Goiig North to a 4rc'1oZ4 tMail.....1M a.n.~1 fr eterbtUl4oandfor Ptoro'iac Oit wlt Grnd ukt Pt Hon. 4; ffl(SidoJnwith trainate a aic trMok orente fo Bec]d ro 17r Supt .Ir ti ~t big il in' o ti hi t2' xix iti lle the in At [ii Lto ýai mi 0ef n. ta tf 11~ n oh 'én: lie ill~ t,~ :1 i ul 5my10ou £s aairy couid insfre. Wuv 3JOHu(trior'sAx FAILlj o» T A Paaiuul.-Mal Adelert-an Amer, humonist, w$ite4:-Onur cowtyf itut over, but Johion', Cotiwi#04 d11d not tae.the prizet t a*wÂâ ey for the betaaiis f L kp.Ju Pitomnitwaa aojmmanâ. thé coan on ramm., andi h. <osn t 44 lie<C. interst in Jlm6b»i rnpin~dicai ~.cloarly that if any uhoeop ouglit,.Jo t à t prize thet ouo.L aughit tc. Joh1mi ram was by itif» in a peln with. a wi boardi fonce, and before rAiudIcaI the ppnlzes tie. ntif. tlUnght ho. b'tter go Inu anti aue olose exmen ation of theanluîpj for 'à 'purposo a0oerta1nig the llg-oaes of,1ta woo: -Ai spanas the Juidge;r.o4 e3t t4rIÃ"rlie walke8 oward theyamWhe UP*n the raulv bopan ta lo*er iq.hj aan4 to shaka It ominouisly.. Jug t a J1098e was sboutý ta fatheei.leecoï,, rehu leffapeti fô lira d u plantea , hli i n thoefuags's stoinchl, rali hut oVer on the groinnil., Befaro, t -'J4lgo Ixa titre o *realise what Ih a4 dbegan aà sorios. 0omf rîOUSbk *force of a pite-drtvor, 1<butteot jutige eu the bAck, Oa, theo riba, au 1 armai, -an bis olîo-ilder.bTdes,. 0;j t balol place ou bis he<4iloauIlis his ; bnthed hs 1unie, it-bgtta(l Iioswatch i Loa asass oasa do'g-wleeýs, 1< butti lii.s Ittlcaf t bttedtlis higliIlu into black'gilic chaos, 1< butteid hiL avor iâto tue ic ar a ud up againet t] y fonce, tiien t biittoîl four boards afi t] fonce ; butteil dlpw u-nther of tiha cu Luilttco, butitd tllrue mail 'bois iLu &iS, luUed th uxuany.ttaker at thé gai --aud thon floglout ijuota hoait.r -,i .udgo ditl nat didtribnte, the ^prilos the day. Wh;cn tl:eycOllvaîad hbit! frai varloils parts of t±ci pou thoy on th t iulud froru hùç ýtro osrs and t<1lia !b 1oc0 £rom Ilus hase, and onut him hie.%vit] a orônRi% emoula h.acile andi a doter ni il.ation ta tart ailler that %Vnïdoriul 'uluttau <ho firhit tipg ,in the saornini wlth a hot.guu. Foar lc e Olr i rivîd daaienti hava boeaudispuitîîlbafore the floua, ofLoruds, I<udr rigtu tahle $otuIîLearI. dl:u af ,r. Iliiîcarldii i t irao <lue uîost iluint Ilithe <brec c lugtoms. Lord ii;ica ti In that 1<id6el anooa <bosc carbiclauashoe igin i. laoinj antiquiltY' ilaud lnt 'lit existeti befarc oui! rcoers sud isole.theo ra of gsnti. as121 the thon boli a f <hoe<ic io Ear! af NUi wns tlqc elevoatilicari ai thastnaine. Hoe mai-rlcd Lally Chris- <ian Bruce, Biter of 'ýtcharcl I., King af Seotland.ILuS [sou, tho'twolfth carl, was Boegent of '80ci and lu 1882, naît ]Iiin lionThowilt, tht tthirteeuî canri, Witt' thlclaft Maie Off lis 1l1na. lHcwas Urcat Chamuberlain a-iof8eotlanl and -lituuibasadtlr ta -EauÀ1aud, anà nat bisi tici:th Lun 1877 <ha carbioul passed by »tlîs inafiaga utouids Bitter ilut hoeliatiae utC Douglas. 1 rui l'ioUl, wbo y the îleciMiu-of the -flsor ai Ii sbecallna * laiof Mar, ii J'ioue, wus -1boruîlu $tl9,sdwatý4 uducîtoi l it Iii'afilSe Oolg,(xfoird, wlîere a,A ikothle usuelîioguca, le aliais cnjOD'odthe $atlicailîol o f ICtiuia lercatôc inu 911100> hueiaNfathQlus daith fin1872, iLbiîi luariuid lu 1802 iMary Anud4, daugli. te:or i Mr. NVilliail î lorbesi, of J'Iadwiîl-j Ili 11' Cbloly wtiîuulie liais a don, naw horto iiîth Oûîlliis, %wlio a4 boi la AwcutrnprapIr0ar ucht<ho foilawiuilg -*1'cbali iiinai ta l'e)wai attentlcd by <lue xneuu<hrs of he hast uiacity la <ho ulaea, h utt anincidenit sliowadtliat, bar. liar usnages aa rut cantaîted <a ordier rutlu.Gccrga -Stotne, sait, ettise loailing lawyer, anad john Colflian, son -otf tisa leadiuug physicien, wcnsl rinuoug tbo danuceu-, aud filsTuwuioy1 regrarti etSas tise laaidîpsct youug lady in - t Satae, aWds,<liera $00. li'lac- quette, anth lat nigit elle ncoaniplisis. cil <ho ecaizijunn eii cxý,!a t ai Inaiuilg ccns o ava dairors -,beloo eisat lie tva. nast agrocable. A -les <u h<i eutilus CIAilieti; -and, Wltisut at'Word a1 warniluug, dollier drew bI re- volver anti ireti at Sftouxo, tbé bulletv nialclng a terrible woundntil lthouucild. Mor.1 Tisonded nmainat ôouuee 3lot Iis assalant deeti. As bbhli lay #in tise tlbor tîucnsions, Miss Towiloy drap pt <hO outry <bah :lisatiMad~e tie leAaidrlo t la, ini raled beér pro. t tereuicufoui ollier lîy <lroWuug bhroef i -Ildly-on lis icai bodly.Stiwl iecavei. -' lhit Ycmuu- c i-o d littnicitl u(," eal< Unole Vain Ãteyde, "-Vel, ic 1ofirt ulglsht 1Iapen soar Icanats dec loii; amai la dini lul ifigt ; I enuiAîls hlm tnd thora be tri o a;ami vat 'yen tlnk I - laeim>tion 29 "icou's ay. ', Vy, dliailît aouîut hitu uny moue, auî no s asot Bsisct iflut Lversnc' Daivid Crocic-t , aftar rtu'uughm froru )1hleit. <trip ta Noiw 1üork, gavo 14-i. backiyvouis anudiencea i tic morftlao flit gbntiîutx ifil <hoelaatrplis:A "?1llilPMoHnse < he on oat cnlyA mpUQ iu New Yaî'kt, boya, an lll li ya Jîow I know it. - Vhon btue asi ,yau ta dirink liq - to't luanti you a glass-lia i Iuts -h <luetccelitor on <ho table, anti wslks 0ailÃ"t liewinlow -sud looks, ont unhil yaû hlave lilîi"r A vcry grant ravivai 6f' reli,,ilt is On tiniaynýlimoaaylatt oe igityE po'sns rcc{nstod 11ayadà ct l'ubudâiay atttrnoon wa athendati by tisec lve lintircil workmen o!f' the cehllimshmen$ mQnaby launy (ai oe, '2110 11(PrarUnof Positive converSions Thoffr oit top ho bc tiou la âauvenusf. Ilgi rSl4eIy-tl4c ame , nas re, nd soilqd - ~u4 uns ffý "rrmlTAK, O i. Aurat cf eseis IndIviduel uopon a warrant ............. .....$150 *f.SOMvng %UMM~on or subpoens. . . O025 - x4Pleage taO serve sumunans, su]>. >uene. or warrant............010 Mm' 4, -- O-..--service cahnat be Il Uenprofcf i.due. illle ... 5.Mgo.,0. <o geci exlsieofidstilsements nec. le serlly expendsd An thelr con. -Veyancq ...................010 l 8.Attend-IFS JustIces on >sumar g trials, bo o eauslnation cf prl. 904 soens chrgsd wth crime for Le i'h day uecessanlly em euyed , in eeor morsecases, vheui not en1aedmere tiien four heursi, 100J à - 7. De."- o.wun enage& Mare t1heu f ourbheurs....... ........ 0 *-8. Attending -Assizes or sessions, e. muilesgrvell1ag ta attendA.. s.lze,SoslansL, or before Justices (whsu public couiveyeuco en be talcen, cnly reusonabîs disburse. Onui to be alaowed) .......... 10 t 10. SuuniouiinL Jury orCoronors! Inuâ, ciuding tttendiuigai * iauuiust, sud aul services lu res- Pecb thereof, If heid on sne day as Jury'!susmone4,........... 2 00J il ttendiîîg each adjaura îîient tlîcreo,if n et ongaedmare than fi Ur honrs ....... ........... 1 00 12. Don. do. il euguuged mare than four heurs.....................15 15 5rvia¶f' ummnoîîs r subpoena ta attendâ belon. Coroner (eulbject No-lO .....................0 25 11.Mfeaga servin i aine ........... ()J 15 B1xjuaitigboily under Coroner'. warrant ..................... 2 0 16. Re.buryluu<'sauie,........... ...2 00J 17. Serving dIftress warrant, uud re. tait"0in lame ........... .... 3 18. Advartls4ug under digtros . rant ...................... 15() lu. Traiîvcug ta inako distroes, or ta scaucli fur gonato usako distrcts, wh,çn nOgonds li,. euzîd .. A10 20. Aw'jomsher@tlLr 1ne the vains o -th1gond,1iu 21. CAaogue sale sud couunsiîn, a ud dlilvery cf gends, - & e. lu tlie 8, on ntuor cocîuo(s. 22. hxeutiugsuai h warrut. i ...150 23- Scuving notice, ou coustabloo, whou permcually senveti ... Piiblliffiadby oriler, IL. J. MACDONELL,- ClLrk 01thaePcaçes, C. 0. W1Iitliîy, Nuv. 17 1871, in-47 "WEB3STER" PATENT SE W/NO MACHINE fi; lîusitivoly ilia ient-attL îcrfaetiun yat attalactl lîy auîy iahiuue in tlîa wornid. it an - - -- rre~ejsn~Doutuiicua foardai 'rrdo.of'5ntaruio; W. Il. 11e PreidublJorýon 1--ntl o Tad , ou jha Blatpn, PoietOntario Bank; Thss N. Glbs, Oshawa; Wm. GJodcrliarn, 14suî..,President Biank af Toronto;-JJ A ItaviUg swéîlî away ait ouce a gicait Esq., Pne,'liîtn Dominion BJank; Han, J. Hiilyard Cemeran, Presîdent l'noviiaialI suce Ce.; Mon. John MeMurich, lPres. Dominion Telegu.aph Co.; P. Haldane Es Mauy af the illeultios andt annayanees crel Manîêr Western lIsourance Ca.; John Mangisan, Esq., Manager isoiae tio i atendant on flia nue a f otlier machines. iuie -Co.- tugh Scott, Esq., Gen. Manager Quecu CityFPir Insurance Cc.; )un, W - & Co.,, Mercaiilo Agece; Jas. 'Youung, M.P'., Gait, ZAaus Oliver, M.P., Ingerseil. Our fnie'uîls among t le mercilants are cntirely <00 numerouis ta mention, antiw, THE WE STER u retc o ar o lute leadine business in,- hroughaut oery town sud c Ogro or ternis, Spetimens ofet e aushp, &c., addtres- Jei a nmauve! of- siniplieity, bring con- -4 DEIIL & TIIOUT, Toronito struuchti witluout the use of îuisy ceins, or cags, aud rueses liglut, ant in g o easy ta unuderstaud, thât no lady haxv. 4People rue awa s s ig w ere et evar weak or neronus,,or however unu. cj , aet god TA ? accuatowed sho may bcottat<lue o f WE gtgo Ei îuîaclineu, enu fail ta usea 1<- ce WITII EASE AND PLEASUlIE. -Rave tliey tried Woodall's Old Coui - - try Grocory Store ? If flot, do 80 s-t once. Tùe sbutt.Ie af t< li gngTRucalea o conotructoilt ihe teonof thhe unu.- der'<broad enu boAhaugeil in au instant C to esc n el t uy q'uaiity ai wltouun<iraciugtie luuhfm. picie theyi desire, froru 25 cents to $1 50 per lb. THE 'WBT inlethe ouly une Teas and- pure L~ uvsla chne mateinluCanada <bat oxceotsin LTe or are u ,la luisis, ustenial .useti anti construction ing articles. We have without except.ion Borne of-the hc aboie of Amerloan manulfacture while Old-Rye and pure Malt, that caiü be bought. ne 'Cana&dian machine eu approaclu t. zýér I Wbser 5i warnan<e< WE DEFY- COR4PETJTJON y <ho lm5nnfacturers for 8 yoans. ~4iS McI NT YRFWe pay. cash fo-r al Èariners' produeg AGENT, WHITBY, White ]3ish and TVrout, at- Toroni mûîre machines can ho oxained., Wliulesak Pricôs. $:ýe'jucrchcrs uhorozuhîzu iaurccî- Poultry of ail kinds; also, 6-ame c -i tc mc o (h Malaiue. the season. Give us a cifl. Machines îlel4croi tuanau udîress, LNI LASYTEUS IVN ronJ.WOO D AL L Ni AYMTEBSGVE o Janury 18, 1875. --crasby's Old stand, W-hitl' PAYMENTý197 ilIST 0F]1 Imm-c Lehiran..; 4. .Mckne.. Nor<h * De. il" 9107 X0< ........ a~ehÃ85 Brok; th Ith28 Si ~~o:a THElot, OAIO. do. Nonlsdn.. W b tb . On foot. ihors4.. do. .... ...... do . On.' hOrs.. On Poot, Cbounty, Nov. tOtia, 157& ~ounty,.. Nov.' filet, 1578. WM. LAINÇ~, ~Jo.Trea~urer. lmd Mar~ 5. 19th 'Tye 1878. lOh wno17 'il DOMINIO~ î- WAREROOMs ARE -PREPARI4G FOR TH SPRING TRA DE They are selling gonds at greà tly GETI5Y 1, n a, WILL SELLG0b Thé LargetSok - on p ,RICES., Lui lur . noul g ng t Out 'thueb uiness la e y Lar MilnrDesMaking an . oigona by James ]E. Samo, we take tihis opporty f n.ii ±.~essandhi~fisny rieds o gve s0, calj, and we can assurTe-ýa to or er, n s h o t n o ic o.th à t w e a re ?p e ared t 0 d o a s , w &J1 b y th on , in th e f t , L W E & PO L . as M r. Sam o hlas done in the p sst. f t r TILL, & -JOH-NST'Or G EYOISOS A CHANCE!1 Orders byl mail promiiptIy Afteded ta, P IA CTICA L EID U CA TIO N TR E D E M A N D 0k' WH E A G E! la s st bl sh en j t e ou Ty h er u e al1r u Ie viel hu Place s c py af cr ly stbli sh end. h C u C O L L E G E C R U Ll uu i , , N iap,~ e, AT THE -- TýOBONT 0. 014 AP ntdROL W. P oYa t FAS I N B1oEceaster Po BOOT AND SHOE 8TOlà (éý, ritE 0Fge Yi J 0I-IN .S AUN DEIEI S Cok'bnesstock and Muu *J- Next door to Goldsmits' Hal l, Tý ,oia ie m B-ROOK STREET, -WHIT-BY. olt A large and siperio:ôr stoc ko el-~toohlaindpofJPrit muade Ladies', Gents',, Misses' and Qhidxenls Boots and NQi Less thsaà '90 per Cent. thereaf. 1Shoes. The stock comprises the best work, and wil be, erfect Secrity undlq fts.clans iti.i found-cheap and durable. Satisfact i gü'aranteed Cu.. cies, thé VlisloBeer < igJdllTj toiers will find'it to thiin iterest lto, 'e*aUl- and examine TeR"ý,=b;sa the goode -and list of P 1i*es.588 7iTy L IIUO± wn liepairs neatly and promptly executed. classe10liP.hiesaeecJd Whitby, Sept. 15tli, 1874. *byý'h tie#MOltc halnp ofo assets for 88 set O O f a tyt a e f r ü b e f -~ ~- .. 1 A HO1ME COMPANIy. ýemnâmad clsl iithe camiclon.. THE OLD STIAN, ..P n enrlMý [EÈST1A.BLISHE D 183 311 H~TTO,~,kî, WM. TILL, 5P OI JETO F' BL âtom¶ eU -L TURNIP'S, MANQOLDS, -New Parlor Sets, ,00CDRPTS - New IBed-room SètsAplye New »ining4rom ets'.De28d174 And. a large stockof(ae nd W d seat Chairs, Tables, Bures-us, ~oaLU~,eseds, Oî situr x iug rcd ilnsh insu Oùpboards. flair, (Jlotli, and Daà ËI ad Lun ~-dùstëa e &C., &0. A fine stock of New Gi1lt' Windôi'Cormôes ohlimp' . lr; e1P cAo t"ev The largeat sand -cheapest stock> of Pictures1 .e- butaéne cent: AdtAeas- in town, 'ail of 'wlich lie offers at Pries htwllntf to0 otasd7le suit the tiines. SQs- The..undersigned wishes to state to hiâs Old oùitomU- ,--- ors à ad theùlie eie ral, tliat he is to bétonna the',,O]J)StÀ»D £7wo Valuable Lectures to Young Men ]3Y lkibt. Wilkes, Esq, M.P., aniitd oa. Ilairtuo, Esq., Man. Toronto Banka, Besi(cs ai hcr usIfici Informîationa pcrtinuing ta Praictical Edlucatil. Wf e, <luuudcr-signcdl. iîfLIei lavinug cxaminieth e business forme adaopteti by the Dtiftisis Aincr-ican Commercial Cllage, aiea a synopsis of the courso ai instruction, havî'i eatlure li stating that wa beicce ih aniirably edaptcd taecuiet tlac requirements af <hase contera. IîlatioLUg uiîuees PtUnsit. allsd, îu(ging trous Aliat we know ot the gentlemen connecteti vrith tiseInstitution Iva havi U)i hesitation in enuomnading i1<t hase 'anxAous ta secure yu neesrbasts Lor the Jigliest camsasof emralatiunnsI - Han. xe. Mackenzie, Premier af Canada;Houn. Wni, MeMaster, PresAdent Cauu..alan Q11 0iEAT ENGLISH REI GBAY's ,PEPIFIÇ MEI1 nosd aIl rs'ou, Disonf tianowo. flitOî.. M EDY !1 )ICINE mes, sueis as rem8t cueb i la tise tl oit Aii$tAn lIaur .Gen SInsur l'e car City il ,ail ,d )est Whiby, Octobèr lit, 1878. -- 404l MESSRS. TOMS & NEWPOBT, Bcg to iuforru tho public goiers-ly, that they have opened a New Carrnage Factory, on ].)ndas Street, TWO DOORS WEST.of thé- PO TOF CE Crige Maikiuîg Lino, an tise shortosta toriel, antd i fs-claiss woî ALL WOIRK WA REPAING DONE WITII NEÂThI *Whiitby, July 29th, l874. JOHNSýé-C At the Provinial Exhibitiôn, 'i execîîte s-I worg in tlla ica, andi madofithea best me. ISS «ND DEBPATC.H. 81.ly TRnEAPER 170 roronto, in 1870. -. ....,*,tu . i, . a,, o nst uuructionî, elvîbrace the latest'and most 'useifl itzprovements of the day. We. JOIINSTION'S SI NGLE SÙFIA 1G IE PI THE "R]ING O EPR. t O The universal success of this Machine, both in closely -contest- eti trials s"ýrî n the hande of tho armer, warant une lh saying <atas a Sef.Rak- ofing-Reiffag lanacbnii fubs more ga0d points suendl'he oetadbsmtw more suîcceas ani loîss ailure, <han hame-tofoje afforcd l'o <ho public. - CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER - ut We were w arded theFirst Pizo. nd Diploma, a the Pr mati Coirue contantly kep 'ial BÉbýitoý, oldi.r;Tor ono, 17s-t I>rpecvîn. <amers, on short notice' Fu cha Itbibtia, bltiiqTornto 150,ii cmptitin witb al ho leadig Machines îanufactured ha tho Province ; and with on r ecnt improvementK, wo unheitat.. ingly challenge in ve sigation an d co eparisjm n -W i uib o p ti ug - achines , w sar a s i l y - c a , l s atlà fl od bt t su el-in ve tige tio n w ill c uicvin~ o v ry un p r e-j ud ice ti-- nuid: <at w e -~5 8 off ô r t iie tbsi Ilw r -ta -lie P rm er for"' 187, bu l-t in th . D om in ion .- I e n d - for descriptive catalogues. à ATkSN DRI'GO 06 AND GftW-4ERIE& me udersigned is,!110W reiviUg. a - 1JA4 4 100X ~ OH OGN8:&, MELODEON ORGOA-NS. THE! IUDGE,& YAgwooD CORY MANUrIACTýà -T' RGAN 1 Spçoil notce i ect'ô, t ho fOlowijng styles ana i ces; Syo1,iWaln'ut 'cage, ~5,L ecuatC~~wt rlg$ro S 17, n esod a (à .i175j u Be40 44m o pte Iw i Oh sg, A inl 9, s6nwmo Caso, wi0j i Cigo,- 0 Abl maij: lo Wlu, anIcivith rovollng or sliding Loch. boi çMtà oojainiuig AUi l altee':t improvemenmu, neatly îand, elegnti finllo, ~cordfnegta ptbc. ALSO, YABWOOD'S- -MEODEO ItA. RosewoOd'?iauoCae, Stylo 4, $150 ; S 6, $175; §tylo8 e 0. Tltoeo Melotion.Orguns, Patenteti 1878,-aa ml=iifactured <oaIeiy by , T4 Mükio Ana -ep scs reu4o u8ti -o -ugris. J ~XViatru ents teafu iv o sole ue- vae nd o(1f h latest b&Z4C8 Goods, &e., e FRfSII FiWLYGROCEJUE Tka~, C ffe~s, a w ai -d re fi 'S" WHITjIvy *OHINA TEA ::ST'"aRE I &SPARTVEL 85 Hhd.;e ayà Cases,conthéè ~ and Oheapest AAsoffmi t o tJliia, GZa8s~Wre, FId Ency %iZ CflTee UiifrOm L50to~ - iII MOtPô ug, ar Bskts and E' Goand- -~ ~~~ - 1<ENLES V1aT iý ex yn oryursoelvea beforepurch ""> s ingeswee P~and spices aiofail kinds,.iaufacon, Lard, Butter; Apples, Pota. 1 QhâyST, etbt, a1874 an.ati BOOTSANDbHOS TBR ALLA: RATES op -j c~leroo ,ilDerry or Glusgot Que. q EO. YTJLE. Ageut, From whcmu evcry information May lie h1by, Sept. l-t94, 1874. 89 H- d CO ffieDERTeiOnpeCab Ls Usuâj.A Large Stoc3kof.Ready- Pt On hand, sud timmeti ta arrtoast us-fl iiyrais fny eupplied withavrtig ~ÈI4~hf-UgSor A~f o Tai/r, Daper, -DÙN'iASe STR.PETy WHITBVYe 'aild' [sek liEDtUcED -wmmim"ým v No-w is the tùne.to h 'good à nd chèta.-J j SPAIý*VÉLL ; 's 1 511" - i ý.LIFE ýÀSSOCIATION * f là , thu hauds of iLvery Young mail iu Cauada. It c'ontains the are iiniv iriminora . A 4»- 1 m PRIZE 1 1 B;ïtË' Undertaki-my ng W e oller to ou r cùstôrùýrà for th e cpmi ng Ilary est," two dis. tinct Machincs. which in st.vl". :n.iirl à y. 1 "ST