Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1875, p. 4

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Voluk of thst morning 8au-extra iroîgus tran bnn sotliapproachied the Prison br~ig#owl, ino1'tg notlitetetr tISSu tsrie mileun pheur. ,Tise train wâs -drswit.b> loootve No- 8U, Deanis Casin, etiginser, c sud te unducoer w. 'Mr. Haserwas, Tliüy were lowly fol. 1*Ving thea Suug Sing pasocuger traie, w*q loft st :U a,. Astheauue re.c1eq tise prison or- treftIa bridge five- icoavlcta dropped upou it is-?the bride,, uro f 3hmarn unsg ite the' *ufihsis#'s g an td- the otisar hry tbeth oupling wldcisfasteeed -tic an- gue.to tho train. - L'lscucnvîcta on thse bab, wiîIa drawu r-0voh'ers, ordered. tise ebgin(es-asd iremais- te jump off, and Ïboy did, visca the convictot putý on - eà%tO utii41dtise angne sitarted dowu tise i'oa4 witi thons lîke ligitnlrsg. Tiscr escape vaa etetd altecat imuneditly and mov ensai uiotomvero ire-I aiter tisoc by theb prison guarà, nue, however, taklcg effec. Ticu. commnenced tihe passuit,Ibose ueristeont cf thse rat1road wu u led qnliekly, Whouan -taiegrapis alarnu was isoui2detl at al * points iseutilsof Sin 'Si gu A deal ei 'w.S fout fsouithea Orand Central liapot te Statiou Agent Bovore, ab Tarsytown, dlretiug hlm ta tura ilte swttch is bittia stationlon the ariver aide,'.0 su nto let théseuagine, vils tise convictisu bond, go off the bonk loto thse river. Danger uignal& were ordored tu bc set ou tisa düwtu tracis, snd protmpt meusugros cf ainesy kiud werue. rderet ttu pros-eut mtes-us 4k-sIeust y rollis.ioliîwitli tit, atillolcomostive. TIie, u-uskiben je 't1(e viciity ctf SurirrotirîgbNw tihe egllueii eomtig like likbtniisg, or ratiier -ia a.W svait cloua o sut nr, arsd SIsulce, sud water, wiliri îuy wîvtit là iaielie,,g s-cras- d gasssii wirh tertrer at thse fr-gitl pel tise .ursile husd attitsiecs. *At Tsrreowil crnwiu. of luoplrc were gti.-rcd, s-s jeutissg Il ue thnengluagin 1Ili to ut t4h t stuu.euqiuloff tise S wiîushl itat thorîvý, Ipii sd iasUt irivo. * Afîer waýirissg a sit tirs. eSirîssots Agisit ln erss u li rî té 11 f ile trsuek te lubofr Use , ieryproesrry, and Ifcttild No. 8q, witlI luth cylirider. Iens *lirketi, *thirso> rlîqa urtît uimd ioûtopposite tire Icsietvail Place. 'lU bIil(tr wasi * -tliJ f w .sr, nsitl h sipastes i dwu. Thi convitits lut tils' sisted elîginse i cilol ndiPs halil fuitîse' r iortil, asud lied (0 AsrnmulsW'cd(s, hainug irst stoieu id loi ts ilis tîsit iristl e tsounsi ini thsee, gis unîsd irttrrins rveq un tire tenric.., Sfici stes'Eigiueer Cassiun ceà(in nnirsg tdoue is' irav-k, and ouce riscs-crôcosý-srs-ti Lis i ewue. '1t, .;uà. ssr'jsisuLY baudvsrtiIîg tlroegh IL few tls' ousii throtsgls -tIse country unuouiin -sîseis' lumiuussundsiasit tise resigt, fnI>' contineed tlu insu, iloirsg tissy hiave tkeu ail sus-rjsssry pnsilwlenariiiituste see a srus sdn- culass re assiost iailii, lube ftoueSon -.the Saur sAkps uud entny wais -fe. e spectîttue lusùs. Tlsis- ut'ne is usr ais>', ttsàattlty are eitisur tlss-uwn jute d ise street b3- tic isstiigmucirt (i4rvant girl, ti nissus l tî-lis-'. c-it l'ythes niail iof tr.lif sî'-.whss tiidm th'-sss ercU lue retiriis isswue, Iusr<l wls eeire-q 0(5 * suggssetious i: umo ntlso'îs e o lglhîsl- turaày, ilu curtatsiji iui m, aus, answFr éersy îscs-îse ; lest. iisvagit lî-ssuos'ty of tisose viseisusi ce ros y lyad- v srtuiusg lus-.' foimsui tîsslthse, clusues ot a iewlpsjrer .tro thee 1,-t aud tIse Msert-st, rsud in tiesel'id them llapest unselri uw f comunicaîl!rtion bl'stwuetise isusi1Isc sorlsl l nri t fIsepsl-.. i ,scruieus.'Uniou, PV SUISuIîslNY t111 DT S 3-T£isera iF dolutistm-s enti ua tliug ns ecssive of mcisd usrs'i uluterîuinus tîtiîar-es asdmir- able sîuultem ti tsuss-vs-,but t honsetinnes liup)ls-uss tlsstitu à suusmades~i upun tic spict (fti ' h ruomnt i.r reg4rt- ti upor ii ss'ru- siciiwrsitos, ssrvc'3'of tiscfefsl. "ssrscrs'hu:f-ruu tetu issse -rtarku-n Istcly sa wortisy- iuruhiusofe A urcila Colrti , in½'tau. 'Fsbul- Ilinsuswnsre-a s L tselsius t'uwu at ýocie digasuà uI1trjuSàituk Coutre, nul tu accouiîrhs hties 1înrsuthdive e s'rr tire pralrivfroisî l iilttuý' tW(. Ils -.su liaecustuiîEd ite iouud and sigliut - osasteck hiis wisi iis-liefasus is a sloaghsand lic town is iglit. Tli goeîIsghi4 so8litary fsrti lieuise visible aud utqked'perminsîion tce suuy tllI unrr. ing, thre -ftrîu-r tvitiug tlisetrsseltst, buwtver thatI lu would hoteeiuiary f(;r Iliuit, a flep with ttise cildrcn or ývitîs tise farlapr itiniscif, as tîseir ascocouls. *' tionfI wves.iined. Qsick sus ligitunag, tie h. cl avsexre- l I&rese-luitiols -consmencas edtu asse-.asc 1113 fatisor if tiha Word,JIwnol." prefixed t- te iiasue ci aiisi1ss- cr fcngs-ese, sn was tîId tls>tt a-e ysursls vf beinez vt, ta-unùiS isink n.. if a- yar. "eil, tiscn,'i ho SIf you ,iilll wet t qturtes- voilsil tire-e60is-4ssîs>tt 7'" enwwbo m04eti ùh sl saqlnssistr lwso-:at it!scostiv ssked. vis> x r-eS - 'ou I6 Ilst, - cr rny ru *iso lus pased os-e-s-lIs sKle isaeniAs >'upi'.Well, ces-ce 40k , à-urentt tlrfers-y utng ?! vti > - 41s surpsised Tiie seau liad tv axplairs. tisit lutraip ns p s a a-m asîher i" lcçkltl. Tsawp tbip denk' stisat-da't. - Trampa tisat viii Itssapa thait vout. Trs-a genteel, tretmpa tiat es-c rough. aqi#ueiï.,MisgýR Clapp Ëüd ès-lnciisaia of tiese SIrra i y*qtae a o ontraclc te fusa. l4pping for Ca ' l a ur a /Hawthare. in hua ,ue.x to be soldaet yn'7Joy ,PM.4 Th e bert o Wàtizepi' oPt good fila ýst*,mtad. CLOTU 8ý OLD B! THBYi a.G. O1 0AtTION 1, MTRTLE NAI '4 NQNE IS GENUINE: TJNLEBS STAMPUD s-THERZARC i<VMBROti SITAIO%$os0 TUlE SIAIEET. rab. 24, 1875. 9 T IE QUEBNI 8 HOTEL, TAYTLORI & McCANIK, PItOPRIETOI5S. Th ixrudeniied estre te tufonsu thels- f ilenuls ad thse publie tlisuttlisa>' hsuvaken tire aSove Weil known listel, wvitol they hasve nowly fitted up andufrsîeasted, and put laitIse brut cf orson for tise :scoennnoda- tisa of làgsssau Thse Brn, wvii les'athe-luanri- auruuusin 55eCoutyla eli aupplled witls tise isîest irrurds cf iiseq,lilquort, and ci. gars. ,Ampltre encioesi lied mecnt ant-gocd talislus, sbox sîils, &o. Detasised tooma fer coissses-itl trssveiiess. J. Il. TAYLOR, PtLf'mcCtnà. iste cfTus-oute. P Oll'r WIITT3Y AND 1'OUT PERP.Y EXRSlNIAILWAY. TiME TABLE No. 11. l'akea efitc on Monday, April 12, 1875. Tr-sisu&s-uis by Toronto tusse, wicin i twen- t mbtaIiutes iwsr tisais G.T.R. tusse. N,t*r,' .à unctsoss, îdeî'rt 9.48 asu. 7.17 1) sn. Wbitl,3y........... .9)0 am. 7.25 pi. lrcoldlin .... 10.10 a.su. 7.43 juin. M.%ris .. .. .. 10.28 meî. 8.00 pin. 'Sumnnut ......... 10.42 a.m. 812 p.m. Msusnlse10.5iiSru. .8.22 p.m. Prince AJlbrt .... -11.05 arn. 882 pi. F'os-t l'essys-...arrive 11.18 a.rn. 840 pe. Pas-t leus-y.. .- past 6.00 m.m. 1.405 pi. Prince Alb"t . -.. .- 1.09 a-m. 1.49 pin. Manhser ...r.. .20t s.nr-2.00 pia. *Sursussit ...... (.18 ans. 218 pin. Msytic-------------647 usm. 2.27 pa.s - Brocikliss .......... 7.05 ans. 2.45 p.m. Whtby,. . .... 7-M m..3.18 p. 1Wlitlsv Juiletics, arrive- 7.40 arn. 8.20 p.m. 1'lIatfus-m stations. Trains stop on nig niais suiv. cssmsretiug ut Nhitby .iuutiou wth the G. T. BR. estimsauuWt; alut Port Penny wvus stage fur- Ysbria ge, sud dssrng navigation wit steanesen for Liudbay, Tension Falla, and 1toi'-ayge(jtu. JAMES HOLDEN, 16 Mauagiug Dlructor. OF FIli-UPIES TO li, TAKEN TD 1WCONSTAILLES. ([Jndei- Ondes- tu Couacil, slattad 2451sday of July, 1874.y 1. As-sest cfsails iusividual uiona 2. Serving suoios orsciispena.... 026 i. Mileatgu to senrvn suiamifs5ss, euh- pssia, ns-waant..............O0 10 4. ?.lileasge wien service cisnt Ise iin psouf of due sillitgaisse. - - -0 10 5. tileage tuking Ipiisouersè te gaua, exclusive oc i durrsserscttsu-c- emsassily cxliselssld in thisicosn. veyasie ............ ........... O0 10 6 .>st-Uiding Justiumeson unarsnmsr tucssurs slinrge vis-u slicrâe, for e-ssii day Isssscuas-ly -- îpiuyed jnenue os- nsora cases, 'taiscineut engagea mure eusse fous- huos., i1(N 7. lia. do'. nuIes rsgaged usure thass focsrIhours ....................i1 30 8. Attending Ansis-es an Sessions, esc], dry...... ..............i1 00 9. ilutage t)-velintsssattend AS- sle, s orunbefare-Jasticels (wlicin puibliec cuisyante tans be tisueur uly rcasursmbl" i dlbus-se- inslits te lue alinved) ........010 10. fusuoirg3 r acCoroners' lîsqur-cs, ssitcirieg attendueg at itlsjssst, sud al services in reg- -peît tiseceof, if iseld un suna day atn Jrisn mueI----------2 5 fs-urIsss-a...... ...... ...10 12. Do. d*. engageaduosisufr heuma........................ 1 13. Ses-vsig sumînor ut stpena. 10 atteuuLefoto Coroner (scbject No 10.) ........... ............ 14, Miluasme scrvinig e,----------.. u ... 10 15 Exbusnissg body uitçr Css-ollel,' wuSarat-------------------....2 00 16., l.......... Il ....-- - 2 00 17. Sesring distreus warrant, aud ne- 16,. .I.vertliug unuien disitrebs vas-- riss......»................. 15 39. Travelling te malte distreisa, or su searcli furngonds te malte distres, whseis ungoudéarase focd . n... iu1 20.4Appralimns -t'hetlîes- lyotiss on isSue', 2 cents intlu hue cblos, un lise varise cf tise gooudx. ftuid uelivery of tr lg's 5 3 r. sun THilE GREFAT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 Tressons, Debilits. r:osîns.ttssngetc., *iie, in many cases, as-e ps-udnud b>' as-as lnAnlgecélu the use ýof tobbace aud alco- holie aphitis; but, the Specifsa Medicine in suas-e iepaoally recemmeonded as an un"al- leng canafoerSemîssuil -Weakosmi, Kpér- mm hsrrlee, miua teOae,pdsidesa that foleow as s aeqsseuce of lSelf Abusease Ltoua os Meisani-, ',Ungverqftl Lnias. Viioreemminra 05d Agis aMes" thes- ulacanea that laid tu issanliy un Congsusiuln sd us freantora inv ail ai which, asa a s-si, are flit-ptcaÏseetby devlatlssg frein tise i-ath cf nature andl oves- indulgence. Th5e Speefi s Medlssissaàstlheeresmit al a 11e stud>' snd many yeass6aiexperieuca la treatlssg tise.spatial dL&0a.îsaFullpas-tlc. Umes-srlistc i splot, which -sF- desisetg mnaires by iseIl ta oes ïus- os ThSeclZ.fo Mediclu asi b l-rg -t si opr peksgean sIx packages for r5 an îli te sent b>' sallonreeipl0of lise - ~osb'addreoslisg TXUJOIUING Ç,QMPLýTI Choice Lots- of' New G-ood& Suite .d to- First-Class Tailoring .atLow Ptiees! - - 0 - Ezuglish, Canadian, and Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Vestings, Fine Doeski-us.ý -A Superior'Stock of Ready-Made 'Clothiugl Rate and Caps, andýGeut1emens Fjirnishm'nýsý of-àaI knde-. Leave your orders--ýatgoodf,#t guarauteed. 1Wýhitby,.April 6,.187 5. D'unàaàStot LARGE' STOCIK 0F CLOTILS -1 IS *Now COMPLETE, SAil the Noveltiias of the Present Season IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IATS, CAPS, &c., &o., AT ' A. PRI I G L E'S. B ROOK STR EET, WH ITBY,l (Net Door Nol-th of Dominion Bank.) E.. £> <W'.JOBis X * CHEAF CASH. STORE, DUFFIIN'S CREEK. Dry Goodtt and Groceries, the Sewest, xnost Fashionable, Best, and Cheapest. 1 LIST 0F AICTIONEERS Licensed for South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate- Municipalities lu the latter. -Ntssus Samuel IBaird-... H. L. ODell ... JousMetili .« D&uvil 3r'ownl.. E3. I. Cames-n....- Doura s-.. -la. M. Pattenson.. Nvm. H. loyd .. WVm. M. Wilcux ....- Daniel Rose-... Davii llieisap.. James Dig-byr- Jr..- James iglry, Jr... Donald Ross.. T-humas Potscher... Salons Eckhrbat .-. Jas. Kavanagis: E. Majors .... . D: M. Cs-d ... Wm. iordon.. Johnu L.Wrtkib -. ... J. C. Pillcey... C. Mocs-e...... Thomasius1acher... H. L. Vaezant.. Elles Dowes ... Thomas H. .Vlsise, Anthony ltee,.... J. C. 'Wiuditie d,.. - John T. Gog&s.. John R. Page- ... Tisonnas Poucses-,. L. Tais-bruks, Jr... Bsock .... AssesleL ..i.. Whitby...... Beavertte.. do. ... wbiteisusch-. . Pus-tPers-y.. -do. ... Ettat Witby .. .. Ilickisig ... fleaverlon .. do. Keswek ... Uxbrlige. - do. lirock ....... Pornt Pas-ny.. Goodwaod.. Manula ... Cantgton'.. Zorliys . ... IUî-srdgo ... Stosilivulle,,.. State NovwTus-k, W7hitby .. B m SI TI T Si SI LIST 0F PEDL ER-S FOI Edwrts-sIv Mlc... W. ltlubrdsors & Co Nelacu l ovie>'....- A. E. Mackenszie,... Wlitty, Nov. 1874. tVlitby. Noniteiet. p otý surs-ygtn,. . miuqiczpà-Lm--. Lncrssta Excusas. rock........... ..Mssch 4th, 1875. tas-a..............'-Oui> 8, 1875. catis Bi-ing.... Jniy 2, 1875, do,........p. 14, 1875. bhoraS.............. 19, 1875. 'bus-ah ......., 2.1875. 'rtis&Souith rdn 26, 1875. rock-------------.. 57. ras-lb BiSsa--wobes- 1, 18750. d------------ 2, 1875. 5nth Ridîug - -': 5, 1875. udo--------: 6, 1875. xbridge ..... d ,1875. fas-a.............. -7, 87. Tabsid 110,- 1875. ionthtl1% 1875. ctt.............. 18, 1875. as-lis Iiidrg.... ' 13, 1875. do. ........- 14, 1875. isuck ............ -Id 17, 1876. "osth Rlding .... 'I 20, 1875. laach.........'20, 1875. gas-a... ' ... 9;28, 1375. -athlildieg ... Novamler S8,1875. Y-stir Iiding. .... di 8, 1875. rock..... ...... No-. iBis, 1876. .oc- .-------Nov. litb, 1875. ~ tiding Dec. 8M, 1875. t2ik.Dec. lith, 1575. 'orth lilinig - ... Dec. 241h, 1875. sutis nao Jan. l2th, 1876. s-occi-----------Feb. lot, 1876. oeils Ontario.le. laI, 1876. Rt THE CO. ONTARIO. On fout. ...... 1 bus-se.... (Ioe .......... (Io ............. ano............. Orne herse, Cont>', Oui i'oot, couity.. Bs-O Mas-ch, 1875. -141h May', 1878. iStis Mssy, 1875. 19th June, 187,5 4tis Jul>', 1875. Nov. ltis, 1875. Nos-. 2let, 1875. WM. LAING, qo. Treasurer. 461 OIIAN ~MLLODEON UIIGANL5I THE MUDGE & YARWO If1Y- co.,i MANUFACTURE TEE CELEBRÂÀTED A31EBICÂ1Ëý ORGAN i Spocial notice is oalled to tise followiug Stylesuandprices: style s, i i Wsnut Case, $140, in Rlýstnant Case, 0fit Car-rngs $160. style 15, in Wahxut Case, $150, in Resonat Cas, ils Cars-lgs, $170. 7tyl 7n Resoinagt Case, $175, - n,, e Case, -with Carvmns ~5 Style-, ini Reacumàiat cïae'$190lu - samecae, wilh 'Carivinmge, $200, AUl maseof Blaok Waleat, pannellesi, with revolving or slidipîg Look-', boards, containining ail thse tetinreetsiitlau - - eleganti> ly ishedi, adoordiag to .prie- ALS, YRWOD)S "MELODEON 01W» N. -In handéorrie 1osewood Pia4o -Cases, ibyfnh -Styla 4, $150 ; Stle 6, $7;Style S. $200. These MeOIdeon.rgssîs, Pàïtetea~o 1878, nie manuulictured splely ,>y us,, anil caonl~y be pî-oeurési froni us andi pur Agenixta. Trade Mark naCases -Bgistered orx sole use. - À11Tcà..5...tma wa 4 à ~ .* -1 -j, The Briti8h Amerloan Cqrnrercial Qpllege, T 0R ON T 0-,- IIAS A BETTEII COURSE î F Ana furnishes mom BiTuirioxa torYonng en , aua the othor Colleges ini Ontarie combmned C Bank of Commee;Hn John Crawford, Lisnt4 'vernor oi Ontaio; W. xc HwIasd, Pre .«Dom!n&on loard of Trade -Hon. John 8 proident ontarl MikjHn Ib , -oha.iWmn. Gooderham, Eq., a f 2 sq.1,Presldsn? Dominion Bank; Hon. J. Hia&aTétzvilueur~ ance Co.; flon. Johns McMrurrich, Pr«>. Donanion lsePi9 I adp,.qGn "ce ejgo#qt,5,' G I. ïieC~~xn 4zu,V<r Co., ÎÏreantUAgeiz;jas.ereo1ig. 0Orur iens. ambg le erchauta areentirùelyto uou neùalnsd w =n1 ' 'efer ouxpaàtrocae to th'a" loadinbuinen s rçthro gon'every town snd'city in oul""9enmanarhterme, , aimereof j SPcm~s ODELIý &TROUT, Toronto. Furnituro1 Fgirnit-~,! Now is the time to buy good and chèap Furniture. Having bouglit out the busii4ess lately carried on by James H. Samo, we take this opportunity of inviting his many friends to give us a eaUl, and iwe- e.au assure, ai that we are prepared to do as weil by them lun the, future, as Mr. Samo lias, done in the pasl. Ti LL. & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail~ proMptly attended to. IJNDEIRTAKINGC.-The only first- class Establishment in the Cow4ýy where funerals are fnl- ly supplied. 1Wisitby, October lat, 1878. TILL & JOHNSTON. -000- MESSIRS. TOMS &NEWPOtT, Beg to inform the publie geuerally, that they have -opened a New Carniage Factory, on Dundas Street, TWO DO-ORS WEST of the P'OCT OFFICE. Where the are now prepared to exectute ail work ini the Carriage Makung Lisse, on tise shosteat notice, and made of the bast mia- -tes-land firs-t.is workmanship. A-LL WOiRK WARRANTEýD. REPÂIRING DONE WITH NEATINESS AND DESPATOH. Wlsitby, Jul>' Lti, 1874. 81 JOHN STON's SELF-RAK1.N f, AWARDED THE FIRSI -PRIZE ! At the Provincial Exhibition, Torontoin'; 1870. We otier to our customers for the couingHirct two dis- tini-it Machines, wvhich in style and cntùtoe~tsê the'latest and uiost useful iinproçétsfhedy J 1lNi N.S ' S S1 NG 1, 1SELF-1KAUG WAE11 THE 1UNG 0F, REAm8." Tie iiiiiversal suceSs of this Mah -e oth in Ctosely conitest ed triais and ln the hands of the JarmerA, warrant lis in saying ùthat, asa SeIf.Rak- lac Reaitinr, isanhine, it bas more good points sndd k-as iefects, and bas maet witb nor succeis aiîd le~s tîrfluie. thon beretefore offered to.che.publi C. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER WeO were awarded the First Prize %indDiplo'ma, at the Prcvmn. mael Exhibition, hela inToronto. i5'lOiicmeilo balthe Ieadirig Machines man-afsctured in thc Provincc ; and withounr recent- improveinetW-ùbatt Ingty etîailenge investigation fWelcomparigon 'itb C0Omptlrg Mhntîà we r satifled nhbt sncb investigation will coavinrW e every uàprendiced w'Miad. th-àt we oSfer theýbest.lower to the Fermer- for 1M7. buiWin 4the DOffi ion. _F#Send for descriptive catalogues. EO' ATESN DR Y 000-08 AND 0OýOCEI-ES# The undersigned i18 110W receiiiga LA]RGE STOC 0,QF DRY GOOý0DS ,Consisting of DressG.ood.s, 'in gr eat v arety -and of th ett ashiona, OdoredI ,Silksà Shawls, Maule~ Hsiery, Gi9lams";otusPrnt~&. A choice assortment ofCanadiap,,angd othérteï d and a full stock of niýré ' nmsý FSHF.4A- JIL Y GROCEIB\8 ~U~s, p~e~, aui t~ refined Sugars,- - The. beet Wines, jd B adieu. Ale andp4rm 4o'e Mesrs Ahtn&Prsos, bmcPathic Chemia' - P ýaonàoi, :ngand, have established an 5Aeney :foj c .i, pee up our'stook of thëir Pilules, Tiuc*,ureg,('.~ i~ &'d ns, &oyitlàout hliring to ivait, for. s4ppI4el ive4~1aii uforerl~.î Ay articleua i i St cà ce< b 'obtaiùéd' -in - afew N l. artesâ o'li.en u-Ifo usuýg Amnericau à taios,1I fu hec heaPÊraMd _pa]lyreEibJl. -Vdpies of the Guidewith. plain.dfrectibns' -No ofCmmnCnipaitsto"'eibo adFree le UAS. ]H. GERR' 0, - WhtMaxohul6, 1875. A LARGE N SPRINGt A ThOs-' jyafl tp ab& iii ai mré~ Cer Brook an4- Dtsssdcà Sie., VUPI- EW, STOCK 0F- - of eemer seL. I.JLJLJJJorbutonthe - P c -Iee 50t W. . ICKJE &c'O 5,55 A Fresh Lot of Groceries -and Ch oice Liquors, Which wil be sold cheap. for cash or fariers' -produce. Whitby, Apiil, 1875. NEW<lE WELLER Y STORE & REPAIR? 8HOP The subseriber having removed to, and fltte.dupto re mises formerly ocepiel by Mu. J. Wnixisso, as -n Musi ad ewiery Store,ý is prepared tG f arniali goods ili is line, includiiî'g S Pia'nos, Organs, C0lacIs, Watcles, alitz eellery, AT FAIR PRICES AND ON EASY TE1RMS 0F PAYMENT. IRE PAIRING ti ail its branches donc with neatness- and despateli, andý satisfaction guaranteed, and ut pricesto suit titintneq. If yon wisli for an Or. en, Clocli, Vaîcl, or anytlîing ini y line. duu't forget the place-and if yen wiisla any of thetu repaired, be siure 'andcal], (and if me canne suit you we wili net charge youn aytluing.) Fariners' produce taken in eschange fer goodcis. ?s' Remember thea place-. -,VilkinEron'i Block, l3rock Str2et, WhitLy. ! -1 - - Wlsitby, Pebrua->'ltis, 1875. 7-ly JUST RECE IVED iAT -THE W'H 1. TB Y '*" C0,HI NA T'EA 'STO.,R E GIBSON & SPARV]ýLL 85 Hhds., Ceates, and cases, containing the la gt, 13est and Cheapest Assortmeut of China, Glass-Wa,.re, and. Fancy GoodR 0f ail kinds ever exhibited lum' Whftby 1 China Tea Sotte, from $1.50 to $20. FanlyýVaseaou froni 10 cents to $.50, per pair. China Mottoed Caps and Saucers, from U5c. to $1.50) each. china mottood muge,, Caa-Btikêts 1-and Fanécy ýGoods, 9Ir IN ENDLESS VÀIUETY-l -%=- FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM Sm -TO $15, ýPER SETT.ý Ladies, ail the above having iscen purchased expressly for, Christmas presents, thev wiIl bsi sold cheap and without reserve.. Please osE ,and elxamine for yoursc1' vê5ebeiire purchasing olsewhero. W- 4jJso op band, ýa full assortmeiit of cho ice Toas,* Famuly Grocories, Fruits snd Spices of anl kindes,,Hamna, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Apples, Pots- OYSTERBS, best bramd, always on band. GIBSON &SFARWELLYS. Wvlitby, Dec. 15th, 1874. '5 THE OLJD-SAD [S'A, 1,11I-SJI E D W'ýM. TILL, 1833.] -PlIOPRIETOR. SF OTRA ee Blus -e- Wca-. G.,STInZON & CG. T, SALT 1 - S A L-E'- I Ta Pannmersansd cf 5'ss-e 'suntimg Sait, r aâns ellinsr geeddean...F.cla Sait, frasçh fs-oi car. for- go per tcn, ci b v taas1ud te smit pus-clises. Farmers. cii1 andles"ayons- os-des-a, yeuwnver bu>' c.heaper. Alec arriving by carsa qsa tty cf frs-oh minet Cea, direct fs-ouiPeïnsyiia. %- Ms>' quanity ' fgead. dryv oôd, alltfer - aie cheap fas- casb. atnsy Ceai sud Wood yard, ç9uth Caidwell's Hutel,,Whitby. WANiTED-200 Corde Gseenvoad, Beech and Maple, cnt tis iwntas-' 4ppiy a-. - CUSTOMS DEPAItTMENT, 1 Ottava, Mascirtlst, - 874.4 AUTHOB 1ZE D DISCOUNT ON .Ames-ican hn-aiea -until fustiser no- tice, 13,par, 00152.' 14e-tf Ë. S1. M. J3OUCETTE, Coînnsisaiones-of Customs. RATES OF PASSAGE; VYURTHER REDUCED. Steerage rates fr-cm Quebec to Li.eeno&l Lcndon4crry, Glaignew-S5. ChUànzrj over onea nît nderi2'liait fare. Feturu. tickets,-Quebec 'ola imeer'oc], Derryor- Glaeow-SO. Pepaïu pssage gertt.~- cates,-nLiverpvàl, ]Jexyor Gtasgow tý Que.- GEO. 'VILE. Frorm whom crcry lnfonnatioai zusy be- obtaiueci.- Wbitby, Sept. 19tb, 1874.-89 5_EEDS 1 , SEEDSI t Homne 'Grown Seeds!1 BrirWn'eCatalegne cf Seeuie sent free toa&II that apply. -My sefeds ara lresh, pure, -and trup to iame. They. are grown. anid aue forsale on Lot No. 8. lot con, of Pickerlnig, tliree miles West of Whltby. I wil aena seede free by mail ta a&U perts cf Americà, SWANTED-A Gyardiner, single or mur. *hoieAa nd Retail Seedsman. Whltby, Ont. March.rd, 1675. M-10 nLXMAJOR 1>4ILLs. NOTICE TO- THE PUBL The unuieregveid begs tô infusas cul es-e anS the publiceisat lie bas sentei aboya-,Grist iMileiransms-. E. Msjuî tai-m c n. ~ 'ea-s avinsg Issse-ri N w -;r1Qr Setse, NewBedroom sets, New lining,-rooui And a large stock of Canje and3ý. seat- Chafta, -Tables, Ë'ureaug", Sôfas"-_LoungeýBý Cubards. ,Iaiz',. Clothi' anid Damussk Lounges, &,&o-Afine stock of New Gilt Window Cornioe The largcst and cheapes.t stock of Pictures ever utowu, au - h vli 'h]e offers ',t prices that 'wM]ln . of eh - fs-s A Stars- Phys -Wisitb s'st Teath i local si ana ne A GZ -of Jenail ilesidan Fai OJ -. ---theahes Tersmc bestewac Tewn os -aisgense Bro-ck St stauutiy o U NDE p lied and Sept c'e &C., Aît physiciasu JAS. PR] First-cla LA3 1tss e i À 1 1 1 - 1

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