Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1875, p. 4

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Whouàqus sshailel aauitor au grtlole for pilbliletion, an~d aseka hImo u-fix IC UÉp"beoguse lia 'wnata iu, Iaa. hurry",sud<Jbmidn't litma te rerlge. il,' Ye osma 1no wiî taliea trhmenoe'1lieý lad wf lb 1* utfil ildnlt t, rewriting il £turaon tItuoo, deatra-ylug a quire. of _-Yopapand sou bosetIiise pn ùery twontlb'stes, Tlîat'o lhe way they gènerally write min article wlen lley -Juasi wiIeT mw eits.-A writur in thie f3t. Pla pr'eüe hlls a Dow stery of HoraceOraloy. Hoeracewuto a noe te a brothior In uNew York, whsea writlng was epaliy illegibie w'tlî ieii own.ml'h îaaapiont ail lie note net bei»g sabetanesud Il, ivent il backby the oatpo neiseger te :f r. Greley fer ellatlani. Suppneimg il ta becttho meswer te hii a wn mneo, -Mr. Greeloy hooeal avcr 1, butlkowiseuvasmie mmable la roasd itïanllaRaid tha lie bey -"o taks lt-buiek, - lat dos thie ilmnmed laci inean ?,'"Yeo, 5frP eaya lime bey, JO s 4jusl wlîsl ho sayo."' tjuan Jape muet have beau catily, -dreseed liem oL swas -iookitmg euh for' fiear lpoyr andiusag - "Il all cameto-niat;thie 'moitle %aireeit, -Thaemni le alla dfmairÏ l'Il wear tlio eisehatuitdlti iii i ct - A nlb-bmmln fi m air.' - Th (, dt TîoQcliams boon pemi aîht mî. prave ail lhe 1001h (or 1inmoufniWaVles ýt>haIl Cr.1adiaîi> ile.gimn1oîtalFimmt imîv. ing btiotîiel nuia rrtgimnmnlml clîr lie *word "Niagara," ase iormneriy granîcil lote l- S100f1, -theu Princee Buigemîite Cmumty ef Dmîbliim ilugiment, inm- i rnamnratienofailtua distinguisli&d cen- duel 'aIt m, ecaptureofi'Font Nimigamîn ly wvho wiîfmmmom mi11 mecileaila - lm 1>ilimml l01'1-011mt) mmstliilivimmg'. tiovoit Cimilmlm'ammofoh'nme fmttrii mm'mre iBmimilgmhi m: l J i Resmmlai. m'm' 'îîiY, - . 1'., i 1i g iim m li l iîool mimllit i nu-i(l <'Dm> yomî limmk ithmt miamilsmm'iiormmie limita ira imiii i i'im'. Ii m' k'IL îîi ýmmab',, eiimmî-itt'iL pi i ifa niemitimimml. mmI Ilmulmî t îot," mm %vas m iilli1,lii11oL Co.s imb rimiimty goo imimitr i tmW gela divimot'e, mmi imm 'm1fmmmmi huit lnonmty l Jinvm"immid lý, rl.mm' Lmîi mammdtii-m- ity immU.tm Si Ot(la iymi orim M om 114m10m<mrai Li, traellinmg o liim i immgiumiy, atumi' iumi'mOmg .jîït i ît tiuhilmhulmmîiî mi yo'iîig lilm. taltion, wmiim mtmr liy lmr(i' #m-c-, wlimtde- iîîandeid al t, iîmi i mgc nu y toil, wimc bh t lmmiu the ls tickt, liii, tuiciig l Iiiu, mî<d îtmIimig tuueaminilohîMe etirut, raoiiy 'rûimîlol, ",Jmmit tlimoiglu Tho f> lr;'e riâte' luooi in ti; it) riim C Ilomm Cîîmuwiinno rammuuladmtionwmmlî wviilm1m0 fmîîmily nism. in 10ovomrmil mmnnîîlieain Erumlmtiîml, milino à mmue la theIofm id~i, anmd ami I-he im.u ,,'Plie uloncir Pmml]i- lmml of f llhilîimom- mi6 cd<i fmfY mcrimm, iivolmil lu te lmmmin gitpi of'md, ail i8 il ookomi. amt ayýi til, -Ulm e lrlmdit Timmi LmmîdQmi f/m/m' mmo.4tîm lsr e rm smltm.tii imilom iei himitilim )i-I .\mi' ro- 0mmm' of tho , iikm.îilg m<r"iigiit ommithe Ami"imltmm) 0w imijmjmi m'i miliileu mle- ulvil ut mthlie D ;î'î Imii'f <'r im, lmdmi, sa 1 1 iluît. day, -LI Mai, nr, mmi jt ; m mi ý% i SWm I F c STISTED ROAD!. QrUmde lImelm'riimmiiomf tie wmi Amiti immà mtm7:1 iiiiier rnmtlimriy o tem i l i ovmiei iimmt mmmm lilma Tmmmeiml Lmimmjiimmmmmtrsiimhe almikali mihi mmd mmi LitiVirlmimi 1110< ihmmve wmmk bt) ii i t(immmi mmlir Ile. lie tofflelc t i r ie!irm'th t iit mîy Orti> bar nmx. >1 p6cceoai ons m-ai îmmmemmimimlf m, frmmifor 'eilu rioimîîrel, ntl lie Cowmî Limmls De. pmrtmJnlcToupîmamm, mmi im msgmmim OffceofCrwilal -[1 'Tomiuk ioce , lmtc i , soic in lier «<îleor rmbsMle mr<r m i mimim mîofmmark me. s niue àSp ioilicumllim. 'VTe tioamniisiummr roem-rm'ei hie imimi of io otngmmm r mmmm mleImm omcea miieemi 1Depirtitieitt firmwmm Lmioml, branla, AImil 1011, 1875. 17-Wd "l'Uo S "'0 p HiT E 1114 1msîimlmmvoitmmi ii'loi.tmmgmmi ...ri-mîwmr................. ...........-Tmemmm.... ..........ti Dio houu ieMr-90ag 1Cîul Coc.i ........r... ...... .......... ..Ti -Vi'u ..................5 Jenia, l0e-3m'owrcofmthIh lil-(osmg -,'Ste!Wut.,...................... ZI <.WDath-mmlmmrme dtlmy tmiîlu.l' cary s Dlig Iymm .Sp i emi' 5 .,Aloo 3mmll'rUmmiitm.'2 - My Iiafeir mutt -Qii11 'rmmlu Hîm-1<mm. 8 ScWig... .................ii ve. ...a....ru-Iny .............. :1 hsep, iei u ALoeS Umictls-Somi-la-i veir.........t................'h Tl wceîanS LswÏ-Lniam- Gier o',-T . 30 Waiig a dcp.oi Tliî-r--Simg uand b»uciae-i$l~ .m................mii) ...............e..... .......... -ltese....... ............ -0001), do -Dai.r... .... .........J l~ne '4 D............ b Liyo oley1-Yehimme-Maylath. 80 kee-ok-logLfd .............. 80 Palry Fsslvalý-WmoroasldeSa Slon-WvIl- .son .......................... 78 1 G irafla.glOiis.l-Wagnar. - 858 MhC, ... .... a .......... 851 Pot-po~urr, do.,-'a~~r0 Close t. hé ut.rs, Wî *#àe'DaS-Tra7t. Bo" & ei u&wa-1m ....... 88go Florenca Waltz-lçorva)l ..... .......4do NOW BEADY. Iças. 1, 2,-8, 4, anScl5 Peter' Homisiold bMl- -ffleq,.P1ricee 6Qcent eadh.Eyary num. ber comtains item (i te 8 mow Eojg, Cior. imeaetc.q bjie]îi est i<niters. 2. 8 4,anS. 5 Paera?%' Farionr music. S at Aeî-Ivel-y îmîînbei Coli.- tefi> wçrri.elceotplaces iy linkei, crains de la Cramme, l'rce E'vry aunbg enlins ai sor lamsaes.aS slect Pilpe o've lilai, ltiSP5d a r. gev. i--I . eas êtll nclo"sid-ahe&m Ja McOÂ~iN. voived at the Departiaastt cirown Lua Toron*to, until 1 Fiatarday, -15fl7 111M1 y, ine#, A 1TUE 0O.Tfl IIO 0LLXD XLY§,O "Throo--Milo -Lake Road,» tcamnnmmingmt mitoiIeltnLe Bond Calird 1,Deu lhmnk", mrning thoco in an Emseriy direcoto thIacie int<ractlon of the }'ary sîmmi mil Bond upçm the line tierebf eurvmyed ml ote ohrler of the Maniolpallly ofthte townàhp of Watt. Theo"'ork ajîdill îesîellomnt lu te Coin. menée at the Simelmtai Lake 1Bonmd and t terminate at thee distance ci FIVE MIL1eS tharatront, to be performed undor Spoc.t5. ration< 2i. 2, and buc omploted aou or beora 'h e' id y of Octb r next. 8 ecldctlons.can ha soeanand formeafo Tender procmured, autua ioCrown Lande De- partinent, Toronto, -<ad the follovlng placema Iracebridge Office nil Crown tLande AgonI. Rondeau, S 1. G. B3et, Esq. Dée Bak ' J. Shamnnn, Eeq. Tendors Indy etamto amipcp-ifle mum per mule, ci- raton lot litiurcumî kinmiea o .werk described iii Spocificmtlam. The Coritnieioner reserves the right of accepting mny ornonc oltimu Tenclere offored. J. W. ]3IIDGLA.ND. 8n2t. of Col. Reade. Depmmrtmcmmml of Crown Lande, Toronto, April 1th, 187a. 17-ti4. - "O $20 -lta DAY.-Agenýts want- SedE An ciaieea a f worlîlng' peuple, ialtler snez yonng or nid, maka miore monoy t Afor 1ne ii limmier sparo Ia mente, or al the lime ilîmn mt moothi 'ç tiea, Partiolmr froc. Post cari o ta tc: ontceai but one cent. Addtlege, O.STINIiON & C-0., 50l'orilmnd, Mille. P 011T WViITIM .ANI 1]T lPEi1111Y I XESO lIALWAY. - TIE TAB3LE No. 1l. Takýseefot on Mondmmy, April 12, 1875. Trains ri17i-T'Toronto Utine, wlulmh je twen- ty.tw.m moino ie slowr thai O.TGI. tIio5. aihul eflomnctmm, dipmrt 9.43 imi..7. 17 p1)m wVlitl'y .............1 mi7.5pm. ....m lmm10.10(tmia7.43 p11,0. MyrtI ....... [1.111m. IMAU;.m. ..moi ... '10,42 8îm.1.12p.. l'r.mmm ....l11.5 Ill r. .8.31-1 îmi 'Pomrt 1'emmy.... arie 11.1:1 mmi. 8.41) p. Prmmi ' i- l î' t mm.. jl. 1. !11.11 .N1rIm(U, 7 î.wmmm.2 7 1.m. ..m . ..... 7.05 amm. 2.4à1 , jîmi \Vîîiib' Imi immio imiuî,iiiaî ' .op 1 o i. Co ut W'immmii LyJImoii m il the G. T.R., ist ud vrst , t Pot imiV'mi ,Il w iii mit îmiîifomr Lmjdsimîm, limmmlmmii Fýimito, mmmd. ill mîlagm. f1TTN w 1.1 mT 1;), li'q P01M iPERY IXTEN- $20 R E W A RD Whrt ILMmmi'ttmi pnm'mon hiaie lium'm mlaimg th imuImrkimig anumimimmifrei thi'me a lmoei elmm tjhim Itmiliv'mm. miitm'm-m'u immit -il iiiIm liaimi fur thmu i )lttîetmmiitm <mlovit.iommni tme amy p iim»I, Nimciîmi i"m 'givi'mm ttmmt mi'ple fmmîl lim .Imimm'im i rmmmmmJI, t;,' e iii timimmomr oui tii.rpot Ji'mm.11m-t ym!hummhmiîriii mmii pro Mmmitbimi ami' miligiimiS5 'i'AU 1i" i., ~ L' m " C~ %%m m ' m ii mrii & 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..mi m i J 2. SV1,1i111 mm,0 i imlmmI I) mm. 0 -mi titi-m1,1 mm..... (t-2.5 t. i'l unigm mtmS-ive mmHlm111i11 ,, , ilmmi mmx.mmImI, m01 xi iii il . ..ii ..i - ..- -.. m . 0Ill 'I. Mim'ogm 'mliii mmmxmi' mmmili t lie mmmmmmm îrmmh f I lima liili7.mmiem' .... m m 5. Miiemge timkii î'miîîi i mi v4m'îaim e mmt1vl imlimm'ii il - ri al-,mm I. . . . . . n 10iol f rî tIlmi'm) iofM oi mmmmie4 lmmmm mmi u etogiig.rsm-imLriii'mii'ii rltmmloiii' 10 7. 1 tim. (mli. w'imimi igigie mîmme mliiîi .fmmîri imir ..... .... . i 150 8. Aitemding AIsimies or Seicoxim, V'rthimmy......*........ l. Milemg(q t'raeliig tmmatrmmid As- tumiiîmmm mmi isomimmaile diebumim. 10 iirmiim ti liii niJliixmi'l>......Ori !oîi' mist, Ii(m-Iuliig HteIliming mlt beijlum, ItImmlil<l ri- iamuo -o pv' Iiimmrof, if hli i smmîamiimy mIt Jmury mmmîmmmmî...........a 0 i. Atemimliimg <'ni-h mm l imîemnL fu-um' limmim............. 1 12. Do. (Iî l ei mgeol Imore timmfour liolirm ........................ 15 mitm-,mmi 9irfomi- Cormimirmiijem'l Not io.) .............. () 23'- il15 mmxitmmmmmig body t mlmimimimii .....rmm .... ...............lmo rt~~immm , ............... ........,, ... ( h v l 1 r'i i -1 , rIeleoeIlxfimî' IRmm, Iv m;i rmmi i 2-i'i'ii im 'imlitý4illimmmii1 m î it. Pimr-mm'oim, (mIf i 5mu I. ii !hi. ('it.imi oum mli'ait mmudi vmîîîî mi.ii 22. -wam uim o'mei mrrant .........k 0m Clerk ofmîtime i mai , . . . r,,Ifa, GCIlLEA i ENGLUSH REîMEDY 1 ~oui Ts~ng. DR. ILmIAM -G11AY, s Âftee Tuldng< SPECIFIC MEDICINE Cures %a1l Nervouse )s s e mrasc Tremomr, Debolitîylrisio, iites, etc., wlich, ilu aser, ra prodîtreu by over indonfgamea il lig me ofi iabbae AnamiS ire hoUle spirits; but tîme Sieiic Medimcie ie mnore emeally rperrmnntd asaii mfil- ligerr.for emicsinVa ek,.eSptr- nss'trena5'moca,.y. sud AUl diseuses liaIioiloW as a mecqllnee utii Abuse, ae Laow u l09 limaîr>, IUnveruiai I,îisî.. iode, Fl l4ltpIhea Bath, Du;itlleoei 'Vision, Prelm6is ore Oid Agu, lnndnînny ehmm.4se a l a e.ta Iligcmiiiy er coasumtpticeaaSà el'nsmiire Grave, vIUlniwhich, as a nule are frei rnamd by dvAigfromo te paîi i ai natzinm immmd Over naulgenue.o Tiescinîrlo leli!iîml IBlie um teimtfmam ie stadmy samd min>' .yoors e xPécinuec mi Uue i n Our pmmmîhm WJ'i'midesicite -seami Icby imomîhlu cy Aite. ,,- Th.le Spueitie ullumn i e aid im lytli Dcvge ilat et lpr îmnkg, or ix jeaclag0% for ', r-,I in sosnt 15Y mmli cmi eepîuf te - .WILLIAM (PEIAU & co. Windsor, ont. IW-olelim wimjby y Jas, R., Gie-d G., maS.Jmai Byrnoana u m 0 -RAS ]RD Celebrated iir THE ýR DAYIES &BUO.'s X Cream Aie & Porter.: OF OIýUAR& I, ND TOBAVCOS AI ÏyB, INSTQK -r ADE SUPPLIED. ,j Oehawma, Maroli 24, 1875. 18V< S RI NG. S-U .ITS!,ý-, TAILORING COMPLETE!' Choice Lots of New Goods, Suited to; the Seéason ! First-Class Tailoring at Low Prices!1 English, Canitdian, and Scotch Tweieds, Fancy Vestings, Fine Doeskins. A Superior Stock of Ileady-Maàeý Clothing, Hats and Caps, anîd Gentlemen's Furnishlings of ail kinds. Leuve yo'ur orders-a good fit guaranteed. JOHN FERGUSON, Whîtlby, Alîril 6, 1875;. Dundast Street.1 LARIGE STOCK 0F CLOTH S JS NOW! COMPLETE. ier' ilt -te Nov"elties of the Present Scason GOODS, AT - , 7"7"'m'i'57mm!~~' i The British ,Amerloan Cpmmerocial Colleg, T 0OR 0 NT0 lRAS A BMiITER COU1{S 0F INS!TRIUCTION, And fturnishes MORE SITUATIONs for Young Men, than al the other Coileges in OntéioCombinedi' R E FEËR N C E:z itou. Aloi. McenlPremier of Canad;aHn.- 'p.MMaiutar, Fraudent Canwain Beak atComuc. x of ~wod Let-oena Ontario; W. H. Howland, Prçsidemt-DomiailanBoar&of Mrod- Uoza3alin Elmpson, Président Ontario Bank; Hmn Thos. N. Bbb; Oshawa; Wm*. Goodeuhain sq Presidemi Bank af Toronto; J. Austin, Esq., Fraidant Dominion Banki; Éan. J. lihlyaýiCameron, Preidant'Provincial Insur- suce Co.; Hon. John McMurrich, Pras. Dominion 'Éel rph Co.; P. lddne Esq., (Pn- erai Manager Western Insurance Ca.; John Mauglàn, .s., Manaer Isoiatad Risklisur. snc&oî C.Hugh Scott, Esq., GSn. MnV Quen COite imrsurance Co.; Dan, Wimmn Ca., miaercantile Âgency, tas'. Youmng, .PE; Glt; Oliver,,M. P., Ingersoil. Or friands a.mong the maerchent.sare entirely too numerous to mention, and wa cen only rater aur palms to-imeý leadingr business 8irinstbronghont, every town and clty in Ontaria. Fôr terme, Spacimensai Penmanahip, &o., addrea- 13 mODELL& TROUT, Toronto. Furniture! FlurKItr! Now is thé time to buy good and cheap Furniture.- Having bought out the business lately carri.ed on by James ]EL Samo, we take this opportilnity of irnriting lis many friends to- give us a eaUl, and we eau assure al that we are preparéd to do as weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo lias.doue in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. ----00 - W H 1 T B Y, Oiders by mail promptly attend.ed to. IJNDEIRTAKING.-The oly first- clasa Establishrnt lu the,- Couuty wliere fuue,îals are ful- ly supplied. 1Whitby, Oclober 1.9t, 1873. TILL && d-MNS'TN. CARRIACES &BQS MESSRS. ,TOMS & NEWIPORT, Beg to inforin thie piblic gerioraily,- that they have opened a New Carniage Factory, on Duindas Street, TWO DOORS- WEST of the POST OFFICE. Where the are now prepared to exeenite ail work iu the bJ,riago M1aking Lino, on thoe hertest notice, end =ide of the beet nma- tonaul, and finst.class werknianship. ALL WORK WARIRANITED. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATOR. Whitby, July 29th, 1874. 81-ly' JOHNSTON'S, S-ELF-RAKING R<FE AWARDED- THE FIRSI PRIZE II A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, ini 1870. We ofleîr Le our ecustoffiers for the comng larvErit, two dis. tinct Machines, which in stylu and construction, -eunbrace the latest and most useful inprpvements of the day. J011NSTON'S1SNG L E S EL 1)AKN -G6 1EAÀPER 1 THE " RING 0F RFAPER8$." The universal success of this Machine, both ini clouiely contest- ad triais asud ln the bande ef tic fermera, warrant us un eaying ibat, as a Seif.Rak- ig Reaping Niarhine, it bas mare gond poinîts and ies defacts, and bas met with mhora siaccesR and ues leilure, thafi lieretofere allared te the publie. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER 'Re were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcviuî. ,,iel Exhibilian, bola inTarante, 1870,in campelitian with ail the leeding Machines mauactured ln the Province ; and with aur rent luaprovements, we unhesitet- ingly challenge investigation anîd camparisan <11h campetirg Machines, wc are ssîlsfied that inch investigationf wiIi canvince every unprejudiced wirid, that <e ofar thbe hst Mawer ta the Fariner for 1872, builth fe Dominion, gFSend 'for descriptive catalogues., P TTRS N DR? Y .G008 A N&O W0ERIES#. The undersigned is 110w receivin a LARGE STOCK 0F D B GOODS, A hoice assortment of Cnaian, and ohrTweeds, and a ful tstook 'of Gètèeis Furuishlmg FRJý GR OCERIES, £I~' hebest.,Wines, Li( Branies A1 ai"P1orter in " , y , -ç ipr9, ~ind G.' Whitby, Msroh 16, 187b. corner WEIEE, T0 r' - i Albums! 1Albums!1 Albums!1-A splendid stock, OheaP .z 9Ad. good. ,' 'O 'Bibles!1 Bibles!1 Bibles! 'Faniily, Focket, anud Refer-Am once Bibles, a large assorîrnent Ici choiose frem.. - Sui - Sèhool Bookse! Soehool Booke! Sehoplars, Teachers, Trust~se anelà ikow- whleo boy"their School}J:ooks. -L Station ery! Statiouery!1 Note Paper, Euvelopes, Fouis- <m cap, IPens, Pencils, lIras, every, article ini a. tatiolier's lineat City 2iee. Fanoýy NotePaper 1 Faney sote Paper! A beautiful as- sortmïent .Anda athellateet styles, aiw: 0 onad. * .'S OBERTSON, Dookuefler, Newodealer, Statimiëmr, and dealer in Fangy.,GIoods, &c. (Bengough'u Olid Stau4d,) Brook Street, Wbitby.- P. -È.--We pay special aetention te, the ordering of:ms ceilaeous Books, Music, &c., &C. ' A LARGE N EW STO4( SP R I NG D>R Y QK, 0OÉ, GOODS ARRIVED AT W. J. ICKIE & C05.S. A Fresh Lot of Groceries and Choice Liquors, Which will be sold cheap for cash or farmers' produce. - Whitby, Apil, 1875. 14 IZIOiVM0L« .NEW JE WELL E!?Y STORE RIIEPA Il? SIOP -00a0- The subscnriber ha-viug removed to, and fitted up the pro- mises farnucrl ' v oecupiad by Mit. J. WILKNsoN, as a Music anS J'awallery Store, is preaead te furnish goade in his lime, inclnding gý_ Pianos, 0Organs, Clocks, Watc7nes, and Jewellery, AT FAIR PRICES AND ON FLIISY TERMS 0F PAYMENT. REPAIRING ini ail its branches dame with neatness and despateli, and satisfaction guarmuleed, and et pnieus te suit Ithe limes. If yen- wiah fer an Or- gen, Clock, Wetolm, or anything in my lins, don't farget the place-end if you wisi any ef hem repairedciho<mre and. call1, (iýnd if we cannaI suit yen we will net charge Yeu auytling.) Farinera' prodnuèe taken ina cohenga fer gndsa. tý Ramember the place- Wilkirisen's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. 1Wlmtby, Februery 1OtiA1875. JUST RECEIVED, CHINA W. H., NOW(ILLE 7.l A T THE.-1 WH 1T-B Y TEA STORE. B y GIBSON'& 35 Hihds., Crates, and Càses, and Cheapest SPAIRVELL, contaiuing the Largest, Best Assortmeut of Il ba ro- Land, 'nezf) rday, rai STHI Bae à-iî*mex, ôOiSofoiCrown Lands ÀA't. GsÂvhekczs, <~ J. Cackbnrn, Esq. Poair Çà3LIiG,01;Timomma'sInn. Tenders may tatea speoifr soinpar mile or rates for dfékn knso wk daeci2bid insciain TheuCom29iieslar reservea tha' z1ght cf eoeeptingaaoyoi nenaof lima tandersoffer- J. W. IBIIDGLAND5 Su 4. 0 Col. Boa, Depariment of Crowxo Lan roto, l0th-ýApril, 1875.' 17 1d S ALT, SALT, SALT To Fermera amna others wantimg Sait, I arn seling gooci dean FielS. sait, freah froin cars, for 86 par ton, or by car 16aad b suit purohaera. Fermera, oel and leave yotir ordera,ý you <riE neyer buy cheapar. Aiea arriving by carsela quanlity ei frauim mined GCoal, direct froui Pensylvania. Any partiIyo!goadrWood, au for sale chéop for0 4a , rmyGal ana. Wood yardii oCwl~ o lel, Wbiùtby. ALEX. ALEXAND)ER. Marri, &am, 1875:7 10 WANTED-900 Garas Greenwood, Beach andý Maple, cul dois winter. Appiy as aboya. - CUSTOMS DEPÀRTMENT, 1 Ottawa, Mardi .2sie, 1874.1 AUT HOBIZED DISCOVN7,T ON.- I.Aunericsuî Inýpices until further ino- lice, 13 per cent. C B. S. M. BOUCHETTE, 4-f Commmusioner of Cuatoms. TEnE ALLAN LINE. - RATES 0F PASSAGE FURTHER * REDUCED. Stearaga rates fromQuebec ta Liverpool, Londonderry, Glaspw-_15. Chirn aver oeea<d under 12 haltf era. Rat=r ticlet,-Quebc 10 Livarpool, Dcrry -or Glesow-S0. repaiS.pasge ortdi catesLivexpol, De o leow ta Que- ,bgc-415.biron u M are. - R.YtLE. Fîam whom evary informiation moay 'be - ebtained. Wiby, Sept. lti, 187-1. 89, EEDS I SEEDS!II Home Grown -Seeds Brown'e Catalgne of Seas sent fras te al thal apply. My sanda ara freeli, pure, sud true ate naine. They ara grewn. sund are- for saila on Lot No. 8, lot con. of Ficker'Ing, three milea weal of Wb.itby. I <nU sena saede free B-y maî! toa a prt ai Arnerice. WÂNTD-A Gardiner, single or max- ried..i S. C. P:ROWN,, wVholesale sud Rata seedeman.- China, Glass- Ware, and Fancy. Goods ari8d,17. mI O0f ail kinds' ever exhibited lu Whiutby! China Tes Setts, frem $1.50 te $20. Fancy Vases, from 10 cents te $.50, per pair. Chine Mottoeed Cupsanmd Saucera, frena 15c. te $1L50 eech. China Mottoed Mugs, Card Baskets and Fancy Goode, SZe IN ENDLESS VA1IETY 1 _ FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM $i 110 $z5, PER SETT. -Ladies, al limhe abeve ha'viug beon pinciased expressly fer Christmas prosonts, they wM lbe sold clîeap and without reservo. Pleas.e çea and- examine fer yeurselves befene purchasing elsewhere. IW- Aise on hanS, a fM assortinent of cheice Touts, Fanxily Groceries, Fruits anS Spices ef ail kinds, Hume, fBacon, Lard, Butter, Âpples, Pets. toes &c. 0½STERS, beat branS, alwayn onhamuad.- GIBSOIN & SPA.RVELL'S. Whiîby, Dec. 151h, 1874. 51 THE OLD STAND,' [E STA BI ,1SUHE D 18S33.] 1 lWM. TILL, -PROPRIET-OR. >ce-- l . New IParlor,,Sets, - New Bed-room Sets, New Din Iong-r.oo And a large stock of Ca ne and seat Chairs, -Tables, - Bureaus,' Sofas, Lou.uSes, C.upboards.' flair, Cloth, and -Damask.louuges &0., &q. A fiue stoek'of New Gilt»W.indow Corni Ihe largeÉt aud'chea'pest stock of '?icturés ON inz towný, adl of -'hiçh Ie éoffers at prices that wi] ~'The uud'ersigued wisbes to state to his 0 èe- àa tirepublic 5enry, tiraieis 16 b. founial ttire "O NMAJOR MLS NOTICE TO THE .PUBLIC The undersigneS. b -s taini 'in cstonu- ars anSia pueblic dUl ha sarenteS. lie abave Grio rI Mle frein 'Mx. E - qr for a tarm o! yeaar. maing baS seventean yers' expanianco in tic businoasin (leneda, ne truns by strict attention ta bumiess la ,m vcustawers a goa& mrn 'af Gristing asu Glapig loulr, OltielBran, Short. an4 Cho0pedS tuof anlkinds keplou han&. Cash1cr al ad Sring Wheat, Peau and.Oata. Oatmeai !&.'be lie a cdngS.for oaas -anS.alec oaameal froin Mr. Haert Euüuell, Cleremaunt. -JAMES ÀANDERS8ON. Dec. 28r5, 1874.' tf*.89 BE IBLE LOOKflýO..GLAS; A miýBOR F OR ALL PEOPLE. REFLECTOR AND TEACHER 0F THE 8CRIPTURZS Cal 13 BI BI ceai Tc froin Wn Ah.« :st.i Teeth local 1 H-as n fiA trie ah( Terme thanks b.uatewm ha is Towui Bockl1 .1 et com on liber Clerk i8o., Adi Aiher DR 'Physiris' SFirât.c walI-fflte 5LAB Tha an ie, se )LD SI nor soîa oont, anhiis in no way conneot i usul.-ÀLarae Stockrof IR -B ROOK 1IA'i~S CAPS, kc., &c.) STR EET, (N cxl Jior Northî of Dominion Bank.) JE... C> c7mr A.IV 'p CHEAP CASH STORE, DUFFIN'S CREEK. Drîy (iooîlh nd (3roceries, the Newest, rnost Fiashioîîable, Best, aînd hpet LIAST 0F AUTCIONEERS foriiîscl uim"tti lliiidtg (of Qi ttauio, Northi Lidiuîg of Otartiiio, Luidî sejt'î[ vuuipat itibeu in the latter. Il. l". '2)m-1i... .,Immtm Mumiil.. 15. Il. cammieromm. .Tî.M. Pmttrsan. Rm . BoySl.. wmm. M. Wilcox...: Dllmiel Rose.. linvi Diuhop.. Janumm Digby, Jr... Jamim îeDgimy, Jr... Tîoimàis amli... Sahi'mi'miEckhmart .... Jfimi.Kitm'agii.. E. mjimr.... 1). M. (Card... Wr<. Gordlon.. John L. Wntkim .... J. C. lPilkey... C. Moore ...... Tîmommie Poncer... Il. L'. Viîm,.nl. Illiig 1i<immetim. .1.'Clmm ir1 lelmm-,. .oiii F~. ( ......i JliiR.mPage'.. .m... 1Tiioimim otimriuem'... L. leairlikmmlm, .cr... B roAi ..... Atllîrle v... EWhiby... wV1itl'rim .... do. ...'... PartWhaty ..... do. Mlcerimam... do. . Koswlick... Brook....... Port Perry.. Sen g. Goodwood.. >aMnillîe... Cannimîgtl.. LUxbrmdget'.. stouffVilleu.. Mm<khanm ... Wmliiby ... ;Mi'omri-mi.ITY. Lmcînosm xpmîmes. Mlarri 4tlm, 1876. Jnly 8, 1875. Jn1y 22, 1875. sept. 14, 1875. 19, 187. 22, 1875. <~26, 1875. 28, 1875. October 1, 1878. 2, 1875. 5, 1875. go6, 1875. .9 , 1875. 64 7, 1875. 10, 1875. 12, 1875. oo13, 1875. oi13, 1875. 14, 1875. 17, 1875. 2,1875. 20, 1875. of28, 1875. Novembur 8, '1875. il 3, 1875. Non. iti, 1875. Nov. 111h 1875. Dec. 5t1, Ï875. Duc. 111h, 1875. Deo..241h, 1875. Jan, l2ti, 1878. Fuî, lit, 1876. Feb. bit, 1876. Jlcm........... .. 51cm-a.. .. .. .. .. ... somth iiu,... da. Timorah ....... Thora ....... Norti&Souti cidiamg <raek .. ...... .... North Eidng .. Sa. Eolmti ltding.. de. ... lUxbidga...... Mare ............« Uxbnidgc ....1 Southi Onario.. Seott............. NocIl iing.. So. liromi,. ........... Norli ,Itidlmg .. Ranch-ý ........... Mura. :. ...... ... SauthI Riding.. Northi Iiding ... Prock ...........: B rock.......... sehah ........... NocIlil iimmg.. Northm Rtdinq .. SijYut Ontio,.. fim- .... ... . I3loi timo. . SLI ST Oi" PEDLEIiS FmOR THE CQ. OINTARIO. OiT mm'mmrml t'm'mimmk ., - imitxxumm-,t m-tii-o ., - 'mu'm'. t(immts.um'uie'mui & Ci, Nelsuîim itumimlry. 'hum A. 15. Mou-lu A. IL WlmtiTm3', N mix'. 151 ~. .NMmIiL.......mml... P r iim . .. Cti:ii.miigiimm, ..... Onm fumaI....... iborso ..... (1m....... <bo. ............ (Io.m ..... 01In imrtie, comnty, 3rd Mcih, 1875. 141h May, 1873. iC.ti May, 1873. 101h Jâma, 1871 4tlm July, 1875. NoTv. 101h, 1878. Nov. 216t, 1875. W.M. LAING, Co. Troasuiror. 401 ORBGANS c& MEL ODEON OIWA NS0 THE MUDGE & YA4RWOOD, MF'-G ,ý-CG., MANUFACTURE TIIE CELEBBATED AIRICAN ORGANI1 S1îecial notice is caileS othie tollawing Styles s-ud prfiées: Style Z, in Walnul Case, $~140, in Resonant Case, wilh Carvinga, $160. Style 15, in Wmîuit Case',' $150, iîm Resonant, Case, with. Carvings, $170. Stylo 7, in Beoanant Case, $175, in sai. Case', with Cair#ings, $.t185. Style ù, ýinjIResouant case,,$00 b"lma Case, <itir Car'vingî, $200, AUilI docf Black WeVlunt,-panxueiled, with revolving or elidiùg I.6ir- boa.trds, containining mll the latent bnerovaments, ueetly eua elegantly fiiiîhcîi, acecordi.ug,te price. ALSQ, YA11WOOD'S "fMLODEON ORGAN.e li haud(s'oile losowood Pitaio Cttscis, highly fillished. Style 4,5-0 ; Styla' 6, $175; Style 19, $200. These Melodton.Orgausi- Patented 1878, are msnufactuted solely by its,' id eu oly be precured fromu üs anid our Ageîts. i Trade Màtrks and: Caeailegistered for Our sole tise. AU - trm lloflts *wrranted for Five pars., IN GENTS' FURNISHING ' A.- PRJ 1NGCwL E S 1

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