Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1875, p. 3

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sang 'oeil A lue i terni ve8dayj, Jzme 18t, '187-5e h. h=uxci Tan oclool ln the forenoon. . TR . USTON, 't ru Cark' gifce, To-wn Clark. Mbtby, IMtb May, 1870. 21. -OA OANEASSOCIATION. 1 ý jw' 14*e.t Feu Whst.,........... #019 0fi 0 Uping Wheeî.......... 00 920 Î 'Earley ................e909506110 Clavas................$56000a8P1lm Pesa............... 08e »laokEyPoutiolti., 0 090 potalos............so000 e'Egga.............1 24o000e *Butter..... ,......... acO(lSe CO&l, par ton ........87 088 Wood .......... ... 040008480 Pork,psr cwt ... .....$808800 Clulokens ...... .... 80a00oper pair -Duecki par pr ...........800(36 Turkeyo, pçr.lb ........eo Gese.........-6o0070. -*Apple., par buahel ...... u80 ..............~...Ibo @ 17o 1300f, bid nart sa.$ 08 B..f, fors qutarter .. $04 1S 00 IIeJIBDY FRÈICI-We odfte,a simple andours ineaus of self-curs, for Cou. amnption, Bronchîitis, Asthmes, Catarrh, Se iel, and anydiseuse of the Throatir Lunge. Nervoua Deiltity, Preinature De- ony, Wéalcues, and ail disordera lrough on by youhful Imprudence. TUTTLE & Co., 78 Naseau-et. N. Y., Buch Ia the unfiform affect ofi Ibis prepara. tion, whlch explaina whyi it la ao extraor. dlnaryil reeloring the feeble constitution, and angmentiug the. -ital powers. By se. o uring th0 perfect assimilation oi food and formation ef purs blood, the îîutritlonn a the orqansansd tissues lIoniaintalned, the gapa, moede by disease repalred, thie waste reluit. Iz . n ran mental aud phyoical exertion An p. plled, and ail the functions af the. body autalned lu a vigurona condition. The atioatoiths Elixir ila t aid nature porsani. - ntlyanýd It la incapabje ai pervorting her lawu L'y over ttmulating or depressing the Prepared frein the Purs Greesao THE CANADA 'BEAR. him delightiuUly Brfurndprépa:ration cltnling itta remainin any destreui postion. It giveb the Hair net ouiy~ a luxuriuant growýth, but arrese greyness,1,aldueaa, and other diaemaea-CI the head andl acalp. Genume Jear'a Urease han long been held lu high esteens as a valuabîs article for Dresslng the. flar. It has been liighly comsnended and naed by eéinent Citemista sud Phyician. ci evesry untry. Bach bttisleueclosedjus a card board box surrounded bya tlnely engraved wrp. Per, termlung a package bath ornamnti sud nasini on every Ladie-s' Dreasing Table. Priçes50,cet akgoi. 10 sale Proprietars, mout'real. NEW ADVERTISEM~ENTS. ÇIIANCURY SALE A? or Farm & Cedar - 14TE£ic TOWNSHIP OF,? Punsuant ta au order muads ln Farron vs. Farren, viii Lie said by public anction, witis tise approbation ai the M aster, ttise Royal Hatel, lu tise VILLAGE 0F -SA NDFORD, -Saturday, 15th cf dune, 1875e, at twa 'clack. 1 PAIlCEL 1.-TiseNartis West Quarter of Lot 24, lu the. <IiiConcession ai Scott, * sc.'p about two-aund a balf acres theneof sold for taxes. Au l ceared, sud Woul cultlvated. Ou Il areas Dwtoiing, Shop,' Stable, sud Orchard. *t h viii I sotd snbject ta a ssie sud cer- tain suarîgages. PATICEL 2.-Ths Nprtis West Quarter o f Lot 22, iluhe tiSh Ceufoosaon- ai tisa sald 1'ovsstilp et itt. 8 acres lsared; rosi tiunbèred cliedy wiîis valible codar. Il is n uiject te psymant ai about $120, baisuceaif purcise mouoy duoi ta Use Von. uedr otti,.deccasicul. 875 aipurthnsemoney te lie paid ut tise lima ai sale; 'reuninder lu aise suîstis. Fer fortiior paticulars Ses large Posters, ýr a1lynt thse lsw office ai H. 1. Haweii, signed, - 3. W. TAYLOR. Dated 2lilliMay, 1875. 22 COUNTY COVNCIL. THE JUNE SESSI*ON ot thea Cousnîy Cennoli ai Ontario Wii ba heiden ut tise COIJRT HOUSE, TOIWN 0F WHITBY, 1' P$A Y, JUNE Illi, 18M'6 st iva o'eiook lu tise stlernon.i Ail accounul. gainst this Varpicrtion mueI tscrandaredc thUe lerk ai tisa Caun- ail by Mouday, May 81sI. H. J, MACIJONqELL, Oouuty CeloOlro *Cou t0ierk'e offices, _ WisLby, May, 1874. 22 L OST 1 À ..morocco Pockat Boik, otllg$9 *balvasa DIsfisie' reaRsu Od-Cuesao - iakerIaà,on Sudcy gIra iustant. -&PY ary DOu l ie sasuA -ansd reourang àlta te awner vinbbe .ulIsbly reardoed. - - RCOS. MILL, 920Audoy, P. 0. Lands1 wwn ai it.in te rauge Bà%Wmaay, 011 SATURDAY, D9TH LVYSrANT; st 2 01cock p=nt»Uay. Matarsof Prvat* govrx ttemevsu a«or&4ngy. MAY lth, 1870. AUCTION RATE Waggon -and Âgrioultural Impiee plements, Msiers Tools, and.iimpie., Monts ana.Machinery. 48o * acre cf Land$, House,« shopa, &o. The Subscriber ha. recetved instructioni M1X. JAMES ýCLAYTON, to »U lby Publie Âuotloii At hi# ahop, Brook Street, Whitby, an Bofurday, th4 l12ik da, of June, 187/5, At 12 oclock, faon, the following valuable preperty, viz : 1 Fariner. Waggon, nev. 1 Heavy Wagon, pew; Quantity cf Tunip Drills double au singae* 20 Patent HIors. Rakes and Pa entitgt; 4 Churna; Wheelbarraws;. Waggon Jeeka; 1 Straw Cutter -i Grain Crusher, Ayers malce; 1 Corn CobL crueher. 1MÂCHINERY. 1 Steain Engins, 4-horsepower, uearly uew, Harpsr's moa - 1 Irn-Lathe 12 foot bed and a quantlty af tools'; I Wood Lathe and teela ; 1 Teissntlssg Machine, Harpera' usake; 1 Scctutling Planer new - .1 Cireular Saw, table and saws; 1 dresicut Circular Saw>iachline-1Morticeing rmachie-1 Gi fIinga; 1 Ïce jIe bOure for boxing sud turning Waggon wheei rima; i Gauge Rest.. four sies ; 1 Grindatane ; 1 Anvil ; 1 pair Vice; 8 Pair Scrueing Stocks sud Tapes; I Hersa Power wlthaself.drlvng whiplh1 and machine for boreing W gon HaLLs; 4 qnanttyof* Beltlng, Lusuber sud Spoes; Bfedsteads, 2 Stoves; 1 Lounge; 1 kitchen Table, and.a quantity aofallier articles ta numerous le mention. Aiia a quaiter cf an acre cf Land, Dwelisg Houas sud Sisop, wilis Stable Orcisard sud Garden. TERMS.-For Chattel property, $6 sud under cash: over that ainaunt, mouths treuil on appreveil securltyZ. For Real Esae 0 prcnt.co naudeuongiwt esa 10pr cent, ta maka 8u 0 das, and the 1 baacelu Il yaaiMaI8 prent. ltersnt payable aunuiy. Whitby, May latis, 1875. 21. w HITBY RIGH SOHOOL. Thenext Examitiation for Adinîssian wiii ho heid an TUESDAY sud WEDNES. DAY, tise BIh sud th et Jaue. 1875. - OBO, H. ROBINSON, Wisitby, May lOtis, 1875. He t-ster }JOUSE WANTED * Within five minutes wslk ni tise Foat 01. lics. About six mrems.uitabie, vîll ha talion for a termz ai years. Aduireais, Box *185, Whitty P. O. Wisitby, Apnil l4tis, 1875. 16 C HNCERY NOTICE TO CRDI. TORS 0F JOHN FARRON, DECEASED. Psauant ta an erder of tisa Court af Cissnosry, made lu tise malter eofttsa estato ci John Peron, and lu tise cause etf arron "igatuOFarroz, tise ereditors of John Far. mn, laIe ai the Townsship e<-Scott,- lu tise Cetnty et Ontario, Sisoamalier, wha, died in or about the manîli et May, 1874, are, on - or belor. thse SCOTT. j1l16i' DAY 0F JUNE, .1875,1 la ssnd by p st, prepaid te Hector M. H Fel, qire, oi tisa Vilae of Uxhnlige, iu the Caunty ai Ontaria, tise salicitor ai tise adminlatrator aiftise dscsased, tiseir Christatu sud Surnames aduiressesansd dés-. triptlon, tha ful partIcufana ai their claimsa, s statemeut oai hieir aceaunta, sud Use na. ture ai thes secunltieu (if anyl held by tsens; or lu detanit thereai, tisey will h *-persmp. tarily sztluded tram tise beueit ai tise saîd order. Every credilor holding any mcurity la te prcdute the sanie hefare me, the under. sigued Master lu Ordinary ai tise aid Coust at suy chambors lu tise Osgaade Hall lu tise C itfTno on ths 251h day ai JUNE, A.D,1875 1Stoane o'clock lustise aiternoon, bel o tise neappoiuled faor adjudication eon cfilamsa. Duled the Iith day af May, 1875. Sigusd, 21 T. W. TAYLOR. H U OUSES AND HALF.AClIE FP LAND FOR SAILE I Tise underslg.sad nfers for aie ber enlire preperty, sitnated eon tise cerner ai Trent end Centre Streets knoou as tis e raperty ai thse late RCBE ÏtT SPENCE. Liiere s ans.hoif acro oanad an visicli is slînated feur rasidenoas, stable, divlng shed; alsa fruit trees, &o. Tise praportyvil be seld l insais or lu parts ta suit tise purchaisasx Txsuo.-About one.tird clown sud Lai. mute ou time ta ho secnrsdl by martgage. Bar lurtîter partlcuiers apply ta tise ovuer an tise promiss. * - MRS. RBT. SPENCE. Witby, May 17, 1$75; 21 W yELLAND CANAL. Notice- to Colitractors 1 Tisbeltlng citise vrks for tii. anlage. mentai tise ellaud Canal, -advertlseata- taie Plats on die first day ai Jue fext, iq unavaldmbly pOalpo.nsd ta the folleing dates : 9 Tise Tender. viU he recelvedl until Tiurs dyts24h day et joue nexa. Pan eid spcificitleus viiiba ready for oxaminatléeon anFrlday, hlit]% ay af JUO. B jy rder, F.BRAUN, Depertmout Puble Work., Scetr- -Ottawa, 114th l4y, 1872 I-BUAFPND WEILLINê FOR SAL,,, 7i) OOPart ci lai No. 4, lu thse 4th cou 07R-!0 ; il;" elearedl itis tie ezoep. t4o ai aboti2or leares af - bard 'wod- FISRY LEÂSES AND 1LIOENSBS. ea.àeinicite t'ko"eV' fr h iipki4 y rean o nes r aar&& elàcilon h ietrswub elulaAt-tbe &tue ianmai nset. or oe hé ùig-fous luToronto, on TUEBSDAY, 'Depertiant oi marina mda-Flsharlei. IiseIPTEENTE.dayoi4Juue nazI. The, il onsbll in &il vetoe uituatt4 .j âhe rto be talon et lk o'elook, neen, pre. ay ovréer c'heliù ,yorder of the Boa. By odercf l, Mnute, - D. PISER F. WWHiîOHRR, .- OlerÂIa BÂsxOsiar 912» Commlemlounarf a ita. B umanvllle, Apsil14,1875. 1 ST OUR ETESI tas Euhîýi».a6i-e8 teet. u Bostore pi do ail neessrep4ahoth-ýoE~n ÂAelo finac ober meléy 1y0 A! y -wMr f U ~a e haecter osn& ability. For. referene lat 1A àIOL<W eorc. iH. -Waterous'& Ce, Bratiord; C. AND ANATOUT or thea Dràpori Whitby, ana m asiTronto, h~1ua5, ,~eJOHN KH. BLOW, estVtmoanstOv.rworg memP5Clsow Box 71, Whltby, Ont. toecure al, Watery. IseR and ib, May 121h, 1875. lmm20 M BB tdye, anad a pieii-~__ ~s .crANv~a IODM. Cae~ D FUMLvo TOUR PACE. Pamphlet 0<100 gMNalled Free. bon Vurd--s =einSyoaar4 ,ee A. -j6 9m -- as .-- A -w antecI jrtzeule,&sentafro ae. 7te1= .dltely, 10 fl3. ,BAU L& 00., (P. o. nox e67.) 114'91Idberty St., Nswlork City, 1N. Y. JAMES MAC KM, Balsns Agent for the County ai Ontario. ÇHANCERY SALE or VALUA BLE TOWN LOTS IN WHITBY. In pureusana of à decree and arder far sale suds if the Court cf Chancery.i the matter of Re Sproule and cauns, FR UNG v8.--SPRO0ULE. There will ho muid by Public Auttion, with thse approbationaif<5-erge Henry Dartueil, Esquire, Master af Use said Court at Whitby, at Rayes BrtiehAmerican hotel, lu thé Town aif Vhitby, by Use aaid Master, Sccîerdlay, ttecfi/tlt Day of Jiut~e,1875g, et ane oi the dock lu tise aiterneon, ilii four parceis, au feo1iaws. - Paxcel No. l.-Towu Loto,, nuiber. 1, 2, 8, 4,17, 18, 19 sud 20, lu thse sixîli double Ran1,geai Lots aWest ef Brook street lu Use Parcel No. 2.y-Town Lots, numhera 128, 124 sud 127, East ai Brook street, part ai 26 lu tise fouicon. oi Whitby. Purcel Na. 8.-Tôwn Lot, nusuhr 146 West ai Brook streelj part ai 27 iii the fnd con. ai Whithy. Parcel No. 4.-Town Lots, numbers 167 sud 210, East of Brook Street, part ai 20 lu fn ous. of Witby. Tisese Lots are ail wel ieucod sud fiue building Lots. Purcel 2ýo. 1 being ituaied two bleuis souti;swost af the Court Hanse; and l'artel No. 2 near thse Raiiway Station ai tise Part Wiitby.and Part Perry Exten. sien liatlway, sud at p rosent used as a woodward. l'artels 8 aud 4 are wsil situat- ed lu 1h. North Ward. Tender, will ho recel-ced hy tise said mas- ter, for auy or al ot the mid praporty up ta the day ai sale, but n tender uecessuriiy aocepted. Thse parchaser shal an the day ai -sale, PSY clown oeetenth oi hi& purtisase meney, the balance ta ho paid ans menth tram tise duy aimaise. Upan paysnt .aiftise sad purchase ulnsy, thse purcisaser wiii be outtlid te bis ,convéyauoe sud be let loto possession there. ai, or recel pt thse ai renteamsu profits thereaf. Tise endor wili net bo honnd ta produos ,unY title deeda net lu lier possession, or te fuish aoy ouhor abtracitissu tise Regis- trars abstract. Thé elfiertontiltians are the standing -cauditions ai tihe Court of Chasscery. Fustier îurticuiars sauy bhoebtaiued ifras Mesmrs. G. Y. Smiths, Volidor's Solicitor, W. H. Ilillings,- Solicitor for tht adminis. trator sud for tiese aid toaster. Witby, May l7th, 1875. çoO. H DAI1TNELL, 1 Master. G. YOUNG SMITH, Vondors Solicitor. W LLND CANAL ENLAItGMENT. NOTICE TO CONTRA CTORS. Seuieui Tenders addressed te tise under. signed, anti oudorsed "Tender for Welland Catnal," wiii bc recul-ced aet this office until tise srriai tise Eastern sud western maille on TUESDAY, the OirsI day af Jua uoxt, for thse constructionu ai a Tunnel, a numbor oi Locks, itegulating Aeirs, Bridge Aisutineute sud Fiers, Lexcavation, Dnedg ing, &c., connecli iti sesaeral mlles ai tise enlargeenst, aima the extension sud deep. eniug et Part Dolhousie sud Part Coîbaruàe Harbora. ' Tih., Wanks wM Le lt Inouectione, smornfa visicis arc siluateul on tise uw lins beîween Part Dalhousie andl Thoiold, sud otbers. about ane suite il cgtli eacis, ceumist prin. ipslly deepeuiug sud videnug tise present Canust p aces betweei Tisonolul sud Port Coltiorsie. Ma]0us e se meeral Ivcalitiee, teether vus 1lassasd Spécifications of tiseWorks, tan lie.seen ut tisis office au andl aitex Thursdayuthe 20th day ai May next, visere printed ofrms oi Tenders tan Lui obtaiued. A like oais.af information relative ta tise 'Warks north is fAianbnrg viii ho iurnished at tise Residlent Engineers Office, Tisoraluiz sud fer Works sentis cfPort Robinson, Plans, d&., May ho sesu at tise tesident Eu- gineers Office, Welland. - Contractora ara reqtsesed te bear in mind that Tender. viii nat Le cenidered unss niadeaetrictiy in accordauce witistise pint- oui fartaasud-lu 'tiése u.ci fin-except tisre are attacised tise acýtuai signatures, tisknature ai tise occupation sud place af reuidenuze 0 a sri uembor cf tismre; and furtiser, an accepted bank cisoque or otiser auuiible îecurity ifor tise sum ai tram oe to'threîhousand dollars, sccordlng te tise eâient af vark lu tise section, muet uccan., fuyoaoh Tpudar,visicis aura sisalS he for- ieied if theaParty teodering decliiLssenter- ing ïÉo contract for tise variaSt tlis-rates sieted in tise affer submitied. Tise azueunt reqnired lu oacis cmos vill ~ sîated ounete eraof-Tender. Tise oheque or mnsey Usus sent l in-S hob returued te thsereapee'tv contractera visas Tender. are net S06opted. :For tiso dus iulflmàeMtes Is e* rat satlfctory Secuxlty viii h reejurda real enti or by deposil a o nsauLaorex mncplmurtias, or,haiiîust an ansouniais e ecentan tise bu O um of théeCantract, iv-"Isicis Use suinat lu vil tise Tender wIll b. considered s Part. mate fercent only.ai tisa progrs.esi ai neûth e c tnnè d-1 ENERBfAL SESSIONSi. Notice la hereby given thut the Court ai General Sessions aud County Court for tise Cannty af Ontario wlui ho eld in the Court HQuse, lu the TOWN 0F. WIITB3n#'V, ON TUESDA Y, dUNE 9th; 187i5, at the heur ai 12 o'clooc, noons.oa whioh aU Coroners, Jurors and Constables are Ire. quired to take notice. N. G. REYNOLDS, Sherilif'saOffice,SerfC.O May 4th, 1875. 19 Burnett's Oocoalne Prens tblai tfr<om Fainzu. Burnett's C*ocoai*ne Promole s Iiealthy Growtls. Burnett's Oocoalne la, iit ,t Gc-uýer F tic?.y. Burnett's Oocoiaine Lenur.-e noDtîagreeoCulor. Burnettls Cocoaine qtues ilBefraetory flair. Burnett's Oocoalne Scotsedtus IritatadSealpSkin. Burneftt'sOocoaine Attords the Iticheat Lustre. Bu rneftt's ocoaine lI s'au eAlcoolollo Wash. Burnett's Oocoalne 5Ctt5s DaudruM7 Burnett's Oocoalne lives New LIue ta îLe lair. Burnett's Cocoalne 50 end 75 cents per Sottie. PERS? flAVIS & 80ON & LAWRENOE, MVONTREAL, P. Q. Agents for Domieon0f Canada. JOSEPH BIJRNETT & CO, BOSON, pirap.riutes. Iron -n the Bloodl MAKES TH1E -WEAK STRONGI ed&Solution of t; tieox e Of the s o onbnc a 0iaso easil Jgse and assimilai ced *witi t/c1010e looas tihe simpicat food. If increases t/cc qantity of N~au 're's Otun Yiali:ing Agent, Iron ini/ce lslood, and cutres ,lai iousand 1184 eiply y 1Toniny tcpIInvigo ratiimg 7andi rie/cd d vai.-/edblood per- meatcs every part off/che body, repairing damiageà and wacite, seurcicing- ouf miobU(l sccre- fions, and leavlng noti-ng for disease fo fecd 'upon.0 Thics la thce secret of fie won- de,'ful encc-as of titis rewd i ii, ecrlng DYSPOPSIC, LiverCFom. plaint, Dropsy, Clsronie ]Diar- rhoea,13ols,NmrousAffectUons, Chilis and r, overs, gumors, Los$ 0 f COnt1Uto.4 gor, Diseases of tIse Kicneys and )3ladder; Female Complaints, and ail diseases or;igfinita fitus a bail state of thce bOood, or ae- companied by debOU or a bowv statu eoffihe sstem. eecing /re front Alecoo ,<n any forln, ifs energfizîng ekeets are flot fol-. lowccl by correspondlng reae-. tion, but ar'e YesnaneniinI%.. siltg sireng7ti vigorg, and ttew llfito ail parts offthe syefemp anu building Up an Iron ,Con- et ituf ion. T/cousande hcave been cTvingedg lj t/ce use éfiefs renedg, firon iveai4 alli y, sufferina crea- tures, to sirong, ceaUlr, and ihappy itneia and twon -and invatldscannot reasonaMslieu-. itate t£, 7f/itia fr141. Sec t/caf cacie bo4«be ias PERU- VIAN SYR1JP lowÏ&sfn&ticelâee. -Pamphlets rc SýETH'W. FOWLE & SONS,-Proprletors,' NO. 1 XIutoiS F-eg Boton. Sox.» uitDaU*ooZaTsoNxA yUNG'5 HOTEL, NOCEBAU, DALTON, '['BoB'. XK.- ONLIY 100 ,BUSHELS LEP! EAIRLY ROSE, GARNET CHILLIES, Seleeted éespecially for seed, and pur- eeased from one- oftlie best growers in Canada. tc- CALL AND SEE THFEM. «" 4.WOODAL 'Li Crosby's oia Stana, Whitby. 1May 19, 1875. GOLDSMITH'S HL New Goods to Uahnd-Great Induce.- ments to Cash Customers!1 -000 W RUSSELL A EL WATCHES,- ZIN WATCHZS, WALTHAM !ATCHES. 2LDd SIL VER CASES. a-Day and 80-hour Clocks in «great variety, English Fine Gold Jeweilery, Gold Cha'îne, Bardrops, Lookets, Gem Ringrs, Wedding Rings, Spectacles aund Electro-Plated Goode, Ail much below last years' prices. A few -Gigs and Peranibulators left yet. JMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watch-niaker. Goldsinith's Hall. Whitby, May 18, 1875. -21 SOIJTH ONTAIRJO BOOK STOIRE. SOHOOL BOOKS, Sehool Books, a full supply.of text books always on hand. STATJONERY, Stationery. We keep the best selected stock of Fancy, Initial, and Commercial Note Papers ana Envelopes-im the county. SBLA-NK BOOKS, Blank- Books, Day Books, Cash Books, Journals, Ledgers, &c., made of the best paper, in, good binding, alInmds-and cheap. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINE S, Newspapers and Magazines. Those wanting their Magazines and'ipapers deivered with promptness and despatch, should lea'de their order at Robinson's. MUSIC,' MUSIC, a large stock of Sheet and Half-diine Music always on hand. J;, S. ROewERISON, Ëcokseller, Newadoalor, Stationer, -and dealýr iu Fauoy Gobds, &o. (Bengough's Old Standj Brook Street, Wbitby. P. S.-We pay special attention to the ordering [of, mis- collaneous, Bocks, Music, &o., &o. BOOTS AND SHOEÈSB FIRS-T-.-CLAS5S STOCK 0f Ladies', Gents', Misses', and Childrens'ý Boots & îShoes, whieh ho is detemmincd to soul FOR-CA.SE' at the lowestIliving prices. Loavo your orders., Ccn't bo boat for a perfectanld easy4ftingý boot- Repairs as usuàl. April 28th, 1875. Brook--St., lWhitby. LAING-.& STE A Would beg leave to annoûnuce -to their friends and c i'stom- ers that they cie now in a position to OFFER SPIECIAL BARGAINS! ïiN tEE FOLLOWING LINES8 ~"O i.i ý,T aMtri- O.n.L b. Wa.,.j T wes Gray and? Bleaclied Cottoni n a'c anld -Mlflnery, in Flowers and Featheri men ts,ý and Mantle and Dresse Trh Englilia nd anadian Cloths and, Twe -frrintect Our celebrated I"Voit Celeste," Vox Humma," " Wiox Patent," -"Oc- tWàe Coupler," the chàrmnfg "Colo'! or Il aliionette" Stops, IlGée Horn," IlOrmmons," I"Vox Âugelet.," IlViola Etheris," and -AL.L THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Oan ho obtaineadoniy in these Organs 1 "-.,11#y Different Styles, for the Parlor Éna the- Ohuroh, tho Beàt, Matéria1 and ,Workmens1kip, Quaaty autd Volume cf Toue Unequalled t PRICES, '$50 -TO $Soc.- Factory sudWarerooms, Cor. 6th andI CcngresdS~ ts., Dxr-ncrr, Miohigan. <Establisbea lu 18W0.) Agents Wauted in Every Couty. Address- OLOUGH WARREN ORGTAN CO., DETROIT, 1110H. H A MILTO11N &0 0_8 Have now opened-up a Large StockÎ of -Seasonable Dry Goods, consisting of' NEW DRESS'GOODS, NEW LUSTRES, (Celebrated Brande',), NEW PRINTS, NEW CLOTHS & TWTEEDS; NEW IIATS &CAPS, NEW MILLINERY GOODS, Clothing made to order in latest styles;..- W. vol LODGE OOM FURNITBEI esrved lu accordance %vitli the inoal approv.- eo anid acappropriaI. desigus, md must- passed bt as regar2s BLEGANCE, -LItEGANOE, UTILITYAND ECONOMY, - ECONOMT, byazy iiatabuishmenc ut uthe Domlnion. ~'The =stI satssfactioiçngaran. Itemembor aur W ro &o 17 TOR8z ONGT.ET Tao. ROT O.SOI NEýW TEAS AND GOOCERIES. A.H.IAO BOOT AND SIIOE ExMPO1IIJ1I,* BROCK STREET, WH~ITBY.' o- 'D -RI RAS TUE Largest Stock, Latest Styles, I Greatest Variety, Ail Sizes in. Fine and Goéarse Lines.' LADIES' ' MSSES' AND OHILDRN'S,-VERY BUItARBLE Ail orders punctuaily attended. Repairs peatly done. JOHN SAUNDERS. Whitby, April 2Oth, 1875. 17 ]DOMINION WAREROQMS-0 LOWES Are in receipt of, a ful and complete stock of Dress Goods in great varfet~ Black and Colo ured Silhi Poplins, Lustres> Paraols, Hlosiery, Glo-ves, Laces, Cloths, &c. A Ful -,Stock of -Milinei'y. Dress and Mantie M&king donce to order iinder the auperitondenco cof a ~rst-eless Dressm&kor. Milhinery and- Tailoring done t'o order. - Satisfaction g~Six' Girls w*anted to work on dresses, âud*Two 3taoe twork on cna TJOWE'S &POWELL, Whitby, April 14th. 187-. 18 NWGROCERY 'STORE, I 1 Begs tol intimate to hiel roun indiit thal .14 Toronto, Aprfl, 1875. SSAFP TEIiS. LEATHEB VALISES SARATOGA TRUNES. &., &C., at WILLIAM THOMP-8O'N'8, Sadier sud Harnss Ma.ker. Jue 21, 1874. glu D AY iLInE TO ROHRES'I2ER Cosnmencing au or about lOtis April. NORS EMANI wii make lier regusiar trips an thuu rauie, leavin Cohourg svery morn, .ug at 7.80 sud Part lfope a1 9 o'olook for., ochster, con- uectiug Usoro wlth Use Newr York Centna sud R0silwcys for ail paots esst, vent, sud aouth. B.eturnlug z hi leave Charlotte (port 01 Rochster).diiyat 9pan., oeept Satnrda7t ,thon sue i e louve nt 2 p. mi., direct fer P-otHope direct. ý- This fi tis harteât sud. quitisel a roto to Oswego aud Watertovu, via LaRe Ontario shoxellsliraafrein Charlotte- Dealers iu stock, &o.,. viiifind ithis e ceapont sud meut aedteuflos ronte to Boa- - R. CP.ÂWPOID, C . F. ILDER5LEEVE, Part Hope. - Kingston. - 1? IN VAU L D sMI1THEl anud su cNew blýyf W«U Whitby, April 6, *1875. THE . SUBSCRIBEIR HAS A lý' li 1 0 H N - POWE-.LL--

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