Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1875, p. 1

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4GEN CK E. B.TAYLR, -L. FAIRBANKS, lu6,, (ATyS mZ ou"s.' wbtby ____________ __________________WHITBY, -ONTARÃŽQ.-V. Iao sovly renovtel aud flmsbed N A<DO81 I L, NTZABO FAMRERS' tbnangbout, sud put tinfint-elas .onder fr 1W. ChCM 9. Iytýls s smne rocrn rpciIt C rom au1fr. andIDr. KMsh.Ï.O EA FIC e~.I N 1HOIT EL, .v'oat Ar* RUTLFDGE#r ThlOrpnis~sr alîü u- ~ WEITETaY ONT., TOW.u g, A&TToRNPTS, SaLI.CounnyChrcieSlxôloussMA80N -'PROPIhIETOIR. &Aia 'Pubtiisud anvofli-a. onenaairaesawnoMaho.. of env B. - 1430? south ai <ho Royal UTLO8SPO FPt AR>. MR BTLBDGE,B. A. L. FEBANK, 1. .B IWI ~L, L.. B., - 11. B, 49i$layleM ulonIor ait Pi mty Ceqw,ÀÂtcpm.do iis lbrpmW, R am fflBRTSH~EN HOTZL, POUT 1511EV. MIL. DEWÂILT, PROPRIEIMIL Spléndîd accommodation. Boot Wines su ai Mthe bar. -Attentive ouilers. The undhUdO Ob&viDngbéen appoinied 1 1 hpig Agent-for the oztela Lumb)er fin of)hMur., Smih & Co., ci Pension. Fais,,bas openodln connec- tion with hi& other promises, an extensive, tRýLUMBER YARD Adjal"*igthe Whtby & Port Perry Rail. wa, Station, where he. keeps coustantly on band a large aud oomplete stock ci Lumber of alkinds for sale, wliolesale and retail.- Planeing machins, and ail kinds of work ex- ecutsd prornptly, ta ordor. GEO. CORMACK. WhÏtby, Mayý27, 1878. 22-tf Fr m FOR SALE. That well-kuown fanm, lot 26, Srd con. af -Whtby, known as THE DONALDSON FARM, And aesta present in the occupation af Mr. N. Ray. Contits 190 -acres; about 150 .Ired; dwelling, onibuildings, and suitable offices; splendd orchard of S acres lu ezieni. Apply t- JOÈN A. DONALDSON, Gov't Eigratian Office, Ndarrh 25,'1878. 1811 Toranto. T EISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Co~y of/Canada. titAn Ohnc-KingSt.,car. Church,Toranto CAPITAL, S5ao.000. i)epouIted wilh (uenno,$67100t) Il Wiiiadjasi ail lassies vitimoul dolay, and psy aoven lie cash AT ONCE. Hou. ALEX. McKLINZIE, M. P.,« Presideut. JOHN MAUGEAN, JR», Manager L IVIE R I The uctienigueldesoiires ta iniorm hie ,ti-is andI patrons ual ie hb;as gsin ne- duel bustueosat aI <haold WHITBY LIVERY BTABLES, Hsaving antnoaued tie numben and qnality -A <ho slnd, aud alto dol lansd inapravel tic cauvoyancas sud vebicles on lie prom- igos, ho hopea by beiug in a position ta meet lic vanta aif custarners ta menitIa ahane ot public patronage. ZW- C1AIIGES ICODERATE. _ff N. B.-Covered cenveyances for famile sud ladies. Prompt attenlance, auseesi- fora, tealal orders. N. RAY, Propriehar. c H 0 1 cR9 APPLE TREES, ABO 0U T 40,000, -AT TIE- HOME NURSERY, Frais tva te four yeare ot age, embracteg al lie beel aitances. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2ud Con. Pickernsg, on Rtinguton RosI, out Office, Whitby. W ESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY 11EAD OFFICE, TOIIONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 40oa AGENTPOUTH ourt Ortat, JOSEPH HOLMAN, B2iOOKLIN, ONT. Aiea Agent fon thc CANADA PAR?4ERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, .Head Offico, HAMxLTON;; and CITIZENS' INSURA NCE COMP', Montreal, Fine, Luleanl Guapanto. Dopartmeult# CI',-ITAL, - - 2O ,o. llrooklil, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m49 FjLOUR AND FRED. Tia nndenigned bogs ta iuiorm licepmib- lie liai ha bas movol it placeoetbustiness, urst e street, next taC. Set'aibutcher shep' vioesho keeps on band tshestfu Cash for fanm produos. %Wbitby, Jan. W0, 1874. J. LONG. 4 -H ARNESS, SADDLEUY. -The subecribor desines te elato thal ho bas apousti a A H A R NEaSS 'S I0P, inethe promise, eppoile IRas'Brlitish Arn- Oaeu '-halIDuadms-St., Wiîi.y, vihere ho will keep m an a a stiînon stock et îxerylbini te slins of insiu asd yul soia aheh lowest pntces. lie begs tu solteit tealIarO e publicepatronage. FRANK TYLER. WliUlby, Feb. 24, 1874. 91f JAME CE'IECRDN diso s toré, groE 8treet, Wblby,. Ont. ~fA TTBSBTERAT LAW, SOLICITORIN1 .J hsac.r, Couvoyanc.rc,&c. Slr. LMAN ING aLI'rii L L. B., B 0 ÂIB, TTOMBEET-LAW, 'imlci, Brook âtreif Whutby, Ontanfo. As, G. 3siILL4TÇ, (Lat$ Gnanlwood & mcmllan.) BAlgRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLIC- Itor, NO"aryPublica, canvoyancer. cf. fie-Byro 3 8treet, Southi of Past Office, Whltby, Ontario. JAitbPM OUc RIIaiaN, ou for the County of Ontario. Addres-- Ragln Pott ilice, Ontaria. MR. J. ÇI fN N,3X. ID., SURGEON TOTEE COUNTY GAO, 4rnStreet, Whltby. UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON- RNG., G tiae ye B. 0. H. L.ýOshawa, ,Ontario. CÇABD. A. FARZWE-LL, M. B., M C.P.S. Starr?4uiealial sund University Silver Moti aliets I irsln Lt, ai -Tnuytn University, Mambeneff ths Ctlletce ai Ph ysicians &c Iirgeos cf Ontaneo, Physîclan, Surgean sud Accoucheur, ]IIOOKLIN, ONT. ) 'ENTIST, (BUCCES. s on ta W. H. Cantl. Doutal Room-Dunaa Street. Whilby aven Mr. Jaineso'a Store. Nitron,. OildisUadmiulatereti for lie painlesa ex- traction oai <0db. C, N. v 1%Rs, L. D. S, rpT EE'PH insarteil an al thé, -&lastaprinciplcs aiflime art, schou astis clieupesi-, antiasegoodsau the- bout. -Teeh lIed eltix Goici sudSilver. Teali oifacel vitbout p ais, by producins. local enîaslhesiaDccliii oom-in Cow- an's nov blocli, aven Alklnaoc's Drng Store, King Street, 'Osbava. 85 TUUPIAil)EVEIIILL, BUMLDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDAS ST., WNITBY. Mr AU oedrs promplly execnied J(IIN ROIIINON98 [ETAIE DRESSING AND SHÂVINO JL.ýSloon, Brook St., Whutby. JOEIN -WOLPENOEN, A GENT FOR TEE CELEBRATED XXScotilh Granite. At Marbie Works aI 3onAthan Wolenden,DunuasSt., Whiiby. JOHN CAR-1ERi, U CEXSBD AUCTIONBER FOR THEE .LiCoanniea cf Ontario, Xork and Pol Residece-Lot 8, 8th Concession Markliam. PostiOOc-tnionvile. Sales atiendod on the uliortesi notice, and on reasonable terme. Terme eau. bo made aud-bille pinted ai the Crnsacn Office for Mr. Carter. IrICRD 11UTIÃ"NERR FOR TRE JU Cuntyof Ontaiobeig toroturn thanka for the liberal patro6nage heretofore- betowed upon hlrn, and ta announnos ilat ho'là propaned tao onduct sales -eliher in *Towiiý or Connty ai reasonable rates. Ar- rangements for sales con ho made eiher at <ho CaOzîCLu, Office, or ai rny own Oilice, Brock Street, Whlby. L UMER EBCHNTCARPENTER tantly on hand. knaa ubncn UNDEIITAING.-Funerale fully eup- p lied and saitendod on short notice. Caffint. -Setcousiantly on hand. A hearse ta biri on lberal ternis. Eo . O'DELL, - ,AT H R. R LY , Clerk Divistin Court, Tp. CIer'k, Coenmissionor -lu B. n., Laud Agent, &-c.. &a,, Athorly, Conaty Ontario. Athonlv, Rut, 2nçl, 1872.ail t'hngicaa uSgeani, Accouchera, &a., kv. Wh1itby, Sepît. 111h, 1874, 4t, T A v Il Il leon 4î!s aria Lot. Apply ta linoôkllu. Fehraary 111, 1874. 7 I OYAL HIOTUBL, WHITIY, ONT. JA8. FRINGLE, - PROPIRETOR. irIt-ciats accommodatIon. Ample aud w.ll-.ittcod p 4aale m.oins for commercial ý &BWOOD FOR SALE. Tbe nubscrilbçr bas for sale. Ai hie Mil, neur "Wvues, a quanty o! ftotr-tfooi Slab Wood, A. B. CAMPBELL-' t1OeP.29,18". - 89 .d,~=d sin future, te i décvotoe yaai ~e~O~MER0ILHt bc L My 4iideavour, i>7 romp4 and nito05 9T., W ITattention tobuMnse,,taogivié full B. M. C~ALDWELL, -PEOPBIETOE.n . u<iOn ta aU who ray favar'rme'wfth then oalei or CollOctinc. àn Msuenlrne B idanghtod saddBMan, Noies unih clasetads, sueoattentive douter@ alinsys on As4Binh Stuap8a a uoliand. <ho psMlisei. _rCharges moderato. Arrangement. can ho mode for 'asos &a.. ai <tho Cunoanasuoffice. Whuiby, Obierver GIU U 2 E RAILWAT HOTEL, OffIe prtneéb,7 h f i<<r AT WITB? STATION. W .WLCX WM. 0~xm~- -~~T B. Primce Albert, Se~pt. 2ith, 1972. .89 Parêleatalng the train egala ving hars UALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. inilhave <hem veltaoncane of «UI <hein VI r The subscriber aoffre fitsale <ho folloin- lng valuablo property, te <ha Town of Whi- rLOBE HOTEL, by z-An excellent Brick Cottage with jacre afi ad,,situated on the corner o! Green and EEOOKLIN, ONT Si. Peter Ste.. lu tho Sonth Ward. Aiea ji acre a land, well fenced, andd te a high siate JAS. PÃ"WELL P]ROPBIETOB . o ua ii n crerW' _own G 7155-.CLUs AzcOiXouA1ON. fard uts., Nath Ward.èjam on Contre St. suouthe <aresideuce 0f C. Draper, Esq.. te the out aniWrd. AXis> 20 acres ai goal land, 'W ES N HO S, beiug compoe<lof pani f ot 1laicon. af Townlilp aifMurray, Ca. Nanihumber. BlINDAS STREET, WEITE. land. A dean and indisputable titis 'aill be given The undersiguol would intirnate ta <he otalal tlie above praporiy. For furihen par. public, <hat <ho abovo promises have beau ticulars apply to <ha owner. BeCsd "h rs W'hitby, îuîy 187L. 29«i st, purs ano Wi, F'RLsNCIS________ JOSEPHEA. BANDEL. RNGBMTLRS NIPISSING HOUSE, COB. MO taANDORGEoSax snnxr, TORON TO, ONTARIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, Prapxielan. Toronto, Aug. 12, 1878. as-Sm D .S .FITCH'S «"FAIMLY PHYS- D ic'iAN," contaieteg dewripllans af liseaseis and fsios for them roalemeul, viii lie fient hy' mail, free aifail charge, toa any. 'sjua ueuding hein address ta 711 iroadway, Whidtby, April 20, 1874. 17 RO013EIIT JOHN YAENÇOID, OFFICIAL .AS$JGNEE nOR THE '70UNT 0 F ONTARIO.' ADDRESB-Bax 99, Wunnv. F REE -SITE! TOWN OF WHITBY. A UESITE WýILL BE GIVEN taayMannfactnring Company bixigam uablislirent in the tanu. J. HÂMEItGREENWOOD, WbIgby. Feb. 26, 1878.. Ma oWhiby. 'gE - . - The nndereignedas urelnàoved bis BOOT c& SHO0E STORE la tbepremldisedoiniug the Western Hatel, Dundas Sireet, Whi'byà.*bere lie is now pnepared ta execute ai rers for Work. A lare and select stock on hand. Eepairing dons. as usuai. JOSEPH A. BANIIELL. Whltby, May 8, 1871. 19 TE Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANCE COMPAN Y. Lasses 'pdain tcourse of ihirty.five years -exceeti FORTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS. ClaixuebyChicago Fire estimrated ai near- ly $3,0W, 0, are being liqnidated s fast as adjnsted withaut dednction. Secnity, Prompt Payrneni and Liberaliil in adjuet- ment of ils Lasses are tlieprorninent features of thie wealiliy Cornay Head Office, C=-d~ randi, Montreal.. G. F. C. SMITH, Chef Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, la., Agent ai Whitby, Ont. J OHN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL A88IGNEE, BAIL!)?8»lD DIVISIO COURT, AUCTIONEER, &c.,, &c. OFFICE-lu Bigclow's Block, Port Perry. Pont Penn, Jse 24, 1872. -21 L UMEER c& SHINGLES FoRx SALE. The subacriber baa on liand sud fan sale ai hieMil noar' Ulica, (laI, Cnsioe'u), ail kinde ai lumber anti shingles. Bill lumben 'asaen ti er. A. B. CAMPBELL. GEORGE GURLEY us keping up lis raputathon ai lie aIl es- <rLibti uho1p bY tele aadioî,s ho ha, MoadeOfai7PaUsud Wunter Clotho. Al bhe nonelties iu pattern ana caler vil eho fass teclullng the -NEW PLAIDS, BRAVERS, MEL- TONS, TWEEDS, WzST 0F ENGLANDS CLOTHS, &c. Tise vil-ho soldti y bcyanl or mode ta enider hi <ho novaiashiona. Clth par- ciaseti elsoieere maie uprapty A noir lot I Gants' Uuderlat.bing lu stock. Pnices Alwaya oogt. GEOi. ,OUIILEY. Oshaira, Oct. 20, 1874. À . FoTTEaux ,The, Dominion Line onsmiste o!frai 2 x- SauU ch.., fll-pau'erd, Cyle huit St«m-- 2-ineb Pisuit, abipe, sud iilene to aporioni aàrogh'enln ora seng tohetwoon LxvEsm'Oaz,- QuEixca m to an i er, aud Lmrnoor. sud 100,000 feet of Oàtk, 'PosnTAMP - Mapie for sxles, lit qualUty, FAkES AGAIN REDUCED 1, - Busiool, Queb« o'Llvspooi, - -' -51 ..- .Ti-bu, WHITBY, ONTARIO, tzl."sDul it ia e Si dition a rèt=ue m-ca j xing ihe le at aoud dsud under <h. ehalo btof theb.slave. -- DiEw AMERICAN"t-' Cooklng Siove la wanrante o e, ofirsi-clas mde ite,oUnlil States. Wo quota tbe falw eg irn>tho circulan i 1878 :"Pov r7 yeara <ho Ne oTri t ato Agficulinnl Ba'y avardel it ho Pleut Pnsinln slat ysar il tock <ha Silver-Modae avez il <hba t atovosin<ocnr i, ho tain oftAzNew Enalaud. 1< boiuny-intg <ho Iset vayoas BD lm es han Ai varions exhilbitions, aog<e The Noe York State Pai IThe Vermout Blute Pair ThIinouis Stato Fuir, The Michigan State Pain, The Noe Engisul StatePair. 1870, 7«0; 1871, 8,000; 1872, 10,000. Ti yean ii lias beau inxpraved by adling â Ai ti-dliuker gpate and mica lights te front.- W. soi it with or villiont <ho coppon nee voir. and tha caut imon wsnming dlosaI be hinI thestslve sud steve pipe, and il 'ai burn ceai onrvoa.-. Parties buyina fm n u can atai sy is replace any porlions ai our slaves that mi] gui broken-a great alvantage. J. CAR3ICHéEL, Prest Oshawat, Nov. 24, 1878. 48t Imparlena, Deaslerus ad Mnufcturea 01aiu LU1 0E1T Kinde of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Cash paid for Hliles, Barit, and Leather. Lesilien sinetchel. ct-e BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Mfay, 1872. 22 M ONEY TO LENDI Repayable by initalmenus for frax Twe te Tveuly yesrs, ai 1ev rates of interest, wiili. ont commission, sud aI madarata charges. Pnivate Punds ta Lend. Apply <o- Mayv 28îli, 1872. J.EBnrock Bs., IWihihbty. -- 22-tf B USINEISS CHANCE. The underignel offers for sale the preni. ises t inti us businessit on <ho manufac- ture af Agii'lnrsl Imlemonle, Waggonu, &'e., is ai presaur caniel on te <ho Tovnu'cf Witby, < ogether viti uis stock-la-milde, maciiury sud panI of every description.- Aise bis vo llng housessud laI. The place îu kucien as a FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAND Asd ou ehicli, it l ii ho unl on examina. lien, an excellent business is beiug nov car- nied on. Hoe-wilamue dispose ai bis patent nrigile in varions Agiculînnal Implemenîg. To an indusrins mas vili emaîl capital Ibis is opportunity Ibat sllom prosents itseli. Desfrisg la retire frais business on se- dount ai ili-hoalti,1 lie underigned is dis- poe o take thu slcp. Ternus viii ho madtI asait a coxpetent parly. Ouly s umall amausî required doies, anti ample timo givon fer the balance en adequste secunity. JAMES CLATTON, Brock SI., Whitby. N. B.-Thc aboya oSfer vil sol intenfene witli <ho busi ness wihch vilbe carrieti on as nouai, asti repaira prùmptly oxceutodl. Nov. 5, 1873. 45ti O FFICE TO LET. FRONT OFFICE. CIIRONICLE BUILDING. Whilby, June 2n1, 1874. 23 GOOD NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. 'A NEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DIIESS->IAXING. jVETERINARY SURGEON, DUPPINS' CIREEK, ONT. Gnaduate ofcitho Ontario Velernimary Ca'. lege, Toronto. laitg heen avandel lie Dijilema oaithb Agiculinral sud Arts Association he is pre. pared te Ireat ail Diueases ai Herses, Catt<h 4., wicimsy camne under bis notice. Herses examtened as la sounduesu. Medi cinos constantly au hanl. AUil edrs b, letton an telograpi promplly sttendéd to. ff-Office ai Mn. Thos. C. Jessings's. Jan. 1874. 4t1 T HE I1EST HORSE MEDICINES. Aildescriptions oflthehabot Hors.d.o cmoes kept constantly ou haniland for sale et the Whiby Livery Stables. tg?-No charge for adi-ice.N.R Y TE RUSSELL HUE Canner Matchedash & Mississaga Sts., ORILLIA, ONT. This maguificeni brick holel is ose ai tie langest hanses nnti ai Torntoc. 1< is liii- el, fannisheti anti conductel as a A FIR.ST- CLASS HOTEL . Combteteg olegance, couxiont sud economy. Il bas ample accomumoation ion sunimer visitons, is dralttiully sud centrsily ituat- eti, bteg ut&e o neiy te tV e teaxu- hoast whrveu, Mdat sud Northe. R. R. stations. Cammodinstample roomu nsu nies ai apaniments for ismilies. N. B.-Onders for mooins hy Ionen on tois. gramx promptly atteuded ta. Omnibuzses toansd frais lie steamers fret cf charge. ROBT. RUSSELL, Oillia, Jan. 7,1874. Proprieor. J OEN S. M. WH.LCOX, 0f the Town ai Wbitby, lias becs appaintel OFFJCIAL ASSIGNEE, For thec Connty of Ontario.* Ail busines entrusted, <o bis charge viii h.caneiuly il- teude t t. Wbitby, Jan. i4th, 1874. s 8y G. YOUNG S MÏIHI - ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WIHTBY, ONTARIO. î Prisdosiring caxufertable vebiches, sud goal herses viii please gi-e the unlersigu- Z. P. BLAIR, 1 CORNALL' SEL-liTINGMasou'a Hotel. CORNALL' SEF4ITlNG Whily, Oct. 271b, 1874. . 1-44 WAIST &c SHOULDER CHART. Drosses fied mcrm mossunomeut alose vilront change ai a ahitcli. For sale, vIihirintstructions, aI MIISS 1MCINtiYRE'g DRESS-icXs<etoNMs, ieRIR. Agente vantel. Liberai indlucemonts tla Wbiiby, Alig. 18, 1874., 84 HJATS!1 HATS 1 f-iÂTS I SILK AND FELTI MANUFACTURED AND RENO- VATED AT HOME I M. 'LEARY &Co0. beg <o-onuco Ihat lhey bave openel business ai Oshawa -Msufactcny opoafite tho "ivindif-ator l avay otsnibinsssdteb hst style. 1-[ATI, RFINOV ATED ,equal ta nom for a more <rifle. Oshawa, Auuggst 10ili1874' lY-8 TEE -AMERCAN OTEL. casais OF Taxezas a m v. GEORIGE BROWN,. PROPM=TOÊ. This tirsi-elasa bouse Aboas saviewy*$1t. ted np und nonoutd tbrýugout mi -*1 . ferle Suponlan accmmlori<n for the eep-: tics Ã"! gueula. Tha pr.aesi )?aprieoon las spare 50 plus o ex n lati»*g <avul te tnd ta <bhe vmnionc, o is patrons. c: Tarante, ly lm m18i.. 29 (>UBEN'S HOTEL. M ONET TO LEND i A isrge quanlilyof money talendat laie ttrotprivateules. For,se, veral Toms lots, <vo Framo Rouges, anti a large Brick Honse. Fer Ionisa pply <o G. YOUNG SMITHE. Whitby, Pcb. 9thl, 1874. -7 H OUSE AND LOT TO RENT 1 A goal Ive.slany Frame Houue ancd lot ai land, sorti cf Dr. Emstwood's, lu lia Tomsù of Whitby. Apply la ALEX. OGSTON, Auley P. O. an la J.E. PARE WELL, Whitby. Octaher 21st, 1874.t3 M 4ONEY*TO LEND. I The un ednemba.ay amaunt ai Mon. 1 ytate ionarm or T own Proparhy, p$ unnuawWlly aieRates oaiInlet. - r Losus can be'repauit netAihn Soi-oraluIprovel Ferme and Wld Landei forand aechocp.- Invesimenta, madé- te MuniciWalDeben.- lunes, Basik, and ahrmarkotatable Stocka.1 For funtiar pailevan4.pply » ÙlUî's-Brook SUiWlitby. -' - YBpni'9tlxl87#. -1 T.-P. W-HITE vii she 14t Otaber,18f75, n rne con- inci aorsif iouh, m , 'iiav* fr lie r-_ of thie -Wu and fwd faeat the nedle nma thé loor, o ita 0f epetaneemo- nprayer; of Nevellfedsav~forursngt he univor- O faces of <the happy one, lis yours wiili earnesi prayer 1 Ta lifi thosailier faces from the laugli of iheir despair, And teach tber n i yonr innocence, ta feel God's haind and cure. Sa ahailthé Chfistmu mrnrnng snd avery day be briglit As thongli the Christ child carneta you mnd blesi your belai n ight. .1 Sa shah ycin requital in God'o good tirn And ilndwhaiei'er ye look for-in eartli'or hieaven--eorne day. &y Y L B. SX&ECU.LOXN. 'No-I wou't marry Sir Mirmodake <Ireton.-Manmadnke !-Irolau!-Théy -may stey ebai <bey like, but rl' neyer bhtife fteasmas euth a naile 1k. a Raunuhd inluWoodutock,' wvia oquints, and drinks, sud lias roI haïr, sud is bard te .paon, und likes hil- liards bhter liasdancing, sud hasn't s vend ta Say. Mana Ashton talc! me w1- euhe's like-eshe met hlm in Inlia- sud l'Il be hnickcd up lu i couvent eall le betor, 'i1leltimyseli ho taises dain ta daur s Sir Marmaluke trelan.' SssIMay Craven.to li. 'ArIen, lie molier ai lier old, on ,rallier yaa.ng, schoolriend Grnce. lins. Arden, <hat 'y irror et goal-satane, loakel laies smiliigly apon <ho bigil esgon faceai bier 1i1t1e frlcu, d. asene: 'iAi, <lie secret is ont, tben-tJît's wby yoa eere so hautos maklng a <bird lanaur 11111e tour!1 Grace tbld nie von bal- rmn aeay fan fean aif hcing marie-wailau ides 1. Bal ai courue G 'f yen sas Sayoarscli, it's tmue, le 5ir M1anmadilke Imelon an ogre ? Has lie i.propse ?' ', I shoul ike ta se. hlm dan, Il 'Isn't b'- ici, my dean?2' Rie',?-Papa sys hie coul hauy out the -eannty-eo ime'S te begin elti me.' ' Wfl. you have al liah luck, my dean. Believe an aid chacpron ehen sic telle yen <hcre's so<hiug ope gels usel 10 5suan as roI isir, or even a sqiiint, if the oener lands yenis gol spectacles te look a hlm tinoagli. eBut haie do yon knoe lie vante 10 hny May sigiel. 1'Don't yau - knae, mamma, (Gnace ieing lier sean ister, Grace's rnathen vas, ai course, 1'mam-. rma'>-' don't yan knoie I've <ho bal. lucis <o be heirees of Rellaul ? And <bat Hollande Ilmarchs"-ias t he eard-witli Wlltelauds, thst's bclong- cd ta 1th. Iretons evor sisce Sir Marmsdnkc's grndfather-is firet as- -ceetl6r--cameoave-l 1Witb lie Couquenar, cf conrse?' ' 1No-ram Sheffiel. He lilut use avarIe, like a gentleman: lie maIe knlves. Tienas.,IIetan, Shecffield" au al aur blunicai kulvea at home. Pancy a girl lIke me, .tint came aven wltli Hengist sud Hansa, marnyuig <lie granlson ofaskuie-grndcn-uud snobi a graulson 1 Tes, mammrn, I'vc kuaiesj tram my ensIle tual Whitelands la <a Prnarry Rellaula sntie fret opportun. ity. Tiat'a my doam; sud noie <lia honnid grpsping, squing, roI haired,1 stupid , bipsy ;ozngmas le comlug ' Perhaps lic man't asyon, my1 dean.' 'Wau'l io.!' AnIaaégisucol aI ti. mirron ehicli refleclol thc prettieuti face <bai bal becs secs in Dinan, lu Bnlllsuy-lu aU France, for many -a long day. ,'Ana <heu holiewnlic ask- ing Rellanlo, ater ail; mot me. Andl I SURi be seeteg hlm every day; sud I kuae muat my oms mamma mencct hy eayisg, " .May, Sir Murmaduke le comlng home: me mut maise aur vel- camle as wan as ire ca." ' I'Audl'niI a esy?'tfrhin1 l shall go bacis ta India ta gel cool ugain. Asd papa heard mc aay i-oh, <hoe vas sunli a Storm I' Mns. ArIen lookcd grave. 'Ton arec a vcny sl girl. Tlierc are hundrels ai î girls8ut ieould jump at your chances. I wondcr lins. Graves lIs yau join me sud Grace. Hae came tbat, pa? Because t chose. And wlh711Y sud Grace l'Il etay il mamma enies,t like l ic esgony calumu allie 'Tlmzes,' i, 'May, al l fongiven: comc back ta yaur nopoubàltpaeta, <hcy'Il sven do z il agais."' . 1'Ton are a apolel child, Il=, afr-ail,' saId Mra. Arden, siakiug -lier he;1. î 'If you"il beau ose ai tes, 115e Graco, t ,yoa woullu'I have e en siota Oo8M,è '1 sud go s yen pIeuse.' Bülaho -mai poanmc. -Noholy -m*88even Véry, agyihMay. ' ,-1 C Ofcourse, I'm s paild,'- salI Mlay. Andi lereforo I vas'l mary. Sir )&ai,. 1 nadke -Irelan-on atybody ý eue,-for-il lit ai iler. ,I-'m mot going to honour. sud bey anybody but >iiî.May ý.Cri- t4 ,on. , <bere's the belifor <haefale. d'i4oe-sd ,herc's GWàce-cone:-.' ahngr as a lion.', - A.Gage.' eb4serel linsAr,1en té ber; Ir awn'fair-haiio à girl as - tii.7 illeel May Ioien-stairs,"ame yon msur ar sa masllittle fiinil f1auy rep? I'd no tI 'Hav. Ton séticed mrarnra,é u alc 1li Onae I.61rsrol, tht c oonir mono t et loft1eR ber. The - y' 01=9 1paw er gent! amuzse -, Mru..Ar- o . led h m o ý i s a w z r a k e , ý luit, dk ho. talled.- She wsae trn-- fOrmed frais the -oiual quitance doha lie -ai.a I tal,'ae. ,d ta'tho girls Whou they leotthe. table. I'm poisoned already with their gar. Maw"oaek té St. Malo to-mon- crtaemilatl. &But w. ýhayeu't done <h plàce atI .1,g ala May, opening hoir 0788 wýdeoAandI knoaw uhe'g lots .ta b.ý seos. -. owbver,, aveu ý>,far ti pic. ttieqie 'O~mut' .poisonod. Only, let's ueotha môst ai aur, urne do you eay2', ht Maaonly <lhe beginning'oS a love. ly surnmer eveming, asuIv as, May waa. tab credn of-te a' hinge, t ive a' mae o S, lisahour a or <é ho lre inavellena fond themselyee in<hoeon avn~btlealsto tho rined clatau of La Garaye-a-& foolisb chioi, foi inherobut in <bat wildoruees oi massive foliage, in, <bat, taugled :mass ai .vin'e beave,ý and ivy and crumbling, grey Stones, was, it Iikely that a ýpainier shanld b. fouud 12 Behiud-tb. acreen ai green sud grey they airnouttoIt a ven tho Luevitable, M. Browu, aziIy ueaiedaonsaRlen truuk, under an apple. troe,. sud smoking.,a cigar. (IGrâce bil a langl in uber -sleeve -Mrs. Arden- could bave, killed <tho Young Man. Mayas lange hazel eyes expressed maut uolbing at ail; but the yauug 'man's face, for a-marnent,. ne. oc elt us say, <h. tull hue oai <lie eettiug Sun. LIS arare signa rc lu tbeue laye for a yonngmin ta calor ai tbe, sigbi ais girl..': _ Thbon. wae no elp for th. meeting; aud tber. waS cerhuiy- no means af preveuîiug his escovting. them -'home.ý The ouly course. open ta Mn. ArIen was.to prevent-anytbteng like pairingy off. Soaebe mode np for ber coldue'sa -ail d inuer Liy cbaugiug Mr. B3rown ta lier' owu aide. H Ie showed bimsolf wise lu bie geueraliou-waa tho moihar <o win lie danghter le a golden nul. But'lb. rond was full ai rutesuad enags, lihe nigbt, wae grawiug dIan, sud Grace ArIen enddenly tnippel, etnm, bled, sud fell. Il was a lilile aIdd lai sfefl utwbere tbeecbaced ta ho sud Ilion. abe lay. Mn. Brown inas ni bier aide iu a moment, sud naised honr as lightyýs if ebe had. beau made of gousarner. 1'Are yon hurt?' ho sked anxaonsly. 've only uprained .my ankie. No-dou'l b. afnaid yon'll have ta carry me. I eau walk homo with mammsa's srm-I anly -want mamma.' Mrn. Arden wae reaily alarmed : ber daugbter's aukie was, afler alU, af more consequeuce <ban the heart ai ben dauglter's frieul. Grâce did, ual limp veybadly, but sic was obliged te wsfl 50lowly <bat the long, logeaf M. Braown, lu epile' of themelves, wene forcedinchb. by tinch la wideu the distance betweeu.Mrs. ArjIen sud Graco sud himef sud May, Thc ueo in advauce were bath greai, taikens; and yei <hoy went. on for nt leasl a hnndned.yards witbanl a word.' 0f cours.ebwen the Word cama 1< s vory ço-ornnpýlace,.indeed. -, Sa I heer, salIdhe. '-you ane goteg- ta make some stay'in Dinan.? I'm sa gla-Ill a charming place-I expect ta"b bore 'myseif fr>1dta no o rlIdong.o"ba 1 ned2- Thon yon know mare than I. Sa far - tram staylgw.g back ta Si. Mala la-mionroe., I dau't. exaotly kuae ehy, seeing e oly came, lier. ibis morning,. but rnaminas are s litile whrneical sometirnes.' "What!l' lheexclalrnedte a voice ai dlsmay, 1'yau are gaing back ta St. kiala T' Tee.' 'Tan are nai oves going la staysa lay?' No.' Impossible-it le a lin-salerane.i Ihope il le ual bait nows' oh-no., Tlien I suppose <bat mealia-welien1 1 euy goad-uight it muet mean oa- Weil-erhap yonare night aller ali-Dinan le oimpc -th. maut bateful j place, lu Europe. But St. Mso-.Ive I a good mind-'j 1Wby, yon are as fiokle as mamma % -I <bouglit Dinan >vas noa-,cbarmlug i A tung ai the rosilbaitsepanatel. them t<birnsow.distant, compan- It ôo-ifon thb.marnent ho. eaq alone 1 vilb Ma.y Jraveu in, s besuliful worîd unIer au-orb wbin lerespousible for name. ArIen, rMsy. kissel Grame-sud Mrs. ArIen. lute 4anown rois. As te- 'lie letton, le . 's a wv 1 < e a u o l y f r o ms b a m e , a ns d mas.ilu.na hurny ta open-it. Hër aies licatwuas li enougli ai ews té nel "Do mare. But, aie, apoeel itai lasI sud real as follois: .'6My DEsnnsr MAY,-I dont mie -haie oa break <ho maI uewè. T'on must cam, home, naz. -Tourisîthan la ery rn-haieall rtei l? Wc are runec. Wheun I marriel, IUelainide wau mimaI' liey callel monigagel over andi aven-suad <heu thon. bad te bh. boirowisg*- sud <liai bannI îcouuty elecioàann'ôg coure w. liaIta kcep rip ilie old position oai the Crayons lu lb. cauuly, for yrzmr sake, miy dean ' Se yaun fitlier actel for <ho bout-ho tried la put thinge uinalgbht by- luvcullug lu mmnes sud liugo, and noi tu a ions. Wesbaàll ha »beggans, sudahoie ilî sluk unIon lia haiew. My Iariug May, il duod pon -you te save your ixtn tro , feu ram hcggany, tram aà broken min4i-perhsps tram-I can't write <tho word.' 'Ail <hodireclaetrs have tunnel ont te h. oUeais sud swindiera, sud. your -fàthcr, eho nover kuew auylhug about lcdgens-boa edhoni ndeetl, beiug a Graves ai, Redlande ?-bas gai mizeti up witk tlen, sud aill hecause ho triel <o b. a gool talion t yen. 'I iml e n, rny Inrling, come back sud hob gool-it le- aur Ouly chance, May. Come iack, ad dou't say- a word to s seul, not oves te Graco Ar- den. Yonr la'nug, beant-broken, P.S.-Sir Marmadukl Irelon la cx- peclel aI Wbiielnds any day.'. May let thc letten Isil. Sic lias jusl ougaged herscli ta a nohody-a wauîer- ing paiuten, ehom.s s!? was lemm-ing te lave elîli ail lien heirt sud tond-sud Dow ! - 1Poan girl! 8h. liaI isultr, enoagi sud la spare, but noue tint vere lucon- sistent elîihlien bnigUt, ftank houcel eyes Seli-elil d'oos o ot0' nessity mean selfishues, or waywardness lu ,prosperity asu incapacily ion solf.-ldeva- tias lu the hour ai ucel. Bal there une limita te lhé endurance ot n martyr. Rad lien niother's lelien arrivedl a week ago,1 sicmigit have made- a face,,sud swlloed Witelands, Sir Marmaluke, and ail: bal Il arrlvcd an heur ago, aIme m*glil ave f9nâ t 1<possibloeta crÙsh lier silcut hicant: but soier boueat bal spoken out 1< va. mia longer.hcnlies w ta crash, or resume. To, soUlierself7-to be-tfaltilesa be love-to revois.-lber pro-w mise--io set Ilike s jilt sud a coquette- ta set herseif to suare <lie panse oais ubraugen, unI la break<lie beout ai hlm sic, lovel-that vas tresasoienbe irhole 'nature. But then to nain <hase whhad alier aies mother isd <ald lier, -runedi herneelves, sud ov.n in- çarrel diehonour forilier:- to lot theý chanceofainuhbur.be <ho cause ai <heir destruction: - elae1.1the faces-oibier fatheransud alen npbral ic r nlier selfxshncess, ail lier Isys : t<o iuo a noew lave betareisie, tionghtai <hem- tut was ieersetian sucre tressas <o nature : lwoald b. mess sund-'vile. Even if <i. bateful 5rfr armadake pravel beyond <ho noacli ai lienais, ihe muet net lream ai <h. love of 'a poon man. Bbc ev bereel,,undros-, >1,,span ber bel, sud b.t,,opposmg l=-1 pulses 'figit aven hon, anti râ.e on maie tis vay, noie liai, vil e - va hsrdly consciaus af the habile. Atiasi li .yes closol lu a siecrabl. mockery of e.p: sud vies eh. vake, thé tus. of 'Aid Robin Gray' wa. namubling lu ber brain. Grâce eas by ber bedside: u Il.n the elole bornr of <lie situation rase 'jImut go home aia oe-my fthon le , hlolimeant: 1I muet do ebatt coéma taoenlg, came vhat may.' I banuld sot -dessina <h. loveoai, s gool maan, if-I aaenltuoe& ly ftlhWar'.elao, la.puligpg-isl*o aiIe e 'Tuou -28n. coma not ievlier sesses, and it vas*eU for hr8h.,caul4 nat: if $hoie banl, _ 5s& ' o kile4, -uhe coul almhosi ha eiofrBdaofjoy. Wlien ieero'thie aquuing eye'and roI bain? II eautbelieveitl YousrraSir Marrnilduke Iretan? 'T'as are, snot>Mr.~ Browns?' Buthlsiface fe.L Ho bal-rosI <lie 1oY l i er eyes--amd ho wus nat ploasel te b. bhus-eelcomed a. Sir Marmaînke' irbo bal heen dismissed as Mn. Broiwn. ,'6That le My narne, Miss Arden,' -le uaidcolxlly, but elth a sigli. 'Ând I ams not Miss Ardea-I amn May Graves. Haie strsuge,' she iront os, ber eyes gnadnslly wakiug up isba <hein sus-like glesrn, '<bat we uould have-been - togother, and soi liavle. kuan aur cen names t10Oh" why 4dd yon cail yourraelf by a taIse name? ,Wbat yon might bave spar-ed me!' ifflbat liehoasked almoat uteruly: 'slioùld younsot bai-ve witton me <liaI note antDisan if yen bal lcuown my neal usme 2' 'No! '.Goal beaven-and yrZ>U Owriil?' I doL sol uay <bal ebat May'sijmpulee lad lier te do wsaée, inght or wise. I eau only uny <liai she conil nab brin.' honRel oit lo ionappinese trois lenr ag In.lsteal aofauswerng, se. lew forth on nthen's lebter.. wblcli eh. irelabout- euh ber s a talismau againet tmplâllion, sud plaeed tinluhie baud: , bus hetrayiug tie fsmlfly skeltos te one eliaisshe trasteà ouly becaus. sie lovýelhlm, confessing liaise. irs dowenleias ,snd oening tliaieslc wus by- ing te7 catch him hecautse lieo au a ricli mss. Il *as frank sud lionet, but 1 doabt if rauy girl even trasiel s man ho- fore. Non do I say <bai ho diIIebai vas wlae-ouly tint lie lookel tram <lihe ict- -te nt ue.yea <bai lie 'seernecl ta resd mare plainly <han varda,sud ithe clouel fadaI tram bisbrou'. For a moment-h. pausel la rosd; and t-hen, lustemelofau.- ing caughit, lie cangit hor-nuha arms. IM7jpoor May-I imerstnnd 1" 12r.f .f flow ed ý ba c. 'C a n yoo. evene îargive me?1 Butý Oh, iely did yan trick me by calilng younelf-' 'Brown? Toun musi ask Mrs. Arden wiy s7ecaia oui ,msy" Suit ai ns- lucky moment ehen I vaegaisg <o <.11 yon an. Wheu ýyen- are< Lady Irotos you W mli nd Ilpleasani sametimoes te travel on foot sud cail yoursei lire. Browen.' But t'si go gisd al ibis .bap- peued-thauglî-you1il rarry mebecanse I'mn nicli yan 'ild-me yau boved tme mie eu spo- - 'Totd < yon, indaeed 1-Bat Oh, do van kuir Baud Aàhteu, Who le lu Indua, tlId me yonere"su utpid- "Quise rigini-Emo Iarn., -Andtinat yau -8quint lorrlly-and hae nIbai-' '£AnI doit? Aul havsn't I?-By Jove,'Msy 1 Thai waa ithe late Sir Marnauke--aulsabal lot ho vs. tao, thougiL hes lead sud mas ny oies fri -coôusis. H. dioil uClalcutta as nth eo 'We'rc ai lL Mrmaduûc. yo-akuov, itza rh7 fret or sco nid C its saisi; tlathe frLly tradition for- loi me see-sbout tblnty yoans. Tiié birnut must aleays.be a Marmsaliko, sud'ýn Hugli Mirmadulce Ineta., 'Tics, plc5ie-rt'aly1 u ugh. Do yonrnlud ?- ItIl bë ei-ryting to'yo, darliug a long asyasllbh. May tome.. Andllh pull your, father -tbrougli,nei-er fean1- I'm ' a purse-proul noueau ric7,' yau kiaae, sud Witlanas cas pick zrp Relassds as oaully as I COu1d yon, my airs Utile May.-Ah!l' '1Ah,' znoanithé suteluapparitioni ao: Myra. Craven, whose ama ea atfiidiug the arm a irmMatsi ué'alvoaly round Msy's eisiiss msi b. ImaginaI oeclug <bat lt-cannai be.dpmo4ldh,ý nden <ho, circnrnstiue uândknàÏvig ehît ho kneir,ifteso nothAà r kw t'Oa izô£g a e o th ater. yMen, ns mù tnou4SmYouL ta yo4n aon-Iaw2' - " 'Wbat 1 ani lu 1vo iuts t, wu*IL hon wýunr lwed]born-té -za7 DO5 wi Ni(J WHITBY E&T'AB Thuis' ld sud - are prparsd toa isohat.d sud i surod for lbromey rates.;

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