Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1875, p. 1

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IP$d,& t umade vit aderim' s' G lar t ilscontnue.advertlsemeu$s musst te n-va.tin.' B u8ih es Direfoory0 ON~TARLIO lIAiNE THOKÂS DOW, WHITBY' AGENOC E. H. MI ACDOXELL, 'L AW CHAxcERg& OFVEyPsFCING- .LLjëod; SuthlN gcurt on". ,Ar: rageets ion spectliretainon i iHon. Mr. CauoQCautiDr. Memichai, Q- c. FA RWJIL h ITLEDOEp ditto; Wteres ubo, ndConvey- O qic oort --iouth of the 11oyal * ~C~o iy d'rooe> iAnoy. 4 ]ARIMTE &JrATTORNEY-AT-LÂW; ola o l hancery, Conveyancer, *~~~~~0 oajrPbica.Offie-OverMr. Ad. sJonýtore, Brook treet, Whitby, Ont. CIRIUC. KELLEtt, ATo1> -AT.lAW, 80140IT01 IN LIINENCLlIl, L. l, lARISTER AT LAW, Sm CITOnNI .LCharcery, Convoyaiicer, &c.,&o. Sbn. %oo. Streci, Oshawa. G. OUqg SMITH, JriL. n., ]3KRU8TR, ATTORlNEY.AT- LAW, X> 607 Pubi o,&'c, a e-McMiInslvey As G. >IcMILLANg -(Laie Greenwaod .4tMeMllan.) - J3AR1'ISTE ATTORNEY, SOLIC. 13Ae,,-Iyron Public, Couve raiver, 01. 110Brn Street, South cii 'ost Ollce, * Whitby, Qntatio. TIJOIIIBRXANiI) TONUBR - Il» J. (JVtNN, li. 1D.0 S UItIllN TO TIICOL'NTY GA( k~Byroîs Sircet, Wlisly. lin. icilEV 1.),MJ.,, Q UY'S HOSîITAL, LONDON, ENG., the ye R, . O.1; L., Oshawa, Ontario. A. FREW LLM. B., M.C.P.S., Blanc MétialiéO ant ilvéi-ity Siiver Met- aiet, Graduatof Toi-ente 'University, urogeons ai Ontario, Phyqlgtînu Surgcon anti Accoucbeu, ' - fROOI<LIN, ONT., W. AI>AMf4, ~~ son la W. l. Cure!.) Dental ors-Duntis Si-eest, Mn. Jamesonetore. Nitrons Oile' Uns ailniaiiereci for lie palulese ex- traction ai Ieeii - C, N. VARtS, L. D. S. oerUETH ienLee! an al lie L--ilest pninciples o! tuoarat, asecheap as ltseceaipest, ent as gooti aé lie hoeat, Teel i lled villa Geltiant il1-er. ~eeth chiacheti vithiesi pain, l'y protiuciug -local anaoiheélia. Dental IlIcorne-mCav- a'. nev block, aven Atkinmuoo Drug Stare, King Streut, Osias'a. - 5 T110MAsI DJVERILL, M3ILD'Em AND CONTRACTO] - DUINOA- .4T., IVIItI)Ys. Làk AU ai-ters promnptly executeal .1, - 7 -JOUN RODINt4oNPs -HAR WDRESSIG XND SHAVING JOIhN WOLFENDEN, -- A GENT FOR TIuE CELEBIIATE]) M L1Scotllh Granite. 4~t Mai-hie Worke cf Jenathan Wolieuten,DandusSt., Wlithy. -L TIeNSED AUCTIONLERL FOR THE 5Coantins of Ontario, Yoi-k saie Peel. bteelno-Loi 8, Sili Concession Murrbani. ' Pasi Ofie-Uiulonv.iio. Sales athendetion the shorlast notice, and oas>roasonablé terme. Terms eau rie made. anti biles printeti e tOh. Causosîcua Offico for Mn. Carter.- LEVI FAIILDANKM, Tr ICIINBE])AUCTIONEER Foi% THE .5.JCouiy ai Ontario, begfa la emi-n tianke for tisa huerai patronage laettifone Iiatovpd upen liiu, anud te asînoîlluce liait 1Is flpe a econdasct sale, citier lu Town or Connty et reasonabule i-ailes. Ar- --rangements fan suies eau ie matie elîher ah tise Ciitexici.r. Offce, or ai ruy OOfice, lirai-k SOi-et, Whithy, 'UMIOEItMEItCHANT, CARPENTER Land tiJeni, Gi-een Streett, Whiy. A lange 1qutity et ail Ikia sof lumiion con- U DEUTKING.-uner silly snp. -- p loti anti attontiet on short notice. Cafis ke pi cous tîcnîy an henti. A heare tho i-e est libersi ci-ma. E.OI>BLL, AT HE R L Clerk DIvision Court, Tp. Clerk, Coînieiner fiiiB lLîdÂcî&. &c., Atlierly, couliîy Olitario. Athrly',t. 2wd, 1872. 8 Dus~. CAICON &cIOAT >iyici-ans;, Surgeoise, AicOuchers., I 1FLlOIL ~wcreONT. 40 JA8. IPIGL,- 1ROPRîîuhylî. lFitOt.claee ucomnadAtIOn. Ample and %ve1.ttoad up satflù ronm9 for romerciaj SLAD WOOD FOR SALE-. The. subscribèirlhas for sale ai hi. MUI, near ULiça, a quanttty -of four-dol t lgb Wood, VOL. XIX. A8urance Ooropany. (1<&' T ' WHITBy, OzrTÂlzO. QÂýPITÀL; #400,900. !B W4.MP.Ã" u EST-A L!SHE£D 131as %ie acm,.toTal This OUd an4 veil etabliahedComxpany c v, eo&bran&s. BiArdoom B are preardto aoeriskein eacecgt.% i ii sds01. et domL. FAIBANK. MM LTEBBION xoun. Hous$ newly renovate4 sMa furn 0NTAMO PAIIMERS' tbrougboutsud put Lu d~ut.clams ar MUTUAL 'INSURANCE CO'Y. oi &l trains. rowlas aipiexo HEAD OFPICE, B3110K ST., WHITBY, G14ERA"TIUNX RAMWAY XHC ThIs Company Insures Parm Buildings, AT WE!TBY 8TATION. Country Churche., SOhoCI Rouss,andt1:h W. 'NILL -PijIF Contents ati as mi ow MAstho f any ONIL- POII welI.eet:ýâiued Companzy i Caniada.- Parties taldng the train and jesving h JUST LOSSES PBOXML AJ. Wi have thsm 'vell takon car. f L. AMRANKSa, Z. 13B.'ICKLL,rtu. PDEeeÃ"TBL, lEr.D.HaIxoa47Io3inongèr an, agen'of GPB OTL _______________________ONT 1' LUMBERJAS- POWELL .-PEOPRIET The uderslfned havlng basa appointèd WESTERN HOUSE, A.gent-and aso ShipplnikAent--for the exensive Lumber fin» aofMsus, Siih Co., ci Penelon valla, h&à opened4u connes.. I>NDAUSTflEET, WEITBY. îaon virn me amher promises, au extensive Ti.ndsgetvotinhaeI I~ LUM B R VARD thaeeaboepremieshave týrL MBE YA D IIewy liteti ansd ienovat.d tba-ouig AdjozdntheVndby&PoâPery Ril.Beet Lfuguors anti C ars. "The Ores: vay Station, viceei. keepe conishantly on er.an~ada'antipure &0min@ 13h-. hauti s'large anti comploe stock o f Lumber t eveei.0eunstk of ail kiade for sale, v aleesile and eiil.- Plancing mhine anti aU kinis of _______ex-__________A.______ ocuti promptiy, Ïa order. fvokx-JSPA.D DE GFýC) C0R N&CX. SSIFIG BOUSE, Wiltbv. Ma tggg. CO rMAC.t1 FAMF011 SALE. That vel.-kno,s-n tarn, lut 20, Si-t con, ai WlalObp, knovn as THÊ DONALDSON FARM, ofis; plenlddaîbr i lres lu exisul. Apply tan- n , Ã" r Fi Deposlted wlth Governmeuut, $67,000 Il Wini adj uslallasses vîioni. delay, antil psy aven the, cash AT ONCE. B on. ALEX. MiKENZIE, M. P., Pi-caltent. JOHN MAUGHAN, la., Manager L b v E R y1 Tic Undflrigneti desliros ta inforii li fri-euts anti pati-ons, liaI io kas again r.. sumnet business ut the oit WHITBY LIVERY STABLES. Ibavingr enonssaeilie namiberad qnality ai trie slnd, anti alsa attid et ansd impi-oveti the convepancos anti vohieles outhie pi-om- ises, i. hopes hy bing iu a positiou ta mecO thi vanta ai customors ta ;oorit a siai-. of public patronage, W-7 CHRWIu MODERAI'E. _M N.D.3-Coveret causseyaocos for ismilies -anti ladie. Promnpt attendénce, as hereto- fore, ta al entiers. A1 H Fron the b -ot1 CAP N. 1AY, Piopri-eter. EPL O T R E E S A Il O U T 40,000, -AT "r- OME NURSERY, n tiva ta foui -C~ai e ge, eib-acing ail bcit Varieties, SETH C. WILSON, îNo. 3,2, te Con. Pickering, on ltisugson Roasi, ost Office, Whitby. rSTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HErAD OF'FICE, TORIONTO. PITAL STOCK, - $400,000. COR. ztIea AND oKOOaniSTE?,, TORON TO, ONT4RIJ j JAS. T. JEWELL, T o i- n t , A u g . X 8 17 8 , . 81r i R OtERT JORN TAIdNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNE FR»TEE C'OUYY'Y 0F 0NTÀ4R.[ ADDIRESS-Box 09, Wmnrnv. LUMBE11 1 LTMBER1 Tii.- aintersigned inlanov in receipt splendid stock ai fine cleancti, vell sois ed bomber; seélimg ai 010 Par Ibousauti fe Ail kintis et Luamber for Capenler ai Eeousehuilding ah oveet puces. Luinher yai-4 near voi-aieps, WIituy PP. E. itaiiwaiy Ca. CHRISTOPHR JOHNSON. WhiLby, Nov. 4h, 1874. tf R EM0 V A L. Tii. andersagisei bas nemaved i bi BOOT & SHOE STORi 1eth. proemises ad iamîg the Western Ho>i DiudicaSdi-ot, Wiifby, vher, h. isn n prepare t l execute aI ai-tiers for Work. bai-goeantiselect etock on baud. II.pai donc as uaual. JOSEPH A. 13ANDELL. Whltly, May 8, 1871. 1 Liverpoof and London and GIob - NrlUlLArsCE COMPANY'. Au'ATi.crLE ÂBETSz, 527,000,000. Lasiiss ' ai in course of thi-t -lire osi exceeti FORTTMILLIONS 0F DOý1LLARf iCiais h Chicago l'ire estimaieti ut neti ly S8,000,00, are being liqaiduieti as fastl adjusteti vithent tiotictien. Secunil3 Prompt Paymenl anti LiberaliIy in aidjusI ioutlaf ita Lose area the pi-mincul foture af tii.vaîtiy Company. Hied Office, Canada Brandi, Menti-cal. G. F. C. SMITH, Ciif Agent for Dominloi L. FAIRdIBAN KS, Jin., Agent ah Wiithy, On JOHN -L.WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEZ uAdLILIÉF BE» DIVISIONeCOURT, AUCTIONEER, &C., &0- OFFICE-bn Bigelav's Block, Po., Pi-rt Penny, Jue 24, 1872. 26 AGENT s-OR Ot c-IIONi-ABlît, . Tiestibiriber has on hausiasut-for sol JOSEFI HOLLIN, 3ROOKI nT.at lit Mil noac Utica, (laie Currie'.>, a] JOSEH HLAfX, ROOKINONT kbltéofilumbad i dsinglea. Bil 'lumhc Aloa Agent ior fia CANADA FARMEUS' savu ta ai-don. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP4NTY, Ulica, Aug. 2otis. A3B4tMBEL Head Office, HAXsuzaNu; andi ------- - CITZliNS'INSIIACE OMPYMIPLANnIS1AILWAY 0F CANADA. Mefitîncul, l'ire, Life sud Gaunanice TIM E -T A B LE - Deîpartzont, Geing Nrthi rm oPrt Hope 0e Lindisay 0.4.['IA L, - - *noooo. leaarerton anti Onllia. CAIPIIIA 9 0,000000.Leave Pari Hope- Di-olin, Dée,2«, 1872. 1h49 Mul. 0aa. nm. 1i~ixcd .... 4:50 P. n - - Coing Nortih o Peterhoro' & Lakeflelti. TLOUR AN]) FEED. F mail'- 0:45 a. M. 1 Mxe a -....8:85 iP.nM The untieraigueti egs te in hiepnb- Comisag South frona Oriia la Lindisa-. lili ai lie hai maveti hie plsce ai business Pctenlsoro' anti Pari Hope. ai-rosa ssth t-i-at, nexi la C. ti-tt's minier Lueair i-llia-- elaotphere h keles on lianti tic hast fleur Mai...11220 p. m. Ar Pt Hope 6.:00 p.m. Cash for lai-m piote. CsiugSeIî6 -m aelii . . LONC. fMrinet .... :30 a. m. 1 Mail.-3.:00 p. m. Witlby, Jan. 20, 1874. Cenuet iohvithlb Nirissing Raiuivay Id - - - - -- anti irai Toronto anti inlermediste talions - ~ R at Milîbroola fer Pelai-bore' anti Ci-luis, anti 1. V I Ry I1s-lithGrant Tntsnk et Pari Hope bath rnorn- - - ng anti cvening vitshi-raine Eaist anti West, lai-lies desiriaag aomaOtbie-vehicIes, anti anti Sti-. Norbeaiaai 9 amn. fer Rachiestor. goat herse. vil picîsa gi-r. tic untersîgu. cd a cal.M. G. TAYLO-R. The. ca ri bY, OIct. 27ti, 1874 . P.f'IL RNLSSSADDLElIY. 0sariscriber demires ta ste liai i. ouned a- HA R N E a 3 HOp, lu lie Premises oppaite Ray'a Biish A=n- enican Hatli, Dunclas-St.,- Wiiby, vier ha vii kasp an aa SajOicnianStock of cverythiuglu b is lin, i aimreis,,antivil sel ai thOeveet paices. He hega ta solii -as or f publie patronage. 'e. 4,-FRÂNU YLR Whitt.y, F i24 874. eti Ulîca, sept. 28, 1878.; 1 UMBE s!OMiIN INE. RORIT. RtAMOUY. DL D. & L. 1. anld A ccouchu r, ad oroerforth flXIIýOUsE,1 ýPOR iiRY, ONT.,? T. B. - - - îqioPljILTo-c. ulnuoiua, ONTAEIO. 6. 13, W aEBBc- ars sIwioubu. Th ron1iije -conoisoiut. soe tween LIvEIIpooL Qv»EBan MC<TKLEL,Ji Summier, and Lrmz anx~sd 1'()ITLÂIr FARES AGAIN REDUCED 1 Qu1ebcoata Li vorpool, do. sud retru, -29 Tim'uhbtieketo rin'Whitby e - 1l0ha by eg >~tc the Agent At thxe iby ]w -MEON LAIT 7 Sn-àpt. 'aiTan CAR]ii -1--1 ,T. H. MeMILLAN, OFPICIAL ASSIGNI - Also, Agent ior lie iEE, RIOYAL 'INSURANCE COMPANY, PROV'INCIAL INSUutAICE dO. OFF1'Cli-Onta-io Loin anti Savings Carnpany's bauding, camer Ring anti611m- coc tçeets, Cahava.' April ih, 1874. -17 AT TE GJJEN MAJOR MILLS!1 60,0entfec in. Lumber, veil soasoneti. I nchi Ileats 2x 4 Scanullig, 2-incri Plane, Fouicing Boarala, a à10,000 feel of Oak, Maple for axies, bat qoaity, (800i., Squre Timbur, AU cil vhrainl h.soit chea'p for Cash, ne tea as lr g ay ibsl, th. Oriel IfiisWruniln&5nidoinidzs,.eXesvrk. hie e i6edapslue wekfo eor D* n m u , u iMIAc r i a i a ck0f roa l i e y a n d ; " I ! e - y l i i dt h r f t n o v " MI l i t h e l , s »na -t ugrla lv y i e o h a v e a a l e t . f o r Dichsé-MKINO»aoaé, vrria. -patrouize lie milvith trir griéliaag. andt ten, in anaver la Caplain DealidalBe! Bn, ,"vo mugit go home is'iarrivýetilu his conW, vent la, Brook- nlm b ~1ornea eae.o Agents antei. Liberal iudcenents Fleur ant Fod afithie bit quaîy, anti ioia! alcone n oc, iecotiu- iyngcaous.aln o heofui ! pnl lasuri fo ofi e -ad. a easonae pices, viiiaso h kept con- t,"-ok lkeO icl, u s brdplln,"rmu-l a e sir the for okgMedt ay n Tu aI rendanti feesale.o ks l~ieaisn , ir, beaiaa antarcnb-other, via ahe hure! liveinj pcehefllvn a u-il Whithy, Aug. 18, 1874. 84td Tra h' T. e41 aSmeth- ngBolivar Street, anti vst; s policeman, arrangement oa!thh au le bigler lbau TP. WHITE. The Terrible being ho leevanti, cil!asIcncrc n9at o- l.InlaMatitan's liquen stan. in Myrtle ee- i ul ilgfe i.ledl Wiautvai,,OcI. 111, 874. 11utlapproua lite nev-coier by a direct vo hadti lat concoma, ve'ti ho in Emg- avcnueé,'he vas tld liaI one Mitchell prmdlfso.Cifrss- on cousevila la lue! for Cipein atifaue!liveti ut 15lu lttStreet. FÃ"tar * en pose e!of-a tuft o!f--foyerà. Phucet Upon ]1ATS courAT, whHATStheOriflamme, lyluginua lan fr obnuy Caevia fnwa eoi er luthc saloon fo av eIesnmlo i eai liIuisa SIL K A N D F E LT IST OP T E DIVISiON COU RTS can c ily lreoak, coule! m ke nuadlîcthe b, obl u n hiepal. hal a, e nl8olvrsîel. Ta e d he fo i oan thelib a !lluglitb traisi.of vIK A D F E T ay o vrts i erbn' consort. rienti or mates 2", - g r rbb n d ii f tov te - aco.--- OF-TILB foe, lia sîrager vas approscing vili IIsapa as ho*w o Migbt pull up jiniuteiiy asauhtabnd Tomon Au. la y oae algtaiew MANUACTUED ND RNO-COUNY O ONTRIOa fine breoze ; antis haenearethie ehip, unte ier njib-baoua, anti isten a bith, a policeman h t iaveu ù MANUFACTURD AND REN- COUNTY 0 ONTAR Ohite laensign a! lie bouse affarban sale! Diok Hantisaii, "anti take s iaa~ ienua! ie Mnliotveuie vO» d'onof the Csoeofa VATED AT HOME fF wTEYER185 ent up le bis pek. There wsv iîi jýon, 1k,.-police station, 1ooked qaietiy on, Jack lu he Gycon, voie il Iuot thàl coRnHEict; bu5.t Ies lm,~iibrTaastsai~papshavîl!Tegirl vus tiniven away, anti as RaieJack 18 a iathoi vialgar -eharacter.. t M . O 'L gwA R Y & C O . beg tea nano mse c n h c rovbt, 0 rit m e y ri h r T a d n hM p op sit onl n t h U a i r t o t e a n , ~ a u s S e l b u e o b p that thea- have opened7 buisinesat Oshaaa ý I c trobe fWeU aneey ,. rv aesont nt<nyetrlu u l»cnemtla F aîbea-McIlr-fý ora is gf- ir.muiut, iilde -Manufaciony opposite tlie "Vindicalor" Clar0beiagave -Oneemy's ressanable ; i i l a , ver,< tusîantiypmgfw oeMntoid htlae OOf-vené thep manf ture alse of __c_ C> Z boaner. laipl iasvin!V'vin1aie1pon it Ypatedtheliieuasta -Diaini -AXt arey mae-t e b ati llhigiux-ibaaa ly - freabeneti, "w bre vlwon spBritteansd Issues-Carroli, lie %onto! bavfe been?Fomntepu-oer every description, sud lu thé hest style. wsritcon- ha, Ianovboreoda» au lb Terri- rneran TvnL.lv orcnhairclppree. 2 1 11-12 1 b1cA1lem1nm ntote. eoa-i en.dBng nercbuntum," eev l oin Carroll, vwhose naine vsGOhavàe 'opec lie monen have HATS RENOVATED I21 215 ! i19i 8Frnha ar eufflwiepn.1sape as ve'i sbip lu lier;-.,Come onions lu a rceni viii,. cauisaloonkeD. eesto at itud itia o! ur e equai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b la no er a er1 lhn d o. I i ai I 5 1 al8 12 a mI so in g , l in f e c ar cte ro, lie lad ; m um 's th e y ard *v ê an ge k c a l Pa m k Mu - a -, e l en e p be a i i t t t .» aI t id m w i e - H HiDtaIewfora mrs 812 101n5mea!f is vess-aiae!Captai» Deuli, ithe bobsaa," -oatL oii~oanveo reeiaedilfrelaibihni ahl.l Osaa,12 t1t 17.14ýÇlooking lhrough' bis glas, taie!, "'Tis 'One after suolier lie siieors climbe!antdeLh smnie-o uLCr ern us epael.~uff Osav, ugis lti184. ly-85 ...... :I I18 ' i119 7 lie Venegance piaer !s. rl.a i aumult b aaaisdroi! vas suilsequenîiy balse!, batth.eqa t !eatue, "IlGurfing'.tfer-, GRO. . DA1TFELL Her aptai le abraveina»;an'ti h igliietisilenly beteen he w rr. 0 1.police eau ookng.forbia gix -mostosb ts, 18as le q ta T E AM RICAN OTEL. unior l t e t iO fimmrnrnol Éhim ,16 *vii!givë n i he* 6eten sý-d l' péa te Bigp'aBam lan> mb: i uad. o th p tol ias o *-& a w l JOiaiO -Mlny fer eaten'bekta r 1.Vn- moent, oniy- Ortéi bena, an- ti hl etfe Po' n o-i -1ýy,àthe hadoüenaar i tu". bis smbitoiB' Thii. fit-Clasehanse liai beeun uely fit- geanoe. Duvaha-e., lier o-l iovasa asu alanLi levellea l .4vibuese. - - 't efetigauinréé icuu and r n v a ea t tir o li t z u i- E A S T M A R E ET U ~ , n t et i p ivà te e s m n i e a c e a i i t e f a ~ rI ZI i a c u i y tIen c guSrac Te peeul oiietor bas ;- Td < NT t-o!lige husdrea antidxy oant:I n l a te i.armti»ci4,a&tIre iBritis popa la-mal of a!N.v York, vas N Culymu«, I »' spareti ~ i nepiso'epnel rinoicigFlntcaas -marnalt thuty.alu guxs- 9How msuy s va loveiIhrew ivo allier sonties, âsaiprmsoiby a numbar of fiadnti a ai 5 rlsh n Memasit Th"nly Pco s no taret, tb aiee- asg eaoe fa-om b l â e hou Ili nv sg.viSvhivbs c a ~ 7 o ~ a ~ s o u I d t n d t a a t é u s a c c m m o d t ia o n f o r l e r a r e .v i e t o o ile O n a t i u t o n c e p o s s e s e d t. I ba n s l v s o f T a e ro o n S a tu r t a y n i g t , a n ud p r o . g r a n t.A ,éa n Toroto, uèY10th187iuoetilus sipe noohe for CisnialTra- carranaotiose a! i ta manageélthe lbirty mauiy o! lteélreneben vere killeti in ornamneulao he. banale, lie viole F0Olaver utt'U.- se Taronta, Juily 101h 1874. 29 o n 1h sheizoo sfo i nti r. Coin rtonhes-eof ttilinge Wëoat'Indus- attômapllng ta reaci thLe teck j;' bui the sale ta haveécs eventy-five coniaail. ya>nUr'avedPtcy,-!' ils UvelýRTETi oel iufl w! ruai. ers, some suityinumosi-i osige",by -. Johné,6Y55ý M .j"Ic os ,m Deeinlaà SM lb QUEEFB. HTELvafloflbeîîyHjl B~hleo1iNrth. Ti Terile rent g unh, rendoed, and ve "mol..r o y Brown mm da iest pbhaan Utonwui',o ' TuXale! lesitahé !viibiivamnuts ivenly-aix seOllUlyerScriti t , go I L e ft h e c e n tr a l.) r u x te n o n Ba1ji il ' e uIMpa n i e r e l s l n u i m b e r e d a b o u t h e ir --c a p to s s . w ni e b vsh -nS Tz* donebundre nseel. ai cuiu l wa imm.tiatoiy mdoon the b riatT eaww 1-- -- 0 thé ,lp 'OBHAW4J ONTARIO. GraI Western Rallysys. 900a eabing ba egeseaoif hevôou; bu liorffe ob.iip*araoeo e iecaptive oflicess, lie meut enjoyabl ofthe kind. Ontevei.atnfeotesalways on en-and coe, matdoA tale asi co ntà i u uuvi eeeit W. B. MeGAW --PIORETE 1,'ther -Tdey oie. $liài-pTheePlhe! mlgo ni fi t bismurnv, W , fo,,ed ame vrebte ffanturma Vreldte str nlge hînlioyn *g ioïlxûmte mor ha hlteofet i JOHTN A. DONALDSON, Gav'i Emigi-stien office, si-ch 25,,1873. 121f Toronsto. rHE ISOLATE]) 11151 "re Inoijrance Coly of' Canada, :LADs OPYI7CZ-lng St.,cai-. CimcisTorontc CAPITAL, 8500,000. là ici .1 1 - 1- 1 1 ici 1 1 Il BIIG N G AND 8 eBi N e tS0 ' A U HT V ET E R I NA B Y on _9gy7 1 idDei 4i 5e i ~ , u 4 - '- ~ ~ DUP7IN' CREE LOVPNT. Lol PWDws f7W1Sg neJ TO.MR. GEOR04 C. WIGGINS, B.A., -__________aproach-of tlèd ;- & o teplt;ýùt é etp a'anrzm hz Lo wM = aera M is jàfi - nd foram dow , t theInstruction -0f pupiu on J-ha C! AJoli hn àkrn. mzu n- A hm a ýôîle reuî-r hW8a l, -lrln- ei. Té S acSlngng md Singng Classes.- DEALER IN L b t ant psgàùi-,bto7b[ý , uýÎc iehlun, rwn Prof J-aPais n oct z UMJERi S h e ,rvn grbu atinerpeucu ayersInterf - 4O4Wer'Sbo bas bèen vatilý1 u v~olver., Re¶?ok Prof. H. inPiu euu Yclit sd_ _ ' Bannie Pcggy obharinu rie a , Oia utê (nr.Yu eg biiunebev rob f. b er thOtalt dSolooir niet Sg,&et"ot htbent anq Davie ta the bailcariedbY- Ila 111*0 QuiberonBcu bebsbeenrp edmneunN*r4výpe 4 ,ý ýji uau b. egmgijieusinceenil worrd w wardng Aget, Por m u" i aF e tivals on N aeonabl te m . A U l rder e ro uL an g bng P eggy D aw son , an d S ' tai uèd - o f th e . D ogÉ r B an k a- fu t ie a m zh af le t a i e a ) ote7,tii. xasthead of Duc~at. - Pante1tr e itol,-esoteO# Whiltby, ly i 1h, 1*87W4. 4Oc.201, 7.For a blink o'ber Blue ale, -At thv re ram. ru b.4o~. ter, t ï fai batule-watereuorth t 1 0 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P egp r c am, P e g y v r f n t b on o d e fp o t e ai u f S toe' b t le r MiBnne chnnlgPegd Vaiase eu aniuer of the. Terrible, itreauned outi aUa-bcac'th àbe% Plagbm sr'ta'bi fe ~~ hesae ba Tatebv-thé penkof ithe Vengeance- My father as wefl.-'The. oleýflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W eroldHEBE T . tn onihggeaeo. - .~buge epar aufnoff the fint 'F k. rfer.êta 11818a Lie proualet galubler steppet i icthe: a-ide~ ui-NmORS LAMrICINES Forthe bo uon lieek, oteat' ea,ad.The -Vengeauoe, ut. oflblk paint 'Ow LI jfSE l wïtaA. u1.'Q~*u'.wjiE ~ nePg c arnxln , ggy, meanwile, hat oo iuany gnns f or e', -arlô h bae ta bs to rint segez -- .Mess John sir y tint bis ree ; caa$y ude8c a tere.fr 10 taa mas vr. ra enci u%. af 1e he b inte in tezg=e, Mos inig Peggy Dawson. 4fiIOtnisoYwsth eci, rm e 0 Guu )TEL, FOR TEE. CaUrn o01?oxTÀmo, AND -jodceolptione cf-the beai Hanse Mcdl- .*- lirbroatie t taI -b. aler- 1ý ar, faus ngas a remaïkahly Thé gainberakdôvtetsil zunkatcOonsîsutlYon hâandaforma.ait, F or a pLont a',ber we mon', - mabe erMkparts.e, Ti6i ,itlaor,puaset ienifrai» t. Mala; yr b or-uia i as~n 'rOWnsipq O & (J,, arti-Ig h e whby Llvery Stables.-BaniaPgg, hathe egy, Woi odaraukeandatrmeau l7aooipsdutj 0fMrioBuneN . A or iePeggy, Darmon - y, Wéo'Idi ag et a feti?' jan-Whenge acoe, b.BiUsî a ifeb l utzlb.of uoat inrvl tIi namp TOR. S tatan mytinsud lb.e acbarge for sdvyica - Doctor Balte gai rosring fou' f-VengeancesttqeaBritidsuIl nlI whon b menvthen mi. mczl.a! ' Th h e minervo$ U 4 89bto , u.b uhWJmaurntran. _________-__ Whae tat ring thb x$saiomc býGrer n-i4 51, te sell heir lives lu ulUhi8 Piatol, pocketed tlb. induiiy, -l eanh' arm ti ism e. pbn nrn h at oi _________ alie, bTerrible potiretiforth a eteatiy o tiu ae Pone géï,'cbarania-e 1tý lg,ýthrtfa gqnIlsPpen.anti 11.5 ofier men' -hi wHa Dlimow then > asithés 0f f T acb16 ecn nlykn e, iicharge of calnnand- innaleiry. d eN.ba Havilffnovgivn u li buines HERUST~L HOTSI laoot eh. seiâ- O anal bab-t a xibahedby the-neny. Nwgvalld een poken- frin- lhi W Bafefitend,il utueta davte =y -mBannief baweon. Had, ber maua nnt rei neti staniding, j lbepu3miU5 as brce.fourtie f s iu be"au1,waa matie.- It wasempI futue, m Oo~r Pegy me wauld uoy aebouton lheuu;j fr0ml 2e-now- bal! sane-nov _oiidofthe rare ocas<,na vlere £gata- Colictin, Actloeer b J 144SIS. buit, assii-vas; they, litt>u hy hie, v iti4n stol.shot. hier ou the Union Pao fl- ixisah.s- lit Jra, ORILLIA, O2<~~~~~~~~ The Bnltfeh Bunilng.- gainedth le advantui«e. Captain Dealb J a'citiot infutinmn ts' iwy ael OIL caea a n o 9 0gnýpt I his magnificent briLtkhoèl*-lone o ai li.'red od Benatiy mn I W lay aet fo-wt aallsacllsuta aul vieom=y'favor me vltb largçst boase. north -fTrnt.-I a î-B Aeoi sao.Aold -eonain ~-sho foand is ti. k a&-.', - a ou mnr ItanA bisB A ta . î ,!i mates, I"Davn belmbc anhnimnr Ton.. Ihei Sales or Cofloting. - cf, oedanincterati s - - - Wlgcnd.AIhe ar 1Stad, tey1------- -Bils drauzghted eU4 Piaule Note, furnleb lvIfenty-laur Panditbail enLoréed tlb. ùi eiiiua thon - zauic Elapement i la onh Sa tuee cf charge. A- . A FIRST - CLASS IXOTEL I ca.ne a! a seagaing family. My c-iat b ala ugonb-sdebblialbseii ates, I -- - - - --ccSptýn Aiso1311 Stmpi lvaurgeon bnibe-. andhvea A b i t m s a w 3 n b an a . -fa lier v s lu le T errib le, p riv a tc er : c m o , u r au î , s v i s l B n s t u e ti a, e *g a ip m e s ta-îb oard - 'Arrangementsecau b. matie forsle c. amig eeganco1 camion asud 0130» cu anaoard ofei, naotiaubt. Ah ime. lu nralts el siBn irte c -tion succeeteil aaig AroittacaUt ai ie NEOIOL ofice Wiii r slasJrc, bas am a accomnmodaion foxieummesieifo xrta ok ir i ii U an art uian~ lt OfficePricerAvisiterl ghtfnUfy sud centrall -Bildfon xctin Dok wir tengtb lb. Frencbmuin baartieti, four ghi a an ose aaite lsaine W'. T5çnL0Cý I ault Ofie rnc lbrandat the Btea i-, s '- ita huecats nt voe ii -r . g beingIs'atlg' aurh i Office, Pot ery.edad , belg ng uclose roxxmnita le 4 stesin. Kidati as lug inifio, sdweeTeTerrible's aff, nhalding lie broad stant oitlsieeiiiiniik ottg- te fanluiu nrbaunltve boatshiveMidlanti and' orthem 1B. B. iany cher buacanei died witlais flig t.Gorge tdbe sa va.leemyscfarga.,at. - Tva - shotsn te lie W. If. WILCOx, stalions.eoea. A nla nlra o oprflypat.G etiby lie o-uiggingh, lruck lý, angI rangi-lilda =rhný n ohoeson. An Eglaboutistordatigbtyeti-patialtiow fart> 'wlvolsut 'ha Prneut.i Sp.S4h 87. 5 Conoias ml 4roomeandi Mitesof mark. apon te lb ae omn tio caninuegte oustalulb.ensgifeet abave hoard, tsunttTii. viole lim. ie4g "sinange ambtaalia anti.li0 atier lering lbthaugiters respeclffolly eighteeu sud u. ___________N.____ m.rentfor mines. e o ac f yards beionging la ibis privateer; -ivici nav ,,rappoi close - 1 h. u-. fa ig e plinter clse ner tetop. - iLS. . UBF POE F011 BALE.grani Promlyatn it.thel. l Terrible,, qipe tEd aI -k wet.Té hl trebin rt en LUBL RObyTYN BB Odrsorrors y elayo eupciEenanrta.ian ter- c.Soarcebofo o! ie- crew ré. "Up- viti yaar- boiraIf' -criaitdBn; andi voli-to d(o, tiey liati umerousse V -~ Oinihuses la Andl tram the SteawerS froc Dock, cammandeti -by Captaiu Deaflo, anaineti auurt;, yet.enci as coulA keep "'i away lb. malnyarti., ni ùl smirerp,; and mare Iban once rumaur E, The tubsciber cifere for ;sale the folo-voelutnt scaeiplndlôw hiufeet etaad, pike lu baud, lae-7repel lthé atout tare oeetugging ai tbe main- annoumcedti Liai iraI tb. vldov, sud - lgraluabie property, lu the Town -ci AIn - - IIBT. 11USSILLP wbo haione GiosÏ far Surgeon. liae bordera. Many a brave Frenciman brace byber h recmnsthon encli of thedaugbters voeeon the b mecletBrick Collage with j * ariiii, Jau. 7,1874. Pipprictor, Thensperstitions- o! lh. salons, ,fatb. vn ouhfr bshuiu !gl oeamt ney barnthe lie acha pitofaaiàg. ëbgtti i alad,situa cite onr fGunan rused ta say, made il difflenit toe pro. -lant tare ; but oie, a Rne.laoking odi- loatswae'iingSound -atnst retso! the family -vr Si. Peter Bts., lu the South Ward.Abc, j OHN S. Mr. ,cocrscîwfrsvss ca1vietye nIt aL nsM.B., Iibon ur ro. refc ltivelactati i crnrW luaigs5.~ ubf-gu ~elngtioni ant short dérag znatly for the flag. at'ýPdrtomaaîî. - mcr, ýnd bis vife, w a, viti lbeir ei. If foadsti., wa .* cr o Cnte th fle Town o lfli , abenaponlally befare sheicaloti, about lventy me»n "a iraeu1-le tdra péeus (Te I bave got at hoines bit.of red bunt- esto, esfqenvslreati snof he atlon cioe rperg Esnntf ea hore frona ber lu the nigit. lgagl-thei. l~)t"ho crac , viihIra. ing liat nu king harmooy cnougb ta wae oh al bande agnecti thuit - lie son ito. a out Wrd -isoOaFFICIALs~.l ASS~ICYNEE, -I~They cipbieslb [ae.teoth ai O.,sid 2ncres C. Dra dhai leaint 1h. atansname boe. uëai; for a British 1ban.eh-eibfun lbhceli Wi5 a od is onthueisenart01lot18 ban-on.or uy. gaare rmteflag of-the., titee- wiMasas bain cmcei-fpr ilt1,11 o.fr oming on boardi, anti entoreti viii uer wan lu Baille vas not an every-day Tbzzible. tr c1e i f MarraÃŽ!Y, Co. Northaniber- For th. Caunly ai Gulario. Ani business nauch heeltallon ; batt he lopb. -- -- daugbtr-and 'sat up fur hbnself' on s lauti.enîrustd ta hie charge viii hicarefally aI. Substantive WaS tbe Unoarthly for heu "etro hilea ajlie li an ai. holdinges BLO V-Â ooi tor thel other morning taalteaoeproprt or futer -w hjn 4h,17.cuae r1" exolaimed -aàbrave olti sailor, lnid !a iaylv a ising-had boom for wçek; 1me wau E E cloallhahOvepo, eri.arfuierpr - iitiJa.14h 87.Sy When the Terrible loft ber mooringe, m: bB tro hofaPasrot p11ba il a spea is h - i n i l g . h e g l o rio u s E n g li a i o nMosrti amarr Ivu e la stb a i b p e a g n . fo r a F-RANCIS CLARK, ----- - .- -sic laid aI ber poak a remarkablyiband. inhia',anti craeaing veapons viiimre enr, nilokrfgei eek or-twa. '>Whou Mra. L-ud Wiîb î Jui,-1871. 2orfneme onigu, premenleti by s number of bstsrang-wised faemaa. cxrc*an îevaasth --wenl ýmnluully la unfalti ro ~~~~ -- 29t G. YOUN G SM IT H, j'arioîic ladies; faillie vamen of Eng- Agacn io u i.hiynl nilon ach.Seoatwrilie coagrega. tieir grie, sud surmises la each other - udwco lwyeinoreltiluli d.hie ombalants vcro blintifoltictiby t,.e.bcergyman, horuhh dtl fasieti upon lihena lia ISSUER 0F luge o! tia blue-jackcls. My falioregaai proaching, ssyrng ýbat thcre alisa ndaugte d 0of o- BROTHERSSES, - hd viluessti tire resental o ant laling eneiga. Shrggling tg her, no vixtue in tieni -that every 00rouolnofui! agltr ie! ne f WHITBY, ONTARIO, hawtesdtepesnain n hyessayedtie10tear-it frinua cci liinvuli e e, nîesgeihen-he ,fatliîr-in-law t h vs ta Irnpcter,~'ca1mandManuaclrensai MAR IAG LIC N here hua! bon, hosad, scuiethiing bande, and ti ilvasroa assuea, p~oi. raponted. Tua ho b. e~jre t a ben-hi sc'sluenem id . S Imotegolesan aufcurr f nMA RA E IEN Esublime lu lia spectacle of lhe hardy lion remsining vithla eci-Ilia union tne upsoi. uir c- seqgnuiînquiries siiowedti is sarnrls *HTY KNnARIOf tarasltandiDg, bat in liandi, s0 simple, viihohFrouchman, tho fieldi !Beucr*- iiý parral r 'Bnthie WEITBY ONTARIO. sud yct se brave, ta recoive from tlieir let viti lhe Briton. A tiazen p gplktaco I-"Allbandmata tabeoatunilvheao-y! LEATHER AND FINDINOS, - ---- -béanîlful couinlrywomon lb. banner o! eoaght the breasi o! lhe latter, andik ho ylai"ili blvI ound cce pîl eumao nparthe Il waa. Bof as - GfrRie,1aladLate.11EO. T L hem land. Otn hnfarnt Béae, lbe feil tiatiuntier tsuc neti hicThé eutàar v aîcefrou iung t hdbco govnnfo M eàthMOih o»et Ceashrpatfrthid, faat cte.HLrecaloethe piihura ; andi oflea, lie sI al riadtled vili ahat, anti piercet by sorc, umci mare effect a. i» ,i-i-. 1-had luîing lixat lime bac» anEAD OMISO$ A.;Dtoglit h, i h alt olach odra epnevloe iii uon alizing as -maucbmauey as lie coule- md SHR&OTC.GENERjU AGNTh AND te ams n ierrae-m ie maie.He vailetia moment, an thn, aeBline lavet possiblo limita; andi it îje an-is- SHELIOR'ATOOE. NAET se iaesc irbaemrnr But Duvalance, the Fronch commun- or twopiler, bie repcîted theowanng.edbhofmyIlaouieay!ls May, 1872. -- 22 Agent for lie Confederation LitehAsocia. vere pooneivi eeihoe tevsara mral ondeti; "AU bands a blaiv 1"again rang ouitdarlr ometiv at l asp -45 ~~tien of Canada. Gauae iii Ohe Terrible-blue-juckeled a, ai.leiriiiUui ripisf-rnannvee.Titpechrcialt 1-5Books posteal and accouuîs made out. Tom Bovline sud joily Diaik Hautiesil ; banale Banki boside bis foeman. fruTihpeianiiee niuî session fi-arn £1,500 ta £2.0)00. Tii. M ONEY TO LENDISilattention given tatheocolcqieî gone ta hempi tie cannon snd lie ses; baIlle vas aven, tho Terrible wasls a nountisnquurItn luyb adv jiy artner o! b lai hI b ai tybeen 1dle ciiNotes, Acconuts, sud mrgae. gone vitliout caure or misga ; leue andthelb.Englisi bumting, so bael "e.ÏAil bnlb " i laen.lien. Underthe pies- being biidesz Repayahie by instiments for ironi Tvoa a Office aver IR. IL Janacéones, Bandas-st. vere lefi at homo viii vifo, or ebulti, or fendeti, vas lstal a t.. m0~vst~eol e lmid la afriene!inlu Glasgov, she ha8 Twcnty years, aI low raIes af interest, vitra. Whiiby, Sept. 1, 1874. 86 eveetheari. uTt Feehnn ewvah hici lie panic-sticken cangiega. e- a!e irmhrrat iint s ouI commission, anti aI moderato charges. - - --- - --- Oh, boy often have I bhare!my falli.anti fifty lu kilicti anti vountid, v il, ail boltineti for liea doorspflna 'E PrivàI. Funtis ta Lenti. on spcak o! tiiose oie! ehipmaies o! bis on board lie Terrible,-tiere r aalei lynbis bcsî athedorte preacËer dresses; andal s asescraecîyppropni. Appiy ia- STAEIEWE nOeTribe elvt arcutalive only iventy-eiz, anti net one ana» lie lino lhe minchiei-aus bird gaefli icliikeeer nislr teJ .FRWLtorsuperstitions, teqan dasaifdeewa bet ie absfe.ePi up cs ntedyofdprîr-o LO HIli& O HA A bis yeliimg l an elwl flrok B., ' TWIE A AYthe adInbbr lite qubinl iesi- ! o! hicsur saile tase lta bis fcei.ff1 aa ic1era lon," outsauiug aunaohua juil reccat. stances oa! heuir mprovitionce, coalian. awitpeenei i as nle ail omu so fa l a icnemdi ing May Isti, 1872. 22-tf Lae saa tSm ni , e.~ d vitli rnannicfitieiiy lahome andti lies veaselsi swimmlug in bleeti, ceuld ataua eysot iaseva e double 'vene!by lier audqceit tisap- Leaves Wiitby ut lu, a. m., anti 4, p. m. Cuunr u net b. inauginet. The encmy ltowcloniel4loeJsus s u aot nrance. Itlmhu been lascerlained, Noi ainigle French cruiser wu îVitre- ies.beirs.hswa aou siuce liaItisheYonlayk mte ~tS CHANE.Paire 25 cents ecb-way i- hi.prize. mb 81. Main, vhe te h10 l6e ont ltea aI tfie w dovu, and ~ - yugld ~smta 0-P 3ums cjjIFESS WiU cali at ail die hodela, and e -atsible in thîe Channel; for lie eayiug LiaIti arita i lceo x uiDîn e 5j- yîci~:îr umfries Station by Mir.13-;sant resiticuces (vizen orders are Iit at any <et a Frencliman is hli vanquisheti vlin ation aaually attendiant upan itr; The. untiersigneti allers foi-asale lie pi-cm. the hatlis.> Conneccts with Oshawa andi ie secs an Engliai siip,hit es-en then Myfalier, wholio hd bee» bath car, "Ail bisibelav 1"-" No, no tciiin lage liv eeooliaie ieinwihhebusiness for lie menufac. l3owmanviic stage; aise viti tic Whitby becomepoeril IntheaBa ffie- 'yMistc-r Devi]," ahîiekeal tic aid wvau, rteeeiat ueît iepole laea gicaturai milemenOs, Waggans, andi Port Penny ltaiiwav, sud viii Jiraughi- ,hawv-er, lic Terrible epfciedau ailwli aie ,fcebeso lii. rc-v e iic-,Ig tatrsalerciu"' m i e» aken pi-eviisly un oneofo!tle be &-uec,ila itpi-sent cannýieîon lu lie Tovn ofaim nmail at Whitby* - d5YC Fronci murchaul. le» o tre colcw i ;- M r semi,, i arvc' la Whuby, togeohen viti biestsoclc-in-îratieTHOS. IIOPPER. Il pi-aveti a greai rnh cc a-emaibrenigomgthe <lied.rh er Anie hleandwlans fe anti deicritian.- Whitby, Marclis Ocr, 1875. - t iman, citaldtise Oriflamme, fricmSb. ail sang, in vhiclîi l is"Saie!:-iseslt.!ig îowai-is New York hcfoîe tliu lo kuovu as a sean lt.Th pace ______- - __for Bordeaux.T.e piivaleen "'Tins feU tistrong Terrible, braidl Ule oxAnu--.-iis-i-ignbne -eiav. i-s i-IST-LAS BUINES SAND~JOEY O LI.') -gava lier chute, une! lia Frenclimaci, Iolci, Smithli hue!anvery bad anal very tdanger- of thifiigiht. Wbeu ?Ors. L-uti araFIRT-LAS BSINSSSTAD ONE T LENDfindiiugmatters camne ta extremities, nut sixteen surivi- tise tala c-ssn unisld. Oashabit of! vlking in liii sleep. IHia hurs. D-d family founa -out ibol S. Mati anwhich, till ie on n xmn-matde a guliant resistanco. Those aid- Il v.as vrille» lu lie French prison by !ami1y fearedti lai, turing one o! is nattere stood-luat 'tisabusbanti said t-- lion, un excellent business la heing nov cr-on -ci-sat, profivate undé.p te. catue. as, ie onl aie ereFo-sa, pveralTnilos, oF-s.ai-mti, sud my father eaid liaI, for a No'tiing, lie saie!,grievdtihie sailars, charge oui o! the vinslaw antiIiil huîn- hesoyola-ei t keep lhimalter an Ct l -ailoé giict1tii-l a eent .riglita Houées, adalarge BikHouse. For-liti iîie hecannonad uti vstremen. more than lie ioss o! tuai benulifuli self ; 5 tliey pea-cuaied.I lm t l oiee iqiie0 las assible. But tiiongli nly a st'nvain grca aiIlliret;.T ntenus, apply to dona. Sixteen of ltio Terriila'a men oiasign preàenled by tudýr ccunnry- villa his litla la rie ilaat aLvroopiasdicfei esi] -ce nduts-loui mant 5 apr ital lu iG. X'OU'NG SMITH. vero kilied sud waundeti; Cuplain vamen. As tliey gi-avstrongeî- heur lie une eue! o! a 1ope arount ieusbodly vas lot loto tisa secret, thè etory is no' apesinitta reidetanuinessis oni. Whiiby, Fcb. Oh, 1874. 7 Deilli's brother, in altempling te confinement becarne more anti mare andth ie other on&arcuudthe vaisi o! curren-in tise neigsbouioocl. - Dein 1lluF te rote ura laaeis doua- kourd, vas shot dcd on thse spa1; but inkeome ; anti anc night,aid lien fluai- little -Wiliamn. e ver- firet night- poseti ta bte Ibis stop. t ~ UI N)LTT ET ho Oiflamnme vue caried, mammcd lime leeseneci a bar in a littie windov of aflen thîj arrangement vas matie, Li. i ias L Eh -STATxST1uA.-IJn Termns will bo matiela -suit s Compelent -H- iii a pnize ci-ev, sud, in cmarny hheiarcaom ; and, narroivav avu lte slazzîr di'eametl isaI a burgiar vas (Enlsn], Irelam nas collanci, Oie ho- -Party. Only a camal amonnh roquireti dovu , A gooti two-stos-y Frmn ieus'- ,, -n .l vithslber captai-, liesceZl for England . passage, thhy ai ci-cpi ouI suve. six, pursaing élin vili satiggcr. Sa lietal arnount of spirite'inearned i1874 andi ample lime given ion lie balneonln, nos-hi af Dr. Eastwood'-, sitseToutiherrbl'Tcieowan ul îl ovviWhvo, lstles n ravee ».crp oeesltWlla'saeegs i bc] vs 9,7,411gaios.S fn si Ie adeqatesecuitaiofWiitby. Appiy ta necta'cree fi-cm a bue! a! sbuedei-ing aile ho escape. Ten saut feilova bounti sheppoti avor William'. slumbeing foin, lanias concerned lIis siodavi d e-' JTAMiES CLAYTON, AE.OSO, îde . fear ailie namnee o! heir offlicers; une! tiomselvcs lun aeclof Si. Mle ; but jumpet ouI on tua fiaor,"anti l under ci-cisc o! 25,000 gallogis as companeti Brook Si., Whitby. AEX GSOman . . y oie!salIs, asting upan lie eaior's Ihei position bai-terce! upon lie nitilcu-the bca. Hoe tayedthoisra avîilc, fuel villalie ameunt cofiaumet in 1873,- N. B.-Tlî aie-r. oSer -ail liaitinlerfors or t J.E. FABI3WEL, Wliob. em ow pivleeta ga-mble, bue!loaTeBiishnsnleleui!alepatiîclingimrla-ng ilaraEgniatiShsitlea w ili e businesswvi il vibch.caried on October Ilsi, 1874. 43-If presagetidisast eletlaeiésbip. Aflen a hostile city, rolllug &long upan thea. ciangosr, io emerget upànthe ohier vas an increase o! 991,990 gallons. Ai as uual afi reair-pr-pt--ex-ute lie victeny, boveven, them nalunal jol- Bs es g-joslling her. andti ler.aSsoli- aide -e!fliaeboti, anti'-gaIt inetic-ho the sam ineî hle .consusuptian o! beer i-i Nov. 5, 1873. 45ti NE TO LEN]). - lily r sund ndmy t vr as sinus- trypueseugen, W a! ofcourse, .ta,. cavera in bis o.d place. heropo, ihinIrelant in ee, wvile t-econ- -M JOEYedt miticir-quoer remnke. thein fer F renclamen - nov loaking viii hoc obsel-veti, vus scneaflatic beti; -suzuplion o! beer lu Englanti sud Scot. fFFICE TO LE T. "Tlero'e a cave," siti aid Ben Bunt- viat!uily lovards a cffea-house net yelt ditil as pulledtatua, tao; Eanly-in landue!icreumeti. Tus fai-nishos a 1ev 5)Tic unclersigîsce! lstéaîsny amisof Mon. jing, poluting cult Mn. Gicl, -lie -Sur- clceed-mcv vondering .vial soi-t o! lie- onu esuzn bu a!'lutaino i atla i nnit el1 A c4.9 Un

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