Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1875, p. 2

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7', in -ffl,, ffl&vut cbuu un vý-ýr'yA4 f gj j Moti=ýof Mr. odrbaah Seconded bY ID91M WA8 laid ý1 ju. J. liaydon. chl thé CO1wý same time On mctioù o: ad, -which Pr provided for ce Mi- F»Mu$nn, the li«iunr wai t go 01 Oshawa. àz tailonnllnof the' Georelu BAY brsnobj, âchools botri, the prmïw do" îý0_e1àîhQ 7ý-)7rw?;mdnun *hioli'thë,eieotio tien of ï. _ imà.er applieMion for Blýothoüý-tho- suai R nuds- atmoted ta rebâte the interest el 12,illl7ow""-Ozd"ed -, :'IV&ggoli ftop te Bout- Se we* Il As other ýorbjonS of, the ca - inconvénient and unbeaithy O*OïSioWd., sien of taxes'. 'in amer. art R W son- or rèIIî1'ýM- . , ,,, silItAdjuthe re-4 "Bl!oaal Notices- dian Padâo. Railmad, W ne Of Richard Pismon, Se là& foi W «ý#ër W. GléDý1, and an tin*î» uni au ÙW. -VOTIC Te THE XAy«. Bill, and ý46.20 ýto Mr. Cànwëll fOr-One 'warde enaotmect- The Aot bade prOIddô Toi supply the noeýuui funasi à bobo ࣠taxes o îý2 by âz copy of the müuwpïl AUCTION SALE S. oben- :bçzU'Ur. 5 mytii. On motion Of Mt. Blow, monded by "! _" alui 1w; On motion of Mi. Breth 'î Otbouiolidia furniture, horst., bg. for the eonstrtwtlôh el il a brie, woulà have ta bc iagnea upon the Ê - , il Mr. PbJIp, the Oum Of $150 vu ordered tich froin, Of.Tohn ice, naldÉg for the of #2 was-oïdered te ho 2aid te B. Ed.r eh jjie0,ý 4., the property of Rev 3ir. Ray. Il the point indicated of tÈe 8&W f 1 1 te ho urch , >2,dit of tfie 00270tation, se it would "go - 0 S g', down materisi on the lIpl*oe te, the credit of the m amuntpaid te John Keith dons nt ]lis W$ résidenote, Duffins, Il te àonte-poin bi tac, large an amonnt te 'le rtiflýding piqrpos". disbursements for chRýhfiyS W&r"'be'ng on one J. walben, au over for ailothèr i Crack, on 'Jhursaüýy,,April 15th, 1875- , the 0 avérnar ln ta tO-bO dOt«mbled'by 'y fol, la -& J--ipu A- Banaeii te the ý like P,,P,, Indigent P ýLié£ COURT.- L. 'Fairbanks, andienuer. ouce.,, Azd thIe pue year. Iiistead of doiùg this, or je. effect. Aot'wàlg 1 WÀTSOf ESQuEsT. ()ri motion- of Mr Shier - the sure, of tliëirhaiidi full lai Pisseil laa& Yjar by the 8enate ýuIng debentures at SU, it je propoud Of TimOthY C.0essy and others y- The mayor gzve expl . Snations te the 826 wu ordered ý bc. be paid ta Chàrbo tice in ail the cas --without a sillèle, amenciment Or even à te apply the Morley coming te, the town ing for, bile OTening up and rtraj: zoulicil in refèrenoe4o bis action in-thiz Parrisb, being amount expended on befère themo an d D" division. ftOffi the Municipal Mind te Scheel pur. 'Dg Of 1 a lino betwéeli the town matter, gràvel on the town lino botween Rouch week'o work wou] e kront'tl-tt Sud-tOwushiP Mnning west from Brook Couneil &ýjourneaýaj-tOD 0,01OCIF, on and Brook te meet an equal appropria- of lia: , a Poses and te bond it over ta the Board Street on the bill. OnVei)]2dpoHéf The Tea Dutie&. of 801=1 Trasteen. under ail ciroum. motisn of Mr. Poirbaukj. tion-by Reach. ay sa "sOLVTToNsý 1 l . 1 On Motion of Mr. Shier thé Oum of ONLIY, il 50 PER stances, perhApe it is the wisest dis Mr. Estah, suconaed Mr. perguso 'the Mou.Mr. Cartwright staw, in raply 4stiàj2 that can bc made of the fund ni Wilson ta bc -paid - te Walter disorderly COUL to the deptatation of . MèVed bilât the prayir of the pétition fer CÙtting down trees on the T(Irontot meroltants It yQ bc cortainly the mostecono'mie. of Mr. Jëhn Biei bis granted. Ilth con.-near the railway erbasing. the night of the ý'ý'w111tby, Yburm&Y, 4111, 8, On Motion of Mr. B' *ho waitea. upon bial . tu. dollars ekh, au< a], conoiderlnl the low rate of interee At the ou stion of other members, I regret tb Icarn from your rethour the sum tlait ho wu resay - te PArait thst the 01 the'OoÜn that of,3fr. Bandeu, was lut issu that Our IicýQüty whieh 'bas of #&48, walit ordered te bc paid te A. On Tuè8daLGe End of the Session.,'- trade suffered 1 ý allowed byý the -*Glov«njuent on the aloo>ýfi-w- edinthemotion. been hitherto go lka Sinclairlâr goods furiiihd f,, George bofore, tÉe eV ù9ely, thongh ho judg- moneyrand the hoavy expouffla thât r. B -el'6.ozn -crimes 0 - f the Wâlt0n, su indigent ; aise theunîm, of Charge -witil oZ Aa thaï tiloir Jouée wore massa grsatjy WouMý attend, the issue and ageof 00 0 a ated the> y of 'kîndý must'noWbi'4olaéd in the Cette. property -of the 1 The business batorc the Ilonse Wight Omo t -propriet $14 te 'Mro. Scott, for attendan, IL te fonce rouna gorY of 1ocalitiea hoïini au iùâ ce PI' the nightýof Sandû bO laid te ]lave beau -vîrtually touelucl. by peculifir cinumstatices In the traite. ýo" deboutum. the ma au construct, temporazy notoriety for odious c'ne 'Geo.,Wàlton dinin hie sicknose., pleaded iot wwtý cd On Saturday. A large nomber of 90 IntiMated 'a _ disposition .-to'- àfford iddowalh. protectea ýfeznâIèo. -.-Clreumstànceo a S by-law for - ý1 ý 1. u D-un* Mr. Biethour in lance the Il thom relief by nom X[ý- -theý puttini of the pi-osent 0 iogniating -and lie wâs enlisa, and site embers thon leà ý0; thoir homes. ià a compensation lor GXT TEE UTUT âge I la Il va ening Billfud and, deer near. Turmer, cir losses by the-, ratura of the duty deoigui 9 torannecoo expeule atmod*fé'-uoi AI] t ee'an ex anAlz Richard Sillâte then"tlie gomm aresjust Ont. = oonîeniezm where t aie was t*éùtiy-,Watohiu, W-' fer, and Waylays The blÀnk; for the amouily -of lie -alting for the retorsi - oné have been on à i uch quAttities of tes M bâti! bassin IUubtràtéa Pattërü S net luneh en %t f . -10 'n'o amined, but -knoii of Govertîment Ordèred under a " Pirekï' lÙéh only &Zan Iraffic. The motion thon a little el of en, e,,ve owero ber r each table -Was filleil up with #.Jqop theftý mouures from the Senate, and ühly the nision si te lsjuij'ôüt, &ad it 'à-full of.the Meut pawd. la the- lonasome woc:dS,ý and the blank fW the unie was lizea ait de isolicy of the Gove lit homt-mimtmtionsýof on mi:tion OfImr. 11arper, sectonded outrages ber permit. fo * 'y nOt làter than, 10, ciolock. p.- Or Was-at 1urn inatters of au Unimport4nt charaëter Û'aPQrW Parà b M an ho 'ne The report w"-receiveil M' Robinson wu cent lier@ engage - a the attention cf , ;uÏgbi Wy lm laid# thât rnmont pairbank,4 ý the, petition of Ir. crime more,6&ouo Or. t , or deserv. and,- adoptéd 1 ck * the popu- lit ýwOuId On àuclylODnàâtYlen. AsSmitheýBazaar Yosy"*andothenwas refema te the Img of séverer punfsb,.gnt. -.In , and thé by-law read a tbird,«M - 1 0 éd-the door of lar branch ci Pa COU" rAtion ho'. fouina proW other 0, P"'* deorçvàs on Sundý kligmeut. it leexpout. te 90 à thÇ> àcknowledged authâtrity 'I'npon, oommittee on atreeti. sait signed =4ýUqIed., o'éIock, aèd th oven farffier localities the lash bas beau 'o ne' * on motion, of 'Ur. ý àhiir th@ fa bilât the rêtrogîtion Wili thanAat, but the deputs. evoebing relating te atyles, , thon, Of FBNCIC-Vmmno. > âpplistd, for -the prevention of Snob < su- of etiyaly 6 de, take place tien unie, izid-that the o of courses u à1destimil - that lit wu n wâo Gréfèred ta ho paid te Mr.. t0ýdSy (Thurklay): Mr adore who hive net oubjCrýIbod Ur. Blow, seocinaed by Ur. ri erÉu.' &trocde 0 and wth the meut, bOrleficis]. (jurrie buil4iù É',th'rough th net possible for bila 80 gay au résulte. I am net au adyceste, forprihting 100 ciroùlm. eharÉe ivais broughi Y" bile thi eau do sont introduced a by-law for the par, degrsaing puni" nt of thist Mr. Sbier gave, ils"- thàt et next by S. E . fÉmpi3on,. 1 S Positive nature atthât Ig of f pose Of appoin ïï fince-vieworS. bute -if nées". BlllutarY -&ràendn'iont td the"Elec. MOWOJ 80, assa set the large premium of. ary te prévaut cowardly à meeting of Courleil ho Woild introdu 1,ron. Mx,. _1101tèn ficteil as 2t;ok Ilfr. Draperm ttacks upon by.lsw te appoint 0 'a S * big Stoýe house or !ton te At on" es- no Objection "to the mg tion , Law. férad, .. Sena only one dollar iind ton but cousidered it wu due te women, by &H meaus lét, such, an ex. vénoers ofhighwayo, Man for th b la ample bu made à# wm fun vindic t blacking tberefron a deputation. canto te A. Burdette %8* W, a a Commissioners, lance-viewers, . pound. gallatère amendaient' tu the Smith, 914,Br ad. 000na thât the Inover should is keepers, &0. W&Y, New Tork- City, -and ho Man the law, and wipe out the ta sold théý'blacking Io élection law id tIxatwhiph, places Babil. Defezt of ýthe Nanaimo Railway Bill W ww givet exPlaziatiýne Thora was difficul. Oji'-motion'of Mr. BrothoÙ)r the Oum bis Iý3âzafirI1 toýyOu for one yegr with. ty heretofore in getting parues tes Set thù COMMunity, and doter ruffiians lobsters on Sunday Ity for th the Senate. hereafter from, of $2 wAs ordered te ho paid te Thému-, pleaded that ho fou, eir Acte. upoù UnAuthorized 4 ont atly postage, and giva yoti One under snob by-laws, and ri had been the Commission of auch Thompson for repairs on rôad se- enc orrible offences. raf or'. Seo igents. Under the la* au now *moud. Dollwo Worth of such in existence for. some âme. COWS Mr.' Shier, introducea and 1 tt's on* priday etl ý 1 The Goveimment Bill for the con. patteras, as you Were the only animais allowea ta Carried ;Clwlletlevor an elettiolt -fa doclared through a by-law for the suppressidn of' "0"Ùtt"l te Wh't' wié te Select from hie; book" Frost, sa ran at large, and in cases where a cow JUSTICE. disorderly bouses and bouses of illiame, trial. va tlirougli the. mlioonduct. of an otruction of the Nanaimo Bailway--& your premium,- or ho Will iive, broke intd a noighbor'o gardon sud On %Vednesday a agents soting wfthout the knowladge or Plire1Y local work for the benefit of ý you, damaged property, snob a by-lawmlgbt Ta ilie Et ditor of tho Whitoy Ckrgniole. and for imposing penalties on the keeps- IlSule of Swallwelj,, YOur 0 Owe of'ône of bis beau Ors and- fréquentera of snob bouses and 00118élit of a candidate, and, cobt4 are Vancouver Island -and British Columbia tfui bc necessary. The law, howaver, SIR: - aise on the proprietors of such Il usée if the] Beeve, cbalý'ged awarded the petitioner, the agent mssy urge te ho followed; Thora bas beau,& good deal of talk for at -bu baon doléatea in the Senate by a chromos' pointed out the Co theWre aware that the bouge ýi0S used Mau ln the bar-roon veto Of 28 te 21, Mt. Blakè, it wili be Smiths Bazaar la worth much more an way the by'law woula do no harm. aut pur Heure, on monaay bc cùnàemneil te pay ouch culte. This > te how the six thousand dollars pose. than ho Soks for it wit'hout the premi. ýhe bY-law wai thon read a second coming to, th plealling of his iiotl la à Most lie' oinbored,'votea ggainat the »&me bill a town fÏom the Govern. The blanks for penalties were filled ý003$erY I)Ïovliion. rom - - um. lie offers. time and tlU couneil Went into con. ment aboula bc applied. What would up with a fine of $15 and Cette on the tofore ail eleo.tion way beývoide%1 and, 'a the COMMOns. The Senators are mittOis Of 'the whole thereson-My. keeper of snob bouse for each -offence ; an mlluoky Candidate ni certaiiily coserting thomsoly a. pairbanks in the chair. After Borne yon think of applying it ta the purchase UXBRI uloted in Costa- a GOLDI;àm-us, HALL.-Mr. johnston * from $5 ta 010 and Costa_ VPSTIIY MEETING of the gravai road, and, following in the OU the fre. thrOugIl agelloÎes of which lie miglit Cerise nOwim rec8iPt Of Sn excellent stock ci being in laver of the commi -8 of Oshawa., ruskin- lit froc of queuter farýoach affenôe ; and 010 and time $peut in COMMittee. Mr. Ring footstop vestry meeting of totally îgnoraxit, and which if known ription te be Put in Force in d btee rising the-- tollé 2 Costa on tle proprietor of such bouse Messrs. R. B. Clark te hIn, ho would have discountën&uced 900 80fasulyoriorguality. Re offers and reporting progre8s, go as te Obt&in Yours tràly, forleach offence, if ho is aware of the appointed churchwai grest induoeménts te cash ouqtomiié. further information ta bc laid before WHITBY. usdi whioh la being made of hls propertye.' C. G. Hanning apil This new provilsion of the law Will Snell is the annonneememteonýtsin,à Re ils agent for the Bals- of the célébrât- the - cOlIncil ab next meeting-Mr. -on motion of Mr. Brethour the clerk gâtes to Sytioi. jh, h&vo the effect Of Pr8ventiug bile tutii!l,ý in a gPecial- câble d«Patch froin Lon. ad Russell*$ Biginand ýValtham watches.' Blow resding the law on the suis. Tim BOSTON Hoitaon 1 - Th, wass instructed ta notify the asses 3 - . j8cý-'and Mr. Drape 1 faking the > sors ta mombers of the co4g forentle of récitions don ta New York. ive SU i r remarliable murder case which l'ove the assessment ïolla returned intc. -persans, Whou jley, Spect, Low. Very handsOnle and well finishsd und bilait maints ciled that the free pi knowthattho znaybocalýjeaurolitofoot -ieverthst Icis.more, son' d -Csryisgeg and parambulators. whon br nging in by- wu, and Dot de. gro ers should bc posted is settillz Boston and vieinity in a fer.* his-(the Clork's) bande on or before -the, bc ',continued. 84tional than chil ren'O la meut, earcoly recoives as mucli atten- 15th day of April next. themeelveo for thelr wrongfnl acte. The despateh goës on ta $tâte ing the business before the courseil tion as it deserves. The facts have Ou motion of b1r. Shier the couricil VILLAGII ÇOU-ý;CIL 'l " SCIAL JD'UUSAL.-Tlie Mari. It will haru the cite ire autially thât the Qoverament tIm It is known th et of making ail par.' Lthe by-law was reporteci and pa met ou Tùcsdýty eý 2 ssed, been well published. uli c RA adjourned te meet at Sunderland on tics more o iTrade Review, publiallea by ira n. and thé- 110,11188 Of S&Muel Jackson, a beautifui aud accoluplisllea womaat April 15th. the ReCYC, and Mei Areful 14-kiew-of the pirson- are Sbout te adopt the COnscriptive oy.s. Cornwall jr at Sb. johni 1ýT Charles Scott, or., and 'Wn2. Barnea Johnson. SI iwootiutAbllity imposea ý upon thom.- tem'in view ai the threatening aspect B., hais Mrs. Margaret Bingham, was murdered li g bouse or Ur. John Brolvn# 'Mr. MeGratan's 1- just entered its second year. From the were filled in as fence-viewers. at lier own bouge in the day time, -filid Dwel il ItiouudetitaPIO fillit in neàrly every. Of affaire in Europe, and the 1,ucrefising - REV. xit. NANDtifiENIS TA S. whon other pe ' on town lino Brook and Mariposa, material flituisUed Arti W mng were near ait hand; élection that 1âs y' ri Mr. Dralper, seconded by Mr. KinL, but the cirestimatances of the crime, and et boa' acclared (laieulty of procuriDg troops. clos and Sélections in the March, Mr. Jolin Hogtin while gettiu The inatter of Mr. burned down. aterwOrksý was ord vola, the deoisidu bas boeu bàsed Ilpon namber and the variéty of matter moýed that Mr. Vanansen (whoWaýj" the chase and Capture of the criminal, out of the misconduet Of agents- Mr. Wilku Unseated. ShOwn in the Index of the past volume, attend&neý) bès heard 'on this aubjeet. in are net luatters 01 commou toriety. a aleigh ad the 11th con., feil a 9 of $91.31-a" st tlic the Rame 1 - - - no nd broke again brought nis. ..o - which accomptanies thii number, we Mr. O'Donovan, Ur. Harper, and The murlierer was a tramp or beggar; bis leg. Dr. -Gillespie bas repaired agents acolarink 'a Most cases t'bat -11r- Wilkes bas beau tInseated for hearffly recom Ur. Pergtiso objected. The contend- 'hie motive WaR Plunder. He w dainaý,ee. conversation', with M hey liad acteil wi ont the Consent ci- Ce ' Inend it as a paper that ri y anted view te lim4ng the ýb litre Toronto by the Eleýtîon sa that Mr. Vandusen' hall abready MODOY te SâtisfY bis appetite for drink ; kuoývludge of theLî princi 0Ourtý' aboula bc rend by every persan inter. beau, board before thecouneil, that " lie obtained it 4Y killiug Mirs. Bingham bANNINGTON. but Mr. Wheler was il pain.- eat it- Bribery by agents was ad' ttea, jour ested in Commercial matters. Dame did net appear on the aoseogment in ber own lieuse and seizing the smali te accept legs than t %vb'tiie candidate alone wilo hall ta mi 0 StIffer ille penal dollars having Ibsen piid foi two votes roll, that the property was net taxe& articles of jewelry which aile hall about The annual vestry meeting of An theref»0"Othe suln, f ýty of thoir- OfRoiotLé withont Mr. Wikes' knowledge. Tur- IRAPE C"u.-Win. T. Pherrill, in his name, her persan. bela ta be paid Mr. Wlielei The but lu the nantie, of the Re made dirýectly, for a 8aints' Church, CauninfItOn, wa8 folly- I-Ie net OnlY 10-it the seat but. charge of persoilai bribery W 15 aban. Chargea with havulg oommitted rape on PrOPrietoi, Ur. Campbell, and that drinking saloon, and opqnl ff onday at 8 ln Illid to Prty the Çoato. a 1 booty for sale. The police ed hË P. mý, Whou the. following te in during 1873, The amend. doned. cousequently the conneil coula net in- Y;eýrei1, earllys gentlemen 91" wenýwiflaet.as0l, timoly check upon the Young girls Magg'e Mahone-Y, as terfère lu remitting taxes ta Mr. Van. on the track of the criminal, and lie werc re'-elected;-Edward Bilwarde atr-power ta test The Supreme Court Bill. stated în-Taz CEWN'cL'c lastweekwas dugen for which Il people's church-waiden, Charles Barn. for détention while col a Was net personally wàe arïeeied. the thira day' after the The sura f 84 was 4 fully committeil for trial by the Bonch- balaie the car »211rcler. ne 'Was indalatifiod positivoly b'LIÎ Minister'a church-wirden, J. -8. poration. Boswell 0 The Supreme jourt B èf Magistrates. Mr. King saisi lie bassi secondod the by the saloon-keeper tu whom. ho had firet sidesman, ývm. Thompson Chas- Elliot for inateri The "Sop" ta 0« chawa--Hitrd to Picanc. passed by the Seî ill lins been ýM0tI0 bect-Ilse ho understood Mr. n his _atop tile clause ab offerold thé jewelry for sale. and o BeCOnd Sidegman, Wm. Harrison third wâtOrw;Orks- ÜENýLcXVN'8 CLDTIIIXG.-Attenti 'Vandusen. desired ta make sornefur- Porson 8 ý0 ud a Pe o" on wa zý n nif 1 * Sidesz][11112. Ur. Charles ]Burah was Mr. Harman asked ighing the right Of appeal ta the Pri je a a ging- Il LayDelegabe te th' am been passed defining arbouil ' han goL fi vo t1iousaud cou ad a'pre. o Osen Ty il. eted te the advertisement of Mr ther explanatiole and boa authorities te Mrs, 1-3in,-,ham. Re wav eau a Synbd of diollam froln tl noil being only sved by the casting JO te show Io sust&jý big position. liminary exam lice, this Diocese. StoNgipe inspecter. lieorle are net 10 GOVerjiment, and yet vote of the 'Speaker. The vote hn Forguson in citlier columns. He The saine memberg of the connou ai. Colle ination, and bas Wrig t, while looking Ratisfied.. It ils dificuil 29 ta 29.- etood bas a very "ne stock of cOthe) Sud l'ýéad mitted for trial. PORT PERity. bad been told by pari ý 1ý - gOltt's furnishing goode in grent variety. ýy mentionad still êbjeeted-Mr. Tup HANSARD, CONTRACT.-The Soi. noria of bis business. W matrofy solilo-poopla ; Rud as for Our Fergagon insisting that-they knew ail ect Corurnittec on Parliamentary de- The Observer speaks of Mr. Currie Mr. wright's appoiný rrictiti of the Vindivaloi. thora lu no TUE 131UIGU«T*' CHrLDREN--Tuic about the matter, thât furtlier expllkn- bates met yelxterday morning, Mr. a. chai suai' thing as plea"sing him. W4 Nzw TPLEanApi, OFFICi,&T DUÉFINS' rinan on streets, as doing good Ber_, pipe inspecter confiai, 'CuAitcfzs Disp.novED. ation Wall useless, tilst they hall listen. W. RoSs in the chair, te deciae ou -the vice te the corporation in looking after ils Constable, the caunci on a -The 1 charges CazziK.-The Dominioe Telograpb Co. ed te Ur. VsudusOn for halfau heur arrangements for next session for print- the duties of bis office. Tuck in bis stead.- liko aura of five'thOusaitil dollars was made by Mr. Doylp, El nglish Commis. bave Opsened an office in Duffins' Creek. upon a former, occasion, and bilât the ing the debates. Irst plabea in-the estimates for -Port atonal-, na te the failure and miom It was resolved cil the The next monthly fair tlikeg place on The si-ireetors of the an. MattOrwAsperfectly underitood with. motion of Dr. Tupper, seconded by Mr. the 13til inst. )arlington lie gruMbled. The whole 'agement of the acharne of Uios*,Bye THr ISTIIIIUS Outtakingup further:time in ugeless Dymondihat the tender of MacLeau, The Queen'a Hotol lias Changed atitute bave dîeidocl u] CANAL. - The party discussion. - i pro. publie readin.- rooin. h'ng, ho 0aid, WâS WrOng-14t was pro. and Mise MePherson for aending te and now on the Isthmu'à- of Dorien appoint. p Roger &Co., be aùepteét. lit was thon rietors. Mr. Griffin succoeds Mr. De- Ilred thrOugh Sénatorial influence, Mr. Phil (1 gentlemen that agreed that the o ntract for primtjuý Wart. Rnd- SeCUring 110=04 for destitute children ad te examine the route in the neigli- the couneilphraedmtiaukeeud no actio a cil, aid he--Jï-ît1ignantly îlenonnced in Canada, have beau Completély dis. borhood of the railway £rom Aspinw ference ta Mr. vandusen, Il il' re' and editing the repoorte should lie given B0BCýý,YG1 GovernmélIt for going back on their P*rOved- ý The report of a commâtests of tc, Panama and report on the ail )lallations and préviens te Mr. Burgess, the presont session. rInciples. 1-10. aise. gave *uge Of bis the Rouge of 00 feuibility, the opinion expresseil The Frencil iransalation wÎ11 be par. MAIRKHAM. ,eekly poires te Il the Coon,- ýnd b&uhtý the exception o nIMOUB show that, with cOst, &o., have beau board from. - They by the Town Solicitor, -and that inas- formeil by the staff in the translators' cd the bouse latoly cocu are réPotted ne makin much as; Mr. Vandusen hall 5011nething departulent. The ]Rov. G. S. J. 11ill, of Markham, Il. Thompgon anci will igly derÜnLided wbat theRon. UAICýIm ni f a 'Jniall'percoutage, admirable pro. new te lay baiera them upeï the oub. 1189 an Indian Stone battie-axe, which the village residents. E est of the clwdren ; grain, and although tte survey is Dot - have no more worthy o have secared coin- CoMpleted and the final reault jeet ho ought te have a heariiog- PREDICAMENT 01, FISIL AND PowL ON was picked up on the farra of Mr. An- AmArou was doing-W]Jero Wâd hie in.* fortable homes, and are do! therofore Mr. Draper wu utoÉis]le THÉ LAxzs.-The_ foi, of Lake Brie, fin. thODY Bize at Unionville, abon a week The ln(leveizde7bi sayE Dg WeIl ln Cannet ho known, it je at jasait certain a at -the y t came into Mr. Kinnon'ý nOnCO '.W th thé qovorntuent P -Next Canada;. The Committeo report ex. that a faasible route bas been reinctance Of Borne gentlemen te hear soued by the ice, have been dying âge. It ia'diamond sheped, d the fonud and geZuse theY bad too much wator and b an Mr. Vandusen; it was the fret time Ore from the handle, which rune froul Sunday, and were diocol tek, lit 'bàving toaclied our friend'a ouerating the Igaiesý montioned fro thât 811 the diffi lues hitherto notesd ho remembered seoing such a dispo. net enough air. New, the fowl on Lake point te point, je almost as true and o with the other ca, Cameron Wou auccaisfui the ChargqS laid S ch as may ho readily Huron are star-ving becanse they have Perléot againat thern"find re. overcome. sitionat the oouncflboud against giv. as coula bc accomplighed by are in ou 11X1iIr1ý Shaw, Governm, induoillg the Governmout; tQpigge au commending parliâment ta give th bas beau looking at th am SIUDE TRug mg a petitioner à heazing. Re believ- boa much air and cannot get nt the Rob menus of a modern drill. The atone is with a view of buiIdiný lm in the supplementary estiniâtes, for continuait *Ria. The Goverrunent je seaison is net un - ad, and partakes strong- 8--AS the troc Planung ýed that Borne mombers dia 4er through the ice. Thora eeerns te lie a suloothly finish apprOachillg it il Ilighly dosir- stand the matter thoroughly, sud bilât pridicarnent for the fiah in ssither case, ly of-a stéatite character. Unfortunaie. summer.ý iliawà, Our 0OUteml)DrAry bid no fault abc requested, in fflointing ý a DePuby able that thooo who intend planting as Mr. Vanclusen hall some further air- ly, the. yutha who foulad it had, little THE SLIDF,.-Thû Onit find with *4he prim bit _ýoi the Agent Général j Bagland el WINMÉlçi Inàlnlii'.' wn- -il àL- ý% t - .. - to fýlffl co, le ýnusi Ite tem Thi, "Onu 1 ýP»Orazy Tie HOU" in safig to ConzS 19ýthe revmnon of -ân&Uoiat euiarpWen-t- .Je, ture -;ýM bea*eal, to unite address, zýalýwg --knôwn their, WM regard to e r8iIw!ýy =tes choun for fÉe, eembina branob - Considération, of te Of, ýople of Manitoba -witfi- to càtio . -l-,Of h0e'lines > flo ibt'offfie province îýs been ex- shed bY an addition -to the joan' ihe Dc-inýn, 'and ourrent only hm tobedeait *ith. Horrible Atrocity 1 SHOT By TEM SnXzxuy (Bocky Mo=tainsowg-):, y was committea last Thnn;"Y, r 00me MIUCO=table reuon, rêPorted by telegrapjý Bich- yerwho hu Jately laborea under J , uneination thât he'Was a second jhlÙt, entered bis bouge in th, ç.aüd- fonnd Thomas Batty, & >f the ffiMilY, lighti]2g S '&G In te. IWieving thât Batty was suary of the devil, who was try. aum. bis - fremisés, tÈe lunàtie and @hot hîm ffiýough dl Fryeri paralyzed With 3uclwd in 8 corner, and was ehot I the heart by ber de-monise 1. The-next thing he did was Le eïadle where hà in&nt Child 19 asleep, and deliberately blow CL but. ý, This was the crowning le lmôà unparelleled tragedy. heu, sallied forth into th. Mge vith a revolver and a gant pro- ýhmSelf the lord, and saying ad slàin the devil and several m-, The Sheriff beîng unable t -11ýryer, and feàiing tnat BÉII res might be 8-acrificea kilied h a ùavy revolver. , Batýr, ù,.: bhe babe and the-Éilàyer of them bwied'on St. Pi#iok's Day SaIne, house. YISX nr PIETFmoftouGu.-The Dgrets that Peterborough is be. - kuftUY dis&wracedý-by th, jw- ýgi of a portion of the inhabi. A thàt-this é%orderjý conduct mtIy on the increase. e nly-receut"examples, a fowe -o, there wae, a broil et a -house ýe, W h resui , in one, of beiù s t by a, b t froni a the -dea . niaZ béingý ato townt, w eý.otheIçshotS ed at ihim. -The folldWinÉ . ;hehouée where thiB- ro* àc.ý P-as buimt_,to the - ground by he neighbours, and We hgve âS ý Ofýuo ýï. steps being taken to ,e perg etra of t-Ins act or t , Uý ý there-was no possible r lynchlaw, the legal reimedy 1 muflicient- TwS week a 10 WIL-9 b g convoyed by 9 OU9 0 streete tô his etc, , wu left on the way lence 01 Âsikness setting in, e--nieý& Party a....ibi.d, Bd it éver. into the bollô,, luch, -trouble and great ex. tg @XtÉcation, aàâ possibly ,age to'the boüer. on an. t of this week a, done - was and unusuey pane d f glais in Mr, .,-Errot'o NVO miht, saA our contàBra. 9 inore îeaucÏiýf disgrace. sinular nature, b -' - these iý ý ut prove that soj=e'ýturther La protiction of-the 'law-abid- ofibe inhabitants are'nec- OFnffl MARRuGr, A» is iuteresting easà of sedtw. cd on Monday atýthé-L.ondon aintiff beiiýÈjenët rieve, esi < william 0 a *P, I behalf of -her dýughter, e Bing a yonngha-mer. be married to him, it is a-j- fondant -ruin* ed the gW and a born. ý The . I . 'A E -1 le agea . returne 'Y te make à b y- Au 1 tof defindant, - -ffilil 04fý"'À uuing "00ralug te t 0 Omy 1 0 rý ilty. a Taz SCROOL SucTioqs Dirl(ICULTIES. arbolIr.,' It was but 'it Ù140 behoped will provo len , , """ 00 -K, 'Uncla ho ce n usultation -Evidence was talcen on the bounds, tbe Wooleyan Methodist church, sud A 11AUXTEZ) -DzÂTH n difficulty between-scliool a the drop ln th 1 eff0à, whioch 0 Oppean te be gambling, and gam. V, icl'of gu Rousz OF THE qUegtiO' ercy. telegraw frein Ltýndon sayïï O'bticket.11 We only sucoeifful, te increa0e, bis Otipen(j w1il bHug fo playing for money, or monoy's ituodntobdotebrattaiault-hoooungghrohge#wbansaphpeoinwtesas OWNSE.-There is a haupted bouge in tiens 10 and 11, and between sections 6 Mr. Chilclers, spé'aking at rer the matt4i, te show the varyins be made. Worth; therefore the throwiuà of dise equall tor's IY y exempt from. ýTaxation, and Berke Square, London. No human and 7 last week, before the arbitrators. la,;t Thargday niglit, gave iat which a h6rse was won b the hi br argued that the town solici nwn belg was over seen to enter or leave The arbitratore are the Count » Judge, 18.of Our OOUtemýoýfty-pot for a T sot throw, wiluld appear to Ils pla was formed;Upon a wrong b«ie»ý it. No attempte nt bell-ringing pro- the Coanty Schoor Inspecter, and Mr. of his.last Americau tour. ont bogrtid9ý,129 0 altogothor too J, 1111v' JQ&HUA FRASER, bas retiretl of dice, or a opocies of'gambiin wunich, lu'",ply te Mr. Tho!apoon, Ur. Fe- duced Any aDswer, but nt' y Oum voted te , Our noighbouro. front the Pastomte -of the Chnich of the by-law i night dim J. B. Cau pbell. terms of higli eulogY Of 41m ontemÈlates. 1, Ine the banks, À" others, )Ir.'Vandtwen -,ex- lights were te- be. seon izmei-ing from Ubited States, ho thought, i faufi servi to show how, Seotland'in W-', Aefendant # ORILLIA. tbyp and accepted nu 2."d $4 coj;to." plained thàý terme -U.Pon'.wýldoh bellâ4ý u el,' wmtfows, sud soulids of a ly the Most prosperons Cent 08 éill,àltor Oates ; how difficult1112animus a jý0m the bon,,. orid. Ho congregation rented the place froni Mr., Camp y cas character were te be heard. CARDINAL x«Ma A71qb TME ËNGLIOB and how ho had boUad himaélf te Xt; 0.0 r da , howeyer, bile m ry Pie people of OriHis are Stijl agitai. it would- contain l5OeOOOO 0 please tome Péopleo and how the et Clifion. we . rea"t the Rev. Mr. Campbell to pay the yearla ýtàxêo, âlw1w lved. The bouge Was thi y ro. ing the ný"ket question. ants, While the progresq 1 Jitcr of the VinjlýaWîu vie Prassr,8ý departure bom Dtir town. CAMOliras. - The , Carditarg bat to thouÉh the.premises wer . e sagesse ln perty of an old lïnd occentrie go le- Inonld'-nëeesiâýily be limitei ject through throo die«ont'oeta of Durink 'bis four, Yser$' ýesidence in Monsi8mre-mannixigwas délivered te the latter's namet as owner, man, who lived in the garret, hýd ho Mr. Aie,. Kennedy defonds ý the presented the reaso- 'Whltby, hé not c»Jy ebdgsred himoeli eM dit thOýBÙguà collep'ffi thepres. Thé ý gen %clos. eral.'ùeling of îh& eouneg' beli-Wires out, kept the bouge clos y ne' ci ý should ek the fHej to once of a number of B in laver Of réfievi 171. Il Catholie Liter 8 Association frém the' -lan .0 in bis ëhurch, bat aJjs0 ngibh cathoim-e. lappoalma to be ng'lèr. abat up, and nover came out except i nt thl SUC anôtýer't latter tkat assaultç of the Times'in a severe letter alliancW Of the United Statel 1 itealf tipon QÙr attention in ý 0 mad umby personal hiende dutoià After the papal.moutor had refirR& Vandusen from, the taxes, but flint inal. nWht, and thený through a door in lie . tc, thp editor of thàtjoàîDaLý on- Il Caraium Mïüliýi sadréïlsea those , reg-, much as campbèll wu hoid for, tum baek-gardon. Re lias now died, ahd - The action for libel entered againot INCREASING IMMIGR*"Ox' and eut in the follôwiçg words: 111 é ýn with dits Ooligwâ gmùtgnd to thnt 1ý0-dY, whileli 'kindly disposition and not ',the former, thy coigd liât in thé hoinsé'aud all Ide possiquions go te the Pàcket by Mr. Yrank-'Keau bu net ing te the, report of the Jjj wo cannot forbear -roierting.- deportraqué au a Chintain, minilitir leu &U for YO terfére là the, matter'«. the Campbell bis sister. In the houes, >are Bomo of been.-withdràwn but only! delorred. It C* Ommitbee, the total numb 'Ur. ùr proïenoe hors to-day. the XaýeSt pictuÏès by the Old masters, l44 de Hon. and good diti7.eU'*Ore »AU that oould be feel ît is a 0 of gbod to me > énd of n bu grants Who landed in the Gîbba had had à xitlatto tha taxée UDO is Sgid thé case p for healing leýinembor, Aud thst the',40 worthy of imitation. n'a hù 1 ogr bât devotioü to the Ho1ý FMher aIlà ý < j il te him. to ownýgrepé properle moue whieh have thug been hîdclon avay for ut the pregent aasizeo. té,the pro , w te Yàndùunlo OF The, ïnembers of ' thé Presb terian duiïng 1874 was 50,0W wielles for " suceegs Churéh. I iWnot> ifteýt tc, think HAt. Mr. I)rà rI se Oûpation. âflylyearze b bbath cost of each te the Dominion leon obwuo(l through big lu.flu' his new and happlieu in ]y 6f the » grest dmdty conferred- tipon then moyedpe conded by lfr. Phile, PEa'may CASE. -,Toronto, April i.- Cliurch propose 1(lldîug i a Fi- Wonld talore be no outery raig- -me witladat Any merit of mine. It is Onng man named WS. ThOmpson, Vin sphere of tMdUhIeU. thot in the qiinîon of tilà school bouge. Governments cowl traly an bonoi ta be nmoiâted with councii sa" mbnu&Ud anillet 'Qf t'le Whitby and Pickering P And ers be n&ingtpBiohmonallýiUIwas-OLMÉ. A Pire Brigade i8 about to' ho organ- é1àj9,-ý The report shews tl net the -cry be takon up ý kna 0 SZAT.-ý_PXOVsùeber bas at bàt the Samdomcü immediatel- round Wesleyan Methodist Chweh on active ed befbre the Pehoe Magistrats to-day ized by, the town. the past yée 14,110 Canadiai oed 4Y bis qpp mêmbéÏ éuti&W-to teks bis @est in the Vie« Of Où»rî Lord and te = 0 Ida ÎÎM regakr1y stationed by the Board ith iking a blee, deolàr- '-'The libel sait of Rean vs. the ket to the Dominion froni th 1 and re-ock Gueents, of conférence, are snob ministers as by bu" heoii 'settled by consent. judg, statés, The Mennonite em ont 01 . the press, througbout the Dominion Parliaùlént. Ron.> Q. A. lot in good a" avil. ý Indeed 1 would statute are exempt from payment of es in orêter te obWn a marriage li mee entered fbr eue shilling d ge the rather that this dýgliity fell upon, Me, nse te raarry a young girl whom ho mnuitoba uumbered 18,449 y as shewing thae lie hall Ùud' B&Uàtyno bas bee* elecied by âbclàm. se it dose, in the time of danger thau of taxes* ersuaded te elope with Mal. , The and costo. 0ýjéôtiou. heving a raised, the -re. write that the elimatecf blini atioil for thm, go long unrépirenté m t of theý solution wns aile bee = 88la father, h been Warned, in winter is not more sevère 1 çonstituinoy. tô the forlern ho 0 in* tbi . te stand au a _h bifg,, 19"1 position tu bouefit las own d - féty It is, ne it were ý t01d off 7ed ad him. arresteil av in the Wedding OSHAWA. they were accustolüe(l te iý e t the ë#enoe of bis constitu. tgrdrld', but a foZrý hope w" is cer. notice of motipli fer next meeting. ýcoiild take place, -and bound him over- They were all eatIsfie(l with l id the cons , munity ab large 9 A -boaus of $5,000 bas just been offer in -ilox.,Mp» CaooxgIý'Au tain of viotory. 1 icel thst your ACOOUNTS. te keep the peace. Th Mtion was ed te Mr-, Masson to indues him to estab- h , orne. tilt Pf the silence thst obtaino We denisi le 91' IM: Mrý liateh brought up the report of re pson atithoritative sence is a represontation of atedi as Thom OCsâtenea to uther exoffiplification how true tare there. von to-thé séatement tlla land, eopeoiaày of those in England the Relief cemmittee, wljoh, ýW"' con- the giri agsinI ând_:ýffing te :find lish au agrieultural implement factory An undergraduâte of UniVE Ï'- Crocks - là - alkput 'to re. who have preferved, unbroken 'the tra- amorta in committe of thd lazettes, spont-some, time in jaiL Ré. JT tire ftoni thà d4binit. irhole, Ur. M" 0 dium of the -àith, Md that your kind. Perga=-. in, tüe, chair- wu t" ;r eTioys.-Bostou, Match ýicipal -électioàs in Èast ,'esulted generally to, the op - TWPZRARY 1-Nany ien made à pledge nýver ;a& with, coolz for, wash ry Or acuntenance, but as they- like, any man Dfé or - John Mitchell for ýKM£D.-The Chicago ,hieh loft that ý place, on- Ég, ard the Padfic ex. st on ibe Chicago, Bur- lincy Railwe'y, clallide& and Tyrone, Iowa,« com- g both engfiies and in. EL L. Miller, conductor express, Gardner, the 'eu messenger, and Pie.. ýf ' the Pacifié express- i and Streeter ' and;-eim- - oustained. seriains ý but s, and onEr of the bag. rLB.-Ilgdgins & Tay. burned down. -A b4dy na me d Rooli- jed -whae -croum»g the ý 1ý - - )nowsent inio whales ciewl i entedharpoôn ýy- ey kill the fiab ry the Governýr-GëUer-ý ,ngland - on the lot-, of

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