Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1875, p. 2

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[h Mullos. 7Fw-hpas! Wl W. J.. munrO9. i-ONLY 'teoPER ANNuM. Whltby, Thur-sdgy, 'May 13, '1875 - The SouhentiOuaioKelcion Peliior The. breibuha! héptic iore'ls c li whrleh à la saghît toesiablsir bel eyor p pactloeq analIreatiug, h batucseasi. iidgnsut Ila hle dlivez .4 b>' Lie cousrt on Tirsda inaorulu Te' comment- ou thc eviileaice in ilt nrealîthi,or snggeei vliet tii, opinlih tirecourt ongirt tlub,, voulit-ot-cauni le a. avery' Iriapropma..procoeliug. Bu 'nheuotiip remnmtrkiiag iow im incesureil>' ïirort Lime aaidlncs fallis U guitinng Lihe lûnglia e howiîci lita ýpi Siltloéer lias gaie, lai iis lag caaloget ofo htrges aofnvholsrele bria->' muaicr - impt îretlcean. v.pArevellhuliasîlt iaeeuiM 4e ut - sn itirail tsnnier ofaffences agaila- tie -lection l1ev; but onrt oamiune slxtl witueiessssatiiud, vitlWithec an -aeceupOt lîi l.cIa he relies ho astablisi laiscame,/ net autl'ar. J!umnk Gibn Mr. W. L. Tijoaria,*Tar. Blinge,tani Ur. Francis ClaareMv. PnrallcGibbh 'h&ppening ho 0c, ioaaa ulel fira i r troui t wa caoaooneciirl ta-evelieas prraaî eut et lias lime. . inr amaa,1 ,it le laj l asgaakid, ihi n narlimaraax aai sauunie ni.tï ci Uar. aareallaai asi tord lia Juilu a i iliii. t'ai ma1yas iii> lan tii> er",eiii îad lila vaicèlmll'cluiailiagina Nait, aat u Ifrosa-lo .l- asirent*lia-itl lin au-1, lh liitiaio anar' ia-r)vaîaaîîîk raina i'iriirira ?iulte aIa>uy i lhnaacruti it acl lle.On ul Oll.ilar>' Wikinson, -miWî-OA» i alîaatïtr Iii 'a a'L(i, ii enllni, r nniarl, saicrn latiti --imat lt-aia, aac"i fit' ni llaiua>luraa Ira a'iahcîl. tr inaaea liai «ies. Alantara- r t rl iiIaits ->cae cîc ti1a a1>. ni '..i l-n - i isirtlaeia' aivi- ciailari ii, }ai'aa'ir iau aa)tira> I bu ta iirty ;tit afflt iit su> un- orn Ilal uiIor f ia' i tra pirariauaeratiry (fleelli Kt rilliaiut ai Ir ala alrn" thle aaruiii;la'acti.mr)l~Iami)i -riti ai 1iiun iirre iuu iliia. 'uî lrer. is 1ia time dae)'ottiia' iraiwalirrArfeaiccanthei, cries tIrerai airsl' cIr't na iinral iru -a fan iiukm thîn t uc>, l t ils,1,ra ty can )as usa» iriiri-at fl i. f- t i buaat at thea1.1lliiaiptai a'iîetiaaan. Plianitsad-~ lls htlit ureagli lrcali'-iid, liat ma ironacollaîctiaiii slîîitg lorre %n; Iu0i sa-io cr">r'a'r. r, taricaaa'iah: niîa at iviiei uoi ta ear hU ileiraaIiri, liant sîîppaualig lair diii re-ai. It fa niaI nt. lcnIjptad u 41 i. ta a 11Jwl iiima i lli Ccroy lii ofi'mn ii il!iiîauiiig thia Oaic actîug na,. ecrrtitna-sr haorTI.trawi, tirai Otllianal1 i neiu' araai"tiuiej 1itn ra lath itiie i las ira-it 'ilathie aisli. t>' ietiiiriiug (lui' ' .lia - i ruse hue saura of - rfinle ana'rop lat ctiev. a l'îiiniTla-M. k Ulanîeacauliiii.e Tain. JaMr.aItritla te)V --an I ii'itachli ai' a olia i' n L iiiam ugai- f ogtien, t'a il itiii:iniiw ahr riera of ia l t tata' ic luath 13racril tt i1raîraitrll Iîa.Iîîîl iirif in e alnînk ou dit!ia ili>'til piailari tiai tiare a- alsaileirnibc"y aiv raIuptin airruri- ing ta îhiae w eCaî14, wililcir. npare- mas1ati e ifraiara. 'lInséireithe' eciiaRIA tIn ilîl le eva'idciree apon wlieh lMr, iasne.i la ai a- cai. 'Il'ioy n y ire rraoirmmclled."a-annuli) aira mure*An lu al lm» Cf1aaiiss ni lonug pàriili aXvvieniCe courulaiMrar lrra..usa l'iat tha cpuitrn lectil oea hn raMmr. Brovn vawaxctiaeried. W\oiiih Ma'. au encîmir> ry ifm iîral:CuLimi- We 'euh amI ai»>' liant a-a11oamo-il l. -,1 lt twe lhave csramcsbunuexianre mea o fltcouiat oi couac ai- t lu 4le'etioai agentis s'oid laireelIv e ssiy alîffereait pichune - hlie Prirsetfla'ltiuia iaw lu inreme0n. able in il$s asiuienuts, nual bîual if ils Clerrem live ho he onouta-usai vitîramt 'au>' maifiesîiou itl aiialbdlu ira ira pomsl 'bilit>' lu have au QaLsitiaui art arlh free fa-arn '>earuph pacîcr" iarn f arucir a 1ev ain(,pstrieîI clsuifar us la se>' liaI a-physieli-au naI prescaiheaa drap oa! spirilmous liquar for n patient -btwseu Ithe houa-s af poiing; limat a geulntotuacnnaI tahe a glass ai nié estbils lunch, or liaI aryen tva ladies salnot a es agiamsua!vine- logelîrer -' y -re>hal even the Paatariug ai lia qoasecrateal 1viue lu tire saramna - vanli be a camirutpaacice witliln lia i'c, It is liane tintthle aiseurdities . nt >sub legW*allon vers-ael amide anal lhe lav saierdeai. At-ahI 1eeal, 'mcibIhé. lsg hela ta bé'tire conséquences, 'lb- imu-aethe eaffeet 0a! compelling lie lIberaI muldedjualges o!flthe court ta- exé*ols.e agremler dsgrsee- afcaution ln 4e4prmlulaig vliatconsitutaI s gene>' sud l mihrmÃŽa caudidate respofislble -for iLsels afo! hase v aya>' ppen aea b ~e lis supporters at an eleciair. ~8VaK Sru.-Tis- vainabie tuýa been aleutI>' making Ils $q noputblc favor by lhe numeroras oural urse ii hanpev!oraied. -Ils ýénU"efia Io nluovlug la lirepr- o rnwhiclein lutIis prepa. 'XeNa obagïd, anadfllIe pointm ent,pvofstrd hlm syhe Cor.tlmbr r . ~ W. 'B7Owùýibae4 t- WallFrIrhe> o., is gntprz.lest Monç1eY t the Courtb ile, Whitby. $boula lhe Jlas itei, ther, w111, we&P.Hon. Mr.eutificeWilson ýtook bis seat L f r1111d b s#lga shaice in h. aot. If on tfibeoch sh<ot1y after-tea o'cloèk.- Mr Blake refuses tii, Ciief Justio.shiplj fàr. J. B,. Hecitor,' Registrer.. Coiuasel of the Dominion, tht p'lace of l hi o pttinrM. aeàsBohgn n rack lu fho- countr~y coaibnd fopeiner, haMr .-.MM. lau.Mr., hue an lib"rawsaaryb that refusai will iwprss v .G @ilauM.Hco us WUlthe c, onviction thet ho =asaa Cameron, Q.,.C., ML. P., amd Mr. W. H. tg contnu* btù *akeunactivyeaPUt in Billings, counsel for vespondent. The juil ie AdMr. fBlae a continu.cor qpwathngdwhitesel r to taike au active part in proncW5 ttoigcswIb, teete -Oriag Wmrbod' h iag sa pectetors maid the large nliwber of ti -o state of -parties thât dosnet witnesses in attenidanve. erist, aul that may, or may not be of The petiJioniaaving beau, re&a by the advantsge ta the counîrt Mr. Blake, réetrar, Mr. Bethunein ru eply to the W111i iat refuse thi e nd prize Of lhé court, steted that igo answer liedbeen elilef of the, Sàpreme coua't- without filed. The. petition charged corrnp t F. -heving fitaïé ie p hie mind bde.pradtices by the, vespondeait and by dialtemd dvidedSction l whr agents, and pracyed for a e srntiny of the -direction.' Wu cuntesa thiet w, shall be ballots. Mr. I3thune-seid heis ntended on. ~ lesrd, we taay sy reltevedl, wh8n we to go ou the corrupt practices charges in hbuO ig affeptanlOiROf th@ Place2 now - the û~rst lace.. Aîter 'thet'perhe o t at sdisposai. there. woufd be-no nscessity Ïov I e ib. Mr Blake hat dclineal1 the - ,grand acrutiny. The nemes of seve#ral wit. as prizo', andl tlerefore Our obuou 1p~ nesses were celleal lbut aid pot euswer., r. -nd o dubtwathlain aanyother William Scott, ho6tel kesper Oshawe, ofrbis-ayd of u thkiuag-an eester iwas tue, flrst wituaes w orn :-examin- ag. ofbmwyo hnii-a él ît e d by Mr. Bethune, said ho ýWas keep. èe Ilpleased" nov "velievcd-I"at. thcutilook. ing ]total et Oshiawa on the l8th Jeu. of sil for reault. nary, the day of poiliàg Betusod to TNe O BB.os (CER'ro. ay thuet he wiis a supporter ofIr. ýut iisODi PELO*W§' ELEDATIN.-Brown or thst lie voted for iim-voted 4. ?rangeuients have boeîî made with bb alitnild id not know that heolied in» he GandTrubi Copan for spéialany right to answer questions ns ta 1mw uft rn opnyfr poa lie voteal or who lie lied supportedl. Ho Je-train ta leeve' Toronto ut 9.80,, on thé was et the convention et flrooklin et ue moriiing.nitihe 24th. At speciai wilil wih Mr.i Brown was broughtp ut;' louve 8tratfaavd tihesanme niovning in that wes mOrne lime befove the clé iion' r- tinie to conneot for Wiîtby. Tiresanie Coulai not tell who called the meeting§ f ~or Who aked hilm to go there; thée-no- totrain will also serve the~ Great Western tice Of the, meeting was pliblîshed: by ii. arriving (rom Hamilton et râa 'cok.Jand bill. Lould not tell wiîat coeur- Thoevwill le a spéciail train ili witiug yoeint the mieeting ; wes net the con. t to -aho attenaled was prior te that. Rad et- ii. 0tanaovt t eondha noin. luMr. ]3rown's committee eh Port Parry et fine, 'clok; réturaing room, iu Oshewa, once for about ten ei t two o'clock, a. tue, on Taaesd ey minutes prior to the election; it wâs lu moçain efai hi hal. Port Perr.y Drekies lie. Conlil net tell the narnes na mFll'g ator 'lu al"of ail hae saw there ; saw Mr. Thomas i passeuglira wihl almo have the option Of Dîngle thhre, aaw Mv. Stephendozi, the r, leevîng by the seven o'clock train the carpenter, Mv. Frank Gibbs, and Mr. sanie avning. Alil pssengprs l'y tihe Fred. Gilbs.- The differeait committees Grand Trunk taa Whitby oaathie 1îh, were et different tables going over ltae andilruturn.gtlie gaine aîay crin tcla s voteve' liste; did nt iit ar thletarbies, aYtbii» ai been tbld thnt Iro lied beau placed 011 ntcthe fa'.avi, witliaut production on tire colilacitee; tliougbt it was Mr. unofcertifti. r, ite 1rtogulaiiorifor the Iaraiik Qibbe whoiaa d told Ihua IliatIlis orprn.lnction nf ceririicales iwili0'21y Rap- narrai»liadit eenaplnceed on thre commit- r l tn tLrose f.aa ilii Wiitby ol,(Vtaie. Did i amI cnvenss for Mv. Brown; Lt, hallno rocacuiotion ofi askiug anyuneaa iiglal, or ai,i îaaio s.rrlîr \Viiily taa vote îfor lini; it wne barcautto lie was elie fore t!ar -1 ti!r. tolaI thitbisnreaowvas on tile commit-. SIcrts~' frontaA iLU qaatlht, oain, 4tue ltittllie wenoiathetirooaas-ifflnet tiistiiag te ntaenalrtionof (lddftrIowm' minti> lacilre lire warat (out aigaiar. As utfrôlan al parleiî a ay, lita:î:vit§it vil aI llaCt4ar au fieat, wl.a-aaWOaial Sary iant lé tlîaaiity. Ali i»l(; aragr iarii ruibu l-J vario,witîaont stathing Whlie laula bo liiillîan.a art aattîiyîacv- votti.,' for. VoLGodanpoîal rrarerty lcianwn itlaas tlaai Locklheatlouic-Jamîes Gilîbonr 110-- was the iuarar-it Ni,.taa called Gibask it. alortaîri ccarà, ira Rafaiiwray p».Blac,:. \Vould l oui aaa jàititaL-y, t wicilra.-r or mati--V. IL. Tiaurarce wnaut Tii>aiiaaI;s i aililîî.a aig o th t)Irai cauitica uroi, tiaouglrtiau ware ina-a aatecaettd ia ti aiitiarioi nia-ritbrjbc-d îîu îxatoii -v rrnd prai'01nlcra yaitefrnajuuction, witim huOntar~ioandrimupart f 1n i el l ore atilrrilng section or theiic iailway, evas lialdl t ilie owraLaruî Ai..a tf rle ia.o'circu W ai t-ire taaerî ltlr.în... ic i athri a'. :iy îpcr..-d lioIat-I. anal kejîl e y Po401L wee flaraf t jo al arra.aurrdrrrli ai th. ie~ 0W- .M L'olû, :1-oî f lîcairaru : . X -pr- tlo- aarl gitliî1uor. Did not Cib.on, :lft-r uc ni irrIv; C a.-'aur,eoI-cact tire r oficre i to.ra»to wIanrarî a Mamycar ofil (iay 1o . IN.a(ja ai 5, h-i' ar as soli,;.li nt racoieFNlr. % J. 1).Egear, ]r..aiiat : 't)'- rtc irauirrsLcilr itr.r 0101,1lie n'liîtp Ifflo b-en li" nigibr1ave.got liqir, ibut WOOdI, >r2eaaiîirt noftIra 'ýian r l lia II"4wit"i a d no rocoîlecliora il'fit. Wit. Itiîilwiay ;G. Liii4w. aa-ar I6fr lia -i4 akv-pin t rau accunt a-rainst partiesa for Victorira lailwray;M. Ilig'.! 'r--a al hîjiorra aulai tay-dd i caslhbubi- oul' thliai titl aira lwt ay ,J a la 'flir1 j,, aaaa, aurhtr b' i no entrieaa of 1Maiucgiagre catro:tXlit-r cmllihaamgeia rallurariit indiviranala>. coutla nit r ePort l'rrY lilwaivY i .ra'aiîenbe.r fl fi crrrs nf ny persanefi 1>.P..Colnia \îlamriaa . ir"a.uîa c ilaal got liquor. Iluerilur er l W. M. Iirtkev, T. Waaatar ý, WU' i-Irilaina L ilniconvratniorn witîliauanrili gacli, C. 1). lhanr, aili vai;ac.t I)ri- ou Iltira. lluv.lk îitsiale the haaatal, but lr" lily1). Ca1101)ra "l-itIhaja; cula iiraiaier wlaellacr Tlaaanrae ail M f. L.DitA..cher, lîtrirA141a. T1117r11:1, «ailliqiur or nul. Ruew a'iell Cuwia, n IL. E*lhîcit,J. . t.Fitlir.(', X. maînia, iîlti raoî aacy wiiatlar la» «nI liaîuor or là W. rliauria.J. Miit.. ..W.tlr. 't, tor wa-!tlaer i)ar'ial Kerr «ait liaîaor ;n tTorainto, l&c. îaivw hltiarl) Ir.l ial nouai ira rr-citiiof Aaiougst fti )a.. hr-cac-î wrve rt, a. a ii vi h lainaîroi, raiaal anull' Ilollen and I)rap(-r. Iua. 'air. Uilîi11aj)t i8:&Y %' i-îlaar la',ý waas iralI il or rlso aeil'c.rda l'ew mra.mka. Nu >.(14.111>1- L l il. al îa, ari a'o ia itr undermtnliri, ýanr'rim-cd rit, aad I.arir.11 iatirriv iîîa'lIeual arn eijanirninenitoIulit pieluu 'l ia-.. .lsty, cal liili.ai v.y da»y iritaim(,lai ano Jua> ari a s1f Vi)i'lIrar la-N 1111a1 lieaar hlir lia ttltnt îr-rti:uInar aiaiy or rai. O Sife Arivurl of thc Stcamships a cnrî :. isaiiiiiaaai lîv Mr. Heactor Cciii. C I ed ic the 1ce. 'i >îi) 1> hui»> atiaiIrlaiook ira partif]t W( t'. la--a'iiti îrcaai«,tuiatié,lia i rd 0 To ýtire ar-el trelief f vi araia' araiîî-4 A » lianiaiya'>îieit mliai' pla»ciaid wah it liaarirlrr, arlindiia ic-dcf Ilia' lîailiaa- iiiiidit i a aî-î 4 r aligecr ; t alaro aarîla's CIII,> W gaintraIci v aia ll;Lia alIai'e aiaiaaiiaaa-iaat'ailiai, iliant laiaaliai n-ver amiu:- a aaod' ottiar i-a-ae'aial1ipia la aia-ai iaa raa -ei a iarli ra iaaho i i ai iot knorv on I ic~. i'ia rlouialip laîyn.airai IîaI-ii li otiai i~t.î«ahatIlaieirine lied 1 i ii ii Laike Cli-îîaiîilriia ri r1q a-aIi ri a' iî'rta rlîi lr ,arar i.li ua.auiliaavarsel aiaull u a oirfL.-.ame. - i r-1 vhaa)ara ilîiaitilrthae rtc-c.id huma-a turniar-g roraira rru Iairiiiafrl o iiiOncras e axaruiuetiomî lair. Ia Eaagiaaa. larovisionsie lailoua a.ihCaIIaaI-raar. %ranriss staai lire la«rr cas t tire cabin îuari>c ugra-ý i ir i ei C.nsa)l riaI lant lie s-cai irai r e iralti ti Tire saoirage hpeople tared-I rsta, ar- ' aand u, fI Iaai 01i1rLi,>ir cca- elirit> ric-0 latîian .r.jîîîi al ia i 1rain t o'ilaaiaiîa tif V W1Ifiîy0. i tua ~îai- agiîvrara-iri' ia s aleS tt ta ia. alectiora. \Va ra ouIt e.i4O ila i aaiar irarilwi, aéti-itla,. , 171,a 8I-'sarau tai.n-:c ihiatcn la jaral iu receiph ni a f'iijr a ilaliriora lo iai'; ,t, ýof Euglisia juviaahr'aa an Ca..' >i at.ai hem-ras, niai ofiVr- -aaavaariv ý'Ire axece'k-Salgia!t-, uLua ira cainala14 lu irooclies andllaat.auXiaL 4a- ringa, ea-riig'aaul '111na1 Oa f am aare ic'urktraaurhip ab-I of tac- mm--e"t goll; aiea auanelled gainis arra rai-aur> ioeiois, anal goois oa i ailerent- stile., ugite 6uperior lu aui>'tiinug yel cniroliac- ét m-jruhlic notice in »l ithl,.or lnaleed lu C anada. Tm.Jobistn lhais aIea receinsal baîio uii>jlgoi vicuir iai- lsponirmg nofIkt i nr>' iour HIoNons îTÂ.O ANOTHrcWnr'Te3Y SCîîOLAR. --At tie Anuel Convocation ai lis ,Univei-sity' ai Quee's Cliege, va are pleaseal to finda ncngst thase via line gltadalueeanluArts lia anie oaIaur ré- speoteal yonug- fini, Mn. Join'B. Day. Mr. DOW la icasal Ilird lu lie order of menit. Tnca BÂZAAR la lié leldal e.réOdal. fetiavi buildinrg on lie 24t1i, promuss ta lia quit. a..grarud affair. Bneci-gh niants vhIlirbe aupplisai, eald groatralpnu avalions a-e beiug macle ha poducese selliector>' reemît b>'thllaflies Iaay ing lire arrangements ri cimngeý. EEÀ NU ZXmcieaucrnOddfellovs' Hall, on Monde>', l7liî. lie 1'auuneuesrt. au olaf o!fTata. Arlial'gea Hani. Mr. Blake blie cleiid-limas' offsut'ofthle 8upveuxe courtOCils!tJus. tir lîinig lIa--tlaere wai5 no poiiing iaaauC-arr te rrai s'laskey at lire Eote-i, tiat-re - re liverel amîers liere rsIii laaru 'eaatianslithi a.)ni. Haimil- tan, Mirn. liardai. itnd TIras. Rock- wcr not iuositi-iivejlj a lînulca; pot li îy the dloar apc'intg lu tuie Ihll, iual froara tliail tui - tire llarrOlroi; il WUcR about four uanar.Parie, liaitira' traa,. 1l01nt linov chat tiii»otir> arania, llink t eliiraa-asr-î.IFaiVIottqli b,. fo)r'. tiat ti im..'.Taono ual rrties ta vote citer tlint ins, ai couple of muai aid ride un, witlm li i uIis Cutt'r lu tije farrenarari;lîese WLrf, oualI nen Ire truaated ; rais ont an Mr. Brown'sCconi- nîtes ,raver cpokv ta Mr. Brown dur- iug lie eleclion, lied asked lwo or thre partiies bo vote for hum; - did nat canivasa for Brown Iatcuarly; thini Ire might hanve tbld peopIe liant li. ]Brown n'es a vcry nice kiud ofa ia m, but spent n lima ii cauvasing; wae ucs'er esk- ual ta caruvaR5s; iisa einpîoyed iu un wary *et lihe election. Asked Wm. Hesler ta go and vote.- eIElr said Ire could not gel arwary, tlant lhowas ena- ployad arttlias atrionan rd liard-the lumlp, ta trini. *Lawr-ence J. Smithi ni lia townshiip of Whiiby awarn, sntd ho was ai lie convention tint troug-ict oral Mr. B3rown, aw lire convention advertised in lire Wlilby Cacanmc4ta, was ciosen -a delegate at thre convention lu eielect a cDandidate, do't kuors' low rmay daile- gales IwOc'cpreslent frodam a ncUnnic-i. pality.a Tîre delegales seiletedlie ce». didatca by bellot. "Mr. Brown wls brouglit ont, and IlanI wns ail -liaI was donc liaI day. Don't know i-tat ho airaIany canr-nccing, Miay have asked mon haw iaiey were going ta vole; hard no liaI ai volera;-Pba00kno active part lu tire eletion ; wa t lie nomination and ut Mr. Mowat's . meeting in the -drW &asdon't re0ohhst 1i-e st th lime u et thel' ias dedoov *68 ai a11 daon ana l J.barrooa*door part lhs day. -Did ual know liaI W Thioma wis at iris bouse tiretai Ther@ wus a Mr.Coawan nethble bous Dol lhe veeve, buaI31r. O> wonrof ! Malleeble Iron Works, tharaglit hlaI a trtest there ; tIorl' he boason body withhMm . coûlal u1aley Who -Jacobl Brooks, son o!fhart wltness, not-remember Ml,. Coweubeing ait1 liotel tht da*~.-David Car.dy wes lb4 but gatiiao iquor. Dld upt kuow Cowau or Sny ans aIse peying two a lars liaI day for drHnke. , David Carey kept e teniperance ioua stopped et ]3roaks's on is way ta i p o ta gel waïm, il way arery storer Mr r. Henry wns witir wilness, went fIr lhe bar-voom ; did- ual see Mr. Cari tiiere, bad othhng la drInk. George }linckson was at'lBrook bavera on lie polling day la the.fal noon, was lu lie bar-rooni, saw I Cowan -there, he was treeting-i1 Cowan ai lie Malleei-orn Works tiiongbt Broîk's eldesl son, Jo, r ettenaing tiehe r. William Wim wes lhce, couldalul remember t: aIrera. Could notual s>who Pplid te liquoir, Oowan askeil theni U Cowau was lie sainenalunperlai ship with Mv. Whiting, saw no moni pasea, David Kerr was tire. Ta Mr. Canieron-Had voted befa ire saw Cnwen sethe bobel, Cawan ai ed Wilson up but 'dia nual ask witnei [The wilness causeal saine haùglier1 staling liaI lie wes Ilpreltymfu"',t day. anal was stoppeal an li atempt an oxplanation of iow liait was brang] about andl iow iliedoabroken lhe abbm ai bis cnlIer.] Davidl Kerr, raucalleal, said- lie hem& Wilson ce>' lit Brooks'c aIlI'il bel yi five dollars yoia'i vole for Fareweill- srtw no persan pey for liquar, reniemil ta hear no prsan saying Ibtis wiilish ouly neraw hmur fron learing Hinoksi say-Ia Thsis jscown, m'agoing1 Jîrnes lhacli, laolel.keeper, Oclrnswa- anlul liaj raur ira aller imei o'clÃ"ck c thae pohliug, day, couid aaot se>' ta Wbia gave rau liajuoir away. Altoudeal r mneetings ai Bcowu's butlone evenu for about li'ataminutes ; il wns befoi tira aiciion. Went iiere la su wi cras st,'oing an-voted for Birown; ad ual caurvasai for laia, dan't rentim Juira Cowau belng allalis place, îimougl Tîroînasi wam lucre tiret lary, sciw Tinin goiaig oif ta Port Panryý, (I ual kua IliaI Criieni ratire,diai ua rewpe lia' bAdug ut arlyia>'hrel but Iris nu lb (ae>. Could amuI recalleet il. H. Houi beiuig artlais place ; rami ia puart in th alaict .niproceardinge. Franuk Gibbs-was ar thiass muear in,, rat iro>kiir, wcs ual oue of tl leiegatras, Mr. Cuirac, the reeve, wa onie, Mr. Laiicahîrher, Mn.' Bleue. ais cliairixian, thie dleeas werear 'roinlei arccording laelIae population a lac miuicipalihies ; wes a saipporher ii Lhiowni's iaîîercst in Osiinwa-ley di 'iaiaaa lie place imb districts, hldcon auiteur invarch ; ie nes irîcreste i i Ire Sou's hall district,bu bald a sort c roriug cormmtission ail anver. Soure o ilus principal aien i bu te tawu were 0n aMr. Brown's comlilttue, W. P. Cower V.W..Thmas, Wirn. Warren, &c Did ual IhiikJolmra Cownwas ans -Vihumca cnused sa-lere ieautîougil il nal iikaiy ho Levofni se. lIad rateri liats, ri-ed Domu anai for cxpeaises, i(là DoI give a dollar huseif, was ual nwari of auy. arragement ta miaiefraudefui 'cpc-aii. Publie umeetings were laila- ir, liiekie presialed art one mecting ir Ir. F"iriwcrîl'o interüsl, auJ Mr. W. F oncv utra ruutler iaiMr. ]lrorr'u's in. -lest. MIr.,Braown Ilftîthe caîrivisaaiu in i)siaawa ta theOsawa cauraihcee -ii nicoanaversationi wilm Brown, bui ail DOa uliulîlie ho aI said lu lairaiha Oshrawai woîld dn ils aliat>'. lied nc louîlî iit bat B3rown know tIret wilne- 'oîll rotai for 1dim eandwnrk for him taV. Spemit no mono>' art ie elOction) ail Iris nî Iersonciai ,Xpensc-lp' 'cre ol trilirg ainount-a glass aificeez aid n cigar aonce !am n wlaiIe,. flireal ni îpi.iiias a prlicrrlerly careful.- iahonighlie » aai omellîing teo drink at flck'cs on lIe îaolling dny ; ruent ilm1< ,t a cigar cmliiie driving arround ; il wnî ast ase »wrasabout poing ta Part emnr' - wc-nt in clane. Vent wilh W. I. Thuîas to Port Perry to vole in ortha jOtariai. Caulalanat sny wielhei ce huai e glass oi bea-i ; liauglît lha rigil ]lace trteatuii,-calied a couple nr r up wiîo weru in thîe ber, dou'l rit- Olieet wbiat tIray drank-tley were oliaucral trar-ellers ; paid periapu 'lenen carats or a quarter. Dial ual dc a for lthe pazi-ose of inilueucinff amy Ii Bea col a wa a bal dIri for hira boa lhe lIr mil. tie cor nie am T. ora Ca- Ti ly. nme As> rac w«: bla sur Iii tai ici»>', could uoh unay wiiel I was, a11M îîoald ual retieîaber w bat il lest- 1 ikia, il cras ara long aga, woul in one ; il wns nul liancll who gave ou tire liejuor, coula ual Say Mwbo0il. sa ; saippaised Ire paid flue cents. Franuk Benuisou, a eau-voler, was at it Bnndehl's tint day;, was ant ai'5 as slsr ; Mason lockeal lie xarnd tooý We keyswithihm, liede ,nk lu tia .%tbjlp litaIebattisliere rubs OW12 Use. - - Thomae Wilson deniad, beir4 lu amy eh in lorvu or drinking ou that day. tl being n=w one o'clock lhe court 2 rcess until a quarter ta twoo.] Court restimecl. Wa Hl. Thomas gave evidenioe as bo o Brooklu convention andl Mr. rwii'c accaptance -of tirsnomination; e argitnizatiar i ofIbe Osiaowecoin. ttee, - - Dou't iuow wiro engageal a iat for holding tira.nmeetings cf lIme ammille in Oshewa. Tiie comiltee et auverv day unlil the electian; aungat oliera on tire cômmites wirs W%. Dingle, Thos. Kirby, A. P. Cani- n;Ãœ 1 Neale, G. H. Pedla-, W. F. )wnn, Frank Gibbs, W. H. Gis, &ao. are wes no, partioulr part assibned miluess . he vas ta canvass genèral. - iËnew af no arrangement far-pe>'. unt .o expanses. The Canservative iocietion hà believeal paid -for lire nia. Tir serulineere for Mr. Brown àré eppaiata by lime aonmittee ana ukg signe«l by Mr. fBrownr. îtuess aerîntendeulcce eteudeal ail over tire Aiug; apleut lime lu argunizing lu thé %Vuailps; 1'«eut iu to vih ndaradia u. Suppodeal Mr. Brava kaev Ilial tnees vas doing ail lie coula bar hlmî. as i Oshawa an bis polhfng day; r. ,-A ..-r-.,.a . *q4e... A -& at as esorUt iy O theeuËt parties, ai reports macde easbtoire resuits oa!t- allI cairas. WuAtathbis omüiutonai lie At lie meeting aver'the Cuitatl iers office lu tire eveulng aflervarcls. Po o! ph. froa i-parts a! th ididlg v 1oi! et thie meeting. Mr.* Brav' a as h. arrangeientvomie maelsas tla » nse, prspcts a! lie canvasa, for <pltlng a lie oteaanal jgene1ral'. - Winse ga, ny, the Damies as ar as is kuev them, ita the oacruineer aet -osiav id c an hnev Wm. -Wlsonansd gave hlmi mono>' dnring lb.eélection; or since,4 to' laàis ife, nov bild hepramiie aa lb gae-ntingla lJoin Vailant, nov ba er opranis him mny ; gave va moea nv. aie eca, ar nyting îse, and kuev - nons boiug glven, por aid Ire i ehù ras au>'Umlng ta avlà,'on lb.,pahiig d», dn Had no recaollain g5vingllicis tie Inci an>' iquraon lia polîhng de>', e for ta Win.Essiu;lire nia>' have lie îp. present vien tic>' gat liquor et Scatt or- BRemember. belnq aI Seaît'., anal vota e>' nttsar liaI b.ohal net trente Ibeme. DIA mat vemenibav soesng Foc 01v10lien. et Sosll'a. Knew Thamas 5v.g îh- e>', aid noý lysaI hlm. Wllnesss - s usg. mitteal lisI ire lid proirml>'troated i by Hailett',; e»eval asia,but liedM ais recalleoliîu af lie imet, Heur>' Wilhit et cou Meay lave been tiere,, sd net dvii -il imsesf; nilgil bhave laken e cigi fIa Jaohu Leonaril vastîere. Hnadl knovledge eoflime Oshava banal sêransé kal iug Mr. 3rovn. Hlreda tlenà tagot ,ou Port Perzy ou lie poîling day; - oni -pala ia e rdiaer>' rate-paid 16. Ti »r vastIlie c>iîy eam, hé kue of!hlin ep hineal. An arrangement heal ieen mail >n, madls for vlualeer teema-ems ia eu issu valunfeerea b>' Mv. W. F. Cuveu 10hiaselfi aùoliars. Ticre vas no nu derslanding %iai t lis>' vevetalas pai -for.- Drove a voler la lie poîis rai onthta lie Irhla insalla go la Novt Lut Ola rio. ano On crhsa-extwinatian vilmeas set ig hie lied no vecclisclion vitin ii c vsO kmovisa!ge aI hraving trealsai aI Hal aht lctl's. id John Leuarri enembeveil dninkiai arr ut Hallehl'sulime de>' ai palhing. ani ilt tiongil Tlnoicrs ccall an ltmodrinks as le coulai ot sa>' lie drinks vere pari )W fr-spent no no>' immact. a- Davird Cole-it nau-volea-said i nt vas in invoun of Mn. FanewelliuaI Il lis cnicciioti Uc v ars at Scottls anti Black) me ou the eleclian day-aw vJohnu (iismn Inach anal ailer-s arinkiug, Gihsan coliet t-for tlias drinks anal pahaltian lien filles he cents. Black binial! cea-vedl theeliquar as Johin Incb trenlsd toa. Dreni aI Scotti -hl lair a mnrning bcetw-u Ion ana l een P- andai aIBlackh ,f elveen tva anal lira ofin luhie afîsnnr. Scott cksd Ihm auni in lires ar four otiesa- li lahave e drinia -allten liamaibeer. Ves et haacGaw's i-anma sav driaikirg tiers. In -i ùk tirahecourt, tire vulmea of tatd M -ILe vas drinkiug pantoa Of Farrewnfl'osisdi.- (Lengitair.) on Johntai bonu, kspl auncystsn salotn . supporheaî Brown. IVas not ai lia 0.canmihîse, lied nu cancaming boai , Atteuied. thme meeting ah Branilin, vaE h m ans neof thes celegatas; bIrealaied a'people lu vote for Mn. Bnown, anal va wlsra-> lacis @umahie aaon ot, an hi e vulal haveahane mnoHlad nper. )r sonal acquainatuce vihr i. Brava- - as introducia tam Itiru eftcn tire alec i ion n-aa ovra. as n ar elleti's and -sacr sane crinkiug. Diaimat sec Tiioni -as tItae, Ba1liec'c bu (wiiiessJ lIa 9 teateil aunliai>occasiomi spokien cf lb; 3.lte lest c'iaîss. , tHfeur>'Wilkinconvis ah HiIllt'a, t arnlc ginger vine on - Tluonas's treat; 0 a large mumiber dran-aulle invitatin lé wans genca-al. "as a supporter oifTain n i'arrevc-ll. Il vas nohbin-' unusmai far 19Thiomas b la-cal. 0 y hI.I. IHablas vent in lire evsning ta !r Tai. Bravais caumihe voon-vent 0 thm-e late-il wam opental c-cawRye- -formera Ihuema ana l thîir sons. es ut 4Bîneke hotlarhandal mu larar an liai 0 île>'on pollirg-a Ilsiorman traeî a Camiai iolBasy vhrethe iea-lasanaiuat t4 athe$-dia ual sa-e Thomas there. 1 wv driuking et Vhitby aller lie poul- iig. Taok no part ira tie eleation-beel Sn limé la attend ho il. Tiougil frai a aocing Refonrera anal Consrnativos nit rth liineethng liatitIllookeal ike khuaek -in"-,bath paraties tagter. Tisa-s aid anul appear -to, bo mmci diffarnearie- atveen tîen. iLeugiter.) J. E. Hlineksan, farnen, resides in iEarst Vhilby. Was aI Hay'e hotel in t bihelavai of WViitb>' on lie polling day. Sev Mr. Brovu, the responut. tisa-e -it vlathmunr. Dial amIsee Tra. Brava drinhiug. Mv. Ha>' came int he ronl anal asahealMa-. BrovuwvIt he'd Lhans, and MTla-.Brawn said *laelihîls viee>'anal berr>'." Witness aid ul vait ta ses vIacîbenlie reammhhhornoua. liquor. Mr.-Bronuliar d uiussr tiers, neyer kmev Tr. Brovu ta drink vwhisky anal sierry-iI vas vimiahe>'anal pont lire ueueil>' ba-neyer gaI $2 froni Tir. Brown ou tiraIde>'. Caulai mol remeni- lier ail via gaI liqrcnr. Did mot attend Tala. Brocvn's cammitîse. Wm,. Feehen vas lu Scatt's Iotel ou lire poiling day. Sev Win. H. Tînmes tiers; aid ual ses ui reel; civauk e glass ai beer vith -aIrera, lied no other drink belore tire close o! tié poli. Richard Inchr, wvia isecribsal imacîf ns "aJack of ail trads," 'imad e glass aI Biech's vih iegIr or tom otiers, dau't huov via - treasai; n rscolI"igion af sesing Tînmes tiers. Was et Scoht's -11 vas ralier a adr>'lime tiers ;liait a giasa ai beemi tiers anal paid far lais ova drink. Had uatiing et HaUsttI's, gaI no moue>',IrisaI ta gel e littié but coulal ual.-DicI ual rate aI ahI ; llhea ans as velli as veli as the allier., loin Vailat deaisal ieving gaI an>' moue>' or vood,. or anytlcing else for ýiàs vote. GuI no liquor. Sammul iveet diti mot iuasv oai is ovm personal hnovledge liaI Wm. Wilson «oh an>' nine>'; Wilson tbld hlm tiret b, bail ga sainie for lris vole. Wni. Wilsan evore posiiisi'tIret ire receive«I n mous>' for Iris vote frai Mr. Thoaus, anal laI Thomas neyer spoktithIinu aa lmesubject.* Adnitthni thit lie-bail talai sweet ihifooling aronil ' liaI afler tlé election liaI ho.hlied vot., Tenii t s ianseax; if an>' mena o! -I: id Brava vanteal ihe>' vere taelevoel lie - Samuel Beay, holel proprletor, stat na lbatbisibouse WusOpen fronaft.r tle Lm rantil bon etiulîrt. - That lie vas Dot1 0- usurier p!. Mr. Brown'& cammilîse :e limat Mr. Brown celleal for ae ysana lep oul>' brouatalllmeel!and alid nutPI a he hii yst. - Tiret Wvasiluthe ,afteraaal nut befoae .closea! lie POlU, f'nabod., "ve drànk viti rMv.Bro. Mr.' Bravl vf'as iu several limes during *the de, ne anal dran twtiee. HRad no douit hi -O drmukspilituoas, lquova.. Ga noa lv or- dolars fran imbinat ia e>'nov aui Yd 0%. Mv. JOý ohn Caneuswre hgqdialno Yc. reniember ir.ing lu any- of lhe botel, !dnirlngtire-day o!poiling. Healna vs Scollection o! bieng et Brookes'. Yr. Davidl Kerri'vas boe rrcausai, ana 'dbaing caulro'nled vili Mr. coan, saik r lie sev a Mv. Coaeu t Braoks's on 1hd Pn daya!fpoliing, but ea nmlot se>' vlreti erli gnlemain proeul as lte mnir id Ur. Covan, lu continuation, slalhi vas neyer preseat wvis n>bets veri madle. H. nevar remembe oseelin s»Kerrvbirav. 1. [Mr. Bethuno lior.eealie eocceptai 1t lie _pasitive assertion a! Mri. Coaeru 10 prefevence tlatle testimon>' o! tie vit. t' ness Kerr.] k Allen Faker, a member a! tire Osie. r, *wve baud, avare lit li te banal gaI*M 10 for seranading Mr. Brovn on lie 711 1-o! Jmnuaa-y Thst Isaac Thomas gave ýO vibuensslie moue>' anal sali il cama [Y frani Mr. Brava;limait Mr. Brown, ir aI lbeukiug lie banal for their playing, g9 salid ho supposei tire music vas ta en. l uae hi ln the caming conteet dWiness ca a ie oi ual knov vhethes th is vas irefore or aller limé nomination, and lahe liedaî voleal far Mr. Fare. w ell. i Frederlehi Neehe, licînor deaIer, va' ha la the hiabit ai atteudimg Mr. Brovn'i canimillee meetings, did soai canvasir ning; vas allihe Broakli meeting ;-vaa n naet blie meeting ansmi THE aCimeoNIca office, contnibuted nothing bavards Lia expeusas of lice lection. Hmd Iris avi Sbaniaut an tie day af palling for lia use of amy anea ta vuanti ilin Mn. -.Bravu's intevest. Taigîrt irave treaee auce dming tImeCday anal aparut e quer. ter. Mr. Maekie, aXupprlen ,of Mr. SFarewoll, lvealsd, andai resuppaceal ha i(vilmes) trealedalfler. Gave noia nk-u 13ouI o!fu abis o iap, anal aid ualtla-es 4elsevieve during lire de>' urail afler Ifins a'cioek. i W. B. MIcGav. KepI lis Quseu'a hoitel did malellaitndMa-. lrovu's meet- Singsr, narillas-nahBrooklu nov au lia conimihîso. Dii ual lcnaw hart 'Mr. i Thaiiasvas ath his place lié de>' of Ipolliug. Samuel Dawves vas a vater lu West Wlîhirby, avons lasvas ah no limoel on- tîme niglîl ai nomination ;Éalue asi ne n o ov, haail noLîing la drink tint Iday; dii ual attendl lie meetingrrt-TiiE CeaROmarcLE office, and veut bomoe hall ara lieux aflen tile nomination. Redivin cd no moue' fa-anc an>'ona farnflime pr- -pose a! brealiug; drgaot noue (mainTain. iBrava. Neyer k ah drap on thi -lary of poîling. Hireil -no teaniblda bou heni llis avu gaI no utone>' for iL. Robent .'Hodgsou hatli ecper,Cahuni. ias, daiiea hraving issnuat the martinir o ven btie CmaaarrîcL>aElOfeC, aiîd lie diii ual-ceurias far Mn. Brovn-auIy valsai ion lim-took na atîmer part irat loea- tien. KepI his place ciossa an lthe polliug de>' gave Thoai a drink Ilial Cay>'liÉlime ceuni-, bramai>; vas calai anal storn> ana lire took hiu dovu tia tae Tmonias; Brooks taricrn.keepsr evone Ébthiis place vas elassal ahi oay duriug lIme de>' nfi paling; ÉbtIrtlie ves nua member alan>' comuittee anmaisoid îîo' liqîtor lurnrg.polling hours. T. W. Dingis, irnildea-, vas one af flic Osîtava cammilîse, canvasseal tbe sauth-veil yard, acleal as a senuhuneen duainng lime polliiug day attie Son'g hall au belianî f !Ti'Brovuai vas moltart lime namnation or limeieetiug ah Tata CHRNuencu.tr office. Tire retuning uffi. cen ia a amal llask of liquor in lais pachel aI tiiPO olI hal; vituesa - iard naueo; Il vas a greet misteke te aan>'ire bal. Thevo vas noue kept uer tirs polling pince. XVas lu Hnlil'c iratel; vars bisaeen uThomas vais tiers ; did ual ses Tlioniastreat ; aid ual thiiuk Thomias alli trient. Na induce- ment vas isiai aut taim ho support eilîaea part>'. Mr. Farewel anme lime befors lie eleclian spake ta ina about building a boue. William Stepienn evaru andl ex- amineai, but notlrng af inhemsst eliaiheal (rainigicevidence. RobrtiHoalgeon a! Counimus, a-eau- ed, owr.artit Mv. Brava treaneal no one aItiris place, anal tintlhe ouI>' peid SECOND LAI' wluitky, T Uesi>' a>' 11h. Court opoucc ias ncunuing aitInarl- parmt aime o'clock,-al. Justice Wihaauî pa-esidimg. Hlamilton Dnnlop sworn anal examiai- md b>' Mn. Botimne. Ancargent ni lie Brava & Palterson Mnnuaituriug Ca., of vIaici tus vespondent ic a niember. Waefnotlac Wiiby an -lie day.aifarisa- lion, vas ent Kinsais, vent tiers as sautinser far Ma-. Brarv-vas asked ta ga b>'Oeeof: Ilse camumitîse-r> F red. Meen a! Greemvood-got appoint. ment aigusal b>'Mr. Brown iram nsu. Spérno nu ae> on thieélection, spent oul>' nugiliraI dis>'ta payr>'fnbreak. farcI andal galion of oas for havse. SpèmI moîing for da-iuk, ial mecance, lire taverne venee closed. Waas ual awve ~oIe a li eing speml. James Po'well, praprieLar af-lIas Globe hatel, Broohiuin, ivan -WeVs present parto h alie ntaihliéconvention et Broahiuin. Wae mDat one of tirseade- gales ; hère vas a commilles appoint- sal for Broohlun; tie>' met art lth Masamie hall part o! lie lime; bard mo recoiletion aifiremng proesat et tIae meetings ai tire camihte. Canveaseci sainie lulie village ; iad noit, àda ualt go vitb Mr. Brown ta canvasan>' ane ied no Communication viti r M. Brown aunmefèescé la lime eleetîon. Dial ual attend thiemeeting orer lie CHuONICLE iiffice. Solal no liquors aven the bar ounlire daY« a! polling lielveen po0lhing£heure. - Trealed tva' parties, Solal uring lie liaurs ai poal in uthe mîhernoan. Coulai nlt telviahTain. Jýravn's scrùtluoems ver. ; cnsw IR. T. Harrison, euèr>' Bicelel, B. S. Wiehet and others to beaon tirecommittsii; lise versl a manige liéeparties Ire hasai.Spent no moae>'ut lIce élec- tion. CoulaI net ive the na mes o! lie ,Parties hi r lv -;s'ecnleteone ai lbem J0110 RW. 1: t'. hinisl!, v. Goa~M~Hei thei ~bsnt solbe ;acated ho' would Ibis ovi; and à tanid wenly olirers eson thue cdmiîitee.- ual proe for lime scrntiny. thlb plance oaSc da Conld ft e' !ay ifteré vas a liat; Bis Lordsaip said ho presued ia peoted lis ex.cu ln thbugbt Hannani actidL 44secreter>'. serrtin>' ook place an -edjomrnmieut leution viti the eWas ual an active uromber of lieCoini- wauhdbél necesser>'. flolal la thie l ';mille, was ouIalu ir main the_0Sanie conversation tbah place an tIe1>-lim te siereli id "Wooistvaor lire, ltimes; Mv. ibsoic subject, lu lhecourse of-wrricac il as rap of tie 2Narthb d as an activé member lu,éallng tI»e suggested by Mr. B etbrans Ibat tbe Re- benkiug aqéoni nu -conmllttee tagellier. Tlisro were ea- *strarîi ghti iutbimed te ga into branches f tire i ,Y vassiag bookis ;wines vasedha e le TrZËiips enè bake thé evideuce apeneal fortbvitl an hoe Met. -Sa ri'M. Brava ever>' day ; an lie'event an a scrutin>'.Fart Gry h lY tiere-vas no allier arganizetion la The' Court lieu adjourneal for mn whl iaI~ fri re pramaote lie election; tiers vwas no baur.1.-j country' in being ro fanal raised al la eeélection expeusos. On rc.assembling Ibère vas again a weys bult, wil I 'Y act6d d a t uineer for Mr. JBrown, Mre long del1a, in conséquence o! Hahietl' thé On tro, Bel >tMoMiiliau acted for Mv. Fare*ell, vas ebacncek At lest -he arivea. and was payin businesse >1 ler, a1 hile tume fron i neoa'clock ta reprimaadea bylthe judge. nyabrchs thC 1 fh, loe olpal; dial va trealiug. -W' iam HallalI vas Ilien ivaru, andcMr. ýWm. BeilliP Ga. H. Homi, Ina. Stanlan andl Tirs. staled Ihat -ha kepl a lavern lu Oshawa.- liam tlis casa Lawler vers allier urembairs, of lie Believed Thamas vas lubis blue on to ihe opeued Iber commillee. Had a drink and lunch et polhlng day, b ut couid mu a s> f lie'Tii, important Id tia pol-sanie wilakey in a flask; treebed. Bemembered Thlomeas Ireel- lary vor la svlw le gave lime deput>' Helurnhng' officer ing ann i dyaf lie- Mniucpal elec- liai nov alleai-sa 2« soai; gave nons ta lie keeper a!flire tion. Mr. Spurrili vas isls iurlord, gratlficeblin o aIl b. all. ;- andl wes lu bas hlause on lbe âuy of -the spirit-he Hom.- le G. 0. Grass, svara-Weis ua a inn.Municipal ,eleclion. --Would 'w rBaenk lisbl i 5ber af Mr. Brovn's commite ; vent hTomeswass in lais hanse on tir. Pro- deep anxietý to ti Ig ta the commilt.esouI>' once, ont. o! cu. vinciel eleclion day. f er; but prudent riasity. .- Took, no aIrer part lunlire Tlils eancludad'tbe eridaucé. dlfficrltios, analtb Ielection lieu polliag bis vole. Soaieconversation book place as tla lou ne opassea 2 Wm. O'Nerll, o! tire Grand Trunk viiethr lire' cases hot uentianeal in tire. Ima itit I -Railly> holel, evoru. Took no part psrtcula-s conlal b. relied aon by, lie tire .Province, b t lu lhe election; kepl apen an lhe pol. petitlouer, but is Lordshp sudalhe proveal a valt'b i ng day; the bal door vas apen; lie vauld amenal the particulers sa s la al ils apérations iber vas ciased ; sold lquans.' include Ibose cses.- partura vill pror4 i T. W. Dingle (reealled)--Hmd nati- Mr. Belins Ithon adalvesseai' the la tire Dominionl. "ihng ta do withr iring teanis. Paper Court on lie evidence. He canleudeal- "produceal read :....Give lthe lierer one Iliat-the fact a! Thomas liaving Ireetei., Wreçk of!.. r hmorseanda cuIter anal charge 'ma-F. E. i lu et's lavera vasbeyauud dispute. rGis." IVas uallu inlutesa haudwril- Hée ssumeal Thomnas* o ire an agent lau LOSS OF -ing ; know uothing about il. [TIre vit- lie fullest possible- extent. He vas maeia bore vrote lais signature for bhe proseut wviîrtle respandent vas select- ONLY aOT- a! upoe fcomparison, aud efterwards- ed as e canidele, oacressea for hum,-mnd 1 u, ong rer pressoa ta cap>' he dacu- attendeal cmmitîsé Meetings analhe Lndlo,Me>' miel'ntire la ted olbut avare pasi- (Mv. Bélinne) toak illiaI Mv. Bravan.maecing marinec tiHard a tnlke noyer wroteor signeai it.] did knov ai lus cammittese elatiuig, ed thé City'. 1 Il no aenry ih Freink Gibbs aboult anal mde comion cause itll hem. Shiler, CapI. 1 lahi o erd y rsTomas, lunvirose favor Whmat Thmes dia t Haloetl-svas afroni New Yark, J-t a o d an ad .viaol aion ai sec ton 66 oa llie A ct oai a>' o! Plya 18 Jh Cae uCtbbcrl. larverukeeper, Dufflus' 1868, and-vns hherefor a carupt pra- lias been Wrecki E Cauiiek wrn.Wtrspresent *vian tl ie e, because tIre 86 Viel., cap. 2, sec, 8 il iselialieved list i cappiaite as eah nI Broohlin; vas marde an>' violation af tire 61h section have perisisal n ap uotei nc f hie delegaes;. van a carrupî praumîlas. Thé case af M v . i e -Yr ,.I adp ta ar, esInriamon tralms White Frarnk Gis vas ma,lIrethbouglit, bire: led ork is adO'Brnien, 'saw hia andl tic> prom- youd cantnanersy Mv Billiags gave passengers, acco r isd la n ote for MvI. lBrown. Did ual whiskey la lieREtturuing-oficer, arnd lu tiraTimes af A -attend tie meeting aner lie CitroXucLe an us lhseli a Acmatineer, nppainted b>'. London, Ma>' -office. Gave..nu liquior, cxccpt tvoa e riîîen aruliarit>', andal a oniller o ai -uar tu aglasces beforai niai» o'clock an tihe poli- Tair.B]rown'i3cammilles. Francis Clark prlclrta kinr de>'. vas nîso a member o!liascammitîse, tntrekof-tilte h Frank E. Gibbas darnicai hbet the sig- auJ went citer Mn. Jordan. Heo augil firat repartédal r nture taelimaionaler for haoroc anal cutter as thre respondent )liedmat been calIea allenn a'elock ls ars lis; slaauid un>' it c'as hot iu Ding. ta dem>'thie agae>'y in tisse casés, il lie sleaïnsbip cli 8ie' hlaendwriîiug. 'Heu unokuaviedits ves ual unrearmonabis to lufer tIret ire Hetarriei Ledgei, ofa tbe marîler, nevar lieard of il befors. cauîdl d n nil Iu reference ta tire A fog prevaileali i Franacis Clarke, caruedeil Mn. Bt'ocn'q tic respondent lakiug drink nI Hny's belan *ng ho SI. -comnmiltee meeting aven tie CumcamercILan tavere, be repeteal toae gront eztent Msg h e If ffceno mretintoato iéS h officeual mor tîrrIes limes; il vas lIas argument lie se-nasllulIshecent soaieoM.ho surs' ueunliy laIe ira lie eveiig afler elgit Wcst Toronto case, crili i e s inteoual. St Mr"ssîn i 'clacic ; lais opinion abolit volesi miglit sd la bring bsfore lie Court ai Appeal. T *,se "landor n liane beau eaked in lonkiaura ven liste;*, I arl tisse,,cases, lhe aanbended tirt svuiniing vlti v asanxie rueMv ar. ]Jrara"solpection. lias 66thIsection, wviaiprohibileal lic hlaruse taanavr waetrerIre as n o ni iediss -. severi nerrov ai t iue nwelicerr ltîws e giingug seliag ofliquor hl nvio.a-wiere a numi ot er oft hO r n e L eg. aipa, an dl lîat by te A tr.rcIr yio aram . Tley de c * Witnsss-For thte ver>' simple- renson anal vas suficienl ho arid tiré élection, dreai li tlmart il la noue ni yor business.- as ieLgsa ém uen> uoîel - - (Lauglter.) Aaakcd no ane la vote for la gel rid ai lie quesetian aicarrupl ii-A Mn. Brown iainltheLalge. a'ailtatouat. -Oshawveafher n voter unt-adi Jordan H ie Lardaiip seud tic 'effeat Of con- We hear liaI i.. goth m atu lathéIta oLWae iainte slraiing lime shatute stricîl>' vaulal lia ta congreus lu Buffil kilalieti a of ">îIishatl i lit a i>, iadreuder tic giviug oieaglus of virieke> réprenhati'es ae ini lte Brillith Amainicauihatl. Taîak a b>' a méedical manla a patient, li reuapose of disenti drinkaut ah iaidei's; lahall a glass ah drnakiîîg ni saramental vins, or tiré annsxing the Don Oshava, amu na-sIsatl Jordlan aud enoîber indîmgigofai Ico vmen in a glass o! States, Grip bli persan, took crliake>'. lina-av .of no liter ounlias ptAliiag day-ue rrupt pime. pains toaescerîann rainyi»> n- riagivnai l. IteLouige for lic, anal ta iak, lilas'sugageal lu ai kbe comningass adstrbution ; gaI uiriano>' analpiai hsacte s able ta bhe fins of $100. ,amverealliaI a nul non» hî-farai ansilice thiar leclion; me-v Mn. Bethmnepointeal ountthat il vas pôihîhaens havé va nI nomne lieiug geI b>' an>' person ta irbual tfor itie Ct o oasider thmepolie>'thie foiloving 1eri aistihutlainluthe Lodge. IRodé dawnvhicli dicaetle sharbute ar lie liard- them. - la Oshiava in raa. Foltergill's henni ; claip afi il provisions, but sîmpl>' o -Sir Join- A. Mai Fotîtergill voinncnteal ta driveé- Rueraicarry il nul.' about iî. ai ne allier' organiratior a h iaenm- 2Mr. Carmatrn sarialile hard been givon Hou. George mitîsé for the pnrpase àof Ionwarding panliculare aofsaura fift>' hasiant> an- enougli of Wasi thme eication. stances of alh kinda ai électoral earrup. time. Ta I Tr. Cammroi-Jardan le a Haoman lion ira lIis case, but uav thèse hail Hon W. MaCI Celîmolit. resadved tîreniselves inb four or five Washinigtonbudi Mv. Belîuns-Taeuail crara te Orange masl insignifieantl mc *ich iad Mani: Hou. tAlein and Gîcarutogoctier. (Laugiter.) farcIr>' malnuoarfealau tire élection, anal tireç i i Me James Hamilton, aarpcnten. Oshawca, vere inîsudeai ta havé donc, Tic amI>' ]Han.E. ,Buake,- darposed lIant ta lie besl of his belief lie case mentioncal in lie parhiaulars vinai i eligible for thé irandvriîing in lie crder srns Din«l>s ; liad issup4-lved vwas tiret of Thomas. Hion. M. C. Cem tiret lire lied alalt lI i ao bsn'oeffThis lanieumetiorisai iti e viev te the Taronto. anal vas veil acaluairateal witi tie char. mitigartion aflliecoasts, il iaving issu Hou. 0. Movat. acteroa is li andvriting, anal liaI if hielal b>'the>Juage in hie Hertfordlsire. calleegss. handeal tauni uin hie shuop lho vulai cnseliat sa tiraresponcient'- hal beea Professer Galal, liane talcen it fan Dingle's. Hall sup- pulta great exjmensa bylihe insertion Of.' tion cannaI ho imi porleal Mr. Ferewelluarthls ntelectian. para-hiaubae iai vere mat sustaineal, lie Arcibihop Lym Win. Botetî, ves iaRay's mIoel ou sionlal uaL be obligeal ta pa>'suaCh O3'ase lk ofaeCanadien lIas palinig day ; snv Mr. Brown ties; as laiésvauid have ireçlta pa>'if thase Join L. Toole.- coulal nat aa>' vicer Mn. Brown bail partiaulars hana besu.proven. Hé (Mr.- Hn .Mlo iss d-ukig n ca. amelan) cohondeal tint lias trsatcng lare as la the appoi Mn. Beéthue, ia ina.ence af olier Cmuet iehovu ta have bsau donsvihrtire congress3. witssesviama ul esva-ccaalti'rs bt ai ofinfiluencingtire ciction han Mr.J; C: Ryhert thal lIaie clased thre branch of tir e Pi. ondor aevolal it. He helal, furlimer, bis rofessaaaail ser thoner'sanse vihrevspeclta murier>' andal latble tva clauses a! tiré ection cf Zcà.Adam Crc tl-eatil2 ng l pi>'thle courtlire sarlaltirs Act vilIréfreeence ta lveating mueIt lipates- bc relisal upan- - -ce aeiraatfliIvr u e -pae4- - Thes evidence ni W. H. Thomas; of lierndvoulal oul> anplif tatlie actdofDe, azn4raj. FaeuhGibbrs; a! W. H Illne ll avtevueepv iYaPver, haents O!fMa>'Dm.-Abnu Fran Cla-k, anl trs eetnita-se-li eniduesdI isseaUvo- l -CckuNlEs9TOIe pi tearnuthe la llafual eaTîtoacirali-e h ico>'. tîmu mial oru Te oal- gil lio tIr ba nlle de>' Tom Ie tas Ian Ire Brwnaboutal henaa cm tiov. Asta TdIs locdal Leg elinaiearothe ailetliaI uTimaa cTala-.hBravi arlmact wiech tioais t yrdIsaralva p lailIm ia- n ireda afIh auniipa lmé oivail etsviic hei vietie rtiiy-one Bille wv elecaion andl Ineleai, nal parialion.itie Thmaas hard committeai, Im vdeic iLueat. lient a !lew darys aflea-varair. as las (Mvr. Canieran) cauteudeal vas moet erument ofthe Proi quite sainsThromarsdadnul-et rr ntire onI lia esarehmrater limaI fils Lovdship pa;siug limmaugir th ae> ai lie Brown anal Farevel ée-c.lîould bc nekeal ta promounce judgmeuî Bill vhiclr it vas àr lion. upon Lritiaisî Itsheespandeul. . Pei. 8800.000 ett heir ai Iu aissvr ta TrMr. Betiaine, - Irecanal sons via l'al eshifled vithirernce ta Legisliive. Coranei lie liard ieera apokeas la b>'LioLaatlîetreatimg b>' lfù (Tone) lied threil oùtîvieni Leanard lu refea-ence ta 1co ln aietypiaceal ah on tire vrmg a. e fothiap- arln agivs niauliscfril>'r Ppr is evitiarce. 1He admil led liantlié Ho (Ma-. Cameron) painteal ont came miglil have cnaried liquor inta e a il. oenreiaaciec lu lie évidence as ta lhe, Lan-danu ies u îîng maon lia-e limes an lie polling Ulie of day liaeta-eating vas saidlta begg5Z>' nlu tIe-pie le>', lIraItIraebar-rooni vas eravaiedlhave taken place. Witir refèe-cce t, via furulies doga' s'iti people on lIraI de>, andallit tva aNir. )3ilIings lhé (Ma-. Carmron) contenti. bund;îvwin ciridreî, irisa- wL-a-e ielping hinitend bar. ocI 11aI even if tiret gentlemen vi as i eu pemmanefs anal aIma- Jolin Leonanai as receal, ana agent tl evsiroulal uaL bdc traineal tasat. aassa ltaI il mihlbavei been ounlias avolal tirseleceion beceuse ilie ppe eal. Tie lire. bales ir tiiiia iein day thart Thaomas hhaeafahovaie>inlepaýcht caeoeut, wiicr giv treeteal, but lais vecolicetion vas liat i& On polling day. Hoe hl tietif tleielc. esemùblauco tho&e]x was ný he Bownpareelleleciontentof leAdt-vas ignoreal ,tîme>' *aurl for lire purpase fara dans tisBouFreeiseho ias~nlvsa b>' Its aperation m . nralees5 ree ta issue frai 1i W. T. iingle vas arisa voca1lea, îandal ùrclities., ut- -aned raidai lie hd made n niietakeiu his'in Aflér samynievmrhab>'Mr. Beti nuli lal tatn-ment tiret ho vainl HalIst's wit inreply; - m' Màx Muller villai Thiomas au thé Brawn-Farewell élection Irim. Lardslip asiteal liii iit mat wrrork lie li la>'. Il a an lime municipal.elèction prolsmal airant an ndjournméentfor-le tantio it usil' iay,vlmenlIre veulthreeta fetei Mv. scruhin>', vich liépolabeai ont lie <rc al bl stherifeul rîb ipurl lta vole. mv. Spua-eli liard a not, avlng ta allierengargemienta, po- vt l lu Iàié va 'ah, in Osliava analone la Wiib>',arnd wesaitili aIpresent. Po,- - i i heWr iveal intme latter toâm. Ho vent ta Mv. Betirune sala ilt dependea entime .E dvaral Cannolly Iciea l a vole- lu tiremiilinai elec- ly an lat rsis T .at.a - n' lu the focatea with gns vh ion. irnl !lacs aassl'Ili uta mominBuiffalo>, Su Michael O'Doraoven, Raeve ai WimiI. sa lie petihuoner voull d àsire aa crn:-. fonaa>, vble tiree àyi teid Mr. Spureil vateai luW iby at I hm>. If bis Lordsliip shorihll i a- ~ for thes leek, an exp ile Bravu-Fereveli electian. voua-o!flime latter in the constructio o 4rJgUPheé,fi9or AlenCmeoên,: lavau'n.Icae n at he s>.t..r.e- ~-a"- î t q d t ti n ti d tz nt T ai di th Aaction overoani. aU lie isys of!'trial bave hd ave>'. To Ibis mid- well as ohr perla ai th Outario Bank bas jenefil ; md ve doubt ne aUcier tire uew de- ve ineremalugl>' renabîs thc S. S. Schiller. E' 811 LIVES 1 r86.-Iutelhligence of e annosteri lasjnsreach- TheEage lina S. S. Thomas, vicl asleai April 2 '8, for Henilirg nanti anal Cherliourg, ida off bIue Seull>' Isea. nI tva imundreci persoa. Ma>' 8.-The Schller a pmortI vltb149, cebin ndrng la -iaI publiabeai Apmil 28. 8, 12:80.- .Additionil is fer receiveal a! lie >afmsmip Schriller, show isf Ãœl>' as terruil as et Thme accident- accu-ial st-BÃœiglit, et viici liaur truck on tie ciangerana e, near Bliap'is Rock. - e t lhe tuse. A boat LAgmes, tir souatiemn. Oi> Iles, bas landeal -mvors ai lié vmisck aI ', noblien oftre Scilly. vers piekeal up vllè lh iradae. - Tbey heal escapes froua. drovningO tber a! limes'wasiel off'. 'ciere tint ltre nuniber ie disasrieletva hut. It S pa-apossd ai bollal e. la, ah vimici Canadiein are ha athenal, for lie iiag ltai praspects of. niba ta tire United: tas laken cuansialerable- a lIme pmobabIe members, ionibiýy and. ias dis- umber a! lhe -lceding- eplisal ta invitations lun nia 'or somehing like ,adgnaad.-WI thinla' Brown. -RHadl quit. unglon ta lest- bis lite eDongeli.-Looked lta dida't sec an>'ling. ickemizie.-Can gavern rit asasistance. '-WoulI a Canadien ) P1reaidency>'2 - uemo.-I5e euged lu t.Woul conisuit lais- Win Snilti-Tie Ni%-. 2proveal. a Cardinel -Hopes noltaWlutrude. lntuaet ofoifchIfi t rt.-Was rsady ta give ivices. . 'oa.-Ieferrel .-hem .Grip. - iacaMýNnu.-Cobourg, et vas «iran ta Han., Neni.n, eh thé Paneli o1 imundred- gentlemen . .Boultan acted ua ajs>r Giffoialsmd G. E. îtaimezi. Ths Chairý g lihe 'bealti a! mr a ver>' flattemig lerme a. Mm. Cockbnrn, lu limat heviog voikel me, came ta Cobonrg st, and aIeata visit s, biut lis neyer dreazu. aldmsniatîou. It na-prise ta imim, and-- arIminil> o! seslng -ail Of'-courseIris home fOttava, ana ail is ei but lieatilhi iaia, .have, e verni spnt lu 1Cobourg,- vireahir inI> pheasent -years. Lngpreperity la tire A ut nhsno'aiack Up, as v. -Cockburu. U0 train for Ottawa. 'rieuds edmpaniecl [alune o!YPri ce Ed. roragued- lad s ek. -vee assenteal ta b> ' averMor.- ,Tire Gov- avincesucceceil-in be Lavwer Hans. .e allegea vonll- placi isoluts contraI. The ail very prorl>' il vas seul up 'te roal. .radtical insk'nolor lu rson ai a'siProfesa îlaugil ta lead the, auof mnhealtb>' ap- tr accessm-ies of tire in tie aiefl o!flthe rvesit suci a eomicah iaonicsy's head-, are- allovirg lire yoiing the abellwvien tie soon coaueuc6-'ihe as audertalea-the liai pre - me tes li lai lihe bro a el hie% thi fl he stbc Cr thet tire oInt esp an-a th Govi Luai aVil cipal ar 1 il M. a ables, Tel day h fi Miml Molia Timai Clace Tai Raye Poail 1Eggs . Btta, Dchica Turie Apple Besir I Bft amir'c y oniu tVnarks an moa e mya palid, acion v - rganisa PrmIeb T uIron Difficulty.

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