>td a CHIAS, SUIS ~~WiV57*, sause. ORée 4,51 Socs soulla ai lIe Rojsi Xéesl,*hltby, A>EDTIZDGE, >,~) A~wBù~rcLE,, Qoqu*7 Orpvn Attomqy. la J4N~# KEITU GORDON0 ÂTTomoey~~ C1IKMELBS C, JLEILEE, i A fB!OEIIEY-ATLAW. BOLICITOR i ~ I~YUAN ENGK~IsII, L L. n., * DABEISTER AT'LAW, SOLICITOR r .LjObauoery, Coureysncer, dcc.,dcc. 811 cos Strset,~Oshava, G. TOUNG 5EITU, LL. D,,' Notil~ Publie' ~ro dcc. Eiack, Bnéek étrse~ WhIlby, Oulanla. - A. G, NoNILLAN, (Laie Greenvoad dc MaMillan.) B~lZIJ5TEBATTORNEY, SOLIO fice-Bynon 8îroe~b oureer. ÇI W)41by, Outarlo. Office * THORAS HUSTON, T OWN CLEER MID - TREASURER Whliby. Office-vu Rail. Heur. trou 9 loi o'cleok. JAMES NoBRIEN-, TNSPECTOE- O? PUBLIC SCHOOLI - s. fer ho County 0f Outarlo. Addrsss- Raglin Peet Gifias, Outanlo. R. J, (1115K, 51. D., CUBGEQN TO TEE COUNTY GAOL, I>~ Byrcu Streot, Whitby. 11.. MeUSIEN, .15,5>.. M.R.CS., CIUY'S HOSPITAL1LONDON, ENG., "'J lie sye R. O. H. L., Oshava, Outarlo. ÇAED. - A. PAREWELL, M. B., M C.P.S., :Slsmn Medalisi sud Uuirenslty Silven MsS. .11,1, Giadualo cf Toronie CTulrersily, Mimbor cf lie Coilege of Physiclans dc Surgeons cf Outarlo, Physclan, Sungeon anS Accoucheur, BROOKLIN, ONT. * ' W. ADAMii, ~T'IENTIST, '(SUCCES. sen te W. H. 'CarS.) DeiitalRooms-Dundas8treet, Wluftby aven Mn. Jsmeson's Stere. Nhîreus ost~. d.1 admluislered for île painloas or- traction of teoili. C, N. VARS, L, D. 5. 7UEETH insorted ou ail lie - ~ -'-' lalestpninciplosot the art, analasp astis cheapesl, sodas geed asti. bonI. Teo~ SiloS yUl GelS sud Silver. TeoIl enirseled vîthoul pain, by'producing local anasthoala. Dents i itoome-lu Ccv. an's nov bloak, aven Alklnneu's Dmug Store, King Sireot, Oshava. 85 TUOMAS DEVERILL, DUILDER AND C0NTRM~T0R, DUNDAS ST,, WIIITET. AIl ordet.,promptly execuied JOUR RODINSON'g [I AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING Saloon, Break St., Whltby. JOhN WOLFENDEN, A GENT FOR TEE OELEBRATED Scotttili Granite. At Mirbie Werks ofleasstbau WelfeudenDundae St., Whltby, DOUX CARTER, TIOEN8ED AUCTIONEER FOR TEE .i.J Countise cf Outarlo, York sud Peel. Ruedeuce-Let 8,811> Concession Ma*ham. Pont Office-Unienyhile. Sales attendeS an the shertesi netlc.,anS on neasenablelerms. Tomas can ho maSo sud bille printed aI lb. OseoxîcLa Office fer Mr. Carter. LBYI FAIRBANKs, JR., T ICENSED AUO~IION3ER FOR TEE J.J CauntyefOniarle, begu ta retnrn thanki fer lb. lihoral paînenagé henotefore besteve4 upan hlm, sud te anneunce that lie le prepersd ta cenduci sales elîher lu Tovu or Couniy ai reasanabue rates. Ar- rangements fer sales can ho maSs eitlier ai 1h. CasearcLa Office, er aI my ovu Office, Break Street, Whltby. (JEOlIGE VOIISIACK, MERCHANT, CARPENTER Lau~'~inen, Greon Street Whutby. A large quautity ef~ ail kindi of>lumber cen. stauti au liaudi UN~ERTÂKING.Funerals fully sup- p lied sud atteuded on sheri natice. Ceffins kepi coustantiy on hanS.. A hesrss te lire on Uberal tenus. H.E. O'DELL> ATHERLY, N g. R 1~. r, r. n * Clerk Div/alan Court, Tp, Clark, Caznmnigsienen lu Il. E., LauS Agent, dcc., dcc., Allen7, Cauuty Oniarle, * Atherir 15pi.lnl, 1872. 88 ~ RD. Dliii. CAIIIOuN & IJOGART, V'hyslaf~ns, Surgeons, Accauchers,. dcc., dcc. Whltby, Sept. 801h, 1874. TA VER N For sale ente Let. Apply te JOHN BRADLEY, February 111h, 1874. JiroakItu, 7 ROYAL HOTEL, WEITRy, ON~. JAS. PRINGLE, - PIIOPRIETOR. Flrst.olass socamuodadun. Ample sud vell.duîsd hp saimnele roama for commerclai travellers. 18 WOOD FOR SALE. Thesubucriberbas for sale aI bis MIII, near Utica, s quantiiy et four-foot Slab WoaS. A. B. CAMPBRLL. ~tlca, Sept. 98,1678, 89 T. HALL, LASD, OOMMISSION, AND GENERÂL .A.GE1<T, A.iutfonthe Oeuf lion Lite At~~cla. sadacoonste saisie ont. Mz~D.Kdhlay4.aeIngs, - u~a1>i thlnÇoupaaay, >RGT4 BEITIà E.qUEEN HOTEL, PORT liEuT. JAS. flh!WAR'l'~ - 5h.5rimisen. llharpigmodu~7 TRI7NX RAHWAT HOTEL, llqnansntthsiaav. Mientir. aillera. AT WRITE T5TATION, L~ER'I LUMBE~ Il K, O>'NEILL - - PIIOI1BIETOE. Tii Si lfl>~ beau appointeS Iaklug Ihelralu suSleavl~&hoe.en s~i,8ilpp5zI~i~ 'ill bave Ibm veiltilisu aire ai thain <le., ai Fenelori Filin, bas opeueilu cannea- '4 L O B E H tlon'wlth liii otizer premalsen, an>' exieuntri ~. O T E L, - ~L'UMBER YA~ Adjclulug île Wbitby dc Part Penny viçySlstion, viere ~o keepe conslanil banda largo audeomplete stock et Lu ai ail kitS, fer iale~ suhelessla anS rata Piaualug machine suS aullaluSa ai von eauied pwomptly, 4 orSon. - GEO. C01!MÂC Wliiiby, May 27, 1878. FARM FOR SALE. Thal veil-kuovu faru, loI 28, OrS cor Whllby, kuavu as THE DONALOBON FARi A.nd as At prenant lu tue eccupatl7,n ai eleareLd Contslns 190 acres; about splendid orchard cf Sacres fi> ext Apply te- JOHN A. DONALDSON, Gav't Emigratian Offlo Mardi 25, 1978. lStf Tare TEE ISOLATED BISE F/te lnpuranco Co>iy of Canai Rail- y au tuber sIL- k ex. K. 22-if i. of. w, ~Mr. 150 ablo eut. e, uta. - *1 la, i I j HE&D ~ CAPITAL, 8500.000. Deposlted withGovernmen, $67,OOO Il viii adjuat ail lasses vithont delay, sud pay aven lb cash AT ONCE. Hon. ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P., Presideut. JOHN MÂUGHAN Ja ~[anager L IVE RT I The tuidersigned desires ta inform bis trieuSe and patrons> that lie lias agslu me- snmed business at the aid WHITBY LIVEIi'Y STABLEB. Havlng encreased the numberand qnslitp et the slnd, sud aiea added ta sud lmpraved the couvoyances anS 'vehicles on 11>0 prem- lues, lie hopet by belugin a position te meet lb. Tants cf austomers te ment a aliare cf publia patronage. 1M CHARGES HODERATE, .51 N. E.-Cavered couveyauces fer familles and ladies. Prompt atteudance, as herete- fers, ta ail endors. ( A saGa, aropnieson IHOICE P BROORLIN, ONT JAS. POWELL - - ?ROPBIETOB. wrasr-caAss AcceEieonAT~o~>~ WESTERN --------.- I HOU SE liUidliA5 STRiEr, virrer. The undemsigned vould Intimate ta île publIc, thal île aber, promises have been noviy'filleS up nuS roueralad llroughonî. Boni Ll~uuors Ci.- sud -,,.,.. "The Cream ai or~v~i~ pure Rhin Wluo Wslz'a Lag. Ihe veol. retail. Besrâems talon by JOSEPE A. BANDEL. NII~îSSIITG HOUSE, COR. 11KG 4ND ~ TORONTO, . ONTARIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, roronta, Ang. 12, 1878. Praprietor. S. S. FITCH'S "FAMILY PHYS- tisesses canialnlug descriptions cf andrules for thelr treaimezit, viii le sent by mail, free cf ail char g e, ta any. ne sendmg their s&lress ta Tl4Rraadway, iew York. Vhltby, Apnil 20, 1874. 17 OBEBT JOHN YÂIINOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE FOI TEE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. ADDRESS~BGE 99, Wumner. 41 FREE SITE! TOWN OFWHITBY. A FERE SITE WILL BE GIVEN f 1.ta any Manufacturing Cempsuy building an establieliment us the tavu. J. HAIIIER GREENWOOI,, Mayer, Whutby. Whutby, Feb. 26, 1878. 9-tf R BM 0V A L. The uudenslgued bas remeved bis BOOT ~ 6110E 6T0/?E thapremlnessdJ~iniugthe Western Hale!, uindasStreetwjiiélay, vhere lie le nov 'epared te execute ail orSon for Werk. A rge sud select stock ou baud. Repalnlng ne an usuel. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. hltby, May 8,1871. 19 ~HE ie n. S> w PLE TREES, ABOUT 40,000, -AT TRi- HOME NURSERY, Frem tva te four years et agesmbraclng s the heu Vanleties. SETE C. WILSON, Lot Ne. 8, 2n5 Con. Pickerlng, ou Klugstc BoaS, est Office, Whiîby. LII VESTERN ASSURANCE COMI>ANY C4 JO-i Ais> M OUI C' EEAD OFFICE, TOROIcTo. PITAL STOCK, - 8400,00e. AOESIT loi 5Ot~TE OiITAEIo, IREZ HOLMAN, BROORLIN, ONT. Agent fan the CANADA FARM~Rî UTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HeaS Office, Hourras; anS 'IZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Moutreal, FIre, Lite sud Guarantee Departuient, PITAL, *2,oooooo. Breaklin, Dec: 2, 1872. 12mu49 FLOUE AND PERD. - The nudersigued bege te fnfcirm the pub- lic that lis bas mareS hi. le' et bususesa écrass tii. streot, neit te G tIcotVs bliiolien ~>~~allkinSo»i>l>01ie ou hanS lb. best fleur Cash for faru praduce. Whi ±by, Ian. 20, 1874. J. LONG. 4 H ARNESS, SADDLEBY. The subucriber desires ta state lIaI he lias opeued s A HARNESS SHOF, lu île promises appelle Ray's Bnitish Arn. erlcan lietel, Dundss4l., Whiiby, vhere ho vil keep ou ~iand asuperlor stock cf evorythlnglnhisuzu,é of bueiuess, sud viii sellai iho lavesi prides. He bege te soilcit a uhare of public patronage. FRANE TYLER. Whutby, Feb. 24,1874. DOIHNION LINE. Tua Dominion> lune consiste ai drsL- amen, tull~povmred, Clyda-bullt Stpm- shipi, sud le intouded te penforu s regular uervlao beiw'een Lreaupoou Quinze sud Mcacstztr,~ lu Summar, sud ~rsxipoon sud Pem'neim PARES AGAIN REflUCEDI Quebo~te Llverpool, - - *1» do, sud ,stsarn~ - - ~. 001 Liverpool and London and Globe INSUBANCE COIIPANY. ATAILABLK assars, 527,000,000. Lasses p aid lu course et thivtv.flvo yfars exceed FORTYMILLIONS OFbOLLABS. C~by~ageF~ estimatedat near- ly P,000,000, are beln liquldated as tant as adjusted vitheut deduction. Security, Prampt Payment sud Lihornliiy lu admit- ment et Ils Lossesare thé prominent features oit HOaSOffiJC~i.&su~flCh, MontreaL G. F. C. SMITH, Chef Agent fer Dominlen. L. FAIRBA.NKSJa.,Agont at Whitby, Ont. JOHN L. WÂTKIS, OFFICIAL ABSIIGNEE. -- - -, I EAILIFF SuD DIVISION COURT, UCTIONEER, &c., &o~ fA' OFFICE-lu Bigelow's Block, Port Penny. Pcrt Ferry, Juue 24, 1872. 28 L UMBER & SHINGLES FOR SALE. The sabacniber lias on lisnd sud for sale ai liii miii near Utica, (Iste Cuirle'n), ail kinds cf lumber and shingles. DIII lumber savn te arder. A. B. CAMPBELL. Titica, Aug. 201h. S4if GEORGE GURLEY Iskeepinguptbereputarian ofthe eldes- tablisliedslicpbyuio ieioatiens lie lias ulade cf FeU anS W lpths. Ail the noveliiesl.' d 'vilibefeund. NEW P84R~K~ERS, MEL- TON ~ - WZ8T 0F ENOX~ANDS CLOTES, dcc, These viii ho solS b~, yard te erderin île nip>est Isibions. ClatI pur chasod elseviiere maSs np prempt)% 4 A nev 16t cf Gent.' Undorcioîhlng lu stock. Prisse slvayspacdora~e, GEO. GUBLEY. Oshava, Oct, 20,1874. J~OR SALE, -~. TEE :$~J GLEN MAJOR ~k1LLS I 600AilO foot Pin. Lumbr<velI ssssouod. lnehBesrd~ Fleeming,' - 2r4Sosntllug, t 2-lnch ~lsnk, Ponclug Boards, c 300,000 foot ai Onk, Mapla fan arIen, lit quellty, Basevood, ld,000 fi. Square Timber, I AU ai vhloli viii ho solS cheap for cash. W, suas a'enny. -' W, M. WILLCOX, Aibert,'SepI. 2411,1872. 89 VALUABLE PROPERTy FOR SALE. The subsorlber affera for sale île tcllov. lugveln~bleprePeniylu theTovu otWltil. b7:-AnerconoiitBi4ak Cottage vitI lacre minuS, shtuatedon Ihocornor ai Green sud St. PoterOte., lu 1h. 'SentI VatS~ Aino ~ 'sors et land~ wéll fonceS, andin abigleia'te cf aultivatian eemnen Waiiingion sud Oit- tomS iii., Nords Wsrd. * acre au Centre ~t. soutb cf the residence oiC. Draper, Esq.. lu île ReutI Wani. AIse 20 acres et goed lanS. holng cem~osed et part etlot18,10thcou~ cf Tevnshrp et Murray, Ce. Nonthumben. lauS. A dean sud indisputabletiile vhilbe giron ta aU île abore propemty. Fer tumiler par. ticulema spply te île ovuer. FRANCIS CLARK. WhIlby, July 1871. 2911 KING BROTEERS, WHITBY, ONTARIOl, Importera, Desiera anS Manufacturons ai ail Hindi of LEATHER AND FINDING8, Casi paiS fcr Bides, Bark, anS Leather. Lesîler stretched. ~ BELTINO MADE TO OBDEE ON SHORT NOTICE. Mer, 1572. 22 M ONET TO LENDI Bepayahie by tastalments fer from Tycla Tvenly years, aI 1ev rates cf lubereul, vitI. ont commission, sud aI moderate charges. PrivaS Funde ta LeuS. Appiy te- J. E. IfAItEWELL, Soicitar, May 251h, 1872. Brock St., Whltby. 22-tf BU&EESS CH&NCE. The undersigned ofers for sale the prem- lies lu whicli lits business for the manufac- ture cf Agrlcuhural Implernents, Waggeus, &c., le at present can-leS on us the Tevu cf Whutby, tagether villi bis stock.ln.trade, msohiuery- sud plant of every description.- Alec liii dweillug lionne sud let. The place le kuevu sas FIRST-CLASS BUSINEss STAND And ou which, il viii ho fouud on examina. tien, an excellent business le beaug nov car- ried eu. Ho will aise dIspose et bis patent nigits lu t'anloiii Aricu lements Te an induatrieus man villi suai capital ibis is oppontnnlty thai neldom presents iteolL Deslring te retire frem business on ac- count et iil-health, the underslgnes le cils- peeed ta take this step. Teruis vil ho maSo te suit a competent party. Only a amail amenut required dovu, anS ample lime giron for the balance on adequate security. JAMES CLATTON, Brook St., Whitby. N. B.-The abe,. effer viii net Intenter. witli-the business vhlch viii ho camnied on ns usuel, sud repaira promptly executed. Nov. 5,1878. 45tf O FFICE TO LET. FRONT OFFICE. ne TEE CHRONICLE BUILDING. Whuiby, lune 2nd, 1874.22 GOOD NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN THE batt~m oltliesteve. "312W AMERICAN"' Cooklug Ste,-. la vnrrsutedl.be flisi niaS, lu-île UniteS BIaIs..' -Wé juol fclievlug fremihe clrauin~. et j875. jeans thoNs, Tonli Sioto Agriaullut. awnrdei 111h. FhinI Piénlinni sud liai Il teek lIe SIlverMéisl oren ail lin stores lu île conntry alitha tain of Ail EnganS. Il Iaekdunlugthelsst tva ne les. ilian 107 FIRST PREMIU~ At rinleun oxhibltieun, amuang ther The Nov Tank Stale Faim, The Vermoul SîsteFair, The Diluais Stale Faim, The Miehigan Siale Fair, 'The NevEnglend States Pal Therevere selS ofetit lu île Stal 1870, 7000; 1871, 8.000; 1872, 10,000. year h bas been amproved by sdding ai ti-cllnker grato sud mica lIghts lu ira W. seil il vith or vitIont lie ceppen i * veir, sud the cast tran varmlng close hiud lIte store sud staro pipe, sud il bure cas! or veed. Parties buying bau us cen et auy replace suy portions et our stores that gel brokeu-a greet adrantage. - J. CARMICHÂEL, P Oshava, Nov. 24,1878. O'LEARY, VRTRRINARY SURGROY, DUFFINS' CREEX, ONT. Graduate cf the Ontarlo Veteiinnry lege, Taronia. Having been awarded the Dipoma cf Agricultura] sud Arts Aeaoclation hein pared ta treat nil Disenees cf Horses, Ca &c., vhich may came under hie notice. Homes examined as ta saundness. M cines canstantly an li~a. Ail culer letier or telegrapli promptly attended ta Office at Mr. Thon. C. Jennings's. Jan. 1874. T BE HORSE MEDICINE Ail descriptions cf the best Herse M. aines kepi aenstantiy on hand sud fer mi the Whitby Livery Stables. £~Na charge fer advice. N. RAY TEE RUSSELL HOUSE, Cerner Matchedseli ~ Miesissaga Sta., ORILLIA; ONT. This magnificent brick liotel le eue cf i lergest hanses nertli of Teronto. It ia f ed, fnrnialied sud cenducted as a A FIRST. GLASS HOTEL Cembining elegance, cemfert aud ecenon Il lias suiple acconunadatien fer suma visitors, is delightfuily ami centraiiy aitu ed, being ta clese reximity te tlie stea beat wlisrves, Midrans end Nerthein B. statiana. Cemmodiaus sample roonis und suites apartments for fainxlies. N. B.-Ordexu for roome by latter or te gram prompt!7 attendeS te. Omnibusses ta anS from the steamers fa If charge. ROBT. BUSSELL, Orlilla, Ian. 7,1874. Proprieti JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 0f the Tovn cf Whitby, lias hoen appoint OFFICIAL ASSIGNEI I Fer the Ceunty et Ontanlo. Ail busine I entrueted ta hie charge viii ho caretuily n j tendeS ta. Whitby, Jeu. itili, 1874. g pHYSCHOMÂNCY, OR SOUL CHABMING. Boy elilier sex may fanciaiste sud gai tho lave anS afectians cf any porion the choane insiautly. This simple mental a quirement ail can possens, fres !,y mail, t> 28 cents, together vith s Marnage GulSi Egyptien Oracle, Dresuis, Hinle te Ladie dcc. A queer, exelting boek. 100 000 aol, Addreas T WILLIAX5 & Ce., Sautfi Eight St., Phlladeiphia, Ps. lIly soi SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MÂKING.JG YOUNG SMITH COBNWALL'S SELF4ITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHAR?. MARRIAGE LICENSES Dresses dîteS from measuremeni alane WHITBY, ONTÂRJO. villioni change cf a atticli. ____________________________ For mie, yul froc instructions, aI î v ~ R Y! MISS MCINTYRE'S L Parties Seslring couifariable vehicles, anc n a. tARD G ROORa, wmT~y ~edh,~es viii please give tha undemalgu Agents vanteS. Libers! luducements te Z. P. BLAIR, ilie trade. Mason's Hotel Whitby, Oct. 27tli, 1874. -tf-41 Whltby, Aug. 18, 1874. . 84 - - M ONEY TO LEND I tTÂTSI HATS! HÂTS! A large quantity of money ta IonS atlas Interesi, privale fonds. SILK A N D FE LT, v~oi~nietstvoF~ MANUFACTURED AND RENO- terma, 5~~i7 ~ G. YOUNG SMITH. VATED AT HOME! Whitby, Feb. Gth. 1874. M. O'LEARY & CO. hog ta annaunce ~jONEY TO LEND. thaith~have openeçI business at Oshava LU. opposite the "Vinditaier" Office-viiere they manufacture Hais et The undersigned lias su y ameunt cf Mon- arery Sescniption,.~and lu île beot style. ey ta LenS upan Fanai or TovuPnopenty, et Tventy-flve percent under city pncen. uuususlly Loy Estes cf Interest. HATS URNOVATED ro~~ can ho repaiS lu anme te suit bon- s~Itopuriôf~>mere taiSe. Sererai proveS Farma sud WiISLanS )shsvapAaague6~bth 1874. ly-88 Invesiménin maSs lu Municipal Deben- turcs, Ba>ak, sud other marketat4blo Stocka. AMERICAN HOTEL. For tuithirparticialars applyto -. .> JAMES. HOLDEN, coaxia o, rONGE ~o Officiai Assiglies, Broker, dca. ~EQEGP5 EROWI<, PBO~TOR. OFFICE-Oiisrtle Dominion Bauk~ Ma- Epnil gii>,i~ Whutby. - Thlreî.a]nnn]1é,5eh~ub.en nevly Il- ion et guesis. Fhè présent> jacprletor las., - MAJOR MILLS. T E Iptlednopalnson expenne lu iulrodnciug T. P. W H ~~~'reaueast tha~ >w'ould' tend te the conveuieuce et laIs patrons. 101h 1874. yul, on lite 14t1s Octaber, 1875, remue con- rorente, Juiy 22 trel ai tha Major Mliii, vheu ha viii b~- - prepirod te psy ~~IEEN'S HOTEL. T~E - HIG-HEST J¶IaEJ (Laie f7,. Oeasfa-aL) - - . - - - - fer sur ouautltv jaf ~ .isr......e ISSUER O? eosa.s.w~. USITAR nevenbeend su'ahnlufflumy1l~ah4 I e~ ~ loiS Pisienstun lie englullo- vnlat-'sud 4 a.. i.. Stolin~;or offèrtu ts~a Ib.-oth.n'nie; I ~~r~07ti~ huIla dealiné>da3I sdvjae r ZUtuOil~ I ai oeo&> -Wl dIralaae~ sud liatiated uponu gemg ou. v rer jour renvie. i atrong, anS seous>. a .veH-re~plaulsbed -- Pisisipal,,s" T ,*A ~one~ll~'éadiywanSer boguai: Âvsy a'erctbe~lIbinosea, -' 81131 fonder I gnow sud fonder, My ovu dean aldland euh... poilaS i * *...., relis. n Foi? hay-ils bjar - Ilvas ~ I dau't mosu myeell ot course t W. ~<> ~ yoArs Pisslratun, my.husbau~, tuaI. belonqu source. $0 Ih~eocieIyaudI'msur. I vish il j nover existeS, or thal nomething as -. droadfui vouid lappan ber cf liouiaal * Ibe mombeiu,'snd then pà haus lh.~'d :i~5hl ai ho nstisfied te gir. il up~adhc jeté ~ * - niblo fer lb. rail cf thefr lires; toi,- TIlOi!6 C vhaizatheuseotpreiendingiebe lit- ~igona1 orany vhen eue oan'l ho. I'ni sure If uybody hastried, it'a poor Plein evera ns us. Ho~s brougil home book ~ Tbene'i an- hook tnem lIe lihrary liai vo cani led, tii> ut.- elîher et ns make 1usd uer lau et, sud ing.diot ail tue i he's vahiied up suS dovn île floor . - ~ roadiug ~netry te me liii I'ro thougit. brOkefr uiy boa vould humaI, anS I're gai timo lIai nerrone Ibat I van sure my spinal fui. may coînun on sometliing on other lu that ' 0f regicu vas tvinting areund inside et "~nd n rani, me. qulume, 4811 One nigitl viten ho vas pnscticing 10 tek. - needing Ilat tbing vbere six hundreS ~t> muet mou vere toola onougi te ride vbore lu. Un lboy vers ail kiloS, Pislslralus acroaso- oS se ionS liai Mn. Janes came mn- ulug lu frein uext3eon, sud decianod 'Ha, Cal- ho thougit Sialy lad gonG maS, ho asko ho beard hlm hovling anS sveaniug se; "Wl sud vben I veut le île door vitb Mn. 'Ire I the Janea, I tonuS lie atoop sud ibe aros qusulit1 pre. filleS vil peoplq. "Not tUe, Pleletnatua ta~k le milder readiug traIns. atten tînt, sud droued erer lie' bath- "Wei eSi- eniali tling mach shy repeating abo4 eatiug lotus; lie kepi ~" Gra> over ~uS oren agelu that * Ibere vas sweet ~uusic lu Ihe. riclnily, et sioku> alibaugli tbe sonhd cf hie ovu roice "Ban 4if sud peor hile Xerxea's lievle vere île plenly -- ouiy notes we ceuld bear. anS, arc ItolSblm I'S ho glaS if ho ceuld isoutot fiaiS ihat lotus sud lire ou il, ton if il niai, van eron made hlm Seat sud Sumb sud te fnb h S. hiluS, as il seemed le have maSo ail Ho lot tIc peeple le rend about, h voulu ai bope lu] leant serre eue pumpose, sud ual vas "~'~ deuhi if sdi- ~ sstisfy bis capnicieus sud tyrannical sat palale. Nover vas thene a man ~<> Tho ta bard te pîcase ai lIe table; eue mugît cbendnia seancb 1h e table lirengi sud net finS ail lb. au article te suli bis teste, sud le vas yard. l~ tînt panticuier eror lin meale niai I~d ~ began i * rather ho a Chinese anS est viti cbep- peints aI sticks than ho as finuicky as Pinistretue It, sud te alion, I 1 About a fontuigil ago ho came boue van star lIe afier eue et those nasty meetinga, sud lad lIeu1 tumbled emound, makiug sncb a racket il. I alva ihal I kuev semetbing lied happenod son. lu allie Liîenary Circie, sud liai ho vas 5tick8 iL Syiug te vake me up so liai ho ceuld et heauti iY. telliue. But I detenuined te koep my elvays ci 1er lit -i"" sud nove et- oyoa tig ~.., n lot ou I was vien ove ~- avalue; for~ Sean kueva, î ~ras tisai le safely B. ~ed et île Bnztewn Literany Circie vben ai ~hat I bateS ils rery naine. Hoveror, IIel1o!!51lY cf ho commenceS te raille that îereîy kitchen, s Venelisu teilet sel et mine, sud I vas ~ certain le- afraid my dupllcity vomiS cesi nia tee tllug' cet se dean. sncb s ast "Pleintratue," I crieS, "vInt an. lie biggeî ~r. yen making sU lie noise about? I sIxionIui Ol lie e ibey laren't hogun te lare ~ le île mo~ - uaf'nefroshznoul aI jour socioly 2" vI, I lieugit jeu vere anleep," ~ IbIs va ssid, modontly. CSpitalsiij "Se I vas," I rejoueS; but yen if lie veni maSo enongli noise te aronse Ibe dead but ebstin ~, frein Iheir graron. lieu liaI] "Tîere lie ssiS,~' lu a jubilant lono, '~ an "it's juet sncb expressions ag tint vo BriS et t- siail succeed lu getting nid otif vo on- ~ 6.5,, tehlinb cremation," - enengh te "Esiablinli auRai 7" I crieS. Fniday; e - "Jou:J~" ~v:O~~li0S~ noprovingly, confidonce imploreS yen ~c> eue voma nonS 1h. dellypapern! Apant frora ail ~ romemi ether conuidentétiens, il realiy la incuin- Ibis SPOdlO boni upen y ou, as my vite, te keep deolaned t] r- yenrselt informeS upon 1h. te p las et sud vante îr the day. Holding lie position Ido u b. ted ai f ~, sociotyit's orpociod et me sud erery ItOldi> ~, bodybelougiug te mo te 1mev vint le didiimjs ~ geiug ou lu the vend. CnoueiionJen- but vo ceai w uy," ho aSSeS, solomnly, "la burnlng "F~'~ - lie deaS inutead et huryang lbem.'~ Bnldget,'> AnS do yen mean te sey, ~isiatra- le IBikoti' , Tracy," I crieS, raising mynoif up in or hody, .1 hed, litaI yen vould dare ~ on 5 fSSt-d " Wiy, rny Sean girl, wbat difforence Failing i cenid il mako if yen vono doad 2" insus; and "Would yen daro, Pisiétraina ~ au lie voe te hum me, SeeS or alivo 2" I repeal- day. oS. "MajIl - "My dean Jenny-" Bnidget, " I pul eue foot ou the Ileer. "Puis. od 1" Instus."" deu't ehu~, anS ehltl lu ShO lad lietvay. If yen noslly haro se lest serrant, or - your bead Ibsi yen Ibreaten te hure nurso fer r me lu my bed, vhy I'd botter gel np afenvards sud drean the childron sud go home te cap5dity. I mamma. 11mev veny veR vint fini vsrmly'1o Liiercry Circlo vonid and lu 1" uontionedY Tien le came orer sud bogan le ex- looked liko plain matters. Yen ueo, tIers van only rage, sud S * eue vay et bningiug *Pinistnstns* te ~ etleolcn ual 'point; ho laS gel ne nueS le ialkiug lu tho loasi mcl liai nudiculene, higi-flovu vay eut- didn'l, mini - sicle, tiet le cenid scsraelylhrovit off couic! gel. aI loue. But il vas 1h. ené thiug I qauldu'l stand. Be vasa elsiuseuai. heen'tOi'tli, hie tellov vben { marrieS j~~*1 Bridget. vc ~ ~ lu- burpedtron tho sud go houe te niamma, vas au se anS ho hocanie hlmueit again dlreatly. anosturo va Haug il, Jouny 1" ha saiS, q ~eu nl~ncei onli might help a teilev eut, I think, once' ~ But I nié> lu a vhilo. Yen muet kncv lIaI ~ dou't cane a fig vhellien poopie ~ O haa5ule hnnn'aS or buniod; hut it'a slobstlug me good.hy quention ton tho non rneoling;suil I'm as 'woii.lisro on lb. nid. et. crèlustioji; rva'g~i ~» aI ulgil vonk lie titiug up uouleitov* m . ein.-die'wn pulallon depeuda upon guy sueéenn. ~ sereami Se ho hagan trou that lime te venTa lita lhingnp, anA il vas vonse litait anySinyphuaralliugtbaî,loneup hlul. IOI~II~ Pirsihe teok4h. plaau.fas~uIng Mlii' ~ ~,> me, but I alvlje -gaI maS, sud tit~À ~ endoS tlamatl.n 88o4nlékl~Ç'~W1uy, I ~ nge Li amen. unaus aimuxu ne cen in iii lia Amenlcsn poopie villa lm~u y b. vIli-fitéS bimuelf mialakon. or uaj lînov île papen- in lie slave, ackseu, sud Tnt ibis ho su swtul ex. mpie ta jeu nevar te tante jutoxicat. îg drinks.' Jackson testaS lie paper avsj aut Inumed lis dîme novai, ville Ibo oIe] ant IssueS hack'aud pandoreS eu lie agradationatinen lu 41gb pinson, A Proposai in s Car, A Pennajîvania paper naja lIÂt ibo ussengems an eue et lii. $raina frein uffalo te Broclonlasiveel ~e~rtneat- I te a iore acene et unusual cTanecten. rcupyiug anc et île ceas van a tain mng meiden tram Connj sud a pay- 'sAcS, honevaieut-boollug gentleman m Change. île vas isuSsame, id net ehore tventy-tvo. Ho van ou e ub~Sy aide et eixtj, yul fieving bila bain sud bard, sud a pieseaut :pnessieu on bis cennteuanct. Ha id hoe~iu ber cempeny frein Roches- r, anS île few heure BasseS lu hem cioij lad agehit evekened lic dreara' love lu bis olS beart. Il vas evi- nilj a cens of lare et fret sigit on lie nt. WÎtI lier 'lysa ual, But h. telS e laie. Hia vite vas long ainceSeaS- s cIfidren lad gravu' îlp, marrieS S passeS frein île home. He vas me lu lie vend. He lad woshlb ai command, but le louged for naine rupsulan te shure il viii hlm. Thls as spd-en lu a loy tene, bui enificien- ionS te be loirS by ibese lu lb mut an hlm. At hast tfie importent amont came. hIe elS gentleman d: "WITl job siaremyfonînue vitl> viii joule my vite 2" Tbeuspoke a $0aiden, "I canuot. 'Tour miclea 'u~at.blngte me, If I loveS jon 1' saiçI scoopi; but liai I do not anS stj thenatore refuse jour offer.'L But qlS man stil plusSeS. Ho unIeS la e/loveS te accompnny lier b Corry I seo lier parents. lie Saclined. spiesdinge vers ccntiuueduntil île [n arriveS et Broclon, wben abs clu refusaS te lot hiu accoupanyher Jerry. Hie main arriveS-anS lisy et pari. Ho 11mev bis arme about 'neck nîd lieueS lien ferventiy, un- îdful et lie gszing crovd. Thon n lie pisitonin et lb. car .1. bol hie liai, sud 'sviîl hi, ville lair sud ndslneaming luibo breeze, sud tearu niug dovu hie chiceks, liia ageS an bIaiseS île tainmnidenandsvone se ber again. Fer hoaveu'e sale, lenS me fire are," naiS a dostitute man te a aS;" I inve lad naîhing in sny se le est for four Saja but nia.. re 1" saiS lb. olber, "itI indkuovu muid have cime rouliS- te Sinner," fivsSelIars vore uotfcithcoming. i Ibe insu wbe étole. our abot gun linSly. retumu it, veviRgive hlm contente anS ne queutions asIeS. 11111e girl, upeit lier relumu tram a lneu'apanlj, helng asicoS if site lad oS lime, ropliod-" Yen, but lier. a't uuah hope there." Wben I put inj foot SovuI'Illave te undoratand," saiS Mit.'Nojolen, et tbens'u .amalblug tIers." Ou aligatian ilveatenuti loba sifo. lice. yen vaut te 1mev vhelben jour dindon' vascrens-ejed. on vhe~e great-unale stoodin itisalhthumelia ,justmusaforofflceau&you'hIkuov [Aon'l beliore," saiS. Spivona, "liai Il hurt eue otlieaeehsi]nah~'b1aak. mv boots on il." "'T ,iw~s,,,, .1- Jonu~. It would 'offouiS Il. pepula sli, tskte, anS-"" isi "Woll, Sialy," I exclameS, ft5~f~. n 'se liai gees, if. y on vaul te ho humeS, ~ ho yeu'aiailbe. Ideu't cars s pis vint n of 'poople sey on 'do. If yen vaul te ho ~ * humeS, Siaty-" 1y "But, inng it, Jeuuy, I Son't 'vuot il nS te le bunned I Premine me, Sean, ~~~>~ n> ~ a geed anS failiful vite, tint if euy- J uS tbiug bappeus te me, yen veu't loi s~ '>5 'lIeu hum me. I 'vanitalis hurleS, ~> ng 'Sean,' tist's lb. tact et tho malton. Il un majie a foolieli prejudico' et mine, but, r> 2" I lave a aingulor arorsiou te auj olbor g> mollieS." >' Thon liaI sottise thé mettar," ~ 'S. saiS. "If yen Si. yon'll ho hurleS, like 135 everybôdy elos." "Poriapu il vould ho as volT," ha ~n- aSSeS, "net te mention my predilse lien. A person is net bonud le 'heliéve ~> n e lhing hecause i et ~ Pisi:~ lu ils B O le saiS, bnigiteniug ~ l'e up et ence. "liai tales a trouendous 15, veight off my reinS. I shah be able 10, nov to finish lie tbiukspleudidly. l'il a- juat step mb lite ludion, Jenny, virile >1 Bnidget us up stairs, sud set sema mare et lb. cold fiab." Ol in Ha vent lute the kitolien, anS, tub- iug dovu a platter cf colS feu tram' île I clonot, began le 'est il vitl quite lie se eppearauce et liliug il, vien bnddenly of a- tie Inlky tenu et Bridgei aleed' lu lite 50 >5 dearvej. O~ "For lie love of Hearen, .Miathen l~ Tîmacy," sic crieS, ~' don'i etc liai finI il -île cat's heen ai il hetore je, lui 1" au Pisletralus's. ai an Tbe plaiter feR ont et hi r- bande. [t "Whaf'e bcen aI il 2' le alianted. dOl I "The cet, lin, serin' jer prononce.- S The'divil's lu ber lutiroly eluce ivor Ibe t. fiai bas buen lu lb. beue& I cau't ~ ~ laps ber oui et île closetdo viat I ~'> g eau," sel I Pieleimalus feR tata a clair; icturu- ~< O cd green, lie pcv lit-id; sud, totleniug ~ Y upon hie foot, glaneS ulien Bnidget. - smo il "Gsi oui et île lionne t -, lie nliauted. WO I Thon b. cricS piteausiy le me, "I'm mai lie G paleoned, Jcuuy. l'il nover gel aven lin, nerer," anc ~ "I csu't go lu île ScaS caf caight," ans- I 'sacreS Bnigel. "Ne, ne," I saiS; "ube onu stay 1111 5 merning, Sisly." 1 Poor Pisisînatue vas tee fer gone le le t 1mev or cure via niaiS or vent. Oh, mu boy iii ho vas! vîsi vltb lite fiaI bn r sud lie trigil sud Slsgusl, I raailp' ~ liougbt le venTS die betere moîuiug. ~< A UtIle afler Sajîroal. ho crawleS eut et bcd, sud dcclared le'd'ge dravu sud hou I muke bimneif s cnp oteoffea. "As ton lIaI creatune," le sani, "î'hi 1ev> munder 1er if I evon ueo ber again" la s I But vo tenuS eut laler liai a~a lad already gane; eh. lad Ieft ibo 'bouse - vile vo vere esbeep; sud Piaintratun '~-~ anS Ivere conntiug npouabareiyliuîie fY'2i breakfast tegeiber. I baS a nico pet cf hou ceffes, sud iii. firo vas teauting bai; se "Et I lbought I'd hake s' tev muffins. I ~ Wl hast tiem np, euS put lieu uicsly lu Tie lie' rings; tbej vere' se golden anS B creauy, I toit sure lbeyvouid ho de- viii liclous. I openod Ibe oren Soor, anS a lie. singuler oSer came fiaeling cul inte ~ A hhidlien. "Why, Jenuy," saiS Pluistratue, ahi "vliat le Ihet I ameR 2" ' a gc "I-I Son'i 1mev," I alemuered; "it'n W551 a reiy singular, ~aarching tblug, isu't il? I neyer umellîd auj Ihlug 111e h jon betare." - "lii "II's eomelling liaI vretcl heu been inre oeaking lu lie evon, Jeuny; semoteul, n a nanascus canceatien. Lool lu sud use," I looked lu, sud env-eh Sean, vint ~ admeadtulsigit! Iliums ms aid 10 pan nilukofit. Iusvs.iedofflnffy mater. joui laI, ucenahod sud alu~Iphspeiass'anS dh555 Sistorted, but atili hoariug s vague ne- nonubinna. te uomolhing. "J "Oh, Pialutratus," I saiS lu~horrer,- lvi] "cou. quhal sud 1eR ras vIal tuila is! Iug Il loba llke-hile-.i-oh, Piaistratua, vlat doas il bol lils?" lot y R, dame ever sud bobS lu; tienle etarted back sud turneS pale. et le "I don't vaut auj breakfast, Sean," le taltenod. "I-I feel nid again." "WliatlsitISistj?" "11a île catJeony-lIe aatsnothen- oS sud cr.mcrfedI" AnS Pisistralun "I venthacllebod. ' lui rejet A useful sud mach needed invention> lias bon ustonted. a 'launtslu flan. 5513 USK5fliJ5it bontit'Yeu've itaed'il se mu ov, Stan," I aSSoS; fer 'I 'a cli et tpe -xslier nevero sncb a' stralu uppu jour 'lut abralu ifeeda seule roui nonrk "l'h toilRridgetto baref ilme en hanS." i kuov rery veil, Jeuny," r, "liai I'm net rery fend reunso not,'~J replieS, prompt fend of hon s ,bntîtakeiidbn'îI? Iha il bocause il'a good fer me, s yen lu île elate y <inn bran 'loue yen vaut le be a dnlreli îu uiust tale a 'tenia ton je ne yen auj failli lu il, Jenuy. 1. y, et courue I lave," I replie >0 deuil if yen est a judicie et aieS-" sind, Jeuuy," inlormupted Pie "I Son't like md" 1, lieu, meekereL" - aloueHearena, Jenny, au onu arel weuld put meupon a h 555. s, loundene, biue.fish-thenî if raem te cbeoue, Pisistrair optiug vialo, viticli, et cours lie question, liere's ne parti ieiy receumended; enly suli ithe main." îleS ai me vili a sert cf toniot bis lack-mustre eyes. mny il, Jenuy," lie saiS; "but h viii ho houeficisi." cI van he'S beceme' a Iyp c erer île malter, sud booki lime 111e e condenseS par rov, as tam as I vas concerna le finS s goad many erceilea eut cremalien. Thinlanger, >king evarything luto ceusidci usd'grevu le 111e tha ides. I tling et firsi, but lie more gît et il ho betten I liaS llke uji sujoy e good firo inany sel lb 'miSSbe et summer s teî azing ou île ioarthinatiin i te me sud a jey fomerer. ing te tIc' sittiug-recm star ry othen store lu lie vicinil ,nt avey fer lb. seasea; nu. ru caupoUed te hauisb il, rasent le lb. rangs lu lb uS ail liens for bonne togethe> te me liaI if an' ,~d obeer anS inrigersie 'i~ ta il venTS boa ulce.'bigblnre r lIe boIter. 0f; course lii rftielnsed venld ho sccendinj sus et lIe meurnemu. - ai vas île use et my feeliuj y, sud haring eran so'mau~ ggculion, le give' Piainiralue SnI tain advautagq et lIeu alely peralaled lu Ilie asuer- i. vanteS iometbing original sud exalteS? van, et coures, opposeS lc liel. Site saiS Il vas bail ho compalled le est il ou uS vIn I teck bar inte m~ sud appealed 101er as tram n te another,' heseecling ber ion hevinnch de~auSeSupou s et teod ton Piatatralue, ah. ml nIe bateS lie ameR et hi, S te 1mev if bis bmalu muni lis expenso ot ber body. 'n 10 gel moal, et courue. I aIt teel 11k. living' ou fieh, ddn't lare bath. an mate dou't agre.," salA au' it's hIe blasphemy teme te nourisitin' sny eue'u seul se vby veuid il ho siievod sy 2" n ontrealy, I 'teok te cou- ondineS fisi fer ereny day k, sud every mesi lu lie i. Lerd be geod teus 1" saiS but I believe va're doom. alvaju beau a good, failiful îming te me finstasavêt- uy peor lietie Xerrea, sud connentlng te nlay lu auj Sie liaS nover talon very Pinlnlnaalue, sud vliou I once that I lIongbtlbebaby ils talion, ehe 1ev laIes aclared ml. ton île malter îedy vould believe ho vas letion te île eilid. But I I liii; I 1mev. Pisistralus slong vithout hem ardent sud t bolier. if il badn'i tI Buitevu Literary <lirclel, miS lave beau bunied, on i my bouse. a avfnl anime te vitiala *1? eenseny, I ellero tho ~per adniven' te fi bycircutus.' raly hayend 1er conlnol. ut net ~nUclpat.. ' - a weitti frein baS te verse. aulicu and.nuoody;leimade segrudgingiyliatitemlglt vo usser Ionss~