Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1875, p. 1

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- ~ ~ wa"vx5 - '"- l s qoeits,, Soirées, ,n - ZZ ~ÂTO~R '~PA EBA~ESJ.("Ti& BrBOOXon roale±ablé tertm. ____ Rcexoc.Si.*hlimy. WHI2B Y, OR 4.R O. ulyI#ùhi874'.9 A&WuAii Y.'40 N 2? A- Is . R I ------ ffl n aela4NOs od Osmpamyauurains.. aat An 1 ~ ae we n o bn nln b s r QPo. p or siear IZM lb.0ÈNS UVNE tceto . , 4-.C.JUSàd r.ISae&PBOQ.TFOR UE Co 1 N4 1 Y oya' X jWO FAREW E & TLEDG ZB . L.A E A K, E EO HLwol dr 1 h. jsns f utoa »*u isPulc n 0 ' Çnen e tsKEau ,GORI>oasWMlO'NEIL - SaEGO4tio akh ayM nsaati tenbo.i. -Ooer;tr DEWÂETâ- n*taknàcas no1u ThéerAlbionl Sa]SuelPUs onbaud Oui JA - ROP IET BlnO &5051éL31 Oh e put cjfi>ýe door so* of -teR, penldaoomobeau.BéS lns 9OB O ro ELdw&uo o mot anttheacrei U~, Y O V N S M I T~ I L L.p rés public, Thal the aboyé remis s ba a b au S . P tr S te bu sin soit W ard. A e , A~~ A T T O R Nst . . A T.L A W , 'n o lo zge u -Me R Dnt l f it a p s d v n va e h o g o î c r1e a i n f eL l ac& 0ud.s i h t t B e s t y u o r e s u d C t e r ..wT ha4 8r a m o f o f c u l i v a t n r e * l i n t n s d G f j.. Sa It rlu b4 oaq an In olv no , A Ja nto~ b. hlt y Po t err B il- C a n da lo ur B b~ e W lu W a z' La . ardYt., ort w o i or an Ce treo t I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I à I B Bi o , B o ké r a b i y n a l , - w y S e on b r a k s e c u t uS n a , w o s d r tai!. B ar& o s a ennb N6ta~ Puble ho, ho. < ffi.e 4~oMIiau. for ala, ud s u 3îhe re ide ceo t C. Drap ar q f un #l o @, a kr Strebli , Couvay.nee()P0. TlbM>'2,1. Cs.KIO NuOEREtoaI l. boa r= e rty o% r ur the ar Not Wbii îIUOnt.réa1 -èT FOR SAL. J S . J WEL , hby, JuIy, 187 . I291fObm i o&a z C.ON O~R &i T14tEA81 -EB Tb a a ccmm odn axut 9,r on e wn o Troto Ag.12 178 Pople or. rnelleaatth i gà ATWlitY.Oé-A T ovulIC ITOuR S, A i r tte a.Atnieoses àPr seulonmailires a ail c e tO]i. an ceAler, epieolm -i Byron S Tr AWb.ar, B I Q N Téndeilgn oulbulldngsnsud sultbl e TE N R U , Su.Agn- didooa do wYork.1 W he7 offi'0qme s;sp m 'é e e uars.lnit . h ItyÂp&10,17. ETeobciE AN F ND N , U Y'S H O S P T A L L<'z D O N, E N S , J Q H N A. D O N A L D S O , Cash p l fo ie s llr k, or sudle th e rl o. G te pi . . E L, OixvaOuari. o v'lmlral h Oçe4 Ofic R OB B OH AB O D - Lates re t Y hsd thTo wo f E i t. M.tB.,romises, Tru to. O FTh; ICLednA uA 8IGN EESHR NTIE A, FREWEL MATIIX .C., - OTO'Pr syhâv 1872S . trSei h ost xseswu ana Universitivuyr Med. - allaI, ai t or eoftu. cr11>'g Fle nsuranoe Col'vof-Canada, < ,& Surgeonsi eitno,-y Phygîclani, 'Surgeon sud.Accoucheur, Rs 1IuKnS.crCucoa~ BBOOLINONT.CAPITAL, S5oo,oca. W. ADAMI, DeposfltdWlth Goverbment, 6,O 1 T'E NTIST, (SUOCES. Ivlsd$Q7i ass iiou a,0sud ___ o bW. H. Card) -t - aiauhoinwtotdly n Whty Dental Booms-Dunu et, x>avnl. A-NE _Whibyeor Mm. Jameeou's Store. Nitrons lion. ALIX. moXENZI,x.P. Oxiceuieduamiulsten-d fan the palulasieax- Président. tractox'ftaet. - inE MAUGHAN in, 'C W ARS@ L. D. ~~EETH iseted on u aithe LITE lIT 1 lr' saentprlnoiples aofithe art, Lh a& ýebéaxte hcheapeet, sud ai gaod ai theb Theudrsigue esiries ta infonni bis 1 boat.,-Téetb ilfvi Glf udSlv:fueufis sud patrons, lIaI ho lise again ne. eý > ed wth Old ad Biver.sumefi business at thie aidn "TetlOxtr"~ted *lthont pain, by prodxcing looligouilbésis. Dent al i oo-te Ccv-w IITY LY SALS esn'suuévbbeek, cvar Atklusou's Drug Store, WHTY LVR .SALS i KlnStret, Oseva.85 Hvlug enervasefi the numben Znd qualit>' ai thei. sld, au4 also afidefi toansd improvefi ~TJifiiA i~EEiliL, - the cauvepaucels sud vehicîee au the prani. î.es, lie hOese by being lu a position ta meet I3TflLDEB AND CONTRÀCTQR, thO;a;!tg i ou:tomes.ta menit a shars oi 8 NABST., WEITUY. ~CHARGES' NODERA TE. M»Ail enfer. pyoaptIy exeouteai N B.-ý-Covered cenvepauces fer familles sud ladies, Prompt atteudance, as liereto. Jouxm< ROBINN'xs fors, la s]! arders. N AP4 tr TZMDBESSINiG AND) SHAVIC . APopitr SiLBloon, Brook St., Whtby. c H 0 1 a - JOUN WOLeibp DENi.. NElT FOBR TEE CELEBMBTD A ]Scottish Gr*nito. At Marbîs Worke M cf Jesashen Woefsdon,Daudas St.,Whhtby. JOHN CARrER.t APPLE TREES. T CNEDAIICTIoN;EnR FOR TEE .L-ÀCoantles oi Outarlo, York sud Peel. post Offie-TJUnonvrulÏ s. ales sttsudad ou th.ebonlet naqtise, sud on reansbie termÀi. Tenniseau ha -made ansd bille prntefi at.lime i CsslomnceOffice ion Mn. Carter. - ~ LeVI FcI"AN e, JR., YLIOB" A UCTIONEER FOR TEE ýJU Cunty f Ona, begs t n eturu thanSe for thxe libersi patronage heretofons beelovefi upon hlma, simd ta anaunce that PiAs preparefita eonduct salis -sither lu -Twv n r Canny 51 raiouabl maese. Ar- rsunmeute for salas eau-bs mafia sither ai the CsoNrcns offieAn y avn Omfic, Brook Elîreet, Whllby. -- GEORGE CORMACK, L U~MBERMRHT, CABPENTER UNZEUTANG.-Pinioralefly sup. LiUed suda ttendefi cm short notice. Cofflue kept coustautiy ou baud. A. heomes ta bir v- - ilismral larme.. H .I. O'DELL, -A T HZRRL Y Olerk-DIvIelon Court, Tp. DClerk, Cominileelner lu B. B., Lsud Agent, &C', &dAlberlp, Coip tyOnltalo. $-lenvSPt. Unfi, 1879. s - a ÇA D. DRS. CA-RUON & BOGART, *hsoluSurgoone,Atcuhro, o WJiltby, sept. 801, 1874. -4 IROYAL HTL WEITBT, ONT. JAS PRNGL, .PROPRIIETOR. P -lsacoommaalalîan. Ample audi wlt4uP sampla toms fanreonimemolu s$LAB WOOD FOR SALE. -The. ubsonlten bainslo a1 i§bismOm, neaInU"io, àaquAntit>' ai- four'i-ot si&1m Wood, - ý -1A-B. CIMPBELL. Utieu, Sept. se, »78. 89 RBUT. KANIAY. 8M. D. & t ., E DWBURGEPHYSICIAN, Suoamax salh uad -Caroner fer the Ceundté le i Olanl sud ISucée. Offie on- - POR i'EIcYONT.,' WALEE, --PROPRIETOR, ABUUT 40,000, -AT TE- HOME NURSERY, Prom tva ta four peurs ai ige, ombracing ahl lb. beet Verleties._ .SITE C. WILSON, Lot Ne. , 2ud Con. Picksning, ou Kingston Roaïl, Qast Offe, Whitby. WESTERN 'ASSURANCE COMPAN',Y HEAD OFFICEz, TORaNTa. CAPITAL STOCK, - $40,co. AOXNT eFOR seuUT ONIAUIO, JOSEPH HOLM.4N, IlROOKLIN, ONT. Aise Agent for-the CN A FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANc COMPANY, - esŽ Office, HAMILTON; sUd CITIZENS' INSUBANCE COMP'Y, Moneal, Pira, Lufe sud Gusrautee - Departumeut, CAPITAL, - - 02,000,000. Bnookln, Dac. 2, 1872. 12m49 F ILOUE AND) FRED. Thé' anudeaigned ble g sta inform thIe pnb- i4o thet lie hai moved inteplace at business scrcss thé.treet, next ta C. Setteo butcher sbp, whers lhe keaps u anduthle best flour sud ailàldà ai eed.-- Cash ion fan produce. Wlby, Jsu. 20,187à. flARNESS, SADDLISRY., Time suliscrber deslras ta statothat lhe bai apaned -s A HARNESS aSHO0P, lu tbe promise.sappao iay's Britlih'A=- eeLcan RoteI, Duudas.8l., Whitby, whera ho vil kéep on hba u oepsior stock'ai OveYtllnz in hi. ine ai busess, sud viii l #haro' vest; pioes.e. Hbagso solil 01pblcpatronage. PRANE TYLBe. WbitbY, Peb. 24,1874.9f D9IIINION LINE. Te Doxuua nacnitaifît 1e, Ul-pavOesd, Clyde'built Steani' e)xpad le ltendefa Periorm s ragular aeri(sL elen Lnvsaocu, qunzo eu4 8ccusalnomer, sud LrEupoOan sd F RES AGAIN REDUCED 1 Que cia Llverlioel, - $1 Pi - t' 'gn Csr àé . ante'Li CUUNrY0FPON72Â RIO. ADDýESS-Box 99, Wsxvsvy. 4 LUMBER! LUMBER!î 7he undesigued lein ov lu racalpt ci a nelendid stock ai dus olearod, vell soason- 1 lumbm-; ssiiu ait #10 per tbausand flut. Ajikinde ai Lumber.fan Carpéter sud Eeusbuidmxg ai lovaul prions. - Lumber yarzd near voriope, Whltby PP. 1. Eila>' yCa. CEBSTOEERJOHNSON. Whltby, Nov. 41h, 1874. tf-45 R E m Ov A L. The midereigusd lian rernved i hI BOOT c& SHOE 8STORE ta lb. premusa aininug the Western Rotel, Dundas Street,Wheiy, vhoeehli is nov preparefi ta execute &Ul ordena for Wonk. A. large asimdselect stock oauhsud. Bepsiing dans ai usus!. JOSEPE A. ]3ANDELL. Whitby, ý8 1871. Liverp,,ool an London and Globe INSURA CE COMIPANY. AVULABLE ABBETS, $27,000,000. Loases paid lu courses aithirty-fivs yeare exceefi F8BTY 'MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Clam byChiLcago Fire estimatei aI nesn- 1>' 88,000, ara behng iquldaated as lest ae ad*usted vtout deduction. Secunit>', PromtPaymeut-simd Libenalit>' lu djust- meut ai itetosses aeothe prominant features erd cCna aae MoAtreai. G. F. C. SMITH, Chil Agoni for Dominion. L. FAIBBANKS, Ja., Agent t itby, Ont. OHN L. WATKIS, MONE Y- TO LEXDI Bepayable bY Instalments for from Twa ta 'TW0ety yar, at low rates of intcrCOt, 'With. out commission, and at moderato charges. Private Punds ta Lend. Apply ta- Y.-E. FARÉWELL, rcksolicitor, Brc.St., Wbitby. May 28th, 1872. _22-tf 113 S~OAKE The undereigna offers for sale the pism. igs in which hie business for the manufac- ture af Agricultural lmplements, Waggans, &c., la at present carried an in the Town ai Whitby, together with hie stock.in.tradg, machinery sud plant af every description- AIAa hie dwelllug hanse snd lot. The place la knawn as a And oau vhich, il vil te fouf aunexamina- tiou, su excellent business ia being nov car- riefi ou. Hoev-Ilsio dispose ai bis patent iglits in varions Agnhc ùoalIni lamants. To an indnstrious man vithx ms Icapital Ibis le oppqrlunil>' tuai seldoni preseuls iseli. Desiriug ta, retire from business ou ac-' couut oailil-lieallb,1 the undonsigued isledis- posed ta, talce this stop. - Terme is liebcmacle ta suit a competent part>'. Only s small amount equirefi dovu, sud ample lima 'given fan the lbalancesan JAMES CLATTON, Brook St., Whitby N. B.-The above offer viii iot intenter vllli the businesa.-hhoh vil bi caried o2 as usîxai, sud repeins pramptî>' executed., Nov. 5, 1878. 4 0FFICE TO. T F RONTIr OF FI CE. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, CHRONICLE BUILDING BAxmmm R SD DIVISION COURT, la ol 01 -- 42 ORSE ME ffI .SyLiIVMEzy OIMi NBAT. bî' C-urMatcliedash MlÙslssagsSte., -ORILLIA, OË4t. Timi maUfleiii >ck hog lae ac Slargeethfàoesenetth i Tronto. It le filt é,furnishefid co mnted as ae A FIRSx-CL-A88 HO7EL-! Comnblning'elegsucé, comfort sudac, nomy Ibai ampl sccotimo4tlon for smunie vstrdllghftUfl>sud pantralI>' situa éd, belug tu cosi om t tathe steair boat ,wharvesci u" a.nuNorthern B. B sttons. - =M emonMasitsÃ" Ccarmens r f les dsie N. B.-Ordere for zooms 1>y JbIr or tale. sunl" OId from the steamers free BLa)BT. BUSELt, Orflula, Jan. 7, 1874. 1: Prapnietor. elOHN S. M. WILLCOX, OFFICIAL ASSIGNER, g- For the C ofaiOntario. All busines, entrustefi ta ul harge vOl te carsfU t Whhtby, Jan. 141h, 1874. 8]y' G. YOUN-G SMITH, ISSUER C0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, T RE CONFE SSIONS 0F ANl INVALD, PULIUE lomsna A wÀBNxcand for thii icuelit ai Youuca MEN AND eirmits who' ofer freni NEIIVOIS DEBILIT>', LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., supplyimg tfm mang Pf Self-Cure. Wnitteu by ansevlio cured @=mself efler uuclerqoiug cousiderable usoke>' sd sent frea - a charge. Suifer- -ur. r mvtefi ta addcess, peet-paifi, the NATHANIRI, MAYPAIR, P. O. Box 153, Birooklyn, New Yank. jONEY TO LENDI )Y. ýre AUCTIONEER, &o., &c. OFFICE-..In Bigelav's Block, Part Penny.1 Port Penny, Jue 24, 1872. 20 LUTJMER & SHING LES FOR SALE. The suliscriber ks Uliesa ui sud'ion sala at hie mm uer utic laeCuc-l'), ail kinde ai luniter iui h'nls ni lm savwu ta arder. .il- umb Utia, ug 20h.A. B. CAMPBELL,. Ulic, Âg. 21h.841f GEORGE GURLEy le keeplng up the repu talion ai1h. aid e. tablislied ehop bthsectaslaie mael ai l ud avinter -<Mths. Ail the t'vlîes mu pettemn ud icaban vil lie faunéi luxding the NEW PLAIDS, BEAVERS, MEL- TONS, TWEEDs, WEST 0F ENOLANDS C LOTHS, &c. J.s LOGw Ia il te soa l teyrdo v J. LNG anden iii t ' uise!' yrdorm d.t causd elsewhere aihp m .olpu A nov lot ai Gante' Underclothlngin- stock. Pricea a1vaYB madenale. Oshawa, Oct. 20, 1874. G - - RE.45 Parties delnlng comfautable vlcIas, sud gooi licrses Wini plese giva tifs und«arag. ed e 0511. Z. -P. PLAIB Whllby, Oct. 271h, 1874. 1 tf." AT TEE GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 6901mOOfeet i lumber,v"ell eueaid. Inch Boards, - 2 m 4Beaiug, g 2-i hPlauk, Fendue- Boards", 100,000 feet ai Oak, maple for elait qualit>', Bassvccd, 15,000 il. SlpxreTimbex,, Ail aifvbch vill be sola chep fan cahlx. He wouladAio baih-. à th&. i ...k Whiîby, June 2nd, 1874. A NEW BEVELATION IN TIR SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAXING CORNWALVlS SELF-> ITTING WAIST & SHOULDER' CHARTr Dresses flittefi froni iesumomeni alonE vithout change ai a stitoli. For sale, willi inc instructions, aI MIISS McINTYRE'S DmEs.MAicImcu OOS, WvsrraY. Agents vanlefi. Libl illducemeuls hi 1h. trede. Whllby, Ang. 18, 1874. 8 JIATS! rtATSI HATS1 MANUFACTURED AND'; RENO- VATED AT RZOMÉ' M. O'LEZABY & CO. beg t a nnaunco thtt6 aeopenefi business fat Oehaws -ManJat0r opposite the "dVindicatar" Ome where thay rmanufacture Este ai every description, and i luthé hast stylo. TwentY4ûve per cent under cilpc. HIATS RENOVATED. equai ta now %or a mers trifle. Oshawa, August 101h 1874Z ly.i38 CORNER or TONGEAN YOX B. Whitby, Zan. lot, 1875. GEQBGE BROWN', PEOPBIETOR, J~5~ OS 9i ist<Ii hdiise has been nlly Ui- T Q A E ted up and ranavstod thrughot dsi XAST'KAREET UA 9 fards superior scammloatinfor tii. reoep: lion a1i gusets. The PrOseln* proprietor lhasn ORBON T 0. sparefi no pains or eens u iutrodueing -- eviPrOOernut th4t wauld tend ta thé Firat cdais ecommodatl on for the. travel. 0 an ovenience af-hi, patrons. îM comunity. Suites of apartmants cen Toronto, luly lm h1974. 29beC ='==ed..nthe.shrtet notice. cam. maodions ample roome for Commercia Tra- UBENS HOTEL. This Hatol i.s ituated wltbintwo minutes (Laieers Extension Pern E Md about j of mile OSÂW , 1î TAIOa Great Weste r Eilays. Good'stabllng ,W. B. MOG&W - »-emises afT0R. e ost lwâo o A lreqattamoey tallnua at low lularee tprv t lun i. t pr m Aose a" lage BrckHane.Fo G. YOUNG SITH. W OUbS Eli.NDîLOT 1574. 7 A 90ood two story Frime Ilanse sud ]lot ai and, uarth ai Dr. Eustwood', lu in he Town d Whitby. Apply tb ALE X. OSTON, Axxcllc.y p. O. - or ta J.E. PARiEWELL, Wlcitby. MUONEY TO LEN). The undereignefi hian'aiammunit aiMou- optao Lend upon Farm or Town Propamo>', ut unusually Loy Bates ai Interest. Loins can lie repaid i n uns lae sut bon- nov-ens. -Severai Improved Fermesud Wild Lands far saie cheap. Inveetraents made lu Muiicipal'Deben- tares, Bank, snd aimer markelatable Stacks. For f urthen partieulars spplp ta JAMES IHOLDEN, Officiai Assigne., liroken, &c. OFFICE-Over ltme Dominion Bankc, Me. Miliau'e BrQck St., Wluitby. Bpril 9tli, 1872. 15 *trol -for Wl givi psti FJati WL~ 4 o] Ro April 20th, 1874. 17 L IST 0F TEE DIVI§ION COURTS ciEE COUNTY OF' ONTAR1O, FOR TEE TEAR1978i. B ýý 4 2 82822210 Ponrt e29 8254 8 519 28 1111T5il1 j2 17 exrldge. 12122 1815-8194 Brok.... 1i28141861 1 5l Thoanh.. 24 117I 14 Ili 01.B .E. IDÂBTNEL,i fAJOR MILLS. T. P. WHI1T E W, on lthe 141h Oclalien, 1875, resume con. ci f lthe Major Mille, when lie vil lie preparefi ta psy 'HE HIGRESI PR[CE su>' qusuti>'ofai vhat deliverefi et uitevale. He vii=&ma eaven>' sifoelta ea entlre satisfaction ta, those vlio me>' nonize tle a miii ith their gnistlug. Flour sud Feed ai the beet quality ansu ressouable puices, villBa lie kept' éon- ml> au hand sud for sais. litevale, Oct. tlth, 1874. .P T. 41 A RD 1 T. H. MCMILLAN, FJICIAL ASSIGNER, Aiso, Agent for theb OCTAL1 INSURANCE COMPANY, .PSOvINCIAL IN5UNE C. )PFICE-Onaio Loin sud 'Sevinge t ik j tr he y segeeri uo s - t' -And fedli lb. eandacluthtins Lhenu e ude v eigYue4s sprlng ënd Tuhe ah lnsd ieib aa Andscrs o:Bd fnagae -t-- sud' sle tao fan nov, sud vas raly'sapha teO bon sla saur thal L 'vas-peluae -graal Wei, nvén mmdii, Luiiý' h. sAidi,' cthulgly-. 'I vil go vill pou sud injun ak. prety speches ta yur hxéu8. ' nied dol, W h n he turnéd tla U SeLu uls a=a ~ Le t- .Anid like the dey nu 1en lb. thoru or &nfllice the bluehfimbreakpîfmort, t. And like asahrbudtil n. Anad kesa sang axudjke aiil, . E'eu sucl imaieulime dev xbaod , .< T h e ,m a n lun g 'u p sl, th e v o s' ' il , of The sonfieàuveet but swvlai ço~ The ope àlaburu t sud man h.<lieu, And bila the azure okias cf Joue, DOAnfi 11k.tlb.Suun d 11k. the moon. Andfi 1e a bovi, sud 111<. a silW# And lilea tapoe'.buxânn' ila, -.B'eu sno uch Lii.; thoeoreU i skp relue, 'r The ungo .s dovu lb. paie moon vanée,' -The boy b in drauec, i/af amie'.lime bail, The taper'u apaut. sud Lili ote id Lily'e Loua. (Comicludefi froni last week.l ' 6As regards tbis niaitliportant suli- - 'oct,' sala Mr. 'Bennvel, 'Lilp la antire. iy1 ber ovu mistneus. I saould naven Yinterfare on Ihia pao int i ni>' ohilfinen, unlasa,, icaurse, I sa a ythlng paait. ivslp disiaateior objecîlonaelin lthe, persan cancned. I need hardly ssp eIhat I have nofeuilt ta fluafi vili ou. Go then ta Lily enself, sud learu frani lien lips vbsi aIe bas la a>'lu lie mat- tcr. Iffah. onisema I cen ouly uay thel ilat I sacliconsidar n ua.verp îcky iollov, sud visliYeu jeylvth aIlni>' b ea a n . M y a ng l î e r L i th lo ng li li r fathensays it, laeualelb.kind ai vue a youg nman pIeks nupany dapin the veee, paiIicnlanby lu hue degnaed sud odd nach-maling ag.' Lily Iramell okefi up luo the apes aif le n ro ng li p rotector, sud , lun lima mail aniessansd cildlike manure possible, saifi sla vaulfiha - Luigi A ým t ' a vi f . c Luigi vas mosl auxiaus iliare simould be o delep imathemariag. Il vwas heexpress vlsh, tao, that Ihere ébaubi 0 le mua'fus',ait the vedding extnced a promise fram Mms. Brsmyiael that il aliulfi e as quiet as it psebly could 1 The Young coupla vere tqa tart ion I tl y a i soion a s; lley wvono n i ed ; o n tj aI (enos Luigi Amata had sane press- ing business, vieli vould vrp proal. ly ccpp hm fonis ime ta cone. Tii. Young Italien auticipated sane pide lu ltoduclug ise channilug little 0o' E n g hl i v f e ho hi e frie ud us u d , r o ba . i ins ven lu bis native cuntry, -A Thagli Lily Branieli had gens le timnaglithe ordal of meeting sd il slaking Iade itI Arthur Darol, 9g she ladil lthrtoo 'fougli sli,' as it luw cael ofaiArtlîn's vu. ai Of course it vs nt probable ilal w Ileso vonen cald possbly be great i frieds, sd Il vas emniently naturel T tht tley soula mnituallp put off se = ong as* pssible lIe ineviablo mee- ns iug. - e Mm. Duroli mc Enphmoye Anal, fil k uew . very ve l lih t ler li s hun fl i lad n i been anca upon a ime hoaler both'i li inteudofi bride; and Lily ble a - o. Pc mna's naural rpugnunce ta a vomnsutE vho lailsupplatod han, su Il vee, lu w the affections ai the nan alie 1ud idol- ai izef. Aund seaIley lid eyefi ee a-'W. aller et a distanca on saneima pae, tii but said othing. lInliir hart, i havever, lay kuev vall enongli Iaha thee vold neeer ha ay vamp violeunt fiendship elveenilex. Lily, 1ke Dm thé weet.empered girl taaimse vas, mi =raged plans lu 1r mind tlavid ha ny open ira. fai . Nov, baveven, that aime ivas ta ha. lia Luigi kmto's il, the evil ay coulai ve no langer lie poalpansfi; far 1h vas ne- w quisite t.hat Mns. Anthun Dapreil, nec L'ai Euproéyna Amata, aulai b. lInroan a lced inla the anily ai vhicl bar orn molen vas soon ho be sa conspicous.hi c nianber.a - Mm. Branivell sraugd a hitle gar- at In panl-for il vwas summer hme- Là] and coilectefi lagathar s friands, lu vo ordar iliattlb.introduction m!glit le aw lihîla fùrmel, sud painful scincum- ltances voulfi permit. - ion Wem Mr. Arthur fayrel aznved bac b tl M rs. Bra iuv a nsd b r d euglten fan- weet &craoss ime gardon ta metber, pal and Iheir gracting.vasaut lat unef- nme feclod sud sincere. Mrs. Arthur Day. alie .11l va s s îif sun d f a na l,_ sud meceiv d eg c thein caunalulaliona ithllvery l1111e con rannth. ýthis ina ai coduol she co- Da tinuefi ilro ng liaut th e afternoon, jea in. ah m g bu t tîle in lb. a nins om e ut a. t hai F nî were gaing on, making imenueli as lih11. Ait agreecubla as possible, audi, lin smoal ta îarked mnner, shlting by honseli on cau te iudov ill ai il. libm-ry indo, Mn çihlch oped ilont ou ta the levu. ,Han ann- Dyes vere oonsaatlp fired upon Lily, .',bi ind tha e ok whlisha gave -hban frani eau Ume o- ina, as bp no e nsnan-$hi igreeleune. Lugi noicd, lu con. inq, mon vihll nsy ai the olir get, lbis telý ten'a xtrordlun&y3, condual, sud e t to vards the op ol o ad ieleted . va r-ieslf. vole cotneyuxr zm, and Uou'ç <10e tAW b.isturbsd. Any other lima, -Lily bluohed-daePly. 8* h. coûld( getre M-~xu, ~aral'scruel wc out, ai ber hond; ia inow ta lhee :"àdde a 1h. dru un uda speecli'-se " Iixa from Lulghhinnif. 'There i & lump* Iu fer tlIroat i n"instanttu ýdeapite Of ail lier ,efforts,, ýtho, te voud corne wélfng te her*épée. Lu -Aniato regretted li uanlmsan .xaiubesa aofiliii tot an"d'as, ra -gried 19 Be Iithâpor -snstive L was a Ieam 5X Baid., ' Il vaicruel af me te sjmeak I -did. Youlkov thai -I vonld- hurt y ou for the. world.' N Ieyer mmd liei sarcasme, L dear-I muaI oeil yon go nov,' ase Mrs. Dayroil, wiih as muoh»ease as a: could muater; 'ho isi levoen, I lie neyer mess hat ho laya.' TOXx-oled vith tb, frauleneas cf Luig aPogansd the kind sud unuenal toi lu vhiol ie iiiater spoke, Lily wasà 'lmies gain luan. instant, sud otwlt standing' whal as h d overlicard, sI COnslBondi rslfinwardly vili tiithe sund uncomfortable adage, that 'liste, ara neyer hear any good oi thomeelvai aud taak thé desired tur round tl gardon villi Arthur Daynell'a vufe. Weil, my vonlhy bnother,",said MIr A.rthiur Dàyrell, Inter on lu 1he eveni vben lie vas conductzxg ho ta the- ca riage, ta go homoe-for Arthur ho fouud some excuse, a't Igo lier rn ishing the ides of a garden tpartyi liai bouaseunder sltered. uasa aei-' liow do yaulthink I haýve boaa e:On the whllP?1Idon't thinck i vony badly 1 But I varn pou,' ah. aé ded, ual giving hlm lime for a ropI>'; Lou'l honastly like lier, sud yeu mu, LOéOet me-ta go'tlinough ihia kin, of tbing every day lu- 1he veek vhe: ou came bak, fr i -can'l eataudi.'. oA fortuight afterwarda Lily Bran well became the vifa cf Lulgi Amato and withlu a very fév houra ai thi weddiug thelisppy couple wera. oi leir wvay te Flaranco. Six-mouthé pasaed svay, aud ail Luigi'Amato and lxii vifs gave no Bfgo* )f rot*nrning ta -Bristol. lu fact therz 1're - hipers tIl i n l u a l probabilitj ýmat - ould romain for some uim uoget whene fie vas- To lb. initiatoi -bocame kuavu thal lie had been en çged lu sanie vary dariug speculaliani vhiclii hsd not lurncd oeût quit. 50 vol c h. anticipsted; aud, indeed, thor vas a loud report that thaL Italiau muse wauld ltaidly weallier 1h. storma Ce varionst communications van- nade te Arthur Dapreil by foreigu cor. aepodeuh, sd Ilrougl i hm the5 eachod the curs' ai Lily Jlraxuveil' àther. Mr. Bramweil vas naturail' trvxia an lii duughter's accouht,'und Le wrote ta lier, lu order t la cit, il uesible, some onfirmation or denial o he ruinons. Haveo,, he fours afial] are ailoviatod by the suddeu reuppear. ,nce a Bristol oi Luigi Amato aud his ieé, at th. end ofai ar -from the nme they baid quittei d tio greal com- ercial capital ai- the w.st ai Eng. md. Lily bad beau kcept quite lu the dank nlthe subjecof ai ler ,liusbsud'e cani- lrclal transactions, sud thenefono ahe ail meillier good uor liad noe for her liher. Wilh, a woas qulck instinct, owvear, ah. had guesaad tual ,mattec8 ers ual going quit. smaalliy; but, 1th a womaii'a natural goafiBose sahe 4i nathlng, lnusting if il vere as slie 2itlolpsted, Ihat Iliere vould ime a fav- ible turuoaitho wheal -fortune, 'sud la aillwould, evontuaily go Weil. The Amatas lad heen hsok lu Eig. id about a month whsn ou. mas'uing y vas disturbe1l lunlier xuorning's ork by the appearance . af a servant ho banded lier a letax,. Et vaî lu Ihe liandvritlug aiflier sis- r-iu.lav. 8h, opeued ithe bIter. She La lisdly neaa the firal fev limes lie- re ier eyeasvam sud ber lips becaee Je. Sho trombled vllntly, but aking su effort ta connand herseli, i rang the beil sud arderad 1h.cerni- ,roundlinxuediately. $ho gave lb. aohman ordens la drive ta Arthur. zynell'a houase,vhioh veas hanniingly ;aied lu lb. pictureaque village af snchay, a fe tuiea eut of Bristol. ,hur Dayreli veasaulu lbi.therooni wiah Lily vas conductsd. She nid aee by bis &ace thai lie vas as cli gitated as h, va. IH. ad gai wul ah. used playmy lptao eil hii uslesa face' iunlime aid daya. But lie me tevarda lier sud led lier ta a seat._ e st dovu, but ho nemalued stand- leanind ans arm agaluet lb.enman- pseca. - - cangnose by eour face svlaya IA .-__ 9-- 1 lu_ _ yen--' Ihave vrangod ponYLilyI kS tbis man, urlaiJMI i"yjci c Iïa aprehm, covard sud traiter siuow lhel-Ihave got hi i lu z yhusbaud 1 Haur can lie ha red vou 21 and t cnedll Asu , jOuatMm inrge wmtli pOu. Whc kne- WIveasou the verge or a prcdl. ualpic hec-m asd offered me assistanc. irds vaw.s ,entiré1y iu his baudaf axxdhe ýcr-, Ique it.l.iHocoula.-ruin mie. sud qil a. Ixad Ha aav' 'ne, for I,.ac-ceptod-lisiQffler,- ws'a but. tbme*,eorMlty I gave, for.Iea fillby Md, Joan wsth.eliappluja ai ýmu-iise. lare pnamised hlm I voula marny bis -aiter, sugi ai~ thenlieknev Ilial lie avaigasie. 1 h. Yen kùoiv tshel.' aly , -Oh 1 Arthuýr gay no more'- aobbied Ily Lily,ý'I cannoI, caznaI bear il.'-, -And UIbist h, maxi,'lie coutinuedl, h. bitlerly, 'that pou would Ixave me-gave. ai If pou anly kniev tlimo é Ihave. ld nal thesé yeara pait.' ,;You have suffered lerrhbly ludaed, ily, and I1 bar -dly daoebýg peur fargveneas. 3aid for hlmi;, but, Arthu, leie laMy -lins. li baud, u uIsand by hlm thec btt let.' uts 'What would yan havé me do?'" e'a '"Save hlm snd me!V one '-Oh 1 Lily, vbýt vaud In ualdofor ail pou, my #nal, lait lave.. For pour sakoý 1h. the pria muaItslip tbrougli my flugens, lse and the liaur aof vengeance -1 haepnay-. old ed for must resp no fruit. I vIl lave en- yen, Lily, sud pour linahanfimust ding as' 1te peur akinta.' lie Anthur Dayreil'a vola. waa quito soil eued nov. Hoe at dovu by Lily [ro. Bramveil'e aide, sud tsklng liar hanil xg inhis ihoa sad, 'There a isa lxip iupant. bn-. vhichiis julat free adlier cargo of augar. Mt, Sue sellpatidayhrèak forih le Wast lu-n el. fills. i knov 1h. captalu of lthe vesseal- ait vell, sud vliatover.favaur I aik ai hlm - in loiewll porionm.-If I beg liilate k, iv pour hWibaud ou bard aud saiaèit hlm - go toe sapo lie will do soi' viii o wMdo Ihias I 'If I facililate pour busband,coescape i et vould pou ioilov hlmi?!' .:- .1 da 'Io inatmy duty tae bcever utIxia ao en aida? Not wlieu a huaband lias beliured î.as peurs bas doue. - RHo h unlwenlyoa in 'I wllnetlgo wit i=m' nu Then part ai the debt la palil off.' 9 Arthur Dayrell veut tae rllg tableand vraiont tLb. inuinuLs il vwhîdh Ligi Amato vas .'tela o. n When h. had flnihed lie gava the'nt rLily,promisiug thae lia vould = 1611fi a 'g gadate10Bristol and. give directions ty toltheobaptalu of lime ' Santa Fe.' i 2d 1'emeniber,ie muet. heoau hourd ta-t as 'Roe hail. Thank pou, sud Grodi 4hibesapou forvrhatpou have(douel'l 'Il - When Lily arrivefi at home selme wait- 1 b d luCIi auxlely faorlier liushaud'e reluru. c a1,Hour aft.n boeur passed avay,'a sud .111I aima e st mhoinless, lier epes fixed on-'b r-.t clm ock ilurli 111. ittmng-room. su ay A ls h, hourd liii footilepsandd ~knew t haoas soar suie. Me came à Sinto the nooxu sud tliraw hluxeelfinto a ae Ychair. 'Oh!11Luigi, I mOn g au ld pouare d S', Safe! Do voit know lail,IlianP I Il t4Ihoght I miglit ifave iparod pou Ibis a pain. ButIliare le no lires te ha lait. b teThe neya lias alnaadybean telegraphed -tic Landau, sud I amniet safo for su instant. The vonst of il is that I don't O1 >see Iliero las alihance of escape. What Y' ,k liali w6 do ?' Pl I'ere is one chance for yau,' suifid d Lily, bmnvoly. 'iead ivwlal eis Mon it liere.' Ilé is Arthur Lua'ioil's handwiitiug!1 il You dan'tL kov a? ThaI maxi ould- Il 1<111 me if lia could.' iù RHo las promisefi me to sav yeu, p: sudnalie viiikeep lisi vend.'li ' Proniaad you ta sava me! -And ou w w vht ternis, may I ask ? Ras lia heauhIt bore lu my absence bargaixiing witli v pou?2 Huas bedarofi ta spaak Ithug to g Yaix?' - - . fa SArtliur Dayreil lias not heen lier.in tI have beau ta -hlm.' PC 'I yul nocoiva lia favon et his bauds.' P 'Are pou mufi, -LuigI2' madbis vue, 3 villi energy, 1ta aske. iis et snob a tume? Heavon kuova limai-nian ism ou ffana& suffciently aI your- bauds.- Camei let ns bath fonget lbe pest. Your te vlfo ahaiiualetupbraid pyou lu peur houril -' of so0mev.. For my salue peu vill aboy th~ thea ainstructions, viii pou nat? Il lt. a.F bâtter porbapa ihat vo aliould part.' 'Part!1 Lily, that issan fl .vWrd. be- Xyplove fornyonhbumade meain as I au, have doue ; is limera no ropentanceo? Msp I nover hope thal pou vill .fqllov nie sud aveelon My exile?2' Ieu Pomiseuathiug.' 1 But yau vwiii forgivo me 2? air 'Wamen have. fargiven '~have- (1 redmore ternHblythan I-mira tenriibîy than I1shah entifer. -God grant lu, iat pou vili ahicerely népoul, sud that à Haeýwill ho mercfl W Iyou -dur'ing -thé Ii life- tfialis beforen.' i ix Tboy partedl; sud vheu lb. 'Sauta lie Fe' v as beü2g taoed ont of lb. Avon- Lgllývàstill toaslngg lu-lier b.d abuso i i - Au Ankeuses a~ toachén's uouIli~ti men Iixaogenerauiy a long road ho travel !à1ireIhey m~ach, that alevaion, and w de- iponlt tbat eVér yard ai thete s aved vithcrii nesand eamamny.-Mfonear-y Timer. ýCalianinevapaper sapa: Abouthlxi s mleer a manalu fraux Barléti Sprhugaý thara la what la called lbtheGai Sprmg. Tui s aprbi>'the groatest curiagliy of lëeauntàiia. The vater is ice-colî1, but bubhliug andiosniiug ai if hI bail.d, anti lie gresteat vaudor us the luavitehi, desitiction ai li. pro ducofib>' ihiu he gai. No liv. tlxug is-tabe icuudwithin a circuit of ane hnndrs& yards ai thé 'spring. The varp uirds, ifthep liappen. ladfy aven ht, drap dea. Waexperimniaulecitlia aiard, on iti d 'estructive propenlies lu> -old4ig il s few feet aboya Ils é i"tr it stretched- dead lu tva minutes. W. ataod avenit abaut five minutes, viien -à.diii], liea, asmlig sensation crapt ovèn us,, hnd ar eîsbagan ta evixu. Thimas *si hescapes here la the rauiesl kinii fcanbauic, beuce lie ati 5.éetnuctiou or lue ; -alba of qnenohffxg- ci fisme inéastaneonslp. - MÂnerAGuzr.' Aac-aebefare- ivedlock l-iwexceadiugly tnfauhionabo in,,Japau. Only th e people inuth. lover classes .are - scqualuted l su ad -see uacl allen fnequnuly befone manniage. T'h. 'b.uàlucia 'aiselecllan, hbetrîlmal, and inarria, - lattende la by tb. parents an frisf tile pair, vho carry în"negotuliens -by mensnecf a third fâchan, a, middle-nian Mo go-hatveu. - !hildreu une ofin bétrolled at birtli or wen an thelr nurae's huoki (thon. unee ua crufiles'lu Japsu.) 10f course, tle intunai resule, mutual, dislike sud'- sevarance oaithi egagemeut ut mature ag., or-love sud imapy marniage, or~ nurige, mutuel disrlike mmad eubieqcent divarce, liappen, a e-cas. 5e 'xnsy ho. In ganeral, vlen tlie parents nake the -etrollial ai grown-up chldren, il la not probable limut tle leollugu of ian or daugliter are auilraged, or ihut marri- zgs are farcad ugaluet Ithe causent ai ,ibher, Ilough. this dces samalinas tase.- lace. In Asiatié couunrs, vliere obe- cience là parents lé tle final sud lest lut" sud lu whicli na higlol- religion ian filial-obodieuco éxhaîr, îlhe betroll. 9 sud msrringa ai chidren la nat look. )d upgn us anytliing Etrang'.. LIED Fnox NraLZCT.-Diei, lu La. licea, lb.hpr'e>meeing, agad oue' sa.The rof atIis meeting vas >ao,-most.aof ila pour, sud.ils* life vast mispuired of.; but suxions-friouds kept talive, And somotimes il vauli revive ias ta oueoui-âgo the= .Discourage- cents, liaveeî, et lait -prevailod, sud te pnsyerumeçting la deadi Il died' ouni neglect.- Nal a Clunistian va-s )resent vhen it diafi.' Over-forty vene ring wlthin a mile ai il, 'and ua ane va thora. Had Ivc omly, bebu tmero, br lifo miglit have î baaux .eved, for - huire two are agreodiga touohlng au>'- iung lthe'y shail ask Il aball be dame- ar Ilien. Tvo-hhiili of the forty - aiglt have beau, ha& thbp beau dis.- sed- rbut lbay verà ual, sud -the -eyen.meetlug diodi-rnriéàn'sPaper.- Au, - xcîsugeas: Il"Hanst- fa-- ira lwQ vfill du4ks vwilI vaten, iî lat thbm freeze bhfr. tlkiug lem- inimal," If houef snerr-da tis, ýw uld lie intere a tim olaknov ivbst s duhaloneatonsdo 'tht heir ducks.'« ill'e i villi paving-stones, nisybe. Tlie difanrence beoixeon a co ansd D' lover ih, tle ana cooks th. meal, idtheallenmeeti he coak. 'eW&iien," sael au'old gentleman lu reastulraut, III vaut a psucake. Wl ba lonk..beora, pou bning it 2" "No, r,1said Ilie aitén, poaltively: '"il 1 lie auné to came up nuxL" A boy fouud a pockot-booe, sand ne-' xnit iltaoiasvon, vhagave hlm ive cent place. Tho bey looleed ai A coin- xsinstant, and tbéuxhaudlug: reluclantly. back, audlibby. ighed, as aaid, "61çan'i change it." A man>whô found it dlfficqll o keep 3footing, amù vallng lhome from, à ilvivW i prty, explained hhat- he'd st ad- isiahoos mended, sud'tii. es v ee a lippery. cYeo, sMid a endl'yenuhsd em fixedbly à Shery bbien. ,-. '& T A-- b hén~rr ilù to.l fi ée viéi -héometa na Ir,' the éid,-Idl&ani h q ei p-l 1 , 1 1 - 1 1 1 .- 1 - 1 - 1 me(ui 1 and for " at 1 1 SILK AND i FELTP i 1 1 1

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