do as Nvell by them in the future, as i. Samo lias doue in the Vast. Ti LL &JOHNSTON. -0 lOrders by miail promptly attenidedto IJNDEJRTAKIN&G.-The onl1y ltrst- class Establishment in the County where funerals are fui- iy supplied. Whitby, October laI, 1878. TILL-& JOH4N-ýS-TON. 40-ly CARRIAOES &'ut tÉSR MESSRS. TOMS &,NEWPRT, Be&,to inform the public generaily, thattheyhave opened. a New Carniag e Factory, on Dundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POIST OFFICE. Whore the ar e now prepared to executo ail work in the Càrriagc Makiug Line, on the shortest iotice, ana nmade of thicbest nia- terial, atna first-class workmanship. ALL WORK WAIRANTED. ItEPAIRING DONE WVITH NEAKtNESS AND DESPATCH. Whitby, July 29th, 1874. s1.ly1 JOHN ST ON'S SELF ýzRAKING AE AWARDED T'HE FI RST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler to our eustomert3 for the coninig, ariv£tt, îwo dis- tfinîtt Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. JOIINSTION1ýSSI NGLE~SF.~1IG RiPi TX ING 0F REAFERS." T1îteuniversal succesis oftbtis'Machine, hoth ini closely contest- ed trials anti in tht, bande cf the larmers, warrant. uî ii, ssying that. ai§ s 8elf-ltslt inig Reapitng '%jurjjine, it his more good points and let;s detecta, and lits met with morne succeranlssud a alure, than heretofure offcrcd te Uic publie. CAYUGAI JUNIOR MOWER WU were awarded the First Prize ýtnd Diploina, at the l>îcvin. 'ial Exhibition, held in Teronto, 1870.in cnîupotition with ail the leading Machines îuianufactored in tlîc.-provineo; and with our meent iwprovewiente, we urîhesitat- ingly challenge invistigation andi cemparison -with competirg Machines, we are satisfied that .siîeh in 'vestigationi wllU corivineo overv unprejudiced mind, that WC ofler the bost Mower te the Fariner for 1872, 'but in tho Domiioneîi. gSend for esciptie * BR0OWN & PATTERSON. DRY GOODS AND UHOCERIES. T he undersigned is now~ receiving a LARGE STOCK 0F'DRY -GOODS,- Conshtàîg of Djfss G-oods, in great variety -aud of the latest, tashion, 'Colored Silks,, hawls- Mantles, Hos;iery, Gffihams, Cottouns, Pnrints, &c., ,A -,ýho4ce assorùIIent9fÇnL«-anan other,,TwaQedls, ana a full stock of Gentlemen's Furnshing FRESH FA MIL Y GaROUERIEýS, 'à 'Cô ëes, raw and riflnnd}ugars, And -some Fine Âme. Also a large ass GRA!ID TRUNK E i W HJTTBYPH-A R-MAGY. 11()m eathieMedieinesg&Preparations Méss rs. Ashton & arson S, HomoeSpathic Chèmnists, of London, England, lÈave established "an Ageney for their HTomoepathic.Rem!edies, in Caniada. . This wil enable us t keép upour stock o f their Pilules; -Tinctures, Glô6bùles and Triturations, &c., without havmng to wait for supplies to arrive from England, as forinerly. Any atcenti tc can be obtainéd in a fe w days. Parties wlio have be en using American 1'reparations will. find these cheaper and equally- reliable. Copies of the Guide with plain directions- for the treatnient of Commo'n Complaints to be had Free from- Wlhitby, Mardi 16, 1875. JAS. H. GEREIIE'*& 00.,- Corner Brook and Dm4ndaD BtIL, WJiby A LARGE NEW STOCK 0OF SP R I NG DRY AIRRIYED AT W. Je HICKIE &CeO.'Si. A Freshi Lot of Groceries and Choice Liquors, Wh-ich wiil be sold cheap for cash or farmers' W1ýhitby, ÂpaUi, 1875. ¶ produce. JUST RECEl VED AT. THE WIJTBY CHI1NA. TEA' -STOR'E.! "GIBSON & SPAIRVELL,1 35 Hlids., Crates, and Cases, containing the Lairget,SýBst and Cheapest Assortment of China, Gla8s- Ware, and, Fan-cy (iood8 Of ail kinds ever exhibitedl in Whitby! China Tea, Setta, from, $1.50 to $20. Fttncy Vases, from, 10 cents to $.50, per pair. China Mottocd Cups and Saucers, fron ib1e. to $1.50 each. China Mottocd Mugs,' Card Baskets and Fancy Goode, * I' IN ENDLES4S VARIETY I1 FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM Si TO Si5, PER SETT. Ladies, ail the above haviný been purchfased expressly for C hristruas presents, they wrn hbo sold chcap and without ,reserve. Please *cal sand' examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. 1& AlSO on hand, a full assortinent o f choice Tees, Faniily Groccries, Fruits ana Spices of ail kinde;,Hiams, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Apples, Pota- OYSTEBS, best brand, 'alwsys on hand. GIBËO &SPARYELL'B. 1 )hitity, Dcc. 151h, 1874. THE OLD STA .NDI FrE S'IA BLI tS'H EJ)18 3'3.]-1 . TILL, - - POiEOIR New iPa'rlQr Sets, New Bed-ýroom Setls, NW Dinig-r( ,And a'Ia'*rge -stock of C'anej ,ai seatý Chairsy Tables, Burea'us, Sofas, Lo'ul21 Cupboardls. Hair, Cloth, and Darnask Lou]] &c., &c. A flue stock of New Gilt Wiudow 0 The largest »ud- cheapest stock of' PictureE in to'tv'n, ail of 'which he offers at-prices that s-uit the - ti m esto jIý-e The udrin. sàsto state t fi ruerga..---..............100 12. Do. do. if engaged mnore +itan four haurs ....................... 1 W 18. Setring sumîiona uor aubpoenm te atteud before Coroner (ubjeci No 10.) ................. .... 0 25 14* bMeage set-vin g sanie----------0 10- 16 Exhumi bdyunder Carouer's warnt................200 16i Re-bnrying same,.............. 2 00 17. Setring diatress warrant, sudl re- - ýtuning sa=e---------1 50 18. Adverlisingudedits.wr rant ... --................ 160> lii. Traývelling.ta makce diatress, oatto seat-ch fvrgoodsio make diatreas, - wheuneogoada ara faund . .1a 20.,Appraiaomenta. whether b7 tone or mare, 2 cents in Cie do e, on theévane of lte goda. - 21. catalogue sale and conmlain iaddelivery ofieod, 5 celu i- the $, ou net produc eto!gaod. 22. Execntlg searcliwral......1< 28 evig notices en cona1b'l P-onxemonUay set-t-a - O bOl Published by at-don, R. J. MACDYoNELL, Clet-Itoo! heýPeucè, C. 0. Whilhy, Nov.- 17 1674.- ln-47 STO 820 PER DÂY.-Àgeuiu-want- -tec d. Anl claasea o! workÏng peeple. a! other sex, yanng or-aid, malte mare mouoy ai -work fornu in their, - spare, mo- mnents, or ail tue ie than ai anytl iig aise, Particula re t-e. Post card ta Statscaste but eue cent. AIt-esaà, * G. STINSON dCO., 50 Poniid, Mfiino. FO0R SÉ!LEË arn IellingR good clean tield 5'alt, rshr cara, for 86 per tn,or hy ct laad tasuit prher.P 0.IWX ",cal l ave yoy ordCeyôu will nover bî h -cap -ieanvn by- cars a qaniiiy o!f freali mmcd eaid=ect from ]PcnÎylvai. ,sAny qua'ntity cf good. dry -Wood,'ail for sale, cheapfor cash t mny Ceai and Wood ALEX ALEXÂNDEIt. march, 3âeIdK15. 1 WÀNTED-200 Carda GretnWeOOd, BeeCk and Male, eut tbia wvinter. Apply as above.p CUSTOMS DEPAItTMENT, i Otwa, llarch 2iai, 1874Lf A ITHORIZED DISCOUNT- OX AAmerican'Inuvoices until furiher no- tice, 18 per cent. 46-tf iCommsisioner of' Luuioma.. RATES 0F1 PASSAGE .FTRTHER REDUCED. Sergrae-from Quebec te Le e1 Londonde GlasgJ15.Cb=d- over oee underg 1ha].!fare.. ,Return tickets,-Quebeà to Liverpool,ý Derry or Glasgow-$80. :Prepi, passage certifi- cates,---Liverpool, Derry or Glasgow te Que- OBO. YULE. Agent. Prom whem every infermation may-be,ý obtained. Whitby, Sept. 19th, 1874. 39 S Y AL =N EPER TOWN' 0OF WH1TBY,_ Lets No.' 1,92,9snd 10, Kellerla- plan.'im- niediatcly West of bMr. F. Clark's, and faoing Brock Street, Will ho aold by tender. Ton- dora wil ho receivcd for an y eue lot,, or fpr the four, and will bc opened on the 24th of May. Xddroas Téndera-to Mr. L. FAJ.RBAKS, Wbitby, from -whom al information ua beoabtained. Whitby, May lth, 1875. 1 n-20 j» * j '-t-- GODSsAT, SALT, Lr -i 'I -- ~'1 "J -t) lu -~tb -i R s ~ 'a St >0>7 - j Ci - Ce ttay 8> - P

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