Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1875, p. 4

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oie Grown A Eresh Lot of pranuné a lAt. ise lad i tti. e ;i. Caaloue 08-'ente4 eto& srcin,u b oudedon, , la.for 0leO tLot o tPi~ckelngg pauu~ ~ titréeseilies West ni ftht ndkpapioshinge tee her oac au I wil ud aeedsfr y mail? t U ,aaj Wlich iwill be sold ezheap fôr cash or farmers' rdc, a..dsMOUcof lane, touelled a âna$bo $0 DWl~f-À àGtilner, sni rmr 'Tho ~shops lu on ire i lire 1 fil~e 1îIVoesao au r l oîdiî SseisoUse Whitby, Apiil, 187560' Tite man who wA a6thaï basO le. lby ont 1 rbe tnp, threw ft ototh icnl- Mraitar,1870. In the back', ani til t bill' eagain etauofSglitf wliff a drstw-Bitave. roB TR As Mr. Balit wvas lpawîng sueu4on ÃŽY0 the flcer te Mau wioo wu a slaveilite rody.mads work rolled-fivo pqrk bar- (Under Order lu Clou acil, clcild 24tcdoy LAZ rO1eaO'r hIùojtled'i he cad f 01 u- Rl874) MORRfS ; O 'SI thseMooan, he dg uan hr w1.a'rroaindiv....... Mix féZo1039a; uttoliTo0k up . a e 2serv" uo) icon .i w E RF-FiC TE/J.--8PECiT,4CLE8 & EYEGLASSES, a a b u t w i a n erut doe jýd , 1h. u lise ve' f <on , s b- ' ýj, 1 - Uttored a wld scriiad)cdapeco sa s 1rhu sile canuotb Te pee lai orm anc soiente oeuro tane u ijoncproot f di Edilligecice. ...0 ai o coxpicteda emed th1 s;~ t~ it s li$hop wsi ei o f 4 Xclus e îla rsc! ofne: he 'are the-m ost Perfeted Spectacles ever m anu a tured. .They assist ovr n tb r, Bllrok, ial te waa essctorly ende nid'o- tesgtms'bMatycne acn;o 4o'sWin Justice u mmltury continiuous and afbiding Ti.tict wsrll9 rougît-ei sonore chargead ti cimec, for ?fi he o.o e:me rc 1 xc a siI1? b.sih uoa rihini>, ole eueadOomol u h warr cns Ut dremn ooa oernedilte £&ae la Due c-or 04 0re cee, li oat 'PliEET F TH VE thec. le abp or pei-iilf ic ttemnpI un làedMo totitanuast1 D4 k hlwÃŽrêthon; ceelilng te dmtota And a.....IW Iiàp yearB 'fourr .or....h.md.......i... eauwithout requiring to be Chang-p boer up $te glty.Iive,and bIe gel ta tlice i ac ch i day............... Bst, door And MbotMted 0 . Mlenoate la aattend Ae "Ueboll o , gctec, 0,,fr asi ntOëttiloe i o l fit.r bupili.iarlut Tô those -ivihing oheaper '8,pectacles, we aeteag (%bupbi ori yneclin te est asorinmeul intowu. W efru 5 et e a wora I, el } or "talcen,uly reasoci biaciteburso rc rm2'cnsprpiu 'UI ot~ tsewa V-p-id hepie- enut$ ta Oi ea. ........ u10 large ansorîruent of Coquetto's Tiuted Spectacles, neutral tinté, bine and -ta;yèes's y»r inerai waterPf" 10 SicugJury for C-ormucra' green goggles, spectacle css e "It'o l' oigeniînirp, tliera la Iuiuewt, ciclin l iteolifîga or tegra o.Wle itali e te pet throf i be 1 u-m et tAS. -H.GE ICRIE & -CO., IIcarrélaOutof lte bacitdoor -whero e l Attendinq cacit id uu-ientol Wliithy.,Mardli f6, 1875. P1e BokadDi»eloisSie., liy WOVtr % ccih d bon filelIa 1h 1fîUr hursi.................. 1 00 1 onte, Durn g hba i sui'u 'd 12, Do. do. If ecgged lore than four outto...........'...bou ................. 1e50 Ill bis wlcoo e-wase Caged la 0 It>' atten ~boforcr ooIe ubct-- lng barreis, wiîigiug ont lraw-sicaves, NO 10.).............025 laaine bs'oal-txez up, ta- dmy 1s.ti Lnge mservl- ihin 1m.........i 10 LIST 0F A JTCTIONEERS otlberwlfao getticce thco hop cun % werk- 15 Jtshumiccusbocty uic cir Corocce' it6.au .IteI, l<i)K inecot.........0000Lîcensted foi' SouLtlî Riing Of Onitarju, North liiding of '~=-~** '--17. Scrviîc,;distresa wc4r:înt, acndo- -A Ctss'coo'ire MarO' lIccc.-A picysi 18. Advcctisinu ,cnder jatrisawar- taî-io, aud biie i te ater clnwritoo la lita (ijrrplc an lice îfan. rmnt.,.........,.......... 1() h gar ofPr-outaoduoct inaissng. ne uays- g .Tra% elling ta mole ,i.streor or aN.i,. hiccac.Mc~sc..T cîrcErccs -AmipysscsI~srîtîatIo iun mcrcurgoodsaoo alere ~Sacntel lcsicci . r... .........rook,...............it h th,. ths ec0igdigoidpraicl.. I have- 20. Appriigemicts, whoer i.onethr1 ~ Mia-------Ji ,85 no cdoubt t at durig £ie recont winter w orOcot il ei roi ob MGI .... eo b . c hndt -J l '2,17i ecoooet cflîveî i b 4- e 01l so~tie4by 1110Viluo Q0îtego( lé,Davoul flow.,.. Whitby ...,. J...22,i:.. 11181es oli]iaccccc icrcild iplîthoria 2 £'xýtaln4liLo salo cccl 'omini d E. H. ILIcro .... ion .... Toric8el.1,18 , Iclplees chlitron., c thatvec k0utown ~ ja. 1M. 1'citei'. Icl îie... Nrit-oU rdcg "22, 1875. I1av uo n the S, oui iet rflt'e of clgiLï, 1 .H O ori.ut idn 0 8ý lorn t uu t Il Oie casa l htdaigerena 212 i ti. E.rtlcop soccîelli aracet........ .llyd ti i ccsoi... ' * Bock ..-----------28...7. d-iâ<ea4ea have bosa t 1tlaîscocnn iacated. 2;J. Scrviug nciitic n encstobici, Win. M WPoî ort 2ry... N8eiliig... co , 1875 co> aPiaecelp rîy ..... orth iîiding-.. cobr1 $5 lu 1860> w as cauedou ta aU 'dalit. lFpretîn ironallti, ;. .... 060 ganlose..... (l. .... do.-------------- 87e H. . A~DNEL, Jinos i îY, Jr lekrr.~... xiIg......... o, 1§7o librYas h ocbihercseithe crilia taxeofc . hal'se,-. .D.a..Rc.. .9rou. J.Mrs ~ , 17i w h i l c h i I I r c o o l w l l c u t c f f i c u l t y t l a MJ . l c r k o I ; L i c m a s i ' o ehr , d e . .cc c - . . . . Uz x b r d g e . . . . . . . .16 , 1 7 . lie broele ron gntauus we WclIi, oi. 7 87.]Don-~ aldm eisar......- Ba dro. ........ .. ...hna...... -', 17.ý baci caîlltae teiuhanse.a 0.îchmas. Kava r, uoaglo Xeswid .., ......,..s poadt elb f a ai u ap- Whib, -v - 'r.17 Mjra. . ...1bi871.. athRcin * .:: a1, 1875. - Ode ptint; I D M Crldo. . SouthOntado-----------" 12, 1875. CI 2Witlcis .... kPart :P.nny Scotth.............. 1, 1875. tidC.> a-li tor ouolid nIlo aplciJ. .Norty-e Bah-----------------, 1875. W b. ic a bor e ' l u a tientss s ;g. lt ux-b-3r i TdgC, M or - -- - -- - -.m ': :; : d 1 75 It e k i s ~ l a e r f tî c r s u d n o t c e r , V J L j > K J, L ~ L 5 cD . o naM . o ud e.. . M d o k. a m.. .u.. . .Rdo . . . N o e e r , 1 7 5 - * nti s la 1 q e a ti b e s a wi, ltaW i . G orV n .s ..... Br o d Nor.h....d.i.g...... " a4 1875. sos ,e rvan .l i o ud racige r e ab oîn te- E u sL . t s . ... P or lla. ...... .. or thk -- ----- -----N o v.. E t,1875. * ly erbl îde O ~ .t eit tu e is in o :L etu. P T NCEW N M C I E T o . l i lkey .... . C c au ccBcea.. r ch N o....... ..... (6 "!CIC. Moore .. ..... qgli......2o,185:g Oîi ktlIt Pk t hers at> o nd othe rlia. î Echît.F.uoa.,....nf ..... mta ............. eeil 2R3 , 1875. and 10,119Olie An , aove lllei ur.Thcoms Paccer.,. M orkhm .... .. Ilnoclc,........ NovPcb r 17 * ea * Micne c is r l f rto ren l s pi-t a ccr .L a n . ..... ...owo d...... ..Na th IOdnri -.. b...t, 876 * cicartArrivuag.aIlitssconteele w87e ee m ho aI1 ed by ci aot h i ta t mcci o teAfn - EclThom ai cl e.. o-lnlci rt .. .. On o t. ............c - c c Mirct, 1875. c a' m c i>' cl acc ," ic , j d g i g IN T E d S E M G oeN. - d i to ...-- .-1- roc -o. . . . . . . . . .. t i a , 18 . d I l u e s t r j o c o t n ' î t c r o cic M Af rH INhi e H a . u e h o d S c Wotb y . . . . . . .d o . . . . . . . . ..lU t h M a > , 1 8 7 5 . ~' e r a e n t c , l e d h o n s t ~ n l n g u t i c v i f g s w î c t w c y t a n o a îpat N. ..n l: : ::e .S c o t tcI l e. . . . . . . . ..o. . . . . . . . . . ..l U h J 8e 7 ,6 ltI rui m o, ir,. n a lce ui ' f îh acines. A . M ce ies zi...... lo t m> . c e homm , ou >' N v, l ith, 875 . "'S aa yo~ ain - a illci s, s l " O t5 dsiitA. 1. M o gau... C cc nto cc , .....O.cNo t ot , .. Nov D e. Olat1 1875. '~ hcacu su t baik as-ho tolit TII X eBS ttiF2II WM. LAJNGIlo. Treasure...C. laa"li C12" ') Neaocufos etc î I d tioVhto vtbytte'*'e Yrk SothOnaro,..7. Ja..2t 8 - r sfO tOft e S it National flBk' nc e ili ta nc ei l cf îiccl cityla i nhe1%cci. hi na c e,. M rha ,. ...-- -........ Vigt ie e d rîpctuono, e front ueaalFb.lt 86 d ou, n -AThga thsr'ootnt trI el easy laSuiOFcî-aland, tOaI ne lady ONoA-IO. coiutronted4 il stalopl Flouway ,askii. gNwhere Neau atl- m o true> b r ais ew t o fo îi 1"' ' o y ea o er ocs, a i o* ve e Whc e .. o .. os ,...... 1 hM y 8 5 havelitssalae ptviIlccWi.îceichtardoson à,ao mn hCO c ceti'w e t g . ood .....T.EA ? M y,185 * opie actIts rtid eeiar i r ntc tei cîaclaneocen a it gru e t Nlo iwe.. o-Rsd t.. o. ...... -oo inlte ai' I cur, asti ut Htedficito ýL1anyn Iae they îd Woodal's Old Cun- iugltracitay ..aide.... do ab..t.....0.lu l b na Y ineu li ce bo . (ll it L-?11 Wa t Iea o n t o PLte aS hUResr îoc t re ? I et o s t h nce 87. T iatbes. Peirt t yieded'...l.e.uOatoell cessicCttit cf tcNov. ccsrcti1875. staroin C(lis a le aewi, '(lesa Tocsak, T- d!Ire Em 2T EetsBo $8.T E Rlb 'Ilto i poi te rcf tido tr ie a e mlt.leu " W B S lI"t W hic- T e a u re.187 .L i q u o r S; , C . ea s rd - ( 1>' v gtbill dI saÃŽ, mor tifaion of t cinace fla-Cnaathease ni sy cajusd a 'e ou y bti>, n asti frele. andes Wnzll inish aL; tUnera seti, tatigonldy ioaig rtile. re haewtotecpinsne'fteh pepl Chale hdA Maeiestir."' tueur woveae, anfal lin ltîîtta 18 IçýbOu r, and plt ub.a Ae',., ...cc . . (i D. i r S i .Bide ,, ..., abo u it 5 coutnf> aemeotislteiii a iltue- Moint, The marlidtlocc f lice body' pmetial]yconsi qfd r pclInganul1 litriliti tlirnse>s, warin tecsfflci- euit eIOtltiscg,, mcl fasilag. Onie- day NWozl nd ma arceter, citer p rayer. fuli>' considorilcg, lice- sîbsot, oded flat M fl. WeiIudflUiocdemunîre ncortfil. cifliou la fit hierfor spic-itnusl pia-feelronl. -bo lie>' ilavel Icor blë, eut off paît of ier ciotling,*Itmd ilpped bler brutali> wvili ll oil ea. e t otance bocaine a bakidrfroon lice uuerv religion, bcil liera~ae11ata u-ratel c thein x.- iuist ileliIt<ly te be'bîcueti Pliea U, p c, of- Iacuuiton, Ohio, ft6ked ber maotr ttake au be for berA team frlenthîle fanil>' living lam a near itrot. T oe - lul weiu apêeetivaa round te roed: 'IThs il a uittle raue of cntccê e ot"' oticer "c'olsf tte conw iloforu e bset gI btikI wili b. cun tlu cugs iltlldear _ Loi'cîazo, idlbeforilr J2111Wwilll bc maried."ý oreiga qed a roporter to trKvDI i by wiIe ail Important hLews. ,rtor won ta uovicà, oa u t >«Win Iilprtànt nows to lii, iA. -jultge lW.down sîxeotng The edIor telegi-alphed back Idô ing: ýLot yourself ta 11lolt1 Ward Ilowe ay a lita ld -"fi. (niotonce ofȈen la Oeeral aîg voiý' day iorlo dvià ni a da at laUs ," i* lue8pocia 1 ,-in ýh tu e r i ;wbun 1 h2 wo "gono th 'a5qi .. Y-Ut£l4rrcn nct.cciu5i¶ 55le vajI u '" e.'. i ipure Iwuit, înat cari LIC bought. W ne lC4tadlaci macuhine coin fppicac it i. r=ei~ voc-y 41 ebser"iýwarrauled 'OE D FY C M E ITO ie b> lice maccufaritoresfut 8 E Iarm. M'C I N Ty RE, -ý" '<-~~LvL J ' <L iiiiers prouue 1V14 ~ AGENT', W}ii-r4y, (f th ciicas Miucii ,cîiîd A? AYT EIRiM lE N F01l 11.y ME NT IcIY .Lth, 1571. T 11 IAiT FNGLISH RE~ DILÂ'8 [ PECIFIC d1~e n4 ~W.14 an -~ ~111 sco~ c"es, are urodt tagtlndîc1lïn..i usefte obac4 àhaf ite oonëld defeuci lier 0110le PrIÉ ; but the Speoldoc ~-fhmasnde. After tho more.ePe.îsîîly recomensned a laif jcflîl;jeg iand; t, »Ig cure là seminAl Wenkl ta he guesmeci eh'4. rw" finlptenoy4,and wltliha an xollow as a sequencea of sol caqetewhe ee fditQm 55SOçft " erotaýUrVOOo Age. cëquée,'whn o thar ltt3ýàera that Isal tailu 3i Ompalan» b>' SOY$iIOg Coapampîlemi and a Premati or muy baud Voatora i AU AiU aiwih, aa sleare urst ie -'" Hoi 91 ï"Wt re ' deviatlug frem inse ýt1af atu. about it," eaigorly exe11Lno. idulgence. 1 tqd eutl.meu "I[ waý The Lpeclfle Mollo oa is thce vuo gAtttlu eut of au Joua-ï i9le stndy suc manYeyats at cx ie quiet reply. tularsicgtigeo idoo 1o %vas lookdng at a honoenxo od free by 1taoi e Ch, 1Ward the. elli oray, aa1lÂd epgý-ag, isx d %!Oqdto Pàva~co~e 04ý thie neý.lib4e/r e- ohbyaldesL ccl r é%* 'door' 'Cofféee s.sd ion WLLIM P 11L au#rrnU~~t~JI~ ~a OS Seclli Wit Wi1wn 2'J-Onc CINE et such aU ced by over 1 Ad aico. melfzxe fx a n unfail. tAbuse, as 51 Lassiii. Inesp of and maxy .N"uity or ra Crave, Massad by )erience lu ycIDrvg. ept of the D o. maO1it. k White Fish anîd Trout, at Toronto WltlescilePic, Pouitry of ùil kinds ; also, Gaine otf then «csn Givrclis t cciii. 1 Julm'yl- V~,',1875. JWOODALL, crosIî.'e 011 stasnd, Wliity. OIWA NSd MEL ODEON OJWA NS. THE MUDGE & YARWOODi*F!G C0., MANUFACTURE TIE CEL4EBBATED AMBIOÂN ORGAN i Special notice is callad tW tie following styles and Priées: S Etyle 6, in ýValnut Case, $140, in Ieonant case, wth Carvings,$10 style 16, in, Waiut case, $ 150, luinQlesnn Case, with Camnjxog, O. 8tyle 7, luBesonant Ouse,-$17, in sàeÃœeCase, -with Ci tjPs r <Stylo ýý1 É, ii eonant Case, $100,in s eCs,'ihCrina ~0 AlU made of Black Walnut, pannelled; wjth revbl*iing ar i&ng Look. boards, containining afl tho lateat inoprovements, neatly ndl elegantly finielîed, aceçrding toe piee. ALSQ, YM3WOÃ"OD'S "e LQODEOýN eORGAN."9 lIn landsome Rosewood Piano Cases,, blyfii8ed Tee Style 4, $X 50; Style 6, $175; style 8, 200 Te MÃŽlodeeàu.odrgaiie;pateuted 1878"ý, r mnufaotàied so0 1kys alaoi enonly be procured .fron sadOur s;,ta hitby, Octobor let, 1878. ing ali ceaaJu sorMusi BCEIVÉV, AT CH;-N A TEA SIl B'Y 4-jHhds.Crates, and ýCasjes, contain RAS BEfE1~ 0IJR~OF 'INSTUCIN A.nd furnishes ,MOBY, SITUA7IÃ"NS forYon Men, than aill Bank et1 M' CI~e in LIet-eo. K H*Ind goq., Bver a nk Oaa4oéot.X.= gh5O sGen. Ma rQ C DnWfstan uir- frenxeng e 4mats are eensn, m vece latarleLL Toronto.ofs~nm~hosdr Aeri'rjan L3 ODELL & TEOUT, Toronto. N'ow is the time to buy goýod a1d4ci4 urniturd. 'Having bouglit eut the businiess Jatelycar )n by Jamles H. Samo, we take thisopotityf nl ne many friends te give us a eaU, "nd we c -; bat we are prepared to do as wei yte ité~~ sa Mr. SÈamo bas donc ini the pasi. ChinandM hoae, asorme (Jinna, (11a88-Ware, an Paney Gid china Mes Betai, ron$lO te $20. > Fana> Zfr9llOce tt $SQpor pair. Chia ctoea<h~p sSaucera frcm150., te $1.6O ecd. <i1n~ M~tIod uga (ard Baskesmad Fane a>'God, IN EMZÈ~SS VÂRIETY i1, -FAUCY TOÏLET .88TM, FROM Si TO tir, - PPER SETT. Ladios, ail hhr- above- b,àving been -purehasid expreaul>' for Chri . tmgs presenits, the> y wM b. sold âheap and wilhout réagrme. Please ccli au 4 euamine ler youraelvéa bdefurc rhaaiacgelsewbere. J=- rts andSpcs , s fuIt d, a J eirtantof choice Teas, Famil>' Groceris teex bout *ids -Rame, Bacon5 Lard, -Butter1 Apple, Pot.- QyStEES, os brand, always on hand. 0-IBSON & SPARVELS - 51 i TILL &Jt$T )rders by mail promptlye1nL4ecl of: UNDERTAINThe ouj fu~r~ asa Establishment in the County whe imeras&eli I. TILL & JýGOHNSTQN. 00-1 NIESý-RS. TOMS & NEW-P-ORT, eg té iniforin the public generally, that they have opened a New Carrnage Factory, on Dundas Street, *WO DOORS WEST of the POET OFFICE. lhere the are now prepared te execute ail work ini the xriage Making Liae, on lthe sitortesl notice, and madeof the best ma- Ieî-lal, and first-clase worlcoumahîp. LL WORIK WARIRANTED. REPÀIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATOH. itiby, Jul>' 9th, 1874. - 81-1>' J OHIN ST ON 'S ELF-R AKINGRA R AWARDrED THE FIRST PRIZE A t the Provincial E-xhibition, Tor9 Ulo, in 1870. oflex- to oui' cuatomers t'or the cemicgfia-vetit, two dis- t Machinis, hin ta eth and construction, enobiae JOII NSTON'S SI NGLE SELF-IRAKING IfEA ERI 1O n(otmts al BJliOCK-8T., 18T7E MaIRE,1875 . * WL? have pleasure in announciný that our Stock for te Springl and Summner trade will be completel in,aefew daya. We have visited the markets personally, ùnd sclected freux lie leading bouses souxe of lte bet -ad ctioicesu articles -te manaunrera conld produce. Dress 06ods a spcuçat, in a&lUlte newest designs mac! fabias, frein ida te $2 per yard. Tniminga te-match, Laces, re an d -imitation, Glorves, Ileaier', Corsets, '"Pies ac' c~a" ad umfluR-wares in endlea's vaiaI>'.î Geuts'ý Clothinge ready-made or macle 't crder b>' drst-ciss tradeemen, frouxlte finest -clss of ltai zuprIddietfru Erp, aise Canadian Tweeds frora te'best uxanlccturers la lhe uawest styles' and côour.. Suamer Underjothing ila Meiino, Gauz, ama Cotton. * A 'coxmplete assorlment of gents'. Furnishinga la Collars aua Tius-ail f lte laleatstyles, whicb cannaI failla give kail- faction,.lunHaasad Caps, we expeot -per nexl ete0amer freux GreatBritain,s.oue of te nolibiest articles ever brougit bute Whitb>r. bnd in conclusion we axe happyte inform otan customaers ltaI gooda, gej'oera1ly are aEt Itle cheaper titan lte>' bave -been of lita, and-titat we are, aow ia a beller pos- ition toa offer poil baigaaus te ialeuding purchaseis, and la have everytiting donersîith desptth. Taiboyýmg doue onlte shtorteal passible n'otice-. - res-Maklngby Misùa Cook, well- known ina WMiby for ber obliging dapositinaaa- ability~t fil lier customera. ecfLAIN &, STEWART LAING- & STEWART. hilby, Mardi 18, 1875. Spledid8toýk'or Fa/i cf-Winter ý*A TUE AB B#E*P &ANDSHONABLEE O BOOT A AND DU TOE 0F--R I rU5To7M5 DE B.8. M. BOU, T64 lm À ncsL=. RATES OF-PASSAGE PUILTuBt REDUCED. SMo fe ratés frant Quebe to L 1«fl, e= ocmrrGijisgoir 1-1 hfd o0ver 0 u a mnder 12 baU tara.Returc tlckola,--Quebeo -ta Liverpool, Daazyir Glasow-4c. repaud pa8ka& schli GIS07W-ivrpl oDrrlagowtoguio. GEO. YULE. Agent. Yrom whom every icifrunation may ta obtaluoti. Wbitby, sept. lUth, 5874. - 9 - LIFE ASSOCIATION 1 Head Ollice--Tenuple Chambcrs1. T O R O N ~i O. -- aien and nBanik Comanerce. r- »Actua--J. B. lcherrians, M. A.,Pi6foaor ol thauatit Ujvo*yeauffl Cobines Stock ad M-taI - - Plans'of Insurance. The ýraamx gives insurance'- t lcwealý * ceaI; ana à tàé z.mz, cràbinea wiib 4h.e Safety, Caretul Maunueut with' a ropra- sentalon an the -Board, whist. itycitr muet be compeed of PoIicy-Holde1 ana Stocklcadrm dcan arti ation lainprofi$b t0 Net Less than 90per Cent. tereof. -Perfect S 1ecumnly under ils ClagsIL Pol- icis;the whole Reserve teing hold by Tra- tees, fnvealed *la Govermnneut mcuo-tles.- The sÙezay te used t>' Policy-holdera s securityfo a Ian, withoût wihdawing Ailclasses of Polioy.holaerz are secnreil b> lte Association, havmg020af ets o eaeh #109, of iabiit>' 0 toem. Ali Polices, wbether Partieipating or ]EL H..MATSON,* INSPECTeR. lra"Agents wantel n nreserved district. AppI>' ta J. iL MAÇDQNALD, - 'V. P.asudGenerul Maagr. * B.'TAYLO1I, Agent,witby. 64, Q310. T. HALL, - C MMSSI~, A.ND - GENE A GNT, AgonIt fr the Ooafederatian Life Asmocla.. Zoaka poattdand accaunau nm&i ont. 26Wattention Sivento thteeobebbon fAccauntàe unI. Margse. eamo, ver I .jaiu2an'D unda..st W1ultby, Sept. 1. 1871. 8& Th uivrsTHacess"fRtiNG. 0F eýbotin - seyw."et Tedtil niiera scfsthe fabis, Marrnhsin biliira clâ, â aSeIyene i triam rSoii the hide o c are,Id Poin asaand le - tits n ié~ s mtSs it more Ruesa n lrb inue, hemmo rIe o fo ouî ffa es d ef te uclsId iamtwt sCoe G JUoia nIlmefcl Neha I ceaaOlRadt h ulc ne were awarded the Firat Prizo <tnd Diplomit, et the Prcviu. "lail Exhibition, heid in Toranlta, 1870,in comp etition witb ail thé ladfg achfn'p nianufsctured ln the Province ; and With o;îr recent imWrvcments, we unhesitat- ing y chlslcnge investigat ion and :c m parison h ca et r . M hi e , w a e s atfsfied that Bicli investigation wili colîvinte e"er unpm~udioed'- minci, tIIat weý offer 'th o boBt ?Iaw or ta the Form er for 18e2. b lit in r h D mi i n 8 d for descriptive calslogues. ~R4~W.~& PWr~R~ON. A large and superior stock of Well- made.Ladies', Gents', Misses'l andi Children's-Boots ani Shoca. The stock comprises the best work, and willi re fo 'und cheap and durable.' Satisfaction guaranteed. Cus- tomners will fi.nd it te theù' interest te eaUl and examine the goods auïd list ofpies - Repairs neatly and- promptiy exeeuted. Wbitb>', 6opl. 151h, 1874. 88 j THE OLDL--STAND, f~srfÂ~,IsPtJI 18s3. [The iuidersigned is iilow eevajW. TILL, 'LARGE -STOCK: OF.»Y GO Coiisisting -'of D's o 4,~u ra varetyandof the latest fashion, -Colored Sil-ka, Shaýwlu, A cak asotm ~Ondian and /éther Tweeds, and a full stoi3k of gent1ei .s~ri4i e FRESH FA MIL YGRUJs Teý%s, ofei & ~ n el e a l'ýwEý 4sAgc Anda large- stock.6f Çane an seat Chairsi-,Tables, Bureaus, Sofas', toungef Cuiýpoards. Hir, Cloth, and Damask Loungi &.,&.Atfie sok fNèw Gilt Wiudow Cor The' 1 gsadoeapest stockçof Pietures in own, aji of whioh hé ofers a t priées, that -- i the timeal. - Igr The 'mdersi *ied w4shes to state -Io bis ors aud the publie lta1~ la eb.fund atihe -é imd bau nether bougt<ùti, nor sld eutand la in no wa as"v own.. .1 . 'If di F'urnituro!F- Fu4pe'! 7 h u p p l i c oed s , 8 8 DRY GOOS ,ANO ,~FI - - -.10009: -ME Dý OTS AND J.0 H M ,gL-ý A - -,- L - 4-N 1 -1 9 . -2 . 1 - 1 1 rwýýw - - 1 . 1 -,- 1 ýl i 1 i 1 1 m 1 1 , 1. --M- viol The 'Con hi Pr IN 1 ý'4ç'U 1 Whitbyt' Dec. Ibtli, 1874, oe, 7hitby, March 18, 1875. AT THE THE "RING, Or BROOK STREET, W, HITBY. M-OWER

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