Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1875, p. 2

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-"- -- - Estern Star Lodge ha4 bueà oêulkt ONLY,, OsS PERSAN-NUM. -q4i eiuuite have Ithe iledication oftsf loi bianhiffi noir hall laite place. osa i1â Whhby,-hurq~ay, May 27, 1875. d4. hy morked, l May b. Rai, Tise *0.81 spasme oceapledby te ra- t1ý uaitiniug exertions of te Grand Vo ý 01ith#p"qe4dngs cft tise Qaen's'Worhy Paîiaret, Jeohn Hams Port sthclay, .omp.Im s ste lay oser' %eV- And Denver tidi aMant Ireir à hlm l orl ruticles or cfluuportne, mwhs igiiitultntc Ilii. mre mith tise doItsnlna-. *ppar s.xt week.- lion Ito secure sttccesm aI any cool esf ---- -'--s imre sud trouble titan dtd Joie sa OouxvQoirNcL.-Tite coaaty ccu-Penny. Ho mal aaco.sfal -la te Mst .e e lhll msée AIt tho Court bau, Whlt. @minent degrso. And letahlIls . by, fo, hî a ndaetion cf bains., on bretirnn as watt asulte toma of Witbty TPuàdhY stI, tise lui of Juste, aI (mc stand priuclpahi tdebliei for te grand o'olock, p.m, spectacle rreoiented end te greal st;4 -- '---' ~noven.lo.be.tcrgottass emenstnation of, t -'PsS utaurEtenutu tiisr-Ltsskîbboîmeay Iset. But peniîsi e ied,, btg theDomtiion 'relel-mpll'Company beller begin ut th eginuing andt aké w. recelveti tee eît etiftis grosstaheprogramme luintirer. Ia tic faist' @von, via Neuw York, t tire ocick yü.- place liaeemas tae l.rday. Il wue mnt - îy '"Galopin," tDcAte "Ciatul." ueactui, .snd "Ilespet. u iahu mti aept nlt Lotige ruent. AItte ime appouite-' l3àAaà.-The adiiasha-vlug ts i.e cai-i uatsibi a lugstageunîîof te barutar,1 nom belug crammeti-thîs dedicallon bslng an open 11.4 li lte Ien amderliaotii onee. Ladies-soeaof tliem aveu mii lowu* batl, le î ihita talote talite pubtic alilltran In thot.r 'arre-eoccupiod ne thaf I leh their Intention le close th. amail shmne'cf lte space amonget lte - - sci-cuFnldsy venng nxî,sui ehbretitre n l tem rattractivo rqgaita. Prnitiesynet ellpso n ing y ti atd ll hBtly afler thte appoiuled lieun Grand milb. al p a auîloi ati oit teMaster Fitzsmmenm, mhse mas nsslated SitebigestLIlum. îeymonti iseby te Granit Oficere etf Ontario, John reusîlatirm friand. andthltepublic W. Blebiins, Grand MamIet cf Noir thaltit. ksp raresmenl ani t 'Yoark, ion. M. J. Durham, et Kentucky, enua .h*ys o Isnti.- GrndSit-e cf te niteti States$* sud the Hon, setinyler Cetfusx, ex-Vice Pro. -Sir â. T. dil has, bseu off«e,ant Idset of tae United taSîtes, as melt ns - it -~ b aeeoptod ltitheflce cf Britishi Con lte olUcesmof Baileru Stan Lode t ooie mIssion-es'oit the valtaticuote isFisi- thhein Plaies: 0 i ficn flt scisuuJn ,ecloi 23 t ltsWasmig-Grand Lotiga anti miitnt Otitifellowis ton Tu.ty. Il le unclerstood tat te present tIsaeemere-Haln. John HU. Whîtte, cf New York Sîta: Past Grand -t Impetiat Govammurent lits acceptai]lte Master anti Pressult Grandi lipresenta- iisoiie uft 1h. Douimiion veuutmî.tira tute GrandtiLotige cf tae Unitedi 'ýStatles; Grandt Master Fitzsiminionu, et LuuMsehe.ý-IMm.Clinieopiet- Johusshen Breekyillit; Grand Ptriarclt JohnusGis- litcoslatt luraeihl t lrg <tsui-sotie of Stnatford : PltîGi-anti Maslur lituostnty n rtýtiltof lage(Laui*Henry MqAée, oWindsorl'est Grndt lies etoite' bottuzuoi-e 'her ut ndi îrianchi .A. Purvis, St. Cathaianes uule-tf hie bet îîIuçlity. Tihis wîuîk 1'ast Grand Mater Dr. Gteorge Wrightl, mane irei uttireil îîonsamîuî of tha Toronto ; 0Grat i lbopieelativc tue ' luter ven ias easuSupu-cmna Grand Latige, John ]Barr, fnesit lt rwua OSrwa% ii e Hamilton, sud Jasmes Vooîiyatt, liman t. reselved t ilidipruii.fa-l ; J. B. King, Grand Secretary, - Brantford; Guo. lt-in, Grndtuireasut-- luuteat;ut'e xî:aumuue.- 1'hs r, NViudsor; J. H. Hloriibrock; Grndtt gm-saud exillittiotiii le liera fin a W'artien, anti Dr. G.. Wrigli, P. G, M., iîont ut- Kit 'e-cctt.Poatt-ns 'ihilbie Torno; Ed. Behîz, P. Gi. M., Lonudons. up luhwo t- tti-m dumi; Besidass tsese, the folowin o tties mere -. li-t -n, -liv ýyÏroleReemted Iuy Iluirrepctiv'eGrand Mastena z: Nipissing, Ne. 7J, et Cx- IUÂIum'rOs.-Tlip tatiuwviiuti re lie litgé, Wihhiaut i ussu-1i; St. Lawtrance, - eilla rula-u :-euui'l.52z-ts'-hgNe. 1117. etf Broekviiva, J. T. \Vlîjte 1 ,978 1, Wituon, 1,509 irfsnetSli. iviai No. 146, Arispriur, E. A. Bates; S~Ilmmhtun, No. 78. l'oxit jli, B. D. A fàssî.I)tmvieA hoaetnu DîutH.l)eenng; (cliet-g, i l3c h1, Cobotrue. -A maci )ts nW' A nhiemmsmttl. po lies IPratt ; Pe -turboniumtgttj, No. 11 1, ý-A uai (1rve llrbt-liili w Pr. îeîcliorouugit Saniuei Whiit.* iem tma'I iivenry sîtîle li Liuîlay-te Proie 'rmonte : Canauhe, Ne. 49 WVIittby hue crouiti Ihé pour Rutitnsltuetc Covenanut, Ne. 52, G. H. Cuînay ; Queen fitîy miles lu Oive heurs Tueitoîsée Ciy, No. 56 , Toronto, Nu. 71, . .H qýis slurty ttttewarls, ud roued.Com-uisi ; Lautrel, No. 110, W. H. Bliglil. u~id eturiyaihrmadsmiI poîteti Progresse,- No. 158, Guelph, G. W. - ligs are ticir beiumg taken egaimmet lite J"sechu ; Coriîtîhian, 'No. 61, otiama, inhumait linits-. Win'r. Boutel - Naounsi, No. 116, Mark- issus, Hemumy Wilen; i"dety,'No. 1,55, I)tsu-cmP$[A 111-)hIittI.lEAtbUtcMc-Seafersl. A. Ce. Meflugait tGene, No. staefromnultcie miai- li tîttitte y,3tînttoi, W.*S. Cttulbel; Ge-isecce, t N . . ochester, Istirt' tusnip ustunîno Iul i i-bte' tu" igitate. Prom 11lltliut lu- ittonbîi.'-V 1., Thn'eivitn -yrup, a lpret:etnqi -botn. Joiluliam;u': Untiy No. fau-liotit Toitisot uofirol,'s L Aetuîîî, No. 11.i V I trId ndWi.týt,-j lé-j .l-.t uast WI euu iriuN o. . J.7S .ftiiittit Siir.cc iit;iît la, tt Mlietimi, t h 1 Iti tNo-Srt, Wnu. i.1. j~II -J.trui W. I.iJuhu-ix; 'ttn iluînNo.7 LION,, WU.,MACDOJOALI. î1W. 62, GotIfriclu Cuha lu. -Fc'hti.toii; - ~ l -I-tiiel i--~i - cnoIl. 1'Thefiliwicg eu t- -It u -- - ut. ii 2.Chh t> ii f.lu. tüeoPlc( ului tituîtt ist ellIntiîîutîîc~, iturteî itn z, ht5mtidie ...----------- i5i BA u t ni...... Tbtlîurit fo. MUer'.s talletî11-ilat) gd ut lid Auss---------------- d Bam brTaigie oI atit-it li f bile ia 0 imbet-e tht ayan ewsts al locies'îalayiuthu waisîîlthati ouli PresizabDot 84,001 ret. iasm etYtituersctday srdias80 bti. ly eimeil tiey leYgong laiasli PaiintSi. Vncein, CWho.nes,î. Isilos. xr.-l iamsîiay rinlMId te John hielloutaîd ti lq, naeferlrua, liasi t becelocîted'yseclauaten fur Centr-e - Fruithie tisenteute àt ittsiti tu be thse cutrse wlih Iumii>bu> aken hy a prowisetan>»g aleor usuimeulVodf cluvlati, wiô la u lelsvs lis presemut pnOieuion sud bcgin o coursaeftlie. logleai llîily, ipnaaralery ltuezamtslg thia nslry. Thea uhip Favonnite, tront Liverpool te Qàuele, toitntiat aIl, andlthe %Lilp Elizabeths nescueti tlisscrem anti brougit l Ili o l iebea,. Whsén a clouenu atta ns ges$125 peurmoph tor giviîig ont soiti jolkes, il le ne0'onder tlIt a country miniler' ou 1 ti00 p it aut, part ptoIt ceetas, hiysdsoalderan aet liat, attoa flThe body of- John Bîsektordl, an Ameue-cn adtot-, mite wau .î tire. ~eanag in rynto te acondi Moetnt 'hIhal wtlitatguildesiea tys -Swiu ewespapen.te bava beau feunîlin -- -as i, ionse bloaitoftice uticît roeeniy teit frein te mounitata. lieu body le teoroughly presanved. Followiug lie poeiexempte tf te E -es o apâhuWhrt eathy gsa-e 5,O00yenslemerds tlie eeablislimen t o slr.laits me o r to toale Icachena, Iybcîthemfoi'iuordaïsito cf-Masusyama, basucntrl],uted 1,000 yen lemari. te thiPP9ir$ !ofioh-in Tekie, sda i lko limin lusd cf tjîose ù thse Tetimo ken, te ma ci i fariner dominions. In hY lastthlb. mts.noble mnt 2,000 yen -for iilar put-poiele lita Seiseel nn,- tees of bimsnalive kae. - 1isma, aeeordisig lu the lel mr- PorU, 1làe-stoinluch uetm trmy as suie mas f ts' is tatedtlcb., lu adapl te *~àoof the Bt-ass o cerence, U ti> Gcveraîneut hava deidrài le Min di 8einte nepi e ftle vasieus Stat%, tg to eon4 nvtalion, B l ollsnbetweethe tis ntish, à"mrOeais-and -t.e Chinoe. sip _yuOigth lttr ws untk ant IS Ri.Witlhîr lb. tribé, go up, tho tIbes of lte Lord,unto lte <testinsony cf bIsel, te givothaàkU nuto lb.éisame of tie L6rd G. M.-For theo.art e met.troues' of ag~ement, the'ltron.. cftheb ouse of R-I>ray fou- tiésence.of etJrusetem; they ébai1 presp er thal love ltee.. a. M. P-encëe b within thy walla ala sdprosperlly within tity palaces. R.-rFor My brethren sund Compan. ions'Oesies, I wtll Dow gay, pance. h wttifi lte. 1I 0. M.-Becausà of tae houme cf te Lord car (loti 1 wiit îaek lhy poil. pinitgof walsn by te Hrald o the 'rorh-G. B. James Woodyatl (Brùntford).1 1.-S e . Bo Sebe it. .R.-Behold how geoit sua tew pies.. sut il iî for bretiera le d'wel l ogoltaer in anity, for tes. lte lord command. ad a blessing, eveu 1af. for evermore*. Pirtug of lte incause by lte Heraidt of the Souh-G. P. Johns Gibîcu (Stratford). ieai li ietnie of menonasudof augis, sud hava not eharity, I am bocomo as seunudlg bnasî on s tiukliug cymbal; ehsnity nover failt. l Scsatnqof ltae corn hy lh. Herald of the East.-P>. G. M, John Murray (Cliflon). - .-He ta a iîetitupigitlly and worketit tgitleousuess, andl speaketis te tnutsin uhieleart, O Lord, mial sbeitnaluthytabernacle aud shah dwaii in thy Holy Hil. Plnekinig cf lte lowers iy te Herald c)f the Iket-G, I., Adam Purvis ýSt. .1.-A guet] mati aiîowethtfaveur sud endtiahu; lie- wlt gîtite lus affaire wuts dliscretirti; ho liatit gîven to te itoor; his rigiteousness eîîilre-tii lreven ; lus humn suhait bc xaled utit isoocun. lTae Grand Miarslita nest procliiiii: -Proclamation itas gone forth le te four tînartens cf te globe, ltaI ait men inay hîcar tand know, lthe principig18 c1 Otileliow-stili hatve litire a dwyling place.( A furîher prayer by te lirand CliipIiliîtfolloucti.1 MIr. Perry lure itîtimaleil a requet ltai, in ifetjstationts tf apitlauta cf lteo crasîcti abotut toe b ielivareti by 1he Cirant!tiLMstercf Nctw Yuork, lte leet îîîîîy.notct héîîed, 10 (tie tietiitoant of te luihîin-, buî t y lte hîtînîtle. Mn. îoit N'. Stebline,. Grattil Mutter of New York. deliveril lte du-iicatittn or- ilion ias- -fuillowr :-At tii-ttblin luise iwireseive dedieatory services, byautiloi-ity cf lte Supremne Grand L'à e cf lte Ontier, vlience ttey originale, !àppropriaI., reniant-s are lo e lttaie lty your M. W. G. M. ministering ita islits îainta, anti vciciuig his-wiii, micli is lte suprente iaw lu tuisJunbsidiction, I isc 10 te discliauge cf tlit. piasiutg duty. N.o less te îay titan te clcasinnthutiaIcou- -n s tee isidctuit. Tiiough te loyal slbîecciof amolt-r asn1ire, we ne- cegz titis as te natal day cf Eng- end,1i e1otîve.1 Qteet-a day tly e-t liant ait a td ie i-nîratlt-iii dite tIi. iteIs uf the Britislih Empire ;Luit ott iea" - I itte aunais. Oli-, tht, wisilein il' wiî-î-- sav tmg S itîs c-atooîzied it tube liîiouiti. ihtOs id '.thetgooti and gre-'t tii-e thu lieita-'eloto' f ontet- tiot. i' tint tu,.btlC' IL nations andtiaIl iLi e' I Iie- ornI t tseltilnicot W t eltito Qor-cit \ elrit Lqthic eccii- muii heri(tige cf tho ucild.Long- may c'lv eî1ltedireofiiittcct tUd M-eri ilut I',tiftu->it~,:;. - liGpoc-iituci iu c-l t.b lîîu'utîg cL-e iou tmguni ail- ; A )Ilita s iciteîni t uie reuantdt-t h ti cttt lL iJ u lt ui htui i fit-- A us u t l erc oul i ub 1îeitt tuitîtq t1i- itt i) pt'Clec-ttc Tint tttiu' tutti uii ttcil & te o r u li ICi e e u ti-Il lit i' i - , t t ttluc a i('ri tt t e c- eu i t. i i u i ik arieihibut~- il tv e lontfv liv lt ttit i nI lu1.4 thale stkyei. iuly Lagîi-, -aui, finl!v b ils'ilneney, Tt'ut'i liît ke-t hcr thlUrutie utsiislîenti sit TeLodgu brimîg tcalicti up, bhe brettu. lîructibac 4tuc 11cýr peules11ii rulubg oti-Mn. WPi si itt rsid- Tasne fhlt hrouht g ut it' trgn.imlîrn e-nîîlu,-Tlutîbeî.tnnio, cf1 BrelIlerzlù u a! coniv lv Otr, OdtLtcfllomsiip <n tiisContinent autti the1 Ailwtusit ur ien-ue5t hier tri, -bit-thtof tlue Qoeen-éempliatic'aiiy te Mui;tlier IiCli caîîumstil-e I y Qiert-n :1orin zuyjutignsen'litatsioni Jhuin, Otiti.f"lPlîip aofhantie re, te-et tta l tai tsaitplace on the his. 1tlle tuaitoet 2itii illsd Love'; ttla page, in ail -respects, titeequa1i0cf Lette dispute ud ti tif, le al.,lr- ibreg.liaiilsetOdetmip WC utilsnamauly muet l tyr - - hobrt f df'l P Hoxoer lu her ccittt ivites lis preetetihers hy liaseten oe n onti.q Linkel mii Fnriendsthi1s, TraiatiAoth Iiiong uine et illustrions Bene-1 Lave. -volent ct-tenot bliI lai-e adornadth ie lnu et s-t ituineti ani Schicishieî1, menti, iti recrd,îti,1k. liens aniong ncig- May thase feelings emer Il00211i- iguoacsstnswhu arv.1 Fatuiliug net ss'tueniu iu hum I--LSlct ngsearlsads iiouutme. Livingug elt beyoud tle <cmi,. Otitenein a like bt-buf penidtiavea.i 'lite rauti Master tavtîug iundicaîuîComphiisti ed tch-tliui 0eo chiemi tital ~ ~ aei itiahts iinave rutugt il titictot-thtitîi lwtî' tha itva bi wil atiPieasletotm e. you biîte jusai utuuul dedicaleul tt sut dictp he all, M . yo' lit it pat siculite pnitietblehs andri ,tit-ueit of Graul. aduimeet( iuiîta4s tlobcîrs:z Oileihîiiti u uaiî u tll' :eotî 'nslipt'ol (t-unt iiir; II A oasibti-i th.irtttuhIatc-tiet l îh,11e, sne-t 'cushere to-day t l ttittulrte;, l1t ili but - ,utnîitil toit-u, utu adiai tnîus tlime mtrk bin iticli wut itus-ri en e "- - we axuibithue mytlîitt iireuln auro -gagea igtefliihei, ant i.iltl- it ta1i iht itu iti~tjoîhet of eyuîuery' anti laut 1'-vady'ta. 8iutttr ns withuhttuc tîts,. eiguuc -si ru u- tt, e-- ittenitïe. -Il is isetthie bulieis of <thlluu conuzubt i ùliv iluti t".ti u jtrîîn ltme . 'îlu tt bu nîtelutu teu.,r u-oIrboluîî. itlthe -soult rut incpt it t[,,,ifZthctw. - naner in alithtose Ihîîiuuuire tjîii-stîlu. litre u Cit I î nuut rtw firit a vr teen perforneui ; ter moitit] cci t4shetp D&jt oi-t ioe. tîblea ltite 5i.itibmi pet-il thita bdescacut e liunCe ishuîîîuhlui itii-ct-eulu-yeluali etlu et car adifice ftur te saseeput-huota Itu nususcîvea, aseitiai tonun. ,cumvtlsons mihiti l uesigneil.I te scalt5.1ue omE juîi îtîuiuaa.vîîis cf social maid civil 1ile. sjeaking fur itseif, troulglu its pm-epor -'rTitlittiffbroihars, dernliciletilitem-e. blis gand tls stYte. If tiîesîî tailt te lo-i- uav bo scutpIt-ay h istU!coîlges cf prese Veil, auy monde oul' otie inoohti dis~e o i-' mleu-t y ïhIc simeoin. et (je - provevemrsuti aeeeS. I iave tuîiy vastthîug juIesiencil: yt irlth a huoe te mmua uhît our %trislefinisiteul;tu liiler il ils îieciînacîittautyik-4 shjah anati in liaiif of Easeru Stan Lotige.ýabute, uand inmion ro> tise i(ilering luid eftIhes Ortler n luds place, 1 intake biset,ahuuil aruisa !it nom studuîgt alla requesb LitaI luit hall lbehuýel apari nouS -1lieauty, like ltae fabteti pliiotix, fromt le tiedicalte lite bîmituees sund purpst. s ihsea of tli-iparent i, l ie institu. et Otidfaiiewsbip. 'lion et Odlelt>wstip le ne longer sn lia Grant] Master replied : Iii tii.axlîeriment, 'lis au accemplisfiedi tact. ast.etfant inlubelusit of tii, Inde-peu- E.'erti tati s'esacbeti"sssalcity, il mac étant Ortiam cf Odtdelievs, 1I accepi fo0r puit talita severeat lest. A laady cliii ded.icaiîfn btise useocf Oddfeîiousiuîp wirn, in rnusguitutie anti sevaiywiîiouî titis hall mhitha sa beau cenets-ucleti a pas's]lel, dividet ilite nation lu miici uxiden- yensr- upervirion. Te ye nd uit il I Bat sl -domWu.te-Ils greal merle cf yenn associates lie proeausimuselbhaan bevoleiitoa. Ou eilhen aide bristing eccasion eapeeinly grtitying. le-day bayenols formieilus hostile lino, ieyond yen 'tlues@ tise ceunummation cf(ttes' mitahis eue couutetpes-Save nI lie bluaI you have aniientiy tOlietanti pari et Lie life-asstete tthiociy topeti; te-day' yen tabitee cmpleliuîuî ta" tos' touir years amuI atone, evet-y eftha bisa w1eriehi yen ihave 7z'outshy fibre cf Odifeihemeitlp mas ý,teteieti to- anti failhitnîy labeitreti ; sud to-day. ils trmoelt tension, iithoul a bneaieiug. ybu betohi bise recognitioîs bY yeur Iluatmur ceassul. Patihets no longr brethsa-s, frit-îîîli Sntt, te Souh, et-maniesitisehiostile line-vicîor anti lte East, anOblie Netoth îit tht. recuis vanqsîisbad stloot face te face :ltse oee et yaur efforts as s templea devoteàti le jôytosmits itinsepit. te otIte tiejeet. lte service oet ltse mitose veeshtien it ile et.,but nt ual emiid, in huse deteal. le vieil lite sieki, reliaelthe disîmessRet, Wisercnom isiOtdfeloweîlp? lu mIt burt-yhi.deati, adaato thie orpa- esiit anti mool le iti etI by te var. mtes wmincineititet-interfreamli uerra tsceur ailsimosiby, bltamuesxen:a superseda tie disaitarge et sny cibuen, gentienet cf te stuita, parvaèeitIs lire- social, mors], or seigons. 1reliren, 1 îhîenlîoi, antiivecak-ets ils bonde ? The cengratuiate»you upoutitle cem2pteýtion relesî en4ed-Ur.ion enc. monu-pocei- eftIhisa tuifal ilt, initiait w-aare i4le, Oddteikru-etipu SotltantiSout, asboutl le dedicattettosa cardin'i ivin. rueivtt geter uanti rninglel, like lues miiabsoula isuorti anti elenate te matins cf litele Sesnurthlie 1tnnsanily, muit ite have seleateti as calthîen cf tisai Isati Ianeti, cavlng lie motte and 'ls'tc-,iaorÉItcf- aur ba- net s tracateitini le mark lte lino. et ioved Orden. heneýatli>tbhiiîs'otfyîîn seperatien. Was Oiilewslp raluel are teanet-age M9 eue atctlerlu ntise by lie 'mén? -Il miss -eueeti. Vaà -dattes etfiteneveiunce and chatlv; ita- lte fraternal liemakei 2 ?Il sa fore tiis aller tï isa oedweî'kseti Ëieùd 1d e a setoncer.N- vert at-snteil tlte 'titrons c f tie universo a Veice ihicl shah descend lhuea afaiiinM, stari - mitait say, "Corn p higlier." The Hou. M. J., Duntasa,, cf Ken- ereti a shortîd Ï~¶ee$V 5nf-lit al- titougit lhiail been srr#ulged titi enderý hlm su officiai wq]conWhogol4net racial lita lemI4 îton,-te .týeu4' zite service., H. imprsstd rhic ýl»e ltased upon lte taaciuge of lte Bible. ithee.was net as eemouy or symbel pertalniiig te the Onder but what ne- prsented soe great moral truti drawn'from lte Book « iteatf. H. de. sired, itoweven, te impresa upen tisa minas of all oee des, sud that ws tisaInunsîbens none diii net. censlitnte wotaojgrandieur. Protuanexpan- sente cf tkvety-sevat years, -sud from lîaving Occnpieda very posiion lu li.> Order, ha could anfmmltaIttose lodges wlticii wéra tuost earefal as regards ad- mission, îîosessed ltae greatest indlu. iras inlroduced susid applans.Ha saisi le join efl inost cheerfily nnd With. a1l bisi henrt and s66 in cemmemeràt. ing, wihitthite Odfellows of WhIitby, t 6 lookad Upon hier wih hos greatest res- pect and revernuix as u eovereurn, lie 141UU ULUb5î i nt it ut U wora Against nation, neithar oub&U they learn war aup more. For R. bath muade of oee blood aau nation of mon te dwell on 'the face of thé e oarthl1 Wlth sacb an institution you are allied. 0f, 1* yen fonts an intogria Art. ,Lodges may rimae and fait, 96o an4Adocay;'una.l voldabiy they muet bave, their finatix. ations, and approsali permonnoy snd perpetntty ouly- su they follow yoar own noble exautple in obrikiDg for the SOIl This ncoompli6hed, thotr future is asîur-, ad. Ail honour to Eastern Star Lodge No-.72, o1 Wliitby, for thestand 'sile bas iaken, the work'she 14Uas noiovedy aud the maner of -!tsacahievamnent. Hae gather thoso virtues titat adora the lifa., Haroemniuate.those axaited pninciples that aniai improve and evate mani. Pro bhoe, as from a pereunial founitaiu, lot thoeo otroaimsocf ehanity ereually flow, rjoicing the sorrow. Igsd ohoerni mny a: hoant. Lpt titis temuple becomo to tihe widow a joy. to the orphau a ongef praise. Bombait titis iodge, liko the mountain îprîng, oud down its nivulot of refresbîug waters te fortilize the waste places of our dosolâto humauity, sud cosmîug- ig with those of its 5,00,îisters lodges uwoti to ocoan wheue tho mîjeutio river cf Oddfotlowsbîp as -il rails. u a migbty tidal wave aroand the. world. aud what a work lies bofore um-bow arduous, sud lîew melf.sacnificiug the toit by which t lmaât b. wrougbt sud accoîuplislied 1 Mach, vaîtty mach, has beau iiçue-more, vastly more, ha. yet to bo dobue. How well Oddfeliow. ship bas doue its part, a glanceat ils record shah! attoît :-Oddfetowaitip ia now fifty-six years old inluAmerica. I take the fast tweuty-siz years of hier history. During ltat period allô iad di.tpensed in money and performeu offices cf respect andi kinduess le the <k-ad andti thir families as foilows: Burnîti deati, 00,027 ; reliaved %widowed faitiies, 812,512; reliaved brothers, 650,814; paid for eduication of orphana, $43J4,727; paid for relief of wictowed familieg, $2,145,687 ; paitl for burying deati, $2,580, 866: psid for relief of brothere, $11.694,462 ; total in twonty- six years, $17.059,780. NMethinka I liîar some one imaginin-how is the. mouey obtaned for scd munificent ditipenstng,? I nnswer, ltis teo frce gift, of noble, genarous hearts. And do yen atik-it not ltae Order becoming- impoverisiteci aud wearied therebv? Our rootto i. "Be netl waaryin weil du- itg l'or in ân. e sson ye shail reap if ye fittt not.." lie ther sida of the tnc- cont eliws the receipt of lthe Onder during lthe sinte period cf' tweoty-six yeare tu have been $40.881.028, lettvicg a surplus, after deducting thé $17.059.. 78t>-paiLd for relief, of Uffl,821,248. Trnly '1tey wiîo water sall .thomseveî b. wats-red." Aud may I nottinthis con- neetion with great propriety quoto Ilînt othc-r ost sulino and sweetiy coin-. forting sentiment -thse Lord tovelli the Citeerful giver ?", But grand as le the showing iunlte figuras just presented, dIo net* migteike ttîem for tihe whole financial branch cf 0ddfcelloiship, dur. ing lthe perioi emhraced. These figures are tihe aggregated record of those lodgeg ouly whcîee reporte have bieu forwarded tu the Grand Lodgîe cf the United Sî3Ltta., Fooir years cf thse ponriod was shreudeti by a btcotiy civil war wlîieh bié,etteul the nation. so that nut a figure tvag recerdeti of att (the tiîog, cf or nobleý Ordler in nuy cf lte todges of eleveti Statates. Tlie-ce, liad we thiewte tail], tvofld i aeli or zig. gregate imarr1'millions more. ITha speaker tuLîcoreferred te "Odtifellows' Relief Association," whici are spnin-. ing up ail over the continent, lu this way aicue ('Jhio hast year diepeuseti over i- 10,00>0. Indiît,,3b,O>O, andi the 0118 i î- cf ise Od-.auiS tut colo cti; tr.fronit a nîeoiberiiîpinÉtie 1: Lî tAý -',tC8 ij nl' ive avdIL afo uil.01 te a meh ~tpof iilintue liait ae mil- lion, with gi-os e ceits lest yvar cof $4l,437,00>1. 'Lie one ltidgtî cf five rieniiers lias niultipiîd it-telf ihurt 5,968 toilges anti 1, 497 eiocaimteinls. Doiriug that periu t i las initiateil loto its isclemu rites and muystonis Ilrce quartent of a million of itun. it; hast eîîread from continent te continent, and is fat -ncouîpia-;tsiniglte iltteof the sen. aefscnfe nad pure tis are .tii. motives ani gretit as te (the gijoi Oddflloweshili liai, altenily done, anti in lte protidience et Uod i. ceinlttîîiu te dIo, il i-înot re-ligion, uer Ices it chalt to bc. Il takes the iuorielity anti vintus cf the Bible and seek8 te institi them th ie itearts of its, members1î. It dents wholIy -with thle tuman"sd To the Hotu. M. J. Durhain, Moat Weorthy Grand Sire cf the Righi Wcmtiy Grutnd Ledge of te United Statues: WVeavuixSuIE AND Bao'ruFtt,-Ibaill initîs nurixati pleasune yonr presence witîn us ontutitis oecassion, as it affortis tlclte ditinguisietl «ionen cf extending le yon, oit blîit cff tii- Onîer cf titis coutittry, a tteurty tiîuui traiemnai ut-i- ronie. le-day, trotugli me, cnt-ny Brother iin Ojtat-lo tukes yuuu ty lte a n't. Welc-tnee t uo lominlin. Wiecoeto te isaospiaiitiet of onr lotgî aît cur tuties W'etcomct, tht-ha ineieont t h hueceicîtrallis n ltaefity- sixtli t î-day of eut- beieîed Qucan, tue iuututret i it iy millions oet mise subjecîs scieto-day deînoualnatng in one terni anti aiollien sleirtintense (de- votton te lte hiitisli Quseen. vhuie wu- as ceusadienct subitit a ciseeriul tuhetienct leOut-Sovereign, a great îjorit-of urfomt-lîretltreo t-dure- senteti hy voîtac-ltuwltg(1 aliegiuce to utiffereuut ternitet G.,varuurîent. anti luis meeting blt-itîrattus te tisttutlness et or professioni, It u eus' Onîher al polisurai orgnizatiens arc- igu.od sud tuti frouni tetler nation anti chie n'a may comQ, Wme118àtîS tutbrothîets, anti sucocurage cacum allier ast co-labuurene in a greusl anti glanie licausde. In.tiis aemmeniortsionfa sday dean te tia as Britisht subjects. tee ns Otit. feliows tiet-tuin a tue-foldisercaga, me tieseonsîtaeotîr teshy ne citizens Io cur teut sud country. anti our deve- tien ho thînea sublima prnaciptes et our Ogiler, the memnbers cf wmiici.milt ltaeit-de pe utut ew umumar millitons, andi otf luiùI yen, bMoal Worlty Sire, are lte îrusîy gunruian anti tenoet test. Tiese eeloiierk me itave in isaution titis occasioni, muit sas rtsamu togehet- tItis harge anti enlisusiastieasasemblage et Odifehiome, me trust mîtl enable yeu te carry mih yeu th. assurance ltaI lie Otiufeiiows et Ontario are net slug- garde, buI on ltae contrat-y, ltaIthey ana prognesing in zeal, in enherprise, anti in lait ulia teOrdsr anti ile teibe, tus tesitult w hi lare sitowit1he rapitIi lut-case in numnbens, 10 masltu, ini iiîfluiîtnci, usînduuî' al, meftînese mmuii ttuîud sorke. As mn eviîlencietftitis tac-t, %Aive mîut ste t ithuaeIusGrandu Louige mie insbilusteul in 1855, mitît six, lutigesit utvingIhinleen îeprsenlalives zeîît 2890 uueîiiens. 'lo-day ina have- 1h14 Iugiutîlneanty 10,00 meunanbers. lîaviuîg iuenlniluhei]uring thtat hune $70.01>0 foi' theiaraitable objecte cf lise Oruiir. We believe ltaI il 1. by deeda liCe tiiese liaI me, rau best pncva inthue future. as ira have' in-tia pilet, ttat ira tia 1 eOditfahiomit"in epirit ant inlu Iut," tins cenfirmiug 100 lté clisim ireuuaka tuai Oddfeliomstîip i8 a progressive lu- stitution. Tie et-Ideuce cf p regres sîurrountiiug us-Ibis ieautitol ihait nom detilcatedt lethe pincîpli o f aur Onder, -tise enthusiasm on every band, lte pro- minent viellons in aur midet, ltet-e- nonedstiaaCmnsanul oralor mita graca -tis celebralion wt bs pt-e- sence, hisle harnin,, mid bis elequene, anti crommitg ail, lte dtinuisheti itencur doue us, fer lte iret lime in Ontario, et s vieilt rom tIse Most Worthy Gran-J Sire cf lte Grand LoAge cf th. Unitedi SIales-uil rentier lb. 241h cf May, 1875, an memerabie day lin bie anuair cf Oddfeihpmshiip lu cuir juristila- lion. Believing ltaI Odifelleus net onhy in litejirleduutioibut lu ltae uhole Do. miuiemou of Canada, wiii neeive an m e-u ontiepresence cf seotiitin- guisite-ailurcubent etftite offe et Grand Sire, ib connealion miti lie demonelmallon cf to-day, unich it u gneathy mot-case aur neefuines se as soalely, sud.- appeciatlng mosî itigitiy liseitonous ti ou have content-el upon us, me mat yvon-on beitaiffet tiis Grand. LoIeig, .cenvanecI tor ltaI purpose, ait eut- enlire brotieel lu inOntarie, a :pheasssa sday in eut-midal, aûd a ste toumn y c y rnoe,mandi sney Gel, tieGrst haler anti Preserven etflte univet-se, co ntinue le beeloir hischaiiceal- bicssings on yen antiypurs. On bbiat ol IbeRiglal Wcntby'Grand -oiaof Ou Wrio, wbM.'FITZSIMMONS, Grand Master. J. B. KING, -Grand Becnelary. an age dl edoetion;-, mlthin tisaItlpie lias-been estabitbod the thoery ltat a nfiibmgwath'ihould odaqslo a na- ttou'mebilidren. The art cf .war bas progreîsed; il haïgoté-où( iu ativance cof tbe missiouary sud preenred te wey for ltechriantsd lte s. col. Bt t I l e Àmongî,those ivitea l esa.on lteé plform'wersHou, T. X. Gibbs, N. W, BrownsM.P. F., Adatn Gordon M. P. 04,1lîe g o swero aIme Dr. MoGlit, e%4d. . P.', F. W. Glen, W. F. Cowau,.reevor'cfOshiawa, sud ltae leadiug men cf tw se o f Whltby sud conuty cf Ontario. 'Thora was -a'large repreîeutntion cf ite metropelitan sud local press. Sliontiy afle n ee cécock thon. was a grand precousicu fromt Mn. J. H. Perry's reideuce o th ie Tcwn Hall grounds, lu teP folhowiug erdor t- Ei.ttenn Stan Lodge, sud ail Lodges in lte Oouty of Ontario. Al*Lodges Easl cf lte Couty of Ou- tario. AU Lodges West cf lia Conuny cf Ou. - tante. Tite EucampmentBnuh. Our American Brethron. Tite Grand Ledgeî cf Ontario.(- Ouest. in Cavriages. Soveral exceitent bande woro dl.trt. bated tkrough tite procession. 1 A canuon lInlte groudss auouced te sterling of lte processien, sud lte fring iras kept up unuitlte ihe, cf lte lina lied arriveti.1 Oven 10,000 percoul wero proeut, Fres a large platform lts speecheas of theday mena uelivered. Mnr. J. H. Penny eccupied lise Chair. J. H. Penny ntdnreséed thoasssaibiage, sud in s feuweirds 4expreaseti lits iap. pinesat seaitug lte numitan cf dlalin- guielieti visttors ltaIt laticorne from s distance le hîsueur te occasion,, and lie feit sure tiey would enjcy a treal 'titey liati neyer dreameil cf, andti iat ltey wold have te tliank the Enstern Star Lodge for s pleanerltaI they would netlof0 trgel. Ha mouilu net nîlempt te take a speech, bulbhe w-aul* et] le ssitytaI h. mas htappy ou titis, thie birtitday cf titeir Sovereign, tlisai fliey tadtliteir AmPrtean brothier. mitit tlent; andt tisI iii h. Union Jack on cne lianti, andth ie Stars anti Stripea Ou te otîter, lhîey wouhd secamit Itise 1titres hltnks wveeahi.le i acom'pii. He wuulîîuw catI on Grand Master Fttzsimricns e bmraiIte idress cf welet'me belise Arcenican tietegates. Il mnay be staleti lucre ti&t anuofficicuai tîtitincasocf elcouutelitat bsenpnesenled bo (bui Ainenican guemssa ut an alier heur, but lte reporters wene net requin- ed te be present. OFFICIAL WELCOMF Te HON. iM. J. DURHAt5M- lTe final bgnsas was lihe teudering cf an officiai meicouse lte heu. M. J. Darlhîsua, nefolous: anti reliefs by lte millions. Les 'us enter this noble temple -of Ouiitcuiom- sisip. ils seula base seaineiy et-ls upoil "thet.Univeril Fcsttanhoed et Gel anti tIsa Uuivatisl Broîbtheol etfMan." Onisida ilts alts luis divine Inut msy b. dimmet àI uflankenai; any, mot-a, il lias beesp dimmel anti dat-kancti, by csrping crilicisntas toedeeiant inie. -hr Titae abut aisnaticu-tite esrt-h; -ltera -la but bue famiîy-Ite mole it- mien rae. ',Vare assemblaI legetiter, ltétit antilte poot, setagty anti tia humble, lie leat-neld dithamu- heanmuat-nuit as autharenls cf thie erti, but ese brethen, cf the esmae duel, pil. fnt et iiame ju'ey, anultra*vel- ions te inte do'ot. TVie lassions pointaI t Lby tie mollees of-te Or- der wene,-e.nissgeit iu oenisd iialiierha. ri Ail are - equg mission is asly.audeit. Il bas early f pentermed tlhe circuit otflte eartb. ,Ils 'ri terrible improvamoi2ts are abundaut e canas. for joy ; they itmen lteay of unira e eo, beease mien the'arts et irasa.oblaieeal il. perfection. Ilt mlii beýimpossible.- Religion tam haret I honr saikeesbas caml salle bier assient h exactions, anti hem- agreel te beccmeC more liberal and met-e pepalar. Com- Jj met-ce bas îpnead hier malm il eer lte s morîi, sud ltas broken dem lte bat-rien. ( erectel by agem cf prjulice. Wienever d ltse sys resté pogross 0 oon. But U ltese have netrbeen al lte g;enles cf i the biltory etflte Quesu-grestert- tIsur ait eft liese, i1 bas been-a pet-led cfa kinduosa, citsrily, anti fraternel love, t thera are lireo vents for ubic thetit year 1810. ahîcalbe retomberaI :- E let. In tuai iras lte yes of lime bit L of lte Qiesu, anti sendly lte Odd-v tehuomsip tn Amenas mal însaugisnned t on lte 19tit Aprit. lThe speaker con- i sideredthalît lte prineiplas of Otitfaleir- t miip, Love, Frtendaitip. anti TrnIb,c menti saIlle ahi the mifreuces balmean iç lte natiôns sud moalti jromoeounivers-e ai pesce.. Saving hie cira balovati country, ta behteved te Domitiion mas v tie graumiesî country on lieeatti. i <Laugitten anti aieers.) The itsry cf t thue Qîteen moulti show ltaImita mas net 1 intnlt-iwmÇ'~édiest*hmetîser mate or terne. Thaelîcucurabie gentlqeman- cenctudeti ty saving liat Otdtallomaihip i kulew ne ustiensttty or seat. Every f luneunabie mise désirons cf raisin2 f talion hînsily meutti be grasped byi lte lîanut. esAT-Icu uitSItEUYLER connAit. le use unu Americas phrnase, "thIe eratien oethle day" mas daiverai naît. ty lte Hon. Schtuyien Coifax. H. mas îvarny raceiveti on hia introductions. He saiti ie nijoiceilte b. e bu tis- day, lte bintluîay cf lte Britlih Q neen. Ha kuem Ihial te hiart -et every mansuasd' .verymomnan ltaI stacti ietona liutIhuohtedti omardls Ilat noble momuan ulie est upon ltaeitene cf ltae BritishtEmpire. Ho e new hem uiîlimîghy tiey moniti ciey han cati anti moutti go forth frei home, tram tamiy business, anti fnom fientis, anti muid encoaniten danger, privations,loiti, anti suffern-n, andi aien deutiSlaf fer (lie violiucalen oetlitem iononn, or for ltae -in- lagrily et lier :demain. (flean, hîcar.) Me ceuldti nlize itou evary Britisht Iteart, smlong tlisa lwo linui-a ant i fi- ty millitons et subjactesbite raies, moutti titrel ith affection bemarde lien. Eti- ucateti iirneaif in fle sîriclesl sciotcof r-upubucitnism in tl anîl-uhae thsey claimedt ltI ery muan mas Ilis omu Fovereig-he contd-respacttal Senti-, ,ment misicîs suimatadth ie itearle of his iearerit. Ha rame titene tisaI iay dit- farn n enatiouahity anti fret s coun-1 try diffèrentli -us tofetgevernment, giadiy, ciseanfuihy, andi jeyfnily ,tes ur- rentier ltaI dehi cf gratitîude sud neyer- enliai horozge anti nfeatienaregard tu the Queen fer wmitIste did in a aitI- icaI btuin otoIhe aeuîntny of îviichti.i imit a citizen. in thiose tinys ltaIt-lred wen'lu souts;e;unpatniol bioti uns spinkieti upon eveny femliiy sitar, anti eveu-y cemelet'y mas covere i mt pal- niots' graves; mien te ognent ns- bilit ivere upos lte vsry verge etflie- in", "-mbroilett lu mottntcontlicl îy tise bord t(If indignation tt-tt in )Lasou anti anti Sliehi eing bakeus tro ilusBrilti tessel; mien tusý Ministny cf Victtia'i gneat empire uyer. at-eut seuîiing -o lits haut] us messâge cf hie tieunciation, aui e dernitu] hatiinsuit sluoîîlîl lue ne- uiteeseti (hear, hseam); in suchi a ct-tels Victoria, upan tise aticaeofthlitaisesi-f stateeman Englanti aven uusu. Prince1 Alberita, tutinier royal premogativa, commanieti lier Ministers te senti ne messsjge le mîticli sgreal nation coutil9 noct nesponu] mitoteum niliaion anti diegmaite. Ha knaw tiat tae massage tmuis inspirat inlutishe iadi-yârént fthet Britisht Quen canme sonnes te oceamu, - and tîit earera knew Item quiatcIy the1 President cf Cengrese raspondAdeti, li restei'iisg conusord itet'Neen5thiese tîtîs1 greal nations. Couldti lbdmouderedt t liaI au affeallouate feeling fittati lis - hîcant anti inspirati hie vola.?2 Ho me-j joiceut nîso te meel lteiistin'gutisittîti mlembers cf lte Orden tint lie diii upon1 -BritishiBsot. Oddtellemsiip lînti- ne dlaim le anîiqntty, noeldim te iaving1 ils recordestrhelthing bacie le dist limes. il mas bornonauy in tha last canlnry amongal lite morliiingan et tisaI ceîmury mhisuhomtîad Victoria for ils sevemeigu. Ils progness tins been otuîverul uaudiupwand like thtat et a iuighty conqueror. No greal men pre. suileuu a ita bitulin thue tanl-sieCont- greçssmelt,ýuo Senattor, no Gentor, ne1 ptiliansentarytaguate noaketi ils cna- ilt-. Ils foututtens hera ivane pueri FIsE- -OnT mare se imseuz wau teto uy is - supenion emnfIer. e in lthe lotige, tuat ie ha's rtijuira'd, te, Il ecelpt lte mouey on ths, lotigo' beooks, c and if lie tien chose te - give iltel te a widowé' anti erpians. fuud'il mealit be ll rigit. Noue ofthlie accidentel dis-. a ludcions of luta were reoogised. - léem rare jndged apon lthe commen hasts Of îmmuh.BEýn lthe GrandSire cf lie )ro aif ho aid net a,ô , hum duty.e nîlt as lhable' te haeexpeihea asltbe pour.A est manu. For ucarly tity years liea (tite on. speaker>)itad beau lu tihe Or- 1 der. Re bitadbeau at * îlio beisidelofc usany s deati sud dying brette. Hf sas kuemu a brother te itold i bisond. realiziug lthaI hi.ells ioun ad corne, and liat lho muat ItarI on lthe journey eo tisaI myste ntoal ]and whence aDm travellen aven rentras le lte enrh. lTe ssau's mife moulti meep as tîtongit len beant woahd break, andtihie chiirani wouiti gahen aoneautiim upon wtom ,bey wousld acou teck ne more. Ast lie <lte speaker) bld lte d-ying mail bhat bis widow sud citiltiran mould iot hae fongotten, 'hiesiran anti1 wastad face wcuid look up with a eumile cf joy and i lapîîiuess ns realised ltaI mien hie hlîsigene aise- sîhere, wnrm tnientis monultake chtargé- if tisem. Happy lthe man -utc, when taken sick, fluda ltimseit surnoundeti byf loving wife ant ildren te penn cl ili1 possilile intolia fading lanp cf lite. But a strang-er lu a stranae landi, ulten lthe mud ivanuian antlie bieod r-nslette from lis reins,-wmal ngutigit heu i tu feel tiat ltae naceasities u intis eitrem q Sinn lutie paiti for ity money wrunc- rm lthe peopte, sud ltaîuhmen deati. to e h hnmied ns qîîickly» as possilel itil n misarahie pauhîer's caffin, andti t bie burieti in Courte înhîououreti panper't grava.UOIhdfetlovsliip mcuhd cave a man fromtu iis fate. Di'] lic but iitls- lier lthe passwonti, no.rmatte itou puer, anti humnbhe Sic otiglit hi, <liiilie Itutu maive huis tiandti-htlidwnud have use power tian n mandate cf lte lm anti tiat waiva more anliîonity thian a marsltali't, helen. Thîehiou. gentleman intimateti tiaIt ite isspeech lthe next day at Toronto libc uiti cusider allier hlases cf Otidfehhowaiip. Iu conchuSion hae adiessmadlisose whe mers inclineti -t lus eitical uon Otiiellors, anti saiti '-"le-exatiiiie you- Quis acta. WVitler yeun lt mî us in cor engan- iztien, 1 pnay yeu, ou titis beautiful sprnimg atterneon, ou titis, the itatal day cf a. Stîveraigu mîtosa heart le fuit- cf hove-I pnay yoî lu t-isolve thiatlhienca- forth yéiur record stali hue tutu-en anti bnighten, end thttlie citiltien cf. ue shil be "tlieIlappien for your living tam-e in them muttiel. i tîAnid mnay yemî hi. ý -at.simpulse mnicti cau. eti you tu coma 1tiemonitie 211th ou May, audIo tisten te luis atidrese upon lthe pnîncipies, niluae, and secrets ci' O;dUellowsip. .(Louti applanse.) 'iTHE noN. iM. C. c.%MtatoN. Ttho-ln. M. C. Casuenon, M. .P. iras ten inviteti te atdi-eslthe asetu- lily. He saiti il afforded hlm osucis pleasuna andi satisfaction tsi l'car lthe prarteus speakers nefer in-suh hiigli anti eniegietic terme 10 lthe noble lady uhto practuhet aven lte desliny cf lthe mol1 pupuicus, anci-bf thie gueslss witult permit hitu b sny-of tisa mosl dit;ýinguislitd nation on aarth. (Cicers.) Re iras very ghad 1har lthe exna sionis cf amity nîtered blivtiese genîh- mien ; anti if Otitfailcwqiip btail a ten- dency toecate coulisentiîments sud kinuitineesàanîd friendly feeling betivcen toreigu nations, Scironiti eay ltaIltte Onder cuglît bclieueconraged. Witil- lic matieLiseobenvation, lho iutnet farget lthaI Inn. ailegiance which. ite a native-bo-n hiitisi snltjet cweîi te lthe glortona monnrchîy ner it ha baid thîe pnide nd satisfaction te tive. l. greelti liii, gentleenntrorn the Unitedi States witi ail lthe fnieutiiy feelings wiviitic l as possible for linan nature te exteil. Ha Imasteuiltîal lite flag le, ulsiclu hie bore ahiegince wenhd neyerl lia tekemi froto lier îastiadatnd ltai if lthera stouiti ha nivairy bc-tween tih- lwe respective ceîmntries, il ah i iiti S as te li mhtouondpress ferwar-l ckviiiz. -tion te ltae greatest citent. He took greal"pieagune in bitemg preseul lu entier te show lis Areicagn tienîls item n Candian coulti tac thomards lteos.mite tati large hisarts an-d mte oititi make ait ltaenti s kia. Haeiras there ltae soie represenlative cf the poiticisus thiat tay. He kuei tuaI Sir John Mac- donald inlendedtitelie. present, as i' emjoyet lthe personel acquaintance cf Mm. Coifax Sbr Jouhn Macdonaldi iouli liiip-1 tave iteen lpréett era oncit- isht ccii te stîoîv uim stlue etflthe court- esbes 1 it enghît (o lie exttintii lu su tiicninguismed a stirangm',.(FaStr. Unruttntîmtely, Sir John Macitunaiti intîst a liai.tceu ietaineti ty sotluetimingf, A civil englue-cm. M. Trouve, bat coe format-i mitb n plan bo enabie au se- ennuita ogo up loto s naneflil ai nmas. lishîre mon. inimiaite lite - bttn lias Immîlerloiep.ndtaneul. Stoas bit aoadint lu ululai thlestwe cempautans- cf 'm. Tissanlienr lest ltairtives titt-envon propousie effering ten soin. ltse-prôblet ot maiuttaiirz lit-s inlb-e hivluer iragions ruf titi ais' have luein rt-eri by lte Ft-inci Socialy for lt.e Promobion of uinliNavigation, huit coftie. niy M. Trcumî'e's lues tee-n aeiisidereil iikcly tsi s;uceceml. Mis sycqtens. wuiiis minute- ty iescibeil liy Galuqnaai'8 .MI'see8nqer, tiwsgtiesstha ulnahi.s rito favrting aspîtyxia ndsntpopirxy t- lThe cnt-cf the ne airisionr-is te ha provitlit mia sreservein cf ceseprpe-oil air sîufieiuut te maintais lthe lite eft- omsu uthuut dimucenfont fer-iseveral mieurs. Its capuscit-y miii bc a ubin mnetre, sud teair mili b.cecmpraciti it itt'Olthee xtent oture auesplemi'a.1 Nom. since a.sculîie matreof air weighs neariy biirteen kilognammea, tita tdon- lents ocfh-tIs serneir iiî ahene meigît atout exy.iekilegni'mme.,;;tiemever, lte w hoeoapparaue-wmiitilsContents, nut acessories le ual te exeed l100 kilogtrammes. As. seen as lthe talteen' allains alieiglîl ai wmmci brt-ealiukh cotnes difficuil, -tise aronant mill palaon a sort et intia-nobiter dlvon's Irees previded i mli nu nin-light mase foitlie face., Tis mase ias lue tubes, mmi iee insett belmemi huis lietis; oeeoe hitet hias a valve epeniugr lumantifor' lime supply et pare air- fmom lte rese-- voir ; tite otsen bas a valve ecpening otlarî for ltae expulsious cf lise itialt air, lis consîltutes lie breaihing, np. panaîne;. To isvÃ"iJ undue pressure, air froinbte nesarveir le intreduceditoI tho tiven's ires., ulsich la compesai et ticuil, jundia-nubat- staff. ,Ttc pro- jector is se sure ofasucceess liaIt e pro- poses' La enterlte iren cisamber oethlie SembeUte, misera a vacant eaum ho pro. ixtitat, nuathIere, provitia. ithi hi. appatatue, lie promises te bear âst-are. tiin00equiva]ent ibeau altitud.etf16,-, 000 niie (ncariy ainesuad s baIl uites.)~ lIe donkey in Otaclualimiso isipp. cd the ilieneas -tas be-en aalintoes i, izeter cure. J thal- cc enu 'nr1ittie sn,î.erwo e uo st Monday wirnieas le ihaveibégums un'lteeosIern endi,lte tituber beiiîg- alneady . n tihe grounit. Thl'h seou steck, mauhinery sait buihitngs Is piacati at #109000; insusnred lu diffèrent com- :ranies for $8,500. - - W. H. Gibbts, Bsq., wmite lu i oem 1cia tour tltrenaislite Seistier EltStes, mas elecleil s Vice--Presîdeit cf lthe Mlhla's ouacle f-ltse Arnerican continent. sl lthe animal meeting heid lu St. Louis« ast meek. TaicsT.-A'oen-vant girl inuoeeof lise tnrsi familles cf lstheit ppropriatedý a qanily et ber employe's suliver-msre the ther 11ev. It maste onéait mclt in, au unnet room cf lthe bouse. Thte Bey. Mn. Anderseon. - cf Port Penny, ancoseils lthe ]Bev. -Mii.Geenge ait paqtnr oethie M. E.Chat-ciiof. tisetomn. Nfn. George will attend collage the eu- saing cehlegiele -year. -A., FaraeieslBq.,jeft for' Fort Ganny vesterflay memning. He goem via Si. Psu!, Minnesota. INIANTC1DE Aý NàpîNEzý-Tsa BSup- POsED MOTHER AaazRFSTu.-Oýn Fri'isv merning lie bodiy et s fîmahe ehîild, ahout ltre. *mtisnhs elt,' mas founti flnting lu lie river, near lthe swing brige, bvfiome etfRattlsaura'i men, mite mare rafting loge. Tht. clîitilîniaa a Jarire slone tlid 10 its imeekby n cent]. iLud ne doubt hmd beau ltrow lie b te river by ils inlitumn tblier. A jury wVas erupaneileul ati a verdict mas ne- tumoci luinaccordtitce mt ithte fnets. Suspicion nestpul on a girl nameti Lizie Williamts as bte mlthen ofthbie chîild. lite came le Napane. some threa moulus aqcl, anti teiegrams mena sent te Belleville fer hier art-est. Sie iras anr- reabti iî.y. Delectiv-e Petie Ibis atter- coco, ant i11b il ltioNpa fer trial. b rultl aae A Bey'a Plot te Kill Hie Witnlc Family. lT.e youîh cf Missent are apparent- iy veny precoclous, as shiowa by the fel- Icwing cerespondence 'ethlie Setialia ,t5Democratl'---J Pomerev Beding, a sou cf Mn. E. L. Beediner, living in Cambridige, Mo.,, uns ietecteti hast Wednesday lu an altempl le mu-ten bis fatten5 moîban, sud bnothte)-in-lam. Mn. Beemling le ene cf.lthe meaittîest anti test popuhar men in lte Stale, be- ingc deatrous et giving bis son nagpoil eti. ucaltois, sent ltim te Fayotte, Me., a eaill place, wtene lie Ihengit l ie mouiti not"gel an eppontttnily cf nmactising Ibis Rdecnebcmetednascality. After Pemeroy hiad, been timer. a few weeks, hie fathe ment te îisit hlm. anti feauti liat te liat goîben deeplyto dahi nd uns en- gaget lebcteanrrieti le a young iltiy uie h3aà broken off an -engagement for tint put-pose. Mn. Basting, titinkinàg titis use t mtoug lite.fer a malice] bey to ehat,took tint homle,.lTheboy wistet temarry, itbul t h atine meney, mas netot fage, anti hail*ne menus cf zelting any; se lie decoteti te ieiu lie tatiter, motuen, anti bnethiar.in-lam. mîto consiiteti lite famiiy. le do titis hie bnieti le getl Mt-. Stanton, a mani cf net lthe îw-sI reputatien, te assisl hlm. He bold Mn. Sînon hie moulti g&e $1,500 ton lthe joii,-sayinL, lie couhti gel n man tin St. Lents ton - $500, hut - mas afs'aid, ltie St. Louis seatulucitkililthe ulonz' pensons. Mn. Stauton t ld Pome-cy b ni-et Itiinl a Iog lieuse on a certain mugiht, andti iey meuiti procei trose tiiere te commit lthe donci. Mr. Stan- ion indmnti ndes cf keeatahie promuise, blit tlulMn. Beeuhling cf huis son's8de 'igns. 'Thinking Chat thie faîher meulti miel behieve htis, Mn. Stanton acltireo men le accnmpsny hlmn te lthe 1cr- bonuse as witoasis. Afte'r lier ned btere Pemenonvmmnencel telling 51mw- In the tiefails cf lime momie. JusIlten lIme men trom. unienesîlscame un., qrnbpbeti im. anti teck- imimo te-his fntiser. Mn. Bu'edtuurisi] bise lieras- mhmîpueul. trsve lîjufa draft for $50, and Jiscartie i Im. Pcmercv ment te Glasgowm, gel luis draft paeh, sent fer luis Irunie, anti ment te SI. Lents, stucs %iticîs -lime aelltuig hias been hbeardt from hlm." Banse tCloec Timo BPea *.'Eggm Butte Coai, Wood -Park, -Chi Duck Tu-nu Appt, Gitee -Beef, Beef, RÉ simp aup -piate analq Surit tion' o-an susai ing or ant]ly, THâ Titi isupai il gi alther Gez in lui Irtas ecout and tp box -s usifu Pri 19 cE ait cy suie on. 0. Mors, sMajor ,sam- vis, cf lte Queen'i Oms. as aeting aide- ite.camp , ait by bis privale secreîary, Mn. Hepiri, et Ottama. H., enterait lte citamben accouipanteti by 'lte - e- miar,asud lte othar membera cf lte sa- minjetnsticu, sud mas neceivol by ttoge pressaI is iing tetheir leet, Thte cein- mission appluhlug r M. Macdoenaldt te lIme positien cf Lieteant- Gevermscr was at once read b'y Mr. Robert J. BikttI.Assistaul Previncialaaer.lary. Te declanstien -tie Qieen'a supremaoy anti lte obligations effLin, office cf Lieulcnnt-Govnen mae thlen admin- iteaeul by CIfif Jaste Draper, aflen muis they mere siguel bv lite Heneur,- anti miluasset by lte mmbareetthse jntiiciat-y pressaI. The aeremeony, miait is ery bt-met, mas tiso cr, andi sftan bis Henun bail racaivedth ie con- L-ralulalicas of s large iaumber oft lite presen tlie mitttfeir, anti masdriven te lte Qucan'e Helel.- Hie -Henouir miii romain inuhebite l oniy à tom tiaym -81 pliment, ant i lii Iluen reluru le Ottama for lhe purpose et eettling lb. affaireaetftte -Depanl- -mentlile La ijast vacabeil titane, previ.. eus te aerning te Toroto, 10 take up uis nesilence. A featai.convict, isameil Rate Cen- netiy recenîly escaped -from SBing Siing prison by lheanug hersaIt from a- min- id- cf lte prison itospihal by -arTe.. Ste hal been quit. s notonieus citerait- t er, anti has epeultemst cfbhan ilfa mIty- lu prison maIls. Site madî haneréape frein Bttsckmait's Island- miteu n ny . tean yeans cf, aga, ity padlilu hersait amay ocu*sagale. Iu 1869 'mitre site iras a couda Ie ntSiag Siag prison, ste escapecl by siing demn a ligh lning noti anti mas net seau there agnin usnlit Jniy, 1874, miteux sitemas raluîrneil un- tien sentence for anom crime. An Englîsh - clergyman, mite holtis ltaI le Abraham "bte menti owasn me tiatae any, ssve,One," has just pub. lisSaI a boeok eus-'Abraham, is Lite, lim-es, sud raelas tbu by a cen- tauiporary 8,800 yeans age." It -cen- centrntes on the lita antiý surreundinge- ,o et kbraham.4he resals cf lte receul Assyt-tan iucoventea, of- Biblical. re- seat-ci, tsud et Estertruavel. BaR i oasyousec cii FitsScoens.-e Bingitatn Young, a martyr te hie faitt, atdmressedth le SaIt -Lake -Contet-énue, ou tise 11h of Apnih hast l int.e feltoir- ing mannen. lha taxI uns Free, Scsois: "Edunatien," ite eniti, "ren- tiers s boy 'morthlesa. Ail eurs- Cen- greasmen andiGoveruona. cf States 'sud public officiais 'are lteepawu cf -fré sahîcela. Thaesa mon 'navan panfot-mai n tisys aseful labourlunthem h]ives, sud- ttay moutt ieh fan more-veluahie if titay meahd lay, doîru ltait- itbas ef office, sud go.te omie lu intae aol.fieid. WonJd1 yen haie yoc ltren groir ap mausti lin sud mnfrthleqs ? I ted ne echool. iug, yet GOcti chose me fr lte meet ex. aîtoul positioun ouest-lb Your collage professosns sitmen--aunnin- iu ail te mismîcuftet eEgyptianà cten maul s moiti, utile I itnvetaid ap imy millions, anti eau bny evary Cengresamen, every aduler, anti every preasaen in lte coun- try. Goauay -te yenr cet-ufialtia. I aul eppesoai i emae chools:-ianti, un- danstanti me althtugit yen corne beg- ging le me eù yonr inees, 1 Ilmota Rive cime deliartoe eticate anothhr man's cutId." luis PaINTImc- Onnîaa-Thie priutlng o fficelisaindeed provedl s baller aciiege le msuy s boy, tas graduatedi more- c;tetul sud ecenpicacus e mmbanîs cf sociehy, lisas liugisî more. iitllect cul anti lumned t i l m praoetical,_-usefal cisanneis, amakeneti more mintis, geu- eauuetimet-e altive aud elavateit liouglt, i tanmaey- ofthlise hbrary cutiiegea cf thieuonî.t-y. -A boy mise cmmeances lu suaIs a scioci as lte primsîiîug elice; wilihave hlis talents*sud ida sosîîout ; aitif lie la-a care- futl observer, es-pariase in itis profession iii contribula more louant an odaca- iénti tan cau be'btaiied in aimoat ainy cie anner. lTse conuccteon etflte 1ev. jnmem Buieciet-, tie ycungel brothen cf tise 11ev. -H. w, Baecien, wliithue Congre. gaticuai Churait et Ponzzlkeepsie, la disacî -veti. He preachecrIsis fat-emell. sert-tt ueor tlira. meeke nge, fand is, zoing le live on a fat-m. 11is8 tem- spiere of labour is ln Suluivan aounly, about fort-yle tuilas frtu Pongitieep. nie. A neir candidate mas -pneaahing tas l Snutay lu bis fermer pulpit. Ounlt.e 141h tact., s bridge on lthe Anlelecie River iras camie& amay ty cc TC Ti si Tw Ail Toi -te ai VI L t' atLtw 1Al sit fil ltiîn n ?'AI of Let1 balase lo be oee1n3 For pninciple cf Oddfeliomstip, andi uhen ite saith iis hie %moulti say lthaI Odulfel. lcmsiip dreir its pu-inc'spies trom lthe Sane source as Chîistianity ilacîf-ihue Bible. IH. coucintieti ly t-ading au original peens on lthe binth ot Oditel- lomship. Immediately after tho Amnican gentlçmen drove cute 'riait lte Ontlario Ladiead Coltage. liey wrere met aI lts. entmaisce by Mn. James Holtien sud 1Mn. G. Y. Sitll, tlueoet1he.Dinectora, anti by lie 11ev. J. E. b'audamsouti, M., A., anti 1ev. J. J. Ban, . thle Goveru- or sud Prinçcil mespectivaiy.Art- uepection efthie bilsaitig gave lie visi(ors mucit pheasure, sud ttey delayeti, . viîl nijili coasia ovation, long enougi tol letn l sce rin ing anti music ' hy several. cf the yoaug ladies. Tise visiL-

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