LAING &sTWART. 5 î ~ by 25, Ume n % Wbitb, hvNot.é1874a 515G lb. x N W O Nw o à rï O ft s ! e u e~ i ~ ~ ~ __ _ ~ M. BIt wstAa ~ Once a greai 1 0*, * Zny of t.he, s ofothr mehIesV ' k P040NI Dvhn .,.. 0 orathsOrand rima ao1lIg1, andrlaIl or oveAS 4 L L ý n ' RfAloi- y. syounesnftnt olayh - A N G Y 13 0 0Y Y o koirE S h o y e v er u n- T h » 0 thi ui,çrovainetUa 8,itavitp1tne, c n faX t sf ot and est ofctetSeckXhendGroirnstree Wtd OfYnari fl nk pla ge nci sii <oin<gI 0V e14 m7tdeoLades', d a' , Msssos votlit itoho ian hme'1I3,MÀNlthe g odt ,]ast ofpraesgoa a"c BOOt5S taflig0fta2ub:,net. cTieo iutlBofTheERs a p p e al to d e r t b r e a d conl a dyh i n u Bha rf for its ril] PU$ a 00 OnSc tedet he M eay o The n- anget' andr chlte Y !* I e a net y y y Tefo rraat5l erisèarstcoîtg stWE andlete ny n- u dneri & ou lt arid__ asfo e U I tussond che detiient0exceedac (Bengougis e015 tn,)BrcStrockW mby l'u jùjj uin s exln t ulaiere4. e an nlseptipaLe - , ut thede- __ - deus ,e i ouclrs b regcw ardwt jsiin Ih, BASr~ E ed, eN'd SR E.S u t ntîonse t 1 t, l Bookeaeroees ofttheateonr-, tioyGood, N ô is t e li e to bUydoodTndTc pubern l ic ratâiue.r, Blof uci can anuacf wt i leo yJ me H.S now a etis80ru iy fi tn :le the Public miO d fo r a nt evi t cnimo acie n'apohI t.a y fre d o gieu ai, w a asr i aoilirtUey b 1IsIl.-oz Sa s. enEvay il WhaèIten"slon rranted WO aie as- ~ERMS;Tbethemnnnuof th a t ageid r a tieso r ai l>ebucr bers a te d ers for 8 t h e lonp Pay gtof co0,j MISSa eau prpardchadnwelh tewniFita f tte p o[il EOLsSI N à , ! as inraninatanthasf don e S t e a t ThoebUar PUl#er heAGE X - wthu NT , WHrrngtjQ b y, a, seilis fr arTILLgstni o- an tear Oor , Iveou thr E mhieSTE a l h e n n . î,~I "0$ le& the timoonti haceiBo urc4aotsinedfruca . Orrderchin>ynm aili pro m ptlyhateattendinde4ti. torons ya, 17 vit] potage f S'ti-*-------...)ô ala 0oaenC. tsas nsli oatoîayù, iran cosi. Newea r nPacr'loJtà i.N .Setsh t taar e utp lboi F <'5-Snbuçlbs te aet 'bOOclassae Fi, h dy o isiz foro adm Mïà n a hn deiv ert n dreu P O W E t LEta lgu~ t~ h &CO uni t he usi ne ral s c- e w B ç d-idS ts B. 1 ooyrnoage e.N w veWorkiec%,appc t 1 Y a e l a à ý ela et à b ot t è T ImIa B l R X .aîcotrPy ',Webte, swrat ivt _ st OW 13 fr eu4f".o le alu151h, fo18674.n fie d t g au an& nd w C n ss r TILL & JO H(eiIn he SatwO Nread a l r e s o k o a~ u o~ % 4 0 AlPudB vJIliOT Es e w Y . . or. TasUnMrr.uad s nv racipîofo LU MBEI L MBER i L1O DxApaà ti r ,g A te p Ieio dl Hla:onMAoAZIE W AvliBeso. E0R 0n 0l I4: 8 Thsid rsgu d wihe o ttetotMoldc steofStS au New --cany othel catabhlishment ïie toth.rmaSo&I _____ ____0,Beg e fr m hu lcg.ea bt' he ar p n d ~ n et kn s s a.So ko th#OF20E 0i0dCons cnatnt]yt p on and nn0tri me4tc> rde te uieTi t ioe.m e . . L . il u. . A opo tey. fsl 0 9 Griais are& O W L Lla'i schfl oreiy nS u v drss ae t udmtee er a na-fW li e w o o m p ic f lieo MENtUsuexpixu decisoja eseefai r t D etde ay sine] fine0orLai simple.elf-Cue, vUlc ha vô go 11, ,by July 12ot , l187 fen.;ï oo are - t anpth s are 3 E À p 40-s1etyN asnuc penur i nnunng e schairrssd,, pmb> m ent thu arehe Yoit. Te uners . ONle To l reiVE Of arl i oaildrc rmfeemnfcees n lb oD aia naS .- d: C tianaî t las ounly. iléIni e nt for Agenl of ve*att M o stleî -ouflafff if hpa ier P cP. E i i el fe 11 0 '. 0n oul fePCsh. Serrsag al ng yo r m nthed s ve th ad an e i CiltI TO HE j l-NS N.R Z an h @ S E L0 .ý H arp"Çntby NO. 4h, 874 t * sseuri iforgthsb, _ F F C T R Q T O . A A D D H IR T P IZ# oreTuesteti> F A orl omaiamre le.aL...,. W6T E Pos e, fti t aietbseibes i tU 4 Motreî * ' A ' theeProvnciallahitheionbTorontanin 1os. M"toc antrT'inrthe, er,. d v 12.3 Yt W~u<~ 52-3~p~ o arer hiodi. - Arived a C se f th se C lebrtedtine Tow ls, e At.ete o:re ut, m rsforth eoiig .ares wo is cout ry ex t opy f sitUer t e MeGa ur , ' ' c nt.- -e c t M P R A I O F -r ag O -- i 0 h b s rc o i wil bsn lid 1 Ato, Alttr or lie AN MMENS STOCo0F A IMME SE ST CK 0 iruc evryClb fFie i$ 0 i OTAL tjIJctc therass. d nos ueflA pcQv meïeue' te ay A Ne anew ll se ec ed to k uiae sot utourareatîu rSi CpesfoACt .<Y B AÇgL ST ES L A K IL S A, ni."u .u.JraLîà En lih Macineonia,,n st i rid co strctin, embac inion fi dmCEO.FuOn1 M i" a1ar.Fon No$501ayad EA PER . plu Auutnl muitofH .: T ls', ve ' l' A Ct timuy uuuu, Coutuer 'ut nul -Mià C 1 - :0* . qc T ,c epee, us o $ D ncb, po»A1ti ie 1 n7.?à Wh.e-aw hien fà r the SeasVény includrogd heavy OvercYatting1874.otch, tutalesetare tdtu , fo leocl. Tbl ien2e ad. T e unvralsccs f h5 Mahnwhehîchloeycoaet- A l rg to k o fi as, G p , i onosion, andmtd Canadian Tweeds.di -Pkhr< 2 .gEihteeaao r~,.' 0- A o d his e'eiefedtral sdinth bna f hiar eswarattu iî sin Iat a SlfRk- uola atn re t8erat of$5 iea y l>s allre.lYn. M 1 r - p1 e . sue-in ---.e- ,, hS'Iîa u ferej toflu Noattrs ae no ta opy itis nul-"l luifor $é A . A Fine ingôRcaping lîauson.eeifriam thstahre stockpoints ec.smilnthlueplmet0wi S ti nent 0lhout te ver-, CPa1.11buh iec m es ogrm ltt slc r P-EPER BUOTEES N. Y.o ontemnred ctureaan flb sl m ,n 5 gn 'iv a no So Ch t' Nru lan h se A ed e i nc ae yls.' W eeaw re h is~ rz n i o ia h rvn ysud Iusttaaceiput onWritlty, andtteu2ffl 4ebte unti lfe o l uerB erWlbesu lag tdheIalctd eusiEgaltU o adFahoale ofr U as oert aFrne o 17,bul sateDoiin. & Sn L4eKy ne ai' acc Etî iO F Cur ain Cn O S , c5 80e 85D aTd5E -.F IRJS T F .L U C TI N E E R agAbý,tllful)uoî arr iveS, sehe. tos 5aCentC7rnwalloBlanketAtthe P ogincial ybeasefit0cfo;Tor il foa.U r ono Y. r, 00: 0 00t AJ xtatohefpthrth in s O F CI Le e tsegh 1Weof r o- the4'o es o te a or ove ot faionAN he oser su Gev Dearmi , o mlo.e ascaMuchxp in ses Club Of Fio Subou ey lite04'anstquae -an ionstructonoefouad 1) "eA apledî5 -- Gr, sixPCopiescemormLOYALsthe 1 Lmcle forshe arà o fi-Coeiof-rex'. B rc c k - --Bro8 3 0 0. . . d .t OI P Pio~ Pilro enneseaor 67 00 A.cIi _ eron. .. eavert1n- - - t' p n 18pi PU 1 Geflas FurnshLET.nd R aa iforth 1.n4 tialsandrntth han S p e e l f i e g a s Y 3 ' Rus t b h a n S , assp l e n d j < U a s s otn i o n î e ! G rlbe ,i l , , - O O I ) S , t. . . . ..- . - - m d Ino- -r - -& 0 .,.a i liE lu« S rý - alaC s nn -ue Oür te-yl t-'toisaisnoua- --do --TlBo r a h;1 a........ m 0A0 go stock of-- o s, ii g eal$r 0eayO -BQk . . .u 1f re eapl leUrCU nd&4 ans.PntsD as u ime Ithng er .' - o YS e t $mtoia . i - cx . Eaot Pr «q. . mat±O4 t et - y lilu ml .sida voeajarnd.- ils -- a s, ee. Iopwo!-pJîoe' D and a Pr'é t ,or m «Fffueeo orioica, m 00- a'whige V r ç me's hi g slm ck aa:: ;: : . ..h"" e i <ý. > PlcP.. an - 101Peiee Jl a. t 11 and c-er 0,0 t-$.J».and SGoeSan y Me 94 a t Sa&e- Eckatjr--- ote - - - - - - - - J' a ev m t u s & c ru h e p a lo -a ra i d o e s J a s, O t iTuacbae" u 1 Iregvi, B .4q lifulddraism nJyeaots~ ,__ " st aco~4ig ealla eM not fin mhant a i a -,t._ e r l b O i * s w c r i -J s a u y em & v o t e r s sist f a e t u _o o iv n e u 14 t'folt8ýWd'no OÙ u. -Gordon ... t-*.4ttt t -E. John L. Iii Our Brook....a -ap-' Gaw --- tfis. - roaïa --- U r -I y&.7f lare GE o. Yrjy,.' - l'romv hcini e in fomaction~ uB f> , -1e. Oi t, :1874. - ~ - on. SALE. tr xiflWiEh e aoldclheap. partie,- I uilt M be encourageS._ A ply lo-ý- 3. A3R1< GREENWeeD fbY, MaY 14th, 1873. 2 'E BROWN d PAT»TER8ON MAMiqFACTURING COMPÂNY, 1tal - - $120)000, o40SHARES p O?50oEACMH. oa br . t a paY is la COOxseo f for- - etofpnrelisfn- ti- B go, Machin at,' t G l the In~.~aanufactangbu gatotaIu Ifl s îtcade Ssasf Tlith eaigthe Ifus inss ing ee , - - SOiIBéi- qa4 ioa1 m ae61 ey th Sarc on a oe tUCl lrn p as buan s 1>7 pr fi a e a ia ,1, t o a l e tefi g bor ti bytba l lb C_ Phe'b.t prpryn~1 ye novl_* ilion aS. srown rvpattk n-M sr. . 'ofSck Barti mioaI à 6.8-eh . ent bas e e hjasalon cfjae Ccmpa ny u ain .lt h < b u r - s t buai easC mn om im stionimes bea, maSode tUe Laglala aCharter la theUea frn umuaUl righlasa anal fanazýý siin cf ite lime a*1y satut !±Weéa)s>a geaeral m'eingSitu, dors yUlUs heaS on naties, forth. an < gan o$te Cmpt audy Lplions cfstock la tUahe ols. 1noQsu respeclfany solIcitsS. T ,the greal mdv esto r es ofMo the a~vôrsbi rova &-Pattero], IPPcommend thoemsalre. - eaanag tl Subsoniha tor-stôckýarqý' t enclose meiacrj, per Poe o hAvealoed N. W. BBOWN,- INOLD, Polai seeretazy. SthPehruary, 1 7. of -N, o tpilm r~ÀNI5L AY?29, )w tBckia NwYok 9 40' &Mr ÙE-» E X MQ B&LW V