Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1875, p. 2

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imllIerbrotl, , sel avous Mx Dofandiü liraq 1 le pmg ta have the Bain -vert- -c&uaL7- 'CI - The fillowin« wari the casse outersa aras ta ber; filet wau tborègdgsbt* -bBdi19- lie WOùjd thonséal ' _f- 1 , ýtm:àt Cr J' ONty SI upon the rmi the b PER lit. PtiàjkIi Day. = ,PUJ Y ore Thiscloied thé cm for the plaIntiff, àmaw to, i pay. amillu 60,11 4S-0, -in deuuit Of Irth' of the chl WItueso tala Crocker ve. Cockbiirn.-Ejeetmont; lifin lie had ruined lier for life, sud bad write,ý,,th4 atraoh, of il 1ý Jouée for laffitiff, N. P. petew,, Put ber out of lier goal home. Wit. thé budangof P Par the doience a ni" young a new Irlek ichocli hýuiw -An prosent à Vary livoly appeamoo. The la - ton 1hes,ý yf 'NRrOli ce" Il bitu what ho was going te Damea QeÃ"rge BIZOY Wu$ a el ý dmoJty boni cro0w ve. mer, do. Ife sala ho_ 40, nothing. locating thol ' blâjidii ton, 7i.'ý swore.positivelythàt.hekllëw th new The'Bili i Il Young Mon of- the St. P k's Re Timotly or cirg same ocunsai. Pwmod thé child WAS bis before John, The week, anizint the Nort hall Conilection. With other M Il r" West. Hatch vf, MoLean.-,Iotion on note. UQQU&Y sud ber brother, and offered Nèthe h- Society" un formint a procession ta -himoalf hall 11,111te a àëzïga«on> wu ýMSted -in the proctea t ý W&., They Prenant a J.Butledgalor pimntilf, C. C. Rener . OemondYtoleave; lie did net men. iru _dý 0 -'.'D-rYvMe be the g, Oâa li the defendant, and thst ho -Early É, - nice, appearance iâ ýbeir band ý2_rOp-er -t-erootusewith lier. '0 Thle importau fer dft ti=anYPIUO-' Ueowmodliehadpro. Graham, very IL f the' fiir'4ýuiýhter of wm, K. Mathowsoni anal of the unior han t Wcasura was intré. tome uniform, with,-thoir - Port Perry Sil Board vs. Dever. "Bd W mîr.ry ber, but asia fie..was boya who hang Aroung cotittind San- ârà:r 0ýfj1ïý Township. dnced by the premier on rsritray night. gnon 8s" , on building contract--z. 130j"96ilig te 'Ziow. Witness'a brother day nighte, and who now faypys, the if that elle wol j»;ýged ta another, and roletts,-40-,.6ntl ha'vo a bandmomoly L Ebbels fier pltff.-t- J. Butledge for Ofiored ta do au thin town cfý Guelph au the place of bis thst the wedding ýý ta hàvo tel "Y 't t > 'le GOv8rnmOnt Propose, al p&inted - bancer. âât. him. (defoidanti up, 9, 'or bila Il set Fat Oi tje bon dadas Of Manitoba have belon ta lie a Procession At Oshi*athore Ji Hartrick vir. Richarde. t pro- ftiture 1 ove Oônqueot4o said lie wu plue A day'er two, où on' -Soduction =0 0. M" ber. f he koptlil nent ta lier Holtby, 2a définitelly sittiod, "arge sesle te dàoé,-A. G. Défend t t, and gave bis bal tw laver. Iloitby,,2n ratcow tô outabligh a terri. the Catholie 011= el Couda te the detindan suaden de arture il h;ý e hl a MeUJUSa for plaintiff, J he'd bave te ose bis 1atber.ý, John Me-' O«doliceýon bu 4balf au RIdley Another nitration of the fie torlal kovernmout- in the North-West Will be wher@ Igh Us" E. Farilivell for deft. QuaYwashercoüain. The re boa ci 1. klon,"% Of aun she aO»;ý ga$ againgt th the fair, ana of the board, and , Saarema delivered 8011ett v8- PaxtOn-ýNote -J. Bill. -Met défendant in the Woods, *ae lie. 0 tmtli of thu-PrOvelà- John Tho, The territorial goverament, by .,Zévd. Fithers Haýden Sud üe. infttr Pltff, IL Ebbela for às'it. cause shâ was eaid of ber father, and "that there io là 90> COCaist of 4 Ilelltëtau t-Governor dan once or Compunétion tliiï Il AIS en. Cup and the lip.11 and Coutieil of gve me liéý Thl ý boing sent ta press ý Chriatian vi. Ckwk.--Grain trace. bol left the 11OU89- , Re father firot bal. ý 7 ors. mberg appointed action, -J. Billinge-for pitl J. _ S.. fame AwÃŽ14ý oflier condition two ni joyed hoî àv garly in the, Il we have no OPPOrtUc. Kenne Samuel PORT PERRY. bY the Governor. Genaral In Coumil, 1 dy for deft. to, bol the child -wu bol The th., tes, whé ty of geylng more -AÏ te the rGsul(èl- - White ve. Law bond, > b 'Ir Who j wa 8 al 'the la, Who for men WAS orn at lier- sul wel tee, (ho Ilev- James Tho mag.igtra on sincelm etj'an, , y The M" lie V 141H the célébration In 'this làcality and 0. Y. Smith for ioW'-Su't haa, :::o 6ther-;W-O- an officio rueiýbéril PItIL, T. D. DeleMm Afraid-to go back tg lier !,%thgeo. and et bu beau the ýrroobl fa of thel Coulant el"*bere than h.4lu iczieft Had elle another Manl o>wo,,re té Peut ý .0tory bave au - 9 Ahe dSý, 'ol -se weeks dek. ueljlrl -et Port pû d$ perhapil, nom a beau thi àfr-EUnýÙiok's to se ry, bal reoigùed hio ý en for A Ion and te ýlridMm the world over, Mawieî.-Breach of a Indien igénte visita te a sister, oonnéotio'n",WIthý-'that bol Itl ()thé$, reaiding 06nveniently,, M msy pisi , _ Crois-exàmiied by Mr. M. C. CâM-ý Marfa, wït.h whom lie W keepin dentood il ho has, do Company in ay bé off qui@tlyjnd in goofl Oýàer , 7 00YO11dînt lu lèall Y. Smith,ý for -oral other Y011118,men, vidted 1 9 termined tg join enlar « thý %ilded.to the Coujl The evary Plte-, B- XoGee for deft. 1 ý , - - ý tàe' Company,!' and that on OU "ion ho the Mail chil , 1 : --909 Lieutenant. Where bouse to, pay, lier attention. ý Sel ý Me- Thé hotali are again open and in fuil Th' TÃŽ)ln Goveraor is tc, beunder thl ýîiGn» WOiDdMJ' Vol, Pichard.-Action 1 for Richarcloecame ta ose liai doter. el 1 In Col wi report recon Mâliolous &"est -J SOMil 11246611; thàt MàiiÏ aud.wltnëu'ý re. 8 Wli Il ý The Il conneillors and the of the Gov.-Goumiý'ind to holà office Assite Items. pltfl.. C. üoài B. pal for yonng men uged to cuit in to pue mamed inl aittinà r' ï0kae-9 'Ors haa, au clyster loup ler, and new firel com, whüé Re- p Organization lm- The Wat !of Govel tnamon ve. 00 plot i0hul for deft. worda. John Vau wlas one, Jno;'Uà- bocca auû XcIntosh cool tbg Idtoh. Mal ùp thoji du pute gatidrautoril 1112 Xt iemarkable the luge attend., R , rfqration of Oshawa. Intosh came il Samuel Mollards; en; thât ý"On,:iOiUg ý from the di' là not ilied b the. billo - 1 -Daml for, la 4 Ompan bât at jury on accoulit 01 ho Came twice in the fAU ning ail thê savoury i;,Éuinoe, 'Of the fa of 18, -it wu, zoom to the idtobel prosent.is te lie Port Peu &nos ofjnoro. Who attended thé staizeig, - d8fécli'lil sideçýalko,-,B. ý McGee r aiter the Markham fair lie as > - ýfound.- 1 the i, two, valves and the lot olâleffag. Y,, where the me. Went latter lyfug dôwn OU the gol ; i thai O=ddorinfitb thé Ur. Neil, Sill fa repl ta ha Gov-orument h o bel state of the rpado. Ebgliëli ibr deft.. to the' Markham fair with lier brother lamp wan out, and th a oth a net -from i4uries reoeivea Ine aftaralus, l 44 fl uait trom, the nol but Výnsa»' vf- B'mrkc.-4jeo.tment,- and sial John MoIntoeh aid net umped ne wheu ho entered; BO thst Wh 0 In bis foe bouse. » Eux@> accommodation, ' J*- R. Xerr for pite., À. G. mejiùan with bar; lie rode home - wi go twol WO an toid, aiswered the sub. for deft. th them Band other young men.uséd'to' ré. t large quan. which were eroctea last year at a oost pSna* part of the way. Rue* W. R. Math- main At Rartriôke frein a tand 4 el tha At &,public el St nïght titi twelve es fi , aré being caught in thoi ville à, ýre8OII wis; ho hall babu At ber fathèrs bouse ta four and five in the mornillà. . les TIIJO GRUD JUuy. about four or, five, Yeurs fige; h th le on Lake Sc«. Richarde, ýanoj;he ratep"ers At #7,00 ; wthat of the XASI& ýViTszoozs M CUU11T.-tÉe Chi a the township -panel of a liaving lie- lied John Thomas r 90 - OY h ïto the gurface for air, Connoil ta spi 'trates At #8,0W Bach mombers et be an jurors moved away Visited there, * again lad cousin of defendan of th on causa Overi tre - followinu' tt') Sun -a' W-hh looked- Sa are soopped Ùp with ehovels by the 0 Justice remarked Il the ý inconven. mon answered ta thoir names entie- winter. llâd.'aat up with hraithews Vary unlike a CaýtiVSting Adoz.401 swore oleigh land, and ira bel disposeil of plind ta the Couliall elwil #4000;ýâIl(1_tbo Clark and î inquent visita te Hariri k' once Of net having a ouitable place Pm. ail Wu werO White Sara Richarde wso keeping COM. ta blé ýJ 8, and At ton conte poi bilsbel. Goverparla socrntary- the iv rk, ta lie PanY Il Wituess'a dater in-the salue te bis staying thora ýaýtij ail Ni issing Bal 0 vided for fr 0 ? U Plillip, Menue, El Bq., Foraman. room. The two Young mon came a. the night and mormag, t 1 Ours of CATTLE AND. BRED yAm. establil POrformod by, elle Perdant -ta reçoive j la à c il M a' girl's ili,000. Tho bill pruivifle, cring the hefiring of ail 0 a ný1 John Barils B. Uotliersill, bout ail, t O'clock and wont away bc. At the, cattle and -oeed fair hala ut bouse ia &aval Company, and that lie, lac, hala lenjoyed eatill Part Pel on Tuesday Oth, thére W" of the EcOnoz aléo for 02 soja the »LegiolâtuW aboula do, Som N. Chapmz à Odeil twe.en ton sud élaven 0-elock. Denied ber favors,ý, and came it ta the' Cultural social bt a lul'ger Cotinail, choec John cowans, M t aVel fair attendance notwithstanding At a M by popul bat PrOPî S. platten, 00 POB'tivOlY tliat Sam Richards ever maffly felleow ston fapirmoolia;oirmvantl'at Mr. inw ta cou l: fjïlllq-to Boa t r a o 0 ý0 ýM, M lad :: und herself and Mathows sleeping' publie. H! wu' prize tskèrs were-_ forwara like a the blocked up state of the roado. ' The ar voiu';'so'k 11, '- J. B. Fegsbv, Bitchie, fa poi tien was ýi-lov!Jetl wherc Wit4boses Put. M. Giaba4 A. shire, on the floor týgothor. If Richarde Ira'Vail's At the finie, but baie 0' Scotch Whestl entries * lot Win. Otr societies Illerit of the çýunjry'has &Jviweeýl suffi. A. Lesak, -0. si. John ana Mathews sala sa, it wôuld be un- changed bis base te the city of Tc Ince Ramation, tir Out Of court could- be oaiely ko-pt. The route Thom son; 2ad, James Man'dorof Ciently for t4at PiLrIlosé.- -TliE% ferritory grand igry teck no notice of the Matter J. Mowbray M ' SpAnoer, truc. It was inî December Yathe wis as a fiela foi new obuquests. Clut Wheatl autrie8; lot on* -fair. %vill, Titli tIII4 abject in vWe, bu dividéd in theilr presontmont.: Mandoiio!2, 2nd Joseph Ston J' A. À)fa(in: W*. ýviodifielà. and Richards il there; knew it was John Stephetf Richards, the lbf'Bnd' James fait (Ùstl.iots, cansistfugof eue Docember belcaude ït wu sleighing out, aged 24, ué-xt took the ataqd. Re Black Oate entries; lot James -thotiyaud squill ma et, el aie. Whitby and East Whitby Fair. Mis Lorclahip in charginý the grand Dt ou eh. dia BO tinejj,ý,n,,,,,v the tivo Ridleys' but evideutly took no pains ta iffiptese the nO il Manderion, 2 ichwas George or. whieh court that ho wu a na Samuel Nethorton. triet eontailliug a poi),11atioli ai one JurY'said it was a Tuatter of cougratula. 1y agneyntleAxtmraana.1iý)tfeupt(i)b'n, Nethrton, f2nd James Manderson. - the last weëk t 1 - si- White Oats--4 entrieé; let Samuel The Indepe? One Luember, all a tien thRt in-thë calenakr placell' in h- ca,, W 1 ion Whe ýVpriiig F air of the Union Agri. lis 1 rAr"(,hulitIGvIl>"RG lslaudp*OaUcoeudenlooonegastlie ta bis personal, ppearauce and! attire. tholloandta, ajout: 0 tion and inean Peas (Làrge)-2 entries; let John itnoî 'as ad with an op: Cunural. Society was.lieltl et Whitby ta. bande there was oniy one pri bail nof Ris hair was unkempt, lia; hall 1 a dirty Ralph. influenza. 'N £Olier in corningr from a ail be face and dirty hands, and hie eqat and wlinsi the Population «AGI whose case woilicl reqnire coi;sider. walked with liai- in August; it Peas (Small)-8 entriee; have lied, irriti trick's clay. TliereIwas but a and lot'janles ery limiteil attendance. The Fair w * 1 Lumb 811fill cloubled in itu-mber. Sa v - ation The offonce cilargea-fol-gery- a time ef lsing the iounwdaastioinn , ailier garments were ragged, dirty Manderson, 2ad John Balph. moon rui the Gjetxýell làlom -as Il t - J'l'y-th oring twelity-rine, they shall clisplace the à for rly. It was, and not fi 1. go grave in the cya of stone If the chure . The défendant tattereil. Barley (Six-rowed)-a bril, nitinber din'nerwasgotupiu the nouai excel. the od sthadconnection with Il a Butit was said, tliat these W. Parri Il, 2ud Wm. Th entries - lot mèn and teaME laý0Wl a"s r or on the wer' net the:kind ofelothes or jacks lie P. lent style of the Ontario hotel, by Ur. a very long fi a ago, a capital folony. 21til of Auglifit, it Ompson. the north, tlie roiutea Connoif, And bc kuown as the in-Englandwhero persans were was on a ý Sanday wore wlien lie used ta go courting Re. Z ti Barley (Two-rowed)-2 entries; le Sevèrai gangs Wàkem. . The liot of prizes lied net evelling; A was in lier father . bouse becca. Re Myôre tha't the Ohild coula William Thompson, 2nd Horace Fa - village, and thc mincit of the North-,%VQst tison completeil nt the time -we, go ta ad for it,-and persona in high BO on the louage; lier father not ha his ; that lie haü no connection ter. ad thati the Pro 'lOrritni'je(g. l'ho el ofthe elec'tive But the sevority of- the p,üàhcm'eetüyt* were in boa. Swore positively that allé with plaitâtifils daughter, as sworn ta rIlai-1 entry; let Wna. Fursey. net yet passed. franchise 10 -ta lie gill ail - boita Jwý . press * 61100ked tha community; it was consia. nover had any impropez conneetion by lier, iiý Auguet and September, 1878, Timotliy-3 entries; -ist S. Nçther- will thisyear hl PAT CATTLx.-Mr. John Dryden lied k6 a mon a with cithejlî Ridley or Mathews. Rer but admittellilliat fie lied in Dec'ember' résidents of cul yenr, W ton, 2nd John Stouehonse. a "0 àhll &180 be twô oplendid fat short-horns on the Iffe Whore, as in many CasZ tue evil father hua ordered Sam Richards awa2ý1 of that year. ne also, denied that ha Tares-1 entry;. let Richard Sugget. eligible au mè,mbers of the Connoil. groun4. They Weil . uplivaras of denoe showed thý gril involved 'il but lie continued, ta came ta the bouse. lied ever offeied ta marry ber, Or adý Clover-8 entries, let Robert Moore, Toi The juive of Ontario, bearing on real be o4smaU'vitille., Still the nec sol IL -knew him, about mitteil that the child wa hi an The firet Ince V8tateý are tu be extaided tô, the 20001bo esch, c * Knew Thos. H. Bieli- the evidence ta this effec a Inew qeorgo leeels ý that ad Samuel Netherton. torr,. 'M an(l--more purchal by of Ïevere punisâmèui for the rinie qJ four yeâýrs ago. 'It 'W , . Potatoes-2 eutries; let Wm. Fur. ci), sincé the el( ý 1 r. Morgan, drover, at #150 à place, forgery was insisted 'bu, and especiau aras nover,4ad Say improper intima Ire was cross examined ut much length tory, and provision la ma!le for the f the y CY sey, 2nd B. Rae. MaYor, was bel or Montréal Easter market. la 'respect of negéCiabje securities. with, them./ Remember one occasion by Mr. NoUi'llan, but ibis was the sum Fat Heifèr-6 entries; loi Charles MondsY ,elli, appointaient of aborityo, ýogistrQrB and ThWwas the catie in ail Commercial that Mathéws Canie home with lier of bis testimony'. Raineyi 2ud Francis Rain. son, Esq,, mayo othor nocessary, ofRoors, as well as for RONOM TG â WurTny UAN ABROAD.-_ 00 a a , f r the - oýer'ationa-,-of-mer. father and brothor. Sam Richards fol. IN REBUTTAL. Fat Steer-7 entries; let ReMY Other Members dOlInfng the rights of married women il flua by lots California papiers bat chants coula net bc 041-ried on, if they, lowed Aud came in affer em. un ta property. were obligea ta bave saline persan Cou. weroulltlieworseofliquor. Thatwas Mr. Thos Botte was examincil on Costes, 2ad Henry Coates. tien of Mr. Cam what is termeil a Most gigantlic Place of stantly ý plaintiff in rebuttal; He Animpertant prGvjdonýôf flic bill la engineering bas beau sucoeueftilly COM. writing of 811 il, stated that Ridley was net prêsent 0 ideutiry the band. in Decomber '78, thîy were wal bellulf of th a crédible UXBRIDGE. air oustomers. And in the old year out and the new year - 8 r that ha would net boIievý hira- The township coulicil bave let Il Richard One that PrOvidis' " effectually for the Pleted tinder the' superintendence of thst view many persona objected ta the Richards took a fit when lie goi in, and on bis outil, and thaï ho tala witnego tract for building a new town hall et* total prolliýitlon dimitudonofthe plinialimant for the they î aited until ho 9 't; the that if lie hala beau hire à w'tue A Co" flic interst b, 1 of the manufacture Ur.* Arthur W. Redclio, 0. B. formel %V ý ot over y a ta do thresh- Goolltivood. for three years find Il of spirîltuans and folmentéd of thio town, In Plumas Co Crime.- It is in the intérase of society repeated filai til o lirai illicit intercourse rick romaincil an six o'clock. Witue's inghewouidswear in favor of Hart. The village couneil bave liad a FI rom Ajax. unty' Cal' thatPèrOOnG.WI10 forge important in. th something lie liai ll'(itiorài. Thii wili lié a first trial of the The work was undertaken for the pur- etrumeute, passinq from band ta band took place on the 124 squabble over the liconse business Li- vdltle and effoot'àf prohibition, and à pose of convoying water for mining an moue 1 aboula bc Reverely pnnished. stiuday; next on Stinday, the last day 1 Bôme par. th of, August, on a Elizabeth Birrell swore abc saw the censes have beau refuseil to for bis noceâsitiol RiIido go ta the daifrabllity or the intro. pnrpqges ai that place. M wao aise 0 Company withMies Hartrick. the result. The moiTification or thé law, howeveil of Au 1 t; lier'aister wa's sick un those' défendant in Atigust and September in des, and a good deal of bord feeling is PME ductionuf suell almy In the oÏber 'Pro. âwarded, $8,000 for a ni a al the lied liai the affect of enci-aas'iug crime. occasionà. The 14th of September was John MoIntooli swore positively that The Chier Eng Not Marly yeairs ago, in this country, the iiext time tllat was on A Suaday nothing improper ]lad ever pass 'q aps Mr. Joseph Gould, we regre . t ta learn, sonted. It set fc viuoeu. ItIs SAN, ýwfffî' wilat amoluit of Naiiojt«l and oth.er papers speak of our the lightest punishment for forge was ailla. 'There il nothin- further lie. , ad bc- is crioualy fil. lienter and hose , truth wie aile ilnable ta asioertain, thât old fiiend as the first di-aughtSMan in four Y88,1l IL12priSOUMeUt ,, t,,ry,,,. twoon thern after the MLll fair. ana denied Sam. Richard'à account of. SCOTT. tween himsolf and Rebeca 1 rtricli, ing order; that il 110 Il. Malcolm Ciuuèroli, the-inomber the Stato. Mr- Keddie wao a former Vincial penitentinry-no matter if the After that ho visitait Misa Melntesh. finding ihom lyin, on the lonuge ta. Illembers on the fur 80uth ontlirio, fi; ta bc the firet il puril of leur -townsman, John Shier, rB lias been presented t vaine il only five shillings. Latterly Witnass said that lier fîther used to A.requisitiou signed by 110 ratePaY- Year was 22 ; th, the law lied been alierod, and the pnii. have ta go ta boa early ta warni the gether. a ornoroftheiiowlli,()Viuce. The mous. C. E. inhalent was loft ta the discrétion of the bed for lier mother (suppresBed laugli- deil to, the fattor etatement, and the aP- ut fires 18. Tl _(the sister) gave a like that -a by-law be submitted for lire, on the il isý,R noe aile,- and as a ter), Who had been for a long time sick. propriation of the clergy réserve fund. during the year, ýù In ail arts and tuanufactureg im- court' At &11 ttues fol W a statement ofJohn Thos. grave offelice, and it w-gery 1 swore that"tli A by-law bas been iutroduced before shoPand stable bi ýl the eoutimeat as consiclered Rer father huit been greatly troublait about comin- ta the bouse proveulent je now the order of the day, necessan, that it aboula bc severcly on learning lier condition, and elle loft the ta arper; an nnoce ut ille country «eiîeý'alIy apponre ta fa. ana otopping late was wliolly untrue. 7,r-elrih-tll11,Pýecouneil a-ccordingly' pro. and tarte liave more fully ackilowleag. dealt ivith Tt was net Ollly as ta file the 11OURC Carly in the moi Sud liai the defendane ac- il cancellin, of the ýdebt of the Bay ;and a 1 ýen, to thoàbul .. a. t. aod ,,M. She âlso swore t vý1 '4ý01J in danger ta seanzities passing batwoeu . . .liquidating the balance on and portion of the ad and followlld fille precept 1han ofonda t i companied ber sist flr from, church to M 'e, B. debentures, and appro. Thore were aise, u Railway Mcclting. Messrs. Luzerne, Morrio & Co., manu- commercial men, but the forgei d, say tober IlýVliy lias the house ai the tunes mentiouell, in thé balance towardo mâking ing the year. Thc villa and other iustr " h Molli' oh Ila his fifty acres of land 2" August and September. dges. ta the report of las lactUréra Of the Colebriiied Perfectoil man's estate might LuIllents by W ich a jearoshe might lis Wall charge an 1ý1Pr0YIng roade and bri a P aced in jeop- Mr. Câmeron delivered a very etc- ,rlllotlgh Rôme the Lonses-all that science eau do ta allé- ardy, go that-the crime %vu one that the child Ilpon MoIntesli and Mathews. quant address ta the jury On behalf of to the Wells Put do arrangement@ il net c=lea Ol1ý for Il the (uah.cig -cailsail by weak or struck nt the Vary foundations of piýo. McQnay lied said that if it bad been his client, itud Afr. Mellfillan ably re. RTON, and aise to the the Itmitw--&Y 111l as Ùu- failing vision, bas beau Cal a. 1ýfo lie perty. Ma Lordship explaineù thàt Ilis sister he'd One horsewhip doiennaut; ra in alarm. notinced, ai the Odd FelCows' hall cil ied ty them o4d Adupted in the ymiLIIII crime might lie committeli; lie was not up. on th la montll a and water cc thalle il Varions way n, whicil tilQ lier brothcr said, No, do nothing of the lied on the part of the plaintiff. Ris R jllest Bat le this vi Mr. Ring preseil atu Êordshi gave a very careful snmming la9t', Oger ý a Iedtat lier maidence kind. They wanted him, te coma down 1 Il of thý fir 'Pucaday oveuin'g. Tho Moeting lias facture of their celebrated Leuses-so gwareôfthe nature of the particular tolierfather's and settle the matter. The jury after.a short Absence ratura- Beaverton is ambitions ta become a Commended 't'le P beau in consoqtiobce liontpone(l ta Frii 'ffnO 011 the calendar. It was the ýVas confined ai ber aunt*s, and went r, ire Company for well have they succeeded that all cou. ed a verdict of $1,200 for the plaintiff. Col Town. day craning SI; half-pâst moyen o'clock, fées, after trying thenc colébr&tod duty of thé grand jury ta ascertainfirst -lième thrce weeks afterwardd* Did net-, that #50 be given 1 whether the prisoner Coxal the tell lier parents of lier condition; doni. Wednesday, l7th. as a recognition of and to tako place ut thé Town huit. Glaouoi, filet, fircouvenience from, diffi. crinie, suit uext did -ha do sa- il in. ad it wlien they spéke te lier; went, White v8. Law8on-Vordiet for pliff. the past two years 1 Tho object -of the ineetiùg in au lm port. ciency of sight.19 at once reuloil J. tant te defraul that the intention with lier sièter to Dr. Carson's ai e thoir for 8450. The Reformer says thst the case of port was adoptea, &ut one,- and one. lu whioh ail rosi- H. Gerrie L. Co. are their dole agents W" 'lu important 4ngredient in the suggestion ; lie told lier lier dater, and Plumtrec va. j&rtin_ Referrac, ta Skae ve. Chapman, which involved the Chl being inerease deut of Whieby bas the 1 aÏePest inter. for thls place. case. In the Que of the forgery of -a ber mother -was tala when they . went arbitration. tâte ta a large amoulit of prçporty in Mittee. . promissory ûotewhere tËe persan us. home by ber ïk Oshawa, came up for judgmïnt in the ParNi cet. Tlio-otberpgrmoftllooountyIce r. Court of Chancery, on Wedcesday lasti mg Woodru ve. Pickard-At bearing. ta thé Couuty towzi ibr al defimite - TxE Qu£zN's, WIl the Maine of ûnothèr did not a Benjamin G go Ilartrick sworn, CROWN ÉIDE. ana the Bill action in t4o, Matter. il Men Taylor & MoCAMI have talien the old fect il h. ýhe Il te hiaiselll as thé ef an ofPiai ti t flic s2r Mr. Phili) iDregal finie intend ta, defraÙd, but ta take iip saiti lie was à n On a Sun- Xr_ ghou»ltl avait thomoolves or t'ho nnftqa;-- Commercial. ---- - » ýq ýA ýýr indue'& bu' on 9-&ýýj h 'y - umb éàd thi "»bp, Pmow.". atthr".Ã"-,Ik on, oulurday, and after routine,. 0 lhë debsta où th, paoifWpjdjý bïd"jà **yýWà» Ireimne&,the:item Tùpper' 1 n«ëd'&n &Mendmentbutit OaMondây »Veraln" bjujý intmduôed,, WM after «Vere ýquantLma liad been', à rod lu Àked "a-,àns,, P' edwith- hi&,-. motion. reg- the ý-aangemni efféow -,of the, Ziin nbOutitY of.abol-' Mg Thé débate 'Wam, howeye on Mo-tionofthenca. Mr-msloke uNjôlutions in favor ýof court luld of the Suprenu .po"#Bow for-the Cbwf Jùx- tice, sud theý, Other Judgu 87 oo,éà&,ý were adopma in «M=ù" Ofzê lw- hélé The bill. *&o rea;& a, seoond time Md oraerea to be referma to ommfiki of the ýrh0Ie tomorzow. ,&. &Mount of bnoineuwio eluaine "thé transâoted, in.- ý,ivii utiëüj ý»«p«üng the Fier7we. t Nova Scotia Leîýskft=. -r-eelature mont w1% tbi followm*g speèeh feom Go,#erinbl"& -chibam..-- . . i and HànombIý &W Speakep- î, ot Qjà- ,--'Houye of Â,,m 'mbly: lhavomqthé)ýrewh ttthisfintge-sÈontogý 1 new Rouge ta- 5onferwithyonciv mu, %.ra Pertafidng- e th bho 9&p, 1, ' is aati.eàeto-,7: ýàt the be Xâ to, Zform tà 1 put e>eàr hu been one oreUýý%te and fair- rV for, the. pro ýresàçonlâ bugiesa ýv" formed 0 M"kod' & foatun -ci the yesS à4n the ZhborinjS - ;- -bas lghboring pmvinus. een felt here t'O Bôme, ëitéùtý'but 1 Appy to be-abli te gayýthatit hu not IaýterîIalIý affected the inéIàgý Rr dq- inged the "qial condition., ofl aîn Iro ' c Mh- ce. Thew Minihg interest, dè.- en in às it doès largel y-upon the 00 iti ofbusinc '0 rý9tI' ess in theZnited - Statet aS suffored frOM the PrPstration of in'-' astfy whièh has Oceurred in tb, Union K tlÏe A' ' year., The other main mne es ' 0 ' uBtrý-have 'Dot, yam acd ito ito s -been aftecw ta the Swne: :tent. he ety of resources open, , tÉe, pe pie of thiff , province affords 0 P: e unmunity from the aient es ma fluctuation whichý-ý cur in ýco triesjý4B favored in that spect. -In 00tow last an Agrimi- ralExhibition wu held in TT,%Ii 1 grsifYiug resulté. The vari.ty- ,d ixc;uonw of artiiies exhibited on %t o0cagiou nOt OnIY proved the great Dgress the people of the Proviuw, Ve -Made, but showed, in a süiking mner the wide range- -of aeculturjl Xductio, l - K'fflýt « the 'tg and 1 and ate; in * -Cou . The Pulà givenby » e î . to the icul -of the ovinie atte the IdoM of the policy *hich inclucea the to encourage the en a eo tribut , ionfromý.t*h@. astiry- and gent ppeak&r -the JZbwe of Assezibly - le PublitýScooùnts forthe past yow, ?ther with the estimates for the cur. ý yéar, wilich bave béen prepareil x- the- ùtmost economy . conffltent i the requirements of, the Province, be submitted-forygiýteon-sideration a carly day. eresidént ani? Hop.'GentLmen of the Legi8lative Council.'. ý Speakerýaýd Gentlemen o ilte House of Assemble - M-anîre kà b, ;à;ýittd ta you he imprýpveràeilt -of the-law riegW&t. he conil#cting of èlections Il and for Of contrývertecI eIectionsý baud on - ) important change'à which haye 2 place in refèrence ta tUé» sub- bdt-h*^iü the parent coùn4- and ighout the greatei part of the Col-. L. mpire-, to w1flim I 'm"Vite your, tièn. A m8aswe will algo bî sub. ýd to yon'fôr the fürther iMproye. of the law on the subjeif ofvotiàg 1104 whîch-it is hopecl.,Wiu.ý render ýt,,râti0n of that été conférence the bi su ject of matioý I-h-4vmg n -re eted by Mini G6v«= twe ,0 * LW.ýI ý 1 en with. 12me .01 Ve Provinces. - "d. a r 3UILL liaVe au equal- 6 vmivie. 9DI2 thoucen- ci-Me nt of thel Unitied had a youne of de shop. It appears thât a NOTIO 0quay catusebaurpe 1 glit fmoreMotr. Klug gave noitie .»ýJULI vy j-aril Dy Bufttng that if the crawii llullls 1 iýýsôiWïîii;Ué '-g" 1 ýooàà-w70iýï;1B-î -rool rret, (net ppropriatiol on an mpLàlis intend lioldjug thnco asl beau solation 1 Othe J.,11aýngot.gD eu 'cieonft lisotapreer whoelst- &o., - itnligehse -would 'ni Kingaum encre hi Taz 060D Tr nothing aise to brini; berore cul lie sud said, that. ifJoitlinwiul -hig siBter, lie grueful and. well 1 'Oeil relavo tllem £rom attends ty, whoso luxurions l'air hung in Il' feraale of exquisite Umberaced in the gan below regerved to au sa hkol rzewhip defééndant. Wituces natural ringlets c'ver "The -a literary sud musical antertâtuluelli amn-Afft]'OYhad mado theirprosput- au, %o should tak Il 1867," would be an, lùfr&otiou of thil 'in thoe moins of the Y. M. 0. A. on ment. ' - TI, and tho weiglit of whioh provea mor'é from the municipal f wou d in back home moulded 81joulders. Hér forni, 0 'Monday avenfila nest, The grand jury thon rotired. as ho bail brought him. toowas Provincial constitutions, tna that it 22na - inst. à ere wan B Ouch as a litatua7, Aniglit have chosen than the roof could hold p ci in roads, bridges, &a. The casesoi Crocker va. Cockburn whiP in the bug wtne 8 was twirl- for a model. i çonsequence the accide *u ' an would lià lneyP@d'@nt-aud frAuglit yvith gooditimé may bc expectea. 1 land, a a or hand was a wand ut. Several Mr. Blow gave noi danger te the altItonomy 01 @a ý1 and Crocker va. MoLea ing the whip in with and a Young man mamod Gao a Kin law for the Appointmor eh 01-the Il wore unde. which aile beckoned me; I hàd mon wOre wOrking b61300411 at the timèg, 118e me0tiug.hO WOUld Provinces for à man wants fetidoil and judginent ýws BeUjamin ilartrick an was se severly dut 'and a bruise by the ers. go Rousc te nVite suit A BOttIO of Whiokey, pidiutifl'. 6 given for the the ;1plaintiff, ficarcoelliyInasavanced alfew stops when sworn. Ilecollect the Sanday seized me, and by the livid falling whoels, thât-he insensible REMOYAL OF Leelation. That on the 20th day of lot y it t*kO it home like a man, Hàteh va. MaLean.-Actioý on note of WB dau h'tor.,,ï coiifiliement. She effulgence of the torch I beheld skalls for.h -ur.. %doptied the toUcoing %solution - #Bjttqrsý, or .ýà0.df with a bottle of And gufirantes. The plaintifrs clainied had been a of the oth May, 1812, the, Itouse of Co'muïono and. net eïk fiome ýwlîh-him.' She lait , scattered over the floor, au' heads, wore Noved by Mr. Phu '0' man ed net e nro &rv home of lier wu accord thÀt m Hghtly but none serious1y injured. Mr. Fairbanks, that thi 'Bitters,, 4 AV and 01040.57, onfirat count; and $299.25 on 1 eréd from thoir bodies, laugbing» Woeitvh. aises strects and improvemez "'Tt'U IlOuse regrets "t the Schoéi that it pretend the second. she lied beau away &bout thre ornln ELDON. te have the elush and i bat it 0 1 a WOOL grim insOnsibility. Claps of distant that it Medicine. 1f fie The couit held that, inas. during lier conùiametit. Hé haël a. thunder ndw shook. the buildi but "Actrocently asiéù In New Brunswick enic t ti wautO a' znnch au, thora was no cousidsratioii for ý 129, the aide-walks on the 01 -9 botter thau a the guaribntee, it did not. coine under Weed te SiVe hià daugliter #2,000;'-*as my own. beating, hosâ acon o ý. rpower The Eldon Agricultuml Society bas lis , unsatisfUlory tg »&' rti of the tonic t t la oomélin ye - 'hihibbitants of that'rrèvi,ûlcoi and, tomfo a otimurant )ÏO eholfla get à ound. A thrili of hor. a the statute Of frkas, and gave judg. net willing te do o ôw. ad every other a pnroha»d twoýacre@ of land ough4m, viz Broc] ey bo se modifind dur. TQn1Qý) thât WU VI -SYrup, (au iron Mont f0rý tiffe on second count and on cross-elâmination ty Mr. Camer-, rer seiz aýibining $in re ad me, all the frightfur reooUeo. the Town Hall, W otreetîî on thésuggesti g the noit sesé on of the Lègi*tu talize the blood and allowed intiffs te move in terni te Quo wituesa - stited that ho hâdý an ob- tiens of iny Youth flialied, 00dville, for the use t was added that the gLa of New Brunswick, asto remové Any give durable 81trength. te 0 VCrosq,ýM of the sociely for bolain& . thoir, annuat i eystom. encrasse ,verdict to full amount. jection te tlà Richards$ boys hin te - -the a propriations 'Just ground of discontent that now vin: g ait brain, and I ffl oenielosa te the grenu Taiz laux« i 1 * . * , s". ý vm 'UAra _TO hi$ lionse ; theywere back and forward 1 OBILLIA warch ÀuDiTous existe.' Thât thij ilouge ré 'tu thit - give It my senses returned the morn had burét The 1àppointment of ha hope expromma la tho, zU o1oIuý etrengtu and lustre, to iniprove its tex. bri»ng Young mon thora te get seule. forth with- the and Gao. H. Ham, 80 . W'UOB(lay, march, irstit. to the bouse. -Sani Richards ûMed te ; -in au fils splendéur of fuluess, and The Catholies of this town, Court-Opened aï bgjf.past 9 O'clock. thing te est, bectium, ho obia, bis inoth. 'the choquera& réys of the s'm ëenetrat- au [On IlAS tot beau realized. T4t tùr», te prevent lits falling, out $tua Port Port tees ad through a Oman aperture! mto, th,& va. Father Campbell at thoir bond, firmed by a by.law, lo#t blimblý pray thst your Ma y Board of School, Tru or was jawing se elle would giva them taking stops for the establishment Blow.- quicken 'ta growth-in shoruc, make lit Va. Deverill.-The action in this case 'nothing. Remembered coming home dimal a yss. dil WgMo naly plémil to use the lu intendoi, the -crowninu The ý s4me loàtheoome - . a Te£pèilince' Society and publie Lauonte ut your JW68ty with the rmoula wasprought by the plaintif& for dam. one time early in the Mer ith Oýjects worearound me, lookmlginore : M . 1 ,,ogàlature ci Now Branowiù to 0118rul Of bôth sèXèsm-thIs is tlw &go$ Abd dOlàY'iu Comploting building Mathews, -Ch -Nëw'Ypârls OV4 - hidaous than b fo 1 ' 0 -_ ry. a re;;nthepweofth The Ex - that ,the whig- ire occire modification of thff Add Act Bumeýit'.0 c00ýain*ýwfl1 work fàr négligence in the of thows was in' a bad way .1lador, lovely -and beauteopsý «eature,, sa au qlëblënt à just U lively as need' poaitor says pisAsTzRa Duuma Di amluphh, if thé Wàk, "a for the cQzýer#Ion of 00 iluence of Uquor.' Saii Bjchýrâs,ýgI. Cid Iio1ýk 60IL9 Coatùttee of Minageme i out rémoye luoh votindu -01 dis.' faithfully usel Thore la à stimula 0 cordi6twood. 'lowedthomto the hoüse-aftêiwaidg. and blooduhot ayes1pre.0entea awappear- réau Veritas bas publisli, Properéý,_in this-proparation, w1t, A. soif of Mr. W. Lloyd b,12 oeveral iteilis of 'oefloiT and extra work; they wero'both gone uw4y in the Morc: Suce tmIy horrible. She bal" diager Wu cauqbt assiots the growth et the fibres# The eau was yéferred te the Counby ing before witueÀs Éas, up letter whieh she il the machinery of janéfi, grist null, maritime; dissoter, report mont thrj1lfuý And a the 8aMoý time rendoilng thern Judge by consent. O>playlng' round the promises; bis flage exciting gert'y brandishod, *ÃŽth - a - ÃœY montb of decomber; 1874 ea wu brought Wfore no a 1W as imooth say And elantie. came froml)r. Carson as 1 te the oeil. eniffé. Uer black brows werï tèd yà . 0 ëollair-bone, was diolocited, bis arm This , liait dition of hié 4au liter. ilie doughter together, and angor d" d lier broken in tbroopiagésandhoad bruiséa saffing V88889L '*Idoh will, be foÙn-d publidhoil in le was in the Mm4y a 158 znàusb "e birn et 4 Wiltf in râ dénied, that the ter lié vi, -- tifiée column. The parties coïieetü- Ur hair #artriel. ve. Rýichards.-.9,-Tlie action, way, elle ivent with -lier ais te the iùg -of't from instan Itausu, 21 Norween"ïî looks dry 4nd desd, it briýtka off, ana tg la thia case wai brought. by- Ben« la awrong. &ùýgù&ffWway of Alierienn, 11 Russian, 9 G &ré no ocly living and breathing Ji .1 ý jamin doctôr'îto'ooo wl t wa qr1barii r dày$ Irmt thoy'are r1ght 'in Our cWId 0ouain to the swo bear b- Augh. e er-weaýi,ý 7 Swedisb, 5, Austrian, Mlling out, 'l'on eroo ît witil -an oào. t ioduction of bis d Wa wateleg, clôcksf 6WÉ rys Oilver Wars, ""Per, James Moqua km gou pkàge - anish, 2 Portuggese, 1 on miltu» or Ume W411 àd;er» mi hat their in Orboi T; 'ývas )rasant. z7 wu bpr4 on 15th of ÀP - JIU "UÙO 1874- ýD8m- -the interview Pilna'ntthÙ et? ey a oella tioed nift BOSWOI, Tho hab fi Pois. ageswore laid ab $gioa5., thora at the instance of theýgirl"13 moth- _(Advt.) hala e ire t o buhli ; ad 9 lie nationiguy, is puk'w Bomm à)(P-880110 ÂT 811TY OICIITO.- Ã"W, ft 10 klUéd- __ If Y011 WÃ"uld »Otore , Rebecoa Aùue Hartrick,'& g004 look. or to take lier, soniethiu to, est. na ff U " ýgîf thé of chéap. it, caet Awàý thora' thingot '40 pqv a 1141Z. Win dràa»ii Eagt -Whitby COUZCIL columbus, Marqh 4, 1875. Met- Mombers ail. present. mmittee appointed to eunhue Yptéedar timbèr for the town- ) d thât thv had let a cou. oKenziet-for the tiMber vr- reportea having-r,, M'as reut of the l&nd for the wëigh scalez. 3f. Uk kt he had 'a th, Treasurer ioh le U=ived rent Of rOad allowance be 14 sud 15 in north ï of th Sion. & IF wa8 introdu;eed ana pamea, Overseeril of highwa Wros and Viewers Tur, t year, ' 1eýz ý, ebhora'H, seconded by Mr. ýa that the foliowmg acSunts itëa to the counil be, RUO'W. ana ÏM the reeve grant ri. the treamrer fr« th, "v- lito - -Elart & Rawanson, for f5m; Thom" #80. jq' et expengeo arrangmg 'POI1. Bione, jW's 480 dipù der Dale, #8. wil ýajOuzmea- t'O 1pril nazt, et ton o'clock -The fonowing is théýrDt0,w-1 Pùli&=Utary ek*tkýI lu

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