Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1875, p. 2

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In2g S tewart. s-J. Wcodai. ras. Slits, 50 PBR ANl4um.ý ta the-Ir owllproper etiairs, and Mo: self-relient. WVith us, in "lthfs Cânui of ours, it lias enlargad sud expaudi luseif lusa iery frixiti'uI sol-like tI "1galat Fine" of Clani j n- "Proudly toa rgeon sudbravely togrow Anti, perbapo, it ihem growu- with" mucli exubarance as to make li« paudad foliaga taongreai e weigit Doca firequire healilsy cltpping nt uis teavlopement of.cOr Muni JUDO 3, 187. pal aystam i, Isavo wa net revalled ini - - lu thie priSaetfsalf-asertion asud i Norths Ontario. If . PÂX.TON UN BEÂTED 1 W. leara frotu aur Toronto tale. graphie dsateMt a tisI Mr..Paxton bas basa unseasted, on tlh ground ai Crawxi. Lande' intimidation ad lbiibeg'y by agents. neLs lanot Slaqnaliflel. Warllke Ampeçt o! Affaira lu Europe. Tise leatttôe grapijohlewnava rom Eoglaud goas la Oas61w'ov i ounded aera the appralisanaieona o! asolisar Eurapeanu ver, In tisaHousa o! Larda Perl Derby, oflerng axpieustiona -on tise subjeot, selS tisai persans Iigisst lu anthorlty lu Bonus io!: laIe olieuly de- olariadltai île Franch lsiiny lbaul beoma sa oureo ege tcsuubîause s nglid hcwed s dCtemnin1ýtion os tisa pas-to! France te renav tihe var; ta- ema l eitshfeu<ie uigit teal iiieldte strikoe lfirat blow te ne. penteS by Geraimais reîumýsstahiVes cre ainS lsevlioecreatn-sI extreino unessi- nesa lu Fraisce.'ThseFr-eis li oerns- meut ilniaitkeiy ilm(claissied1al var- hsîuiutetitîiousî,- tusîd i)erhy saiS l ls aScdeplstli hue secinati us as eîsireiy rincera. IHo halifietuo s tatasussu is F' -ance cou toiaassiutuua s s teal cf vai-. I runes, afier liar i- Iimxliaioiis, iatumrai- ly dou(areS tu Jhaveau srmny wii wvould ireesr tIse intlitelses ta vhicit lise oousitierod ierseif etsitlad. Orle et tise difl1sulti-uu vastai tIihe Frensch vie unablo te coecive tisai tIs er~o. mrn wopirieusosvre gasuli us. - * Tisey regardeullte. iirouseuxttticoss muade - hy Gciuy as - prvtmî st foi- f-eshs sr -tIsati ure %us-suas smunal iusl-rtisl lu g %wlticlis uigîi lostS tu gr-sve ci- quences, fer Gainuatiye is ext ptop uiiiglt him-usr hseusu tormanil reqiiesi for France tus igotitlluie- lî~ier îparwil, shiflu Frne, Vsie iiciai, isiuil mould ire- baiyîîolîtts , [tut loby crtfis'm ties uopicioîîsof ert nay. Tise acti- sutce ofthliautual dutiuit tllorsieuitise - (1ovi-ruomusl u ppounitîy tu ier flite frieusliy officcu o! Eiglausl. Tue IRus- ssnlmntsusitl env thîtis aii inte unmiseligii, sutdi toviil tftie Etsmeor Alexnsior tho Ilii s spplideS iteus otcuppering Essglant's sepseentalîauss. Isoril 1Derbhy cotsishtded iîy declai-rg tiîaf hig audlaSdonctierisi-duily itisot - nm p~eaast, preesu1t, or pmrospoctita.- Siteliauid ontered i ito nimenouqfgoments suiliS aîl o etlisgeEi , but liai polic_ý of îiori-iuirrveution tS a not-man isolation oriimslîlene cste use ipeec ofe!Euimope. Tboessuse litrtiet us! France sud Gerîssauy o! each-tlsic is certaitsly ual * ikeIy tlaebate, but ou thue dentmary, te li-eha ocreased by dlaily vatlhifuil auspi. cuons, TIaltishe tva mnations vers ou tisa verge of var, or limai Gammatty vas suenut te preolpitala lieu' hosts; againsi Franco but for tise limely iuterfenecee of Engian ansd ltse-riit o! tîme Czar te Berlin la nov- bayonS question. Earl Darby might of course bave toiS tho %world ua grea-i eaLmoie upon tle suh- jeot, but ton tisa restraints o! lis position ausd offiieli-espnaUsibiIity. Tise saine ennacerôf dispute asielkly la recur et Any tmorni"t, suri indead Iltise dopa o! waîr" omsiy unaiiy alumiser for tise me- P04mt. ,Hov cau il be othianylea itil -frôllb nationus armuedI as lîsay are, andi Fffllt1Pfi-Éugte tIsateetis? Hon. Malcolm -Camron sud tic Gor- cmuoship. Uihusous are sîilîl foatiug lu tIse air respectlug lte appolultiseitt cf the mieuiliar fatr SontisOntartîle saLieu- tanaufit-Goearnoolip of lise Neîtli-West. Tisa latee lt i ram tise Ottawa ernes- t pondlent cftis ýa Mil,%Vli sauys lis learus freina aneualiy isîlablu source fltaI thli on,, Malcolus Camemoît, M. P. for Sewll iOntario, lsaisbeloftired the -Lie tilaoant-Gcveruorsluip ot tIse ueNv Nortis-West territcmiem, bul bas net yat doldeul upun, ecceptlig tisa posi- thon. Tîtare lias basu utcli uiuxtéruiitlis- ing by. uori-appndouhs sud politictul gossipa lu hillîalcality tu dîav tu-cm -tisa110au. gaulleunain nu avoval cf "Il ll fitntions," asud axplanations af tise ac- tui smtale cf ltae oss. 13Buettîfir, va belleve wihoui sîccees. Lilcs lte nun- uling 0liCeeu" tisat ie In, lie pro- fs koepisg lts ulîssiproeuty inuuch ho bilucf, Il vomIS(, howvere, Le ecarce- ly JingI"tise >tain square itiîg"',not to giva hleranedaimoly ucliecoif lit liaS any Itention of giviug up tise cou- StIlueuiay. 'Alla, for thtttreou,rwe se- cept lu as ai lindcatiou tisai Mn. Cain- tît la& oarosqesIntion o cclt Ing th - 15îtlas1 raeinIiutio u !sc.i Tas PIMPtIOVEMENTa AT TUsI H Mmoin. -Tisa Muinsan redge leauonSaiturday -for Port Dalhousie for repairaelaavlng fliiahed lier work nt théaiiansor. Tise in lsaiguuitprm fdepuiso! vater a!f 105 teet. \Therre are large gangs o! mon et verk ojn tis a sr!flilli e 3baiug put in excelenut pera~nent condidton, sud tise wp*kii sxpetta 4 acouspeted by- the - 5t is nt, Tisa ganeal mention andape$ranee of tIshe rS-can lu its unuitaed aato--gives cnidauca o! bo ingute moat aubatial cisaraolar .. s-ad4 uase5*reditabla te, tisemantrusted lui Ail Saints' Ciurch zuuinasi sud testea &r. Ravlnson af'TÃ"- .cB. Bel, Inaumblint ,plu5 The dafo'ta III salleWi vIh aseiï b I untrenimeliead"unovaraigu pcopl"-au. thority parniuiad us by our ovu fiee, institutions, but visicis -aven tise mos. democratio, repuhitoa freadoni would nt-sud Sees nat lalerata ? Couuty -counolla serveS 1thej'arpaa seioitise, tIneansd tis e ocasi on' demanded wvus heVissg everytising wlthiu oui owu cau- trahît tise ragulellon o! Oui ovu affairas. ,Whist cvary ihiuking man secs haSa-e mnandeS o! us nov, lu ÃŽhe intareat o! tisa cammuuiity, la te lixmit euS restrein aur soveroigu salves fron ruuniug riat vitli île [lleiitsne atour freedoni sud - privfiigesq. lu thse esrly dsys o! onr Municipal sjystain, its provisions gave vidle, but, pemlbupa, tisa nocasaary acepe visiclistisa lime sud occasion SemeuSeS. Wa Pavaelied represeatiers luoui mîmnici- psal 53'sero carrieS ta extrerneat extent; untilV< actually, juspi nov, va labeur under tuaiti happy sort o! giievance et lissviug tomucî sealf-governmeont. Like mos. cier uinga o! vichsIl"tee înnclî o! a, good thing" May le saiS, va msy bave eaSon te appreisemd tisai w.e have geltesoo inucis o! self-government. Bumt, te coinme me pointedly ta aur aubcl-io our Ccuitiy Ceunilis longes- uecestinmy te carae tisepurj*ses et or municipal sysietîs*2 IHaetofoîs, tise inpomîst-heio s iimportant fusuetioem thieCouuy-Couuil--'ds tise duty of eqnaiizitt ise icassasasieut ruila. il voîsîd ho sa stili vermo hnet for enigitened Legilativo lutertomatuco ou the snuject. -TIse Lagilatue-em. isîaciîg, as i dîtes, mosan praclieshIy ac- qusinied V;itli tise voraimg eof uimuni- cipal systom-Itaî providatiltIsat, lustead o! theto feiter tsîlty unanusos-of equal- izing tisa aseesaeinseiti by cemnmiltaos iîamially ohseon,-it îuay itoirbus doue L y ouitsoes tl)iîeivalsisation aîsd assceoci'ue-slit 'svin-g a settiad vluesand iiemssimencî'. Ilerutafore tise great oh- jaI usas to eet-îoupon tise commi-ilec isavisig tte c1arge of oquîali7istoim, pro- pîniderasibof topious is fvour ot domi li for lise rsisiug si- tisa lswer- i1ssg cf tiiîcr lie atlseî ta tise disad- stgo tf its rnidlbour townu-ilsje tus ta sus-heits contributionsle tisa pen- eami tid et" lIte couuty appear as littlý as pogsîble. Withi tIse, ul of tIse tlauge int tiseMunuiipaml ut prov'iS. in- for tise alipoinluseimioe, Coimmsis- sisiners, ihose acceg,-cmeist wilI stand for ive years, tlisacnn 150longem pro- vali. "Witlsoui LocalLgfhlr---ta il l3 iCotily ('oiitscl-Provin-il fit liay ba calleSl, ulsen a large s sele- visit occasion fa tilero for aîsy listamme- Siate body bitween' thse' Local mnnici- paliies amuI tise' Pmificiai Govemu-- msent 2 Connty - <iius ahave serve(l a good îsnpose lu tîsoir dlay ansd generi- ation. But uve are piepas-ed te signe tissu tley tire ne langer neeesamy, sud are nov enly aanPlltio-nal bihlso! ex- pense upon lise iaxpai'ems. Wtsa aliglis e-arrangement oethlIe municipal maliuey-flhe Seteila a! uviiucouid ha Setiled i itiste uulmost siupliity- a uew ara c f acouoiny aud improva- ment wiugî htb o mmoîscad. Ths vould lca npisclice1 ioforn-loppiug off tise evrgmovtis sud tIse tou giesi exuberance a! oui manifold municipal isranchses. Tisaone seSho ne dffseully visharer iunsu"gestiug thse maeiiucr -or ratisar ils altersuions lu tise ma- chinery tismouglis vicliîtisa cars sud mnainienaisco o! tise couuty. buildigs- overight o! cauuty offlcee-a-raispe- meula for tise lmnner lun vhicls rehurna sisould ho umade, ne ai prasant. isy local inunicipalities;. But aIl tia vo vil Sisqcusa lu suotiter article. Tise general rosît, vo cliin, vould l e asu t iuluxWu aaviîîg t h tItxaxpyem---tlhsoPsrant'sd bottai %voukicg ,o! th ise-uaclsay hsy wîici tbey iaise asud expand usais- mîney for loal purpeses, aud tise sim-. plilication sud impuou'îiiut-vitionl radical echîsmîe-of oui presecut exrava- s. N altrCoultîsard, w-ls>- it c- cnpied the posiiticîs es,Gcvantsor o! tIse Ceuiuhy giol inco thie ý4autcudS entit ol Mm. Sprevia, lias, vus ara lîstamuseS, tendcrd biesramigatiun cf tIs etclice te ibis Sîsosiff. IMm. Chuîtussrd - gaca te Osîsavwa as assistant manegeu iu tise Masmon Maufactuu-issg Company. Iu Mr. Couthsard, Whitby vili miss cime o!f its; lest itizaîs ansd, vih lis î{selvea, nsauy ofert i ovneis vii rapiat the bass eftis publie spiriteSl a tellov tovus- man. Mr. Cînitiarulifla uî nais os veelîli, sud dubilessa gtsita tise avar- cd village tu morease bis ali-eay ampîle stonsu. 1[4y ie sumcei sud prapai-. Wui-r IAcy.,s.-Thio prog-rammie for- tic Sumiumor Mofing o! tIse Ontario Turf Club iil b ois datedl aller columnua. Iu il vo lavea agood b111 of fae fr oitîre days' sport, and onî tisai caunot tail te attreel race mn to a hiacla s ell cooîdcted, sud-visera ail are kuavu te gel faisr play, as Wtiit. by. Our preseut information is,tlat lisera araexpuotslions efthîe boit field o! herses e-riyat assembleS on tise course. Tise enrias close on Mcuday, Jue 1411, and noacanditional eniry will ha received ; autsancea clargeil on irai mauoy ouly. PEnSOueL.-Our tea8paoiad tovunsu, fr. Tiios. Lwlrvi, anuderateud, ablailuMr. Coultiard's position ag, geolar, sud lisera ara vemy !av btter capable o!eiling it mare efflcientiy. Fins IxaCUaàSo-Mr..Gearge Yie, tisa wahl knavna Expréis anS Te'legrepi !gent, lsAappointaS agent for 15e Nonsh Iktialî& --mercantile Pire Inaurauce tjoluianv.Tho North BitbIais hae The loîrk stetihuat ie ndearooad the absent members wero on their wey and wonld arrive by the tbrée 'clocol train. COMMUXIOÂTIONU. F roma the' o,ùniy clerk o! Victoria. informiug the concil that the oomxeil of Vitoria lied pagsaa by.law appro- priating $100 towbards building s bridge across the Head river batween Mars and Dalton, sud assling that a by-law for a imilar amouni bacpsssed by the couniy council of Ontaro ; sud alo that a comunisioner ha appointed ta sot with thse Wsrden of Victoria., From Rlobert Willis,- asking te ha placed upon the board cf examinera of candidates of G. S. T., sud anclosing certificats of qualification froni tha Education -Departmant. Mr. Guy, as lisera appeaed ta be ne business ready tb hring- baore tise caunoil, mayaS tise adjounmani. .Mr,. i3kle befare Mr. Guy'a motion vas put, Sasired ta se y tisaIhoh.ad! s'out fan a document ta La submitt ea a report, sud wviho e dsured to briug farvard aitisae earliest marnant, lu raf. ereuce toas Poar ilouae for tisa oouuiy. When lie heS brougit tlisubject for. verS upen s former occasion, iisvsAs net taican up, bacaue fi v anly'introduc. aS ai s laIe perio-d o! the sssion. Nov lie dasired to do se, in lime2 sund te giva memnbars early notice o!Iisis intention. Mr. Rovland, Mr. MoPherson sud Mr. Feissby enteraS sud teala ilair seaIs jual ai thls atage. Mr. Guy's motion vas osîleS up, sud thîe ceuncil adjaunnesi until ten o'clock to-morroîr merniug. SECOND DAY. Tha Waran toola île clair sôrtly aifler ten o'clock, Aftlr calling tise council te eider tise ai:Anusee lOs-COMuMUNIC'ATIONS,eC., vas proceedeilvitis. Antiastchun-- usuel apectacle icais place lutîse renadng et eue oet tioso vemy remrnakahls reporte perfodlically sibsniii'èd te tise ceuncil hîy the Inspecter of Public Seîsoals. Thc =eui Clerka, atter lIaving procoeded fo sesu ime svith file moaiuxg cf thse Slouant, was iutcrruptid by Mr. Me- lirIau, tisa Inspecter, from tise body of tise l'al, cemplatuin a tilte rcadiug vao inacuale. Tise clark politely lu- vitlëS Mr. Mcliuieu le tae a seat-aut lis Saesk sud assisi lu tise pemusal efthtie preoduction. Mr. Mcllrieiu didsae, anS attervamulq re-reat l irnacît vfitis au emipisuis tisai elicited applaurp. 'V!ise report of tle Cemumnissioner of tise Narreva Bridge vas esS ; aIse tisa repoeritftise suditars, sud s special re- port lunmeeuce ta tise non-reeldaîsi land funil. Potiien by Mr. Preclor, for lima open- iugy of tise loumis lino hctw.-en Ontario sand Victoria. - pelition hy Mr. 1tcwland, lu rater. once te bridge, West lineoeor Black river. -Fr-cm certinlu -aeplayers et Mais sud Thlor, lu mn etaeume le bridg-e ucrs the Telbsot rivrn, near Cansomou's miii. On motion et Mm. Bickell, thse several dlocume-nts subîilted wovre ieforrc-S te tliesecveraI cammnittees ,accomdiug teh àtsîniing order. Mr. 0'Ponovsn iinovei a eslution aoi lteos uîJecl Vo roter tise malter le poin orset i i e -ego t presse. ýMoisîtIIoNouUSi Fou is-iE )WIIITBY Hmomu SCmmOL.-Iu tise liSI o! matricu1- lail sItudents at Qegodre Hall vs finS tut nitus of etMr. Gea. Somerville cf eca- 111gb hScisol-aisslMr. liciemt Hodga iste s pupil cf isle sanss linstitustion. WVe observe vilspleanerslitiMi. Soiscrviliostands seond ilu honorsansd Mi-. Hsudgc ixtix, bM e-l xtremicly oreS- Itabîs: Positions; W\Volegrahuile tiem upon tîsoir lsououi'c sud tisa Iligîs Scisoîl on ils mmcv standard Seniors. ToiE MtA iý-%AxuvAY Br-LAv.-Tso Main linus hy-iav for giving $12.800 te te MiSiausi Beilwsy bas: been cari- ad ly s uuajeriity cf 54. We are iciS, lowvee, tisati i-lalikely le be iu'tali. dntod for %vaut of proper publication. Il vas net pubislsîsinluauy nevapapar lu tise county, but, streuge te say, lu -a ppea pulsisod lu thsecoeuuty et Simcae, alîhangliseme are no bass than nine papars publialsed inl Ontaio-the county in vicistIse mîîuioipelily fa alinated. TuE CaNCEnR GIVPN DY PROF. Vo- oINs iassi eek, vas a enecesa, as re- garda Marquis Clialsolm. Titis auisl creditid by tise Loudon Tisuiies (Eug- land), ta ha, for certain extrimîto oueds, sud exprcsaiu'exîess eftioncls, tue inesl player is thueu omiS. À îîoticeaile fusa- ture imu tIse progu-ammue vas Marsqnis CiisIisolitî èalliimp up Profu. Wiggius fions tise audsienmce te play a sluol, sacî tes pflesycrs axiemporiziîug tIse-i- ovu part. Tise ùxocmtiaxs of thueduet vas exima- ditiary IiaYotnd le.Stition, n-s thie con- tinueS rppdanse chohstalovoi teQtitu- esi. MVampmiiis (liiÈhlm o suil niot ioup exmoeum f ligIit, sud claliaugedl ammY Vve mnunsiciassa vitiiute Domin- ion or tise StatesaftamP,200, te produco s alîssihar iperformance, Notusu Fout-Mm, P.ymnnl lias cI. tainidtlise ialisisnanomsination (if the lîcersu Couvrculien as tise ileforus cani- didats omo 'orths York. M&fNY SurI-i-a atisci tIssu ake nana- cosemisediclua; sud this fa not t e b wcnderedt, aste umedyla oftion -worsa ilsu tisa dîsease, Suferais frein couglas, coldi, influnza, soielhroat, or toudoucy ta, Causumnpion, vil finS lu Dr. Wisaer's Blaà of Wld Ckerry e rcusady ase agiceeble te tisa palato as effeetoal lunrne-ing disesse. ISIDsA-SffINGLB MMLs>BuRNm-D.- Lindaay, May 27.-A lire ot plsce lis morning about ton a'olook lu tisa ahingie miii. eceupied Ly Mr. Joisn Ma Fasdaen, oompleieiy deslroylng it loiau vitis a large quantity a! sisinglesansd liumbar pilaSl nesr liseml. Tise hase is about $5.090; ne insurenea. The. building adjoluing, useS Ly Mm. flage. loy as a chair faooy, vas aIse deetrcy. cd; no insurauci. Tas BzsEsacui TRIA.-Thse greet trial, va are bold, viii continue untili about the miSsile'o! Juue. A velc agis- lu vas canlldantly expacted that tise fifthi day o! Juue -voulS aie tisa sud cf lise casa, but tisa long pîes o! Judge Porter, tise illnes a!tise jurer Jeffrey, sud.tisa promiised languis o! Evrs' sommng u ma eit iprobable tisaI th aewiUg nta the jury mmcii bafore tisa middle oa! ti mntis,_ aver. ocan offèeuas publie Sale xi Ui.)11 ada, The Shorl.liorus are mostly cf theflates' blood as thera are repiesen. tativab of the fdilowing familles, viz.:- Kirklevington's, Surmises or Secrat's, Craggs,&lces, Faune iDuchess, onng Mary', tlîs', Ststira'a Frantics, &0. in sddlitioxi to aur head the Hon.,IM. B. Cochrane o! Compton, Qnebec, will sali two pure Duchsss Yn four othar ani. msais o! higli:blood, the bornes are Most- l-y young sud in s good thrlving condi- tion,ltisa pige warea al mported tai sprisig froin the pans cf Messrs. Heber Humphrey, Cola, Muagrove, sud ouher note breedera. Thse sale wiii ba con- ducted in a falsu square manner lu every respect. We invitealal ta attend on the l6th day cof June. - Yonra, &o., BEATTIE & MILLE R. Pickering Councl. Satnrday, May 22, 1875. Tise Pickering Council met puranant té adjournimeut. Membarsalal prasent. Minutes cf last-meeting red- sud con- flrnsed. Saverai petitions wara prasentedl ask. ing for grauts cf mouay for the improva. ment cf rousa. Mr. Bro*n mayas tisat thaeIleave leave tise cisýir for oua hour. The Council reaumad, tisa Beeve in tise chair. Tiha standing committea an petiticus presented ibis day recommeudad tisat the foilowing appropriations ha grsntedl for tisa improvameute cof rosa, viz. : On side rosd betweau lots Nos. 12 sud 18 in 2ud sudd Srd con., *850, S. J. Green and Jno. Haiglit coin.;, on aide- road on iota la snd 14 fromRnlailway station te Kingston road $150, Moses Smith com.,; on sida road betweed lots 6 aud 9 lu 9th con., $100, C. Williams sud Win. Little coin. ; ou aide roacVbe. tween lots 6 sud 7 in Sth cou., $100, F. McQuoid sud Jas. Smitb cein. ; ou aide road betwecu lots 22 ànd 23 linSili con., $75, H. T. Mitchell sud Geerge Cooper coin.; ou ide rond belween lots 20 aud 27 iu 2ud cou., $75, Wma. ilkie sud David Gilîclit lcein.; on hli nt lot 81 ou Kiugston î'oad, $100,. W. M. Thîom aud W. A. Allison corn.; ou aide road belweeu lots 14 aud18lu in4ih cou., $200, .. Haigîicern.; on ùrd con. lina opposite lots 19 sud 20, $150, J. Haiglit corn.;'ou Base lino at lots 81 sud 82, -150 for building bridge, Johin Pearce cein.; ou aide road beiweau lots 84 sud ,. iu 4th cen., $40, M. G. Fritz cer.; ou 4ti con. lineaut lot 15i, $50, J. Haiglit corn. ; on western towu lina lu 2ud cou., $25, on condition tIsait te corporation of Scarboro' grant a like sum, Jas. Rew coin. ; on aide rond bctween lots 14 sud 15 j inii cou., $16, S. J. Green ce.; ou -tb con, lins opposite lot No. 7, *$20, .Nelson Cbspinau cern.; ou 411s con. line opposite lot 27, $200, P Il . Hoover corn. ;op aide rond betweeu jota 32 and 33 iu ihird Rlange B. F. con., e50, P. PL. Hoover cous. ; ou ide i-ced betwveeu lote 8.) and 33 ini rd cois., $100, Johu Cober aud lRobert Stoeloale cees. ; ou Kingston rond opposite lots 8 hafîd9, W1-0, Jos. Ditle coi.; ou ide rond bc. lweun lots 12 aud 131 in 6tt cou., $25, S. J. Green cens. The followii,,,,arnounte were grantedl for roele uindigents:-To Sanuel Lis- combe W11, 1P. IL Hoover çons.; Mrs. Lapp $1 per week from rn iAjril te ici June, Jameis Taylor coin. - Stark $1l per wcek fion s la Mayio lst lu0e for support oi Un emnbecile. Tise following accountswere ordceî te be paid :-To W. H. fliggins for ;îîiutiug snd advenlising, $41.41 ; Wrn. Stephenson for repsiriog- bridge, 68; David Gilchrisi for use cf Hall at Dun- barion for polling" place at eleciions, $63; W. E. Yarnold, P'. L. S., for snrvey cf lot1 lu inthe 2ud con., $24 ; James Morrison, for aboep worried by doga, $9.33. Mr. Green iuti-oduîed a by-law wbf cli 'vas rend lbrce cevaral limes aud passed io arnond by-law No. 388, entîtled a by-law te appoint townshsip officers. Ou motion Mr. B3rown was iuslrucicd ie superintoud tic repairing bridge on Range lino ai lois 4 sud 5, sud bridge on Ord cou. road opposite loi No. 5, aud aIse a bridge on ide road'boiweeu lois 4 sud 5 in tise Srd con.- Thse Couru cf Revision wil Le seld at B3roughamr on Tuesday tise Sth day ypf June nexi. Ou motion the concil stands sd.- jorned tliiWsdneaday, tle 26th day cf Pole & Llocbcll.. To thse Editos- of thse Whitby Chroiisicle PLiA SIR tisu lie prctendod le know." This le a eo%,iudly sud moasurolcas lie 1 and if I knew whli waa tise unsiàed asasailant I would ceuvince hlm tisat tise 'mettia whchtf olîcrit from a - gellent trial motîtor, sud ai brave dugieh fatîser, is aveu, ai near threa asore.yen aa dten, sufâiioulyuabated te 'malte lim rue hie faieeliead. lu la kuewn te ai tissu Mrs. Polo audcoblîdren, on thee std oc- casion, ecaeaafier midniglu i-t isaei nigit-garments only; lie> Mr. Pole's fursiture wes uninBure d dedstreyed; that $100 o! bis owxi werf bumn ubie own portion of the sittî , but tisàt six or saven isuudred dalleras$fi tis G. T. B3. mouey was exivea sud feithfully Liemît- led le Montreal. S0 filly eetlsfied wus Mr. Spicer, Superintaudent o! uhe G. T. R., as la Mr. Poie's conduet on*tiseoc.- cssieu thai $1u0 wakindiy ewarded sud remitled, This la eacily tested. Mr. Spiaer can sud will do ibis, if eny doubu exiat as te the truti cof whatisl uteted. Ssonld tise- atier charges ba as false as ibis eue, it will ha wsll for Mr. Poie. It ia but fair justice lu wsnt a! lise proofs. In conclusion, Mr. P. wa net dismuaeS. by the G...BI. afiertisae occurrence. Hea actad fur several suontis aubaaqucntly, asud rasignedl of hlm awn accord. I roain, dear sir, Youra fsitsfnlly, Thne y'ounizn aiwera i6vorky fur-1 Tua PORTLAN<D CcoeAuoN.-Tiîa fire sxtended aver more %hau lveuty acres of ground, destreyed ail tise bouses ontle sonUli aide et Streigisi Shore froni Alleghany street bo Sim. on.ls stroot, e distanca o! 1,300 feet, sud ail ou tise norlis ida o! Straigisi Shore from Aleghany te vitisin four oi fivo housescf Simonda street; ailtise lieuses an bell aidas of Harrison Street, ail tise housesa oulis e analaide. o! ihs Douglas Ilosd trom tisai of P. V. Rob- aria te Main sireet, a distance o! 400 feat, sud ail tiselieuses au both aides o! Main streat, aaalward fram Douglas IloaS loi e distance cf 700 tact. It de. stroyed over eigisty dwellings or wark. saopa, turning ona bundred sud fltty familles out et Score, sud dastrayed pre perty te tise value o! aver quarter a! a million douaers. - LATEII. Tihe eviesi lasers smong thisuur. suce offilces by tisa lire are; m-Tsa Lon. don, Liverpool, sud Globe, about05, 000; BOYel CacRdieu, 020,000; Quaeü, 818,000. About anaeisundred sud tweuty tlionsand dollars are covared, by inaurence. TltIsmarulug tisa remaina of s main namad Haley wera fouind amaug tise ruine. aidaso!ftise building, With ouly oiqe en. trance wiih wa rom, tIhe front.' The ocone wafeerful lu tise extreme dur. ing tisa littie whnla h latate, ferrlise whoie W#s ovar lu twauiy minutas. Bea- aidas tise slixty.sixaa tise fetslly wouanuedwill carry>ihe aleu Onf life up l tevatyfle.Tisainquest wil ha aldh iadto.marrow et 9 àým Tise loaaoautise chuicis total, but it a t anl lbeing s ai od truotura. Tise priest's reaideuca joins tise ciurois lu tise rear, sud msuy escsped tirougis sun entrauce leadisg,$o tisa houa. et tisa baeol ~the asuer. Tisapriast'a exar- tiens to keap aider woea. frululeas. Tise sesanes of the living, sud tisa moasao! lise dyiug macle s-deeaning lumûili aboya tisa ordars o! lie pestor, wiso warked. mouttisrolcally, sud wus par. uonally instrumental ilu aeying meuy livas. Oua fsnily of four were in tisa cliurah, sud al wava killad; mnany ware puiled ont by tlie armeansd feet s0 badly urea tisaitisdy lived but s faw isurs, tise deuspeeling off on ha. iug toucised. gSeaware takeii out with scsrceiy ssyflash ramaiuing n tisair baee. Tisa Sisters o f Mercy from tisecouenet wera promptiy rs- ent, esriug for lise wounded sud isaid.d- ing servicas ovartisa dyingz. Ris niaiser wes alâng thons tarribly burued. Fetiser Dufraune iost elmosi evarything in hlm residence, me rspidly ws the building consumad. Tbe. large woolau tenemaut block o! J. Prow near ibe huneS cisurcis was uisrowu open foi receptien of tise dead -sud wouuded, snd caverai dasiha eccur- ad lu tise buildingy during tisa night. Saveral were aiso"taken te tise New York Mtiils bosrdhng bouse, sud pisysi. cians gave tise wouuded tisa beat medi- cal care. Tîsose vis e wre tee hadly buned te recover were put undar tise affeota et morphine, and passeli eway witiîoui a ctruggla. Wliile tIse cere- meules were being lieid over the dyiug, intense quiet pi.orailedl, sud rouLis la- bourera kucît upea tha floor witi un- covored iscada; bui abioutthie morgue, sud lu tise streets the wailiug a! tisa mntilatcdi was pitifîl te hîcar. LÂTEST. 2 a. mn-Pater Myouatto, le wiioao store the deaid osauwero sfterwards takien, Was lunlise lbody ocftile churcht with thirae chldren wlen tise ire caugi. Ho irnrndiately rau towards tise denses, sud attempted te put tisem out withl several pila et waler takan tron tise priasta resideucea adjoiug tise cîsurcis. Findiug it usaless, lie tîscu tried te save norne ot tise urnitura but wae quickly drivais away. Hie audlita cbildreii were ail ssvedl. Oue girl escaped tram tise gaiiery by jumping ou the back et n man who carrneS 1er ciii, wIiile lier ister, wiso was wilh lier, was burncd. S..veral mnembers et eue ef tise boss cimpaulea vere îiaying hbase- hall near tlhe cisurei wleu tise lira broke eut, and tise Fire Peparirnt waa praïnpllyAu tise- spot. Tise scees ai tIse doora ara debcribedl as feartul. Tbey were hlocked 'witis struggling people, aeekiug for e-xit. Oulside tise pseople cic-ared the iway sev-eral trnes, but as ottn fi would becorne bhclieS up ain. Windows wera brolien open, simd caverai escatped lissI way. Tise last le gelt t dcurcI was saitl te bc a in witls hie wife andi a li111e girl. This fatiser teck up lis dlaîglîler sud rua5lîed witlier te a place et safty. A young wemau bailouonee of tise win- Sow trames sud jumîled te- ths grotmud sately. Au eld voman et seveuty vent te tue sarne opaning, sud, iueitatiug te jurnp, aise wss puiled inuideo by lime bair by a brutal talion. Ho jumped clear sud, sudFaise feu sund wae serieus- iy iujured. Of a famiiy ocflire four get eut alive. John Lynchi, s masen, finS- ing tisa people presaed lu attse botlom of tus cisurcis door pullcd mauy doivu wlo were ou top, lhuesaviug a Sozen lives. At Pr. Smitis's office on Dwiglit stroot, s woînan wiso was crazeS by tise pain et lier humas, acreameli se as te ai- tract a large croutllunlise street iuw tus eariy oveuiug. Coustable Gssey Sescribed tiesencu ase lie 55w it withi a glass fîem île top of Hulcinsialiuse clock. Tise wisee 0"ai asevrIu fifleen minutes. Ha coula plaiuly sec througi tise blazing raftera, tise poor people runuiug about lilas lsrge blauèk spots, who eoulai beau seau lu tise dames, sud lait a minuta later tisese spots weut eut lu s brilleant lgIsi wiicb wss succeedeli by s dark dlame. Lewis Roberts, wiso with lia family o! tourohidred wag ite gallcry,saed bis ibres deugitara by forcing 11cm oui o! tisa Soor, but hie clayon yesr old boy, s brigisi lad, perisea lu tise damas. Tise grain mnemelants cf Toranto are up lis amma againsit tle Assoasorswvise lave incindeaSn lu îmir eturnsalal tise vîca timey tonuS in tle elavators sud starcosnss o! tise city. TIse question at issue la, viii il net injure tisSe if grain, visiel la only hesssporsrihy storeS, is hialle te lie taxeS? 2 Oua memoisent cuisido tise city tohl tise Coin Associa- tion tlIsaI vpe tle grain aseased le veuld sisip ne mnors te Toronto, as lise price ould uecessariiy Le increased by lIse ameunt -o! thia municipal ohiargés, sud et course uI dcviiis profibs. Sa serions is tise question tisai a leaSing llzvyc bias bLeon mtainetl ta piaad lus case Satane the Court c! Rerfalon. i appeama te us tisai suds s tax la mDot nujuat for it is sasumed -tisai ever' menchaut is asasadei upon lis capital. A fuler aseassmaui upon tisa grain vie et. limas reprasents liat capital or portions o! il, v hisil illagal if net oxhremeiy vrong. Tise Toronto City Council lest yea asseased Lauk stock sud a good Sesi o! excitemeut vas causeS. Thsis yesr fifa expaimanting upen grain lying lunaise'atera. Tis nov hîov sirikea home aitishe intenests o! lise city, visicis vihi oartainly-souffar if tise-City Couneil hsaeble te enforce tise 1ev. We eppiehiend noeh aistx vil Le peid eyeu if compuiscry messurea voie rcso'liteS ta. A Cleveland vama.n receuily menueSd e Cisinasa laundrymean, euSdlismea daya tlsemeafier lise unlisppy Celeatial sp- peameS aI s hsnber'assop sud andered bis piguail cul 0g sayiug in explanaluon, "Teeioisuceadam yauk." A nica plaoe ta lire ilu muatI Kuighsa tovuj, luS., La, vhieli tise Aocal- nova- paperas eclaine ta Se Il a seetising, Si-. sug, varring oaulelrou cf ickeuing, o!- !eusive', ànhoxiouascandai." Society in Brooklynuis siarply diviSaS ou thea Beecbaî-Tilto uenasd it's a yaiy cemmon lhing te isear people ssy, lu relation te a Pauty, sainea, on sociable, "Oh, I von't go tisera; tiset's e Beebher, or thit's a Tiltoui nsrtv."1 ta bsan su -causty o! insUs, Fisquir de -coroner Maszq eess vig. 1-e was wssu P5ar- nuni seven yeera, sud tisen left hlm te fallow a lite o! crime, wisich lie adiser- ed la aver sfter. He wuea mrried aiglit-timas, sud saven o! is iwvea, lha deoleri ai r etb ilvfug-oua lu Ne* Yorki vofi Piileiphia, oua lu cou- nacticeut, ane is Naw Orlesns, ouaeli Rookport suana luin Bston-. eHa mid llia bIeen caisoarua luina e lestissu three isundrad bnrglariau sloa lise loft Baerum, tbraé a! whieis were tellee with murdar. Haeisad beau srreied 115 limes, sud serveS many termnifu prison, raug. iugfrom six menthe te twa yaar!. Tis ls time hae wss sentenceS wes in Buffalo., Ha wsaui eccomplice o! Dan Noble lu tise oeiebrated bond robbary a! 1869, sud iu 1870 ha *as trieS au Buffalo sud aantanced' by Judga, Bosrdsnan te dv. yaars li Auburn Prisan. Ha erveadtwo o! tisen,-sud waa thoan psrdauad -ont by Gavarnar Hoffmsp et lise patitian of friands. Aftar leevfug Auburn Daming weut te Canada. He isad been tisera but a fsw menuis wheui ha joined a gang o! burgl.ars, sud plenned ana helpad ta executa the robbary o!flise -St. Cathar- lues Banik. Hl as arsreted before hie could leava tise Province, ail tisa rast escapad. Wlieu put upon trial hae suc- oaeided lu astabiishiug su alibi, tisrough tisa *tstimany o! Mary Wasisburn, a supposaS respectablc seamatresa o! St. Cathaerines, but lu reality tise wlfe of ana o et Iagang, sud asu acoamplica lu tisarobbery. Tiserais a rwar, Deming saiS, o! 45,000 atihi standing for-tise arrest efthtie parties engageS lu tIse St. Cathsarines rebbery. Tlay get sway wilis about $20,000 sud a large eniont cf bonds. Tusse latter, accordiug la tIse dying criminal, wara huried lu, Delaware county, user tise Ulster coun- ty uine, aud are thare yat for aillie kuew la tisa ouulrary. Deming said tIai tise iohhery o! tise United States mail etf ive bage o! valuable niatuer ai Utice a yosî ago ves planned by hlm, but le diS net participale in the iobbery et Cooperetowu. It will ha remember- cd tisai Edwards, vise wss a wcaithy reaideni et Coopemtevu, was sttscked ai ulght ah Lis residence, robised sud inurderea. By saliai wlicl was lt belîhud hy tise murderer or murderers, a supposeSd ue vas ohisined le a psrly coucemuod lu tise crime, sud liawas ar- reshed. Derng saiS tisey bsd net get tise rfgist man ; tîsat hae kuew te wisom tise bai belougad. IHa gave e detailed account o! tisai crime, mntiàning tise usmnes eft lisse concerneS in it, sud maSe mauy extîaordinary deveopmauts, visicis tle autlserities, vise now have the sworu confession, willmnt as yet divusige. Blemiug lived but a few boums aftlr makiug bis statarnent, sud vas tully avare of bis spproaclsiug dissolu- lion. Opinien as te lise truti oet is confession le eousiderabiy diviSeS, îuauy beiievhmîg tisai a dying mnan vould not trump up the atoish lal, aud othera eiaimiug Ihal Deming vas crazy. Au investigation cf tise statusment yull be musa, asud ihîir trots or taisity settied ah once.-N. Y. Herald. -THE SPELLING MANIA SQUEuzCav.- The patisoscopie spalliug manie ia over aud goe ; tise Iogomacsy lisas preter. lapsieS, sud vo desire le expiais oui' grief al ite takiug-off in womds befitug tise -occasion sud tîhe thserne. Wlsau tise orîlsograpisical sud ortisoapical conteste voie in syzygy, tîsere vas sucis a cela- clycrn et commsnent upon tise subjeel, tisai we mnodeetly rafrained fmorn furtiser amgumeuiug tise mnoles $esceageatsa of cross dissertations. But nov tisaitise 4ising las efuut-uow hhatitlus but a esueritue leap, as fi ere, vltis ne synovial flii lubricsting is joints, ve corne to tise rescue-ve soattar myrris sud franetuceusa above its ssary, vo bedew it witîs aromatie isdelîiurn, we write ite apicedium n seiug its coron- adi, sud engrave upon is sercophagus ail mauner o! trope, sud symbol, sud myths, aveu tisougis- we occasonaluy inquinata il vIiha caiscliresis. Tise Moutreal Heald îeviewiug tisa avidauce lu tise Ieeclisr case coucîndes tissu: I"Sncb a madley a! folly, pmuri- euoy, fale sentinientality, pialy, quar. relliug, laxtty sud îyiug. uohedy coula have expectad tb finS uSer so plausible an ouheida- as tisat affordeli by tise maunde o! Plymoutis Ciurcis, sud tisa rapulstion efthtie Beeciser family." AnS itsys: "Tise wiita-aouled lady isersel! vrote notes whlsti, if lhey vere noî love letters lu tise ordinar sense iu wîsicls we use tise word forepistolsry corepoudence betweeu ane man's vifs sud snothsr wemsu's isusissud, vere tise moat poatical places of mngladin ysticai morality sud religions ferrr incetise Sang of Solornon. Yei itie holy man -ise rec...e!-A hsem took-tisom a11lu SAnDEATuS os A YOUNG COUs-saIN THE Fx..ues.-A seS resuli et tise ire in Youge St., Toronto, visiis teok place el au aarly heur lest Suudsy moruing, vas île ihorrible deasinlutise flames et a youug coupla o!flte nae o! Nashs. Mn. Nas vas a pealer Lby trade,- sud csme froni the ueigisbounisood o! Clilton. Ha vas iveuty-tvo yeems o! e is vite tveuty-oue, sud.llay lad' ouly Leen marrieS since tisa 4i1 o! July sat. Tise young people intenSeS quit- tiug their apsîlmnents con Yonge astreet s tisey cdiSnot sui tisaom, anSdliaS alreedy made arraugements for getting' fresb ones. 1- Duîing tle course of yeeterdsy seer- al friands etftIsa Saceasesi visiteS lise renafus, amougat tiser tise mollier and clep-fntisar et Mme. Nash. Mm. Naas bal ne ralatives alter lisen his vite. liriîmp in Canada. Taa PîusacsAoa TO IRELsIND.-Tho pilinmage la hrelaud, undor the di- recton of lise Bre. Fatiier Conwayj viii sail ou tise 81i cf Juup. htisl intenSeS te have s large gailier- 'ong cf tise varlons lira hbrigades vasi o! Toronto, at Strattord, on Dominion Day. DEPNiNG TuIE ST. LAwnENCE.- Messie. Kingaford sud Bandford have bae aulisorized to report upon -tise Soapcuuing o!flise St. Lawrene baveen Montreal sud Quebeo. NORTH-WEST CaUNCIL.-It la cuiront- ly reporteS ihuat tise chances o! Mi. Nerfis, o! tIsa Meutresi Head, heing appoiuted Clark o! the Nortb-West Counci are good. - lu is affielaliy sunaunced bisaI eiders lave beau giron for lise replaement e! tise statua o! Nrpelean ou tise summit et tise Voudome Columu, sud tisaitise comploee esteistlon of thue monument viii net hc langer delayed. The Provincial ehactilaus ln Qebec are oxpected te coma off vitisin tismea veekal Il ves bisouglsi a short lime ago blat tisa vils vould net ho issueS hefore tugust, Lut ih la avidautly thiselu. tention o! the Goverumt la ao btalu tise verdict o! tise electers as seon si possile. APPOINTMEmer -Mi PDt!Grsnt, o! Ottawa, Lac beau eppontad Supemin-. tendent o!flise Davson Route, vice Mr. S. J. Dawson realguad. . Mi. Davson loft sometimeaege for Thsunder Bey lu ondar te malte arrangements for tIse irausemrng o! tisa Goverumant praper. ly te Mi. Grant. Mr. Deviat Giss vii l -as Counny Jude for Middlesex, Suring tle absence cf Judge Ellioli, vîso inlaend_ travelling for bis isealtis. Tise Dochesa o! Ediuburgis enu cou.- verse* vitis evary foreigu minhater At thq- English Court, b ut tise Tunkial, lu bis ovu leuguaga., Mn. A. E. Farget a Mentneellavyer, isas beau eppointeci Secneary to tha <omi~messn on Osa s Sio T ..ftnqtli.. DEESÂT Avr0Ess' aEoSCAsA- axa.-+Prabably no man èer made nieadespeaete stiempta ta assp a the an a! tise 1ev tissutise manRogers visa fatally voundad- Lemis Seely at- St. John, N. B., reeentiy ; haest fiatl liS lu tisa woads, anS ramained tisera for about e vaek sud then masSe lis exil tovarda a pilou station on tise-Bey o! Fundy Shore. 'OuaàSuinday niîg ise-gta boast sud boarded tise schooner "1G. F. Blaird."-, His appearenca exciied tise suspicians o! tisa captil, wlo cora- municaed wvu sanie nien sud lisus atarted lise polica,visa boasrdeatisa ,aessal ai Dippar liarior.. Au tliay diS s0, Rogers.,visa vas leeniug aver the bulwsrkm, turnedS abaut and rau into ils. forecastia. The ceptelu laed theni iu seerch o! tise criminal, les-ring oua o! tisemnia deok to preventbis escape; hy tise boat. Wlile lise party vas ha- loy Seck, Rogers suddculy rau up sud jumped ovor tise boy. Tise asien vas giveand tisa afficers rusheS au Secl sud leoked ovar tis ide ta sce Rogers clinging te tise hoat in vhlcis lie baS hoarded tis chooner. - Iu stepplug over tise aiSe ofthtie schooner inta the boat his veighi, tegetiser vilS iliat of s undle cf latis hawilcs inluil, over- turneS tise craft, but gsttiug auni btteni upvards lie Srev bis revolver sud fired. p et tisoso vise vere iaokiug Sovu. Fortnnatly tiese aoi a s armese. OfflcearEvans-fired one aloit rom 'lis revolver te intimidate tisa murderer, vîmo suddleuly put tisa mu7zle o! his re- volver tois temsple sud lireS, aethlie samne tume alippig off tise- boitoni o! tIse Lest huto tie ic. Tisascîsoon- er's -beau vas iusiantly lovered sud Rogers vas saieS jusi as lie vas siuk- iug. Tise vounsý wag probeS by Dr. Bszter. It is about tlsmas incises long, tise bulletjuat scrapiug tiese kulh, but caulel not bo feunsi, sud prebshly drop- paS ouitiseé vay àh laSenteraS or pasa- ed upvsrdsansd aut attisa top. M NEMensmos-A correspondent te the Americau Caadiau, wviting about tise comning -trial o! Lee, tise Mormon proplat, fer allegoîf cornputeity lu tIse Mouniaixi Meadove massacre, gays tisat tise Mermons are pepsring for anme stsrtliug Sei-eloprnenha. fiesasys tisat "1net ouly vers obuoxieus Genticag pot efthîe vsy lu Sali Lake City vitis- eut any trial, lut even msny -of 'tise« hretlîrenu -rw-ntlied vîcu eut of Scoresud quieily lad te a place cou- veuieut for butchery, sudthiers biaS thiss 'thmoats cul,' fer tise double pur- pose cf keaping tîsem trorn 'oppasiug tise king-Som' anS stouing for their aine et nbalief. Ih la saitI of IsascC. Haigîi, visevas tise lieutenant-colonel of tise militis régimenttIht lcommunteS tise massacre et Mouniaift Meadova, usai le grev se tanatical -sud vas se far remod fmom auy enpervisoîy- suthority tisatile, diS as lie pueaseS sud disposeS et tise ives et tise ehuoxiens vus al tise reedoni et a doge et Venice. No fever Issu tan men vere laken dovu itbtise celiar baneati Haight's bouse, sud from lisera tisay nover came out surve, sud tise ouly asaer tissu vas erar maSs le auf enquiry about a miss- iug person in tisose daye waa tise iscenie sentence, 'Ho lias gono te Caiiforis.' Tise investigation, vheu once hegn,. viii he like thse lettiug eut ot vaier- sud ils révéelations et crime vii starile tle nation." Intelligence treni* Nevtoundland statea lIaiý-tse ssal fsls2my tsieyeer isas ou tise vIola beau succestul, tisougi tise sailing -rossais engageS lu tisai iudustry lave nol, as e muile obtain. ed large osîgoes. Messrs. Alex. McNab (Befonnmer), sud J. H. McGilivery (Couaar-vsti-ve), are mentionad as tisa prebable can- didates tom tise repeentstiou af Gîsu- garry, made vacant Ly tise sppointmant et théS laIe Postixuster-Geuerai te tise Goveiuerslip o! Ontenlo.é Major. Gouaral -Smyth viii com-. monos bis inspection oethtie Militia by. visiihg the forces in 'Prince ESvaàrS , Island, sud, aftar visiting tise -rei-on brigade camps o! exercice, fi h expect- eS lie viii campleshis tour hy pro. caedlug ta Manitoshe sud Britlis .Col- umbie. Tise statutse! St. John tisa Baptist, disceverad a few mouluse&gc at Pis, sud recognized aubsequantly us s vonla o! Michsal Augela, la saiS te have hacu exeontasi by tisaI artistinlu ise2lst year aud te Le tIsa sanie spaken o! hy Visai. Tisa UpperRouse o!.tisa Prussien Plat lheu passeS-tise Bilas for the sup. piassioua! ýcon-rentesud relative ta lia administraion Ya! churcis pîoperty., Tisa Goverxi-mont, feeissg s disturbene las forbiddeon processions in hanom o! thes.,pope'$ juhilea. -Tise eleetion trial lu Nort orkalocha place aI Navmarket an Seturdey- lest, betare Cisencellor Sp-regue.*, Tise re-. apondeut, Mi. .H ymand, vas un- seeted thîcugistise cornàptipiactlces o! an agont villoutliii kuovladge or cou- sent. Tisa Supremo-Caurl a! Indisaalias jusu decides tisai coloreS ciildien ninet - ba allovald te attend public sohoohs lu eny. district o! thea Stale provitiad ne saparsie scisools far tîteir eliucatiou are furilied. Au appeal is tla h a len lao tisa Suprame Courtl o! -tise Unitedj States. >0 ' - i1 UUcsOssaLS AEIWT TO s ris.AseZ A-BAso.-Sprngfteld, Mss.,Me&y 29.= AboaSattnmpi veasusade leel nigist ta rab 'tisa National Meoiseulca' Bank a! Great Bsrrlngton. ,Savaral niska burgiars enteraS tisa etse o! F. N. De- land, 1 ceuhier,'sud heving gaggahim, camipeled humlatogo.ta tisea bank vilS lisan,,visen thay tria to etai hm l open tis aslt. >fleiog usuccesaBful tLiey l r- reufygeby rohbbing DeIsnd'sa hane o! ils raluebies, sud lieu dc- camps5. BuR"D »TO -DEAT.-Buffala, May 29,--A frenie houase in Ent Hsmburg Eria counly, vas Sestroyed by fic liait ulgsi. Adani îStsng' sud bis, vite, thse ouly perscna viso liveS in il, vare humn- eS 'te deets.- Feuxa» GUILTY Os- CONàPIIAOXN WM Muanx.-Nevsrk, N. J., May 29.- Wm. Cunninghasm, triaS for conspiras<cy te murder 14 w ie, lias beexi founli guiliy. FREaSar IN GEaMna.-Few people have aîîy ýda o! île exteut o! foreat land lu Gcrmsny, sud niost imagine bet o!futie Blaok Forest lile lai left axcapt s tradition euS s cauvaulionsi blister o! voodlaud, su usmeëd. Ou tise canlrary, lunHeaver sione tisera are 900,000 acres o! vooa under State management, visila nesrly e fourts part at tseares, o! Prussie ha iu foresi, al- thougs li!fettw as lu privete liauds. As fa veillaknovu, the toresi administre- iou luparticular distr-ictslalslong Lacis femous, aapecially in Tisuringlanud lie HTaît7 mountelua. lIn North Germsuy geuerally lise reaponsibilitias are allaitaSd lu districts smoug a caretully organia body et afficers, presidad o-rer byea foiesi Slrectai.-Tse (Lonedon) Garden. ]RENAICÂBLE Saoonzue.-Cept. A. H. Bogardus, île vaîl-kuovu Western wiug aloi hld agered*8500 tisailia vouid kili thirty-aight oui o!fltity birda, spmuug tve lit a trne froni trapa at bis rings uSlti iyaids spart. Tk -iisaposition Leuveen île ivo lisps, vllls Buffalo Bill te man tbem, haLe e- gan voil ast about 4.80 p.n. One after anotisar île hirds vent Sovu, sud ator sloetiug fori-tutise Capiain vas credited vit hIe 'kiling et tiriy.eigst. Bogardus thon sisot te kill tventy-dive birS lu four minutes. They vere iisrowui ie liseeair two ait a tue, snd vain brouglu Soyna sfast s iiey vare cent up. Tise tweutyflve vere killed in three minutes and taîty seconde. The haheat invention lu tse lite-beau lfno lsa sboat vits a liceS linso!ofeork ai ils load-line, se couatinched Ibatit saihs equsally voîll ither aide up. Iu wihll net upset easily; but, ff ih doe up- soi, tise beiiorn aud keel tail rigisi dcvi ibrougs tle centre, sud thero it. le, juat ;as i 't vas leoe, ouly visai vas tisa bot. tom bias nov bacome tIse top. . Tlsey have s sdheme lu . operation in Euglaud for thse extinction et tise us- tiouni aisièb, hics, vith great compli- cation, viii extinguihbin 100 yeara .£9,000,000, or lesa tisai 1,000,000 a year. DAaîueo ATTEMPT ro ÀBonAlNE.- Spingfield. Mass., May 29.-A bolS ai- tempt vas maSo lasi nigît -te rob the National Mecissuica Baula o! Grat Bar- ningian. Several msaikpd burglars aui- teresi tise lie o!fP. N. PalanS, -ca- ahier, anS hevlug gsgged hlm campail.- ed hlm te go to tise baxuk vilS lseni, visare tbey trieS ta gel hlm te open tise vanît. - Baing nusiuocesaful tisey took roi'cuge hy nobbiug DelsnS'shiouse cf ils veluasiés, sud than decamped. Au elaction for members o! uhe Cor- poration o! Yale Collage vil itulte laçe au tise SOtS o! Juna, ta di lis te place vae. cated y tise Hou. -William B. Wesb. hum. Ha is eligible tonrar-eleolion, sud islikely to bc returued. During tle absence iu Europe c! tisa Miniaten et Publie Worka, Hon. Mi.' Huntingion vill ýdrnister tise affaira, et thuat doparînifut. 4.- 3L4SON -- PROPRIETOR. (Laie o! tisa Albion Ilotai, VWthy.) Tisa Bar alw yI3asuPlieS viii the beal Wines, Liquons, sud Clgars. N ORTH BBITISH k& MERCANTHE FIRE INSUIANOE 0COMPANYL Saea, sud reliable' heIsamndeataepip ~wistby, lit 5, - rxSl- OneMIfi wlnner oi olli aI the sjluveSn at thea Pr a two yea lu inugums tolà»cSb of Stratlt î~ sireliby 1 One lu aniS dam. -- -OneSil rising 4 ai One Sb foot,, iinp Six Cot, importea --Messrs. C Tha' ' tbemselva Of Mi. Itol Et., Lond Anl anir panse for curiiy vi pa ane Caille a us - - sale vil Wh. 511£ l0 1'tBT June;. $15 0,-J Bomn 1-j muu #150 0o,--- bouses, le Sal 5 to lu $175 0,- houses, inn-bnî barge, Pince 1 ats, DEATHS. - RBICHÂRÉDSON. -  ffWitlby, on Snnday May 80Ou 1875, George Her- bert, eldeat-son of Jaune BRichardson, Esq., aged 2 years 9 months, and 10 STEPHEN.-ÂL his aon's residenca, Township of Blanchard, on Sunday, the. 80th>May, William Ste pblen, a native ,of Aberdeenahire, Scotlend, aged 80 yeara, and 8 nionths. WHITBY MA.BKETB. CHRONIxcLE O077=, 3nne Snd, 1815. Fall-Wheat............60 95 @e 96 Spring'Wheat. $#0 90 @ $0 91 Barley ...............80 95 @ ion Clover..i...............$5>00 $5 26 Tlmclty.........0000382r» Pes............ ..... 82e0 BSn Blackc Bye Pes .. 85ce O90e_ Bye ............ ».... 65C 70e Oas................. 45o @47c ................121 Potatoea ............. 450 @ S50 Eggs.............. 12jc@ oý Butter ..... ......... IBc 0 18e Goal, per ton.......... 87 i @0 Wood............ ... $400 @ 4 Ëe PorI4 percewt ..........$8 8800 Ghlckens ............. 80@ 40o perpair Ducks per pr ... ....B0cWO60 Turkeysï, par lb.......10o Geeae,. .............. 60 @ 70. Applea, par bushel. i- :60 80 Cheeav ...........:.«..15àc o17C Beji,hixidquarter ..... $0 Beef, fore quarter.... 34 $5 -00 flreakfat.-Epprys Cocoa.-Grate» fui and Comloring-"'By a thorough knowledga of the ustural lIsawhicli govern the operations ci digestion &nd nutrition, and bv a careful application of thie fine goeteofwell-aelected cocos, 1Mr. Epps ~as provided our breakfast .tablea with sa delicately flevorad beveiiÉe,.,which may aave us mauy hesvy doctors' a'iU." ,[t la by the juaicioua use of sucb articles of Blet that a constitution* May be rually buili up until strong enougli to-remet every ten- dency to disease. HUundredâ ofasubtlemnae- dies are floating around us ready to attaclk wherever thers in a 'weak p oint. We may escape rnany a fatslsahaft by keeplng oui- selvea 4wel fortifed with puire blond andj.s properly nourished.frame."ý-Civil Service Gazzette. REMEDY JFRtEEWe senui frac, a simple aud sure meas of self-cure, for Con- aumption,. Bronchitis, .Asthme, Catarrh, Scrofule, suid auy diseuse of the Throat or Lun. Nervous Dahiluity, Pramatura Da- csy, Weaknesa, sud alf disorders; brought on TUTTLE &Co., 78Xassau-st. K. Y. TN THE TREÂTILENT OF DYSPBPSIA. -.we bave li Dr. Whaalar's Compound Elixir of Phosphates sud Callsasys sramedy wortby lie attention of all those auffering freonlie proteendisease. We freqnently n=et with cases li which il ordnr mathoda of treairnent are of no vu;le stornscb sud bowais continue' diaorderd the liver torpid, tec7onue hesvily Coste da- agreeshie taste li tie moulc ?twtr brasi,flatulence. hesd aches,' dzn*ÃŽlness sUter aating, sud lrritsbility and rastlaasneus wxth a depresalon of spirits. Hare the food is not digestea sudas.sirnilata, tie blood becomea'smpoeriahed, anéIconsittitonal, v ;gr Yaaai mpsirad. The grect numbar ofg Beasessin whichtheEliirbuaproved.. aucesfuluhue eoustratedbeyondquaation its efllcacy li ibis diatresng affec$lop- B B 1K B Preparad froni the Pure Grase o! THE' -CANADA BEAIR. This delightfully eriuma peartion imit otgloasY Lito tha r, xi clinluttoramlin àsny dsirdposition. It gies the ar not ouly s luxuriant growt, but arat ryeau, rbaldnass, anid otiar d'seasesiOfeimadssal. Ganna eBaar'sasse bu long baaxhea ,in i $hesètea iasusTenlable artcle for- Dressxüg ths flair. It hmbas ban highly commende aa suuea by aminent Chaemlst ana Physiciens of every country. Bach bottle la encloaad li s card board- box surrounded by a 'flnly engrava - wrsp. per, forming s paecage bt-ornemental sud useful on1 aery Ladies' Dressiug Table. Paice 50 cents rs P LBr"D.'D8S& SOK , 19 SoleProprietors, Montres!. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AJOU3IED COURT OF BBVISIOK OO F WHiTrBY. $150 00, $125 00,-1 te bal $25. 0200o 000,- $75 00,-Ci; Open.if - o Save 1.Bulrsu only -2. Entriez -- Wbth' i4th, i --- the prc ceive fi -of hon -feiteci, .Al ont enîryt1 bouses ~daie o1 address 5.- Jockayi - otier-su Mount 6. Races t thse jui - cases. 7. In tb - Must b -Secret. 8. Races o'cioek -celve&. May l7th,.- WHI E. ABUS GRA N T PUBI1

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