Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1875, p. 2

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buad NLY OzSa pPER ANNUI Étby, Tharsdayl Feb. 11, 18 - To Corespondent$. Aà PIonanE COirnrrr' re ent hie usme vlth hie lette: w rtu eusure publication. Tiec ulng Ibm narnes af correspondi %guaraulee oa. suîhouticity cdu lelldfron., ir lu mIle lents -The 8pmech. speeches 46frojn le thlaon"'aro rimably fount! faulî iili-aud 4y é Party as s malter cf course. Il vanl b. lbard ta recàU a lime mien Ibis wl nolaiete A i l ibisuCanada ai1 onrs Thialthbre siaulti bc ouy exceptiont the mle ou lie opéning oi lie Proser seëgiox cf Pariameul, wouit! hare hea Diatien ci aurislo. The epéee i ehilifly ciItileet!on accouuaIocila mea groues., tanti me hiiuk uct unfa.inly 0a Thomre va,,ven'y lbitle tafin-J f4ulî matl B3ut, peniiaps, lt v wan suacievcmeî iu lsaeif, sud s recamméndiallon in à vr ai suai docuimeots. Tii. absent( cf "l'y mention af lie Reolîi-ocit t-caty negaciatlona vwtia îîe U'lit et! 8lýttes, wrase eoaithe ohicf aileL lions ni-geil againal lis Speech. Tis howeer, lias boeu enninve! by tIc action Of fHou. Mn. Browin tlu on. e a1., whoehae movedftihle production cieal! thoe îapermt, sud mien s full-op pairtUnit.y for duucxsing lixe aubjsct viu b6 sifontîsti. The measures ioxesadoî. ed flu lb. speech are aiso ta b. fuitic suppîemeuled by lia. resolutionu ta be made!by lthePremier on lthe Amnesty questiOct, sud by cther anljecîs ta be bi-ouglil formant! by memb're cf ltie Gavrentu, sa liaI sitar ail,thie pro. gramme placet! before parliaineut vill Dot be00 magre s vau eaot an. tlclpatet! -Tiie Public Accounts. ii. Public Acaouuîs have becu lsid befome Paliamiut afithe earlesî pussi- blé moment. They exhubit s graýtify- lng eneres.e of revenue over expendi. ture Of 08,400,000;- Gond for Carte.- Wright. *M. Carlvriglaî's rougli èstimae cf the expeuditure vas 824,000,000 ; the. actual expenditxxre, useahevu by the publicscceonuts, vac 028,816,810. Outarko Loin and Savinga Company. The. seCOnd snuns! report of the "Ontario Loan sud Savlngs Company, vil! be found lu other couen. cou- tluuedsauccoeuappears ta attend lhe op. erations of the. Company lu a rcmsrk. able degrao. Tie.àam-ount of lbans ad!. vauOOd vas urly 072,000, asagalusi #51,650 the. previouayear, antl the de. poulse encreaset from $19,842 lu '78 to $01,887 iu '74. Thii i couvincing evi. doeefathei.hold 1he Company bas laixen on public confidence, as veliSas leutimony tu its utllity aud advautages ta thé eommuulîy ta vhich 'its opera. tions extenil, The profits muet b. very satisfactory ta -the. stockhjolders. They, uetted, after ýdedugcîng salaries, 0111ce expanseo, luterest ta depositors, sud tva hali-yearly dividende astlth. rat# Ocf ten Par cent., -the hauisome sum or 08,845 86. .This emiuently. pleing resulî is cvi. dent,. of greaI care ou the. part of the. Management, sud caunot fait tu recom- mend the. Gomp'&ttuya s80t11larger measire of publie favur, CtmaLrNu MxTCI.-A imatch was Sp. -pointé/i lu bave boeenplayed betwfen the Blowmauville sud Brookîju clubs ai WVI'ltby, On Monday lait. Tii. form.,r, however, faile t'O~ put in au alîpearanco. A match was Iien made bctween play. erd frain Broolîlo mIWhihby betweeu Ilsemeelve. .au'I vai; Weillcouteatet!, The. pisytrs wre- No. 1 No. 2 Wm. sing, D. IIolIiday, Jr., A. Turner, Chas. Hall, J. Odteit, (1 stone,) J. OtIelI, (1 atone') J. Hsyar-Skip, J. B. Bekell-Sklj,. No. 1 made 20, sud No. 2, 24 point,, *-winuiug the. match. ,Scratcb matchs., * ere Aloo playet! sud affordd some amusement. Play took place «at tité okaîlug rink viier, the ile. lavery favorable, sud wiîh ample room for as many 55 four Curling rinka. Tur BÂLL.«D aSUx'wsi given by the. inembers of lhe St. Pstrick'e lBeue- volent Soclity at the Town hall, au Mouday evening. vas largely attended sud lth. management appears te have given mtaoiiSatisfaction. The supper. supplled by Mr. Cellan, vas of the. beat, and vith fai- partuera, sud the. excellent muslo of Oalvsr's quadrille baud, lefi .othxlug te c hoerd l in theway ai thorougi enoyumeut. NEW JSWELEXY AZ<» Muerc sroa.- Attention la nequeste te thei.advrtio,. meut of Mr. Norville lu cther coluimus under tIbis a.d. U r. Norville ha> jaut removed Into the, lat. Ur. Wilkin 0on'o promises. The snuns! meeting of the. Whitby branell of the U. C. Bible Socety yul b. heit! <D. V.) ou Tuesdsy, .veuiug ne.ri, lie lth Feb. lit., stthle C. P Church in lxitlovu, (Rev. Mr-. Ballon. tyue's,) asteiito'clock. . lIer. B. B. Montgomery, agent of tir Socety, snd other speaksers vil! bd. drffl he méauq. W. bg t'adirect aattention o lallê cardof -1sisy oronerof -the Coupty of Ontario; residence Or!%.ia Unm. jAs. IL H.Gans&Co.ara selloagposiket-booe ea tioupry 'sud 04Mre'F&7 ceesp. Whol.sslp agents 'fr 6.8 Davis à Co., lobsco maufactur. Kuaru.-Laing & Steart are offering the.whol* d hoir *Inter stock a e- sud 19 s"x Dat giren, oewing au craseorer lait yeaso rtur of 4, I"aunud tuaI in neariy eorî7c( ly lier.arem mor, ais em liaith maie., sud a notabl ieercousatauc coueclbon vith liaI exesa le, th, malüulaînearly lie same ratio e jeau. lu 1872, lis excescf nmeles fernales l u"OnlWria as1,027, sud 1878- the diftereuce iu faror of ma 1,087. The bu-tu of 200 psir af Ivins la lumned lu 1878 againul 7a pair iluIl Ou, cae of triplets la reportesi a1 ing been bora lu the, Cotmhy cf H ingit. 1 229 bir-ha are returneti as fillee mate. Iu lie COUnht c f Ontario lie ni in. bers mere, birthh, mule, 485 ; -liný ne 426. The hoal registeret inl 187j iii! 857; '7à,-911; increas,, 54. 'as The'talal number of manniagea lu ." GeunyIs'l giren AI 805-just ou, to eaci day in thie ear. Tii. reliai, ut detiominaîlotta, ,nhere brideansd bhi un groom maie ai lie sanie religion wc 14 E4pisoapaliatîu, 42; 'Pi-esiîyterianns M ea- Meltéihts, 101 ; Roman Caltîli o. 29; Baptiats, 9; Couguegationalipty, 4. Qukers, 1 ; Menîcuitea, 2; oliex-g at -nominations. 22; viiere bride s à- lridegroom mer. ai diffcrpnen icax ce stione, 94; no denomination giren, y Marribd b>' liceuse, 824; by bani t- 86; net staleti, 5. C. TIi. Miciriage Licenge Act pasu s, last Session, anti ihici came loto opi e nation in Jniy laut, viii daubtes hm a- tîxe effeet ai cauqing s ver>- langei nU cresse in thie numier oi Registu-atia t-for 1874. Lâset yesm's report inuictu Il 197 marilges au iaving Issu retutru F. viticut giviug lie religions iexiami ýr atiomis aiflixeparties. lxInltheye ae Under revisi, 181 mariages are no i y tInnuet, miich in certaiuly an improu. eut, but Iliere seems no reason vi e the clergyman pe-forminug lii esi -m6ny shoulti net lu al cases be aile Il escertain tie religions tienouination, thle parties aItihe lime cf clebrslioi sud t it hope tit aIlley wmli b. mia partiaulan upon Iluis poiut in lie futur, Tic greatesslnumber oai msrriagé (1248) appean tetakIe place lu Dacet ber-about lta, holiday season ; tl - loa (006) lu Auguet, accaunteti for l. t hiee ttlhal Augusl bcing the. larvei - intu-the busiest season of the yen sinongat hie farming comuaunity. F lish couuhy cf Ontario tho matimonit harometer alod-January, 42; Pcb, 87 ; Manci. 87 ; Apnil, 22 ; May, 2-4 lune sut! Jnly, 22 esci ; Augusl, 1e Spt., 25; October, 40; Novemîxer, 81 Decembor, 45. 0f thuse marieti 2780 met-e undej 20-; 20 sud untier 25, 9,5000 ; 25 ant undex- 80, 5447; 80dsudduden 85, 1889) 85 sud under 40, 964 ; 40 suan udeé 45, 482 ; 45 anti under 50, 207; 50 aun unîler 55, 164 ; 55 sud tînder 60, 115 60 aud untier 65, 84; 05asud nuder 7f 42; 70 andi îuder 75, 20; 75 sud nutel 80, 5; ovri 80, 5. The counny ai On tana le coreilitei viti one liticen 71 axid 80, anti 09 undex- 20. The gx-atesi numîten f ai arlages in lte cenu took place belîcen 20 snd 25, sut nunniereti 829. The aldesI inumaribd d attainet tie renerabie age oi 89 ysae-s, andi ira Unitedtelaa vothy tiitraci cf 54. The nidest voman marnitu as age-l 72, vie -chose for her parner s insu a 62 years. Twa bays appear tehale.been nae- ielat alle ages -ai 17; axe tlas girl o 15, andthte otîxen ta a girl -of 16 yeane One girl is reluiixei as iîariug lser maîlsîiol at lie age oi 14 yeans ta a mar of twenlt' tva yeai-a. T'Ie inotality, as nenal. vas Ucisteelç ainonget eliltiren, being, unîlen 8 yearg ai age, 2941, tIi-es Ïndti nder heu, 012; tî-u auil undai- 21, 1083, F-aona 8) I '10 tiiere wme.521, 90 anti upi7r<ide., 112. -Itn tue counly ai Ontariothirr8 pensonsa re reluruet! au iaving exceti. -4 th latster age. The American NewL;-spepr Advertiingr 'gsncy of Gao. P. RowelI & Ca., New York, is Iii. only establishment of the knd li the, United Statns which keepa ltseIf persintently bpfore the. people by adVertUiug in aeiwspapcrg. Tlîey evi- letitly receive their reward, for wP lia-va it fi-cm a riliale sairce tint adt- vertisiug ortil r. issud b.4hem for theïr mistomerê have exceedsd tÈwlca thonsandl dollars a day Rince tIi. commtuencementý of tihe ycar, and( thi8 le not a vrygo ycar for <detiuyeithe,-. Political Notes. A petition wae llled at' Osgaoile Hall onu Stnrday againet the rettiru Of Si- Johu Macdouald for Kingston. lu ies si; tial the Han. Gea. Brown will sean beave for Eugland, anti an Ot- faWa rUmeur, entreut in weIl-iuform A, cimles, lias i i that wviii.tiers lie will receive the. lonour of Knighthood. Tiiere are at présent six constituen. ies unr.preaented la- the Hanse Di Commous, viz: Gaepe, South Huron. South Reufrev, Northi Wellington, Lan- ion, sud Twa Mountains. Bach af' thisth le ceeof su election canteat. Provenciier le practically diafrsnciised, as ile representativ# le a fugitive fran. justice. Tii. canstituncy of Berthier 'iii sîso be sean unrepreseuted, as itr. new memiber, Dr. Paquet, le ta b. cal ed ta the. Seuste. Mr. J. K. Kerr lias filod a petition in the Court of Appeal afrainet the returît of Mr. Wallace for South Norfolk. Tii. fret step lu counection vit h te ifeutx'sl Wet.slsction lias beu iecij. .5 lu farar of 41fr.White. Ass a nsw éform measure il in me- pei.ed a bil la sta b. inlreduced ta lu crasse lhé Salariés of Cabinet Ministera. Bon. Mi-. Fournier la8 about ta nt'tine fir the. Cabitiet upan a jndgeaiiip, ars't it la .x'pected BM. Pelletier 'Will be offor- ed! lie porUilo. Àpelitien as preseuted la othé Que. bec Le4gilature iufavoum of ezcnîpxiupm chnirch preperty fror mnunicipal tix- ain îengtî. eigity. ta uinety feet Tii, firat txumber of the Canadian Haîisýird vas isaued ou Tuesdsy Iset. Hou. M. Panet has 46en appeiriteil ta the omdie W fMiuter of Miuhti sue Defence.1.4 E-pelô --- o--,J W Ii .' teevideaae reporwto h] 185.- Hoisk by lhe Ctpal "?"te, eep._ lait sesion on lthe qutosamgu '1 le. of the Nortii-vest trouibles, it appas liI ie lâI. 8ir George B. Cartiel 0in Minitter of, Militia sud Défonce, am lat i dxaaùxg Sir Johln A. Macdonald'as lme sey cting Miulster of Justice anud leaderc tie Govemumant, sud ils& representativ lu its negeliation 'vitix lie dolejraW over fi-ro lieNorti-veat, aI varions line i lu gnave'diver erasofprominsuce i lest, tue North.et ;mugst vior Wei Arclbiabop Tache, Fatuer Biteliot, Il, re Hlou. M. A. Girard, -sud lie Hon..- RoByal,asurancesstaIàaComplet W72. amuestyV would hé grauted 1y the lm lav- perial Gevemument lu respect of aUl&at [sel. cummitteil by all perans dnringIl Nati-vernI tronbles, sud reqluest.d ths ties, assurances ahonl!be,, s thei Iph.i voe, cammunieated ta the interste( -partiei.- tu, Tiat ,from lie same erldeuce if fnr aither appesrs that the envoy of the. Gai adian Gavernmniet, Archinisbep Tache '2, cêtixig i in té,bas. Me belief liaI hi vas anîthorizotl ta do sol essured Ilo thes people ofXlix. NorIi-vextliaI thé luý for per»tsi Goverument vould grant suct axn amuesty, sud lth. Cansdiiu Govern ion. meut did -neftcummuuicat. ta lie, pet. [de. ie axxy isaveval'ai ile action.- i-, That frein tIi saine evidtece il fir 5;ther appeaga t lb. theinterested partis@ bectime bv meaus aid the sai! asrancel es qnvinctt ial ix au Amuesty von!d ,5, ho gi-InIs'], sud tbat tuis couviction se de. afftecleil theur action as ta failitaI. the and iîcquii'iuien cf lthe territory byCansîla. Tht fom thiesasm evitience it fui- tlîtr appears liaI on lie occasion of the 7. -'t-i aof enia-ns, lsd by W. B. O'Danc- ins, hue--oo ef lie scions lu lie North. wveet trouble-the Han. A. G. Ardui !balîl, Lieutenauî-Gavernon of Manitaba, seil in tIhe name aof Hem Mest Gracions Ci-- %la eety lthe Qu-en, by proclamation, v. aled on ail the inhabitants tai rslly ta lu- ite defetîce, sud espscially asknd tinougi Fatliç-n Ritélint tihe aid of L. Ris! sud A ns D. Lepiue; sud, lu msply ta a lette: ei fi-rn 1"atli- r itehot on hie suijeat, sud %vroIe the following letter :-" Gavera- i,. meut Unume, Octoher 6, l871,-Rev. ai- 'iir,- Yolnr note lias jusi reacheil me. You ipeak of tîiffienlties wiichx miglit Te- impnee ny action of Mn. Rie!lu coin. %T. inz foi-yard ta to huabisinfluence viti 'y ils fellow-1 lizons ta rslly ta tIhe snp' re part of tixe Grovix in lhe present emer. gency. Stotild UMi. IRiel coins forai-i ta -i. suggested hie neeo lie nler no ap- af pri-iensian liaI. his liberty shallbcie n- n. terfèrec!i lihini any wsy ; ta Usse your airuow langtuage, il Pour la circonstance actuelle." It lahîarlly necesqary for 'e. ose to adi tial tIe cnaperstian of tlîe w's Frenchlilsf-breede andt îeir leàders in î.. tie support of the ravnu ufi heli ho prescrit cîrauusîancas wili b. very wet4come ond! cannae ho looketi. npon i y otîjera-ise tîxan as en titâing iem ta I&1 muet favouraile consideralion. Letr> si- a-Idtblil giving you lii asurfae nu vith promptitude I feel myséhfeutilled to'b metinluthe gsume spirit. The. i cner lhe Frenchi haîf-breeds aumé- lie taltitude lu question, -the more graceful will b. their action and th.- moenre favourable their influence. 1 have lhs honour-ha be, Rer. Sir, ycurs tly Sge)A. G. ARCHIBALD, Lieut.. Govenor.-To Rev. Pore Richot, St. rb~mIert' ti Anskaeetnenîîy, iu re*ply la a latter- la him an tis saine subjeal froi L. Riel1, A.. D. Lopfins and P. Pxrenteain r rasHli;esth te foliixg letter ta lissent.*- 1 IlGovemnient Hatuse, Fort Gar-v. 811x. 1871.-Getitlptun,-I have il i coin- InantI fria His Exzelency lhe Lieut.ý -Gaveimr ta acknowleilge tîxe eceipi o-îf yatr noie of tiîs morniug, assuiig 1- i$ Excelleney of tih. iearîy nesponsi- Fr, of thte iMetis to tIie appeau matis ta tliem iii Hie Exeellency'e proclamnation Ydstxnfy Bay tàthie peapele on wlxose i-bmlîîîlf yau write Iliat Hie Excelienev 3 is mucli tratifiu-d ta receive the. sesur- slice ilielili10axîicipatedin lu iecoin jmunication witi lie Rev. Poe Ritcehot, andl vîich, your letter cotîveys, aud Stîxat lia vili takée thie arlh-st opportunity ta transmnit ta Hi-c Excellency the Gov- ,l ernor-General thus evilence of lte, Iîyalty andi good failli of the. Metis of Matiiata. Hie Excellsncy will urly upou lîxeir matîlîess ta cocue forvarti fltîe montent llîey reccive notice. I if lhave lte lonaur ta bit, gentlemen, your '.beilieitî servant, (Sigîxieil) W. F. BUes- ANÂlAN, Acting Pi-nat. Seci-etai-y. To 4'd. L. Riel, A. D. L-pins, Pierre' Tixat fi-oni the samne eviiene Il fur- tixher appears tîcat the ssii, L. Riel. A. D. Lt-line, and! P. Panentean accord. itxly rasesd a large body of mon ta as- 4t ith ie cefoîtea of the. Province, anti iarlieti thein-ta the vieiuity of Fart Mxjety's Govrmmeut, sud tateil hhat lie wouid exert hie personal influence ta procure action lunlIhe malter by Hem Majesty'sOuvertîmeul sud tuaI lie l %woulfi <o fan malte L. Etels case ii Own ; anti lcving i-O hnducti1th. Arci- hisliop ta interfèei, sent hum lie Prom- ised scoi, wvîcali as taken fi-oui the- Secret S-i-vice Fnd, placiet thle dis.' posai of hie, Govenumnent hy Parliament wth the folloviug letter:-" tPcivati- ft su titycoufidentiai-Ottavs, Dec ai 271h, 1871, My Dear Lard Anchbushop, t -I have heen aile ta make lhe an, rangement forlth.eIidvitnal vs Ixavé taiket! about. I nov senti yoo a sigii IraIt on tIh. Bank af Mont-i-si for $1,- j 100. I neci! na pi-ess upon yaum Giet tîxe importance of lie inuy , bsing paidI ta hum perioilically ; say inonthv or quarleniy, aud not in a lump, otier. wise tIie mauey vonl be vastd suit oui- embsi-iassmnents begin again. Tht'01 aainutsenîti epread over a yesr o 9.lieve nie, your Grace's veny abedieutC f-rvant, sigueti) Joxtie A. MÂcuoxotanI) To Hieaîirace the. Arcibisiap cf 8t. Boniface# Manitoba."t Tiat fi-cmthie saiS evitlence il fui--y tien appeans liat Sir George E. Car- tier, Minister of Militis -ani defeuce. f aàflervar-ls communiastedth xliAclx- hisiop Tache relue stiug liaI A. D. Lepinesienît! hé atcuded bn 111esai aragemient, sud liaI lthe Archblahopt vas. au bis reluru ta Manitoba, furthxer. f reqlueshet! by Lient-Gioverner Archi. bsld1ta procure lthe expatriationi cf-tlie sait! persans, ant inl orden to maket a sunfiient provision for the maintenance. af tlietxîeelve;s andtiheu- familles lie Lieut..Govmuiar proe,;tîn fracu tih dcos' BîyCmpîxuythie, furtier ain ai Af 601), anti hie Aieh- bislxap tiiereupliîn incetiL. Riel -sud A. D. Lepiue ta consentIottu re'qneet of Sir joûu A. .Mfactiald. Sir'.G. E. Clartier'. and A . Aeliadu:tnd , Zl fruile cf lhe haut qualîly, anti are se higlly coxiceuti-steti thal a comparative- ly smail quauhily ouly neeti be useti. Wu» Cxtzaay BÂLsx.-Tis mmaiy of Dr. Wisa sl embalnietiiiuthe isrts of tiiownsamhis Baisaîn cf Wiid Jliexry 1acuret! af conglis. couds, cou- sumpton, ai- ecce other fan aof pul- cnonamydisease. Il la nair over fanty y.ars siuce lis preparallon, mas breugiat Icefor. lis-publie, sud -yet lie deniagd for lu s coualhi breasiug. INDSPNaALE -Tliere aretocme simple raeies ,ifdispeniablo iiievery iamiy. 'rnon 'tatle, axperaencs. oxiyearsasae ns , shouit!be recorda l'erry Davis'PAru-Ri.i.aa. Fer boti internaI a *tesmai application me have fount! il oi gi-est value ;"espe -ciaily eau vs reoomnd il fon cuida, rien- ntin.or fre sb vouuds andi bruise.- Crist ian Era. IxxtseloflhqDüveeiherre e-ted fi- qnceeefnîiy proseante hie business. Theprncipal questionsketi einee, Wiceu do you propose la extendthle W. &P. P. Raihîay ta thie Geai-gian Bay 2 Wc underfitauti that Sobrigit sud a portion cf Dalton, if ual lie mliole ai il, wili gnon b. attacîxedti thesGoutiti- of Ontario as tîîey justfly coînplain ai vaut ai justice lu thé distniinhion af public mansy. iNQUE5T. Au inquesl vas Ixelti uring aurcasu- SI vislt la Daltonu. A sad occurancie ich cast a giom aven lie usigibour- booLi tck place in Rama. lt- appearm tlista young zmin namet! laiel Dock- rift vila bu onipaxay mihbis brother- iaiMLm. Oissvly.'W"vaso ch apngshemiocit troc il st-udt a bu-ch Ires sud lite iemlock in tîce ne- ixont stîruck Deeki-ili hurying him lu lha snav ; mien takien ont'luias exiiuel. Di-. Robentrt aays, ai Orillia, helti su buquel on tlie- boiy sud, hie 1ury tirongh tixeir farraxi, Dr. A. Stiewart, elurneti n verdict of accidexul- ai deati. TÉe AMenck Uoad.oenla-inly i-eqnires- ze Betuma for lie mne lait sicav lief 'htinathleopinion of tlus Ho thle fada dehalpeil in lie saiti evida ý apuo beigurd by thepeople.ôf Î,causidered in lie expression af Il i.vivs si o tedispsition o f the qu aI 'ion. "Y : Tiat luthe,-opinion af Ibis House cd vo nidi b. proper, couald.riug lie c jr -4t- laIs hal afull àxa.sly should7 li Rantet! ta aad persons concerued ln.u ae, North-Wesltronhies, for ail acte ce ~'mitted by lthé= dunxuglithé ssid troý melea, saviug oui y L. Rie], A. D. Lep ansd W. B.O Daohue. eh Tht luth, opinion of Ibis Hanse meuh! b. praper, considernlcg lie s faso, tlista liis mnesty bie grsnled >~L. Rie! sud A. D.- Lépine, epuditici on firo yers' bsahmeénl froux i That su humble stidrosa b. prose e t laHisetBxceeuy lie' Ga*rr l.Geberai, embodylun lbe reaclution, s gopnsyig lias hem2 b. pleasd tlatu scbstopis semsy bbeIeîciulale! -.cryit inlo effect. je Noule cher thon goerai, salisfacli m. ilisb expreaseti by erary tuini main uhe commuuiîy, aItIthe con -taken by the Govrmuent, sud, ndt 'ail lie ci-cumehaunces, lIais fair sua cc ciliatony mrnnsof sehîlemout. Tii.rne to lutions placeti ou record, are- a juil ai 'ht-n. Élatemeut cf lie fasos, sud m( rcrotitable taoie Govrmment. ComissxavNlcas TO THE CîucENTENN -ExiaîmmTo.-TIie Canadian Commni ioners ah lie centeuniai exhubîiin, itbs heit! aI Philadelpxia next yean, ha 1- been appointed-Seualai-Peuny, hMontresl, foi- Arta; F. W. Gieu, -Oshxawa, fon Manuxfactuner; Senal -Wilmot, cf Nev Brunuwick, for Agi dcuItuns. Mi-. A. Pensuit, cf Mont-ei bas becu appoîiteti Sscneta-y ai tl Comumission,irho vii! commnce tht labois lmmedistely sitar 1h. close esession. 'rTii. alive are ai! goot! appoiuhmeut antI auongstl hem noue better tht thxal cf Mn. Gien for the depantcusnt maufactures. 3 Thi eir ibenralLeader. Tuie Rigit Hon. Spencer Compto Cavendiish; Marquis oai Hartiugton, mI succeeda Mr. Gladstone lu tue leadeý slip cf lie LOuerai party lu Exîglànti the eldeut sou cf lhe Dulte of Demir sirme. Ha vwas bemu on Juiy 23, 1881 recebved Idil eduestion ait Trinity Co loes, Cam b-idge, iraim wiclcieh.gradu atetî bu 1854 mi tii.hedegi-es ai B. A ant in Marci, 1857 mas neturusd to i t Honue of Gommons as on. ai tîxe tmen bers for Nanti Laucashîire lu lie Libert interest. Iu Match, 1868, lie mss ap po-inhet ane ai tiie Lards ai the. Admit axlty, anti in lie foliaving nionli bocani Und-n Secretamy for War. Iu Februa-y 1866, au the reconstruction cf Lon linsssl's second Aclmiuistratian th, Marqnui f artiugten lîscame Secreta- for WVar, anti rehaincdti laI pasitiai ixutil JnIy ai the. same ysar, mien i retired witi hao coileagnes in lie Mini- try. Ou tie formation -oi Mr. Glai eton,'u Cabinet lu Deceniben, 18,i h ires eppointetilPdýstnsster-General, au, uîeld liaI office untit 1871. mien hi mnaceedeti Mr. Cîîicicster Ferteacue a, Chiei Secretary for Irelsndi-a pocitio retaiued by hlm untl the disualution c the. Gladstone Miniaîry lu 187&. I1hfi %aie to ssy liaI the Marquis o aiHrtiugz ton, via contrasta so, niavcrably mIli hie pi-sdeceuson, Mi-. Gladtisone, hai been pi-esetinbta lhs position 'Uileste ai tie greal Libers!l party in Baglauti net beesuse ai ils ability or pensons] populariîy. but a t.hest! cf a power- fnl clique ai aristocrate, mioseeinfinenat, lIa Libeaas coul! scarceiy afferd hi bose.- Tihe Cald Weathe'. SEVERAL PERlIONS FROZEN TC DEATH. Reports fron i lparts ai the. Norh- Westt iieste by fan lie moral saori aith lie eson. Near Wicheto, Ransas, aeral pensons mer, irozcu ta deati -Ali traine lu 1he North-Weetenn Statets tire suometi in, sud nsil.roadiug la ai- monl suspendeti. Ai tLrougi Irnu are hehini! lime. TIie couîinuéd tarver. ity cf thé veallien uas aflectedti it stIresma lu msny parts cf tlié States, se tual lu toms localities msnufscturng has liesu impcded on auspeudeti. James Conrluey, mlie left Ludinglon for lhe lumben campe, near liaI City, a feir daya.ago, mas fount! frozen ho Tie Attinssi mas movdnt!hcile Senate Oc)' b>' Hou. Mn. Wark, seoendet b>' Hon. fût Dr. Bslllang.ou, anti lu lie Comunans tic ttv Masensa. Frechetteansd Colin Mc- ni Doulgail, lpasetboti bo lies wlthbuî ai imendmeul,, Hon. Sir John Macdionald 1> csiiing fermail>' for a division au tia ai clause iaring refereuce tlethie pacifeM Monda>', Pcb. 8h. ha Inuttii Senate, amaugal otien huai- eh: nous, Hon. Mr. Browa gave notice lîcat th, bie monlil maya for ppreincuetien lit mlith lhiinagoalations fonrIlthe cipre. tli city Treat>'. il, Iu the Elau.., papens relstiug la lie axn Nortli-Ws troub e mestlaid an* he talle. The Premier gave xnatice ai Lie Tb retolutians pinted in allier cofims -a Ho.u. - St,<Vuüsil cu.eit. hat to ,,.a Use of Eultertaiament,î'preslded aven nce. liaI e1 iii-4' af thenori,Mr. i the Young. d'mine bout"" in ane oft b. mosîpopular isndlordsinùxtbat seetic éirand sudnespecially proverbial for bis ge nes- ealily sud onurlegy on-a 1ocessionq -sponlamen sud trareiletrs, vho eaui e iI vsys secure a temptiîl mssl, sud Ii said unrions lbed ltsee ssay 4Me fslgu 'b. of ith cliue. Thnmi jepreseuts re tue luduoexuents la lié lovrnof piscato cum- plasures, snd titahou&IBOlso ial tub- -fer lie mare'excitixig huu,-tie diW ine, pies of Idîeau Wallon" eau alblaini th li pdm t hey dosire ln 'Younu<s Lai a t Il iih ,leems vihla rge musclon. laid piekerel, base, sud, uo - a ebsu lato cMfal 11mb hé , vl i unt nsttx.eu ual, thomulres la thafr bearta content Rer -he voodis, whieh abonnd lu game, de boans, vales, fôo, parlmldge, rabbl Mtl- sud lthe lakes, lunseason, vith wu or- dok. Sportsmen-eau gel aIlthli and formation roqnired from i te hospitàb cite bonifae of Youug's seimeul. Lta mord about lie aîher improremnents the neigiboriaod may ual bé sai ion Ther. are 8 gond siinffie mille sut iug zsxge saw. rill, pnapelled by water,:s a ute a fev miles distant, Mr. MI der hbem Reid, of Ottawa ai h propreto on- Mn. George Armstrong, ai Oriilia, Mo- the. efficient superinîsudént cf tuis fit .,d portable e st axuw rmill, 41xK7 sut eteteniee iu heigit, sud mbici bua otready in lie short space af tire menti eut 170,000 eest or thereshontu. TI enterprisiug ovuer contemplaI.. fiu â.a tîxer improvenienîs next seson, h.ie s. pecîs ta have sunfiient stock te lit ta five yesain lu l ocality. Au ol vs fieud, Mn. T. Montgomîery, v. ar knavn in the, vieinity of Wiitby, lis cf cet hie lot lu Dalton, hoelbu certaial or the sunhodiment sud personificaticu ri tie "Fine oic! gentlecman" (viiciiar al, bscoming rairen antimai-en as lime nel lue an) aI hie cainforlable firpeide oue cs tir really be maële ta apprecishe the. lospi af taliiy cf by.goue tisys. ORILLIA, .&C. ta, Procseding ciridu loaade th au niituresque Nai-rows, vîxene enciari o spfthingyscsnery o h esalexquisite ai vai-ued tscription (of whlieli lie ey neyer li!Rs) preseuts ilselI ta vioy,- Lake Simca. in ils giauteur cammand attention, an thc norti aide la lie th on splendid bridges of the. Mitiland sai Notenon fuekoka Raiivaysui !'à mi'Conciiciin!z Hatl" about î ofj usl distant, it lentuil on s pr.,mo: Stai-y jutting coul mb oLake Cancîaiehing l.andi immedliatly opposite la lts ro Smaitically situmitetI towm of Orillia n-cnsîly neetsti l elmeen su elevatei Lplateau cf hbis andI surrounded vit ce cvergreeuxWoods, in summîEr îxis inin ~jpretty tain ans seegsotoe really lxx - faurg business structures. Tiee.aui P formagnifiaient ehurches, viz i Churcîx af EnLitnfl, an antique lol t- itiz buildling oaiatone frain aur olé Y'friend's (.Mn. James MoPlxemeani quai-v Jinet:troustx:laIte: ,the Weolp'yar y eilfice, lie Pi-esbytemian cam i a M %ronon builtling. lthe Roman Catioi o.inrci i, built ai brick, sndtin clopeci j the mont couspiceus churches lu the tanwn benug on an eievshiou. The PritxiveMetlioiiet chr ini-ci&i.- Aist and ù pretsoding oue, but ne dent btndrtemanagement afitis popular andt-ergeRel-pattoit: il lI aucuis sn- Slarged. Tii. olloving revensnd geutle- men presitis aven lhes rieus p laceiis o woruiip: Rev. A. Stewart A. M., C.E., Rer. R. Creigilen, W. M.; Bey. Johi Gray B.A., P.C. ;.Rev Kennell Cam i- idi, R. C.; Rev. IH. Harris,P.. sud th. Bey. E. D. Shxerman, Bapliei minister, bs; divine service officiatiniz iu d'Shaftesury Hall," lie recua util. >ized by lie "Young Mens Christian As- sociation," wmmciinleuuiverssîly ilu -eaeiug anti pi-spenug eveqyday. There si-e quite a numben cf beautifui villsand privaI. reuidenes pei-ched an the heigite, msny- afi mmci ares!l mont ii amongat lie vieta cf mWaodt whiah eni-roundu heim. There are t usmapapers, Erpositor andi Timnes,Be- foi-m anti Fac/cet. Libéral Ceuservahire. -Populatiou nearly 8,000. Wile ait Orillia vs put up at te l eRugsel] Haurne", miose presid1iug deity is an enît! acquabut, "?Robbie Russell; ne Iang syue ai LindeBay.Rabinla a in- Roesain Idie, aud makes a populan sud efficient lantilord. The tanriel on tr- vellen eau deppnti on a mai-m reception aI -Ihie faveni-ite hastely he de. > uaI Lunatia Assy llun I orneup cu the distaince. sud lok ke 1h. mTrea cd romains ofail11 spent lufe al sioe in il soslihany grandeur. Is il possible thaI lhs Ontario Gavernment intend ta let lhis flue building rsmsin unoccupi-1 2otier-lu-lai, andi ahé was aihorty fi4 fu»riartis racovi-reti, but in s frigictful cf rmangliet! condtiin, ilu consequeuce 4L lieh ciùuuy living fallen ou ber. W Cnu7Gibsou mas -uext faunt!. Si. badi villul> beeu tout! about au hour, sud et ras sMM w'vrni. Her deali seeei »ad -ta bc Arc been sîltn iet iasuffcrnug. The fi( ilOdren wver iaiually,-jecové%redirsud o m- 1 lookeet!, mih ie exception ai - uw .Ktic, Raljust nR peace(lt as, u hen in e>' menareput La lied. Finer'ciltienfIn ireouillie liardtW fin! îdieu Ii, uttle Of nem, lying an eltuer side ai tueir meUler Po li tii rilie saiééktht.i soi- ' --j -- ___ rt- - - I 'j siairantee for lb. conîbnuntion cf rSmi- ~' aummer 1lia! lhé plesane antd udran- !i5lgef'V*W**tllua ver>' barqe pntfuc 30Y tnýrVneo Outa ie uluting hie er h l C o a sà t O f lt as G e o m gl* n B s >' s u Laite Supeior. This efficlal tour en- ahi.! ýme la form a bettari- des cf, lb. in great exteul ai com1parsllvéiy moUsel., ketIeS cocuntry, asdof lut mixelÏ6as ilI Aaiaoslundevelapet. -I wuas even>'- -in wle received mili*w:lcome, and ws S1pucoutenhmsnl, aud loyalty mini1- "Sa fealod. Taurattention viii b. InviteS 40tea s sure for tL. crestion ai a Su- la preme Court. The necesuil>' of sucL s o.measure Las yearly become mare sut nie apparent sine lie ogaizaticn me ai lie Dominion. Il lasusential la aur d2syutam of jurisprudence sudta the set- S.tieent af constiutional questions. ai- Ton mil aise b, invita! ta canuider s 10billrelallug ta lie important aubjeel of 1 i-r inaalveucy. Msssursmiii bo uubmih- x- t t you, providing for lie re-ongani- xat zaîxon ai lie GUcrnment cof lie Northx- DdWest, andthle conaolidstion cf the lava 511l reiatiug ho liaI country,firan sgenenal las insurauce laî, anxd or)hesubjeal ai "Y' bisonmade iluthiesuniv.>' cf th.Canadi- nf au Pacifie Railroadl routa. Mesxînes l'have bee a ke ta secure thie a s construnctionxof' ' fie Geongian Baxy hi-suaih, andi ta provide s counection p i.ihliaecasternrailroaîlsystein. The repartoaithie snrvsys oifltienos! fi-cm Lake Supenian ta Font Gai-ny, viieli lie vl lieci-eady in s 1ev t!ayu, mlafford il- information lapon viih tenderss miy> id lhe inviteS fan tic construction of the. ys estemu sund westernportions ai that - setion, go as ta eailihe navigable ils waters ciftt' interior. nO Getee f t/ccHouiqs of Commonr,- id The aceonuhe of lie pasî Vesi- mil b.h laid before you sud lie Eslimateut ai tic preseul fiî.aucial yesr viii alec n' b. subittput. Tit i'> rli, Ibelieve, lie e'faundta 10have been i-unieS mliever>' r egardl ha eaonamy consistent vith i. R'cicucy in tic publia service-. th Hounorable Geetlemn of t/ce I&nate,- a Gent lemen cf t/ce Boxas.of Gommon.- lie I amn happy ta believe liaI nolvith- la- standing thie genenal and! videepreail rp commercial deprei.-uion mîia bs pi-e- - vailed aven thxe caunîr>', tic ti-adttai t- Canada is soundt! laItle contraction ci me hive experienetinlu oinsb-anches. ýy ai indust->'fian tie.part ysar xas net nu been gi-calci- han inigit naturabi>' have ,k beau aulicipatet. Fapers wyul b. cul.- a millet! ta yen on tia NonLlî.West troub- Le tee, anti in neisi-ence ta lia negaliatiocas of behmesu the Dominion Gavai-nt ie andtihei.Governuxent ai BrillihColuni le bis ou tie subjectIth Pacifie Rail- .i-asti. Stepit havre een laken turing t the. necesion a combunaîlan ai effort ýr au lis part ci lhe tarerai provinces sud ithe Dominion ta promota immigration - fi-cm Eunope untier lie genersi tii-sa- )f tioo f the Dominion officiaIs. 1h iu Ilhapedt! tathle effeel vilI be incresedt n efficiene>' anti ecenein>'in ths maci o- f tie puolia service. I nel>' mill con- fidence ou youn prudence sud abibity t anti on your Sevotian ta lte gi-est pub- ir lic intenesîs antrustadtla yen, anti I 1. pra>' liaI lia Divine bieauing nia>'real i- upon youn labors. k. Athi, cnclusion oci us Excelleuy'e r.S ssci litemembers ai lie Loi-r i Housaloi!>' eniedti hsir va>'ta them I ovu place. - Mn. Speaker informed lths Hanse thal h. hat! neceivet! frein lie Jutgesasp IpointeS la hi->'conlrorerted, eleehiaus- -cer-tain retunus dclamiugtli ets ofa -varions niemhessvaiS. . Ie alan- tnoune! lihaI lis ioilowing gse sl ,lbecarue racant : Napiervili, îrougxte leaaion ci -Mi-. Donion te tie banci ; Verciêes. - lrougu lie appeinîmenl cf Mr,. Gecif- iin ta the position ai Minishan afInl- lent! Revenue; East Elgin, Ilîrcugi liec tIsasse ai Mi-. Harve>'; Dlgby, uinongi the. resigusîlon af Mn. Oseandst!Vue-¶ ltaris, N. S., througix lie resigusîbon of Mn. Roue. H. aise alate t lia o hadat reirve! s certificata fi-cm Chiai Justice I %Voot! teclamlug tLe petitionsi- in the Marquette ebection triai sutitîcti ta the seat. Fui-lien, fh.annanedti h. naines cifusiniers mica. re-eleclion t hati been certifiei b>'thie Clerkaifixhe t Ciru lu in suacen'. V Thc falioving membens icie thien lu-1, tratinceti -Mr. B. Devlil, fer Mantreal n, Centre, b>' Messrs. Holtan sud Jette;Il Mn. W. B. Val!, for Digi>', b>' Messrs. MNaciteuzie sud D. A. Mactiash; Mr-. W. MeG!aucy, for Haltan, b>' Messrs. S Mfaciteuzie and Stinton; Mn. Lsmueb Cxîsliiiug, for Argenteuil, b>' Messrs- o HIolanid Huntlugton; Mri. S. Plaît,a f., , .é. r.-.. 1 'Výý--.-A sr was faunti au thé e o.etepe nei mton- ng nearl>'ihai.-Tii.otiers toak me- uge lu s elump o ailcra near blands ainSra>' memuiig, men ielp rmived, noagirl ctit bsn Yfars of age mas 'onen to Seati. adsuda nober vwu s h& MI "e- ig on se in- 8o- n mhe ho Ir- la- ceeas ei eoém reeue te upan spirite. #678.224;laobacc. $887,714; peIrolsn 806.68. The revenue, an malt- bqnor sud oxaudries iase déeué!10,678. The' neuese la due te the autils raste ci duly imposé!- lest mOenuUpon spiriteant obacco, mbdih ms aly eS ,peatbnle second >hall aI lie .yer su a h itidravai af exisable goois ,froin bond lu lie firet part ei April, lu anticilpation oaitlb. lieu existing ta-ft -Te lie firaI cause may b. sIliluel about 0104,000 ai lis incre 'me; lie ex. tanttea ieictheasecond cause apenati mi>' b, upprexumatel>' eatimte t rain a compauison cf 1he quanhihiet ci lis severai articles conuueti uring a séries ai years. The meaulh cf the euh-. matos justifies he conclusion liaI frox aIl tou-cdu lie revenue ai lhe- fiscal >year 1878-4 vas enhancet the exteul of 0526,611 b>' dutea collecte! on gooie liat viii b. consume! Suniug tleascr rený yesr, anti ou wmici lie dtles lia iroulti have heen collectl, LaS heur sut1y for counnptian beau pastpanei unhil hey mer. requins! nter the nai-mal condition ni IraS., moul! have amounîs! ho 86W0,046, by.wmmci ameunt lie revenue of lise year nov current may b.- saidt! tavéar been anlicipahtid. Ncsrly 8,000,000 pountis lesa ai malt vere expported tin the previons ysar ; liene vers 289,000 gallens less ai h.er ndt!porter umadtitanhe pi- vions ysan. Tihé u.e ai glucose fo- lie production ai malt liquons s la sgeiy on tiie inciease ; Il le a prépanatiou af cern chanci conrerte! into sugar by 1h, adidition ai uplinrie seid. Tieneire 229,985 pounîla more toliacco produceil tisu in hîxe prenions year. This large ics, la partly oiring ho he saine cause as -tie increase upon the. excise reeue,. Tii. lacs ta thie revenue cf thie cirrentiyear au tobacco haken cul cf bond un anticipatiofaihe inanease le $226,931. The be-ese bs md s pmrcttptihle effeel in ahlmulsting îlhe homine manufactur-e of tobacco. Tic cansnimptiau aifihome-tnad, cigare liai; lnuemeiltimore than 200 POT cent. over Ihiatof 1869. TIîe petrolenun uatemeuit édiows tlîsl lie q'xanlity refinet! iu '73-4 iras içsa by 7,849,805 gallons than in lIa. previesyean-: îuile tii. qusutity e-xporlel iras lese b>' 8,521,739 galions. Thcese figures shai a serions decline in tlis branch, ai inuxsti-y.res;niting Pro- bahly inocu arer-praduclion in tie pre,- riant ysan bathlu i Canada andtihe U.S. The rsrenue deriretil rmi ootis leviei aon goalis mariufmxctnri-îl in bond suavef ax stéativ increase iroin vear ta ysar.- Fi-ou tmefigures il appfas tbhat wmule tis talla fi-anmtle W-liant! Cinal lu- i-i-as.! turing the fiscal year u.arly 17 per centY -sm l taos, ai lisprevions vear, lue tolie callecteti outhe st. Lavi-enet-CanaIs remunsd neani>' 515- hionan>', ant laIthis ggregate callec- tione; on lie Ottawa, Ridleau, anti Chambîy Canais 1hars ver>' materislly declixiet. This i uexx.ehohe tep-es- clan in lie sain.iuumben I-ad. belmeen the, United Stahes, b>' va> of Lakte Chamuplain sud lie Ottawa Valley. The revenue of lie Welland Canal dur-- ing ie year amountet! k 0302,891. Tic Quebec Avalanche. THIRTEEN PERSONS ENTOMB- - ED 1 EIGHT DEAD BODIES TAKEN OUT 1 -Qucbec, Feli. 4hb. About nine o'clock lasI nigit, "turing huýe preralauce ai s violent stanm of mmd accocupanicti by ail, suai, sud raim, lie fine aiarm îat ucundeti frani th. vicinily cf lthe Msninsr's Chapel, lu Oiacnplain-streh. On nepsiring ta lhe spot. it vau icunt laI a terrible calas- tr-ophe bil oceurneti. Au aralauchue af noi ladil aken place froni lie rock ah Cape Diamonti, compi.taly dostrc>-iug xn, bouse anti the gi-ester number cf ite innistea cf lui-h-en ps'sauns, and sligl' tamagzing soins ai the atijoin. ing hanse@. The occupante ai lie hans. vers the fmily ai the amer Nîchos flaberlaut! audhie famil>' ai faonrsous. Thie upper Biat s renteS b>' John Gii- sou, irhos aulisnuy mas compoesof ai Li i-ifs anti fir. claildn.n, sud in the attie i-as Mi-. Halicniaud'a malimer, a bictxii den voman ci 75 yssns of age. Wli.n j lie iist ci-sIicame thcs ad voiniu trier]I to give au alarm, nsd John Gcbson's volce vas lisant!calliug ho hie vif., vho1 Scl jisi eturneti rmna visil ho a4 neiglibour adi-oss lie rond. Neani>'1 Pverybody irai in beti at lie lime except1 Itberlaid asud lis vife, urîo vers for- 4 tnalsly tareS, vilx hein chiltiren.E Souc tiers mac anotic- rasrtFh, snd this was the signai ai deati for file mnIes1 )f1h. ionse. The enormnona masses ai aavw poused on the almost perpenîlienîan MrT. Green mores that th. reeve grant an order ou the treasurer in favor of the followiug couneillors sud officers of the. corporation for the. sua set opposite their repletive usmes. T. P. Whit.e, reeve, fqr services reu. dered inclnding selecting jurors and disbursewentm.-&c, 050 ; S. K. Brown, deputy reeve, for services reudered, S. J. Green, deputy reeve, for services rendered, 080 ; S. Mackey, counoillor, for services reudered, 883 60 ;- Jas. L. Palmer, conuillor, fer services render. ed, 86 40; Hector Beatoo,~ salary as& clerk, treasurer, snd registrar of birthsr deaths, marriages, &c., $500; Hector Beaton, for selection of Jurors for 1878 aud-'74, $20;- David - Glichrist, for se- lectioncf jurors, $5; Aaron Sharrard, salary a's Callector, $120; Thos. Ham- ilton, sslsry as- hall keeper. Mr. Mackey maves-that the reeve order tee 'treasurer ta psy Wm. Steph. enson, $90 50 for the. completion of job of graveliug ou aide madl between, lots Nos. 2 and 3 in Brd, cou. as- per order of Simon Irving, commissioner, and - Newrick Wilson, $52 for--gooda supplied ta Whitby Pallister. Mr. Mackey introduced a by-lsw ta divide the. township of Pickering into aine polling subdivisions which ws read three several times and paseed. SMi. Brown moyeu -that tMÈ council do nov adjouru uinc die. -Whitby Township Couincil. ]3rooki n, Feb. lst, 1875. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- r. ýwstmras une xuciiu". u ni. u scoi alli te naisatox- inm e n.nluii t. the écontracters bogan the vomitfI a" Coboaurg Hmbou, lhe coutracî ha obeen taken ama>' front them six!ri t uard.This ha. tel>'.! moi-k ci Yer. Ombug ta lie accommodation'1 -tlie Departmentaf builinugs being"it uifiaient,,il ibu bien tecitethaIatt t ions la the meut bioit aullbu ni plans are lu preparation forsa buildx ltva iundred, antd fort>-five feeti lengia, abxt>' lest lu midtL, sant li sîcniet lu height, mltb basemnieul.Ti The groi-uda cf tLe Paanieul Built d ng ara nom being- laid eut on d-ulsu C. Vaux, af Newr York. Tae Post 0f cas ai Landau, Hamiltan an! Ringute ,thara bat! adiditious put ta Iheni.TI. ,tuev Cushon Heuse cf Tai-enta is heit 1rapidl> pushe! foi-vanS. Ani examii ýiug vanelionsis tlaib.buibtinuTarant eon lie pi-oper>' purciase! frein I Evant estate for tie CnstoinRHans The nev Mentneal Peut Office ie pi cseding salliactorîy, hcugli the coi tractons iave'ual besu enable! ta fit i ishhm oi-k lu lie upecifiedt! te. .A examinixig vaiahanse l ise ota bie coi â4înucte! at Mantreal. The Obsenvi jtory lu Quebea lias been complstsd ai occu= sd. The fortificstions about I cia.!hans icen nepsire su! macé gooti, sud vonk isstillinupi-agi-sa, TI ,fimmigranltisepot, aI Point Levis hi tbeen eniarge!l. The Customi Roue Inlanti Revenu, Depanîmeut, sut! Poi Office ofi Wlnuipeg, are nom in courn ai ci-selon; s peuitentiar>' la beit constructed aI Stan>' Mounhain, fou: tcen miles frein Winnipeg. A simil riustitution is IQ be ci-ce.!ibuBiti tColumia' 1 Il la lulentictitoi reduce lta gang. 3tic Inteiaotiduial Rallia>' ta foun fai 7eiglxt sud a hall lucies. Neir roillin -stock ai lii. gauge iu ho lie pnnchase It in expeatetlaI th. esateru secu- wii le e omplete!b>' Augnut nom Elenen pensogi; merekiile! on liae I lencalonial -aivs>' durl ngthe yesi Thene are hiee routes ta ManitoIli Tii- bexgttiu are s ollnis: -F-cm Tai-auto via Detrolitsud St. Paul, 1, 509; froîn Toi-cula, via DeIrait, thm Lakei Duluth sud Maonelîeati, 1,50 tuiles; Taranto, nia Colli ugin< Prnxe Arhn's Landing, Laite Site banduman, 1,078 mailes. Mie laîtte routaicas l.een muclaiciuprone! duiuj thé. yesr. Tiene ai-s 682 miles of lele ccraph, lime propeh>' cf tie Doaminion inepperalon in Br-itish Colmia. Th. resvenue hsiefroni bas increaseil 81.809 nîfuring thie ysarhgihe hdiabritn insu tili exceeeithe neceiplu b>' $201, 000. Victoria harban bas beex muai impi-re. Political Notes Fi-anathe Ottawa. Mr. Young, oai Watanloo, bas put a notice ou papier ai an inqui->' mîeti lixe Goverument intendaieiîtablisig c Rosi-S af Stahisticol, for 1he correct col. lection, comipilatuon, su! arrangement ai tIhe Dominion statieticu. The sain e nheisxn vil givnsonaie for su scueudmeul aillhe existbug A!iei Law, vith a bev te lie improremen ai tie contion ai lie alienuit Dominion. It la undersleod thal lie Minuher ai Finance ill introduce lie budget speech nexl, Frits>'. Mesas. Cassyint Lafiamine are the Minishenial ihipe forthe prissentlses- sion. Est Wiitiy Couneiu. Colunibus, Jan. 201L 1875- T.e conil for thie toirnsip, for 1875, met tuis ta>, menibers ail present, wxc book sud subîcnibe! lthe declars- tionu of qualification-and! office before lt-e clark, vien theReeve toak th, chair aut! stiressetheti. <ounil. A by-iav msintroince! sud!pauseS, sppoinhing audilors ho audit the a- canLaof:the township ici- 1874. Ciaime for sîxeep kilie b>' Sage, vet- pi-esanhetilb>' Meesrt. R. Daitige sud M. Cunîsin, Jr., ual! ciamimi vene pnoren a lthe stisiactian ai lhs Caundil, Mn. Doiiga beling paiS $12 sud Mr. Gui-tain $8. 84 beiug two-hhinds value ofi liu slxcep. On matien of Mr. LiaIt, seconda! b>' Mi- Matiersil, the clerk mas insnnetei la noliiy Mi-. G. H. Pedilan hoo iatimith remove the. refuse ai bis tin shop vii lie bas ileposiheil ounlthe i-at! slomauce Letireen Lots 12 &13 lu the luI Can- ou motion ai Mn. Lickth le entas ucti-ucteteta rder lia statioer>' ne- ixuiret b>' tite iscassoir, coiltutton, &e. ion the pressut year. Mn. Motiencili gave nohice, liaI allia. uext meeting of tL. Couucil"Le monît! untroduce s bylai ta appoint au asseusor sh The foilowinggentlemen, haviug deé& posite their declarations of office sad of qualification with the clerk,_ took their !et seats as follows: nu~ J. B. Bickell, reeve; B. F CimpbeU, 'l. deputy reev_; Dauiel Holli'lay, Jr., 'nl M. McTaggart, and J. L. Smith, couu- The reeve read and laid upon the r.table tîhe tollowing petitions --Of J. Hl. SPalmer, James Balfuxir, Nathan Arnold m ad Robert Math5won, praying ta b. [ _ a p p o i ne il a se sso r ; o f T i m éoih y F in n t- le praying ta be attaclied Unto secho sec- r> ion No. 2 in the. township of Whitby;- of WmU. Helrn u d others, prsying that er ouly one tavÈrù be licenqeil in the Vil- l'lg- fAshburn; of John Fanlif-, gprayinir for a licensA to keep a, taveru xi th village of Ashburn for the ensti. n.ilig year; also a letter from R. B. Clarke, Uxhridge, in réference to for- Onisluing rond plank for tht' corporation ; also a statemeut by the. collector of the. uncollectable ilixer. The following acconnts were ordered ta be paid : ta John Fitzpatrick, for sheep worried lhy doge, 814;. John A. M,%cGillivrýay, depuxy returning officer, for fuirnitehinR pollivg booth, Parliamen. ttary élection, $4; Maw & Bras., for, rwood, $12; jas. Cuttel, for printing,* 9 6 50; John Hudson, for takung care o f hall aud sawing wood, $8 50; Hanri- ilton & Go., furnisbiug goýodîi ta Wieow Fleming, indigent, as"per account to Jan. lst, 1975, $52 ; R. Mathewsou, Isalaiy as collecter, $76 ; Allowed' for taxes unc3ollectable, 016 50; IL. Jeffrey, emoney advanced'on prelimiuary ex- penses of survey, of lotst 82 and 83,. laI rcou., $6; mrm Curran, indigent, ta- pur. chase wood, 84. On motion of Mr. McTaggart, second. Bcd by Mr. Smith, s by-law wsint5utir- Sduced sud passed, limiting IWÏ number of licences ta keep taverne lu the town- ship of Whîby for the. ensung year ta twa. On motion of Mr. Campbell, -second- ed by Mr. McTaggsrt, a by.law was brouglinlu sd.pased. sppoiuting Jas. ~alfour at a ealsry of $70, Assessor;- G. A. Allems, at a sslary of $8, Lieuse Inspector; aud J. H. Palmxer sud'W. T. Goldsbro, aI a saary of $10 eaci, Auditors for.the preseut year. It vas alita ordered that D. Holliday, Jr., b. appointed a committee to visit Wm. Taylor, indigent, vlth a view ta do whlat ho may deem, advisable li the, cîrcumetances; aIea hhat Mrs. Hamil. ton .xatinue t a sy Mrs. Fleming,$1 per week during the preseut year. 1- Thc coucil adjourued ta the last Mauday lu the preseut mouhli- af Fei- tuary, at 2 o'clqek, p. m. TRtOUBLE AxxoIusrT E GRA&N TRusE EmesoviEss.-There la troubles brewing amoug emuployes- in the. freight départ- ment of the. Grand Trunk ].ailvay. It appears a réeduction of wagee bas been, iu contemplation, sud when notified ta the mcen, they resisted sud, determuined on s strike if the Director cariled ont thelirintention.* The reduction iu wages toak effeet ta-day,- heh.S, sud -this morning the brakegmen and couductore refused ta go ta wark except at the aId rates, aàuâ they assembled in a body at the Paint.St. Çharles- offices, ta discusa tii.sitnatilon. Twa af lb.>stock trains bouudEasîleft lapt eveuiug by epecial arrangement. The. fifteeu other trains made Up had-to remaiu, and no fritigiit trains have yc-t loft for the Est or Weêst. Th,ïs moruin there are nov about twenty long trains lyiug lu tliseyarde a waltmng bauds ta mun hem. The train-mensit 1lrockivillo have also struck, aud no trains are comiug Est from there. The. superinteudalits areendeavouriag ta lu. lucetîhe men ta returu, but so far with- ont success. Au officialiysa hey vil! ail be dittchurge forthwith unlees they came a te 4rme, A. numiber of t-ack- meu sud-labourer,; sîso threâten ta le-ave at once, but as the roat Lias- a very large staff of this clas of employes, the Newfoundland Leffllature.- The. session of the, LeRiaIstun of Newfonulsund vas opened laut Thuya. day. Tii. Govérnor'si speech announces thalsa measura vili b. luxroduoed to- throv the. lunzberiug of llxqcolôny-openl- t. al corners, unil thehbzbuldingzof a railway scrose the Tslisnd xs recommeud. eit. The revi'nuefoir874 wae $880,000, about $58,000 r.s than,lin 1878. ACimespi Ixos=n.-qbe Gazette piabliabeas àdespateli froju Ban Car- na"an¶..

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