eee d& viDSa juge LLcitSS $Y ai iew,.. U11 ~ May sn1-à t malsi a&two VS W *lr. >@non# mO minore until age 01 twenty.faur, 'nd sari,2 hoforo haut lime rjà onssnt of tixoir e à n roîtridêlon on the lat, -howovor, although seXp undor fautteon contract oaiigs. lu n. May ual marryuder il under sà izîcen; but ta of saandlnavla a Mian 1.00 la Ealglnm ýsud i'and tlfteeu are tie ro.> aud, ln lavarla thers four lawm tu opémation, lerence ta a particular T' igeofixeS by * tiseorange from twelv0 tu eateo al grls, and %as400n teO .lgbteen fr efor orgo in tmth WC inu4t câli thomn,'About ýtvoansd ,thies sund twonyye eà -r, a 1w w*>PassaS nimd rolbllnroie ftoni marvyfsg louLorothoy liâtd attalnedl the &go of trvputy.11ve, but tbis ha$, uige bsaîeu l s Is nov th.elit. lIn*ivitmorland> thero le 12n unifasigtj'At ail, each lcanton, 11L * thora range froin tvslyet'ta eoutoon for gJ*, aiS fouroe» ta tweuty*for the * - othxor soa-tho laver Agem being Always fauâd tao tann tiiomeoiatos vlîoî'o tiseo ld cannou Law§ arec si respectail. 111 tva cantons people amietar>' At imîy age. eftsr tiislré ui comnUanlon. In (Irevc e aos ara aighteeu anSdf. tion; go tley tare Ilu Itouianlaè; but ln Ituasin tltoy arm ightccn andsixteen. flriTtirk 71 tîordUaro nua lîîwi on tîxo suis. * jet ut t AI 1; it ILi iiwortby of DOte, ro. -iLiciiiboiiug Lhuasocialsilritdnico. ci thie oftifhie Tiups, turaI inLaplalsd boyzi±aoy * mars-y st revealben, end girls at four- ton hoid 0ey hâva tttoitiitdthé - Iiitecî, ovlf ilgo of lté Cliri,tgnrot- t ilfdi ont ppoar tiat Qglinito lias iluythlu ta hodo withlu tutfraîoubîg cf lriluige larî. tint tuae Chiritslihan. * It was hithelrjricb of itîr cirly Chlycîhl tio-pirottOÃrly iirîgg, jitrtîy,n * duubt, on Uic îjrid of inrrulit>', but * , pirt)y nun îlnibt fur rlrrîoiuvbc wo iipoil ilet atillipt trie.iuîî> ThI 'Ii nfltnpucbicn lli iîtails luint>rîain locailitir't. t3iîiC.) lire grnwvtb r f tui ivil snuhsnrity, luinlma beciîî tri tlitI whîrîn iîrritirgoetianînot bu htgtliy bol. *. ouinîmd, alur] thub 15 ituinpi-lIv, and iu oîrîooprace, tutsaiiiary ouu-rîîu, tit nctliûio t4-Ilsupposed unîuire. tîxoti tif the iuitlt(uYservice. Vo du net lin thaI aîîy attenîtion liai bitta jiaf>lS this la the parliamentar>' papem wc-lîiîve roesrued b, but il le n malter cf lîistorjlunsanie countries; aud it has E probably cxercieed more influence than, hsasbeen iaftribntea ho it. We'imasgine that t hooo relurns aro on]>' puslfuinar cfunuotlser of -a mach. * mare camplox nature witiclî are te fol. & low. 'Thes> bear, of courma, dirsc ' ly ixpoi thte long vexeS question o! early marrlagce. -Tfiooo, again, are maîîýy of a twofold elaractor-hluhe- liuulthiacos of , offapriug and the frequcnury cf (Iivorces,.- ut lt>' areclighly imper- tant. Statietlcm.i-ogardiiig the couse- queucesof iuteriariage behwoen blocS age. I1 h a qurrtion wortlîy of consid- 4eiatioi wirthr thoIii LOt n ta i coniîtry a brge ftinil of information Itiji I ilr)jrrt, î'iirlî, with Very * iLtIO trotuble. toutS bo mntin availabin. ÂVe 1>rluv6 tlîre is, gnud if thaecojec- turtibu correct, thorae Beinrito ono reason wliy hfalinfurmunitinushould ont Men nover belioveotaliers itau du whaut Ulic>' nannot 'dO -tiiesves. - Hasprincto a i apforfirua tîxat onecriu- netot leS eor aliathier wititcnt a fcw A chiuS rigitti> broughît up , slu he sa *willojvbraneli wliieli, broken1 off anti touohing the -grounsd, tahies mic anud lonrishinlu ny patcf the vin-lb. * If yuuu wiesieccu n nife, make lier- tevorauce your.boeoîii friend,-cxpenienlce * orwlse concoillor, caution youm lder vrie, sud hope your-gusrdliau gonuu. 'If mortale wvould olS look at the etibject ruatlcuahlUy, tlise> would ou tisaI Itle cacngbliappinesa ho lbe troc froni orrow, >snu ot briug ommais upon lhixo~ô y pianngfor bappinoSo.. * Love oieo humait bcbng purel>' sud wvarnaiy, stud yen ilih love ail. The * htert lin li heaven, like the wandeing tan, secs iîtting,. frein lte dow-drap ho ocasi,, buiamirror isiic it wil v anud filesý One mo41,1u lu the 0011o01 of affliction wvill hcachk tinoe more than lte great precoptmoAistohle in: soven yeama, fou aLffairaj- unfboss thou bhut fn-st fuît tua bioaansd fSoth te doei outcf for- t une. Live ana haà ýauu iu thoeIprenant. lne- grut for te daet anSa vishits for te future are aliikb vanit>' and- vexatîi of s plilt. Iu tluoýuitsiamomentà nuly' is *--truc 11f ; att ani te dead timo wliiol kas liowu or the mare shiblowvy period whleht ie iay fpot ilveho sn. Lot ltse youýag hoùrsewifh gllivale a MilS, ess>' leuper-for whh onrtters 1h low isu e h ouso ire urdoeod if site * iant eomouanl aover lhersei! ? Who 'cau. epiey lte niost sk.llfoly cooked diînnor if lte aspect bt the mistrees o! tht féanl ho souiý.And uuuinviiug? * Flattr>'l.-aConpolund cffalscrhuood, slflinees, lervilit>', anS. ill .manuers. nuyeeof tiees qualhies ileonougbho mals. sueh,,racler horcughly odicua. Who, titan, 1WoulII ho the persan, or have au>' doncemu wvilh hcm, whoee mnd îs l defommd byfonr snch vics? * The relations Cc Citians tho ad otitrorrolikelte ucverai lofavrsinlua rgà rdn tbat have «qpon eaoh the Suis e! lehavenw dh, bdng shaken hy the %in,lfà ll *01doW a glich 'atber'u rots eoWthey- à reJo01!tlyv nounimh-w fa, andhscoe om ibd foee'an' otlher, .0 t Bà ngo.,-Mè.,w"hètd Car. sonte is Mnà frld ai7the murderýof Brûvn,ýth9,thwA' ' . bd 410 Aitum- d -"Thi7a flIhad acitufug ýh Il hsd nov; for, if it It$,w ould tllel, igSiernlt iI %moeof tluomsS4#tiien iof hl." b Dýwf i r ai veî .auo'wed 1t0 voto uppoieo vliho,tbeâashon ýes.?q" aked afamhlîôble r1 a er dieammstker.lts Xorh, --0 Cor& L4mIqD, B MAPMOplon et thtda, i Horne Grown Seeclo 1 llrown' aalogne 01 " sent fdteJeau that apply. Myseado areuoh, P=re and. t4té namp. -Thoy -gr@ gravu, and ara le gle o o. 0 t flerlng, WÀTDÀGardiner, single or mar 1,Mao rd - r,1870. Whltb. TAIPF,,OP FEET BB TAKEN DIY' COM5Tas18. Iupon- a pua... 010 .o8 01 enta nec- lor Con-. ......010 u of p? rime, for mployed 'houri.n1t ore tlxan .10 *tend Ai. tJumticoo ......010 Uorouera' ýenulg tý una nient more thîna .......100 than four 25 10 Coronerlo tl and e- nIs iiar- r 1'y oin0 d ollnr, cn amizirdon, 1cte. iii f onds. ,ut ...... D onstablits, I.....0150 ONELL, ho Pence, C. 0. la.47 "WEBSTÈIER" PAENT 8EWING tIs poiitivoly the nos>-est attioid I>'au>' Iachii Il ixs a MAPJHINE ,erfoctinsn yet in the woci-ld. ENTIREM~Y NEWV 1'VENTION, Haviag sweph away ah once a great many cf theîr dilliculticg a id axnoyanoce attendant on the use cfo4ler machines. THE WE B$TE1I Is n marvel cf situiplici ýy, boiag con- iti-uctid withoul the use Pf noisycae or cogs, and ruasso 0 i easy ho uudrstand,lbhat éver veakor nervonsk, ct acdiitomed maitema>'i muachineseia fail ht, aud imgo' no. lady luow- liovever un- lte the useofo ta use it WITII BASE AND ]1LEASUIIE. eonstructe ttat thse ton, ýer tbmeO an eaube*change without nnthre&ading the biinemade in Canadla hi finish, maà terial useS, an i-s ose cf Amoticn man' ho Canadiau m'aehlue eî ý 'Every «I"Wehser y> the manufaclntrs foi ýEr5518 0 0 ion cf lthe un- l in mn instant the euly nma- su>t exceedo, lu 1 construction ]faotu-e ishile 'n appaoaeh il. le wà rrantud 83 years. MISS MclNTYRE., AGE NT, WiH TBY, Whî- uacince can bc ottaujind. f::ýeIluurc1a8crs fhsnr9 cd inî the mre of thîe eflt glly iris riisct- Ivisse. M.achiaes dcIiet t any adldress, AND- EASY TERMS ý1IVEN FOR uhy 151h, 1874. 29-01m T GI E q W AT -ENGLISH REMEDY!1 -SPECIFIC Me ICINE Curos aulNros tu~ms uha Tremnors, Debsiiýy. 7ratatitsn, etc., which, ln mn ucases, are educed hy aven. lndxonoein a us obhracond alco- hclosipù4tu - buttho 8pec0lo Mdiclnois miorà eà opeaýhy ecmnnsnSd &as au nufail ig cure oi semîi n ekisess, sper- mtoesaie, Ilpgop , d aU disems huit 1011evu se aqucl'ahdSoit  b*Àes as Lil09as Memqs>-, ni ruai Laasl- Vuan, iprm oatc tIem sa other dSlaeseutat là s , ~xnuusty or COnsmPtiom ua n s'eashesre u Iavot &Ulol vhleh, as, a mheîleülut etme devltlng fram the PeIt etf a o ud indulgence. Tlh. SpofsMdcn u~ oult a1 s hlfe Iudyiiand ma Jewm mtsxerheIon Celeb ta týe>d kX'X Cre,pÀI CzO'IMST kÂDJ or'oIi4 i WÂYB 3IN ec g~THE TRADE' SUPPLIED. g Ouhava, MMOh24; 1875. SPRING 181f s SUIT-S TAIORIG COMPLFTE I Ghbicýe Lots ý;of-Ixew Goodsg; Su ted té he 8eason,, Tailorng at Low Prie'! -00- Engih, C'anadinad Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Vestings, Fine Doeskin!s., A'Superior -Stock of Ready-M .4e '3lthing, Hats audà Cgapi, anld!Gentlemen's of al kinda Leave your orders-a good lit guanteed. JOHN IFERBONt Whitby, April 6, 1875. Dundaas.Street. LAIRGE 'STOCK 0 F CLOTIISt IS NOW COMPLETE SAil the Noveltics of the Presentt Season IN GENTS' FURNISHING fIATS, CAPS, &o., &c., A.P lit I N-G Lý B ROOK STR E.ET, (Nc:"t Door-North of 'Dominion Dauk.) Lu O Q 6. ±W, ma CHEAFi 1CASH D U F F 1, N'S STO$lE, O R EEËK. g~Dry Goods and Groceries, the lXevesf, ixxst Fashionable, Best, and Cheapest. ., LIST 0F AIJTCTJONEEIRS Licensed for South ]3iding of Ontario, North lliding cf Ontarjo, -aud separate Municipalities in the latter. Samuel Baird.. IL. E. ODel... John McGiU.. David Brawna.. B.H.LCameron... Donald nResu... Ja, M. Patterses.. Wn. H. o$.. ,Wjn. M.Wicx. - DaniltRose... David Biffhop. James tiighry,Jr. James Dighy. Jr... Donald ites.. Thomas Pouchur... Salein Eckhart. Jaa' Kiavanagh .. E. Majore.... D. M. *Card... Win, Gordon.. Johin L.- Wahns ... J. C. Pihkey... C. Mîôois. Tbom.s ouchu.... Ehis Baises.. Thomas IL(Vlae Astlhouy Sheele,.. J. C. Widdfed,... John P. Gosa.. John I. Page,.. Thomas Boucher, L. Fairbailot, Jr... RssuflîNC.. Brock .... Atler .... East hiy.. Beaverton. do. ... %Vhltchurch. Canuinglon... .. Port Purry.::: do. Est Whthy ... Picoelng ... do. ....e Beaverton .. Maikham ... do. ... Kesick... Uxhridgo4. --- 13roe .... Pot-tPerry.. Cannington,.. SsolNew Yens, Whitiry MuuNîcoI'ÀTor. Lîcznaa Exriaxs, Brochi........... .. Marcii él, 1875. Mars ............. Jul> 8, 1875. South tiding..... July921,1875. do...........sept., 14, 1875. Thiorah. .. 9 85 fluorali. -:........... 22, 1875. *Northué&Southiriding "20, 1875. Brook .. ............"28,- 1875. *North Ilidlng ... Octobér 1, 1876. do. .... 2, 1875. South .5ig . , 1875. * do.............. ' ,1878. lUzhldg....... 8, 1875. Mars................. 7, 1875. Uxhnldg ...110, 1875. 1. euîhOuri . , 12'875. * Ott...............~ 8 1875. ortb Rliding.... " 1a, 1875i- do. ..........14, 1871). 13roci............. " 17, 1875. *North Ridixsg ..... 9011875. Reaoh .............' 20, 1875. Riath R ...... Navember8, 1875. X5.uth PRadsng .... * . , L875. Brock.............. Nov. lSth, 1875. ~i roc....... R... llt 1h. 1875.-- o t,.,<......Deb. Sth 1875. b'irtb, .. ldlng . Dit h, 1875. Nortli . 1dm.......Dec. 24th, 1875. South ljpanol. . Jans. 12th, 1870. Broc k..... ..... .... Fub. -lot, 1870. Soutis Onti. cb. lat, 1876. LIST Ã"F ?EDLERS FORiTHE CO. ONTARIO. Enlward Frank ... Edward MeGor.. W. Riiehardoson &Co, Nelson iowley... Isaac ehtmaru. A. E. Mackenzie,. A. H. Morgan'... WhitýVy, Nov. 1814. NoaRcidch ..... Non-Roesident.... Whitlby...... Pout Hcrry. Camnngtoit,.. On loot ....... 1 hoe....... dIo............. do ............. do. ........... Oîîe herse, County, On Poot, Ceint>',. - Sr4 Min-h, 1875. 141h May, 1875. 101h May, 1875. lOtis Jue, 1875 éli JuIy, 1875. Nov. 101h, 1875. Nov. 21st, 1875. WM. LAINGI, Co. Treestirer. 461 ORGANS d MELODEON ORGA NSR THE." *-U13,-GE & YL4RW0ýOD MFG-CO. MUNUFACJTU4RE TECELElýR.TED ÂMBICÂN QEGAN 1 ~yI~,~ slutCase, $140, in Rsnst t~# ilu ~vpoP0 Styl ~5,inWanutCase, $150, i leonat dmwt avnel AU =~e fBlack Wainnt, pannel4ed, .with ýpvlving c b~rs on iii H ilthe lt inpôèmitnaland eu anll iist d,-oorig tpic -AISO, ;YÀILWOOD' 5 . ci MLO]YON 011-AN2 Ii budÃ"mi~seoo Pan Cs,G 1ihly ANIhe. Pa~tedI1i ztaoIj ' GOODS, AT Ë'S. v The British, Amer/vian ýomm'eraaI0P'ge HASÂABEIiTBRi'COURSE 0F'1~fUClN And-, furniohes'Moi iSTUA .for Youg Moenthan ail the othor Colleges inOhtario Oý6ýn- R E iÇ ,Nc E Bank Ru' Comre oJohn cmwodoGoen« & utrl;W. E. Rowland, Pregident DmninBoard of Trade - Hon eohà &m=]? uulstOnulBah o Thos. . N.Gibbs, Ombkas; Wm GOOdi;iorn 7E .Pr 3 <a~ fooW; J. Au, Esq., Preedent Dominio LBa nkU. J. I OSMeron, prosident Pwvbdal Inmur. anes Co.; ]W. John MOMurrchProu. D Tehrph Co.;?.HeiAUMW 3 G1Mn tue Te t Oliver M. P., XngozuI ont~ roer miptoa.téreghu véry tair Md City iu arlo. For= s i, pemens ofmasl~ 0 ddoa 13 ODELL"&TIOUToronto. Now is the time to buy good and'cheap Furuiture. llaving bouglit out the business lately-carried on by James H. Samo, wo take this opportunity of inviting bis many friends to give us a eall, and ~we eau assure al thiat- vvo-aro-prepared to do as well by thcm in the fuiture, as Mr. Samo lias donc in the past. TILL& --- --o , A LXýRGE 'NW 8TOOK OF ~P~ING - ARRIVED AT AoEeBhLotofGroberes ad Coice Whc ilbe sbýldhea o as rfrerg, produùce. WIib3ýpl'i,*1875. CHINA TEASTORE! B Y JOHNS'TON.I GIB SON & SPAIRVELL., 85 illds., Crates,,aud Cases, ôontainiuig the- Largeà t, flest W H 1 T B Y, Orders by mail prohnptlyated d to. and- Cheapest- Assortmenit of UNDEIRTAKING.-The only first- clasa Establishment in the Coiümty Where funeraisare fuit- ly supplied. (Under Culer lu Couacl,, of luly, 1874.) 2. Servlug uuxnu or au 0,Il Mlleqgo ta eýrvo .uumil 'p-ena, âtor irarratt. 4,bileagge iba» service Il 11Proof 01 dte dll excmusive og9xfl ursol cusmiHy oroncdeSl u, VOYanef.......... OAttadag Jnus ces on 1 rlaw or'ou ezatanamt Oionora Chargea wlth eaehday necoemrlly ln ue rorecame, 2ngageSamre athot 7.i)o. ,ewhen engaged fAttemding Aumizes or -0. Milhng travelling teaa alZes, emuon#,,or 01o uw npubliccouve ai] takeM, oaly r9m0ah ue t a a ô laird. 10..8umxaoning 11 fur Us Jury eiumînoued.,. ILAtteniiig ¶each îad~ beeiIf aut engagek fi tir hture;..... lZDo do. fi eiigaged mura a, efUrs'............. 11.Serving iaimmons or au atedbefore, Corolle Nu 10.) ........... 10 1lxlîixlni;butdy u 'nder M.Wa-ittin 01........... 17. tierviig dltroo wNIrra trrrl îg mairie. 11.Advprlislxig undirisa ra............. 10i. Tlrîtewlng te ralie dis îvhîcIî'iirî gonds are f ri6'Ç2 ,rnts lu tir 11riie et thiegnods 21. Catalo ae aie afnd col aud i clivcr ai g1o 22 the $, oin net proite 22. etiliiîlearch warxi 23: SErving notices onc ti~ferk ot Whlthîy, Nnov.-17 1871. T HEF TILL & :JOHNSTON. .4Oly CARRIACS&&IQE6 000--- MESSRS., TOMS &NE-WPORT, Beg ta inform tho public generally, that they have o pened a INew Carrnage Factory, on Dundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the -POST OFFICE. Where' the are now prepared to exeoute all work in the Carniage Making Line, on the ehorteet notice, sud mda of the best mia- tcriai- sd' irst-elass workmanshiip. ALL" WORBK WARIRANTED. BREPÀIRING D014E WITH NFATNESS AND DESP ATCH. - Wliitby, Jïtly 29th, 1874. 8l-ly1 J fN SIT-ON S ~S ELPFRAKI1NG -RcEA R -AAÃ"D THEFIRSI PRIZ E1 A t thé Pro v*incial* Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler te our z customeris for th, cotuîng-, wo'dis. 4j~ Maohiios, win -#.~syIu and 'coistructio.i4 'eftbrace t êt-~nd Mbt'-ost è à ] i1imepbveméhta 6rf theday. TRE "XINGor"AER" The uuiversal succcss of this Machine, -both, in closely, con test- ced triae1.and la the bünde of the fnrmers, Ëwaist »m in seying that, asil Self.Rak- ing Reaping !machline, it has more good.pointe ësndfedctA, and lia met with more success end tees fajlxire, tlian lîcretofore offcrcd te"cpublic. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the First Prize andDiploma, at the Previn- .ia1 Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870,in cmeiinwtaJ the leading Machinffl uianufacturad in- tiProvinoe ; and with oui- recueI mprovements, we unhesitat- 1nl ebahlengé i 1nventigation and camnparison wkiihcoxptfi~gM iew r eatipfléd that eeirh ~~investigation will convince *vr4irJuiemn. ht r eflel' the best oerto ihu Farier for 1872,. buit in* the Deà ninion. w~Scnd for, descriptive, catalogues.. P O . PR Y GOODS AND*GfaIi8 !The uiidersignedl is..o rcivn Consià sting 6f Dress M ,S*n~ra .ther-Tivedsand îla Mi to~l it 1en %îFmisliig -Te ý 5~fe, raw- adr~ edfý'Si rs, E1~ ~Th~ .ors, China, Wlass-Ware, anýd ýFancçyGo China TeaSetto, from$.0 ito$20. chini:Mtt6e Oisn aor~ rm16c. te$.o esh (hins Mettoed 'Muge, iCard Baskets and Fany Gns IX ;N NDES VBIETY 1IS FANCY TOILE? SF.TTS, PROM Si TO- Sî5, PER SETT. Laaies, ail the abovehavinfbeeù purchased expressly for(hbristinas:' presents, they. wMflbc soid .à ap ana without reserve. Please cai la examine for yourselves beforo purchasing elsewhere. . Pf- Also on* hand, a ful "assortmeut of ohoice Teas, Family Grocenes, Fruits- ana Spices of ail ]dndg, Rami, acon,,Lard 'Butter, Apples, Pot&"-' tocs, &C. OYSTERS, bost brand',à lways on hand. GrIB9ON & SARVELL'S. Whitby, Dcc. l15th, 1874. 51 WE have ýpleasure ianou.cigth;t .Our- stock for the Bpriù'g and Buminer Irado i1 ampce in à , fowdays. ýWê have visitedhomarkets Perîà naly, andn éelected from tho1eýà ing 1Ëouses -some of the lestad chocoa ~rioIs.té. nm6fatxirers could produce. D±-iiss à odsa i y"-x ,in .lhonewcst desigffs anda bries~-from 15e-o $2~ei~rd. 'P~4minS te match'.-Lacs e. n imiaton, G ~ Corsets, Tic's.anq. scarfs', and érmdély-Ware hi ideà f à à Eiety impor e cfomrope idr50gIrk frorn th e iatrr ithe eet san ý,Ço ours.- Sumné~t7ner&tbiginM4rnoGauzýe, sudiCttn.A eo~I~s»ri14±ôf-GëntsiiIFuniishings 'in OoqIa. ana e.ù,th.wlch cannot failte iests facion li flte ~a~, we xpet. nc t~Stmer from Greaât Briain,some of the nobbiest articles everbr.nght into Whitby. -hY h -beniiflgtea.nah :7weare, nowiniéttîrpos. -ition.toi"ffergood:'baigains to lntondingrbtisradt ha,v o ýerithing donc inhdespa T -h lrn~o~ ~ h shiortè' # s b1é ôlie Dress-e. qýïli'Making by issÃ"JoI, weil- knoWn iii Whitby'for. her obliging dispo.itioù ade_ à bility te fit lier custoîners. Bcspoctfuily yours, *WuilbY, Mardi 18, 1875. L-MNG & S1IEWA1RT. a ~ lvi 9E' TYJEL NI TF W~M * fETA1 S TE 183. f-ES ----ilS - -1+.. New Béd-ioom Sets, And a large, stocek o Can and seati Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, Loiinges, flesetu cupboards. Raur, Cloth,- and- Dsmsîî3rLow~e8.Cu &0.,y &o. - 'A fne stockA of' New Gilt Window Cormices, Ch' >The largest an ha~ Sttock of Pictures e-ver brol -in towji al cf wlichhp1 offeré st prices' that wM Inà t f suit lhe times. - LIFE 1 AE8OOI&TION 1:. Su«d Office--Temple Chambers, T 0O1 il '0 T 0'. pg.. WmMe>fgo)idaPro- Oo1iiIeS-8took ilad-M. > tu Plans of Inslir ano('e. P à retSena i2 iPoft- I ,s th é w h ow B .u e" eilTins te,,lnots4luGaeruntent see&r~a- 0h Besore ma1 b. used r.4 h oËly1den ise cturty-for a oan, wlthout Mliting it dIturblnthe lnanranue. by*the Ass~loia ? wueha of nr.ei' A U on- a ic u oat ..g, are r -P a ri' o ci :rr .two prsmluma have beén pald, ' A A HOME COMPANY..6 ALU Inveatm.niu mcdadeiihn theDcminiotr. R.H AT5ONý,' IISPECTOR. saAgentiowanitea lu nreaMierveddiaricte.. Apyta--J. K.L'MACDONALD,, V. P. sa nGieral Manager.. H. B. TXYLOB, Agoxit, NWtby. D"Mt ~3E.T. HALL, Agan fr the Canfearatian Lit. Associa-- z4ipoua=ndacontemadoai Ûoto given to the milleeion~ rintSu , Mortgagoa 0 $20EPEH. anxsuo gn'aDiin- 0Whiyset. 1,1 or74. 4 . 8-or hianeyast wori 'oru - n i Air, p~ Iunte rai h ime than at anjtlga Prcuaofe.Post card a ta ite comte but one cent. Adclreon, e. G'ETHISON&CO., fOWLà .5 PILEAND HUMGORE W tdaure and perfect cure for ail asatf Pile, osy, Scrotl, TOttenr er eTure asmof - -arom dy bu - faithuh1y testsd ie aboya - d imieames. Ite-sucooa a beenul ébùe& ta h PrietQr sui- a tee ue te thae ite vlflaîms imod- xwneatlnrtLfajisre treiunte fR rit lntrodnce&i * Tue Pilu sn&i~unthe curetre or- table i~t ei&aiîbe usadil dlangero tec indcEummor an,_a it cures on thé surface. ana lhe patient!& bodi- tY hea1IIicà n4nfy im-pvezmbilb*under- -t Prle-$ prBte. Bodi, aUD1 GIf MAJORILMILLS. ThÉna~jndeg ta inor-n custin- er anasu the pubiw tluai bu bas renteS ltse abovMg. E. Majr tor te.a)eà v1usdsevenleen CrUmealeby Ãtigt -o iito çVhoîg. Fheur, OstinlBan È ana Tsauflofaiaban Palanell sxeiiuapmô tom 'JIMSANDERSON. 'TEE-BIBLBLOG9gNOG-G&LAS; DRY. GOOt r .4 s o s~r .ma bu T, liii - TeI h * Pb Whitby, Octoer let, 1878.