Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1875, p. 2

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- o,,jvs se. lnvaniuuly se.nt ,'lêite u i "sttus h ofl.vwi 4à bighly intelent u-iîs'eset~a-pmhot'Gvzc'flPrjn ONLY si 50 PR ANM p.rlti~ lo OsPeyCtàkze'pâht teGoeno fth râ amongtet l. nMbrnoue mareno M BY.O4'ge mgY:tary WIuhby, Thursday, Jlafl7, 1875.than- th, present gntle, w thba e , -e .Are b..uIbi yer, ud or eyerai yesasOf!ConunasSel CastwO,ithvlout * a rt 9à, Nominations 'for the. Loca lîat? eleched by acclamation. Mr. foijo. Whoeyxrjtriothum mr Legisiatureon Moudsy zt, 111h lnt. Geoge Smi, tbé wortlhy neeve, le, w li--utilmit am in Ihé i --------- ~ bîieve, imaw the Oldest'eled member iAerstconfiSeS tai ".-Ti Amon. Souîb )Batloi'thel.cuncai oa . fleneà fr'e a deslb.bbow." ' - ' Eleetion est l hO cti±iÃ"l, auroP eeutaine 1 Queen Isabella, 'ii elpOtiao ltit Sot mnaiore mared rehhler Soîtinu1855, sud was e< ad j'~deepsîci o! General e o, de1ifrr Soul Ouaino cnipredwit li ilely185-bis Place boiog laken by MI"seent lie falliug tuegism exieetclanacterielle O f m Gallowsy tie year f!aoing, Il T -'1he Kingpocesto4 me contests. ninceily sud- liosudid n.pii&-ik"-'" eag-ad diateby. Alfn lis e léegraphed action bave Ilad ta4igappalnlrnt and ~5.Hiaain enter6a lie Pope ankiug U bIçssing sund.pro- anS eoue nth ad I, cohe0unil inlu18à7, andsev< liB ' iai it .wlli is aneenlars, ludlferyaen on ih, oend., f0iioigycare, 1868n&sud 8g. Agai delfuthlb. igite o! hIbaoly Sac." !ç>mely~b en aimeea whb sgv ho 5itbdr0w,.bùt was re.elcted u17 Rn louoinuiI~eauone eutimhu$4sm, sud ou tie OtieraSde quiet# d a ln eesehd Sepuîy- e as falows :-Sonar-Catm, 'Minister of detenliatio. bs taen he pCeýCf wit' te zspeted'eý Ãœtyreee, Oreigu Affairs;. Seloy Cardenaw, Min. Iiolsybcsut ing,-E y 111fiW proves11 'luhermuption. Mnr. Smills rcr uî.o! Wais; 8ènor Srflavoi'ua,. MiiléIn<of 'tic grave mishake. aad-fudcepèeercordi i e ltin;sta '~vô iitra 1 c!uuty concil ls vn rdlbas;Finane; Senér Robioeo,Minleten af of!he. grlsvoua injuaicq o thle genhie . ban neyer maS, i lmni! obtrti he exire sSeio*,.ro a, MiatoîÃ" ian hlmselfins ualgiviug lheBefonin but bas aiwaysbeeommareefuandwSonong o! lie Colonies.. nomnantion ta Truernan 'Wb80tea.Tiali't spoodethe Cosonsey. le. 'vould b.e loosed *Itbou'astrgge rsiben Seing bIs' Snty quletly ans The T!mnè' correndentas a uta#igçunontentloualy in bis place. , H e t liaIthenewlulnictry havelegrepbe wav.ilybeieve su lfotby Roda-, aIsO wol aeqÙuue<dwlitm li'laos o!f,, Cptiapuur 1ie! cmii>. 'h4i sMen oU 18WOhIdhave virnlay &k 't ' i]> hîm hoanncuca 'the proclamation o! lie cone., Tii, own o ouil aS ll 1 lng epe CÉRigAYfon»o ta lie nluCb, ,~ once 1woUwsl, we ane porenaded, give wh0c, tle ing lrUiSa wUmore de- SlO IS4h llaIWb!of , av ~ entim atiesCtl in pronieilng aven thei. ler=ledly ieu a ever duenstlie'te- knalug.sn5 av ncutuib.deliberaîlan- o! Ilat 'b Sy. We dSa ityCio! im 'hunihary eIalm dou, akntaisotut,,'heu, au every raund', o ee 'Lo<,ul Maleniall'tae*t, bave geneaenamot ho M. miis aissd ieapineetar . idenceo .8 .W a Mnn!r1r. WiB . er thly e importantt çwuship lbe represents ofsrm .ioai I b neIerMn Brwn nr any aoii atlh negnze.col, nexlt burE1yetn4,'11 lVbltby mam, wouid bave aisen the ~ln. uadfl.UinSna'ibo "D'aS aggiit n. This letle monti!y. Cemmecs rveu 'Asciation, ahH.e'sConen-Y l' .. ax. ieg position lu whlcb WC fool aunnives -bu a-eikow eslut' -o! Part placed, Aud » t usac<suuî WC place Tue anunai meeting Of! hlm Ass oc a- Peysdboer0Mn'ToiPx Éliu proienî Apatiy o! lie people ù luti tn was belS ah Tornohou Tuesay e t#-an roP;,,esiof ddeolyhona. à. eluctian, uow so 'noai-at bandi. lutwoek, ans ud ite cvanitg lte ordsy ia.-Mr. Daniel Iandf, .o! sunuai dinnen bai place nallie Queen'sPr enacdnal iIimé!a Nti thOnteno. hetel. Thec cmpany nuniered a large Xe* Yean'a dany, h le :feared fstaly.- 1Ith i cndidatas ara warklg lk a'y uda~agllnivtSgeî esies Are very privalent in Whilby ilwerc snme o! tie leaSing men oa! lie anS Ohsw.-Tu, aid Haif-wsyHouse bcavern.Mn. Puxton neyer before buS Province, inlucdingHl Exelcy 'twuOsaaudornviewe Selirda ica ! tan lc roabii.L- itanlcat.GoveLnor Crawford, HOn. destroye ' ieo udynigi.- Ouai aretin'h wiil ho Ousted Iy tii. J. 1CMrnich, J. Wilkeus, M. P., D. TeeweamsurS ni ktn Mîng.ccl dglIO!fc candidate, Me.BniM.PM. C. CumenanDr, nlul a bush u ea e nthich waen Uas iedy mnig wi. a - Mcaul W.IL owland, J. O'Dao. very saneesful. A lange nînuber a! Pickering Questions,.is aa adn !lietwm ,o.elu costuiues wec exiited, "anS Tâc C)Iteqi' 2_&C., %V110 were respectivuly celdupen tic Oshawa BanS waa pneseut.-W. J. T s c t'~laue municipa'l diction anSdi"(10 speechlesili rupiy tanoverai Hiekie & Ce. anacunce liaI licy uvlli muPlneniicg liis ar ecli"fl uneS standling ntuS catplilmentar y toasts. Belgoea olfr n et ogr upoian Wm iduciud y im lche. mogt isle lier toasts proposeS was baran' my ascn0tyli-a 1ut lugTl'rbour, aid Ontrio gcemîral -Rail-.îct&& Tic. Rnilway illtenets a! ci.-Scmool Tîasiea elections xnlibci %aý ulnustionF3. Tie geullesuamu raturu. caîsla","tà wlelc m. bioliluit, MIan- iclul ncxh Wcdnesmny.-Tic aunia 01 tre ail nssiîway nan, anS oppose a uhigDin.cten or!thie WL-tby àPi, etn a i ol utnoAnel touupuduc!îviaslcmp money upen P<1r17 Rmilwcty,* was calisl upon ta hanual Society le adverîisced for Wcdues-1 l Thorsu. Vs recul , ns the figures responul. Kr, iTolden, ila aspeech a,21 u. t letw al s'ill sh.w, mueàt be ucepted an iccisivc NIrîlihwms xoliîrecoiveul und grec.ted - macst lie iairbour, fer lime praseul. ithhwitaru )a u se, n.fennerrd la thc SACsUtcsCoNCE.-A Grand Sacro E 1euling lie content, We have rofraiucd necosaiîy for funhienrailway extension. Concert is aunoneed t taire place inlu Ï0o1i commeutîug upon thc question Thoy ougit ta, a in, hi. saiS, nuite te hie oburch o! St. Francis o! Salesyl a dispute, Weil satiafled liaI thi\'1§ea. extend tic raiiway synien lan Ontario Duffln'n Cncek, on Weduesday ev'g, iSti p1. o! Plcke.ng wcre quit. competent Ba as ho canneet wlli lIe Pacifie Rail,.lit., at whiiha nulpben o! lalaenr 061 sLehem oOwu locil affaire; afler thie way, anuS utallow Mouhreal ho lak, vocattets will aniel. cc nanmer mont sntiosae' to tahem, lie tmaSo fway frOmein -InHeavised acas.l Tic questions at issue are, them nlal liat lie limo a ssiari, ,Sfan How the Vating le Donc b>' Ballot. CG lOwever, neOt mereby local, but o! greal Seing eo-for uniting togellien ha buS - P Uble lamportlance, sud lb. prenent jseu Up lie City o! Torntuo, ns lie capital o! The !ortbcomnug Parllainentary eiec- 'ting timo nO ay a Word or two upon Ontario, sud the greal Commercial Cihy lions, as le uow 9,enenaily kuawn, wil 'lemin lu lie.commn8. Tii. !aa 15 a! tlîe Dominion,.lie conducled by ballaI.' The balot mm zdeulable, tiat previO oua hehicen- paper-we wilbl a]'. Set Ontario for nu: trUcuoino! lie Tarante maSNipleeing Mayers of cilie 1875. lnlance-te preparedl as foliows: aiiw#ythie traSe ut Piclienuuig Harboun Dr. Sullivan, Iington; IF. H. MeS.d Pl ( ras na eef.ueai'n.Ou lie con- cal!, Tornol; G. Roaih, Hamilton'*; BROWN. Mry, an annualio108awse sustained by Dr. Cronyn, Landan; M. Fe atherlicnîa, Cnb' ce shockholdere, Tue building a! lie Ottawa. J N. W. Bisev, i, thle tawu uff ]IlwAa ha bStle offect or cuttlug ',~ WUmiby, Manufacturer. fe Alarge Portion Oa!thie Iade wici TÉE Guut nSniOn-HoRNEE su.âe- JO' oS formenly ta finS fI. wayta Frnna. An wiUlbc easeeby nfereuce ta aur -j--a______ ues Bay, l'ut wiich, ince the buiS- eadvei-Ilnag comumua, thec important tCo tg 9f' thé Nlisning, la sent by rail. joint sales e! tiarougi.bras nlhorthon, ,.v FARE'WELL. bast beiug lie -case, sud wiîîm nenew 6siep, sund pigs, e! lie Celebrated stocks . -c rcnzFI1WEiciie b asie tb eupport il, iow isa t.passible af Mn. Wm. Miller, jr., cf Ath&, sud 8 i llite barbon-aven if improve- Messrs. Blrneil & Jainuston, o! Green- village ul Hanmeuy, gent. G:r nI, iema. ei.sninngu wwoOd, will lai s lae-uat Allia ou WeS- I 1 àtc repolaY for lie advocatsheo! the. usdsy, l8thinbai., au nauhie folowing Tic haines e! tic candidaLten are B. i-l'on ho Adopt, in ho join iu wili the cday, Tlîurnday, l4th, lie supeni'on piluleS on lie ballaI paper an above. for 13l O! the people o! Pickering lu se. " Mayfleld " lino!rhoflrt-bons,t the Tue fellowhng directions for the He ring lie Ontario Central Railway -Propenty cf Messrs. Jas. S. Tiornpsou guldance o! voter. munstliecsnaefuliy D. rougi lie tawnnhuis. Witi the rail. A& Bras., e! Whiilly, wiII l' offened l'y observeSl. J ly soeured, thi. Froce ,s 138y miction. Tic steak lu eveny instance ist. Tiecalector eau ouly vole fan Me lu mgtto b betýotanai 1o! uperion las-t botC na. eu.candidate. CSu cpi.-teloti milt hn .abeb bai 2nd. The vobe'wil enter a com- S Ying t-adoe ta thuir harban l'y happlng da--Snd wli, Soubtlese, alîat a large partint, erected for lbhepupMose, sud Tap lino, say nori o! Dubarlon. î attendance, a fumier o! Amins with a pouail lier. pravided, place s 8 lai eniy requin. s short, and i nex. buyers beiug ax-pectesi. The suies wil crase opposite lb. naine o!fltae candi- E adv bAU ofa owmfio-i he e onucta jJ B.Paethc da te for wbom bo voles. OU3 salv brndio! !e mles-I li b.conuclsi y J.R. age li cee. rdi Tue voter lien folatlie ballot ions lun ne vure once buit-to cooneelbraIeS steck'aunctioneer, o! Seunel, . Y o sl so prin flc.lecls ft i -r i ' Tl coIl hm Pn wot Pn ml TOI the tin e' sani aa la Pui plies Can r liai earai ui lter nabdieailecd !romcî - -' ..bo- 'and- P idi t SlyIcîl a l, t,ùs, andsi Ais' bATWTZ;lir:LLA_..Tîîc nuis pal tLAeŽmc-Broughiam, Dec. lxT an an I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h 4i Stte a aadaI ls u!bin luAl Saints' CIueli- du nnual sermon under the auspinces o! mt local raîccu o! blre e «aîs pont.-lima olS, unSutyfuîly rng lua. Union Lodgre, 'No. 211 . F bern l'astal catrdi,, ticausiial nempa. T .Nuru.bers o! aur bownipeople n- rmupedie ie 71 zat.,Thee and prnte'l natte .1vil aloobe inatied v. W. B. ROEe, Chaplan,mi hels . euSpriîlcl mlte ~uil mo is mniedup Ou Tîussay ulgl t tlinstlrisian' Clînnali. Thoedsmcourse was ýarde4 frain culî Qouutry le tus ta th. ]nen-y oummes anS nie o! lie abiy delivared, sud liebened t eycourt. r, allihe sanie rate bihente changeS bles. M.Riisu uva ae oulange ceugregation. on monday, 251h, Car a tie fellewing afficeis eleat werc duiy lu. Tiree any, on@ poiut ta nathier lu lhe. spceilly frein Toronto ta siewl tllSfr 187,'izs-Bro Gao Dandy, kilIIe rooait-y.1h u mo u cntepl. M. Bruwilî egad t le final na. W. M ; Bro W RReasu, S. W: Bro H. wa a 550 undlenstaud,-la couoldeS. an justumet a!tic peul, pronouned theo Baxter, J. W ; Bro P. Mo Intyre, S ; Bro 'Jaek] omeuta l'y wieh uewMapere, ai- bell. talie promely tuned, witi an, A1ex.Taylor, S. D. ; Bro J, Bent, J D - wasSIs Bra S F Jobuston, I1G Bro L ýB.nhey, -Cor s froin lb ooffce ai publication, waJ, oxcption....î. 8ra bell- which msy Tyler. Thei, nnîailahlon Vas !cllowod -whilei dles where lie fi-e. deliveny iyelem Pauiily lie rernavS Tie5' bell weigia l'y the sunual Slnuier, wbioliwas arn ost lb. cee oetablasebe iSsIbuieS t Aabout 400 lb.., sud if halcen cunta!f thebappy 'and suspiétons sffascn. The Ma,- KaÏý lar uboobersWithnt carde pel woad Mké Moxceleultua saule Bail, lu the;Towa Halil, waï telb. b ~n suI elbenswilonîeiareoAil" paitw<uiud malt aufatheienk Isi wil prv râ*bo e4 bell,='udwoîIlmle suolier usefub i mont Éauceeululnllmnlo ieas 0d Sndevor given lu' lieeoùunhy. AUIc lWed le. And for lie préent =nge. 5ntetehhs65T=2t01te$P JS'su ijl",-imiOt e ,in roducing thé pstagebefrw osvusudreturea n e bornes welpl..u. "bull.î a and- lb.eIUaIto4 Slatei lie WacrrsBOàA=uOF TîAD..Tîe fina s. Oaà4eIP.Qneral fi intIaS otahei.géunal Mneeting O!fi. soito ~i as aarv-a opel t of havItýg beehowusl upon 'he," behalai at Ry's hatli fext M-auday bow Sisease ta ibecorn> se ad 0 1 " eueo!lb ueo seeotaleNu aloroa I hfre o'cloek.Partesor ta'suffen ma Sfoye"witlm the a Rifto Ilil A XMnister, 001115wiehing te bceorne lmembere will plea e iedifferènt S'U W!pa, sbu ot _______ luavq hoin aMmes wis]'Uae. cr.lary, goîngý,aI once otahle Dinggî for e. Mn . H Lvde, bfoe le bun o s su sPile and 'Humor Cure,, hc Th fui B. IL Vava0rB aefore the heur of infallffle cure, b îa -Jl - oueY, hi- "acusedlu in-, oui h ree ai bofeth e nvi!Eaovo,-On B2~R. London abortion case, has beu ern - b ~. o~> o~Tuexe,-Tite Mofiiaireluiraio! thoeRng. mtedfrtiml dst n 4 alaneloon, givés tise- foloýwing ÀÂOenrllclmol for adaneil pu- ahula ............ 2 Cathlien lis wuuk. e-ztem m u-; o ~ ~ Mau. t Ae W *r ugafl a memberof o th e aiou Mx. 1f. Ay. Hi gav no nmI1' ohm. ,y, hie timei s a iinxiof thse sIrm DY . repmm ite., lu lia p erfrm &n .é, o f rt atleis, sd 'le xcefenft OIof s Ml 8treels for sone lime paut shows h( Il lonaughiy lihe work wue doue. -lI :0'0uneilite wm thiougyiudn d sid aiwys cat a fulueonscieulle ie tv ae. T aiinï also the own le ta )p misll dogegr.indebted for lbteu's ululantf;.and lee» , , . ating t__ Agnieltura groude su lie nnel mn oft hie Mr o el ai anda w u7h«fgfio 110 mUh taa dia e qtpolititalerk'fo th Cratomor6, sbm e rotdte.~ u ha zr 11188Ma. The nuptiaie were 0fMrx zaewell'a candidature thewi. W b5ouùdupnth murfa..o HeaI>i mon g lemen wo;uldapp ah v eertt tSt- Petenburg, and iu Oshawa B R eIWAootàtoo, n0i n.ga d f l a.~U g'm uk hb.eu5itfO> u les iùnetud -Ptet -ba ba:, - ninThat wbichweinay know w.nt"d tho ba iorojào h cé eM9i Kaip~, u is a on uefl embr anwbroenthugiatic récption wre'%bout the Uitjllgto lma pereons wo l ee0 o o tktivlei e canot Mr. Moatanlbiscoleagethev O f th e c u n e i, a n d w e r e g r e t th a t M a t .ý g iv e ± t b eM . T ii. u n io n , l o w e v e r, cd o tù d " < > is e :h fln t to it h d r a w b i e k n u* . i i,1 b d !o r a O . ~ ~ t. d e ~ a aan d - i c hl l ag e p ith e t e ad otbeau pre-arranged OSt ltee abaopu o nlnad~~ tne inux fbate-urs ondre, atdi P6edpin à oritiei ch.mes - h ei- wh -P--Mpaneeretheilgthe na ttt l e utndlôn'udyr, sud ral aouiesiyIra affecte&± Inof rhave eeur.d the town the bonefit of l. bit atbmo n gfr , andithe oo- wayandflors.Pary, cene of lb. Party. Anyný e Mayjutiy im el i sandngý n he 'té .b . ,itfon' of ail ,ational I nf orl ,bqiàeencý -TÙf jze Pmii, egjra- h ef vee f ahgetemn oferring Ourred 1u=9ngthé' year, lias fot eù.ma'bkM. arw,:would ab Onc e l, bw iti w o jv and Z liv o.while som. le useful, not nmnchii lavOoté , ' ' el wo bei !Hs rakohmyidy rGanodltl aewsuidte b es Leu oexmn 1>11K ta1110M15Or11~~y,~Yj. ~Tfl~g()f ~ ~ 1 *-.. placed bis resignation, in the 1 v w ende t ob au ' mlpo#a nî1nd stil le"s xi heir O-wn.~I datGV ZUV B g r e a r e n o n' û P '& i t . T h e dtrhike ntOf ', bta n sdi l s m atci a I f u i i n c o ma p r i s o n W .e b u l b c g l 0d a b l e t oo n h é o o e U UYd'i h n"ie h o s e t h M ais f e l p ro u d o f tÉ 4 h À r a L b r v aC Or s b & l e mMa 1 M. witetz e , b y ~ p n ig eLte, a n h ý i ' ,e m gla d te b e e x en e bee eeee 10r0.forhIe s-on ck su nred migaion'pe vnth.dam fÉatIlne ailvt o t hr n" i.tn es a ltr. érlà e üi oins ootheffin4try ubjeèsud e yea loge Ibn 117 maor ro gbt au'end a lb-lon essed I fï: noJenyî nil e siu ecr utinyof b.Opas tuhaz eiet thoug8 not'£%eQ1 Wbibyevr e- l. no. ii ' a 'born as, e cl m en t ep._t0 'Zlàvewn eelsasa * 1faileddt a "teamn.tblng below lb. y flelit thef f a ro Gen- eta outetyex, mrja 'n riai 8 ; fé ndVbéhl. K d6 i ôriur padahi woode eficenc, an th eaisfcc yUEnlazdeW reru'ë athei:fr un. prr, sudlu btis., ýii - do t" dedentimePr m a n n erin w bich ostanlis a n d n e a' ý 1 74 i s b c fé t o to tc r h e1 j , e r r Bo I I a uolsd p e ea . t uu . ' u os . . e h a r l o g e l h d u t i e s o ! b . oe c c . M r . lr, b u , leý l -b . a g i i o rou r . c o u r s e b u t l f e , i s d ais 0 f6 ,at a-o. a ' t h e s u . o à w t l h ù w s i _n c e; _ _ _ _ __-i l l_ _ _ __toh u r , 1=1t1 leatb ,ibatlbandv$eUueo-,0 rveonguoûwe g hfltsud 'ba n4 jytli s1 yw 'liO W1 70e 'P re el(an~ l sef d fe ce ~ . ii ' ba ani w) "el -Ofdér ewirein aèin - a l e ou be foilyo f the Oppbu t io aI est ' y usine Smitbhasnr ol,leaofn eel1sThed 'botdn ssqI u eeady, sudcemiâtbu ]l'bave on)wwoor sI ltd4lesd ts o o~'~c1~bo d wh eL'-aytarg blowth :,n , F rce ,b. a re state o fum n et. o o d y : n i e p r e c l b wt e rs i~ ' ra'nd clixista j lé tn - gm p e of e n . a 4c u tpou toa llnli'e fey. valsat0h oe udtrd im eanlaï for e r as d ,t h er min LPaee> B'ilrt or Lo an ontis v i f,.VQ e lude Th dst..1 T o f te Prmer h é,s andhhiry.eev=ne"ia71n ma ordedaaitougtanldardnoff paity pdllgticianssernal l.Sooplbosdanulwill o ci e mno w eéa ae b y l temeentro o f thuee h h b m i et rprf c a d e ' ù d ca a le 'àt.i g u s ra ltt aregfa rdab i toeP 5t I f ttfi i csh oiib f e n i chre " ue f h f0- r.' ionour, u auudcmuneot, btont s tzded au be.le iattMy'bpl' .mirpr. ohe o Ieion aitboPne o r c c a io n w b e l . o d s o u jen o u , lCr tb . nt rs" a t f rnth 'l b . b la m e o n vie i a o fw s t a n te for' d ". s'tu d y a! s ozit ed 1 an h y e rt si y re m 'onz a u ' 1 n - e î l t i , b x a 4 e o e MAYS. . EKv. aetins a veüitâ-, fr i mn pr, nupndn hns nckx Rfomr, Eer liiidalmnItavre1iisTehémyberomfr oit Teedpiùir Oliatas'wiih'diou lu Ge"ë rm lua, iatn ae be eatln lu b. ery entinteeht o maten t heatre 1! sud viil l e-a n e n h o e s fb.' enelt flb'supnéia m euecm ih a'e ,t C ea ântr e W a r d . . . .6 5 5 6 7 7 5 s u dît iis n za tios e o o n d e tio m e..r e d a e r s i t idue w l b to i heàq o , s u h v r u a n d ws h i c e qr e s h o a s .u n ifo p e n y s b e at' h t e b c i m s e d o ie elé n a ui S o u i a r d . . . 4 -l u 2 r am e s t h e r s a i n ec h u t o f * n o ýýon. l i m e , i lMi . . F s e x péi i e b n t ho ! e i c e b e r o i co l a r sâ e n ms etao f l e s i n r ci n e y u O p s t o of Ian imnly stlthe.i « e ovyooldl8.postlo e eriun1. edglt!o! rese_ . b ef.aa.. îee - orduntlia h.coud ul 0. thei COI~.-1LLaémeas u s* hmfo muda and ticesonld-uniheiaI lie reason ie deaelvcd us Wae 1 nu aair tçri l wdn o ot ôn nib alst y e o e ! e o n th s h o re s ! i e l a i r e i o di f r n e o ! p i c pl i u i i r o o - e p n e u s b s e n Ce l e W r - . R i l , 1 5 u n r v d u s c u s U d efTi c t s ba n ,hep g n o s a o d 1 f f ice, fthO cis- al r â ge i O j p îb c al- m ki g h ourt. h e U u e lnse géram - m e tlinuec u o in i u -t a fte wr Ian el ier U ltr. :'ra t e x ws c, i n s cn e , h w l e ov o c nî l t ls r u d o 1is e ti n leà -iit atv d oii ov i n e t nu ershood, ba s enol lel e fu edta i Chas Kig, 15;\Vin Timpsn, 16; and b. rne! o Cont Vn Anic cr re is ir sar e -nd an- 'oo"are appenr"u lapsr. Bt tu cane! . do. ay cdScanale.NohiinreaupeecorevepepstanesLadyMordtuto asese'Ofa Sotî ar-. 5 Jh leonyote mlIn c mprane Tsisal ey rttyh blie 0 e Paanlty tefgmrthn e P-' n altenafive 1.i ho sow t as lad er o c arone m o v e d !r vo ld m o o o si d in e W Y ýU P o u ç s f rt ç oin o in o e u I w e m i u i n r n e m r ' e t i aj r t p o n s l e th l ÂoTh e M . o E Tb iEn N te P rine N -o io , 40 n ers ,c thwan ot rb o h e t an cry a ve , . Rý e ob, Walc t .b e aQ g o Bo rs, we as w eu d r Com miîte e t o ào! ,' e 6 ' Ti d e t i to tieune . -, B b , seco an eput . PeerCirs reaoaleaz eain.ng p uiaouCmts was sedosi ier. (se Lî.iuh ig e .as selS a arysdoedfstraurd oan, o! Mn. Camenou'e abarsalen lurne, th 'o d IM B &n b e e , bnu ril e won e re oti i ea a il u lnoc i o H nse it e l . 1 ost v i limp n e er d o b i ueeee c r The o.- . i lei ts, ee; h . PpOUle Calntwn ot, inudseere nr eweilb a' s if. o-Ë rmerin c. ' sueotrvnjg aumyvii eey saenad wuhs gaut i acno tie t y were e wa e . lurtetb u d wGeo. Bitle, oe:,1 -ie à i ihte Deputyn lio ont lie yâtte r Ti.n t 6 in M.Fa lpessunsadng as ý v9itablepr o n fti' Pis ufae Irlej nc n su y o! le o In n l 80, s d iàan :iellug be- aInvico- o ol os, yacl m to .sccehn obutheTwu ren e. Teas m s p r ay turnes s twon atrruls Pr? Uxan UVI.AesL BE.-llots élpui ectione-haeafor e siall aidrtm by ublisiulngnb liahsr c cfon A; midÉýýnaautof-h Grcewoo»L SAit. lîkzpr. B y. eau avo ableto he R pui a mpletb o r a ke t ch o!ils !. s ! W ey ü iait au instm al v ge , ha er ' a y'bmore for b. uets 'o! e sud b l igations,. H pa n a br-i iould, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~vu by aclamtio; ConciiorsR Rusiabai hasenedsliwts uren-gieng resepnoonen.ats to ctheeyt ia !e appecitefi thpé'i sericeIbanfanlian o!pioiseninr u 185, pao7tacasesh. but. >. Harman, E. C. CmpitelIn A. D:nli y.attercvi s s-hltave s asabOi LnS Spenatrwmoerar " utchtinng ieredinîa fahen il d tei umobéatcue L Oenidei. . uferd ofon Northsud H. . J3 buston. 60 larget.e Th e t, ny mîeilug n i. tcua l lbeI n a ton a gave ' m s an tilo rn' ad";, h nt m !fo l ewisncb a re-eostion Bu Ot l uehite S0 i n menth t l . r ubn ,te fo! t1 87 fort ao o th Rfom Paty M . FreWls thuaF.,xaï ;my bs i te f on he1b. rseoft e f oera e kri t s Cotr W r ...6 5 7 W ad ts ogaiztin ma esoplt rien casurepusltat i wil inS- uraideons he .;ing ?" W .d w i explau. luwi non an.indu sn-i n s e nsaUpoe alv cc o iesv ncdo iin ions, were mený,sud _rmvorete too! btday. I iem Couthn, ree..e. 4.1 1 5 2 conscrionr'sore,. ie nit o Lsi sy OzCor.paryeIwell lb iga u mdwsdrc ale sbjclmsîprl bcîcadj onattii5 of Uin ! ieP ones l nluu18 ive.w f e G i l d e u l - n e v e b y s c l a r a l o n ; E m e n o o A n I n b u s i s a u e S Pî y t a tam f i i n a a S ho ' is e b r s a l o f a ! pa r t i rn s o s istwr k bo f e v i ct un la i e r n o u c O p p o T i e ytieo n a l s m n n a t r 12u, Jr.,11 councillors.nng t hecos hewy ihi woyar t h it e of ue, lur It a iep rocn s y a!U iy ter ale bo ssylgt ler, o C aretice,-bis.o laf s d Trpcahlem osilefr i utny l plaé aci , ndlu 147 s e làfrrans f r aSie Ta.uor CirTawao sup6. Fr ee , . R rgess hePp e au sfirm eshthosu lio wile, 'gl mondte oestiy on ilsruud w. bae a ibieste overen u J n senvativ and e. ub ietrantsctasit lie Po vnc .'- i 'n o c t r; C u n c li o r e , M o K a y M c R e ta ls y a !h i e rd s e ce s r s. i, t t m P t r e 1 u t c o , 1! o t, R g l i r a s M n.p a e - a n id s o ! o wh i g ea r i e i m a I. o resf a n tO p p a b cti n e ff l a iv e ck b . te ne M . P r t w s l . N e t n o l i C s - ra lo ay u Br Low u . h n b e t e g b n d n e s o e l d S e o m r ! S u i O l n a v a. A ub tadi r rain ge, bete r ra - m G o unI li e fo n S a s I i ey cann o t d d an P nse, ud ra e 'si] r a s h Pon snan-Js. Bieiw, neve gas nate a aibafld ad yen cll- a nn t aI e eon l eemu yor ope s s , th r bnS aS mr uesl an iiuth arw crl om S aii dfre ao! ex_ n ep résen.sui y acclmation Cannillons Maseu. lu ie UnteS Shles, mportat sudendons Mn. arcwdi.oYou eau- llerestng boknwe hve neer met bytieourvivugremsutsofor Fslly hads LeCanadin becmethopnewfu or, JouesBManS eLl. ibak cags l assi s cearr*ed Snding i n e tele e hlm ag .avne n. rou.tiec witi. lte a coplsethencyhoes o o mpt a t, lei sldiférecsog i ip>01 tghe ofuübli oiiosu lm boom Ur.xJon e rgJ . u s y, eove;ccar ud otic Renublins, bo alavc wof éiff . es nl d i s gaI outIE eu 't nL -ClWola Cha in g 115k;n, dcputneve; He15 benenin pwr ine the UlReblontn, o!hichwy. n. MaLrenanhowillelecte for bo!- hiee more ueresîangdpoton&'wcavecrs lsl wtble lng in anonn wit i u l .ng E. jr,5 sd4.. G ul awnde lgn sl ofde!eaîed oby Alie D e - m aoiy li e naao on. tud~ h o!le ari bj laI ne o negs.on arc t tes ! l ti a, ua ' lih lieare ls dete r in o urst ndh e l o la ac la a. cr ts w o a w ha e io es o! el ot ng Co k dc re sB uajti y Dr n wl . i s c o t m d c lSaune s d i s.en cen f i , eu b dm ead p e t n c leL dy ref a e w ici a ve been ronchons, were elceted V nc A rni l li Pashé la l eeheos mîio or ppn onto lb. exp ei naI ite Are wiiaitdonesnoua rfresi iLchnge u B l ow , 6 1 ; .- T i e o iu g 4 w ereH eleh e d c l irlp1 7 6 T o bl s u i S n t n ot r a i e îo 1 u p p on r v g at . i x p o eaMo ern il. de o enr ee k-ho g u d e h a g e l u li e in e n nt o a c e e fe c t d l u o it c a c cl m at o n: Ge. ra w n to! r a e s ac c ur re d, s u ivi l Mh e l ,n eiG le b s i a e d e fo o w lngf îi e a u b ra! gsi , Li in g t o n W ail c an d e s d c iviiz a to b cw eéelgaantdt a ,reeve; w ar, u a sinalscleod o ace i ars av ie efodn ?ali et e roaln iu inre tpi- "Ti, e cde ne,io! lie Oappainitsohe aintRo la dSe ut-nev, won An anas wer eonivi claimedli, "Onlito t e haday as le nooafe I a nth.Te Toriiees, iwD. ow vc, an aIl' m re sida"tanTh o M.ic er. P rnt réhlau, Oea. Tiomposu d élr;Georget. avend iip i nda aiy a inoju! nto i oneto GeueWiti he asosvanalcue o! ich sa! leHs,,enoerdat. Thnipgésnoe DA xee aicerv of St.-atsjtus eveuan, anuellor. imrove , aliindefears convictsaS h Mn sFrweil liaIr.as we lla l a car sua d randiiCh, ih a mpnsoracut Hail's enxpercentlofnbsilocon, e ilshecondition luamat e ofBeau W nR rs T o w G ils i . e r e e v e , J . B cI n S a n dt e a ri t e w m n s e p lcate n nscl a I if e o u d ss ue.n 0 0 iu r îi a rl er, th o ! th a ti e, l le e q ita rne r iyfo m n icipa l u ons itT e.ec . 0 - E n i e m r n n B ie ei , 2 5; J o h T e e ie, £ 4 :; u c e usa e, li e S e re se d st le ! he 's lM r. a rewehy l li R e o ffi c e,. jI a a ng er io fut pa bll e i o, p u i is i d it o v i o ai y u f t ta b seS pt o n.t, ne r t i s , r eas re h o a! u b e n B r ed c p u t r e e vn d » ¶ F. SC a r p b eil, 2 8 7 ; i si n e s e a theg e l b , Tin a n a tin a uld . a c q e e l ue r is a min a li o s u iy o n ga n S s p o r i n i h ng i su ,rn.eJ. w . l e sla e fs pemy - f e e g o msi n l a u d e n t , w a u c i o n l i suny Blee, 50; or ounillrs- ii.teribl Ion a!lif l' lieburlluliikingtin sebe a yu !Gelh ii oo etan aler. 'r opwe nly as civi i-igi.' fine8, dainw a1 s robed obe t Ni Hoilis y, A 44; M. and JohnSt.J, 8; a li IIIRere dam n asson th e tînv e ns Ieoi2 a i ate e ngi i olta a cave 80 paenln, ptne let o SeClorleela i laéag8,0 aS11,0i n . s o liti cnv suessbtwr sMa i s uppordet humsallasnyimby ubfinal to engageS bis alteuhlonar ; ad i; i tebc soed hata DL. miIrb 4 ac;lan m p n,26 hi ov iown o!le issipi u o dratiriuootn. h n nan apd e-na nisawr k wici we a eudoeul but andiHeoutay a mes-bar- rnl, depnty rLLAeevo, s . L. Shahs, e le el le mles po pi Scie aS. I inl , aS w bec an ! inemab ge sudalle n. Swf o , o!o ôlie'et i rs r afer ink1o 25,d ir'n toeis.W i lie dta ail , D. Hol ti nud MaCom morMsc. w ru li as ho! record. d rin vi reto es o. pro pse S iacIe oSo! Iisvsiniy il avlilh mnev, r llnl ,pariceabî foru dleguel n ag ao!co fdierat e lb. ns!. was robb P . g ar ma E .il C p ose be c u ll for.TD e ma tr. o!n erivi l u i a lit er o fu n- w a onl l ak Mn . W iie 'e p sti on e a r- oau aBpu t u nîy o! p e aaernn, l is o! a rri ù i, a S M n. i llltm s o! Pr t fi ls on t n the. t M n.b l e n uýof ll 87 for-po c s 15. ties ae fewludee HoliuS wa noteta'begivenla Mn Hlnkon fo xnaypropely betarmee ggi Ntur. n- Hoe, taaio»-welmction.rbeButwehoaise lded. Tii, hieve esc ye, a; ond 9.T.in 19; Cun iba eereo b er lbnsanben il- oularute tanpy saci n t gve sim eh a ud coudem s Cirau;8now wii liem n emai prtionda!ncetd.uOpientins sHawek, 888; M o wae rsifl, 87' DM . io s, ebr a blu lisedl d u ie re, wl a c epin ia n séuai eion dfa te ndo! cuwrnsanwh iro?"W w e tiy mt rsetean n u Ir" eader.by u lb.hie Af the re Bo mera o Daîtda . 1 jin yze co9nFax, 2iptR.ion~ lire s tre famine lu tnofrke gaybis o mplay.I t wld sup a , l sur idsdiprc edggt.olare sud An Ms mbî iicb lb.y denegl. Ilamsee clUnnsti, . e. 2.-Aepels n ld e, st eGll deputyreeve, by acclamation Emp4 A fo! impa o ta cea hyThIs b decine. I .1thseu an r. o ya ' " uofpriosofawok al appr ealIfrdit lis e praaiu g .. T. ' i mes ssys' PaliaI e an a fera -eJ.,aeeilr.cresIdlal me aca s o ny tFsnewaell a ybisé promise drsgged ceoa ndTopclitipssbe o hecutr o lc e aa n147wr tasfre t h TnouAn Towhuip.-Beeve 0. B. prorespart ThePopeicalaWa asdsMechniand lb.' thpp'sioiorldbasanownbaa,, o!eSbnsltheLynu, nearin Bonserflive bPn., 517to ; Jo hne iit o , ; Ra e v a ln lu i aI edcauulny. . e l ea f odegr a ! b o, ar l;aout i m . 0 ar m ini.ofster w h bavres imateo fgbiy Ifaen rnOpposi~ ieo n o mlnast otte rme Ln u, d u b e ! 1 y u d l w eM r.d m e t ai am fe. A e a iu d le w r u l .o e b ar nt's terv N t or lb.' ana natoyn; . or n . pt ree . .tybas beau roenone. u andàtenion . ue t i o o miJ.oS o wth naro, vine AmneS 1h, Candote i an naI loberacI indende ce, anatb i w n brnesland wrte, wMn-'Ly u ed Pnn, D. Mnali, 519; Hooerééliremlniantebas marato se sd oud tco de h s ppud n e i e"P ot r s u opia d W oe , pe- trlse S rnaed iin e ny o ReefonAne jumiltng forcé-o expesin., Iw. ýclat411 ; eng, 182. s eesrs lpthoseSe Saou, mtueat ndcoustihruencies bYeuya- iteesiagbok!rohvenevJuetdiahes Ce.ngrowcn. o te fsiy andLlCnade njureSne bywëfu tesprepelsreJones, SehaTweo and d v nglt. hieli faleS paeS y . .L opla!e ah, wihi catiof s ic ii enae1emr c Uxa&.-Jsmes J.'B.Foey, reeve; yor. .eened wl b i dleic ntiwo o!ae ta do. n . 1i arbc Us ne almuai to! n cbth e nthion Gean y mean sIrlo . o n o!fild. fThriea Rn on. isin e Indt i n g nerriîe ýe on H.Pagker, d R tyreoe e nrob H ane yi n .o ersce ieRsud li np ofIbis we ma lteMr. ca nvl nd m e t He I srn b oppytae b. aita sayi a*4orions Wpn Ï op n e rnamite An t eoa li__v ri ta, n o e tory; epth suad -h ams, E. Mran . G W lm el l a ldl p e udb, teDe-usisa iontemaone li aInoind t- iu; fothenath 4ly haiarnowlaui sud 11eoresvofnh -,mtwt herle erie tn hch ec ln 1 o uc l or .rnu ta d u rw hnofa la ge in . ut R orer au su potea S I b, v r .eS, su d so fan a s I h v e e a ea se a d re that lu lie ous tet o, g fe vor 'a u i i a ed b ' a p nl ! lohnill , Pbsl l ee ve; y rnclaa . Ofy o! freedoCoo! election wlci an l'roJceu Se19 m n odte leforma SàIcip a eRosa, f o v n u n e t u p o r e r . n a e h m o g l a a i e i e l a - t t s t he e xpc d i t i on. o fe & Ilfe r e A r . e u t f a c cuo n t r , le i s c a n die ,e I ~ f o e ~ a 2 0 . T i y w r o.t er cndida.e . Blte Preiet cti ons& b.et gent fro btsic efcti M u pltiâ aâe ag, chaTylririH ntr fro n 1b . T oulomiitnouho iae T n actv , l y eefl n 4 vigilad.mn c n rtic explor i g e peit te d i ven data es umoui e h upo n h e in e, of lere a en i i w r n WCT.- h Batuma n, uclrwe r, abi - ar frae- cure nel ar l Mracifen Ra l Scandai. l il je ofA asiaLi n g I sto e uîW llcfor a n ovii try on ulcSt, u i -a le y acclamation e. S ih mre e ut met o un2a 1hManl cl, ton Iple in Mtandotcbildrentr ine in heet pue Theiécadnce odhe Oppoetie ,brRo ln ,dp t-ev ;N w o rie okanas hie emt ie vislai nm e w g artthelise wo ae a aeestale :e-a sscaTohaey a pedws-lra tan.re- a -bain, G eo. Il On the day o f .h W. GL ten." Icalormain lu h e wr t eis e .I e u b alli. o ns r, am .N exIu m o e sgn l t Sain aftan Gore o en, ors .Te don plin wus e jornet fth - néni n I Ge a eywoapra cmtovefetuhiel lepeu a ofn sh olic pof int I k. ntns *cleoi'n.nst WHcane o a Ssîl -o! Lady Fra . BaneS.heera, le wana-ep et aTEEn thif BANe woR assum-e Mr ( lSlusile orTuturu.eerece. orecoinartbleliau ie lic lii.~Lins Béat offen cail00fo jrPrvuaan. Ti.sm eeiin oe ni .te rlym ncpa actos trobM e., 'an SlP.-a rled hs b r mn Becver l ie recorso!n Sm Jabu24r; nde r u. allet teok placee fr a i o nki, De. li -4r.iioyi h e r r1 as'll asi an u c Nan, p bise y a wil b al nge ft ay bcgite mte u. - n. in e , e u yr e e B F.C m b l,2 7 b ie ssgin o nke inga dm r .ia reeepa lzaci , , 1d A d c s' C. Bt i ebs i eî i l aaendiaut an c g hou ri7 frso li e da w p -in o! ckl' Aci xpdMoesenene i nv a bal c uieceMln hs n Tou tio n o, P a seton, isingm n r .-.e O elgsai n tion reot c E s .- a r i n il e , J a . . - iil c r r p l p r c t c e , n d r i i. eL yoan o e n io f 4Gu0 we lpoh .o u ' eeno o o u ga i . w l L l s- m io ef o i n o a n u pvl r o v t. o. l fi a nd h e th e r'r aro e d f b a : e n r B i c l e , 5 0 ; o r c u i 2 c l l o r - t h t e r i b l e l o s a o f ë s u p o r t i i c 4 t h i n i n g h a t f l iTl ied " P o l a r p as u d T o seap l a n ig odWN o d u e t h'e s eme u tb c fy l i e oPr o v i n c i a l1 0 fl-H.Ons ef t hia ni vl u L. Smith, 457; Jo nTmpmpsata96.otheîunyriulwnes ofnthfuelssliaI1o!nawoIranrfureo!sup.rtowensthon clîaTiehSv ahi isqupnciahmd,-iwf iJme Duke' F i n k , ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a p r i s h o r t,'- f i iau t y tb u e r l m n t c s e n - e e e e dk L ' r R J . D l l s , l i d ! u l ; i r i c P r n c i a l Hb u et i e cn l t r y malex n c i e o M t e s . Te4d pe d h s a tno b l mas k n - eglit fJ-.u aB u B c ouîy, îowaB S.L ainatati ndwas aouseinlu Brais ca thei e mit. Thi' snkr.laewell hdesrptons 'u n infom atig n chlLropctofs ibr f dti r f i hnce in-osls.-W t h n ith , D . l iayi , c angeSM l ol m e- oxtubiao n I e P c r a l a , î d nnetosdv.nPgroH lac gofn up iî il ie r -iau y il a a" s sent r o etir n pr e m e ein is au t.M e o e - aorn cry eS e offices a!o ' t . n it i n n ra > 2 o u il o u a u it r i c o t e r P r v i c e l a v p îs d p i e o n a e y ho o a ]' f r e ti f h o o f a n b w i g ,. c t y D r A . l. u r - nty.o Pw a o l te H n e lsudr . an c e l o bgft wr i com p re quh e ntc mi l no gbTe texaointe e c!ge rin d c- lan b M . inersCtiin-ew Yens uc-y 1and u i rue b AtIL o B ar i n d -M .- ica l li C a aIamof P pot S P nl ast n one al lu t s in ar5. , lt ie.trnli is afo I ici L ca ee giRla ndgrures. p iio na Ma poperl H bcter J. W.Nature nu- H po! Iom - ema d ýp i w r. W îfluaiy o! TL ncather. Hes waae I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a l b si wa re a t, h foc S lte ex te cu wa o cai n d y M noet o! l i e Ba lîo ! M on s, n for Gulph, a ria' a io le pn d ail eM en r. a mil tonblia pray siw cr, ofe a ndai En o !h e uDerly n ti udmIgjs oa. las b a n a ort onor r e S B.l0 . e's Si s Iuin g' e e chng a I c Aur n, b s goc tn thek a Tor uta e hie y vo a . a m u noetek a a s y Imb i aS p l on e u nc ! ti e m e t n of î o n 51 5ii lr 5 !r m li I o fi e l lysi ;e Johna mig 192 ; is very s l ia~ sud us "n e d e r te" an donfi ei ar y. Hme. b a wn bteu te i n brother s e ne nd cp ilu e n o a thC i d s ud lw i As em b i l liep rtio n ceo ! a 188in. ~ iilîlie trIeS all e ex 8 ; -éébai ;i the oIinidepcld J u r o num ieus uilli, eS ys pnior la éhie ncent o ung, and'litliel bniu"wsw ytir lb cou- g resngrpealue a a sw o mayi he A A m Bu N )TzeE 860;TE x, 2iu . B. Tz u keny.- rea tri bl as i neSylien ver e ne y hrt Iur u pport hm. nesud ndwarisresl The 'PooleaTi an ove rnra!t',Sa e N'-'a nkepa alleges liai b, wcclmaio.aadsustia insanf» e, Tracompal ied wtis er filtaleo! auel i iae rou ea Fla ngîl- o Day- oy'fi h i .m era S ouy pase ocal LaelandreM S o uA e c 3 aeel Coa ynIdane, pr 'omi e $iyagedb Pacn en.,fr rfeec, s S "N w i n"- aS s p ylc b' C b noonon dsendae ee loeS whi li e etment a tant cotion l g Op oît' bu fu d-n c. smi Ga.y, i e àier a Po-BM Doubl.ta o lis J. . e eneril-eenodiesof ed l u emir.u "r coucr hlu iot he mtlmdt if lm, bo d iug Th muclin-tarisef u oinios. Ti.e eewndid atefnary;u*bave gao 't u droyed bieeptl la eM ow ;ecedlubdp ayriff's ne .oin t and, e iaindecug er i nuceoulantfiat cetmyofr t xmndth1ok:1Ys itol ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c m e tin u ni l te ad , T ton débecetted an ceuon kn w n i l e an.1 'bü m d. ' bd p pe rs ce lîn în hio s rtvn y ai ex cu ion ni esoi i ande %e Reformeron Mr. Farewell. cannot be oharged against -the -ic4e that we ue doing an, in. octr , trrpteth ý) ue ouhirday waz11.'b srnm s iranewltse ite vermeit, .the.new one, iow ver, Bs d _Mteso!rnch n.ussuffeing. luug e ul ouy'uîtuiieu otr, neruldl . '1 ';" llo.dW Be b . ýerrilory.Deputy Sheuf PFrnkuS eing o! lii. am o lii isfemenur bau, qut'co v bd the tasteful, being lu hen respcts lu sllk- ufend nugih en y -su 'uàr'aîyw Bonsti le ýi. e -1was nid rougi by B eCk Pre~ed "" ihies en of the absen !c in g contrant tla ie flim y asu flssy i ,su add Iearve s'laegia agy' Wo nrea ,Ew the 'o go - ' O n . of t ii. Passe . w au abt, in'lal ltent. In te d o th e. m aunt l'. style na co m rnu n w orks sol S by su it. n syia n sd at i."s M rt ly w m i e n ýo = aio r le 7 s w a m p . R e W A s c o m i g t l aO u r w 05531 ia 1 ý In g c o m p o s e a le f )Io s a i s e ti n . T ii p u rc h a e n a ! l uis b o o k ,'u a y m r i g or e t 'sel î , sud - ï . fouugnel' pra#re*,u4 Pm W dollar Provinial notes, il aoÏsios no! a will slwsys have bealide hmi ue stg TCa'AmoxD sssa- o d, EnoUnXoN O, ANn»>U1>sc.. me-o stl nd e ,t 6nhtbb ,,o -h x'à'e dgu, pa vrcy fute, wict cu d rsng, asa fand a!f eful sd en- Dec. 0.- Prter Shails o! lbe C as. Joa Mrh, wo wse ctei n P l c e - 'v e P o nt'> cl n s d e ' th r s a ily aïv e b ee n o nùv er d ,. b a S D a llas t r ai i g n w' . ge ao w :-W h n ,t h e , v î ' ~ M o n d y a I c a n , N e m d e', -fo r b . W. P.acAs hav, pnB. XeCoed welude bhonneula"tihilze rîto! J. R.iïM'clsh, m,'deasOf J-a- INDvoD Â!'-N waslNB, w bil, lb. ounty. fo! tn" a a wo" .DR& Lut YNEC. . A-c, ctrSh "onfopr ive of Scous i. Aalm oIa i -ta o a . fxlan, w th'isre'le sel useodt nu u e absconding aae ! oeusWhiby, Ont. bate, with jva cap , suain &SIs Rasi a troyed 'y f1e th . Provinle.r.pAttthe g m nlit' ane .P hri, mei eruofnie blMaa n e a,, iite Velled illiJo b. -C, ii dy. T eie u e w a u o up lud J s u usry , OI. ~o B ank, Toronto; R J. D al a , n w u der w r-' 4 -'-'- - ft r ar s U s ar i g exhbutio ii& 'O u Ie' t afol 'O wnnnr, eveu hildïen, sd Sa- eleceS fer South O0 t rrent lu New Taorik, ban' ben eam -, The Haon. G. A. alke m han obain- -il, eïîsro ud ts rfssS able es 'A b oy six eareeatabSa aagrborui.£Hou.0 T.oN--he imber rtel~ e!l. iilling mecy of the -pa- hePo"edabl ens u a l b o.s i » b y t w o p h y s i c i a u s s d p r o n u n e e d e r n ! £ 0 0 0 f e n l . I p n 0 ~sd n x l o I n s u e q e ti y s i eÈ n . ' bal sus mn. w. 11. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ll aynnent awrds the exp nse !o êiwSl i Ira o h esl L'bun altr' sno ne. ý.Gibbs was defated by M . Adam 'ho--...--esnstsiin s raIngdoc a Esul urnilre sd cîohthiDg wer al e. Gordn f nrlie Not]' Ridin. Philip Comple.rli fti aloa-'conpeiing e -destruction. i aa Tw o troslone iivs's ed S. 'MeR ~s s uinanimo n lced Wr lctosso tn i Palcnl o "ber fives bat l'y the -estructin Fox and Gea-A16xader, wo mrdur- aJey-,gd 82 yealsagadeer dn, sd' Mr. Wlim Ligwas - enuenî ave ton profusedsi u~ ree R akua a en nielavse o!level l now tated a 474. e S a eteman namei W it,, at em Y O! Mai F rgso, Athiai W ted ColultY T reurr, -th vaeeuy sd e Oppolift lgbt. . The asineur M n espACriangfipe esaeld, eoys netocol'.nweie W-, fl.s.buunes o CUriirng ~b o deao Dio r Plr op wrs aSb io der-donte. llg-lphnso as grated ctupete liÈefâamne in A ni in ori aii~n. rentr'h' "- ' onFl t ve in.W H ale n Ti aylor. The rpbe4 aee,' 1ipet-or of-----'--"0'--- b'>'1 "'In in ma ae mii bh7Ps,!Pd lt~ ke ba ferun~su V e6 R. C. Cbh ncll ta th. ground yen-

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