Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1875, p. 4

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place of inpýcas cand were n appoiol tetfina .Scing Our.Pr, A. fOw titys cgooui, door: new unortn» ouplailued lie mil ,epulti net êleop,ý but tisat Lad îlopt miore thon a fow r a thue siseo làs errhaI, acutI elstcutly with hie lnty, ha uno lAsop tilt Vic efreat was destro) ctidod, that leha cerne u oe] Jute thl uppe gaflety ectiu oleein romaandthora làie iguf aemntoewalkil aud runad'thêe llery; sud ew 'lu aurions rcquesit thabet h rutted. te iràc aI ihe phanu nu« t ldevils havaelweys t ed by the dWsharge effi: fila raqIuait Wuas cilld.Wit 4that poither bail nue ial sox. Two days antý i ulgîs and on the, thfia we .feundt ioor.kaeper wa w Ai-ta ae whJether lthespeotre"W"a m a levil, audtIl' o terôo»era ce ueilloù,1lulîOt l.e sul n a a l i f o r ,O ,p l 1g 4- c ou Id ate4 241h ýZ .r.......d llen......ei ntwhes, yexendednhaons u. "bo av4 ae&o b Ietfn AteWhlng Ass0ises oir sson, ~ ~, eci tareof I hm o imedha frhes........... ce5 alunIes et luo.10..............o c yond. Ho wara.................01( )ryë& ut 17. t d uervicgL~warnend reg- ig R 1W tnrn same.... ....i..2300 Ibunci îe44 . 'erisngner . dtos wen- ng oun ieut.................... 1 0 hod n l 18. TrVeing te meke dor trese, or te mlgte wheN.ne0)«.od....are.....un ..t)01 oa , souay . 20. Aesenens w ..e....r.b.e 01 bsu'ev oe , 2 cents5 lu thé d ofr, ou wrerrrnt.......h..value..f.t.e.goc200 ie. Hoev e. Ctaloue sae e..d..commi..e.lon, eryn and 7. olivey i ooa 5tt,. ién heotwai d thes une rocafots in proued2. mat ............r...wa...ant. 1 50 thàtl wth 10. Srvileng ntes on cnstels,t asearaja hnfrgdsenl]Yeervd.050 o)yeadme te vlu o he MODONEL logt La. Clark uf tha ene , C. C).. LlUit nig)hi came, ant Cio ofoun. Wn"YttUJ Nov. 1718Ln-47 mal darkasme,,u a d,-rdailZéoy for. taor pur nanîintaiston. atheuh rTIlE 1wMr t&lldng avar'thé. sujee e!ofhthe turbauce i1pegpiy mduli, andi x~~ Ore mY ehiltrea -wera baffpo4y ,Oee- Whou WCe wera strtieiL, air- adoug,4oelaerge eta gunwhlh-was PATENT SEWING' MACHIINE '01)ad4 LtlhearsQe deep volce.of ý derkeaper erclalmlng 'Thar e h ,ithe Smaeers ' fenreasonna iasoetà Io posltivoly îLe noercai perfection yet atIre siragglig aud gaspiug for etteinati by auy machine lu the çworia. 4th. Inuté Leif n oment-îLe Me- It is an nt the man loudly onloti bis feileW. unt, ryn,'cerne ap ; thieurcas- s s"trukown Lofera ý me l"-.and NTIILELY NEW. iNVENTI0.N, 1wau felwed bLy mch 'm ysterious îdu-"ht we Lellaveti sither ama Hvlg.watwyetocegei beau iBet andi wa luin helst ieswp wy t ne ra ale@, erthai 0ctr imanbati accident. mauiy o! the dmlfuties aad annoyances shôthibùeltattendaent on the use o! alLer machines. y brother *bul round Is «alo-y le l aud tnpsaari-ew tooti 1. lrtrébui:bauhàd'lu hanti, anti T E E ST boys Meraluy_ slopt, as yquug teored ihat the min usadnoi only rtndga, Lui put tve ehargaset >r, wth two halls, la ie bspistol. tiesenibe lthi avent, hewever,. lu M Words. 'The cirait passei me gu0eZY, afn4 rapaqseti me, whanj 0haweàéd l"shalil paqui qu e-ll e o se" Ye Riin), wna ail il m's estrv lea nmai-val-eofaimliiy, haiug con- truetet i ithau*lthe; asee. ïisy canes, or cOga, andti rua selight, ûcutislaBd easy le andurelenci, tis ai edy boy- evep'veakor nerveus, or hevever un- mechines, eu feilto use it WITH BASE AND PLEASUIIE. T 0F' risnhCo. W.LAING,, Co. Trestn ERS FOR TUE C0. do. ....... i4ent......d ....t WAREROOM ARE f EA'14 FOR THE TRAD E Theyiare. seling goods at greatly RED UCED 75. 19 ik, PRICE, Millincry, .Dress.Making and Tailoir te order, on short notice. LOIW.ES,& POWELI OGIVEC YO1JR - SONS A CHANCE A P1IACTICAL EDUïCÂTION TUE »EMAND 0F TUE ÂGE 1 W. wlsh te plie. aa cpy of cer Iu the bauds OfOtvryMToung Mmiu nlClsasts.ltatse Two Valuable Leettes to'Young Mei ly ltobt. Wilkes, Esq, 1iLP,:cnd Geo. REsaue, Esq., Mmn. Toronto fala We, lte ullersiguct. efter haviug examlned the business tormàs'adôjeb-th rte Amaricen Commercial Colleaealbo a synopsis ef the course cf lusta-uePton, heBpiishr in stating that wa believa it edmirably adaptedtat meet the reqalrements cf those contant. plating businesers âulta d, ludgiIst trom what va know oethlie gentlemen conneeteti vih t he Institution eva av no hesitation in commenduung it te those aurions to e sc= ltae ueceosary bais Ïer lte highest ciasa ef commuercial attailumenta : Hou. Aiex.MNackenvie, Premier' of Canada -YHeu. Wm. MéMaster, PresitiSut Can,.dau Batik of Comeimrce; .Hon. roôhu Crawford, Lîeut-Govemnor et Outario ; W. H. Howlandi, président Dominion Boardi cf i-ada H o m ehnipn, Pi-esident0 n~u ~o Thes. N. Glibbs, Oshawa-; Wm. GoderhiZ, Eiq, Pi-esidant Bank a o ýut'A Easq., Preiîdap t oinion Ban.; -Bon. 3 HL ~RMÏQ <ameron, Prost éntî PràvIisa.lsur' ance Co,; Hou.. John MeMurricit, Pres. Doiinoa, Telagraph Co.; P. Haidane EBaq., Gen- eaa Manegar Weetern Inaureuce-Co.; John .aug han, Ssq., Manager Icolate<d Bis]. ancoe- HughScottEsq.,Gen. Manager ,xineCity yFie Insurance Cc.; Dun, ia & Co., h1Ïrcantile Ag;ecy; 1Jas. Young,M., GuI;dam OliverMPIgrol Ouiriaends asong the mercheutse a,ntivo1tenueros ï ietoadw a oui~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~iâ yui rtroiparntetéeangbsns iiathroughout svei-y lown and city lu Onlaio. l Fi- laims, Specimteus cf Peuxuhp, &o., atdres- 4 ODELLi & TxOb )Toene r. 40 s f 5 -People are always asking we get good TEA ? Have, they tried'Woodall's1 wherèe au ~vd44~sdgp1' -- Th ahitiee! Le Wasra lase rY u-rocerYbtore ? ->'If neôt, do 80 atone ni ts 001,1M.4tict thtnsineoftha un- -0 i~~~ire~~a eau L bngýain an instant Cutm raneltayqidy d vlhn uiired~gîL ~,<~il. price thçy, desire, from 2 cns o;-50prJb Drm il <maya gIn, 11E- ýfWBx8TI]W' lu îhe enly me- Te ' tS a0r aI, whlqh T made- ~ p inqmmc Caneda texcoadalinu as andue iuoL U uti haro re.Pümateiau as ig article.IWedsom théî1 mae OrWva ueti, cuticonstructionu éhive Witfitin exception Sm of the beet iofa Amanican manufacturo whilc Old Rye and pr at htcnb~ogt dsresmea 3Evs £1>eîor Wawl-ctd E DEF,"Y COMIPETTO bob tirotuî¶ai places* 8Ui erlycacn erOyars. EIIO, éracbl la a pp. ISMcIN T yRE e pay cash for aiFarfèsfMue fois tLerelise: iswhF"eIlFat u - Wj uum""c)J ;U, tUU ) ay an rudundor a -part of the Wall 0tîhe Lleishet idt. 0 nise - lwi4ehsucccc.4 Ihoe- and %éhwlcW"eo .wilh -Êàrrîk*, id over mi tramaiu a my.terye un L it t neniaidtit el is e 101t rýic-ht on thOnO sUi ôu. s ànatad IL. vil sp$t es ced, M at hat tLe darlenesdai iô 3 osapa, , - t iln ruly very nldical. poopl te biI.vebaîiq- os8 of a devil reuemble te sole Of 'a sha. Lt roeudi mc cOf tLe nàbictr iFràâl" te La etishnh...if &b aong4 rm msy AGENT, WHITBY, Whoe. fCchilupos CaliibLeexamineti. r~'Pwrchqs ro-ughly (ntruit- ei in thliseniof the Machine. 'Mgcîuinck3 deiivereti té cny cddre!ss, AND E ASY TE RUS GIVEN FOR PAYMICNT, ~515T lOtit, 1)374. 2--m 1 r,,IGLIS-i-IREMEDYI WILLIA I -RA White--Fish and-Trout, at Toronto Poultry of ail kinds;-Yal-so Ga 0.o the season. Give us a caUl. Janucry 183, 1875. J.~ WOA L L Crosby'aQla--Stsnd, Whitby. 08ROANS cà MELOVEON 01?GAN8.1 g. M~T~ ýÉCIFIO MEDIçjeE né OU Neve .'"îm~eÏ, . 811RO.i Dobalit7, Pzootration, etc. ..~.,nnmw assare roticeti b- ovej ~soee a ixeniacitl&baco ana ialc- rq ecmmendet i asan ntl refor Seulsal Welgkoeea t rea mpoey,*eaa &SOI ,. ~ e m tienasud a PreataursGrve; 'ha Spefiae medin the peuh 01o hicur lxlchwe dégere tc ~ireby~sià~one. _ r ~IVuJ~~t~GYAIWUUD MFG CO. ]MÂUFACTMR IM , E CLEBBÂAED ÂMERICAJN ,OBGÂ1 SpeFWlojeI4S alled bth ie 1rldwing stes ana prices:. $10 nResokiant Case, with Carvina, $160. 'Case,WUCam-ing, $110. e Case, with caringe, 8185. ,Y Style 9, in Resonant Cae 190, in tl. Almae o! flaocWaIunt, anneled, withrW oik I boediotiniCM ng elatee-mprovemeteu n *,e»angy flnIsQied, Zofrdùtto ana, ALO ARWOOfl'Sý: lLOEON ORGAN." In 1iaudsome ROséwoôd Fi&oeCàses hgly nished. ~pd e y 3~t~41ss, ar zpsufatured solely by us, Trade ki tmaiciAgents.i t'I u FÃ"r O.Mf FToron Mnlogr Th B Th Lïg~tSt~le Rta en. "41 A TE:"A S'OW 35 Hhdà-;0 ràtes, ýJ&~e, blining th&egs and',Oheapest- AÀséditiiiéàÉof 0f ail kindsevrehbedl.Wiy - tEgM IN' EýNDLEfS - VÀITY ACy !rOILET..SETTS, pRoJjz TO -1,PER SETT. Lde!s te aoelvn e a#pn,clxsexpressly frCsù s Nb<w i h iet u odand ,eheap F'u miture. Hvi ogli;-eut the buÉies*ltey- 1ie on b y a e i. a n ,w t , ethsoppqrtu nlitya r, iin is 'many -»fieiiédto.ýgiýve s--a eatU, nd- we eu asieg. ,hat -we*aro prtepared to ýdo as-well-by them in- èfuture, TILL & JOHNSTC )rders by ma proinptly", attendëd I 3ags Establishmet iu the County -whre funrals are J ,y suïpÉled. ~iitby, October lat, 1878. TILL & JOHiNSTO-N. CARRIAC-OEs &BUis ;ýN. Beg te r the publie geuerally, that they have fened a Cariage Factory, on Dundas Stree1 9i TWO D RS WEST of the PO.S§T/ý&ME. Where the .at-q.uow prepared tô execute work'*lu thé Carniage Making Lipe, on the shoteetrnot -ice, antid de o! the best ma-- tonal, anti firet-tilgîs workïlàhas AL L W-0 K. WAIR ANTED. Whitby, ZJly 201h, *1874* 8 XI SleLF :R*,KFNý, EA.*R AWARDeV -fE FIR RIZE At the Pro-vincaie hbtbToronte,"n 1870. - Weo-e o u Bcutomersifor the eofuiia# 0sys, dis- the Iatest Mdoset: usefa] improvemnents&-of the ýda , J~)lNS lis SINGLE ;ILF 1AKi 'RAPE The uniiversal success of this Mdachine, both in 01080- eont- ed trIaàls and in Che hsnds of the farmer; warraint us in saying that, as a Self.115k- lg ILeping leaiclino, it bas more good pointsanc esfcs-nd bas met with bore auccess antd less <alure, than berotoforo ôfcred to thb publit.-1 'Re we.re awarded the Firat Prize tnd Diplomna, at thé Prc,urjn riai Exhbitiuoa, held !leToi-cule, i870,in compétitionvgih.aet! Iboia4ing Machinas mauéfictuncd ln the Province ; anti yuL cur *-cent i4èenns eshstl ingl>j challenge inventigatien anti ceupariseil with seâtti;asMé e .~ satiafieti 1h51 such investigation viilconvinn IeverjJ y a iidnl -ta é.v ofler! lte bout àtowar te the ïrmer for 1872, ibuijInis(faînin. - for descriptive catalggues. - B~.OWN APATTEESON. 131Y;S-OOD8 A Nft£7f6EPE Tie und eigned is wreevna LARGE SOK0 R CênÉigUing o f Dreés GO 1~et vaiety and oflthe lateast :aloa b ~ d I 4.C, &T. prcs tsLth DLIliescldmci rerve. V--i eeall aaPssaed.mn ea ie or~ Ié lIfre ý ý>Ca t-e rpol, iý r GlsgwteQus. g~ Aiseou han _a fuil soilm e hoice Tes, Fmiy tcr esý, h tae Fn4s~naSics ! ~ ]3O~ Lard, Bütter A-ples GEO. YLE toes- & es, Péta 0V~STERS, bortwhom avery sutraticu msy le an B cson baulàd. ebtasieti L I S N &Whitby, Sept. i9th, 17.8 THE BROWNd PA TTERsUN, n Iý ld I2'2,460SHARES OFS 50 RACH. -a-lI ~ThaaboveCcmnpauyssiin courle oftor- SplendidforI thedle < VV!flfch sufthenthe A TIH E anti -goot-via ci the m a uatiai Worlts, in tha Tc* wxidwbyagriultr O ~EAP & F O * f ~ atro have subsOn 48jO0OY'toc aOb- BOOT AND SHOE T' 0 E È 'ô F prou ie msfor - stjsbiàanesa de aubl4-thbi mount doua,- anm 'R bytherereitio o chélug& t dliosmcbp, an Pura- ~ Net dor to Golsmit& hal, ~hauw Copsui-io on thair oide WbUsieesenaai t là~b.l, ora t Ê4e th profttnýaW àâfiesoà, BROOK SIRE-ET, WHITBY. on!9nee& . - i8ay,162, to rannary 'àwn Pare~'terson haveobesu A -large- and superiýOr, stock ol well-. cuebled,.btpOfitar)vetid, tiah]se m e La ise', Gets7, M s s'-a ud Childrns B ots and p p asben a u der- Shees. The stock com priaËes thé beet W ork, aumJï co ü th j m so ýt o o found c heanad ýdurbloe. Sa-ifactiouth- e rro v- v *uu Msas;3 gi~ate.Cus- >the Piyvisîousl EOC42ý35- -- - . esatb hshim épt a s be n m thee dis sion. of temers will Ehd it te "their- intèrest, to caIl-and exanme thea uewýCompanysmnti 17f' 1 abruary les&t t h e o o d d l o f p r i e s .- th e i s t d a y eo f t s r g a iz a tio n - th e p r o - th odsal St of-pfits eatofthe busiess conuuecDing from ta itepaits neatly:and promptly exceutcd. datae, Cî-i ~ Lgsa WhItLy, Sept. 151h, 1874. 88 P a fr C as eri teixie lÏan wit the usuel rights adpïrivleges. At teez SinAicet otha:ff-Msh atfo!by5 tatqte -M ( f rsxel ïs) enaal t agoa ci IV I 1' 1 FL EJof tha Compn- TH E OLD STA N - >dwtiittgeniie [ TA L H-D -18339.,], nvý. atr W M. T1Le, - RPRIETOR. * ~ -~~ they vis t tehave aliced. N.- W. BHOWIý, New iwSed-rooni Sets, Wib,21hPbnrj1878. lf Anid a large stock of C ane and Wood- fledat Chairs, Tables, 1Bureaus, Sofas, Longs Bessteads, " O ù b o a d s. H s r 7 l o t , a d a m a s k L o t ag e s ,.ý C o u c h e s , &c.î &o'Afu tôokf NewGl Window Comîiceselheap., The1arwgestand7 cheapest-stock. of Pictures ever brougit to da iofwhich lie offers at prices that wil not fail te Suit the tUlüëos; n~Te, undersiged wishes to state te his eld eustom-- ers and the pàblie generâl, that hoe is t:o be fonndj at the 4"OLD STAD, and;haà neidhir licngit Ã"ut, nôr sôlti ont, and is in no way connectotewt anylothcr establishment ini town. I ' Un dertakdng a 1usal.-A Large Stock Of Rady.- made ýCoffins cdnntgiitly, kept on hand, andi trinimed bo ordor to st cusL- tomers, on short notice. -Funoràls il supplicd with ovorything. > WMtby, Octoer 15,1818 qnackery, antison dontS-Furnl1- i'hi ngStore P. 0. Bti& ------- JOHN S VI JSO TIME 'J Merha nt z/r iae, oo ~bte A, New and'well seéleeted, bic forthe Seas'on, ýineluding -heii' 0 En'glisim, àrid adiau Týwee'ds. c ~1J 1. SPRING GREATL Y Di,Û]. ý-WJNYËA 1-- CLO 0 1 l - 1. 1 'l. Il 1 - Co. 2 - .1 ;-:ý 1 lýl;-i 1-, "I j 1 1 1 I.: 77 C 0 L L E G-;E C 'l R. C U LA R -l Nýitbjý, October ist, 1878. 1- -.'?AYUGA JUNIOR MOW-ER BÉDWW, &-,PAýËmsolqr.

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