Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1875, p. 2

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- -- ---0- VUU JU&&Uuqmg ---- -- -ffl )w- rl]omtuàf toast down for him t'O Po le a " warza westher ope", au Doon' UUURUPU ib VLuu5Xfflý ffl PI«dnu« au unezv»w *gth' ar. sud generosity et the the .10rmmwbbs of dütj ment. - The -ag lâte Fàthér'D*iùnet &'.notéd,'ýC4itheià hièh the ap &oý nt- la fro 6i1u@ýdàY, April 7th. 01 course, it fo OXPCCWJ ilist -ha Wfu towm and ito viciaisy, redoty our own ThO tOwlIOM 00121lefl bu nnâged a To, ihe Hmorable the- missi[ nary"*Um 'i >rnet; a' Ès - - ' te Ves7à, of thorcagh bred stock, herses, ni wh6m 1-10ard nrýomy&#nffloé tilwo, ormtshkSe éit ImI wear positivbly te lits owc 1 oudeavm, we M happy "di, de., l'Ylow 1 g buliam Lî- the Hmme of Commoià rogülýyrn - ta' Ottawa City 0 the coiumblik Riv4;r ý in egon, force.to watch ib *o., thé propfrtî of Ur, '740, Mitchell. 0 nnSoneo. lightsa te ho enabled te oftërt, ses Are '020esded 0 an -,Itidiýan L- ?KirbaoÏso AQotioueor, - if Ur. beteller can do this, thon the Julia Connors, st 10 oclock. of VM'"O"em rooms ta be a 'mO=tâ4u Of 9014 -in the Black and ef&ctuàryV,ýfps Credit fjàlo of farm ý stock r suit Myste and a impie. thé Rille, -sud Illà la tion of thst extra. il Bii4-I bog te stato ta you and = P. H. SHE ry of the eau MS7 colle e n ýe: &tory 01 the in. honorable bodyover whioh yen pnoide ord wis, bontebold furniture, 4ay, -Wood, bec()LUOIJO wli3(did ho net interpose à Annie MUFP4, , committee. OSHAWA, thst a grave iýjcstlce bu béen dëmme dians, 0 Dl and exploren. , Lient.-G the proportr of Ur. Bowerman, prompt aoL»prà4n»ive, diotinW, abso. 3. Coffey, ron Guw£y.-We learn-thât Z the fats action of Parliament in ex. The k country Io Po lot No. la, col]. lesnelon, ýý oli4 lu talle South 01 C'IL Filrilsy; much bray,) on te-4ellial6f the charges Whou Ami 2nd,--W. L. ItuÀF»l ýjnctj0uàjr. 9 t nàadO Pllbli Su nttémPt bu b0en vade by the gond -e udlng me frOul the sulnés granted more sive thàn that 1, Wère n Ladies AB citizen» of Whitb Fao particular 10. _y te stesl the Rat te aU othero who participate là the in. C&t ý t A GBEAT FICAi. sincere thanks te the good and Y 0 récent explorationg of Général seilesterfau festa ciety, I beg, on its bebalf. te ret tory and the new 3f&nu&cturing Coin. surrection, the exécution of Scott, and, b tZ oug the nofice of the publi o actor, author and Preefdentof thfi Bo. e, of bWk, Sorubbyt character of the timber ------ mm My em, 01 sponsible f -The Brockiille Abortion Cage' sinfable pany U@b startèd, and thât theytaabloleo' the se called Fenian raid on ysultobs, custer, annonneed to, Young di osé. ut =y iiýpecoq, the and gate its Dame from the abortion caspe tried th I de net Propose aboulderini all Mark Gmyson, se ladieiff Who have igama»cl both OliBr Ï210,000 W any pomn. thst WM It coin days. The waiez and palud te enable this Societ thrit those Wh auccessiul in the thoit. Cons pré w ré which grows on the Sidas and ýtops of take ta, walk arou ýyý Provo tterkeep a Sharp look- D's'y go forth spotl ut the -lstO te amist in a becominè manner, in tho Gurley liait ha purified by a resolution of Parliib-ment. the monutains and hille. prison rockvïlle Aubizoo, à _wim ireianai: ou whole of the country bounded on se rcgnlpd, as démonstration In bonor of Leon Macarte allé botte' lity S. Patron Saint. Weil ý may they jeel The Xsple Lest-Lacrosse Club lm I awordingly make the followi»È, state. the stol; by longitude 1()2 a gr9es" on for,'Snd John'P. 1 dpateds in a verdict -of gu ana Lara- L. Murdoc againsi -ONLY 81 50 PER ANNUM. rond when they ose- this beautitul, bien nient of fitits. which I can. provo most the south by the SWeetwater geinst-Di. Sparham ana ý the seaucer, -,PSîaidzed for the coming sesson concluofvely ».- by the Big Horn, ation, Under the î, 2 mie rivers,,on the West tanner flatinting lu the ' breeze, With and oméers alectoil. L' Tbe Insurrection was adviud and Wind rivers, and o' IL Gresvei, who*hicye - beau untenced ý te the pýrtrait of Irelapdp 0 aposeo èlà. AU advertisement of the ý0îhàwA by Gév. Who, with the Yellowstone rive'n î a nort Graygon le ta star "Wbltby, Thut.qRY, Aliffi' It 1876. deutà. 'Týe--partWan of the trial - are belliabed in gala, fàr - b r. This is re New York City, 011 .7 their nutiring Cabiiiot'Company, for a coulpie of 1% gfvèn In aliother columii. itif-rring tg exertions, nôtWithotanding the lùdexii, brought aboiit forty applications by lot-, other officére of the Hudson Bay, Com- the- country of the Black Rille; but em- '161,51 and-return t. thegroiving frequency of the crime, encyof the weather, thby were euabled ter, tolegràpb, and 40me lu their 4ülzi. Accounto.' Vany aloci sided and abetted îtItrZ, its braeed i# It are saveral localities called Thuraday, Novemi te jefeary the expousea it inourred, Viz : ety appetzed hire'to ieek thé plue "DOOP tien UP te the v«ý,,,h0ur ib-", ad 8; for instance Black Rille of distance lueluded j which bas of late yeate beoomo a ours@ Po A Considérable number of -10, exist - that 'ýBie1 Wàs in cônetaýt Black Rfils of Powder river, 19,220 miles, whiè tillbu«141,0 Who rect'iv thoir a wu o.- of American aides and towns, thé Jfail It, Délai mon bave beeù taken on, communicatioul, Gov. MoTavish, HiN of Cheyenne river, the, him a daily walk very o lustrine- at in cOubti euclosed in thil woek>ýn' the loast ment large proportion-boing front the United ana in cases, undoi hi ýfà4y of 9 thë'leéality ý wiLich Gen. miles, A large* Pertinëntlýýremarks: ',flic abortîonist Irishman beà!l" senti talons; thas ho (Gor' MoTavillove sac bis reconnaisanos lut course, will be au t Dg-' Il iq o merald home, will, States. I.- will mù%là obligé by maki' JA' remitt. bk ught in ocmatimes 1 te hi 0 the Pkovisional ré is go, ing which lie WM îdeýth Of affictiOu ý?Ã"Ï lits 0 summer, d' about, whioh the copy the, example - of, these oïcelliont Oshawa eechantcs, underdand how rooognizoa - 1 r - au" of the aguotint et thoir .,Indebtea. uný ladies, a_ýd do what lie eau ý by te got ÙP a. corner ii'Work as well se, arrivin -r - » sa the ft cougequences of crime, or oftener the meut; thst Ur. Donald A. -AMI, tlth- 0% in a op ulation ait thé présent time, average .,by Wall deviltry of bis-art Io invoked ý1i s co-aperâtioni ýaùa présence ta give 4ock brokers de in gela. Recently a g et Part Gu.y reiogniz theýýbotinds of which, it tg Shotàd ho fait aller nets. 64", iz wu ý éàrin , ou 0 a way or-anather.to stop the natural stabilitj te thé ý'îocîetyj soi thait on our 'Yankee cabidWinaker -cime idong and Gove"ment S"BO 'a ' y 0 h 1 9 F r number of people average en shipboi Id li2creale*of the PëPulation. 'A nation nê,Lt antiverftry of him, who omiles teck a coutract, on - buresus oomewhàt t ana with Gov. McTavish wu Biels ad- W b und 'ai Desme 'o "Moun. lie will makd it up Gigantic Prau fronibli'abode of celestial fêlicity on under thé rates thaï; had been- paia be- of hie wàlk Wag fk serduringhisotâý in 'the iùovorn- of"G de on the crie 6anal. Ilthaît hall' te dépend on Immigratiou ment sud after the departurei of bath Father Deoçuet's fore. , The mon in the mine line got up te thatwhüe York te Liverpool ruer ,Ti,. se filom the country Bie4 se against native-bora citizen; tg in A ho able té celebrate tbat day of da a purgé àùd brought him üp st nouai of the, ving wi Irelànd'a wandering cýîldren, we may the Sioux lùw= , hé Waë Hom, passing il sont ta the Logistatlro of the liti-te bail way. but American moralista a manner wortlir of our race anner Tavish who thon representeil the Rud- the hi thim hua, been obtained rit will wï1k through ho ed te hala couneil with Mr. Jbhn Moe shown bi ý them nuggets - of gala$ whieh Sheffield, and Loni tell un illet tg the cage Nvïth regalq te W. von lexlau4 wft i lier ever erated fâreman. and Il zookônea ho gain' ew York ffisclosor, n- frjghtfal Ayo. anÉ, Sailitly wu a sou Bay Company. di eut oints in the BWk Hillii ou te the New Engla, nd Siateo, Tu the . Apostle, to'quit," and quit ho did. Thé reason p-' thon-, passing throu î?, of frautl, wlsioll,- fur illanyý- yearoi. il lu the méantime we hope te bc able whý was fnund out a day or two lifter. 2. The others whose names I now posed ta a froni the'beds of Big Horn, noms, and Naples" lirà been Parrieil on iii, thé§ ýâce of modem hie and te the glow. te forbear mentioning, and who are very liose-Bud, and Powder rivers, and from managénistnt' testify our a oclation of the laver - 1 ý Stantipople; froin f. nt the works on the !Dg inclination te escape famirlY %VAYB comferrid on u0fry thm young ladies loyal subjects, adviseil recourse te branches of the Tèngueý river; and, on Béophorous, lie wil _San»]R. , 1;y coin. arme. hie represonting that such yellow matai, inteMewiùg èonut binations und collusionq between ultra. In the enjoyment of town plessurres as goou as coinvenience will Permit. The total roceipts of the township, 8. Thât I was net a Party te the was ut grest, velneo théy told him they Canton sud Hong bers of Vis là !ast year, atnounW and Ilotul life the évil tg ascribej. joliN ?4ullpliy, This tue vemberi know wh6ke a monntain, of it vas ta be ]Éonê Kan ha wil Il NYO calmai; 100 Scull tako precantions Président, d te $7,806.02. urroètion till the lôth of No lib and Repliblicaux- working te- ineludeo $1,985 redeived on acconnt of 1869, about four *eeks siter its insug- flound. 5 baequen't investigation, how.' Phifipine Yeles-; the gether ugaiust the evilgotting a foothold in the ManicipalLoah Fund. Thoexpen- uration, and two weeks after possession every that the Indiaù mouutain Australia, the Bani witlOnt regRrîl fa- »rýy-tho plimiler. Cacw ]3roAmy CASE.-Prof, (litRro rusds jQ7.88; oui., was taken of Fort Garry. d gala was nothing more thau a forms. Francisco. The we Crew, ail itincrant showmau, %vite per. raies, $458; ochý qheu were vnblj-ýl f4) c-&rre nu tiloir ne. 0 eu- 4. That ax te the case of Thomas tion of yell w mud, such as may' be tinent will finish thi (irions trunmttctfOtl4 with, lit-tle danRer peut its'esitonce. Nôn9ý1oo -ooôn fored nt Whlitby last Decomber, wa uncOlleOtOd and remitted.-$191 ; deben- Scott Lam entirolY atour of this charge, found in a'number of places in the total number of mît, Tlft 110* èur ponplo knoiv it id a lianging arresteil recontly for big' 'turcs, $810; compensations, $812.42 ; and, aboula no other alternative above-described country, land 10 computeil at TLI(leti, lwenvollo Atispeétil)g thA truth, wheth: 0 on p story 'a -or tbe enlise b illet amy. - The ting, 4-c', $120.85 contingenai __am de- water, U,985 mile casi vt4,R trieil ut Guelph last week, prin be loft me to rémove the stigmà of I hua scarcely given tlbieotè three yeara of age 5 féal. lilvesýtignieil kilo ïnattpr, Alill (,flhamè, ùr a silil Ices par. $645.28; county rate, $1,858;'balance murder from, my eharacted, I thonglit lifter this until a whan th god te bc en hand, $575-65. tormined ta do fin at ville future day years ago, when I happenea ta bc in weighs 188 eounds. ctOvïrfom of a 'incbet mtttrtling nature- abandolleil onuccolint nt the discovei Ti urther, I state with- inotive." ô prosacution was obli he auditors give the following stat- at any hazard. F 5 New York, and it was thora bronght ta active training since Ths; d.wor,,ý.v pý..,jtus tll.,It il, qje ex laties in thoir repoit: Po out leur of contradiction, tliat the Pro- rny recollectioin rjj. boing made thât Mise E. Popter, Crow, 8 pulation in ý by a prominent gAntle- mington, Delaware. ltiatloii of over a litindro(l contracts, lie enpposeil firât bail bèen grosmiy ,1874t 2,117; no. of dogg, 139; bitches, visional Governmont diù net order the man who aoked me where ri ÀtIiGr Des- rouuil nous 1 op4flud Pherrill wal; arrestca, on, bleu- duped by him by ineaus of the tjasjara. 4 : cattle, 1,950; i;lieop, 968 ; hogs,916 trial or' exacution of Scott, and that, metwas te b fi il, and insisteil that wl"c" tllp allOullt uam- àýy Lst, chargea witb liavilig commit. ]y expodient of a luoek niftiriage and lie. of î bordée, 604.); acres ou resitlent neither as a rnomber of tbat Goverument Boule one 8h, ujý be'seut ut onco te got Animale fi 041 fil tlie OrIginal colliraclu 'Waff lint ex. frein him flic delivery tliercafter of a fo roll, 27,845, of whiel, 11,67C were clear- nor as a private ibaiý.idual, liad I any fiix-fola, Ton t(ýd J.&PO ou a Young girl unwed Maggie éd marria"e cortificatc. The fa rg- sa und 10,178 uncleared; no. of acres part diiectly or tuai ' ile "We.l1r.el t of the 11gold menu. .rlie bill for the pr ýj1tIl ets roctly in the execu- tkiu," wli Il -pay !lie national of y gliter of IL litboz-=« ci ho 0 debt- te auirnals white in 1 wag 'In', - a t case as etateil by picoter, on non-résident roll, 8,107; total no. of tien of Thomus Scott. etc. After 1 hua informed him man rl4liý-lý DItlu reql proporty on resident 66 1ý)A delle for e402.1,73n, wore Po mauf. follows it was an old and explodeil story, the le 4th con. Whitby. a vu, as la the carly part of acred, 81,0492; 5. That the so-calle-il Femi2n raid that* or other rneans of The ali utrage tonk pliwo lit Noveiaber last Miss Fosler was engag- roll, $822,288; personal da., $43,765; là; a inianomer, as Fenianisin had noth- hie ardeur cooled, and the excitement Dominion of Cat Puilotoil th-1t, tho Stati) hntl te ttde-o%,ar Fer-,i'-,ord Coli., on the provi no oil by Prof. Crew ta travoi with him as real property ou non-résident roll, $il.- ing whatcver ta do with it; that it was about the 1' mountain of gala" again Ilr. CHARLTON bas F unel jnl a làtlt -of S g pianist, and te assist, him' in -iiiii per- 83ý; total assesseil ýaIue real and par. simply a continuation of the insurrec- subsided.. It happened, however, that in( g in the à1use. atllrdày. elerrill was a#raignocitê. cattle shall net be cc - tormances as obmedian, ventriloquist, sonatt 8877,888. tien inaugnrateil in 1869, and with-tlie the Black Hilla country was embraced more tlian twenty r. (3111jn, D. Botte, awl T. S. 31, &c. l'rom the intimary tbus entren. , Malcolm Campbell, marchant, -ývas sanie avowed intention, and by Ille in my military commission, and two x, J. Ps., on Weilnenday, '&'Md dered an attaclimènt 1otwe brought before Mr. Charles Robinson, rame parties-a fact whicli the thon heure without bAing ex- yeard; ago it became apparent te me en t a par- six honrgýfor food, re d ý'tlot guUty," TLe case was ties sprung up, and Crew proposeil J. P., and G. F. Bruce, J. P., last Bat. isting Goverument of Manitoba. wag that a military post in the Black Hills that wlien cattle are was -5,14- ý,ýini( et>- as we go to premq. inolTiage te and was accepted by Mis3 urday, chargea by Ur. Jolin Collinge, cognizant of for -four menthe prévious of the Cheyenne would acon become thé alhoillit puil the. ... Fosterthe procise datent which the licenge inapector, with oelling- liquor ta the so-called raid ; that my part in nocessary for tfie proper protection of way comPany bavne %146,416. Thé striking ferttira ùfiý1c1fo ta take place being left open without a licenâe, in contravention of it was.sim ly that of an agent of the the Settlement in Nebraska from the ghall cause the manie or tg dir. saine WaS and te be fresbly li 0 Pringle's adverti.qweut which ta. Wheu Toronto was roached, be. until the arrival of the troupe iu Toron. the Aot'regulating the sale of -spiritu. people, holding a commission author- raids of Sioux warriors, who, always sawdust or'sand. contract ta thé bÏd for 890 Yards of r; 4 a ans liquers. The case was provën au ized by a résolution of a couneil hold ut before they comtaenced depredating on 4,8 Por-yard-a total cou. twofn 9 and 10 o'clock p. o., on Satur. the defendant was fined twenty dollars La Bivioro Salle in September, 1870, the frOntierý_-decnred a gala place ýf0r peried. of eonfinoi tract cont of $f)04), whiel, appeam in otlier columus of thie issue on connecting roal KrCW te -87e A large teck of gonds fdr sprinZ suit' dry eveniug, Ille 5th of Dc«émbet, last and cest-3. overwhich council Lents Riel plvesided. their familles and villages in the lo. 1102 vftrde, rôlé wiliolt M12,177 was bas been recéiy i was fixed for the coremony. on thst This commission I hala, as - a -proof of cality mentioned. Bolieving that the States le te lie it ,pai il. va, and purchagéréi maY ffluing Miss Foster and Crew started va in in possession the min- Indians would never make war on our t'es are 'D'Posed ho enoured of perfact and ejisy fits, the for the church in a hack, and ou their te book of the Couneil ; neither waa it settlement as long as we coula threaten tle Act' and r'u'table To show the inûnu r lu whielà tiltse Mr. Fluley, late of Scugog, id havi 'brought ut any time baiera the Privy their familles and villages in this remote, for its enforcement. establishment having a high eeputittion arrivai found a persan whom Miss bu It a ha r yt t k a ater Connaît composed of the French mem- locality, abounding in garne and ait that 1 au ta sud o a o th w ng u interest was usait aga OU' boencarried in that partiefflar essential. Gents' Fosteý btlieved te ho a clergyman, with ion the opening of navigation, a firot. bers of the Legielature. Further, that, goes te make India ita friends wore fearft , Govemer Tilden ý'Frsrs ta twi) teii- tu rnishing goooloq and nt, he uov an aasistant in waifing. The ceremony clasa #aie and rapid sailing steamer ta with this pu, il life comfortable ; bc carried. Its provi (lerfi 'lent in for, the con3tril tItiO8 waa performed according ta the ritual ply betw as a member of the Government, and and ely military, abject iD Otton of 100 - son Lindsay and Port Perry. atnugent thau the pri of the ecason, are alou advertioloti. of the Establishod Church of E ngland, The Observer never understood the having my residence in Fort Gçkrry, . 1 view, an order was given for General fer luw now in 1FOr-I v'ýblo'y4rýis Of vertical W&Il. anl 8,854 à book, represonted ta ha a register, renson of the late blockade on hotels, was entirely ignorant of the fact that a Custers reéonnaisance. The discovery Yikro]w of Miolle Wall, Ono -of the partieti Y. rd. couneil was ta ha held or bel of partiales of gala by alluvial w laws regulating the C. A, LECTUlti,.-Tlie futirth 6igno(i by the parties, and a certificate ýuntiI lie overbeard a étranger and a ta try any one of the prison- near Harnoy's Peak on the -oastern of the cour filleil ont by the pardon personaiting the hotelkeeper conversing on the subject, = enne cattlenl England ar ma, under the auf4pi Dame ers there coufined, until ý wasoutumon. elope of the Black'Hills of the Chey n f likely ta fait of minister, a;ld the of the Revd. as follows : Stranger Well, what ad ta give testimony by Piel and the followed, and brou Y. 31. C. A., il; à unnuuoca try ofTorouto, fr,-,ed thêreto, blockade 2" ?Yfr. Lan" was the réal cause of the glit ta the surface 4 (Tliurt3clay) ev(tning, lu the can- the saýU thon being given te Miss er-*10, well, you sec, the S Story for the third t> Couneil then sitting on -eéott's case, Father Desmet' Senato. hicli summons I treated with, cou. time. -0.9 vthodiiit Clinroh, by Rèv. S. j Forster. Crew ubseýuently desorted = ,Pl 90 vive ad t cm such a bonder that r, (if Torantc); £11bject, di The Miss Forster, ana on il akug the ive coula do nothing with thom ; we tempt, by informing the Couneil that it The Black Hills of the Cheyenne de- -The Ins dià-covery nt Foi-gus the, lie was living triedevery means te keep it from thora the House, Thui t was acting without anthority, and as scribed by Gencral Custer are situate sucli that I failed ta recognize it, and betw willi atiýtiter woinau whom lie cisimed but they woold have it and get tight, eau the north and south fork of In -Bin WaB again was hie wife, lier 'brother laid, the in- whèther or no, se we all agreed te shut that I refused te testify in "the case; thaï; river, one of whieli le kn .3. Hick. formation upon whicli lie waq arrosted. cur honses for th'ree deys; till they'd that noither clause provillit -Riel nor any other offlodr Belle Fourche, -the other us the South Te t la 11ritiotineo the arrivul Of tlicir Tliv c-hurch, orplace whieh %vas repre « sober off; the experiment had the de- ofthe Government consulted witil 4, Fork ; and, altliougli I had the utmost vent ohall receive lits tocli, ta whielà the attention of sonted as suelà, in which the mou lier I with elther of tbem, on the tridl confidence in thestatement of General his estate realizes th nq parchaFiera is A cererriony was perpetrated, was a white withln boundg." Fact. k sired effect, and now thoy are keeping ýnd execution, and that I aru ontirel Custer and General Forsyth, of My third per cent. on the ock of grocclics, liquors, id '111yo brick or àtoue odifice, having a base- innocent of the blond of Scott, which, staff, that goId was folind ucar Harney'e able opÈosifýion was o Dielit-, witli. un ontrance flitireto früm wore 1 given any opportiiiiity, I coula Peak, I may sakly say' there bas net was carried by a lare. t liana, isé)û advp the otitbicli.. We publish below a copy provo co-nelusively; and further that, been any fair test ne yet made ta aeter- division. The object of thri vriuted certifirate of rýfmiTiag A4 The Beach, Seilgog, and Poi-t Ferry but fer ni), yart in the so-called Fenian mine- its existence in lar 'ô quantities. 60 doing ,-.-iNow fliat the season foi- gow. ýWbih ' e rieultural Society's âpring show, for 'raid of whieh I will speak -horeaftpr, 1 Thore id net a territory prevent from waa palmed. ofï iipon lier by in the West going into insolveney, ds will soou bc liera, we would Crew; %va (10 thie in order that if any thq exhibition of home, cattie, and lm- wo - uld bave gone ta Manitoba long where gold anus not o ist, but in many twenty 0 » te on the àc rr,,iaiiid out, reailL-les of Mr. ýV. Il. of the rairtistçrs in Toi-ontu ré-cognize Pldnients, iii to ho bêla ut Manchester since, and demanded- a trial on evi- of them the quantity is limited te " the as. they Obtain their d T April 27th, 1875, dence in my possession, si4ued by thé colour" which tg au much as has yet business again withou htcvi limm. "laitltWs Seeil Catalogue and Guide for tillé fa, of iliarriage cortificitteg tu use 'lu 1105day, boeu ubtained neur Harney's Peak. and in a manner th t in avy of the ejiureLi.ýil there, they inay officers, both civil and wilitary, of the a plitiidore(l -or fuîllitilit dilring thù tlr0ý 1875, sent froc ta ait who ap. be enftbled, te eiVO fitleh information te UXBRIDGE. lâte Provisional Government of the The geological specimens brought back believe that their fom rho ex p>oâureo are rr'euting lntýne PX4 p1v; fèflareoi;, Guelph P. 0. Irr. Ilarry Vine-ent, tiàriister, 147ergilà French Party, and aloo a c6py of th from*the Custer expédition are net fa- net re i o the toi 1 of ai mnny pý4VMQ&q (Tt litgli po, who is acting lu the lu&tter, as "'Y cleiniug the village sidewalks. The Guardiaji, urgea the nacessity of resolution aàthorizing the comtniuioriý;- vorable indications of the existence of la noterions that insi 110ou Grù rnixoït tip in thw* affair. COBLILUTION.-31r. James Ctisnpbeil prebont a chic te the perpetrators of that 1 am aware persistent efforts bave gala in gréa'. quautities. Still, it inay cases surrender only su An Agricultural Implemeiit illanu. recrivoil the Micond prize for black-ý tg this Villaiuoils and ila5tardly, Crime been made by certain parties siuce I ho there ; but, as the treaty of 1869 as they are known ýub rti.uq ôftW« j The wlitt, >t' faefuring Company le boing organized ; left the country te throw the responsi- duly ratifie4 virtually. deeds tIùs portion this important clause ç in. p c.rtificu 10 the, Wock té; rapidly being subsonbêd. bility of all the unlawful acte commit. of the Black Hills to the Sioux Indians, te a certain extent, si] ýL1, HAtq'Pg' CIL rl Aitead of . James Camerou, whose Dame aro given by tir, in itillicg. Uie village constablea have been aup. ted during the troubles en me. A cer- there le no alternative but to keep ont cases te the creditar ai vostry 14istoréd ut Turolito." plieâ with bandeuffs. tain of bis élaim. There a] appetir-1 in the prize list lyy mintake. ter po,,,upllet was published last win- tresp%6&eii3. U(,8iÏt1ýg ivais hola in Alt-saints, Rehopi. 1 herthy ccrtify. That, ou Satur. A gobent house is to bc orecteil in ta S ow why an amnesty ehoùld ha But te go back te Father Desmet'a membéri; who are opp( LI)II Of y 156t .11011(lay cyonm g-. Rov. a._The trains un daj/ the jýf11, day of Decein ber, in the school auctinn No. tj ItUNý.ls(j OùDï near Uxbridge. nt isoued by the Canadian Government information. Thore id Dot mucli doub von .01b prosidod, huit Mz 0. Y. 8 rofour Loril une id whicli this effort wag repeated, and of the correctpess cfhis etatement tl thousand eight a cost of abont 91,890. that if; productive rluildred ara oe%,Dùtv peur, Gilbert la tliÇ Port WhitbY & Fort Ferry Exten. the manifeste lettorinf Iliol aire,-,l -1- etid us ggeoretol-y.' ý' The ý8lù1n railvay are now run reLularlt,. rrovi- ne fi,. nànt fnr+lidà ",,-e -- -.- -- . l -- the "Crown M galb- 'n ýM? gto niorrow. hving- moTed the second bill'to repmd.. résair18 his -ý -,Çet, to7', =und ta vio4m"ý tiolftuum 190 dam - th" AM in qu-, 1 bu been p -"Wd' I r6dâ ýwe» legalized' by )f Paruïm ent àd finpoïed 0eTiànsý - kiffi âties an IMI gmen, 1 been hold ln maws, lErguýiltdu ýà&f, r_ plue a in favoui of jý6 jýé péàt He' ved the prosent ý stitutë 89Y sufficient withont this oneroffl OU, 99" secon Of the -the »maïkg-ôf. tho me=- tom' ItgessdwutoPre- Tracim union Act. froin bdng - of Ise. -It *M Pl" làt, ta ziy thst ýlagh tlils obnoxiffl Act . -remained te tatuté book, eiîplo.-ýoS hadýÉèt, t fouâd tý6'invoko-itwnU;, soi ýed on the ;'jtjjýý tee -and inmdt. )n-> W- Fournier considmdý'tbat ' w 'Wanted amepdmentý and ýwM- t6o lati in' tbe R«M-to toke _ÃŽhe epn; the Gçivermnent, would, a& andhe hoped the bon; - in would *Jelaiaw, bi£ JJL ý gen Irving Sad ý if - paruamëm coua MeaffUre as the law n- ow in ix- 'el they could SMIY pue a reine- péitoure in oight or tan Aays_ >. Blake tbougbt, aiter thq déclara- >f the Minister of Justice, hio hm 1 the Member for galitiltan ehould. rosa the td readiniz to-night, th urament Of'the de. 1ovýj 0 1 ýý mater part of Mondayg Pra. ]go ia the House consistea of a esion on the Governmént bill fe !notýi"on of a railway früm Na. ý, W Esquimault, in Vancouier 1. Mr. Blaké strongly opposéd Ili becaujýe, in the firit place, be a is hosWe tô the bargait made BriUB'h OA-Ilu=bia; sud, in the lue.b«ealLge he éliBspproves Of li-e.vof thé, Government in Pro- fý proceeér % ith the construction raflWay WàË,,ýut submipsion of adore -ta j> ment. Mr. Wal. seconded _hy &'r. Stephenson, the tfirecý igonth, I' hýoist,- wbich 4 bran adverse ni'. ajority of M. g occasion Sir John A, Macdon. 'Thipper and a few'. other mem- E, rejmjar 'q ted - ()PPM, , on va Ministry, on the ârm uddoiibt- at as the bonor oftbeir o wu Min- ; ýplqýclgèd ta the coT'çýWffl. tion of 3,ilwiY as part ý of the U irgain itish Columbia, they djél-noý t féel £y to oppose it ;ýhëï tbe bill , 'lad [eýtlypassed tbTRugý Committt, 'e; the motion foftbéi thiril resding, ipper, seconded'by Sir John, that all the, éontracIts made by ,ernment shoulcl be submitted to ýnt -for ratification.' For this ý Mr 'Blake and saine of his Voted', sud offa, division it wee 'IhàjOrftY'ftRainst it being 27. ckenzie and» bis friénds appear, 1 liýht on this question. lougewààenRaéodneariv alto.- ruesday, in' discussing the - Su. - ýoUzt.BiU, which was finally- At the last moment au âmend- Le ropoééél tw ý aboligh the ap- àe fflvY COUÉMI in England- which the Bight Ron, Sir john ild Protested in àtrong, terms Iffo sas, and the ýý f tee = Supreme Court be, finàl, Thé Ne Wýf. that nea Iv all the iýhàb_ the, town of. Broekvffle have rvedi with- writs of ejectinént, i-the'Hon. Mr. Blake-hubeen ta defe âd the'actions. ing on Nelés says a local com. - Lhat;.towrý&re dingicrran.rien aa-.Bar-room,ýland hopel; it- Slu 2-Wili 1wweil pâtronizéd. àe - way the -Xêwy* moves ta- obibition. )wn Conoil oÉ,,BeUeviUe* bavi conoideistion of a by-la* pro- bc>nUo-- ta the Belle- rorth Rutingorafl*ày, The-ý- ) Conneil would like ta have sy well emangb, the expénu is aspoct Of the question they their way throuef. àùn&ed immigrants have ar- Vorontî up ta the prosent'tièae as agaitM 258 st thé com" 0- » lait year. ý There,- an n th, books Of the Toronth it Depot ap ilicatio £ no or éver tuan'o"B __ _.. ..., _, '. ..ý ý'..Vv.yt-Merû liegistry -Office fer the connty took the mènth -of the Big Horn ý .- satical Cmmissieuere i A.V harbor, SA thé eoufidl deem 13EA,4;x£--It ÃŽs net enly Wall prop being éther two botween Mr. pellt; and 1 as soon ne it botter-to ào, sa, ljefore next, but net till aiter a sufficient iime enr2eanlltyioknnoôfwanu important fact net gen. the ice breakswhich, wili - lands hala under-tixem el "ýe» this v'llagel-w"l at ne distant dftY bO- bail elapsed ta remove the books and The prairie heu," lie agit Iwiter, baving give the lOwý. in -P' iaYs, "is as useful, in destroying gras, alreàdy Capitulne Estate. They UY solteme for the dis na in OT6'ry way a "fect har came sOnrcfýR of wealth and rave ne to papers to a place of saféty. The papers oecùrea & ha wbo1lý unobsemed by hoppers as the English'sp,=ow ha, steambost ta make this cxýlOratiOn in. tilt the cimumstance of ù 3funieipAl Loawr- und trbut'on Of the dresa 9:'but ft iff wOll that ÃŽt ià4 pré- the ruad. l'lire peat, pressed and dried were aisé remoyed from, the Clorks'r, and 'proved itself in devouring the swarms Of the Powder prend If Gen. Forayth in onocesofdi I wili sana Rocruiug ta the pared, as the publie hiva làlig suffeea by. the nuu, raises 4bout as boat immigran 13, Gen. Oustei ;r1th a comman assied when'the division want of a heulthfui bair invio. a au equal amouùt of cOSlýj and - bas through the wbol much Slierifra offices. Thoebfiurieldiinogon of worm with which, before thte inthtr3oy- river, thence upAhë south, îtigton, Who for the a son extensively uàed on &a enatern a t Lincoln across the moufli tracted attention t 'Wardo 'Otally ductionofthe little cl from. Port Esl OratinR And plessant haïr dregging- and of the Grand Trunk Railway, whore es roying It' and Xeav!nË On1Yýhehne *ereplagued. Theretanbe no'doubt bank of the est appas -r.11 druggigto. walls standing. -Phe'buffaingo thal the wholosale alaughter of the OtOssing Powder Jiver, Jolin Sold ýY tYhoeUmowosuttohnef Big Horn. ý This country the first bon. memberwh lor M &th, Iieland, oit $126,Ã"e_ 'The 1 a t Tangue river, the Rosebud, and on ta ta their riýbt tû lfedts ii opas great danger ta the Joad running it in very abundant. Our correspondent tal, but iscovered id the extent of effect in the alarming Marsa" te the SpèakeTý The rigl inexubor e -built in 1859, C, ý < 000 ume han in the Western States han is u yet entirely unexplored, and the an prôniptly sont for'Ci na D' KGnèàlY las made Ida début in throughthosepeatbodefrom fire, pui- #15 ; Olt ýother-in-lsw nt- John Mijoliell, a _ls toffl by iiiourance in the loolated of grass pers during ment years. expedition mal develop à very valuable lother of the.'48 fiieni dîëd'oýu Sun the House of COMMOno, sud the gene verised peat bain«, in dry *eathezý' as Bisk in estimatellthât it will dont Th !TC ýY, Ageà en. atimprouoioniseemo ta lie that h , r. inflaýnmabli as.pÃœnk, aùil the road 1 will abou 45,00o to a New ork Association for the Pro. more j#üderate in bu! loiagnage th 1 . restore.the building. . tection of saine bas, called attention ta auriferous section, and make the Father have to ha covered with gravai, pana or, beeen aitting for twenty Desmet story to rame extentItrue ; but the De NOnTS WIILLINGTOy,-(,lol, was antwpatedi 'The Han Mr. Aubley clay for piotection. - Fonelon galle ------ 64.*_ immense number of prairie chiokenâ of bolief that a mouatain of mica ggin. hsd SPOken At a publie djiber of Dr. t7agette. A NUTIN-Y 0 1»JANA eÀTE paWy sent, on ta thst city from the Western (Reform) hQ4,boén elected by à box wt,,h.avlo.9-Put à -ýVitnéS0 in th. -Jeffer$Onvfile, Ind., Xaroh 28 '_- -States for exportation te Europe. Tbis chaugm ta 0014, oalled t a à ta a«bunt. aring G'Olxë.--Tlie lcolâz)derï Who Ilave FlightY cOuvi&A et work in the association, while preventing the sale 1 1 Win aise und au 0 eýffect thaï; thiy had or bjority of 8. T]Lb oacijl raturns Xiiew te bc swe 1 givôý faiséi ' boflodupdry . xPodition down Rouge of ýCOmmOnsý an -Di-ow, repe&P an accusation which the Doctor been. oinployed for sème - Montho, - put in the state ]Prîwn made a ana of a éÏngle bird in New York during the the Wiud, river, tbrOugh the Owl Or ok following statio'f the 'poil a indignant and brOnýht ths on the Victoria itailwayj, néar Kiùmount, desperate attem L to eus a. this aitgr. problibîted oeàson, is-powerlooe to seize Xotinisins, -from Pori Stamb th Matter 4forè th, -9icune as a bréach of are migrati . > to'Nova sectia, néon. Thor 1:21 :fi ey bail boat "the Piol a atý Mg en M"46 t woik, ove-r. gaine froin other States in tramitu, Port Browni ta the mouth, of ý à -Big and id, therefore, unable te prevent the Horn, and will bring it back: océàdjnýà of a charitabl f1rivilage. Rè took occasion te lit and gavera, oleir-lobas of thera passed powèred thoir ras,, tied and bd-ý -pr « Liconoed -'Victualjen' iat ho hâû no OOnadc.=,o the CLUAX UP.-Thewesther Otlhe put t destruction practuèd, but appeau; to 'ho Parko 01 Courts, and W in the Law hrOugh thiB vil a8je during the 'Proient folded them, and sucoooded ýn the ats6ut thi bond w Of t 111 had, called in nt the Rouge Oula noi; appreul te thoin. -week. Prouï ail Accounts thoir d'par, -outting a hole in the ouw W, ýý When thé prçteetive associations of other ljpàwder b-v _CýaPtý Milla home, beine demirous of.; )rk bail ilhown thé 22000iiity of aleau. ture, la not much ta ýbè rëgrettga fer if rai ai= rame 91ven, Ti fi' States. If rosidénts of Our Western Andbiâ OOMM&nd lafit auminer, Th' ;'Up the atretti and bauk. arils. The UZU Li te the regau lémout- stât"4" the communication continudo, Pirks M for bà&ÃœtY 11111Y ýquâ1 ta th e"e proctes of Caeng on t] y It 10 repoitea- illàt D thoir lave of Wh! k bâil as a st Ou Cela@ throa s el, U Owerfal, the ze ose pulse on the part of the rtý, oyoior'eaus and ons- to-bave Beaiti bdcausa ithe depuji ilk reportait, they arelikoly Uëfo= long, iiuz" ý el th«jr rffles ý the woula ouly, bear in mina -that in pro. desèribed sa gr hicsUy by aen. C buffinesa of ille nation. 1 liké, ta mayubtiliugof-M CI' frOmýthe four Province ta fârnish à pleuiug ', adnilituro, of red convicts tollaoést. The Ifsa Weig ýteèting thé Prairie han they were not uistins in of the dopooit&--oligula bc arc angor-, him reflue Ruy fu y Doses amougit thé Blne Noseifor ivhopir PrOmPtly tlýàlt with,' a a - si, in quiet Only prevobting the utter extermina. Cheyenne., 1 May algo oay fro 'y thern ; but ho a fresli il 1 rernov rther contri-buti Égain. , tionofeil bleAmericam birdi bat.di. own'knowledge tliat the valleys of the, bn« > od, ana doclaring that the ý OPft, country they ý hal'o -alway exprefaca a 0 Big sud Little Pitpoogie, Little Wind people ro alreaily &J Vork do,. country la exhaustod, pented itoel£ As aqual du minishin'g or perhapo proventing- the P 'A great many or thotn 'The var *of râte& botweeh. the Grand terrible gmgsboPPOr- viiit&tiOuB river and:Main Wind river gresq ora, diviFioli'. the Several in reférOnce» _ 646- of' re. can Acarcelv ore lockeý1, and ri wbet fi roqinirect %bout thoiryardA. erabors di arlinuunt pro? SiOd-egPëOWIY ellildtdn--ýýdniinq thoir ha excelleil iOlnsturO will flud thers the dilemina th POse ta lutrOdUCO au Act - ta encou stay ut Kinocunt, whioh in eaillly se- na an au arrangement n beauty and fortility.while ufl^ýýe the Ment Trankand a b:ýjj je cent e etrituffk-rB we the pljqntinjr «. forest, troc$, A ut'.11-2. couptea foi by their frightfülly uu- aru railwi ilher get out or be put o bon most extraordinuy upheavalOi Of the the stairýaýe leadiýý to the been virtuelly conoludÃŽd - under which strdctiOu Of the Prairie IM-99 110bP FMAY.-aervices wore hold on 25 cents là, ito lie V 13, bas active Parth'a crust probably to ha founil on der the Mmllery, and there 4M f0rý_6vôry nAk - Oslthful 01111COr .01 living, cri equal. rate@ will ha chargea by both of ilie cbu*rcljoo white pine', lùcliLo»ryp -maple or boeau together in their shanties until -the tin this continent. I am Of Opinion thiv the division wu' over, w troo plautej. atmosphere in rendered potitivoly un. Companies - at the neveu , OOMPe 9 $UbDEe PLIÀTR,--OakVHIO, M&rCh 29, country is gold-bearing, ýbut of attanded, endurable'to auy but themoelves for pointe. The compactwW-prove advm. jultus W. Williams, J. P.# and dance thers tg abun- 4,d&y waé generally observed SR a Tbe.ýtr 1 bois s, report thlit tha z%&t4l- --A -"li &-I-- aan anlv hA i, taire -v omit, uýlvujuum mauner, m.- fortunate enough te en. ffits of the laws of the state )rk, legal desth overtook larines clergyman, auer. a-,dëoeaped Child bad not ed, refusea to set nt the mil so, says the - Tirmg, ttIO inn00ent had to bo.'bur. 9, witbont a Word of reli, ation for the-gorrowmg par.; 19 Christianity in the nine. ryýfI '-One of meednzo that bas taken don for-several years W&B ý Park, under-the auspices yrue Beleue committee, on !() owd of persons ou the MmensC, soine of the ". - e the number as high a4 a writee iý the Ottawa Pul tbe Rodion Bay offi. lu vicg at the Red Riýer- W&O a oervant of the Fort'a" nt the tigne of of MAIf0aJMý000 la' ýIinjZ againgt MAjor. Voyer Pýôv!I3ciAI Police, but 00- are'sui.d to be wor kiP9 Taschcreauý lits 'rai"d, mid, for geminary under, , v raeani of à one cent

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