Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1875, p. 3

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00a! T«Oruto va! Ëic7S. f rito. 'o1r fail kini( Y>WEBILÂNID, the sson. Give us a cail. TEBS NQMIN. Sunderland on- .L~ De an" JN>* ADVET10 ENTS box, howev.r,VETSMN. >lion of Mfegps. - - f~l) It.LWB' WAT. o~ 'r ~ S~i~ery before purcl mabnae or r atnlyM.Co TUX8DÂY, JANUARY igtli, x875. S OU TH R ID IN G Bm84Books 1 for Mr. MeRaeb.3en.Ce1. LDaid. PLNARO.cespd g;<sook , cou sma N. P. Paterson. Tiinieetn C NAI hu u od wasvéry orderly and thé Ipeïkdng good . :~ oktBo -Dr. Gfllsps p*ec on beh..I,,jOf Inuc by.ro sO baud. Very choap. Mr. MoBeu,boig wll wothyof pécil lx S iqwyt uo rom m tiy adaherenta of , mentUpu. ,)!eoi. C. Rse obinson anduoh litloal parties, I havenoop uioIMui J. B. Paaaby re aroumed aseagents for -niélC4the LRàrl-.om iva dera oo o hot use Mr. Paxton, and Mr-Paterson for Mr.y$b ierOxoeajv lu.wo McBu. Mr. Paxton choseu. b i eena isENE ANone mSouhaàias iia Popd cooradIa loe éeabou -T h e tfor Lsughable Local Rita i Caùiddat. for *lBiding fat tie i.orth.Booksdfler, Ne ceediig oltedabou haf-pst ourconing letion f a representativo to o'olocls wth tii. usuel obeer. orth 0'1a Redrelgeis2S a. heoc ilsatnre. Quen, heRetrni Oficren't 1n pliiicu Iamarn £Liboral.Cou. S.W Que», su ti.OF TxADE MEETING. s'atie yv on oupublic mat. ý . W a candidates. i. c l. uuil~ tors are 4beral en prgressive, audceilahooue Books,Mui candidates. 8~N»~G.. Bi o drfa , je no f i it hehrudrIodentouo 'o._of________ Âxoiza ~EMETROD O Di -Q T Boto, ov 9-hedeocivs ,a Spécial' Meeing ci the members of tis Ber istiom, or forn, I an advooate Bostn, Ny. O-Thedetetive du'Corporation wM ié Se ld at Ray's Hoel on. of Liberal measure s ad tiberal prin- - covared a dry goodu archange in a lesd- Fridsy netab 8 o'clock, p. mn. cilos. Hýolding thon. View.', I vil, if lng lager beer saloon, viiere pilfering C0. DRAPER, eëlected, tako niy-uaatithelb.Lagialative ASPI dlerk., couneoted with the large dry E. H. LÂWDER, Preaident. Âa1mby utxm -a u unpledg goode stores of Chandler & Co sud S-fi'Oi ;ýýteY. e.. prepared toaielepd as i. CiiurchUW,GUUchrt & Smitb. ou Summor Whitby, 12th Jan. 1875. 3 eho nieartuugof gopt dodesa.in etreet, have been iu lbe habit cf meet. mt l'aiwih ieofte os ing and excliaugiug goodu, and slln HE MUDGE & YARWOOD MANU-'ntlly e ro»wiiade fth Ho as lhrbe byler value. Ail li rtA, LFACTURING COMPANY, (limited) tlya mnt.l i aewy hav b.» areued U te ate:xof corI,,rated under Lattera Patent, 188.' I shal use my right'auçl freedo» te op. crime. pose al snii législation as I may con- NOTICE às hereby ven that the Gener- ider cf a character detrimentai b tihem 0 On Tbursday night sanie thieves al Amnusi Meeting otbe Shareholdera of Interesta e!Oflthe Province- 11 aifected au outrance- into the bar.room -the aboya Company will be Ield st the Wiiile approving cf many of tie of the Auglo-Aniericau hotel, Colling. office of the Organ Factory, in thi'Town acte cf tiipeetGyenet hr Wood, by cntting a pane cf glasu'ouî cf of Whftby, on ae'tersnbGveuas thereo c m aio indti suad mole cgare te hoe Wednesday, 2Tth day of Jan- lu the remoV 1 i i.MdlFL»t of the MoeCarriagt l'élue of $180. Guelph, ad-tegivug out cf large WarrBy AMwA Exrruiey-be aqA. D, 175, contracta witbcut tender, I could not village cf iWoçcviIJo sndthie noîthern at 7 o'clock, p. in. 13y order cf the Direc. approve. The views o! overy straiglit- Part Ofthie townshîip cf Mariposa offer te--o adr'n uthocpsd e1.VERY CHEI a ou ! 5,0 t-oPrtWib RED MUDGE, latter course, i the expenditure c f tho bonuor 85r0,000a ftlat aiPort Manager. public money. The. intorests cf South ___________ otld ry-anho. ft iat aion i ndtViIî, Jeu. 111h, 1876. in-S - Ontarie,,sud its ifavorable situaticn for Wodvl ee e -Cn iug~ lear IE UTO AE stuionia public institution as the Medel 1 REIT UCTIN SLE. Fan sund Arcultural Collego, did SS iiDstàisxs....{f whahavor nature c L net l'y opinion, recel,. that cou. ara ceanpletely eradicated by theoune cf ON. TUESDAY, JAN. 26i», 1875, sides.ation te which hhey vore ontitled Fowle's Pile sud Humeor Cure; -its WiII ho offered for sale, by auction, ail the eItihe.>bauds cf lie Geverument. e ffect l. marvelons fer Scrofula, Sat F armiug Stock cf Neithor ýdià oui lbo reprosenhative, Io Ebelni, Ring-Worm and e von Loprosy, M . 1 A E erreprosoy nbtative nhie i.o sc il lbas preved- itself au aimesnh noyer M . . L DEy rprénttives inmth e bs itio so Ihiling cure. <SBea special noice,) Lot 17, lut Con. Est whitby, liaI lu fiinonce ibich lihouclé!have T' Five persans vere mnideîed sud the fim hSV4 - been sld-consisting cf pesesse ti theh qovernmont in ~ > houbodes urud l th hoa. hic aluable Horses, grade'Durham Cattie, a pressing the jat cdaim8 of Ibis Riding bu 1e udo Vikbng ick cf excellent ewos, fat- ewe, sud wether for tlai n f tintitution.9Fit thbpe en Vo'eta se IameBcf hie is,and a large collection bu noeue1sbenob * o té f am- mpeetsad te nu Wibrspec o te osurplus in lhe Mi. Willema' veollen mbil ts a. .,Luncheon &£Il o'eloclc. For pazlic- five million .dclara--I uiould b. pro-< Georeîon vr. n Weneaay e a. ses pimted bils. parod tevotethiat woll.censidored and Georgtown ore o Wednsday des. L. FAMRBNKS, Jiu., Auctionoer. matured riwyetjpie--âigi troyed by flue, Tii.les , bthopro- Ian. lath, 1875. rsilway ýth ýýen p tler eiand behor in ot lons than 2,00* ad-- ùly oporatives have be own d ud ___________ofthe8.Oin y-osud ci employmet by theutli.itQtu&Mwodrth -ADiandWîiiU91.14. be aidod therefroni, as Weil asote -A na» ame Newen iasheonar-SAV YOU ETSI onka of undonbtad public utility cal- -îesed I Ci mbChrst SAE.your glEI i*culated to benefit lb. Province aI largo. restd etCliton or bea e ChistAlieérai Iinmigratiin pelicy should k""objecte!f avem upprt....beleving as I dc in Dr. F. J. Msiddou, cf St. Catharines, ttemet oean the ('o te w.lt haî been araa on a charge cf per- w e es Jtpic f Ihé country. forming au operatlon w,çiti lie pinpose h Swo -voK, Es l MeW es offerts, I ncod scarceîy ~. of proouritugabortion. Tii. patient bas& I Wa k, Witd sa Il t 0 's'a.. stalo, sheuld be diioctad le thohealîhy since dlsd- . ,? N. promotioncfthie Manufactus-iug inter- w' ,>- WSrgzFNO RE MONEF D Ausf et o hePovne Munlcîpsî lecîlons.G ASIS U OUfRuNOSE AND DI.eS- sc i rvna muniipalElecions FI07RfNrOl7R FACE, ]Pamphlet 0fl 100 hea vlrtisd odb hs RAsrÀ.-Reeve, ~~Janies McPiorson; rges NaUsi Pros. Bod »yueu iues~ tl oa» u il ytee lu&l. entiments oî uns bated loyalty-to cur ~ CouelUroP. abnyD. uthie osqM 8AN grcios Qee suad attacliment te M.Bo'W Gn E .Uhui e, A ent W 'antd, l BrtisiInstitutions vhlo h euld ani. mng. ts or Iedl i ta e a 4isy stu. mate thie inast o! -éeoy tino Cana-.. _________ MA R R I E D - ialp«its%milftre. vs-t IlsasdliSîs-,dian. M A B-B I-B D. te DB. 3. BALL & 00.,'(P. 0. 1iex 9"7.; n nlu sin a eprit. LITTLE - MORROW-In Picki- as01i Lbety et.# Nw York Clty, N. Y. t conclht usMion A N rN u i ing, D-. 2 1 uit., by Rev. Walter B. - ____ e d iIalm'itereuts, sud associ- ReB M. cJoh ila isn1h1,SRATGR TD - allons, politxcally sud socially, are cou- le Saisis Engoule Moriov, dangiter cf S-1 red in South i tarii, viora I vas hein 0f the Board of Schoo lie iste John Moriow, Esg., cf Picker. Wautl,a good !Servant Girl for genaral, sud iO5iedansd viiere I hava grovu ing. huavrk pply o. up snionglot nsd tiat, if plaoed linin the County CASIE~ILNÂt ie osianc ~MES. C. DRAPER, thie honorai esud rosponslble P ositien o! tIi.-bride', fatteerDec.e241h u it., by Ju. 12,875.o! ycm. reprosantative in tie Legisla- of te -bide' faterDec.24thult. blin-eo fthie Province, 7cu vil alvays tie-same, Mr. Wlliam Casi., le Mary MU PR T E.find me prompta s usve le lie vanta, TeBad rsts h Jane Minie, daughoreof James Mile; A AMTOLT as volt as attentive te lb.. interoste cf 187 bas Boear reortos la len Es. brO idg.CRIj1 Lot No, 24, 2nd Pickering. Apply te lie Riding, vhile deing rny bort in an - hShol No. elites-ed on regist lieros- -- M GO R IE isting le promptee lies. for lie genoral Heury-Stl.Scoos-aeflou -douce of lie bride', niher, Dec. Sa81goe! nteme euty y ccl nit. blihe -sanie, Mn. iliristopîer n oulie Mraemia.Noua 'nadapply wth ,a Undon lies. circumstancoa, I Con. Anderson-St. School Brookse, te Eupiomia Cnrs-te, <aughton larger fimly tissu tir children. fidenlly-appeal te you for youi suffrages. ap'0eedsfloa -ot of thie aleJohn Curiei, Eaq., Pickering. Jan.Si, 1876.2 Invfn I1. noitatins Th«a me Cu ls-NorciS, - lInougicul lie Province have been dix- Thee Suancial transactions cf bi WHIT.BY MARZErS. - N\OTICE I NOTICE I NOTICE i ed lc lako place on lie 111h, sudthie1 nîle aneal n pclbing ou Mondsy, 151h Jauuary.- RECEIPTS. CIMXILX rrczJan 1th,185. this fa r gte autn rah'yfnetWithinthieshbort iterveutug lime il viii Govt gra t os- Ilait ac f 1873. PalWhal-------- ~<~> euin dta Dobr Rand,67 , for t scacoypossible for metb cabi, as I County de i "ten: o! mber 8-n h 187s-'mloraete do, upcn»thie- Eltbens 't grant for dutahhal ef 1874,'. Sprlg Weai -h)#0 0 00 93 Samrào- hma avt ofo!Picker. pcrsonalîy. It l iiiySe ndeavourCcunh'y 1" d Bas-bey................ f 10 a el 10 iug. Ssld nota maturas on thoeOral day cf l'evwaver, te meet s mny as possible municipal a"sassient for 1874.:: poa..-...........*-....70 o a 75o April, 1875, and'vaslost lnor aboutflroughis at public meetings to e hl og..out .+-BftkEyepea ........ 00 80 al. 4ý -THROMAS DEVIT. the Ridiug, vie» My viovs npou public IEye,..---..........-.80.. 5 0c 0 Ja. fii, 18 75. 2 maltera niay bo more fnly aicerlatuod. cas......-....-.......88e G420 Tsnsing that thiy vil l e sncb as sial Hlay--------------..... #id 5 moot viti your cordial approbation sud Ptte...............c500 ) 00 upp.ort. ..g................-l5 c g 17o I romain, Bte...............20 G0Oc800 -.Gentlenien, Coal, per ton»........... $7@88 e'Your obodieuit sos-vaut, *~~~ Wo.........8 500ae$5 g Po-, a ct........8 Ges5e N. W. BROWN. Chlckens .............. 0 G40c perpair Wbihby 4>e 9 22,1874 Ducks per Dr........--- 8 1.1 u4, Wiutby. f IIIIMrBoandml We,-have iow on hand -à:wel ,seected Ail ho ew iééo. N v Maicreceivèd vry J6.ROBiERTrsoN, t v s e a b r s - i o , , . s u d a l e r i » P a cy G e o d s, & o . (Be i oeigi' OidStsud,) Brook sihoot, WlulbY specëial aàttenition to thé ordering 0ofrais-. ,&c.,I &c.K O ry Bme,' u n, B~b,~i-Ou rgestok, DO.NO0VAN) S eFactory, Brock-st., WHJTB Y. 0 >g 4- e F-l0 0 0 Cz C o cct àdit- t ci-S *-Z 4., 0 CD cei ~cCD CD ces,'--me .9-,- cd Q J ç >1 Trastees of the Town of çVbitby, of Ontario, fOr the year 1874. abas-ofCi ili-n albeudng lie seves-al ciolsturng tes- during tise yesr, 140. &veragedals~0 dé 92. lu 8,211, beiug cf 20. v u i r e s o f 1 9 9 o v e s - l a I f 1 8 7 5 , usl 1283; Centre Ward, 1,192; Sents Wa-t, 686. Col ugo la 847; under Sohool ugo, 437. h Ba d uring the year 1874 have beea a-olo va z E-XPENIDITIEs 50 Oves-ds-w » sosls M T A CU iBl S' A LA IE S. 6 9 0 ro Mr obinson........612 W00 .r600rfe....... 00 Ms-. Davidion ...... ..... 40 0e Mr'. Culan............0080 0 L. Alin, shatîcuery ...... 487 W. H. B Eiggns, *Prning.- 48390 C. Taylori, puntiug....1 9 80 Mil nPsintig Co.......... 80012967 Iranuce ........... .1 0 Cleauing ar.d repaira... 1001 maSCELLÀNZUI; 1 808 Wm. Noble, -for biack-bcsrti brusis................. 86 Win. Bryau', 8'0, sundries 20 40 Jas. Byrne, chomicais...2 4 28 Prizea,... .... e.Yueexregsschares t70 Jas. Dr-rp,hcols-e'r«o* 1 L05 W. H. Hanani, pti or fa sud dacorating&seo1, . 610OS C. PotIer, s-pu-ugssool appas-aIne.. ....... .....4400 Jas. Cisyton, tes-rlatera.. -10 15 A. Camoron,sarving noices 1 00 Fuel .................... 107 683 274 88 PM 8070 MUr.WilbiaHens-St.sccoobPO25 00 Ms-. Woodiouao, lebu-SI. 525 W) Mise Hliokie, Anies-son-Si,. -,o0e0 Mi. Doteý', -d baL'7586882r, MasJisten loin-St. 20000 Mis s-useuT5. 29000 . 25000- Mûs Bosvis, 20000 k mis lodmus, 10 0e2d78 25 . 6750 ~amp ~ s75,4250- frmy-tBcoe7.,; .. M1,87 lbLi.5. SCIZOl ..... 25 77 ieos-uuS ciee.,,, 29 00 25614i Y-iî.steve. ac- 19-110, 0 8025f 401 e 78961 869 7 1050 7( »W0 70 m 6001 Soouand asmgf the 1aCalarb fE'ieansd B -- MAhorlk.b- - s, ant sassaet l.eTbr6st ors- ntotiJIMOs, vo vi SI ecWShhi 1074. V, MosDebity, Preniature. R W'soa ichf saCli»,voj 0 TR CUT ailtilurtorhbrugmo»Tire.Goldti L nd-IST O T DIVISION CUT "onoaitllup e#o. 00esci 'Thf GlAnlcs» unt UTTTLN L& Co., 78 NauU.6t ..igacuvst 15ssiITnLd.*- --O ~ cay reoemble thse gradui c Waei ssla)u vost L fuýtCUT O NAI bYOxcsus sud bati babil. Nuaiber of ùo7,0 wthndsela o hale produ n itu 50.Tloaimm75 0 TR woR175 ohenlg othéebrain sud ihlnlyTii Agens wated tosuTi",ta vbamo=; caseahis duficleuOY fci hopates, as il isLibmudremiums ii o ' - weH known thàt a~- grosolties-nadt 1Tebe 1 ah-wM Tbe h -- i u bavouty.fivee Its Bl1le Tiket eltyroaoCas tlnevo, u 5l:1. e Tic 2 1 o ý 812 S 2 fuiv 1lnE. brui» dqmnplDgw w se suomrs Brofljm --té ô »pyo an d -nai -t=u Cireffl ___h»i»tal iie ri, ates- 9~ a . NWF-A.NCY TO>' 8TREI Eu (b.is sud Essees; -Toilot Scaps: 'Perfuman oaudPs. Of au doscriplieun. Tobamco, -Lampe, Wiitiug Papor' Cigars,. Clisudoiors. Eselopao in»'Tovn! - Coal oil, C,&.l at Wholesalei Writing Desks: Jïist opening out, a large and varied Stockofth EANC~ JEYWE andr WrtinlPae w ffr J Acs . O rS t o c k. o F a n c y G o o d sa n t Yours truly, OIWANS d MELODEONOGN8I~ Apply to Ithe ps-o or te THCI SARATOGA TRUNKÇS, &C.,ki., ah WILLIAM THIOMPSOZÇ-8, Saies- sud EKares a eros, BR00K-ST., W]nTBY. £une 24, 187-1. 261f N N0 T IC E f- -Notice la isereby given thahan application viMh Wmati ailes- lie expition of twenhy oay, ibm Ibis date tle lia Sun-opte Court cf le Centycf Ola o fr lie appoint- ment cf Georg Hnsy Dastuali, cf lia Ti-cfWisilby, Esquîre, sa Gaudis» tu bis cildren Fence Katharine Das-nl, inrtia-le age cf 21 years Dale t ah btby, tbIs 151h day of Dec., 1874.>, W.. I .LING», 86licitorias- applicant. B uRNS sTIL ALIV I1 -AND' SELIIG GOODS l LRY, TOYS, &Cg. &~Col And ail des "'ptions of first- Clasi Goode suitaiile for 1 Hoiliday 'J.ea, TJ.able, and DLessert Spoons, &c., B3e8t Qzsality. Inteuding pixrciasors vM inSd herce large sud vaiied stock te select frex», sud caci article gilarsuteed as represeuted,and wiii be sold ut priccu de!iug conipetiticu. AUl Of which they 'will seil at O> A quautity cf 0Cuildrcu's Sleighs, varions styles, very ciieap. Cg~ the lowest possible pi-ices, JAMES JOHINST-ON, Praotical Watch-maker. for g CASHGeltsniti'sHall, Wiiitby, Dec. 15, 1874. JUST RECEl VED AT -HE Lockhfart'sFanoy Store, CH INA TEA STORE Opposlit» the 'Ontario KotOl,BY WHRITBy. GIBSON & SPARVE-LL, - 5 hds.,* -rates, and Cases, containing the Largeat, Best and Cheapest Assortment, of, - -..---- China, Gla&88- Ware, and Fancy Good8 0; vlIdduer exh4bited in Whitby ]*Aùoy Vauc, frox» 10 ot. le $.SQ, per pair, rHÏOOGRÂPHS! OCinoxttý6-ausu d Saucera, from l15.- to $150ec The. ?liotogrh bnsine-8 tee IN -QNDLESS VABIETY 1i THE MUDGIE & YÂRWOOD MFG CO., MANUFATUIRE THE CELEBRATED -AMERICAN ORGAN! Special notice is cailed lu he folloving Styles and priées: Style 5, iu Walnuut Case, $140, iu Resonant Case, vill C arvings, $160. Style 15, i Wabnul Case, $150, iu Resonant Case, witi Carviugs, $170. Style 7, iu Resonant Case, $175, iii sarno, Case, villi Ca.rvings, $185.* Style 9, in Resonant Case, $190, in sarne Case, with Carvinga, $200, Ali' made of Blsaic Wsluut, pannelledl, vith revolving or slidiug Looks- bourds, containiniug al he lateal improvemeuts, neatly and In handsome Rosewood Piano Cases, liighly finished. Style 4, $150 ; Style 6, $175 ; Style 8, $200. Tiese Melcdeen-Organs, Patented 1878, are manufactnred solely by us, sudby csu nlyber p r idfrin8s7 sd. oi e nts biTb Decmbr HOLID1A4. Y RESE A B O O T S A N D S HTE' [ A N E V EROC K T, M U D G IE tAT TRE OLD 'STi M1N 1R aaIitey, Sept. A1, 1874. 89 flUSE A"D LOT TO SENT 1 A goodti tar saine Hanse snd lot o! landi neili cf Dr-. Egttood's, in lie Tovu cf iity pplyto -ALEX OGSTON, Audley p. o. ci tel.R. PAEEWELL,'Whitby. Ocbobes-LII, 174M * 451 Wante, a Geedl Gis- t e de genural bouse vos-k. Apply la Byron Str-est. Wiiitiy, 20h Dec.,1874. 8 BLf-A"DSEEDS 1 EIGHT COLO] mal tteany seddie 10 ce De.MOt, 1874, T, B. W Poil Posai GOLDýSMITH'S, HALL. Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock îii - *the County 1 GOLD & 81ILVER WATOHES AND OHAINS Bright and Colored GoId Setts. Amnrican and. English Plated Setts. Gem Rings, Bracelets, &c., in great variety. Work boxes, Deskis, Inkstands, Jewel Cases ug , ase s, Pulrs and &C. , & Sai& t Beau1if1- rtil.for P tesenta I r0à 00.1 SISTIUG OF FUN EVER, money, call at BuTett & Drul Presentsl

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