Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1875, p. 2

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40 némaee ry Oeepf for au oppe al lulge Wilolmi dellen, wvhieli erfore bé ravlawed in tise fnl s Court. Tlieuale eveuy .reasosi va tisaI Mu. Brown wvlhtb. nu- kd buaten iu tise contest wvicih ne. liusitoe Tisnea, reu viiai v ren thse âabov, le lightly astnsy. rovel gave tiOseuct positive la tisai lie vonîti not Lea apariy ting thse petition funtlier. Tise MeOU vWhe rlisSed, tier oney eb resuit of tisa eiton-anti FareNWel-frtiwte-parties vise irouo sovets-i>g 'on tise sppeesl. canada CioçI a bmtory. isle Provtsietor efthte Cioçk Fa#.nory bals jusi t ohwn us a Tousy tugeulous piece oaI dock venk, susnufactureti by t'snd by tise eelsvaïtad took andal uta Tlise ittie instrument le intundéti for eau atteciment tas tise look&. et banS anti ailier Hsilee, Kanti viiisitietu>ibiv pres-ient ail shOet t.'mpîoye,eooee'ibus-glane *freinenterusg eILsisa ilulil tbey get possson etu o or kiiow how te sussipîs. laie tise keys. - Tise Intnimuent iscuet spriusg. le wond 1up liki sia t , s uns lac 60 hourif, bais ea i asii * e leut ta asîly thusse trnin oaiete 61OjloiNs. For uxezu- I'1lr vie» a it lrrti-lr -10raeisstiineaalt lid ycunt up sit Clc e t f a ii9 U luk nuit somasg, t-le aféfiel.ruai' isuasil locel bwhîis Ce lia loelvawrk ie n1e. aesud tissu lIse Parc'lueii, o r aruy riser i3 nasable ta ojs,)dittbu <y nu, le-y satil the t heulr ai nisso, ta.si vIlaClis bugir or chalirs "4weîshl ee'e3 asta) otas tias lhier oajseî-ndo.. . %rfr.rilenue.ay- ha, .hewae hi.t- hits cierii i tli it i lri ; liae ifi ltuisaalr.r'fif4t ai tiaai iioa iiîin. (Jm Luae b.eeut ueîo-i ti u I isauiauti lit auitk Fauttau t ii inrsseyiion-f w i!bu iaquiroii. -e ist wu' tiLtî1>1 wiîlu of, utÇtierpr t ada, oomniiudC * ila61àlusk a4iin', us-ve truas su.fsiriî' preesule thtîsi eu- ,onaa lboseCoin- I)tlàsy wflt u e) r u~u iuî im-e ad I prftablce tl h t(l iil-iàs is i tiret bitvae tlcîun ipalmot- orsiude tiricislit in ilitanie vs,. jtu!i'tst tiesu îsus an unatu in ual >IhlaIslnb. livinag rusar %MePles-eolqa 'e- Qsuasrsu-,by lDre. Iir and tilatueay, cf W Oila. Tisas vtuasaissai eiffunuîb for- cf mauryyears iroui wtvatsmoîis e st- Cillssouas nathmre lu the face. Tise aiv case on tie tîft shaluu çxtenlilg Irotu tise $s ssstiai ho *hos-uppe-r ieaxfllary bosse, wlillet tIsaioun ths e ft as utorme. 8a visaisiler dauul;tise length of ot fhislcilous roabîlsitîs for te r.ap lasiel idg n*5.ectiîe Y ftoir anti tva lo nluiesIn languis. Dr. Yg~ir ilastitise kfeati Pr. ltaeay perfarnil tIse e hiqnli ismounet cf nitaisincips-e.soi oilan, Tise viraI. upera-lsi issciuding ad la tasudeon reu'ýip-d lcily .evts inîs- ri.Co tes, witbis ecurciiyny lison age. a" l.iroDgunel Idludoiig vel antdierhon 1»ssetilai tteuulîts uteriain b opes oftnea lier aeedly v5ecoery. Tip, ST. LvaseWUcsE BSI.Thao .NuieôsaZ, 1uferrsgte) tiseanoticueoft.se -A\1iuîuAl gelierai tuoetiig of islee sissisu. lisider oattise St. Lsswi'unce liank m syfot -ýW. are ilitchgttàtit(l dta h!eérLt isaI ise St. LIaencu te hast eneergiug tram is tuwlsairary dlicpl wsch-uir roaunitin 1 Cli, inCnis at Pebrnatry lsttieloasiwilbuwae ,thoesneguiclat.fo eI lusvlng boun epsa, inluful witlsfls. *téesý, flout4c hgle dollar cf visicis de vaIs slcuîured by tue banktikleisslt tc foi iiabillitlu, Tisa presasît cirefuil con- daulo tfltiw effaIrs eftChue BankS tu tiuy gain u"Putt publie canlleuu, ai te h eg»cut cf titeu susuisel gýerelivi eting foi Wiii, Vveérst4e1iglea, bse OmcciiMasta E- largelyreosî-lts luuttitt f jiublie 1tsms4r. l issae 1cli tlad avertiilu g -hipuuu'e ut 0, tise cuitisof ttise MailoaotPel tise I#N»o f culitiu1fihat sluniut Tise Pl odtIlac, wltls pâtei'duahelirtps-drreus-stC' tie kuevu Oeù f tise puler a'u tulove W. "Ja olrales-, se sasiciliasî pessible-, tuécttefo *tise avti4sm saî uth ue ureauîlereaîtid im.veualsuns, we have frti'utesly lied te. cositee. fltI, ta Cthu- use et stuali type co the the wpents efeted -i Im e pub.va? ofthls vmIauabîe paper:lise Wn>,1- Ca~reOoUGHues thlie Tis bin& f hé1teie almoas sue ls 50ý z lWu té uffaîseh.,ù.s: ....,ana v a magne >s'. Wu .Bapr, i joor of Eduueaiw;u... 8. Mbiens for 4,eft. WOrthington vs. P. W. f P. p. Jex, il. C--Verdiet for del . T. E. .rtwell and Jnô. 1ligi for pitI?. W. lîneok for deft. Toronsto Mothodis: Conférence. TntIuae PA-41C AT 55 AS >f<'i5 pictoo, Jisue lO.-Tbo Ordination erviedwae blit this snorning, ranti tise scionis building was erowdeci to over. 3wlog. 'Tise ltroductory portions of Weerieàewore oondueeabythe Pies. »b, thoe11ev. J. -..Wi lme resi. ait of tise Londlon Couference. Theo Sors wa: prouhed by the Bev. Dr.i lIi Prodâut of1 ictriaCoilege ;i %t, Ecleolauties vil., '10., It was a. lous' Mrare equesoie.sd power. , 6W Whso voetheore ÎRiiever forge t the melo. BShortly-mter tise alatero %dweadd itnxt a pasICIelzd tise Ogregation, sud for a 1ev momuents )t a few vere lu tse grefatest perl.1 swd vere pressing to tisa dooro, but ' le being ammeit1tisere va" no a ofescaspe. The minletere ln ýhe ' vpit aud others esieul "Bit dovu Iý 1' tdit vas alfflst *0 persuade tise ex. Ld euowd tisi ibore wveino danger,!' e0 chou comusezsed tô slug, sud sller j ue flItein or tventy minutues arder as restored, but not util a 1ev per.. as lham rétlIved tme bS'le. ThseI 010 vAs oeboaped by tise fan of à !cý4-éîm ln tie basemeut. wht b aus a - ;IE ~Il j n For tise Witit-Jr Parso-m11 heb open ta al-'lCatt. P., and - Prine 1 'war&ý- Fur the Ladïea' use-lualI. ru .bat- iusCr1ftýe, Lady Eitra, L Boy, Jaack Vawdal, Mid sy, aud ira Mmne; SECOND DAY. Vor thse Province Handieap-m 'Dette# Prince Edwara, lPilot, fStorm a] lMauitime. For tise 2.85 Trot,-Long Joh Fritz, Dominion, Boy, Tecunmseh Bc Varooe, and Yorlc state. For thse Hotel Keepers purue-mi sud a quarter IsasGod 3nl , S beam, Storzs, Euily, Katie P, ai Mignonnett. Tiser. viii bu a consolation ýpuresý 675, for'ail boatet liprous tt ise used ing-A dasis of one mile. Tint Doxiou TZItocApIICompAb liave openied cilices ut thse lbllowin places -Markl ntUn. ; stbuffvilb Ont.; and Uxbrid-ge, Ont.«î TAAINor GeRstý.-Tse discutsiô of the Toronto Cnsurt of Ritvision ha beesi adverseto thse tssxation .of grair In û carefully psspsred report tihe ME jority oP-tie court Aay.- 0:3 the whole we are of opinitii it WOUIrl be impolitie andt dengercu., fo tise sake of theSo maii increuse, in th t&zee, to depatt frocu- n cossti'uctioa c tihe Isfle4smeni Act, visicisbas euso a and s> universally previtilocl, and ini th ju ticesf wioixwe e.utireiy concur. Týie apéjpeale in regard tu the asei ment of grain. will, therefore. be dis xuieeed ani t bu vatriolsu ageoismeut O~sisOF vTUF: l4TII.-%Ve learu trou thu '"Voliniveer lieview" thet, ut the las meeiting ()f the', boardt fur grînsg mili tiury certioatea. heli tt Toronto, 0o thse 2rl ansd 24th o< April lest, tIser were îwiesuty.nine psetdthemsoival for exitnuinatios',, ofaI wlomliitC.eli paRis ell. Asîil we noticein thp, Caiiàe (iazcttd. tilte naines; of two of the 84ti aisuelig ttiey 9 eesl0ul cnilîs-M Jtin A. McuGiiiivt-ay, of No. 1. coin iauly, WVhit1îy, liaving beea awardéda iret ni'i. aud Mr. .7...J. Snithi, or No. Curt of Revis;ion Town of Whitby. Ail a(i uînniduetng of nuis court Nras held L iet Xuoullsy evuigMs lýairLi..skw andti fri,,r being abf+ent. Méser. I. & J. CJampbiel eeked that the èlcci!sion-on theiu' appeal be ru-cou. Pi'leid. court sait that tluey lied net ho power tO'do . plitinfrum u dýe »artnvll esk. ong thst hùj casi e >5i'o.,'Onridered. it haviwg alraeav yboe» dieoiied 1i.y lis non appearalîco Tise.Court ailewed the nuatter to lay oves' Outil siex meetingý when tîscre would bc a fuiler attondenco of tise suesbers coluspriailng tihe Court. Msesgr. Jno. WVuttson & Co., ownerg, appealéd egeinet ass;eFeet of thut, warekuousep, &a., et *12,000, ftlloweti It Ntnd 4fil iret Meeting. Ai'. Juo. NVatRosi appealed pereuaely gainat the aslieb8mseng of différent parts Df his real estate in neariy aul of which, imail roluictious wore made. H8,8180 ippealed against inconie, wlîich vas ai. avWeu taSi tandci ver tilt uext umeeting.' R. CaMpbell atated tlsat )le UwiL;hc-ad to ippeuul agmfinft ttse aessment of big 01180 ons iundas Street, but throuli ime suistake tihe appe.,ul wa, fnot enter- lin time, andi wautaud tu know if tise outa cultido enything wtits. Court lciuied tisat they coula iegaliy do noth- cg vi t. Il> Thse Court tison atljourui tlli Friday %est, it bIehnsg useakrly twoivcn t'cioci. County Court. ru Hoe5iis On JUnOP >Aitrxseu,. Hesflhe s Is.Ve iica £)r pitif. or 0125. W. M. liige for pitif., .1. * Yatrewell for deft. wilcox vsud.-.teodwitUsrawn. WVooi VO. $tevenesoïz. - Vurdict foi' expresaion cf comuplacent dissn ie alseetoeverytig tisai vas saii. Hie behavior, ias decribetjinlutise FSunsof escteydymorusiug sud commenteel onM ~y Mr. Bschb subeequently, vas lui contrasit itiste otisurjurors, vise iide, anyV facial expression of gentimuent. o Tise prepondusratinsuppeort of Mr'.fo Titon lu tise audience vai exisibiteti lu 9u tise tendenuy, butpartialy heid in check Jus byà tise admonsiosoud ansppeale o! qui JngeNeilsou, te dmp bauds sud etanpsp ur feet viseueYéeu tise speaker vas veise.un -ment. 1Pol ,bas conte o'eu ti0sepiri'of tisedreens, th sud Niagara, ý recently se lively by: tise«I presence et tise troope lâ- eamPlied â1q reapseat-into ie cisracteristic uetnde. *t Soon aîter Vs'eilio sude t isemorc- &la lug, preeatiou for. departuire comn s Menced, and oeely oeethie battalians A atruek theis' tente. In mauy instances th. tenta eve sdovu aindIpacked in 3 their bige within- tva minutes ofthtie Eý bugle oq dn tati n uaeM of tie $tse o e o raaa, Wh o ick- 1on* ed up ieofte orev. Tise meos ere an u ydad f omexposusre. iTiey re. pottit se Vicksburg vas atrusk by au iceberg as u n t o. Ors. boit ,bt, eosaun me people, aud anther vitis 107, thsi,&adaition .to their ovu, left tise@sbp bat ii. 1rnotlslng basbeen ie bard 0ithe. fluet ivo, and i t le feased -il tisat they have siared tise fate of Ilsose u, wiso emelnea ou board the liii.âea 'l'h. followlng la a lit o tise pssen'. ,,f ers on tis estamer ;-There ere 01 per"onsoou board, 7 cibin, 25 etorage, 1. 59,crov. Tie zaueaof tise cabin pas. songera are B mun MeSane, of M.ou- treal; 1ev.C;A.. Adams, cf Goi" SLanding; Bluts 0. Suthserland., of Tor.- onto; Mr.'.a. Bette, of Belleville; Mr. 129 sud Mns. Blotm, of Green Bey, Wis- [leonf, Ul5Ms'. W. Vipoud, Montr.ent Stceraga assnui'-.Perren. G. B. Armsetrong, Pîsillipe, Pennil, loue Booesor, Merkhamm;Mns. E. D. Gcsnn. las ing and infant. Shserbrookes; J. Griffith, Minnesota; -John Delaney, Melbourne, n.P. Q.; 'G. 13usner, Minnie Burnuer, and . George Burner, jfi., Richard Corbett, Mu-s. C. J. Barry', Metroal ; Albert et Knumpi. , su ra ese ro Tise Vicksburg wsa rnvse le built lu Scotiand. BShe vas about 2,- of 500-tons, IWelI engiuedl andi fittei, andi ig comstandeti by a vcry able and ecOi- ho cient officer, Captain lienett, late of the Allen lu.u, Whoc-,ent dowu vi»th hie q. ship. ler valuie i;etetedt t have been is. $825.000, seiti te ha tnlly insurei in te Englesit. IHer cargo consisted of 12,- 100 buseis of wheat, sliippua' by W. «unis & Co., vis tated tisat it ii su- einrut by tise ooneigseee lu Eugiand;1 DY 11,000 busheliscf wheat, ebippeti by R. m Siensu & Co., ingurance net kuowu;- st D. B3uttera & Co., 20,.166 busheis cf -wist, 7,045 bushieof peai, inseurance net kuown. James MctSisane liat 'n . inety.two lssd cf cattie ouniboardi, in- ~e strus oi$14,006 lun the' Royal Cane. e dieu. Part ofthie je understoodti tebu 4. re-inenreti. la Terrence & Ce., agents cf the Dom. ien Lineocf Steamsbips, eay that the fiteansehip Vieksburg bia only fifteen r. teerege pisesengere asi boarud. a Ilis adduitiona to tise suis of tise iii. fateil stessnisllip Vicksburg wise arrived et New York, fssotîser boat vas3 pioketi ni near St.* John,. newfcussulani-, on Satnrday, centeinlng nine iiire andi tlurce passeugers. Onse o! HIerMejestyts steamers hes beeu sent eut tram St tJohn, N'f'd., ta searcli for tise missing ibouts. Tui; sleal thet isas yet boun iseard of the uuforttunato pjevsengers ot th tiselt-fucteul steamer. Tite Beecher Scandal. Thso New Yorik Siituf Suturday cnis teins tise feiloviasg lntrcductory coin- mAnt, to thee nmmuing up ef Mi'. Beaeh ln favor of Tilton Net oulyv aq hti cutuduil ourt ruoa. crowded lu every part yeciteray uos-n. ing, but tIse long corridor, Étairw cs àcundrotunde oft hue Court lieuse voue Mr. Tilton, aud Mr. 3Moulton were'c F heereti from thse streçit ta tihe door of tise triai chemiser, cneT their rocoption t by tiue aesnmbly vithinvwas madie noisy t wit' lintl a0 fet. a diffureut vers vio sa nd te fil tise rn5m andi eppianti tise word> ef Mr. Ileeelier anti hie lawi'unc, tliut whon Mr. liseciier wallked ' t1uraugis the sanso tirong tlsat lied ru. ceived thse pitntiff's partv outlisusiestie. aliy, Isere vas net c siugfe enconragiug Rouudl. Oniy a knot of Plymouths Clsnrch folk4 wero on tile spot provice. ly peopleud very umueronely viti tise il magnust-"s of! hta loyal body. Mr. o Ev.ertu liai returneti froue Weeliisgtou, ce ant is iceileagues vers ssii et their a, unta t. Mr. Titton'e couveel, iueissdiug ri ~1.Pryor, were thure, inaming,-for tisece firet ti6âse in-omeny weeks a comple vi collection ai tise lewyei'in ftice suit. ai mogthe visitors wore United Stateci i ?esatoriXt0n cf Indiansa, Jutige Van A4 Syéhol of--he Ne-a'Jersey Court cf Il Ap sais, Guon. Tilbittii et Troy, Mrs. N JIcT4'ge Birdsai, tis a. . C. E.Miller, M D. *M. Dewiitt, and H. C. Ilartteyv, oeu. oi Croiclier ef New jersey, andi Mr. Corne. c( lins Vasidurbuilt, Jr. D Mr. Beach resurnedth ie delives'y cf hi hie etidrogs witls e bouarse vaice anti e M palpaible effort. .-Hie vigorutue stylai ofPl epeakiug lje toe soverû e strain upou ieieih plu.Ylit.al pcwerel ta bu sustelunetd ay us acte-r iday vitisast Preetretinur sffevt. le Therni wag ne dlepreciating, saw ever, in n, tlue cffctiveness of ]li; id uand tihacg hall upou tise LttaitineftChé-asissc sdioveti no relaxastion. MiCiu1bers ail pauentt; tise reeve tu 11e chai-. A hy.lav vas ints-eticeti cdA pesseti, eppoinCing Jases E. F4lulet- lpnîy-reuting offscer tas- Eleetorai 5-55,X1, lu tise p lace cf P. O'Brien, viso s-muanau-oidsably pr»ventetilactisng. uverusi siltersetions vene madecilu mati vsu4s, andthetia tllowimig chollques veru granteti ,-To James Freel, for utting and ti rîuving a tree frotft centre fresut ; te vitea' Stumey, ind.igent, $6, pe-tition vas filet, prayiug tisat Ihe cent snru-you au 12tis cou. lac net lapteti. MT-. Buruct hastidetin plans t., andti-2ise tetrussloft <s-si'te une 121h. te vih tise cSinoil st- Tise 1y-iav grauting $12,500 ta tise fidiant Rels-ce, in lien et stations, s veteti on vihtise foibeviug reemit: For. .Agairsut. )ivisioni-------- ....64, -44 2........... 87 29 8.......68- 15 114 120 (8j. lu feai- by-baw, M.;, TitL Ai.iaTIqIAxi.-AT SALÂzÂII.-The iaviung tutelle etf tb. rucent earts- nake mi Salaear, is Columbia, have ot been reiseivea hes-o. Tise esutis- eake stiste> tire city et Salazer, anti rrounting cousntry, usa- Ccelus, Col- abîts, lun14ev <ranatia. Tise èeste- nisen ofthtisahurcis fell tovos, andi isy houses -wes-e deslseyet.- ,Tise ty a! Cuolu*,,,va ants-el7 ,destioyet, ic&but a f&uMW faeilies vée. m8ateti. ails o!a fis-e Ie!froi lise vol ~ain i e frcentink- Ban tiago, lun£rldge aleti tise Qusachi sau Cayebàaa as g;Tise loue o! lite anti propes-ty le spyfrigisttal. Tsuadjsepeu. bet. Thises egral exeitemueul lu ipluvail ove- tise oabussly, rCanada Bouther or tihe rFi U, reniai btisere turIng tise day, and procetib tishe Bride Bflway te Bnfalo lunlth devenissg. Il Le expected tisai tise men bers et tise fsiiteinity lu tIsat ity vs tender uieir bretisreu Irons thiesid mcet cordial reception.' On Pris- moi'olng tisey viii Puoceiby boatI Cisippeva, andti ie ne by rail bacS 't Haudo, viser théo grand-bs'eak.uj viii take place. It le expected tisaitishe trip vili bei usont pleeaint eue; su d setise energeti Secretary id; about 'stertiug aeren i rente isnsselilntirer te mae.:tise as rangemsents, tiser. need lie -ss tleur c any tailsîra u intis respect.' As tise ex pense attantiiugltise excursion vil bd snsignllant, it isisopèti andi entielpatei tisai a large nîsmier cf tise member- anti their frientis vili avai» tiesoevel cf tise oppcrtssnity ta have e goadti is toLgetler.-Toronto Liberal.. Tisa, Glaose says -.Tise arrangementi clsietly Issuebeen isltis te bande c tise efficient Seeretany.Treasurei, Mr Buchsanan, et tise Titnea, anaivu tee: confident tIssu tlsuy wyl bu carrieti oui ta tis ecitine satisfactîi ofthe Associe. tlan generally. Tise Mail says: Hitiierte these au. nual setisons of relaxation te tise mes. bore cf a isard.vcnketi profession hav hua» extremocly enjoyabie, andi ne doui ths one viilinatisai respect proveois, excieption te its pretiecessers. To thse Edis- of lthe Wlsiiby Cureauicie, DsEasî Siue Wbeun a great catastropise bike tise fbuudering et sea et eue et oui' great 0een steamers eccur,aecomupaniod viti lba oft' lite, tieinteligence sentis a tbi'ili et dismsey tlrough tise feame eu-en et disinterested1- anti uncencersed parties. Who, thon, eau raealLzu tisu enguitii anti auifernug, tii, acising hurts anti iappointeti iopes, tise di-c titiug of sudsi au eu-cnt, bringu home ta Clie frientis anti relatives of tise loveti sud bout onces,'ln each side of tise Atlanstic. A.mong tise cabin passongure Ou board tise il-«fatet Il Vickburg " iras Miss C. Sutherlanti, a native of Sutueidnndshire, Scctland, a isigbly acuoompisuiued yonng lady, vise carne eut Ce tbf e cotrntry lu 1872, having beien gaget inluSeotlanti as govennuse for tise fanîiiy et tiseEton. Mn. Douglas, of Chu Oak Matgeslis tise Cotinty et York, Having several tnientie in. tise Tovn- ships of Tioras anti Masa. (Mn. John Gnncf Tiserais being lier grand unclo,) she spent nsou; cflier isoiidays vith faiende lu and flui'Bau-rto, vise-o lier presencu vuts alvays bisai ith piecenre, ici' quiet, kinti, obliglng, and uassuming aunnere, tounsi a ruuady wuuy te tise licarts-anti affections of cl with visorns succase lun contact, anai tise ecti fate wviichs vuare coustraiuodl 1e believe lice; overtakcn lier, ias piung., -t bhis' friands culndrelatives litrein tise CbL'pttgrief Ratiaffliction. Mý.iss 4Sutherlandi luft ~ssdta es- nonter CliL îeenils outhtini.-ty <loup, for theueprpoeof accomp.nyiug lieor wiiovutisuther and nuluy lister tu tis Dupei 1f Gond Hospe, wbitisur tisey isad beotermineti tu precue t t join lier sîncla, thu 1ev. Andrew MeGreg"or, a Presl.y. terian mninister, vIse bas long rsiiedlu itat distant baud. Oui' varmeet sympathies are enlisteti an hehaîf et the bereaveti «nos et saine. C. B. Jiscrtis, June 14, 1875. Mar Cent sOf ReVibiCons. Toia Hall, May 27t5s, 1875. Meshurs cf Ccuncii ail present, auil îaving taken ftienecesuary caChe etf office toak their Pcs, fti eneve lu the chair. Tiien> ieing ne appeais ageinet seesmeut su fer as te velue, tic clcrk red tise applications for charges Izanti. tdin, andtihie follovixg veemade, 'sut. :-MsîrfiiuSullivas ta ho ausessuti Fil tenant for Sentis hait lot 16 lunitis cou. ; Neil Gllcht-het fer lot 10 lu con. A.; John Cos-nigân for N. haif lot Il lu 12tli eau.; Jolin Gaillivan as tenant for N. W. quarte- et lot 29 lu il con., vi e, N. O'Donueii; Thsomas Mubu-itele aui vuner oi N. lialt lots 17 and 18 in 8tis ou;Wrn. ay aie tenant for lot 15 in )tis con. ; Jasuces elly fon E. hlItN. ait lot 15 in 8th cou.; andi Archibelil MeDonelil 'wuîe redîsetdinlu* personal ,rperty $18,5, in corîsequence et cris Jorce ot bioq hau-ing diedtheis day ettur iesement. Tise tollowung cases vere ift over,-Wm. Corrigan, Wmi. Rus. uetidi, anda James Ritchsas, so-., anti aunrit adjouraîc t t12tas of .une. ïl<ECIAIMEETING 0 F COUNCIL. SuA CCmoï.s-A Vossm «anMe c' DFIInt suACoi.-Tlss usifs cf Mr'. Georgeî Grahtam, bleelesmnithluear Cliis place, uses siCu.ng WednesdJay eueiug visen a yauiug ieg ranuup andt seizeti 'tise ccv Sy lier hisue.lu Ia uruiug raundi ta ataciç tise (10m-tise cninlsubornei sinumk Ms-e. «irat on tise ferelseul, intbictiug a aciers vwounti. Tise beaut, vhichis l alvays been uery quiet, tien bepese ititurbatoti anti attackedth Ie peer wvosun.gos-ing anti trempling upen ber. in a frightisi nanner. Ah. thougis her huebani anti a noigisbnr vere- cume ai hbanti anti securee tise ccv immedsteîy,tlise nfortunatus vo- man bat nreceivoul sucis itýnnics tisai mise epinuti nlilfteen ,minutes after. Gra s pah i ezpressed for tise bu- resvd noand whoio lftvitis nine âmail cisiltreu ta, mouru tise loue cf a klnd vite anti affectiencte maties-. M. O-v.ries DaFFC'sic-Tint Wàe RsuAtuarDR'CLAIiID Dv PRAuex.-Penis, June 11.-M. OlIivier'e bookel in etsuce cf tise Minhtry etfvisicis lie vas tic bead'on Chue brealing osut cf tise Franco- Prussian vas- heu appeared. It teclares tisaI 'Prugsia, cy hier Insulte, s-aliy de- des-et tÎe vas-, andti usaisIe(Ollivier'm) Miniatry canld not lie ielti responsibie foi' entelug upen tise canflilt, beeau"e the aet vamsuanises-ily apps-ovet lîy tise Banale sud thielegislaue bodiy; anti tisaitishe Minlsls-y vas net responsi. ,bicfo tes-Cismiita rogenizatiiu, - viie vas tisevos-k of yusa betore il came luta poeer. M. Olivier makas tise lais frles- i Mii'y tisai in a fev usontbis ata s i organization itbIm calmed tise-pulic slnd mud resteredthtie anthority efthtie Gover4umeut-vitisout employing .elisben corruption tos' intimidaiion. lie pub., libes a leties-firui tise Empleres-, wss-tten afte- tise fulliofthtie Miuiel9-r, expi'uusing continneti confidience. Iu conclusion, M.- Ollivier urges tlie -Donapautietg to lhelp tise puesent Gou-. es-usent. zualutalu - nesce.andii-esnet lu repot,to tis Qcuicii aitite neit meela y. à r. Brown uaves that tise Beeve; a. grant his e eir ou tise treamures' lu 1.1 faveur of tise followiug retunung oifiers a fou tise emount tonind opposite tlier 'y Dames vii.:- James tiluton $4, Davidi o GiblhrIit$4, B. )èfeeaî64, J. W. Wonels' a 84, ans Tisomas Dunnn $4.' ip On motion tise Couicit stands edjouru. eti tLI Tueeelay "thse Athiday et Joue a n* thuen to- muet as a Ceisrt cf revision ic and otisur business. eTuesday, lune Stis, 1875. Of Couneil met punsuant t-oàasllouns. ,- ment; somburs ail presfunt, Minutes )e cf tise lest meeting rendi andi approveul. S Msr Browns mores tisai tise caunaituo. .salve itself into e Court cf. Revision, es andt tis tise reeve sut as olairsan. le Tisos. Hoibouru complaineti of beiug overuhergeti on hie land. S On motion the appeel vas imiseei. )f Tises. W. Brown cosplaineti et being r.undercisergeiou lnuis hAnti. el Appeai eisisseel. Mr. Green mves hat tise sentis part ef lot No. 25 lu 8rd tau., msseeseil neainst'W. M. Button b. assessedti t T. P. Whsite. - Ou motion cf Mr. Green tke court ,adJeumneti. Tise cou-teil met, the neuve lu tise chair. Tia standing oommittee ou petitians and acco'suts preseutedth ie followiug report. Tiset tIse follovissg appropri- ations bu grailteti for lmproving roasls On side roati betveen lots 2 andtinl 8tlî con., $60. Jas. Joues commiesioner; on Diuie Hill, $20. F. His cous.; ou sitie reeti betveu lots 80 anti 31, $300, tJ.. Taylor antirI. P. WYhite com's.; Ycur committeesîtidr.ucessmeiuti ipayment etftIse folloviug acconute fer laid supplieti ta indigente -gince Lut et Jatsnar. lest : Te Mrs. Wood for aid te J. Cavine. $15.75 ; te Mrs. Stark for iupport of a, boy, $4.51:- James Lagie ifor aid ta J. lfMlaMrs. Keaet and Mrs. Smith. $64; J. Maonab, for ail to- vitiow Yoisnz anal Alun. MeGe, 44; -C. Rogers for id l t iowGates, $22; S . Bomrsville for aifIto Mi'u. Moeut- etrick, $16.50; John H. Smith fer aid ta B . Middleton anti Henry lBrown, $44; * Thes. Tripp foi' aid te. P. Lycus, $22; John Parleur for aid te Mrq. Campbel and Mm. Johuston, $83; Newriok Wil. son for aid te Mro. Paliester, $22.- . Your eommittue rpeommendthtia aid bu grauteiCetu le foloving insdige-nts until tise let of Dec., andt hat tisa pur. sona visas.nDames are affetie ct ace John MeMilien 61 peri vek;- Mra. Keast $1purvuek; Mrs. Smitb $1pur vuek, James Logiococen.; Mrs. Sterk'u boy rOUte, pur veuk. W. Kuovias cani.; witiaw Yourng andî Alox. McClee ccis $1 pe-r veek,. J. Macnab cens.; witiav Otites 61 pe'r wuek, C. Rogerg'ceua.; Mis'. cKettrick $1 per veek, S. Sos. erville cern.; R. M~idleton 1.1 per veele; Hy. Brown 51 per veuik. W. H. Dnrk coin.; Patrick Lyonss 61 per weuk, Tises. Tripp cas.; Mrs. Campiseil 75ce. per ivuek ; Mre. Jousuton 75cts per wekd,t J. Parleur corn.: John Cairu,. 75eti3 pur vuok, Mrs. Wood coin.; Mrs. Pallester $1 per weuk, NuvnioklsoVien coe. Your coommittee ua'ouIl necomrn-uL peLynent OfthtIe telloviasg aasronnts.. A. Ftevs-y for ros-ohloveis, $131.25; W. Tate for issu cf Oranu,,e Hait, $2 : S. . . Groen far purcsae et grevel, $30; P. R. Hoover for purclaaseof gravé], $30; A. M. Richaardseî on orsecp killed by doge, $8; Johns Teol for do, $8. Andit yolir committue wouid recasn.e in-ed that S. 1-. lBrown anud Jais'> Haiglut bco appoititeti casniseioners tb L rupair the bridge aistise ile roati bu. tveun lots 16 anti 17 in 2nd con., anti tisat thse su of $75 bc grenti on Che nartlîurn f ovu hue nuar lots Nos. 4 anti 5 ià Pickering, tise mîîuicipality of Ux. bridge baving grauku(l a like eus ou salue roati, G1o. ickingbottom corn.,C ani aiea $100<su tise vestes-n tovu hure L sentis ot King-ton recul, tise...Iueipal- ti ity of tcerborn' lsaving grautuil c like t sus -on safl mati. Thesas Chsester n com. on Iehait of Pickering. 'It Repart receiveti anti adopteal. Mr. Maussab soi-es Chat tise reeveM order tise ts-eagnrer fa pey teaPeavid LI Gitcliriaat tiseesmcf $120, for ses-vicesC seudered ase Asseseos- foi-tIse present 01 yus. f Mr. Brovn maies for Ibave ta intro- el duce a by-l.aw tn autliorize Trn-ees et Scisoch Sectionu (Union) Ne. 1, te raisu tr bey vay cf beau tise sus of $880, &ow. Lt Tise byIav vas recil tsrce e cverai 8; -tinSe and alseet. to Mr. Hoov-er suaves hatt his counsit11 do nov asjeuru CiII Tlsurstiay, tise 22nd a dny cf Juby ssaxt.L Intereesting Prcs¶sytenia'n Stalistice. At tue mneetinsg a!Chi e uarai As- mblyofetChu CaIluata Pruebyterien Cisunchs, in Montriâl, ou Fritia' lest, lIse liv. Mr'. Torrance. cf Çiuelpb,fnem mise CaunsiCtte of Statishicu, pneseuhsdl tueur ruiport. Thae report began by acttuines tise varios cangreirations tisat seul faile4l-peehially er-vlly, hourrpaio-t fisus sfatictiCs et finances, shsoving 11us$ tvenhy-seîen eengs-ugations lied tailuil te coWpiy vihtlie regulelian cf tisa Chcinnes u ttserespect, anti eueral itIsers hativi-uen -ty is ptet ausverF. to tise queutions proposeti - Tise nurnlr. ur cf mniaisete-rs intise Chnrohlestes-' vas 822, being 83 in tise Svucl oet Meu- t-etl. 82 lu tise Synol et Toronto, 70 lu the Synuiti cf Hamilton; 73 iuntise Sy uid of Landau, andS eigbt ln Meut- aise; tibis ys-sr Chie total nursber te 189, lies-s Seing 76 in Chue Synnîl ot Monitre. al, 87 lu Toroîale, 93 in Hamailton, 75 in Lonadosn, atid 8 in Manitoba. Total in- crese aln.ing tise year, 87. Lest year lie total vacanese eu 78; tisis year, 72. Mission stations lait year, -871; luis yuar, W6. umber of fanIles cuon-. aueul dwitbe hue Clint-clulast yea-, 28,110; thise ar 0,640, represenhing a popiu- etisin ait 155,000. Number cf single asruons cunectet vit tiie Cisurcli lest cas-, -4,175; tisyea', 4,880.,- Aclaliiouae to tha Cturcs lest yeai' by exesuinatiou, 2,888; iii yeusr, 8,988. Adlditions hy certificats lest 70cr, 2,928; titfs yeut, 2,060. Dimintution Sy duatis andl othuer Canses lest 70cr, 8'i01); his yar, 4,060o; hfile incades tIsose vueresovet fi-es nse cangregation te anuithe-. Puoefved baptiene Clii yuar, 4,028 chiltiren anad 199 e4nlt. l lecois-ing butetcien le ffe Salabat s Imilue lasI year,.85,00; Ils yecr, 87,655, tIie gruatest sunurasu cing bu tise Presb4ytery cf Hamîlton. Conusectet vils Bible classesi, 9,405 lest rear; 10,878 Chie yean. Baisiatis sciseol eciers last ysar, 4,094-, Chie year, .479, Volussa in congruigaCicualiIl- t-aies Cieisyean, 121,0841 anti-in Bais- stisScsool libraess,96,726. Cisuncîise shîit turing year, 81, anti menese 141. cIeal ineseme efthtie Chus-ch lest yea- r ail purposes. $618,-558, being an lu- eae ou-entise precetiu year cf $67,- 152. Tis tipentu 'premîseti asonsilo a an mu-es-ige of a liChIe accu $750 to sai min'iater but tié auiéunt aceluy aiti isiereaset tseus teuseanly $80 rS ecdi initen. Tiserepert (centain- il u-ei'ý laborate compearative stetistics ftise chus-ch sinca 1888. A Fo usmA TiluRAsusta SsFEsue-A ItrAWI Ist»lreuscAbiBnsr FcuD.-Nos-. le, V.ý lune 11.-Cuptin Brown mi'- rutd lies-e eay in charge cf tise iran te et Uic k Unsited States man-ot.var1 imbenisuti, sunk lis Hamptan Roadu ythé' Cenfeterate ram, Virginia lu 882. Divessbat -been aet werk, bu earaq entuavnsint4g-tu recov er tise sate.1 se lueky man- bat. only bentaitise, t-eS' fonty.ebghl heurs visen heiecunti )e sate bunhet inutisrce os- four feel cf sud. Tise veter at tsa place ise'78 ai deep. B> tise of explosion uit a )rpeto tiseestfe vas cracket, anti as it 'u heiteti on decis s fev piecee cf goisi )in rape ont, It la geuerally bc- i IL 7y t- c i bi il. th Ci ta 4. bu b bu, Tî fl Cr, en Pa foi pi foi s-bv Oze Ca 18 vs lis9 M tee tos -P usîluraunce agent sure mason to issue(i policies tato ise auut cf work Oetlt t,$80,000.cin tise buildinugscf 'Mi'. hall. ars lu varions cespanie. There B, F. Ci 'oat exitement amanget tise inmbesr- 1fr. Smiil Tise miii, Inuber, andl propenty burt>. vas inunred 'as tloe-meil #10,01J0; 1'ioeufix, 810,00;Aindd ir 00;Hfri$000 00;RoabCanadien,ý $7.500 ; Western, $5.000; Cernsesciei Union, 85,000 Britishi Ami 0,erican, $5,-, 000; Londlon, $5,000; Queeu, 82,500; M-lta (utonebonee). -81.5001; lever Mutuai, $1,600. Totai $881,000. CeultmscuCc.nsRkss' au ?VegrTosms- Ons-FelcuFalls conuteipruas informeq ne tliat tise rnuna t!uat Mr'. S. C. Wood, M. P. P. fuir-SSeti Victoria and' Cennty Clerle, le te becense eithes- Bec- rotas-y or Treasuner efthtie Province of Oîstario. is -correct; but, as 'Ui' as vu, know et presentise bas net yul accept- ed théu cifen. In anticipation et hie ne- signinutise County Clsrksiip, there are, ve understanti, hures appticants 1ui' tise office, uameiy, Mr. Mateheht, Mr. Jàs. Staples anti Mr. Sarnuel Irvin, anti publieoepinion is divicleu asetCe viici viti be r. Wood's succu, scor. Wlsoeu-ur obtainÀ tise appoi ntment viii bau-elisard wenk for a vile, as MNr. Henry Glati., snan, vise bas been Mi'. Weetis assist- eut for cuverai ysars, resigrietibis situ- allen a tuv-days age lseving been pro.. miset hie post-sartessip et Linti-uy, visici lateby becasitie vacant ; andti ts nov Clerk vii lint ilh no easy taîle ta tackle tlii. eaunty bookes ithout assist- ance trosu hie protiecesusor. Great Britain. Londoa, Jlue lsa-lt l eoratee Chat circulare vilt buejsueti to-morrov au- cnneiug ttue teiinre oet Cuvafirms viiose principal cossijections are witîs tise East, Tise liabilities et ancetfthsensare - sait Ce AmeonI te £15,0wS,00. Thse rumosircti failtire >oi Alexander Cola & Co., coamiselon sot-chanci, Londasi anti Manchester, assaiStand,& Ce., East Itiidia rmercîsauts, Losion, i *giuice, cestrGcys immense usssmbers, et tiseu. lu tise nexi fausly of gsonn hseeètîce ste may mentions calosousa Cali. dus, viil uesarstlieqsrembf, an inchs lontg. It le blacke, vithissveiral: nýo-! iopper.colored spets ouw eaih w in g c a sm H r p l s c a i io1a dm11 ,blacle spucie,. -tabout tiesaias Ioletis;peSimechne elongaiug, ailangen speusis, andi labia g.randis, a bietle meaenring masenta quarter o! an ich in length, tIh e eti anthoiserz tbieb are quitu uaIt lanti clay-coiored, wvle tise bodly, large aSud eval lu shape, itea dark bine. One cf tise 1rovu boeties," a pbiloutisns, aise attaces i. As c singutar tact, vu May mention tlîet two or t!srqe -pa-cies etftblister flics (beettes) 'iat lieve tiserseves buen conuiîicred enernies aftie patate, anti justly, toc, teeod upon or dustt-ey tise Couorado beutle lu tise barvai statu, vîsicis remintis us foreibly cf tise cil adage- ehn tieefaii ont isoneat sun cornte by A.mang tse planteissig, or isemipte-e, tise inset is destroyetl by six species et Iest. Harpact-or cinctus-le eaciiy me coguized by tha legs anti sides belngz baiicled by yullov an? black. - Like ail tIse insecte- cf tbîis os-lot, il le provicl viltîsa boaS, anti testroye ihe victis by sïncking',Out is uies. isivis rap- tonius is about tisetRnme size, anti is browuisin l coter; arma spinese, vhiels tecks vus-y mucis like sssqnsi bug, ,aie teetis upen i. Peiillus cireumcinctus is brovu, saleulvits yellevjýanti enucluistes bunuctipes rasseshias iikewiaýý tise squasha bug iný genes-al shape, ex- ciep'. thai it le langer. It is duli yellov. lis, coverud wvhisisîutu specs or date.» Capsue' linearis a ýmaIl bug, te aieaha enesy te te tIse beetle. Lys1elia ilrypheauS, a diptenans hi.- seet (beionging ta thse Oies4) iu parasiic in tise body efthtie larve, vhich neyer atteins tise beetie state in consequcuce. Mi'. Riiey, ivio deucribedti hie lusect, statue thzt '"it destroys tully ton pur cent,.etfCisc second bt-oei ant i ffty pur cent. cf tise tîsirti brooti.t Another large fly, promachus bas. teri s-tul cisnentioneti as a potato beetiu destroyer, but tise sema huesect lis snob a rascably habit af killing bues that ie ct-euh mark ssomaltib. smnali. Et-en e epecies et disddIcy.boig-leg;;lues been tietecteti in destrovjng tise larve of patatoe uces. 111e a kuovu tact, hovever, Chat spiders gencrabiy are great insect etere, amdioe ur pîsalan. gins ie oniy cnirriugout au instinct af nature. Iu tIse famiiy et vases polisetes rsiubiginesus utinge Ibhs larvit, anti vîile inu e pareîyzcd conudition beers it te île iiost as food for ite youug. Chicketss, dslucks, geese, ant inlu act îultry gssueraliy, viil ut Concis these inete in eithiserstage of tChoir exisence s1 e o ay bloklunvain fo erlp trm that quarter. Donbtlosqthers are ethcr ineectseon- gig-d u ia is gond vont visics have huais btt ont of Che list, but enougi bua huen given tae satwcattesu terer that lie- huas Rame frieusisnlutise insect tribu. antlin wîvihido vali te onîttu-ate tiseir acqueiituee anti prateet tises. Be. ulules, if hoe is a lsen observer, lie rnay itscirn f adtit1tIse biet cuti cntnibîste hie mite ta entasnolegical science. WVe have il suihhin- aur owu personsa] experionce anal observation tusat botîs ehiceu ns u n(ks viii greoulili- deorr tise insect, santion Chie Ipeint dJuTer fri-c thae Profeusor's conclusions. DE;spzRATE Fcacr usiran CussuYENSaoc. -Si. Louis, Junu 12.-WV. P. Jesilins, U. S. Met-sial, anal Win. D. Stru-ut, Indien scout ac uidhe, i&Iaua tespen- ate figlut with a baud et Chseyenne In. diane>uil Itavîluge Co., Kasas, last veele, killisug suioen Indiens and finally Jniiung off tie Sau.h A suelar nasuet Thsomas MeAlister, on board tie selciiusuer learlirsg, vas tirovust et Pet-t DauLllunie liiet veck, lw vite lyiug on tise sail th ie %u$saacl isleep, anti rousi off, striking Cisc pies- as lie feIl. lie> vas teleen ont of tise vauter vitîsin a tua' minutes, but lite vas extinet. No iuquest ust Ielti cn tise body, andtie u as burtodulst tisat place nextt acerning. TIse uutarhunu:e main oreriy nesideilunHauitltoe, and lias relatives living tise tes prts- eut tise. SALF OF- TIli AruREsrsrti.:-At tIse cale o etlh5s praperty iths sus etf8-,o00 vas reaiized l u ahl. Tie lois ofut oi-ftil acre eacis veut suCfrein $240 tCaZ,495. One ofthte lots witlî a brick bsouse sipon il couda for $1,000, Mr'. FranC Gibbs ha. ing tise purciser. Tise wtuale lanud lu- clult!'3 aient Ivo acres, anti vitisout tise iosa it brangist cant $4,000. lRe- fn armer.eich PdQit-oir too u-zesant ey recs c . Q3,1.utovu o taisdofey. og j T. M. PalyOutalsNart russ itedMs. Partyi, etafNiriPmthUnt; pAcCrty. 0 W(U-qlyevn laccma -On Wgi l beuti5y eniugol au tIe girl Saboutel yreral-o, deuisbe. ituri. usuegPrdpes-etc istiby, stag 1vus-liter ratpreisof a alaIses reelbas cf the Garts lack, breaki>g ber lug bulveen thseuce cutid auleu.Dr. Coburn vas icalieti apditisa fs-sciure atteute to1.-Reformer.ý By lest mail sue legru tisa eParty ot Mlias MoPiersori's cisilisen yul beau-ce Glasgow ou lune 151h, arniu-iùg ho tis country about tise endtofflis sents. Peter. Riea tisausaud dolarcliienb tse N4ev YorkSuBrrgae'm ofiêe anti- bnethurin-iav ho Jutige Davhtug, isaÊ juet corne inCa possession of 8800,001), lefthi bis S'ie oni'iebatiu'e le lied in tse varti except hiscidren. Peter, has vacatetiissplace. i Hmvanp, laine ll.-Ncvs bas been, receivetiliher. by way ef St. Tibseuof e s terrible esrlliqueke in N1ev «nanada.- Thi. desirmetton vas greatuel luntIse ValioY O! Cueuta, ôn tise Venuzuelen frentie-,hitiesrepoutt Chati 6,000ires andi Bennes-,tCe gravel pas-t o e inee b)etwveeu lots 20 ead21, Guisacou., elsus ho gna-el-tht-ougtistIse svausp nes-Ms'. Blancisar,'s; Win. HatIçaien anti Ms- Bcwermàn, Ca gratq is de 7tI con.. bu-ivee> lots< 18 anti 19, andl teO expenti $15tise-on: Ms-. Biekie antiMi'. Me- Taggzant, te biuilt a stonu arcis en lot 18, 8tia con, eppecite Mn. Tisodis, aise stou culvert on sideo lina betvweeu lots 22 anti 23, ttIscou., aIse bridges.on 9tiscon.. epresite lot Ne. 24 ;,Mr. Campbell anti J. B. Maýtisevean. ta grevel aun 7th con., 'paet lut Ne.ý 26, aise on recel nartis o! riklin ;,Ur- Holbidey te repais- roati on Gsi con. ti BrocSuin, opposiîte laite 28 anti 24;, Mesurs. Biekelîr Camp. boit auti Smuith ispe pn ide -lime aniS eut clown bills beivuen lotsg30 anti 81, 4tis co. ; Mr'. Jcn Tveealle anti Wî. Punkon tCc make7-appreaches toi nev atriadges on Bril con., opposite lois No. 84 andl Bq; Mr-. Smiths anti Mn. A. Orvis, Ce ré-pair Base line. oppesite 1of Ne. 84 ; Ms-.'Smith, Mr,. HaSli(iay an(' Mr, MesTaggart, to gradë' hill on 'Bas-- liue opposite lot Ne. 24;, Mn. Campbsell aulm Ms-. bMTaggart, *ta grade 'part of sida linehetveeu laits No. 24 anal 25é. 7tis con. On sôticu etofMr. McTagzgant, seeond- ea by Mr'. Campbell, a by.lav vas lu- tr.>luecal and passe tt repeai part et, By.luiv No. 449. Cauncil atijoun* nesi until tise l2tis ai Jue, ai 10 e'clocle p. m. Nav Gu.iseo.-Lase euing a nuv Lealge etf«t-augurevas os-ganizet inl Osheva, by Mi'. W. Hall. Tise follov- in-, are tuje offieers--Meuter,, A. C. ruil; Overseer, B. J. Rogers; Lectur- - or, W. E. Annie-; Stevard; . I. .ick- eIt; Chaplehu, W. I. Ritsen;, Tres.', W. Aunis, mi.; Beci'etary, P. Lice;y GaCu-keepen, J. B. Wilson; Treau, Mrs. A. Trunl; Posone, lins. B. J. Rogers; *Fiera, Mre. J.-Pickeli; Lady' Ass't. Steat, Mrs. 3' B. Wilson. It i nas- oul tise Oshawa Grange. Refermer. lu Francs tîsere vereet thse eut et 1874 just 15,01)0 miles af nailway lu eop- At A:t-at t-aunes oun1iridsay, tise AIef- esais-aPlatewustwvn isy Mury Pon- castor us-li uon tise gol cnpoun Friiay, Asiuley's Gas-spsecond, anti Couut 'La- gretige'e Feu D'Amnour tîsirti. tienewel effot l 'hbcsematie by tise oure-a cf tIse Unituti Staes nuit vint-r lui bs'ing about a prepnsedl international matchs istween tisas comuntry anti Cgu- ada. Tenuysau's nuv trama e si t tise lits of Mary Tudoar fros ber crevu- ing ta lier .decseeei, anti is- entitiei 'Queen Mat-y: a s-esc:" - In tise Royal Libnary at Be1in à collection huas been torsei aitbooks, qe-eaerpaintings, setches and sculpture relatin- ta tise Frauco-Prus sien van. 1h is amsssing t eaus-ntisai a place isasiseen tounul emong tise vol- umsslinule itashe collection fer The Batle of Dorking. As tis teeintng Basson, tciesa- burg, su-s tawing 'a vessel tiawn tise Euhe to Cunxhaven, tise tiser day, her buiuer bs andi ssu e aebleus- ta pisces. 0f tIse crew affive Men uct a trace vas ltouti; anal notising ivae tuu be sen oaithlie bmi but -fragmenteseflat- iitgulaus-n'tiseriver. Ii te reporteS tîsetChu Bnitisit Gevý- et-Usent intenil seooisto e i'cmý.'tise iuiatoli aih suaiiy lessovi as "CIsoar Neille,"frein Egypt hotise Tsase seul ta t-e)'e itholn tise Eitueuksent; Lt vas preuteti ta tic lBritish nuation saine yeare ega, ant is a cempenion tc Borne intenesting exporiseuti have bceu matieu Wuolwich lu eteng halcees for sibitai'y put-pass. Tise a.llioons vers guilieti bacatwsrt anti torus-rd lu auy-deireai directiou by, Mir. Menier, tise lus-cuai, îua etilI at- anupieeTise value efthtie invention wili, hoyau-si, depenul gruatiy upen its enocesu in cnrt--ns of vinti. A San Frausise lady vearx tiiesontie yaincitset $1,000,000), and aleke cf build- ing c pie-iza arene ber vait se as te bu aSle ta carry miore. - Liti oe lames Melntkisl vas on- restet for bosssg a parner os- "patlt"of anc Cu n t-IlhIe selliug ci bogu patente ta two young mon nameti StopiseDs, tramus-lues tbey obtaineti -$13(f in nuites. Cnt-i vas arresteal a few deys, ega. Tise prisersors represeuteti Ciens. au-Ies ce tise agenCe ot a patent chu-o, uill Ilair statesnunts nespoctiu'g viicis vüe fenuti talise umtrue. Tise rugùere vas pfrtahtied t Vri-I c Tv4nCy-onc letteseoet obespicr-c, viilil are seiti ta centaineeme shantUnDg tacts, baee een fomnil in Paria, anti are rea o cobu plinyis utob esatien e-ip,Îuyii ebii te ben Te ses e te lu Zunfancsviteanti Tise tafcnes rta Sehntytraencuwithcth anti ,tse u0nfielbaistat wthîts enpSt-h e 110 attieislisaiftrauts cetB-tavria-c suolbn as- troer cents pe et aofi le, Va. éongeverea alloWpapldem tâe picn qarl t isoe a th fitsan tieslreent a quar a ic ntieùï frtanti o t0queng yluree csatleçsing f c ise r nsiuiugpriset cu-c'epneec eku at ii hing -ijgo essy -ýlh Tiseof Kiiugton NepoW a-TIihe nmbr t issinats Mre psonIts Kfsor h rfn Agcea s-. Madteite s-so for tis psseas lon up t ise te55et luneh 14cte ch foioleressglies, B ieS,' 104; 98 O Sctch 8eses09ceuntines 42; toap9 ftse.79rsie itis in tagec,4 eu eeie U plac tes . iu o t h 2 rerceede t the e Fe C, ýuti15 tc d iparture ta-ris A. isunuheof ca a nla ..-..C--t-L oce rubeal tovara tie usfernsti vcman anti communceti beaitiîg br albout th iseIeailanad bodywits s isinal Lnon. Mme. anche, it miscuit ba Evt- ïeti. hinge enceinte aI tie ime. Tie tva ruffians uext garrotteit her ana ied lier bande lgties-* iCli arope, ant len les' leys vere akers ram ,ber peeket. tise uev-comnes tlng ta Vaque i u S p an isis 'H al a le r s- rt ;- I1 k e v î,iere tie nsney l.' «Wlat vas tie peau wogain'is horspi'tus ï seognize tie voes of bei' blsbant's awn broailer, Francisco anche v. Caretta, visemise ai lolft lu Spain a mntis befre, and Rfuipposetl stili ta be-Iliere ? Evidently ie kuew f tisuisr ty, aui she r- <momberedtat haibu ad asleitises te lent i hm 2,00J france, sudilbad-even rnk ler -on 15-ir refuRal ise mi cuce saw lier terrible pos;ition, aul1 tiat tsre vas oly eue chance e! s- aape-namey, te remain perfectlystll. <Tiseéis t4 iti vilS mevelîcue seit-pos. sessin, vhibe -Vaque seuh beld ber andI Francisco. Sanceseva rifliug tie daw- or, viera tie soney vas ept. !Not ,5 f oîti,1uno a green, escapc4 lier lips, ttlag s mie. mut haeebeani u i aLfl pain. At lst Fraucilceo sait, "W . bav u vh iet v ue n t.' T ise r tch tisas drev a long Citlosian Sife sud tais. but liir istei-i-lav viti ilsix tisesuc- ce sively . 81 h ier ea ly buernic vo sa n played ber difficult part. Nt a cry iti sis utten, ur glue sny igu et lie -Dnot éen viscuiser broties-in-lav put bis lindta eber -hart anti saidte Vaque. 'stis la dma.' Tie ruffians tien nueleeti u'vietim lu al tie linen thsy couldti nd, an uÏnriedlly- left tie bouse. -',y a mala ost ene f tie leife-thrnstm lied tc'nchei a vital part, tisongi tsey vere aIllaimedti brongs tise ceveng et thé. eaemt. Tise peor vemen, faiut aud- blueedîug, manegeti by tise meauis of hise teets< to froc lier- suifftram tIse linen,..tsevacilen cicek, anti tise cent, anitcraiedti Cer liebu, visere ber suonumebi'cuc4ut nessiet- ance, fer tise rocs tilt net epen upon tise etreot. liHer agotiy tisai nigit mais bsave buenev fl. At lest, lu tise menu- ing, assistance a-s-ived, tise aluns vas glu-on, mmd tise a-ssassins veeuanresteil uit Montpelier. At tse trial Mme. Saneisâehueler evideno. lu tise clear- est way, ant i tenisedt tie sinutest de- Cails ofet teCsrible secune vlsicise bat .-nlengonc. H14 eppearansé lu court' vsaturally exeitet tise gruatest fmys- patay. MB. Millet, à doctes', deposed tisai Mme. Banchai issuS ely euapeti by visat I bau-e alreeàdy ceillti it' eboe, a iracle- Tise ju-y touni bet prison. ore iruity, wlti-visy, it mse haràta tiucide-dxteuuating circusetancus in faveur .eI Vaque. Fraisco Banche- - as thserefere centenunetifte eai sand, Vaque ta penal servitude for -lire. No'- ne vbo ruade tîsese linee villmsunet. ly visis tisat elier efthtie sentences shoiti bea cosmutcs." Sucr rOF As Ussscecawc- MN AT' Pasu-ceTrs.-Au.umigraue, saippoeetaC have Onit off tise emigraut train passiu-g laure Weilueiwlay aftnnou, vie stop. pîng et Chue West -Eud Hatel lu Chie placg, attemptutl suicide' at six o'clock Tlsuru;deyv moruing, us-hsn tise beardens vers aI breakfast. He oued tise landt. ierti's sazer,-visics he fount ins ebureauz, dreyer, 'anti eut Lis tîsnusat Little Isopes are entertainuti for bie mecaves-v. In bis c pssescien vere fenu a cafel vil tise nase oet nl'urt lfsemprou, Nelbum, Mildlusex Couuty, ont.. Ca- nada, five G. T. B. cisuakg, besltes nineteen sovureigus, tIssee dollars lu Canda 'gIs andi about tve dollars lu miu-r;aiea sraiNvay ticket frein-Que. Riv's-bue te Uxiuge. The etitar cf tise Orilhia Times lias beu leliing bis reater. about a mes. molli tihsemebedy seul hlm. He sauvait -wctised ten 7pountu, ant, lho atits, "we bave embu il." Ten pounde cf Sis! «ccGd gracions, if lie keepm on tisat vay he viti soan have fiis bonue enueagugs-cvisg ont of bis Cteadamit et l'in boiniz stoot np in tise balteas a bai Fe-riADUu"oreCsy .Dfi's CrueS, lune 11.-Afire eccuret bure tis sas-Ding at about usine o'cleck,' reenît. lit in tis e utructio cf a boumecceu- Pied bY 7ames Linton, and I ovueti by Mrss. Moriumn. Tise fi-e enigineetin .tise gar-et vere iC ceuuldoasbegil t but iy tiseuxrtionU o! tise vllagers st et)tisefrnihuru vas eau-et, OsFFICIs.AL csanaimrMaEcv.-Ieiseci' tise Lient~Gcu-erhos' lues beets pieàsed to usake tise foliwing ýappciutntnls v-z : Chas-les Stewaert Ta3ylen et tie Covaut Daudea, Esqunire, L.s C. P. B., te lie an- Aseociate Coroner ius anti fer tIse-County cf Wentwents. George M. Eu-est, et tise VillagO et As-Sons, Es- uire, te a L a Cry Pubi,. anal1tes- -WH!TRY-j& itali Wliat .... Bpig Wsemt .... Bei'ley............ Claves-... .. ..... !lsnetisT......... . Pees .............. 0 h * h -e a 1 * c a - b p ah w vit the lu et b7 lus Chu G a] tae a Tic TI WE s ~ule Tu< No01 T]t ' - On a sentl girestk Dubhlis, Joune Ii.-ýTius American nillemuen, accempeasiet by Major Lecli andu Aldermen DManning-, ùôiPuWin. andi c large nusuber et trienaîs, ar-elu-J ers tur-nigist. A .processian i-au fat-sud, end escortet i tu gouetV.;ta stle Shul- boumne Hetel. Tie nreaptien gvu-et thîe teaus by tise popnuî's Wuu asmoet su- tliissiesCic. TIhe immnuse ct-ovul, ns- senib5eul aIt -lj[eot tand aiiaug tiaeset- tirs routaeto tiiSreasOCsi5n, oieereul as bang stise Airissu set-e lu igit. Ths raiiweay station tend streuts vers decoreteti, anal American ant ,i su fiiug ver.eu-very vîsere diauplayeti. Tise on- tlsusiesîsi culiltuateti attie ue5wlcrta eaui sember oft tio Ceeus us -Le iureti, ai alighisul tram»nluis ceuriugo. -Dur- ing tuie cvening a pt-qccssiuu vits a banal af music, au-I carrying Ilegsandut banuers, mancieti te tiseiplace anti ser- enadeu tise Amnericens. At tise banquet in theu hiotel Major Leecis presideti, -na: madie a speuôh warnly welooauhg tIse rillemen antirs frientie te Irefanti. Col. Gildereleeve neupantiet Aran ie ESCAPED Co%'vaur - hîPCis. TRc-Tie youîsg g < lt-i-hacruateti suai a senaaation a sauth ega, says tise Feu- clou. Falls Gazette, hy lar atory cf hues- escape frem tise Liudsay convenst, muet reatly bu veny tond et 1yi ng, for nlot outy vas hier exctting narrativeo falsut trans begit>niug t<î eut, but Oisc îidu't eu-en gis-e ber correct nauue, vbsicls tise Peter- boroughs Euantieucr îuav telle us is Laviasia Haargrcve, anal not sMiunie Laih- 1ev, as saui saiit 1husas. Suie bas been tryiug tIs msogaiein Cobosîrg tiiet cis playet inbuPeterbonough ; hastier sucont acuemph Cataieike a ieroinueto lisrentf vas nest as succussmi as lier ft-st, as luer fîunue liadi hreceuledt lier, anti tise peopluetofCobourg desullueul tobe roolced.- 1 1 1.= 1

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