Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1875, p. 4

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&biver> e ,r.Break, DamI dnuree. wiu beItberel r now for several It asprlng wat lpý in t itWhftb, Dm.1 MAJOJU HARPER . hi , lte an' T41WFFOF PEES TO 13E TAKEN 1 t BY COSTAIBLES. cO vt 1, -(Uuem rde luCeuuil, tatedti 4t day a!ly fkepMnv1874.) Ming bettes tolm -and ooncwy.. The minsg ael lât in ieft standing in the "ace ocere ncoe b. eX>,Otad t., do good work, od for woodeonlotenentse .ou ait 'rbe .1W. .Thé Prudecut, Limier lia il>' home..hio imPlem4nto, but ho de. te# rain>' aud enawy dukyo ta repair. « theun. A uowiug ~machine, tbi smnala of whli îare- leaned of Ibeit owuae ffrîned grease ana iefnily Oueod, ~iil rua tweuty.flvoeru wt. ligltor and fi>'par cent. longer in oea",,%,atdos not receive Ibis st. ation, ecoPh ilarris says bis bard. t tatsk ýwith bired lMon is s malte Mal taIse maOaf tho f.aols acibe fat. a nder snobhnmen neyer-regela the cdý fortune o! baving farine of their rea kme about one thonesaasixz udi'edd plaàces In tee CtY of - Brooklyn sere kerasoee il i. sold. This ail ia la st _hom tlree-toa fftoen conts- a iuart.accerdlng tathe qlîaity. Need- regulatious luregard ta this artical 9to e haenforceul. Every deaier munai Ilicet; audti 11.tlae intention aof >Bureau cf Cambnstibles ta callect Ãœpies cf ail frein eaoh con$, to niaIs )rougb and carefutl tests, andt tepro. iM the Saloi af al inferiar articles 4h do noet cajOUe p tte x.raqnred fetheri aboset i Iat their chilti. s nulrls.are ual thougbtlessly al to -Ils. bgbies unsiex thoir charge. affeb eatlàe a littie chus] ring lu Cs.vrAge Or'carrled iu tbe nurse's sa witlL its face tae b, sn,- naed 1nh2Preùeted, The attendant la lI9t or i dorant, and the bapy not ' sfrdiomrtet aime', but fna 1olory' auit rôulta the delicate Au InsdianapoUnsgentleman -Who 1usd aaeumlâtad0,000 or I,O00, la>' Upan bis death.bed théa tetxr night, sud de. bired te maIs. lMiswil. Ru#isesihlren w:xIpprésent, àndwhie ha- wue, iti bi atéûhý fbl ffot, iddeavoriug te aigu lb.edeeumut. lbse chiltiroft were quarrelllng ever thé 'disposai 'he matie of bis proparty.'Tlxelr étép1 ether vas net a p art>' l e .quarrai, bcause the>' bustiadbear eut bafere lb. y Cemmenceti thelr opéations. The ricket soon be- -came soi gresl Ihat i ie unacessar>' 'l Cali lu a police ofilcer le stand gnîrd by lb. b.d-sida. This hdii; sand while wae'thus standing guard, the chiltiren engaged ila i square knuockdown figbî, bul whiolx aide;Whippéd the aid'gentle- man noear kùs.vsauwhila il vas gaing et, and hiefere if wîs anythig like de. aidas], ha had hraistbed'hia laut. The Globo Sa&y# 111e lu contemplation te submlit te the Local Legisiature aet itl ex aI*aess a mesore for groopicmg eaentlmesfer juitial pixpose, 50 ibat cau Jmdge na>' discharge the duties for caverai counties ,where thé buoiness admit. of au arrangement ai this kind. -b vlaw6e! lî iplio>' thé a ugesîsipa nuxw laat u i pobii'not bha fue pai- pesnaolDeputy Jutiges are ikel>' tb.aw d daharga tha duties in the suantmme. "- À Oermàu forest-keepcn, itly.two ysars of age, uel wisbing ta carry Wc lhe grave wit hlm thie important secet. bau puiblislxetiun a German nowspaper a raceip lhixa uses] for it>' years;, an(] vîxica, ha ssap,lixas emavad several. and a graît number ofai xials frain a barri- bl ie dath rani bydratiboa. The bite Ladie amine lfar 1874 ices 0f ail kid,, Hm.à boast b)ranc,, lwayse n Whitby,,Doc. 16th, 1874. 1. ,Arreet af eA4 individnal upei a - *&muat .............l5 2 . evnemonorsbon... O026 8: Milenee ta ere mnin uab. IMIo arn. .........01 L-fiegewhnservicecnnib r moofdue clllgenoe..... O,10 t 5. M flotsking prisoniers 1tagital, '.exclusive ci dîsburaeinents nec. essarlly ex pended in their con. O.At.d ng uticeu ou sommna,7 li trie ona examinatiou ai pri. Bo ýlers cbrarged with crime, for 1. euch day necessarily einployed -u in-or moto cases, wben nat e:âgaged moro than leur heure.. i 13 7. Do. du. when engaged more tha» r leur bours................... 1 50 8. Attending Asizes- or' Sesoion,, r e a.da ..... .............. 1 50 r M.ileage travelling to attend As. sizeo,Seapinxie, or belore Justiceea * whpn public convoyancec au le * taken, ouly teanoinablo dishurme- t niuat bo ailowed) ........ 10 » 10. Sunimoning ,Tn1ry for Coroners' Inqueât, includbng Rttendina t luljaàet, and mil cervices ini res- peut thoreuf, if beld oit saine day as jurry smmCned ...........2 0f> il, Attsndlng eacli adjo urun ment tl'ee .iiuo eni dmore tban17- fi uurs ................. 1 0 12. Do. do. If engagedl more tixen four hour&g....................... 1 50 18. Servin gsuommmsl or subpoei3t ta attend beforee Coronier subjeel Nu o 0.......... .............0 27 If. Mileage serviug rse...........1 là Exhuining bodly usîder Coroner'e warrant .................... 2 10 16, e-hnryino saine,..............2 0 17e$rvingdFtli res.u warrant, aud re. turung saine............. ... 1 50 le. Advertising under distrees w,,r- -rant ........................ 150 19. Travelling ta malte distress. or ta tuarelx fur goads to malte i tres whon lia gonds are founu.. n10 20. Apprasements, whetlur b yonc or mare, 2 conen th e daller, on the value ai tlie gonds. 21. Catainue sale aisd comiision, and deiivery ai goods, 5 <!tg. in the 8, on net produceofa gonds. 22. ffiuntiug searcîs warrant...1 5t. 28. Serving notiest on constables, WhenânesuplysAerved,......050 Publlehed by arder, H. J. MACDONELL, Clark ai the Pucte, C. 0. Wlitby, Nov. 17, 1874. in-47 - -1'obaccos, "WEBSTEIR" PATENT 8EWING MACHINE Io posilivol> lbé ocamest perfection yel attaincdI-by axiy macihine lu the world It is an ENTIRELY NEW INVEINTION, Ilavins- swept away et oncle- agrea, inu>'of the difficulties andI annoyauceý attendant on the use ai otîser inechines. THE WEBSTER ls a marvel of sinaplicity, Items- con structeil wiîlaout tle use o!fmIlai018Ycame, or cage, and munes o liglit. andi is et, easY ta underslail, thal no lady lîow- ever weak or nervona, or however un- aoaustomaxed shlo zney ha ta the use of machines, cen feu touse it WITH EASE AND PLEASUBE. Thé eleructe te enfixneo tesun 10 ini abtxu a sacin Posaible W'itlx der tbroad eu hao haus- na ixnsmtant warau vinegar anti witer,arat whan luis without antlreaffing the. sîuttie. lias dtrÃŽiot a few drapa o! moriatioa sels ponred opaon tb. wonnd wiIl destroy l.poison o! s saliva, and] relievothie TH EDTR istenl'na patient fi-onuall prenent or future dan- chine acle in Canada thaI exceodlin ggm. fintela, material uses], anti construction "Thea ou@ thing neeifnl for llxe*per- those af Amorienu manufacture wbila fedt enjoyiÃŽnuloa!lavaeuà confidence.'- no Canadien achine canu pproaci t. Saine wlliasi us]sansages. 8Ie Evor> " Webster" la warra-ntes] Theécaii-fîes cf Livtxrpool lxnre.- y the manufacturera for 1 yeaers. ceiveti a legice eoatimpîSti ai <ver £1530, 000, frein the 1laIe Rager 'L on Jonea, a M SS M e~I N TY~R E, self matie mercixan t hati MI- d'Io Ihat cixeese nix ?1 aled Biog GETWHTIY cf his gracen. "ee"was the candid GN, HTY reply, "tlxere'a, millions in t? - Wiiere macluiixee -cen ba examines]. St. Oilberlues nov dlaims, b ha ethé dm1A toWvn in Canada, ber poplaition tl»4Pcuqers f7orougluly iîtrui' heing Oer 10,000. ed in thce use cf thse Machine. galase#nfixe Enaliah coiet-Mcie eieeit n sdes agetijr'to-tha- ahipping. Mahnsdlvrdt y ire, 4Delavarq la frozéxa overat Phils. a for thé fix-t lime in inu>'ems. ther youugz Engili lady lias beau ted at eueg onic lDrea. 'rqlefao Caot YCounnil bava ,04 te patltie nlrie Govamu. th alter 1he 'w'#re4siring ýail- i kleaîco f anuonreceanizpd soi. large sirelbas haeu dog outtnar' ile, Ont. Il is(ôbe hé bpeii the wfili hereserved for sciantifle in. nd npçeservaition. t1 b ~b.ouIesl-;Kep oto! pli. ra ta go vhea short o! moue- iaàn elift4ggt.lu u. 0 wonau'sbail t4 aan A ,t klnd cf seeemeals:'*-êrî -W îtPseev a=*ir. fld U7'hi dBis " 3' îwuid r""i Bator adve<lma. ufra ils vnaa4le a n.lé.. AND EASY TE RMS GIVEN FOR- PAYMENT SulylSîl, 1874. 29-OMni T H1E GRE AT ENGLISH REMEDY SPECIFIC MEDIOrN'Eý Ciixs .aBl N-ivon. Dîseuasem, sncb as "Yria5 ic )btlltv. 5'...5aaetc., mhcI u x fa es, are produced b>' ovar 4budpgac a' bwoe ci tebbue sud. alcos- hoit spirits;bu t, the SpecilloMediie il iaata ma àseIUrOma1e4a apmfil vfo.ie ra1 i .'èjaa l a e ais the f$iark, 5 us , aI bca S r arelri cause ib>' a Meuiiciaia La the reanli oi a qany-years ai a~tperianea In epeelal dusesees. - Folipartie. snxjxblet, wixlch we dausire te hoice Tms, Faim Lard, Butter, lxand.~ GD~ON& SPARVELL's. 51 GIVE YOIJR- SON HNEf- A PEÂCTICAL BD UCÂTION THE']EÂD0 TE ÂGE. We whb te pice a cep>'ofqur COLLEGE Iu the< bande 0M ever'Youg manilu Cana&a. ilcentaine Two Valuable Lecturéeý.to ,Young Men By Robt. Wilkes, Esq, 31P., and Geo. R94 met Eaq., Man. Tercaxto Bank, BWsdes Pilier a&sful Iofonestion .VcrtaýMn#sgt. Prmtioal Uduoatie, We, tho underflgAaer haviîîg examined l eb u S1ùterOiS adoptia b>' tum5lifisla American Commercia ollega, alsa a *yuopa set tle course oaIinstruction, bave pleasure ini sftîitg that we believe it admnirabi>' adapted te he b reqxirements ef these cnei plti ues pnrsnits, sud. jndging irom wbsl e knw aiflihe gentlemen cconated evc i ntfation, we have no hesitatlen n ucoaieudlng ilte thoîe auxiaus la aseccore' tbe n--celsar>' bail, for the higbest dais ai commercial allainrmente Hon. AltÇx. Mockenzie, Premier aif(Canada; Hob. Wm. MeMaster, Preaident Cani.lan Blank oi Commerce; Hon. John Craword, ILeut.<luvemrarf Ontaro; W. H. Rowland, President Dominion Boad ni Trade; Hou. John Sfinpsn. Preaidant Ontario Bank; Ho -Thosa. N. Gibils, <)hawa; Wna. Gonderbam Esq, Preaidant Bank af Toronto; J. A a*n Eeqj., Precident DomininBanks; Non. .. Hillya;à Camaran, President Provincial insur, ance Ca.; lion, John MeMfurrichi Prea. Dominion Telearaph Ca.; P.Hsldane E q.'O G cral Manearer Western Insuranco Ca; John Vaughan, Es aagrIe a l R ai n* aiseCio., Hngrh Scott, Esq., Gen. Mansger Qûeen Çiiy Pir Insurance Ce.; Dun, Wiman &Co.,«Mercantile Agene>'; Jas. Young, id-P. Galt >Adam Oliver, M. P., Ingeroil. QOr frienuls aîong the msrcbents are entirely tîoo numeroos te mention, and vae au 'lv refer ons patrnns to the leadine business firme tluroughout evez>' towu and cil> in' Ontario. For ternis, Speelmena ai Peumansbip, &èt., addres- 4 ODELL & TIIOUT, Toronto. We desire to retuËn our thanks to- our customers for the more tIÉan liberal patronage that they have bestowed upon us.-- We flnd that the Cash Systern iii the surest, best, and CHlEAPEST for both of us, and we endeavor day by day to offer a larger, choicer, and maore-seleût stock of- Dmug(Ys and Cbeeuuls, Condition Powdcrss for Hanses & Cattia, Combxs aud Brushes, Heava Remedy, Hair Cils sud Essences, *Tailat Sosps -'Perfumnca and Paniades, Laxnps, Chandeliers,, ]3racketip Pipes, Fauches, Largest Stock Ciguis and Writing at Wholesale Prices. Our stock \Vriting iDesks is compiete. Youxs truly, Of ail descriptions. Writiug Paper, Envelapes, .Pen-holders, Bornera, Ioy.oks Cbnca, Iuxs&P, & Paper we ollei of Fancy Goods an( FALL AND' WINTEF IMPORTATION 0F -Ias cuiiueli-pleasire ini anuoitncihg fa bis customaranasudtlb.publiceià ,reneral, fIxaIlis stock is uowoemipleta;- An immense a8ssrtmnt ta select from, îearly al bous-laidirect'ram tfib muainfa.ctua'ers, md viii ha sold tia s mall id. vance on coat for Cash. Sa hHiaÀaIéng3your mono>' and sava the advauce fhi has'to ha pot onfor bâan d doubtfnl debta. .BAILE S-OF FACTORY COTTON, 5 Cents, 7j Cents, 8 Cents, aund 9 Cents a yard.' Just Arrived, a Case of those Celebrated Linen TPowels, at Five Cente,-each! AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Froin 15c a yard- A ver>'- fair Alpae. Prom 600e ta $8 00 a yard. Ce at 250e a yard. Prom 60e ta $3 00 a yard. White Lawn Haudkreralliefs from Bce esei. Table Linen 25e a yard. A (Jood Heavy Wrapping fhawl for $1.95. A Fine Ail Wool Double Shawl jor $3.75. B3ROWN HOLLAND 12J CENTS A YARD i A Mammnoth Stock of Manchester & Aberdeen Winoeys. A. beavy Winoey at Bc a yard; a sucored Wineey at 121, said la ha worlh 16e. -A large'lot of Cimeckd Winoey Siirtinge froni 17c. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARIMENT LUSTRES! AN IMMENSE STOCK OP W111I ho found largo and veli aelacted, containing aIl thé New sud Faahiouable - matexiasesud shades o! théeseasoe.- Lace- Nett for Wiudow- Cm-laina ai 20c, 28c, 25e :c,85c, snd 5Oc. Just arrives], Twso Cases of tbe Ceiebiated Cornwall Biankef s, which wil b, alddlesi ibm lb. baîf-catton imporWds]Bhanketa kept' b>' other'us.. Plcain atnd F ancy FIarpnalin gr-et abaîcdarnc. <id st remarkably low prices. tý9 The Hosîcry/ýaud Glova Départmcnt wiil be foond- complote inm ever>' size anti qoality 1 A splendid stock of Boadad, BaIl, snd Pane>' Triminingli.- Cloodsansd Fane>' Wooi Gooda ingreaf vax-lot>'. Au aU.wiýîoIIaU4 1240. ta» Juef t a ba, a splendiaasssortmenofGrübe, ink, sud Scal Sots, wbvicb ýw inlbe disposee of ut re=masb1y low priçea.- WIL SELLGQD For one. Month knImger Il The Largest Stock- in Town. Furniture! Fiurniture! Now is the tine to bu good and che8 Furniture. Having bouglit out the business lately carri on by James H. Samo, we take this opportunity of inviti lis many friends to give us a cail, and we eau assure that. 'we are prepared to do as well by them in the futm as Mr. Samo has done in the pàst.- TILL & JOHNSTOI -Do I)rders by mail prornptly attended ti UNDEIRTAKING.-Theonly firsi class Establislment in the County where fanertis'a-re :fi [y supplied. kt r , d ar i TI Gents Furni8hlag end fleady-Made CIOffgDe4ttI duat arriveti, a splendid stock of Men. rse .l-aid. F ur Hatsxaw hane anti pplrpce;auoafresx si-rival th'i C d l Ii , c4a,., -4 Boots and 00e ot adSi~ SBee's i. dan s 1 obeapýÃ"*, Ode.n The Aenotaood etae xhuwil." C6 ïiIi. ti l bA jn T-HlEi GROýO BRY T>1lPMA PUR 'ýJ uILEI ~ CARRIAGES & RB1.*effiE TILL & JOHNSTON. 3eg to inform the public generaily; that they have opée a New Carniage Factory, on Dundas Street, rW0 DOORS WEST of the MOET OFFICE lThere thc are now preparmd to execute ail work in th 'rriage Makung Line, on flic shortesf notice, -and: made o! the hast on terial, aud firisf.class workmausbip. ILL WORK WARRANTED REPÂIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. JOHINST 0N'S i'ELF-RAKING R-EAPER At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. le ofler to our customers for the coming H.arvest, two dis. tnt Machines, which in styhi and cdiistt-üdtion, enibrace )IINSFON'S SI NGLE SELF-IAKNG REA>EI' ie oniversal a.uccess of titis Mach.ine, lxoth'-un ciosely ïcontest, -riais anti in the banda af the tai-nera, warrant us fb shying-jbnît as a Self.Râk- Reapinir iMachine, it bas mare gaod points snd lies defacst ad blas*met witi ee -successud less failre. than beretofore ofleretlet-hé OuFbic. CAYUCIA JUNIPR e were awarded the First Pnize aud Diplcoj.1atthe Prcvin Exhibition, bals] irnToronto, 1870.in e'ieiinwrx~ ?oedn-rcie nufâcturet inirthe Province ; andl with oaur fecent impýrCvel3fMt& va Ouitiesitat.- ýy -challenge investigation -antiý compâris-on witb eampetia'g Machinas. we sr,, sflet thatsncetgtio iI-ovn4eve-y unprejidcu.dd umir.si. ebat w, ithe bail Power to-ihe Fariner for 1872. built ln the Do' -nion. -Serit descriptive cuftlcgnes. BUOWN & PATTERSON. IY GUOD8 A-ND GROCEIi'ES, hie- undersigned is 110w. re-celving ~RGESTOC 0EDRY- GOODS ConsistÏng of Dres: Gcýdàs, Maesoiery, GnhmCatfon S,;: fiass~m~pCa oer~Tdsid-, ffiJIBtock oo1f Féügdên J~'ESHJLmiL;Y GROG TIëes, Coffe'es, raw aid refié ingea 8plendid Stock J ýC;H-EAP-& FA BO'AN U SIR- ~'Next 'door -to Goldlsmiths' A laige. and supericir. stoclk oe well- made Ladies', Gente, Misses' _ýaùd àhldens oots and, S'hoes,- The stock comprises - thef best work, and will be found:.eheap and durable-. -Sat:iêfm>tion guar ' c d. Cs tmers will fid if, totheir-iiteet to eaU a -nd "'examine« the -g9o'ods and list of prices. IRepairs neatly and promnptly executed. Whitby, Sept. l8th, 1874. P* t'y IL ~ i ~ uy I:,. ~ ~ THE OLD STANDb- r[E S TAI3LB WM. TILL, - JROPRIBTORU New Parloi' Sets, ied ing ail Ne. Vliitby, Octo~ier 15, 1878. WINER LOTHING Cents Furnishing'.-Store Merchant Tai/or, -Drpaperc5 DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A New and well sejected stock suita-. hie for the Season, inc luding heavy O'vercoatings, Scotch, English, and ýCanadian Tweeds. A large stock of Hats, Caps, Te, Collars, &c., and a very largestock of Fur Goods-. ~1-Fashionable Tailoringiialit branches. Stylish and pérfeet fittiug garments guaranteed. tfuili~~5~4T w Thitby, October 21st, 1874. LIT-F AlT'IN - 48.1> Ontario, 'and separate Mumicipalities in thîe latter.- BenlIaird,. l.E. <l'eIl Wmi.M. wllox .... Dasueil Rase ... lavid I3iailop... l'art Parc>'.. Streecaville». Brock .... Âtherl1y lWbitli%. Part Perry ... do,. .. Eut-IWhby b>....- llaaverton - ML'sîI'ALIrn. rok...... .... Mars .. ......... South Itiding .. - do,... Tlxora ....... Trax ridng Noi-fb Ridig . do. UCXbridge... Mars,............. YmkýraÈlga- - ... Lîcx-sExpmas. Daeuai,18 7L Jen8r 1, 187M. RATES Prom wboxn ave?>'ifor atinMyeit oblaiued. nomt, ab A g o d M illSit eon t e E ast xranc b o ! Lue'a Creek, an excellentu location fora M.Wilib sold cbeap. Partiesi hgafibcencouraged. Appv ta- J. HÂMER GREEIlWOOD, Mayar. Wixitby, May 14th, 1878. 20 pR SPECTUs. THE BROWN à PATTER8OPL MA2UF.ACTTyINn-G COMPAZfY, -j su-ffr e ein EIVÇ 0F MdAI'.IOCX>. ete of SaIf'Cmsre. W'riti hiniseif afier onU quectkery, siimd -at f ers' are ini t-ed ta i NATHî' P.'O. Box 153, ,i A ME3 LicesdfrSth0F idi CTofOnaiNortEýRSd-o SILKS 1 New Iiiiug-ro.om -Sets. And a large stock of Cane and W' d -eat Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, ýLounges, essteaids, C upboards. Hair, Cloth, and Damusk Lounges, Couches L'e-, &c. A fine stock of NXewv Gilt Window Com'nices, chenàp. The ldirgest and cheapest stock of Pictures ever brounght in town, ail of wvhich lie offers at prices that will not fail to tut the timfes. iThe undersigned wishes to state to his old custom- Tu and the public genor.îly, thatbhe is to be found ut thec "OLD STAND," nd bat u eitlucr bonght out, nor sold out, anxd is in no way connected 'witl x y vther establishmet in tas-. SUîîdertaking as usual.-A Large Stock of iReady- nade Coffins constauntiy lept on baud, an d triuxmcd ta ordor ta, suit eue- -o-aers, on shorteruotice Furuerals fùUy supplied with- cverything«. kt ir 1 2,400 SHARES 0P Sco RACH. The aboya Cornpary ia xn course cf for- mation for Ihe plirpase ai pnrt-hasixg the ifesi ýEstate, Buildings, Mga, iuri), Plant,- and good.will <the ifie lefaeunng bui-, tins ai the Braoai & -Pfeersoïn Agricmlinial Works. lunfixa Town af 'Whatix. la: tbc cw ('our.ny,lqee>ri. Faa Pateron av e i Ë'led f80.0t- stnc lt, "ad ote fsina--itionblave alreaed blen oh- taind axeonixu- Wf 2b.130. w FisLin p a toial Inow subsc'rllîes aif5600.Ilf te utended tO iuîre-ase tile eainfa f20.000, ituracr ta ta élani!e -the amn.tut xifodoue. su e'nla*rg thfie cer ni h roixi e' Worua ufly a arecticai of adîclitionaàl Itildiaipa, pur. <'basirs- sdditiona ebinnsuen moSa-n ablaigtI ffw eeuî.n t caryan timeir j bn Iiiesan a ,fritily c.rah 1usd,. Ini 'urder to show t rf a)lue mmbl1oîil"fs lreadvr imade for the newoir annaxit te ar.lyneea. md tW Atatetl'st in- <'1,-en yr-nms' I-uintas opérationi4fronimu esre. 1 à2. leJanuacv Igi.qMeesrs. PFxown Y Ptcr n49v', onabied, xv prolffts raallsced, fa talee te large srnnnt of Stnrk abave-mnrntiovecd as lxâvtaJ licen suile-rlbed bixt fimiii fl-a uew Co:n- rapnv. Thxepropert, l'ait lheaxx vuned=nder file 3ire'fjnn and sopera-vîiicaofai esmr., J. -S-. y Willenx sud Jnl'bTp n' oftraa the, ProvTisionial Foard at f64,9'8.8-Tile eegtsbuisixnuent basrlice» lifl r asa n fil e w Coirpary sutce ]7tiu Fbroary'ls - tle lfretf day noui, arsanirtien-the pro. lits aif the business cammncing ironi tixt dat-e. Application bas beai, n'sda ta flic Legisla- turc itr a Charter lu flue enu pialfërandu ,witb tic nsasi igIte sund Privilèg-es. At file expirstinai tf imae steted by Statut. 111v- 'r six Weelc) a;sencrai aiîceting ai tb. SI:s-: eboldars vwili lia beld, ou notice, for the nrpasc ai eiet'tns- a rx-ieïeul-Bosrd ai Direclors eln.' OCflees affixe Cnxpan'y. Snuscriptinaaci stock in lhe midertait. lie are motsrespeefnly - saicited. The valns of tue -stock, -as IR pavins-divideud lu. veitinent, imuiyha regamrde aos ieing ixeyoud dnnbt; sewh ixe gren Atravasges ta lima Town ai Wblthv and Connty ai Ontaria ain secnnuesxaulenaruemeut ai ftxe iavorably known Works aiMesar. Brown & Pattereon muai at once comnnld heuisalvea. Parties deairins- fa subserjixe for stock are raqnc3tel -t6 enclose meinoraudaini, par post et an aarly day stafing tlie nummar ofsharea tbey vwish, fa bave alaotted. N. W. BROWN, B. J. YARNOLD, President. - Secretary. Wlxitby, 28tb'February-, 1878. lOti ,ý'hÃŽtby, October 15, 1873. 1 1 in .i 1874. UR CU LA IR 1833,. . ] , WMtby, October lot, 1873. Copy-books. & cc nùtby, July 29th, 1874.. 81-li AWARDED PRIZE 1 1 BLAOK BLACK TRE Il RING OF RE41reÉ1àýj MOWER Netz, ,-- - -:000Ã".:- -, ko- 1 m'c 11, IUO '0 H MESSRS. TOMS NEWPORT, JAS. H. -GERRIE S :m -& JOHN- FERGUSON THE FIRST

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