Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1875, p. 3

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- Oi- e 5 o So 0 N acter ofje - Atha lParmq. ntario, Canada. 'ni. AUfITION ItOROUèk4R 0 7---, JL ýVVbVu lualby g Oura :0gea 1 CStockl cameintothepmmz of hé ubol ROI Thrd Caus ol obolgra l QeenandPouchemest twO aY olts 2 el od. he ectin D 1, ownhipSoot, fr si BrtishInsituionsw'hcfumoul si uàd* qwnr l MoitheAppý tematethebre ' C i ars end riti g - ap er we Cop rCONbookN 01 (lmetb b - e laSubeie, ecin1., o1elpSolfe lx BttaIneltntide±i. vhioh shoulit e o r r LoTs, t cn.WPt Odtht ' Cga1-ad WrttgPpele fer-NS 7N Jan. e MIL187àD C 808h ;87ALE Ii con u $to, I a ndbe uS.tSYo re t ly Jas O, 175Bi-SA UCI N SL als polifically anti woomay, axe eSn. JAS. H. G ER R IE & Co. E J B L V SU-qA"LL ABM TO-;ZET. o A1AxE. tied fa South Ontario, viiere Ivas bon Lot No, f2 iPecerng. Âpply t He usE DLTanti roareti, asni viere I have grovn MEIG HHSNIOUSE J W L Y HC S N O pamongsl you, ma tlats if placeS uin ANWAL -JONN WVM. G OU RLIE,4IN 1C h.honorable anti responsibie posiion Tme 811n1us31mee tinhelWhitby anS osh.aeie. Noue need eppîy witi a - f YOur. repremenlative inthie Legisia- Best Wiby Unnion Asrieultural Society EAST MA.RKET SQUARE, MIYIUI tw chldrn. T O WN O F WUITBY. lure e1thle Province, you vii aiways * BROhéa. OMLheTINR0, T0. Jas. b, 1875. 2 finS me prompt anS alive te th. vante, GLOBE HOTEL, Fialcls acomoaio fr b tavl-T Wil be eolS on THUIRSDAY, 7Ph JAN1- As Weil As attentive te the interests of ON *lie nieied nie eSitee i t ent c. em il"lIllecamxnneity. Newles et RouremonhBycas SI, Store anS ahait. Contig grooms téIiisg, iedoigm eti lfrihdo h hretntc.C - UAY iet n hmerem oseo yes&ec. eengm el ea-SATURDAr, JAýN. v94h,1871 ýmodiunesampie roinefer Commnercial Tra. -taI a odayofmai. ising te promote Ihese for thie genl' vellers. Terme goal ko! c oncmmon'ciuntle.sah2 o'cieck, p. m. This Hoheligta ted withinhvwo minutes L. FAIRBANKS,gJe., of Our hese cIi'cou~n.s hfren ffcr s rcos r e k cf Ilie City uail Station oethIle Nogti. - MICHAEL MARSHALL, Auctioneer. uarteecrursacs o-que, te meeet 10, a. M. &mte: statonso Gr11and otrfnof anS Prorieor. 1 fdanly ppel t yo fo yor sffrges t andabou eamil Propietr. flenîy epee leyouor eurenilrees.JORN WnLîIS, Great Western Railwaye. Gooasteabuing I new Ii liaI thie neminations WibDc , 84 Secrelay on tlie premises, attentive catlere aivayacon AUi paries reqhlg Lieenem wthin ti I. L O FITHE DIVISION COURTS irugouthe roinDehvea.n x._ 0,___187_____.___1__hond ia pereydayho trte i ltaIsyl o 0 Oratfn et o own ofWMtb a TS ihnSg euttberplyindayhverbnigil.. Te Fropnie. Coprain i e oe fWit re n- -' oJIDÂN i reuireente ce nt gehe.bs tl o nul dtu apîy thothie Inspecte or y a e edto teapae On t-ho 111h, anS th. NDBIlWY 0F CANADA. therWM. JOHN5OiI'7,gusts luipt ettio e Ahav im noe mfileShpolling on Montiay, 11h January.. ' -- - PreNieor. lpit and*S' inrtoliiosanefor tiCOUNTY 0F ONTARLO, Within the short interveningtimo it Win TIM E -T AB LE - Tenante, 2511h Nevemiien, 1874. t-45 l i ay e F b u ary, 1 8 PIRIN G LE, FOR TR E YA R 1875. be carcely po sible f r m e l c l, na s I G i g N rth f nom P rt H ope t Lindsay. 18 4 f4 Whl1byi , a, ,1816, . Inspecer. sieultidoloire le Se, upon lie Eleclors BLaerton n r i e..BdaS ie caeh oI ,o pamnny. t wll b my nde Mai ......10 a m.Mixo ... Re-andwhie Muey, ameteaLtl de o criptiodesriptofsofret-t NOTCE NTIC! ~- l vli e y edeao,, Mil.0 . m Mse< 0,. 4:50 p. m. tie 85h con., Pickering. me awner le ne. NOIC NOIE"IîTcz 0~ hevever, ne el asmany as possible Going North te eqnu~Lkfel.alensei e vi le heolS ho aeaay epse i ls odaial o This a tecautoquee.orave yt:ranS- p-ay expeneesela teby a ty. - ~ lemeetings le be held Ihroughouî Mail.'leWMb ci e fa â ei t u o ns olfahe fa2ot of ad,~se~AEX ARL learing date, Deceemer 0 h87 o e ro 8- 2 ny 8oe pAnpuli0*4a. m. 1Mize.... s.ssp.=. dueourseeof law. casG ossia o S o na n ,- v e sC e m i n g S o l i r s O n e l a L in d s a y , D e c . 2 3 r d , 1 8 71 . 8 s . n 5 2 Shermard le Thomas Devit, bth ot Pieker. x 1118'12a 16ooftly se 9nti eenoo'aSPatHoe ing. -saiS pote matures ce the aitlday cf Tmenai. 54 Il?!WMb sc aghl Lsv rMs A p n l, 10 5, a n v si sî t u r a e n lro u g h. M a r es : - 12 5 i ~ îj, lle " I' m e e l ith h y e n sc rd il p p ro b a tio n a n Sd M il 2 2 0 p . m .A r FI o p e 60 0 p . mi. - -. m.TROUAS DEVIT. -sunirpJort.manCennSutevh fo=La Tl 2OBO. H . JRNI, rmi, 16Cing So..u.88. tr aLl el....300p.M Tiox 'Witby, Jn. l' unior Jdge, Cnnects ita.th ail. al TAE .TXEoia NORTE ONTA.RIO ELECTON iîbse.ta, 1875... *i Gentlemen, aShoTraaty t otce l erb You obdint erant etMilbrok f etenboro' anS odnig p uâ N otc gerb iven that Ail taxes in~ Tou ooden- eran, ith GanS-Tr=mars-rtilarrear muet lie paiS fotiviti, NW.BROWN. t.Nrma at 9 .m. forRcheter. HUT SECOND CALL 1 u.W hibby, Dec. 22, 1 874..TA LO Whilofdthe le0Eltrioet lt.eolir ReISllete - ~U B M E ln p ac s a l ni a ll e di o B SI A N D S E E D S I - P m en t taxes e bc m ad e a lthe col. P r os e n t s , Goafivead, Tliursdey, Pliet 7 p.m. 7h, '01'yET OT. ýViddield1o chociRougeThudy, 7t PORT EREY, jýT." Elegant lllll8trated CtlgeAB.PRE 8%dif Ats eb ,l ou . irda ppwAL KER, - PROPRIETO . CNtsN libN, 8 84 la o , P O RTda 8h a O R SA LEm1E IG HIT C O L O R E D PatE S Por Prrp atuda, an 9fiat7,p.m. heReidmeci helae ohnAgew ma-l lodS e a Y salreee p e the recei tot AlLof which they wiil Se ilt PartPenn, Saurdy, Jn PI, et7, m nteuin ron Street W iby. 10Lt W L .i - SCUGOG GIF FR1 Fa pti o ns JdrsMt.s goev, S E E DS, B UL BS, &l~r V~5 r Theeg etr eoo ane ShndyW tye r.Aw, -Box 725, Toronto. b alt a t AM C M U IA IN BE th we p sil pr ed J a . P l , a S , . mm a l r e i b le G i t D is tr b u tion sin th e W itb y , D e c . I l O hl e, 17 4. _ .5 2 F r e h as d R e lia b lo e n t e s m asî a n y p a t S . T W N cf lieouDominion.the Eo G r al a , T E A C H eo un.try IT e A g n t a d th rs 6 5C HA S E B R O T H E R S ,B O W M A N , C-fAr Je A .C A SE. A - . kas. h , 7, p . sou.5 invalu al n 5e 9 = n d o o t ,o t WeeîisT a 181,a p.x. NGi WAy.'M a= Yo Yung &Co, 9Dec. 12h, 187 . -A W NDE S .aa , 141 ,ý At t L, B L E -ý Manestn iuaey enîd t7, p. Ita. - 0 disînibuled in W ESSTOANTFIO N DESA. uS , - p. su.t 2 p M At sIechlee senid lt u -aL D. S I N E S Wholesale and etLG BDESND EMRi A.M'T svet C n et 7, p. tu. aeulSndOnnamenhal %»es, Flowverealo CndA S eeuoze a ony al cf CnadaPviiNb. ecev d I moey, ailat Barrett& Pg,<LLP. .L!I.L JjQ4i1andSE I in, seuP.,fr saa c - BY-Law N.4, Sect *su 14, eizacis ottava, until Selurday, lie SeS lanuany anSeSpppogi1875n Îielifor qnality cannel (15follors next, ah naan, tan lie conveyanc e r e Tie OppsItionbcsisrdwnte laday, Foli. slnd, tnz87.5. smsaa~Mghl oaeseen ednu a inviteS te eLtteild. pcfiy T oG A DCAIA S0 ae nea hbyz etiaeau n oae o' iens mlaagcrlmaila gnovn. lThtsuit ocepantnor asz9oli- b fiacs tes ips cftan e OOD LAVENDTCEPIQULENOF. penvs .Our ete mtabliabme n c~lie aromv*ikpopossseibis or er b # tod~oa eam rmnî anS Dee 98h 1 7 4. * 5, 00 00 AC I C SH. aces v ine ee yans lielui- bildngY o , e b . png o r l y avepcau d seseed of a iseiotee anne ketet O R lO Eo.I G O D A V E RI VEgE .t e - E ae rh A t l M o u e 1 1( v i e i e a v g a t o atlb e iS . L a v r e a _ _ 4 onepcol thé belvees or lier boueal SndG1 e ge e vn , a. D a c 2ih $ 5 0 0 0 ) 0 R A- I N u u Gy I Av~ S ti e . G=e r v - e n - v e -r . Eee E & O N S y . a iim. i i a n l o f n a Sv y s a t l e r e m a i n ti e r e t l i e I ff t » ])OMEiI N PAtheM si- 9F Alottete Ont date. r sein Ib s s s und i spe e est=nn nt a GN E M u t l a t l . snooim1 1 e c h i i n K O n t r i ; D B B Y A I!«2 > , P p e r eSo . a l u a t s o b r p t P aiti0.)iate nU ru g le m i Plmap pl e atio u t. SaveruLe v ertHene ntgr Pnced encrvpSa$e CatloguefoOur W IR I T B Y D O IN ON lier NT. mo te H r1 @s w ie g é One nue maanI d llecniptucÏthil sas a uCBzin bte ieni P H OToOth B oist issueS, AKUN UAilTof za, maAat-lcis e l o ' n - Iii lb. Gsaadua G outte> b givorvh TOol9tha' 50 M ai, eva n a au n S o e ab et o n m not icee ia e pa t lan B Lea L Sti , . irM nes oh, L nsg atll ii m t n oral*"-tAturoC G o l E m W &T o 'J C O B rBsA l a b o n et o r a r t erih iou Paati$ uuîed t6l eou est rion t vu Levveb.seî r dsm n .raGamat le e 85 hieaporobation lu W ,Exeelaor DuildUtcolbPrivilégleareaos fo a txrte Gela Hou. 1AaIRNesgaPn 8 eseues av thin le fornst lire. "ve te e 7 T Er D. - Ç5 otÂs4=rq .ayu -t- Tmaîa0 ta enSwieH n «v a a ie reuieiuls.m . nmsep -y n'tna4naS Sellera. _ _ _ _afate are .e a-LY te rue1t.M N . 81..p1 $ aeac3f TievneiaBA ah T Pa ot ,hih u hat* ous IkÀlT. keta 1W i f40 - :=eý =, e -anaop _ a RI The Largest Stock ini Town. apprva4~h.,.~,,9~«Yq aralght., n'or a ansmet b. oppoual tthe jytflbllesnuy. Thé. in 0ntwi, Mda aorable etuaton for, nefor s ~s uapeuwj~-st te bMds of thevesMM=t. Whlby. eiayf.l4Fas, hI8yOntrjo Csa.YOUirMM4 tiatl, in the luseI, Qr *dDà rs:Ihave nmuoh-È s6sn * ntatu~n~wl howutihv in reoomaleudng te the publie-Isamu & Morrbs' olebrat.d perfeoted, eoeta. Tl#qutiam t ii Edn to 4e~ tbe beat I ae,usad. Atthe farm, One Mile from l.the n of for the esta ta lgtttj YO orstruly, _ Whitby, vien th' Tone1uorilffltoof m:iutu rickerisg, Dee. loi,1874. MAYFIELD HERD Tro4sury.-..tawe eb o~ liv. mnillion dollr-l eh"u b.pr-« 5KW'ADVRTISMENS, AOUT50 HEAD *SHORT' HORN CATILE, laell o.Ii e1eÎÎa .rî&'ana1 ___ ___ ___ ___ __ Several oft hemareenty importe lmtrdrila aepi e f N o r S se e. t h e ii. o p o n i g - 1 p , tf tl e s s , a d ilThe sal Mbe positively vlthoiit re, improvment cf thi. oounry-ahiould > TEE ANNUAL MEETING secrve, having been orderedl te tae place by be- aideS t]ee» ma el sce àf 8. nnt Aeturallsocisty fSouth Vie. Trustees oft h. laIe John Thompmon, h ok f teobedpbi tiiycl Onei fllieletd et toutcloseand distribute the Pereonal estate. wculatefâ le bte boie alg. ,TOWN HALL, XHITI3Y, SALE TO COMMENCE AT NOON lr1m~ainoi~.~ WE )N£ D Y ON Y.2t 87, NDE .Tnn UP s=TXuxrssn, yo have my eUPPOrt-believiag as I do in WEp~~DYJ&Y.2oh,185, J 0 H N ,R. PA G E. is groat importance in promotisg thO At 2 o'iloc, p. m., seîtlement of, and adding to lie vealth Por the purPome Of elcecting Odccer, and o N f the country. Direetore for th. current'year, and other TER m80 btunss c iotanNcemnt. relt nAprvd E- My UsaIefforts, I noedsecarcely mrco dorseeNatot, bearm»g t on Pr e Inteei ttsoiib drce eIi e Ti.TIetr iii meet tet nye Drilli Diecount etette rate et Six ere;sol obte etduth emi iter- Amearicas hiote!, Whtby, at Tas o'clock îr Dicnn it thoefrtelofi erCent. par po 8he feresoon. aam ese o as. rt o lOf te ân urn itr 7HT109. "WLB, mtg.Dec. 2Mt, 1874. et f i rvne J= elIwo57. 2---- --- 1 heati1y retain, end hold by tbose 94TRAYED. TEMALE TEACHER WitNTED, sentiments cf nnliatgd Alrn,.lh'ta.. -.0 * è esire tore>turn- our thanks -to- our customers for ther more- than liberal patronage that they, have bestqwed ,upon us. We find that the Cash Systein is the surest, beit, and CHIEAPEST for both of us, and we endeavor day by day to offer a larger, choicer, 1Dsand nxoe elct stoko- Drugs and henilcas, Combis and ssences, Perfuies and Ponads, f ail-descriptions. Lampe, Wnitung Paper, Tobaccos, .cigare, dition Powders for Herses & Cattie, HeaveRecmedy, Pipess Braciiets, Envelopes, Pen-holders, ET T 'A D LOCKHART' NEW FANCY To Y801 Juat -opening out,a large and varie*dStock of the- Latesti MANUFACTURE THE CELFBÉRÂThIý> AliEILIAN 0 ÉGANI Special nuotice la ealle'd io the following Styles and prices: SY le 5, ini W a hit Case, $140, în Resonant Case, with Carvings, $16 . bty in. Walnnt Case; $150,1in Resonat Case, with Carvings,- $170, Sye7,mi Resonant Case, $175, ini same Case, with Carvings, $185. StyleD, iii esonant Case, $190, dix same Case,,,withi Carvings, $290, Ail made-ofDlaek Walmt,Éanled,'With revol-ving or sliding Loek- boards, eontaininingiaf ihe]stest improvements,.aeatîy and eleganty fishàe,' acc'ording te price. 'ALSO, XARWOOD'S 'tMELQDEONý- ORG-AN." lu ~ ~ Pa oh.dôm RseodP Cases, highly. finished. Style 4, 15; tye6 1.$175;. Style 8, $200., heeMelodeon-Organs, Patented 1878,ar manufaeturedi solely by us, an4:eanlonly be proenured from us ana ouAens. Trade Marks and Cases BRegistered for our sole use. AilInstruments Waranted for Fiee years. .GT'YU-.O- DYF RE MUDG'-, A Noveltie8! 'GQLDSMITH ' HAL-L. Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock in GOLD & SILVER WATCHES AND, OHAINS Bright and Colored Gold Setts. American and Englitil Plated Setts. Gem R~ings, Bracelets, &c., in great variety. Work boxes, Desks, Inkstands, Jewel Cases, Vases, Purses, &c., &o., &o. Beautifz1 Articles for -PresentationI Electro-plated Cruets, Pickle Stançis, Cake Ba 'skets, Toast racks, Mugs, Buitter Coolers and Kuives, Sait, Mustard, Tea, Table, and Dessert Spoons, &c., Be8t Qztality. Inlendisg purchasers wiil find here a large anpd variedl stecki 10 select defyisg competitearen.Ç JAMES JOHINSTON, Practical Watch.maker. Goltismils Hall, Wjuhby, De 15, ý18P4. 51 JUST RECEl VED -AT THE wHlaJTB Y CHINA TEA STO-RE--! B y GcB[?N1 & SPARVELL, 85 Hhds., Crates, and Cases, contanng the Largest, B est and Cheapest Assortment of Chna Gass- Ware, and Fancy (loods 0f àlldknds ever exhibited in Whitby! - China Tea SOUtS, freux $1,50 te $20. F'ancY Vases, frcm 10 cents te s.50, per pair. Chnaotteed Ceps anti Saucera, from 15C. te. $1.50eci. China Mottet Mugs, Card Baskets aud Fancy gooda, 1r» IN ENDLESS VABIETY i1_ffl FANCY TOILET SETTS, FROM> Lx TO Ses, PER SETT. Ladies, ailthc above'iaving beau purchasod expressly for Christuxs I prosenîs, they Winl ho solS eheap anti withut regerve. Pleaoei Cl end examine for ycursclvos bofore purchasing elsewhore. SW' Aise on heuti, a full assorlment o! choie Tees, Femily Groceries, Fruits and Spices cf ail kintia, Ham, fBacon, Lard, Butter, Apples, Pela. OYSTERS, best brand, elways on iend. GIBSON &SPARVELLUS. Wlitby, Dec. 15th, i\874. -1 t LAING, & S'TEWART' Respectfully in"vite the! altention of the 7 Liadies' of Whitby and neighborhood, to a few leading limes of goods. they have purchased lately at- extremely low prices, consisting of -7 DRE8 GOODS> s1 In Serges, -Lustres, .,Alpacas, Reppa, tad Merinosa3;, in Winceys--Plain a nd Stripped to Man- î0 tis ;i Cloth, Seal. and-Fur. - ftiIinry i, te LateBt BtyIe&j &C0E ., Iusar 0 neT4,1 C E Notice le hcieby triven Ethau sapplîcat under lb. age o1-21yesêe Dahed at Wllftby, thua 18Mb diy oiDec., W. IL BILINGS, Soliûitor for appâ=eet. nnn ST. LAWRMENCE BN DIVIDEND NO. 3. NOTICE ie herabygvett dvieu c erprcnt. for th. current hait year, being attherate of eight percent.pei as- nunu upron the paiS Up cepilof! liInti. tetonlie tie ay eendelared,, and tiet- the e=8sMe vi li ayable at the IE;&sk anS its Agencies, on anS ailer Sanray, lie the 15th te the 81.1 December next, boti day. inclusive. By order of lhe Board, I. K. LOC5EAET, Toronte, Nov. 24, 1. Ciir B RSSTILL ALIVE BOOTS R AN EE 93'AT THE oLlD sTAND, DEOCX.ST., WHT ,ONT. [OUSE AND- LOT TO BENT f A 9gOdiS lia.ulry mrHase tanS lot of lanti, serti et Dr. EastwooS', te lie Tovn et Wiitby. Appiy te ALEX. OGST&ON, de .o en te J.E. FARRWELLWînly Octsiber 219t, 1874. 48-tf- DEALER. IN LTJMBER, Qosamssian Marchant Shopping anti Fer- wevrding.Agnt;Fort Wbiliy. oersX5prom ll'attendeS te. -pRIVATE TUITON. Mrs. Mackenzie> aormenly Preeptegsainthe a.Gratmana Icicol, Bo*ivnanvlls, viales ta oblate iat 0asu afl » e . . iyeana. snors oun ppi ton. W' .- GeT imn' laItage, ynesy, Gousani. - sac. lmh 84.8e5 FIRF 1 0F FERS TO'BE TAKEN na erOrSon teCouscil, dateS 248h day JuLY,1874.> 1. Arneet ai eacb individnai spcn a - vwannant ..... ............... t1ic 2. Serviugm=049moarsuîpena .... 025 i. Mieeo te serve summons, sml- pS na rnl........0 0 4 ilef- vies service canno be. _CU PonOOf 01 duodligeseà.... oie 1eZogb"unsements nec.- tor ho: Atteuding oaCi da) v in 1 Coni Chandehers, FANCY GOODS !ý Largest Stock . 1 MES ! ý BOOTS AND

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