"Ilin, eitel 1 -2 ri s S p e r e b o t ..- &SON, Agets. dV44nVVIIATuste. 0W vas me 10i O tSUDsi"iof weedm l. AfW G LiI CMr D.1. Muroh 20th, 1876. Laît Yser ho vont to Ixeland, whoe ho MCAI, HTL vat. pro.onîodl by 1is admirer, witb a ~ v 2,OOê- testimnial, 'and thelb. British . B8olu0HAtONTARIO. A M M E t T< Mr. 0F f812_Io . I vr nuiomnt soeing that borefrain ot. 8 . B . W E B B , P O P E o i waid8d b Mr]B. H. Osttos, of lb.York ,eur umnéîoted ta 't.!United tates. BolLiquors Lad oiga awa.onha Plonge,, capcf ti. tol 0*lng ia.Tbyear heveni back again lto.W Marob B, s ,1876.. 14p lain flon eso Brook, g. a inmor-. lant, wbeë or1b. vs tiico returne o 0t - II f paot. imés :-41PrcalAmatlon.,b Palao thl eloctoÃi of Tipporary N OLVENT A07- OF 1869. Province of Uppar Canadla.;I'laseThe lntore.tlnglogal And laternatlonslroBqi. siotaauoe.qetoswibh.eeîo tre H ~1A IMD O -Tipper Canadla, and Mà lor-.Geà eral, bis doath. onimadfg bis Msýjosty'sr Forces with-WOD ' 17uhesam4. Thea lv7&omima cWu Comnion Carriers.. xI5LZ 'eimdGofn.WmnraxA, Informa- Ral-a. .-tThe creditors ef the . Aboya Insolvent are whieh eau bo ured by tioi bap been recoaved, that divers per- The-Ilontreal Gazette say. :-A de- uotljled that a meoi 11 , a t> sa *ons ha" récently ce obthis Pro. utision of l bc-belid t thet c l-sort t thisSt ~vfoe vdia sdulo. leu tof.lrbcodsiderablo importance ta Clock FPar Towia Wht i yffce w thà ed dos ntntW Astrbraiwa cwpaî,oaogivn y he acosry o Othe rd lpîcparatioabs é the. tranqufiîy tbereôf,.asud tôondiavarOcwaxisvsgve i h 1.Cnt tfOtro, oau i U sbsb lb lIet, b. intu a biMao Couart Of Appeau yenterdeny, in thb.'case proîdaythe 20the Day ofApril, it ainae b mna i isU I s B, o uther~ford v.the -Grand Truck Titesdaythehie hrînofdrcds subjeetoq trom bis Persan andi Govoru. loi'taiau.est Imopils îeceivecl by t] ju ooyrqur niojonteb ay hopliti bdinstantnsf1l o'clock lIn hie forenoon, for îjitô' Ts* gevra pssQs ntbrlotl l crry» b ngolt'Dg timubor carricd by the rail. the publie exaination af the insolvent, opIc s 1 ft l cklOT - a evet a ra n tuioto passyetin.f atn1,the o Cmpany gave andi orderl.g tho affaira of the. asiate gn c by miany pérmine tisa fart.afcerth ai o bs M, ajastyinnotice- h vý oulti not - oarry a5fl7 era1ilm tubifons futyAn Adofbsaor l . ofi more ceclar tituber. On their refusai G C. GROSS, plîys$iCiaîîs Fto ho theoMoi gecrjg hiq roine gans-_llse.stbsequently to carry lthe plaintif's Whithy, 1.t April, 1875. ïïsiee.rliable preparatsion ever i diin tepso eagns e-iitse- frcru Acton ta ibis city, au action vas tonedfi14erlifa tetalt trpsor deaigutoc-latnbbronght, au'I hisongli dissaissed by the oT cmpan lie raqùlfy hoeo,'tao iglatCourt boiow, adit tjutigus NOah ra. I C Il.1 cure of aitfLn opan la thse ersonition of their ctulles, snd Lungm strictl7 ta enquire i ute tho behaviour oti in review%, the Court aofAppeal bas an-spfrd otepbi *andi conduot. cf al snob po-s.nsas reversietithege docisions, aud sustainetiadi fecdh h ul -, . objetta . persons fslbmsy the demanti, on Itîegrauud ts1iiat thesanctioned'by the exportent Act', and 1 da aa charge 'anti require Company cou nt ulelgally refuse *ta fv o 811 bis Ma enetso 0oti antiLoyal- sub. carry 1h. tItuber. The grounds off the - eo yvcî. oî'tn eas. *Wt lion areresortcdetoly netaont biltse Jects wvihhîntla i.Province to b. alding Chia r otcerystotbyl.si aupl b Justice. lb will b. observedt Ibt dom fails to effect a speed aand SsSstigt af lêolî-! nteteobligation. of railways in Canada axacutlon oftise paois vosted tiitea aniEglu arîsruct nlcfhe cu'e lu the MostIse-ver, - b ut.oovutne yare more sîringout t lniv nd m ntucf ythe Cou lo h liaté aidBa, A Oï,2aI YorIiMy - bs Culbot ri'Corporation oita ovnship ci lekerina cases of 0'oughBr-hii liand o an d ay o! F t obirk lulb. ay' Pat-6om t" Can orbrarirl' te cmii Three Public Meetng, oioielb, Bropn cno.abir vlopn onhit Duny f u t 4 f u r a y n t e t ri 50ef se respectvlv. at h. oIO vng' p1 m es "a d C ou l Y h op îg Go ig y0a c outotiOn.Thusa 0 ig t 7 osi ygOodotiffèed. Il mueeai dfe , lviz - Danbartaui Proisgh. a, iirnma, CoIdE yer un rd nele aTil h , lisscaa gve a ressont or refusai, sud il arn, mtiClaremoënt, forth. nuÀ aofla. o' Tiot aiso o buen4 eadcf is MeadIne st's Boiga kitdiscriminate .*etveeu difloreut lng beforo 1he ratepilyme Ma rpdooluy. Thot PieorS Isa~ao Brook, Prosidont. Bycommanti s deo!fa riul, i.. Igaiport of the. Govoazmouî Snrvoy4AFrM.h. -iite h Wm. ~~~ g otwee diffent persans. it botter te osaioarib~de i teOetsdSd vrn.~e~lbî ~ , , o îen nds'sPyHrogoure i h Co gan Liver- Complîa-int3Bleedîî, ladtdJur. -1- ! -stioefor the. dlatitinf iefn mortsa. r vai doclared....uiot t -Du Doù's -DII.-Says lb.heLandau- pal Loa Fnd accruizg ta uhistownshsip. at. the Lungs, &c Wistarl Brtf.M.Ostosi iteuti'lhlng ris e o rseTho ageesors m'ottsHome 1 thoreforo, lanaecoidanee vit hli tii.yî,a.eBCileaijdoea not*dry. Up document bafaralbhe'ork Pl nersaipeoultar peoplo in their round. u '-lsrolscl etigt .Iet I uh n aetho au * heir next meeting, atie end t a- cove sain-e pculisr.aasvero, ospeciaily Dunhartan, on »Tuesay, April z3th, bhn, a sthe case witl mongsl the othas_ý valueti relies of qie if aaybhing in lavOlvoti lb th, roply. et o'cioçok, p. m. bIn1 sl firlY'blstory cf Ibis portion of thb. i-Tbeywont toto a bouse yosterdsy, audMotpeatilsbu 1 infusas, - ~skeo the tenant cf thse premises if hie Brougham, ori Wedncsday, Aprilin t carto ,bu i 0bat a clog. IlNaoSaIs, wehab no darg I4th, sa' oclock, p. ai' looseius aîîd cleauses thi AI ~î ~Otd th ~ hosIL De. Ise aam sai do*." Clarenon, on Thuredayi April 15th, Iuiîg, dalysirato Northisoro', Mass., s short ierinc* ý um, si51 ivieso. Dnoi, ni.vii tecaseo lb. follovlng relativesnest dova te tes aprso',. "0'," - JORN MTLLER tu cmOi0.th as tgtolviri Tve brther&.ln.luv, ivo- 1OJliedlbhé mn, -"lheo.dons gono, dat'. fleVe. the complaint. uneoo oe groat undio, oua groat aunt, vi , noos." Tho noise of a st-auge Pickeriag, 29th Mai-ch, 1875. 14 rai-rA=a, i .151loer o!f th rit goueratbon, Ibre chowver, nîbracleti tho attention __________________ ETE W.FOWLE & BONS, Pistois, Ma.. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O à itr !1.scnsu w î~t Io do0g lu tho celiar, miât<laîoly un- -ATED - Andi oiti b>'Drxsmet,îm anciDoaieogcsrmfly. aiserof te scon, ad tWO iottâ 1 der oarth, ant ihoed fllong ati louai. the third; ùvo aunts, on. fatbdr, oeeTedrkyioWtistusedxCa au htber, twa moîbeo, six 'daugb. Theoarkeyloo" s ast o, "whod a o À Aooti generai servant girl. Apply ho- C UTION1 tar, bre ganddaobers, svndsr? So amny sîrauge doge comc MlS. E. A. RICHIRDSON, '2ieces suct savon ouins. Anti yet ru' o esbriu a1p'sagtBaseline. vers oiy .~persan. - sposo dey. vas ini de bouse." HoIls are 0h 85 mai-ked 4ovn !pr one dag. -- __ A poor vomen vent ta bor initter PURE FOR BEEUMÂTISM 1 asklng hlm olais nd lb. ý he seveateca - years ago a Loui.villo c funeral sevie o ber foub hinbaud yo ng'maWssClId by a ciairvoy. For receipt, apply . ta bo isaviag ffcsti for tIlie three vha sout thawt os oas detola ii~a IOH ONR.I balpifnydsperdfot a as eti 8l MuE CN B.14 N NE "> G ENUIN b.dprvtusy isaporei ron ho auburn-b red youug is, ib nWltby, Marph Bth, 1875. B Nu1 publc vie, f%, 1ri'gtliovhIo ye. anti a iîevy moustache ; thal hé vhÀ"skdterveedgnlmn ouid soonIlie i-lob, sud' bat tbey - UNLESS STAMPED "Ah, il'fslgbty bat." -Ah.é repliot, vwôuld have two cliilduen-a boy antis "lTier. vas nover s po.cr vaisa ai on girl, 5h. titi mari-y thoeaburn-bafret & B - tovu with snob a ltof' dying aieaas ma.They have f vo children nov, r I'vo basa."h Ils uburn bas disaippeared froin bothe Gonerai BuIloio latenti appearsuce golini 015 a veok, sdh 5 ~ ElEARE ETEEaus IMATIO;s Col Io la n bh ch&a-atera!ofconusi or parie, n BMT et New Osioeans oimlng indoinity for- Du. rALiIAOLON THE DIBECHER Soà s. c. TITi-24,A1871. propeily soizoti thora turn ho Cie l>L.-In bis leohurc.roons haik Bey. -T, : -Fe2417 war for tho use of the MU nntroops by l~icat i magt -o dnoert ho-A pub. '- Goerai Baller. os eeortalg.pnii<' A-suit for #45000tdaumagos bas bootsiil vas higli lime tisat lbe palpil .pesk Burnet'z c o'san brougbt agaiusî Nev York city by one out plainiy la ibis matter. Ms E ~Pe ents litsir froisrFalla;g. - ~ o tho Mi. Doaadoau Esaigi-stionAgent, W, * EA I~ Burnett's Cocoaine lsbely, the Coroner"ju baving has lusa recoiveti vord by câble tele.Teonyilal îtititto uh Corporation oiciI ncapbl acon. graphfromn lb. Agent.Geaersî -o! b.tiihe yrlaiGi.Dsrbthn i nectian vlth the cause of the catasto: Dominion iu Londau ibat sanie 700 country 1 Burnett's Oocoaine - - plie,- - oxigranîs .are nov ounlisoir vsy ta InisaI Greasy str StlaL-y. Canada, auq lhe expeots that about 500 $ 6 O, O O0OQ O0 O Burnett's Gocoaine E50Al'IlOr Cok3tNiT.-.Tventy aI viii make Toronto tîeir destination. Licgv iigoal Mr tIse Freanchz-Communists couflued inu- TIsey aremnosllylai-m labaurors. IN VALUABLE GIFTS 1 c& 13U iDeartaia dr Nov Caletantis baý'e-effetedthtIon -s. ude iat' oy ai cape. lu:boats, under the leadersip of ý Tho village of Ayimer. Ont..lbas 10.1 t~ e iatribùhed ta Bdurrs eat o aine Dr.astroul. -They hut tîei- own ' a'lîcroino. A yaung girl niamet Mieqs L D. S 1 N E 'S8 B retsO can oasts sud trusteto t aIbir - ot arna.Po<ps vas duiavu labo the vater vbile BreteC dan ta came out allil flgt. - cmeavaring ta rescue ber little brother 172 REGULAR M014THLY sotlsthse rritateci8r.lpSki. Prepartionà to robLong Iront drovninig. 8h. toidthie lad ta B retsC can Prprîost a ogIsland i save hinusolby *limbiug on lier bssle GIFT ENTE1RPBISE 1i Burse' stCocale. -Bank, ou Fiulton street, Brooklynv.voi*e 'anti gottîug out, wbicb b. accomplish. OAN MY R,îi.C can diecovereti an.Snudugy., In theobuilding cd. Tise unuortunato girl tison gave rO D AWNMONDAY, MY8O,17, Burnett'gCooan abjiDing lime buuIk vrgolunca large omit, aeh, as drava under lise ice, sud 2'WO G1L4Y» aAPzz Zs 0Fnamoit an AIsoincaeleWsl. 14- ý ofbrlr toa!., pawter. etc. -pelighed. un+'o lie pssq it en roureoentiy pureliseeotl *.5,t00 E4ACH -IN CASH i Bre.ts ooa bvaptý lstraugers, sud tbe (li. Deau Orseset .itrial lias bien aguin 'W RZS$,0 ,cýVery of t boisrplans vas acclpeuîal. otot.-T0PIE 100 -Mesers, ?Moody andi Saukovlare about -Tla Etest Ttronîo. lectio*n triai bas FIllE PRIZES IR50 Eà nCashl i, ewL1t ts ar ta opn a mnieioù lu in te - ' o ,oa,, ~~fixesi for 22ndil iox.TE PRZSsofahIurets ocan Laou. The m"-'ent lu Liverpool -- On-----~e HroeadBug, ih 0500.t B rets- ooa bas not Ieen oxseily as ane.. - B T OnSe ore sud lurgy vll Sv6rWio.h B Roa net t la ooin one i. le-toueti liesewooti Pianos, vorth euEfet -A doRpatcb Iron -Ttiste maa, grést CIAWFOETH..IX tWIitby,-op 27bI Tns iy eig-ahneiwrt i50 n-7 - ispëBotn preparations ai-o heing made, lai bhs, lto., lbtie fso! Mi- MinîlevCrav. cash igac1e, ohi 1050 UrDAV7S5&cONape& ri.AWE er'eotion-ofa smonument Ilu memory af forth ofa sdsngber. TboGolWcasudCiiivrt PERDAI&SO&LWEN, the Jabo Enspeors- Mxlmuflisa. 0800esch j aceu n Can, ot DVEA MTHS. T 80 h olAurcn uln act,,MNIEL .Q IN GENTS' UNSHN ODS, HIATS, CAPS, &o.&, AT '18 1 (Next Doorî North of Dominion BnL WIIOLE SALE & 1RETAIL DEALER IN GRO0,CERIS WNES - 4ND NEALE, ST,-O-I-AWA9 RT~1EMOVED TO FABEBWELL'5 BLOCK. ClbAENT FO r AVIEl& orter CHOICEEST BRANDS OP OI(ÂRS A» DTOBACcos ÀAL- THE T I STOO gg TIIE TRADE SUPPLIED.~3 Ombava, Mai-oh 24, 1875. DOINONWAREROO03SO LOWES ARE BDECEIVING THEIJR Dress and Mantie ,Maà king,. Mi llinery Whitby, Marais 24th. 1875. - LOWES & POWELL. .C ASH' PR DUHFFI CA'S 0 R STREK Will* be open.,on First of ýApril, 1875. l:ýDry Go.pds and Groceries, the Neesot TAGE SE',Ipa T S AG E T W E E N 'I E N MA OR IL S s '-EX AO 3LS _ is now complete, eomprising aisd nds PJ WHITB & OHAWA. NOTICE TO -THE PUBLIC Lde'Mse'adC ides, TWICE A DAY 1]aieiise t- hli-n' Leaves Oshsawa aI 8Sa, m., mati 2, p. mn. Tii. untersîgnet i bgs te infor sim ntoza '1 X"-. Loaves Wiitby aI 10, a. mn,anti 4, p. ni. ordanthes blietlisaI ho has rentodtheit Boys', and Youths- W ar, Pare 25 contseoaci va>' above GritIs I.fi-osa Mr. B. Major fos -Wiu eau at ail ihels, at Ipeate tloi- faiyeai-s. Havlag, bua et eeoa reiteaces (irben orders are lit tail f esexpeieno.iluths lbdu inssluCanadaâ, ndsome *eA riaGodofBsnMu iii. iot!U Coanecîs viii Ouhaw and ho trusta b>' striat attention te bain.., tAd FneAeia Goso Bso a goas' o g; iac ih lieé Whithy gi-a ostomers g o al , f sig ni - A lso à , large assortm ent of Trunks and V ail a ud P ort Per y i->' a yv a nsd mi rou g i. C hop ing,. F leuri O sm e L , P -un Shrt s a mn m a il e a h W itb y . -a n ti 0 îs a pl s e d s t ai a L a p I ti-u . wNiiby, Masui 9tb1875. - f l 4 f anti Ois. d i-n<âPes R ND TE N & RO T l0T K N 'S., ouls, anti misa cata em a i.RbiI ---C. . Rubmul', Ciai-ssusnt, -JAMES ANDERSON. o0gami-o Sh 8 Dec. 2Bi-d, 187L.l'5 5TEAM SERVICE --c-etajn -rsevt o the S VICTORIA, BRIT/il COLU/M. t dè&--, d Bi- and 8MN FRANCI8CO n, der te er MOARIS 4 OO'0 - - Jl H.. VES 78Nsastreeet,N.V. amomibercaav Mb ec?.ied FIID HMOR ounTEDSPEC TA CL ES<& EYE.'OLAu neât Pr he'n&Wiieyà e- Pci Hr-deer ani. a à m-V-,&..mf 55... i - __ la - - - TWEEDS &FLÂN1-TELS. ]Ready-Made Glothing, Very Cheap. 1 ; -, so- - l ,W uby o.10 80 i Home Grown Seeds! Pro a's aloguuta Seets s"nt fi-staIua liaI sppiy. My seat. ai-e fresis, puisund bru. ta name. -They e, penn. mani are- for sale -ou Lot, No. 5 lt oa tPieln lin-o. milegset aofWlsltsy. lI ii senti saodsfree by mail toa .11pub.s of Aierea. - WA1ITED-A (fardier, single ai- mar. riat. 1 SI5C. PEOWN, Wholcsalo sud RetalSestismas. -Whibby, Ont. Mairt 8rd, 1875.Dm- TH[,E PILE LOOHNG-GLÂSS; A MIBEOT FOR ALL PE0PLFI. REFLECTOR AND TEACHER 0Fp THE SCRIPTURES i souutn I iibooksin o ns valuse, =f a ,Reigin Emeni., RUiosAna- IP:t.fL tiarme, siad"Gns 19Pgy Pynsr Jahn ,W, bei-and ti ers, sitewiag te diveiciiof thelb. HuaisChai-acter andi qnsliio athle RHan aert. PrMio,68.75; 804.75, sad $600, ,cSor£ing- tu btnting.- x AMES HACHE, Agoni fer thse toirnabipo of - - Wiîby ant i Pukalsg. The aboya irk tan ba huA Ifrons *e E DNIMGEa JAMSCIA , u -o clCaeT.- RABAY iz b.& i.x7 DIEPURGEOUE, PYIIN ue E panirAcasEepi, anC-on fr h CotwrSL-,Oa. AL SQALTAL0SL FO-S ALE-! Te amsera and ti lera wanting Sait, I -mai sellig oti dean FilditiSait, fi-ssiifi-oa car, foi-86 per ton, or lymi-los&tol suit. pai-lsurs Parmus e- aU anti leava yiur éaur, yen ivm cev« ri;uycheaper. S b airivi bycars a quantil>' ai'fi-euh min&£.all. e frn ennslvaniz. Auy quantlY .of god, tit Wood, alitfor Aaie cAp f- or stim> osslW ad, sa ut th ivi HlIir l A~~ND MIRALE 0 CHEPNEU at 60cientper pirr. -BAS A BUERhIIcOUIsE 0OF INSTR~UCTION nou. Ai.Mackuzio, Prenslr'ai Canada; Rau. Wrn. MoMasaci-, Pu-esitieut Canadiais Pank cf Commerce; Hon. John Ciiord, Lient.Govornoi- of Ontario; W. ILHavianti, Preildeul Dominion Boardi ai Tradie- Hon John Simpsoa, Piidnt Ontario Bank;--Hou Tios. N. Gibbs, Oshawa; Win. Gaaderb;n Zog.l Presideal Bank of Toronto; 3. Austisa Esq., Presiet Domninank~; IHan, . . IyardCameron, Preaidoal Provintial muai. unce Co.; Hon. John MaMaii, Pies. Dominion PTeiaampi2Co., Gen. oralMangerWesernInsuanc Cc; Jitu gianiMagerj~ ish0ar Lac Co HgitScotEsq, en anaerQueu lît Pie nsusae C.; un Wtia & Ca, l4reahie Asse; Js.YnngfP ali;A-dim livr,0.2P, Wner. eau Oui fitods mogansnrebn~ sie eu-l'loi niproa l met ndmai ecn* ou>'rearo,,paros aholatin bstes futsthiagOsA , To-r>loanto.>'l Ontarla. For tersas, Spetlniens ai Pennianuilp, t-c., -atitiuiesu- - 13 ODELL & TROUT, Toronto. M. O'DONOVANI s Carnage Factory, Brook-st.,, WHIT&ByE HEM VERY CHEAI'. MIRACL ALL & SC' E THE a~Tenders for Brading, t/w Woods to Red Seatasi Tendurs alduisssd ta sigedan eteti 'ia fder w!vy," viii b. xsoded uLp o no yics, lie11h ofMuinaI îufature. Frai~< ises. of TGsantlLm GRAW . Byofle. SUPPLIED, & POWEL . L A' SPLENDID STOC.K. à nd Tailoring to order. CHEAP YI 1 1 - 1 ,8tf 1 1 el- 'l 1 lý -1 1 Alil , imil MILLINERY GOODS, ý Oshawa, 'Alarch 24, 1875. STOCK ý 0-F SPRING VERY - CHEÀP. ew(m gr. , B RIO 0'lK' T--IR E ETj WHITBý The .81riti8h Américan O'ommercial colléof .ýTORON-TÃ"P