Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1875, p. 2

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~Wawsr rintJigioeeOcasiouky on litr, an exau Thecourt Sat the Sonate Câû n -0riLrn ad eset,, l&',i i D SaY t hveAn eom mliôale TaflrlnAg..G urly. qeneten fclIj, DoiSXt; le ha nôudert, SlsehSrjS. édIct et ot ei'y teck lis sentol 020 iwmsd-.Js.ia@14.dn; gP4ags liuiefs elolted frem ihm marm temeof ou 1 h Yitb MhLTýo oula gullêy ho l'e tecorde&.Ho wuW thon' t$e0i@u5y plesIedo Âdauulilstrc'a Notce-W. EL u Oscd=Ond*tioL Tho sienlce oom id u be o hOir. s goe aeceouat cfttseli-Thé court, tue ràj elul h uicroWo h tm rie.nAplicatlon Of the tisnt ý<> h folo*in¶ BlllS. M-utrb les n n tic lie ao.lvttorney rsctgfth àbuli.a At ast amnaclîlb. p rlnai dus ~cDaean -"on 15. - i i'O0fldani oatuouanit Mre.iîsin zIspoctor MoLel.- Atrrzyseca. AA Wmnê b tte Cc. - War*eii, te CndinHgitlq isvd aeo4oMWU ià-ied Who failed t ae 81 O hie mUbySona trlbutiouuof the SiMutes andth le terrI- t. thi npotrsparhiular ttononhlcu 'mi hie recut flitsiéelamlnation,sand iei-v"otiuponluin hoappearasà itno oilapiaind.t mnigp AC£N,$-Àmost PLOlsalIdication ef the cars. thlit uqet nbyWIitby l' i lu 1h. case. v iens Aira 01Fra tc, o upeooniîdicpin,- ou Shoranked 'i lb te ibot soha à là,the',det case, Mr. Gerbe>' and Mt An Act te repeal eet 0 9Wnc 1ioi. hefO h Oie eCcngrshlulahedthef h Ub--reo zig e J46las ls. mers ezanuiset-til. lauI- c t013 , â mec$itu . 5u 5hea se ce0 a'Lunsghty P e atrsa d p pl n th e s C ee.I tr*s t hi ra thes aimal ras acting petty ' DOFn , h c phs pendd 1h O h WIS0 tswyteso o rfgylt A oi, u nlu# o.,on au- Marksat nhnso i rhiad laatrc i.entite examlnaîlen, fronM. Gib' s&asI.le'by sis e-auassanlts. flinwiL yapdri, e lusîn rta 6olbis,&a, hiei se frorquentîy di. anud hoPet a holidasy moult l'e given in son unkncmnandAUeActte n Ifs., ~ onikmg'ilon thopromnises et t i0sprisoner, e rsraintfbspa.l i i >f sur. but -L. iir fitee bb subrtrithegp.pui wihCnt o ulcwrs WOfl n c olbuiding$. tuefuture and The h fid liwu rantoilaceorcingîy. l'thie ti ta mg q e t i oio wh. Dmiio ir"Wobd monk, Io, iras mithout mark et - We aise avail curselves cf thieOcccasionmthe, cnstabîs, Tarn ra neamls i MibliaandtiÏeeeActs. <* o s v so:lomirn r9 iveoýr0 'aven hio lit. t aCongratulats Mr. ERl'inson,the Headti laItihedeer iras about is iae-that An Act ho incorporaithie Banque St. Lth'tt t e- Ils cof uttidinesq, sobncio Master, ',antilisAssistants upon tîîe Il bati strayodt ters lie -cou ti net tonilJean Baptiste. - of alir ad oher1 adiandsus scOeofu rs.ut o th Iop.ot.r Ticx Court also direcbti a ,verdict cf Imperial Building, Savings, uInsh - ""'S 50'-E about, e nobservable. E e3' Net Guilt bI'l'ubered la thus case, meuh Co. ttoi th 'hBInperial Loan orar- i50 ANU t iill asonDeat 'antiordeni>', anti Ah source cf muai gratification 10 finti snid lie Prisoneru as dishüaged. anti Invesîment Cc. toue ensemble iprcenn t ain>' desestrtheuir Offrts appreciateti as the>' are, Mn. aeelC.àtmyrsot An ActI t maire farther prvo zoos nh(y hrdy, pi 5 85 ot oui 'y li th proper anlborifis har.- peebinq hie Central Prison for Ontarfo. - ~ ~ A Acta oamcuhenAhé t respeeting ii vmthlle lsAc leexmlog tge-vsoncêhcsecos.lu ly Mars- sud thec Mliand Rauîs->'. procedurn acimizuI caseu anti' cher T o w n A u c s s e u î.n a t io n . A n t i p e a k l d n g i n t h e a , î î s ii t s a n d g l a t a s f t i c p p ils --m lt r a r la t in g e c r m a l a i . - Soapatesac nliaouydispos. LemWunan te erM r. Mo.."'thutexception. -Man>' years agc Aother atlenuph - labelng inadele An Act for the more aipeedy'triail'be- ed e scuuWc efnerant ml -tus e counfort anti covicncs cYtus p. itedcaticn forcis thcenhf iinci -bonus l'y-ham te ait iitiathe o iartheeproitilnceo trisozeaors mork-c< the. Sisesor, Botter waitthe9 foi- s nd> e o hepu ant os the twig i bont, lih=nc'slcned.1 ra'. LatSaura>, a a ilecia nA aa meuti h floiorencssctn result au4 sec tire pieportion cf lie plis' facilittes fr uyu ok n as u hie wiri-tare applietiilathiee ting cf lis Mare spcialtsAublit e aeath crs fbns tax. il>' rii re alct upu l tis xcllnos of 1'te appOoina, superdollJingî tlhcupeisr atihlatheicTomn Hall, Mie, A. Hugel, atloriret ly Parllimcnî. blits.,grurnlhng. lit Io-,qat ite s_,erv te Witbby .Higi Seîulco tr6as unsur- in tlusm even. a deeper menluug. Tic Présidtio f ths Mitilanti BOimyCC. An Adhometli mgain Ollou viw.tha bcase hévalatonPataud iili e Province. e This la ver>'luhor l'y lis Instruction ant i dscipline apple onprisi nte agse uin t Ast f872. -eath mmgato cusnsvewlatbrcue i vialo peslgIctcun',st i aphutIyslcableaj efor prisopni te urant tofAu highr buansoate onlopupadl's futursaoulabonnse oÊ612,SGO ta tic MIilWd an l- ing thestentilAstncoorI tufis year, thi taes muet b u s~ b e suoeejnsl prdi t rta e nv os-fortuns. Tuis la aiseo mat mc unten. C anilarhi heCoiat lurAi fetn i ansam people. Aslieabjeel cf li xmina- alaatlieposîho mean. Ant i e span>' toui buildt tres or iljre stations toe etend lis poers cf lis sait Coin. 'eacreti.' TitaI dout aI aI fdlleir.tien 18Of muclu more thoan passlng l-gaiin'.al ssnlytecn-brt tr onhp ili bl ' an>'. Acct afetig te egu.d Wbeie the ic aienu l'eih rgil p ? abe ersAsllytoi1 obra l te twsip cv ec bhouiea n A ule.t ist lqw, lhe sainue Amount 0of taxas moul t erct asb, imli proccet1a littîs iléai.-lie -esîlmon>' of tus Impctor ..... nosource ofgroat c ersnet h nAtfrte eaeaAt ou hâvoto b'leied ateablyon hé sme wth he rouls.arngiO cmmunitY ud an it latvst- latlng lis issue cf Dominien notes. laAc-te le lvîsi atcîîyon ic mli ie eints. - ic'e are 1lise6toundallons botter anti cd. The aceneil' unanimousl>'aect nA ete aannia e~re- -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h lueet' homt oinuirt.TUE LluitA5.mr uie> li in nleHgi tasub"iîltho iY-lAm, wibu 1r1lbe spectingthie administration of justice, turceppaît 610 'taxes on propevî>' valuet To1l110aditons0etue libnar> SchelOlf tue tbm of WliIly unuiçr ils voti ýupon Onmthie 291 cf May. AI. snd frt tenle saIliIrinlof a policea aI 40 mi!mar n mretaaylhh ~veweI aprv:. ~hey escbraoc Presout loHeatMaon. reayt eCompany have talled trcc force, la tiieNorth meslherilories. 'eglis0iwievhave'e for tepa ihatchIala bonusP Add tiueeoipthestefflie tInttain abonus SIail o nraidte !800,-pro. luAi> xoi-l 'escesu nlSe nhAt in an teti]lheiiiug Compn>'. vie h vl atiuseesot fie ogi u Smiti's Dieionar>' Grcocîtanti Roman ;CeucPr-uuEVNuRnîsvl3zcurT ne Mii.u occasi t-o csuesfion. - An riitfAnd - l te Coam ny. lis iluooet>' ItaBbecu raisedlflu lie analec uiquities, Geograpîr>, Chambers, EnI. ReOERTrFRItaucR. -6A Conpîtmentaryt aed h tory Patent Act of 187ý; sud te extendthti proorio. ,Ilanbcalke qutalyCycopodaDitkerhain s Thucor> cf benefit bas boon teutierot Mn. Robent NEw GitocprrySieuE.-lir. Peter saine as amnedet te Prince Etmnrdis asceast iînieleranottriher theoaiung, -lases et An icut .geegna. Fraser, l'y lie yonng unen oet hile town, Sdrulhilias opoeeis hie nisonre nom Island. repeîigwdfehi]aeio Vuenaîauî tie lunrcî o to linpi>', anti obier standard wente cf rater- mmih il hake place ilu the OttiFol- grecer>' storeilu hie OtidFcllews' Patent andt le tilacarge et seennihies n sat Ivll1e itliii asees ron hon 'pe once, wliell ibmueth hocf tî e unînelsad. Iows' Hall, cn Wctinceuey oroiing, building. Ho bas overything noeundte thetiCrowu. 'Y-rade ls du-It>faéî'anti juiekas>'p u ar. golehae ibi i mmeoilabe 281h imot. A number et talenteti freelu anti 6f tirel'esétqualît>'. Mr. An Act ho Anend flic Gas Inspection umpouhinliy, tint of thticpupils. --tours anti protossionasshave voluinbooreti Snilir le mcli knowufreinis fermerAde18. m1 ad e ut vintio sinti. us ta1 -ilTuMEiENEIALt-ho. iu-soi-vices fer-lie occasion,, andisoma connecîlon in lie town, andt tise tria Au-Actt og hie construction a' W radad o boatafe - bi ie an 'tesî anie alîh opi-1 aorhi wththIl oubtmir lfdl "" " 'K.anti maintenanceofetMarine Elechrie hv ûreasuj e ihobeller, Col.: Pr!ocodliug te lie work l n m , ho nfne r- tr Ieexott l faavniuwhuloi nlon-ml l Toiegrephs. amtiieA si Cao ioiratcpsyeiurillî eîy ,]lave to, iFemct or4t oa- 'I~nplttI xpecti edohcoeeof santhein entiers dospateluet miti punch- uzenhioet rcspectiug Banksasu Bruni- i irg ispeoîeat uv t the cViret, carefuill>'noîluz: îivougîuouh lie batcvrnpresenteti boforo sa Wiîh>' abil>'. ii hour ts et huuiion Ceralin rties - n la0oritewrkadec.Bsdsfi xclec'f-«*'- --iAn Art toene t dte incor- Po budo of -aai eti ale tle styl u haatr bcmr uine eie i xolue'f Tuz SPYLLi,.,oMANIA, nom se prera. poale tire Louidon anti Canada Bank, trihe lisre utno 8a1 cîonng oscapeti done, tlhc habits ocf iliout, andtihlisthieprogramsme, lie ebjecl of lie en'ç.lni tcU1eiStls u ioe nite -ihange lie nome tieof te ltiaIu 'vdne ftocig pctin n an,2tt otwctyoe f tic Bank of the Unitedi Provinces. i Payluîg thirl umt sAreofet ictaxes, ire. cAuaesutbacAigcat' ahonatitannst ea ee eni> uen narhluWbticAlachesaununeionfdhocotunerîle e gra .co.&U ( fic ain ofthirslnd>'yua. Al-sudthue trncgil>' dici- Frasenhis on an cocasions icrelooe, hot'aire place ah lis roomi cf tlie YouMui meut sud censolidation bettrean tic -Ant ilicomn, Ilurie bee a ure nill hod lnac anrin wichelu ite~srî rn aile, glatI>' giron hie servies, Men's Chuisian Association h<:.m rowEurpa n ot mrcuRiwy atem reotîL, i>'thre nassaenthn endcoi lcr opehv cescs-cp an ti u hort anti « lant intoriliy (Frita>') cvcuiug, for mic i ucicarga Company> for extension tram St. John aieiucu liIbi futrmiinoloior re ova ftre npce.tnauet atm e Iris offentsnmeohiard, ailicheEnropoan anti Nerth Jn pu-sîcl Yc.ri sud the inoqnality Qof thebisai-thonelmilieuualiftcd igp- contnibutcdt le csuccs -of many en.for admission mil ho matie. Aninter- Amneries ieryCmpnyofMinsefni ' asofsmntif tei fve wllnôlolgr-f- isesing lime is expeeteti. -and ti er pr su' eriBo th.i Po l'e ?emilIetl, - Tub eofcoutke Wilî flot HARSOu- TUF, INSPý,CToIu. licpeople ofthliatoivu are intebteti for A c eaeda c eicpr lirc e taies, l'ut mîw i nygo In r enatse iceth fli x leejeytmlof nurereus pîcasant SilOWE&ColisCmqALLIANCE 1 Au d a B ad otian o he tein ofpfr ' --leilinahegeneral buràden. Tic an. aiain nroelln viemetithie ellenings. Ho, unfentunatl>, ilathie atventisoti le appeae n luhic OttiFol-.Ln1 s sessor tinta year liae. seadifficuit anti remit of bis inspection ah s me lenglir disciarge cf his tut>'as a fine man, rv owir' ball, Wbitby, on Fnida>' andti e. 4uActte amondthle Act incorporaI.Hio - tretulesoo te tasilepeuom, but, n nitdétail, tiwlliug ouccestiel>' upon ceiýeti sérions injuriesnaIthie Oshawa urtia>'eveuinge, 28rd anti 241h imt. iug tic Caustilan Navigation Comnpany. '~ reai-t,-lin.u xasn te f' mon, -' m. n - Au Act te amenutliosovenal Acta lu- hsready e . - hie fellomiil xol1pp-cs fine lu Decmbr,1872,,frein the effecîs The IlMiniature citons oet rnnrmung corpenaling on nlating te tic Richelieu loi bellero that I l usdonc hils tb>'wmc, DISCIPLINE. of wtrb iei as since beauu unable ho Doge anti Moukeye" ih bigiri>'spoken Comny> andti e cbeugo ils corpeaâte m Ru aunei tiheresut miii shîcir -satistater. Ho adle ho esldsred lb; discipline tt, anti aI lues clogethrnconfinetiet, andthe vocal andt testnical part 0 s inme-.W - ' - very-good, net oui> as noga ted bebar. ta e Hlai brother Otti Fellours sta clnd rbrsetg.AuA neplighenhnollibs teo ndut tpo eust, lut SIai s.>teA aime cuti aspirations oethelir e upis thalvo assisted i hm so fan, at b Gsa'CiiuSEan allr-Ruiimay. Cvlbris Th wineurha Ssvniee'CSTHNGSTREudaior n crsnunstîiaend ubecilsu r- ireSng Trade. mortiras ovitienti>' valinetiftrvils morti, us nom praposedt laItir te temuspoople SeraviceuOsaai rp ets îo enseitisî cniet. liebac sud studios ilutueel>' prirsusd ti, îsaulti gine bhlasncb a Ilbondlit"19as ho A Atug osoiAcbad.mn hege a fîoel ain prospect -et a brisonfou er cf paniehimett orthedis- fuil>' ticerea Loetiushope thtint her ithi a ice stock cf geet asuaihable for Act relating t h Ie provncial Inenance I l'iiinenshiissprinig aftentlinotifionseosf o f c tlourdions or -parents, but mIl ho an oe oigbueu hue eseason. Garneutulanti matie te Compan>' et Ceneda. Act -,he past.inier. Allihe rarbour inat .- nom lie uin umive cf dýi>'ti liudvforithene o le nter in tIrehatbut dmeet fasiionallc An Act reepedtin g ltre lieu of tic a C ters ave assmuliîg ua lit-i>' l , desire ho oxcel. He boat chsoned iii - occasion. Dmno nteNrhr ala e nirere Isa abrge quantiîy oet t sabr ne mIade gluther elas iii fah i te- stle.Compan>' cf Canada. Cn tlito o arsçahOte a n ect " pvep. SIZolnIetT-Rs-,.-MesoisSinon Boat- CBNTOsÂsAlniu Au Act recpectiug the Canada Centrail tt t0 rl feu'.ropairiuug adimuproiugorfoeliing adrsec.Adbore li tc n llMiller, 'fPickering, matie necheti e uecon-sp-ttiuon s dio- An AdiCopny.uglIe Thoo e- o liewlinf;lics'esui wlbcl '«nae-e g cln teiaheopportnînîit>' cf comment-. lie following puncisaseil thue stock mn ttn lugi&Wre r AnIn Atinourcpoman>' cfte Canada. nmo -lu-hlie pont, fiulrà inýg ittilc u tit,,aing upon tue exce-Ileciocf ble building sale cf te le FoabrwcltokmnofteCug&WrenOa anIuac op'"YfCnd. wh mnuuu>'é troçbge - - atiitsarrmnemots,îht11hpathie'1a GWCnFier tioti,5rioren- Coi es cabinuet orgaue, in oteîcncoumune. An Adt le amondthti Acte et muccv. cxii irn utau n V.utimr-e vol-y ihute ire entOfcan cou. Placoeut Wankegan, Ili., on îthe 7thr--. -penahion cf lie Great Westerni Railwa>'don - repsaring forn tIeo trtdgiurg qt lie bar. deer .intnt a- . SAN itus 1nlureoipî cf c su- Compan>'.aceu -br-Tota son tie Whiihby and ENLce lit TuunWOInc. Oxford Gw>'nne 5h o ali, nicnîveatipaier stbouk et boots anti shees, anti Au Act b chranîgethne namie cf lie eltai Port llorry Rail hrey are once againrun. 'lie'boye anti girls, hi obsrret, Auuse, -1872. Got b>' Prince, ltdm mtsn revt oto u etMoutreunl, Cliamil>', anti Sorti Rahîma>' Ieor, afloda moa podri oothbot Comrpany>' te neMontrnts, Portlaind, trour îring u-gulr[Y--mJtkig tli rIipe a ta>' wcne tiJrougil>' in eavciest. Tie Oxford Gwvrune 2nti. SOit for1,225 qualit>' andtiuinsuprior -style, ou theo sud Boston lleiwsy Comnpany. unfé eai a>-snà t ing .g- iniineavil>' sinfliing, siambliua gait,thie lacit-Ins- te Vun. Mâter, cf-Canada. poie.A c oaedteAt8 i. oe hélion cars cf gralp anti lumbcr, ati Ire oye, the P ictubl s Man, er rci 1wyne86. Gel b'roua-N conopieus b>' hor ase a. Ti d ec,28rd, 10.Gt rr-chap. 115, incorprtnu ie Interna- oeteo taing Oto~ upriug geode 10 murcnte.uls tu-sle rigîl ira>'. upiis. mere mottiden, lot dam Prlnces Giynne. Sodit M. J. 1WOODAu.L'S CLIu COUXRY tv ouaiExpress Ce. Nr The. marcants cf Whtby bave Isupot. mare speebalens c fï 1h busin'sa of cd. fer $500 te Win. Miler, et Canada. STOIimuciwoclisupplet ris menai iiti An Act ho incorporate tic Angle- thai li> 'ics tCiat4,vaciet iiofahgeercsdmei e Frencîr Steamoinip Compan>'. ing1 çtablasr nilr'ts i oi.'.J likeiuit o-opthe cu ae tit it; fOxod t, onclvdAuAct ho incorporathe rcEniropean crieé tabialmens f besos.IVe. likiemue C-épr n labour im1it thein Sephembon 11, 1879. Got b>' Baron cheina h xelneo i hs n AircuEpesadAec n toccers ; anti parents mii bath cf Bales rti. lst dam Rose of Oxford 2uti. uginhexclnecfbsmn- dAemauEpss ntAee>sd Go.c, Lames & P.owvell, Laing & Stow- them, tire t Ilououglu mark n l'e donc. Scîdto1 Simon Beattie cf Canada, fonrIccys, brandies epti mines. Company.thr n, HII&Mlbon't& Ce., antI J. J. Mur-pîr>' HRare lie rltet au incidient ie l pro. -61,700. An Act te incorporate tie National repre boa5 ouPpieti mitîn fult inas lu even>'. fossioual-travelo. Cne ta>' ic ment la-. Frantie iSti, wmite, celu-etiApnil 21, SCARLATINA luncry rite amangaltIrhe Insurance Cempan>'. Buffle tung, and l l braneuses etftefl ic ry't? a sohool of wmilci lismaser iras 18661. Gell'y Datie, lot tain Frondie yoîng cîriltnen f famiiles in the owm; An Act ta aunent su Act rcspcctiug teun gmnng an laborate expîanatbn cf soins loti. Soidtle S. Beattie, Wbitevale, tre diieuase le, hîeecr, totunsiel>'of ethle appeopriation cf certain lande inuof sel goadi businessa. Buyoes mll ho ure le matiemnatbeal tulIclty te j close cf Canada, for $225.Maio.AcV gel thiel'ost value fan hein moue>' i beys; l'ut lie boys more nalg,,riùg him Frautie 271i, net, calvoti Julie 4, multitype. An Ach le exbont le Ilucu Province oethle r adainaoie- elbisrens islaê letuntTmJcnmma 84.Glb>sak tEneiîtthMntbale i ortcinr0sA">'mm - gosda a xceetlmugu> ly anti het wlit tar131111an....inuitndcour. Pa iAntmp e tî~acesl~ u~ihlto iCncopat Mecf eau byfleutim fou-theingetehbalntopr eîfeanlie taons lro.î tnt cer>'facilil>' mil bé- pntCireno.Bothmma-,rteu-iars un A ng opnYfr aala a coàtMmi1 lnelrîitiprocunotiaIs vey aferict im friepjuymnThevlh len thie mater sutdm i'mls iete feNnasDil3lankt miiifnDeur aru-icli ic ask-.Whc net ? Alveati>'aniticinbia on onr, the'Plie latiBana Il ia iocidedtbt thieLotige buildin,» goot. Ile gavoeItue iistery - of the erot er gun-blie noigiberioa. io e.,cus.Deor i meiilat uîl whil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 10 & ane'nai e îc ~ )~~in ire suibnittat niilmmbunel i.an nt aecolisave et opinion that heaculti hans ne- An Act velating le inlercest anti usun Honor Il obcWeoogifrtegrand uîcÂO8e0itiarkit nswt anoadLk otismainet IÈtho malen six heurs lenger. i teProvinceolNwirunuswick. ban ü te uonig, nd t i incoû eauid ~anecut cx da imrk hatthfor les t fihlungreat ainutance. Tic Que4audthli Lord iMayr toalu An Act te incerporile lie "Canadla I col plation te dvli te diii sh dfa ha sud îp la a rcentieficathil fib eti invitation t lob dotWityfitgraphiedtihein congrattulations.' Tihe - Lntvlnstmcul Compan>' (Limiltid)." etMai uecbaouu. The oOinmittee ri arrange-. teIdo. '>r. gnumbrhfo unlslitruùs l otlefogîsul> hi ortons publisi a joint'teclavation liaI Au Act te incorpenatethie Pictan enlmeý ar ttenunei amfor s éucocodeinaoiglpr ofm t puiaslie> us>' clul eu oti>' c hm -Uytn's desisance m3s mIly to taCoal cuti IrnaCempan>'. public rui*nt.~~om %lI a'0 tt Fl supjnuô la>' a ini t a a tO-SYniantld rsly o mass tiriremonstraacia,because' ot*the b-Aidt îtnit i roic teese Wirltbylire- thé Normnali 100 loia ' -f'O reciving& li ad ospilabbo reaep. crenslng taksantmiooà rougnesiOf th British Celdml'iathue Dominion Lans ui lo"wup l In tiiPu-ovince, Ant imitinh wîtti"thdér,' u Ossible. lion, atr --Act. 'mwlian dl wy di," eu h, -,&-nola nUM ------An Act respoctingwcgoufli cing clame ol iceosoti, ~ amination fl odO"" a us, nrn Ânn o omîtl' A"UÀuL SAnz OFior SerHoRNes.- tlanads cf occupantm la Manitoba. .teandt ---nmr---t >'ls-i lagt eedc eat aiation May tecn icgAnl10.-The tlind annual Au Acht tochange tic corporate naine ani "Mi. a e ae"H eourae e t iieeifil'eentTrsysel adsale cf short hornucaIlle, frein the.Lin-.-of thie SI.Lawrence Navigation Cenu-te>w on,'sdclua svrt.tTicl mccd herd, 0eestcshnay ah D- Dxpan>' steain), andt teconter on it cor.inef - cm, nti Ina siio lImeIlueamelti -meucîdtier Pari. Tlilrty.mevsn cois wmessolti tain pcmers. t h la 4h$ eue 01 for il, lisTjuey'0roittn Abe raz suyh<» gai amfittlng eut. Ticl i. Bem-rucf, omneci at an arexagepnice of $592, anti four tuAnct o authorlze tic Canada las i'vrtiçî e. ic lanti mIlu zoun4 Ti su ethiegils n mt eualosb>'Meurs. Jchn Blowm 8; Co., hes beon bulli,' arcragnng 0715 eaci. - Total Seutiovu Baimwa> Company' te se nire etP -YrUc o tetlaentiffin c ee e mlateti 1h as:faa in hlntýémtic8 a lis mo atdck, atiail unt of salesmas $24,065. The t:e Erie anti Niagara Baltrwan fu oRhidea:; gave moccasion hoa kdtea-hnsrebepanig aEsonup acr. r oimudai aIt rcew o cbul a -oher ose - Btia ~,taiuofgir .01Y. go scout. linsacbs'pitn atfixung up- gsr'uBresb-plato, $2,200. An Act ho legalizo ana confirince-cet ~omo~ DÂY.-itsidaagcfehangeslafencrit>' et tthfein Ibi bnd tribulation lagomiog arcund apace, sauayeaartc. s teil'Comzpan>',thNigrPâsSupnonteIO rom prouecit boys-er trnslai eanti Ia - cs. AcRDMelce-Dr, B. Ramusay', cf Orilpart cf the ittlng mas devoted th -enRala>'Cnp.> f aa a Ruie.l 6nring for te napleasant tb>. A thin irk on lire w gnrl> iml euu-igfo nfsuîealaatin erjeclc& ballets,ani AAd-epctgheHuoatiHs. <aoê-luuui~~arenet ecuet busca10 iaI f bos. masuoo ionvisiriselgS ftt>'afteaaenmashiren laencomusi titrsset li Coutand utaio Sip CanamCoiny. l' a 1 l u. TE Et~~r'~<0Foas - -ain sane nt.jle r nenta.da>' AsAo& a aunntourtAd<reneeng '1 l#ng but &avantageons ta sceir a -homie He mas glati te ose mnyi I i jrebelg1ýbi tl i n hie coasingAMaje ofvanua.' t co netrlys- insOF -À uruce, being An AcuuL'a lu hie ip antiX , mas Cou * fi he11r~et fMa>' ., Il i's tter a HIgir Sool. Deponti up»On il, elis. b>' lie fu. Theaccidenltrwam N u A pilH x' A dbathnr rnes Xarzr a aebe 4p1a1105u- deAND ONuc rEsTE»neORmT= CFMxi.- Galarnean anti Maglonie Cleepa GI lohmte teprcura temiribbe thie cice cf themjuarents -hanendin ' causeS b>'thie irted utabominable -Sî. Louis, A il 11.-X fariner namrcd ana ebit nimanaaatI ua -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~to hor w1utQn a io thueof ~ e onl>' iglit 01 sae fli obetm mn Orillia anti MOKafzisa ,ingnear' Grenville, IlLbridge ôcrnhelicvier LAsmptolu'etf Leïmein ths ton, asthe -ofpen 01tea hie i aaf an eh hec..ï Ticwiraàiurderot inl ilsb.d the nigit l'e-. lie Province et Quec. gara on Me t5eti ecnla $Mauauhl acadiemîço, Or ladism'seninari s.Àfoes Ist, andthlon placet rmtier ltire tc, An Act ho incorporaIthie Dominion Chéee libqi atubeo ufil .veqergeal-otimulus mas about tl e esvm cuclcgutcraa> nitt of apair cf inules-HstcaisoBamy neîCuupn. soAb g, l10netnequsl te th~e iemnaF-tie -duicahion cf girls thogiut ' lie have beiu arresheti on susupieicua. -- Auct nsi-i ditllt dn Î#e Ac- .o- .m5nd - the Act i'titued . cd Ou t & n s u s n e s r ' Ii e r l e n t s Au L i O p p o nt e n t s a n d l e y e u e - i ls . ýQI, f I i e 1 t k O O l. f na W G i b a I ~~ ~ n s e i an Aeand inia&id ceeed in mniring tuie Constitution. thm o f31M. GeO. Hadia n, f Brook ; s p id ev oal fi Saineof tlem rmained united after it and two of -Ur. Geo.a. Ukof Scot. M.80; relief cf- ai l eM.,G A.Atfurthei ta amené-,thd Pilotage waa imade ana endeavoured to it in. Aith'ougl to late, for-tbe Easter imar. 6196; -OO n gut À- e oamena theÂAct pased by thinking, lid alwayalooked forwsrd anld Othéi ernds,,Mr. oonshad nlo diff. Couiity ud schigof-hcmis tofijp8' lfcrce. Tlienpekèrwhcdid.1on kakwThg cftii. sn 'n Seco Sc,-~ ~h~1atia. o f the late Province cf witli hope tW the union oonsùu-mac~ty &ions os» f em.Thb4tliu 187on8coo Qanaa, ntitde uLct ta ncoiporate mated as beot iqr Canada, and. evér en regarded &las firt.laa, but singled $05 ;, of 1 Batlif *, -B c 00 e hlie~~~~Montreal às~~~~~~~~~'Trade. since it lid betnuanctioned C i m u"ay<Y'~lef eol- 8etionwi.4~ 84 1 AU Act ta amen th inctorporat- perilaParlàaext lhe liaho esitation Bos1, and a 1bcUn; fed by 3Mr, Hadden, insurance on drilli1i'led, 750 of Samj lng b. anaa Ca ~ nuf.fatiuring in anno uncing hbnself with, reférence. as lie best beif seen in Mon, treal for Glover, .wcrk on, od 1'c p »a I h o nstitqtion a Conse rative. y a~ Thissp~da -we Wf r Narli O M urPhy , work n ,r ca, $-1.50 ;'cf lW = & tt Ao crtel*v -r ý U li (ear wr B aG helping f c&ah fr p o w h u o l h a ~ i f r r i l w- Ir, , 1 e h a b e e x l o y a l t o t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n Sa ndER L  N D . 8ahl i means of couve atce *,tîiilés lie I bêla elf atafràme. He calld SNERAD Sih&Son, ý fteuio.cntbé y ~ ~ slfaConservative-Lil'eral aud BEL a Iltoec M.~r I~ ut' 4 miio c Cnaa.I '- t hlieoculd work -witi Libéral. wss broken mb oan Bunday nightsa ud On mnotioni Of Mr. MoKenzje, Ellen A n A ct hotamnin d and -co no lcid the' 10 1 iÀ6Up .. 'u, s asthe>' bath tood o nù le r ane O n O 'i d g ~ t a sevr als redsg> uiane a 0 one'e,. otliem sxelained éd îofC. adsm 30u~cs .montli frnn 1st'Àprjjlet. fer~ ~ ~an as read t u imd' marine sa30# l#4fqb ' eptead the nomination 'h cni dome~11 h As bnsineds. - ih 01 htarpéet. Te0uc dom- fi1efn AnAdhoexen ad mêd ue ho le ~~ i. itata epesnt.POR T PBYMonday liuin mdah1 . n A tt e t n n m é d t é I lw and gav e, hl 6m1ûf i~.. view s à scf ou. Pf* Rr. obe t-3 thoni litabon p. tlo k a ID requirng railway companies ta fùrýnisli tive hotid eipïdM 11W , lockng cas rRoetMmg l ,cnp.clck.i. rettuns cf theur capital, traffli, 'and stituents or ?esigu. A"t. nt aepin. edilaea co. . rntbe l fi a ut 600 wok " min. re aARýVL PIàMZO Ts.~~pad wcunepednj.1nly âSIheace 1ts fh'ptfdo. "Glusuon jthat 13. crandell's offarhacl rsOfthae11111re t arOda AnAlot taincorporata ithe Ottawa istration 116lied coreme a, thSêh. ý and haitve airyaper-tieTr=tohnded l2i=tra arrven ig Boyl tfsAssrace Company' cf Can- that la the inicreut fs~ e takcd nu n- cl.o f 6>" Ihe yToreh pton the dy ve5g ada. - good Govern mnt Bti.Mo*ëSI 'à.*1 'A co ucil. : Tt o tep . h le . from, 0 i igrante AnAct ta am nd and cons idate le colleges slould ho dipl4e#dElA s bas. goelstfortleprolis.. if 7.!iverre pool fr C n d 7nZcc ande selb.êen sba la unth.Hiberdan. The mon-are of- an laws respecling the Ncrthwesh Terri. as possible. (Applouse.) H.ocidffdn te..*"stance of Mr. Cii. xeln ls f t4.ls.L tories. e~~~~d MUr. Mowat I n thc ibrongest 'termefttsghi ,,àeu. 'Ou 0à ut lbuea -. an oi ainm Tpyircm-Lincocùnre An Act fartier ta amend bie general for descending frem is he ci hotaPar. COU evi 0sicua o ay 9a dëdurrhtal ', IhSabi At~cs respecting railways. n. H eerdh ieGvrýTewfg clshv en* leasend the souro1 r 1,amen.R efre ath - e Tewibwestern ca'isricti cf England. A larg An Act t amend tie AdciCapter 46 ment expenditures, and sald thc leaders 050 a year. nd VOcrticn cf them were sent eut b>' Me of lhe Consclldaled Staîntes cf Canada, abould be prcsecuted for uralapurpu M1 îSnlara l a hRepe ,t A 1 k 'zrucu1turlUin Ie h nltituled ai A ct res p c i g i uli n ticn f the people's m oney . f the e e e t d ed oM rO7 . H e m t" a U n o n e and m e anring f tiber. squandering cntin ned, tie country ith -an accident àa or -% m e 1a90, ,in ~ i'e lo t M . A ci r o n A A t t a p r o v id e f o r t e i n s ti t u t io n w o u ld a v e t a i s s u e b o n d s t a , u e t c x r f e d l y lb a l n j c ae i l f ig a.' o n a g e n t a I M r i s to l , n An bdce cul ,sine 20o0 <ont cf 1he 850 whoarrivea of stilti againit Ithe Crcwn by pelition penses., -n ie youg days, Reformers cf ico. bore. The dt =mand for 'agriculturaj' of rig i, and r epecllng. proce dure in bo ate d f econom ical p inciples, but '-la o er is v i r a , an l' y st . Crown suts. now tey semed te have a nW Cu.ed. lbaer il f- get n b etr An Act ta establish a Supreune Court An attempt bas been lately mande b>' a The amut of IDxe eve he dayrfalernozu ee p t 60 tic e W and a Court cf Exîéhequer for tie Do. newspaper in Toronto te show liI iea ncunt§cf, ae $4,1vi.d2,,Yerêfv art dior trihieto ,dt minion of Canada. speaker would, if electer], meet witlu village conneil lst y La' Was 0.9.2 oél p rs o h Province. doerai A n Act respcting .tho graingdeclc dfficultes frin tic Conservative side, --colleced $4,180.78. f bbc m oen werc laii 'd b' farners froni Ln lie larbour cf Quob o n uirz ocudea htM.Cneo n o Thc village conneil, tPPears ' ic cnoog n ~frhm h 'gec bcriigc banalaurpet nRerscoldaci ha. mer pretan d lie ourna4 haro takcn up lia,' bread ques. woeotwenly domesu c -serrants anuong ulecf. They md talked ever tiiese mattors ho-infor edscrusson. tAéby-lab'*la ofti part, o:wnlio e nq"isi es' cbaonsi An Act respcîing lie Trlnity Houge fore Ire lieughl cf coming te Soul outh he leorgTae dfntho f' o ~a rdtcfealo.. Ou-mants- nnosamothe i n d H a r l'c u r C n i u i s i n r s f Q u é b e c . S i r u c c . i a v in g a ro t e in E a s t T - t c b i T o ei i n f h e w r d t c f w i M I U r n s r u a n n h 1 1 An Act te iucorperatethe Quéec ornte, ho liad supported Mr. Cameren "ssz" xaubdeeslig hedpt i nrra opare toowa tha id Lke uro Diect laiwayCoi. bcaus lu wa ti nia cfbran, iuword nil bing fund la Week's 0> "ý lichefrmeralan E ngland war o ri mily LaeHrn.Drc' ala on leae lie wOppte mieandofvreeti theNorth Ontario Almaneacand cîhe, 'trar3', and would nol lot a man lirfe. AnAf e nfd n osoiae i i leaer ofthecppsionilaa vempranstandard werks. .Mr, Campbell cx.- ()Re infant dieed soon aflor its parents Anlut a fr iedar oualiae fthe the a lie d Opposeitiehe l ipo wrtant ale ia-awu egllr a 'ired here, freinfatigue anti mca siek- ittslaw ervice, for to f h ha h psti on houl beedod weinrogelrigtc noulrauer g uetaudonootsie aidl anprones véand two,,cidren woié Sent teo Àn Act respectiug penibeutiories, and If elecbcd, lie speaker would hoc ablo e rn ot ieren oweig i Uzirni g auishespielal suffolngfroic ti sinen e inspection bluereof, and fer cher ce-operate witu Mr. Coauneron, and rusnt ueenngc i ilaan ane i agesaI arech tic unen wrpes. wluîclevcr eue would lourd, lhc position and risoearcli cf uts représentatires have becaengae aeaolw Au Act rcspeeling Inselvoncy. cf leader iras cf no censequeuce ta hlm. 7tSe Npepe o e o IwAX OODip aell:Marrbud mou."l-frentcnd yere, nd lei Excolîlc eh Govoruor-General Mr. McDougall bien alluded tethe -$epcl flelonhphv ei 250, witx hous etanifebfen eas ploasiedteto rserve bhc fdllowing puatferm laid dewn by hMnlun1851, andtiens a blcmee h oting4 paserslu- ta boardrdiomrethe Ils ferrlthe signification cf lier Ma-the greirbi cf thoeo rineiples il con- leu l cmpl ieToono nut $150 1 m n ier lémure therao taimcd, ulluding epeciallytlethe recon- Ri ea ompsny tacomplY it tejear. onsisra wreggc An2c o lprerlaens cf thoir charter la regard t'.trm#yo8 A n f rte relief cf H enry W un. structienef he bbsncery Court. Ho $7 pcv m cuTe.-.'î r OL - ntb r e,- on.. Itorson. '~ allnde'd la Sir John Macdonald as a c[rig odoe.Tc ?aeY""e iaîdon, lie Immigrati b An Act respecblng Copyrighît, man pure and henezl lu bis pereeual cpanla i iotr intconstantl>' rclirm ein a'flthee. a Ris Exeellency bien delivored the ciarseter. (Land applause.) e co2 alloir wcod to be carried crer the rond- eiignthUied.SÈGskt- Yigsec iont i Dmne eermn eulessi ibis lhe propor>' cf theinr- dn aleUitt tle sd )Ilwin spech denedth Doinin cveCern.as lhim for information respecbing 5'el- rnrable Gentlemen f tie &nate: a collection cfincapables. As a party pny ; thoreby mnopolizng le wod tural rsètinCad.Ec ,- Gentlemen of the House of Commen8a: driver Mr. Mackenzieo md remarkaobradetantipeeting farmers aud ochers sou riespresslasCa n. dacsir-i I cannot relieve y en frem your aI- qualiies, but lie celd net bec aîhuti a fro m ebba tn n ta price for theur ooti came ta Canada witi a iew f b oîering m da nce ln P arliam e ul i thlî u l tha nk- sta esm an. T ey his t'in' Ie power irilci tiec c uli if allow ed t e have hie, r hlier condition , doera i f tiese gyou for tic assidiy and zeal y part>' b>' accident, ad argoy y plt. their wood eneyed over thc railway,- men frem lice States have ltel>' coins ici aI a n u n u u al >' car >' er o d u in g t br eu g i p ri ra he te le g ra n is a n d l t- a n d se l l u T o ro n t e. I l la re p cr b ed lia I ev e r fi e r s, a n ti a r c n o ir se tle dl o n f a in seeha nyuubae been euabcnd in lors. Their action luhe Pacifie Bean. lie Toronto & Nipiseing Bila>Ce. lands la tuistProvince, Isudare doing mgti sencryonu aes cf aleieus dal ws net whsî was ropreseutei. The are interesteti in a irooti ring la Toront, ircll anti prospcring - sin tae onos de. T flac selc bs Pacifie Raiiway qenîrsel iras inteudeti' sud have0 decided ho mo nopofize as,.fan sin tauitfbcflmsrTe sfauit ion a h Io b lebus fapi las possible lie iroti trade sbcng IhueirSeosie, ctco n séq u en ces t e tic eu n r >. co m p an >, an ti n t mu t, by t ie G av era- b n . . I aeraiygiven nyausenttthe munt at tle direct cost f tic peuple. The Woodbridge Cild Murdez. Guftu'.-ýThe lage Raymond Bei. $1,0000roulti have beon tIre cost if -ng, Machine Factar>' was burued down C o r f cf 1er loerra l usab en loda p op so , T ic follow i g is a c p >' f th e final on S aturd a>' n ig il. A la ge n u m b er ai sone, whidi bas long been u der butunow e hat te pay $80,000,000. statement madeon Frids>'- ly Caher- poeCjle. ave boen hreir oul f- em- si e aT hesu lr c e e eDayo n io n , G e v e ru m e n t a re n o w . .p o m n . T e l g e s r o s ho copertion c a rdjdical eéssea tiuain iLriCraro e eBlake, afler lber comniittal for trial, pcmn.Tels ssros the ompetin o ourjudcal "sem.stiplatng ithLordCararvn ýta ici, 1h will be observe, rétrae;tslier WtOezsroe.-Saturday'mrning. Ilut tAct rspeetiug Insolvene>' will pro:.speniaweethr r62,000,00ayeri Perts ol. former stalemeut as te Mre. Renntree's Hay's Cabinet FacIoy ias tistroycd li te interosts cf commerce by stoelhreae1.00POPO participation iuý lie crime:- by 'fire. Loos $20,000; insureti for oleseme changes introdnced lite Tllte railwcy l builI a rond le pro. Caherine Blake sait-I iras confin. 62,000.-- s tin g la i. T ie s e c h a n g e s ill P e s t r iJrn c i e e C i L elo n inlu M r . J eh u R en n r e 's lieu s e , n - E M R T T î f Lbtles reent- lu the more creful anti Place, costng cliet $4,000,000. This he.fisl roo a llihe norti cu fti fhe 1E x n r - arn bouse of M .' ozmical adlministrtion « of inslveut railway' wIll take passengers ant iallup cairs, n tic ught cf Monda>' Ediard Trents few miles froni New-. ltes, givn. due protection te le cre- freigil foun our great akes anti carry the loti f Mrc, cuti ias al ahne' msarke,lwas mmd te thc gronti laet r, and a h lié sa ie im e s ie biig h em over env bonds le M on tr al. R e T here ias ut a seul lia I know f i. M o uitir j m rn i g. z 'hrel Irorîmul tc bnosîbutfrring lealBritishi cnnetion tIe speak- a em hnî oîicl . r t u n a he d e b i o r . T oa n i d l u t i c d e - o a c i e e u e î l a e a o o , s a m n e a c a I fi r s . T h é n 1 t i u g h I D E T u o i x o s r a - o m - piet anti fficient administraion anth ie Liberal cu t er newspupers vonîti say nolingbe no. ee about i. ville, April 12.-Abouhe even weeks ago nur greal territorial Empire luthe lucve ayowerothlîir desire te sec bia Afer it mas boru I -let it lay tere. a wocu n umeti Caffen,. ageti sent>- bl -m el su i p o ta î t p as be n coun ry' sep arate ti fr in lic O lti E m - *-. - 1ý Ii hten ie n t e M y valis e f lrýe y ears, ias m i ase d fx ren to w . N o rthwes a imortntsto ba ben re-o ee hecables out-o sece a mysors, andt'it hroal dlue la ber, ieroabouts iras diseorer.- n be> l e pcss ng oli e c t pren d. l's thi c soe e ti lia t binti 'ns tao he egel un>' selsf er oon n be or il a forra o f go er uim o ul p r di. m ysolf. 1 n eo r Coulti h ave d on e il if cd n t l y s r a a e u en m o b r ' up n is pr se t requir cuen ts, m elierlan ti . T hatl ais heir political eh- un> friend s ladn'î been se ng y m t i c rpse, u 'a u a tia uc d sÉtats Of teco in- ' a u te m eet ich exig ocies of ject, ant hle tecone>' e c nceal their ni, anti I did 't cae if I die l. I tlti position, ias'faun ti on t.2e fa n cof M . f r fu e b y e l i m e e i t n e d és rs. M u. M ills p ro p o ses le ch an g e m e h r s e a gl t n t t o se b a rd G eo ., S . S a i, b >' h i e i nra m an - T e neri rebycalff itoexsene hefudmeta pinilhoo orfa-untirpleouhose t ecfyth crne hlr a Pan- n h secuatie institutions men over wanionlsap ieladopeninciple or icint opuatin sallbav ben lamet ad mdelit n te Aoriaushe iras marricti. I flrst teck and' put romains, anthticjury brouiht-in he id for the exorise f tic fundtiens plan. He d fends hie course o u R-' it lu a pice cff errpet sud- laid il be. fllowing ve dict:- "$ Thal m r.ç; Daniel lhgeenniu. iePoha ervcepublican groundeý-upon Ameniesu proie- tr rn aibiiIabrrrsCaffer>' came- ta lier deahh e x- sill, b >' i s l ib e r a l p r o v is i o n s ' c ti d o d u s a t v i s i r t e l l e i a i n p l u c e d t . l u th eo m o r uin g I p u t i l u p o eu r c - 0 ho l e c o l ti - d u r n a a . e r emoal of hindrances, le fe c oin- is desire ta ssiiniae, as muci as hie a pece f lanel anti took the pioe o f stri abut lhe lot f M ard, whilà en- l o a ie n b >' m ai 4 t n d n c a î y e h e c a u, o u r in s titu tio n s c u ti a f e r w a r d s t h c fl u n e l eu t f t h éb rc k r o o n . 1 l ot I d e cv r n ug te r o a c l -t h e r e sld o u a c o f e cenvenience. lunlike manuer Cntttinctbihenr> al e cinfant lu that ccet until lie 251h. Mr.. Fi ." - -- i aratag m>'ho xpotei cAmferican model. Tic speaker 'cou- luthe evoning mien I meuh ho Mr. t freintlie naiubc he Ad etil e ludet b>' saying tliaIie felI sure'o John Rotinhroo's for my mages I aok VEEANcS oup 181.-Tre tlo-usaniÎ in g cea ~ r Ie g a pî ' p e e t h l e su bje et f l ay a Itt a t h e Mo lier i o nt sud d id ti n o k u ir m re le g o v téra n s of 1 8 1 5 ha ré a lrea d y - e tere oe upol>' Ocan t lgra f reve n t c ouCentry ie anti hlacenstituents wr mono ni cam a riipto' nte rooy s nd e Il ain Telsgrofapcaso.eirtil.I teck il do aim heicHumber hentclme'te y e ar ian . lu ho- ti s o r s t a & I a r n e T l o r â ha n i i e nh o g î j î it I r o u i t h v o m i i , a m a n t l roe l i c C unen PsLa ipauiee. Tic, Copyrights Act bas Whiîby Towrnship Conel. but I cauldunol. I lieu mlnt up hement for theirreef Lpassedtiat protthe iu lîte cf siticmolk past M. Munsie's store anti1 George eynoldis, of SalI Lake Cit, -' urs andi antiss mie in a>'tspire le Broakluu, April 5hr, 1875. Peter Roers'. Thon I came back bas been sîuntoue taho , year's ini. blueinselves of ihs provisions, sd Cîîalchnsnhh danrm ainanti put il iu lie box against tic pr'sozment anti , $800fn e oy eilitate arrangements ferhe publi 1ltemmer rsn;te evn, n nCanada of thie irrkatm wrf- -au i enespecl a er nct flesoe adi ir ~gu cbeek,, antithetofrendtnwnhipnee . passfi. Ug ougi atceI o c uon Qnea &0 p re te your labors te t ese it e t o m e e em scu pl m ~u8 have been a m uski . an thic u t rust tit on th em part ce m l e om cclon opelon le 12h bcd looks as if il ias ct off a bar.-. o ST IN S O N -,A i w itby, on a lur . ç1l1 aboer. Il things cu tiato n 1 meit., st 2 eclck p. m ., andt he c vi d ue te lic m rderer as yei,. No day, lmt i t., m is. Elizab til Stinso'n, l i l o e r .o f c o u n t r y ' a n t i d e r c î o n , b o a u l o r i z e i a n d i e q u i r e d t a n e i f > t i ce w 8a e d 4 0, y e a n . « gen rai goo. to mn counil cmhe mater. SuDDNnz D ATE cr ANf A aTroa- Mr. - M E xc l n cy t in hav fng a no ne. O u m oi n f M r. Hllita >, e tontioti John D I- n c or f r ou l o H TB Y IfAR K E T S. liament ta le prooged unil ly M . Smith, t mas rescvedt hat ' linusDas c anom it h e!--H o n -U th f M a , le f I h e C h a n b e r f o r M e usr . H a r r is o n , O s b c v & M e s , a r e ý 'r o u p u cd ie t o u tt n l ' i n T n o b o m u e zc uz O r r n e , A l l 1 4 h , 1 8 7 5 ., allÏ, -qcompaneti b>' is herel'>authcizettte prssetethe ap- Sahurd>' igllycfi n T diéant Fan Wie..... 0ns e-pocal of-Toms vs. tue Tomnship cf Wlut- ra ihorh.ar iÎ8an EAWOt----..... 9L410 oe ira a von>' m al sttndanes lY teathec Court of Errr and Appu i .........p..g1 hea ........ #0 os Ilt 00 rec n n ' ving pr bab ir te ant hle eeve a nti clo k sig a le noces. SENTEN CED Tve B R A EOED ton R APP, 1 C o er: 8.. . . . .1 5 - ýthal tie 'pvorcgat t ia* net sar>' papers and aMx,tbe cerperate seat -S. Cîhutins..p...10-Ti..asirs....... #3G00@ $ 25 l u e t l i i S o d s t i y s a t e r t h vi t i c r e ho , a n d t r a n s m i t i ch e s a i n e -'h o p e m a t i e r s o n T u a i a ' l u t , b e f o r e T m h y . . . . . 3 G 8 9 us f b sn s l i e v r M sarq. H arrison, Os er & M ess. is Lo ds ip Justice Patters n. Th s- Poas ................. 73e @ 76o loe f usnesin te owr Ou motion cf Mn. McTaggort, second- eniminal esîcudar iras havy. A, m=an1BI-citýE>'.Pesu. ...e. 80t@87a d b>' M . Smith, il mas reso îedt laI nameti M atthias Knkl, f Beanuville, Bye.............. .... M @ 70e BEC ER ,T BrL.-In the gre t tie rev , B. F. Cam pbell, eut D . - ias indieti for p ." n the person cf' as .... ..........45 o t 47ec , untralhe inetxmîateI ollila>' le appointat a cemittce on ascbiîd nanie Marshall, cigit yeave Ha>'................. 82 @-14 il ces-cu~muaîn10" ux oonetMndCmpclWhcotei r' s ieout thehouse ofju'Son-;-Pohahoes ...............c00@ 60 - = On motion of M er's.feisarnarn o9a Eggs .................. l c @G0r m m eucet b>' Mr.ulo le . b>'M r, Si thl , il ias rsolvedt hIbalthe mbu t iti ot lie m l iit ite . e A ver- Butter-.,........... .. e6e 18C nia or MÂr.oÂruer.-Trf ot eve sud D. Hollita>' boappeintetlý i et Iof guil>' ias nenderet, anti ho ir5.5CohIper-hon ........... 7 Q88 l i e s e a o n l e f O m e g t n N s - c ec i t s h a f r i i M . B B a I l > ' e n t o uc e t o b e h a n g o t i o n l i c 1 2 1h cf W , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G O @ $ 4 5 0 tuestia>n. lf se o in refercte lie psition f hé Street May nexh. opeew.......#@#80 1 usa-in front of bis prert>', anti do as, tic>' --P-,---cl....~c~ lng ,nemi froin Ne«ôfuntianti ina>'deoin expédlient lathe malter. FoUit Mucf It Kxnn.-Oauton, April Ciiclens ......;.... 80 0PelpSin bn à T o ot a e e w i h i ai . it wm a e r end la t a l - aplicuations 12- T ou-i av Joh.n SRh i. i,.s p à- i, L . D u èk» Per.- - --..... ......

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