Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1875, p. 4

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lie or ira- sce od ire i- lie ip. the haspial on lt i o f Dec tuber, 1872,.The ons-urlea vas thon of. two yeurii' growtl and sut avisible avec lteé sternm. 'D. Woil frpose l er. eartidandfilbeavialatories, 8n as to * produooCoagulationt of ite bIcot] itie wtAndithqtreby oblittraltu tgliétuuar, but ttis te puetient woii unot suit. miHaai. M.rcweieiitj h li utai two or ltrees outli-, aundlwtî icjzirla làt 14lus owui u.gtut in Ileuout th t.elliîdt tio li wiif.*Ilhe irc i.t ber, 1874, Il, iutu crriux wlitci tàtu,mr acbirt nietl. hu4-thnîx. aluld cu1.iuînlio rofugeLitt u Lbucuî. Abontot lite uabl. of 1,!urchIt itlie u4ucica taiit vt 't L ht liotpltasI, rvtisrnlinf tuta) iq wnrk iiau f rtr. t tuno rw raiau1y, atîil ilst w( hh M198 utiiriedhiquit worlýj!îuu ol ii rutueru t-tieLu piit ta (,;. J i ittiQ1ît us. now turaposuible, atu'1 ba palte'ient auIJtile îîiîyiciuan are tut îuaauauntury ttxp.-tation of tL-o fatal iruptura. TUe magtIimpurtturîa uitatre otf thei caueiv thie facttitIthe rujture viii Ite VIsible, a rare ou2rreuîe lu uîîeua-isutî of te it itnîute urtcry. ont atilsilite l-ulwitî 1-rrc-st cet-s -Iutiis tact, eug-jzauwt wua tu îti Bot. -liv iltia1sdtut u attatrlc if pueuuulauu, whiliutl (3uilio u tiftii ltiiîi. t . . Ouukte, li i&i:gfu tondi, itjncl hua nulrjot tu i te itlcge ugaiui. lie .wiLs id il ttttttiîua.th*. Lîtee ytliîst lit aeultl etri rccly Thua. le liltiy was 'leani-i' MIl t- ofuucie lit îîîuyttciuii aUtl fî-uîdo uttîl uîlt * kecît lstin fronituti tare..Toit tf-,t3lîui - tu wefl<lut howee le4 nhitg) tu111ô j~ a-liani t]arrty-el liiua)foi- the îpart. * Tilo pîtyauinut iliait git-cît Mu. i)ukiu I yhi1tl of'wk,' , tulling tiin thtàît if 7uîrect 1eitowL.]cga . of Fsuîtfturuuîg tu ai. Mtinitetr il tut hitl. WVluu orrt * iw0 tflltfialHiis tt -1th~ f I tilt>- tit ti- $taLgo I wil ltitt hYt Iii't ftitut * anly tut tuin uo.t A. chair *watt put bilu-. * jfu it'itu ti e cisu, sut i. tioalie vaw Calil. uul ho vues iitl ici 1 L)y Air. Gultt". w'lé là lits cin t'irno ht i re te u îsret l4stîuualy tui,' Le cal-h *tenuedy * nt',tîn! itut ("0 o <f.: 'ttîertutgon Itîo iit, uuu lu tt-ut ituuili li i utî nef a Iitu-tt. cuioit tlivout! il port but Iaé,1, n N i)îrlît-d iiti oftu heni lîalf ui.nting, tu hie hocoW, iitd lu 1netor Apt(ptcuîroùu tapn te stut4&e auuayutuuroý. lTh iiext tiglat ttc o tay vag 'Viu-giliuiî but litsa pliyaietatue ucundfrinial iastLkgtltt. IY ,ferîtale la pluyiuc040tpart. flua - - sieggbegiltiutil t1ir: it tiati-ault, recuIt-. 0 laé %gwtIîu t l i Igbu~altlly citîter >' friet>id a r pI1ittiu. iially tht' (lut- ter sai, lIf ytu½l rells fortVrluu. 110 fuigt uieuI foruta Ilu e,îgt yîu c11 iutut aîelii it cd au dulttnutI hliud ultleaulit li.Thl t-i 'i l * ite Globie Tlaoîîtir- liteoiî, nutt i tt-v. ileei(d t iAi Aburl, li t Mwtt-tWiliiuîîî ofl'trtu tlt i Lt u uw4 thuaitl,i * eut]tht X Yor (Ent #itOtirui andti ieJo Rivee 1 illr>iculCouiptaitay it lAuriiutI. 'Cite pluitittix âset luththait ilia %va, l uaivtu lu a Mnts 11)uultu nyçnftheorlua. àr* i!astue 01 ttiat taita 'dî!l-çà.uniug sealt ite Wü$uuttt'rcluuu-il z- 'oc) ul car. The cunlttttor t etacct-dutrut fuare frotai hiua .vîtieli a tîtl . 1'lttputr. * -ter thurcnuuuiejctedi ititi rtuilt i car, tdarîug hlaie tltaing autu1 ni titii ote * eighi t oet>C u>u ýCCOUît o f wigu-lt hlio ued tittigtluy ftt lic 610u001)tiaun. 000 Âeoriig un iotis it-islou. rail- ruai] CoMpuctuî are utiauIr uobligationas ta) fierriit teata !hr taiti u angtcuud If tileîY as-rlt t 0 t ciu.îîin tl ite or. aina-y Cartm i eu~--ttarî it-s tutt beie îU1Jiuîu'ilwitwagîtlin xtra - Sîtta-cai, tutl>ut.u ut cii iay. Vive otf ihit sous i ltitîltl ttne-tt uitu -( tý1 lu- ?u WOI'1t0i autkuti iai atIttur. At ti S' id li tae ilucit i u rPu týj '(ratfil a vv i l- ies ;Itelctl aturhic att-t- tuttue, c-k of lui. 'tv.ito tuttwct ctrt uati, Iutlct. ild ta it, The avatu liit k M)oeuaily purc;usîil teucuwiulîonu,- butta. tireti lactriexu i, At a uistcticurs of rigiat leagese frotu Sliira t ilet- cîtute upî wit lte fugitives ; 'lite Ialt- cor a- und s1l@oaei Itlit, kitteil ti tra aaîd i undeci évirail aifte puupsers, tti thoncuput udrun.t la reapeetfulla- suit- ie boat spalier: if h.-. t] -y-e epellu aai lig- .0. a r ydosent Aiîtnx -Chlstucauca tttaQkçel unl tic. Ainenlecan chapot nur the authorltles, it ove-uu, uupto ropa-atioa - for lte ier of a Loujietadrcg Clark « a preseriptiaot wronasif tit i a t u a g e s.$9 0 0 W r t k ' s~9exelusugeti for ea-a- a pcard - jn.a -ChaegQ - Tbs1 girl Fift litaI City %wll asrtiliîPtoIilte cpeting w' tltat t4e ii iaikel fer '/ý fald son ofErin', as tIhe ai1 tî oastoulnlolalement -hlavau y , unal*uuiýirn, or ALNewtfamUcea W The ls oW oe or CLO'411S1)LDB1Y TUZ, or -1 0 U e 0.01 c ear Arltuh 80 utr.- e- MYRTLE NAVY. NONE.. I GENUI-NE U7ljESfS STA.MPED TagSSEABCt ,UU=xOtsue UIxATliiSÃŽs viTHE MAxrK.. ,DeoforiT lbg IsTtg. SPECIFIc MEDICIINE Cures ahi iYrs',ta metst-,ut ta wlicb, tu tnany cass, are prtod i'y i-ver tanigende lu the unieetf tobliuucoanti alto- telle spirits ; but la thestie itulebe-ta i-ote eapecially nrecuuttnutei as enuulfati uIngcure for Metaee.attci Vte'k.r..5 r- Miltlits-,,'lellmieibtesiy, tattial lt@eSome Iluat $0110cW au, s ueuetee ut saitAbuseas file, Ipoulu fle ie,k )ittàtlt.îeta! Vloslèn, lKenaittre Oit! ugp, auS vony allier diaetitat teatua11#111y or al ai wilatubseauruile, are tireit c enntol ly devlathuig trum tht Peur of nature tatdi ven indulgenée. Tha specilta Meldtilbitel t-tue nacuitof a lite cintdyatidnman yeyanscie x pencOin treatltag cheofe pi-cire eac utllpaltlc. uUire inunr punnîulet, '-ib Itve dCoiýt. senti free l'y mat e eV - "y ne -Th, Stuitfl1Miumt'tîîl utIly 911 Dru-g- Rias1 eral c ë _ixPacetis efer ve o il bent b It1on receitpuofut he eoney, luy adreiain WlLLIÂM Gît &co là Ili W iitlm tt lac. r,4 ST( OR,ýE EK Dry Goods and, Grocerie4, the Newest, mo1ý Fashionable, Beet, and Çheapest. es F R E)D ERICK ýN ELE, J oui t Dtinct<.ts-ItEitT, WttiTlY, TAYLU1I & M.CNIlOiIf(i 'lho unierulgiti dMirae linterna htheir f dtta cth le public that tlîey Itixotiken tcirtueve eli knoevut rc, witrithcy lib:vo rteuvtvlitît-i uap tti rauvtd cttlIu ie otho být tcl r eur lta i-oe ntica ticlVuea-tie. Tieti uer, tuitallui tt lituti. suwa n-t iao Couuty, lm wclb îuîpulied vith tha finuiet tratutsoft ut-ttimluorm, tiutci. gara. Auttiieitiutdub.-t ututtud goi ,stuîtbliuigba).tu tlaa, &t-. Deucclieuroouxt J. P. 'TAYLORI, PItILII> MCCANN. aa1 tT-tronio. P Oll'rWIIITBYAND mPRa'nrcY BXITENSION SIAILWAY. TIME TABLE N o. il. Takeut efftt ota iltuituy, Apli12, 1875. Tfrai nit by Tutronito lime, tult e uen - 'MAw eINSttue- t tetrtitati CiVil1. îe, Wbiklty .iauîtirut, duuurt 9.13itiat. 7.17 lu uta. ¶Vlîtlty........... 1,)1 .50 ut. 7.25 lt rut. Bnt-c-t-ti........... .10a, itutu.43tt u.. ..autti..... .... .2ts 8iu.(10l uta i'riuut- Albert.... Il1.01 ttut .al2 ptun. tort itcrry ...ar-bvet11.13t a.na. 840 pt. Itu1t Peu'-- ... Ultnrt (',0().11 . t i. u 1. PrinacuAlur.Oc 6 Auu.i 1.40 tut.1. ....... 6tn 1.21) at. il t 0) pan. ......in . ouata: a.mn. 2.13 t l-. Myrti--------------0.47 amr. 2.27 potn. Jlrutiklin.. .........7.05 aii3 2 45 pina. Whitby .......... .a. a)cut,:l1iipun. Wlijty Juntutetuta, arriva 740 arn. 320 pa.ru *Piuttffiruu t cations. friinestp on big. culutitig utitW14V.tv ttlion viti the G. T. IL., t-tt iitl wet;itcPot t Pnry witt l fattigfuiEr hitlge, t tl dtrng ttiuttîttctto trfi taucni fui-Liacnlace tilttn ialla, WHOLESAIIE & ET4L DEALER IN 6CR Ã"CLBRI-ESJ, WJNES AL SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA, 1 ,-T RAS REMOVED -TO FAItýEWELL'S BLOCK. AGENT FOR DAYIES &. BRO.'S Celebiated XXX .Cream A-le & -Porter. CHOICET BRÂND8 OP' CIGÂRS AND TOBAOC10S At- WAYS IN STOCK, Ze-Il-LE TRADE SUPPLIED. , Oahtawa, Marcli 24,-1875. S PRI1 NG . lOti SUI1TS TAILO1-UING COMPLETE First-Class Tailoring at Low Prices! -00-- Emglish, Canadi; and Bobeayge-0I1OLJAMESFine Does kiris. lM Mtiuîging Director. A Superior Sto- -* --' -~Caps, atnd Gentlen Louve your orclc T Aflitri' Û-Ftý r1ESq£0 BLL 'fAICN> DYlvîSTtîiS WibArtG 85 (c iet -Lrtltr iun ttut lîtdCu e I.Arreud 't f-îctei inciiulup-mit a au-c.................... srf60 ' r 0.~~~~~O hurvtgitutttuu r uitpt'u. .0J21 il Ml- t>c t i) Se c uu tl-, uts, ci 3t.0, 'L - '- 0 wu. a urtut ..............0 10 t> u tuui ttf f etitt lttuuut-0- -10 juiceruiedu Qr Satîtl rttutrlyt->~tuattt Latieintttt Oturio, and st t j-1tHu t i f:lvltit 4111 11101, lriittilltr it at-eiluti Muttilifor..... tirc çàl;u tli oeb tttctt n tlo ttirti i : 1 . iittr twna... . esi o. ie i. tietu euitgu a tuonstîtau l otir lha.i................... ..1> ....Liit aAtendtng Aistie or seacsiona tJU,-i. 3M. Paiterreun Wili dutaitdiay..........ewun. St lyd .... Canx 11 Mhîa- crtvt-liiuug lu attenl Am. Wm.i M. %Iicox. .. . Part oé ,eojrt,.rbcfutr Jutlltta Daitel Itutu"-.... é (wieit ptibtictuCitviitte-enau TiîDvidl libeiop....ItEast utkt-iu, only uttottut disutîuna. Jummea Dtglu>, Jr.. . Il'h-l t: ni u<.g) fllwe...........0iu JmsDg:,Jr... i ten Ctrntci.if oi eu cuun Thdo as t{ttuagt.. . lMark tPtut-br c , il ni uutt ocaine thau Jus. iûrdiu6iî l3ro t10Irs ........................ 50P. Mucre........... 0i-ill h.lluut)ctt1-.-u,. *. t Luuue1. WtuuriL .lut. ». 'cui 17 g Lcttu'tucru-t. icr,- itailli-up -Ie,... tuttu ~ -k :u~.2 01Itt CTt- u-u. 0_. er 17 t %ii Iir-a %a xu , 'Lrutut- * ....... t 'teIllt. 'tttt -t ..tt .........r-c. ut-te t 14TS1tv10 F .I-,L utraO l .- tt~ ttu, t t...u.........u.... naul .. No 20euuuitoiruaurîkt-bu-iti-sr lotui LIST- OF - - 2ncttu' Ciit ui Lutttlct th Ul tiO 01 tt lt gucuit.1 i'. (talt>uut Cuite autl reunouhuctun. Wid h-llite- ouftgutudu,.1 ti tu lte 5, ttuoi ttnu t fgutuiN., ]2. xectaîiuug si-trih vwarant -i.... 1u( -3:. Serviug ioticeono up.tiîbles. ývu S ureonuely acrcci,.... Il 0utO - xjý tlti.uhucdby otl "r, IL 3.. MACDONELL, Clark ut tht> Peice, C. 0. Wltîitby, Nov. 17 1874. iii-47 A.IccuL ecgtt..... 1Whiitby, Nov. . ian, and Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Vestings, )ck of Itelady-MaLde Clothing, nera s Jrnishlings of n-il kinds. o-s--ý-4a good fit guiaritnteed. JOHN FERGtTSO1i, OF AIL-CTIONEERS. h li"iding c f Ontario, North ftiding of wpurate"M'tinicipalities in thé latter.- bt WI±itbc'.. àicby ... btchnrch. :** rc Perry.. ct Wlitby. :eriig ... do. ... wick... tt1do. .... Dk....... vt lenny .. it. Brtc-........... .. Mlana . .. .. do. Tierah....... lircit.......... North&-Iudtng.iin Sîuuch liding.. Mare......... 1ention.ti... Sceit... ........ Scrot............ Nothlitdig .. dec....... .. Mrac.. .......... eN otît liuitng.. tret-lu........... inot............ itucu!lu............ ,;C,) t t .... .. ... . Sutîlliatuitu,.. tt-.. .. .... .... THE MUDG E & _YARWOOD MqFG CO., IMINUFACTIURE TE CELEBRATED AMERICÂN ORGAN i1 Speciai notice is called ta the foflo-esing'Style s, mndprîcea r* Styleo., in ,Want .Case, $140, inlieonant Case,witli Caavings. $.160. Style 16, -ut Wainnt- Cu1'etsei ro, ln, Resonant Case, -witit Caringa, $170. Style 7, in Resonant Cuse,43175, in. sane Case, 'vititit Canvitiga,,ý $185. ,stylo 9, it Resonant Case, $100, in, saine-,Case, witl - CûiingsK;E Ail matie of B3iack Walnnt, panuollei, with ncvolviùg or-siingtsk board.-, contaiiigAilthe latest ipr'otemwits, nottly sudean1 - knly fiiitohd, acaording ,to price;. AJJSOI, ýYARWOOD'S Mt1iLODEON OlGAN.It In hîtndsýoine Roscwood -Piano Cases, hi g1yfnishe. Th Se tyle 4, $150 ; Stylo ,6, el75; Style-8, $200. Mheis .coteon-Orgaius, Patenteti 18578, are ialnufacture4 a1e n8#yse and ottu ouly ise procnred frointns anti é#r AgentW-â- - now c< Tho Britiah A marlan Commercial .G- ute, '4 Asomne Fine American G TO0R-.NT O, AIso a 1a'ge assortmnéli LIAS ARElIERCOURSE,,0F IN ST11jiC T1ON¾Q4, ~ U ~O lte aliet Colleges in OntarîoÇî,i. ~OhwMri1tu 80 RE FER ENCe£8 Ilou, Aiez. Mackenzle, Premier of Canada; HoiA. Wm. MoMuter, Preudant Canadi&n Bank of Commerce; Hion. John Crawford, leut-Ggvernor of Ontario; W. H. Rowland, President Doml iý4'a f Trade-, Bon.,Joljn 8îqnVon; ýQIt4C dg3arl, nk;Hp Thos.N. Gibbha,iOh* W.Godr~nh, r, ( f~~kfTintô;; T. ÂuatI4, Esq., Preident Dominion Biank; Hon. 1. MÛilys; Cameron.Pridil'roila ur ancoeo. .1on. Jobn McMfurrich, Pren. Dominion Telegr&ph cgo.; -P. HldaBne, EQ.,en. On4 fred--og e,- rch xt' re^^.1 entry toumruemention, and vo can Oao. or hr8, ecrnso Pem nah o4e'sy 13 ODELL &TROTtToronto. Furniîturo! F u-rTu*ne Now is the time to buy good and cheap Furniture.- Having bought out the busiýness lately carried ou by Jame~sIH. Sanio, wýe take this opportunity- of iuviting his many flic nds to give us a caU1, and we can'assure a U that we are prepared to do, as weil by then in the future, as Mr.- Samo lias doue in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. VV.WHITBY PH.A'RM' Messrs. Ashton & Parsons, Homoepathio. Oheniists, of Londodn, *England, have established au Agency for their H1omqepathio Remedies in Catnada. Thîis wMl- enable us to keep uporstc oftheir Fî,Ihps, Tinotures, Globules and Trituratio ns, &o.,. without haviu'g ta -watt for supplies -ta arrve rot Eglnd, sf n4y. A ny article not in stock cana be obtained:' in:'a, feW. days. Parties. who have been usina Anterican Preparations wiil find these cheaper and equnhiy rehiable. Copies of the Guide with plain directions for the treatment of Common Complaints tu be'had Free fron- - Whitity, Marcit 10, 1875. 1A LARGE NEW SPRING DRY JAS. H». GERRIE & Co., Corner Broc.canîd Dundae Stg., WIitby STOCK 0F. -gemmn Otav, a ATro1, g7 LEÂTHETI VALISES a i SAR&TOGA T3IUNES, * &C&., et WILLIAM THIOMPSON'B, - Saie'r ana Heroosua Malter, SnaOCK-ST., WHITDY. June 24, 187-. S -" r ý 20 PETI DA.-tucents wa ed. Att claaees iut wnkig eci of eitter c<-x. youinn'o dt. malte mt money at -work-*for ut' AiCîtir. -gare m menue, ,or ail thte time thiamnt anytluing al Perticuiers froc. Poît cnrS ta States co but ane cent. Aduiresa, * -.STION &CO., G 0,O0 S--. IALT, SALT, SALT1 ARIRIVE D AT W.J HIC ].I E & 0 a 'S. A Fresh Lot of Groceri* es and Choice LiquioFs, Which wifl be sold cheap for cash or fanners.) produce. Whitby, Apzil, 1875. 14- JUST BE CELVED AT THE W-IITBY CHINA TEA STORE! BY, GIBSON & SP-A ,VELýL,ý 85 Hhds., Crates, and Cases, oontaining, the Larg9,st, Best and CeaPest Assortment of China, UGla8es-«Ware,, and Fancly Goods 0Of aUi inde ever exhibited in Whitby!i Chinia Tea Setts, fromn $1.50. to $20. Fancy Vases, fran.im10 centà tce$.50, per pair. China Molttoed.Cups and Saucera, froni 16c. ta, $1.5io each. China mottocd mugs, Card Baskets 'and Fancy 'Gods, I:ý IN ENJJLESS VARIE TY 1 les FANCY TOILET SETTS, PROM Si TO $1z5, PER SETT. Lclies, Pil theahaova having heen purchaeed epressly for Christmnas prosents, they îvill bc scId ecap aîîd it1îout roserve. I'iease CaRU and t!xucxrino for youxseic'es before purchlasinig esewhiera. 9£ýP Âlso on hant], a fulll ussottmeint of choice Teas, Famiiy, Grocere, Fruits and Spices of ail kiids, Ranis, BacaD, Lard, Buttei, âp <Fes,.Pota.w toes, &c., QYSTEItS, best brand, aiways on had. Whitby, Dec. 1lSth, 187.4. 5 TUE LD STAN,3. [FWUABI [SU ED 18.33.] WM. TILL, - PROPRIETOI~. 00----- NewParlorSets, New Bed-room Sèts,- New Dhi *iig-r( And a large. stock of Cane. a] seat Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, Louig Cupboards. Ilair, loth, and Datu.sk Loun &o., &o. :Afine stock of New Gilt Window ct . The lttrgest au&cl.heapest stock of Piotures iiu tow.u, al of which lie off.ers at prices-tha1 suit the tintes. - -- ; "TI-e undersigned wishes to state to hi ers andi the public genenitlly, that he is to b eun4au the ana lias ieitlicr boaglit ont, nor soiti out, andi is iineoWA envJa ailie estacblishxent in town. F 0 S S AL E -r ,~lf - -~ - t-' na- - t t. la., c,. t. - c :5 To Fermeroa aad athera vanting Salt, I amn coinge goe ean Field Salt, freth from cars. for 86 per tan, or byaer loadti o anit j.urthaiera. Fermera, rall anti leave your ordera, yen çwilI accer buy cieaper. Aise arriving by cars a quiantity oe fresh mneetiCeai, dir~ect f rom Pennaylvain. Anv quantity, ni goaui. dry Wodi, iiifor cale chenp for càsh. -at n.y Coal nnà Wood yard, soui CaldwelI'a Hlotel, Whitby. ..AL X.ALEXÂNDER,- Matrch, 8.ud, 1875. 10 WAFTED-200 Cordai Greenvwood, Beech glua Maple, eut dhiii vinter. Apply as above. C17STOMS DEPARTMENT,r A UTHCOIZED D'ISCOUNT 0ON American Invoices until furtber no.- - B Si.. M, BOUCHETTE, Commissioner af Ontome.. RIAT.ZS OPÂSS.ýAGE PURTHER. REIDUCED. Steerage ratez, from Quabec to Llorp9o1, Londndrry, Gl~iogn-014 C 7 e ever anc aný undez, 12 hall tare. Retùimn Guago*-5O Prepaid passage èartifI- cateu,-4iverpàol; Derry or - bec41acliidrn 'it are. - GbO. YtTLE. Ageaýt. rom whyom evary information May b. *Whitbiy, Sept. 19th, 1874. 1 E S BEDS 1! Home Gxown Seeds- 1 lirown's Catalogue of Feedu cent irec to aUl that apply. My amett' ara fieahi, pure, and-. tru. toe, name. They are grava. and&are for 8a1e an Lot Na. 8t lac con. of Pnckeriug, thre imile. wect nf Wbittby. - I l ii ÈndaeedisfrTd by imailtoa&U parts of America. S. O. BR~OWN, wbitbvr. Ont. Un reh r,185 .O 'w 0: oi~ Te hou li pie boa o Con en. Phy Wluu JAS Foi -wo cs Establishment in the 'County where funerals are fui- ly supplieti. Whitby, October lst, 1878. TILL & JOH-NSTON. Rlats and CAËAE UGIS MESSRS. TOMS & NEWPORIT, Beg to infarm tho public generally, that they have apened a New Carrnage Factory, on Dunda$s Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POUT OFFICE. Where the are now prepared to execute ail work in the Cia-nage Making Lino, on lte aiorteat notice, ai matie of 1he beat nia. tonial, ant] firbt.ctasa workniauship. ALL WORK WARIRANTED. REPAIFIING PONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. Lîu-essJEurass. Mentit 401, 1875. "nI 8, 1875. J-1y 22, 1976. Sep.t. 14, 15;75. 39, 1675. 22, 1875. 21], 1875. '25, 1575. 01t4br 1,1876. 2, 1875.. 6, 187Z. 6, 1875. 0. 1876. 7, 1876. 10, 1875. S12, 1875. 18, 1875. la, 1875. 14, îttfi. S17, 1875. !20, 1875. ti20, 187-5. 23i, 1875. No)vember 3, la7e, 5~1874. Nov. iti, 1875. 'Nov. 111h,' 1875. îlot , 1875. u t,hi, 1875. jttn. i2ti. 1870. Futi. lut, 1876. Vob. le, 1870. DLE RiSFOIR.-T ElE CO. ONI.'TAR 10. .l-ieeltiuuîu-.... Porc 1-lnry.:: Ciitingiout,.. un tout.----- u........ .... On F'out, Coucuuy, 2rut Marci, 1875. l4tlt May, 1875. luit Mutyt 15. itcitéa, 1875 4th JnIy, ltuIs5 Nov ou 85 Nov. 21st, 1875. WM. LAING, :o Treasurer. 401 1874. Whitby, July 201h, 1874. 8l-ly1 JOHUN ST ON'S SELF-RAKLN GRE-ý;APER AWAROED -THE FIRST PRIZE1 At the Provincial Exhibition, 'roronto, in 1870. We- aller to our customers for the coming Harvc.st, two dis. tin(t Machines, which in sty1h',.and construction. erîtbrace the iatest and most useful inprovements of the day. JOIINS'I'ON ' SI NGL SEF-HIAMNG B EAPE1i THE " RING 'OF REAPER&"ý1 The universal suceess of this Miichine, Loth ini closely contest. t'i trial;tii th ianu.htds cf tht. Itrutterta, i"errant uneii, caying ubat. tic a Seif.llui~- i! l1e-ipiut i ; iiotin, itl. ts mowre eou «îcnt] rii t s ul 4u.*etg, cnt hfise t ie wjl mot ~,r ce' 1L e n<ltnti « a inlture tlblttb hl tetotAor ffleredto ,tthe putblic. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER nle were awarde~d the First Pnrize qnd Diplorna, at the Prcviri nlti Fxhiuiajn,.held in T oroto. 1570.in t cmrpetition with ail the le.:tding,%fchiuit-. nintntttred binthe Province ;andti ttu mir rec 'ent !mpravementu. we-ittthesitat- irtgv chtallenge inveccutiat*!n and Çntîpati>-on witlu compeirg Machtines,. we art- cuntildfle4] thtît mcnehiriveutigitiofl vi i otinde e'ery noprejudicet]mitti.* that w, aller the best NMower ta the, Fariner for 1t;72, buit*itnt-the- De.ninoti.t. W-Serutd for descriplive catalogues. &PTESN OR>' Oi~EJ- AN/. CROERIS. DRY,00,0 -è -000 .,0 The undersigne isnow receivin a' J-oARGE, STOÇX 0ý,'F DRtY -GO-ODS, Consisting of Dress Goo'dse in great variety and of tho, atest ftajhion, ,Colored. Silk ,Shawls, Maiuties, Hs&,.-nhmCottonSpfints, &, A choice assortment of Canadian and oter Ted~ wdafi toCk of Go t1ensl Fùnsin FRE SH FýAMJIL-Y 6CR OCEB1ES, Tea~, olksraw _ýand.reJ¾wd Sugairs, -New IFruitâs, &é. E The best Wiue,, Liquyors - and »raais. ùea1 l id Porter lii wo an4 bote., seon twasna tierée.failer , poctioni. Thu exs la. ipchea invironmfoi .usdi, projctot itrasà gurfaca of tha brôas' rnch infaméAl andth i eA woeiiu has a desd 0 ,rance.~ The ptleatica ta lho approiibe 0th t rail tliabio ta ruptur lueo Instant da(stineh ?tutled af itds blooî ionils aftor t4 t, ri li uAUceÉ 'dy an irritti bh'm tnaltar agtutîth les th@ dângkr of Vtt Choice Lots of New Goods Suited toOdr ymi rmtyatne o the Season !1ITNDERTAT<tN(.-The omdv 6rst- T -U GEATORG/1NS MEL ODEON OIIGA'N8 ENGLISH I3EMEDY! R

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