Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1875, p. 1

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OÂ~ 1; JL i.M -Â' JuOE, H. 3é.KÂCDOTLOB UmIe aleu. O. b 0f thoeInoyai - W~I2BTONT'4F40, %j --,' bapsr putenta u&' 4a derfo MUITUAL JN8W.ANCE <oy L il, Tisi1CmpasyInaretPars uililsga, SYI TBY, ONT.,, o ConstsT isucis ~ eîHossaasdJiel 4A. i~Âon b -uP x o~ r Cotene a]rtsasnv AM"a c ay es j ýûA . lCHLk,R LYMA N le, L"'L1.~I, BRISTEB AT LAW, SLOTBn BoeCIqiiveyncr,&c,ft. m B .AR OSJNG, ATTRE, L. BOU, wtb Orio.Are htbOtt * A. G. KdEILLN,. rlABBIwT, XATDOBNE, 8RB10 Zo -jhu trot Bus0fPo Office--on&.Nui, fror4 9 toi1 o'clock, I ISPECTOR 0F P13BLUC BHOOLS A.for the' Oounty cf Ontario. Addros- Raglan Pot Office, Ontario. S URGEON TO THE OOUNTY GAOL, 0 Broneozt, Whftby. ___ G VT'B KOSPITALLONDON, EN G., %.1he eyo a. . H. 1L., Oahaw, Ontario. CÂ.Ai - M. B., M.C.P.S., 2tarr Maiuallat sud University Silvor Med. aI~,Gradua. of Toronto 'University, %,,e fth 0eoloophyaiclans :P>hyaîian=, surgeon and Accoucheur, BOOXLIN, ONT. oi W. . LCard.) T>anuioomaDnndStreet, Whltby>*YOrX Jmi aoo'a Store. Nitrona Oxide U dp9ud~istored for the jiainloso ex- traction Of botiz. BE E iniierlcd on ail tho -.ace~s~lit principicis of the art, aucoe0tihechoapoot, and an godla the Teothixtracted without pain, by proanclug local annothosmia. Donta Uoom-l Cow- aulo ncw blcek, ovor Atkinsoî'a Drug Store, Ring Street, Oofswa. 85 TIKUMA5J DEVEKILL, BUILDER AND CONTRA(JTOB, IDUNDAOSKT., WIfITBY. tAU crdes, promptly exocutod JOUXn OgINgO'se J ' EDMESTNG AND> SHAVING Baoni, Brook St., Whitby. JUSWOLFE1DEX, oflenathau woleaoe,Dundst,Whltby. JOHN CARTERS, ICSDÀUCTIONEEFR FOR THE Boiepc-Lot*, StisCoucesbou Markbatn. Poolnt eU~ovls ales atteudesi on lhes aoitestnatte. sud u ressouable orins. -Tobrmiesu bé saand blls priseedat the Cemoîtua Office for Mn. Carter. LEVI FAIRBANK19, JR., LICWNSD UTONZER FOR T tisanss for osl pat~onage heotofore liestayesl upen hzm, atite announucothat isola propareti4tecondluet sales eltiser in Town orCÇou#ty o reaonablo rates. Ar- rangeouoafor asi"s en Se madeo eller, at tise Cmspicî, " Office, or at mny ovu'Ofie Blroouk Street, 'W'itby. GEORGE CORIRACK, lag ountisyofa doumber con- UNLERTAMhG.-unela fnlly sup- slicci sud stteuded on scirt notice. Coffins kept cns"tly oun sc. A hoearl e liii. on liboral tenus. H O'DELL, A T HEBRLY, Cieek Division Court, Tp. Cilerk, Comm»nlser lu E. Il., LansI Agent, &c., &os., Atisely. Ccunty Ontario. Âthenly Sept. 2Lad, 17. c ÂARD, Physleas, Songeons, Accoucera, L&., &ic. Wbllby, Sept. »th, i874. 10 For sale or le Lot, Apply ta JOHN BRADLET Brunooie. Febrnary luth, 1874. 7- IOYAL,1HOTEL, JAS. PRINGLE, - PROPRLIETOIl. Fliot-elasa accomumodatiosn. Ample. anti veil-fit$ed up sasuisb roome fcr commercil travalora, 1 5LAD WOOD FOR SALE..- Theastsbscnterlha; or sale at lie Min, nam Ulic, a qnantlty cf foui-foot Blais Wood. Utca Spt 2, e7.A. B. CAIII'IILL. G-1BO T. HALL, YAD O'0MMISION, -AND) GE1*EBAL AGENT, utsnl ir 1the<Iosfoderatboes lita Aoocla Uli Ot a Bokspoteti andiaccoients mteOt 6-d atenton given to lise collf on Xiw. Àom. aç an,! iEwa. PORT PEllE?. JÂs. DE)WART, . rlpBOPUToB. a,,n tu bar eien olea ý9ýrLUMB-ER YARD Âdjc4l eiVhltby k& ýPort Fe rBai. < 4 hertte b'hkeepa coisstntly on baud a largo azdcmplete stock aof Lumber of &E hindi forsal, wolsale aua retai- Planlugnse nd il h,ýindi of *ork ex- toute4prmtl, rder. G40. COBMÂCK Wbitby, May.27, 1878. 224tf FM FOU- SALE. Tisat weelknown farm, lot 26, Srd con. of whitby, knowu aa THE DONALDSON FARM, Aund asgoat piment ilutheo ocupation ef Mr. N. Bay. Containa 190 acres; about 150 claared; idvelllug, eutbuidupssd suilable ofiffce; splendid ôocisrd cf1S8aRes lu exlcul. Appîy te- - JOHN A. DONALDSON, Gov't Emigration OMeie, Mauh 2U, 1878. 151f Toronto. T lm ISOLATED BS Fire ln8uraflce Co'y of Canada. HID OMsCE-iugSt.,cor.CburcliTorento C-A PI1T AL, S5oo,ooo. DeOposWe with Gomerment, $67,000 It vii ad*mot s loissaithout delay, sud psy over Uscash AT ONCE. Hlon, ALEX. McKE!ZIE, M. P., JOHIN MAUGENAN, ieseut Manager LIVERY 1 Thse undersigued dosireo to iuform bis friandea ,nd patrons, tahob agire sumed business at the. nid WHITBY, LIVERY STABLES, Hlaving ontreascd lthe nuiiber sud qnality of the tud, and Ède0 addod ta andisnprovedl the convoyances aud voilcl on the prom- ises, ho hopûý by bçsusg in a position ta meet tho wanta of tinstomers te menit a sbaxe of public patronage. JW CHAUCER sMOJ)EBATE. 3 N.B.-Covered conveyauces for familles and ladies. Prompt attondance,-asherate- fore, toailU ordera. N S. AY, Proprietor. C HOIc'B APPLE TRE E S, AB0O0 VT 40,000, -AT T=- - HOME NURSERY, Prom Ivo te four yoaus of age, embracing all Use licol Varietses-. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 3, 2ud Con. Piokerng,ou Kingston RossI, ot Office, Wbllby. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HE<AD OFFrICE, TOreNre. CAPITAL STOCK, - 8400,aOO. AOE14T FU Ton ourscT-nmO, JOSEPE HOLMAN, B1lOOKLIN, ONT, Also Agent for the CANADA FARMEES' MUTUAL INSUBANCE COMpi<Ny, Headci Oc, UHAMILTON; sud * CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'y, Moutreal, Fine, 1.11e sud Guananece Departinut, CAPITAL, - . 02,000,000. BroIlin, Doc. 2, 1972. 12.49 F LOUR AN!> FEED. Tise 'undeiigneti lega b infonsu the pub- lie It lichliasmovod bshie lce cf business aroso ht Isaresl, nexlta oC, ScoWa sbutchen ehop, vlieno ho Reepa on baud tise best floun uanL,,Rbudo cffoci. Cash forflani produco. 1Whitby, Jan. 20,1874. J. LONG. 4 H AUNEBS, SDLIY The suliscriber desirea 10 tate that ho bas opeued a A HARMESS SHOP, lu the. promises oppoite-lBay'@ Enliais Am- enican 9otel, Dunda-St., Whitby, where ho will keop on baud a suporior stock of everytllu im hislino of budnsesa, and wil ols h owet prlces. He begi to solicit a ohmr of public patronage. FBANK TYLER. Whtby, Feb.24, 1874. t DOMINION Li.11E TlioDominion Lino cosissteofcf irsI- dans,Iful.powored, Clyde-bufilI Steo shlp, sud is n ne le porforsu a rogiiar service betwoou Ltvzxiios. Qrzazc sud McNUZazà n uSummaer, Sud l£urvhiansd pou"c.êei FARBS . AGAIN. REDUCE!>! Quebec to Lierpool, -1- de au eae, -- -- - 29 Ppald Cortfllcýaa15 Thcgstiokets ro Whitby can be had byW 9pl~n to the Ageut ai the Whltby JOM LÂWD"-"F K 52., WE WELL, 1u *1Pr", ~&rgUiUo4.i~IO. - TBUNK BÂILWAY HOTEL, AT WRITBY STATION. WM. IO'NEILL-. PBPRIBTOI. Ft. . tshe .train madlav iugisorse vil" tWave tis eltkSàen r f11tiscthit G LOBE RHOBEL, JAS. POWELL -- OF EOB DUNDAS STREZT, WHiTrBT. - The underslgssed vonld ltisute, te the public, that the above promise, bave been ncwly lltted up sud nenovated blirougsout. 4,!lrs ad . "Tise Crean cf C-s" pqr B 0wins Wal's Lag- on, visotease sd retaiL Boar&ersken y the weck. N IISIG HOUTSE, COU. Fise ANDi ozonGe S=TeSr, TORON TO, ONTARIO. JAS. T. PEWELL, Toronto, Ang. 12, 187. rniI. D B. S. S. FITCH'S "FAMILY PUYS- LJICIAN,"coentaissng descriptions cf diseases sud rifes for Useir treatmeut, vif bo sentýy mi%,iree of anlchae, tàauy one sendmng Ibeir sddresa ta 7141e'oadvay, Nev York. Whtby, Apri 20, 1874- 17 ROBE'T JOHN YEOD OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOR TEE COUSTY 0F ONTFARIO. ,ADDBESS-flox 99, Wanzai. 'a4 FRESITE! TOWN OF WHITBY. A IMBE SITE WILL B3E GIVEN ta any Mannfscturiug omany building an establishimeutut town J. RIAMER GItEENWOOD, Whitby, Pcb. 26, 1873. MaorWtly. The uudcrsigued liasrosrovcd lits BOOT . 8110E STORE te the prcmisesadonng the westeru Hotel, Dundîs Street,Whifby, where lie is now ppred ta execnte-sIl orders for Work. A u d select stock on baud. Bepairlug donsè as usuai. JOSEPH A. DANDELI,. Whltby, May 8, 187n. 19 TH Liverpool and London and Globe - INOURANCE COMPAS!. AvAu.ÂssLE ASSETS, 027,000,000. Losespaid iu course of tbirty-fivo year excoèdFOBTTM1LiLIZNT8OF DOLLARS. ClaamsbyCbicago Pire cstueated at usai- ly 63,000,000 ar e lng liquidated as fast as sdjusted without deduction. Soecnrty, Prompt Psy ntuansd Liborslity iu adjust. moent of its rosses mare spromuent features of this wealthy Copa. Hoga OtceOauadalrsneh, Montresl. *G. Y. C. SMITH, CiifAast for DoÃ"minion. L.. FAUU3AIKS,Je.,Agent et Witby, Ont. OHN L. WATffl, OFF!ICIAL ASSI'ONEE, BA5LIFP BIun DIVISION COURT, AUCTIONEER, &G.9 &c. OFFICE-In Bigelcw's Block, Port Perry. Pert Penny, Jue 24, 1872. 28 L UMEER & SIINGLES FOR SALE. -Thsasbcibci isuon lbsud sud for ale lt ii mifl nemi Ulica, (laie Cuunie'o), aIl iuds cf lumber sud shingles. 1311 Sumber svwnta aider. A. P. CAMPBELL. Uties, Aug. 20th. 841f GEORGE GURLEY la lseeplgugp Use reputation cf Use ochies. ta blieshe op by the selcetionsi ho las nsIle of FaU sud W inter Cletho. AUS tlie novOllislu patteru sud celer vif be found iluîdiug Use NEW'PLAIDS, BEAVERS, MEL- TONS, TWEEDS, WEST 0F ENGLANDS CLOTHS, &c. Tise w ll be soîti by the yard or made te oren th u Ue st shI~.ions.CloUs pur- cliaseti olsovisre matie up promptly. A nov lot cf Gente' Uasderlothing lu stock, Fibos alvays moderato. Oshawa, Oct. 20,1874. 45 FOR SAL, AT TmE GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 600,M0 fout Pine Lumber, viii scasoned, inch l3ooru, Flociing, 2 x 4 Bciutling 2-iucis Fiseis Feucing Ileads, -100,O00fe of Oaks, Maplo for ales, lat quality, 15,000 i. ýSquare TinS.; AU f c biisvii hosolti chesp for cash. Ho voaldalso -t g.t ay ISal ise Gela mmin l ruuuilugnis dingf-t-csozk M 72=i 6isdaysiu te weekï,fsMeer - . W.,ILCX Pince ýA1bet, -Sept. %ilà, 187. 89 yAU BEPBOPEBTY FOBRBALE. Tise mscribsu cfero for sl ie oiv 'g vaseail 'reporty, lu theéeucfWst ;-Jtýýn excelent ]3rickÇotg *ith j are' oflaÃœd, otuated'ottbe'ccinsrer f tPOiixr'gnd St.Peerits, u'boSouth 'Word.7Alo;l acre Mîl Sflnd el nci, -anins a glitt 0f cultivation .sosisr Well"utn sud 01f- ford s., NordsWard. à acre o. Centre ZI soisth osf tisé reffdouce cf C. Draper, Eso.'l' thé- outh Wàrd. Also 20 acres cf gooan;d, beingccinpoed of part cf lot 1,1015 con. o o phpüMurry, Ce. N'rtbr. lma. t A elear sud ludisputable litle vilibe give to ail the above property. For furtiser par ticulmar pply te tise over. pr FlIANCIS CLARK. Wlsitby, Jnly. 1871. 21 K7 G BIROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importers, Deniers and Mamufacturer of al Kinacf LEATHER AND FINDINGB, Cash paid fer Hides, ]Bark, sud Lealliar. Leather strctcbed. t"BELTING MADE TO OEDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872, 22 M ONEY TO LENDI Bepayablo by insitalanents foifroin Uve ta Tveuty years, at loy rates cf lutereet, vitis- ont commjzslou, sud at moderato hrgs Privato Funtis te Lond. -Apply te- J. B. FA2REWELL, Solicitor Brook St., 'Whii6Y. May 2Stli, 1872. 22-tf Busmss cHANCE. Tise endersigned ofeore for sali, the prem- ises i l wisthbis business fol, the menufse- luit. cf Agrleultura mlements, Waggens, &c., lsataIprescul carnes! on lu tht. Town cf Whutby, tagellier vlUs bis stacl-lu-tiado, mschineuy sud plant cf evory description.- Alhie lasdveliig honse sud lot. Tise plae is kuovu as s IRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAND AndI ou vhidh, il vif befonci on examina- lion, an excellent businesla belug novcar- nied on. He yl aIsedisposecf lis patent igits lu varions Agricultural Implomonîs. To an lucinstrions smi- vitli smsii capital Ihls la oppetunily tisaI ecîdes piescufs itacif. Dcsirlug le retire from, busincss on ac- count efif-healtl, Useundensignoc i bdis- poocci ta tako Ibis stop. Ternes vif be made ta suit a competent pîity. Onlya amall amount noquincd dovsi, sud ample lime giron fer lise balance on rdcqnate soourity. JAMES CL'ATTON, Iliocli St., Wlitby. N. B.-Tise above effer viiinet lutanfene vith the business whichl vibhocanrieci on as usual, sud repairs promply exocutld Nov. 5, 1878. 451f O FFICE TO LET. F RON T .O0FF IéE . IN Tri.î CHRONICLE BUILDING. Wlsltby, lusse 2ud, 1874. 23 GOO!> NEWS FOR TUEE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN T-HE SOIENCE 0F DRESS-MARING. 61a niliezSsoua oioig fromts cl Pr Ti ~ew ytl~a~ At tIwiborvti scu oppor rer. voir, d .h cuittrou w ir, ie The" potiof ouisà. Stesinma rké-anct sant-g osiraa. No. 4 178 4 VETZERINARY SURGEON, DUFFIns' CBLEHK, ONT. J.-OHNSTSi DEALER IN LUMBEIR, Commnission Mouchant, Shipping andI Fer. vaîdlug Agent, Port Whitby. - Ail eiders promptly atteudeti te. Wlsiîby, Oct. lOtis, 1874. 42 T HE BEST HORSE MEDICINES. Alilescriptiis of th. blest Herse Meai- ciuemr ke1pt eonstsutby ounliand sud for sale at lise Whutby Livery S tables. tWNo chsarge for adylce.N.R T T HERUSSELL RUE Coi-uer Matchedasal & Miasissaga Sts., ORILLIA, ONT. Tub ,magnificonî bricklisetel ib onu cf the laîgest bonae nortîs cf Toronto. It is di- cd, furuisheti sud conducteil as a A- FIRST-tLASS HOTEFL Combiug clegane, cnfoi-t sud econcmy. I bas ample accomusodatien for summen visitons, bis eliglstfnlly mud centraUly situat- cd, beu l lsepoity te esteams bost vsaivs, Midlauci sud Northeru B. BL. stations. Corumodieus samplemnsmansuessIle.of epartmcuts for fumilies. N. B3-Orders for nooma by eller or lele- gmasupiepl aleded ta. 0O-nuibussesanI fi-cmUse steamers froc cf change. ROET. RUSSELL, Orillia, Jsu. 7, 1874. Piopriclon. JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, "Antiuiuyo lie auilhercLbairua-xiess, Yeurisro¶v~sbafbêvninkl~ mue! darkaa "I Pray ta Use saints sud- spirits tn o4nvrsa cisi l aY Mmte lsrualV, Tise orono diew usai, sud the crone sh "nelmsfleea il nibanes #aailache. Ssdawsmeeshau4le "Bter"Mid Kairin, "May me loy, Ansakfor aye intheowateeBd&wî'r The croue rsisod herwltliredisand onshigh And sbowcd ber atmothatlitoed bard by.. t'And takeo f the bonuy frui," she ssid, "And est fini thesoeeds aredark sud rcd.: "CIbe&M lesa, or conut thoee more, 'Nins tlmas yen sisallS number c'e;- "Aînd Wison carisnumber yeo saglspcak, Cat~ s"ad by seed uto tise 5ake.-' Karin se ate cf1lise fruit sue ie e 'Tyrs; meflow as saud, sud svcct as brie, Seed byseodshe jetthem faf; The waters rippled over ail. But 111cr secd as Krin tsicw, 'Uprese s bubble ta her vew,- I poc igisfreit ntul helais,,As Usongis a babys isearl did break.ý Twnice sise yenrs are dôme sud gore; Karin lb. fair she-valsa lier loue. ishe secs arond, on ilka ide, Muslueansd millier, vife sud bride. Wan sud pale lier beuuy brmw, Suesien sud sBad ber eyelids nov. Slow iser stop, m ad sesvy 1er biest, And nover asu resu vison fIrest. The old kir-porch vison Karlu spelcd The posteru demr-vas open wide. "Wae's me l'ý olie saici, 'Tf enter lu And sisiivo me frouam my evcry siu." 'Tvas solence ail vithin tha kirk; r The aile vas empty, chil aiysmrk. The cencel-rails wore black sud banc; Nae priest, use peiliteslt was Usure. Ra rne ct, sud lier pmyon she said; But ber iseail vithin lier vas havy suit » dad. Hon prayor fof back on tise eold giay Ptoeo DaRker giew tise daîksome asile, Coîder feu iser hein- thUe vile. "Wae'sme1" she cried, "what ismy sin? Neyer I wrieeci th non kin. "fnl vwiy doli stai-t sud qusise vi'fear Lest I a dreadfesl doomsuold liosi? "And whaiaî a Iis ligisl Ibal seema le f&l On Use sixili command upon tise vafl? 'Amil o are tlese Iseerriso AndiloeR on me vs' ston y e,?s "&A shadovy treop, Usey dlock sas fast The kirk-yard may net hbld the lait. "Yonsg snd odi o ic degice, fains, sud boirnies' baliue, 1se. "AUf1 lokAu either vay, 'Motisoi,'mother ' seosu to ssy. " Woare seuls that miglit bave been, But foi your vaulty anudsin. "'We, lu uumbera inultipiet, O! Use Town cf Whitby, lias boen ppoizzted de ungisî bava serve th Usa rluth,- OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE Migthbave met tiysoul lu bils. For Use Ccunty of Ontaio. AUl business entruales to bis charge vif hoe areftuy ai- teudod ta. Whitby, Jan. 141h, 187i4. SIy G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITEY, ONTÂtio. L Iv E R y I Paries dosiring cosuferlable vehicles, and gond herses vif plcase give Use undersigu- CORNWALL'S SELP.leITTING Wiiby, Oct. 27th, 1874. WAIST & SHOULDER CHART.1 Dresses filIcul frosu messuioment aloue litisoet Change of as sibch. Fou sale, vith fico instructions, at -MISS31c I NT Y RE ' S DRESS-SIAING noNs, wHr-ny. AgonIs vanteci. Liberal luducements ta tise Irace. WhiIby, Aug. 18, 1874. 34 HATS 1 UATS1 HATS 1 SILK AND FELT, MANUFACTURE!> AN!> RENO- VATE!> AT HOME! M. O'LEABY & CO. hog te =xnou=ce UsaI they have 'épeneti busiessaI Oshawa .mauufactoryopposite bthe V1"Vdctar" Ofc-viserd tbymanufactumRe it.c eveiy description, sud lu tht. best stylo. Twàvety.fvo per cent under city prices. RIATS 'RENOVATED oqual le nov for a moere . Oshava, £4gws6101h 184. ly-88 Tim EAMEBICAN 1HOTEL. dOMS Or TeNez Aie» uONe or. GEOUGE BBOWNi, PlaOFItETOR. Tisia &st-olasahou«shbIeen asey fdt- ffl up sud renovate t Uroogh=ont. sai- fidsupeor saocemmcdt auort!erecp lion ü o! euls.Tise piescet prp -«orSa spaneti nePainsor expeneu ilnltraduing oer imprevement that wvenit ed te theë 0Oltfoan sd couvonience of bis patrons Toot, uly 101h 1874. 29 Q UEEN'IS HOTE. (Latie is,c Coal.) W.ý B. MOGAW --POBEO. -P. BLAIR, Maaou's Hotel. ImONEY TO LEND I A large quantity01fmonoy te lenti at o lulnteet, privale - loy For sl, oeaS Town lots, two Penyne Honsoe sd= slargo Brick Rouse, Fez te-m, apply ta G. YOUNG SITH. Wbitby, PoL. tli, 1874. 7 H OUSE AND LOT TO RENT 1 A good two-stary F rame Hoeuse ancd lot of land north of Dr. Eustwood's, lu the Town of Wlsitby. Apply te ALEX. OGSTQN, Audlcy p. O, or te J.E. FABEWELL, Wlsitby. Octoisci 21st, 1874. 48-tf IV[ONEY TO LEND. Thse smdersigned has aasy amount of Mou- ey ta Lend upon Farm or 1own Propertyx at i-snualy Lew Bates of Interoat. Lom an sbch repaid in suima te suit ber- rowsrs. Several Iusproved. Farmsansd Wld Lamda for salo cheap. Investrmeuts madeinlumIDCpX ebn tursa, Bank, sud other marUtatb6 Stocks. For furtiier partieular apply-ta - lAMES HOLDEN, Olfficiai Assignce., Broiror, .o OFFICE-Over thse -DýniunBank, Me- Bpril 9th, 18721 M AJOR MILLS. T.P. WHITE; vif, ontbie l4tis Oclobet, 1875, resumo cou- ticS gfUs ajris, heu ho vinf ho - ppird apy TRIE RIGHEST F1RICR f or syuantlty cf vlset delimeed *aI WIdM'al . ovii nMtsilé' Cam ffrtte.ý 'Meur foo n, auou,while yen pray, 'Who uiglit have been, but nover may il"I Thun thse voices died awsy,- "Wdglit have been but nevcrlnay il, Karin she leftI the kirk no more; Nover sho passed tise postern.door. They found bher dua at the vesper-tU;- MayHoavcnlu mercy rosIhersonlt The Abbe De 'L'Etpcc. « Ilvws vel saici, IF one wovieas bimself isoon a leader lu ano ofthe great ppslnsoic enteruises of- the day, thS I i th tutf u htry of any in. vention voeevwitlen, vo siseuld fluci conceunecinluil lise thinker, vise dreapi wilisont rescbing lise ieans ef puttiesg bis imagiuluga les praclice,-Use mathe. malician, vise estimates jnstly Use iforces aI commaund, lu Useir relation te oasis cibar, but vlao forgels le praper- tioe bens te Use resistAnce toeeen- eeunuere,-and 50 ou,& hmthsegsUe Usoussuci inlerinediates leleen Use dreani sud Use.,perfcct iébs, tilf oue comas vho combines the resuil cf Use rlabor of al bis puedecessèos, sud' gives le tisa invention novlifo, sud vith il his usma." Bucis vastehistory of bihe more- ment for tise education cf deaf-mutes. Tisere had beéna hoWl f dueamy tbink- crs, vIse hac i ivenWon Fl Pb5, pro. cesses for tiseinstruction 'ofthý e m n- fortunatcs,-meu 1k. Cardon,- Bousel Arnass, Dalgar nsd Lazna- Tàrr, vitose lisoories, ilu after yearo, proveci. MOUdsofllath i o pss i le 1~s o x p e im n te t oI a s i e su b j e l $llb h *V ' bo languI, but viso lacliecitise nerve, or lise plilanliropy4o apply tishesuils. tbeylhaadabasiod te,-tise genorsiin. couhily eoneea t eimroaes-sa th iareigist leavaesu sleer.ponal bhier famliu;-. amoesg - e fue>rm bee~oidPedro de ponu'alisd Pletro ýde- Casàtro~ mn ie-at YIel Usèe.wvas vanblng lthée nainof mesbpbllantbropid lpfitancd ,pijeWl- Usese *haleves, of bie.-a j iltirflheoriées,-as!ap*iy il lu 15e ýeduestiof Ibo0a vbees ail Ushe generaUmicise alneeto oci b been dllenblaes4à- Ideuâý off : and coSnsuad ll" yUap: l a diolumsantidhtheolo-iisdeemeoi thse idiét's lifo sud Use sdlob'adesliny. Il vas tl e clawork tleabthe Abbe im del'Epee éàoaitecsnhi$ ishfe.' rutI ié, diadmie m isanl; les, tPo, vasa sd-; cofvei5,1 uand +&t is nà,4ssa sssss,. 1-1~ love foi hi M î"à:. an eietolaSk;naof 8 ='h -.ent'l snd Ob'd "-, biie èinstructionsohi . biser aus,, cuaiiet. Atau earl a, 4lâ isinfed tisaI love* of gocdeesay*ichYluadoeverY for 0,o vice ulLeri4yAd*s sbeMthbiii ; nl afler, years hn h e 6"d cf 'the sluIs.of thoee wiso, with more vio- lent_ patson or . loiscaxfulpjiroulal M 1f, i own Ipur sdpaeu xoi once feemed tahl twng Mluprfc lior, becense ho-had ooseldom, beu 4à,mtsisod 4-apProaced, andis a required, to, f1î uppu a profeozoe, bis hoertiustisalgvely tuedtcer ir ical libo,:no, as'wu the caseà with se znauycf tie yong priésta oftisaI day, fori is honors, its power, or ils em:olu- mente,.but bocauso, in that profession, ho migthé btselotter fialfil tise esinest desire of bis bcasilIc do good ta lais feilow-men. Ho accordiugly couiuaouo od tisestudy oftiseology. 'Heré al1Went well foras tilnc; but when ho sougit, admission to descon's ordor,ho u met by pnexpected opposition. To ýa pions mimd, like tisat of young De l'Epce, ltse consistent sud Scrliptural views of tise jansenisto, not lesa tissu tiseir pure sud, vutuons lives, voe highy attractive, sud blaucgli this n-a fluenceocf a clerical frieud, s nepisow of lihe cclobtated Bossuet, hoe Isd beon led to examnine.and adopt lisom. Tho dio- ess boWhom lie sppliéd for deïacou's orders vas a Tesuit, sud, before ho vould sdmil.ii lie roqured )Ui t aigu a formlaof doctrine' viso. was abhorrent ahlke b ai reason sud lais conscience.' Re.refused et once, sud, ou bi hèualisaplication vas re- jected ; and bicugh'. suisequeutly ad- milledto tiedisnate,lho vas insull- in o y 1.. supenior, hsIle ne not aspiretoauy igisr ordor, for il souldl net be grauled. Il vas vits s saddoned lisait Ihat ho feund isacf tisus comnpelled to forego longclarisisd hope, cf usefulnes.-: Wih that glowing imagination which ;Cisaserized himi-evon n l ci go, ie had lookod forvard le tise lime vison, as tise curate of some retired pesilsi, ho migist encourage tise devout, reprovo sud control lise crring, sud, by bis ex- ample, dounul, sud prayers, so molild sud influencc tise 11111e communily, that it ohould seem auctiser Edon But su overrlig Providence ladrosorved for1 lisa larger field c ofuessmr extendod mission cf moncy, sud il vag thrcugi tise pals cf 1tratis ho vas te be led to it.1 .Heglaiug it nalais dnty ta cmploy1 lais tinoe, ho at leuglis determined to_ enter thse legal profession. Ho psssed vitis rapidity tisicugli the prelimiussr courgeof stsedy, sud wns admitted -te the bar. Tise practiceocf the- law was1 net, S aItist ime, ilu France, ncr le il, indeed, nov, inveslcd wltis theo bigla charater altaclsiug ta il lin England.i Ils codes sud rmIes bore tise impressocff a barbarcus ago ; sud among it9.praali-1 licuers, fraud, artifice, sund chicaner1 vere the rule, sud blseey the rare sud generailyunufertunate exceptin For sul aprofession tepure.iuiud.t edl. De lEpce f4uud -lsimsolf eetiÏely un- fibted, sudT, abancnug-it'wllotaing, i lais oyes sud hseait,l vere again dirocted*, tcward tiseprofesson cf lasphsoice, sud,a 'early f io d, M . de Bossuet, lad b e i slavated te the sescof Trcyes,-aend, i knowing bis pioty aud zeal, cffered hum9 a csncury inu bis cledrael, Àndadmitt- i ed hlm te prieas irders.' .Tise desire Of biaevs hW u nw-gratilled,,-aud lie C entered uponhlis nov duties ill iseChf utmot;ardor. lunal tise diocese cfd Tzoq'es,"sasys oeeof his coetoparies, el "tierevwas net se faitbfuIa -prieal."1 But hie bapos vers socesbobis blast. cd. Monseigneur de Bossnet di dsud, fE as lise Jaissenist conlroversywas aAiea iseiglat. big odienemies, tie Jesuits,- x erled their influence witl tise Aida. bishop cf Paris, sud procurei an inter-e dclt, prohbitiing hlm frein ever again a: exrsgtise fonctions cf lthe priest- g iscodg A severer blow coulci scaice1y have gi fiSen upon hlm. Ho scuglit nol form honer, ho asked net for faine or wcrld- eÀ ly renowu ; hoehad only desired bo bosE useful, lo do g00d t a i feilow-mon ; w sud nov, just as lais isupes vere buddiug st nlnto frutlc, jus as semereaulte of js V faillafl labers were beglnulsag te ap. fo pear, ail wcre cul off isy the keen brealis cf adversly. Il vas WnL sufflnlng frora depres- tI sion, aItlais unjust; exclusion fro lise i ,duties of lais caiing, tisaIlaies atioes17 -va' frakireledb'tisheuforlunate se clas té whôm hé vaslo bebthé 1future hi, evaneUgLt, cr bri nge f mgoodlidlneu- fa 1 ataacs froin the vprkq qrd èrOd CBouet; AmnsWahhis, isud 'Dslaàh 1 ,'il waJv eil ?ar. the dr i ad duaa L tat ioehsetered upen lait ivpiletssiaun, trammellai dby suypieoýnceived tbeury for ho as thus prepaeci to siiept1 ithout prjdico, vieveriibfCi l ti&gh, reatýobject ,for-,wh sha 1la Ilred"'Ihave net," ho,:sai&, in1 -lettëÉ,to'-Paraiim, l wih he- ohallengea au À cpeei consariscu cf' tir rselv syti 'ôfttuption, promilg1 adphshud il p ove ta be btte' than 'bis',ovei-",I -hava netthlie Euh pnidecf deiig taise au lunvoutor.;, >eey- vus tao dc Sometising 'fer lieu ag s., We have 4rasdy adsertedla 15te great pLriniple wlasci layaIt5te fosndaticu co sisystem cf instruction. Tise cerefary deduced frcm, this, thaM the ides vas substantivé, and isac an existencêe sepa- raterfrainsd indepoudeul cf ail vords, wvritteu or, spoken. vas a stortliug pro- position li tese dsys, hover, harin loeu vo may now regard it. But, cou- vinced of-uts-bruts, De l'Bpee set 1<o huisself tilse1proÉlem cf discevering laci lIais 12ï, gculi bc preseutd 40 the mind of thémute qiilthout'Pids; aned lin tiseir gesturiesuund signge foûud bis problein solvied. Heucaforts, lise vay, tsesgh lbcsg sud tedicus, vas plain býefore lm.To exteni, sanplify,, andJ systemalize tub slanguage cf'signa vas lis Iask. Hov veillho eccemplisheil lais work, lise-recerds.cfDenfans ud mbn Inélltstions, lu Eu rope ad Amorica, testify. Otherahae otere idu e i lalors sud gneatly enlairgecithe an sge cf 'iuepesn--Qlldsud iin. p roved, persaps, mauy'cf its forss; UbnleCAUae Lr Bse' Oléesepae- X cdin pover sud range tise little tisree-fcot lube. of Gabilco, Gaulie, Sisan voe tisrefore despiselise, Itali-an slro nomer ?- To say tist ais Work; or thsi cf tle Ababe Do l'Epee; vaàs net perfect,' is only te say Ihat bisey vero mortals liko onnselves. 1.But il is, net ussly, or snainly, sm e philosopher, lisut ve voulci present tse Able De l'Epee te oui readena. Ho vas far more tIssu tiss; ho vas, in lise laigist seuse cf tise word,. a philun- thiopist. Wlailc Forcira, lunlise liberal compensation lhc receivcd frein French nocles for thse instruction cf Iheir mute childeu, laid tse foundation cf lieut fortune by messieof whic i ai grand- sons are nov osusbled te snk ithlstise mest erninout cf Frenchs financiers, De 1'Bpee devolesilicls ime sud hie entira .patrinsony te tise educaios oi indigent deaf-muutes. HiesoShool, visicis vus socu quite large, vas couducteci eololy aI bis owu expeesse, andi, us bis fortune vas but moderato, ho asuecompefeite practiso lise meat careful oconemy ; yvl ho7 voulci nevairoceive gifla' frein lise wealtsy, suer admseilte h ieinstrnctions llaoir deaf sudl dumis cliltiren. Il is net ta tise ricis,", ho woubd Saîy, IltsatII bave devoled mysel!; il is ta lise peer, euly. Had itilnot bonu for ikese, I sliouldtssever have altemptoc tse edu- tien of tise deesf aud dumis." - lu 1760, lie vas ateiW uPieu' bYlise ambassador of lthe Emproséi of '1hss, ise eongrstulnted hlm onî bis suecess, aud tendered i m,.lu lier essuie, valu aSicl ifs"M. Amýbasador," vas <the reply of the .noble. od - insu, I ,neveu roceive mouoy ; but have -tise gooduesà ta say le iser Majedsty, Ihl, if- me~ labore have seneci te ber vmtbfy. of amy censidemalicu, I ask,.as unespe- iaul far, thatoshe yul, sauci ta ,me fien' hem dominions soeinsignorant deaf aud dumb clWl, tisaf I may les- struetlhum.' Wbou Jscpl IL., of Anstrir, visiteci Paris, lie Seugal out De I'Epe,'sud of- freec hlm'tlw--v----- cf cn. of lIse estales. Te 1h. liberal proposiion tise iAlie replied : à"Sire, 1 ain an di inu. If your Majesty desirca le confer, amy gMt upoi tise- deai sud dums, i s nol, raye, that shoulaireceive il, but tse go ork ils . Il-is.worthsy of a grosI princetepresrve vlalevem is soue man id.1 Tse Emperer, acting upon lais suggestioa., soon aflr sent eueeof- Smoecclesistic e40Plalris, visa, ou iecoeilg tise neeoary ,lu. stuoticu frein De l'E;pee, establiisei at: llenua lhe firsi *national institution air the deaf sud duana. & Slijlnmore etrikin2g iasace of bise self-denisite vhiclihie love for bis 'lit- [e flock pro pted lin is -'relateci iy lehlan. D= -ajthe severevwisiter. ef 1788, tsa Abbé, aireadin bis soveuly-1 seveullayeau, deniaci 1zlas a lein9 bis a riment, And refused tôpurhs 1ýpurpose kl éfhisesise ild ex "I ly limaite &0 obiseiual epeiue ' af4 us e"stahissuont. h sla i 36o ofti euds voue uu'avalhi bi i'm T ra a=6o0Ifpcnoa. Scion as posai Duke cde Peun suit, vbicis xi cf Thooore t TIse dofeabe sai of tse decisis, sud Use deelarltion wthatlise danmant wvgasnsuimpostor. w stuug vilS disappoulseeesîntaI Us ýdbliglsling cf bis hope, Youg Tiseodore i8 enlised inuie army, sud vas slain lu is hiiraI baIlle. Il The Abbede P'Epes <lied aI Paris on Lthe 28id cf Deceesbber, 1789, inlu is i3 sevenIyüWcighth-oar aofIsig age. IHaci le icben spared.-Ivo-Fasis longer, lie voui h ave seenulais scaoob lishe objeet cf bis 4 fond aé,eld by bise goverunent, lasud docreed a -n-afianal' support. But 'aUstougli thisaset sud the scco1pasiying vole vhiel aelaneêbbat itwaa"Ildoue in houer cf Charles Michel -de l'Bpee, a snV ms dZa u 'sciof i8Csccan9, eme credilable ta Use National Assem- LI ly, sud Use people vhom'it ropreseul- i ed, yet ve cannot but remamuber Use troublons tumos-that foilwed-timos ins vblc ne publie .aervee, -nro yrivabe igooduesa, eseithor Use veusiation dueabo ago, -'thedelicacycf vouansooi, ue atse visome hoîplessueso cý f ifsny, vas any pretetion sýgainst -tise insan- esale vengeance cf a msddened people; 0aici rsembéring Ibis, wvo caunot re- gretbhaI",Cho v;&Zae 1fr isaibeau se *pencefib vas laid lu s qtxiet-jisve élio *the ceming of lthe tenpest.', a-Il is-,but justice, -hovever, le the Frechpeople te gay, UsaI ne naine iu liseir histcry isisboard.vilS more veuer- 1allen, or vils more profonsuci cemon- stralions cf love sud gratitude, tissu that of tise Abbe de l'Epee. lu 1843, tthe cilizens cf 'Veisaifles,'bis bà-lla- plsco, erecec a bronze statue lu bis- ionor; sud-the Smghest diguitares cf tse state, amii the scclamatiens of as- mery. In 185. lise ceutanuisi 'auni- 'versary fcf s etsi brcais Paris, sud Was altendei by dolegaiue froineél c f tse Deanf dDnm nsb- titullio f'E urope.' *Bu t y-eigal yensahave elapseci since lise dealis-of "i noble piiantbro- pisl. sud, uslmesdy,,more baestv'o hua-, <lied.lustilutons for tise deaf sud dumb have beén eatabhisbed, on the oytem- proJecled by ian d impoveci1 by bis successors; sud, taouef,,tseussegla of' nittes Usrcugbont Chrlstleudor,.lu'cees- ssequeuce'cf lis -ganerc. u s sud self-deesy mg.,zesh, have bées btraine flor ussfdi- nee is thi lits, a n aey af-bienswe iscpepreadfor aýliessfnt hereafler. Ta sU %hse the naineof, ieAbbé de b'EpeeIs, bee1on e 1 e riai. ini flair beart cf beauts; sud, tsmoug l àthe ra- ture, Whertv'cr bba'uesdersaumdiiig of Use deaf-mute sIsallibe enliglienid -by les- stnution, bis sueseuy sisaIl le 'bleasd. TisuWatarmd mgistrales recentby seul for trial astbise next assises as sli- avownr'esisiec Lougisise Freoman, for allavinghisshipl'tle Alcdo' la go te ses lu à uuseavcrlhy condition.~ At Droghseda oeeof lise (alsolie chapeis vas bichon inbo. "Plie vest- monte ver&otoiup, tse vindoamliuok.- ces, sund tUsaseat-dimaedlaTis is suppcaed ta o i 'rotalialion for a sïul- 'lai outrage comueiibtec a fev veekB ago, lun s Protesat ciureis, A builder, vhau roturulng thanc al Usose vIso' drafk ig beelfi, - lsoausly ebservedthaI ho vas-"more - flbted -for- the scasfold Usan public speakig."1 1AI a recent meeting f lise ParisÀa. deMY cf Sciences, M . deeýpg an- nouneed-15e captura, Iith~e Suez Canal- of, a femnbial a "le in horhiý- incises. opession, isbruly. Tr2It Il. WILLCOX, II8ED AUOTIOiYEJ 1 -

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