Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1875, p. 1

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Dz A"v.»az -UW, Ths Oé4 5a wonef tibljxhed Con Ktrt slW ai hose of a 1 T D Y 16, tdand non. zardonas proper outea for tbree'yftazr leuAs uzal ~ T. J. Xw OTA1UO 0ÂILMES'. rangements for 'P a ft.anr ôcifn. Xr: MLIUL, INBURANbE Oý IAIIPWoEI,L &ITeGJ hsBl ThsCompany I1suresT B BArTTolxzyl3 SOL,. Country WiurOIasBchoo Hl And oifl NoalsPublie, anid Couv.y. Co te >nt eaites a xow as 0 4elstlsed Cmpn aCanada. Office. firA door South et thIi loyal ui r LSSS ROMmypTL ffm4 ,Wbitby.STLSE '1 3. FARWELL, L. L. B.# collnly Crown Attorney. 4 h J~UIs K1rrq GOIJ(N, ruiornuLUIMBER 11 in Çhanery 0V.aow ~nLàcq -Qvrr. Âïl. The nnderslged havlng been appol store,, Ont. Ago-nisd Cai.Shpplag Agona...zo extensive Lumubor firm oni4sis. znlmi CIIAftLe C, JÛtLLIR, Co, f PenonFMOpObuondM om 8QLICITO~ don ita iýother poieo ra A hiln cve&or L U MB E R Y A Eq Adjolning the Wtby & Port Perry 1 LYMAN EGii.L IL. Dn., -ay StIauo,w nore ho keops constantil band a largo and complet.e stock of Lui J*BRRISTER AT2LÂW, SOLICITORIN i ofailui for sale, wholesale sait rota J,>Oltnooy, ou'yanir,&c.&c Bin. Plauelng machine, and a&U kindso oïworl cesOireet, Oshawa. eçutod procuptly, t0 order. 1 14IT11 LL n., WhiGEO. CORMACI T~3ON UTII"4, LJJ W ltby, May 27, 1878. Not £ nCb; a.,&,u fý?c MîZ aoeuy,-PARIM FOR SALE. DIock,M1ck'Strset hliby', Ontario,.F ------That wel.known taron, lot 26, Brd cou S¾.GM lJieNLLLAN, Wbitby, known a, r LoGreenwood & MoMllan.) TE DOADO FRi .BÀUISERATTORNEY, SOLIO. utar PubicConvvauer. f.And as ai preseut lu the occupation of -~.lyrn Sroc, Snthut 'os Ofic, Ray.Contains 190 acres; about Wiftbyutajo.cleared, dwelling, outbuildings, and suite offies; splendid orchard of 8 acres in1 extt T 8108IAS XIJSTÙNi, Applyo- '1T~tWNCLiuc ND TtEASRERJQHNA. DONALDSON-, .LWhtbyOtlIo-Twn fan.Hour,~ ov'l Emigration Offici IvrSea 0 lo 1 o'c]ock. March 25, 1878. lStf Torot SURGJON TO TR! 0~YOTE ISOLATED BISE OByron Street, Whilcy. TGALT Wui. lcfRItN,.~».,.f.C,.,Fire Insurance Col yof Canan Ci-UY'SHOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG, t ho 40l oe1. l. ;L., Oshawa, Ontarlo.- HEÂJ, Orncz-KiugSî.,cor. Church,Toroz C A PITAL, S500.000. &.PARE .WPLL, M. B', M C.P.S., Dpstdwt oenin,$7O Starr Meallet and University Silver Iled. Il sil! adjusi afl losse, without delay, a, ellpt, Graduate of Toront., Unversity, pay over th1e cash AT ONCE. Member<.f the Collage of Physicians Hou. ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P., < & $urgeons c1 Ontario, Preside, Physicien, Surgeon sand Accoucheur, JOHN MAUGHAN, in., 1 ROOKLIN, ONT. Manager W. I)314,T. 1IYEEaY I. D lENTIST. (SUCCES- ~~ For te W. IL' C1rl.) De ta oonsa-D'nao sStreet, Whlty.nierlitr. .Tamsnen's Sat-e. Nitrons -Oxîde I1 danaluistereal fer tise painîesaex- tracio tet Ib. C. N : V A!I S. 1,. 1). 'a. luETises-ta-aioui al tise ia eg principles oaicteart, asenioau ithe aha-îp111,-aaail ai; gond Qathe u et. - Teebîs ille ltlOnI4ilaimaISihi-er. Tetl etrcteul asilanutitinA', b>' ptnduining local amisthênila. Dattial Iomni-in Cou'. ens's nom bletk, ni-or AShnsou's Drng Store, King Stuee,-Oshiva, 83 TUL AND CO'TMLACTOR, - DUNDI5T51.,IIIIY. IAR'eDESSING AND SHAVINO 11..aloon, lrock St., Wîitly. - 301stN * WOLPEtNI>E&, A GENT-FOR,-TI E CEEBLTED Scottish Grniute. At Marbis e Vrls o - -tathau Wbifendsn,Putdua St., Witly. - -J0mHN(AiLITElt, ]1OENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THIE - - Countis a!Ontario, York sud Peel. Io oc-Ll8, tît Concession Menklans - PoNt Ofie-Unioni-ille. Saies, tteude,! ou il. sbortest natice, sud on reesouebie terms. Tbrmis eau le mate etît bille prints,! a-ise 'Cisioutîcs, Office-ton Mn. Carter. 'LEVI FAIIRIIANJ<s, T ICENSED AUCTIOItEERiFOR TT'B .1.4 Coanu l>' t ntarilu, bsgs te rtauri -thauka for tino iberaI patronage Isoretone belton-et upn lufis, sud teaneunsco tIsai hé àu ptroed ti nen(lc a ec elben lu -Ton-n or CeunI>' et xeesonabie ratei. An. r4ngements fon sales nie -madoe aber et the ataouicL EOffice, orat Zain>ennOffice, Brock Street, Wiitby. - TUMIER ElCHANT, CAUPENTER 1. aaJoinor, Groon St-col, Wlsitbya A haxgo quacut>' o! aU kinds o! luambot- con. auDE ,TAKNG. fal ull>' sap. tile,!d ablendet aun short notice. Coffins ko taaisbantiy on han,!. A isasea.te lire -on liberal terme. HJ E., O'DELL, -A TH E R LY., -J Clark Divialoti Court, Tp. Clark, Consnsglonou.ln B. Il., Land Agent, &. &re., Atiseni>.Cout>' Ontario. AtlûIet*-DSit. 2nl, 1872. s <DIMq CARiSONl & DOGAIrI, Phy i'ls, Surgeons,, cc tesr,--. fc Wbil1ay, Sept; 101h, 1874. 40 RÃ"OYÂÀL IHOTEL, IlInIas'Y, ONT. - JAS. PRENGLE, PIMM'RETOR. Finît-clauss Acommodation. Amplseutn vel.fttei upimtutnise r-sema for nommrnscial LÀIAD,,weooD ron SALE. TIse' nudstsignetd oes ite jinanmia friaents and patrons. tîat le bas egasu si sasme,! Isilessaet tIse oid W/1/TBY £1 VERY 'STABLES Hsîving encreas-e,! bcuenabsirand ! ous et the stuat, sud aise attedtotansd improva; tIse nvoyencesandaî vehicbos on tise pt-et ises, le lapse b>'bing lu a position tc, mee tIse e-anus o! customers to usent la aes0 public patronage. N. B-Coiet-et cîaveyaces for lemilie sud ladies. Plrempu ttendaucn, as bot-eto for, a il cttens -N. R1AY, Propnicbor. C il OIC E AP-PLE TREES. A IlB OU T 40,000, -ITTlE HOME NURSERY, Froua tio te laourarof oage, embnscing ai tise lest Ventties. SETH C. WILSON, Lob No. , 2ntl Cois. Pinkeni*gOn Klugstoi Eosd, Ost Office, Wsiy WVESTERN ASSURANCE C034PÀNT HZSEÂOFCEsr, TeaesNa. CAPITAL STOCK, -'AGENT PUsoust:J -rn.sXAUIo, JTOSEPH HOLMAX,BOOKLIN, ONT. Alse Agent for Ibm CANADA FARIIE]RI MUTUAL INSUIIANCE COMPANY, Head Office, EAsXu.TON;an sd CITIZENS' INýSURANCE CoMp'y, Miontreal, Fine, Lufe asud naenteo Departusent, CAPITAL, - . - S2,000,0 00 Broekliu, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m4g J~LUtAND- FEED. ho nud'1ersignot legs te lutorun. the pub- hic that la bas niai-e,! liaplatse!ofbustuess arasa tls streat, ext te, C. Scatu's buatce shop, viscro le keeps on baud tise boat foui snd aU i kdé.e!f fon. Cash tornftasprotuce. JLONG. Whill>', Jan. 20, 1874. L i v E NY i 'Parbies tesiring corifantable vehsicles, sud goad ho-sea n-ilpisasa gi-a thoeunte:Figis. et a rcail. Z. P.BLAIR Mesons l oteI, Wluibby, Ct 271h, 1874. tt-44 HARNESS, SADDLEIIY. Thse subscribcr dtommes te staba tlet ho hans openet e .A HARNESS S HO0p, a., tsos pro ise ppis as 3-llfAs e 'ltl Dets a 7, Wlty vsr l li k4e o bud a asp -iou 01î o aînîsn a azo o! b ri""Asuc Ines ml - 9-- - ' ~esa ota - '- - - sshao o pubies u bugs t oii Thlqtbsarillîsnlacsfor rabs et -lis 11111, F RANX TYLEhI. near Utios, e quaitit>' of tint--foot Sbeb Wlitby, Fol. 24, 1874. DU01 Wood, __________ Vbile, Sept. 23, 1873.A1 tMBL. au DoMNO LI. wrUO'l' Nt . JA ,i. Is). &L.ilX., Ei anld Acoucheur, aud Coroner Irntisa -Coiutlos nt OctetlintndSlmcae. Officaeaon Coldm atsr-.St.# Orlilia, 7 - -Tise Domninion Lino consiste o!f inal. ÀLXLB 1OUSE, lass, fsillpowereal,- Clyde builu steins. wOSIslips, su a it l tohopenferm e regasiar - - aStvise bei-cen Lmnroot, Qururc sud- POT'oan zar,OxN., 'McssTRazsm, lu Saunset-, snd LrvxapooLansd T. D, WALKICER, PIIOPIETOR. p RE8 AGAIN REDUçE - - - ~'Queeee 1Liverpool, . 55 FAMRS&MLeCHANIC'S HIOTEL, 1 d. rtum, 29 F aUiAZ ONa5h.-- roug4 tickets treni Wlib>' anbha,! PRQPIE~O _y >ap<3&g ,i0 héeAgnt aI the Wlîby tj llyl -R A YBYO~ AIT!H M RICAZi ROTE 4 . ' h i 7 i s I t , 1 " 4 . 1 4 2 y- bý; b e s t 1:T h ea r 4 t b 4 Q fl J42 9 m7eî #ot h 4 .ot - HI ET, ONTA BI1 - __ __ __ __ __ __AU arold am' lcueapand.a 1Jil01-&1Y., i 'R o u e s elyu , r e n o vw 'a RT E 1 E T , , i n e v o Y c r e a r t wa d j i au d b " ' i ~ l r à t i3 à 'W é t a t i t ) l8 ' Tl~$ O ha recotinu o gnous~ ~ W .»oyoureld oc a afmp 0 ior no "Prwo , 1K 1yuao o]~oi ol eoae u cns Iiwî iiryuuad 07. roaeptnn of gues ssa plo o r L CE 8 DDAI T0 EE? H RS D>-NSytr1~ owat 1aa4my wZ éeadlmn .le.aou.th. Mot. n tÃ"r mi,, m lk Au onibs toandru-dly lowof te gate ttrctedme o eailirsio.te rom auy trin , ihb- , gMpe oo oeitl - carplntmesû1rveuttbin1cnImèfo1lof eL eera lpaiorionroko4. Pariloufùlug on wraln duing fhtupart four _________ _______________Y.olo in iaecbgeni. eedusopp-Yacobanc i. hm s AILko OEL O nECUT o XAMg N ildsrptos'f lébstNreMd ielal»t mrta pa-Wrmhear dn 0- poe u abtae - - 3~fwa uow <Ian up tIe d.,.iT - , - The eipInm frow cd EOOpuble c, rNllyfor t e librainptn - na ude n bic oi!luou f Ie .P OWt e LL . . PEOth eTtan n o B te rBaes o lle OU im ng te - ou od, urlsledan eô tcte ,- a8t ter t a- ;, I was., igot i. Loo Ie udrdu o n~ D rus. thcoNnro.- Osdagtds~Ban itfzii. FR TH- imt a lo* odonoar;~ lte eiei rm yu oll albes xrceo vlaii - e&freeo! chage. A GLASS « 0>#4~d<d.) ud b-aved.b evn ur e tm h bu t yo e u ow ba t ts win" d n l in f r a u el, M.~ ~ ID. S Ee hmwe aa »o Ahe r angemnts giea phub.ndofrsaless&. hbili lgaccmotdll of EM n pain spraut oet tfookva adn hg tebllat eelo!bosdv rmie rl einnd an at ure hoIas LLiN H Ot ecouomy. e5 My n snu- .- ffiIPortPerryi. fhuetT vare, M d NoilerlRmu ueuy -- iiralln'a. Q Ilhe siu e w l overk nia. -- s g hind3ýb te eer t gyfatwU>'to y l e s ou s e -ea4u<a n k ~ J SE H . AN EL Te uburierofor fr e! *1e olow cchig. and Isedon smdhl. is dil e flch, ofn tr paris n e r. uease B u il; fo reosoirI sah -n iMst yn' eIl ue 0 er ed N1 s5 a fOUS, y -A ecelet. BiCtta. ge f ~~ u ll ýhsa, J eu. .174 Prpretr. f y escen. helaoe rofn funltl ofy, tis.sg magDr Man ela ide n. hve Ic t s e r rue.i"ad o. ai-canylingaedI tala 0'ilis etWaU sita u the orner o! Gren au, aii nenuPlmt e ctio i tn,"n d a sbel obem s n*esfm icpes e s ie e x*aful sl ad l s.1 JAS. siOELL Ir srsZTrs . eter Bs., l CueeÃœSoaith Word S. M. WILLCOX, for dissectionn, 4iïanswo rCiaicagon acrM t rcuoiINý .i reoland, seiafonce,, sud iNe a rnslîtwsoj TOH *thoaatili il a rs le doue ; e ste' t o f ei it ; h ,usexlim rssae TOR NT , O TA IO.o!cAlt l atn onerWafllgon a,!wItoldu sei iatlI ws d e en,'e vus La 11111e mghaAïùqet a bma,& salet&0. mbunsorupulou cmsrtind cnefore Mynia rosespupn ont, onkoue gddennofdaowsSoonafai. trArtr reginstiae amointsurelie - JAS T.hEeLL, tr ts , ort a rd. * a acre ii CObenr as>amîl eTuwn commhltby fia en'aor nmed ry comfrtin g tbzouIt eind uigom e , u iveves ', I aera theïindlu be an nepol th s tenon gryaw sd, sud liti vie, iehi-vr b.Rinrifr ..Duȉo TIIIývT Wi- sOffice! thriesleie, o! C. hé Draper, ii a î,el y enralyst Es ndtapd.&ta orlu h blmeiu àc rallieri ie w thonH1 *wri ty o!ice Toronto, 9tot ita aiuda'n quy grtificalin ; o *rý gratfu fr. Ibis e uuscn ienlou'n 1 Wildca e. - he woe tans ûlu nsy e s pialy teci-ad ehr sclii Croprietor. el Rutn. Wurd.AlýDr20Racreso!ego"d ltmdOFFICIALEdie ilegave a*D- thA bv nif a ve. 2, 178. 88 Prin~c Albeo! pt. 4th,197.89, 101h con amisSand-KE p oweralcf acution-ofuir,li amuce l a bnt lIme we me Mys u saving ingtt a e u.- - eacaberne ùtin odo i tIr Wohis ikc. Rail. 1po The Ce.rotheaer Fr is Cas yo!Ouariiilbase nhaIup heet11 bdywn bunmefruan oribe osis "îu vcrfee Is ici-styofyor leows syu lb ldi,'sa'atao!tA DOe RTAda smailsnaltîl silbgvu Nde,! t e sr om- bwi be c r ely ù mad s ineaenÊ i lie sap . r Iuile ncibsit u ae aoIS'Q uel apnlucuinaar ia l atsdlmeDl al f Wb 0il "l J H n 0Y A in O l # Lag . Au,! z P t p l *T Y F SL. gent rs l te ! to bis c a l psois e a n t o n ,a bly e.n g Th ou f r- Dy e o l ii e l r oo hosi r y e er u e ' be r er sc ap d ct ea fu r e toaltIhaoeerpr,.Frt mb, J o ad ron te4t eamer7s lie u ld mnestorkly e nimatn; lacud -Icos-yliug O itmy inthl e di y, u i*enId t hi d erI ana pou, Dr. Ronheter-I.mstd 11e 'caShs. em.evrd tem i h à ex - T b cr b r of e s f r i h o o -i therd p a r.M ent.ty in hl(,wnopecled1no oe ratto é ecaatoc on sulnacdent olv irever t'ifind, bycise tseyshold d so" icuyreIs 'sa cae. 'Ie- TTIN OUBby-nG xBOe R, ooriuddrlivaaiscvJannfou.vsn7,1874.sled sesada-sn. ylfou e tnce, sd oou o tng ahs~ver tfviel,ïdg'lb ADDnEESs-flae it -aref;P'Z * f 110,resT W wrepofsso.rhesayy.ga D-îaci Im on iiï hetEuR 0Fndro ofand_______onhecorerofGmyn Lda euc I wn iyltu, ad pl ac 6be fte liut."lîyI .11Ib s 1 diugb à" O g s taîlea e y Unasclhuo if Ionger iiwt uha - __ 7,0ar flnwITBYe. ndARin , dup bga Imp vtelfor-disectl "As yen lie dan madana," I uidteb e dn h tod -l'ls i ofthn e nar. miu aag i e n'1sŽ-si yu Ore eligonadGi.X ove uylice,!,sdee its banaug "I e rs t en osa U t o ye have 'ê beote Marore pbct, sir; 111e u al - - onICreJm y" tu. JA.m.pWE or te. rthDealu sudcMesnfCtureSt.o! 1 tMARRwnAGE iCbha EESry ev tlupnryaiug e:bee Irue friedetme." wiàýdtu omnuap'ctatrMy toveue srfesai, adig eGuralHmtd,"ss m II sopposo tneeesmustcshaf C.Dreper, o!.business onveddey cidisti pltceihforr us.rLfrts monMy eyei LEA oNDToroDtoS, - face.1I7seir bis featurenedlstinctly, sud nie20aacres oon lie laddoOuFImeIALus tIsaI vIsicis ousisto lai ho -Icnowiedga With tIsaI; sud uit-or a faon sptne'pnt tf. T e u drin d i o u rcii o f Twns ipEO - sudCo Norancbr.lFrnthyou ty 0 lntiGuAU b si abr s epbhilete b dy îo lung diene, a orrile atolded t wbrothe tprivaIs;s parleru - cfeLoessionri Rd 'inbeR; seOHNg tA0pr toassa,! ot- lahn stethel.l e a binc-mn h e Ho cdadpnl.sae- Ifli emot, m oaiv, - -ýuo toeate aaL i.Od at h n i e~e t u s c A Il lai aIsho! Lg e weifo r Cope u t e s u d t b e grtl H ense nlld np e lo w o i pu es.e ux andTin Mdis u ab e tT iO ,wO R E R L À I t n ded t, C O M I SI N , Â N l eu t hI ws vé-n be y i n g wev. w y-e t hfid e et lt, m o es t ne , d r - o ba nde , s d e t e i e ta l ! a s a . Jc et s àe ly. i e B o s e w a do L uas ber yen, ne r w o bo stoW abu& t he a Ov e T NoOr T C. G E N E R A A G E N T ,o ulaH e sto d a ne tin er n dsIea d ly i e, y n g ylo v e ib is rs a n dv eil ?" d a r "p t d t a t a p » h m u o m t s u d p e s l g i s h a ,! ovJa nb.e I fe u ti a o l c o o nr18 7 4 .s y f a e , - Il eI a p o n; v . o c h e s t e r g n d e ti a t e s u d 1 1 . i' o rio e t s n e c n m l a i . P.FF.CILwsy Ce ppyto eOw. f2Aet oéh efdreinLeAtra iiced talih o ldoder ou ybt ynuee tihesustyan oex- a u ynviisOlg ndht .ay -o ltetibvele t a s , ! W I m l b y ,bo v t , 1 8 4 . t - 4 .b n y 11*11e draar ne t Ibis dre he a teeau,! e ntirely aaI l' nto.ds ,l d ,'And il vii ho 00dm11 Làot. u e al Ho- efer!th i r a n ia, eo Iety CO T ErM O.V ARL. cf.NOteAcUN Gs u MTgeges.m e icoinadg ntt trg mt Geay B R Oy luTaE S f r f c - -e o O f c ve . H e se o ' , s de - t u tom n r tis ate do on ag lu n g i o m d, A 1gr a fi er ess sv e ti o e i a w s l k u f m e n S u s! " , n ver o ma ," a d 1 f. J o e t AD IE Ssudo, ruy I IS E 0M ae.h Ie p osoliün cerne l. a vas bi fac e l AJiita ligh o aproatin isaviashe solea usotd a i i M.ver,!; t ek dik.ed 6 The udenugne, basreusoe,! is Tenîyyear, et ev rtes ! lueres, wit. WhtbySept 1. 474. F Ilgiea e eisid ean rewneyes - lmona wayha veenetutiaesof up e ful beier. ont cousmONTsion , ads oeat hne.Oedently ia Ilapi 1h uccesa eet yllshYo iO etmta, I B O O T ~ 8 1 1 E 8 T I ? E P I v a I. F u n d e b L e n !. - - - - - - - - - - a n i e n l e r p i n e , o r b e r n b b e h i s h a d e " T a t rla s t g h t V ic-rauth ,lieo rî d , Isah ar ae «a t adee o nr e, C o r roec t , .s esir ;i n ts n a it- G o e r n e n p o ur1 Appl aST AEof T W EE1hog T hi n ue g e le so,!, aietsle d m a tiy n- h owo u f l y u ii d l c y a i e.o I a so bu s. t n b er a te-is prmueaaadoîuugtie estrnHotlJ anur1hose muOele t ae d." un ictorlus fte*busi esg ad lcins 'w dr ik"si IeSuar L U B R D n a Sîet W LUsy, w ber o a o WT B OT AW A. "Nov r ke v Jabl e d l e s edit y Atid aym or tva lferwrdso, îfeor o e h issisuentbse lo odp oin e, gaveins u b uin an ifi g i The, uneraigne is howin SelIpttofaions hofrc ercebliy o xre ssok îi o I b ohe iein h e v sicoinpie r ek- clie b t s, -hg>icloueedtyen go a ey£li e l aes. ece endidredt eOxie cIlclea rWerkses. a shpi o ieBrokuSLt., srb. 0.TWIC AHALL, I Don yt ega , p lac lieater. cloufidnce A gda y 0kdatymee y e ngote Bouse la nn e ssugislaous aor , sud tAil drinthebl . br;selc t # ertock aud. R epai±iug May 2851, 1872 . 2-f Lae OaanatS, usd2 . nvrmkeaueu eme ~ musud arcies tresîle itacqarni. haur eva nisradleuogs teaithole na.aath creiate setmîaiocnou Jlueulite owSEFH Ac. teANDELL. TO OB ).laON L eaves COMtb ISSIN , p. sd, A.ND. tioni rî uni ons y n t niryor ou sce e oef ns l yt, care e ut forina fot' nvee tand 11k. the tably e eui yetr n aati ure, e mr se. r W b y ard 8 1871. CHANCE. Fane 25&censEtAL A-nyGscene s ay. og hy an daiyutme î u lovegbî' s Car le -smd a v *' ery m rry 2" p- - -Tiey e tru o ln er n etI TO R BiE îien îie-eige'M aye.. 1n8s2. ts 22 gn t fo the-s (WIaoid re r an Lltet A uo ie va ussallen n iorde'r dwesno ut l Ie ts e d etil. uto ! s i nclte b a -- eesm asButse i i ulîl e dgoiu t ri - &isl - N o udotter ail ycl.wcla ou W hT y o .4t ,1 7 . a h a d piv n l , P o hina ul gen irnl, Ib lôB va n c us b lle- Vc tonu e le ra ildefe a t eus air is ct ast. l nt ca asa io s Ie B i o! N ue, E i thcl li bsie, fr Boofks l*oa, crued ane- aosmad out. ltyenahitedeie fti ae ae--b 2" sudndfeietr lu sIcover vortetongve eth oleton ise suclIniii Iearlr usiaifpr ~slme asbi.ala',emnieeli hk-sr-,! edsge R Ea -.,laeprbe ysen c en o tso rmT o O ic e aile WRu.îH. J yoî, u da-t t thlarm e o ntDr a rIs. u t s os alî lgt i t e p re ti n gae ; er l wuxmI- ae ofm nend c11"0,Jmscsi Il cae ,'dt iccue lc ie L Tepo l W i±ly, togtlst. n-ibasma sto k-i m.rsie, Eh.iePP ad ntllth i p r fan a tein.o H m eoe w s na e Ab rI li tise v pole a t ier Yo l a -s i sioughsi unis in l atid %ir ,U ord- -a Twsnt OitIieanai utlo atsofineeswi- W ity Sp. , t4.8--vdetl n mh le t h sceu Ofaan n à'eea roary he a ae i ppropteni.p o él ëte. As'iLuiL ASH E RETs,"2,00,00. iske ivu as a - - - - - - - e ter ina einly, I pl e I sa hoalens *,lu s o l !nie issye. ied usul a y our aiode . -tIauoo e ut lac n , e wyoalf ia iuna uiselo pai! i co nu e! lb Ilv > ee IR T C L S Sm a d n ts. s or .ta nioabu a vil ma, a ti re sed str ug . h m bl e e, a e, i d e ad ing i i s l- e , in i nks i i e s o tb u p y i i t hi Cltemai se ad iaoFingte estee!ent er-lu, u ' Jc . mi E. tAEnu!WnExaia-Lrg 66,iy Nmoe e e tuw r ercis lauiilnoS ho e 'eeaiy, l y toudeaneerla r c sste u ien w y t en r.blndR o tl4etsr Vaasilty t e rnor er l isv Duy a 8 SO ,teeVlingbyasidara feas ri.,! n.icitnon-ettr, retpIetc înu OSHAW A.loue beproesoaîy t a sokyt1 fRes.Itierngllp orb p lety ugît la aod fashinl- en ?"owy? Te -j padj raed to uteuatiorsfur ecW y, li etI eAodiiise o aSpaet., W Fer asTic, su Arc onnlieYlr Fene "otlokeus ae, r Ilooiieaer. Aill n- distAn ay a rt ofaitI asked n e -. "B r eenltog rl., &H-and lruk i3ltiSk e oudl largnsad selecmstoctonehpit Bislloto tiysaI 1 872.1e2tloyt" cloei oas osesa retIe rcavnesetre iaoO-isnhmnawahBiautapta 8ij a G . , n d 2,ITp. lady dit, oL hart ceosp iau n de ulyfthe i l a lden.n!te - U j oe i ai ens-self." said er a po u iia . sle cau hla- oO EP husnelh o! A . ppruutBist odnspsenELtel. Whty Foivs . ilbyac, a el7 nd., p sviteu lsrning eu te N or coS n.et u t I Lfte a sri g toCmest is ta ' Aad or isai u. w hy" blo i aak I e nitin78 cuta ne-s Eca OfficeMa , 17.] UIESCAC.Fr 5 et uhwy Canadae a3rauclNoMontreal. Dtoiirhns nta retireofroua abusinessyonzan-y Hoteletlssoe G. F. c.iStTet aonnto!e batelalatheet hlensitu,! is -bo d y s am g. -Sbetructur e uti futh y l ouger, uthon diiy isthe "Yu. ens-le L l'ove V ate ise gi7aej clt, " e wrosi ,,hy - uerd ld, a Che!Agntto Dnsnin. peo, t tkatîs to. JO SE AN LT O IET rpaniailou fiede S yn es e b oe tsfeligse!tIe ivliat Hola tbo ltIni' suaraebu I I'l -efo aut by udge ai oufi L. MA RIE SJaA et t W ibO T e T er s 1116maeil o s uirseth ibampe t hC nectut O h wa a touche inoay et tis e l es choolare y t e ay cgirn er I sab e a ry a t cpl- aI- wi out il I sos n tîu ng" l ue ai cli ta iol ni.,"ea iu. "D y tsi s, O f isea in - uagis, isera a uld b o n e e u e te th ee ple us ure. A d as I e c a m e ore ac- su atei e,! tli m u an- >',csua i p r a n uap c o> adequat sscnnity c! Whsitb. Apply t a nia b irer n e agse n evm ore tnhie a Dr. 11 obe stier, yen -an, frgýst eo ig Fsl2 jss epra taI AgnEX. OGSTON, Aemadley P. Oad.Portun>'y arus, indraabi fngralngîe BliestCo leveduste ni coa ide be sud cLI un1 2" - about tise1 ouf saislàit. LitveIseousinesnd Lobn-vilibanda Glaueatober 2ÏGi t,184.43tftI a bisvitIasnpl ufur. rcedee!h av euitts apiea tuur n A C T I ON E E R, & .a C. a usmet psud arep ie np theeon. _________mail_ u tietaniWhne ron oit Bsp uteI o! îl ilimonbu ret inis. Hbr rloLu ha i-issu ato. i cul etfft i O cillela ilym aanlmi El OFFICE-m Bigthor'siBl bis Port Nov. 5, 1873. 45!- HOPPER.-donou ha epeued luoateinoftoite. eyAs fere mysal, ite oe,an d lliseais. Sisaveis , e d gs ep sta tsl o l b!n nl s N1rONE TO LED. slE p, quck shig, wisel tis-andeuplantploafat sealsdescriptgoint~mb be niesuent.eatgaet stedîl>' u$omy -quotlolsriosconcience sake Perr . -- s i w l i b u ea d l t h lacel I cn fs>' fr a e re uc ug s e n s sponet; -o n,!g o nce niit era oho ear xi i> iyt roubsd foe , V i le o wy e- I Il gII bvklw y t a m lt I h n d li o hl a PntPen, aue2, 82. 2 0 P CE T L T T- N dJO ersig a,! as aD a ouan cf ou cnam li nayetn hie s n udf eng ar d - esg , h ee it>' n tim-land dorsue an tbis anhé n -ae. s aows xy a oh rC nee c I. 5ec- nuanan MILorIEstes"o DOLLreS. And ou lwh lumetitouaiBociis er'sdlon. Ixamenraet ose ecorar>'. tTo rouglstIse rtalistn'sliied lyue econd marnesas 2Nhir'it-eremuarnisGro-euhI>' A. facIl Loana eauChocopgo,!ilu suss taasuitubonn"Sea tieane, Dr.exerclentu businlits e ertions et A laorIesqar, n yibytoe Myomiotiserlendrsat lew Dr-s.arc-h b-ansear hange soya il t hbay met î TI u ban i e e n I an a ,9o a eiS o - r .b oo t t o p . "sto ck e t hond yg p dsha t b a se a chesterand fs or tise I no ua a e l a e a s I , tm s e s , m ~ li i a a kdisda! amin sutd slion. BU! umbrit, Ie itagodso sale eea Tn os woFan Nnsnecisesp.-iAlio-dsaltyr4aed u sedn us ve ,ltl e 2 1-ý Prmp seavu n t anordr. A. l AM En L. CUROuICLE BUImpe N G, tro n iuseu, sd a0*arerickeb se.Sto,s. e no Lutcle r eu u r T i e,!; teosunu;d th vucsafeIl wiospanse,! m isteke. Isa eli sy isf-1re ud - isa itchr.dces, hn o? Foreftnther panîttamisres the prfe Tise transition te hoe vas so nudden, et na>' pîcapitheugb conifoterrasvan,. -tedladyd alsildfet su>'complart -ouI>' ilenianaleal policeinno lite otheraiiga Uf ti a t 2Co. 8af bsaI pith Ic uklngo! ts. bdy cane rba, ud o feirdolirs GaeeyYOUNGbeSMCoone.Hudsn, via big uns,Écnas spon dorn bos grupe, H eW bdby, aune 2ndC1874ita lJ A MSan chE,, tIse sînos ser Wo!iiseyeuilFeb . D É),,! 1lie87ec.e,7 uwnt'he vum d tera -. h m ait chithese N o rth 1Strpeeteg uua ' bI e ga e et e li use u S e o nd, - Officiaie AssignesinBboiner, od. watere da s a h ais' aya ud i e i for a sitetin ueu e et tie site etavu Isao e ducalorie Vas lý a ri e. - -'~ ~ ~ ~ G 1F.LN~~RIL A C ANADA. CI oD Nl-EWS FOthe L DE. OFIEOe ts oino iklii.oeraenlegois reoebsejy a shosgtrId, ntvss eg ufafwdy soi bott amare! lasdbinecres-dJhtihta T I M f BAen r1 . . MilisuseBranla St., Whi*byousc r tin on fÉly pleat s bole a ct my old - pool, lwaoso ticip . a n esvt utit mab l ui g nmn , sud b ric, ut vnoe ua itn oe h L.-MA K , aAt etW ty O OUEAND BpOTl 911,1872.1 5 WIsen wI aoktrendos. Sascief se, eus quetios feeli es.o th I el onest net dtaim on c keLoet le dpr. ls i. o lm vll is.t. iu i -l a et n s d O ila --- a t .O l rAN W EV llA TIou Nt eq iN T Hil -d in lig on a ou d u1a0po e aat ee ls us u a n y m ri e s. h r. 8 .i b u e lla g t o . s e a e sts r n o r OL- . -aoe-Sn C mpe 0F DBESS- AKIG .~A good MILStoyFa. Rog n oto te hamuber, -bIS ofbo,!r eh n tetro qanen;luwt lIm>'he iseoner eat bc' aIe , sud ihet.ndintioen.vdiivant>' li aaequate securty.et.nTisereh valanceion ladvinestcran Ds Edsburled,, suthI Tasn contant tllsac essecondai'>'alebjelier'neliermheurt." theidéer. Rochesteeyeniaoesohar: Gon o nlîs te Prierboro'JAMESLakeda, ci - T tiseplyter. uoche, uuic-d ts e v e ve nso e t wm blle! igl o tnerussaisekar. H s lds lZ n 1 agaliu sudtr oa n iot n'- roblu' adsell'jarzn! on e stN A dl y P .0 a m and 'r n>a di e . iebr a o g ez R o nh s, te me at e-oit ne s u e i o n d s; Y e te a I L Cht-lsman ?"ît h l buso ne ss S os er i t admon a - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w t C'uia ettfan Ot a t ida, W Ite usnes HU wLD E C HAR T.e on l c ftb e Mua19t, M1874 n-Ion e miii le tins, sud ru stllg pial nilfrai d es o!thet huga e ul il;It h h pIud etsa fiiuýe aepingf"r.it e oeul ss l, migut' ina Pe Ctea IoNu EPrt & *,opc 9. Dress a es aire romesauremeutealun popne!ta eth-g etoIsmlte uhiisiontbis brnches ofteiusk o ntlrs. ai ie io ol o ut tqiâ s S O F Fe C - I - - n delk!o r O . , 8 7 , n -wh c i o o e n d in h s t . I éA o ? sm a e lf u t oi el v e l e v e i- b na ; s Ih u s R ore fc bd l e sý e t. l t iseF a i aa r z l . ConugSuahfri Lkde,. e sl, -tlfeaiatuntosa 1Ish po uk si g vihtrls vrpécatsouin n ootit à slntl. He gwz ul u naviîýin ma«ersi f- y iem . .m 1a30 e. n. j Mai-î: d p. s. u c.n g a Tsensationlren 'oqftiti>' ! -w eaî delM orre et ' ehro os M y i g Pu nt d ua e tia lbrar ' fo a ut I ive e be brotset aon4fra oslo tuioyt4 1on-hetp 1e lit sud tous Tnanhoatad etenunc~ batios, paronie tis mihlvItIsblel gniaing. u blaIr, arne e tIs cauc, su laid tise ablerormlse voume. iThies va bapeslseald. lieatmolllimenociveotshieyaebeu trenaaulît si - iî noo fo Pe erb ro' sud Onllia eu t tte ta aut,!. Lib rai ind com nîs T he Fi nt. sud F cg Ie i s et qam uelitio -, d e ool taud u on d lp. Ho n f acex. soacbing f tor h, li e vends heIl nd y lt iI ysnhon se n e thleLe a bur e e r o lenoi-lak i d s oh y i a a tl à li e SE-N GLE Gr nFr e o t H p O tISAnon LE b ROe. Te rosua l e po R aes of n- is e e t non- ad m t nblu g xr m R ens y trqu .iets,! c ar de - - ry T r ug t t e sn ania ans il >' d a y se c -n - a r es Y 1 n o i r e tarllo ed b l 6 d f r l . sudz Str. Norsoin um tosutanr. IlStsth reaDr.Ma ch1 oforttheReclest o bsrR che te, M nîl>' y oton s heu,! sudot mr . 10forus rsale. nv i e su e ie n b amit outr i nu E san d f rW etIWN T UEAg. 18 18 4.T.e. R I E. m l ikd eof a IC rain e t n us c " Bt , mo N or y earo Is el , i rib saI an h e ter , fa ~ o t h I or gt er. W e o re boa s ù, î et I a c a -, s » e . r i i t bi l e r U ica l. .T A Y L O Re', aW lS te ier ie, Oct. OtI, 1871. i " Y en e nvi n oi 1tr i nt w s a is la do th oul o u2 T i l e l n n l & h f r i d e ise yeasran ni>' girone e pod e t h e yA rei ic u t s 7aw - up.o!Tano n-be vil i ae fthen osud1 keepyou. I Iria dg iedtirclicucls voesin d b : e ss o t m ul tth anlwi nrrol~T Ai.sr, Site mv i>name t, tis ia i but rz5n ena oldeul aremandha, sd ii oult? requin., ontdIeaven ep gme snuliiatu b rle oomneta MANUFACTURED AND RENO- C"fiearaneadîla>'bckon Isepillon-, lips toucot beoaoreheet. Bshesm»ih-lv Iil aven l Isa hoeo dnilmdagrtaksg*e T. H. MaMILLAN, 'JT Vi'IIAIXivuuled >'lthe magie o! hoer préence. e ai'lto li-aer u vt vihhs iohlydeseves. for pedestriasis; a stico!ahbd OFIIAATIGIE M 'EAT HME FOR THE YEA» 1875. Ver' so ife nt àoa esetul sloop; "Don'* bob So our, Hugi. Bsal i - You ask me t! 1 ci-en met Cliarles or vifte ia le mcailne sal OFFICAL ASIGNE, M O'LARY CC>.beg e suounc mIe I aaJu n-oh.lb vs ppseî.nol e asmuscl yone vion a-B>'f~' anivli? Aes!les, ut-uter esir,!, sn a iIskuUofal*eileise. Also, Agent for îltbe ht tIse>'have ape,! business et Oshawa rL j Jf --.' w Te enaue ilo b aci-andlt-ye s rn--unblaitl inunaacderi vt cnusnctlhngnaas lx sewsaer -M anufalatan> pposite the 4"Vin icahoer" m w Ia l "o the'rh li o a i om m nce ittgrre cvnry escruhiansnd l ~he lsi stlo. -Il Iniliglut vas lnlnging onttIh a u fl' s ars ifronlIsehéplace iike a, iiyîiutulet vitis e presch - aenuires a', littloîour-year4od thme1seib - ev:ydsrWtoadibtebs t l tby . 2 1 il 1 1 i j a vr' h lu nst aii spl s. n vftn.hi PROvINCiAL liNsURI(CE Co. Tmeinv, -o pt. cntaeter it>'pnics.mBouglin I 2 8 22 2 Oossrnsui I ouit discra foua le teIleheée P.ouatse i sdB . AT S li.ûé erUxntI i tanove- tia lno-mounalu vies. imdt i l a i item: Mania, yoaa 4 2 0 8 - v asm my I m odtâusis er neanhes,. a nd p r pou ssxd J; OFrICE-Outario Loan sud ~oiSa lat-Pe 2025, 4 8 epe2 ndnet mi e ate w ifmýofhe"r e. Cormpany',o building, corner MgadK Sgtng E O A 8I 192 128 oce oa w o n. a onIae Ry twun ocen ete uhadn herirs e.itOIOe tas sarrois, tusîtàae. j 8 141 &12 91 htfm' excet te vieîh%îuernje>',a Atînil ~~eua t01 84 a un oam .a ise iifie. - Br9...-.-810115sau -. -hech- ieIbu a nleain 5 btanlutlat iGoa lhasngi-eu se-noble uber"tse guit>' pair ver. té netl u i t is.e ar, -luew many lteda~oJ, - ____20h, 1874. 17 Th__h 171 11,41 16 foi a gon-isomot.CarlseeauveIa;ye& have?" -Th ie r o 1~~~'OR~2 GE.H.DBTEL, sus1Y ,>'Q-ll sd a u a Mau's- Butaisail a his vite'.setucor. High wOenilB uueci,- worn i l'h.Olû RE uMn.cleir fr '*Om eus ti mésaii lç1.n-islesnig ttb sinat.ceveued volume. I la>'- O>'n-slelneomsia iasughf--tb M. aatvll eUlisd theie-ar -- n 111 pobum SALE, HE AMERICAIi HOTEL. - Junior Judge. ll] stndying the landsoma face Ithi rso yefllecins ' îlos refuse,! 1e>' carne. ho ."I iIsus da#Hnuliamae ..&T THE WMLLS cohruotrosy Jnano.r T16t, 1875. F Qrlo drw lelan îlt M 8- andsge obotstolMr.e6qa" 6 0 0 0 0 0 fo t F u a L u m o n n - l e se n o !. Il oirsT- c a o n sE h bA n wl yf g . 1 eo u g > ' o u ge d i s p .sô l n-t l a l g t I a g aeo o bo r o g r ab lfi o w è - - !i l.a n ,- hh éa s i i. »l rtlvi o m T i. > n o n . n aC i t s a s o r e l a e ILncI BoardsMted ap sud moîste! bb tgeout ud E ST MA1ET Ds' -geoeimrnedlatebyjoluod but ucheand th m ona e isew, sdlsy GEORGE feU O bis trbeat-- an- Ien- Toe r,î e ddtia ILfïlaiîv millo,-jrEuo e. - u abb e dbfntia u cf h.o1ee 2 x 4 S entiug ti n o gu sha Tie p eso t p opnsho Oba O I O . - toce d hi n . iar l a u e e o es H I o ý r' o ec los p Ieginga 'houe n . 531 e- ed s r epst1or oouse s e lu itng -"Sm, arn to n-Pm nm T» e 1b limo ôhav bee IBIS af 2-l d P au , e eni I puo eme t hsh n-c l, te d t lse Irs c asa acc m m dat on1or h_ jav l1ub-e hsu ,'atmatuoo& ail "enlyîco ld ebt in ozBelangcheo., n qu sndvitthehl .ions-ro gihnAané eM issouri fo rn nt. aue 4 F eci ng i o r dss , - e r i s d a c c o a i n fo r t. e r e cu s . î i a s g c a r n u s n n i t >. S u i e s o e p a t u s e t s d n u i t n l I l l t a l g l s g n n s l ' i aÉo s i I h d l n g o n i e ' a h t e l 1 te i s d adt n la ;a e e e O IîT at e, J'iOic1 7 .21 e l T.i i h d O RI e sO N Tes O c. C o us. H e s a r I m e n t o l e v a e o ! s a i nt fru i t o a ed au > yo n e . a tia k .I t u m ln e e i et u n h u tl a l SS - Da sot , -c,'no uet.T e rsn po e o lon s. peisetsthegglaue atmOf hacepu aine-don-n menuofh -in 1Pau ,000 fis no( ai s Ho T lx e in a Ha el e ittat ,! tî ial o in t s n b , a u,!I er', yo . ellm ea r - a sin s - chog , . ai cia -o se - . Hel i as air H a tep t isose n am y hAs- av ely e aU b h aih 'fo r o A o f vIs i n- rh ~si, h ap t n cash. - an o tA. e ce fid a tron -als!.I e C l a l S a at n ts *1 e au .'C~ 51o ppoin aiu t aoka he g ero! b * iay b udhi* a l -h l t au a o o her oil t an e o l d ? quaa1 nierena Exemin sedion>' -s ai d e o lf f; "Y e,"e d Int lJth e o ml. Yo&ie Bocimesten. lonai she n-s. bus>' la ra. s SHAWA.for. le, ILt-eius tse itleons cfor ComG r ca Trk sud b a e e ualetal ie I Torebt ws ovn.ts - nelste, c e "bl otcn ana osythe _iiuad nlto oofl ea O IT UZ . Get etr. ala>l od tbly-tku-rml.tm ie c l~ as e A n gua it. o bno o er e Iweit amA ka di&U, the-e animee ide&it fietm iglÏ'> nt-cal,! aise bog toms>'t e 1hr Gn, nd sithe eB. M-nfGrtWât- -ntle anPRIET hi hand MIIIIS RIsL Thn l oun5_sn-r,- - -- ~ ~ jeis. oel in o uisel withintIsa l>,.mes ok ndtre dy o ad e.etopru -Is r h ' natt __tos fm us h a hm e, __ -'nqar -iW al fth f h ami toeofi o . ad n ysl r. hentgehr attentive alie oeàslayo lcWb' oia lore i employbed etfo eee h r ,fs it 0.a t diter sm,aid h a zi ii BSI 'are Ampif dt a t1.-ii.- 4- -- - - - 1_ ail-i Bal 1 ýý. 1 .. S400,000. fi,1ý

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