Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1875, p. 4

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lis tao mess P"wate i sand ertla.rsthon @bon Iep whst le dolnd for advertiters."' Boes la tlgbl 5andthe P.Oy Men Mina, they affw tisenstamyaet: ceepest asd wbere Il 1foui goode bave ,ulluap a£ama for th flasonand stt ha'epu aid your aalos wheu Il for puttlog thera hile "lne peut>4u»"Mson IL for your vires, 111 el, -ne lime vileli 798eau * <raw lira the publ tlenien weie "eidng' 01014dy , wbaind 15111. * "Won'$ von ho hlm] MuY UmbrOilsa V" sald th déCartalnly," aaid 1hi I was astonishesi "won't" enwcans ainyl * iasus will sut ad 1; wally hadil lb.eladi ha would notbe kiod - ber atubrella. SBut no. Even wbjiIs opee beneoful ýortie grâqafully over lii cern Il Thank ycu il, salO *'I Ne t aI al,", saisi eArueastly. And on 11wý dé Why the fallow flai th2e lady,gala 1 tb outrageons."1 Blut eo, sgain, for the beî Oftermesand Ih aweetly aI lits word.. Yet tIse birds iay th lalk i. -quit. usuSa moi min beinge. Iledo! ber te the aIta Wlscoeasin cburcb-buî siboul te p lit h erir~ir a clsoaiver lu lbe * dewn upon ber wllh arn Mud auxer extreraelypit ohé Àilisiwhal te.coula i btrrasalng olcrmstancs âay.Reme a au a Y roper1ll akeu poaaessloi crb én athin2 oi soea 1»,00worth cf je' wretobed ra", la the gal bier, SthUl, don'l suppom up lb. bird ln lber iI Teybreughl ber le, ai s. 1rBB A PI8 t O. ol= oaim , PREDVis SO,2âm us ;-Tbere Is no i la salt)a iduaoonà duni " J.', nodo 019 PtEî i ERS TO nIM 1 nost inergoeoU X .L CONSTABLES. ", 1 u.li ost I bo o r a d' lnhi Cnil, datad L£ah day 8gel theoJargeat .Làm t....suvdi1pna15 2. Servlng aue oubpon... 025 9.;'<, S. Miesa6.te serve smmnn, tub- I#Â.1 "Wh;nna gr .m n ............ýo 1o aumwhtn.eony 1ýý11= "1'Whênýserice cannoi b., ?l re modt o , v r. u dro t due ddellgece.... e0i r f, ella'0 excusivo 01 senat uc à*> ,a,.rsi e sarily axpendesi lu Ibsir con- 6. Atteadlag Justices, on summari trial, or on axamlnatien of pr. tomp w n eut c f sonea chargea with crime, for talon iii Mlarçely each daY uacesArlyemployed ». ..u.n te on. ornira casa., wbe net thé MW~keL». If 7. D.n. hou angagad morsela mit te derani our heurs.... ...........150 [5« t1181 Ihere is. S.Atton<ing Assses o esos judicloual> with. eAcbdy........i 0 Lié oye youw au- 9. Mileag taelig *e-attand As- sizaesos, or b40 erajustice& ~A. ldy anl glu nae, euly resonsbla disbnria a neoaaow one Mnàt lb0Slwa) O10 1ou t dail lservices lu roc- enongh to bolet pect thereoi, if haldeon sima day ho lady. as Jury summoned .......... 210( ae gentleman. Il. Attanding eaich md jeuniment aItliifr f tlisareoif ne angg~ ea TOtme st tho, fr if finerhauts ............... 100 thlug aI a&l, il 19. Do. do. if engagea more thbn f4ur berefore accord- heurs......................1se the -gentleman 13. Serving summons or subpoensa t y tha eartinîy attend before Coroner (subjeet ynouh 10 orlsy 4.Ne 10.).........0 26 Onouh tohoie 14.Milsga serviug saima.......... 010 153 Exbumlng'bedy undar Coroer'a eho spoke ho warrat.................... 2 Oc le, sd belsi it 111-. Be.hryngsanie............2 0W paio. 17. Servng ditreas warrant, and ne- ihe earnestly. 15 turnilng saine............... 1 ha,1 ; llmo e, Advertling undar distraswar- ýy waut. 19. Travelling te mialta distrae, or te bly eoutrailicted aaarch fuorgbedsto maka diatresa, niysalf. Il n' w when ne geais are fonnad.<... 1.10 20. Appraasamants, whather b yee or More, 2 cents lu lthi dollron ~were on thaelthe vainse fIte gooda. le lady amulad 21. Cataloigue sala and commission, ansidolivery cf gooda, 13et.. in is liisort of the 9, ou net produce et goods. nggn lb.1 22. Ezacuting saarch warrant .....I 60 r )ug 213 Serving notices on conitablea, wlzau parsodslly iervad, .......0 àr-t asPublishasi by order, just as cIse nu H. J. MACDONELL, iu fallh, a s an Clark cf thea Peace . gsll.ry, gazing -WibN, 7 84 n4 l*t ao nr W libN. 7174in7 For One Moôith Longer W. J.HICIHE& 0 ou- 71.5012 sah, le WILL à" w MA mu ris. BELL GOODS ,,auAl tyll tous to behold, under aneb amr es-she faintesi tgni'hbhas Vary neof ber seul; ment of cliape wels whlih that Lley has ie aU Ilat s2e gave ly.whlte hane ms aide thoaim a7 To Cuzza * Pzwo. -Tike cenimon rock salt, suoh sila uaod for silting pork or bee4 . d'y iu' ovan, thesý Pouad, fuiee sud mlizvith e Pplita cfrIur. pentfue, equal prtsi, Pu t ilon s eIot1 andc rip -on "lb. 6parts afféoeîsiansd a Il gesdyPut on Mor, and lu twen1yÊ fougie hrsyon *re oW-the falon wne» 1e deid, il vill do mc han te lry il. -g il Toronto,, while at. the breakfast. table a few-mornlugs siuee, rasisloue sud repesto4le4e h *for -butteresi teut. S After, :dusog cfa ll quity -ot * lait nourlablng abrîicle .12.-va IÃ"Ul Ibat tee ranch Ïtost oulsi malte her alek: Looklugvlmîfly aI tue dsaIsfor a usomeul, $ho* Ihougbt ah.o55a w W ouI o! ber diMculty, ansi exelsimne, * Wlgive me annunser plece ansi send for th2e decter." PorpW.-living along thli'esoa lb. great écal trauspardln, reada doniot ouffer for vint a! fuel. ' AUlIteugIs the Oummur inen sud womeü, cf the pooFrr olsse slI' ul u b.mon.g aIan early heur ansi galber up w bathbas fallan frora the trsini passsing lan1the nlgbî. TIsey essily pick up a bushel perboasd, andsteit.1r.Ilay for. future use. The ebrinkage on cargoas cf ceaIl carriesi1000 mUes muaI be very cou- siderable.i IlMolIsar," saisi a littho urchin, wbaen hoe cime henie froua churcliIl"I have bette, sncb a smsrt preasher. Ho stumpesi sudasie snob a-noise, and] thben lie got, mad ; ho Rbook bis flos tt lihe foîke, ansi Ibere wasnl nybacdy daresi te go np ansi 0gb. hlm." Nov niay lovers of lIse nesejoy theaislves tet 1 i esrts' contant, ïfrea from thie dustnrbing fear o! a lactura *on th2e moral depravily of iudulgin.g their 4~ habite ; for- tIsaI cl;iiif arnong tlhe anti. * tobacco apOalles, 13ev. (lac. Trask, liai iapartadhsi 1B.is., te the great relief of miany wlco, wbile lhey loves i bU wl, lovei tsi pipas botter. ()n@ rsson whY female talegrapb eplrsl-Ore arenet niera. umnerous la, Isecanse, if eue cf Ihetu wis'hei le go te -a bail, ahe'd gel up sud go, aven if thie Pa'esldenl'a message was comng aven laeagrei st uel ýfoi cha-young lady,,al telderly bo$ u . ,sor hîrowslggan i Trnl ldue ni4t î 9e iio:$ fera ;td y & N a l i a n a u - sa lS ois-,-.- "'WEBSTER" PATENT BE WINO MACHINE a pouitively the nearest pérfection yet attained by any machine i the worId. It la an ENTIRELY NEW INVENTiON, Havlu svept Say at once s greal msuy Of thsa difficultias sud annoyances attendant on the use f ether machin s. THE WE]3STER le a marrai cf siniplicily, beiag cou- sîructesi nithoul theIsaeaof naisy cems, or cogi, sud us ao light, sud h 50o easy te underitans], tIsat ne lady blow. avar weak or narvous, or however un- aocnstomedasihe raay be te the use cf machinas,, can fan b nusi WITH EASE AND PLEASURE. TIse shttle Of 1the WVUTER S 8~ 0 cooiotrated Ibal 1the tension Of 1the un- der tibruà eau haccliauged lu au instant wilbout unthrcading 1the shuttie. THE "WEBSTER" is th2e only mia- cbineaen Canada thast oxceedsin l finish, mnialu ise, ansi construction thosa o! American manufactura wbile no Every "ahnban" s arran tS nek CanadIanmchn Weseau uppwarac t. by 1t2e manufacturera for 8 ycarî. miss t- w ain A -T .A* WILL SELL 000DB ~w-é,~r c~c3~uxw -OO '~-.-- ,r. v r 5 ,-1 8 7 4 i , , - - s For one* Month longer 1 GR<EAT,-& r BAi cGÂ.&i l- The, Largest Stock ini Town, dm LAING &STEWART Respectfully invite the attention of ti Ladies' of Whiltby.and nÙeighberhood, te .a few leadiug lin of goods they have purchased lately at extremely ic prices, consisting of In 'Serges, 'Lustres, Alpacas, ReppI aad Merinoes ; ii Winceysm-Plain and Stripped te Mai ties; 'in Cloth, Seal, and Fuir. To Mui/r1 iy n the Latest Styleë ro Ladies' and, Misses Fu'r Sets, fi ?erman Mink, Cooney, Persian Lamb, Grebe, and rei Mink with Caps te match. ti p GE'NTLEMEN are alSO, 8pecil*îly Ivil ten te inspeet the very large stock of importesi goosis, 0011 pnising Whitneyg, Russialu, Beavers, Miltons, Black DoE skias, and Black, Brown ana Blne Broasi Cloth. To Scotch ansi Engliali Tweeds. To Faucy Vestigs in great variety. To Tweeds froun 11e bail manufaetureri in Canada. To Englieli ansi Canadian Undar Clotliing. To Hala; ansi Caps, and Ganta' Furniahinga, inth11e nenesl di signa and styles. Yours vcry respectfuily, Whitby, Nov. 25, 1874. LAING & STE WARTI FALL ANID WINTEF IMPOR~TATION 0F JA~M~E8 SE~ELA Has mnch pleasure in announcing b bhis onatomersansd 1the publie il general, Ibaliais stock le nov complet.. An immense assortmealte select froni naarly aIl bonglit direct froua 1he manufacturra, ansi will ba solsi ta ssinal iad vance on cost for Cash. So brn u in your mono>' ansi Lave 1the asivauce tIbm bas te ha put ou for basi ansi donhîful Sable. BALES 0F- FACTORY COTTONI 5 Cents, 7j Cents, 8 Cents, ansi 9 Cents &_yard. Just Arrivesi, a Case cf,- those Celebratesi Linen Towels, 1 at Five Cents eaeh I AN IMMENSE STOCK OF MeINT.Y REe 1BLACK LUSTRES! .AGENT, WHITBY, Whfera maohines eau b(c ;xamined.' AN IMI<dENSE STOCK OPa BLACK'-SILKS1 Frou 5e a yardl. A-very fairA]pao. Froua 60o ta $88 O0 aiyard. ca at 25e a yard. Froua 60o te $3 00 a yard. WhIie Lawn Ilandlkerehiefs from Se each. Table Linon 25e a yard. tIýePLchasersthkoroughly ineiruci. A Good Ileavy Wrapping S7haiv for $1.95. -A Fine e in La ha nec of Ithe Machine. 1AUl Wool Double Shawvl or $3.75i. 1Machines delivorcd ta any asidrsa,1 BROWN HOLLAND - Ai CENTS- A ýYARD 1 AND EASY TERNIS GIVEN FOR 1 A Manixnotb Stock cf Mancbester * Aberdeen Winceys. PAYMENT IA Isauvy Wineoy at Se a yard; a iconrasi Wincav at 12;c, said tle awrtl 16c.! Uly l5tb, 1874. IT RIEGRA f 9-oaal AfENGLISH REMEDYI1 6p,ýdDR. W iqn GRAY's SPECIFIC ,MEDICINE --cre mfNvos ie"e, nc s .,,,.,.*, epar- 19 sud aIl dieas ci efAbuse -w 4eIsiat.yo h 11ftana - Alre lot o! CheckesiWincey Sihnsfi-cm 17e. LEI IS HOU ER TBUNEVRT W8 -ST ND. TE4tS, 'JOFFEES, -SUGAR; ces-~hep~r hanany other house in town. MPLEASE ALL ND XMN ~ ~zr~L!k4 h~igI~e8t. fik~ prive Wkeat, Barley, Peas, ~c. Ontario, and separate Mucplte in 'the latter. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARIMENT Will bc found large and wel soelected,:cbàtiinin-g i; the 1l;ew andi Fashionable niaterials a il thades of the season. Lace Nett for Window Curiains:aI 20e, e9e~800, 8eau&SOo50. Just arrived, Two Cassof the Celebrated Cornwall.Blankdet, whieh will be aold less Ibàm th. balf-cotton importasi BIanlwta .p. y e- r Sues .Plin and Fancy Flaunels in grect abandance anid ai remarkably lou pricet.. Ie' The Hosiery and Glove Department wil] bW fonud complète fin evary suae and qnality 1 A plendid-- stock of Beaded, Ball,.-;and. ,Faucy !rmaiis. Clouds andi Fancy Wool Goosis ini great variety. An ail-wool Cloud 121e." I3Juit to. baud, àa splÉenaiai assortmont of Grobe, ik, and Soul Sets, whieh nl ho disposei of ati emarhably ion prices. - ents', Furnishln7g and, ýReIdy-Made C/at hing Dopartment I lTust arrivasl, a aplendidl stock 01 xmn's andi B oys at andi Pur Rata,neW Shap% sAdpop41sw rit.a; 'a oah arrivW of Cloth ans Fur Ca ., y-" wunsfe. eloibln 0 Bi es là la~Irge stock o! eayr âe Cloting in kaP 1 , l emt, h Q, b. soldsitaiwholesal.prie... A I6~tihords¶ A ar~e tock O! Clotho ansi Tweeds 9e lii s ti n» m. "a Boots- and Shoes JBotsanShes The smurter bas ommeuaes, ansidl1ne llb oivo aeonlae bt Sbea'o le the lae t'u- ioi n et i i u i an aed one ts- Iéti fllsMlnd ette beundersl My mtto se, - L I paid f CASH FOR> BUTTER. The new and heap Grocery store South of Ontario Ba L. HOUC Whutby.,<Sept. 1iSilr1874. or- Furmi ture! Furniture!! Now is, the time to buy good and cheap Purniture. Ha'Viug beuglit out the'business lately carried mn by James H. Samo, we take this opportunity cf inviting is many friends to give us a e'aUl, and we can assure al] that we are prepared te do as 'weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo bas donc in the past. TILL & JOHNSTON. Jrders by mail ,promptly attended to. UNDEIITAKING -The only first- fla s Establishmient ini the Ccunty where fnnera-ls are fui- [y supplied. fliilby, October ist, 1878. TILL & JOHNSTO N. -l 40-1y ~ARRIACE8 &<~ii~CIEs. MESSIRS. TOMS & -,NEWPOIRT, 3eg te inform, the, public genùerally, hat-,t:e y have opened a New Carniage,,Factory, -on Dundas Street, rW0 DOORS WEST of' the . POET OFFICE. 7bere the are new. prepared toeieecute ail werkiluthe trriage Making Lino, on 112e shortest notice, and made of th2e best ma- LLWOJRK WARIRANTED. REPÂIIG DONE WITH NEATNESS AIND DESPATCH. rhitbY, JUI>' 29112, 1874. 81.1 0OH N ST 0ON'S ~ELPAING-REAPER AWRED- THE F1RST PRIE1 At the Prevýincial E-xhibition, Toronte, in 1870. e oifler tocur csoiesfrthe coming--Harvest, îwo dis- eMachines, which in stl-az cntutoenabrace th2e latest'ansi mottuseful improvements cf 1the day. 1t N sT0O 10N'S SJ 1NGL1,E S E LF-l1),A IG R AP El ie universal success of Ibis !Machine, -beth in closely coîîtest. trials snd in the aidi of the fîriners.- warrant us in sying that. as a Self-Rab- Raateping siachine, ih bas more good pointsand legs ciefects, and has met witi rp auccesis ad lacs failure. chan heictefore ollered to thé public. e were awarded the First Pri'ze and Diploma, at the Prcvin iExhibition, hélTdin Trcaah 't 0, )70,in compecition wit ail] the ieading Machiné>- rfactured in 1h. Province;. anS wltb opr reçant ilproeasuieia- I ahlange investigation and oprmnwt-ompîsg-sbna aire fthe boit Moyen le the Fariner fer 18,72,builtlu the Denno.~ 'eno descriptive catalogues. * - PY GOÃœODS ý'ANO 'Gý"ROCEI1E8. ie unlersgnedis iow rceiving LARG 1OK(i11TYGOS Cositigb f Drkèss oos, great, vaniety ad:flhitaits ~~1rdSls$haws Msutles, oir> uhm,0ttnPitg,&. A eo'tÃŽ!ÏIent fCind an& ~j~r~ds mndaful dok c Genlemn'sFurnishing iP~~isi FÀfI YGROCERIE8I, l'ln,~fees, raw and rëfined'Sugars, BQOT AtiD '$HOB STORE: 0F ~ Net dor toGoldsm hs Hal BROO STRETWH ITBY. A J&rge'anduperioôr stocIk 0-wl ma-ide Lain--Gut'Mse'sd Clile'~ Boots- and Sboes. The stock comprises the bet.wok M d~llbe. feund cheap and durable. ~tsato.urned ii tomnerswll finJ it -to their interest te eaU and examine the gcods and list :of prices., Repairs neatly and premnptly exeutesi.- Whitby, Sept. lSth, 1574. * 88 t) JEI. IV i ~r ~ ~ z THE OLD STAND,&HEBROWN - cô PATS [ESTABLLSHED .:1833] M WH FATURNGCeaY. WM. TILL, -- PIROPRIBÉ,TOR apta - -$120,000, 2,400 SMARES OP .5qEACH. -O - -The aboia Compsny h luincourseofor New Parlor -Sets, - mi E ge hep a !pnryPln N ew Bed-roomin e ftýsy, Wr,,ie n lTwn&'of ItenoÀgiy. u New Dinmg-JLroomSes h A-ss a o 1, vPCan nnl Tis,0 linad amunîinig ti j to!g& i An arge sockam.ofL 'neý_J'JUWood ow subecljbedcf i WO0. Il ie seat Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges,'Bes'e as, cincesethisenni teolS,WOindrlt.- Cupbeards. flair,l Cleth, andi Damask Loungàes, CouÛches, t'rn.] heaneut iberto, done, ancl &c, .A fine stock cf New Gilt Window Con'nices, chap. îhereeieoffiriin iadiknfr, - The largesù- andi cheapest stock cf Pictur-es ever bro-t-ght aligtba-new Comipany tac"rcmon dan- iu tewu, ail cf wbich lie offers at prices that will not fail te whole business on a strwll1y cash bas. 'luý suit the times. md for liai nîw Company, il leis N ~ T h u n d e s i g n e i w i s e s t e s t a t e t e b i e l s i c uato - c d t e c i I a t i l u e l v e n y e a r ' , b uà s s g i e - T h e u n d r s i g e d i s h s t o s t a e t h i s o l d c ue pe- r a l i o n e - f r o n i J a n n a r y , 1 1I 3 , t e J a n n a r , ers ansi the-publie generally, that 12e is to 12e founsi utth 11"LD STAND," l cs?-ears. rown & Pallerien bavebeen and bias neithor bought- ont, nor solsi ont, and is i no way connectcd nilli iiabledby profith risiised, te$aletbelirga any otlici-eslablishmient in town. beensubsribed-by Ibeiniu the- nawCom. Ça"e Undertakiug ,as usual.-A-Large Steck cf Ready- ih,àZ.Poet-a envle ne made Coffins constantly-Icept on hand, ana'i - fiinii b order ta suit eus- S. M Willcox and rJohn Thorpeox, two cf tomera, ou short notice, Fnnare4Js fn]ly su4pplied-with ceytbinkg. t he Previsional Board at 6,6.8-h establishment bai been ithepossession et - > lheincw Comxpany ince 17th Febrnsry lait ~At .L.J.* ~ ...-;.-tha freat day of ils organization-tha pro- Whitby, October 15, 1878.- fits of the business coim.ncinig from Ibat *Applictionubas ban rnade to theLegidla ture fer a Charter ilu a usferra, andi wilb leýise uaIright& sud privilleai. At -- lhq expirajino f the lima-statesibyStatute 'rsxWee) a general meeting ef the 'W/1NTER OLu"O"TH I -N-G'a-Prcréai OfesofteCmny ----- 00 lgnremcd reseclfully solieited. The vleof diahels'r,ai P paying ,si-éfdend lan.- -veelment, nisy ha regardad'as 1being beyond adütM; whfile agneit idvýDgsntgtei Gents Fu rn ish'Iiig tore Iseuma ,n1reëto, hýàva] .kown etWhitbv nid C.,oty ersonassl muit aI once cemmend dtiiiemsv- - *Partië esiiring tle enherlhaferoi- tci are raqnastate enclore nieuoranini, ;par poit mt n emrly day stating thea unber cf sbires J 0OIH N F E iR G (JSbO -N theywigÉtebiveallot..& ý- RATES OP bSc-015. ennoren lf fr. .~ - ~ Y G0. YUIl-E Prom whous avery infennation miy -bo obtainesi. Wbitby, Sept. 19, 1874. 89 *A ge -MiliSieonthe Easlit, rsneh a1 Lyade"a Crack. sn excellent location for a ~par Mli. wm b sold cheap. Parties -J. HAMEI GEEXWOODP Mayor. Whitby, MÃœay 1411,, 18783. 20 p9-ROsPECTUs.- R.J. YARNOLD, Prasielent. Sacreasry. W hiby, 28112 F bruatr, 1873. 1019 Merc'hant Tai/or, Draper, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. a, A New and. well selected stock suita- bic fer the Seasen, iucluding beavy Overcoatings, Scotch, A large stock of Hats, Caps, ~1-Fashionable Tailoring [n _alfrits branches. Stylish ansi peifeet fitting garments.gaaranteesi JOH.N FERGUSON, LIST OF ATCTIONEERS WNhitby, October,2lat, 1874. T I OFESSIONS OF AIN' benefit cf Youxo MsMn cADa suifer fromNEBVOUS DEBIITY 0F MAINHOGD. etc., iupplying Ml of Self-C4ire. Wnittau- ly oua vi himef afler uudergomng caas quaekeiy, snd isaut frac of charge . ars arae nvitesi le sddresa, post.j IIÂTHEI NL MAYFJ - P. 0. ýBox 15, Brooklyn, Mse pr nt7c1Stck 'orFa/I cý OLD 1 MUazcePuAZaY. scgog,....... Beach...... North & South ridiug- Mrso........ .. Souda Biding ... Tliorah. Brook .. ...... .... NorthBdn . do. South Bidlng.::: do. tTxbridge...... mats............ Uxbdge. S o ndu t uah e scotI ........... North .ismg... do,.... frek.. North, Bding . ..... Beach,-.. mam....... Sauth Bid'e.. THE 1 1 l' il 1 1 Dembern1, 1874. J d i a u r y a i; 1 8 7 5 . Mareh 411 8,187. J. L.Watkis . ort>ar L. Fairbanks Jr.. .i... .am ....id .rock .... .. li. B. O'DeUl...Atherley... John -MeGil.... ail lVhtbi Davili IBrown...llhtv . . .H.Càmeren. ....Beaverton .. DonldBos -de.. Wm.M. llcx.. Prt penry. eDiid-es.iso- .. .al ...tb.... J Wus ib, Jr Pcalg Jams 1gb',dr.. . ... 1Goy is enche... . M rkbim JohÈL., atnsh.. Pot ery. E; Ilajrs.............. .ge ThonmsPencher... mgrihàln_. 00 1 81-11 Tie's, 1 r% ' ý.,AYUGA JUNIIOR 1 ýMOW . ER Licemed for South, Riding » of Ontario, North Riding of

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