Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1875, p. 2

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--é "à" WQTK 84 it'OUght bat A- mina Me OZPenduutà"omthe - - 9--Zbluuzu ý ]MY Was allowéd the -rèev-e's" ta ho do». It Mme w was just and right, and ho believ.; COXVUINIC MONS, éc. for the manY other- n said bridge of Thomb, 1&ams, and ý dëpnty" Move of selve' t6t ed the reg , bu bëeiï 647-on.. XOTIM cotions aought-to be Cast Upon 8. they (bey had th ' Prom G. Y. Smith, Solieitor, in re. M ra, inaamnch au t In givingos the thora ta lie Undeurved. boit, Of ehichycur been païd by the > Féasby, thst -B wOuh o-n-t' --ey would ha de- di o- _la,ýed one day longe.r ilomýe., GrAenwood] P amonnt of work for don' férence ta sale of certain lands ior Treàsatrer of o re. morrow move for le&ve,, -introduce..& which tbey were Ithis corporation, à of TEW CHRONI pald for. 110 was net âware Wh on motion tâc Committee thon roze County taxes. by-law ta amend bY-lswý17, as te the Therule wassUspendedý permîtting they ether and roported-the report ne follows . From Wm- Nelson, Scott, Congratül- 2. Your committeg find tht, Owing ance of the ri hsd Oaliod upon_ any one in hiî caret&Wo-duties and the Warden te leàvo the chair ut recýeiw P The CoUnty Valustors beg te report ating-the Wardon Upèn bis eloction. ta the ainking of the ablatments of the -and the counëil remained in sesciOu Thwnominees municipality. 'ne had no per4onai îÈ&tý àgreeably ta By-law No. M, ne Petitionot 3feurs. MoPherson and Narrows bridge, it wM ho necessary te On motion of Mr. Bick newnded U"til ýhs business before them. was coin- Tý ýNý Gibbs au knowledge of the Wt suppoied smended by By-law No. 250, they bave Poleyi the reeves of Mars and Rama, make certain répairs te said bridge le, it Bd that pleteds after one o'clock the valustSu came te thoir own éotimated bête actuel, cash value or ail ôn>behalf of their respective or oit con corpom- fore the openitig of navigation. suy extra fâmiture 1 s7m ÃŽ Or an lýe 20- by Mr. Gillespi 'W ý9Ol1. On motion of Mr. Feasby, seconded Clusions witheur &Dy ontaide informe-, the, Real Proporty in esclx muuwpýà4ty tiens for survéy of boundary line. oommittee recommend that the coin- bc pur- by'bfr. Parkersthe couneil thon adjourn- Extraci frým w tien. The principle. ho ooiwderûd ' a in the County, and the per oeutage Tm IÂT.3 TRMURER'S ACCOUM. misaïoner of this county, in oonjUnC-ý chaud by the chair=à ofCo. property.- "The names Tory important Que te diseuse. Ho *hichthe valuationofesch munie, lity Mr. Gillespie brought up the report tien with the cominiogioner of SÏcOe, the Wardezi, and the omtaker- ta dates were thaï contended that 1 the conneil were Dot bears ta the aggregate of the WhIolfea, as boand ta accept the valuatlon for five follows, that je ta say:_ of the apecial Committee a having a due regard for economy. which after Rome di ppointed ta make ench repaire as =&y bc nocemary, goussbn, and on, the New À dveÉtisements thlig Day. Oliver Moq yeare--tlie woÏds of the statuts w investigate the ammnt4 of Mr.- Paxton, suggestion of Mr. O'Donýran, wax sâd- bar,'i;eeonded 1 id Ore.- No. of 4v#rage per the late Couaty Treaium, , and On'010- 8. Yeur Couinai tee bas examinea ej the usine of the depuV reeve of the di Tr'uëra'Au 1 net 'exceading ave yearid, ma ho be.ý M.nkipd4. Aceo#. 'Vatua- per, Acre «nt- tien the Collucil went into oommittèe, the report of Jan. Beederd: - commission- town of Whitby. Auction Sale of Cutters, BentlèY, second Ileved the Couccil could throw it o1rer-L Iwn» a or Scugog bridge, and and that -the Donovan. "7,, Brock opmm SU48 M thërenn, Mr. Campbell in the chair., On motion of Mr. Br"-, seconded -S. S. No. 1, board alter one year.' Se, tac, bail in- Amobut lirmtod lest year bu bean.pro. by Mr Giîegu.it was resçived thst when ýSéhcÏalý,Téàcher Wanted peter Tày<t MAM.. 8911M 1,M»O 27-71 ÃŽ61 The report Ïqad as tonows : 1 cer, Ȏondedbý tended to'âk the valustors saine ques. Plokoriüg........ 70»7 411431« mm affl ý The special Committee aÈpointëd lut perly expended and accounted for, and the - * tions, but finding how other gentlemen Bains ........ 29AU mM 7.75 la ooùnon àdoj*om -tco-àorrow-it stand - Dalton and Rama. Id IL Parowef who Lad put questions had beau - au- B"11- 1,125 muom déi i2m, June with power ta josgtut@, legal pro. reconnùeüd tbatlhe soin of $100 be s: Adjourtied tg Tuesdav ý setouded by Mi JUDO. Auction Sale--w-R. M. Spéncer. 49,170 4«»W 2"7 041 di geinst the late County propriMed towards keeping iaid brid o ý On'moti the conneil Livingstonts lue,.Work, on Affica and Mr. whites, swared, hi did not ïBel Uke sulýeofiýg 0.171 228.W ý8L42 LU Ces ffl ai Th in a proper "o of repair, durin Z adjournod. himeelf te the robuffs théýr h*d roeoiv- Th ..... som 750,OW 24M MS Ottrer, WIm Paxton, Jr'. Esq., and hié e its:Explorer * Haight, âge ' ni. waà the second Uxbridge Tp. 81,963 lffl 29M &68 sureties report ne follows: present year. FIPTH ad. bfr.Cowan nez& réferred ta the Wbitk, ..... 88= 2M.oS W.11 4. -Tour committoei hm ý lad under DiT D4 Ces__ýLaiVe The Dame a 9 Ci ' Notioe'-'ý-Dr. Wheeler 700 1- Shordy aiter our - appointmont we GýoOd9, Ailméduced 1pri rapidly oieressîng value ci the --north- mm 19-107 Paxton, Boq., by appoint- their cônaïderation the petition of John & Stewart. put larward at 1 Ha4t lmM I» Saýurdèr, Jan. Oèth., erg townships, whilà the frontier mu. 011hawa ....... ........ l,225.m ....... 5.7t met Thomas Port ]P"... 476,000 ....... lie M . eut at the town of Whitby, where Mr. I(oGreRi)r sud five othère of Mars, alao The Warden týe chair shortly Notice-- uicipalities relitaineil st a stand atil4 Uxbridge viL 49wo 1.84 the petition of B. P. Brown and #£taï ton o'clock. Cord Wood Wanted-W. P. P. B. The ballot roi and without thst faèt before theW, it Wbitby town ....... 1,003,000 t5g Paxton eàterëd into au arrangemogt to Othffl Of Tjïàrah,"Praytng"tÊè-muneil, lot-Mowat, wouldbeamanifestinjustice ta inaist Mr. O'Donovan, seconded by Mr. 1408t us sgaiu, at WhitbYin twd weeks, Il; Farewell, 1 thât the valustion of to-day should, re- JEIarPOr, moved that the report ho and promiseil thst James Dryden, ta -authôrize, thé' otmîkhteùiug of the From, K. RowpJI àài Thos. Moody ý Skating Carnival. la for av@ yearg. Ag t adopted and that the saine steud for Esq-, and himulf wiauld enter ïnto rond on lot 6. in, llth con. Thorah, and ' Tenders for Lumber, Wànted.-ýTown 2ad-Taylor, mot 0 1 the Construction of a bridge s'Crau, the with reforence, ta tbi sale of certain of Wliitbyý the comparisori Of tiie-two'townsibipo*ot 1 bonde with us, offering ta pay whatever Talbot river 0 a goode consigned >y auëtWn, and saking w OU, 16, Wbitby, ho réferred ta the larger Acre- lu dment it was moved tbat thè sum was fonud ta bc due ta the county Lutly-Parei ave, _ppoeite guchro&d whe that the COUUty linnsf"ýy-law met bc &go 01 West Whitbyý &mouuting te 1270 latter part 01 tlie motion, as ta the rg- by the late treasuier, on condition thaï straiRbtened. Your committee Cannot 1 recomMend the ocuneil ta grantthe amonded. Mr. -Farewell &Créé, and considered t port standing for five years be etruck WB WOUld RPPOint S- C- WOOdi-luq., as ' From Mr. 4aýbg, treasurer, sait. thé notan ce of 1 hat the value of ther, Wm. prayerof the said petition. rd id go muai, roal egtate, would _ygore than ont. Vie yese and nays were called arbitrator botween bis bro ing for au eni @slsrY.ý eonuterbalance the value of all the - for on thý amendulent when there ap- Paxtont Esq., and the Couaty. 5th. 'Your committee hm had undoir The éditer of manufactures in East Whitby. 11, peared in favor of- 2. Your cowmittee and Mr. Billin consideration the petition of the corpor- ed the contventio go# . &tien of Rama, praying the couneil te Mr. Pessbjr introd and had kassi -ONLY Si Se PER AN was &lac Unable ta Seo how Oshawa ý Messrs. Bréthour, Bickell Campbell, the Attorney suisting us in-the matter, coedinge, from m bad been advanced 25' per cent. more Cowan, Gillespie, Songer and Sliire-7. met Mr. Paxton again et Whisby go. grant #5Ã"O ta saut un appropriation Of ed the by-JAw of ' ee ho bail gLven the town of Whitoy. Looking, te Nays--All the rest. - Cording ta appointinent; ho then »am- the CoUneil of the COUnty of Simone to notice, in relation ta caretaker. ed ta ha more anxious ta gain time build a bridge acrous the Severn n'ver Whitby, Thoraday, Feb. 4, 1875. are given the total rèault, ho could came * ta Do The motion for adoption was then without any settlf ment than ta carry, b tween the townships of B--- and TRE-A URI The nominal Other Zuclusion than thst the valua. doclared carnied upon the unis division. o was buta very 1 On motion of =,Wl"d, action out his.firet agreefhent with us. Morrison. Y-our committeerecommend of Ineuring in a Soun tien was unsatisfactory, and'ýthat the EAST WRITBIt BY-LAWS. a, to thst shéady grsnt. tipon the communiýen"ôf the treasur-' The Advantage d those days. a. Yolir committee thon proceeded that a SUM equ Horne Company. iùstead of containing -ýODlY the Mr. Gay's bill to confim by-laws ta Toronto te consult with non. M. C. ed by the couneil of Simooo, and net ta or for an encreau o" ry was deferred Would the bare figures reseut0d te thO"- COUncile passed. exceed in the whole $500, bc granted ta the JUDO session. l'laper, litre ta resd the phould eýf partake of the ' r Cameron ; ho advised us io eue the late by this corporation ta sidîn the con- CO. TR'EA9;;;ýt REPORT. A cage came before the aunnal meet- Charâ0te AUDITORS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACCOLYNTS. Treaurer, Wm. Paxton, Jr. Esq., and of au ý albanstive document. Weré it 80 te Ur. etruction of said bridge ; and that Jas. of the Ontario Farinera' Mutual ventob7l and the Couneil resumed in committee of tho se esiablish our claim, and al Your Tresatirer ;ego ta report that 1129 lasty droits issued by à snob a report as they bail a right ta o%- whole on the-bill fof the appoiiitment Test hira on a criminal Charge, and MePherson, reeve of Rama, bc the coin. the receipts "ce 18iJannary bave beau Insutrance Company, iin Tuesday bolted" th, pect, it would have ta that extent clos. of auditors of criminal jiistice aecounts then after flic clalrÀ2 was established, in missioner on behalf of this corporation, as follows: i which of itseIf is a good exemplification 2"80 Id ed the objections. Mnatly, bc considi in the chair.- the event of hie net paying, or bavi 9 the local municipality ta make up Kny CoUnty rates .............. $7,777 of soma of the advantages of insuring Farewell had sec ored that the couneil bad only wastea Mr O*Donovau asked whetber the sufficient proporty ta pay the claim, ta deficieucy that may occur. Gov. a'e, Crim, Jus1ce... 734 en much, ménoy for sucli a report as reeve*Of the township of Whitby Lad Bue big suretieq. On that advice we 0. Your committee bas examined Miscellaneous ...... f. .... ôt) #8,561 in a sound Haine Company. A Mr. The Work of the county valuâtors had prosented. seon the Cuunty Judge, and Lad mat- thon acteci and put the matter in suit by-laws 271 and 274 of the corporation That the expeulture Vickery bad takeif-out a policy for #200 Ur. Bwers said ho could hardly fers referred te hy Lira in the forenoon at once; and by consent S. C. Wood, of East Whitoy, and recommend the bas beau- on the contents ol.,his dwelling on Seu- We Lad intend agirait with the rernarks Of the reeve of èxplained. Esq.-, was. appointed irbitrâtoir by the COUGeil te cOufirm the sam8- Bills payable ........ $3,500 gog Island. Subsequently - ho removed by way of revieý Oshawa, ne ta doing away with thè val- Mr. Bickell stated that lie liad seen court. The arbitrator at once entered 7. Your committee finds that the Debentures and eoipons 1,830 nation after one year. Hie reading of the Trouurèr, and got « from him, flic on hie daties. and found the said WM. bridge across the'Talbot river, near Pickering Mun. schà est. 1,088 te Roach, but faaed te notify the seerp- County Couneil 1 the law walq that the Couneil coula ouly accounts and statementq. He had Paxton, Jr. Esq., to ha indebted te this Cameron'a mill, is in-a dangerous oeil- sal., Adj. Sess. ordeq,&c. 2,600 $9,094 tary, as ho hail intended, that ha wish- the report of the order a valuation once in flýe years, te acconnis there had beeÙ county in. the sum of $11,087. ditiou, and recommend that the ree-Ves That the amoun still ed te have the policy transferred. Re an d the press of and thât they could net value again found by fi greut discropancins and that the county 4. Your comwittee thùn ordered Mr. of Mara and Thorah examine the said ta bc collected for hl. of had spoken te one of the agents, whom Bruce, and obligý under fivc yeare. Their, authority aver Lad boeu losing a large ainaunt ofor Billiugs ta get the sward made a rule bridge, and maire such repaire as may Co. rates is ................. 8,549 . the valustrirs was only Buch as towý- of -t aned place the judgment in the ha iiecessary-the cost net ta exceed ho Casually met, on the subject, and marks 4to anothe ship couneils bail over their assessors. ýVaÙt of profýa. auditing or proper look- From whieh wil be whe liad promised tn call and maire the ingafterinaomeshape. lieliadfound Sheriff hands for collection, which bas required Scheel teakers' Mr. Gillespie called attention ta the that large amounte haù been paid te net yet beau returned by-ffie sheriff. 8. Your committea bas examined salaries for last -.1. y. '74. 8,566 necessary survey. A few days after- TaE MUDGE & fact that the wbole of the Carouge was parties on certificates of the coutity Your cominittee in conclusion recom- the following accounts, and recommend Thore are still luder discount two wards, and before titis was doue, a fire ThEL annuel inee copied froin lagt year's report, with the ditors, whieh atnounts were after- mend that in the avant of the Sheriff payment : ta Jas. Beeder, commission- notes te the Dominon Bank, (lue 30th broke out, and the contents-insured on Yarwood Màanufa, exception of Mara, whieli appeared te al' or Sougog bridge, $4.87; te J. Don, 0. That have galued 1750acrea more than last wardg disallowed by the Government net being able te collect the saiti sain caretaker, Talbot river, $15 ; te ett, Jan'y and erd Febý, for $6,00 the Island, and removed into the new held 8t the Office year. ne cownplained at soins longth auditor and sa loet te the couoty ; and with Costs, ttiat proceedings lie taken Wm- there will require to ha paid for CoUnty in one case lie -found that au accoant against hie sureties with as little delay Boulton, commissioner Narrows bridge, grant for High sehcls, last llalf-yeu of building-were deâtroyed. Legally, and on Wednesday el of the injustice doue hie municipality. h&d been paid twice as possible, as ordered by the conneil $10- 1874, $1,000 ; balince for iuew Regis- unde>r their rules, the insurer Lad no tiefinancial sta Mr. SL John considereil the valus- Mr. O'Donovan saiù that Mz-.,ý'Bieliell in Jane last. 9. Ynar committea have had before try office, 8600 ; am accounts yet te c ai the airectors-wh tien just, and gave hie testimoq of the nad only told hia own portion of the In reply te Mr. Brown, Mr. Gilles- them -the Petit'on Of the reeves 0' Mars came in, for Conne purposea and &4- 1 in whatever against the Company -shewed high pharacter-ôf the valilators as able @tory; that the matters refeiTed te were pie stated that the bond mentioned in and Rama, praying that the gdu. Coin_ ministration of Criuinal justice. The board of directors iuvestigated the adopted and es able moli, and bc believed them very enaily explained, that the insinua- the first clause meaut a bond ta abide mi8sioner of Crown Lands aboli order case, and finding that they would not year ending Decei tions made were wholly uncalied for, b the arbitration. y bc jugtified in wlien Zey had seid that they had seen a surve of certain boundaries in said AUDITOU' REPORT. payiniy the loge, they about fifteen per evgy lot in the ëOlint townships. Your committae recoin- Thrit they have tramined your Troas- ci, confidence in and were made for the purposo of hav- YMr. Bickeil etated that as te ýthe brouglit it before the annual meeting. capital stock.,w A nowlanclhad ing it thonght that there was soma bond of the SUretieS Of Mr. Paxton, now monde the '%Varden and Clerk ta taire urer's boûksý for $74, embracing se- -the valuatora as mon of Ability, and ce thst it woultl ho gurportiug te lie missing, lie was satis- the uecessary stops te carry out the counts for-generl eonnty purposes. Mr. Vickery told bis story. It was Of eiý'h L PPr éOnt-, __ botter ta hear the County Judge in ad that it had been beretofore in the ' ' ic ^ý men bavIng sufficient knowledge of the etcal'ng golng on' and prayer of the petition. non-resid.ent acSut, Ballon no.neys very simple and easily told. The clared. - Importai county ta tuake a fair valuation. ne explanation. He made a =tien ta possession of the couneil-that Mr. Objections were raised by Mr. Gilles. redemption accouït-all of wh bouse en Scugog Island in whieh the laws were adopteé referrêd ta the figures and maintained, that effect, whieh was carried. Gillespie Lad it in bis possession for pie, Mr. Bickell and others ta the find'earefully aný' correetly kept-the thatthey were more acceptable tharà Judge Burnhara explained the mode three days, and was ready ta swear clauses having reforence ta the Seugog nott balance in hatde of Trpasnrer, '75, contents were insured was a frame A. F. Yarwocd, could have boeu aarived at by sny equa. of auditîng the accounis for criminal th ut it net the bond ta theProviqion. 'bridge, and the clause providing for au including bank accuut, $187.45. building. TLe honse ho moved jute in Gibson, and R. J. lization committee. was a He Lad directors, and A. natice services, and. how after being al county couneil now in flic possession appropriation of 8500 ta build a bridge Your auditoire hve much pl saura in Reacli was a brick dwelling. Mr. Foley supported the report of 1 across the Severn, but aiter explana. tei;tifviug ta the very exemplary and - for the enrirent ypi auditeil here, the acconnts were re- of the county clerk-that in fact there ordeiily manner in! which ail yoýr ac- forgotten ail about notifying the secre ,the valuators, and said ha felt it ta be audited in Toronto where the govern- was a second bond. tions by Messrs. Bigelow, Platten, Me- tary Or agent of the removal of the in- bis dutý ta state that thdy bad- called Pherson and others the clauses were canots au v un rs have beau kept.- MissiOD;.4py ME meut auditor struck ont wàat lie pleased [The original bond from WS. Pax- B d 0 'Lý Thiee davF . upon him, in going through the County, and allowed what ha pleased ta ha ton, sr., Win. Paxton, jr., Chas. Pax- carried upon a division. The clause Abstract Of the abve accounts will bc sured property be.foreliand. ri R s Although ha had op_ ohàrged aggainst the GovArnment. In ton, Tbos. Paxton, and James Dryden, held last week ir and Sught snob information as lie havin& reference te the Talbot river subraitteil as usud at the June session after moving, lie happened ta meet Mi,. 'ng sé e of Mis couldjive them. this way the county did net get reim- dated Sept. 1852 in the penalty of bridgowas aise. objected ta, but it waýW of the couticil. Brown, an a--put of the Company, and poseil the appointment bf the auditors -bursed what the Governwent ought ti twelve thousand pýnnds was here pro- found upon reference ta the law upon B. H. LAVDER, County Church of Englanè nt the time, ho now considered that se the burdon was thrown duced.j the subjeot, and after hearing Messrs. G. H. GRýRSONf Auditors. make a ne . w survey, and transfer the the Church of t told bina. Bro-n proinised ta call, th bad donc théir work fairly ipon the county. The saine state of Mr. O'Donovan'eaid be was ready to _V, oley and Parker, that it ývas compul- INCE. tel. and bâti equalized the asses policy in à few da sment things existed ail over the country, and swear that that was the saine bond and sOrY upon the Comaty ta maintain the _ys when ho passed of the county satii3factorly. as the cause of remonstrance te the the puly one before the couneil ta bridge as it was se river formin- Mr. Gilléspie, biPught up the report that way. Some six days afterwards-, day evening, 25th Mr. Pouby said that tho Vaiuatorg w - re ... . % "" of thig committee.ýwhieh was Consider- day evenin. a me Government from other counties. He which reference ]lad been made by Mr. the boundary between two townships. ýthe wholeas follows - and before ho bad time te call, the Lad called upçon hfin for information. read a report and proceedîn.-B of a dele- Bickell. Committee rose and reported report. ad 'ri committee 1 1 George's Church, C He was 4atisfied with what they Lad gation of the Warden and Courity Judge Mr. Bickoll positively insisted that On motion for adoption-Mr. Bickell, 1. That it appeaM from the treasurer'a day evening in f promises were burned down. Vickery a dette., of Elgin ta the Attorney-General upon thorehail been another bond besides seconded by Mr. Gillespie, moved in !eport that the ium of about $8,000 loss was heavy-much larger than the connection with Mr. Ilolmau spolie ta the same the subject, complainiug of the arbitrarY that made in the first instance ta the arriendment to etrike out the fifth, clause le now due, and.ýl1 have.to bc provid- amount of the policy-and under these eniet. overnwent auditor in Provisional conneil. He explained et baving refèrence ta the bridge acroag ed for. circumstaneeg he appealed to'the li- Whitby; on Thur Dr. MeGill found that Oshawa had "'duct of the G 2. That the Tr it ho Thomas' Church, Other mu, aystematically disallowing aceounts ]en-th the course talion by the spteial the Severn, and the yeas and nays bc- LO grurer states thi Company- He did been ràbed higher than any _ which s1jould ii M ing called there appested in favor of will ha able snob bank accom- berality of the nkipàhty, and of course it was for the et be p4ifl by the county. committee, who, ha safà, bail beAn the amendment--Messrs. Cowan, Gay, modation as maype required up te the net appeal in vain. Tiie meeting un. Friday evening in vol, renson that Oshawa was Tliere was no fault in this on the part misled by. the false promises of Mr. Miller, Gillespie, Brown, Bickell, Luke, June session. animonsly, auël with a Uberality whieh Columbus. The i J* . gond unty auflitorB who only allowed Thomas Paxton, that ho (T. P.) and 8. The Tressurr aise states that ha dressed these mes more prosperous and flourishing than Ofthe ce 'In dose the Company infinite credit, pus- ,bat they were obliged te allow by law. James.Dryden wotildi màke good any d Campbell-8. Nays, ail the rest. sold $20,000 debi2tures on the 9th of Dr. Sinithett, of Lit any otber mucicipality in the whole M 08 - The Judge aise read flic decision of' the deficiency of the late tressurer, provid- Courts, aliewing that the county Treas- ed Mr. S. C. Wood were appointeil ar - il And boire is connty. Re took that-as a compliment - Motion for adoption was tlien carried. JUIY last at 98 cette in the dollar and ad a "solution drectng the full &mount the Rev. Messrs. 1 te hie multioipàlity, and believed that tirer was obliged ta pay the accounts si; bitrator te examine the accounts COUNTY PROPERTY. received the proce a thereof, $19,600. of the policy ta ha paid. Oshaws Ivan the lunst flOurishing and » Mr. Foasby brought up the -report of 4. Your commitee recoramend that where the, Ontario Farmers' Mutuel and Bel'. soon as audited by the county auditors Mr. 2owland would net swear, but ýhs% account of WH. Billings, solicitor, Insurance- Company muet Commend WF learn from pi proBperoug place in tl"9 CoUnty of on- uîthoat %ýiitiaX-for their return from. tothe best of bis knowledue the bond tllis Committee, which was referred te in the inatter othe Connty va. 'Wm. tario. Tliat was the. iuferpuce that had Governmi-nt auditur. Ris bonor 1&fOre the council was the saine 88 that committ" of the whole, and after soma ituif to, every property-bolder in the gane forth belote ; now it was a faèt, the Paxton. Jr., $20504, bc paid, aloo the Father Haydeu, w and the report placed the especial suggested the appointaient of a deputa- ýrcferred te by Mr. Dickell. discussion adopted as follows exam- accounts of Meso. Cameron, MeMi- connty. presse of robes, in Lion ta tLe' Attorney - Gêneral upon the Ur. Gillespie had carrieJ the bond 1. That vour eonimittee ha chael and Hos4ns for consultation, Supposing Vickery hait insured with Atsuipof value upon it. (hear, Leur,) subject and co-(.,)P.ration wiiii üther referred te by Mr. Bickell for three ined the giol and court house and the at the Whitby drill i Ires ÃŽle noteA, bonde, debenturem, and- &a., and in the eme case fur the sum an outaide ComPanYWoulcl bis lOss bave - couuties ta have the present, systeru (laye in hie pocket, lie Lad repeatedly management connacted therewith, and of 825 in reférený ta the sale of soma night. 16th Dit., thi obligations of Oshawa would now ha altered and the countieB more fairly and minutely examiued it, and was Bat- find the promises in a satisfactory cou- been paid 2 Would lie have had the easily* nogitiated. (Laughter). He was d ro . lands sold for tales, Baid te belong te tive friends for thoir very, much surprîsed ta hear other ge Dr. '.%IcGili on looking over the- re- sional couneil was not the Bain.. V + n- eiLIL with. isfied the present bond te the P 1- dition. one Alex. McWqn, and Dot knowing saine access ta the board, and te the donation. tleinen endeavouring ta -depreciate * the t rn,,d He - 2. The several accounts for supplies An Rida on value of thpir atunîcipalities. Se wa o , accotints and the disallowances could net beýmistaken, the bond form- and necessarieg for th,% oanl &nA ._b the particulars iýthe matter. are there. stackholdoira nf An f, Dranfl ta AnA ý1 B found that thosA -- -1 1 ý . « %.,UUIIWLI rerilýUCU. 1 and 4hil knowlédge son esw, and ha-ving been maue out 1291 ; oust per day for e-a-c-h" utnshie got' all the benofit of the delay of coSmupelihanaeecowmitphanfyormdeal traveller by Mr. Staný and expeyieuce of Council in Comiflittee of the whole ýW te, but still raaintained requirements. comprebensive histc bath the valuators, gentlemen who had by the Constable in the cïïsü anj elso on the report of the special couMittee '()' cents* the exp1wu beau identified with the County in 00 hy the Sheriff in Lia account.] la investigate the late treasurer'Fi in. 4. Yonr committee have bad before thst they hâd ndlegal right- ta pay the serves to prosper, and we are glad ta ations in Africa, trai waye, an Mr. B. F. Campbell (one * of ille thera mernéranduva from J. V. uam b %* minz d Who Imd livea in it debtedness-Mr. Campbell in the cils, 'Pr bfr. Bickell, Mr. Bre- superstitions of the îr. 7Gi find that it prosperg as it desèrves. lar t Wy years auditOrg) Bafil ho did net seek the office, Mr. getting th1 a a% r Bickell, who saiti ho was and Judge DaTtllell, setting forth cer- actice, and charged thât it year just elosed, make a very satisfac- f e1j fitt*d for -t-hemawdaortkhoomf vpaelucualtaiorluy and that the auditors liati diseharged si, tain Changes required ta Le made in the t Olurha il lothels, warrnly condemned The affairs of the Company for the PIiburRarryDneraDu bSeRCECF-MPpleâ best* of chakrgoefdtliwiiethwaatettienrginfraosmmuepilligt.qiehael rwnâoe suc 1 AUCMON SALE OF tory exhibit, and shcw the Company Those two gentlemen hàd not lived in thOÃŽr dutieG carefully and te the PmroedseantitonRegoifsttriyie offofircmeefror atuhdeniasnmeetofhojne WaMs rdisthonelsiti., on bébalf of Rench, re ta bc in a most flourishin, condition. the county all theu yenn and kept theik ability - that there wel'b twO tives, wanted ta be relievea, sud seule office now ocenÉied by Mr. pudisted any intention of acting dis- Mr. H. 11. Spencer, tariffs-one allowed by th, connty ond one else put in hiq place. Re did net the accommodation of the latter, and fionegtly. -Fin&lly, the report was h Ir ahut. -Altogother ha qvll the éther by the Government and bc- wish ta proceed fnrther with the mat- certain articles of fâmiture required :a 01 ter, and would like tu Seo go thein, and the The number of policies issued since the well known bre6 tien- a w ast week, ""«ith thO Valuatla'n 011 the tween it sud the couaty. seul, was 21-3. with 41.19 prior ta that COUI would recommend that adopted as above. lot Jauuary, 1874, under the cash sys- whols, as boing u fair u. any thât dtlertnneitn . changes ha made and the furnittire proy TRUSUP-ERS BONDS. d of two Yo could be. made. - And if for the next The question having been put ou tile who had faund fault with the stallions bred by Ilim, riva yoirg, Oshawa wadt on and grew DAMOB of Mesors. %Villcox and Campbell, tee for net doing the Mr. Brown dis- dum, and the changes roquired uty act. cured as setforth in the isid memo n Mr. Bickell asked, throngh the clerk, date, imalcing the total number 052. 'e Mr. Gillespie moved in amendment ta- Mr. Harper and by Mr. for the production of the present Co. Amoulit ï8sued 6586,800 C ir a in« the saine ratio of PrOsPeritY as the subetitute the nawes of Messrs. Fred. ra - prices. 'ID-afferin," 2 1 pâ4t five yoàro--ànd as ho expected it Meen and j. B. Biokell.' they did net want ta see izood money sketch. ed and read, and approved of by tho % 53 Claimed being actuated by quibbles- Ilam as shewn in the accompanying Treasurer's bonds, whîch were produc- Under the premium note system, the Wm. Starr of Iowa, foi would-there would ho nothiug to Com- M B' kell wished ta have it under- as n number of policies in force is lm, 8 Messenger," 2 yrs. coe L le thrýwu aflèr bad, if there w othing Tour ce- ittea have examined the PMTING. were lisued il ' the Past Staples of Caven Ba plain oL It wu in this spirit thât ha et that bc did net find fault with - ta bc recovered and if the bond was new registry office and ý and thât the councH' nem. c". of whieh rdèlrgt wisbed toapproach the question$ and the auditors personally, what ho wanted 'worthless. Under the circumstaaces fitting'up and furnishing is net quise Mr. Gould introduceil the report of year. Amount iss'ûed U hat Class witu thla fooang ho sbould like to Seo was tu correct the present aysteul. explaineil, it would now ho botter ta completied, and that the amonut 'L the committee on prînting,'wbich was #1,lo5,2oo, Or ta aummarize :- othor liatLtlemen take it up, and net in Dr. McGill intimated thst inasmuch push the matter ta the end. propiiaked as the June session wül considered in committee Of the whole Total n=br CI Pollein lu lSu M, AUCTION SALES.-ROI that fatflt-finding waY which sought ta ai there were a great many whifiperings Mr. Cowân.and Mr. Bickell- referred. qnite aufficient for thst purpose. Tow amount of Insurance. ......... fifflSo. belittle evoitbiàg*, &bout irregularitie and adopted. AMUL re ed ta , e7ca van's sale of Cutters, E à in the Morley mat- ta the tor'ms of the resolution paued at 6. Your committee tecommend that am"Cof Co- 81"» 78. Mr. MoplwwtL-st a reptesontative sors of the couuty in this connectiou, ý the provious session directing profted- a proper Outrance ho. made through the of the north end of t4 concty ha would, if ha were in the position or ings against the treasurer, and from &ont to the Dr. McGill êg141 M earriageg,, &C., On Sa new registry, offioc, with a brought up the report of A=Z of amou for esch 81W lu- Ly ta gay thât ho h"-ÃŽm thé = the old auditoro, ho glad ta give Place which, the worils "cziminal rébeed enk 'walk to, the oflâee and court the standing committef, a sa t by sE écun: 1 1 a education as aura&.., ..... .......... Rama, in thë pargormance of iboîr to, new unes, It might bc just as well inqà'ý hall beau strnek; 'ou use, aud'alio would recommind the fDROWS : Theso agures fnuy bear ont the et ' ite auty. But ha did not' balle", they thât a chance should be made, and sa où. Mr. Cowan borè testimony- to the fittingup of S&Me extra pigeon ýh" in That your committee have haël un_ , Mr. Siado's sale, of va mentwo andin >the Company,$ report, ke wint ù and dôwa #wzy concession put aw end to those, whisperingo, and 'manuýer in, which -the commis- the oince of the ci«k of the, peane as der consideration the positions of cor.; chat, Id wiae the business et the, Com- s4efi- ta 0 Place ' at lino in -L town&Wp, as waà expected ihat thon wa3 thé time and that the rf, bd their étésien. suggested by, Il. ý J; Macdoncil, and tain persoui-éf ý#ehaô1 sectioàs Nos. 7 rner they.irbuld do iu Brook, for' dkf they place for tbem to Bay sa and act, and Mr., ý, 3*ýoûôiýïW - fiail not intendeà wé Ïho pani has not beau large, its aeirs art attempf ta do Bo, it would have taken not afterwards.by hints and cowardly "yîugýfmythihg UU'tit""itbàabeenin- ho put up in the vauleýif-ý the old, règle- ýing fër the appointment of a committea lu go, CO",WOOD WAMMD.- U14 recommeüd à - partition ta and Il of the towÃœoMip'of BeâChý pray- ad staudi 1 ng,'with oufficient assets, thom lialf the year ta do th6-work. Ho insinuations behind backs. sinuated ïhat L' are *a4,"à - Second bond t' a Win iwo diiiiiéns- under sub-section nine of sec.ý 61 ef.4he ta Wiy warrant the asurtiOu that- no was much pleued thas the V4144tion -,Mr. Bickell digelaimed having any that ha(lièeü apitiW away. As 'the 0 01 Act 01,1874, for the ura*n'ce Com in Cana- one for the use of Judge DuineU and coln olidated Soho Mutual In# pany bad beau made sa equitably. And ho wi#jl for the office. matter hall gone sa fari ho tôô was est- the Otller for Mr. Ham.,.- puz"oe of adjtL&eaÙng'and se 4a.4ers beUýr goeuriiy." P. Ferry Railroad.. isfied that the ýoOm:mittee aliould go on Wu glad that ]lis township had boon Mr.. Cowan was alvare that the r'avé 7. Your comtaittee #wnuld: atso re (if - ossîb1ëýi the 6 -7- raiud to. nearly double what it formérly af Whitby had no êtire for the office.. inth the proceedings and remver the tfiatýthO Committée us- y the iffërentparties, Thedireciors, of gi? gnevances Omo. il.. Of the Ontario Farmera' MASQUERAD9,&T TRO wis foi fie deolared, ho ý Ùsed ta fael, That gentleman'aýtaâk waa a dise for the enunty, if they could. 0 t Jaüuszy, viz : the elarrdoin Your commi'ttkié,-woulà- thoïefore re- ýMutual am mOn Of th làghest Charac Sec notice. 01 how miaorable his town-ý able olie, but ho knew ha was acti or Mr. Maejonell, Cannty clork";Vas cbàiriulie af-the, finance committee, t4er- Co ter and standing ; the of cers ngf e the a ý intment of ouch a and es. heretofore onthe- valnaticu what ho. believed ta be the best interests licard in eylanation, and denied most -réeve and depisty reeve of the towm of commlttëe-t6 composed of J.S. A CLtUGYMAN WriLiný af (Cbeemand laughter) orth pocially now do we opeak of the iude 0 coanty. Uniler all the'aireurn- positiv4dy atýLefiadever&ecn-asec- Whithy, and the chairman of this Com- CampbeU. of P-Wrt Ferry, tOýethOr with '» , have proved theme gays, age ta il l'ho ïalaàüoii could net have boeu em- Stances, it might- be as woll ta, allow ond hone. mittee. with the county - Registrar be the 0VUl1ýY Judke and Coanty Inspec.- fatigable secr.eWU7 myvoý' 'F Wýý td1etter in hiu OPin, two new men tu take tiie placenf the old AUr somti furtlier discussion, in the continued ta atten ter o oolu, selves able, diligent, ana lkithfaf in the toly postpânect 11ave Wonthe haël been atLtUiérp. The reeve of the towmnliii) course of wliiýçh'Mr. Biëkell raid that'if and - settlOmiht,ý of Yeur committee alqo bail under eon- performance of theïr duties ; the Com- àfou»tpiupf fiaaltfi"_,Oný 1 -'ft' Coula not be. of whitby liad the confidence of th(, the committee bad been loft at liberty meudeil'iù'élèomàl d ta ýt' 'fie 'x 12 sidergtiou tw 0'. acconjuts. &thanhtinu coumil 'L'I'à of tho publié. alut ho wuntji tA AxiýAiRé. V1.ý pý.e- le t Lid 'nd , 3, as ati'V6 Cimadim, iiïýid s--a-jei po;i,-. - - -Su Uruugab up Me Ir td ôf his - ëf ý iýè,% fin»D86 ýcommâî6e wu ëoùntyy, as every dan- Wu Snaithred. in, conunigeo ôt, ti à à right to foel. ýH.e contmt- whole ý and ted anada Of forty P , ,reSmlüëndù Years aga, with payment of sèverai BU»Z &'CSuntlL il position of the Dornini n ta- 1 was Dot aftaid ta Bay thât the » TOWN omezp»sý. of os" corn Mr. Blow brought up thé,' report t of any other Pared- favorably the 0ommittee on appâca - a ta offid Wu try in the tî01ý it W84 true ffiat inusome mat. W" was roforred to çomm!ttëë of t a4iau < ' 0 be looked upon whOle, and after discussion w as repq g[,[j r Co &ne t o!;;ý&__t4et2d thé other aide of the lino, there admitted Jas. Wallace, -am*miorl-uj4lry e any we excelleil Alel- Pringle, lioenÏè7,.&nd hual Vh itte " the superi- in-"PectOr, Salary $80. O'r i *Dîàt Inw"p4 sud Juo. Tillen, constable, withom, t salai tagVe ayotem Ofý_g0vernmënt,î By-laVý passed eonfirming -appoi eliéved, many of thein Il would be. "ge with un. Speaking thus, THE WATSON BEQUEST. Bmînded of a etory, told him bâ On motion of Mr. Draper, om ind Mr. Macdonal by MT. Ring, a resolution pasu& , 1 1 611 S'visit to the lisait of Lakw, painting Mý., ODouov&ný Major ý'1j ; he 4ppened to be , there on per, and the movir a special coust u y and had - çone to. churcL te, ta màke-necessa respe as his astoidahment to hear t lie 1 bequest ry enquiry -of the late Mm WJteoý Ymal, in his Prayer, pray that Mid eommittee to hâve fun power to, d ,e of that country Might bavO all things in thir jadgnzaot »eSssvjl a 90vernineiit vo- Canada 1, whereby the corporation may be put i ku * aghter) Snob was the Posussion of said bequ'è9t. to r"ý«t - a M, whîch Canadiau institu- next meeting. 'e eld. Çanadians, be repest- TixzS. lugt reaBon ta feel proud of itutiOns-of their educational On motion of Mr. Hatch, seecnde, mil of their country; ana it by Mr. Harper, the collector was Ul ling ta finit that -a Canadian atrtwted ta make out a Jist, of an Pei 7' national ]Ove Of country, and sous in arrear for taxes, with amount antry's institutions-had been dne, and report at next meeting -c up in the Canadian mina, council. i ý - ) his - was the case, lie was - REV. MIL V,&-NDUSFnls TAXES the tie between Canada and. Rev. Mr. Vandusen was beara be ler country was in DO WiY f1re-theconneil in refèrence ta clain but bail been draeva closer, as for taxes agR'nst làm, and claimed ex it IwOuld continue ta be stili emption as a clerc Myman. . Conneil. tool ,n in the past. It was froin no action. -froin Britain-Canadians in- Councü adjourned. Il the good they enjoyed- little Island,-of whichýLord Ontario Farmersle had said, it was go small it Mutuài insurance tossed into one qf Our great Company. %sers). ne was glad, as a ANNUAL MEETING- p ta know tbat a Canadian- A been aiso gron-in.e up in The annuai-meetjug of , the 0,tali -thut Canada was becomin Iwn sud aPPreciated there ' Farmers'iqutuai insurance Company as the case somýe years ago, ras held at the Town hall, Whitby, cri i ere no longer spoken of sr. Tuesday last. Mr. J. B. Bickell, thc 4 -a title which tbey repudi- President, occupied the chair. The that the Dame of Canadian ann iger regarded as a sort of re- _ ual report waé read and approved, the Mother cou - The and its contents aPP.eared ta have gener. [ive in"-CànadM #ý'now al satisfaction- to the meeting. - terms of praige and respect. AU the raembei*-s' of the old board liait a name to be Prond of.' -Were re-elected ; and at a subst-queni day was fast approaching meeting of the directors, Mr. Bick.-E broad Canada of ours, united was electeil prêsident andý 3Lr- John i ta ocean, would be filled up Wîllis, Vice-president. A by a thriving, freé, sud in- The name of Mr. N. W. Brown M. P. )opillation, sharin- with us P., was addà ta the list of honorary -s of the treedom audplenty directers. àdians enjoyed. (Applausè) Auditor's-l!essrs John Howden and referred ta the large area of H. Beaton. ýerritoiýv=its êuitability for __ Vôtes of thau ks were passed to the notious'-the richness of the retiring board and officers. It-&c., and partrayed in . on motion of' Mr. John 'ffowden, nguage the great hopefut speongled by Mr. Gâo. Og.ton, aresolu- S native country, conctuding tion was passed, dii-ecting payment of lause with the patriotic Unes $200 to. Mr. Vickery-, the full amonut , of polie * v on his proptrty destroyed by. here the man, with seul so fire in ach, but for whieh --the coin- pany wa not legally ILble. himseli hath said, Wu, My native land." Broughaim. Brown, M. P. P. alsa re. the toast, #greeing in all From a Correopondent.j d been said by non. Mi. A Lodge of 1., 0. 0. F., in bc calleil refe K Brougham Lodge, No. 155, w&-s consti- 'at ýnng more particultr1y tntedherponthe29thult. Thefollow- , improvement and pro- in Canadian manufactures ingofficerà,wereinstalled fur tb%?,cur«ý ýast 25 yelars. rent terzn: J. W. Wonch, N. G,,; P. Dw having been called upon Bentley, V. G..; W. Reather P., E;. ; -W: r o the tout. J. Bodell, T.; S. Webb, B. ý. IBrethr,».,- iments of Canada, Dmin- froin Whitby, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Mncial, coupled with the and Markham, ta the number of ffty. S. Mr. Gibbs, W. H. Gibbs were id attendabbà to agaist on the liown was the nqxt senti- occasion. Many Speeches froin distin- 'the vice-chair, and was guisfied members of the . Order graced' by the gentlemen named. the occasion.' After spending an enjoy- Inty of Ontario" was the able timé the brethren separated after- r 0" jedýý% bý Meurs.' doing justice ta the Sueer which was, eSI a prepared by Mr. M 'ors, hotel-keeper.- oý el luators. The brethren of Brougham Lod the Z ^ *of the go prOý, then given, and drank Pose giving au entertaminient of au in- - nthusiasm. teresting character st au early day. warden of the county, re- a, and spoke Weil of the Greenwood. position of thé county of cultural and oiherwiqe, as Froin a Corresponclent.i ie other in- the Province. . A. soiree was given by the Presbyter- Itural Manufacturing sud iai2 congregation on the 21st ulto. Not- resta of Canada were next withstandingg the" unfavoriable eveumgr a gondly number was in attendance, the to by Mr. John Miller, hall being crow - did to inéoiimvënienee - - r. St. John, Mr. Feuby, After justice bad been dons " 0 excel- length by Mr. Trueman lent tes provîded by the ladies of the lad entered after the toast ladies of the congregati(,n, the crowil ed.] adjourned toithe Khbol bouse, where a nty Officials," respouded literary entertainment was, gîven, wn. 211 and Mr. Farewell, con- sisting of very able speeches, delivered t of regular toasts. by several reverend kentlemen, recita- ;s," " The Ladies," and tions and' yendings, intérspersed with id Ilostess," fouowed j'a music by the choir& The wind-up was fter which the company the liveliest, part of the enterLaînînsýit . gine, and w mAkeopit in a strong ard a9 ýPaT]fi0d about twen y s, evéry resolution cau,3ing 1117Is m(lition, use Ënrnett's beail and sboulders ta strike the groand. RI fitý'i,4"late the rocts The -cramp fau3ily ýLlI Suffered injuries ýestorethe naturai a,- about the bend, but they are not con- i ito growth depends. s'dered verY serions. ,,o a single, boule saved The protest in the Nor&"kufrew .1. a de8PemtO case, in ection cm ha& n8t Wn- abandons& trestment had faiIedý; ltba8 been definitely ýaeoid krly su C*cscg thousauds ed to prîo- ý'teGt Captain Neelon'a returne for'Lin. iess, Dandruff, Loss of cOln. ion of the scalp have It is rumOured . thàtMr. Aupun wm 2e remedy. the speakership' of the Houige of ans. iLLzR.-The -best and NORTH ý WELLM'UTON, COI., Higin. mâV-me! the bottom h« i;'à Ir_ýI - ded 09 va t- ek 10 P& ýe d kt

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