Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1875, p. 3

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La tlit. su obtaînied flrut-ola.i certijlcaten, y-six obtaitied swcooxd.laa., tiiirty4 obtslued tblrd'elaes, sud eghteeo id ta obtain a£f lace£O. uet week, wilIe omre men vere, irig a -WelI et PnrtieuelvilleDakota, nu the drill bailbeen suk about e ft au open spacebelow wadis. ae, sud .y n 'lendisl cono bl bottom. Wlseu i dt i e lrawn a volume of bot steesu rush- ýut, and bus eontinsled *0 escape. ÉMuw' ba& been med for, about a ile uroind the well,' thi and i eu~warm and volves aud ntiser cnaseaor ate t er.e t nfgbt «sPO th:. ais veil"awregard.a à a great eurlouty by thi.ptople of country.- A Party a etonviIted tho 'resîdeuce of Mfr. Garîliner, Towusblp collecor' ni >taxes for Ennlkill.-u,8Sturday Dight, as on the -pretence Ibet îhey ,were detectîves ordered W0 arremt hlm for ernb.zulemeuî, despofied him ni thc isu ofi206. Tbree men are luncestooly for lte re.. cent steelilg oe aie frasu the office of Aiarna' Expresa Compauy, New York, whleh la eeported tb bave contaiued -cash eud bond. ta tbe velue of 0500,. 000. 1*la belleved tiat mont oi the Mney Win b. recovered.' Mu active campalgu against the Cu. batu lusurgeti mey be expeoteol, Cap- telu-Generel CouSit. bavig taksvn the. field lu perono. fleliorcemenîs Iron r s i su v arll jpictnZo' ts pro=e i.o well-selec !tedc ba f.Ep' lia pr vld ed tir rkast ebies viima d*&vaetelmy sVnred bverge. Tioh bye u mau hevy»èo sob S'ttceIiof die ~tbe cjutous ia muni gaties ni ju n it uttgeounsay b. res lyuto up isutil strsg enougi toreststfevye mals dlencyarte ase.H&rundurdy iuismac wilenvar iotlner o a ds e adyoi t. Wetta, erever ier.al all aitkepin. . ur seaps eH in setal aithyueeptuou n =rpr,, uourlahod frmua-C, ervo ilEImiFDy FR I-We e rnerse,à smsple and- sure measn of cue~for con. 4=m n, Bronotie, eAsthmei, Catarrl su ad auy disase nif the Titroat o Lun NrvousDebilltity, Premature De. gçoeÇekus, aud aul srderi brougit 0n bOisb yeliimrudeon"e. TuTLZ B îCwp, 78 Hasau-*t'N. y. D 0 MOT TROUBLE YOURSRLP TG ask viiether Dr. Wheel.r'i Compn Elizir ni Phosphate*andeuSCsaeys maybe sifely taken ln ynur partiossiar cas; being cnmiffléd ni elementa u«eessgybtisthefoi. meto nofthe houe, inuce ana nbrve, an acting pure ai ntritive toife, ites poil tlveiy certain to beuefit aUi age sud con. ditions ni lige, sa it periecti thse digestion and assimilation nif ond sud the pntrifyissî ni the binod. Phosphates are the esiential agents of the getrl Julesu d tise mntive pnwer ni the. nervntuaiyeim, snd Neture' unliversel remedy l i te animal asdvege. table klugdnm to augment sud sustain the NEW ÂDVERTI8EMENI ON T ARBio LOAN à SAWVNOS COMPA )Ps iet ek &y or- ýe 'NY Spain are to b.e seunt - DEAT >s.TIO cow-m. The seconud annuel meeting ni thse Ontario Da O TE 25,000 w.JTl Losu & Sevings Company was isld etthCe Parla Kentseckiae oi Jan, 20# mayi :- office onithe Company, corner ni Ring sud "On Belurday lut, the Fourti Duchens Sinsone streets,lOshawa, on Wednesclay, th. of n Oneldedieol ut Bon. T. J. Megibben's. 5r5de ay ni Febs-nsry, 1875. Present-Hon. * h Si.wai puroeed by Megibben & TM 4.GuiseW. H. Gis? W. F. Cnwan, Win.Ms-Gul M D., Franc-is ]Ras, M. D., F . M0eUiord., October, 1878, SI Cesuphel'a . w. dî, A. S. WiigWHToa 'xew York Miil. sae fcr $26,000. Sli. S. Las-ke, F. E. Gibbs, mno. Brooks, C. Hol- leevesa e1i11li cal!, tiree Moulu niod, by land, J. H. McCiellan, J. -A. Gibson, W. T. Fousteenti Duke of Tsosudele, seid te Diugle, D. fcsy, L. Englisii, M. Morris, lie one ni tbe fOuest Dulo. lu lb. country. sud T. H. MeMIllan. Tiere wm,on course, n usurauco oun SECOND AMNUAL REPORT. lier. Thinie the26.000 beffer lias meit The Directors, ln preseuting thii their the mmre fe se CieS840,500 eoow. Ms-. second annuel repos-t, begton cougretuilte SBedford hias been partlcularly thse Stnckholdes-s upon tIhe continuei succes unuortunate, bivugliseretofore lbat tvn whlch ha. atteuojed th. operationus nihe coasty bull."'Company for lie paît yesr. lu ech braisch i the business a large Tiiree Chicago girls are about Open- eucreaise hai takou place. The smounxt lig a barber aop lu tisat City. One Io loaned onu mortgages iug 571,827.80, as te d tie ltlîe-lu anîîe- tIe ssavngagaiust #51,657.69 ms- he. prealous year, sud tild te laerIi, antcer thlbosîe, ~the amount receiveil on deposit, tll,537.5,# whie te tir, abeatifl lone, s o as againat 819,1842 46 for the preabous yss. mt ou a mort oiea liront suandpay en e Th e large ios-sas. lu the amouint niDe- harr sud ig. Tisa uf filttiseltai- posits lu the Ssvings liant in evidtuce on liilisueul ile laa, viii Cnet 812,000. she hugh estimation lu which lie Company la helvt by the general public. Tlier. are four living queeua nf Spain, Tii. net profits ni oh. year, after deduct- so called-Christine, wi'low nf Ferdi. iug calas-les aptd ail oties- office sxpt.use, in- psne VII vi reidesah SinteAd.tes-est tOndepositors, sud two halb-yesrly can VI, wo rsidé u SanteAd-diVidend s ethCe s-ste ni Cen per cent., vas-e dresse, nsur ar srq ; Inabelia IL, $ 86.6 This amount has beeu casrie mothes- of Alphonse XII.; Oie Dus-hieo 1 credil nofIlest aseunt, wiich sceounu ofn Anos, vite cf Prince Amadoc, ni tic nov emoufts ho 0,8.8 Bnnse nf Savoy, andi th.eie ni Don The greeteat cas-elhas beau exes-ised by Carias, vito styles bisuseif Chsarles VIL. yous- Directors lu the. saîetcihunif ans,C which in evidenced fbsont the lenthlat ouly Tii. Toronto, GOse-e nsd Bruce Rail- two mostages in tse possession ofi the Comt-C way la blocked vit h suov, sud traffio peny ae-ensu ars, sud thse but fs-rstusl euiay tpaS oIssn ervsie mnunts.C ientre) stppe. N trans rried t 'lie naccounta nf the yeas- have beens-as-e- Orengeville for uear]y a veek. 11nl audit. sund h. ses-usities valued. t Tovu' itîu nijl asi toreous et The Dis-astors desis- reo-clr theis- en- Town' fourwil an strehuseutire epproval nf tise mauner insvilch Oie Bowmanville ver, destroy.d by fis-.On Sesrtary-Ts-eas. hais dianharged tie dalles Tiurmdey morulng, ais well seas siaugi- devolving opon hlm. 0 tee-Isouse Conlîgnous, wlîicb coutaineil Wu. Ms-GILL, Preosideut. fiteen Iiogs. 56 .5TATEMENT OF LIU5ILITIES AND-bAssErS FOs The Marquis ni Hartingtonu:lsas isen vitE 21 MONTHE IN0815T as.,l1874. C ciomsu leader nifIlh. Lubes-l Partly, lu To Capital Aet paiSl in, #55214.83 lie place ni Mr-. Gladistone. * Repsymeuts nu mort- aes,1904968 The ruineof r n s. Augfliu's intention Igtes-rest receivable, 2931-66 bo resigu the Speakersiip of the. Houa. "Depoaitareceived, 906-79.98 ai Commrns Ia cautradietei. "Secretarys cnmmis'u, 4756570 Next snmmnr te Enipes-or nf Brezil "Ontario fBank, 1600).00#14el6 wiiî visitltumi;e, returrîiug insu.by i onsson mos-Igagea, 0128782,64T vay ni the United States. Daposits relus-ned, '37469.45 The ex-Eniprema Engeule le said ta b. vasling avey viti consumption, asd moka muncli ooles- lieu e ew moutisi ugo. A borse et the. Beslin cirons site et talaesd est. like e bumen ieing vitis a bue ansi ms-k fastenesi ta Li. tva fore-iegs by sirapa. A Haytoen negrolhm s een condemn- Gd to deti for cannibeiism. Wiîen esresteS h. aliate beesi ni a nuan vietisu lu-bie basket. - Bo mucis snow bas isln thii.vint.r lu France bas not been saontics-e be. fore for tveuty s-sas-s. At some pointe Ilsi six icet deep on thse rond&. Willieam Qordon ia ideed. He vai sceulo ats-t Ifor'Ciieries Koea atht Princeâs' Titeatre cluriug lie sisys of I tise SiiolsReuseau pageaul. He was sevcnty.tiis'e, y Tii. first ivo 88-ton guns ever mae for naval vaeere vas-e issucol ta the -- Bsitsh Nasy- et Ci. beginuing of the SesThey es-e for te irnu-clesi Thun. -In Englenol it la proposesi hiat the- uppercleesos salil for a whîiteeSiocon. * hune eatiug'nystera, l inshebope liai * .y tishus h e Lad some dey for les. ~-tissu $1 a simien. - The Iîrmpresi fChina wes sn oves- coin. vitîsgrief et tise deti ni ier iusband, tii. laIe Empes-or, tisat aie cosumilteil suicide., Si. vwas Ivo veàs * oldes-titan Toïug-cbi, ans i a, or a *Chines. v-Oman, velcsluceted andi se- c'omplislled. Loyal Cubaus viii b. indemniSied iy bie'Spanisi G.vernsnent for basses-lu- byi the1 icwar, The confisenteS estaýesof lbe lusurgenots vii bc usesi for tisat pus-pose. An Omais step.motiicr hileS a childs four yeas-s nId by kicking sud jumping uipon iter in a fil ni anges-. A fermer vas isozen ta Sentis et Moutit Fore-st on vednemiey lest, ha. ing logst lis vas- lua snnvs-ift. The isods a.uatltounuS tilt Snndsy. submcriptîons ias-tllJParm Municipal Loti-mut to 42 limos.the amount requIs-nS A W AslLutousd&qiatcls sas-s noua of the .Sowisng McieCompanies viii obtain ueh extension ofniaisetet. S Fiv. ticnsud men as-e tlsrn otlfn w os-k ithaoivas aitaber lunttae Le- chine Cîgeai.' At eatmeetinîg in Lanas-k lie feeling vas unulonus ilu faveur oiea bonne ni 8200, 000 to -tie Huis-ou nsid Quocio Eilway. A fis-e at h akes- setlemeut aht New Lt-banon - on~ Saturdes- destroyed 'Ps-o. perts la lie vlu. ni67o0000. Tite reissîini efa Mesîndon ni vers- largo size ver. onS lest veeho on s fas-ni fies- Dunuville, andI are nov on ezhlblMion in St. Celiiorltes.. The Windsor #nd Annepojla Eelvey Comipany,. Nova scolie, are nuebie te meut lie ooupoos aiatnring ln Jaouss-y. Tvo men vîr. iilleul ansi eeverai otîses seirtl)soly einjns- t-daMonts-s-l an Baîorday, by tieps-ttisatus-s csviptg lu ni soinepares-h luncoure io fexcavation, Fopit Dzacoucu CioFS.-Among tIse busmsît,aw bûfore te aSonstîè luis session viliibu.the imoosal oni font- divore euesi; otie from,]B-itfrlh Colomiei, one frosu Oni, an0pd twe fsontQuebee. D.;jiiden do 1, 2y & 81 4015.00 ,Etpeusea u alas-es, 4012.24 _utereat p&ld, 83161,819 "Office fouitus-., 963.74 "CahiniuOntario 821.28 legs cieques n; 01.50 p~reseutesi, 20*1781>1 Csh on hand, 52.71 ---817451-67 MEAL iBALANOCE. Capital Acconunt, 055214.8 Depnsits, 48210.5.3l Ites-esC res-ivable, 2931.66 Ontario TBank,' 16M0.00 Secs-tars-s commission 475.57 -Loans ountnstgsges, 3104783. 01 81825 mOs-sest paiS 8361.39 - Ex-meuses autâ salaries, 4042.24 Offis-e furnitore, 963.74 Divideuds Nos 1, 2 &l, 4065.00 -Ontar-io Bank, 614.50 Ca4h onuhanS, 52.71 --#11783259 LIADILITOES AND->ABSETS, To RasO Acs-nu, 81805.62 "Stock due Bhreholde-s,552î4 8 Due depuitors, 48210.63 "Due Ontas-inlBant. 16000 Ballans-e, 8845.86 $119076.51 Bs- pressent value mnr-- g ages, . $117541.97 Office fus-nltus-e, 87.80 CashinluOntaribo Bank, 614.90 "Cash osn baud, 52,71 $119076.54 - T. H. McMILLAN, S.Trass. * We haeoexamined Oie vnuchsersansd *boots ni tic Compans-, vil s-aers-ns-e 1 thle abat-e ststsmeul sud finS them 10 lis *careiuIly sud propes-is- ept. AUl of vus-h la respes-Oluliy submitts-s. G.H. Guitosi,}Anias B.DIIIOLE, 1 utos Tii, Prssidleut, secondeS bs- Hon. T. N. Gibs, moreS h.eadoptionuof the repos-t, vis-i as unaninlinuals- sas-s-ed. The olîowng gentlemen --eested Diras-tesi-: The Hou T. N. Gibs, Mesars. W. H. Gibbs, W. F7- Covan, F. W. Glen, A. S. Witin , W. H. Thomas, J. S. Las-k,, Wm. Ms-i, M. D., sud Fs-ancsalie, M. D. Ab as sbsqI uent meeting of tie Boas-S, the In. T. .~ Gibbs wasses-ctedl Preaident, add W, F. Cowaen, Eeq., Vis-e.1sidenit. JESOLVENT ACT 0F 1809. lu tie Mettes- aijames Mcl<ie, Black- amili. an. Insolvent. TIie Insolvent ha@mamd. su asalgomeut of lis otaleOn me, ansd lIse s-rdin-a-er noOtied tb appeas- et IBasaru athieacsse ci business, un Mondas-, lhs 22nd day nf Fes-- suars,1875, At t0tres o'ciqck lu tIse 5hermoon, on res-elve satements oi iseftais-, sud Co appoint asu ssgnee. t E. MAJOR, Ies-tnt Assignes.- Glen Mainor, Feb. 5tit, 1675. 7 Seald. endrs adresedto lthé undes-. sigssed wiI b. received up totie 27th Pe-b. nias-s-,inclusive, for thse eses-ion ni an hnts I bail VDlutu li 9vunifWhitbs for Ms-. Jas. Drawige ad agoifiatio sut*y ah tir .biteel, 0 £W&sv, ou -and The lowest ns-;~y tendes- nnhecessa-its- 7eb. 1loi18wo. - - 7 CAUTION. - 1 herehyceution ail persona eginat pus- chasluug spromissors-note susSe bs-met Louis Holidayg, os- osier, (o- eas-er, for 85 Ps abllo lket. next as e reive Donucou] %lZderatiou4ns- the. sii!notsand Wl ont pas- thi. Aet e tainuy. lîronkUn, rois. 10, 1875.L A W I E andSU of Ce 'rZuaDVIS&SOlI p UBLIC 8AIfR HEA Y, D RUGHT MAIR AND',HORSES, r Bot.ý g, itrçaL5 ?ES PURE 13RED SHEEPP, GRADE Tie. snderîgned bas recelvea iInstruc- tIons irosu MR. H., H. SPENCER, ni Dos-set Farm, uesWBronklin, to seli by Public Auctionon the premises, Lot 27, 7h cou. Cownship nf Whitby, on THURBDA Y, l8th FEB., 1875, the lôod'ng valieble stock, conaisting ni somnilof.tha st breeding Cauadian Draug Mares and FinOies ln thse conty of Onteso ; alan a lot ni the. choinesi- Shropshire dowu aud Sonthdowu Sheep su the Province-e number ni vhlnh have Caken prizes et ail the leading fais-s in Canada;* Cogether with s lot ni grade cnws sud itelfers, ail fs-rn * pnsted sud good-suilldng stock. Alsn a ieisuplements: ]zonez$. Ou. chois-e aevyD -ught Gs-ay Mare, 7 yqars oldby e by a prize vinner with bal b0ord0 ufenn. One Heavy Dreugit Bey Marc, ôSyears nid byNebe: ar:ie lÏ,with ina! One heavy drsnght Bay Mare, lyes-s olsi, b7 Duke uo Wellington, with mal Coo Caunaby Messetiger. Oue heavy draugit Bs maue a6Yeats nId by Netherby, with ioal, to Canatby Mes- seuger. Onehleav ïraugh-Bayriufy 1year nId One ?eavy drsught ItounGray Fillvl1vear nId, hy Scotlands Glas-, dam by Neth. 'erby. One heavy draught Trou Gr-ay spring filly, ofi 1874, by Netherby, dam by Farmers Glory. Ou. very hsusonemg suerai purpose Bay mare, 7 years old by Netherhy, damn Morgan. impos-ted. These mares cau b. highly recommeud- ed for bs-eediug purposesasstheylhave 3and 5 crosses of thseb est hesvy draught impnrt- esi stock lu Canada. Ou. suserior heavy ds-aught 'gsy Horse, Due sulses-ins heavy drsught Bron Colt, 1 'yea- nid by Nethenby. Oue superbE hfesvy dratigitBey Colt#- ni 1874, by Rolibje Bur-us. On. lwo yesr onîS Fitty, by Patchen, dam Oue vers- las-g. Shropshire Ramn, 8 [yeas old,winner ni lireeProvincial Isîprizes. Due vas-y large Shronpsire Bain, 2 years nid, s ps-ire vluueas-alesdiug selsofn Canada. Oue ver- large Shropshsire Ram, 1 year nid, a 1bst pniza wusnes- et leading faira lu Canadae. Du. pai- ni Shropshire Ewes, 8 -eass nd, suposadtO be with lamIs, vanne- ni let pris a iiProvincial tai-. Due pali 15hr-opshir-e ewem, 8 years nid, supposeS b ob, wlth lauti, ps-iza vin. Liera. I.hs-ae pais-nf chois-cShs-opsire E ve lamis, sul excellent, well voolesi, sud promise 10 ha large.sîll verranted pure ired sud tirnmmOs-tedl Stock, Oue s-hotte goutthdown Ram, 8 s-aond, ,has always tan the lot prize at Ps-n. vincial bals-a. Oue SOnîhdown Ram, 1 s-car nid, a prize wsnuas- at laadiug bais-s in Canada. Cne Southdovu Ramn lamb, s ps-ire vluner at leading bairas lu Canada. One Pair Sonîbdowu eves, 2 3'ears nid, sup- posaS 10 b, viti lamIs, prs-lt. inners. Oue pair Sosihhdowu eves, e yeass ld, sup. posesi to b. vili lantI, prize wlnnars., One pals- Sontidowu Ewe a sbo. CÀTTLE. Oue excellent Mlkicng Con, 6 s-esrs nid, calveS lu Dec., 1874. Oue excellant Mllklug Con, 4 s-cars olsi, s-sIreS su Dec., 1874. Oue Farrow Cow. n us- s-hoice Grad, Halles-s, 2 yeara nid front gond ntllking shos-k. 'WO grade heibers, 1 s-cas- id, bs-ontgond Milting stock. OXPLEMEIt-i5. ne s-ast bs-sm Wiitby mad, piougn Oshawa suode Cou-Ois-'s plouge;1 Gang plougi; 1 pai-Wooden Has-sows- 1 Pai- ligit vanS Harrows; 1 Sts-aw Culte-,One pair ni Iighl Bb SBleigis. As Ms-. Spencer la giving up ne oniis rTms, sud muet dispose cf a lot ni hi. os-k sud impiesueuts Chat he do..ot re- luis upon tli a im ha nov vnsts, aU Othe ove must c asoS il ihut rases-va. TRRMS 0F SALE :-All suot.fni810 id under, vsm, oves- that mmount, 10 iOnths crédit s-u approvesi Joint Notes, at-lu g iter-ibs-fom dte ifnt paiS vher ae. e;igis pas-cent alloweasforbus-h. Sala L. FAIRLBANKS, Jr., Ausctioucer. itbs-, FaIs. ts-d1874. AY YOUR TAXES, c0 c c a m ie du Whit PA cole. short whi Extension- Railway 1 CORDWOOD WANTED I 1,000 CORDS OOOD HARD WOOD, 500 CORDS GOOD MIXED WOOD, Tn bs dslivered lu Cnmpans-s es-ard, aîport Ps-ss-y For p risansd conditions appîs- ho ).J avis,, Agent, Port Perrs-, os-on JAMES HOLDEN, Wiilii, FIs 2u, 175Managig Director. NID *FOR WINTER GOODS'WILI4 BE3 ACCEI Wiiitby,<Feb.9,18I72. rs&STW grn pléw me- ,ont ea- znci tors, Pre- iual anaees ueaing « p andu m ý'itouando 1have been Chiang bij êse use o0 Uais reinedU, ,-li tveak,slkYllo - e haPPYi, nene and,women; ai invaiLdé eannot rasnay714 iflte to Vive fi a trka. Seo tisat cadi baffle has pElq VIAN SYRU P l4wiein titogUl ]Pamnpulet. ro. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietc se. 1 RKitoîa Place, Boston.. LIFE ASSOCIATION TO0 BON TO0. Premidènt-Hnon. W. P. Howlaud, C. 13. Vice-Presideut--Hon. Wm. McMaseer,: aident Canadiau Banak Commerce. Actuary-J. B3. Cherriman, M. A., Profs 01 Mathematics, uivexsicy College. Comnbines Stock and Muti Thse FoRMEIIgives *lusaîmce ut lowesC Csnt; and tise LATTER, oxnbusîeil witls th. borme-, affos-i., besidas Mois-s-te tt, Safety, Cars-fnl Managemnto. vi-is a s-cpse- seulliition uin tule Bass, hich by chosas-e muat be composord Of Potic-.}Ioî;ersand Stocklioldcrs, sud a parts-ipa-tion in profits Not Less thatn 90 per Cent. thereof. Peres-t Secus-ity unde- ils Claîsril. Pol. mcies, thse viole Stases-va baing iselsi by Trus. tees, invested inluGovas-umeut ecsritias. Tii. ltes-rve may be usaS by Polie-y.haldera as secus-ity for a Ion, without withds-swiug it or distus-ting tie insu-ans-e. Ail11slasses of Policy-hotders are ss-us-ad by tIhe Asenociation having $250 ni assats bos- esch 8100 nci liabîlity tlb hem. Ail Polis-las, wletier Psrticipatiug or Nn-Pas-ticipsting, as-e isovfufeitoblc site- tvo prernionts have beau paisi, IS A HOME COMPANY. AU1 lns-sstmenicts mde scithin the Dominion. R. H. MATSON, INSPECTOR. Le'Agents wantd inunrs-eavesi districts. Apply te J. R. MACDONALDi, V. P. andi Geues-al Manage-. Burnett's Oocoaine Prevents tlio Hatrom rFaltn. Burnett's Oocoaine Promoîc, Ito lTealtl.y Growth. Burnett's Cocoaine Is mit Greamy itor fPtlcky. Burniett's Oocoaine Leav.eas i Dlsai.reeablo Odar. Burnett's Cocoaine Sub<lué.s RIteatnry Hatir. Burnett's' Cocoaine Sont hes thé Irrltated &-alp-Skin. Burnett's Cocoaine Afford, the lUcheat Lustre. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not an mr.obolle Waah. Burnett's Oocoaine IClts Dandruf. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives iNew Ltfe tn the lHair. Burnett's Cocoaine Itemains Lu.gest in Effect. 50 und 73 s-ttipur Boitte. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENOE. MONTREAL, P. Q. Agoni, fer Dominion ef Cinadi. JOSEPH BURNETT & W, WBSTON, Prepristers,. SAVE COSTS. Il tassnol paiSimntediately vill bs rIeS 9 se elaw s-irecO-aud tiat if i- sud evlt. ALEX. PIRIE, Collsctor. bs-), Jan. 26, 1875. THITBY& PORT PEiRT TEIIDMB" W»NTED. - Tenders viiibe redisived op te SATURI)>At, 297TitFRB'RY, INST., 40 M. feet, plak nS, 1 102 Incitsvie stud 1in luhes tiick, 12 f-let' l Isgi, 0b 0K Les58neh planS. 12 luches ide. The onlY rehiable baft Distributlon in the ZVALUABLE GIFTS G TWO GRAND CAPITALS 0F $5.000 00O IACH IN CASH. ONE PRIZE $1000) TWO PRIZES 1500fçEach ln Cash l __1 Hors, and ]Buggy, vlit Silves-. mnntd Haeu, Wos-thi 60. On, fine - Ose d Piano, vos-t 86501 Tire. GolS Watebes and Chains, vos-h #M0 each lI-Tisree GîolS Americen Huat- ing. WatciseÎ, vos-hi 825 Us-mhl Ten Lads-i.' *'1»0,a GaIS andSaSvezLover fHuutln &ace,(u)hiWos-hli sontt20 ta 8«M1. GolS Chis, Sllvss-.wu-c> Jeuaîrys- Numbes- ni Gifts, 7,M0. iktLmte ta 75,000. , Agents Wanted te sel] Tickets, fte om Libers] Premius viii ho visosu Single Tickets 8 1;-,Six Tickets 5 Twelve Tickets 810; TsnyfeTiet L - D. SI1N E'S 17t50 REGULAR MONTHLY rIT .ENTERIPRISE I NEW JE WELLER'Y 8TORE REPA IR , HOA. The subscriberha-ving removed.to, and fltted up the pre- mnises ioruscs-ly aoupied bsx1ýs J. WMraonsorc, ase a uiAendffeweos-y Sotre; ie preperesi ta inrniah goarl ih-ii line, sneluding AT FAIR PICES AND ON EASY ,TEBU8 0F PAYMENT. - BEPAIRING! inal its birauches donc ivth;neatué8ssand d espatoh, anSý satisaction gnas-nhed,. and ah pricssteo suit eb.tit4u .. If,-où viài for an Os-« gan, Cloek, -Wetci, os- aus-i:iug inms-lino, Son't fnsget lde piace-and ifs-anl vis ssnitetrepaireS, be,shs-eneuS eau, (andi if w.ve <oolsuit-on7u wi nos s-bas-ges-ou ans-Iing.) Fus-mes-e' produce taken lu oxciiengo for gond.. 8,lemomber the. place-. Wilisn%' Blok, Brook Street, Whitby. W. H. NORVILLE. Wbilby, Feirnary lOti, 1875. 7.ly ESward Frank ... NoueResldent... Bdward McGee ... do. .. W. Richardson& Co -Wlsity ... NelsonRowley. Mn-ieident.. lasso Lehmeu.*::Whbby ,.. .A. B. Mackenzie,... PrHrry, ..., A.. H. Morgan,.C lntoÇa "People ,are alwaysakn herec~ we, get good TjEA? Hlave tliey tried Woudall'sý Old Coun-- try Grocery Store? -If not, de so-at olie.- Customers can select any quality'and price they desire, from 25 cents to $1-,50 per lb. Teas' and pure Liqiuors -are our lead- ing9 articles. We have without exception -some'of th 'e best 0,& Rye and pure Malt, that cau be bought. WE DEFY COMPETITION- We pay cash for ail Farmers' produ&q White Fish and Trout, at Torou1fo Wholesale Prices. Poultry of ail kinds ; also, -Game of the season. Give us a cail. FOR TEEdO. ON' .....t.......... Urd i 0ri.... ..4 ........... . do......... 9*1h One home LCnunty, MN On' Foot. ony. Mo Jauutiry 18, 1875. Croeby~s OId Stand, Whjtîy. Sehool Books ! Sehool Books!1 J. WOODALL, NEVER. LIE!i Office Statipnery! Office Sta;tionery! and mes-chants will finS it to their advantage to W A E RO O siBlank Books! Blank Books!1 Day Books, Journals, Axmine pplto chol Ssoe proricora. -BuEN SBTIL ALIVE I AND BELING BOOTS AND SHOES! CHEAPER TFIAN EVER, 8!rAT THB OLD STAND, BROOK-ST., WHITBY, ONT. Witby, Sept 16, 1874. 88 GIVEN To Agents. ansd thers, tt secret and 75piages Invaluable biformation.- AWAY.Bs-an= .N' qý, &- JOHMSON HOUSE EAST MAMT SQUARE, -T O RONTO. FIs s m accommodation for tise travel- ling Comxnnnity. Suites nf apartments eau be ianlaied. on the. shortast notice. Cnm- inodions sample s-noms for Commercal Tua.- acilers. - Tlsis otal la ituatasi iintwn minutes walk ni the City Hal Station ni the North- es-n Extension Rail- a, and about j nf mile from theicstatinani lgo Grand Trunk sud Gs-cal Wastes- Rsolways. Good stabling .n the yremnises, attehtivs'ostleiria iwsys on hanS eÉther by day os- nigitt. The Proprie- torrinprepatedlto cater in thebest style 1-or thc requiremenîu ofnisiigucats. WM. JOHN-SON, Tns-otn, 6*5 ovemes-, Ps-prietor. Tornt, 2thNoymbr,187-L tf-ID ýc JOHNSTOI; ?U B R DEALER -_IN-LUBR Comission Mes-shaut, Shipplag sud For- va-ding Agent, Port Whitb Î.1 Alns-des-s ps-omptly sCiendeS ta. Whîtby, Oct. lOth, 1874. 42 Music ! Music ! We have now on hand a well selected D - -stock o! Sheel Music. Al the new piece. New Music recived every Elgant llustra2ted Catalogue, week. cOnesAMNs-o J. S. ROBERTSON, EIGHT COLORED PLATES, Bookoelles-, Nevadees, Staliones-, asudSeales- lu Fancy Gonds, &o. mails-S O ans- addresis upon the receipt of (Beugongh's 015 Stand,) Brock Street, WhiO-by. 10 cents. SE E D , B UL BS, &c., P. S.-We pay special attention to the ordering of uI*s- Fresi andRellab&,senibym=an any paTt- cellaneous Books, Music, &c., &c. ofnbthoinie n - CRASE BROTHERS & BOWMAN, Tpronto, Ont. Dec, I9Ch, 1874. 5 OBOANS à- MELODEON ORGA NS. VALsEs N RNS LEATHER VALISES to CHEAPY 9REATLY MUST MDE AcumTETAiT -S Clesi Cestificaes. -WIle, atting age a n S a la s-s- r e q u i s e , t e - Trustees Union S. S. No. 1, Dalton sud Ram, Sebrigitt. scb 81875. oi- CHEAP, CHE AD We will seil Wholesale anJ l etail, being the appointed wholesale agents for S. Davis & do., Tobacco Manufactur- ers, Montreal. Lamps, Chandeliers-& Burner s, Good Bibles at dCost-being Whitby, Feb. 9, 1575. DOMINION' Pocket Books! Pocket Books! TRADE - SARATOGA TBUIÇRB. & C., -,ah WILLIAM THOMPSON'S. Salles- anS Hernees Mas-as, THE MUDGE & YARWOOD' MFG CO., MANUFACTUR~E THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN ORGAN I Special notice is calleS to the foilowing Styles anS prices:- Style,6, in Walnt Case, $140, in Resonant Case, wihliCesvings, $160. Style 16, in Walnut Case, $150, in Resonant Case, sith Carvings, $170. Style 7,- lu Resonant Case, $75, iu same Case, withh Carings, $185. Style 9, iu esonant Case, $190, ln saem Case, with Carvings, $200, Al inade ofBlack Wanut, paunelaS, with revolving or sliding Lock- boss-Ss, contaÙinuing ail the lates't improvements, neatly and elegantly finished, according to price. In handsome llosewood Piano Cases,. highly flnished. - Style 4, $150 ; Style 6, $175 ; Stylo 8, $200.' These UielodeonOrgans, PatenteS 1878, es-n mufacttred solely by n, anS ean only be procured frnm ns sun-us- Agente. Trae Mars ana cases RegistereS for our sle use. AUl Instruments warrateS for Five years. FRED MUDGEli Whitby, December Mir, 1874. C EAI' > LUMBER! LUMBER!! Tic mtds-rslgne.S- isnowin receiptofe splendid stock nifiâne cîcaresi, veil eaann- cd lusubar; aselling et #10 per thosonand lest. Alikinds ni Lumber for Csrpculer anel Hoseboiding eaI loest'pricci. Lumber yard usas- vnrahs, Wittly P. P. B. EIlves- Ca. CHRISTOPHER QILN5ON. WhiCby, Nov. 4tis, 1874. tf-Il T-O 820 PEU DAY.-Aeentavgsit. ed o. AUl clss soni rksng people, mnny e vo-I or or old, maSo more minntheiorm5>"elite Particules-s free, Z aise, Faut cares-o tleotes buone cenC. Adds-ess,- Q; STINSON & Co. 50Po-inMls GET YOUR HiOLIDAY PRÉSENTS A7 GOLDSMITH'S HALL, Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock hi the County! G3OLD & SILVER WATOHES AND OHAINS Briaht ana foloreil Gold ette. Amrican n fd E?ly1o1 apt. SSIi .T. a. mcl PROUA £ýirE".DUCED PRICES.1 lfillinery, Dress- Making and Taioning oorder, on short notice. LQWES &POWELL. A SPLENDID STOCK OF 0FErr M ES 1 M. O'DONOVA-N'S Carniage Factory, Brock-st., VERY CRA-P. CALL & SEE TREM. T GMASQUERADE i1 FOR SALE TeClub having desideS on a Masques-- ode, on FIIDAY, 1lTU FEBWeiether 2,000 BUSHELS TURNIPS, perntitting,) tat, Chie op arit'finform. " MA0G0LDi eht Chas- are cnntng ont lu bull -fans-s- sos. -4,0=0 CEDAR POSTS. tu.e, and asoves--fios-t vil be putC ms-h AP ho make t:l ierffts ssus-cees, s gond tins c IYta mas- ho expected. Baud lu attendans-e. ENOOR EING &SON, Admnissiion 20 cents, et ltse dons-. Witbs- Whlbs-, Fs-b. S-d, D psc, 28ra, 1874. fi LIGsTONE's LIs-EWORK, ]I"~ OUSE, onPORT MP", Te., Africa and Its Explorers. T. B. WALKXEB, PRPIT . A narrative ni Che ife tr-aelo e ,ries fessstisAsssls..Jwm luniDg iubs discovers- by Ms-. H B Sa DOO48W-age. sud 100 engravinga, Pris-e HE R HZ T, at - Feu ffin' se~ lkig.O Peis. 5,875.DVi $NA1ITED . lMMEIE, - SA E' ..RE.u.5.5 V5i mi.îcwul A-n JAS. H. CERRIE & 00. WJIITING PAPER,- PENS, INKl COPY BOOKS, Any amount of Pocket Books. Agents for the Bible Society. ARE PREPARING FOR THE SPRJNG They are se11ing~ goods at greatly WH ITB Y. IN d> - 1 a 1 Im %ad 1 . à Whitby, February 10th, 1875. ý January 18, 1875. F A C T S A full supply of School Whitby, Teb. 9, 1875. 1 1 A splendid stock on 1 1 £une 24, 18-i-L 1 -- 1 ý CIGARS CIGAIRS CIGARS Coal Oil

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