A1 1I M .1 Ie o aioca, saysng biusa Sps ve rehouse, thse tw6 htsoan d uearly tise wliolo *villageè, insaLes. Baadeer am iii tre. livs e eslost.-Tise bain., of tise de- ceaied are Bs-ldget Bus-ke, Mary Ane Fancinau. uMargaet Daley. Ibotis- ln ut Ms-, Bna',bocks worn Iaod. Loso about 815,P00. Insus-anc. $10,. as oetmeall 0ssld to b. visen scotch. mn are round. An esgle, meautlring neveu feet fs-our thp ta hp sund veighlug eleven Ponias, ,wass chat reaently at Yarmouths. Thse tIcket'oies-k no langor appeats ou tise Grand Trunk trai*s Tiecà niductor DOW coU oct. tickets ana fées as8issal. Tise silver lnksîaud shih ulie jwith Is k tise Peau.Of tl ieras0olte Declaraîlon Of 'lndependence is uow in tie PO$OesaîÙu of Gev. Hastranft of en Pc 'ïyvua,ad Ufors-tar beisg uae taocu ils relurta ta ils original lie 9ugra Who sal isud killedl a po- Ms4au a Nashliile, Tenui,, on MThurs. de W4alion freinjail on Ffiday lgis by a lyueiiug party, wiso took à is-nt as bridge close by, puit a î'ope 'ss-ound is usock, and Ihrew lulnsoves- ~butishe aope broie., sud he feU upau a 2tock ahisety feet below. à 1u Englis builder bas onstructed *'aboast whieh is la lie propeiled on the saine pinciple as le a- "pipe #oh" as, as theo animal is botter known* lu the _Countryý, a sea-harse. Attacied to the keel Io au undulatoir' apparatus iniM u. Itation of a dorssl fin, thse opines belng trepresent.dl by moel roda, and the 'lu- teuices bêtWeeu thein il led vith oued .11k ta take th.' place of tise membrane ou tisefiais. Tise bodies iufers-ed at Kiucas-dine, al honghi iuers-ad saine tweuîy yes-s *a o, are as freisis as ven placed thees. Guelplitalkesof getting up a Grand Jibilee, Celelratio n authe.28r-d of Aý,ril, 1877, wlich will b. exaclly flfly y1ars sfter tisah felllng o Ir.fsst tic. au'is.pot viiere ta ounnw sltnds. Dealerelu n"boa Scotch" taka notice. - - h À Bia Ciers .WOuTE-Â lady lu BosY., sent e postal cas- ly mail iaviug 1590 worjjs plsiniy -writleu cu it. HAVaq by Frre. 5 - * LCHATHIAM. (JIsethsu, May 1.-A fs-anse dweiinj la Jiatham, Nos-th, awned bly Androm -RainMOU, 'was eutlrely destraycd by -fis- thii Mo-'Ming. - BOSTON. flaatani May 1.-Anohse account ol "the Moupelier lise Baya, il was un. doubtedlyincendias-y; il laid il u ais - sainetveuty stores sud dweinlg Sous- eselog aial but Iliro. neir Jonction, state an aoin stiet, end also burnea five d.llungs ais Bars-l estseet,'s-unning aI riglil angles vIls Main Street. The total 7'iass by tis destr-uctive fis-e *111 reais ýta about, $114,000, aifisli habout ObS,OW o leiusured. Thisansd-lise laIe prevlcus fis-es have detroyed about one-hli of tise busi- ne#&spoias-nuof thé:t:wn. w - -Es-tes-N. H.,. Mae L.-lakinglssm Acasdemy, ah Hampton Falls, N. H., wae burmeSIlat nighlti- supposeel lucen. Sdiary; no luurance. iâJANEV=LLE vis. Janevill,Wls, ,pr4,-Tlh.Fis-st Congregatiodal cburcIh, thé ducat lu th t ii ity, wae hurmeS thia mos-iug. Tii. fis-a resulleel fs-sadfectiv. flue. 'icton, May 1.-A fis-e bs-aieacul ibise uiorulug lu a fsainedweliug aItihe West ]lipd, coupied liy Ina. - Crunsulu, totslly dosls-oylug théusens.audnarlý ai .l ontents, valueSl at aot $500. No insus-suce. À. part of tise fsnsily sleeping in tise upper s-aams wasnealy -' ' uffocatad befare tlîo iro ae asdiscaor- ci,- 'ACTON, ONT. - - Acton, Out., May 1.-Tb~e rosixletce of Dr-. Mclrvit,, Actani, was bus-s-ed clo wn on Tlitirsday îight. Tha 'builti- .iig was-pastly brick anid ftamoe.* Soul. of taé fus-tfuusa was saveil. Thqe doc- to la-auti flanîly uarr.swly escapati Loos, about 0,000, pastiaIly oyvered %y in: sus-suce. g f s f )t~athat the ndepd 45re d the -Conail la aêiý Oran? uquu.asjou w tpouding ýWM4q., a Mackenzie kas, howevor, decilna t gweoep t te hQn. genitleme~n's resgnA 9tientsUlie Canet sec uy s-oson "for » oubting Mr-. Huutingtonsvj perfect lu. -eg-ty in the. Maltessregas-d«ng wbsol 0I conduat. ,i.oualýi usin l-sGloabeelu.usto MYsTBRp.vAT lMONTftgIEAL... greai nsystery bang. over the. causeeof the deatis of hbe'.ïoUng wonfotnd inathe river laetPrIdýy.- ie-,tise inqusat a Freiabna, nxno Rbà ert, a cateri Viewe& tise »body, end uiat.d tisai il 1Vos-y 010se1Y reenbled tisat of a yonng. Woan te, whopz liebla4 fos-merly lieen euiga d, hie ese Cs'ion of tiseab., moue.0 of s certain rouL mark ou thse loft as-ai, who, on lessning Of hie ma- r1a issi No'rmber1 ýteck it 'vosy muais to iseart, sud suddeulv . dsappea-iu liad noever been 'sofae-U fsice.pr. vions te that tbn. sho e s tated to-have sither livef Iviitli ler uisers-or lier agea paetoa u reoldlu nthse est end. T*o proviaia reguueuls of cavas-y ar-e authhorized te b. formed, taelbc cal e.th ii.4th sudaSIli regimonts. Tise lieadqsiastore will be Coburg aud King. e8ton,- respeetively. 'l'h. Ges-man Miniseles-of Publie In- struction lias introdueed a îbill for the. 'suppression ofreliglous os-dors in Prussia, thse tes-ms of whieli will lie found in tîxis mos-uiug's dispatces from B]erlin. I)ispatehes from vai-lous points iu th. North-Wesî say8 tuaI the recet eld weather hias distroyed the youug grass. -hoppers, Radthe general, belief la ex- pressed l iaI thora will lie nô furtiiel trouble fs-rn ti past. r lu Cape Breton élattle are dying in large numbers fromi stas-vatiori, tlue far- mer-s having exhausted tlseir stock of liay. The consecratiou of the Bishop) of thé newly creited Diocese of Niagara took p lace at St. Tlioras's chus-eh, Hamilton, on Saturday.* On Sunday sermsons wei'odelive edin thec Varionis city chus-ches by the Biehops attending -the couseation ceromony. DE AT H . HUNTER.-Ât IBuffalo, on the 20th imet,, at tho xeeidene of bisi son.in.law, Dr. F; W. Bsrtlett, Dr. Jamnes Hunter, foinerly of Wiiuitby Ontario, aged 81 WHITBY MAREER'S. C1M0OSICLZ OFFIcE, May 5ili, 1875. Fan Wheat ........... 0 5 @ sioo SprlgWhae. $.... 0 92 @$R' 94 Barlqy; .............$0 05 si$5 0 Claver ...............5 00@ $5 25 Timothy ...................i(o g$8 25 Peas.................. 82c @ 85e Black Eye pesa..... c.. 5e 900 Bye..........5o ~70e ORt.............45c 50c: ay............... 612 14 Potatoés ..............SOC 60 EggS........... 240o(à 0 Butter ...............50 (a 180 Coai,- paz ton........... 7 «@ $8 Wood ...............$ 4 00 @ 4 W Park, per cwt..........8 @ e8 00 Chioleens.............. 80 @ 40e par pair- Ducles par pr........... e@60 Tickeys, per lb . 1....eo Go............. 00-70. 4ppleg, per biushel .. ...... 00 80 Cheese..... ...........ebos17o Beef, hind qurtr....$ 5 sa6 Beef, foie quarter ...$ 4 «$50 fui and Comlorting.--"By a thorongh knowledge ai the ustural lawg whlah goverzi lte opersîloas ai digestion sud -uni-ila, a sud 8v a cereful application af tise fine propertiesnaif'wellnelected cocas, Ms-.Ep ais provideS ans- breakfast tabi~s vil h deicatsly fiavored lieverage, whloh Ma' *save as msuy heavy dotos-s' bills." Il fi bylthe juilous use ai enob articles cf SIet tia a constitutinlanmy lie fadusMy built up ontil strong enough te -es nt every feu- deney ta isesse. HuuSs-eds ciutenitmais dies as-e foating ufraund usnseaSy toatelaci visesever there le a veais point.' W. May esapeMaysafaal a iat sy keeplug- ans- selves vel las-titeS vilS pure blocS sud i Liprope-11 noaricheil fsame."ý-Civi1 Servaice RENEDY FRIIE--Wes.o. fse., s simple sud sure mesus ai self-eus-e, for Con- sumption, Broneiti,, Astisma, Catarrli Ses-amIs, sud any dîsease ai tise Throst ar Lunjie. Necvans Deiilitlty, Premature De- cay,Weaka ess, sud ail disos-dessiraught au isy youtful imprudence. 'N TUTTLE & Ca., 78 Naseau-st. N. Y. J MPROYE NUTRITION.-DRu. WHEL. MI1i.9 Camipouad Elixir ai Pisospisates etc ,Cilitays 1. au excitant ai nutrition, li- pr-oviutg tic appetite, perfectiug lte diges. ttcati aasimilatiott aif fod, and the for- iiictio f a cltlty blaad. Nos-vans proses- tionu titlgetes-eldebily es-ling fsrn ex- stcsbatSiltais, andltd ihat train at evils kua N 'at fast lis-s, yioltl fmmcittely te ltx tio s-lat itht. resri-kable prEparatin,' alt te argttxts itt,ùl tiss ai lta bdy bc» enenin, es Iss-tghhed aanS vitalized. sTha ,p cr ycftIisedy aver al lias-es is M igtlaits resloring lie fonctions aitlite statuacl, liver antipaucream, the «sest tri- ,h 3t e Ps-AsÂNEs-, pudt aa ps-esarse umatle 'ttfloasr~ ci Napanee.,Ont., May J.,-!hu.', ýM up n u cea 4nre ug At two O'lock a ir-ebroke OUn a E À ~ R I NE Mil, sud wS.p Iataily canumaee. Tisa - Fepared fs-oui fis Pure tlrease af building vaoccupied by a Ms-. Biais- THE CANADA I3EAR. iro' chuesnabl i aacoo-n té no oubt vas the vos-k'ýf an This'4eligiifuîyMIum essato incendIas-y. .V a-tm cmîesy is a ie Kale, a. - -k.s...s......... u igtî1oremain n laauy Sesis-eSposition. Tise OshleoaisFIs-e, J Il glves the@ Hais- ual ouly s luxuriant grevtli, but as-sest. gseyuese, bsldaess, aud naësaor OsuRÂNCE oampà mrs E£s-<her dieaees ai-lie c a~danS scalp. RUMDIED runIas - iGenunie Boars' Grease bas long neen iseid IiýDRn FXI ISTITUiy ilhgi esleem as ,a valuelaarticle fer - - D.resslng fheue Hais-. It bas been iigisly - (hicaga, April sou., cmmended anS useil byý emlnent-Ciiemut 'i hysclas-oeve-yceunts-y. - Aspelsidesatai f015 Iri e--.cca Esisbatlfi~encloseSl lu a cas-Sboss-S fsoui Ohshulaeys tsaItisher. il no bats urreunded by a ue.ly engraveS wsap- posIble vY ay !asciviug> attise osa taper, formiag à packae-bath ornamental and ins uuancee» ccpamsmbyvthe useful on every Ladies' Dresing TablIe, minc ii th a~ncls-bthve4"'eu Price60 ConisPer package. $icaal he gnce PEEKY -v be 1- DAVIS d& SON, liumed ont. -T'he Insus-suce vils- ibis lelePrI #tra Cntel #600,0w, sud ttali0110ss by tisefire is tisaugit ta be greales- tisu ah fisst s-c- NEW AiV'ERTI8EMENTSU uaolad enw put At $2,500,000. ?tstirnates - lugènes-ml teiesthat tlsoineurauce le ffiy par- eut. of tise-QUEEN'8 BITHDI4Y. las--About ilirea uure'Yulaae busired out,sUd relief JO muais neoded. -Look ont for tisegrand -Tise cty Counail liasappropriateel 02.-1 0M for theur iuimediite ,wants. 'Thora Odd Fellowsl' Concert, la 40 4 wcuaaorent smong business -.1 In sud the f, e"eliIs t-ong tat se- , ONe fur ~AI1îl omene toes -Se-. TWENTY-FOURTH OP Me~ AY.v WbitbY, May Qtii, 1875.~ BDOi o0NTÀ]kBflN. tIViDN 'NO. 86. 1 - Trumi Boks<vill b.c losed fs-cm ctshe . h o he a Ki ay, bath- dey'in., Notice. aiso given, tisIt the annual gen- es- c meting af tisa Stoakhaldss-sfor lb. 010090Oecf Directons v bbe hld at the BsnlagHose inToronto, ou TtTESDAY, tis FITEETHday à f lune next. Tise chair ta be-taken st 19 o'cack, Doon, pr- ID. FISHER OIIi'-o BSEorasêiler. N OT IO - Publia Notice la bereby given tlsd tise 1oilowinresolution wilI ble snbniited ta vaof ie Md1alal ectoj ai tise TOWNSHIP O? lSICkÉRINo, Moando1,4hle .1-1A Day of May nxt. TisaIt themeney due thée Townshpaof Pickering fs-ouitise setîlement aoflis. Mun- icipal Loau Fun& be appropriated as followsl vis-: #7,00 as bonus teas private Co=n- pany tLatwilll puschas. PieceringgHanbos-, and malte snch Iniprovements therein as tuis Concil s-ay requis-e; #2,00o eacli on the Brook aud Kiniale rosds, $500 au tise Altous s-oaS. $1,500 ou the. oh con., $1 500 on the oth Colt. for tiseps-ose of gtadlnpî fravelug, san à bulUng tii e eesas-y bridgea ausaiS roade suaise ootiése sxm c $,0,os- balance auà lutetest o aidS unS, on Base li, fer tise pus-pose af building a bridga acres, Dufflus' Creek lu fs-ont ai lots 13 and 14, Pickerng; And. that the aboya rosôlutioxi be subsuit- ted ta a vota af thea electors ai Pickeriug aI tise pelle on Monday, the. I7tis day ai Msy nust, thse lime ai apening and closing tise ;paoUs, lcesaitalting sucb vote, qualifies. tie avoe-,votes-s' lias, sud Retns-uiug pfficers shail lie 1t. saine as et last Munici- Pal election; and ifsanajrity ai tiseïvotes east be ln favor cf the above resolutlan tis Couni[s$hall pass a By-lav baundeS tises-. By as-des- ai tise Ceucil. EOTOR flEÂTOI;, Dated et Plokes-ing Ibis T¶nii isk 101h eay cf April, 1875., 18 p ROFESSOR WIGGINS .!lss lisehonor at annaunelng fiat lie las secus-ed aI. great as-pense, au. eppearace aI MARQUIS' C H ISHOLMI lie gceat Pianlis, who w-il, sud bas beau cs-ating sncob a profeund sensation lu Mou- treal, Ottawa, sud at preseut ia Tas-auto. Ms-. Ciisholin will, lu ceunection with hie Pianoforte Recital ai Ancienl, modern sud Classiesi music by tise great masters, also give a description ai ils recent travels lun China sud Japon, giviag.illustrations af tisa musai isePas- East. Pestess4t su early date. GEO. C. WIGG1IIB, B. A. Wisitb, Apil 27t, 1875. 18 CAhtejT ivenuotic te al persans îuaat 1 .ilntb respousible for any debîs con- tracteS by Elizâ.Ajtce Rogers, aofWisirby. >DAVID ROGERS. Wiitby, April 271i, 1875. .18 Tie 0o11Y rellable Git Distribution in tise ceunIsy 1 $601,0O00 0O b bedlstlbutd lacases otUCouglis, BIronehitis,N w ,-rA CuuWhoigCong, -- B -- et and-Great- Induce- L. D S N ' Ifluiîyza,"Asthina, OColdsurc~ rv8o ments to Cash Customers i, a 173 REGULAR MNHY Sore Throat- Pains 0or Soî.e. A New --oey'a dP oflo t0e GIFT ENTERPRISE 1i cs-s usli e Chest aîsd Side, 0 TO BE DRAWN MONDAY, JIJNE 7TH, 1875, LivrCi~(omplaint, IBIcediag 'Wherc he intends to keep everything bn that ine. W/ RUSSELL W .T H sw TWO GII4ND 0.IPITALS OPe ,att ie iîulgs, &e. Wistaî-'s He hopes that from past experience, and by strict atten- A 'L ST4CEA S$5,000 E.ACH IN CASH ]3 -alsalis does isot dry up a tion ta busine8s, b sucs-il as eare of publie patranage. T EGN VTAC ET TW PIZ&$ 00Cotîîgli, tuld leave the cause 0 o- ff RIES50ýEadh I Cash 1 belliisd, as is thse case witîîTEAS OIALT . - HWTAi-,THAM EACH S Ou. IorS 1100 . 1110Slvr-oot-uust Ms!ePti-itiouis, but it Cash Paid for B3utter, Egge, and Parmers' Produce. EE cdress Woth#00. looseissanîd cicaîsses the Kr~ A cadlisj respectfully saliaitel. S LDE'ADCNS GOLD a SIL VER CASES, S Ore Fine-loueS Resewood Pionce, vas-tiihuîguudahy riaiuPTR SII Ton Fanily 5.wing Machines, wartls 0100 tia fl sviî the cause of Odd Fellaws' Building, Wisitby, April 18, 1875. 178-aad80ourOokbgrtvreyEet-ptd Tcs-sGedWl1sa u isits0eti tc'C iîpsli. good af lise best quslily (bougisti et dul l imes, prices), sud VEaR dCR£-A.- $50 asîx -ol WeddingdChîeWoththsud in. em Bings, Spectacles, &M., -Children's Cas-nages and Per.- litr es oSA ne-a aes, REAIAL) Wd0Tgan HlrnGldAaiaRnling Wths EI W L &jOS ot'Msasubulators, altogether Uic largest sud ciseapest stock lunlis. Counly. -Worth $125 cacis. SAnd1 Wid bWLB & 5055andDce, Mus-,, . OG LOST 1 Ioigt ev o nladSotyM elOftl s-etc Ladiles' GaiS Huntlng Walohes, ' D nltatiIu-îxrea, nlSeacs-pras-itysj Worth $100 eacis ____ 1----'--$ R E W A RD. £GIwuhRuig!Afhiudwrs b alangceofosingto bvefoyr engielà à land shrtl, ei f h Le~ffl GoaaudSilves- Lever Sni~ -- AVE YOUR BYBSI bdueo niesjvlyrcie uIfua rsl eue rcs Watclces, (lu ail) vos-tii fs-eus20 fa 68eu. JjUSE WANTIID Attise Wiitby âîstion, G. T. R., on Sel- Rsts-rqur B ui' JAMES JOHNSTON, <SolS Cisains, Silves--vare, Jevelry &0c Withiniu ive miaules wslk of-the Post 0o.-ns-day night last, a breiru rets-lever deg, anu.rcicl achmkr N'umber cf Gifle, 0,600. Tickets flsulted fiee. - About six soems. If sultable, villie avers ta tise uneai "Ponita." Tise abov - MOW AIA 101M . cti* WiOir-mak15 te 80,000. ~~~~talen for a' tes- efyears. Address, Box -tyrd viii be paiS tels.epersan returnlng Da sgalaU V 2niwU-Glsii' HU'-4" p AefWste aoel Tiekets, ta es-u i 85, Wisituq e. Crhlm tIlle ownss- ùanay cnekeeplgTells'~~ 5~IJU Lies-a1 remia ins iiibe palS. .Whîlby, Aps-il lts, 1875. 15JAS.e roectei Cees-In a law.ÃŽOto l bx Sinle -_____________et BaettKÂ& Lokart's. ' - CEIEAPNESSr ,0ita. END *Whiîby, ApsiLlthb, 1875. 16 ta eUM eaureuas. 1. 1Y I1&tJJ! ' deeeriplion ofithe - mener aifSs-avng, anS Addressed te lse Cammssioner, yU be. q1 g EN D E E S ,. 1710 oNeR NOIJFBTÂI5WS'N othes- iformation luns-oies-sue te tis. Di&, celvedaI lishe Depastuent af Creva LTande,- 1&, ASZa ONro un vor ÀND »-z - A tibntiolnp, iii b.eut taay one ordes-ng Tas-enta, ani ÂSSressed tthie Com-isianer, viii be s-e- fl ýfo SM ord tien,, Ml lettes-s must bcaSSsesed tacivea aI 1he Departint of Crevn ads,,a lo1i""~s~ -Offce,Excelslor Building, 1%-. D. SINE, S&urday, .L5tib May, me', Tes-ento, il - - ____ ___ -'P ati, O. pou TnS CON5TR4es-IaN OPS- svENMiLEs Opr ' se*Oa 1MOMay April 27i, 187, - 18 ----------' 00 osLN'OpUN.« & b'DR B O.oozeu. -000' Pairs o L de'P u el B ots ,AL48 UGBALSAM. -ST 1 8T ED R OAD! R ?OuN T=bn r5,NeookoaT. Io tie crat umodern reuiedy for <ionghoii s-m th. es-eminus ai ths, vask douec :1878 is-oustes-eminus af "kitsumosenrac-a ~at 60 cents pr ar. Coldga,coUumuPtleo, AsthmeL, CrouP antioncles-uatheC1theaili.abovs Depa eu o- eent a lie MAC=~I, Bsam,pe Pa Brs-neisits. ,Il in reommendd b iyl-l ie enupaitpsasnaaa . Muakka Baaln tthe Tontes-section ai th. clans e-veryvisss-,-wiseas-xeated viti DIsrIctuos-lsves-totarmlbe'et ovn of Pers-y, a "mmorth ouyofOnaro ifs gr-îat usefules. c *alliheisead ai Lake Ver-non. enI dldt&UaaOof >ps-abb hiiee. Ds-. A., L. SecyI, LOfCinolanatlOhio;> 'Thse sisove vos-k la ta bedn Tiel hoabove vas-k tais dloua, anSes-De- Bays h- ave vituessed Ils oeffects on tise artiflentai Specificafion Na. 2, and mu st-mentalonoclfrtél o.9,andsuc ie HYONG OTEL, i o cmlte oprsn alI0nd f tomg sud ld,anS I eau *s-ly say thtt IÃ"'ce . oauor belons 11* lot day o ,is es- axt. r-ino ompee 1?ylake yfa ist expectorant xemedy vils ber uer. Seapeefctaseu esejsdfaims Les- viel aln aiae. FerCoagis,' ad 8ýcifations eau bi seeni,à an' faims for Tender 1s-reclredi eat1he Crevwn elsmc De- MlONce OA-x D, DÀLTO , Tais iss n h de ,G ns- ail lhe carly osagsci Long . euiuit, I: Tendes- procureSaitie Creva - LaudsDe-pM= tToroSo 1d he foli -BT .YONFR balieve uftofaboa certain cure -anil ev'jpas-lmenî, T oronsd ~t fa e- nsperletaca ueso;lu2:PPI T013, famlly vasaiS keep lI Y teus-aY =4 -plaes:- 0e i Uwn lcs fiec ~ OT - ais iss n hlrn' et ruziits-upan te rtappeamance,01 aW iearos-. ý auuna esEa elai u msua eaÈngts en-ys,; and Yoùtlxs'WTéai, ease a5eut thea Lngs,ises-e tvanid ba veis- MT . O!b= 6, . BsBq try, ec., f. Osbete pa#requr n 1ev faeaaital eonsunsptlan. î cause s-. cxuams, , .-'-CBEIDGI, " Cre - ansW . apl' à a nodti-for, anterigand tise pisiègnand mattr teritevWitou îi-i aria-eTiaa n s ede- asaesi=The Uriu *And-,some Finé, Aagerica Goods of Bofiton. Manufacturé. lqaene WltaNosvs.......... - 4 NOW BEADY. -Nos. 1, 2, 8'tana s5i.te.s.Househ9la MO.- ber couitsn froin 50to 8 new sougsi Chor. ueetc., býy thse best.'writera. ria. 50 cents eah. verynumiber.con. tuas serersi select piees by Kinkel, Pacher, Becht, etc. Nos. 1 ta 17 La Creme ae la 'Creu'e. Pries- 50 cents oaci. Every number coulsins at lesat 2 werth of clasia =id select Piano âny ai thé. above mailed, poat-pi on re-ý celpt af ma-kedys-rico. 3.L.PEE P,.48Br0,. -o . Bunett's 00C.ooalne Prevents tlf i als- foi lalllie2. Burh-ett's Cocoaine Prutmotes 1*9 l!eallxy Creth. Burnett' s 1Coccaine les iot Greay nor StScly. Burnett's Oocoalne îLaavue s .oDlsagrceubla (Oder. Burnett's Cocoalne Subdueis ltefaectory IIaLIr. Burnett's Oocoaine geothes thse Irelted Sçalp-SkIa. Burnett's Oocoaine Afferda tise lilehet Lustre B3urnett'a oc'oalne là net un Alchalle Wasis. Burnett's Cocoaine KUs Dîndrmft. Burnett's Cocoaine Civses Newr Lise ta thse HaIs-. Burnetfs Cocoaine su chd 75 vents per Boffle. MERY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE@ -MONTAEAL, P. Q. Ag"af ferDeMIsies Of'Casude. PreppI.tes. U L(-iWeAT RELMEDY Fois cONSâà U M PTION wlich Caui be cuî'ed by a~ timiy iresoî't to this btaîîd- affl prcepai-ationl, tsas î.) eîî prov't't by th is tîndlîeds of' test imioîuials,1-eceiveti bY the Plropi-icîoî-s. It is tclçiowl- cdgcd by isuiy pî.miîîcnt P11y.sicins to bc the nîost ri-cab)le prepas-ation peî-ilu- ti-odîueed foi- -the relief' alid eu-o* of ai t ng Complaints, aid i,4 ofTl'eîýc to tue public, iaictioxîcd.by the Cxpci-ee of.over foî'ty;ycaî's. - Vlîcî iie oited to is seasoîs it sel- doîn fails to effeet a speedy and~ Jrawets ;- m me iý bl r adiaoustyus; 01wCLOTHN,G inad6 Up on the preinises with neat- »ess anld despatoi., arves, W iitbyi -Masch 18, 18751-. .Lj2LLN G & I TEWAR.U 12 BOOT AND SIIOE EMiPO1~1 BROOK TEtWHB. -o-- D :R - RAS THE Largest Stock, Latest Styles, Greatest Variety, Ail Sizes in Fine and Course. Lines.- LADIES', MISSES' AND DIXILDRN'8,-VE]alt SUITABLE Ail orders punctually attended. Repairs neatly doue. JOHN SAUNDEIRS. Whutby, April 201h, 1875. of ieeens m n î eans of wbi h -.qnalitYor volume o! tone is vèry I el3'iioeà ee &s-8thép qÙsl1ty of toue ienlered Egqua to that of the Boat Pipe Orga31u of the saine Capacfty. Our celebrated "IVox <elste," 11 VoX Huîniana,' Il Wilcox Patent," diOc- tave Coupler," thie oarining Il Cello" or IlCC3ls1onett8" Btops Il"Geins Horn," Il romon," I Vx Ângelet," I"ViolsaiËt1èila~ead ALL THE LÂTE IMPROVEMENTS& Can lbe obtained. only in tisesi Organe 1 ~.Fifty DifeèrentStyles, ýîr tie Parlor'and tie Cliurcli, the Best MaterW ansd Workmansbip, Quality ana Voluniê of Ton. Unequalled 1 PRICP.8, 150 TO $500 FaotoX7y md Warcr6oms, -Cor. ?tis snd Congress Sts., DETEOIT, Michigan.. (E"dtoabfalmla1.) Aglçtg Want.d lunEvéry Oousity. Âddres-; C0 3H&WÀEBEN OBGÀ>N 0., DETROIT, ICH. HAMI'LTON,,& .00-. Have now opened up a Large Stock of Seasonable Diry Goods, consisting of NEW t)RESS GOO«DSkj NEW PIT, NEW CL)THS & TWTEEDS, NEW', ATS & CAPS, NEW MILLNR'Y GOS, Jý -.17AD 8 OG TET W. wanid ale. bg ta in 0dd Fdllcw, And abier Society Comlitteeff, tisat Wei mae a speaalty af gettlng ap FraIes-nil Society LODGE ROOM PURRITUBE, aarved lnacacordancevwith thse mes-t appcua'- ed ana sna appropriat. desl«sz, and nmas- passed bath aregaré-l ELEGANCE, - ELEGÂIWE, UTILITY, .AND- ECONOMY, ECONOMY, Y3ý' Tie faliesi satisfaction guaran- DOMNIO WAERO~fS~c1tbng made to order in Iatest styles. LOWES &POWELL Are in reeeipt of a. fuil and. complete stock of sIF RI I T G- G 0 0ID9s Dress Goods in gi'eat variety. Black and 'Coloured Silk Poplins, Lustres, Parasols, Hosiery- Gloves, Laces, CObths, &o. A Ful Stock of Millinery. Dress and Mantie Making doue to order under the supas-lutendeu-ce. of a fisst-eass Dressusakes-. Milinery and Tailoring done to os-des-. Satisfaction Cff- Six Girls w guas-nto od-.ondesean w Si irs Tanted to work on ressea w Tairstawoko cSte. OW LL WhitbyLOWES & POWELL.5 NEW GýROCERY STOREI 'Moo- I ]F PEER SMT BOigs to intiniiate to the ihabitants of Whitby and sur- rouadinig district that lie has .opened out iu thse : E W .,ITtAS*DER ALaEET-E RALL, Whitby, April 6, 1875. 1 "Wfat are the ýWild Waves 8aying?" That Navigation is open, and the- Old Countryf Store is receiving Fresh Importations of the Finest Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruit, &0'., the cheapest and the best that th.e world can produce. Teas frôm 25 cents to el.25 per lb.- No change in the well known excellen6e of our Whis- kes, BandFie-,Wtersyh, psh,&-go glln BâteeradPrtrb hdtakkg r1 aln We have reeivd a, large supply of Jrier Root PY.ipes, 'robaccos, Cigarsj &o., whieh wilI be soid at the lowest liv-, iGares.ei fEeyDsrpto n etQaiy Farmers, before di psi f their Produc e, shouid .give s-a cail, for'if they want C ash- they can get it. GoLDSMII'H'S HALL. J.WOO DA L L, V ALISES AND TRUNES. SA11ATOGA tRUNKg, 4r.&., at -WILLIAM, THOMPSON'S, Sadier and Harneïi maker, _ BROOK-ST., -WBITBY. June 24, 174. .281f _C AUTIO1NI MYRTLE NAVYS NONE IS@ GENUINE UnLES S8TAMP.ED THE &fl cB. TeEbE AE2U4, OU 18TA7Ù. DAYLINE TO ROOHEMTR Cousineueing an os- about l9tit Apnil. - Tilt5fiâmiii N:ORS EMAN, *(41. CRÂWFOED, MASTER,) ¶sil usake lies- rgular tripe on tis route avUoorgrnulg aI J Port .s-. glOs-e i foh hrhen wihteNev'York e sUOOAauvays fer ail points eou,West, A Beturinii:.vIl1leave Chalotte Lor f 15 vee)aet 9 u.M..e«Xceuilprs- O.P.BGND GRAlng NEW 'SPI G. JOHN SAUNDERS. Whitýy, April 20th, 1876. 1 Ubzlt A LBERT NAM, 1. T 0 É-0 lq T 0, Ales in 1 ý April 18, 1875à JOHN P E T E B