Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1875, p. 3

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G1AT SA kSe0RT-19OBN CÂTTLE,- - HAV IVAUiGHT MORSEB, BERKSI4IRE PIQSt Pt.YSLIC AUCTION, PROVINCIAL FAIR GROUNDS, TORONTO, WedneaaY, Juno 16, 1875,ý tise ]Ztira Herd af - SIMON 'BEAT-TI E' W M. M. m -L LJE R 'WEITEVALR,- ONTAIUO, CANADA Wfth.an addition of Six*Anlmalu from- thse Herd. of Hon. M. H. Ccrn, Comipton, Quobee. - 4.Tle catalogue embrAfes 85 Short.horaa 'et tioseot biood, with- isdidreos, and îwo ilipportaut Arysisire Baffera, thse podirece Q* ofi lll ibe giveon t the sale, * Six animais from the Herd cf non. 'M. Ü., Coclrane, Quebec, Whu!oh comprise tva cithtie Ducheue tribe, sud four athema of- be igla ilood. Y BerkshireFAirs, ail of tise purent breed. DRAUOHT Eis. 1 Mutine Colt, 21 yeare aid; afred by Pope, sudlIuPOtd'la April 187é, 1 Esct ire 2lit, 1 year aid, tram m Inrea 1 nire d8à.ss'OYeAU-0oit, siret] by Gien. 1 Entire Colt, 2 yesro 01id; alred by Cou. qaieror. MARES$ One Mare, O earu old, Beloleooi the Bul,, wituer oft1h. Second prise ai A two year aid Kt tise HIgisauSSocietles' Show, held -At Inverness, Scotian], Au cet, -1874, Ëmai At tisa Provincial show, helâ St Toronto, as A two year aid-Aud ane of tisuie, wicisgain. ed tise Prince of Waiui' prise at tie seame show, sud firit sut1heTufuanas tate Fuir ia October, 1874, copetlng agiaist Normman, Eiàgliad Sotch olyde.; sise waa lim. rotud from tise Bar i Stratismore'. Stud nMAugust 1874 sud la due to boal la juiy ta hi. e osmtetâ Friie colt cali e E ari of Stratlsaome. Oe.Mare, 2 YeAreédi, lu Auguit, 1874; airedbýPope. Ouae P4ae, 2yeura a0d, from.lupotd ire sud dam. One Imported Cumiage Stailion, Grand Tumk, 7 yeara oid Warren et] a stock getter. One Superior dumiage Tearn cf. GldioFi, rlalng.j4 sud Ilyeareaid, villa very supenor ise sud action. 0 One Shetland Pauy, vîtis mare foui t foot,, inaported luR August, 1874. COTSWOLD aItEEP. six Cotevold Rainsi coming- 2 years acid, inaportçd Il u egnt, 1874 from ien lcso Mesurs, Cols aud SBwsnwk. tieoca Tise principal unushber efthtie animal i he been selectud'in Escgiand b tise proprietaru tlisesuelven psmonally, vitslishe assistance af Mr; John Tborton, 7 1'riuca St. lingent St. 4audon. 1lIanimsale viii be put eu cari ires ai ex. penne for those wishiug taesip. ,. Tztus.-Six meutheu' credit au good .5e- cuity vwithout Istereot, or eigist per cent per annnm discount for cash. Hanses sud Piga rit 10 oèlock a. m. Cattie ut 1 o'clock p. ri Saleawill becanoducted by John R. Page,1 Bennuett, N. Y. H ON. M: l. -COCHIRANE. < _IO ETIE, }Whitevule, Ont. June 2ud, 1875.'2 Whitby Races Thae Summter Meeting of tIse Ontario -Turf Club, vili cousee offrer thse Whit. . by Connse, on '1HURSDAY & FRIDAY, JULNE 17th and x8th, 1875. FIuET DAY. #170.00-Iluitsca'. RÀZ-Iîanfllca]s, bal-for. t boeit, s dueani ivosaliles, aven sijIbI hurdios, i8 foot hilacises bigla. Fit hnsre, $150; -second, 825. Top %vei glit, 155îho, Enres, la close ais tire 10ot af Jusse; volgbts sicieref an tise luis, sac- -ceptanees mnust ho muaderat 8,-p. s,. an1 theo 151h ai Juno,. 810 l,-l'istOINCs;IIANIIsIP,-Open ta Dasniiion-h>redlitorbmeaaal. A suas of Sil miles, Fimt bors, #8i1. econid b25, $1600 ht,-TssaOTsENCkllt;ces,-Opeu ta ail har-os utisaIanoyrnbeat 2.40, p revinsse ta tise date ai ticlibbll. Mile hosto, 8 in ô tu auass; trt hrse,,8125, second. #25. -Y $175 100,-WHssrasv PtEsa-Opsu toa al hontes. Mil 'ats, T. C.W. Damia- tau.-bre o ts a llawed lOiba. Firbl 01000-\ £' ,Rs, puto Pro- virce red - iores ouly. aiml lieats, 3 la, 5. Final herse, $75; second, SECOND DAY. opecu tealal Doininion.hreâ-hoisnee mile heats. Firt haras, 8125: second $25 .125 00,-TaOTTEN PUaag,-0oen ta al Iomees,bar E ru that noyer £eat 2.85, ut tire date ciliahis bill. Mile heute, 8 la 5, * ta haneis. Finit herse,)5111; seconad, * 8~~~20000-arnKa-s'Pae-hu- *icap, mile aud s quarter honet. Firsl hanse, 8150; aecondl, $50. 175 00,-oCoNOLATION PCrltg, HANIbîcÂ,- Open for ail hornes lbalsu ut tise meet- ing. , 4& dssh aians Mils. - Second herse tar suve bie outrance. ]RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. Entrauce, 10 per cent an finit mauey *only. lsrceeorsuons herses ta obter, anutwo tu stant. 2. Rutnies ta close ut tise Ontario Hotel,. fitb adrrsmeéeftatise Secretary, ut 9 0océlot-l, osa Mouday evoniug, Jurro 14tb; no eutny viii hu roceivefi nuies tise propen ensaunt ai otrance monuy' secampaniuetise ssue. 'J, A hansqe dtanciug thiseIdi, vii e. ceira finit mouey oniy ; entrance mauoy ai Ihenses prorefi lueligihl is vii hofor- isitusi, 4. Ail entnies ta ho mufle ti nting, suci - estry ta speciiy owuens nane;a;ss herses usiner, uge, caler, sex, ire andi damoattise borde, vils outrance mnoy, 0. Jslsles mcsot apeari rprcotume, atherivisat tbcy wllnat ehowe ta 0. Racoe taeho pitsunien Dominsion Rbleu; lias Judges sieisian tauhabuialinluail 7. Ina tise hasdicape welgis iii Se fie- marof iut 7 a'cli, p su, tise eveulng be. bore ouahduyas rocou; ; d acs p tance. meuthbemufl ea osei eslug viti tise Secrst.sry, et 8 o'clock, p.m. 8 . htaces tu comnence sacis dey et 1- o'ciloc-k p, n. 'p. Petvly no caufitlonsi entnios e. ?sty 7ta, PETER WAKRM, Secxetsry & Tressuren. My1t,15. 23 AUMSTRONG. HOUER, WHITBY, 'ONTARItO., E, ARMSTRONG -PROPRIETOR. UYINTY EXAMINATION FOR GRANTIN G CERTIFICATES, TO PUBLIC TEACHýRS. Iu accordunos vill tise Statuts, sud tise Général Regnistloni adopled hy the Coun. cil of Publia Initractissn, tise Annuel Exan. Issttan ai Candidates for Public Seiseol Touchera'l Second aud Tird Clais CurtiS.- autos fan tise yean 1875, vili bucisei (D. V.), lu Mle Tovuof Wbidsy, cammaucîug on, MONDA Y, lOtie OF"JULY, ut 1.80 p*. fa Second Cans;su an r Tueaday, 20@thlJurli,-at 9 a. n.,,- ior Tiird Cflais. Tise Exanatian ai Candidlates ionr Pisl Claus Centifuies voill bu helfi ut th usiase place, commencitsg ou Visn01atisa notice tlobe peviouily giron b'y ise C5nt]ltateu.oan ha obttànet]- Ou 'Pe4- èallon t0 thOIhsspStor. i Itl in iapODuoieltaI at 4tdaes ihaulit ntiy thOIe etor ual laterlisan tisa GSnd qiJne0 h ne tiontprsenttisons. A New CIaa-book for Female Volces, Price,BSi-ech! UgPer Dosentl METHOD FOR THE GUITAB. The Largeit and c'a î aaplue Interne. tlon-baok feroi tig avorteIutmat, Prie., p.O, ailet], pt-psa THE AMATEUR GUITARIBT A Cllutia etPîvrit Gasa.cher. uses, sud Instrumeta Giar Ungtby Ra Dsua, Stewart, Kinkel, and otiser fVlauthors. Prices, 820,neatly baund Opirettai and Cantatai aultable, for Scisool Exiitions. Au isour in Falpy Lanr A Cantats In oua Act. No change ao. Scouery requiret], excapt for Tableaux intraducot] bohinf tise an Gcouse. Pnieu, 60 cents,,iu paper: .75, qnts, lu boau. Mund Irvin; or the Llttle,Orpbim.pl An Operetta lu pive Ac 0,for él ren'aunie. Draiuatl, singmae .d Tableau. Prie, 5 cetinupoper;'76 conta lu hotrds, 1New Year'î Eve.." A Caillas lu Three Parts, reprietlug tise Pour Seasoni. No change af Scenery reuured except for Tableaux Introduset] beiinâth ie main Scone. Frics, 5W centsinlupaper; 75 cent.i lu boards. Operetta raÎt, nTwoAceSurata"A fdrPrlorand tage No-ceuery reqsired.- Price, $2, lu bourda. Copies sent, Poît.pald ou Ireelpt et price. ,Adt]res 3, L. PISTEilS, 848,lroadway N.Y. 28 P. O. Box-M2. AsUR i It le iuteuded to open the uev cisurchin l conneat#ou wvustise isureis af Muglund in thie Village on 8 UNDA Y, TI-IFlBîh 0F J UNE, vhun Divine service vIE be uld ut il, a. sa.,t., p., m., aud 7, p. n. A collection vin be tenut surisservice lunaid of tise Buildng ;Pnd. Tisume wiil bu a Tes Meeting tise next day ( monda) on tise goundi; ater visicis omî Sacmed Macla vii be penfommed and Ad. dreses gîrs lu tise churcis. Tickets for tise *Tua 25 conts; bar tise Munic, &c., 25cta. Asihumu, June lut, 1875. 23 C OtJRT O 0F SIN Public Notice isinsereby givon tisat tise finît sittlug ai tise Court af Ievision for tise TOWNSIIIP 0F PICKERIING, for tise present arviSbiedutte Townaship hal, Droughisus, an Ts~lsihe 81k Do,1 of ,Jusc, 1875, ut thse-isaur af anc o'ciock lu tis a aternoots. HLECTORI DEATON, - Towship Clomk. Pickering, 27tis May, 1875. 22 A UCTION SALE OPs Waggoîs sud Agricultural ImpIe. pleruents, Makers Tools anîd Impie. monts sud Mschinery. Aie ac e of Land, lieuse, Shape, 4&c. Tise Subeciber hus received instructions MIL. JAMES CLAYTON, ta sei by Pashle Anctiais aIhb siop, Brook Street, Wly n Sais rday, th, ll 1 d o June, 1875, ut 12 oailook, noon, t e ollowing valuabia pnaperly, riz: 1 Fermons Weggo T5w.i 1 Hrary Wagon, nov; Qunîtity Turuip Drills, doulei sud~ ~ ~ ~ B ilge 0PaetHneRakos sud Patent ItigisI; 4 Cisumns; Wiscelharrawe; Waggan Jacks, 1 Stav Cutter; 1 Grain Crmhet, Ayor.s nake ; 1 Corn Cobis cusisor. MACHI-NEnT. 1 Stean Englue, 4-homespaver, neanly ncw,lrlpsr'a makui-t lImon LuIse, 12 foot bcd sud a sîantitY a()tooli ; I WodLatse ansi tols ; 1 Tencuting Machins, Iharpons' asake; 1 Scautliasg Planer, uew;- 1 Cjr-ula San, table sud cave; 1 Crasse-cnt Cjrr'ular' Saw Machine - 1 Morticeing manisne; 1 Gi Saw; 1'up«IlIsqnantity ai Drille.ansi fixings; 1 eMachine ta bore ior haxing asd turning Waggon viseel rime ; 1 Gangs Iteet louir sizes r 1 Gindtone; 1 Anvil; 1 Pair Vice; 3 Pair Scruing Stocks sud Tape; I Hanse Paver vilhs eeiidiving v lip, 1 haud machine for isoreing Waggon H4os; -A qaiyaiBeitiug, Lumbor sud Spokes; "13edet1ad' 2 Slaves; 1 Losanige; 1 kitcisun Table, sud a quantity aosonh articles ta numorous ta mention. Aise a~ quaiturorf an acre cf Landi, Dveihing Hous and Sbep, vilS Stable Orcisard.sud Garden. TERMS.-Fan Cisattel propes-ty, 86 sud under casis: aven that amaunt, 6 mantise crodit au epprarefi iecna-ty. For lReal Ritale, 10 pet cent- dovas, sud ouougb witb tise 10 pur cent. ta make luin50 dayî, sud tise balance lu ô years, ut 8 pet cent. intemeet, -payable snuualiy. --- Wliitby, May 151h,1 L. FAIRBANKS, Anclioneer. 1875. 211 W HITBY HIGH 5CHOOL. Tise noit Exanination bar Admission viii beho hlfi auTUESDAY sud WEDNES. DAY, tlihasnssd Olis af June, 1875. GEO. H. R(>BINSON, Headi Master. Whithy, May lftis, 1875. 4t-20 L 0S A Mororco Porkst Doc)k, caastaining $19, belveon Duffaus' Creek sud Srfl Concesson Pickerng, osa Sunday 28nfi instant. Any party ifading tise sume sud retuning it ta tise owuen allcs-uoitsbiy rewardei. TIIOS. MADILI., 22' Andiey, P. O. SAVE YOUR ETESI etore your Bightl IIIOW AIVAY or8?OAL D3y readinq ana- SUai. trateil PUYSIOLOGY AND ANATOBIT oft .hu EYE8IGS5T. Toila how ta Roîtara 5mj#alr«vW cd Vision and 0Overworlued Ayeî; how ta sure Weak, %Vatery, Issfamelandl lWssscs,4g5steîiEyoî sud &il other Dia WASTE NO MORE 310NEY DY A DJuSTIN HrUGE GIýsSES ON TOUR NOS AND DTS. FIGU.RING TOUR FACE. PamPh5oet xOe0 agesmaslcti prea. sen osu r adîlreia rlgoasie, -- Agents Wanted, -Olnt& on IIhei, $5 t l a 0 dalguarateod. Full partlcîhara sent iree. Writlmmeialely, te DR. J. BALL-& 00., (P-.0- Bo0zQ057) No. 91 Liberty Bt., New York Oty, N, Y. JAMES MACIE, lialsan, Agent bar tise County .0i Ontario. w ANTED. Situation vuntefi as Buginceor h7 afirat- duoes heuf, bonsa Stationsry Engaur. Can do ail neaesuany nopaim, bath ta Engissu ad otisér muc iiury. Recommenfaisu as ta eharacten sud ubilily. For nefeence use C. H. Waterauu & Ca., Brantford ; C. Draper, Whithy, sud Wn. Hessin, Torntno. JOHN H. ]BLOW, Box 71, Wistby, Ont. Whttby, May 121h, 1875. lm-20 WLLAND CANAL. Notice to Contractors1 Thse ittiugsci tise vorki-for tise onlarge. suent ai tise Weland Canai, adrtisefi ta 'aku place on lise final dlay ai June next, le, uuuasisabiy paulpanefi ta tise ioiawug dates;: Tise Tenders viii be recelveai until Tisure. dytise 2415 day ai Jane ,,t. Flan a sipecillationu vili bu eady bstm Oasanutian on 1friday, lis.111h day ai June. By orden, plestieiannoning to the Put stock is now complete i.n DIR Y GoQDS0 READ Y-MADE; CLOTHINqf, BO OTS-AND SHOES,' AND GROCERIE8 I. Haigimportad the greator poriona0; hie stock di rect £rom thse2nanu-. la tursr, ho wHIlb. ablo to, offor stihi butter luducements to bis automeru tIssu heretofore. An immense stock of PLAIN & FAN CY DRESS" GOODSI eompnlsing ail the now shades sud textures, ranging from 124c. a yard npward. A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENTP 0F McA=Mi TYTS tI'I? MIS! Tisa cilàbrated Tiger Brassd, double warp, roveroiiele, from 20c. a yard; aise a full ranke cf Black Goodasu Baratheas, Puramottas, Crape Clotiso, &c. Wido -vidtis, ail wool French Cashmeres for Caps sud Dresses. Nov sud beautiful pattemnalu nprinti, ight grounds at 121c. a yard, warrautedl fast colora. Grena- dines: black, plain sud fauey colora, lu gieat abundance, commeuciug at loc a yard. Tise greateat bargain cf tise Beson lu a BLACE SILK, wisich w. are effering at 874o a yard, cousidered by goed judges to ho gond value at 81.15. A grand dis. Play cf Sisavis, capes, sud leeveles fackets, at remarkably low prices. Table Liuens-al frein 5a to 124o. Steamiooas fran 10o upwands. Maulin, sud Lace, Cuntain Nott, frein 25e te 70e. A largo asuortmesst cf Boadod Gimpusud Laces. A aplendid variety of black sud colored Kid Giaves, of tise celebratad Josepisino maka, varanted ae gond as tise beut. TIRE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT ! wilI be laund cmlte inlueyisne. Tisree pair cf White' Hase for 25 cents. Meu's BrovwCtn hait Houe, frein10eo a pa mdls. Whsite Lava Hand. korchiefs, at 8Sa ,,iud.sudrd -0000 In the Gent'8 Furnishinq Department wiul bo fouud a mnIl stock of 'White and Caiored Shirts, Tics, Boys, Scarfu, sud Undem.cleting. Just srrived a splendid assortsnent of MEN AN!) BO YS FEL T HA T8, ALL NEW SHfAPES. Iu tisa Ready.mada Clatlslug Departanent viii ho found a very nice seloctian cf suitu adaptedforfa Spring sud *Summer Wear. A large stock of Boy'u Clathiug kept co san ly on a d. . BOOTS AND SHOES!q Just talisand 5 cases cf Ladis' runella Boots, at 600e. a pain. 8 cases extra £uo Punella Gallons, at 81.00 a pair. 1 case superflue Punella -Bamoral, at 81.25, higisceut, cousiderefi gaod vaine for #1.75; Cisildnon'î l3aote, sud Fasscy Tie Slippersinl great alundauce sud at remsrkably low pious. M&eu'u Carpet Slippers4 at C0e.. caueidomed good value for $1 00. Ladies' Carpet Slippers at 50c. Tisis department yl ho fonnd largo sud voîl selected lu ail clauses of Boots sud Shoos. As for Pnieus I am bouud nt ta ho uudersold. GP-IR00 EJ 1 IES . Our Gnocony Dopartment vil bu feund complote in ovcry lino. Nov sud fresh Tous of lait soasou's gravIs. Sugaru lu ail tise difféenot grades, sud popular priceu. Na credit givon, as tise above goaflu are ail marked an a cash b sels. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods Assy enstomenu holding cur dollar scrip, by pmseting it vils cash for purcisases lu Dry Gzoodu or Clotiig, viii sare fire cents on every dollar. If you have not gat ane of aur dollar bille, Ask for oue. Oilava, May 2Stli, 1875. *NTARIO A.K DJYIDEND NO. 86. NOTICE le laessby giron, thast a Diviflenfi ai Fupor cent. upon thepaf up Capital Stock o!tssInstitution, inthe ou-ont isll yesr, hbestisis day heen fleclurofi, sud tisat tise same vill be payable ut the Baunk sud ite brancheeson andi alter TUESDAY, tisé 1115 day of JUNE ne:RI. Tise Tranefer Booksu vill hI closedfi rosu tissl6tis to tlis it ai May, bath fisys in- clusive. Notice les aie giron, tisut tise annunai gen. oral meeting ai tise Stookislfirr, far tise election ai Dinoctore vill b. eifi u t the Buukisag Rouse, luToronto, ou TUEDAY, tise FIFTRRNTH day ai lusse next. Tise chair ta be tatin t 12 'clock, noan, pre- ciel nfer ai tise Bound. D. FISIEER, ONTuruo BANK, Cusisier. Bovnanville, Apnii 14, 1875. 19 F r OUSES AND HALF.ACRE FO0 R S A LE The undersigrsed offere for sale ber entire property, sitnatçd on the' corner af Trent sud Centre Streets, kuowu as theproperty of tise iste ROBERT SPENCE. There se one.isali acre of land au which je ituated four residencee, stable, driviug shedi; aiea fruit trees, &c. Tise praperty will bo sold lunvisole or lu parts ta suit tise purchases. TERsa.-About one-tlsird dousud'bal- suce on tims ta be secured by mortgage. Erm further particulars apply to the owuer ou tise preruases. MRS. -ROBT. SPENCE. Whitby, May 17, 185. 21 Burnett's Cocoalne ProUvents thoIs ir fram Paling. -Burnett's Oocoaine Prornes its ileaithy G rcrtib. Burnett's Oocoaine l% Tnot Orcw'y ,6 SI!y Burnett's Oocoain'e Burnett's Cocoainc Auisetrsctory ludr. Burnett's Cocoaine 1Sootis ethe Irrllated Scalp-shin. Burnett's Oocoaine -Affords tise Ilcist Lustre. Burnett's Oocoalne .lu e t au AIceiîolcWaub. Burnett's Cocoalne Euh 1àDaudruia. Burnettis Oocoaine - <ilve New Life la thse Haïr.. Burnett's Cocoaine Iteualiis Lougeet lunEffeet. 50 ed 75 sente per Bottit. FERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, MONTREAL, P. Q. Agents fer Dominion of Canada. JOIEP S BIRNMIT& W.,, BOSTON# Proprietors. TUESDA Y, dUNE 9th, 187.5,1 ut tho heur of 12 'cioak,v ail ComoneraJarorsansd Cei qairiai tata a notice. -N. G.RE'T as,..s ean&t. nioonof ai ch ,nîtâ(,ea are ne- JAMES SHEA1 F ARM AND DWELLIXi F01R SALE. Fiity acres, part af lot No. 4, in tise 4th cou, aofleuris; ssii rîsaref i vti tiseexcep- tion ai about 12 or 13 acres aifisard wvoaf- uearly al maple. A gond dvsnling hanse on tise promises, ulso stablo sud large hurn viit setonefudution ;a; tlsriuig ot-ciard. Erery oitside requsseae, pnmp aidsihanfi- sucs aifnanuiug watt-c; atua a constant strearnat tise harasi rosu s nerer-failiug sprnig crek. Tise farm. le lu tise higist etate ai cultivation andi well isucefi, andi is vitii e hrvriafire anfi six miles ai Part Penny andf Uxhridge, market tovus. For termeis aidinrtben partisulare uppiy ta, TIMOTHY O'LEARY, 21.ti Utica P. O. 'THîE GEEIAT ]IEMEDY F0R wlîiic-h an be curcd by a- tiunely irsort to this stand- ai i-si1u p;satboin, as lisas beai 1)t-tvU11by thlîiîîndi-ds of testi mil)iLls i-cceiv-ed by tihe pt-opt-;ctoirs. It 18 ackîîowl-m cci-egd by iany pîrominînt iîiu.ysit-ianîs to ho tise înost relial, repai-ation er iji trodiîeed fol. the irelief'uiand c-sîî*e of ail Lîiiaig-,oînpaints, sa ii liotied by tise expes-lenco of ovcir Ioity yeai-s. Wlîen icttdto iii scasoii it sel- doîî Iis to effeet a speedy cîîilP ini the most severe cases.of Couglis, Bîronchitis, Crou1p, Wiîoo0piîîg ,Congli, Influenizaî, Asthma, Colds, Soirc Thiroat, Pains ol. Sore- îîe-ss iii flic Chcst and Side, Livt-u CoinpIaint, Bieediisg î t tdie LIîxigs, &c. -Wistar's Btilsuîi does ixot dry up a Cotigh, and leave tho cause beliinid, as is the case with inost, pîrparations, but it Iooseîis and cleanses the lîings, and cl aays irmitation, thus i.emoving the cause of the cmlit 5PIEAIEZ513,r SETHI W. MME d& SONS, ]Boitais, Mua., Andi aohd by Dnuggsltoand Dalerwgoaeraliy. YOUNG'S HOTEL, MONuCK :IIOAD, DALTON, ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIE TOR. 11lable information egrdlng tise caun- try, etc., tumniebefi ta parties requimiaag il - ample accommodation ion Bouture andi Sportsmn. Tise bar sud larder iupplled tt tise boit oa i iquore and iatsditao found lunlite country. Noue'but abli -g sud attentive servants kept. Commoflou itabling sud pronpt boîtiers àulvsioa baud. sisertdoo. i R ILE T OUNG, LAINO & STE.WAR'TI Hlave now reoeived a large and beaiitiful Stock Of SUMMER -DRY G000DB, And feel conifdnt from thecare that lias been "bestowed. lu the Beledti" iof "o-U& goods, that it, wMi be to customers adVantage to give us. an early oeil. Tweeds and CIoth, Dress 0"oods and MiIIine, A' SPECIALITY. 1Whitby, June 2, 1875. ORGANSI LAÀING & STEWART. 0ORGANS! 1 -ORGANS!!! A good assortinent of Amnerican Organe at 1» ~ ILEs CALL AND SEE THEM 1 S:Eg CLOCES 1 The place to buy Olocks ie at NORVILLE'S. Strik. ing Itegulators, indicating bath Mcntreal and Toronto,only 95 00. Other kinde oheap-CaUl and look at tbern. "THE EXCELSIOR WOBK BOX," a Work Box with Clock attached, the neateut and mout convenient thiuk out!1 No Lady should be withaout one 1 Only 88 50, be sure and ses themn. Organs,ýCloecus, Watches, Jewellery, everything cheap for Cash. Repairing in ail its branches done by a practical man of 25 years experience sud warranted. H. W. NORVILLE, 28 Wilkinson's Block, Whitby. TEA! TEA!! TEAM TEA!!! JUST RECEIVED O-WOODALL'8 OLD COUNTRY STORE. A fine selected stock of NSew Teas, direct from New-York, purchaed for cash at very close price, on account ôf the dulinees of trade, and, will be eold in proportion. We recommend to aur nimerous custom- ors aud the public generally, 'THE OLD COUJNTRY MIXTURE, Composed of a Fine Old ilyson ahtd a Pure Uncolered Ja- pan, at 50 cents per lb, Wo dafy any grcàcery store iu the caunty to boat it. These teae can ho purchased sopairately at the above pricee, but for flavor and strenght we rocommeud tho Mixture. Teas from 25 cents to $1 OO per IL LIQUORS AND GROCERIES IN PROPORTION. Caifl at the Old Country Orocery Store ami take home one pound of Tea and try it. Once used, always used. o z o z C- b- This Hotel is situated in thse central portion of tho city, convenieu t ta the whalesali establishmeuts sud public buildings, sud for touriets sud commercial travellers is a most eligible situation. Thse bouse has been thoroughly ra-orgauized sud ro-furnislied througlsout, sud is fittod up in thse most comfortablo sud fashionable stylo, equal ta any first-clss bouse lu tlbDominion. Tbe bodroomesud dritwiug-rooms are large sud siry, sud the bout sauitary regulations are observod. The large sud cauvouicut sample rooms, for thse accommodation of Commercial Travollers, are cammodions, sud conveuieutly located ou thse first fiat. Omuibuses sud Carniages always roady for the accommodation of guostu arriviug by ail the tealus sud steamboats, sud also ta couvey them ta thse depots sud wharves ou leaviug. Gea. Kennedy, formerly of Queeu's -Hotel, Owen Souud, Manager. Telegrapis Office iu conuection with this Hanse. TERMS, 6 1 50 FER DAY. GO-LDSMITH'S HALL, -0:0- New Goods to HEand-Great Induce- ments to Cash Customers! ---00 W RUSSELL WATCHES, w A1 A T ELGIN WATCHES, T 0 c H WALTHAM WATCHES. H E E s GOLD d SILVEI? CA-SES. s 8-Day and 30-hour Clocks in great Variety, Englisli Fine Gold Jeweilery, Go1d Chains, Eard.rops, Lockets, Gem Rings, Wedding Rings, Spectacles and Electro-Plated Goods, Ail iucli below last years' prictes. A few Gigs and Perambulators left yet. JAMES JO UNSTON, Practical Watch-maker. Goldsmith's Hall, Whitby, May 18, 1875. 21 SOUJTH ONTARIO BOOK STORE. SCI900L BOORS, Sehool Books, a full supply of text booIg, always on hand. STATIO&ZERY, Stationery. We keep the best selected stock of Fancy, Initial, and Commercial Note Papers and Envelopes in the county. BLANK BOOKS, Blank Books, Day BookÉ, Cash Books, Journals, Ledgers, &c., made of the best paper; in good binding, ail kinds-and cheap. NEWSPAPERB AND MAGAZINES, Newspapers and Magazines, Those wanting their Magazines and papers deliVered with promptness and despatch, should leaVe their order at Robinson's. MUSIC, MUSIC, a hrge stock of Sheet and Half-dime Music always on hand. J, S. ROBERTSON, Beoelllor, Nevudealor, Statiener, sud dealer iu Fanay Gooda, &o. -(Boeng'uOli Stand,) Broak Street, Whitby. P. S.-We pay special attention to the orderlng 6Ïiss wflmeouu Bookugop et GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS PXTTED WITH TRE N2EWLY-DrIEIiTzD SBORIBNER'S PATENT QUALTPYING TUBES, An inventionh ngaiost important bearing on the future reputation of Beed Intrumntsi, by meanu of which thse quality or volupie of toue i8 very largely inoreaued, and the quality of toue rendered Equal to that et the Boat Pipe Organe of the same Oapaoity. Our celobrsted I"Vox Celeste," " Vox*Humua," "Wicox Patent,", "lOc. tave Coupler," the charming IlCello" or "lClarionette" Stops, IlGems Horn," IlCremona," "lVox Angelet," "lViola Etheria," and ALL THE -LATE- IMPROVEMENTS Can bco btained only in these Organe O'Fifty Different Styles,, for the Parlor aua the Churcli, tise'Bout Material and Workmanship, Quality and Volume of Toue Unequalled 1 PRICES, $50 TO S5oo. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th aud Congrese Ste.,,DETROIT, Michigan. (Eetablished iu 1850.) Agents Wsuted iu Every Pouuty. Âddrees- CLOUGH& WARREN ORGAN-CO., PETROIT, MICH. HAMILTON &_00., Rave 110w opened Up a Large NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW LUSTRES, (Celebrated Brands,) NEW PRINTS, NEW CLOTH-S& TWEEDS, NEW IIATS &CAPS,. NEW MILLINERY GOODS, NEW MANTLES, &C., &o. Clothing made to order in latest styles-. NEW TEAS AND GROCERJES. Stoclk of Whitby, April 6, 1875. BOOT AND SIIOE EMPO1tIUM BRQCK STREET, WHITBY. 15 JOHN o0 S AU ND E RS Largest Stock, Latest Styles, Greatest Variety, AI Sze inardeoas Lernesn won tye LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRN'S,-VERY SUITABLE Asst a Pncswv r eranvi Tenders will be meceived b]' ths id =ait- ter, for qgu or aIll aits mid poperty up ta tse day ao sule, but no toe easeceasaily accepted. Tse purcisaser ihadI ou thse day af sale, pay clowansnealla aiofbis pansasemon.]', tse balance ta be psid ane suont i- ram tse da afaie.-1 couveyeaee assit b. lot tuée amieietlhers- ai, or raoept lise areutio-udprofit. tisereaf *The vendaor viiinot beu nite prodisca suy titis deedu asc in hem possession, or ta famniss any alther abstract tisan thse RegWs frt asbct. - lise othur conditions are tese tanding coaidtions of tise Court aofCissucery. MFurtser particueru utsy be oblained from M oer. G. 'Y. Smila, Veudor' Solicitor, W HBilliugu, Solicitor for thse adaninis- trator sud for tse]sala i saer. Wisitby, May I7th, 1,875. - GEO. H DARTNELLtor G. YOUNG SMITH, Veai.oesuSolicitar. -S~ALE B«Y TENDER TOWN;,0ýF WI-I1TBYI Loto No. 1, 2, 9 sud 10, Keller'a lan, as nsediuteiy veut af M. F. Ciamk's, sud factug Brook Strept, ýw ieSa soid by tendiBr. Ton. dors viiilbe receivedl for any ane lot, or for tse four, an&viill ho opene] an tse 24th cf May. Addreîs Tenders ta Mm.-L. FAIRBANKS, Whitby, bran whom ail information may lio obtuined. Whitby, May ilth, 1875. 2in.20 & 4 JOHNSTON, WVHOLE8ALE Cabin.et« Manu/acturers WAREROOMS-Uuder Albert Hall, 187 aud 189 YONGE STREET, Rigisi deang Norili of Queen Sf reel, TORONTO.' FACTORY, --YORIKVILLE. Have naw on vlow s comploe stock cf Cabinet and Jp.holstery Goode, Drawiu-Iloom, Piniug-B-oom, Bed-Room, sud Libramy Fumnituire' .aud, lu fact, alusut every article ln u c. *lineocf manufacture, iu tso Latest and mos t Fashionable European and Amer- - Ail orders punctuaily attended. Repairs neatly doue. ]DOMINION WAREROOMS. LO0w E S & P 0W EIL L Are ini receipt of a full and co-mpleta stock of JOHN SAUNDERS:.- Dress Goods in great variety. Black and Coloured Silk Poplins, Lustres, Pýarasols, Ilosiery, GloVes, Laces, Cloths, &c. A Ful Stock of 'Milinery. Dress and Mantie Making done to order under the suprinteadlence of a firet-css Dressmaker. Millinery and Tailoring done i;o order. Satisfaction gusranteed. W Six Girls wanted to W*ork on dresses, and-Two- Tailers te wark on coas. SWlsitby, April l4th. 1875. LOWES &.POWEL*L. --:00-- Begsý to intimate to the inhabitants of Wbitby and Sur- raunding district tIsat ho Isse pened oun the ts Where ho lutenýs to keep everytbing jn that lino, He hopes tha-t fromi past e#jeriee, and by strict atten- tion cte busine8s, to menit a shaxé of public patronage. w la ITB: -3 Grocery and Provision Store, DW3 E COMPETITON! We vonifi aise heg ta lutisute ta Odd Fellow, Orange, Forester, .And! olteFSociety ComoiltestisaIvi. souks a specialty af gettiusg np Fratorual Society LODGE RBOOM FURNITURE, carrein l accardance vils tise mostappmr..- ofi &nas sanppropriato desigus, sdana ur- ~lassed bath u regaras. ELEGANCE, UTILITY, by suy Establihmout lu thoDonslnion.ý - 12e' Tise fueut satisfaction 1guaran- tecd in ailcases. Renember aur Wareom aadr, 187 AND 189 YONGE, STEETrn UNDEB ALBERT HAML, -T0RON T0.- JAS. Hl. SAMO. THOS. JOm<STON. /1' Toronto, Apnil, 1875. 3 A YLIER TO CETE Commncing ou-or about 1lmIsApnil. TE= STZàAEEE. ELEGANCE, AND' NO RS-EMA .(. CRAWFORD, MASTEZ viUii ake her rogniar tnipi anthi Iesving Coheug evury morasg At 7 Port Hope at 9 a'ciock for Rochesb neeting tiere viltisîe New--York sud Railvaya far all pointus aut, v£ soatis. ,Rota L~gwiUleavuQCharlotte Rcs ts~ at 9 p.m., exeept Sa- vsaue lesu t2P.ma',dai. Port Hope direct. Osvego aud Watertown, via Lakei ShoreBailroad from Charlotte, -Dealern ustock, &o., viiifiai AT SI-IIOI"ýT-A:Bijml Whitby, April 20tli, 1875. I I\T Gr Gr 0 OID s -- i New

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