Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1875, p. 2

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rry Itoad- eau 01 ue Prof aryhaausir4a on other Rso0 TouilaftEllus4d ua5_Cl w Lande dyJIitha ste Tuall.c -l~1~4BOItIOrcn ~~'a, 1lo ked by a proces;sion iffantai V: Dept . . oé fOrange te kaap liva thea me *TnsnThrÈ,,Mlle ku i 'Crewu ctyO? am arrai w1îlch teck' place-t Omce d. Dpti.- e 4rn sagô in anu ioland tbxarethi Gifai à 1- 1l xDes off ubont questIons wh ÂuçUu 51# f LQs-. . iutkesee for 0123- rettonaèblebolna. For 0alea-Tla,, 1Eari. eoUidr daylte s treete are, bloched L b Procession lu Green,! thle ' ojecti Horme Si-lis 1 wWoh le partly te hie alivi-tbe @ai 'Ti u nomiou atfilea you Cati gel aMe cld.worl li t aen04 cf natiopa1 thse bents$.evai'al cuis to' select fr<om. ln a new wor1.d comm tya vayu zen of whlihonglt te ake it b i NO deiay. Out your hcrwe asutirente aim i b bxy -suob tfeca l uctdIth l.e clwuns f Tosc CuRoNi. unity cf a qommon allen. As it ÇL~.fl <e vae net enon -gi te haaoumn ti1te~*Y3t7lsea. ve te sectlcnalism, lie va*ýy beys canglit before they ha e Ilgiju te loi Any real opinion abtu Polit ne ut ~ and pftesed laie so le 'es wich plu '~9*~J4I> 'C'41U sthem I l ut cilonfu cfs naOuism te "'lu prtion cf thai fa ei.itlzei ans, toc picbabiy, peaate ONLY Se~e PUR NNUla!. the future ine rments!cf civildlc Then ir have ait sorte cf soclelles,e WIItyltursdaY, A4u1122,-1875.- bond c01irbicis aý,ppearsioo b. almply t __________________________lo'veof assscdation forieits cm «I me ni othena tracfng4 their desci Premonltons c( War lu Europe. fr8x111eMdlgs,1 h ,a - timE vwheîî violence prtévailed over la 'ihé P6000 bf Europe Isagain mearaced andi irirate eltizens vî>re compellacJl br Oeruaany. Belgtsm lhas long boen -combine for mutual - rotection, ti r ugr rd 41 ac:::os yeby-Bs.more pabybelong whlde under pnroeand May Jadeaci i suocsafl trmlsaîOn f tise war wib te rauder te , lil esy what lie oug Frane. Thse liberty cf.speecb tilloiedti e0etir a1e inutr o ahm thse Qathohe cIée o f the Klngdloeuina lty. But cf al, the. essoec tiens tise mi whilh 'is net qut. ýcompîînsentary cioesoesfl t h. e t llinitrt bnii cf urop', l lu li ars long compel cci- very wM thse Policecf tiie. uly0 rpei nCauri nada te yaail glaste teo o discusslng tise religions dificilty, l thse or flet, ocf tissus un 1i ta evotea lneMtOnce Pnt forward by ]iusarck as ic biï Publiec cuergiesa tet c finrtl4reanei caacf fefnes. 'llie ir6itule watt ai- fthoitsleegnîtsnd til t eleceaionc 'n.lor# Thisa calluti for 4explanationslte Party orgaus ycdurlteas ltlat]rsslthee Of Comm01a-tho lsuntits uass hav chu cdwhatmer indepsudence ut I]elgiascu bi-lug guarrcu. tqiltainoliat in aduisiro s tha~t te eciby Englaîs. Mt bpoiw, sesst wu rtishfviTObi lgb prini Germait naIte la cu ecutîo C-I f,iuu, plia :wlaadvvr, lier oay t bjeels in wbie fil wiAll it 5 M(itf4,t tjý,t Qhrnaciople ut lairge ara il teteate i n fi litwittai itLt titp, lii~ ]its bat lb' ii-rhtc2î,î ogoco. bery are,,i iL "172 a nuo.%' vt>t t4îO litunt- faft, ItiortiOiiOiuolrtit.côterC al atiittîra0of tIilnbti, kit tý ta ci~ 'i vOil 01, poLitiCin us pliUy flea i aNln-interosta of ithin politi oblgrtiai ctLj lilVfrt ? U ~*',ont Ili e 1claîcbt iti pîi'lliîtr.ahava accanlt re? tcf naîtsaity of lit-o p lý,tion, uc-a r.' siegardseis l iîereit of thl te tisa 1'taweat's arantic-itig thî-Lt Uutttiub i-V hwvave unue. are alto cîtttl, Thltîni t-îeplîa. X 1îi 0iiljlitvA ha d ivi u lion eabiesiLs Ii-ililt i1ruaieîpli> te --ts cfc e lia u, on cl ihnu auswor tbe q'if .",1n'. 1 pu t l ,iclia '-f!e'î' avittansd ta b) ivaî l tper -ijeltiith u1;- of a - t Ihirc1îe tili-t i - uhy thcTc ry loader ni thiiettltit. t, tîgiîit -t ,,îii e,îLU. 'Ma- iUand ithe Crit a ou01 tii- ad ili ilat nàtilh i i un cvoizu cd, nti isa lIcr Mi' -ily' Ga'~î-a he îc~ca4o wmlii t1tA fartai-ICh'1,wlîhio ht- .knfew a tty." iiVaplitlale 'Ir(i.,l ilit oqt, obe.lionnI iairc utl filc glu w - t.,fcit, caliais-N, %vit).1ýlaî ii' uil cat ri -lIh basi- oS'lcea1 wir ilers a u4 iillions of JIhatr4Llo ff itt-ait-s-t : ,Ibl i 1 1 vtcit rcrl o.denunloî vallslig ut l;ttt, tsi~uni prttiif tiicîastihey (gFV'cte % aril QE cCire watllig veh.utilw th fiistprpesbjmimi. peopleo làuelite I's, ýre&ding tnayi!bhlor îlu ail the crîrtoîimra goua-r. th- uowepapera ou botit s Àfce ui]- get- ai tîrltesi at--tsr t-uî'sî l wiuil in; a glisupse li in lte1011wness of the undoîbtdi. bt-oma it cat, cati l wolo systeru, iigfisi Lulnto t-hobfait undoibtdlybc-cwil fi cas Oftilai-habit et - titisrking, for thtýmuc1ven and - ack i ton the hîîlcapettîlec fLBel"itim. tuiglih eseiiasatu giî i - larty leadus-. B]t the-lai nserý_rends The Eiectiorr Petiîioil.,;for Nortli and oniy nn W .1 .vriih ttoai lina - ' ~SoutOntario. %week Aati e~ cl i ihspt a Tit lia,- fu'perfection'cf ai t .atrlclîsw anal wisdom, Teiefr1iîearfng te petiilns andt bat lu tticktug i t lay lita cul] agtins us rlutn f lte emeraativthope for i' lf andilita country. The 1o cr Nonsantd Soulit -<>ttariî.y ltas j-ý bvgosl la -pretnai vitn Ita a a etgtiboctiliîti r *-Mostdlay, îîarty mas in ; but tliefr~ a neot the tIth Mtay. for (lite lteariîî il iflitu lu sow lis ta chako lia ith..Ail ho -NothOltart)peitonala riliT; 1us hd ta d0io ta'ta e 1 iimli Nos-lt Onlrlo lstitoti, taci lîur thty ie fruits of hi18 pi-iitierai afioî-lQasc te -- - tht I 11, luif ilt' Ontario. i11ti. local con-tsite aqsurefl iiu, wm- te Mr. JuiltieL '%Wiltt iin tIsa' Elctionu t tem andl thoe e Lînn wliscu-t tcy J Julige, irecie-s'e thîtî01gMr e, i"stc- ctitmcly, te - - --. - abtcli i sicagl o vubtlnail Bothite' Menibers for Hamiltioti Untahltûotlites'liarty Mniai- Ilir ily, caînvasa sesîrd. met-tiici-rgctiriatly azid cor cltibarber ta - - -îili._ b o eas te iicep ]is a ars well losed ant i îsvci' lu show hinoelf îThi liluiltoii leletili Catdi! b e ie isîti. Antiliilsetaelaithat -.- trie t liatisi ciiy on uerts ly belore ibis wonld go- ens for ever-. Wlcoevcr 'Mr. Jufitice Wil8qtî. T'l ititingulmm-aie itiglît waieo, telitai>01:ltianconuti bers -wtrs' boius fittuti. Titere watt rPosa lu "ie conifertablý conviction V onily unesieftexatin-if, Johi htth znrDowa f ~a sleep. Dut à atetrIlie swos-e Ilat litevoteti for -.-----.- MUtîsera. Wtod said Irvittg a i te eleclion CCiOt<tiT.-AI hRlt adjeurî e Cti eUig lu Janisary, 1874, anl ihat lie seçeiveti - fcicieaer-, lbeld 1 Ob Menday aven- *'21- from un agenitinamlet Michtael Ùu9, bistre mas a largo .aibendancie. Thte lttaloue- for labos' cf Ititnstif ailil beor'eifllowittg officîs'a avare eloèeatirPrei. antifor voing. Tite ceouataifor flicte.e( aen,-Mr. 1IL H. Lawder ;¶Viceprcai. spendent atîmiti titis case of bibary tient-Mu'. C. E. Rlay; Secretas'y-Tras. ily au agent, anti ju'Igma'ut wsas given -11r. J. 13. Laing; CpauM.Hon. * accordigly. - -- sy Oier; Cotumitto-Mýasris. Samn CoVrdI t t e s bcMayor- cf Lindsa ayj . airalani . er, Ts -Caui~u e Maisîrtas, a(imisalou fae la placed ti i$,boys lin. der itein41,andti; as la'geisumubar - A tseasizs orlia osuiy of V-a hvegiveu fiti bieir naines membera, - - taislilt lai ei,' vdCo f l tia-lub 'lbetou.t-ba nna wa~yeii-ueaiàgaint Mr. Mgniretits etrbolifuacill. d-thr rîa' bu'IU4, took pae î tt ctt a le epadthere 'Mili be C.largo il faut.., aitfise Atvaucei cge of c-0 y ruse. teradaîsca. À numiber cf liadietr a siel. Sir JoTÃ"hà Guay ok asxtalico i-, rt lu lin"- lickaIs. auëli, av-o trni, h a-e ye tat al titi puliical stnasggltîs au'llqtciitît nt I itlt'theu fir5 refusai. Au tîcei. uffeetiltg Ireiaiu. 113 ara- a Iruatetilonttprogr-ame la hiug piepar'ct, lu - ialeaicf *oCniselî, alikma-i at-at a ihIsa nusisen cf WhtbJ,favirti hnul prl~ient lu Itdticosausci a nim arie uanneunedt e loali as-I iets. lBc issoeeof tae auomhteliîl  ait ~s Irlaismen mise refaiseal ta jeith ie younug Ilisseon Su ol,48 omk G, e 'L Ileyl IelanstiParty At tisa lime o e? icr e- veatfes, anotîter o? lite puplia of fle ession frourthle pealera, butlite was, N ib ig col a ' ite , notwt»inig alil alusways tahemed tiI oa ttercu r t olg iby puel aud fougue, a pronouncei a . gli90 ta stts ecn r~t olg t.iuatot , M§lf j)ýtqtâL'ho as examunalions. Mn, SylveatEr iras one Ieulls. -Elmeh a s'oiatnthamascf u' iikland's fos'mer panpil. Hi Irafuiec f te Catholla causei, antifM.Kin-7 adgaute .D X lsshure-ln o Inlg away ts Catis. entup 1 '2tat ga~tt .P elle dîsabiis ;ils;ati111 mre remnarie. Tis lisaethird golti modl aken by sui, Ii, apî~ ltellroenaltl baibeu pupils et Mur.Kijaai -for luseatisais fcaty yqars tise- eaaling Tizz litEsmeuzn BAmAiÂ..- lfr. Dlicc. -ClslOle Journual cf tbie-countZy. 'The 'er la stili untiar examination, ant iltuhUi houer of knlgistiootiwàas eoifis'rsd coursa of hie exAmican teyla upon 14m on acOunt Of hie connection maie mîvettil admnissions miiihich tel a. wIi tisahesautaryfinpro-emisxl -cf lb. vcna@ilyte iii dafince. lIissss.twepls.-...... ~ ~ - -EXSmCaUT'a'u AL-SPOCsat attention Ma. lafceue ATI ONS ice a't> aL iladusectad ttabise Exicntor's tale cf tise apgulut lise Globe sud 1the Iîarkham esiabe ofthe lai tobert Smliili, te takre ~eeson~s hao binpesîponedtao bhé Pla"e On Wednasa bl, ts M ey. oele SUier suil mnzs la counqueuice cf tise 'Ars MOeVary Vainabin toutý lots sud *absence.oe?-.mateali iituoeses-for tise farta psoperity to e a airetiil éeworlhy dsf~ee. - - sîattetioni.c u#OBANG Eeic tiTiL-Th irs Ssi- ,Tua îtNousaîz#Ja," tise aùrtirnamii cuùb f ti@Isnov journal lita. neaCheti ef.unuis ,apjteats*lu oilsr oumil ii ý.~p~~t 4 watly Igel ueassa mil Priâit- rua tisgu-n =on leIIse1oh oti be. ~mo~iis alare aen o!lu.tirean 'Port Hope anai Iio m r. euntuwhlob, nnotietîbt, e'll Le s- R'» àiaaCtSxvtleaRvi Pa- Oer .- Hydén'a place ab Duffins' i W- SCOTT la0te l'ecelve a - 9,1tI in te 5upremèiCeu"' BOOTSMAND SsitE....-$ aoit SuPfTir r t oI0'u' ut tof 1r. -n 91 18 9 liy ilhe mania. wmaz5, dao L. Opýig'book minci tisey irounte isohol,ý 0, aa cxxect preparing-lhamséivesý mliii Ije correct rtlsograpisy of diffiuait i worti,aud uiuouge tise Young ladies bise "'attlwpnny' lu aleaÈfu1Iy long Wcrd te Opeil, aYoung Sady lu lova la s'- rportailite hava salaite bher Young Mau > tli.eoobbeulagisl, vo afier- four yeura' ýt eourtsisip bacul tisecuruige to Speak atbis minai, andteal "ltse-dace, ever neir." Ha -grssped bise it anti lier a band th le asîtpe instant-andti liy- 1Say lis noir ixeti for tise Quain's birbis- day. - lu bold of a good yife awakiug lier bus. baud laot Th ur à ay eveuiug, tellng hlm taIttere mire b ism'gIn te bouse. aceipily rieplieti Johnu, anti covériug bia heael wibh tise blaukets iras again lu - l'.arme of Morpiseus. broke eut publiaiy ai a -meeting selti in the1 rooiMssof tisa Young Men's Cbt'iatiast Associaion laut Frlday evening, on *vueS occasion te rooms mrd croird. id lýeaxceas, tisa audience being largely Aomposeil cf latiies. Sliou'ly aLler aiglis e'ciuek, tise cisauir ai bakîn liy Mn. A. G. MaMillan, isariislir, vise lati beeu uuaulmonsly ebosen pronouncer for tise evening. lierai. Mr. Giibs antiMu'. Willis (of lise IHcnry-Sbrcet seheol) set- id as referais. Messtrs. John Bullan- tyne anti Gao. Hl. Hum vire cisosea ieatiens,uul.fter considerable tilffeulby, cecasioneti by te diineinabion of tany to tll misaI bbey kueirabout olsga phy-bte aides mari complet(t.Sot OfR.J. Med6nU, endeilng issn siguation, as a nember eoftisa Boaruti -&ohoiTrustipl Ou motion of Mtr. Fuasé ui eti iy Mr'. Farguson, tise peitileao Alex. ,Alexanterinar efèrennae t-Il weiglisng cf ceai iras reférred te tl commitie ounTeôwn Prcpas'17. Ou motiioncf Mu'. Pilp. sacfedti Mr' Draer, th1e pebiblon- o! ,Bkli Roàitiantiobisers wusarefarrad. t,> Ii cosamittea on sîrceOt. Mu'. Harper bronglit up.tise ath repor of tise Fiance commlitteuma. on Mt. lion titi couneil i intcaIe omumlttef tisareon-Mu'. Cameron lin lie chair.- Tise report was afdoptai racemeidz payment cf accouni cof the. Myr 2& 75, paiti by hlm for dusbnimenth conuiction 'tith thse proceïilup I Oeenra tise Watson bequoeftth ie tous. Mr. Hlateli brougist up the report o tise Relief committee, usIehusacen. sideret inlucommittea of cf1 he isole,- Mr. Harper l is e ôe,--and adeptes reccmmendlug paymett et18 te wuzl Till for coffî, ho., for Mrm. Bindon, 'anti #4 te St. Johs' Chncis for burinl Mu'. Ring breught np tisa report ef lte abaudlng acmmittee on'ire asu mater, niai eh "pasati through cons millie, anti *2550.orderid te bu pald te Meunrs. Toms sud Newport for rn pairing andi alterng hose cart, &o. GenÂ%;TrOiR THEpe r ELLeira' DE.X'OSI STRa-TIOsÇ- On motion cf Mr'. Pilp, seconded by Mu'. Draper, lise concil veut inti cous mittecf lise itou on th1e fohiovini communicatuon froteuxl.C"sarman sut Sicritary cf te Building Commlttea cf tise OtitiFalloir. Whilby, luth April, 1875. 'Ta ihie -Maior andi Couneil Towofo atlénusemeul n-. cscliaisIl Tuemn LGMcNaaîu In ltise montb of Angust, le fumilastaeîîrticipaîe in fe licnraich. 187-1, tlita intlensigneai obtainet i fou inacie se nulmes-or as tlite aiost pain- the' mli Mayas-, Ms-. Graeuaocl, peu'. ofnlij nJinly.' ifa -thag ce'ie:c nfer- t-le OditiFeliomai' Baiitiing 'nte Mn. Simucon lFt-oser lacIl lnkt. afihautnAd oi te ilb ,aaoacnpy the lcsrn 'li," attid miiav<as proruipl>'accaptei, hll i lduiang said al ltsepuhlid groundts ti- andtihie tmo guat1nîenia avieegrecleai connucliucl lteumitt cn 24liîMay, 1875, w mih chsu'rsaid 15ey rnga-al h-însel-e-sfor, theopiarpoei f hoaling au Otîi Fal- Sitlsltae speliere. Twetity pps'ecîcs tooh lot-a-e eitonslnation, avilt speeches, poai icii this atih-1cW.ca aon a l. taitlii rc;c: ulxa ci'axi-iVa aaav (c0icaiaitac asli yen b aonirmn O coJh Bal:1in ýise ltai proinle. aai gîte lte nicuaisan> A aasc-oits JihSalyu itttilil, pennuit ici aa-iing. nLoltie Tyo, Miinulie Hlamilton, Canna The prospogeil gitt esing hiais istuieti nD Papp, anti John llryan, lit-taiGitîuo:t, mitia-art' proortionss tl!ta su ata la Cl-asý. McGillivnai:,'e oracle Sleii,2i'tim. fLu-t ouaapi-he. iginatlli il as l' Cltnbna s- yr nuti on int aciiffedtoliavoi-o alulocal, 'but it is ' cttcn de -ocIl. il Harnii-eader),inon.-becaraiig iteticoinal, antd dout- c10 laae- Magîgie Rosis, Jenuie ltte-,Bei- listise gaîc'ng miiibe lte las-geaI 2.la Couttil artti !Sircuotaseuanr, 13'eti aidmostnoatluotitiai cf aiuythiig o? tisai td AnuSi., Wi. IHuston, 1lhur>' lins, Jas. chaec-ctor oer ielorelilis titis 1Pro- -:Millet-, and - Mois-ctaft. - inece, lu atditian te -dietingaisaeai c- ll ia:-:a:uaeCOMMEtistu:cEP i)meriie.n genthemen, Ibere milaiea> ha g9 sborlly bofot-e nine o'cloaulita m3 o-ils pre;iPnt comas cf tise fit-at mua lu the bt-iinig epaltin luia regultr estier of lte Douiinion. ISpdllarsasc ttise>' sat, Raialteiauallu l'O cii0 au aafiy Cars-y tItiseut nttees- Sfroinioui sida to tisa otiser. The iret elrl!y involv-es a large expeudibure, but tiOrementis mes-e e-sai'tpait b>'thelite 11e, If an>', shortoncf *1,000. A fer hoïeuriis,isutltlit uina, I" gievgtsca," citizaus cf itis tom bhava gauerously 8 pro-vo-J fatal te ills Miac * e Ross, wvis ubsenibeda aoul *40, anti we uer ré- 0 tu'ausposctl lte -e, anti aIreanles-ri spactfully ask your cenucil forna reason- 0te correct liensetf camec bon laie. AIl ala appr-opriation te assist i makinýg 9tisa mords given ont at-'re comecti> tisa damonstration cne rortittie torts YspehI for a nhiIp, anti t mos-k hi- anti s esedit le aur people. 0Came omemisat imuotnosus. Tlitan Signeti on beltaIfot ? l dielloirs' mus ne noticeahie occurrence until Bauldinsg Association, - Elllsaxre" évas baphlcalIl"-ei-t. -e"b' ILB. TAYLcOR, iJ.H. PEuR, t John liit-ytiaud lire altera, ahicis mas Secretar>'. Chairman. not tise may il vas pninteti lu the book MnPilpsae itihseaofr froua aii t litc mords more given, but nier.ing biteduciambcoitîm asofr itae ceni-aicîniEs xf tlic speiisr a -rs man-lisaithlie natureclitapialnmgt - ical ani itscsuoncetentlie ico bch fulI>' indtnslooti. To lise final part a-rai at-long aîas-u'îceiveti mithIilasa p tIses-ecoulai ha nn ohjetiený as te te plus-Jolintutnoniplo-a-ntll reuuanking use of thes loar bail, &0., for Se iselieveaij ltnt t"bcincv.- lie ma iulitI." I"Dia- vr êtenuatii oni or hihia-g" Cavali te i'etiretneiîlof wmi. w i-rer]'gtleman rut tue Counefiliati Chsamtbers, andtIltcalant-b" ,is wmistaialla ilu iefch Matandtivieei h oe.R -Fred Auia-lîecoulant apel il. Mat nviiega lr u ytia te p ofr. ha tens ment susoothul>' again for aw ltombala asaht inis unti 'pogant" lis-oveci a mîte o veiaen~ yltIbs s fls pocnn apîtition, audti lithie clark motif>' tIa Heur>'y ts.,Jouît ]ryau, anti James parties btoiisaI effeci. Mileit hose s-ncitiins of ils stirtegnîa. TIti motionî mac teclaraiticarniaci. phy meea inic1u ant i a-ed, if i-tiex- Ms-. Fairbanks rnovet'a hat tise suast ctly core-t. AIttis stage of tise pro- cf *100) ha grautei leta eBuildinga caî,dings, Mr. Baliaubyne hsallilest ouiy Associationi cf lte otiiFeillovsinluse-. tare, utile ou Ilse opposite aillei four ttI contiance witlithtie prayer cf tise pîtiticu.c tinappei eut. Tisa aides;, Iltomven, mas-a Tisa avrti-,Ilfor tise purpose ofassisting0 n}icioi> equalizeti, Cisisney-cGiiiivi'ay in ltae celebntiou of lise Quîen's Binbis- ant is sleadier- mtiriug on Ilscitmalie" cia>," mirasubsequeuti>' adaie t ite antýi"s]'uonymeue" s-îspcclivahy. "lAes- instance o? tise mayor.à mu" ant i trlteunmatisma"mat-e easily andl Mn. Camas-en seconaiedtihie motion. conîcî>' pei b> tion rasn, ite Mu'. Farguson oppoeithelb resoîntion uaia'ely î'esarkei, as if lu explanatsoný upon principle. Tisa grant ras wrong, t bisatIl be'ti ad 'eus;" anai bis retire- antilise centanila t haItteconn.cil hatie mueni frous tisa matais aas solil>'dutinonbmc igit te tuka tite corporastion tuntis Ct ]lis insante idestisait ties-e mesire oPisanti bandt Iem o-rer te s Led>' oniida C lu "apotlîsgni." Minai. Hamiltonugave lthi corporation. l tae correct ostlsgrapisy cf tise word, Mn. Fairbanks isallnti ar o rs andwa lodl cherd. orce iegh herasointioý,f n, unouhmoufeeling speiheti, "s'ente" r-o-e-t, tsmidist laugliten, 'iai nol sitewn te make thti grat. Thé anti au tise -menti bin; oxplainedtie grant roulaiSe fer lte celebralion cf i hlite booaai>'remamiac t atle hi e eu's Birtda>'; imilar MgrAuts h liaî heen boliisoir te spellit;l;ie aras, rare madieiseretofora b>' ltaecouncil C cf course, allometi te kcep lus place. feor ttesasma pnmpce. Tiseoui>' differ. i, IlG'r-a-m-m-a-r" gronsmar, mas 'an- scmas liai tise celeatinti ec nouneai cors-tat, accerdiug te Webster wuanm tlerte drecton IbfslImae anti Worcester, thte dton cf lise Gaz- oudl S and ttise dinicues. etts I grmme " e te cntrry o-tise Building , Association moult ha st wilislsuding. Bella Conitisard aima Fred trustais of tise moue>'. Moes>' ad i Gibson "lrantianveuti" togîtiten-butbinvetosmlaocsosluo-e net an>' more in lise matchi-tsaitword env tedn ieMeianiocaionnCo.c caneing Iliemte lerte th lein places nechion witI te eha c'Instituts. -raant Fie o Mn Balenyuae ade ifs. Carn gu aliehasecendeai tisa vnet . Pemive of Mr.tile t oppociue nion, becinst lte amcnnt ashei for Ni nowlai onix'utin - fi ui' haiever, iiite 'as les-c liýsn 5tal beau given uponA. colil 01iy iniste ilor. Rvie Las-musa'innrocioins for clchnuiions. RHi ' rînks eof lta furiier more 'ary rs-îiiy d'5not expeet ilcere wenlii Lave lîsun - 'lîuone, uhilit afor splling'ù i- ou]ppogilicu ote Iaii-nt. siîii i hiai i erto! '0 ,met'n- 1,10m,'Bletcaa.: onmeltiuçrof 1fr.w wtt-iut ~ r't-t5faper .oîsstpini ;Tithtitn eillutni- eltnupicî- ~ i'roaecn st-'ies ro;itirnes altes- cases. Tut i 'aal io h-atrtgi f; dFIoshiar paît alifauiliangverv Qi i-tivi e t'icat; u-inuteataof e pnitig onedtabli b l tietaot-a, anti unclen luese 'I IIt'iuiniu i4lu.nect olietht listutsealtlo gai-t-th ii"t " t-hica"iltaTlta's chasucts f-r cnutuîuc a rsdsocil ist ftîti ciT, of n c-te In, - L"asii-e fliai pîtition. t-a ta ot, i-ittoui 1inni-mriit-aiiîo-afai - Dnpný cingral.uatil th ia' lsI c icr:-cly hinna' itut haitau-itsnticet-ril p ifilpin iia hhenalit', uantidit ivil ] Oliai-a~rtnî lii',eîa litii -osciul spoliaVailufor. thcpotion of lte toavui P l0 at' -artit lir, eut- cfin o p n'awtcich b l Mn. D.) s'ipsosctuîl, thaI ou ar cne-. 8113, lii-1s-e- itlpollcti l pile- .1, Iiohiiogcaa rG cln cifmrei nil liotosuy "-hardi>' ;,,fi ori na, ,e-uneof « a ai-aasitling iecei ti ti rlîence ilait-ut-aI t lsik-au lt t- liOll Plloa-c'afor their fiua ailti- %vcrl beinp ýcors-uctly p-ierand n' ing ut-ui iseieveai thatibheis- icrsevonance as lisen y oc p. anaplpnieaspirit mena avoulhy r ecagni- a posito, tu Iatlît asuslostt-nid caon. tion-ailtîoîgîlie tlusît admittisait liée Tisa rataiuîg four cilice vicierions Itaci necuvea ne aaPrncuagmntl itA io Iea-ne,'ceulinuciepeiig- iiouiin peihencour(agmetin)foi tîtunlienient," "commrittes," "iiîbuldng-rei'sh," Laghtr. n ttkali-iioaope,~tiinunnal" tui .loslTîte> lia t lacoelider tisaitIbis grant di af aord meta cni'etiy nidei anoti mas askeai for tise ceitisraliou -o? tise Rain îltae es-rissbîcare monoteouînsQueens Ilinihli>'t, wiicis neo.ionis usull he sotransnosition of i andl yjinu oulai i-e lovey-"aIolrétic as nanal in Gi Isihyl "George Ham antiJînnie Roasthe iti 'Ã"d lëll?èiwseeuci- VU rolis'etl anti icat aIl intenee in tise con.sînaion wmeçl-tlract à1 . go.usie teat. "lScanlalina" camiei off Mn.o eeeiL'.1î-*h- e-i*-liÇ fcm-àte ail Moc'raft, iriseput iluaanle ineteatiofc? ted Staies q W' . ro,ýÂn h a, sad thea word hcing propeniv rnuer- t wose aaidreases ta0rouli * *gre sau cd b>' Wiilis Huston, liei asuvueditsonnaieofgrstiflaatiep*fou' Ilhe ppe oPn liai bonor cf Ilspalling domu' 5Séuthne H oil arei tisaItisa pria. arovdtheli anucneient Seing recîiv- cipao attgso rnsrmnlq eati vloua apisuse. 1 hý y-correct ; but fer oaa roula e i h ver>' r iO Rev. M.Gbsmaliaig,lun avey n>' ianci, tle ve #100 te lUc remaries, engrstnlslng tise a3piîes ' 2saciet>' tisatput up a ssmllar uilai. hi ou~ tieaclaa ftsSalsgaplo> ngl, j auitIse casa-1-- ba-Insis ----upu-a i Re ln ut D. Of Df Rhilp,andthe Ma or-9_; L Nays, Messrs. eirgusoti, Sud il Tbi ià 1ommittes btome anti r.euloai< Treaolullons--tseyeas anti naya ýbel Icallecl fôn by 1fr. tFigasu vIls'< te sue risuslt. - - et - Mn. Blowr mev iaI 111 te résignati -o! Mu'. Maadon.lil beacepted as ïei t rustéu,, t lat br. F_ Vanvooti -nomlnsteti' à :ea id nlpoe i 19 jabla place. -r Mr.Fegcu iîggîate t he name t Mr'. Ring coulai -nol underetaudti 1-oLject of the mener linsnaking tlisons )f luation ne'W initia et àltlng antI! by-Iav vwu Intredtwed anti tissu dli, lu tise narne. î Mr. Harpbr sug;oId that 1Mr. i -doaesllarsga ss-oacpei io tisaI 1r. Bleu glrsunotie. of by-lau. L'Mr'. Draper salid hea sAne réeloolie tien cf emer usa'sla misasrésolutl -brougbt Loferis ttonil. Thore ve msny cases o! th .seau p ta&nos o! rosi -nations, bat nonsconpliug one ulth à olhiu appointZut. Hi commen tg upcu 1the unussW course, anti theui, that anlean Mr4Blo* vas 'puIepae aubasit a by.i-lseyth aboula nIge fu ther t tisuhie, MOZtIoeacospî lu Maodcnefls 's ragnlon. Mu'.,Bleu aquieaîd in tise sugge lion afler exjnati6a ou his p art, ai amandet i bismotion, anti atterwa gave notice ci a by-lav. oomv' a -imoy. Mr'. Draper teporteai trous th. stang fiug- committail su straîe t mud-c inents on tlissnuatter, tle Ithsfollo0 efroeî: Thal lte commiltai bati exa ineal into tise anijeet o? tisa putilion1 Timott> Coffa>' sud etiers for tI opeung c? thse nuad siomauce aut : Nor*u-west angle cf lot 27 lunlte 2n cou., ant lti isving istitise subjtd unattar o? saiti pîtilicu bafore the conr cil ocn former tîcasqions lthe> aumn resou for aicnirg lIse previonsiy ei presut iloinuion titat ltae orporati bi ta uaiticienl inlerest lu thei i len le mit-trant use expetcitoi-e( mono]' ltcsnt vocakibu retiieti for Il put-pos' Thto -entrt va, couteicleneti iniCa. muittus ofltaea'itci-Mr. Tlouluaocs tisa eialr-eisure erplanations met-e giN un ty Mesisrs. Draper, Phiip,Blow,Hari er,anc tise Mayrtyc a te theisanla cot struclion cf -tise iot'il, tisa pomersc corporations. sigiseo? pnivate ludivid nuls, &c., andtihie report adopltd. M. Draper, secoatid by Mu'. Camar on, moedtitisi lie Mayor, bassat Fairbanks, Donorafu, Pisilp. said tl moyeu' fonus tisaCounI oflevialon fc tise pniient yia'.1 Mr. Ring, secoudiai b>'Mu'. Hatl la. amencimant uxovedti ltMeanr- Draper, Tisompacu, Firguacu, Harper anti Blow te suhatibuteti. Severai oflthe mouxer. aliselsime lo e éacluateai by au>' feeling luin l malter. Thse amautimeni masbls, Miers Hateit, King, anti Fergusen ouI>' rotini tfor il. Mr'. Ferguson, - scoudeti hy Mr Hateis, nul moeainuamuadmaut tbi Messrs. Dqovan, -Harper. Draper King, anthte movres, foriutheis Cour cf Revisiaus, andtihUe vote baing takai lisera appuaracinufuvor of YîAti-Messrs. Blow, Ferguson, Har. pas', Hlcs, King, aund Tiîmpsonm-È. Navas,-Messra. Camneron, Druecer Fairbanks, anti Pbilp-4., Amentimeut declaneti carrieti. Ccuucil atijeurneai. SoorTIISiucoE.-Tse Referus Couver. lion hall at Cookal-eru on Montiay n auimoual>' neminateel Mr. George Din. wootie, o? Ciovar Hilh, as tise candidate ru? tise Party'. MaiNs-usAisWsesu.-At a meing O tise Rafonus Association, on Widncaday, Mfr. Peter Donovan vas nominateti s tise Libenul candidate for Mentresl NWamb, in tise Local Houai. A delîga- tien araiteti on Mr. Dononan yistards; said ho lunu'epiy, deelared ieisacceptane if tise nomination cf tise Roforux Assoe ciation, andl Win stand. Ris views are said to ha lu accord mli tistse o? the Tampirsnca men. DaaFJÀi-ras01UAGE'aosç aCItexzISNAt. -Five cane cf guupovder, pîsaei luint baisket, vire lef inuthis vestibule cf St. F'rancis Xavier'a Roman Cathlic Jiturcs, andtihie matariai ontaide tht taseket mas iret. Tise plot vas dis. covîrîti b>' ti sexîcu, andtihiebsket isrcmn m tiste stresi, uhîre four of LIte -an--xlotcti -iti-o epa J. W. Caimpion, firaman lu Gecrga -retties' sisingle factor>', ail Cummina- ril1e, rsili in tise set of ciling ltae an- one, secidinbly feu, tberehy oausing las cloliig te couse in contact vils a saft, çÏbichw oua prebabiy bava ne- site inu bis death ita ibe net isat niauence o? mina -engs tothr*cu cff habit ana ti bp tise machinèr>'. Il ne- julrd b-ha assistancec? saieaof tise bter min te relîsie ii frout bis peu'. lous positicn. He receiveti see »ere, Sutii. F4our isundaeaanti aigluly.tineimmi. ratt viseosme ont lathe e taasip anuxatian te Perls"t, arrinîa tib-lte ramenis Junation, Montreai. TiirI>' bithsau reussinet inlaMcntreah ; 420 ieré going le rareous parts' et Ontarlu, *'eafy o? tiseuxte Ottawa, andti rt>'. L-e Norueglanu vo-O booketi te Min- isola. Excapt tisa latter, lsey *iré- rineipal>' trous Enianti, sug nimim dl farus labourer. sti-imrfuuis tonatabui porliou-beingomall chla- A BU! aoning- Mecdyanti Sankey osu holding meetings in Hir lfajisty'n par Holu. vas fli ba abt--cunars -50 cnscf tise huilaing ssaai ble orîi"i g à"e hmsbssbeau post. inea fravklucouseqpanae cft an niormaitn uiaÀha BIIL Th rdnesa eeextnho r.nrosaq A;i 'i;:- k CERAUGIS AT ATREuLY. - u 4 vp,>>utheotiM 1w.' Mr. L Rnsedy lait thIa -Village somae 'gentlemsen'n-îlto Gan 'moque te miel t ime aie sud ltek '4 us resIdoen u -bl, Iath i ,IfferiiesIl Bafuxan < le- thse Orilia wsre ho nov punieas thenier. 'acciétetls uarehetin uproession,-isded' lssg canlie business. Mr. guider cf Pater. by bandis, but vlisenut lisou regaila thse boreugishan talion ttis awmll haut by te tise Graand Trunis station -oeavaIt Mr'. Kennedylisaandisd ding as tise arrIvi et tise train. A bearty vil- -lm. well ai eau bc axpetedw Hi han-taken coinesiras given te rev. gentleman n uo ont a large quantlty cf basvocd, asu- aligbtlug, and7 a , roeusiou easbtn ion togs iyWâ theapt viatar sud lutenda fôrmathé lise siop ouykg.s atI- piae éeexteuiniy l il ai seme carnage, dravu by fou r"ua bi, wel asm l- tiasier. Âtiseriey fornosea visn thse marcs te tiecily.cocnmoneoî. i m es p ut prose ut iquita awue b'e g eue A tdjffarent p intà a on' l is r ut nsd appiarance, »amislingco. I "fieltinluther parts o eiseaty i&s vaved i l ci sbithi'.Desertiti Village." H13ovever, iscnur cf Di. OBriin'sarrvaunt ' a ares su o ioligmÏore proigog. tise striaIs mire Mid ultis apiclte,* t tisé M., acbMyers, the vall-ka.,is atimany of visome virê freux a ditance.* pepitiar uilva rgn nti'sàtr, lias pur- About ire o'aioek lise procession resais- bise ciaed Mu'. A. Iu adys iosery a d th 1e Cathedral,- mien an adiea vas ans aM u pii uis ie<iisad ret by Dr. BSullivan te tise Bisisop eleet. hs tos are uznlug s abrigister - i. apat. Mr. HEury O'DîflDivisionMas ounel- addt court Agent, 'rovnslspClrhivas- lu a puet t tta -lfaut bhiprettilial April lOtis, 1875. P lu apa9si l on ii Mesubers ail present;-lise reeve«-lu goti 1 E NI NOK EOAP.L - thse- aiair. A communication froxa W. iare Titis iportant ontletfwàm thue &:.UttY MaNille,>Enq., relative te remoivai cf Bg- cf Victoria andtihie t6wassuip et lia fences anti ereeing sair wbridge on la- antis portion of Mars, lnceluding ! Fi F air Valley roand, ira laid enlise table. ted Valley, je lua à-mont deplorable utatu; leelrk bandet inlaàa iaterneînt Cf se- 911, cross maye aresac-ade combat bridczu, i of non-residînt lantatx as laken tb ultisontpropeusidi-rslls, noms prtaly ý sis frcm Countý Triairee'n-books, ir. sweet away hy tise spring feaêtliau g ot eulr eoas U.portions cf ttrdi udtd.AlIbýhis 1number det -g- s * issd'ided -lu. A 'O-atate cf thisia l cvg tb apatisy of tis carbificata of,,.k doue on rosaibetweei M-Goyrrmant e e a srcad te oneof 11 ad12 con, ountiug te $52irs te olniainrone whe 'f0 n ý ir _l ooiaja rsi ili aaeil by Chas. oqLesu, eusia rais leads te valuable trace Ã"! landi in-the sioer. The folleulugciseqes ka ccusaly cf Victoria (Nortis rRiding). A; granted . Chanles foeau ma.rk onc f evw au &go àa muan amopunt cf money ai lots 5 ant inl 12111 con., Sb. 'YIN.F cd- Zvisr wvasexpneudti Y, Mu'. JudaS, Paterson, Esq.. fisluin uit Saut. tra vu- supitendent, wus, it la salai, Abseluta- vi. Corporation, 05; le MLs? Ing 1y Ibrev ay udyani asteti. Il is removing anti hurnitsg logu, 38; Joinft ,M. latedth iat Mu'. T. Paxton, M. P. P., Steel, amount paiti for dufling idi cf lias obtalueti a mmali grant te aid lu lino 10t11 con., $2.50 ; H. E. O'Dill, lie umproving tise rosa tatisIha experts axpenses mhile searching County boche, lii te persuade lise Govarumenî te ibili *#3; iHart & awlinaou, -townuship blauks, cci furbtier eniarge il. Smnul amounns cf slationîry, &ç.. #13.10;; Mr' McCoy,E ,ct mcney miiile iileraliy naîleas, for tliseclc'aring omn bail, #*8;Fiorence O'- in rosai nequires thorouglc napair froin ils Loary,gwooti for teme hall, 75c. Mr'. n omencement on tise Ratna -Iloadte faMeleulie aas icutnuctedt te procastd-in.l sI it-caosent teninination oi t-lita ]obetY- rauîoviug fputes and lu arnect a item Sgi-a Ion 1-oi. If titis h wia"~ as iu bridge ,ai buoker Crat-, Fair Valley il. goil eonditiuut eu]nd cuc i- tr tav. t 'tai, if t'aunainecetssaryie A isy-lam ai eiiing by itea Itc l fwtlttalcirntanal piu-t-d divitiiug Scioci Section 5I; a 1e spî'ing seasosîs iiîindrailof seltianît vico by-iaa for graxttin. aid tlote M.-11IL1EL, are nom tinitirtioait castini,' tiat lot inilu t-lia sat-urt cf $12,500, hîy way cf - biat section cf country saolul a istcec boitia was read anti onaicrot bc ispntt. l îaucisaIe acndisaIlle ttanr, stuc]thtus ei., lîatiticud'for aid cci roa vae t . cùcb tr ib te te lie g asti ral. p ro sp e riLy o f f rred e co i m tntte o o n 'qo a d a anti hu tie oututiecf Victoria and nisO Of ia bridges. Titi aeputy-rçea-a mas autîsor- n-vîluaitie potitou cf North Ontaioa.izeti lWi ffect a ceauptemiîse mith ltee o? rom RobetanYourcg's Hotel niai' Se- purcita ser o? nons h alL lot 7 ilu 81icon., i. bigi1t P. 0., util one reacîtes tise or, if netcssanv, ccmnpot-him te give up Narrows bridge, ahînoat tise.mioe tille le sanue, lt sale for baixes being cf bisai distance, il le noting but a sn, illegal. , -o? muai anti aimaitilu pring anti feul. -Mr. McPisec mas ilassructot te lino. er- Sureiy titis isa8rable stale of affaira la cure (h cci rouai scrapers. ne lno incemuenî b&partiis int-entiing te Counril adjourui te second Saturclay- ii settie litisaI part o? tise Province o? lu Mýaiy. br Ontario in visieli Ibis eonnty 18s pîcishiy - antinaparticnlsniy inieresteâ. MARKHIA11 PEasotLr.-Dr. R. C. Fais-, M. R. C. -' S. E. sud L. cf E. U. &o., han. nemeveti 'r, fromeux i lagi o? Beaverlon te Orilliti 5AGICULCUiLAL SOCIETEs..Tise Mark- id ud us a y manageatiet secreti a hans Agricultural Society have ameiga- adrery fair praeie. Privions te bis do- muati vwilSlb. Witlcburcls Society.r lepas-luri freux bis former place lte wusTiey purpose holding a Union Pâai matie reciplant of a vi'y isunîlsoeaShowr in tise village o? ttanifllli, on1 r.ovation by sanmlbar cf lise moat prom- lise 511h suai (haiys cf Ocqbber, 1875.1 g m l nti listing inisabitants of lte ..- village, umongat mhtouxi lesaoeulma 10RAMA. u' hava beaagenerai favoriteano - miii as Ti onhpCuelwl eta S-, àavery popular mediicaIpraetioner,.We S .N.2 nte t avyUamieouat ,subdnt Tisorui snd bespiais fpu hini s fa 'r (of Revisicu. aeaCut shalare cf ltetu patronage. Tise following parties avpredisaitgeai e by tise Inspector of Liccusos avili saelliugt r- HaiPr's M?ÂcAWIE t MAy, 1875. liquer mitlitant licencie iii contraventionc -arpir's Magazine. mih lise May cf Itse statute, viz :-Alex. McAuhsy, r r, IÇum or, compuetes ils hiftietis Volume Wiiaan Heavenor, Stephesc- Foulon,e and tils lvenîy-fifti ycar. Thia Nusu- anti Thomas Lawrence, before James1 ber is oniecf unuaia interesi. Tise MePherson anti Jaues McDermoll, i Etiutor'm Easy Chair lunia feir nas Esqs., J. P., on Satnrtiay lait. Mc- pits, vush juat priai, t ih past cf Aniay camé boneslly farmarti anti j t'- tieMagazine, espeeilily is immedi- pleseleti gily. Tise ilier blirea alenieti 3«aie paît; but titis Numbir is nieaotc- tise charge. Ileavenor anti Fentcn a-cupicdti he sacélébration cf lise na- marc hoarever founti guiiy, anti 1he ti ouai glory tisan cf Harper's wcîl-cis biree avare Butai $20 and coals. Lair- sera-ii prospeily. It opens' milis a rince's case us posîpoueti unîi Frud'y f g rap h ie an ti c m le a s or cttshou i 1 e p r n cip e mi nu e s in ig case cou ità orai Figit, hy Fretierie Hudson, ilm. e-ot hi founa by tise Constable, canai h le lq Iratuti mitis lwenty.aiglsI engrarlge douhtfao h vtter lia mlii haconvicteti ai nclutiing fac-similés Emerson's p cern at ail anuistaIis important 4silnesla s aidcf Longfellcu's I" ide cf Paul Re. appreisautei, -anti compeiledti e 'give rareer." Ttiî article ia penlianly timtiy, einma. We 1itrust tsa hsa vigerous e bingpnlissîdoulis av c tie oe-measurea ilii cbeck tlie illegal *sale o? f bration cf theceoculnnial uunirersuryliqucna in Ibis township for titis yaar ut o f lise avant tiuacribiti, ant is u orthy cfileast.-Erjo8ilor. ri Le lise twenty-elght pages visic i Ilceeu- -et pies. GRAVENHUBSTW In anot-bir anti more important sanie- Capi. Ris-kianti, tise former pole snd . la Harper celebruîling bthe centnnial- atni ouuacerô iaNiiig a in ils Firsb Cinury Séries,wmiicis lain. aste-sivetomanderla ov buh]'e ngageiqai -tentietite boa acomplaIs- exposition o? iugelting itianis omeuseerea iprogsss lu evary departusent of tel tita or isasom erIai, m ste amexpîci. a national lite. Tise Serîntis Papir cf id.te baquite bius. Tiss teamboat la tu th tii eres,glvtn in Ibis Number, I i hegîiocityertaeinpntî iu bconcise isistor>' o? Agricullurai Pro- uraitîifouitm tse.Tiis fgrisa, conbrlbnbti by Professer WiliamuWionmh11e acmante-i y' CpI. sua cnisse lnîaloi r c it vr Chnasepicsb ars.esugaiio mcm, Jas. c0c apeundt ien- su Proessr CrulesRauonribste a jamin Fuller, piroprietor of tise Qoeen'î 8ei secouai illtisîrateal papes' on thé -1,"Stoee oieh Orilla. - Allogitiier, .malteras s Aga lu Europe," Ibis monts triatiug o? bave ~asumed a brigitter aspecittan 1 ramalua feuntinlucavas. was expieteai, sai tisetssen pomss- Tise Hon. S. S. Ccx cotiliueas i e aa il-u, ain e iequO5A ic lust5-atiti ?épars on Aminican Humor ; cf thi ipesdy axtesion ô£ftheMuakoka u anti Emihto ,,Çqstelg,-cocatnibubeur an. brandi foltse Nontiseru Raiivay, irbicis otiser inébalment cf bis serliaëo on tise luepet te ha compltati te Gravin, ha, Republirsu MoveuxentinluEurope. a-br.,b ie atrpri!e tee. o Banehy bas tisera appiareti mc charm- tleatrpr'o0cbr f, iug a aerial story an MisasTisseker>' ta nov giring tise rester. e? Harper ilu TtZsTccmoswsm EPsTITI-rcScttaIN RE "lMiss Angl." mwieS viii hac aoatinue& Houai eor Costxes.-In lte Imperial fi, lnaoetiser volume cf-tise Magazine. Houge O? Commetbier. iras a long a This umbar conlaina Ibreexcln nti- a& xaited debataen-wa petitica pray. cshort tarise; "Tise Jutigi'sD"igih. iig fcr bis diamissal fromi tisa Beach: la y Viiila àW. Joisnscn c'O -of.? tiseJuaigis vs -stlths Ticlibou se bod y but Jane Reailur," by Fautula ,trial, on bbc grounti cf part!lily and"fi Hotigsen Burucît.; anti ',Ksl.a ' y e orrtptinadfor tisa iuxpeaehmeut Sarahs L. Burton. ,Tise poetis con. o? tise Speakaýr o? tise Hous? o? Ceuxm i Inibutati Ly John Riay, Nîlly M on~ e for simihar reasona. On tisem-l cisn, Rataelilard, ant Mary B. lieu o? Mu'. Plarailith ptiti îîon wars . nec Dotigi. . jecteti. ýTiésa dlia Diparluxenisa, neî, 55 The firêt examination-o? bise onlarloA nuMI ificrsthg ant-i nstrd'tine Scitool cf -Ag=Iauie loch place oà m malter.Tbursday, sud vas alteneal by sereraI. - ~ ~ ~ muxhrs ef Parlissuant and tlie Liq. 1c Sucixa:Or àA B4ouzet.-Gsîb, Apzil lature, sal as- by mauy lesdiug Ha -<le o1*O S. Phiip, solictort ho, anieuItÃœrists. Tise uer principal mas- eommnitted suic ida -suamoring about prisant. 4 oclook. Hi -vas foun a aI7 'elch- v 1i'n <»o thog cfh bis oom-villi John Hanter, of Colingucet,"S 'as h t1c> te tep o! hie bisai biea omloa.yesterday aI 1h. Lincoln Assizes uen- bi Iy off. AMrle mas tona hside ina Iucadti fourteen yîars imprisoument iiti lceoclth lied b bhi triggrfor arécu ývils iÃŽnteul t'te defranthlita M iril bcsie oba L __ s et l ff .. '~Hartfor'dInourmaca Cpmpn. O corcuîr'o lnqueitispid où -the r nia, im BoxxerLs- i1emt Ihi~s~rrétruei. vutilt o 0s.al4 mas oINfr. C Bcun.aU, cvmaaniila 1 pioe m pnssing npu jblhtelsc*il- uble tise olti bridge,, v condemnit i8 ubeing tors air-tue lidM,.. A Wesa aDsxm's crisui se a',stgusy respeosamle JouDI5 uldew, oftHannsisai Mo., lieds c]etis lii rondtihareel!' sud ber liltle girl tisi 1he otiendi to ssakein t* grouati. nt, tSlng btse-ahilt In)ahi arm, dalibenatai>' vaikeai intôaiamoi antI bols va-O drovued. Pnud umbarréaset antidisappointusont su loea an ïitîdréteti te bars bien 1h Au Onrie te"iegraàm annecs th arrivai-ise fisOfchtiseWusn.m.f g WIamsiip S, Elismari, frein Niagas Tise Roman Cabbolic Home for youni Wî on, te i ectein l Iltreai, vil] ,ti 6600 000,-c hei860,00 viii ha ,epmnPideis eiranti mli slow: bue couspieticof o!150 rooma b>'Nor- amber next. Whoun lIizhgd il il-con t.ain albut 800 mooms. INF'ANTICIDE AT NiWMrsaasc.-Sn day lait a uew-bora female infant vas fount inuastrn u intie bouse o! Mr,- Franke Bussail, bîicnging -t 7s9o=1 wman namîti Amola Geero. A- doptati daugtmr o?,Mr,. Duunsug, ne- .siduug niar Aurons. Thao girl iad en imsr teserve as a tiomastie mIlS bMua T h T t s aut celai snap ha . ha ti veru' "ui u ' ' u Y a i e fru it g ro vin g d i ; Iics of Mai».- parts, fteWestern States., The Emperrb ag igneclthetill11 -p a s s e a l b >' t is a 1 r u s ia u -D i . t - i it i t r a i r - n; itato graula fs-m iii. Catioliia clengy. -- A Mits An-AUÙUT N à aBuLT n-AN O pi £caas.-AI Aclen ou Tnesds-y nigisi au sitocking anti fatal accident happeneti bo a yeuug man nameti James.Gartien- anr, wonieiug aI Smilih & Mooeastiasu saiillii, eanliera. Wbilc pnltiig on a baitltIsdrivestbie luth macine ho -Waai b>'comm means cangisi anti mena aroundth ie situft? arihsrevolves 2150 limes aminute. Hm bodymuaa literaliy, les-n 1tejlaces anti scaillareti arcuridth ie mijl. Tht aigisi mas beurtreuding. PROPOSEn BeuNS ro THE CANADA OîrcRAat.-Tse CiI>' Counoil Ff' Ottas- wra la diaeuasing bte propu'lety cf glvia a benus cf $20,000 tte s.Causais Cen- tral Ruila>,.provided ltsevcu'kSiscps anc uccateai altsat place. À AB ivPA5ssD non.Bu-nisireTGA GROCEË.-Au Ottawa greer mas matie racipient e? s valuable, presînt. 'A yong vcmsauaened bis store offering butterfonrisale. Ho informitilheu'tisaI ha hati mullcienî quantit>'ant. i diti a ishl o y an>'. - Thei oman askeit permission tlea-rtber basket intlie store vist ahi ment te iiseafriani. Site laft pu'omising te ratura lu tan min- ttes for her prepani>'. Site aid net merr- lus-a, anti a fia iustes latar sonti aitractet igieattention, anti on tmaciug thoma teIteir burce, hi font iaIt ti>' came frot»bte basket; o? butter. -Ha raiseth ls dtS isicis cc-reiaitsebask. et, ant i dscovereti sah>'b. Tise moman bis ual yai returuiti te daim, ber pro. peni>'. Tise ieuti bodyj of an infant mas founti -n Ottawna recenl>', mitîne il isaibain lyîug nter tisncir fou' a couple o? HENRY Fîra'sInons iras tni t th ie lAssizes at St. Titctaas last meuh on s charge cf runrilg elaiDr. Vingsaux in that toma in Septemben, 1872, anti connicteai cf manaiangister. Tîte Engiieli budget iras animitîed ait nigit by lthe Cbancellor cf lise E- Saoquer. Tise catimateti expeudilure fr tise currnu fiscal ysam hs £75,268,- O0, antireivenue £t75.W85,000, bul a iadjnteut o? hneuer. icanses aud bamp dtles, the cisanceilor expiaIs, wMl meduce bis surplus b>'ane, £60,O00. &plan is aise pro osed ,y wmiinl ffity pas h 3i deitlis te lié n- A par>' cf tisree pensons asceutiet in àhauloon -ai Paris for lte purpos. -o? iahiug scrapstifie obseravatiens. Tise iaihion altineti lise exirsordina>' siglut of 8,000 maires. -Tira otse aronsuis mire 8uffccatad te tuat, afit yheu tisa balcon réachedth ie grounti sih b-binaimas almoitintbsusie, sud lbas unce hen soeII iatlisthisreco-veér>' lnittfuI. Tise Nova - geotia Legisasîre Win eorogue about lai M&jy.- Tise opetaive stIkntsaGreat Failsl, Z. HL, lias endpthc ie banda rtuinig 0'mort. - Anoiben lual? million o? Tvemti's pro- cri>'ha bis ionaltucisetinus 'sceestar A Billitb lix Insurauce Comupanies ut ut A usumbe- cf momîu ant i Utsen, iy a Muadis-aiiespatlri, have hen izeai b>' lie Canliats, misheaiten la colt bhiet unleis Ilie>' aire rausomad. In John 'Greanizen, one o? Ganono. ne's cidasi inisabilants, died ai uttin> tise aga o? -95 yas. Tisa Hamilion Police Couxusionir. -ae apointeti Sigeant Loan, Chu!f rPolice, in place o? CapI. Heur>', ne. gied. ,A Meutrai l, îeeper bas bien ta 650 aud costs feu' salligliquon te Ai bais yîar. o? uga. &-msa, nunma unhacru, buug hlm. f in bis zoomunasGausac-quie hta w days siaoa. Drink bteé auase. Quebae faruscru, mho'ieseiat poion. haute te catch foxeia, bare succiadei Skil4ýn.- off quita a nushan of=tse 3ighitoýrs'doge amaicaille. AIl ýth. cicnis implieste inlatheo meiean pestailfrasshavebhen dis- Ble. Mu'. Litt'li asiceptatiltise eshl St. Joss's PréeSby'Irtan Cisurcs,- ausIllen. - - - The, Poneitksens ,r and- EniR.. ail- dstUon xisteirn consequneo f the protractedlookout. A suit 1cr heavY damages against 1the Grand-Trunk railway baB beeu brotight bY a Montret broke frtj 4ting iu jouruey on a ticket from Bonsvuijinre sttion to Toronto. 2The. MoatsarjTimei. apptves f, th1e Government'o polie ?onutesugar ilfiuery question a f a.eapmsth. orc fthe .refiaer'à raw materW . z aa ofmnakini impoted mugr darer by an extra duty. ý The only nuits ua l ai loq eauIim 701, vat *11m are aw suite.-? LÂWBIE.-In Whitby, on u néday, ý18t1 Âpril, William LawrSe, ar., miarbie- ;~cutte, aged 26 yeara and 8 mônths. Âberdeeucire.paperi pIeaseci..y. LÂWLEB.-At WhiLb, onTuada 20t 1 ià., W!Ilie,- third son of - . 'Themai LsvIer, aged four yearusuad six monthà. The fùneraiý wil ta14e place to-day at three océiock, tïo the Pt. Johm's burial * WHITBY MARKETS. FalWaa ...... "92e IlO S Bprl g W h a . - 0 92 @ ,0 95 Barley............... -0sW Clover .............. 85 00 c 5 2s nth.............80@ 825 .e............. 8c @76a Bl,,k Igy.Pes..........c 870 ye......... ....5e@à70e OatB............... 4gc.@47e Ray........ ........ Sig . 14 ~gu............. @Ot Butter.......... 5e180 Coal- per to.......7 913à Wood .......... ..... 4 00,@ 4 Pb6rk, per ewt.......8 @1$00 . ......e- ..... 80 9,40e ,Plr Duâis per Pr ........... 50c@60 Turkeys, per It.......10e Geese ............... 60 @'u A»Ies, per bushel .. .,U0W be e. ........ ....15C@la 1 ieAJ1feraquarter . @3 fut set! Coustorttag.-tBy. a lieoagh knowldgeo. af the énaiturslaw -ei svera Ithe oprali on, of dige>tion sna nuisiio,ý .sud bn s c enfui applicatiçn cf thse fisse propes-les -of* el-seld coco, M. Epps 7 ai aprovidati .ror breaufAmt tables w-siti. tielicatl>' flavesed . have-rage, mnichismay Save usunsany isea'>'deeors' bis" I lta b>' tse juimious us a ci-su#_h articles of duet lisaIs constitution nus> be graduMy> built up ainCi alroug enourlu te ra-mst evsery Ian- dncy te isease.Husidreti of subleîumais- aies are fioating a-arna ss re, ady>' to alliai i r e e v e r t ises-e l a ve a k &el s t. W e m a& Y escape man>'a stalasht ç k, it epitg caru- selves mcll tortifieti m-iii.pum!, j& Ol sa la prapeni>' noumisised frl B"-Caa ic REMEDY FREE-We Sena free, a Simple aSn&_Sue mans f i-cure foi- - Con-ý 8 ume"n,- As'Pnchiis:,Asthmea, $Gala rr 'fcRo - and' suy aiseLsofthe Thrusa -Or LangeNarrvons Debilîitly, Pramature,1l- cn>',Weianaés, -as uai sordenabrouglstan b>' yoathW lin2iprudence. TUTTLR L, Cm., 78 aeus.NY SnUCH -RAS B N SAI M. ' u lie P in s about tie rve e t o sj-7ýh Oi SUPPI>' ,O snteoftissues rnamasi- Ing treus mental antipisysiol.exertion, tsaI- ISe>' havé bicome ne uuny necepslzed! s lise mail important nubu'i'e agau* knituort escieur.. Tisa>'are fiani '0 i- torat-ves, mhtiber bbthse' vota eut, soit. -or thse constatation run a wmithi atisg chrobie iseasse, depaduupou ludiges. ti bta lirtetass - - n aofetaid,. heir»xtianbeigtoprscteUgowhai tise formatiau t ah bmane. Dr wbie- )aré Compoat Exir o oioaistaai Cslieayis net ony alegai ntidréllabia, btai extraardinary lu lts affect uin e" zglauanti 'vtlztgalthé organs O e? l ei Is'tise Éneat modem remet>' for Ceagis Cli,-onasumptiu»Ait, macrou Brenchiti. Ih Je recomusended-by 51 Crisans ver>'rn,mho areacqusiateti vils lit greal useittinia. 'Dr_ A. L. Stciavi fciceinuati Oioa asi -" I bave mlniýet l-is-meets enlie - YOUDnd saoad, said I an Inn>" yiattit ub> far thé hast expectorant; reuséts>' ith irnimisI-sus acquaiabedi For Cougi, anti ail lise carl>' itses et Lumg-complaint, I hellèeailte hab a certain cure;$-sud ifeer' tatsiiy ouiti ktip Ilb>' the=s, rasa>' le ad- usinister uoan tiba fis-st appearanci-af dis- ase about Iha Lungi, bisere ullai haver>' fer casas as fatal cunaxuwption-. Tt causes tsepstegm antmattai to tiàé mhoult iri- lting lisoseadelicabé.orgas thle (tise lunga), animlittprodaaýing canari ahanaif thée boLwtîs hbaIso s-tves itren;%7zs te lý.Sy tcm, ulp-ia-ugt-metanti changes> aIlthe liemoriti ecrati,oual asii> Salaib>'ail Dnggiet. Picet *1par, bob- NEW AD)Vz IEMNTS. ER'7 ysarol ,mtii-be offeret fo salé by ubh'sctmhon ôjai thierooalin Faim, ou --- -Gr3Eo, OGSTON, Atitiréqs tealtlQomnsonar ii bun: celved-t te Dpstzt e? ofCreva Latis, Torntuntlul saura,15t1h Ma,, next, "-he-Me ae Road," - Oouçn~ualgata~ua~on Sitéleton_»Lake tai le ai ont 9 -- yeà 1iT Ri bah, ite oe-n Oa-a ~appi Part Jain latdi -cera --h r9' te I- Ëoni lots iot Omeb Tende BIOSs: Tis The LaJ Lthe sJ Thliesai o? Port or rtesg isn Dparse wor-ie distance Tea] îei-uéti P ar or raitef ta n nazI --- TedCt ileceplin8 Departen Toront Satr STI*

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