Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jan 1875, p. 2

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* - aa*Co. deai people, -y t4 c baî rmg tw lie Rouae. #f ~~ * "~~The 18.411ltbroughouî the Ridl0 1th.éIgê 4 -oi~w 151..~~oe* M G l b su M a i s d o b po i l3 Wa. Id 'y lrf y ogeei tê .oe m4 1 1. a «a 4 Tbloe I0P~~ tisa 0caiN. NO @M Joeily, as aIi.wn by the Offic8î J e&U1usi felt U î4le a pit81ç,1T ak1T Ou$riy y Y at D go pupu JeYjO*MIhI lb. i sevdby lbrdsusin01te@ . he bbsq. lef , s te oaof tbe up boa feelng a ula r a..M-rou4m 618,u7awd barrmi 8 ubd ils . oerso .. Efrlgt WBOU.eàI.,,wiqi.lnb.oiu t" bthé d. pollpq aimast Wboll1y iaccuyata. W. aboud sooto b..aParty to AnyS shu eloyaliy bowed to by .&U th. reuuIî oth lbectin gj e bocainkowi2%Whitâwss.?lg 21 > 2W 278~ iB. Wbltby.265 2M '52U '299 S&tecabbage mu" reporte a tmabave iaÂaac.T.On.rlu yt P 21 W 2 oupt Ù commutaion of thé aulasze-asid Li<: 4aotion offen iilbhe dvmagaa # inau themn ~ ib~b in hlb a .of Èia Exelli@UOY'adis. go"Noi,'wo vffi agondi hôuait of oderat. rates sud perfec eut e single xcptin ofthetowu of Wlutby, pith, sas the isest,' boat, ,mu4 mut lGovramat; a Governmeni wltb the 1*18 !beiides aaHome Company, bsyjng teewsa maeitevt a Poti o u" thst la bq .purqa, Ron. M. C. OSmeron atito .headtoldck a&l ita inveattuenta witbiu th. Dominion',n-8thoavsa n~.è a oeoa un >r a th irGotrn arnum.ne Ican AdiU1 entioruý" sud for IJISi reabouna wla. tsa onac- 1874 1876, Inerea.. .n4~oUiia otlis os,. . <v, Tiin Scu ao10 rv-rat r n ra. wo» anut nlof Il. sety ansd th.inducament Md 4fHcul9Q ofthecase Wegi"Piok', jfrom lm9 te 1112 -1 the,<al toit of lb. desjsatesaain olber or ilura lm Tatai TÂrax&ssmm. Ur. oîs.tieipan it he tiprofila offèr.d te 0bal"ng 6 41U"dé 61 20 aiuis.Brown a.vea" uttenJtohe'éiy-esrme n txs itéfto'e. W é-47Id41 2 Ittngmae attrbut.d go hlm., 1 wiçhng_ temleacranf te pro- . Wbllb* u41 7 584 162 Ur rwn'$ Positon.-ACcouo. sp.akig of the. meeting Addremad ;"i for hefr familles by Bia .uî T9ulfrï Ifoudara A(4i1 layaby )Er., owat lî4 b<ie il shed on amlt0oulay ' or 1l.its u bêf.aettb.a igue. itawe~ "Thé Bl aa pbiha aiurday nigl, *hejollowlng uMost un- are glâateknow 1haitthrough tthuaxer. si eemrbndwa amit ridicules th. Ids that lMr.JBrown warratd lauguage s. assployd ge i<n s ad puah of thse enorgaeio ap 91. il0l..ylng sMd lamenting o0a beaui PP.for South OOntario, wuvi lC;2J Disgracefut procodi,-thle 1Pre. or, >Ir. Msatiao, the. Ccutat.ratiou %aoteia n Thevot s for U » 1. ér t'Jdpeudant. Il sas athat, on miar hcoted dâwo."-."I0ehad no j o aigfr ot n iemgfi oa1i..Ti oal a b rool fnews of lb. Toronto eetioua, aoouer oouauenecd tao sok tiss u lsêirrpëe i 6 i ho lisa. spoka, ilu lb. town of W1siby -'iuterruption commencej, ai iritamall, pj~uan u158î.~y ueIaa oidl b llg : ow iJbav:àgood bont tGo,. but ateadlly lcret»itig oti nothiu ieg edBuos :fomnt s OvemetwitIt Hou. och ld, bo he5iTd abo'Pe thé.gorogna, c*d Ballotà 4 .iCmeo l is basd, whiih Go. and yi ll of th. iowdy part of 1he sud. Thotupsou-made fauions by Ida lm- 1118 ocrio nas, Md May b. luatru tUve, l 'asm.st I cass tuUy eaudora.."' fonce. - The wors& festure of Ibis affair POr.ntiîon of *"Netheeby", and othar te note lb.eusamber of -rjetedbillots #6Tb@a Ont pipai" Wranrt bu as tlb.&tcthSsalsaiss'omient GOverts- valuablebrs-a nrtndbyà-ithd&ou laH«. nSuh meut officer l intii. town, Who rece vea hbrof k ewa sntarand bt the ntar. io teretlciîe. l pçtblah.d a alatmaut quite-it variauceIa iota support trom tise Office wicb b ero asproa rad ils oalto talnutmber iras 48 -divid-. villa the.trutis. Ur. Brown made.nue o le boita,18saidta 10b. oue of Ils, Main Globe botltBrooklin, ai a e~ad ud tP' et as folowsab of uo aueh Janugg e o courge of h"aisatigators of tise nob, andi busied him- par on Tuesdsy evenink. 64JoW." bave. Whitby tovu. B. lVhitby. Witby tp. J rema. - uit 04 M1r. ilrolwna ti con-.soli y gettîig tbe boys ta bhonî, teliing for thse -"olti sodé" onu aaurday, sud iii. No. 1 5 No. 1 8 No 1 8 It cluddspasklug, cefl er îioud hmlu t au y , rnî1 e e hoitsiltende reffirning turing thse summer, No. 2 4 No. 2 0O -NO, 2 0 I oher vrepipoe i tlem isAt tovo asy taW. îiiu l ba -by anotlser gentleman preont for lthe who do alil lu hoir power, whenever wlth aomeîbing vorth-lookiug atin uthe No. 8 1 ,~ No. 8 4 NoB 8 8 muoesful candidates lun Toronto, and opporlunhîy offera, 1ta injure thosefr~ way of horseflesis. No. 4 8 No. 4 0 No 4 2, e ralpoudeotat by th. crowd. That ws, whom they derive Iheir support a78 h &Hi. Oui Toronto conîelllporar il> ibas been5saidtI iat it le bai poticy -ta SABB.I&TH BcnoLCoxvaYTroN.....The Pikein 7 8haw. I "lb Gitpier ier ~vey n.cianga 1h. Government officers visen annual convention of 1he South Ontario Pcecnc ssaa f i n l t eu d t p p r , e @ 3 v y u - t i s e ( o v o r n u s o n i c h a n g e s I s a n d . l u d y S h o s o i t o i l m e o o r.lbIe authorlty for any statement moât cases we admit. tbatiti $0.theSusa'BcooîsofeCatindaiimet lu No. 2 4 No. 210 h tbal appeara in ils colunu. Mr. Bro a but lisero are exceptions ta ail rutes, aeeto h aaaMtsda No. 2 4 No. 2, O P _aandaan amadeti.... ud bas t ceitaitity Oui Whiby oËficér Chtureh, Brooktin, on Tusday, Febr'y No. 4 2 No. 4 1 lerycornes und6r Ibis isead. A man 2nd, at 2 p. ms.; ta contit~lui session No. à5 2 No. 52 m cleaity ud to.fo tefný-htWho posacases no more gooti comuson ivo daye. No. 00 1 n b.ho..0 ta1he. ilaueas an Inde. sense than te buclthe leader of a iow No. O7(51o.-3 th yeeu iember. Ou 1thsib hla. vulgar Mob, visosesote abjectis ta isoot COMPLIENT voRO Be. FAT4?1a HÂY. No. 8 0 15 taken pains Ibaltisher. ahousitib.cn lovu tis an a Wboralie is ludebled,îCo N.90 posible miatake. ti a great measure, foi tise support al DEN, P.P.-We understanti thttieCu No On psil itk.his fam sv a iesonrts o.tervatives of Soutis Ontario, indignant "Dl r tsi. e Eccion 1" amusaent gels rid of snob au officer thse aItishe tisaft of Revd. Fiather Haiyden's In the Norths Riduzsg tise rejected bal.- ..botter for tise-conntry. W. méight, il aleigli robes, ou tise nigisi of tise politicai lots reachedth ie considerabte numbe or -~~~ l.a.bdtsI1r Frwl l-w iisedi,mention'tlb naies of n 1 good imany viso look partinlutis srow- meigI ieWityd1lssthneo17m»,tanenougis ta turu the tendutaeb ,burat" tise eiotIon-if Il dylsus, wieih if we dii Our readers resolvedta putcisase tise reverenti gen- etection. Tiseraver, in Port Perry, 9; ets-and isat li ltends.acoomnpiahing woult b. n litt. mrprised sIuncb .- tiemu a vaînubla set of ràcs hy suis. Brook, 27 ; Thorais, 14 ; Mare, 29; M the job tlibogh sa crxtiny of thse ballots, men have stoopati s0 low a" tb bounti seriplion aiongèt tlsemselves. Rama, 15 ; Scott, 17 ; Uxbidtge village,' The. former _grounda, of allegeti . u dowu auy publicehman,, mucaisleaslse; h-6 Ubig onhp ;Bah 89 IralPremier 'of 'ti5 Province,. vis aa "TIIE LtEBL."-Tlie firsI number<;Uxrgstnhi,;Rec,88 Inte o iepato bfeun'ing gentleman lu avery seuse of lise terni.cf Ibis new etue. ai teluta Omoler, have been, it la saiti, abandoned. Tise action o! lissit aturday niglis ibas pl w vdaleutreanis v id r a. Sotseperntag ol e f ouete1. n Wllb ènily 48 rejecleti ballots (viinlulearneti ourrespecîabte ilizeus s leseon pliualsnrsnl er iNt p ot O ntaro ist b aout 1c narl Slaiooci snay bce fairly' divlded be. visicis lhey viU not soon forget, aiàpaaranee. Ils opening IlGreeting" l Nn ntnoilvulih1nai tlise neat lime auy of Our satesusen a mont admlrably wiîen article. We five per cent. o Ivuen botis Ihe candidates,) ta go upon, ahoniti condeseui1uskusavstgalyvcoeuiewoueprry The total vote polle in R amsa vas stî! andi 88 of a majority againatlihmé il a they viiisee Ihat tserake uiiàliesital l eem u eýotmoay difficuit to seevisaI Ur. Farewel cau constables enougis sworu sun tacompel sdeugv sat haiert 8 etsItsr oeferytet t gain by theacruiny. Tise "aore beada" '.he rowdies t. kýeep quiet, and not again lise follovmng portion of!]bis polilical pur cent,. oftise votes lu tisai townsipco *uoni 15ebttnguenarwe 0 acang5ht$dpeuding on gooti mauemit faitli: rjce-!ad doutnt, uthe bottMu.moFare, eilun.ar vier, iheme are nouseta be foui.' "Iu pofoedsig ta be "liserai" va North Ounto. B. in tise malter, lu tise hope lisat Boune- The above we deannea as a Most attach 1taia word no restricteti mean- son tbngma m u b<i hosau- atrociona sil pon tihe peoplo of Witu. iug. W. io Dot accepi it as ePresent- The tollcsvlng are th5e complote offie. thig àytun u t gveth ynda ostdigrceul ndunoud-ingoniy tise for-mai creed of a pauly il returns: bant excuse ta siirk anudtimav stakes. hu otdarcftat uoni fashoneti in by-goua years. That creeti PAXTON. MORÂE. Pla For ouruelves vo ahnntd be mstats *et calumuy upon Ibe cisaractar of lhe in all its fubinesa va accept, anti shailot Pry vofl ploaudeta b àe sotiser tusie, for "Prom.luss Goverumient officers"d do batll, for not only as a isartyjouruat otPry altlsough wv oit attobeb.pui duly ta againsi visonstise allack lamore es*butne asouaof lise militapi aider. But No. 1i.......... 9 80 Gi refrain fromt îakizsg an active part lu pocially directed. The only I"promin. Ovrage arenoonent t mtentictiae o.2.....12 29 the aa liaeounliasaies-et s tatureSingthe51 11 G tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n lecneseshtt ntsnxî utGovermeul officers"presenî veme, beyontî anotiser h la Iliai o! prograns. Brok- ho quite freeb ta a b aud in. Ur. Pers-y, thse Connty Registrar, anti%%le decline ta believe tisatinl politics No. 1i........... 44 738 ] Mr. Lavder, thse Posîmaster. Tiseas. toe thème asisostitb. stagnation, anti No- 2 ........... 14 129 vou The. Wardon. gentlemen are peraonally kuovn. t0atîsat tisera alint stagnation.le s virtua. No. 8 ........... 18 88 for1 - Wa refuse ta hllth iat, because our No. 4 ........... 25 108 0 mes people lu tise Riding, and ti ain-Party bas eacisa th ie havan of thea Na. 5 ........... 89 14 adjo Asv alciîet i GogeSs.lly ver, to nimosi every person present aI Treasumy, themefora 1h. countryylbas No. 6 ........... 62 52 reeve of tise townsip of Scott, bas been Ibo meeting lun tisa Dr1 ised. We ap. reaciseti thes aats of pliical perfaction, Thorai- elecleti vaiden,-and b7 tisa lnanlrnous p b ita emetting-ve appeal ta boih andi sioulti therevib iacoûtlent. Theay No. 1........... 27 48 vote of Use reeves anti daputies compris'pa&ni osralara-agond meunvso nov ule lise lan, Nd. 2 ........... 74 98 T lng--eorej l.cuyooni. Ivisvr'prnn,1 and sratvsbut flot thIsasu ist tiera vos-h yel b lia No. 8B.......... 83 42 'ts' In h onycnel twaavr rsnt a liellier tIere vas daou ntisa causa of Raon. Nawv a-cil t proper ant i W.lt daerveti tributs ta anylbing visatever lu thisas concluci questions arise anti proe for cossieara- No. 1i...........5 48 M bonust Worths, as w.ll as a (air cosnpli. bt juntify îihe serions chargea braugisi lion anti seutlement. New ideaspro No. 2 .......... 47 42 ument tisehumuniecipallîy so loug antid lîagnteennued t>As sent tisainselves for aceatance or ne- No. 1.........0 19 Fr fag as oui, owu observation coulti jonrialisl not ta shnink froin sncb 1 27 P The ?T'ton-Becser Case. extenti-anti vo veme. lu a position questions rýnd ideas simply because, Rama-41 2 Pa upon tise platfomm, (immadiateîy bic. lh'y are nèv. Change for tise mer. Scot- aa The antly Tnstoa.±taecissr cas. stil aide Mm. Moawat anti Mi. Fzreveilé) eofchng mta e b horreti;bu No. 2 ........... 841 .856 psud go.. o, ant as ikeiy bbasa nt.rm to ~. ail isaI otheplce-vaeau ytisaeoniy rue vay, of No2. ....885 pa goe o, nd e ikly a e s item.to ecal tht oc plcewe-ta ao ing tae chance of il-itvisati No. 8 ..........41 48 Fr inables tiat of lise Tiehisorne Clain. boas- mont positive tealimouy btth.*Un- changes is ta investigale hrul a N.4...... 48 4 ti sut. Moulton le aliliunuder cross-ex. trutisfulneano! f lise statoment lunlte Possible oues." rougly ah o. 4........4 8 44 t autustiou, Tise foiioviug fisa portion Gazette, sasrespecta tisaIl proinisl UNo.huid< .....Vi4bag7ai-co To NoUTrrnONrTA O ESRCULTUSIAL SO. No. 2 ..........7 586 hum f tise chas-acter ofthi eovdeuce ellc- Governmant officerst accuseti. T IT. h nulmeighl t-zrdeTwsi-geate ited charge lise people of tise Iovst iLis .. .Noie.nul etn Iet a Ub 1 ......T...nsisitp-b Sunderland, ounlise 20tb mal., lise fol.- o.1.......9e8.i "Tisa vituasa salti Tilton alvays Idrovdyisus," anti vus liaving *"isooteti 'No. 2----------..79 215 P aem.t i vlllg ta mais. a Mternent dovu" tise Piemlier o naii> nN.8...... 5 1 viileis oti proteotbIse vite front lise -ofOtalo c nil orgofies n18et75vr eet N.3......5 ohr' 0,o adt ry, althn o! mulutianti a alander. Tisera vere .s cdfr175N.4- ----7 19 C iblB~c.rv. .~ thte SPeaker, baisIIl as se Iuiy nicat in- rosisleseed D juas <inosa afimsd) ho1.8 possbiliy for hlm to e is.siritl!t - UIl ITMsHa, hty l.si cnleabyts e o cme .at i lieue doalibti oouversutlono W"lt seer-ilcienîlybo sard os- undmtoi nisemlai saeb huigolti andi silver bcwauane.d<th19 'Al mmber of té Prduce havaruanteti valebes, jeery, ant ialtier. Dasliubou ...I.4 461 2 a1bo Limmbas ! l. rodoeEx'0oinge deaimo t bdiscontinua bisgatitis-cas.Heo a- e i hniMuJlus Clarký.----------..2....By lD afaiunoea te tiscsanda], linvisicis0ho o e, tovever, uptofueaîy ebesen M- . htn 3e82 i......1 5 Pose. tol to lbmlilse #tory aganatte 10 aNeswUlteticmonaat ~mk areadton ebs clatletgh........ 2263 ai ~ ~ ~ ~ vr u asWIss oo t- nonaineo 5 vone anopleen ts nilargi e addiutiosmeri&s - Mi.......:7 o mb" inuI easter n ai o",mdsv41emydicoSeasan so v a lbue ftor tieu mone.M7îo' 1 onto- 4yo gztyMdt my Lave tlketi buge barinbuilding, sud lis. sousetimus.dc e s hi o iov. 28s-ti,1872 Ion. suites-adgrumblinga o! a lireti audience AUTicok SALEx OF-C072!xaa, Staxns, Maiorlly for MeLoos 14.audilt t lb. IonI heipressionth s- Mr.kepifrecozing lu lb. colti. Tisre ase <'-A chanuce for tinsoly ha rgaluL . of bisact wa# a ti-diasm for tiosopus t. se 0sons. nnnuiy boysa viso kopt playiug [Se stivt. of M. O'Douovai,] - Hs o-.Mr. G diWgitotissanaiwoni wsabout lu tise osîiti, -iace'ntifor their Laue Mlava 27 040 batvaan tishiesY noise one.-party uvsas umuce- ne. ansÀWozrausnu ±'covgur jtarkai.i-.EatW Thé plaintljft's oaa, il 18 staltid, viflspousihi, as 1h. other. încieed, assoc. FrrrPinkile Ih olo»y ilag.. ...2n 27 s.Mup8=onSizmlx eai0s, tbalo!ti.de- lalt i vthl.e usu enly- contiet of curas tise 'Us o! tihunsan ta mily, bnb ýgscs-o...On.. 22 .~o aon~aS~os .1151yas mre lb boslb.frqust ont - ufava< a ase is sue eseiyfor bouss vils *okilil&.ï........2 9 170 by Mr. rien tisar ia b.sputiaimm counsol iii. edilor of lise GatsMe (jso kopt cle par-unvrbenkowsoU por ofic. heveu heisovandtoru- - ae wg 9.w mussslg up by Ibo eisil. ambulating about lt.eviiole tam))v.re, uaeo islositss a4fr f.0 1ISST- pabiape, tise most oouapleuop, inter.. priis a ýe il i3ever fais, ry5... yf6 Ln..19,for -th. - ~allu Mnia vsruphions. To 'brlug lthe dioroputabte 950 DroiosaosMay e*1ot -.uj si ., alpd W ohnBaitdM J. P. accumatious h. dueos'agaiust tise Wboë ont, tonBot Kydu.) gee.Uy flfl. -heinbrsofth t -m. G peo ftohlb.tovn-aud te do aîseîy -CO » - (.. rmors. '~P1eg-io oroevubalrs B. ront >Ghi on- 0alnrdsy lui, on asdkvntaa mrnt di»gmac.fUI PREMArTystzLooss OF Ta£HAIs, vbicb ÏkO-g ýhrewitd pn n Mr. Ch elav.~lApss inderous procoeeting on 1the lIas-Iof isso0com3mosauowPaya, iuay b. en- New YOmi'fiEve, ad peothm lb.euam Viiha Most happy stidreas, hur'tineti ----rte eu dmofai à Mmoilgge. previous tils eiton .1thlb.Gazette. Wiîh'tb.tu Slnely pravoutati hy the une oiBornt'gwi epressionss of goo< vilasd Dr.I 0 0jgtho gave a notette lter vooave itnto settle thse reps-asc in-la.ocoaise. Itisasheen use inlutison. affectiouae é&.àga, mvand ve, goa. change s ~Pwrdn tlsot b.ualguati lon4eby h s mulcions taloooti. sauts of Causs ver. the b afi corn. Pftliirl Ploantf.sature of the. $Fr- had doti 40- (Ob w*ntiu.ing outain handaul, antihas neyer £ail- mno ,weudr-Psrift ig t beaise,.>ted. vtiaa mi- shoulLsu m& *wM givea t os Wà=nr pi r VICOUr.-The mIleusauy j sdaai.nn i.--- talioà.vs,. à ,uavu é..and ,-. reeve; v a r e n H c ll ti f o n m i a t i - p l a s t i ' M r - M c A r tie ti t i y oc Mmr, BickeU tatMM.ho"se t. mnore lb. service, as ditij&le bis aaitats nae'oi a genleman vhbail long ce. musica par. Mr.. Lamoreaux et a , s s t a t é c o u c i l b s t , v h o 1! y d e 5 e V sr e t l n i n o r num oi f eoýs is lco vsip,fr a T e r, tévere $85, n n m . r o ! e a a v l s o r $il t e 1h i c w s i f A L o d i ge o ! i i , 1 . 0 . , o , . s u d b en e f t ' t e I d a is t e n . b lp ; u s. i s .t i p e n e b o r e o n t b . 2 8 t h Ql i t. I gmet peaure la moving liai .M. banling. of Nomi Uog, Mar, George m1lth, reeve of, Sooli, b.evs-- Uatlng' fr ei plaan don o! th. county fan the preeLutyean. slexelad" Mr. O'Douovsn secontieth e motion. No oter nominations- vereate, mars Councl. anute b.motion vas deoanéti cinnld unanimou.y. . Tovn HsRa, Jan. 2.18E The Warden vas conducotti ibla The concil of 1875, eonalsting sat hy bis soe- sud secondor. Tho P. Fole7, Esq. neai., J. Hl. SE varden rolnrued thanis olS Ou Se. Eaq. teputyree., anti Mesrs. bal of blimsoif, sud on Sehaif o! bis McPbee Aie x. MoRse, andi John municpality for the onor doe hlm. rahy, conuillon, met at tisa To» Revut snevoni te diwacisang bis anti after makng theo usl dadas-s dubies te lisehasut o! lisability, ant iun cf office anti qualification hafoi tis, et ltersta o!flie conty. Hie oiesk, ook thinsats, . Mer s t asi, h o b ai e v e c, w v a n iti h a na u l o d u c a ri a ly - la v a p p o i u i ug nu assy One the prese'st yaar, from tbie toi te sot lu coujunicîion vils the cusa-cier o! tisa numbas- of gentlemen ina. aftis reeve, W. Dot, of Bs-a lie aw ioora hm, anti vo, vre aIt namoti by bisa neve; W. . me rail acquaintati vuS 'tises-nies o! bbc vas appoiieti litseothe- sud couneul. Witis tiose tav vords he By-law vas confis-mati, Tise wouît taie bis seat, sud as son as lha statedt tiIailatsprsonat i mati takan tisa oaiis o! office tisey voulti viav witis 1h. County-Attorney, proceat sbusiness. tua ltelise obstructions on tIs afM Tise usual oabis of office vas Iban ad- rond, anti reueiveti bis opinion on siniste-et by Hus Hono- Jutiga Daît. mate- in fubll; afterlseas-ing tisa t atil, viso eordiably shooc banda vils tise caunicil anîso-izeti tisheau-e ta te va-dan, anti cougnatulated ivhlmfus- vibitiste Reev-sof Rama, anti c apn bis etection. out lise advice raceived fs-os tise C THE STANDING COb»ITTEF. ty-Attorrey. Fixeti tiys o! met M mr. O 'D o n o va , seco n tiuti M s-. vuee sta llis ie ti by tie co n n il for larpes, movedt hat a commille e usrni yar, eing tls. second Sr ï v an h o b a b o t e ti f o r 1 0 s t r i k e t i e s ta n d - i y i .n e nc i x u s an t h . R e s o i n îto n , P s ut comusttes. Carsed. Messrs. appointing Chasls McLeu, Foret: 'Donovan sd Goutt,sertiuor. -toexepui $50 on thes aide lino bibi The balot relutid in favor o! lots 5 anti 6, Ilth con. A raLnt o! éssrs. IickeI, Coa, O'Donovan, as athorized bu Le xpende inu a esby, Gillespie, Guy anti Mitler. ing-upie own line otheeusi asa O n w aotias o ! M s.y O 'D onova t hbie C s-d n, opposite lot 1 in tie latis Vardau leftishe chair for issf au Iour, of Masa, sunlie vent o! tie Tp aosdes-te giva be spaial cormuittee Casdn xpending a lie îiu. Cnoponnaîty ta lssiug lisathi-repos-t. chouqua vas grantet tJoisn O'Dor Con esneuseit.' for 83 taxes in as-mess paiti by hlm M.Giblespie broanht p lis, report lot 6 lunlie 7îis con., said lot taviîný lb tespeciat causuittep, appointietite loxged t tise-cwnvisn lie ta rik. tisa standing coumitees. Report ocoriat. Tie clrk as inslmncîoti dopteti as o îo s : procure tie b anks n cesçasy for FINANCE NO AsssqEt-m4esirs minumicipaltiy, for tise crs-nt yeas. vwan, O'Doova, Milles, Gillespie Counit adjounuct te Fai. 13, i1 ad Biokeil. EýDuc.Tio-Majssr MGill, Brown. SusPENDED ANIMATION. - York% F.~~~~~~~~ Capsi.Lk at eia-as beau inueS excitd uring lie1 F. C mpbllLuke and MoP er.fev tisys ove- a casa of supposuti t m.A AOBang-esss o-peudet iation suns-aspect tea acor sti, SbirA, Green, St. John, Rwe-s, o! a lady Dneati s- Worting' la le n s d P a r ke s. a g ati a b o u t ive uty -fi v e y ea s-, t ise i COUNYT PROEsiTY-MaaSrS. Bigelov, of a contractaou bi te Interolos ny, Bs-allons, Harpes- and Faaby.' Railay, vio dieti st1deuly lat M PaRMNTir-bfeggr. Holman, Foey, day veek, at a place about some fa nIld, Proulp, sd Sagr. miles frous Ottaa. Te corpse, as-rival ab Tos-onto, presentedtheIs NOTICE. pas-suce o! 11f., sud suveat doat Mrs. O'Douovax gava notice thal haovas-a summonetilte giva btels-opin )ult on to-mor-rov Sring lu s by-bav as bo visebier 1h. lady vas fnot lu bishe appointaient o! anditera. bs-suce. Tise metical gentlemen On motion o! Ms-. Gonîti, Concil bisought, froustisa appearance o!flise journeti. ceasatbiaS nsa vwas siusply a beanti vomnssleep, but au application of SECOND DAY. galvanie littery anti otisas - cieni testsàtianstratedti IaI lf, had i TSe WaVns-t oistisa chair aItetn pas-tati. Dathl no duohi rennîtot fs-c nutes te> alavun anti cailetiltise Cossu- thaetot o! lditih ie bas-, leavi ta os-dam. the Stoot in the vains lu a nos-mal ce Nliules reat anti approveti. dition.- COMMUM5CATION5. NIxE PnsoNs BuatRN.-- Bonit From W. H. Billinga, Solicitor-, stat- ville, Jas. 25.-A fis-. ceninret at bi tisatin anhis casa o! tise Couuly vs. o'etoek tisis inosuing a lsth as-m iton, 'juiguseut isatibeau attaineti houa. o! Pie-s-uasIde,' about Ivo mil tiat tisa laIe Traser for $11,027, fs-ansliase. Tise man matis-ad eanl a bishaI axecution isatbeau issueti anti left ireb - -n aekic .IE oeil su bise Sissifr' aîatis. vas saaieneti hy smalliug nsoie, ai ?rom bis isonos- Jutige Dartneil, set- on goiug dovu stairs fonudtheis cas-p forth lise necessity for ps-uviding on is-e, Ha calleti to bis vife, anti ya ias- accommsodation, for the jutiges te lise bas-n te get a batider by vii munseqnanca o!fbile large amount o! bis vife anti eigist cisiltiren, -vbo vos nase dtoueinucisambers, antinuo u@-intisesecond nIes-y, miglît escape, fh td tisa filting up o! tisa roons about atalicase liaiug slraady on fis-,, but ht o vacatet ly Ms-. Hans for bisat par- fora he couldt ancb tise hote Suit( elug, vhieis vas a vooden oua, vas i vALUATION 0P THE COU NT . Laaie, andt hie if, anti chiltran ver nmunietion ilS report of John vwema usnedto bdeoh. M. Duluti er sund J. B. Campblatl Conny Val. escaped itb nothig on ut bis nigis o. Tie report gves tie folowig shirt. Anti vas se, batly burned inuii lion andi percen ag s - efforts t. ave iis faniy tiat lie ssno Total Value. Per acr-e. Pet-c't'ge. rexu'were litarally Sus-net toa sles' an k......2,9 0,000 44.58 13.42 anti only fýragments of lisem eau bi a .... . 1,050,000 17.71 4.81 founti. -Tisa eldesî cailti vas abon stling.4,14 ;J,0 004> 58.85 18.98 bisirteen andtihis youngest a baby it ...... 229,600 7.75 1.05 as-ms. b..... .. 84,090 48.91 12.29 t ... ...1,400000 28.47 6.41 CANON KisGOLi -e tD. Tlis-gooii og .2.....8,40 31.42 1.82 imn, wvIsn.deatli iaenot Seennex- -ais.7.....750,000 24,50 8.48 poareti, paseeti avay ai 5 o'cboîk ou ritge.1,240,00 '28.86 15.68 Mondpy7 mos-ning. Ha vas Sos-n lu De. blv...2,007,000" 63.41 8.19 icusisire, lu Juna, 1819, vas educabeti Wisitby.. 1,080,000 62.53 9.07 at Kingas Coîbuge, London, anti Mazda- vsa.....1.25,000 -- 5.74 loue Callege, Cambridige, wiuuing 1>1gb Pers-y...476,000 - 2.18 honors lu tise balte-. Ha fîst contesiu- tige Vil.. 408,000 1. 94 plateti fotlowing tise profession O! law, by Tp... 1,0W,000 -- 459 iut foi sousa unxplaineti reason clang.7 - cd i sninti anti enteredth ie cîsu-cis. 21,838,840 100.09 MH as Dot unkuown in bte bitera-y os-t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wed o!H rîik osri u-vsiaving tieses-vetily arnedth ie po!t SiofI.es,vd W. onlîo ur pt M feigoeo tt otei mau'. 1t0 1h18 commutation Wl omthwhvbPs- e ou tobiogm-phy., 1 lu lise paethe orta b.,s, ~A ----'.Sn-- -- viii fot 4 compsiile. ZavillsiÃ"o il smeul. Your mont obd'î humble 'servant, be - - - nb $isaltyeu are a, H.o. FLETCHER, SltLaeCy,4.,T Jan. 1,I85, 'tvie ln o7<r?'ar ouvtiôn, s vni b. Gov.-Geneats Secmtary. -Aisolier noir sidoe um ei vBl- ou p t.s 't is a To bts. Hon. lise Ministerdof justi,Coiteuvooti an o yedial B9mler. t eu pasn otnce a i . iSsus, Ottava. noon, near telisoBcbmondi mine. A Thith le. vùs aloasti apta e-tmeparby of men ougaget inlu"ssuaig the court raout vbieisIIth -otiUR -- o tiot bv n 0 tta wa Jl u 1 ,r a75 . . e e e e u g isi ly f og < sî t e q s.l. I l ,a s .a u o u t iu r a Goîh. ous, ttaa, au 18187. li~sde.. Ixm8 meti Thoms aH. um a' bo a es of Court Mv Lut,-Iu urtsar ree a' Brodenici, Wll8n Btter, Obanles oum Tise Pnisoner vas -lienôo prons, -correspoutieuc., I have lb. DaSSI., Jame11s' Breeze, HeuY A.tkis obroiiouber ovu recognizuo Isonorl tenaciose for yous- Lordslsip's su. sud Benhan Moor,, vecarniet avay, corn. np for jutigmeul viseacal! 375 formation a copy o!fia communicationa I andti Ieir bodies ihave not yet Seen me- Sut lb. Jutiga sait lu conclusion:"l of J. haie attiaed ti he b.Honorable. T. covereti. George MoConlin andi Tios. bodiy lu lie vord iti vii sreal i a g er, F ou naas-, n ay M iu s er o f , J u stice , ' iu -' W h ite wv e. a v e s wsv y 'a n ti covau e vu . o or i y v r h u Wn. sis-ctlug sus to commute flh, capital vitis snov, Ssit vers tng'oui- suad -------Gt obs be ve boti Han- sentence racantly passeti Ou A. Lopin.* liv&s ver.s aveti. The -elide exendatielos haills, iniprsaaonulfor Ivo yeara iu jail a dtance of about oue mite, anti vas Jasin7andi Revnue. lionis anti per-manent foifelînna o! bis poliical -about 200 yards vide. 'Yaabertiay the - ig,,,, toyot eios a tisa rigi sa. lu n bi u s tisP a u siu g v 1 1 5 h .th e o d i s o f 1h , si x p a u so n ii ýk l M ti y b e a&, e t s f r m S ri y wa au- stuc, o!uy respousîl iMistes-e, sd sisovslia ai AllaCity vere recoveme,haan e ones te n frnameSicily anti., exuicising tise Qneen's pres-ogabiva Ra-' It s supposi tistaI ssy otier pensons visao vas the, halle o! a travellingcii nons- cas-ding ho rmy owu jutigmaut, I as havaendiat saumauner, Sut lunvlîich sb. figuna alio-tas eitin, avare 1 baveunutartaken ve-y gr-ave ne- lsair bodias as-e covas-a ti lsnov tati1eenIonsoa Plia. npon iiiity,ure especlby as tis.tacts snob a dapti st b y vitI noiha fou n t e ti -o nti t ae bel n gÃŽ litr. nd onideatinsby vhais tisaissue 4or soeatinsi. inuona deusoiaeg-the saine troupa. By soeue ans, laris has Ici Se determînet as-e o! a very cons- housevas fount tisa ody o! Mmii ascertainétat sa ie vanetnol titi uts- - plicateti and emisns-rning ciîaractr. Carey, sitblng lu a rocising chais-, wis ber, but ha anolliar lady -lave. s-cia- Upon thee, itovave-, I vil not entaige, au infant clapatin u em arme, anti signa, bovaver, o! ber painful discov ýoneis as tise7 have alruady licou sent fortb iu nean isy lie Soties of ber bubsndanti vere al]lovat t esca pe. She stel B Lishe former dispsîcisas. I ausquile couvino-lilttle girl. Tisey isatiail pes-isiset trousC came etbisahebise atIes- la onevlsicl u is e suffocatiotsSy siiov. At anoblier isouse cd Seatîy upots hin, ,Sut reapor cou- gene ab intes-ests o! thise ontry, viii . s i nu as dug ont sie, wie a m an c o in 10 he aata thca ;es e rril e ass- ave-Seu Set tieît vilis auy dis-coi vio ladbSean sleeping bau sins vsl vege. Ouae veuiug, racenbly, wv Onaction. Albisongistise cousuuteti sent- founti dent. Tise test ody oao tha he prfomane bat beanu USnue ting encaeussy appeas vas-y inatiequate ta e rs-on vas fontinutise vlcinity O!fltaeSihiliaut, aflanFlos-ina isad vhippet bise tise enommity o!file crime o!fvisicis il selonse. There i n mcb tarror lu thèse ligýns anti foroaci thonta lia aI item I tnn, thse punisîsusenl, I belea-, it hota besncb ining camps, ant i t ofo!bose vso ase cahot lias- mereani loves- ea set as yl Sent satisfy tise canflicting cxig- -eau gel svay vill prohably icai,;.butBalsita hlm: an, encier o!flise case, il is a difficult sud tianges-ona undartas- D o s ll ve n eP 'rien I issu- e l oeru s to le, M y Lord, ýing ta gai avay, for tise p ople -ii isai ,D a vsron s i e love e red- 840ý Yons- Lorsdlipe 1551eVs obedient humble ta walS, anti rua ltse ganntet of snov - Do you isnow bisat I sisonitdie ýpeu- servant, sldes on thoin way ont o! the abls yusoutt dea-ole younelf te aniot con. To. ltz IViglis Honorable te Secrelas-y IM5PORITATION A%» SALE OF PETRO- Ï6What an ides," responidethetisa 7 -o! o! State lotrlte Colonies. LEUX.-A proclamation la publisset o! mn. nA H -*et-'resoîntions coneerning tisa importation ."But 1 ahonîtfrai kilt you," s inel H.%Etpu'i IAGzrçE s-oL zuty, anti sale o! Ibreiga pets-oit-us. TiseFlorUna.ý on17.-Tie routiers f lHrpc-r's Maga- offies-s apîtointeti te gauge sud lest "Anti loy vonii yon do tisaI ho- ine ii uiptesdeii v~itisahenoveity patroleun---as-o stultinlti inspectase Tius,* es-led te girl, aIbise Pas xes of fresieis, as veit as vins îdie itispos-- tises-ca. Tisa inElsnent tb be-uset instant pusing iivobenîlyin mb bisa tance of tise bopi-s trs-uti iu the Foi. for tosting ail Imporlet refluait pets- cage o! lions. They attacisa thetis s-e uns-y N sniSa Ci-o iepapulur Mouîtly. teum is ta lie tise cosi oit pys-omuter fostunste main at once, sud tare -hlm 75 Cucainlic-s- ar ighty illustrations, lu mate ly Clasles Pottor, Toronto, au'i places, vsie Florins us-gel lises, seua-ey of Its reuadangmaltes- il la ha aIl sueli poîroieusas vil ndtse v low fles ali scurs-es ponutng dogme. s-lob anti us- ira tesu!tif105 dogmees by sncb pys-ame. los1 e------- p. - vletensive. This usunibe contain fans-tl s-,55requis-ad Sy section 2 o!feliaptes- SiHocENG AcciDLzNT. - Thse Noii pas- diesctie-eiy Ameican articles, tibrea of 1a o! 24 Victoria, visen u.d accord*ng Cisicago'RolIing Milis vos-e recentby tl sus whch reprcuý;lyillnstiateti. George ta Ibe instrunctions sctompsnyitg tise scane onoeuo! ilse dists-essîng a toAilredTownsetid givesa agloviug but enuse, yl hadesît vils as mey leth S .Ëtent si sbs eér0 rife accurate description of-"Nov Washi- orties-etby blae Minitor o! Cnslouss lu cus-clun aciets viuî cli S vent, ington,' shosving vîst changes lbava oaci casa. Eues-y package o! Imparted Get an tsa o.fs-e e mp csli on- venrougisî in Clontonlcptl hy refinat puts-oleunslispactat vill lie eutisefora tise scene, lu oiting ti [on-egiIIy mas-Set - anstampat in lu no2a out thi de cri tio hin - accouspanleel by m annes- us t h ise Is isten o! Custom sa m on ps sesyî nds-s t Bs- oi i v sic i o! ie Memhistraos..L. JanDe réIffaydirect, Noimprt nughinsthuéiserapidiy-inoniug machit Wonothemepis-s oS udertIhe petrotaus viicis yl uotstand tle eyadculidi -erbemne titieof I Woudrs Ils.heLovlands," sait testse, vioîbi tesignateti as coat s-esnese olsat l a-ebedauth J con ts-isues au eutertaining articl«b on oi, na rstisa, en zie, heuzote, pas-affine. unfas-lunata being vas -liera ll-ytil !sets ol o ii S h c t h 1, a the Mannd-Biinldes-s o! tise Mississippi or allies- olos- fluli, ebstillat, maun- limis tram 11mb. Not a singby part i. alVkllay. John Bigetov, fsrn tise u- factu-eti, os- produceti by any iurocaa os- cf se boy ascape t hetue 'T de-i publi6niutiluttera o! De WitClinton to tresîment visatevar, vîisa e.adtîetî omis - eovdtia thor. c iu Cooet Post, gaters togeehes- semae 1a eutry for <onaumption os- w5reioue tisa decbasati, visas-eise leavas a yi Lui uery cursons materals, ilunîratlug tise an Canada Untstsaipras hh anti sis chiltira n ludastituts circum e-acsinsouy 81 partisan politieliaI! a cons. have producet a licensefronsa Collectors- acs d-tus-y ago. But tbe montIimportant o or otises-ps-oper offices- o! Internai tncs tise articlea dealiasg.especial vilS Amer- Baieue-anîisorighmt apat The Hanse o! Commons asseushi ictes e i eft lis erof the .importisamein. on tise -41iso! nexi màonth. antips-epsr Cetnilsrecontinsiing s r-- suions as- alaready- baing mata for it uiev o! Meeblals progmesturing bise MYs-ixsous MUaoER.-Biadfoid, N. A masset testas-e o!fbise approachinï, s-- Centr now closg. This papes-, H., Jan. 22. -Tisa osui:g Mre. John vesi ii Sactise appeas-ance o! lae vo wýole profusely ils td easEesnws on bu 0o'clocis aainHa8rwie ilcn o! h h vb inlventions conueclei vilS do- eitn in luth isa cen o! hem hous,vitis bain au inspartialreot!tiadhI lsmesta macislaery, armes, andi ortinance, han rheast itsailly biovss froin as- body. lu tiah ou..Savas-al o! tise bea id the lelegiapi aud otisar applications o! Rerisuasant vas aI lbe Sas-n ; ha os-tshart-band vnitsrs lu lb, countny bave le elects-icity, ise-a-ngines and freý-abamis, lise report o! a gun, sut enlering tise Sean engageti on ins afai ld gas sud ic a naufacture, ininig usa- houa., ha founti bis vite as aboyeata- Aî et clisemy, sugnr-making, glass antd papas- et, vith knibting vos-k in bar bauds. A dia bavaluieen m.eeiad isere thatsa makig, rtiicil lmbe et. I thcp Oetimpeeto haîveen bisa Turks and n .nkn aîfcallma t.l ii' donhle-Snrielled ti ist n, iscias-gedtheus. 1tengis rwn urga Ch Namsler la coumaencet sau inlerasting vas on lise floos-. The gs-aatest ascite- u os n legia, TohinPortsage Si samien o! papes, Sy James Pas-Ion, sici- ment pravails lu tise casnnunlty. Ms-.Tui l Abaa. hePrebto re iy illustiated, ou Caricaure, bie fis-st Emerson bas beau mars-ad, but s fev carryintg ont tise sentenca .o! tealh ai aril aineil ' a-cîr mn aotsvsbat yssod niuitisa Turkleb mnrtamus o! Chriabians na e- rtcledelin wthIlCarcaureamngmonhs wa tent yargol, ad etPotigorebîs,'demanda lis, extradition o àtisa Ancdante." A vas-y valuabia and issovu to baie an anamy. 'lise Moutenegrian parlicipatous lu the in instructive paperon tise Fiencis Insti- DESPERATE AFY.S Louis,Mo outrage., h uteuegriausai in tution anti vils A rsailsustraM o.lTise M é re lu reapen- tl.Inttt ilig u Jan. 22.-The Diegpatc give aac s- diganut aI h, ub ertug., sut uucisex- portait ofîoslln acdemcan; acosunt o! s desparate affm-ay. lu Misasa. citemeut ps-aevaila. Svas-y eomps-elieuaiua article on bise fialdit ppîcnlM. Is rt7Tvo childiren, * Selongiug te Joib ,tantivos-k o! Chisteiantsins, lun-s-dy on a astHe aon Gleason, o!Craustort, N. J., vers Litre bsatarI Sy four cartfnlly ps-epsrect apa, vas suseced io! robb.ry, anti Jqsepli andtihue commesncement o! a nov seribal Cr-su ' oteo lc o a t aks, atie al uFrités7el'y lb the nIes-y Sy Miss tlTakeray, entillet as-sest lins. Dus-ing tisa pursuil Heu- rtkofthfisatuingtsaasec o b IlMiss Aaal"andibaseti on tisa so- sounsisot Cas-,k p snat is -s !Iefii sauce o f Angelica Ksuffnian's life, anacisraeiadnt Ts aoig Amttaagt 'mn aeiIs a muon gt tse Contents. M neu r. 'D . day S Isitrif Sia k, ith s p ss , e - b lla S o mnervill , as suffocate t in a Convay conts-ibsile a graphtie Acata!ofnaedthetira gnuit, visich rosulte in lulaement bouse vhich tuais ire lu Gait 1's-ofotor Fave it, v isicsi ilînsîmteci theukilling o!fneao!bis Poaý, the o sudystrcn h iaifu by eanifu potrats ! tse s-oesnr vnnting o oblies-tf, sud the captura minutes aflen Seing rascueti. ant usvie. s-.îîsans ss-ai Iesyo! Hieison atlas Seing inostally vonti- an- i ' ié a.aftaGMp Ma ioos s u ty- The. Illinois Stale Fss-mrs' Associa- limp oftheGamp" avigrousanded.tion lu sssion at Spniugfiélti, mapartet inîc-nesîy inIes-ostirug naval, is contin. A GRoss Ssvnwi.s.-Aboui tisîe lu round'numbara, 1,600 clubs, anti neti, itlî iustrations liy FretariCks. moutItS SinC2, 8aMinunameti G. A. absout 150,000 mainliars. The -untrsus Two esc-a-liant shsort stos-sce are given by Smith commuenceti business its Guselpislh ti Pmn i oe aea'ia Etli, (iLay anti Kate u 1nuiuOsgooti. as a dry guets moriiit. ,Ha veut ta in te1878. - smoegeerUla '£ise Nnmbe-s-opens wvhs a buaîuti Moiiti-cul aut bouglut las-gely tram- 11 lor. pe uby XViII Wallace iai-Dey, eunil-ions blioses,PaYit1g aa mati amountîi Tise ilifficùly between umlcy antd cd" h Augelfth! Tiig.bt," viti encis case in- bnd igiVissg notes frMonteliegro i le enlyai au eut, an iltîssîs-alioin by Sol Rytinge. Otiltes hie ba1l-anoc. ne noruiug latel ho tisa oppaiug inaps on eacis aida o! tise poonis 1are cantsibutet tsy nElizabeths gave.ontCt bin issafe, oua of Etias',frauties- iaving iiperset.- ato dî. aru, lH .o.s-îe r s c i S o f r , s a i b a o i e i o 4 , 0 . O i e t s S o ! 1 , E p r t C i a No smil. isber' sally anti ieni ring Baiai the n- a te on -he- a-d iy. the 'as Is- be. o! 4fe aes s- bt.- ne in- 'st id-a )f

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