Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1875, p. 3

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8ÂI~i r-m--u wamb Il ý% il i now Bell onttheýb % o NKuJýW ?À0t$00bidcYlY mer sathecol ai ârr &ongtheftaaiil"f Soert4ce a.-Eiglish Goods ata' -,y Tuiau b. ood afl riew. r aq1. asidr W or .$ 44p$bj, mUÏ the Bm z to nr -JqEuÈuy Y R OP.W e send fbe, a DI S O U N T ned>'T NiI.W k51Y ' 8OW N, t@*ck'ýPpý q 4 $b thebvi& Il t& "simle'ndt Bflnts m ai aeof.crfrOt eUnr v uN FT~"E- ~ T. Tf frmam .pu là,hý , -* stand- .80rni,~. - Ii Tbrout;41 orllth halaà.U - W. es and (Jlock , ir L ow . âbIUgi hOU Pu < i d lf~Jltu and t*h Trotcagent@ ardesor Id movew.mnh~~ UTEI~0IIa1 x i~. ~ 111R1IiI 9LU à ÂI'rB N 7IoN awho 9 ap. a m y b H akw up n- W G reat In du cem en ts to C ash ,C ust'om ere 1 dawnhie, i tii hcb ore lt i a'ibncî'havai eLNg OF JaffUre froti NN$N .1MYOLDSP JAMES' JOHNSTON, ao n W e I R t h éc i l . fce o f a b i s. h o a Ooà I a u . t o b eri lt d a l d i . ~~b.f.k !~~~~~~~~me~iapdagreatmeùtLd a oaled ta Dr. - Ieunn.fie.PatclW thm ie biana eiiion. cori -t'a od on.T ora 7R' "Z à eth 9 dp"ration, . Goldsrniuhe * 80a s ck f ag ny, and - e- l îd cl Wh r0rmailE rk8of Phosphateil- b t y F l. 10 6 0 Upolu the popi wretch'a 0lbcûlder.. Plotodigestion an4 SEEDS 1 SEEDS il. "'ý0nef" oed'the « arder. hd'gagain bloot sore i"'%i " "uHop GoanSedsI R E M o .A L, , t h : O t o - i q b g p m t h e . ïp î ts c e ape iflofor e a t e o r g s a o f a t re , o e . i g o deb d a -second Mie. lie ir u#1 terare l for o U i 1or Ilisfo mouiuwljcfo illawed tii.firet blaw larerof-the ldilneys; Dron'aCftaoel 0cfBateasent frees al I'IP 611he * ilcefoanîhr hrek iIoi la ellyddat ia i ae flint apply. ' My seed.a are fresh, pur-, and NW EWVLLË,RT 81TOhPE oe a soo spou . i.4~ ela îlnd. el mtIyna th e drt ay truià tna"ne. They are gravu. ma "0 are 'lon. Te def.blu lies urnd -"gq. ing ainicalfood ilspr. for sale on LoNo.8lzut cmo f Plckerl i.edf hlbIond cogel rougl. i6dzen pertIes are nutritive; aud 0 otin tire 0 Ild tringsweloi*ity 'b ga eén d r en on it o01 . y m oAmeË Ola e d f . y m a tt f p r s T h e s uib s rib e r h a v in g r cm o v c d to , a n d fitte d U p th e p re - afèý ldRa- "0.eterrible InsýnmencameO&PIL@ ANTED-Â Gardiner, sinelaor au. MiesfOerilY Oel by MIL J. WuLKN5N, a au !0 and Jewel4ey icreo, don, lk after abriPIE A»i]ZUMairCURE WLWs la prepired tefurnis goo<ls i isi lin., including u Th iz - ý aknng.+.4rribîè. As l' vmà& 4ili J5zvi, S0.C0.BROWN ýtdetin a t he or f les L1 87.whibyà t.i ____________FAIRT pl CSAË» ON EABY TEBMS 0FPÂYMENT. waflngedtak, eoaly im btreooui-abe 0 Bllgwarntd acue icse f EAIINO ini aU its bran chalonc with nestncs and dcspatch, and and wa wak-mcel rke in4 Ple s; .fri ar nt eto ncsa RN'Cayil e atisfaction gtaranto.d, ad ai prisces toisuit lhe Urne,. IU yen wish'for au.Or. ilos0 AIAL a Cek aao nîigi yln, c'fre bpc.-nj7 as -This Saadd bu-abeau laiianynyf eem rpared, a sureo and' eU, (àd if ve-cnnc st yen v i l AU ÜbLDIomr»za. 1 adfoand tfansuam1t nfallbl cue or Stearn Planing Miii ntiehargeyen aybn. mea pl&oe. va seSn recl 4 b heati5 nainedUsomo* Il tcs i a. arer roduce laken ini zohange fer good. 'Barmember tlielc.w . otheir, wboe a elcg te Il0 ÜTeà-m tePoMo u n rMWilklnson's Blok, Break Street, Whufby. tldeur ytac p ianly Wahaauto"nfie0d. Ou, toi th @ e o Winfetr. n uisai!b.VLA euou M ieaso4lreiip n r n Cw ieof alur tOPd=. OLAPff :7 U0 MONT Whilby, Februar iothi 1 W. H . NOBVILE; ulse.,-Ho. bd beanu tbr. beiferp-, ktew bhabas TeolMn -' wa,l it, was, anI veuld havre giron 111e -màuals, roving If a ' fcuasdfor teefin T almest ho bh. reprle#ed. Str pd-d t he iwfùnidlaequ lo'ricyùme for . c i T- etrapp.d. -te the 't riiglu, unliko te' he ilba n sd iRunrer i e-rge. U T -OF ON A RO.iI&II u-ja- -'l 1 Oc tale lufte omm- uret-Ccaine FANCY GOODSI baerbl sioidrsu- aîlid o r lngr f . a slýees.1'here 'à no Purnutt o a decreo cf lhe Court cf ovrbsaole n a4e h ï no fsfer lu ai o'linoino l itîC..cryLtim it of Jackson va. Powell, rt FIli oeuoniti>a'. Vte ewero theioai nirkm cures on lt.esurace, and fie patientsa bodi. vIJIishe old <jPublie Auction wlt thile ap. P.oU <ess f calty lr él hi: bac-biack roafinet. wiul nuderof fiaesaiS Court si Wbby, y the. saiud,~B r et' oc a befor. Re tried Ïlebu . Prles $1 pr oule. sol. by -al DmUMter, i Cers.notl ithfivillage of' iî , ~s:0- il ONITG0 Octaed ua.mer, fa r fo e a iter o f cf - ft broç ut l o ugaon -thlned mhrika1 lu~ i O t y e -Otiz 2I ario , 187o,*P->bJîseri ON81STINGIl'OF f01 SAEcOoTOdaN f arc!,b-, ontai nS onterul h is rn Cit'; Cocoalne O ea . I i i i W e l yw . f d rw l l i ra ml d~R ay i t e I .2 h n f i 1 8 7 5Eu n part cf eit- Inc cal.! Village W t A I )an u N O . u rn e tt's o ôc o a ln e T nie lried lalI's ytl ssufor aàminute SuiEe Pre f 8 L i fare inll andMoigMAprtcfSoInu-.THE W 1. rataod ca6VBks moitent cf perclaL.t u No. 8, iastheoua;Cuimon PMdfbie rof lotîuDuni.,cf urnetts uCôocalne tiiepibIfo r lii esene. ihi e fo îlîp.. eâhmt,. u.!bçndsInamor e ForSo mbPedasfa w4' A5rdsbeEIasesIbara moen twaof e, . uvtetaAr m to- htel in heiar, linli Lo duce d aio t. Co andIrlatd"Ifl 71 aîerird 1as ocu, Ve-PILS.LfiRsa le idP ?~ LeotnshipUof01111 as pià uimpleat lanetan ialsolaBasY , aviii s sn-1Bod aet l. oa er.Xkoc them mtl,<s Sh alà 28a Airhsoru P. 0 n tue arna cted ccc. 1 EnrOaes L"Zc o 'flrtt's Coco aine te lie cla alec file OATS sd lui orled.p mslugc inn W ure'. -om ined all a GIAaN-t ro t EL. BnLnfa mort c"esBuru- u v a s t e - l a siWo uiroihM A M O T E O C R E ils ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ' sae elaj c'or icssi eute lth iisica Res"stiusujuls"Lurneftt' C ocoa n ,vi otimi PoCHagESTE WHITE £2 to#%the saiS MasLý&« sipli, *~~BL N.,DYE i bi slt eli l ON. - ln. Ade.sa,--- -k /'- oue l fai s tut rt f r cOuirtry, sudfit tem, en- OiV. llol eflsf, la, lzeè yarafag. hd sad - c.0a.aufieneaîebcne en e~~a~rikc uel 1 l lo l.Burflett'S Cocoalne -T ,i.r as aou$ im re i ti à m ore il-2m iarea'rg (d usines$ l o l y v mu At a e » . T e n BholatiBi rty ee v1n.feecat Lpfs icig d<rn<ies<IC aSl i F sud mayas faa.ýjba!bar hnfacturin of mner, »- meates -evenjrt92 cf flic li i e 21&Uillg sud maihy partbofoMe-Co mo c fon et il h -aau bl in a co urt o v T ALG E B E T W E E N f u u y y l W O f:s "ýa p onti. r p<tic i - Ds tn va k l iiottl for an ffence o, col d, oelyknt p l li fiiw ilialarsk a.!lagn dl.Jesly aSosblï te ail - seere- Hurchair viiiha ro ire.! heiions, and eoc-p<m. tingfor 30ZOtnd 75 cosafspet 8SolliT letel* itcli i adbigt H1TBy OSHAWA. country byg.Irod ss.in. n b bine Y es« IdakeS upeji Il *11 a * TWICE A DAY i1 Un i ml oa cnt u edro c', Uea fttsrie < Z'lat lgl m faa egylietac eeret cf t tvwon. PRY DAVIS &TO *~~~~~~~~ 2 p m b~ ei e , lk d f r v r ~ a , ~ a n ! I~i s s o i i fo r a - ep at f n p ar aerfcn , c l u i u cI > y , p o f i c < w s i N o P Q a nd slripped fOeavVÇu . d topiuàtge eavmatWiait _%, m. u .m psrchaie money, aua s muai morseof bis c': *~.IMhNA sgan~ <Tvuy4i," Ol lal. onat. utain Oni nt - Ofiisnr. Ciis n « - Fes,. XL umè r Ci.ofl etcoll s I b Wer R usg e! bléro arort2.5 d0 titj'â. jPueste onya aIu l tdpar s it pr laina o C ,Chaift on<î e ar, W t h ek p -sr iv r m, v e â p e i th in r W i lvl a il e o . su vLi u asaiand mD ise uses ertctne.IwId n ey0s - a n d mlM an t intheeexilîn cf i bo v a bibyacho lit, 187 Hrs oral e . cvn elue fr thfo i. e lnffe lde, I'aoo C m llt, XiAKR H UE bad aaaj *~~~~f t~d ? i i - s a d - ~ ~ o e l i l . m l e f J m a M c l , o . c p e e cu i ent e io-i thc m4Intera __ __ __n a__ __p u__ VandaPortiPe ai.am thBlacksrnlîî, 'sPldsubj thf il ng e t. Alib l bc ' b. ont np auf bf-r. Ilceevlvont. Tg- mipem cer Ondtofcsl r e )l in-BArndgehvioran n ing burat l ii d f i a ea 0î sOre . da aintW jor, cf i e ilge csleatndn o d -ios c sae ecofie asai e s ofai t hrt c l ac svatcmof fi o moet iî7earewndna Codtr aerquse f i priulr nScainludc fmi n tihy vs :,rht Oi T Rapeuh. AilippeLu iîsCourm e utk 1 l frth. n i r èlin, ep ncm i C P R E S N 8 boy,, &BW tY & Oh,othoemir, ae -LW invalida vcastes na orSon, 0leandaenindsideve licb»ckangeo tahudo lekoftcloia u po ntfiSfa15sai .H. Kit0 . enn ol dr, oiaidfr- aS q iate cc U e el, r 'resbiocir- eo Te s a nr . oORclockLY o' d qulkclekng ~s~na en i. lm Ti Isoîren ClTie O I M9 1itae. graliy. GE and. DrTmies, ad<taste o i ec s t"kj -itraîl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 la akan ivs uncaeqa meig otfa!teatn àKIHGOIO, -Mra str. BefCOMp aedo e. is PjeoIL. B .KR RPIT Ticy~~~~o ap.a -'i hrpusd e <rom -lie ad qrui y s an oicuselea in.. e mtte-otlaes- Dampbnogi inq . ae- fl Go.plse dvass or .,-t"Se toE Oo. in bis pot. Îerominalit. À secoda, NlowL andSETHllW, FOWLE -& SONS, Proprletca1ft Tic Telremisesablel iftbla subauct tetahid s e s s i o n . I e df orrr e s iC A SHea , n cy.îeywu" âm ea w Gd S To ol OTION y he-Mu... tin rae ~ple.nni, Babea « ie4si.At tl ic l ach puqPsfe.FRMSK&. The --ïgA otUh dtAIo o uie-nte en-air ilio wIsfan eùP ENT 1 - Tii. lustaïeaftors- afehx. Prince tehifilelaag 1rRom.! cf Duri RndLcoTditionsof? UyloTI. Wals am. Once Mcrac tl -f 3li ed fie lda tValTain Caflla iii -ilas.,o he110 al,~~o o i"« tee- 'ah cf DAb, Maci i and Il tAe-A B LE GIfTt'irnsot, ou WED iboaWy C itis ons,11fak LoteIlhi."Ala n1tio f insl. e andM eiq., W. Dtite1t Lyo eM 8-. hapyTHE ICRdIPTURES an*'A ofwhi the imlell a hal u ij'Cokdat, on Weu 412i ATaluesdy, Pit foinerobConslatln atedG EO X .bceks tNEÏL,'&-tatv, fa ho Sifriattrial lind h ak anfl ,s 1878àe ucmetn. - J.vi: leloIT E ORDON., M.aîir, 60 M.YRàchbotL e L. S ~ oeci a ar font a h .or rie a g in the - - at-as BChriahisi P in, asChrist t SIp os ibli.es ec lo e lo l , on -s Eu blsi gS ave gesi né,net y IA Y U P 1lew ni ma.! sas remîthe slter ip u ,l ad. excie B J hn . arbr nS 16r75,ei gbgEn ualltLec cf fiea#Mur1180 Reart. fro te yrd qeradii cnnoon.r Eralîls f i urn Lau hactrn E IN 1127 i7 ieRRio:inth fo Iiie Nov Nam iino hePie lic E i: - d E»- T W E f ur- N tl w t e Ldin ANg. - U OFNLEST 1DANMNAY AC 9H 80 w aes es l a d M b>' f e at sîc od M Se RV&t in ICn v le Pisparia s d .4Owaaldi ST e D Y G 4 QD 7 PzAz P ZZ publicanea lAtEue ,Cau, - - - Lon on on W otlnV CTO IAeB&T BH OL UM,--à Co fsiA gent d tib mdi fooiervu h T o,8î V Rî - 28 h t's m ec id th t - - A N CIadi u 0.aT e18ab cl si bor k s inh o nbaS vf lum ei tout Lat ecrc, on . L i r ro i a r . B K n A RAg n n u l TU ClUI EO g<~ FV TE D Radrao h i eaiiae as-&eci-. * Ai the ITAXtio'f excite- nietins Yostèred, v hi BL. W 4eeao Maaa vn eevda S asi P . >i o. TE ENKT E RZS 1O a h $2OOO(~H WBARHPMER'THAN ZVP-R, -SAT THEM 0D STAND>, BRC-8 O D ~ Wiiiby, 8o TJBmONT- . REFADY--MAJ3.E * LOTIIING, V1'ADTRN. LEATHEII VALISES - Jots-and, Shoes,'and'-,Cirocerks I I1 To beB cleaired'ont at prices thiatwil satisfy our, cust ûers AÂTG that the Présent ii-heAot e>uie arfic T- - - .,N. sale that has beon offeredrto the- - public for some -timie. --- -- WILLIAM THO(mps ON.5;* The greater part-of the istock' musit be disposed o'iOrd r SaUraaIuu ar -,obb make- roomfor. a large - stoéc of direct imnporta- - -BeK,.WTY tiens whiôh--Iexpeot,-t6 arrive éîb - 1W4 - TO 0L PER DAY.- genfavant- Xw Borne.goods -at reduced prices,, some at coit,'and - dli clamses of verklng papla godýxn.u.nder;-oost 1, -- -- Ilt is botter-to seil some gooid a shade under cost, thlan lauuafle* ~ g t'a émal a vmn e. - butOet,ceut. addregs, ---Note .c * uidddge y'r Vourselves 1- - Âv rWincev et sa y Printa for 100 a ardX, worfi 1 Olt 1SALE'OR TO RU NT 1 Auetra caylay At hl&me il s e A-splendid .ici ci sheol-rihidAI -uma. - - oïnc '8e, - brellas for 9Mo, CgepSvainc foir .5. - A splenSLS Aberduùen Wineey ai 22e Worthi Mon aall-wool héavy zibed UT3derirtsiox --My'- Tavern'Sad ÀBlack Lustree t 150 A yard, aii ta WaA splendId Ici cf Chaaled Winey SirIng Situai..! l6altceIra, COýNl« Or EACH, vorth 20c. - li ut 8, sai!te be geod-vaIua for 1 o. w flci-r an MofaiLaud!. Tic Garden in Avrery flue LéUa aiet25o malS ro le «ced COU! early anS soeurs nmo < fe boit vaile o.a islean.! fhaeGi-charS yUl pay vine fer 85e. i As ti*ta, t l iang sale cf *le-soton ofwtirm'o f ment. 'An dxfra«00 s lufi W85 s Ains, told[ -a!ve May. net have a chance eie - forl 11e -e cuafarneri suai aatruat for tene - £OmoPA ER &splendlid assortnient ai Faney Droe tiaaan IM, ý7~- - Gooda on handvwiaiwlllbuoiefered af scarlet Plial t 2 0e a yard, issu -wNol inch erLecs as te aisty fhe mccl doliii-. for 80t, agi-caf îrg=. -s c. fnl fiat Sis a a àgenuina aieap sale, - Faclcry (loi ou b busoidsa than rau'u. -1 iEUo~ ITC T 1E Beauwiul FigureSd rosi UocSa fer l20o a fm' aTR - e ard nïcona mdredarraioo.ven fr 25o.' sfoaml 40muluoes ide, brillUa. -XEotice bszi, in p u1 rance of EX&ra sasr erges et Y70 am, as: mol.! Whi sudColored 13.5 lpreaduataia «rc:eîeti 28i. a,- Sec, 27, tfiicredi. for, 87Pa, - redulinon tformer prices. forsa t orsi Lng di msaEhnt fi vu-7 ulce aasorfmont 0of nom. apuW ]hankefsiii lb. sold lesth" hi. fie p eesastai X'uyconunm laIe otr.eCityai asregntce 80ea yard.' fia Eau' Wcol cfeuw ;âoh. Torento -a - thefi.village cf Sunderlian., zpose ilks ah I8evorti5i. ?Men's Drlring (flovire. lg iotit feCoun cf O)Ïul, geueaml =ner tn, EX4alino 70,elà 1- abundlancei at romarkably low prcîe.: deaSeci ed el4 o sailutheir Almre-repwdcff nllvited te examine tic Men's MnMerg fi-oui25, ep- laima nlyTerg t t h, .&undrgign.dor, tstoand su! hosfisfied fiat tfiabmcoeMoe Cstlgad l meb , 2,61.75,82. euter of dthe luta'Iilandtstfamenst of the staiemaufs are'correct. Cleth Au.! Pur Caps les. f hAn cost. si ery niadilrssed ta box 5M, à smaIl lcotcf69iildrn'o Fanoy HuIandor e -ry nico sortuieuf of Mon'» 711 ana Toieta sOce, on or befer. fie tint ciofs-ât 2e. F ur Rats doorned folihe aniejate. day cf.Maynerft, ind, fiat imrnelaàtly Wite Lavu Haudkercieî.f et Do sci. Tiaure aa ofler linos tac numon te meu- afer lui I SaleZ1viipreceâdâ isrbufe suitcy Wcol Ciotida ai 111Oeucl, l ion, eqnelly As lev au fie aboee viai -le assole cf i e calStafomlr amongoi the HiwUnnàTvee. i B0&tyM& - v v e rmrked dcvii dnrng tfil sme, prtes entldt!hreto, havn rg&dol atýubnle ol! Blak Whi at 4k a yard.'An extra heary flever Orerc« eat i04.95 -0fi te clalmi cf viici I bava tie ntia, fie Lin 4tus,50&epmca DreSuac82% Uygovrfi.4. -'Urie m i m a i S a e a o i. ~ ~ P ea J a" e ts i t o s t. - D a e h le i - u j e b ar , 8 . L qrTwinontaB vorfih 1i. 1Under Coait vicle"dod 4alarG.CNL rnvaKd1ltb frein 100 pcad. Pattand Vest. u a fWin - a Ereanta ois t rfc'8 e-&Yard, * v o i.' -e 1clt. a BOOTS, ,AN]) SH]OES-Th6 stock is largeî aÈand 4»sea, su av li3àieamed oui-et.1 rc'as sufflciezuiiy îew -1o Uâesâ. the c EETIY<- th ! am'n - --tob U1arîýâ LIE - ÂSSOCIATION ' QaROOERIE 81 GRO0CERIES;aRle just beiow par. The ick s cmplais in Grery lite generaly-kept in a groeary store.- Giedg Hea 01 -.-T-=upia Chambara 8FarnXor*t pwretfaken in oxchauge GocS,. Ail Gooda ihia in ais ORO P . - PrOI4 jS PreaidauOef-flot fW. P. Hoviand, C. B. JA M E SS, HEA, VcaPeséi--an . MoMasr, Pr.- SI a.O combine$ Stock'ai Plans of Insura A SPLENiDID S1TOýCK0OF erau«ieInrn - - NotLousthan 90par Cen Aang fiaor orb khé t., gr Au1%udoo0U-Ooii" arriage Fac'T B cm.p;s WHIT V ~~3YO. OHA. ALt UE HM I OY THS 1 New

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