Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1875, p. 3

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Lot No Mgon the ~atsiOuf lion St. If. Glb.s rogidemie, and thom*in hln 90god Pfrac u seanasd Itsb:lý siate of ~ ear. _ as8,I~ plan. Tb.oo Loto ta. *ithr hva 11=0tieoon AIbeft St. of two 'chains, *WC "a ,UU e bL% lnis, 9514 a pt o.hana4u ifiy lnku. Oý ThIofai*.NO, Lot No. Il, sud élis S. T6 nrth &U f Lo no îýthîr 8r oonecSsfiOn 09 the Township of Whutby, cou. tainio.10o acres. soli, ~à~v tounad im vatmae.' abon sor'ts vMood. »a te .naine tIn ê tdu téieof' ott1t"itaildlnd. *. houC barn and c téb" mvcid bte taken saverail irst eit7s 1 Brown Hr. IBdnMare7.nd I By Old. téàinghorsts alahed H ainocoswaon .d FÀUBEOS-under Albert ýai4 17and 180 YONGE STREE, iglst doors North of Quuen Str.et TORON17O. pulm in' So , *O th1lfnthfu btea n m o $ exlip0dious route to:m oriIrmation apply 'te O. GIDERS,.EEVE, Port go JUST ISSUE Il Alid Mifid, p stc.-pqdd, on Roelpi the. arked Price. Pioces morked lhave Uu#tratigl Tf Pagea. #Svriinst du dea Gte-Soî hl............. 2,140a" 'Wbere LI My dOnt To.nfgh?- soSu d O.......... ..Uag Sing Darkies, 8S le (A..sung ',bY Oai An ab 6e-C mie gong .. 4 rt When ilver Loo Replaethe God- p'saus sud -Ch'. (Anaver. te Suyvq Thresda Arao94bGold)@nîon. 'You' Ne*arMess th-Lage- illth Keg Bans D Comàiaong Gant Ava'-sciaSong ...Waud. Ali,,asd At Ho0 o-Song And Chorus. *ùy'W èa iffè gab heDoor- Ballad............ .2Vmas. OWI Mn Suée 1 ad ïSoug md Cher. Givo Me bu t a Si e*-Sang sud Chorus. hen rati I Met The#, Nole Dea- SnAdchezo0..s .. 0 Sewari. - ['c Captin of the la s-Comio Sang Beyondjlthe Golc4m Door-..ngan Chorus C 2oesWith0 l uel Nv-an Boy ..ý%. INSTR MENTAL. imilelle Jeunesse- Polacca..wiaop&.t 'Avakeniug of the irds-moroeau ... Svetlasa....~ e-Gracieuse-t ................Wiloni . 'lie Hlghand Maid in-Rlomnce. Wilson.5 Dujas .Amnluac (iroa Stabat Mater).. .**»*'* - -wager, 'Dreaînland-Morcei ude Salou.Jtayat;t.4 iSchoegi from the p lades-Morcesu... enotiau Itegata- ,ranscribtd.Wagner. d 'blerry Yoresîers-P est Scene..Wagner. 1ocking Waves-T nscribed,. .Mayialh. 4 'The cotch Lssies everjo ... .i>acher. 4 CItlle's Polka Mazu a.... Prvnt, 8 alyLaaid-Tteverl Nav 8, ~ rllng Javel a-i ....î_.hrsie. 8 Ihin,ïk o! Me Soma imes---ICasy Wîltz. ......... ....Wagner. 2( TemporallseMardi J3a...Wflier. 2( Meti arc uu$caici ers-Liasy Polknà-.. . .. ...... agner. 2C Ndclii Dafiag-Ba y Mari. .Wagncr; i2 'i'eters' Househald Mladies, Nom. 1, 2, uà B. A collection of Popular Sangs, by lays, Lanka, Stewa t etc. Eacli nuniber ulains seven or ei lit songs. Price, W> uts each; YearIy,, 2 Numbcrs for $4. Peters' Parlor Mu b os'1 2 sud 8. ach number conta ýns s Keverl easy and oderately dMdIt p onePleces, by Kael cht W' ' 'rWllsé 2, etc. 0cnseh îftl,21Numýbersf1 r84.'cet a; La Creme de la Crs ne, Nos. 1 ta 15. Bach iber centaine 24 pages af classuan lcult piano musia, vorth aI leasi 62 50. le, of escii numiior 5Mcents; Yearly, 12 TE1ýrZM8 OP SALE: For tht Village ,Lote' on$-third eash and! bManc, lu tva equalsnual,,paymeuts vith iuenioret' a$'Par cen. and lifrmin yWhwi by, ont h haN asnàthe balance ilu Ave @quel aniutl nstaletswlth inteessi ai tlgfht'P«_ Ost, sud lor'the landin l Manvers One.tibd ffo*h, acd- time vii U given lor tht halate vitli interest Kt tlght per cent., sud for tht furnhtiie, horsts and! chattels, &Hl sOuis o i> *nd .under--cath.; &al sns ovfer ual, six usonths decl .n furnlhîg approvai!'out nàtes vith interesi At Devoan p articulais ud condtions eau be hW.dfroc John Smth. Es an dmP. O., as u drsvw5mhth pE q, f hpfr t xaminei!atthoresldeuct af the la? tobe th ILonthéay piteloas ta Oshav, 14 h ApilSolicitor for Executor. Ouma,1th.kpi,1875. 17 Adeadlti e Comimission er,-vii lbe re. clsiai the Deparin-ieonl oi Crow-u Lande, Torouto, until &Uurlay 3u~hMaynex(, Clhristie Colonization llomi, froc tho proeuet terminus aOfthpsneaIs iiitrctlon viti Jutnct ion 10 "d Nu. 2,flu lOti Gaiceeian oa ilhe ITownsjp 0i CIrie. lie, ta tht Intersection i1 oitosau sud Ni. Plstin lami!oLposIte la Mauleicîx sud ci.r' c islicebout aiglil or nune mler si!.e Tii. aboye vark le ta bc dont under De. lirtuxeutal SPtçIficsllou No. 2, sud muet De campletai! au or befare lie lot day ai Octobsi nexl. fjpeîticatirjùo can be mien, sud fores for Tender prpe ureO, st the Cravis Lands De. parilueult, TSoro enda !tht filovlng ÂBI OUND, office oiJ. B. Beatty Bail r AU, 8. G. -Béat, 9&î 'BIIA ,EDB "G -_ CrvuLLandAi. à lit8Spocactieu, 1 Tht Comelsieer retentetht igt. ai xWcaiplidf g auy an noise cf thetleaders ceffarai!. .7. W. BIiIBDGLÂND, 'Depaîmen ai rovusu t. ai Coi.iRosads. érantaiApri 1hLande, 'ýIrIoAri ot,1870. 17 T EN D F, Ils Adldrooe e athecOomisnlsiouar, inli liare- celved ah tie Dlpartuxeut af Crown Lunde, Toronto-, sînlil VCR Tilt CQOTiUCTIONOPex Lake Joseph Boad North gthe .40 .85 00 40 80 .40 do 80 T1 'c v 1 *1 nui ccf cei NU Publghed b J. L. PÊSTL'RS H OUSE WANTE Withii fmientutes, fiat, About clix rouens takan fan a terni ai 165, Witby P. O). Whitby, Apnil i4thî, ils Announcoment 4xtraordlnary i 599 Broadway, N. Y, walk of the Post ai. Il sultable, vill ha eaire. Address, Box HÀLL. iflg8, .pril ý3 and 24. faux it. terminus nean lbtheai!of Lake Jasmeph, vweelvard la -tis intersedtion ai omýqu- Lake Jasepi Rosi!Southi vilcileade froc 'tht sai! pnofnh i nterseaclnu ta lie Village oisng sfuloý ai Pari Carllng, probsly about tiret il Cnsl las Ilro. vork lu ' Ciruxi of. er ala rof. rTh Isvewkl ta ho doue auder De.1 'Cnun ai I1oenr mlu ~ rîmenial Spealllamtion No. 2, asud muet 'skey&- tgetf n 41t scauiplted au or befire the liday ai e, rgamsai l ober axt, cnb su sdfraf r p uru~n. Pria.. m .lNuder pna"cured st the Crovu Lani!s De. Doeaana 7 a o parm iToronto, and! st tht follavlng April 141h, 1875. B RcsUBUaza, Officooa Crovun'xLagd.'î. fOlQ LOST I PoievCAinrao, Tiams's Inn,. Tendes a'. i sttssri% dc1catsocperîcîle At ahe Wlàtby Station, or rat for diffrent klndsaifvork doscnlboi! urdayaxnigit lasl, s bro*'m %nsecideéatlan. swors ta the naine aifII Tse Comnissoner raservos the rigit ai nevaiji vii be pal! la tha are'epting auy or nons ai the -tenders ofen. hlm ta the ovuan sud a cd, . ' viiibe proseoutecl acc J. W. BRIDGLAND, JAS.I Su p6t.oaiCol. Roaais, st B .Dganiment oai Crovu Lang dy il1t,17 Taronto, lti Apil, 1875.j 17-Id Wily prl1h,87 BS YOUNG'S ROTEL, Addresed hto tht Ccomissîaner, vil ibe ne- 1M0NCK ROID,1 otivoci ai the Deparlmout ai Crovuý Lands, RoBT. I. - YOUNG, -Toronto, untili dg,1~7 ay, next, POU Tci dOUPLITioN PO? ixc MONTEITII & PERRY ROAD, f roux the terminus ai lasI Paseo0nt conîrexi vork tiioreon theientersection ai ihle Miishtaka htot lu thie Tovnship ai Perry, a distanxce of prcbahiy tires mie. lihoa aove verk la ta ha donsunuder De. lxxrlxental Specification No. 2, andnxust be rîrnipichaieauon rbeforsehe ltday i oct. ber xexl.. 1Specfcation on canhasau, anîl i rlxi Tender.procurend, at bbc Crowc Latrds lDe. Pxrlmeit, Torntob, and lie lollowing PARlJY SOUND, office of J.D.ittyrq r IitACgJitiIIGE, iL CrovnLIiexde Agt. 'rendor net te Aa pecifiec anipler mile )rjinratol for differeul kiuds cf vanke desceni. "Tia' oxlee eeîstht igil of nceinIg any on noue ai the Tenders affor. cd. - J. W. BRIDGLAND, 1sup t. of Col# Roadi. Dayartmeut ai rovu Lauàt ' ronto,, April i0th, 1875. 17.11 Addrested ta the Comieloner, vill be re. cehîti! at the ZPelarteout of Crme Land!s* Toronto, nutil Saturday, L5tht May, nextJ S ISTEDRQ' D trac ho termnus,of tht wvork doàn ju1875 lusrthsausp ai Shepiuso, Muakoka et tht heu!9ai Lake Veuuap, e Ths aboît wark is la b. doue und r Do. paricontal speification No. 2, ani!. muet rI» beoipIotd on ai bitais tht jst day Ocho- SPOC1ccions can be âoeu, a4 lforasfor Tetid4r pxoonned, at the rowis1r Lsu4m De. patrtMtt, Tornonsd thie following, i BxAczozs*a MO ft iCnovhLandi Ag'î. -GitmivescwIs J, Cadkbnrn, Esq.e PUTyR ALIas, Thomas' Zou. Tsundescy î$tât àspeail mn per 1811% errateg tai dfeenti ndWoai vokos. TbtCOmi:duisonai reservs tbt wlght ai ceptinq «Y am nons ai tii.tondaisoffuo&! lilitble information r try etc., farlshed! ho pa uplu ' aauxixomilon S artsinen, Tht bar an 'thixthiibest ai Ilquore iannd ini lia conntry.1 andl sîceaie servants k slabltng suxi1(1prompt hc Dalton, ici April, 1875. N0'T i CE l Fllvir, xof lixTowyxxliihp huat Ccxixly n ofxntrioe Y expirationx of twx-xtyicfxya riixka sîic'xxîi.ioli te Zit Esiquire, Jxxxge of thea Cou Cauuty cf Onlanix,, ta l'O titan afileliat fule anîd ef lie sai Tpins;lip ai sixing iviti lie sai!oliat ern inf hant childran ,el H ai Missourn ltljeUnited! cm, decéasai!, wvii died lut SDaled 7th April, 1875. W.X., BILLINGS, ROBE Solcilor, &C. GXRAND -ANNOUN Copà. SAlliance, &n ciArtiste, 12 henmlulstux'e log ensd Educatei! ouperb Orchestra. Mlumlnaîei! posters s malt. iieervod re. uce st 8 o'clock. 16 auo"Te aboie y anetkeeping hlm ritît &Lotkhant's. la MILTON, ganiing tîxe coun. ts requirni I for Hantée, sud i larder suppliti! sud vIanda la hab oana butobliging Pi. Cammxdious steresvaa auo K. YOUNG, Propnietar. 16 lersigixai, Robit ef Pickerng, lns IDRxux, viiiah thie sItar thua notice ,lieus Jixruhiamx îty Court ai lie .appointad i ur- îae Fuiler, ahi xdkerxng, sud ne: tPalIer, aI Pick. enry Fuller, laIe IState of Amen.- rtate. RT FULLER. MEMENT 1 and OId l7ake Notice, SP11ING- GOODS Ana Whtesas. the sanut ai thtviiolo 80 rateable Property ai lie said Musmicpa1. 80' t amardluig ta the last revl"saeisn. n0ient ral hersai, IoSsix huudred sud slxty-oight thonsani! four huud.red sud 80 tventY.oue dollars. And Whtreao tht exlstiug debt ai tlieSald 50 Munlclpality la for principalthe tu= ai thirteen thodusand sevon hu'iirei! aud 4 tydollars, and! for interet thtesuc of slteuhusaud thret hundîti! sud 40 tdlarsnad no Part of Principal on teresl le lu airear. '50 Aui! Whereae, lhé sunuai epecilrtsu th le dollar for Paying lhe debi sud lu. tareelUnuder this- By.lavby luttl. 40 Mante, as above Mentioned, vil be as5 40 ' fllova, lt atats ay; 40 For der M85,0224 mille For dar 1665, 0000Milla 18, 0759M " 1007.05114 40 " 1870,0744 lm0,0520 40 lm6,0U722 " IM 040i7 80 1881,01110 ' 159,0475 85 " 0577 ,181ff 0 Be lttlîeïnelore euacted hby tht munici1e Council of the Corporation ai Iha VIII. ageofaiOshawa as folovu: ZO 1. ThatitIlelilIbe lavial for the Ileave ai 2, the ssii! Muutcipality te cauee any ýY number ai debeuluresalli te said Mun. r lipallty for ohams net legs than one. o hu dred dollars eac i and ca exce di g,^ lu 4the vhole dît thonsand dollars ta ha b mai!,'anâ tht tWald debeuluras a hha a c ealti viti tht Corporale geai of lhe sai! Corporation, and.,be sigued by tht Reeiansd Tneasurer theresof, sud thal tht Baid debeutures shail be ta prepared sud issuti! liaI a ncq1a suxount 0odtvo hundrai! sud 5it3dollars aiprincipai shall bcom ueadpayable an the ffrsl day of July, in euch ai tht tWenty yaars succeadiugthe date au vhiclî lie By'lavhbhau talla ffect, sud Ihat thteaaddebanlures shail bear in. tenest aItich rata ai six per cetum per annum troc liahedate t citai, payable seaul.annually, on tht frxât day af Jaly sud lhe freât day a aur uac par, sud have intost cnan aaeL ed. sud liat ail tie ssii! deb'enuines sudT iîîlarest coupons ehall bc madecpavable t aItich.office ai the Treasurer oathli )iuuiicipality xii tht Village ai Osixava. 2. Tixil, lai tic purpace of payiug tht gaud delit sud intereel, liera tthaielevici! lu addition taeahailohen nateupnanil tht raleable propecai tlis Munici. paiity, lhe rate abave meulionadin l eitch ai the years aboya meullonti!. 8. That tht sudi dehentures shah unetlic dtlltvercd ta thtesii! Company, or to sny ptrson or partons for tiora, unlil the sai! Company shah have fuhly ar- gaai!; compliei!het trcctiou ai ail requlsite buildings for tht purposeeai the gali! Company, sud have givcn se- curxly ta thla Municipality a htsalis. faction ai le Canni thaertof for the continuons employapeut, by tht said Coi n tnluthtssii!. business, in the sald Village, cf stîe611t flfty men, for ai leutaisî e oulinlueaci 'year, for at ltast ton peaus. 4. Tixat hile BYlav shisll talle effect sud came int operation on tht firet day of July, lu the yemr ai our Lord one thon- àani! elgil handrci! sud seventy.dlve., That tht votesa- te1 ii 880 he4nsieaelectors shalbe taken u1Poterpassad . 1875, sud for that Purpse a0o hah 'beopeucd, accôndiu t Iavo tt ,ay I ie olodk lun heforenoon, aud be kept open tili five 0aitkiluthe ai tennoon lu Polllug tpbdlvlaiou No. 1,.pr at Cansvtll's Office on Bruce Street sud, J. T. Morov in hereby appolutti! t sct sReturulug Officer hat inl poing sub-iision No, 2 a he ie Cn. pi cil Chamben, sud liai C. WV. Smihlinl herebxy appointid ta sot as Reoturnlug Officer tharoal luin olliug sulbdivision No: 5Bat Gde galxiedias arehouse, andi.John Woan le hereidY appointi! tb I act as, Rsturulug 0cer uhereat; ad tl in polling sub.dlysixon No. 4ah SrMh & Soude livery stables, sud Ihat J. C Ballas le hereby appaiuîed tea ct as Rea- turuiug Officer thereal. 1a1 NOTICE. S The abare lu a true capy'01ai apropose1of By.lav vhich shall be tauknsu mb conii!eS le aaisnb y the Council of the Corroratian oI tht 'Villag of 9shae;ý aller ana month fnom c the f rsl publication, thertof, vlich fraI publication vas ou the stîtuti day ai Ap. i nil, A. B., 1875, sud aI tht heur, day sud Cýl places thsrein fixtd ior'taking lhe votes ai tht electone, lhe pol1 i yl hoheli!. Ci Oshawa, Apnil 'th, 1675. LYMAN ]INGLISH, ~ Clerk of Oalawa.S CoMpaY ny, L stablishingan crlg, ou the %au MinumettlieiLhe debentares 01 ethOaud olrs bmd abn 'tures téobesrtera th.ate aofsi. par centum. par aurn sud ta b. ps. able lu tv.nty equaf aimgI mutaj. cents. Tht saicl Companly wM l bate play, in the laid village', 'in thir isici csnuiacturlug business,- ai the loasi fifty m-- for nias. conths lu-saab yearA tor.the termcai at leget. ton Yoar, an& tht salaqoautill have datrminea ta grant thtéma41 Compsny. aid ta the ex. tout afortsaid.' And Whetas,*o ary ia ftepttho.sid' abject, Ih vill b. noctssary for 'tht mad CauuncUta iàssedebntures ofthtessd ,Mnniclpallty for thet:$aid aMount a and tatgalia!CannaS, hAve dded ta nake tht Principal couey cf the debt thtrby *rtid repay ahi. by tvoniy qual annal tlai mntts, and luttresi on thtunupai! pri.' CIP&al ai the raie of six pir cenuucPt?- jlanna, payable stMi.ennually. And Whras thettal onstob # thdebi aay 1 specili rat, for pa9n the ebt anditeestundtr this By.lv, are as follovi, that le ta $ay: FarZ8 1er 65, 01502, Fer ytsr l1055407m0 1877, 527.50, 1W,80 77M0. 4975- 07.60,- 847»5 lm, 4M.50 W leu 5896 67.50 .278 ai% L iit 13 G loi lu- tih ti, SE] SA, Rj Burnett's Cocoaine Pre'venta tbi alx i.',,,alhý7 Burne t's ca-~ Pr-moi cxi lxî:cl.qlx:x r ,. Burniett's o e Lcatc' m:a , r,, ii x x: ,'i . %9urletçt'sCOocoaine Suixts OIitecry Iltxir. B urnett's Oocoaine , Soolita esheIrriteit!Scalp-SkIa. Biarnett's 'Oocoalne Affards the Mieitt Lustre Burnetis Oocoaine I sulot*amAcahalla Wam. Burnett's Oocoalne A T Burntt's Oocoalne r fines JNew Lire la lhee itsir. G. G URL~E Y' S Barnetts ocoaine (Tailorlng Efitab1ishment,)'- RING TREE, bSKW&. 50 tnd 75 coe p Btin e. PFI8Y DAVIS & 801& LA4RE1n0 AIMlI tedliug stylef lu MONTREAL, . .. ENbLISH, SCOTCH, AND CANA- Agoints fer DtMcltOs ef Casladi. - DIAN TwE BS. J06MW BURNEtT&0. ST5 A New and Beantiffful 8 eced stae1', toeWold at very l«p". Mo. r STBAYED i1 Tht ie t aiOfWorkmS kept, and 4hiAndit vLOt r a3>o!ax.flug. Ian CIAZR so byIXbeSult6blY rpvalded. FACTORY,. ,Bave now v uvev 4 oouleteeioc Cabinet-,and 'IphoIstelyG Dling..Raam, flod. ajand Libritry Furnite and, in Isai, sîamosit very articlt in lins ai canuctr1-iu tht Latent and moat Fabionai European and Amer- And ai Priats vs art certain WU. ca DEFY COPPITIo Odd Fellow, Orange, Forest Aui! othen Society Coccittees, tiat cake a speclaliy ai .gettlug up riralteral Society UODGE BOOM PURNITURI carveoi luaccordauce vith lte casi appri e1 sud sud itppxopniate desigus, sud uns ýpassei bath as regards BLEGANCE, ELEGANC - UTILITY, AND ECONOMY, .'ECONOM by asîy Establishment lu the Bomulnioz. Lý' Tht faliositsatisfaction guara: 4ed icn ail cams.s Bamember aur Warcnooc ai!drees, Si AND 189 VONGE STRE'E UNDER ALBERiT HALL, TO0 RO6N T 0. AS. H. SAMO. THOS. JOIINSTOI %ranIa, Apnil, 1875.1 èut,'aztd Maxitl end DÏess English and Canadi&u. Cloths ai ~D"ragwers in -Saves-ýTioEi men-an d boye i iats and Cap Caxna4an ntyle&.;i Oollarse ,i Oj'CLOTHING madle up on the premises with n ok of! il OlUY ;tr, an- Osme on the precimec ai the Subecriber, Lot 20, 8ri! con. Whltby, a eier Cali- color black vxth binetai heai! ht a Tia CWner la requsîci! le ay xphute a sud take lier sexy, otherwi8e mlixaviiili c sali! in due course ai lav. B ANIEL MURPHy. Wiiîi, Aîmnil o1118i75. OiS TII ]ZFTIEMEDY -FOR CONSUMPTION vlîclî cati ho cuîed by a imcly îcsort to tlîis Stand- nilld proparation, as has beau uî.)ccdby the lhundicls -of test hnfliils receivcd by the ulle torls. It b acicîowl- dgdo bC1ý11y i îîaiîy plomillcut >lîylicimllls to bc the inost chelable plcparatioîî cvcî il,- toduccd lfor the relief anid uic of ài, Luîîg complaints, îîd is offcrcd to the public, îaiîctioîîcd by"the, experience )fovitctforty. yoars. Whlin .C o , e l to iii s ea s o iî it 'so l- oin l'ail:3 to offect a speody aire ini the most sovero 'lises of Couîgs, Bronchitis, hoî,'Vhoopig Cough, ii t ucîz:, Asthma, Colds, ÏOic Tlîroat, P'ains or Sore- iess hii the Chest and Sida, rVVCompiaint, 'Bicedingr t lie iîîgfs, &c.'W'istar's :îilsmî does xîot drîy up h oîgandi bave the Cause :hhîll,as i8 the case witlî 10,k pItpalationis, biut it t osonis ani c leaxîses the 111r.1, anti ailays irî'itatioii, us romoviîîg the cause ofC e co0ipiaiît. ýJ1E W. FOWLfl & SONS, Bosxton, Muas., xxi >01, by I)rugglsts anxd Dealcrs gccraly. LTE T OUR BUSh w9eScY= nIlt trate« AND, howt . VIl ffearg e9se4 Wf fl IGU Agents Wantedi l44SMACXIM, Bim Agent foi lie Cauuty ai Ontirl. Tht persn 'vho 77lefi the os tan ocl p ,c->fra ro nt Axl t~ai le t qhe ý à geadd jouezn, tit rcaii & 1paper nessy ad d18i 187. -BO'OT r1AND SIIOE EMPORLIJI AROCK- STRÊET, WHITBY.- L~G&.,TEWAW.i SA---0--- RSAUNDE,-S Jt, "H N LargestAStock, Largest SStock, Latst tyest, ait Grees Vaie LADIES', ISSES' AND OHILDRN'S,-VERY SUITABI Ail orders Punotually attended. Repairs neatly done. CLtITLII & WARREN BRGAN C 03' (Lato Simmans & Claugh Organ Co.,) -A N D-- GRAND- COMBINATION ORGANçk An .FITTED WITH TE EWILY-LViEýNTED BORIBNER'S PATENT QTJALTPYING TUBES, n invention having a mast important bcaring an the future reputatic cf Reti! Instrucents, by meaus of vhih the qualihy or volume of tans is very Jaigely incrossed, sud thc quality af toue rendered Oui cclcbratod "Vax OCicate," Vax Humana," IlWicax patent,," IOn.- taie Coupler," the aharming "Ctlio" or IlClarionette" Stops, 64Gems HEoru," IlCreoana," IlVax AugelelIl 'Viola Etheria," sud ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Can be btainci! only in thee Orgas 1 t>. Fifty Difféent Styles, for the Pariora am the Churob, the Bet Materiai sud Woikmaumhlp, Qnalty sud Volumne af Toue Unequalîi! I1 PRICES, 5o TO 85oo. Faotory aud Wancrooce, Car. th sud Congress Ste., DzînoIT, 3Michigan. (Eshabrlisi! lun 1850.) Agents Wanted lu Evory County. Ai!i!esp- ýDress and,,Mai superini4 Wsix Girls' Whitby, April l4th. 8-Day and 80-hour Clocks in great variety, Electro-platad goods of tht best'quality (baught at diii ticco, pricas), and VERT CREAP.- Weddiug ind Gec Rings, Spectacle, &o., Childran' Ca*nniagt e iPr. ambulatore, altogethar the larget and cheapasi etock in rtha Cauntý. Proposing to beave for England shortly, 'will seil off the balance of Eingliuli jewelry received last fail ai greatly reducéd piltes. CLOUGH & 'WARREN ORGAN CO., DETROIT, MICH. ZEW GROCERY Begs to intimate te the inhabitants of Whitby and sur- STORE I Odd Fellows' Building, Brock-Street, N w GoeITB-Povsin toe 4hreh New nd Groe and rohiin toe, Ho hlopes that from past experience, and by striot atten- tion ta busines, to cent a eha-ro of public patronage. CaAh A SPorEBttr,998,andLTYr, rdue ~Ah Pai for Betutl'lterEa. sdPrmr'Pouo )dd A cas il e respa tfuly Al 18,d. e 'ETER SMITH. ldd Faliowe' Building, W1~itby, April 18, 1875. WVHITBY PH.ARMACy. Homoepathi Medicines &IPreparations Messrs. Ashton &r Parsons, omoepathie Cheniats, of London, England, have established an Aec for their Homoepatb.ic Remedios iu Canada. This will'ensIle us to. keep up our stock of their Pilulesi Tj4otures, Glohules and Triturations, &0., without havizng to wait for supplies f>o arrive from Englaud,'as form~erly'. Ànýy article not lu stock can be obtained in a fewe~aysi ePies whohavebeïen .Using Amýerican Preparalj4s ivill fid thèse oheaper- and, equa]y reibL. Oppies of-the G ude wth l a I dIîrctions for'he treamen ofqpnumoi Complaiut's to be had Fzee from- bT! Mn pI itle M aIdnL doue to order under:'the tndence ofafirt-lCasDresniàkr. Tailoring dlone t o order. Satisfaction 1guaranteed. kiýented , WOrk on cdresses, and, TWO Moilrs ta wark on coats. H MILTO0N &-001 H-ave now opened uqp ALarge SUck o0. - 1 ý. ý ,geG. 12- E, 's 7 i 'i 'J la u A ( v A T o H E NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW LUSTRES, (Ce1ebra-ed Brandel,) NEW PRINTS, NEW, ÇLOTHS & TWEEIDS, NEW RATS I& CAPS, NEW MJLLINERY GOODS;' NEW MANTLES, &o.,' &o. Clothing made to'.order in laÎest stylIes. NEW tM2AS AND -GROCEIRIES.- Whitby, Arril 6, 187M 1 That Navigation is open, and the Old Country- Store is receiving Fresh Importations of the Finest Teas, Cofl'ees, LDried Fruit,ý&,c., the cheapest and the best that the world can produce. Teas from 25 cents tao $1.25 per lb. No - ahange in the,. well hnown excellence of our Whis- keys, 4ranidies, Wines, &c. We have reoeiveët a large supply of Brier Boot Pipes, a gb y pSipst . 1 m T , NT. Garden Seeda o7f Every Descr'iption anelBest Quality. WlbSp.1,'84 Farmers.. before dîéposing of their Produce, ghou1d give VILSEANTUKS $20 ýZEWAERD. Whertas noce oparsons have beenseulg tht padklng sud i lfroc ithe car b=xsa this Eallvay. Tht ibove' erat 2wil be raid or th a sin n convitioln of hOiei ertly even that any psrties lond iouugtug anouni! tht Stations or o tht pro -aiftht Copay viiibe pro. JAS. HOLDEN Whity1 prilîdu, ~ Man1'g9birector. ("EEN8 HT TAYLOR~& McCANN, PBOPRIETOR9, Tht nndersgne ddar to iuform ueir fiaends sud the public thai they have laken tht above e l Icjown hatlI, vhù'h they have uevly fitted upnpud reno'rated, andput auto the>hast ci cader for the accomncaa. lion af guesla. ThtelBar,vlchisthe baud- sonies in cthe coun t, îaell aupplid viii the fineat brani aivines, liquons, and7i- gare. An~le acclamai mali! raocm lagcoi! stabliueg, box tall, 40. Dehached roaca for commercial travelîcrs. j. P. TAYLOB, -PHILfl 2MccAxN.' late 'ûi Torno. B IlRNS STILL LV1 BOSAD LLIG BOOTS 'AN EE' teAT 'IHE OLB STAND, 'BiIOCR.ST., s a eau, for if thsbyy want Cash,, the e u atit ' GOLDSMITH'S, HALL ments to Cash Customers ! - SARATOGA TIIUNKS> - &C&., Cie WILL~IAM 'H7rsxE Sadits. sud Harnes ax ileiý CAUTIONh MYÈILE-NkiVY. NONE .1S GENUINE .T ITCHES.H >Lasmith' a UH, WM1tby, April 7, 1875. 15 'EW JE WELLEI Y <STORE cg fiERA/j'8H01' Ni The subseribar having renoved 'te, and fitted up the pie '-' misas farmcriy oeaupîed by MiR. J. WuaiNreoN, as a Musieand 3evdllery Store, is preparci! ta furuish goade lu hie lino, iucauding r3r Pianos,, Organs, Glocks, Watclses, and eewellery, AT PAIR PRICES AND ON EASY TERMS 0O' PÂYMENT., REPAING lu aâi li branchie doue with neatuase and despatch, and satisfaction guarautÜed, sud at prios te suit the tices. If pou vish forais Or. gan, Cloak, Wstah, or anything ln cy lin., dan'i forget tht place-sud if you vlmh tnp af Iheuxrepaiiod, ho esure sud 'cal, (sud if vo asnol ui eau anvo iii nol carge You îuythlng.) Fariers' pradace laken lu exchinge fer gpodu. 92rRieeber the place- Wilkiuson's ?Blaalr, Brook Street.3Vhihby. W. H. NORVILLE. MILby oRuA CLE 101h, 1875.Es 1,000 Pairs of Ladies' Prunella Boots at 60cet per pair, TEE So opetéI-Gc STOC± &NS -STAMPEB TitEBE AIE'NTXMERSitoyiTAls sO TRE InÂSiTIS. .Tht aniy relabe Gi Distribution lu lie cauntry 1 IN' VALUABLE GIFTS 1 - tait dUstribui.d ilu L. D. SIN E'& 172 REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT EN24.!PRIBÉ i1 TO BE MOAN MONDAY, MAY bRD, 1875. 2170 GB.Q#D OAPITAZS BOP> 05,000 EACHINC4SH I1 TWO PRIZES $1 ON~ FIVE PRIZES 500 .Eaèh in Cash TER 2RIZES wleO> one Horst Èhd3 Bvith Shiv«-or'mut-, Ton F&Mcly SewingIfachines,vWorth 6100 Tire Goli! Wa$oh.I sudOhains, 'Warth 5500eaehI Ladies' Misses' and Childrens', Gents>, t Boys', and Youths' Wear, icaherday, lâtlt May, îtext, 1FridaY and, S4turday LEven- il 1Young 1IN. LL1vi T E A S y 1 I. To l' 1 1 1 - 1 1- Whi ROI ~RUSSELL ELC WATCHES, INWATCHES, WAL>rHAM WA' Il 1 , A l : 1 AIR Sizes -,n JOHN SATJNDERS. Whitby, Aprfl 20th, 1875& What are the Wild'Waves Sayiitgàgl> 1 LE,&TRER,ýrÀLISrS LPril 18, 1875. AND ýTew Goods to Jane 2-1, 1874. Hand-Great. in' duce- 1- B D. w 1-11 r-v:s -y- p A S PEOIALTY. iitby, Fabrury 10th, 1875. ?BTER. * SMITH. AT « iêïý '25'-750 1 Fine akné-IL P-E TE R SM 1 T Il

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