iurnuls. ~or, ses -Tii.h mabdcb te*« ent ~Iral Fair si amiliou W eod onthe 28(h, B9ib and .80i1 ýptember, iliireaienedwlth a great fj il cris. Thore hs 1been tihiy rw the Ilif.'lw'dayo, anediwo na. ina conseqgemceof ftnalloial rover. znaic namod Fryir, in Utah, Te. r shot t1hree porobs wble ina of linsanity, and .was aftrvrds 9imslf by a oheerin io latmpts ohim; r, spor>.4 hà i eoty eclesia. , imprlsOnd AtiPosen.. ad Lt ls osrtil thait he Ppal delegate< Lasbe acin 1"ýAchbihopçf« ams s ptdêesg czpeo o IBIRa propouuoa to 'y fa~ Or f hlseldet daagler, matou D'u.The . Emperor, dr abdIcAtion, viii eake aà tour afewhh'h. vi-i poe.d ntd iaswhere -hiewu o! tht ecniy~The trial of 1h. Giictwom,, cf Blime. Eleçtion Expsuces. -de, on th charge of attemptiug te bribe, - fth. servante ofthoe Résident fa poison >avu~Co P 950. ayré, bas rosultod la a disagreo. Da N DTABZ4.-Paxton, ai ent fWh.commission boforevbc tOTiSuçz-fMcCoukey's thé case wat tried. ion expopsus durlng fhe lest con- Collingwood 15 Iloodoul,- The railway wre. 1450,60; Mr, Longs *410,78; tirackIo vasbed ibay fa several places. ao'es 4l2,02ý, Mr Sutherlands Should the rsainy woathier continue, the SQ.: ~ &mage to proporiy wlm . ery greai, sud as t h $h rallsy cOsMpany ,vili rsw sensation haî turne! uin loue lieavly bf he fleod. go. Mr; Wilbnm F. Btey, «the -h okmio.tie tMnr ig Timai, lias been sentenced ta, h okeno iie iMnra à Y8alaspmlsonmnent for contompi of resume work to-mcrrow, acoiptlng- tho tln bavngpubhsîed articlesfnlbis compromise offcred b! hhir employer.. reflcttukou membersofthe Grand The workiag boums il-bo ton every ~onooxiî:neiprvalsluh:dey but aturdsa,when lhey will bo ilion of the, Court ai à bIgh-hau d. Tise harblnger bas armived fa luger. ercis eto poweèr. Th ii. rehasisoU01, iand the. Chranicle 'thus anunced ara booeus of tii.moat bitter thé advent: "An Itailin nobleman lents cfi he xeculllve ai Wash. bas takon up bhs residence in Ibis ovaw , fsd drlng -the var was lu for a *ille. Re turns the crank with le Wlth;, tii.Govemument under -thse mcfscifity as the, rosi cf bis brot. Ia for- sécession utttù.ances, haviiio ber exiles." 1'lte tii thces iinosiviolent part'- à isthro Lndnayte f thé Soniheru cauae. - Alecb-Unte. i thé wl lro itaio c is elgapis giv amrevenue cf £74,9g2,000, or £2,. rer ýaitoof-théwoîlluent 414,00below 1ai y ear, but £497,000 n. flefore 4alis nglish Govemu. mecsao ii simi. to0k charge cf-thse telegrapli, tise A gentleman wriing from Harmisien, !o cose au n lnd message vas under date of the. 29th nli., sayi the Thi. average coat of sncb meuss- Toronto, Greyi and Bruce Railway train, ow tasttthe telograph ls attacli. duo there ai 8.80 p. m. on thse St Jan- lb. Post 0Olilce Départaient lsa ,arr ived tisat eveniag, fvo-months 3n la. id. and le. 1fd. Tiens thse and thre heure beiiudime, t ierAplng lunlflpland lias ARRXST Or A flICL--Cbiago, bad er onefIlird. -Over Apri 3-On Thund .ranghf, ai Lako Sl yedno h ge td, ly, ,.d esetio arresiedi, afi or a fearful ,=@Ye and lu. ela ndrted. ui.r trnggle,,aMa am Little, viso lad o! muessagsgoadnrinthie firsi , arjust oýee i.saoc s. elmn * ¶v~~ or wea uiey farmer, and seourod 088,500 hilsAeVâ etb$e W"i la bonds and moae3'. Little bold mn an per cent., and lb.eyearlvy lu. adgag gitBbnoadbs ive aie. as alln Dt bflO been.- vorkbng bis. Injury for a long' blow tbf, rate. tim.. aEMER'S H oz otitBRnE» BY IMA b.-St. Mary's, Apil 5.-About FeîuNts AT Lxsk 1-À rem.dy that net 'ock on Snnda moring, tiisee ouly rohioves, but cures tIsai anemy cf 1 weh eniered Mei house of Mm. mankinci, Consueuptiou, as wcll as tise Mtchll, farmoer, 1sesar Laka- nuniorous safeîlifeg whioîî rovolvo a- )ouni Mr. 'Mitchell aud bis on ti h hpeo ogtcls Wr, rmnsaoked lie bouse, an4 on lnts hpec ogtcla id ln carrying off over $1,000 ln brontcitis, sera firont,- influenza, &». AI o clue to tii.perpaîrator. 'The. remody wo all[ude o is Dr. Wistar's icx0 Y Srîi:-Mitchell -Baliia'e cf, Wild Cherry, prepared by -Yestarday-momning Mrs. Ed. Seth W. Fowle.& Son, Boston. heppamd. cf the. Townslebp of. durlng a state cf sispposed içm. Te HousaEczpas.-Tha attention of A Inoabily, downcd hareelf bu.tIselisends cf fainlîbes is reipectfnly invited lmes~ two aud a bal! tuiles- '%- te tha sBuporior quality cf Bimt' la oivn.' Uer franio cries wvore]3rts by èardiy sevoral of-the neighi- Flnvembng Extradts. They are entirely d ler footprinte were traceS ta frs,ç frein tie poisonens cils and ncbds vîserce she ceusmitad( suicide. wviii enter fate -the composition of A ýy bas not yet liou mcvred, enany cf the factilfeus Iruit fiavora ncw abung jammed up in lihe river. bu tIse market. Tisey are higIsIy en- Vîmbledom Tonne for 18765 fa cereîrnted, have ail thse fresliuess aied 2 Qu obe eEngland on Sto ho case ofùMarmaY 'vs. Ciant Wost. lvaYs Just fricS at Londlon, the. boni 10 in., brougbt bu a var- r h lb 'ifvingdarnges te tc f #5,O000 , Tii.plintif dcaim- 0, sud sifeudmuts paiS #150 qi &0 Compensation. Timnes' corresponident at Berjlii ère la reascu te foar ébat tiaun. 1 nMyoccasions de ilate ous us in tie -rahtio4a of Aastia issigaa, oviug te t!e fact tisai a of.tiie diocèesefa 'iu Austian ry- Ire. Moody and Sanikey Seo net Iti editre approval ifa buir ne- b.i0-.The-Lndon. Alhentanin ire l mar curosit fia rUi-J se tirovds tisey ntrait, and Coin. [r,- Saukey's singbng 10 a Cosftan- UW2ieWcy of the frit roi wie rOr huItboy are prepared, -and are loin oxpensie. Meats, soupe, etc., May be. greatly ini- proveil by Dnrnett!e E xtract cf Celery. - fliR t~ i~s&. &C.--AII nut phur and leail compounds h avo füarly diesappeared ; their poimcons mixtures' haying beon found both rminous te the Public- health and death te the human hair. -Mesrs; Perry Davis & Soe~ro. prieters cf the Celebrated Pain-iCiller, have lately introciucèd- the Boaie, whick in rapidly taking the place cf ail other hair preparationh, heing au ele- gant Iîealth.giving dressing, _perfectly delghtful te us, prepared -frotn the BIRTHS. JOHINSON-At Wisitbý, on Tuas. ýaal Board ocft11ce 81mb of No'w (là y, 01h.ulI,, bise ifa cf Mr. C. J. VÃŽ. appointeS tise Lieiteant. Jolsnocf tisefilm cf Till & John. r, tise Sereîar3y cf StateanuS son, cabinet mnufacturera, cf a sou." rney-General a gtiiniibl o e i-. l-,aUeûed aal fautiwt D E A TRHS Cin é's-,orsan d pisprs.' 1URST.-AI bIsa isidenceocf Mr. oboen tb ecre,,. tn inter.Chsarles 8tevanson, lot Na. 88,Ottiscou. à ien &. LikCý tb U fl WiitbY, 'ou 'MOaday - oveug, 22u5l y in usf,Ãà o except iiacu "ito., Mr. Thsomas Huret,,aged 85 ruinent, la abotte ëbe reo-e. yea..,~ ete nd il .is- saiS measurs viiGOUBILis4this neieauea, lot elutraduceS fotaisu Ospend. 26, 2nd cen.PfknncT i auiieorlty lIuBi-u. . *April lIg, Wilian'Gourîion7,hursdsy, are 24,661,00o brloks -n, thé 76 yeors._ O q., agod ee Holel in e4ll Frà n-cc, sud 100 barre of1inortar. yaitîle WHI2 'yM RJ1S )oard vi4tbe oeey 0 aday. -RC T--- minorra'. mAalesto, 244 of cr uaeesOn-ses, April 7ii, 1875. Omt rs andejieais-a, l'aPil Whleat ........... 092 @ si (0 t ak ade05c rac.Spsing Wbaat .......* 0 90 @ $0 92 Muaanoueredac' riso aBanc1y............... 0 90 @ $0 97 Di he* laie EMpeo ~ ~Peas-----------------7:8... 73o0e treiled on Sira ls mSBisck1e -lea.......@.8 e ly- -e .. ..60@ 70e nunebo -ba eacipalohed Omis-----------------i420(9451. l-o Madrid, witlusîtructiou ay.-----------12 @ 14 g oclelasti ate aid fin at -------S c5 0 ilOfPeso. undar Ring 'A.i. Egs----------- n li -Butoer-------------.. ci 200 DNZATI.-Mr. Wm; Wrigh iCoah,par ton----------$.... ag, amonmber jf ~ We-------00 7 #8s 1,uad oas. o!fb et a' 1 Park, par cWt . -....... s-80 ted reiAlets cf lue neighbo'Chiekeus---------. @e6 r found a nhs bal..d.. owak apr----8 @ 49operpair inemniig. nHo md bein uky e b.... 0n0 - aahou retrig aie \ Turlsyese, p...-....7. 'gAppien, per h)uohai-i 80 ilgleam tisa Menageaie lion Otee.................115 @ l7c hiei cage. Tii. mie a gocai Béef, bunS quartar....se l Bat o a ,troninrtopé, anS lisî Beeiiare quarter ....... aes0 .thhut te th e:is.mon - liérap., anS lb. lion, coin-.ENSl>I lut Usey vaniti d satment , i uQ AsOîfh ehu a eisaIN Je.bWteypeii l t fOhbOcV fod u te ssfilîte îlzar. s norve anS balu ey ut.proed etg eo to.îU rouemm a t -iuas resait. t mena nS phl e erer aï a ~Thiu does 4ppeltw leaS ha1 have become eeissvSqssiIyreegf nutritive get r farlywpi theep f tiu uhitremey t ato di M oie fi pa pseodeon w h Amqu&ntoLý.olrCuses and og e hew1 [boook au the estly à o0(l éa- - usefn sUdev Vit Ot e..a..crtaincure; wTif, ber ci ieaPit ae.Q'&rý- uùý I&bo would I 510,e1V5 tro th to tii y &et rhiMe wr e, m i mzs% ti.videg~rfa a~nd & onthai] approh tn apum e v o4o dsk~' irlhn S on -Idsberyggias. iric Si parbot1.l o es. 7M 1cw c0, Apr8fatal conimcion.oMY UA the gEuse, ad aandoflani wà . é6j" ai honeil QIby aad pjPýV te. sopsw*0 auUorit he Muao, n 0p 04 h ' m n lCke;orln &U teuncil o/t .Creoporation . t h bv r uuti nfe Kni todb Urcs tegtto' joineTiou. e tre and w.lI ns ntu de. D . i.,f r tl e 1Pe uereho- y s ? r OO p'1rFIRAvefr ma PÉnRY DAVmS&tSOlcrative.buiess r Townshf .~~thltby eud Wl- Aply ae porf a Bieyownhwp,. NO-0HERfl ,o A D ling10,aad oith, upseci . Whitib, Anpikri , 7 faiisnaclOharercfiCOroraut"of un- bv restaéi nte ipo de'eters teî, nt ctock174.l'mnan. thse namersof *nTé asso174n adorý- tuisena Cm cf " orth MaisnuMauae ofurin Compsuy, foer fs Aufatetr rie GtraiDils, itor, asud ofetbrsg ri CaltnsiamlontfoanSte esabullu n carryoaf ciory for ti a heanf 0 Coportio oftheViii, agaet i sawd4 that ltu case fise saiS Corporstion grant ta thsa said Go0Mpan1 - s a bossus ta aid sud assist tise saisi Comnpany, fa est4blisising sud carring one tisesaid manufacture, fthe debentueas of tise aaia Corporation to tise crient et lice tisousand ldollars, flic said Selonu. tares te bear futereat at tsarate oai=al Per cantine par aunum andi ta be psy. alea lutwenty 'equ1falsua nsalfae. monts. Tise said conepany M-il locale flair seanniactor-i the saiS Village - TEWETIE cf Oshsawa, sud bunS tiemselyes ta aeu HEGR-T E EDy lFOU pIOY, iu tise galS Village, lu tiseir BaiS M B30 W soanuta.cturing business, ai tis est frtise terne ai at least teu Ybars, wîî1îch eauî boc ured by a grant ths aid Companey. aid tetéc- im l eoî oths tad faut aforosaid. 0tee-tml eott hssad AuS Wlsereas, te cary butoeaffec thtieBaid ard prepaî-ationa lias beeîî .abject, fi wil l a necessary fietise Baia -îo-d ubcl Cenneil te issue debenturas of fie Baa P V j Yt'e ic'hcdrds of *M icatY. for tisé saiS innount, testiinoîsials receiveci by the su aSCounceil, hava Secidad fa usake fie principal money of 1h-I>11ct015., It is ac-kîîiowl- tise doit tiereby createa repsy. (1 by cc nîîany pronnn aleaby twenty aqua annal imatai- . b o isn mania, sud interast on tise uupafd prin. physiciast b th iot cipal at the rate cf six par coenteum par ast, h ns anneue, payable seasi-aunuaIsy. i-chable l)rePaî-atiOn evel-iin- nd Whereas, tise total, asuunts fa ba raà is. troduced foi- the redlief' ,iîd a S a n n n lly b y s p e ia i ra t e a fo r p a l ±.-n g c m paiî s are as fellowa, that lm te gay: and is offred ote0 ule -orJear 1875, eise.a, For year 1581, em04,07.00 th pble 1>767: u o 18M ni slctîbned bythé experlience io718-8.- - 02.50 of over ar. - When 188l, 4M'bol Io 3,50s o esorteî to iii season it-Sel- 188 45250: îà ý- 30-50(1lO'ails to cfflcî a spccdy le U.50 1803, mm.0 id Wisareas. th aan f iawoe cases of' JolughIs, Bîonchitis, rateabla prapcs-ty of tise said Municipal. rop Vonîc- Cough, iiy, according te -the iset ravisaS asses- c.b - meut rolltisereoi, fa sixlisundrea sud nfluLen1z1, Asthma, Colde, iwnto e olasf. rlsuda sd Soi-o Throat, Pains -or Sore- id Wisereas tise existiuF debt of tise aid niéss hli the Clîest and Sie, Munfeipsflty le for principal tis unee ivi onofi~ ledn tisirteen tisousd saven leuudred sud Lv 1 oipant, Bed fsfcy dollars, snc(f for interest tise sum of nt th ii , 0 Wistar's sixteeii thosasnd tiscea iundred and ug,&c lifiy dollars, and4 ne part ai principal or ]Bal&-im docs îOt drY up a iterai isb in irrerar. * crand lbave the cause ml Wisarras, tse sannael.special'rate, lu tisa dollar fox payug tfia Saisnsd bu- behiîîd, si h aew taresi under tfis By-law by insfal. *tP Ia is hecsewutit mnetsî, as aWsoe mntionac i, viii as~m s rprainbt i follaws, thisatasay : -boôseis and eceanses the )yeusnlf7s,02I ls Fo1, 'r Yomhs I. 187(il 0811 lt 1 lungs, and allays irritation, i878, 07616 188" . thus ,remnovieîgthe cilluseof im, 72, Q ow the complaint. liai, 07i, 4502 EP n 18w, A imom BSTIE W, FOWLE k SONSi Boston, Mas, 18am dmso * Andssold by Ilnig&4otoand DlDeslragenmramy. si~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý tiasoeaaa y ieMncplfFFICE TO 'LET. Ç9uueilai-tise Corporation of tisevil age 0t Oshawca as ilows Tiat it salbeal<aw fer theBeseve of FR 0, NT OFFI CE . tise Baid Munlpmllfy fe, cause auy unber ai debanuras oatisasaid Mun- INiTITE icfpality for ceiuls nat legs tisaunen isundred dollars oa'ci atd net exceeding, in the wcle, tic-e tiousaiij dollars ta ~ 'B IL IG )ie Made, sud tisatishe saiS deisentures CHRONIC E-B IDI G siali le saeS witistisherpa rata soal of tise BaiaSCorpora tien, asudIle signaS by tisa Ieeve sud Tresrer tisereat SLEN ATO 8b and tisai tie saiS Sebaulurea ihail be s NSgoT C F 8b prepared sud Ileinded taan if amnai c f two uned adb at e lutc atao!-oN1uresG E- otprinci 51sllbecoiedu eac nte atro.1f- lmr iEN iweniy yeirs Snccecdsng lise date an WOOD, isicis tise 3y-law shisl take affect, sud AN IxaOtcx-N. tisai tiseBaiS Sebautures ssU lbear in- teresi at tserate QI six per centum er Tita crtolera ai tic aboya Iusaeot are anlium ericoetise date tiscreet pia le notifieS tisai a meeting wvi le hcld ai tise sesni-annally, ou tise liret d5y of JniClock Factory iu tise Toe oif Viitby in aud tise lirai day af January linea<c tisaCousy ofi ntari?, an yoar, and bave interetc on tah Sd, sud fiat al theise 0eu oiieussi acdb. sa, h 0l;Da fArl iieresi coapens shah l b e payabe usate2.l fArl liste Office ai tise Treasurrfl'tise Isat, ai il ocloick ii tise forcoon, for \unicipaliet tise0Viliage'o ss-a, tise publiucxauination of lise Iisolveut, liai, £or fie0prOfe eaPsyng tesaiS-and erdeî-tng theo a airs ofithels aate gen. lab su bterait, fera aSsIt le 5e-ete 'lly n adion te al atiser raies upn ail G. U.. GROSS, lie rateale proeefrty tisa uîici. Aisignea. palit, tise rates abovc e estianed bu WisithsyIct April, 1875. 14 -iriso atteers absovae nionel. 'liai tise saiS Se5satures sissll net b e - elioveredtthîe saiS Company, or ta X GEmworth Psiiig !-â Uiamdd wih Eîiîg, ssiy person or liersons for tisae, until S..niîCeePany seau ihaveîfujy r. SAVE YUUR ETESI - reqisisite builfiegs for fthc purpes tÃŽIiOYIa or PCALS CIsaiiCt'y n ta le n ny rsis eux as ertyo a thene th of fo ra~: r the tedp#SIOLOGT'ý ictian tiseCno .aofr 'e AND> AVATOII of the' stnsus iilployinent, by tiesa aid M Y EBe9 1 eIÃŽT. Tous 30M]n5yin the said business, b fin te hwsotoT.xmmmtr. lat nlnae, ofllem atlu1 ymen, fer at edVs4femina c ere 1j' JCe how a4st feuOiyears eatisyear, for ait toaum" Weak, Wat maM an 7ai tis sBy.lsv sisall taka ofeet anS wÂEAseo moRFlioyrByrJgMS)IV amie int e atba nHh irt&YQ uaSs *z 4rsuVroaN,-pADDIS. dy, lu thse yearoai Lraon 8. jGWOJORACZ;papa4NBl a ebighl hdisueod aud saveniy.five. d ase4Pr. BoSnd >eux aiddoss tisa votes of fie ,qualifiaS electors ail b., foken npen fihe praposaci By. tw au fia thie-teefi Sayo0 ApriI A. D. 97, sud for fiai pue-poresa poil shaho saIs so" $6y'ptel $ie à day guaseu ecpanad, accordiiig tô lav, n nug " 1Zis.rs5.t fies. Write bamadll &Y ai nine o'clcck fa fie fcrenoolIto, DR]). 3. BAlà (&0., (P. c. ue= 957.) Sd la kepi opan till liva -o'chock iluth'90.9K1ertly St,ewvYork GtyI!, ~Y. emnoon l allgi Iin,,N Csrsweu's effior on Brucesretai' - JAMES M&CKf, Esisane, T. orrv I Osray appOiteS t Agent for fie Creîutyeof Ontario. llt n a s et zm nCoif c Ciulr,'aieS fiai C. W. S r'I e AIITION 1t ýrby appointeS te act s BUth Is to facerthrest ý flere11t- anS 'HAM ILIrO N &OýC Have IIow opened upa.L'à rge Stoek ISdasonable Dr' aoods, nonsisting o NEW DRâs, GOODS, N E W 1 U 8T~ E8 (q lobated ýB rande,) NEW Vý(PRINTB, NEWCLOTHEs &-TWEEDS, NEW HATS &CAS NýEW MILLINERY GO-ODS, NEW- MANTLES, &c., Olothing niade-tôo order 1m Iate'st style NEW TEAS AND GROCERIE Whiby-, Apiýil 6, 1875. on irw ~se Ni- GOLD MIT IS -HAL Il NGODSM-H's HALL.et ndce mients to Cash Cus, W RUSSELL WATCHES, A T ELGIN' WATCH] c H WAL'THAM' E 8-Day And 30-heuir Clockçs ini great variety, TElectroeplated goeda ef the hast quality (iseugbi ah duil times, peicas), sud VxuIY CHAP.- WdigudGm ins, Spect&eles, &e., eildrens Carreagýes sud Per. amhelators, nîtogoîher lhe largeâf aed cbeapesl steak iu the Couuty.' Proposingy to leave for flngland 'shortly, wfilsel off the balance of Engîbie jcjweliry recived laoi fail ah geeatly educed prices. Etoer! WATHEw SILVERC,4E A Practical Watch.makei GeldsinitiHll.tWiuby, April !7, 1815. WHOLE SALE & RETAIL DEALER IN SIMCOE-ST., -OSHAWA, RAS RE XMOVE;D TO lAIEWE.LL 7S BLOCK, ebAENT FO r DaIE l& B orter Ap ril, JBFashonable, Best,* and 0-heaWpest'. DOMXINIO-N W AROO LOW] IES & POWTELL SPRJNG S'TOCK. Desand Manle ing , Millhîery" Whty and 2Taiorn18o7ode. Whftby, March 24th. 1875. A LARGESNEWPOSTOCK A LARGE NEW STOC .4 BPRINGE DAY 0F . GOODS W. . ICKJE, r.V- r OHOICEEST BRANDS 0F CIUARS AND TOBAGCOS WAYS IN STOCK. gffnTHE TRADE SUPPLIED. Surnett's Cocoaine I'sevos .tlc7,L.r troza Fihiing. Buriett's Cocoaine ~ - laistit Grcsy cor. Piisy. Bur.fett's c-cie Le.ds er ) or a ir. Burnetts Cocoaine -S tien tis Iralascd Scalp-Sii. i B u n e t O o c o a in e T ii. on y r lab ia G if D i tib 'u t on ai t . A f fords tise n chse nL ustre.Co n r 1 Burnett's Oocoaine U ' la net an Alcooitn W aah. $ 6 0 13urnetty' Cocoaine IN VA:-LUABILE GIFTS 1 Kthhî Dasidref. Burnett's. Oocoane 40 ldstrbuted in GiveNeà ,Lfete the Hîrý L D.-S 1 N E 's Burnett's Cocoaine 172 REGULAR, MONTHLY ilemaeuse-ongentin hiec. IT)tTRi1~ 50 îad 75 rentsier sotie., TO BE DRAWN mONDAV, MAy 8RO, 1815. PMRI DAVIS & SON & LAwRENOS, 2'WO GBND CAPITAS 0p MONTREAL, P. Q.500 g u e t s f , - D0 00l aB A CHe I N . S I S H JOSEP BURNETr & CO, BoTON, TWO RIZESS PprelismFIVE PRIZES EaL~~ î n Cs irEN PRIZE 10t y O T C I O. Pne-tn.~ Pianos, vorths - Finily U e fg M chines,vWorth io AL- acie.t -heg¾c u, Gol RuS enting -Ws.lchen, 'd a ilorLevcwme, 1. Fresh Lot of Groceries and Choice Which mwill be sold cheap for cash or farinors' prô'duce. Tlsiiby Ap.îi, 157L 'NEWJEWLLEY SORE REAIRSHO P1 The subscriber ha-ving removed te, and fitted up the pro-' mises forueeriy occ peS by MIL J. WILKINSONr, as a Musie and Javelîery Store, le prepared to furuaiÈigooda bu bis lin,, includiug SPianos, Organs, ClocA-8, Watcltes, and Jewell1ery,.- -AT FAIR PliICES AND ON EASY TE1IMS 0F PAYMENT. REPAIRING in aUi ts branches doue with nentness aied despatcli aid satisfaction jnaranteeS, anS ah prices te suit tIse humes. If yen bshefcr an Oe- gmn, Cleck, Watch, cm anyüdhgIngl my lifué,don't fargat tisa place-sund if ycu wiah any e! theinme paied, be mare aud cmli, (aud if va canuot suif ycou v ill not charge yo a au$-tiug.) Farinera'produco taken bu exobauga fer goade., ta' liemember tise place- WibFlkfus ars) lot , oole».,~Vity .1w71 IR bAaCyLEO *0Is, 1875.' 1s A MIRACLE - 0F CIIEAPNESS A..T - 1,00 ai 1ofLdies' inl ,000 air of Laes'prupai. at 60 cents per pair. ri rE nm Sp41?,L oprsng'alisO Ladies' Misses' and Childrens', G Boys', and Youths' rzWlear, GAND' some Fn& Ée00T Gode cf BoRst -1o M IAni -atos a eure Lc thm o w M -fuse is msd- iaissej Or luascmf 01<allurie t. refuis. Iié enoney palS. since it wvas ti laduod he bas ecelvod smny -tlcu s ci tteti. 'thea i isreeoimn4d for. Thé Pile sud IHunsotre= Ioéntirelj Vag.. table ln iii comiposition; and c=n liauseS ii su 5faft =allcases. Ti:re faena !Y hesitie cognUinalumprovns hIlle under tis freanit. FPiële.5por Botfie. SoIS bY aIl Drm. GL~MAJOR -MILLt3. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Tise underiiignedl begu ta iuorm custom- ersan mdhfe publie fiat ha has renteS fthe abova Grief iMis froue Mr.EB. 3Maor for a ter=' cf year. Havieeg uS dseventoon years' erperience ln fie buinests lu canada, ýe trusts by strict attention te bumineis te gi va customers a good ru aiGris n u _21po ng.Flour, Osimea rnSot C« aoypdtff cf ali ke n hauS. and OsIs. Ostinebi i mxcingd for- este, sund "-oostmeal tram m. Xobrt JAMES ANDERSON. - Doc. 83rd, ise. - - tf.562 1 AM SERVICE - BETWEEN TENDERS, addressed te the Posineaster. Ganerai ce Canada, vililaerecefeted ai 01- taw until moan on Tuesday the 4f h of MaY- uext, ierfi-e- canveyanceofoHer hMajasty s Mails fvice a manfi by "staahipe cf net lama flan 1,000 tousnsour Ces isu 10 kuats sunieaar,leetweeu Victoria, B.C., and San Francisco, tar a ierue af live yemr, coin- maneias-oan d [roue fie 1sf Anuf nexi.' Tenders insy incluSe offera for a service as aboya, nae a veeo Surini tise moulus froenApril fa'September 'ennisîmeves- and. tice s menti dailgtheoxamaludoase year. Tenaissta ite the prciée ssked -for fia double voyageéfrran fa Ban Franciscoand back, tor aine cersa, anS payueenf vi Lbe made iai Victoria qusrterIy. *tiuintians of prapoaSeÃcontrants may bc baS atise Past Offices ofthe Chief Citles cf tisa Dominion, iucladiug'Victoria B. C., aI the Offices' of tfe. Briffis Conse inbuNew York and Sau Francisco - ai fie Office ai Messrs. Allan Brothers, Liverjlio1, sudna &L-- th. Offie aiofie Agant Generai for Cansaa lu London, Ecivard Jenisins, Esq.. Xà iag Street, Wesiminlister. - WILLIAM WITF, .Secmciary. P. O. Departmmen, Canada,} Otsawaje. 26, 1875. 1 h1-Sm TEEM BIBLE LOOKING-GLASS; A. MIROR ýFOR ALL PEOPLE,- * 'Conastïug oi six boaos bu one volume, Rv:eligionsa Emblems, IReligious Aile. gpries, Christian Pihgrim; Chrà t-i Simili. tudaa5 .Sunday Boaok oi Couforiing- sud Plesug Literafuro, and "Graysa3iegye_ lustratea, - y John W. Barber sud Othi",s, ieu-iuz fit- -te divaraitiem ci tise uman-Ciesracter and qjualfies of the Huan-Hesnrt. S Price 18.75; 04.75, -and 86 00, aeeordiesg JAMESMACHIE, Agoni for-fie townsisof Witby sud Pickeribng, The-aboyé vork eau ho baS frin thse Agontinsu sysftyleof oit ding as ordered, ROBT. RÂAT M. D. & L. CoMw o OnuloandShacce. OEu RWALERIf OUSE, PORT PE85Y1 ONT, T. B. WALKER, PRP1l ]BUÉN8S #ILL ALIVE I AND S ELLflG- os. GRAND TRUNK & BOOT DEPOT,~ KING-St., OSHÂWA. OChert arn-l6h 85 C. Kvtinof'th ig Cerain S Mre RRvaISo h 00Sigi 'ACL ES c E, .PERFECTED SP The~ n.etliar -frm )OTS truéfloni unbartA c'elloc 1 fý 1 1 LOWES &' POWELL. OF Vhitby, Apail, 1875. GROCERIES51 -00:00- AGENT FOR DA-VIES & ]BRO.IS NORVILLE. lâti ()O"ws, March-16tli, 1875; stomers ! -- WINES ANL) %.'£.JL Via ufacturp.